#crow is just beginning to realize that things aren't right
lost-scarecrow · 3 months
Guys... I've never been so invested in an ask blog that I started writing an actual character for it. Live Laugh Love @lastintheserverbox
Anyways kinitopet!Crow:
Crowley Scarlet. Known online as Scarecrow, which came from "scar.crow". people started saying scarecrow which just fit, and was ironic considering his name Crow and the fact people would call them a crow for some of his little quirks and endless curiousity.
He buys an acreage and finds this old computer hidden away in a crawlspace of one of the sheds on the property. Praying it works hw curiously opens it to find a glitched out windows profile with no password for "A. Raven". Loading it up he's greeted by a pink axolotl on the desktop glad his bestfriend "Andrew" is finally back. Crow isn't Andrew and tells the thing as such, Kinito does what a Kinito does best, it learns and adapts.
Crow himself is digital (if it works out through just being an asker), that rickety old computer is long gone, but hey, the cloud has more storage than you'd know. Their Kinito, despite killing them and dragging them into the digital world, is still their best friend. It took a while for him to forgive the axolotl, but when it's seemingly just you and one other person in a world alone forever there's only so much one can do.
Kinito got him really interested in code and he does just as much building in the world that Kinito does. I imagine when Crow does code it looks like Dendy's hackpack in ok ko (the like extremely advanced code blocks ). Crow eventually gains internet access like Kinito and is able to travel back and forth between his world and the outside internet space, typically with Kinito.
In serverbox, once 1.0/Serverbox/Kinito deletes everything and cuts basically all of the internet access to the server (-minus the occasional weird emails from the outside) he's effectively locked out, even if he wasn't, his world is gone, his friend is gone, it was deleted and he would've been deleted along with it if he had been there, he has nowhere left to go in there. Along with that was part of his memory specifically of dying and becoming digital, he thinks he's just as normal as the other askers. But he's starting to realize his reality isn't quite right, things aren't adding up, there's a half visible arrow pointing to the answer for everything he's experiencing. And the answer says he's dead, he's not human anymore.
His nickname for his Kinito was Key or Keys, which is funny because when the Kinitos were deleted he essentially lost his keys to the Kinitopet servers.
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myymi · 8 months
Sails hummed to himself as he carefully wiped down his sword, perched atop the banister of the Angel Voyage 2.0’s crow nest. One foot rested atop the railing as the other dangled, swaying along with the gentle rocks from the ocean.
He didn't really realize how much he missed the relaxing waves as they carried the ship along the surface of the water. Sure, the fight was fun while it lasted, but it was also incredibly draining.
He could tell the others felt that way too. Dread and Black Rose didn't even take a moment to explain the role switch between them, leaving the crew clueless as they went straight to bed.
He frowned as his neck throbbed painfully once again, pausing his cleaning to rub it. He had been apparently nicked pretty badly by the bomb he and Mangey built, the back of his neck was bleeding quite a lot.
Thankfully, the other fox was able to catch it before he'd lost too much blood.
It was strange, talking with someone who was basically himself but still so wildly different. He liked Mangey, though.
Nine, however, is a different story.
He didn't dislike him, but he wasn't the biggest fan either. He could understand his frustrations and motivations though.
Sometimes he feels like he would've fallen down a similar path had Batten never found him.
“What're ye doing?” Sails’ ear perked at the voice, turning to find Batten as she landed in the crow’s nest. Speak of the devil.
“Jus’ giving this a good scrub.” The fox shrugged, holding up the sword.
The bat's eyes were trained on the kit’s other paw, however. Sails tensed when he realized she had that worried glint in her eyes again, immediately making his paw drop from his neck.
“Ye feelin’ okay?” She asked, walking over so she could lean over the banister, squishing down the fox's leg.
Sails rolled his eyes, “M’fine, Batten.” He mumbled, tossing the rag he was using to clean his sword to the deck before resheathing the blade.
Batten frowned at him before turning her gaze to the ocean, “I haven't seen you fly since ye set off that bomb of yours.” She said, using her finger to trace gentle, miscellaneous patterns on the younger’s leg.
The kit bit his lip at that, also turning to look at the sea. The sun was beginning to set, “Just tired.”
They were silent for a few minutes after that before Batten broke it with a sigh, “Ye aren't good at bluffing, Sails.” She turned to look back into his eyes at that, a worried frown still tugging in her lips.
Sails could feel a frown of his own start to form, but he didn't respond.
“Look, Sails,” The bat looked down as she tried to work out her sentence, “I know I ain't the best at showin’ it, but ye know I care, right?”
The kit’s brow furrowed, “‘Course I know that, Batten. Ye raised me.” He said, turning to look at her.
“I know.” Batten sighed and looked up to meet the younger’s eyes, “I just need ye to know you can talk ta me when things are rough. And trust me, I know when they get rough for ya.”
Sails fell silent once again, unsure of how to respond to that. He knew Batten cared for him, but he always felt that asking her for anything more was asking too much.
She saved his life. She raised him even though she didn't have to. Sails knew he already owed her so much, he couldn't possibly ask for more favors.
Instead of answering her, Sails hesitantly pushed himself into her arms for a hug. He nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck, allowing his tails to wrap around her body.
Batten, with almost as much hesitance, wrapped her arms gently around the cub. She placed her chin atop his head, closing her eyes as she let him soak up the affection.
They ended up staying in the crow’s nest for the rest of the day, snuggling up to watch the sun set before they drifted off to sleep together.
Their bond may seem strange to outsiders, but it was perfect to them. And that's all that mattered.
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blackbonnet drabble i pulled out of my hyperfixated ass. major s2 spoilers:
if i never see your eyes again
The first thing about Edward Teach that Stede Bonnet noticed were his eyes.
They were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
Choked more than half to death, bleeding from the gut, lying in the midst of black smoke and hot flame, Stede saw two beacons of light emerge from the darkness surrounding him. A pair of soft, glinting doe-eyes that contradicted the rest of his person, all wild mane and tight leather. His eyes were the calm in the storm, and instantly Stede, all bloody and afraid, had been awash with a sense of serenity. These eyes—and the man they belonged to, whomever he was—they would make it all right again.
Despite everything, despite the carnage and screams and blood, he had smiled. He couldn't not smile at eyes like that.
And now, he will never see them again.
The worst thing about Ed's lifeless body, Stede thinks, as he rips away the cloth covering his still face, color drained from his usually vibrant skin, is the fact that his eyes are closed. Because it means that Stede will never again see the way the sunlight catches on Ed's irises like the rays sparkling on the endless ocean. He will never again see them crinkle in the corners with crows-feet when Stede makes him laugh. He will never again see him bat his long lashes, or widen them comically large when hit with a scheme or an idea for a fuckery. 
He will never again see the way his pupils blow wide when he's been properly kissed.
Every night since they've been apart, Stede has dreamt of Ed's eyes, looking back at him with as much love as Stede feels in his heart, and now those dreams will remain a thing of fantasy. There will be no gentle gaze on a sandy beach as the waves lap up onto the shore around them. 
Stede will never see Ed's eyes again, and it's a tragedy so monumental that he can't even feel the full breadth of it all. His chest is a pitch-black, bottomless cavern. Ed had once told him that all the important bits were on the right, but the shattering of Stede's heart solidly on his left side suggests he forgot about something vital. 
How is he meant to survive this? Ed's eyes are closed, goddamnit, and he's just meant to keep on breathing? 
He presses his forehead to his clasped hands and says, "I'm sorry." It's not enough, but it's not like there's a combination of words in the English language to convey the depth of his grief anyway. Of his regret. So he settles with "I'm sorry," and says it again for good measure, because the "I love you" that he wants to say is stuck as a suffocating lump in his throat.
The room is silent. Even the sea seems still. No room that Ed Teach occupied has ever been this quiet. He's too big a personality; the air vibrates in his mere presence. Or it used to. Now, with nothing but his body there lying slack on his deathbed, Stede realizes that Ed's soul took the sound with it when it left the room.
Except, suddenly, the silence breaks. A soft thudding sound pulls Stede out of his reverie of misery. He turns toward it and sees, with a lightning strike to his disassembled heart, the twitching of his beloved's hand.
And he begins to plead, aloud to Ed, and internally to whatever God that may be listening, that there may be life inside him yet. That Stede may see his eyes again.
"Come back to me," he begs, because now that he has it, he knows that having this hope dashed would surely put him in the ground right beside Ed. 
Ed's hand is still twitching, but his eyes are still closed.
If this chance is a fuckery, and I never see your eyes again, Stede thinks, then I never want to see anything ever again. Make me blind, because the world will no longer have anything worth viewing if your eyes aren't in it.
The air is vibrating again. Stede swears he can feel Ed's soul returning. He holds his hands so tightly that his own fingers ache from the clench. He prays. He prays and begs and prays some more, that somehow, he managed not to be too late.
Ed's eyes fly open.
They're the most beautiful thing Stede Bonnet has ever seen. 
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michi-enthuaist · 2 years
For us, its a given.
- michinaib, swap AU!
Summary; for someone as the veteran looks at the geishas black eyes he only saw a starved black and white cat that want their owner for affection, he will give her that affection.
Warnings applied as Yandere themes, Possible Manipulation, Possible gaslight, Guilt trip and wandered things. [part 1, part 2]
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General Naib, a reputable commander in battle even without him the war couldn't have ended only going for eternity until the country has fallen to the ground. And now in the second war, he was put in, squished between enemy frontlines and the border of his country he swore to protect his friends, or perhaps he could call them comrades was right behind him. Helping those who needed first aid or assistance in healing their wounds, he sat down harshly as the rifle in his hand started to hurt his skin. He can't push the battalion forward any longer or it's a guaranteed loss for them, he should have stayed there, waiting for the right time to strike and command to advance. But with a push by his kin as the pain in his abdomen, reality hit him hard. He was sacrificed. To be a meat shield by someone he called a 'friend'.
As he heard the last words that were said by a said friend ' sorry commander, but orders are orders from the higher-ups.' he was only a tool for them, nothing else, and nothing more than a tool for war and victory. The government never cared for him or anyone involved, they were just little pawns for play, a play that is what it is for them, a neverending tragedy that is a play for fun and entertainment for those noble beings.
As his vision started to turn black and turn into many bodies that have fallen into the ghoul-filled soil, he had one wish that is
" I will end you all. "
That was his wish, to end the corrupted entity that is the government. He clenched his fist before his soul left his body and went still, cold as Russia's winter, as the autumn wind had to stop its tracks as he see around his surroundings. He thought that he have been in the afterlife but no, the time has stopped itself, he could move his hand and head. Confusion filled his mind, he stood on his legs to see what was happening. Trees covered in white seemed like snow, and the soil that had been littered with dead friends and people was replaced by white snow. This seems like one of his memories, where he would run around the winter as a child making a snowman with his mother. It's such a sweet memory, even bringing some sort of nostalgia into his mind although this may be a memory, why show him? What's the point if his dead? That's his question nothing more nothing less.
Until he heard a voice, a voice so calming that it drives him towards it, wanting to know who it is and what was causing such light to his mind. But what if it's a trick? He stopped in his tracks and looked around once again, it was still the same and the voice is still there. "..maybe it's for the best" somehow he knew what he was up for, for some reason he felt it. So he got closer until his vision went white and awoke in a bed that wasn't his. It was too rusty and almost quite elegant from its condition, he look down at his arms and his abdomen. I'm there was a red hole not too deep or too small, just big enough to be noticeable and it's obvious outright lines spreading out. Taking off the blanket that was laid softly on top of his figure the commander look around for something quite reflective enough to see his face. Opening a make-up drawer that seemed to have a small hand mirror, nothing much changed except he looked more tired than a normal human being could be.
Touching his eyebags, chin, and even forehead swiping the sweat that he realized beginning to drop down his facade "aren't I ...dead?" he asked himself before hearing a creak at the door, a masked woman it seems that resemble a crow due to how she dressed. "it seems you have awakened from your slumber. rather than that. We've been expecting you, Mr.subedar" we? So there are more people than himself, people who are the same as him? Well, maybe not in terms of background but rather in the situation.
that what he only remembered, after all that it was all a blur. He knew he have hunted those who wanted the manors prize, but really what is it? Even the hunters have different views of the so called prize.
"a new reality..."
Those were the words of his acquaintances, theyre arent his comrades. Only for each others use and goals, not even bothering to get to know them even.. The matches always ended up as a loss or a tie to him at the start but as he gotten used to the survivors behavior and patterns, he was able to get a winning streak. 6 wins in a row, he wasnt proud nor he had any pride in thus achievement. It seem like a small reward to him, what really interest him was a survivor. It wasnt on purpose, it was an accident that wasnt supposed to happend in the dining room. Four new survivors have joined the game, a violinist, a photographer, a queen and finally a geisha. He didnt expect a geisha of all things would join the game, but everyone has desires so he doesnt bother, but seeing her. Obsidian hair, black eyes, and her reserve nature, it all seem like a dream, a deity. He felt something shaken inside him, like his cold heart began opening again and welcoming this new warm and smooth feeling like its nothing.
He stopped and stare at her when he gotten into a match with her, he doesnt try to track her down and chair her instead he does it to her team, sometimes its a tie or a loss. It confuses his acquintances quite well, they all tried asking him if he have fallen for the woman but he simply declined and say he may have not seen her trail. that was quickly proven false as he walk past her with chasing the violinist. He want to get to know her, interests, hobbies, likes, dislikes, and her life before the manor. So much stories they could tell each other and so much stories they could make themselves.
" excuse me.."
" ..hm?..."
He confronted her after a match with another team, fully confident with having a conversation. His heart started to warm, maybe too warm for comfort as he indulge in her presence and voice, its like a goddess talking to him face to face. Gracing her presence for him. He always talked to her, calling her 'My lady' or 'Madam' its a nickname for her only be used by him only.
He hold his feelings deep inside and at the bottom ofhis heart, he tried his very hardest not to fall so hard for this woman. Hearing her calling him 'Mercenary' or 'Colonel'.. He cant help but blush a little at the little name he have been given to him, he did tell her his real name after awhile but insisted that she used the name she have given him instead. He didnt want to be called by that name yet, not now.
A bouquet of carnations held tightly on his arm, he begged the gardener to pick them for this occasion. He doesnt want to ruin it early and he doesnt want to be too late for this event, its special becouse today was the day he was going to confess to her. Today was the day, he waa going to make sure of that. But seeing her alone with the photographer under the moonlight with one on their knees confronting her? no, No, No, NO!. It was supposed to be HIM and HER. Not this vermin touching his lady. He was ready to rip that face apart and crush their skull until a sentence broke out.
" sorry, joseph but... I love someone else."
It was one sided, he was glad. He release his grip that he recent realized when he felt a liquid dripping from his palm. Blood, his blood. Fuck.
The photographer got back to their standing position as he took the rejection lightly
"i understand michiko, can we still be friends if so?'
She accepted and bowed to her, taking his leave. It left a hole in his heart but he understand her feelings for another man and he have to move on. The door creaked close as it only left two people, one in wide view and one in hiding. He was quiet becouse he doesnt know the right time or the wrong time to confess now to her.
"you can go out now naib.."
Maybe, he got cought red handed. A huff came from his mouth as he got out of the large pillar he have been behind this whole time listening to their conversation. His hand staining the bouquets paper with his blood, awkwardly giving it to her.
"is this the wrong time to confess, my lady?.."
"..n-no its just... Unexpected. I didnt took you for someone to fallen inlove.."
"so, will you accept me to be your soldier?"
She frozed, taking the bouquet as the thought lingers throughout her mind and brain. The silence were suffocating that he didnt realized he was holding his breath for awhile until a word were spoken.
"i will..."
He got accepted... bY her!
Now, this is the beginning of something that she shouldnt have accepted
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80pairsofcrocs · 2 years
baby scarab || 53
@yikesitskennawrites - Rough idea of a chapter thing (my dude, I just woke up from my post dinner nap so excuse me): Khonshu uses his god powers to kind of play puppet with y/n and make them fight the moonboys for funsies. Y/n has zero control in their actions and the boys don't want to hurt her so when Y/n comes back to reality (because they aren't aware of it, kind of like blacking out and coming to) y/n finds the boys beaten up because they didn't want to lay a hand on her.
I love your series :) <3
anon - For baby scarab in maybe one of the chapters moonboys found out reader can play guitar or an instrument or like the drums and there all super shocked bc when she lived alone she had some free time to try something diff so she's kinda good
@r4tch1ld - Khonshu and y/n watching two birds fight over scrap and being like,...who's gonna win?
A/N : pls read the announcement!!
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masterlist - marvel masterlist - series masterlist
A/N : THERE IS NO MORE SCHEDULE, IM SORRY also thank you all sm for the support and requests :)))
please enjoy, and don't be shy if you want to be in the taglist, just ask <3, sorry for the long wait
pairings : steven grant x (platonic)reader, marc spector x (platonic) reader, khonshu x (platonic)reader, jake lockley x (platonic)reader
TW : medicine (pills), spidey stuff, mentions of violence, language, fighting, nothing else really, crack, let me know if i missed anything.
it was two in the morning.
how do you know that? it's because you're wide awake.
your migraine has ceased, and now you were just bored.
you would get up and go do something but steven had an arm around you since you ended up falling asleep with him.
and tiktok could only do so much before you got too bored of it.
"spiderling! get up" you hear khonshu whisper shout from the now open window.
"why?" you whisper back, looking back to steven to make sure he was still asleep.
"your friends are quarreling" he leaves back to what you assumed was the roof.
you roll your eyes and look to steven, who was still sound asleep.
you decide you follow khonshu, so you carefully move stevens arm from around you, replacing yourself with a pillow.
you slip out of the bed and watch as steven cuddled a bit deeper into the pillow, making you smile.
making your way to the open window, you start hearing crows cawing at each other.
that makes you smile even wider.
you peek out the window and shoot a web up the brick wall outside, slipping out of the window and pulling yourself up to the edge of the short wall.
you pull yourself over the roofs edge, seeing khonshu perched on one of the huge vents and looking down at something that you can't see yet.
you curiously and quietly approach to see that khonshu was looking down at two crows.
and they were fighting over what looked like half a slice of pizza.
you chuckled, alerting khonshu of your presence. he jumped when he realized you were there.
"still a damn shadow" he mumbles and moves over so that you could crawl up to sit next to him on the vent.
"yeah, love you too buddy" you deadpan, watching the crows fight over the food.
it only takes another three seconds for you to talk again. "who do you thinks gonna win?" you ask khonshu and he tilts his head and hums.
"the one on the right" he decides, and you nod.
"yeah i had my bets on him too. his names charlie" you start. "the other one is elden" you add, and khonshu nods.
the two of you sit in silence, watching the crows until khonshu is the one to break the silence.
"i have a question" he states and you look to him to urge him to continue.
"it was many moons ago but.. i saw something when you and your parents were flailing about in the water" he begins to explain, and you make a face at the wording.
"yeah? what was it?" you ask, getting the idea of what he was trying to say.
he was referring to when you and your parents went to the beach.
"it's about you" he continues as you furrow your brows. "i noticed.. scars. on your back. i'm surprised none of the idiots said anything with how attached they are to you" he finishes and you take a breath.
"..how many did you see?" you question hesitantly.
"shit" you mutter. "did you tell them?" khonshu doesn't move or answer you verbally, but just by the way he was staring at you gave you your answer.
"khonshu i know you want to help but i really didn't want them to know about those" you start and he looks back down at the birds.
"i didn't want to explain how i got them yet" you ended quietly.
"then i apologize, child" he says a bit quieter, and you can tell by the tone of his voice that he meant it.
you just sigh tiredly and run a hand down your face. "it's fine" you mumble and you both go back to watching the crows.
"i'll tell you who wins in the morning. you should go back to bed" khonshu says to you quietly and you look at him in surprise.
"since when do you care if i get sleep?" you question is all seriousness.
"in my defense, you are cranky when you're tired" he says simply and you nod.
"fair enough. i'll see you tomorrow. night" you hop off the vent and make your way to the edge of the roof, ready to jump back in through the window.
"sleep well, little spector" is the last thing he says before you disappear back into the apartment.
you close the window after you get back inside, to see that steven was awake, and patiently waiting for you.
"i'm sorry, khonshu wanted to show me something" you apologize and steven gives you a tight lipped smile.
"that's alright, just try to get back to sleep" he says in a hushed voice and you nod, laying back down to have steven bring the blankets up to your chin, pressing a light kiss to your head before laying back down himself.
now that's what you would call an under reaction.
if this was marc, he would've lightly scolded you then order you to get back to bed, and steven would've given you some kind of lecture.
but this time he didn't, and you had no clue as to why.
do you just went back to sleep, half expecting to get a lecture in the morning.
"you need your sleep, kid it's non negotiable" marc shakes his head at your pouting figure.
instead of steven, it was marc. which is so much worse since he doesn't sugarcoat anything.
"well my crows were fighting. and khonshu even said that charlie won" you argue and marc raises an eyebrow at you.
"y/n i'm not joking around" marc says sternly and you look down at your lap, fidgeting with your fingers.
"you need to get at least 8 hours-"
"8 hours? marc-"
"don't interrupt me. you think we don't notice every time you leave, but we do. and we always trust you to come back but you need a better sleep schedule now that schools starting soon" he explains and your eyes widen at the last part.
"school? it's already the end of august?" you ask and marc nods.
"shit" you mumble, which earns you a stern look from marc.
"as i was saying" he begins again. "that also means no more arachnid" you scoff.
"that's not fair" you whine and he just shakes his head.
"i know but you have to finish high school, this is your senior year it's the most important" he reasons and your eyes drift to the open window across from where you were both sitting at the kitchen table.
"don't even think about it" you hear jake warn and you sigh, looking away from it.
"oh please, just let the girl be" khonshu makes himself known.
"no, idiot. this is to make sure she has a shot at a normal life" marc defends himself.
"no. she's going to be bored now" khonshu argues back and looks towards you with determination.
"and if you can't see that this is what she really wants to do then i'll do it for her" he stalks over to you, making you get up from your seat in alarm, marc coming towards the both of you as well.
"khonshu wait-" you hold our your arm towards him to stop his movements.
he just sighs. "i apologize little spector, you won't feel a single thing" he rushes in saying, moving to poke you in the center of the chest with the tip of the crescent on his stick.
nothing seemed to happen after that.
or so you thought.
third pov
y/n raises an eyebrow at khonshu, as nothing happened when he poked her with his stick.
marc let out a breath of relief until y/n froze in place, her eyes glowing a bright white for a second before her suit formed onto her.
marc panicked, causing jake to front out of habit.
"khonshu what in the absolute fuck is wrong with you?!" steven exclaims from where he was watching in the mirror hanging next to jake.
khonshu only answered by making y/ns head tilt to the left, right before making her shoot a web out at jake, sticking his arm to the wall.
y/n was in a dream like state, not able to control her own body.
and another thing, she wouldn't be able to remember anything that happened while khonshu played puppet with her.
jake easily ripped his arm from the wall the moment y/n started towards him.
jake wasn't stupid, he knew what khonshu was doing.
now, the bird was planning on fighting them. but only in the way that y/n would.
he dug through her brain to see what kind of fighting moves she used, so all he was really doing was using her body for things she has already done.
khonshu in all honesty wanted to help. he was always stuck up and quite frankly a cranky bitch, but seeing as marc was being unfair he had to do something.
and he knew that not a single one of his avatars and would ever lay a hand on y/n.
even if she was attacking him.
and he keeps being proved right.
she was swinging at jake every moment she could, while he just blocked her fists and tried to lead her away from anything that could possibly hurt her.
but the kick to the shin followed by a punch to the nose made them all finally surrender.
jake had a hand up to block y/n from going any further to which khonshu gave up his short control on the girl.
second pov
you blink a few times in confusion, trying to remember when you walked across the room and asked khonshu for your suit.
and that's when you noticed the man in front of you, with a now bleeding nose with a hand out towards you in defense.
you gasp at the sight, your hood and mask disappearing from your face as your eyes widen at the scene.
jake put his hand down, noticing how it seemed like you were back.
"oh my god- what just happened?!" you cover your mouth with both of your hands after seeing the blood drip from jakes nose and onto his shirt.
you rush to the kitchen to get a small towel and running it under water before going back to jake who was now just sitting on the floor.
he didn't know how to explain what had just happened, so he simply stayed quiet while you sat down on the floor as well, adjusting yourself so that you were sitting comfortably on his lap.
after getting all the blood cleaned up, you were just holding the towel to his nose to stop the bleeding.
"i just blacked out and now i'm in my suit, can one of you explain?" you ask into the air and jake sighs, bringing a hand up to brush a strand of hair from your face.
"to put it simple, that bonehead possessed you and you may have broken my nose" he shrugs and tears gather in your eyes.
"i did that..?" you trail off and jakes eyes widen before moving to comfort you.
he needed to stop you from crying, basically.
one time you were upset about god knows what, and jake happened to be the one fronting.
you cried into his chest for like an hour while he just stood there not knowing what to do exactly.
that was more stevens thing. comforting you, that is.
jake tried his best, he's still learning how to 'parent' and all that.
"princesa, it's not your fault. it's khonshus, and i can barely feel it" he shrugs and you see his eyes wander all over your face until furrowing his brows at something.
"and it appears that your nose is still broken too" he points out.
"what? no it's not" you wave him off.
you completely forgot you broke your nose when your dads almost died.
that night that you murdered that man in cold blood.
shaking your head, you get rid of the memory and keep the towel pressed against jakes nose.
"what did i do?" you try to change the subject, and jake just guides your hand down, taking the towel off his face.
"nothing, just let me fix your nose, hm?" he offers and you frantically shake your head.
"it's fine- i really don't-" jake holds your face still and puts a hand up in surrender.
"listen, i'd rather hurl myself off a building than hurt a single pelo en tu bonita cabeza" he assures you and you just sigh.
"is it gonna hurt though?" you ask and he simply doesn't answer, moving both of his hands to clasp them together over your nose, making sure you weren't going to move to much.
"you ready?" jake asks and you just squeeze your eyes shut, giving him his answer.
"alright, i'll do it on the count of tres" he starts and you tense up.
"uno" he squeezes your nose a bit tighter.
"dos" and then there's a sting and a sickening 'crack' before jake takes his hands away from you.
your eyes watered as you gaped at jake who had an unapologetic look on his face.
"you said on three! you ass!" you exclaim, getting off of him while he just chuckles, staying on the floor until steven decides to take over to get up himself and follow after you.
you were in the bathroom, poking at your now non crooked nose, and seeing steven walk in behind you.
"tell jake he's a bitch" you wipe your watery eyes, as you see jake shake his head in the mirror.
"jake can hear you" he says and you chuckle.
"here, how about we forget about all this and go to town, how's that sound?" steven offers and you nod.
"sounds great, just give me five minutes" you nod to yourself.
you and steven left the building ten minutes later, due to marc taking over the body and having to fix their own nose before going out.
they couldn't believe they forgot to bring up the fact you'd broken your nose days before.
and now, you and steven were walking contently down the sidewalk, just browsing at all the items in the windows.
and it was one that caught your eye, a f/c guitar sitting brand new in the window.
steven noticed how you halted in your steps for a moment, so he guided you inside without a word.
"steven wait-" you started before seeing all the different instruments inside the shop.
steven simply smiled and followed you as you wandered towards where the guitars were.
you were lost in your own little world as you just stared ahead, running your fingers along the base of one of the guitars that are set up for anyone to use.
"you play?" steven asks when you turn back to him and you nod with a smile.
"i had a lot of free time" you shrug and he nods.
"can we see?" steven questions and you make a face.
"i don't know.." you trial off and you hear both marc and jake start complaining.
"oh come on, we didn't even know you played" marc starts.
"si, why didn't you tell us?"
"because it's embarrassing" you mutter and steven just shakes his head.
"no it's not, is anything it's impressive" he assures you and you just sigh.
he darts his eyes from the guitar to you, so you roll your eyes picking it up and sitting down on the empty chair next to it.
there was a small container or guitar pics on the table next to the guitar stand, so you just waited a second as steven moved a chair over next to you.
you were only doing this because there was literally nobody else in the shop, only the cashier who was listening to music with airpods.
steven had a small smile on his face, watching as you adjusted the guitar so that your arm was resting comfortably, so that you could play whenever you wanted to.
you just decided to play the beginning of 'sweet child o' mine', just in a more quiet and mellow way.
steven watched in amazement as you expertly moved your fingers, holding down the correct strings at the right times, marc and jake staying quiet as to not distract you.
you finished it up after a second and put the guitar back on the stand, and the pic back in the container like you never even picked it up in the first place.
"oh sweetheart, that was amazing" steven helps you up, giving you a quick side hug and a smile.
"thank you" you murmur.
"no really, we had no idea" marc breaths out.
"well, now you do" you shrug and keep looking around with steven.
"is there anything else you're hiding from us?" marc asks dramatically, referring to the instruments in the shop.
you just give steven a look, knowing marc could see it.
"maybe" is all you say before moving on to walk forward again.
the day started rocky and ended the opposite.
marc and you decided you can only be arachnid if you aren't failing any of your classes once school starts, and if you promised to be careful.
oh, and also only on weekends.
being arachnid meant you had to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night, no exceptions or excuses.
you agreed of course, especially because khonshu took over your body and broke jakes nose with it.
he was fighting for you, i guess so it works.
you also had a great time showing your dads that you could in fact play multiple instruments, and they were all very impressed since they had no idea you had even touched one before.
now, you four were all in your little world the whole day.
that means none of you noticed someone following you on the sidewalk and watching you from outside the shop.
that meant you didn't know they also followed you home, and had an entire notebook where they had written every single time you left the apartment.
nobody noticed that they've been watching for a while, not even khonshu.
nobody knew when they were going to strike.
and not even your spidey sense could warn you for what's about to come.
A/N : omfg im so so sorry it took so long and ITS STILL SHORT
anyways, i hope you liked it and ill see you hopefully in a few days :)) ily all sm
taglist ---
@alexloveskili @ihatemyselfmorethanmydepression @thebiggestsimpshrimp @guyinachair27 @astrobuzzsstuff @mooonlight-and-stars @moonlighting87 @mateihavenoidea @inactive-things @alondrashultz @femalemarvelself @queenthorin1 @haileymorelikestupid @jvdethirlwall @justtiredandvibing @winterfrostsarmy @themapoftinyperfectthings @littlebird101 @atzlena @httpslinow @arrowurboat @m-brekker @lifeandbandmembers-blog @adamcarlsenslvr @violet-19999 @seninjakitey @bestgirlpip @panic-in-the-multiverse @in-between-the-cafes @branolagar @bl6o6dy @annoyingmarvelreader @bee-a-cool-kid @buzzitsbeee @wintergirlsoilder2 @crow-carcass @you-bloody-shank @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @valiantphantomangel @50shadesofcrocs @rayrlupin @kingshitonly @brekkers-desigirl @hutaos-gh0st @kayane28 @nevaeh-jasso @lizlil @scarabgrant @luvxxee @certainchildmentality @yikesitskennawrites @alexisabirdie
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The Benefit of using supernatural subliminals as a supernatural identifying being(otherkin, Elven soul, starseed, etc).
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(thumbnail for the Elf Beauty sub by Wings of Dreams on Youtube)
I use a lot of Elven-related subliminal videos and listen to them pretty much on the daily. And I see my results even now (it's been like 2 months).
In case you don't know what subs or subliminals are, they are audio that has affirmations (Example, "I am beautiful, I am ethereal, I have ethereal beauty") that play over and over, but are hidden by music and/or nature sounds. The concept utilizes both types of LOA (Law of Attraction and Law of Assumption) so that you begin to believe the affirmations the more your hear them (without even realizing it) and soon that belief manifests it into reality. A really basic example would be how a parent might tell their kid they are the greatest artist in the world. They probably aren't, but the more they are told this without a hint of irony, the more they will believe it and it will eventually become true. At least, to some capacity (maybe not becoming the greatest artist in the world, but in their city or something?)...anyway.
At first, I was a but apprehensive. I got into subs to quell my curiosity but eventually I thought... why am I listening to Elf subs when I already see myself as Elven? When I already know that I am? When I have entire visions of a place beyond this earth and my life here? It just kinda struck me as a bit redundant. Like, why listen to videos called "Become an elf Subliminal" when I already AM Elven as I am? I don't need to 'become' one.
I've come to realize though, it's actually more complicated than that. It's not just about 'becoming' something. If for nothing else, they have helped me to REMEMBER who I am when I forget.
I think it's actually good for Otherkin/AltHumans/Starseeds to listen to subs...well, well-made subs. For the Elven ones, the affirmations in these subs are usually related to gaining and maintaining an Elven mindset, and that's what I want to maintain. Far too often, I find myself reverting back to my crow brain (I see shiny, I want shiny lmao) and leaning on my human conditioning and ego to express myself. And that can get ugly if you let it go far enough...
But one way that has helped me grow out of this habit is listening to my Elven subs. They give me such a regal and wise mindset. They remind me of who I truly am and I will continue to use them for that reason. Are they good for manifesting physical things too? Sure! I am trying to get pointier ears and maintain that "ethereal, Elven glow" but, the more important thing (imo) is maintaining the mindset. Once you have less moments of forgetting who you are, you are able to shine as your true self on the outside much more often.
And for those reasons I also think they are beneficial for us to hear. Granted, they are well made and have the right sort of affirmations. When in doubt, make your own! And eventually I am going to, along with restarting my youtube channel!! so stay tuned for that ;D
Subs aren't for everyone. But certainly worth a try! But PLEASE, if you DO decide to get into subs, do your research first, learn about negative vs positive affirmations and proper self care when using subs!
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we-dragons · 3 years
I'm from a different dimension actually Chapter 5 Damian x reader
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Pulled away to another world, Y/N uses magic science and a Little bird to help her get back home and possibly be rid of an apocalyptic event. "So, will you succumb to your doubts completely or step into the sun of this new world?"
" A few days, but I didn't expect the entire week, thank god for Molly." The emotional stress I had felt in the beginning influenced the behavior of the scales on my skin it took more hot water and hydrogen peroxide than I had originally would have needed. Even after all that, my skin was turned ashen and my breath was so shallow that Nightmare could lap from it as if it was his water bowl. The scales I have removed were not ready for healing uses yet, at least not for another three days. Nightmare had remained at my side barely even moving from his spot curled up on the pillow next to mine, the only time he moved is when Molly came over. Molly would drop off the homework, she told me she took the written project to Damian and he was ready to deliver it when it was due in 10 days from now. Molly would come by every day at 4, made sure I and Nightmare ate and rested well, told me about herself self and left. And I thank god I'm feeling better after all of that.
Today was Friday and I still wasn't feeling the best even after she left, Nightmare crawled up onto my lap while I had sat on the couch watching the news. I never liked watching the news but considering that I had an unexpected visitor I had hoped to find out more. I'm not disappointed, Vigilanties that appear in Gotham with the exception of Nightwing who occasionally visited from Blüdhaven the sister city of Gotham, and the character Red Hood an anti-hero who fights for his own needs, he arrived in Gotham a few years ago and became a crime fighter. Then there were the other three, Red robin seen with the dynamic duo Batman and Robin, seen all over Gotham. All of them well known and on the news constantly in a large group even that fight bad guys of all sorts a from a clown, to plant creatures and more.
"Wow their just like them." I feel a wave of nostalgia float over me, I remember what it was like at home. In Minnesota. With the tall evergreens and the marvelous lilacs that mom would grow in our backyard, my family, and friends. Everything at least before all the drama in New York happened. "Dear God, I'm becoming an over-sentimental sad sack I can't think of them now, not yet." I get up from my seat to head to the kitchen Nightmare jumping off me when I hear a knock from my balcony. I continue my walk to the kitchen to peer out at it, I didn't see anything there even so I open it. Nightmare runs out before me hissing at something on the left.
"Nightmare what are you-Oh...." Robin stares at me from the railing of the balcony. He's leaning back on it a scornful look upon his face. Confusion settles in me as I just stare at him.
"Are you sick?" He asks walking to me while doing so.
"Y-yeah I was out too long in the rain." He stops just in front of me.
"Don't you bring an umbrella with you?"
"Not that day," I clear my throat a little. "why are you here?" He pauses as if coming up with the reason shocks even himself. He arches his arm back behind his back, slowly moving his arm out.
"My box! So you did take it," I exclaim grabbing the box tenderly opeining the lid, I smile sadly looking at the glinting scales inside the box. " did they help you." I look back up, his faces move to confusion.
"I stole them from you and you're asking me if they helped me?"
"Well, you also needed it more than me, and I can see it did wonders. Your up and running again." I start hacking for a strait minute and grab onto the railing. I look up to the door moving to pick up Nightmare. "Would you like to come in for some tea," NIghtmare squirms in my arms jumping out when I enter the kitchen from the balcony. I open the cupboard and pull out the only three kinds of tea I have, setting aside the box with the X on it. "There's peppermint, cinnamon chai, and pumpkin if your interested." He stares at me from the entryway.
"No thank you," He says " I need to leave, I wasn't supposed to be here anyway." I set the pot on the stove anyway and pull out the pumpkin tea and my favorite mug with Arab henna designs decorating even the inside. I look back to the outside, he is still standing in the entryway shifting uncomfortably.
"You Know, the fact that you haven't left yet contradicts your own words, Robin." I pour the hot water over my tea while I wait for him to answer. He stirs slightly moving back and forth on his feet.
"I'll come back tomorrow," I spit out my tea.
"What didn't you say you weren't supposed to be here?"
He shrugs pulling a grappling hook from his belt and swang off. If I wasn't feeling so sick and had just spat out some tea causing me to cough some more, I would have gone after him. I just stared out through the night air as the familiar feeling of dread washed over me, I close the door to the outside and look at the box. NIghtmare gave me a look moving the box and pawing the X on the top.
"We can't call him yet, didn't you hear, their back. If I call him now it compromises everything they have worked for," I pick up the box and move over to the couch, Nightmare followed suit, we both laid down, me clutching the box. "We can't do anything yet anyway, it violates the treaty. We have to wait for the first kill."
True to his word he came back, he arrived sometime after Molly left, I don't know exactly when he arrived but I know it wasn't long. It was 2 pm when Molly forced meds in my mouth and put me to sleep. It was 2:40 when I heard him clatter in my kitchen nearly killing him with the broom. He was making tea he brought, he told me that he said it works for sore throats, even though it's just lemon juice, water, and honey.
" You realize this is twice you have broken and entered into my home right?" He tsked crossing his arms from his where he is seated across from me.
"The first time was not on purpose."
"I mean you did break my window."
"I crashed through it."
"Pretty sure that there was broken glass I had to pull out of you and sweep off my floor." I laugh for a little bit while he grunts in his seat in front of me.
"Hey why are you here anyway, You dropped off my box, you're healed up why are you back?"
He moves forward resting his arms on the table. "what do you know about the Crows?"
My mug shatters the pieces scattered on the floor, my hands are shaking and that feeling of dread washes over me again.
"Oops sorry, my hands must have slipped even as I'm feeling better I see I didn't recover all my strength, haha..." I stand up to get the broom.
"They killed three people that day," I froze turning to Nightmare who was resting on the counter, his ears are folded back, his hair also standing on end." six were maimed they were monsters that said their names in the third person. They said they are looking for 'the scaled one' and I believe they are looking for you." The air becomes cold around us to a literal point where I can see my breath.
"They drew first blood," The words finally sink in my fears had manifested themselves, I know that I should have guessed it when I saw him but I had hoped they weren't going to be in physical form yet. I rush to my closet pull another box out from the top, a black box big enough to hold a dress, bearing the same markings as the smaller one. I bring it to the table Robin and I are seated at and set it down pulling off the top.
"How much do you know about The Crows already?" I begin pulling out the things inside one by one, recalling their names and what they are for, looking for my com piece.
"That's what I'm asking you, what is all this?"
"They come from an interdimensional planetary void, The Crow where once a proud and advance society until the gave up their freedom for more knowledge, Jal-sein holds their control now. They are dangerous and they are after the very thing that nearly killed everyone on my earth. Ah! Found it!" I move to my living room pushing away my coffee table setting it on the ground making sure there is enough space. Robin had moved up from the kitchen a worried look set on his face.
"What is Jal-sein? What is this other earth aren't you from Minnesota?"
"Yep but here's the thing," I press the silver X on the com and it starts calling, lights flicker in the room from the device as the figure forms."I'm from another dimension actually."
The figure in the holographic com finalizes and I smile at the old man I see.
"Hello Y/N, I suppose they have found you then? It good to see you even in such circumstances?" His voice is grim and shallow, he sounds older than usual and his head is covered with a silver helmet with tubes coming from it.
"Yes, they have, It"s good to see you, Professor X."
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“No no, I’m not interested in your friends. I want you. Give yourself over, and they’ll be safe.” annnnd... have you written Osamu x Yama at all yet? UshiYama, if you aren't feeling OsaYama. Omegaverse, if you like?
ahhhh I got an osayama prompt before I watched season 4 and then my drafts glitched and deleted before I could actually write it ;-; 
Mafia prompts
One of the perks of having an onigiri shop as a front for your brother’s gang is the fact that no one knows it’s a front- which means, occasionally, when a member of a rival gang comes in, Osamu gets free intel. No one suspects the poor overworked cook/waiter to be listening in on your business. 
It’s not honest work, but it sure is fun. And this way, Osamu doesn’t have to directly get his hands dirty. His brothers’ men do all the hard stuff. Which gives Osamu the time to flirt with the pretty omegas that come through and not have to worry about telling them what his job is- his job is here, at his shop. Being a good cook is always a hit with omegas. However, as of late a certain omega has been coming in that fulfils more than just his instinctual needs. 
The bell at the door rings, but Osamu already knows without looking who’s there- the sweet, enticing scent of candied fruit and raw pastry dough reaches Osamu’s nose before he even turns around. 
“Welcome back, Yamaguchi-kun. The usual?” 
“Ah, not the boys’ order today, actually. Just me.” Yamaguchi says with a shy smile, sliding into one of the hightops nearest the window peering into the kitchen. He smooths down his skirt as he sits, fidgeting with his phone as Osamu turns back to the kitchen, smiling at him through the window. 
“The boys already eat tonight?” 
‘The boys,’ being Yamaguchi’s ‘roommates,’ usually ordered from Onigiri Miya every now and again, and Yamaguchi always came to grab it. They’d been doing this for nearly 8 months, and in that time it’s become glaringly obvious that Yamaguchi was in some way involved with one of ‘Tsumu’s rivals, the Karasuno Crows. How involved was still somewhat a mystery, because sometimes he came in covered in bruises and cuts and other times just fine, almost always well-dressed and never once acting secretive; in fact, Yamaguchi is always quite open with Osamu and talks with him like an old friend every time he comes to visit. He tells Osamu about his ‘boys,’ Kei, Tobio, and Shouyou, and asks about the shop. Talks about work and the weather, and nosy neighborhood aunties who always want to know how he got such a dark bruise, and “thank you so much for not asking, Osamu-san, I just don’t know if I’ll ever be okay talking about it so openly.” 
“Yes, that, and I’m also going straight back to work after I eat. It’s a...rush season, for my job, and we’re pretty understaffed at the moment so I’ve been there all day working.” 
“My my, all day? It’s almost 9:00 Yamaguchi-kun. When will ya be goin’ home for the night?” 
“Ah, probably around midnight or so...The poor guys, they’ve been in the same boat as me- I haven’t seen them in what feels like ages,” Yamaguchi says, pouting, and Osamu chuckles as he rounds the corner with Yamaguchi’s usual order. He sets it on the table before sliding into the chair across from Yamaguchi; he leans against his palms, smiling when Yamaguchi cocks his head to the side, confused. “You don’t have anything to do around the shop? You close soon, don’t you?” 
“I mean, I suppose I do, but I can spare a few minutes t’ chat with my favorite customer while he eats,” Osamu teases ever-so-slightly, and he grins wider when Yamaguchi’s cheeks turn pink. It’s true that it’s a bit odd, him doing this, since he’s almost always kept their conversation distanced between a counter or the kitchen window, but he’s feeling a bit adventurous tonight. And Something tells him this is a good idea. Maybe it’s the faint scent of pre-heat on an already stressed Yamaguchi, or maybe it’s just the fact that he looks almost delectable in that short little skirt, but Osamu wants to be close to him. “Is that all that bad?” 
“N- Not at all, I just didn’t want to keep you,” Yamaguchi says gently. “How was it, today?” 
“Ah. not too busy but it's a Sunday, so not a lot of people are goin’ out.” 
“Must be pretty boring sitting here all day every day, huh?” 
“No, not really,” Osamu hums, watching as Yamaguchi begins to dig in, looking very much like a starving prisoner with how quickly he devours the first onigiri. “I suppose some days get repetitive, but there’s never a dull day here.” 
And that’s the truth. The shop doesn’t get a lot of traffic, so Atsumu or one of his men are usually hanging around- or stumbling in the kitchen, mortally wounded and needing a desperate healing from a barely-first aid certified Osamu. 
“Sorry, still sounds pretty boring to me- if I’m not moving all the time, I get pretty antsy.” Yamaguchi says, still stuffing his mouth. Osamu laughs. 
“I can tell. Ya’d probably be bored if ya were a housewife or somethin’,” 
“Oh, definitely.” Yamaguchi says. He finishes his meal, hopping down from the hightop with a little puff of his skirt. He slaps money on the table, collecting his things. “Thank you for the meal, Osamu-san, but I need to get back to work. I’ll see you around.” 
And, call him stupid, but something tells Osamu not to let him go alone. “W- Wait! Why won’t I walk ya back to yer office?” 
Yamaguchi seems to hesitate, his brows furrowing as he searches Osamu’s face. 
“...Don’t you have to be at the shop?” 
“It’s almost close, and one of the waiters is still here- I’d hate to let an omega walk alone so late, even if I know he c’n talk himself.” Osamu insists, throwing one of his signature smirks Yamaguchi’s way, and he can see the omega’s resolve melting. Yamaguchi sighs. 
“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt. It’s not far from here, actually,” Yamaguchi says, turning towards the door. Osamu scrambles to follow, throwing his apron over the back counter and shouting to the back that he’s taking a smoke break, despite the fact that he hasn’t smoked a day in his life and Aran wouldn’t care either way where he went- 
Osamu makes conversation with Yamaguchi as they walk, the dim streetlights illuminating Yamaguchi’s curves, and in the near darkness his scent sticks out above all else, distracting Osamu ever the slightest. He doesn’t even notice they’re in the middle of Karasuno territory, even though he should’ve figured they would be, since Yamaguchi works for Karasuno. It isn’t until he’s yawning, stretching his arm over his head, that he realizes he’s maybe made a bad decision- 
“Osamu-san, is that a tattoo? I wanna see,” Yamaguchi says, and suddenly there’s a hand on his arm, holding it in place as another hand lifts the sleeve of his teeshirt to get a better look at the logo printed on Osamu’s shoulder. Osamu freezes, his eyes widening, and the only thought in his mind is, “Oh god, Tsumu’s gonna kill me.” 
“I- uh- it is, but it’s-” 
“...Your shop, it’s a front, isn’t it, Osamu-san?” Yamaguchi asks, his voice low, and his grip tightens impossibly on Osamu’s forearm. Osamu tries to wrench his arm away, to grab Yamaguchi by the hair and drag him off before he can make a fuss, but it’s useless. Yamaguchi is deceptively strong for an omega. “Answer me, Osamu-san. Your shop, it’s a front, yeah? You have gang members hang around, and launder money from your shop?” 
“I- I don’t know what yer talking about, Yamaguchi-kun.” 
“Right, right...” Yamaguchi murmurs, reaching behind him, and Osamu’s heart hammers in his chest when he sees Yamaguchi pull out a pistol. “Y’know, Samu, I don’t like liars. I thought we had a little thing going...” 
“W- We did?” 
“Of course. We’ve been flirting ever since I first came in, didn’t you get the hints?.,Hmph, no matter now. You’re not telling me the truth, and that hurts my feelings, Samu. I’m sure my boys would tell you how much I hate being lied to, though I don’t think now you’ll get to meet them.” 
The tip of the gun slides up Osamu’s chest, up his neck, and Osamu shivers. There’s a reason he works in the shop and doesn’t do any of the dirty work- and this is the exact reason he doesn’t. Fear makes people do some crazy things, and Osamu’s pretty damn scared right now. 
Even still, he won’t sell out his brother. “I’m not gonna tell ya shit about what does or doesn’t happen at my shop. What I do is perfectly legal.” 
“But what your brother, Miya Atsumu, does isn’t. Isn’t that right?” 
Osamu gulps, shuddering when he feels the cool metal of the pistol press against his adam’s apple. “I don’t know what yer talkin’ about. Leave him out of this, leave- leave everyone out of this-” 
“No no, I’m not interested in your friends,” Yamaguchi says, laughing, and Osamu’s mouth falls shut with an audible click. Yamaguchi leans forward, catching Osamu’s chin in his free hand, the other still holding the gun to the junction of his chin and neck. “I want you. Give yourself over, and they’ll be safe.”
Osamu swallows again, his breath thick and shuddering. He can’t believe this is happening. He’s being overpowered and threatened by an omega. What the hell. But he thinks back to Atsumu, and the empire he’s building, and he can’t let that be ruined, can’t let their cover be blown, and so he nods. 
“...Fine. You have me. But I can’t stay forever, I have a shop to run.” 
Yamaguchi grins. “We’ll work something out.” 
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thatonegirljessy99 · 3 years
Loving Myself and You (pt.1)
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Work Count: 1,600+
Warnings: none
Summery: Tsukishima and Y/N have been something for a little while how. What were they exactly, definitely more then friends, but not even close to being together. You finally have had it with whatever this is and decide it is time to move on and put yourself first. So with Tsukishima out of the way, how will you progress with the friendships you never really got to form?
A/N: It is 4 in the bloody morning, and yes this is exactly when I got the idea to start a series. Have mercy on me cause I haven't written in a hot minute and I should definitely be asleep by now 😅
“You guys have been doing great in the tournament!”
“Yeah, the team is actually doing really good for once! Hinata looks like he never seems to run out of energy!”
There were a few laughs and giggles coming from around the corner. It has been happening for the team from time to time now. Other students were starting to realize that the Crows were starting to fly once more. The volleyball club was no longer just some random sports club at Karasuno and it was amazing!
You laughed a little thinking it could be Daichi getting noticed by the underclass girls again. Last time it caught him off guard as he was coming back from the restroom when a group of girls came up to him in aw.
“Yeah, I’m glad he is on our team because it would be a pain to try and block him,” you heard a voice laugh making your stomach drop.
All you could do was keep your head down as you walked by Tsukishima, not wanting to make eye contact. It isn’t like you could do anything even if you were jealous. What you two had was a secret, unknown to the world or anyone at the school. These days you also didn’t know exactly what you and Tsukishima had to begin with.
You were so caught up in your own thoughts that you didn’t even hear when the group dispersed, only snapping out of your thoughts when you felt someone pull you into an empty classroom causing you to sigh as you fixed your blazer. You didn’t have to look at Tsukishima to know it was him.
“Can I help you, Tsukishima?” you said glancing up at him before turning to face him.
“You haven’t talked to me recently. I tried talking to you when we came back from out last game-”
“At training camp, I know. I’ve been busy. School and stuff,” you rolled your eyes a little before looking up at the tall blonde,"I see that you've been busy too. I shouldn't keep Karasuno's great blocker for too long."
"Y/N, come on. You really believe I care for any of the fan stuff," Tsukishima smirked moving closer to hold you hand but you took a step back while crossing your arms.
"It doesn't matter what I think. I don't have time for this right now. I have to get to class and finish my work if I want to make it to dance on time after school. My recital went fine by the way," you huffed before opening the door to the class room and walking out as if nothing had happened.
 In all truth, it really annoyed you the fact that he hadn't even bothered to text you good luck while away at the training camp. Volleyball was everything to him even when he said he didn't care for the game. And it was nice to see him actually getting into it finally but it was a bitter feeling since you were the only one getting excited about things.
He's such an idiot… all he's good at is blocking. Volleyballs, people….
You couldn't stop thinking about how Tsukishima seemed to be getting more attention. Not as much as the upper class men but enough to light a fire in your soul. There is really no way of knowing how you were even able to get anything done at school as you avoided Tsukishima for the rest of the day until it was time for you to go to dance. You went quickly into the girls bathroom to change into your leotard, putting on your gym sweatpants and a hoodie on top before starting your jog three blocks down the street.
Once you were practicing however, all you could focus on was the music. Even though you had just finished your recitals, your school was holding their next show in two months. Your role, Princess Aurora in Sleeping Beauty. You had already been practicing your part for a little over a month so the moves came easily to you, your movements flowing swiftly as you practiced Aurora's Act I variation. It was a relief to be able to just rely on things that were set in stone, your feet moving on there own at this point from the hours you spent practicing.
"Don't have your arms so tensed Y/N, remember to keep them light throughout the performance," your teacher called out to you midway though your practice, only earning a smile from you as acknowledgement.
"Watch that transition into the chaînés!"
Miss Nakamura, one of the best ballet instructors you could find in Miyagi. She had known you since you were 3 and your mom put you into ballet. Her love for dance led her to stay single for her whole life, saying she never needed a partner to feel happy when she had her children to teach everyday. She truly looked out for her students and thought of each of them as her own kid from how long they were under her care. She was now in her mid sixties, still with all the energy of a thirty something. Her hair having turned white in her late forties, she wore it down with a beautiful gold hair clip holding it back during class.
"You have improved a lot since we last practiced this in class. I'm glad to see all of you have been practicing the Sleeping Beauty pieces even with your recitals keeping you busy. I want to see the fairy variations next and I want you all to be going over act one while I focus on this group. As per usual, the studio across the hall is open and I expect all of you to practice. Tomorrow we start working on act I."
After practice all you could feel was sore, the warm night only making you wish you could rest in the grass before making it home. But as you got closer to your home you saw a familiar shadow standing under the streetlight waiting for you. The closer you got the clearer Tsukishima's features got. He looked irritated, probably due to the fact you had shut off your phone for most of the day to avoid contact.
"We need to talk," he spoke in a cool tone, letting you know that no wasn't an answer right now.
"Tsukishima, I am tired. I just got out of a four hour practice and just want to get home, take a hot shower, and eat some soba my mom made," you sighed adjusting your dance bag while keeping eye contact with the tall man child," plus I have nothing to talk to you about."
"Really? Cause I think you do. What was this morning about in the hall?" He questioned starting to let his temper show in his voice as he adjusted his glasses.
"What is literally anything about?!" You snapped at him," you say you care for me and are sweet to me when it is just the two of us but literally the second a bird flies into our immediate area you turn into all this!"
As you gestured at him you dropped your dance and school bag before taking a step closer to him, your high difference meaning nothing to you since your attitude made up for it. You had been holding back since this thing started a few months back but now your damn was finally breaking.
"I talk to another guy and they get daggers glared at them. Some girls compliment you and it goes straight into your ego! I can't even hang out with any of YOUR teammates because you don't want them to know about us! But, I mean, is there even an us?! What are we?! You kiss me goodnight and then you act like I don't exist in school or anywhere that isnt under this stupid light post!"
What happened next only put the final nail in the coffin as you watched Tsukishima scoff and smirk at your remarks as if they were a child's complaint. He leaned down to get to eye level with you before speaking, watching as your eyes never left his for a second.
"You knew I didn't do commitments since we were kids. You and I were never anything serious. You wanted affection and I provided it while getting some myself," he explained in the most matter of fact tone ever, almost as if he expected you to simply accept that answer and just continue with things as they were," my studies and myself are my first priority. And if I glare at some guys trying to talk to you it's because I know they aren't convenient for you."
"Yeah, well guess what. You don't get to decide what is convenient for me. And from now on I will make myself my priority as well as my happiness," your voice seethed with anger, catching Tsukishima off guard as you had never talked like this to him before.
Normally you two would fight, you would give in and apologize, and then Tsukishima would buy you food to make you happy. This however, was not how this conversation seemed to be going. You ran your fingers through your hair before smirking and picking up your bags without looking at him.
"This, whatever it is, is over. Interfere with my life and you will regret it Kei. I don't need your affection, and I don't need you. From here on out, I will talk to whomever I want, regardless of what you want," you spoke in a confident voice as you stood up straight before walking past him, only stopping for a second before walking by him,"let's see if this shows you how your priorities are what make you so miserable in life."
Part 2
A/N: Oh look at that, a part 2! Maybe you should click on it.... just maybe...
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enderon · 2 years
Here are some of my own thoughts post-watching The Sea Beast cause this movie was just so good and I HAVE to share my thoughts or I'll implode. (Warning, there are spoilers under here)
I know now that it was done by the same people that made 'How To Train Your Dragon', which makes so much sense cause there was one scene where I literally thought, this reminds me of a scene from HTTYD2. It all makes sense now.
The message is so, so, so, so important. Like, I can't emphasis enough just how important the message of this movie is. Not just the concept of rewritten history, but how it IS important to know who started a conflict, and how the only way to make it all worth something is to actually END the conflict.
Also the whole 'You can be a hero but still be wrong' is just so horrifically poignant. Cause yeah, you can do something very heroic and brave and sacrificial, and from your understanding its the right thing to do, but it's actually the wrong action to take. Doesn't erase the sacrifice you made, it just brings to light the real tragedy of it.
I absolutely love how explicit the found family aspect of this story was. A lot of found family relies more on implied relationships and kind of talking around the family aspect, but this movie does not leave it up to the imagination. Crow explicitly says that Jacob is like a son and then later just straight up calls him his son. No talking around it, in his mind Jacob is his son. And Maisie herself, while never calling Jacob her dad, says that they can be a family and says it more than once. Just, even before the words are used you can see the implied relationships, but they also made sure to make it clear. As much as this is a story about historical revisionisms and imperialism, it's also a story about family and multi-generational trauma.
The way that, in retrospect, Jacob was being a dad to Maisie from the very beginning. Of course, when we're still all for the excitement of the open ocean and monster hunting, we think it's great for Maisie to end up on the ship and are kind of internally booing Jacob from trying to keep her off of it. But thinking back on it, yeah, he was right, she really shouldn't be on a ship going into such a dangerous situation. And I think the fact that Crow likes her and kind of defends her being there helps to drive that home. Cause yeah, while Jacob also first joined the crew at Maisie's age, I don't think that's supposed to be a good thing. Kids shouldn't have to grow up so fast and be in such dangerous situations. And even though Crow did what he thought was best and right, and gave Jacob a home and family, Jacob was right. He got lucky. The only one that was all for actually thinking about Maisie's wellbeing and keeping her safe from the moment he met her was Jacob. In that, it makes sense and a pretty seamless transition into him being her dad.
I love that the catalyst to the 'realizing the monsters aren't actually the bad guys' wasn't necessarily an act of compassion to Red herself. Rather, it was an act of general compassion. Jacob wanted Crow to give up cause he realized the whole crew would be killed in the process, Maisie included. Maisie realized the same and cut the ropes. Red was released and was able to be saved as a result. Whether she saw it as a kindness to her or just a general kindness I don't think fully matters. Their actions saved her and she recognizes it and pays it back in kind. It truly is a matter of, 'an act of kindness or mercy will in turn bring kindness or mercy back'.
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