#crosshair has albinism
alabyte · 11 months
Yeah okay maybe I am brainrotting just a little bit [2]
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Hybrid Batch!AU by @squad-724 officially occupied my brain for the near future and I'll make this everyone's problem
A bit of details - consider this an interpretation and/or headcanons:
> It seemed logical to me to extend the hairline down to the jawline in sort of sideburns, given that Zygerrians are actually covered in fur. Crosshair's hairline goes from the back of his head thinly along the spine and up to the tail.
> Zygerrians also often have pigment spots at the base of their ears, and males often have spines near their chins. Crosshair has no spines, but does have pigment spots.
> Classical scaled Zygerrian ears, also a bit more flat nose to match the race phenotype.
> White eye base due to albinism.
> "04" tattoo and earrings are my personal headcanons, so don't mind me. :D
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I edited Crosshair because I realized I have free will and Procreate is $5 or something crazy like that.
Is it perfect? God no. But I like my version much better 🥰 (also his neck is weirdly long so I fixed that while I was at it)
And yes my version has albinism and I hope he’s accurate to that 🤞🤞 (the sad thing is I didn’t even touch his skin tone to do that 😭 why Star Wars why)
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Here’s the ref I used especially for the jaw and chin. To keep somewhat faithful to the show I kept Cross’s face longer but not as dramatically as it was 😅
And if you go to my blog to find more edits from me you won’t find any lmao sorry
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chaioticcoffee · 2 years
only have 4 fics for now so I'm gonna link them here and edit this into a masterlist whenever I get around doing fics for the other bois
....wdym you can immediately guess who's my fav?-
also requests are open~ (I write for anyone of TBB tbh, can also write for others from TCW :D)
Starry Night
On a quiet night, Crosshair reminiscences while you're sound asleep in his arms.
Repeat Until Death (angst, mentions of blood, death of reader)
On a mission gone wrong, you spend your last moment with Crosshair.
Breathe (TW: self-harm/mild suicidal thoughts)
Your thoughts are going haywire, you go to Crosshair for some comfort.
Reunited in Death
You were a jedi that died in the purge, Tech joins you after the events of s2 ep16.
Crosscat series
Appearance, a couple smol headcanons (art)
bro went to annoy Tech (art)
"You watched me burn" (Crosshair)
If Crosshair had albinism
OC ref: Viorel
Vi vs a mf giraffe (Vi & Ger Springs size comparison)
Biker!TBB AU
who has which motorcycle + some hcs
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ann-i-inthestars · 2 years
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Crosshair deserves some love after I put him through hell with my last art piece. (and i adore crossecho so much)
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mwolf0epsilon · 3 years
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AU where after being picked back up by imperial shuttles, Rampart decides to make an example out of Crosshair and has him publicly executed for the whole Holonet to see what happens to those who commit high treason against the Empire. Only, as if by the will of the Force, Crosshair not only survives a blaster shot through the eye, but is also left with a severe case of amnesia. More miraculous than that, he's then rescued by a rebel sympathiser that sends him off to be treated by a crew of smugglers. This grumpy sniper inadvertently begins a brand new life with said crew, and slowly tries to piece what little memories he has floating around in his confused brain.
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ollovae3 · 3 years
Your ark trademark is the way you draw characters with cute round faces! (Or, yes, the specific face structure that for some reason I tend to notice) It looks amazing on babies 😊 Haha I kinda wanna see Crosshair in your gorgeous style
AJFJSJF Thank you!! Probably, admittedly, comes from me having a round face?? I'm squishy, so Its p rounded out and it makes me love drawing them!!
OH AND I HAVE!! I did an Unwhitewash The Bad Batch design for him?? + Some Headcanons I can for a better written version of him??
Cybernetic eyes for perfect vision + angst about experimentation on clones, has albinism, scars from other surgeries + chronic illness that leads to his low bodyweight?? And lastly!! He's Autistic!! So he's got chewlery instead of a toothpick, and some nibble scars on fingers and arms!!
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the-stage-manager · 3 years
Bad Batch Headcanons!
- Tech is the one with albinism, not Crosshair. It’s not a severe case of albinism, so his body is still able to produce some melanin. Obviously this effects his hair and skin color, but it’s also the reason why he wears goggles. Not only is his eyesight worse than the average clone, but his eyes are more sensitive to light, hence the yellow tint to his goggles.
- both Hunter and Crosshair can see UV light, a trait possessed by many birds of prey to track and target prey from great distances. This means that they can also see substances which glow under UV light like urine and semen.
- Wrecker suffers from a traumatic brain injury, which is why he seems to struggle with impulse control, emotional regulation, and why he can’t remember any of the hand signs.
- Wrecker isn’t bald—he started shaving his head after his head injury to keep the affected area clean, and liked the look. Besides, he likes showing off the scar.
- Echo’s head is shaved for the same reason: it makes caring for the bolts in his head easier. He did go through an experimental mustache phase, though. Luckily it didn’t last long.
- Tech has a colony of ants he keeps in a terrarium on the ship. He thinks ants are neat.
- Omega thinks tattoos are super neat. She’s spent hours and hours designing one of her own, and she can’t wait to be old enough to get it.
- Wrecker is the best cook on the ship, hands down.
- Crosshair and Hunter got their tattoos done at the same time.
- Hunter’s tattoo actually covers up a big birthmark on his face. He used to be ridiculed for it and got the tattoo done after the Batch’s first ever mission.
- Crosshair has a tramp stamp of a heart and the name of a lady he met at a bar. He was absolutely wasted when he got it done, and he thinks it’s ridiculously embarrassing.
- After becoming an ARC trooper and getting a band new set of armor, Fives did the blue handprint on Echo’s chest plate. The reason he doesn’t put another handprint on his Bad Batch armor is because Fives isn’t there to do it.
- Echo doesn’t have a handprint tattoo. He has a domino tattoo with five dots right over his heart, one dot for each member of his original squad.
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Headcanons about the bad batch/clones in general (mostly bad batch tho)
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Clones in general
* all clones have a brand/tattoo around their ankle for the cloners to id them when they are first "born" and to help with medical things, feeding them when they are little. Later it helps to identify casualties in the field.
*they have a range of skin tones varying from batch to batch (some even have mild vitiligo or freckling)
*the kaminoins are really really shitty when it comes to clones emotional health/development
*basically if they can crawl they can brawl type training
*start with weapons at like literally 3ish like ridiculously young
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*2nd oldest of the bad batch
*constantly tired of his brothers shenanigans
*adhd like crazy
*gets headaches alot due to the heads up display
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*2nd youngest of the bad batch
*low key himbo energy
*bunks are always wayyy too small so he curls up to sleep
*loves plushies and has a little collection
*is a massive foodie
* facial scar was not caused in combat but from an issue with the tank he was in malfunctioning during cloning
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*oldest out of his batch mates
*has anxiety issues and constantly stresses about his brothers
*prefers reading to holos
*likes when there's a lul between missions to relax
*loves hibiscus tea
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* has a hyperaccelerated nerve implant that the kaminoens put in while he was being developed
*is the youngest of the group and partly why he gets smacked around a little bit more than the others
*he also has albinism and his visor in his helmet was tinted by tech to help him see in high light settings/ to protect his eyes from damage (since albinism tends to cause the eyes to be more susceptible to damage than the average clones)
* was ALMOST culled when he was little ( 2 or 3 if he was compared to a normal growing human) till the cloners figured out he was a good shot and even then it was shakey at times, part of the reason for him being not very friendly to the regs
*probably has the most *spicey* childhood out of the whole bad batch tbh :/
*was not able to socialize because he looks different than the other clones, like really obviously different even from his batch mates and kids suck
*definitely smokes when he's not around his brothers
*has a bad habit of sneaking onto the roof of the clone barracks on kamino to smoke/chill when stressed
*not really big on the whole appetite department and gives what he doesn't want to wrecker (hence why wrecker was so quick to take food from Omega)
*lives off red bull and spite
*his back is fully tattooed
*actually very sweet once he's comfortable around others
That's all I got for now if yall want some more trash just let me know.
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jt-artsandfics · 3 years
48 and 34 with cross hair for the mini fic if u want pls I beg
48- "He's an asshole. But he's all handsome, socially out of tune"
34-"How much do I look like a fuck boy? " *Points gun* "Enough"
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It's well know amount the Regs not to fuck with the bad batch and namely Crosshair. He has put more regs in Bacta tank then the rest of his brothers.
It was the reason people give him a wide birth when clone force 99 spend nights at 79's. The only ones who would have much to do with them is Cody if he made an appearance that night.
Meeting Crosshair was in its self an experience, Y/n had originally worked along side the wolf pack and General Pol Koon, they had been transferred to the bad batch for certain missions and from there you rotated between both squads at the wish of commander Cody.
Most of the batch had been very kind to them hadn't caused much trouble after they had been transferred over to help, Crosshair on the other hand despised them for a while. It was nothing personal just doesn't like working with Regs or working with those who are part of a Reg team.
When they got shipped off to the bad batch Wolffe had given them a talk before hand. Told them not to take any Bantha Poodoo from any of them.
Actually meeting the bad batch was interesting. Y/n had thrown Crosshair over their shoulder and winded him after the said something about their commander. "Don't you ever talk about my commander like that every again" they had growled at him.
It was quite amusing to Wrecker, Hunter broke them up before they could cause any damage to each other.
Later that day they walked onto the ship with Hunter, both of them joking around when they had asked "How much do I look like a fuck boy? " they asked.
They give a bit of a laugh before turning around to be met with crosshair pointing his rifle towards them, he smirks lightly rolling his toothpick across his lips.
"Enough" he replys to them pretending to pull the trigger. Hunter shakes his head as he continues his way though the ship.
Y/n follows close behind hunter shooting Crosshair a look as they disappear into on of the rooms. "What's his problem Hunter?" They ask the Sargent.
Hunter looks back to them once they finally sat down to look over Tech report. "Who Cross" he asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes Cross who else!" They say crossing their arms across their chest and take a seat. Hunter sighs and takes a seat close.
"Crosshair has been thought alot, it's not easy being the odd one out of your batch. We all had it interesting. Crosshair was not only a defective clone but also having Albinism it made it difficult to get along with the Regs. He got into alot of fights with them." Hunter explained, he smiles lightly as they scoff at what he said.
"You like him, don't you" Hunter says eyes never leaving them. It makes Y/n squirm, their eyes going wide as they stare hunter down.
"No!, absolutely not!, He's an asshole. But he's all handsome, socially out of tune. And I want to push him yet I wish to kiss him" they say the last part mainly to themself.
Hunters eyes land on someone behind Y/n and they sigh staring Hunter down again. "He's standing right behind me isn't he?" They ask before turning around to be meet with Crosshair standing right agaisnt the chair.
"Well I wasn't expecting that from you, Pack pup" he says the smirk never leaving his lips. Y/n sighs looking to him " just kill me now so I don't have to live with the embarrassment"
"Not a chance Civie"
"I'm going to punch you and mess the pretty face of yours up crosshair!"
I hope this was alright still getting into writing these guys but I had alot go fun working on this peice.
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nibeul · 3 years
does your interpretation of crosshair as a man with albinism include him having a visual impairment? i don't mean to sound aggressive, it's just that it's a significant part of life with albinism
oh you don’t sound aggressive at all, and I’ve had a couple asks about that! I’ve been doing a decent amount of research these past weeks because I want to make sure I get things right (which is partially why it is taking me so long to get through the first chapter), so this answer may change a bit if I find more information? but yes, he was born with a visual impairment which the Kaminoans attempted to rectify because of his potential. I think he would be farsighted and have trouble distinguishing things closer up, which is part of the reason why he dislikes “regular clones” as they are hard for him to distinguish (if anyone has any notes to add about this though, I am all ears!) 
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Your point about Crosshair not having something that "others" him is the reason I'm OK with him not looking like Temuera. It would be really bad for him to be a Jango lookalike and still choose fascism of his own free will w/o the chip.
As much as naturally white hair would be cool due to actual "mutations" seen in real-life humans, I wouldn't want to use genetic conditions that have historically been stigmatized for the antagonist. Like I said... it just reinforces that stigmatization. Characters with albinism or various skin differences--like vitiligo too--are often portrayed as deviant or evil in our media.
We already otherize these people. As neat as representation is, we always have to ask ourselves, "Is that representation doing more harm than good?"
(Maybe he starts out b/ald. No hair. Ever. Only b/ald.)
The whitewashing in general is a problem and it's a tricky situation making someone-- who should be modeled in his design after a Māori man if it weren't for whitewashing-- a fascist.
Now, if the writers were actually trying to bring us a well-rounded story, they could have made an interesting commentary on the role that certain people within powerless classes can play in the propagation of their class' own oppression when they attempt to play by the oppressor's rules. But that's a tricky narrative if it's not handled right and not handled by black, brown, and indigenous writers (whose presence is quite lacking in writer's rooms).
Crosshair has been attempting to separate himself and “rebrand” himself from a powerless class of people for- likely- his entire life, partially because he has an “inflated sense of self and [a] desire for power.” In his attempt to rebrand himself, he is complicit in the enslavement of his brothers and actively reproduces the system that denies them social and political power.
He’s egotistical, he’s insecure, and he knows that he’s expendable (that’s part of the insecurity), so flees to militarism and a regime with an ideology of “might is right” and “power is righteous.” He goes absolutely off the rails because the Empire’s treatment of his squad and decommissioning of the Clones forces him to face his biggest insecurity and face the fact that he may be wrong and he really is just like every other clone. But his ego could never allow for that, so he becomes even more power hungry and unhinged. X
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031cinephile · 3 years
The 42nd Durban International Film Festival - Framing the Future, Cinema Unleashed
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Durban International Film Festival has selected films with the theme “Framing the Future, Cinema Unleashed”. The University of KwaZulu-Natal’s Centre for Creative Arts will host the Durban International Festival (DIFF) from 22 July to 1 August 2021. This year, for its 42nd edition, the festival curated a film programme that focuses on narratives that will speak hope for tomorrow.
The programming team received over 3000 films, and after an intense selection process, the festival has curated a film programme consisting of over 120 shorts, documentaries and feature films.
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With the theme “Framing the Future, Cinema Unleashed”, the plots in the selected films, through different lenses, provide meaningful solutions on how to adapt to our dynamic and ever-changing environment. The programme includes several films that offer solutions to questions that haven’t been asked yet, broadening our viewpoints and allowing for robust critical discourse. 
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"The Durban International Film Festival has been a platform that celebrates a legacy of supporting South African and African filmmakers as well as our partnership with a global film industry. Programming DIFF 2021 was fascinating, given the challenges faced in 2020 globally across the different industries that contribute to the film landscape.  The diversity in the narratives in the submissions is a testament to the resilience shown by filmmakers who continued to work their craft. As is every year, the selection is a daunting task, which the programming team took to diligently and as it is for me, yearly, the heartbreak that comes with not being able to screen more films than allotted. We hope that the selections, a culmination of months of hard work, will speak to our audiences as much as they have moved us.” says Head of Programming Chipo Zhou. 
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At the heart of the Durban International Film Festival is a mission to enable partnerships that aim to strengthen the film industry and create opportunities for African, and newer voices. 
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Encounters Documentary Film Festival will co-premiere four African documentaries in partnership with DIFF. Murder in Paris, directed by Enver Samuels, a political crime-thriller that traces the motives for the assassination of anti-Apartheid activist Dulcie September. I Am Here, where we meet the phenomenal 98-year old Ella Blumenthal through the eyes of the director Jordy Sank. The Colonel’s Stray Dogs, a profile of political activist Ashur Shamis, who lives with a million-dollar bounty on his head after a lifetime in Muammar Gadaffi’s crosshairs, directed by Ashurs father, Khalid Shamis. The Last Shelter, by Malian director Ousmane Samassekoou, in which we journey to the Malian city of Goa on the edge of the breathtaking Sabel Dester, where audiences get an inside look into the infamous House of Migrants. Zinder, directed by Aicha Macky, is a town in Niger, where in the impoverished area of Kara-Kara, which used to be the lepers’ district, a culture of gang violence reigns. In I am Samuel, directed by Pete Murimi, we are given a window into the life of Kenya’s LGBQTI community where Samuel, a gay Kenyan man, has to balance his duty to his family with the care of his partner. 
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The missions to create inclusion in the film industry is emphasised through a robust community engagement programme titled isiPhethu. This year, the programme will host various online workshops and seminars. Additionally, through valuable partnerships, some films by up and coming filmmakers will be screened as part of the DIFF programme. One of these partnerships is the one with Social Transformation and Empowerment Projects (STEPS). This non-profit media company works with documentary film to connect filmmakers, audiences, and organisations, giving marginalised and disadvantaged communities a voice to inspire social change. The recent Mzansi in the time of Covid-19 project, a collection of four documentary short films on Covid-19 that engages diverse audiences in open discussions about the impact of the virus on South African individuals and communities, will screen at DIFF. These films are Lindela under Lockdown, directed by Sihle Hlophe, Schools Shut Down, directed by Kastarine Kgola, Jeanette Makes Masks, directed by Nadine Cloete and Lefu – The Funeral, directed by Omelga Mthiyane.
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The University of KwaZulu-Natal’s Centre for Creative Arts (CCA), will host the Durban International Festival (DIFF) from 22 July to 1 August 2021. This year, for its 42nd edition, the festival presents a programme of close to 140 feature films, documentaries and short films alongside an exciting industry programme: Isiphethu.
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On 22 July, DIFF 2021 opens with a virtual screening of the action-thriller, The Eagle’s Nest, by Cameroon Born British director Olivier Assoua. From 23 July all other films will be available to watch for free online. Documentary ‘Threshold’ by the Brasilian Coraci Ruiz is the closing film and will be screening on 1 August just after the annual DIFF Award Ceremony. The DIFF jury is consisting of an international team of industry specialists including South African producer Cait Pansegrouw, filmmaker Sam Soko from Kenya and Dutch producer Raymond Van Der Kaaij.
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The DIFF Awards Head of programming, Chipo Zhou is proud to announce the films in competition, that are diverse but have a common thread. “The DIFF deliberately cultivates indigenous talent development and grants access to audiences and aspirant filmmakers particularly women, children, LGBTQI+ communities in highly conservative regions of the world. Ultimately, all the narratives in competition speak to this vision and are an illustration of the challenges of overcoming adversity and adapting to an altered world — one where, sadly, not everyone has fared so well. These are the kinds of stories that DIFF sought out this year, stories of hope, stories that show the light at the end of the tunnel, even if for now, it seems like just a flicker. “ says Zhou.
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Documentaries in the 2021 Competition:
Areum Married, in which director Areum Parkkang tries juggling her film and her marriage in this autobiographical documentary. The Republic of Korea, 2021
As I Want, directed by an emerging voice in Arabic documentary film making, Samaher Alqadi, who picks up her camera as a form of protection and begins documenting the growing women’s rebellion. Egypt, 2021
Downstream to Kinshasa, in which director Dieudo Hamadi shares the forgotten tragedy of the victims of the six-day war in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 2021
Hard Livings, a film about a city, a country and a continent plagued by ills stemming from inequality, directed by Solomon Staggie, South Africa, 2021
I Am Here, in which we meet the phenomenal 98-year old Ella Blumenthal through the eyes of the director Jordy Sank. South Africa, 2021
I, Mary, in which director Aliki Saragas Georgiou shares a lyrical telling of Regina Mary Ndlovu’s story who is a survivor of a lifetime of sexual abuse, and a fiercely determined woman with Albinism. South Africa, 2021
Mein Vietnam, about a Vietnamese couple that has been living in Germany for the past 30 years by director Thi Hien Mai. Germany/Vietnam, 2020
Murder in Paris, a political crime thriller doccie that traces the motives for the assassination of anti-Apartheid activist, Dulcie September by director Enver Samuel. South Africa, 2021
Postcard, Finding an old picture postcard of a mountain village marks the start of an existential journey for director Asmae El Moudir. She explores life in Zawia, Morocco, where her mother was born. Morocco, Qatar, 2020
The Colonel’s Stray Dogs, a profile of political activist Ashur Shamis, who lives with a million-dollar bounty on his head after a lifetime in Muammar Gadaffi’s crosshairs, directed by Ashurs father, Khalid Shamis. South Africa, 2021
The Last Shelter, by Malian director Ousmane Samassekoou, in which we journey to the Malian city of Goa on the edge of the breath-taking Sabel Dester, where audiences get an inside look into the infamous House of Migrants. South Africa, 2021
The Sit-In, Harry Belafonte Hosts The Tonight Show, in which director Yoruba Richen examines the importance of this lost broadcast history through vibrant interviews. USA, 2021
Zinder, directed by Aicha Macky, is a town in Niger, where in the impoverished area of Kara-Kara, which used to be the lepers’ district, a culture of gang violence reigns. Niger, 2021
Features in the 2021 Competition:
Coming of age story, A Little Bird Reminds Me, directed by Shi Xin, follows the joys, sorrow and struggle of a Chinese boy and his family during the last decade of the 20th century. China, 2020
Granada Nights, directed by Abid Khan, in which a British-Pakistani tourist must mend his broken heart before he can restart his life in the transient city of Granada in Spain. UK, 2021
Psychological thriller Lost directed by Driss Roukhe in which a young woman finds herself in the middle of a conspiracy. Morocco, 2021
My Son, directed by Equan Choe, in which a father, taking care of his 18-year old, handicapped son, can’t turn his son down as he declares his independence, Republic of Korea, 2020
Nandi, directed by Khalid EL-Jelailati, follows the spiralling journey of Nandi in the underbelly of the criminal world. South Africa, 2021
Pusha Pressa Phanda, directed by Dick d’vLz Reubïn, follows the story of street youth Mandisa as she struggles to obtain medication and sanitary pads for her sister who is under her care, South Africa, 2021
Rickshaw Girl, a personal story, directed by Amitabh Reza Chowdhury in which a daring and artistic Bangladeshi teenaged girl disguises herself as a boy and braves the dangers of the big city. Bangladesh, 2021
Sons of the Sea, directed by John Gutierez, in which a gifted reclusive teenager from a poor South African fishing community, is pressured by his older brother to steal two bags of ocean treasure – abalone, from a dead man. South Africa, 2020
Valentina, directed by Cássio Pereira dos Santos in which trans girl and her mother move to a new town in order to start fresh, but quickly face dilemmas when the local high school needs a second parental signature for enrolment. Brasil, 2020
The opening film, action-thriller The Eagle’s Nest, directed by Olivier Assoua, a story set in Africa on migration and poverty.UK/Cameroon, 2021
The full programme of shorts, consisting of a selection of 52 powerful short films that were thoughtfully curated for DIFF2021, are in competition.
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Programme and details The full programme, alongside all the films that will be screening, is accessible through www.durbanfilmfest.com. Tickets for the virtual screenings are only available from South Africa for free, and are only accessible through a booking system, which opened on 21 July.
The 42nd edition of the festival is organised by the University of KwaZulu-Natal’s Centre for Creative Arts, in partnership and with the support of the KZN Film Commission, the National Film and Video Foundation, Department of Arts & Culture, the Film and Publications Board and other valued funders and partners.
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ann-i-inthestars · 2 years
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Baby Bad Batch!
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ann-i-inthestars · 2 years
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Crosshair, Echo and my OC child clone Ray'nin from my story Mar'eyir Aliit. They're the most precious little family ever.
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ann-i-inthestars · 2 years
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Get out of my head! Get out of my head!
Crosshair knew it was futile to argue, to fight. No matter how hard he tried, how desperate he was to take control of his body once more, he just couldn't. The Voice had complete control and there was nothing he could do. He could struggle and break every mirror he looked into all he wanted, but it was useless. The Voice was winning. He had no choice but to obey.
Good soldiers follow orders, after all.
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ann-i-inthestars · 2 years
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Wrecker and Crosshair, beloved batchers! Little sketch thing to practice armor.
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