#cross of jesus
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My thoughts:
Never come down from the Cross, even let yourself be nailed to it with the Lord Jesus. All graces flow from the Cross and must be redeemed by suffering.
May God bless you and wipe away the tears from your eyes +
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Because Holy Week is around the corner, I was reminiscing to this past summer when I had an opportunity to see a splinter from the cross of Jesus.
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enlargemycoast3 · 2 years
John the Baptist came preaching a word of repentance….then Jesus came.
Repentance Vs. Confession:
When one first comes to Christ, they must repent and make Jesus the Lord of their life. (Romans 10:9-10). In the act of repentance, one turns from the world and makes a change. Afterwards, if we sin, 1 John 1:9 tells us that if we “confess” our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive our sins. So we have moved from repentance to confession.
Many Believers today are living in “a doctrine ” of constant repentance…we are not called to that place. Those who do, fail to see Gods’ grace continually at work within them. We live in His ongoing forgiveness that is provided for us, as (1 John 1:9) tells us that if we walk in the light, (notice it says “if” we walk in the light), we are “continuously” cleansed from all unrighteousness through His blood. (Amplified) Those who live a life of repentance, will never enjoy, nor can they know the fullness that is available to them through Gods grace. Living in a constant state of repentance appeals only to the flesh. Hebrews 1:6 tells us to move on from repentance and move into maturity. “Therefore, let us leave the elementary teaching of Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works, faith in God, etc.”
The flesh is always looking for ways to earn its way to God, or to earn His approval in order to perfect oneself, when in Christ, we have already been made perfect. (Hebrews 10:14) At times, people have tried to make the biblical term “threshing floor”..(a place of ongoing lamenting), to become a place of reality for those who already know Christ and are forgiven, but this too is only an act of the flesh, trying to make one more holy, when we are already counted as holy in Christ.
A life of always believing that repentance is where we stay, will keep us at the cross. At that point, we have failed to see the cross as a “finished” work. Jesus went on and resurrected to life. Forgiveness was provided, just the same as our healing and peace. So, as Believers, if we sin, we “confess” our sins, but we move on and “live” in the forgiveness of Christ. We don’t keep doing our first works over through “repentance”. We’ve been forgiven. Let us live in the provision of His forgiveness through His great grace!
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oldpoet56 · 2 months
A Few Things For Us To Think About ( #1709 )
A Few Things For Us To Think About ( #1709 )   1.) When we pray we need to pray to our Father in Jesus’ name by the power of the Holy Spirit! 2.) Our God will put us back together in front of those who have tried to break us! 3.) Jesus said to the Pharisees ” before Abraham was, I am,” do you understand this and why the Pharisees got so irate? 4.) Remember, Jesus told Moses that His name is ” I…
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blinggirlsstuff · 5 months
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kmac4him1st · 6 months
Fickle Favor
This is the beginning of Holy Week. I hope you enjoy this devotional on Palm Sunday, that has a unique theme of Godly wisdom. God bless ya.
Is God’s comfort too little for you? Is his gentle word not enough? What has taken away your reason? What has weakened your vision, that you turn against God and say all these evil things?  Job 15:11-13 NLT They plotted against Jesus to kill Him because nothing worked that they tried to do to control Him, to stop His message of truth and life, which was counter cultural to their religiosity of…
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dwuerch-blog · 7 months
I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
Today, March 5th, is Primary Election Day here in Texas.  I am up and at ‘em to head to my polling location where I’ll be working from 6 a.m. until 8 p.m. tonight.  I am stoked.  I can’t begin to convey how patriotic I feel about being a part of this process.    There will be long lines of voters despite the last two weeks of Early Voting opportunities.  Many people will say to us, “Thank you…
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tom4jc · 8 months
January 19, 2024 Memory Verse
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rwhitlow1 · 10 months
Enjoy this song from Thankful 2020.
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scripture-pictures · 1 year
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chanrizard · 8 months
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mashed potato channie 🖤
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"My God, with the Cross you have won my heart, and behold, I am all yours."
Servant of God Mother J. Karska. Poland 🇵🇱
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junipers-insects · 7 months
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The next logical step after drawing them all in dresses
(edit: I swear if one more person says anything about horror I'm deleting this)
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gratitude73 · 2 years
Gratitude Day 1335
My loving Lord, I thank You for Your unwavering commitment to sacrifice Yourself for us all. I thank You for this unfathomable depth of true love. Give me the grace I need, dear Lord, to turn away from all forms of selfish love so as to imitate and participate in Your most perfect sacrificial love. I do love You, dear Lord. Help me to love You and others with all my heart. Jesus, I trust in You
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texaschainsawmascara · 8 months
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zu-is-here · 4 months
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<– • –>
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