sillydinosaurdaze · 5 months
Ship childs del croopy!
Manu(8 años) y Scarlett(10 años)
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orisuperstarj53 · 1 year
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margicristal13 · 12 days
Hola señorita margi , tengo una idea para un dibujo croopy
En el dibujo cross esta sentado en un sofá , con su manga larga negra pero normal , y el esta viendo su teléfono , mientras que goopy esta alado suyo durmiendo recostada sobre su pierna , y cross tiene su otra mano sobre el vientre de goopy , porque ella está embarazada , y en el vientre de goopy se puede ver el alma de su bebé ,
( PD : goopy tiene su vestido negro del shiptober day 5 , y que el vientre de goopy se un poco grande , es decir que su vientre está de 27 semanas de embarazo )
Para explicar mejor el dibujo , es tipo como este
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no me gusto como quedo la luz y sombra
cross by @xtaleunderverse\@jakei95
goopy by sunnycider
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dzmoot · 7 months
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I don't know what time
After a horrible night in our rinky dink, tattered tent, we set out to collect our Croopies. At first, we all split up to do odd jobs and collect as many coins as we could. Siobhan sold what little chewing gum she had to the locals and Yam Yam and I performed various magic tricks outside the town square, pulling lunar bunnies out of hats, you know. The locals weren't the least bit entertained by our efforts (they were all sourpusses) but we did manage to gather around 30 coins each by the end of the day. Kruonch set out doing sand carpentry and he was able to use that nose of his as a drill. Needless to say, he gathered quite a coin collection at the end of his shift. As for Zappy, that bright idea of his wasn't all that bad either. He took part in an ostrobot walker race and came in second. He won over 100 coins!
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At the end of the day, we returned to the tent and counted our coins. Together, we had all made about 275 Croopies! We were so overwhelmed, giddy as schoolgirls that we would be able to give it all to Snozcraggle and finally get off this sand ball in our newly repaired sleigh. We made our way to Snoz's repair tent where he had the Spaceslinger all fixed and ready to go but upon seeing our coin collection, something quite unexpected happened. Now I've seen Tuuns get mad and make a variety of faces, but no creature on the moon or the entire universe for that matter made a face like Snoz. His giant blue nose shrunk into his face, his eyes quadrupled and more teeth protruded from the roof and floor of his mouth like spikes in a booby trap. He was pissed.
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Those aren't Croopies you moronic morons! You have 275 matroopies! It takes 300 matroopies to make ONE Croopie and you still owe me about 249! Looks like you're gonna be stuck here awhile. Lucky for you, I've arranged a little exchange!
I was ready to hex Snoz into the next millennia or perhaps put some witch hazel in his soda pop but before we could do anything, even make a run for it in our sleigh, we were all tied up, literally. Snoz had us all chained together as a strange chariot pulled by one eyed seahorses emerged from the sand mounds. The Blue Sand Planet sure had some ugly inhabitants. They made me, a green pig with a slimy snout look like Brad Pitt.
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The monstrosity on the chariot was corpulent and had what appeared to be massive boils on his belly which squirted pus right in our faces. It reminded me of the time I drank a milkshake made with spider venom, making my face as bubbly as a moon's crater.
Lord Bliss Torbelly has agreed to take you as his personal slaves. You'll work for him for one matroopie a week! Until then, I keep your little sleigh.
When I asked how many days in a week there were on the planet, Snoz grinned like the malevolent turd he was!
20 days! Like I said, you're stuck here for a while, you pickled porcupine brained fools!
Bliss Torbelly had a laugh a lot like Count Claus, but in an evil gangster kinda way. He grabbed onto our chain and dragged us all the way to his palace. All I could think about along the way was that DAMN COSMIC CAT! If it hadn't bombarded into our ship, none of this would have ever happened and we'd be on the planet Dinhcara by now, reunited with the Cosmic Spiders instead of becoming slaves to a giant pimple slug! However, as we were dragged away along the sand, leaving a trail of tails and footprints in our wake, Zappy had another bright idea. He whispered it into my ear and I immediately grinned. Turns out our days in slavery were going to be short lived after all. But if we were going to pull this off, we would need to be crafty and cunning and sneaky as snakes in the grass!
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epic-and-kitty · 2 years
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18tpaz · 6 years
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now if that ain’t the three main weapons of Rey
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thoughtsmoondust · 3 years
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@first.watch #florida Floridian French toast … lol good idea of Florida as a breakfast (at First Watch - Brier Creek) https://www.instagram.com/p/CROoPi-NYDVr-46l8Lv8qZUwUK2ii59uNVpjR80/?utm_medium=tumblr
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vidadestra · 4 years
Banco Central apresenta projetos de inovação financeira
LIFT Day 2021 ocorre até sexta-feira
  Arredondar valores de compras para aplicar o excedente no mercado financeiro, desenvolver títulos de preservação de florestas, oferecer microcrédito a agricultores familiares pela internet. Essas são algumas novidades a serem apresentadas ao longo desta semana pelo Laboratório de Inovações Tecnológicas (LIFT), coordenado pelo Banco Central (BC) e pela Federação Nacional das Associações dos Servidores do Banco Central (Fenasbac).
As inovações estão sendo apresentadas no LIFT Day, que começou ontem (23) e vai até sexta-feira (26). Com o objetivo de divulgar ações que podem facilitar a vida de poupadores e de consumidores, e estimular a competição no mercado financeiro, o evento está sendo realizado online neste ano e pode ser acompanhado ao vivo no canal do Banco Central no Youtube.
A programação pode ser conferida neste endereço. Além das iniciativas da indústria financeira, estão sendo apresentados os resultados do LIFT Learning, projeto piloto realizado em parceria com a Universidade de Brasília (UnB), que aproxima universitários, agências de fomento e empresas do setor financeiro.
Confira os projetos de inovação que serão apresentados no LIFT Day 2021:
Poupix – visa inserir novas pessoas no mercado de investimento por meio do arredondamento de valores de compra para aplicar o valor do arredondamento.
Ativo Digital Florestal – propõe desenhar, implementar e demonstrar a execução da geração de títulos florestais (de preservação ou de áreas cultivadas) verificáveis e automatizados por dados que permitam a criação de um novo mercado e serviços ambientais.
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BankHUB – regtech que pretende fornecer uma plataforma de iniciação para bancos e fintechs que desejam ingressar no sistema financeiro brasileiro.
Billapp – plataforma financeira para gerenciamento e pagamento de diversas contas.
Bipp – marketplace integrado a um sistema de pagamentos em que produtores agrícolas, sob o monitoramento de certificadoras orgânicas, podem apresentar seus produtos, negociar com compradores da indústria de beneficiamento e liquidar a operação por meio de conta digital.
Caishen – plataforma financeira para auxiliar a gestão dos micros e pequenos empreendedores, e focada nos pilares da educação financeira e competitividade.
Croopi – plataforma de cooperação em massa, que permite que pessoas possam construir patrimônio apoiando empresas e negócios sustentáveis.
Culte – plataforma para oferecer microcrédito ao pequeno produtor da agricultura familiar, que ainda não tem acesso ao sistema bancário.
Farm ID – ferramenta que utiliza inteligência artificial para análise de informações, voltada para o agronegócio.
Fincatech – plataforma de centralização de informações e avaliações sobre fintechs.
Inco – marketplace para originar financiamentos de projetos imobiliários, fomenta a competição entre as instituições e a redução do spread bancário.
Julius – ferramenta que une educação financeira a uma ferramenta prática de controle financeiro.
Kalea – marketplace para operações de crédito, em que o destaque é dado para quem busca financiamento.
LIV Pagamento – solução tecnológica que dispensa conexão direta à internet, demanda apenas recursos que já estão disponíveis em celulares mais simples e, por ser baseada em QR code, é integrável ao Pix.
Modelo de Sucesso Compartilhado – opção de financiamento para estudantes que podem se capacitar para a vida digital e só pagar a dívida após obter um emprego que ofereça salário acima de um determinado valor pré-acordo.
Pluggy – plataforma para Open Banking no Brasil, que oferece a infraestrutura para a conexão privada de fontes de dados entre usuários e instituições financeiras.
Preks – solução que provê infraestrutura tecnológica necessária às negociações secundárias de precatórios, tornando-as mais transparentes, ágeis e inclusivas.
Pulsar – propõe uma plataforma para a oferta de créditos específicos para serviços de saúde.
REConID – plataforma para registro de consentimento, identidade e gestão de um ecossistema de identidade digital descentralizada.
TapOnPhone – solução para dar aos vendedores e às instituições do sistema de pagamento uma alternativa de ponto de venda (POS) baseada em um aplicativo para celular sem a necessidade de nenhum outro equipamento.
X4Fare – oferece um arranjo de pagamento para serviços de mobilidade urbana, conectando contas transacionais para efetuar o pagamento da passagem com suporte para ambientes de difícil estabilidade de telecomunicações.
  *Esta notícia pode ser atualizada a qualquer momento.
*Fonte: Agência Brasil
  Receba de forma ágil todo o nosso conteúdo, através do nosso canal no Telegram!
O post Banco Central apresenta projetos de inovação financeira apareceu primeiro em Vida Destra.
from Vida Destra https://vidadestra.org/banco-central-apresenta-projetos-de-inovacao-financeira/
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2016larapinta230kms · 7 years
Day 7: Rocky Gully to Ellery Creek (15kms)
So I spent the whole night coughing with the combination of a head cold with a croopy cough exacerbating my asthma. Hard to breathe and not much sleep so I decided to not walk with the group today. It’s a light day so I don’t feel I’m missing out on a spectacular section. 
Nicole, our guide, was on “shopping duty” today to restock our food. Will was the walking guide today. So I went with Nicole to Alice Springs and while she shopped, I went to the medical centre however there were no spaces available to see a doctor. So next option was to speak to a pharmacist. One of the chemists is a compounding chemist and the pharmacist was very helpful. She suggested focusing on treating the asthma and said to increase my doses by double. Good-o! 
Made a couple of chemist purchases - fisherman friends, nasal spray, tissues etc. and then decided to find a coffee. Found a great coffee shop called 27 Pages. Very trendy and good coffee. Found a powerpoint and plugged my iPhone in for a bit of a recharge. Only a few minutes had gone by when “ping” - two SMS’s come through. One from Ian, the other from Katherine. Clearly stalking us (again). Nice to know they miss us! Or maybe they’re bored. Maybe both.
After a few SMS’s back and forth between Katherine and I, the phone rings. Katherine decides talking is easier than texting. So we had a quick natter.
I was due to meet Nicole at 1:15pm to go back to camp. So after a coffee and a ham, cheese and tomato toastie, I was ready to go to the designated meeting place. 
Today’s walk ended at a beautiful swimming hole so all the walkers were going for a dip. Apparently it was freezing! Our campsite tonight is home for the next four nights so it’ll be nice to not have to put the tends up and down each day. And a campire is allowed here so that was soon fired up. Dinner tonight was mashed sweet potato, BBQ steak and sausages, and a delicious green salad. Fruit salad and yoghurt for dessert. So now bed. 
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loueejii · 7 years
Sometimes I hate my dyslexia and sometimes I love it. I just said Croopy instead of Spooky or Creepy
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margicristal13 · 6 months
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goopy by sunnycider
cross by @jakei95/@xtaleunderverse
vani by @kai-drawnarts
origianl by @shayromi
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dzmoot · 7 months
This is Ignatius "Hampire" Krattz
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There's something quite therapeutic about drifting through space in a tin can, watching the stars, planets and everything else pass by like streaks of neon balls and Christmas lights. As a vampire, I enjoy the solitude amongst the stars, clumps of shiny glitter upon the black canvas of space. It makes me miss my cauldron and potions a little bit less. I know what a lot of them are thinking, how can I travel to all these worlds and not disintegrate in the glory of their respective suns. Truth is, I've been quite lucky. Most of the suns I've encountered haven't really had any effect on me. I guess it's only the yellow suns that prove fatal to a vampire. Unfortunately, we found ourselves on a planet with a yellow sun today when a cosmic space cat, cruising through the cosmos with a rainbow in it's wake, careened into the Spaceslinger seemingly out of nowhere. Of course, Siobhan and her father were getting into an argument and those two knuckleheads were napping in the backseat with me so we didn't really see the feline coming but IT CAME, heavily damaging our sleigh.
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We were forced to make a landing on the nearest planet. Wouldn't you know it, it was a hot wasteland desert of a place and upon landing on it's sandy beds, I immediately got sunburnt. I knew it was going to be one of those sunny experiences, so I worked my magic and coded all of us with the proper desert protective against the sun's rays attire. Funny that I can remember that lengthly spell which was only available in the index of my spellbook, Zenius Unum.
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Anyway, we trekked across the desert which Siobhan came to call simply the Blue Sand Planet. No sign of civilization until, what's this, a stray wonderer, trotting through the desert just like us. We told him about the Spaceslinger and the creature led us in the direction of a repairman, a space ship repairman, standing at his station like a little boy selling lemonade on the street corner. What a coincident!
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The creature was called Snozcraggle and he agreed to fix our ship, but it would cost us about 250 of this money they called Croopies. He then pointed us in the direction of the nearest village where we spent the night in a ramshackle, withered desert tent. For the first time, the Tuuns had no choice but to eat the nosh I brought along with me. They slurped up every potion and nibbled on every morsel of my banana slug casserole with engorged ticks. The entire night long, sandstorms whipped at our tent as did garbage from the village. The Blue Sand Planet sure was an unsanitary place. Hopefully, we'll be able to conjure up the money we need in the morning. Zappy has an idea. I sure as hell hope it's a good one!
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18tpaz · 7 years
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margicristal13 · 8 months
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otros 3 dibujos croopy multiverse
idea de  @maxiignaciocalvo y @silvanaquinones5
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margicristal13 · 1 year
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tambien estan estos 3 ya ultimos 6 dibujos croopy terminados me duele la mano TUT
TK!cross by @perfectshadow06/@quantumtale
xswap!papyrus and goofy!chara by @kai-drawnarts
human!cross,monster!goopy and TK!goopy by me
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margicristal13 · 10 months
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otro croopy multiverse y es de reapertale comision @silvanaquinones5
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