#crooked wallpaper photoshoot
callmeblake · 6 years
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Promo sliders from Kerrang magazine instagram to promote Kerrang #1762
Photo Credits: Paul Harries, Justin Borucki, Dave Willis
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armysantiny · 3 years
-[ nct dream: late-night headcanons
P: ot7 dream x gender neutral reader | G: fluff, headcanons | Inc: laughter, playing the guitar, cuddles, taking pictures, art, playing games with them, making ramen, coffee shop runs, Daegal, late-night ice cream bc I said so, I'm in love with boys can you tell??, star-gazing, learning Chinese with Renjun | Wc: 681 | W: food/drink | R: G
Minnie's Notes: Here you go my lovely @renjuns-grillfreind <3
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Mark Lee | 이민형
Late nights with Mark are full of laughter and deep conversations about everything and nothing all at once. Eyes shut as you listen to him cover your favourite songs and embarrassed smiles while he teaches you how to play the guitar. Listening to the curated playlist he made for you while you lay together and watch the ceiling. Sneaking pictures of him without makeup, refusing to delete it because he looks pretty like that and pointing out every little feature you like about it. Hint; it’s everything.
Huang Renjun | 런줜
Twilight hours spent getting lost in various art projects together, watching over Jun’s shoulder as he finishes another one of his pieces. Deep conversations about the future and your goals; he promises to support you as much as humanly possible. Staying up over the phone for little Chinese language lessons while you both fight the urge to sleep. Tracing constellations in the night sky in the park with nothing else but coffee, blankets and all the time in the world. Late-night photoshoots against alleyways, laughing at how bad the picture came out while taking the best ones as shared wallpapers.
Lee Jeno | 이제노
Late nights spent looking at new desk setups and decorations for your shared gaming spaces. Laughing at Hyuck’s incessant yelling down the mics when you ‘accidentally’ let yourself get killed in-game to spend more time with Jeno away from the screen. Content smiles when he wraps his arms around you from behind while you’re making hot chocolates, his head buried in the crook of your neck. Constant discussions over adopting a puppy and all the aesthetic things the pair of you could do as pup-parents.
Lee Donghyuck | 이동혁
Staying up watching as he plays round after round with the others, chuckling as he shouts obscenities over his headphones. Filming Hyuck to use as ‘blackmail’ material in the group chat later on. Popping open a can for the pair of you when he finally finishes playing, the clock hits two am easily. Throwing a pillow in his face when he suggests something absolutely insane and laughing at his over-the-top offended face. Pretending to film that reality show he keeps talking about whenever he starts going off on one of his tangents. Sharing snacks while you bicker over what to watch and watching the same show for the nth time.
Na Jaemin | 나재민
Late night coffee runs where you gawk at the sheer amount of extra espresso shots he adds to his drink order. Running after him as he pulls you to the next 24/7 café he finds. Listening to him ramble about his day while you watch with an endeared smile because how does he still have all this energy? Waking up at unholy times because Jaemin’s calling you over to bake muffins with him. Enjoying your freshly made midnight snacks with a drama marathon wrapped under blankets.
Zhong Chenle | 천러
Falling asleep against his shoulder three dramas into your tv marathon, his hands gently laced through your hair. Playing with Daegal and struggling not to wake up the entire neighbourhood with your shared laughter, the small dog just too cute. Wandering the convenience store looking for the best midnight snack before settling on buying an entire bag full because no one could come up with a clear answer. Nibbling on the bag of snacks on the way home while ranting about each other’s day and making fun of his hyungs – with good intentions.
Park Jisung | 박지성
Waking up to Jisung pleading you to join him on one of his late-night craving-induced trips to the store to get ice creams. Laughing about your brain freezes while trying to down the frozen treats. Watching (read; supervising) him make ramen and applauding when he manages to not burn the kitchen down; his hyungs aren’t exactly keen on waking up to the smell of a burnt kitchen and a panicking Park Jisung. Eating said ramen by the balcony and watching the rain hit the ground outside. Counting as many graveyard shift workers making their way across the street and wondering what their day looks like. Laying in each other’s lap and relaxing while you play with each other’s hair.
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© copyright work of armysantiny 2022-2023
Networks: @kwritersworld, @kdiarynet, @ultkpopnetwork, @whipped-kpop-creators, @prism-nw, @k-library, @knet-bakery, @kpclub,@dreamwritersnet, @nct-writers, @neoturtles, @nctcreations, @nct-frathouse, @aandmlibrary
If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading! Consider reblogging, leaving some feedback or donating to my kofi!
Taglist: @teeztheflag, @jeonqquk, @mikailo666, @babyboobean, @taem-min, @iiindigocheesecake, @xavi-in-kpopland | Taglist form
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silverwhiteraven · 3 years
Wings of Broken White - Ch.8
Tag List: @marichatmay
[ Posted on Ao3 ] [ Chapter 1 ] [ Chapter 7 ] [ Chapter 9 ]
Marinette and Chat Blanc continued to see each other sporadically after their midnight meeting full of emotional rollercoastering and winged secrets. He had told Ladybug about it a few days after, leaving out the part about Marinette’s revealing of having wings. It made her heart skip to know that he would keep a secret that wasn’t his to tell even if he didn’t have to. Ladybug thanked him for being honest with her and told him to be careful, but she was happy he got the chance to spread his wings around another friend.
Ladybug also offered to increase their patrols together if he ever wanted to practice flying with her. She even teasingly said something along the lines of them both needing the benefit of practicing with each other, just in case they ever had to have each other’s backs during a fight in the skies. He accepted, looking giddy to get even more opportunities to fly with another. She also found it unfairly adorable when he joked that he wouldn't get jealous if she wanted to fly around with one of her own civilian friends.
The two even thought about the possibility of some day both flying with their civilian friends together. Ladybug had to hide her giggle at the thought that she might have to break the news that Ladybug and Marinette could never fly together, if this proposed group flight practice were to ever take place.
But Ladybug did confess to Chat Blanc, that if she were to ever choose a civilian to fly with, it would be either Nino Lahiffe or Alya Césaire, because if there was anyone besides Marinette Dupain-Cheng that was trustable, it had to be the people Marinette herself trusted most. Chat hardly held back on his approval of the choices, and it made her laugh to see his bright antics.
After that, several more months passed by the duo, and the world. School was nearing the end of another year. Akuma’s were just as rare and random as ever. Best of all, Chloé had continued to be reprimanded by an ever vigilant Adrien. She was starting to almost mellow out as the fact slowly sunk in that someone she cared about and who cared about her, too, was actually willing to go against her, and even leave her, because she was in the wrong.
All of this led up to an end of school project for their class.
The students were to work together in equal shares to put on a play, telling either one of the fairy tale stories they had studied in class, or one they made up on their own. Nino had proposed that they make a short movie out of the project so that the fruit of their joint efforts could be shared outside of class. The teacher thought the idea was brilliant, and gave them extra time and afterschool privileges to help them set up.
Marinette had been a little tired the day the class was assigning the roles. Her mind only half paid attention, causing her replies to be badly timed and delayed. Because of it, an interesting selection of character parts were assigned.
“Now, I know we’ve been delaying assigning the lead roles,” Nini spoke from where he stood at the front of the room, acting as one of the movie’s directors, “ but I wanted to make sure everyone knew what the other options were before a bunch of people tried to jump at being the Knight of the Princess. So let’s start. Any volunteers or votes for the Knight’s Princess?”
There was various various calls of names and a few ‘me!’s, and most of it all went over Marinette’s head. The only part that really registered was ‘votes for the Knight’, so Marinette half-heartedly pipped in, “Adrien could do it.”
The room went quiet and all eyes turned to her like she had just declared herself to be an Akuma or something. She blinked, wondering what she said.
Nino was the one to break the silence with a crooked and amused smile. “Marinette, you want Adrien to be the Princess?”
She gaped like a fish, realizing she had heard his earlier question completely and utterly wrong. She waved her arms around and she stuttered, trying, and failing, to clear away her mistake. She froze when Adrien burst out laughing, clearly not offended or even upset.
“Why not?” Adrien chuckled as he calmed. “Not the first time I’ve been told I’m pretty enough to be royalty. It would be a nice break from the cool-guy look I’ve been doing at photoshoots lately, too.”
The room started to buzz again with noise. It seemed everyone was considering it, liking the idea of breaking away from assigning a girl to be the Princess.
Alya pipped up above the others mischievously. “So if Adrien get’s to be the Princess, who’s taking the role of Knight? Another of the boys, or one of the girls? At this point, anyone can take the spot since we’ve decided to ignore traditional gender roles. Any volunteers?”
There was more discussion filling the room at that declaration, and a few people glanced at Chloé. She had probably been gunning for the role of Princess, but now she seemed to be pouting. “If Adrien is taking the lead role, then I still want a good one. But I refuse to be a smelly Knight! I’d rather be the King.” She stated decidedly, and the class chuckled and murmured their acceptance of her decision. They were happy to have her not throwing a fuss. It was rather refreshing, actually, to see her still being dramatic but cooperative with the class.
Murmurs continued as the class discussed the role of Knight. Marinette stayed out of it, too embarrassed that she might mess up again. It wasn’t long before Adrien hummed to himself and turned to her.
“Marinette? Would you like to be the Knight to my Princess?” She squeaked at the sudden proposal, and the class hushed. Adrien turned to the others, a small but confident smile on his lips. “She’s helped all of us in Akuma attacks before, right? Marinette acts the part of a Knight saving dames and damsels in distress naturally. I think she could do this, if she wants to, that is,” he adds with a reassuring glance. There wasa round of agreements from the others, before all eyes turned to her, breaths held in anticipation of her answer.
Retreating into the neckline of her oversized shirt to hide a fluster, she nodded her acceptance. There were a few excited woops, and Kim even whistled.
After that, all the roles and assignments for the project were set.
Marinette and Adrien were to be Knight and Princess. Chloé and Juleka took to the King and Queen. Kim and Ivan claimed a joint role of the Dragon for themselves. Rose volunteered to be the Evil Sorceress. Mylène wanted the role as the Knight’s Fairy Guide. Alix was to make props and set backgrounds in the art room. Nathaniel and Alya were the script-writers for the story. Max and Nino were on camera duty with the help of Markov. Sabrina was put in charge of coordinating, scheduling, and final edits.
Lastly, everyone was given two tasks as a group: First, if they had nothing to, they were to help their fellow classmates who were still working. And second, everyone pitches in for the costumes if they can.
Everything went surprisingly smoothly for their project once everything was divided up. Adrien got Chloé to pitch in for the costumes with him, both allowing their immense closets to be raided. Alya and Nino were able to check out cameras from the yearbook and photography clubs. Props became a group-effort when most of the class rather enjoyed, and got carried away with, the art room’s free to use supplies. Some of the musically inclined were putting together a playlist for mood and background music. Kim helped the cast members practice their lines, even standing in for a partner if someone wasn’t there.
It was fun, Marinette had to admit. Up until the inevitable hitch caught up to them, though.
The days of filming their project were upon them. The school’s courtyard had been commandeered for the majority of their sets, empty due to it being a weekend. Large green rolls of poster paper had been used like wallpaper, hung from the second floor banisters to act as a greenscreen. The stairs got covered in painted cardboard so they would look like castle walls and towers from the side.
The entrance to the school was left clear, since the class had deemed it worthy to be its own set background twice over. The first was to act as the front gate to the King and Queen’s castle for the opening scene outside. The second would be from the inside, doors closed and covered with curtains to make it look like the inside of a Great Hall. To give the makeshift Great Hall its finishing touch, Chloé had ‘borrowed’ the fancy chair from her Father’s office to act as a throne.
All in all, things went great. The story and filming opened with the Knight, Marinette, decked out in painted cardboard and foam armor, returning from a mission in another country. He was summoned by the King and Queen immediately upon arrival, to be told that the Princess, Adrien, had been cursed and kidnapped by the Evil Sorceress. To their credit, Juleka and Chloé actually did an amazing job of acting and looking like emotionally distressed parents who just lost their daughter. And when they did a flashback scene in one of the classrooms, Rose proved to be one scary Evil Sorceress with Adrien a perfect damsel in distress. They did have to redo the scene several times, though, because the Queen, Juleka, was having trouble not looking like she wished she was being kidnapped by a very pretty girl instead.
The Fairy Guide, Mylène, was then called forth to help assist the Knight in tracking down the Evil Sorceress and navigate through the Magic Woods. This part took a mix of walking along the makeshift greenscreen wall multiple times and actually going out to a few of the parks around Paris. They had to admit to themselves, though, that they mostly just wanted to run around in-costume and have fun, as well as eat a picnic that Alya’s mother and Marinette’s father had both contributed to after hearing about the project.
It was the pre-rescue battle scene that caused the hiccup. The class artists had done a too-good job on the two-person costume of their Dragon. Kim sat upon Ivan’s shoulders, allowing the Dragon to have an impressive two and a half metre height from head to ground. Kim was also very set on being very animated and expressive with the Dragon, so the mouth, full of sharp paper mache fangs, opened and closed at his command while he threw glitter out like it was fire. Ivan controlled the legs, wings, and body, which all had moving parts for mobility. The legs were strapped to his own, so they walked and stepped when he did. The wings were controlled by Ivan’s Raven wings, allowing them to move realistically. Kim, acting as the neck, would twist around, and Ivan, needing to keep balance, would follow his movements, causing the whole dragon to lumber around and sway like it was alive.
The Fairy Guide, Mylène, couldn't bring herself to face the Dragon at all, let alone appear on set with it. What really took them off guard, however, was the Akuma that came along as the class was gathered around Mylène.
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callmeblake · 6 years
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Kerrang Issue #1762  (sources 1, 2)
Magazine Release Date:  February 27th, 2019
Photo Credits: Paul Harries, Justin Borucki, Dave Willis
Issue Label: March 3rd,  2019
See versions of two (but not these exact here and here)
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callmeblake · 4 years
when did 451 things tagged justin borucki happen?
justin borucki
of course there are certainly doubles or even triples, but if that’s all the info you have it’s going to be a LONG search.
I do have a few subsets:
fine art prints
three cheers recording session
motorcycle bus photoshoot
twig photoshoot
three cheers photoshoot
school desks photoshoot
diner pics for kerrang
quarter machine photoshoot
kill blazer
warped tour guide (same shoot but different jacket)
way family home shoot
red beer photoshoot
green beer photoshoot
bar 81
crooked wallpaper
contact sheet
test photos
those pics from taste of chaos tour
limited edition tour collection
the pics at irving plaza in 2003
Frank specific:
cinder block photoshoot
flower photoshoot
red and orange V jacket
moon motel and weird sunglasses photo are probably the same shoot but I have them tagged separately
abandoned house photoshoot
our frank just loves dressing chairs up in leather jackets
headphones photoshoot (also tagged as log photoshoot as he’s sitting on one in some of them)
corpse paint
https://callmeblake.tumblr.com/search/gibson%20striped%20justin (I haven’t named these yet)
Did I forget something? Most certainly. 
Do I have everything ever taken by Justin? Hell no.
If you still can’t find it drop me a line.
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callmeblake · 6 years
MCR specific tags (WIP)
 EDIT: This is no longer being updated please go HERE for an updated version.
I had this in a page but it kept losing the tags. I have not the patience to put them all in again today.
Please just put it in manually for now on unlinked ones until I do.
Magazine Posters and Articles Lists - all members
Instagram: frankieromustdie
Body: frank’s hands, bare chest, frank’s tummy, frank’s legs, moustache frank,  frank on his knees,  frank's smile
Bands: steve weil and the disco kings, Hybrid, Sector 12,  Pencey Prep, I am a graveyard, LeATHERMØUTH, Frnkiero andthe cellabration, bloodNUN, frank iero and the patience, fiatfv, frank iero and the future violents
Frank’s covers
Frankie in red
Frank in Purple
Frank in Camo
Frank’s hair
Frank in jean jackets
Other: Frank in aviators, white wrist cuff with studs, skeleton gloves, pink and blue striped tie, tiara frank, frank spitting, padlock necklace, bandana frank, misfits gloves, electrified frankie, pimp frank, frank with dogs, shirtless frank, shower frank, frank drinking water, macaroni necklace, mardi gras beads, frank all in black, red and black bandana, frank in a choker, shovel tie, shorts, american flag guitar strap,  frankenstein guitar strap , blindfolded, frank in a suit, pinstripe suit, snap hospital gown, checkered vans, green scarf, frank in glasses, yellow and black shoes, he's wearing a fucking belt/leather strap around his wrist,  frank with records,  fidget spinner, zombie sticker, arizona tea shorts,  transparent sunglasses
Hats: checkered earflap hat, cheese hat, newsies hat, sailor hat, hawaii stocking cap, stocking cap frank, engineer hat, green hat,  riot fest sucks hat,  i need my space nasa hat,  pink milk teeth hat,  carhartt beanie
Shirts: Death Spells Arm Stripe Shirt, jail stripe shirt , hostage shirt , yourcodenameis:milo shirt, gray soft looking sweatshirt, faded wash blue button up shirt, I am a monster shirt, brown velour striped shirt, blue arm stripe shirt, steelers 32 shirt , long sleeved polka dot shirt, protect each other shirt , red sweatshirt with foot on fire, green cunt shirt, inside out shirt, kill shirt, lehigh army rotc shirt, hostage shirt, christian death shirt, hi how are you? shirt, eagle sweatshirt, blue short sleeved shirt with white stitching, browns sweatshirt, danzig shirt, bahama mama cat shirt, navy blue V neck sweater, red shirt under black sweater, voice in the wire shirt, kill 'em all shirt, black flag shirt, bart shirt , green inside out airborne shirt , legalize gay shirt , fred perry polo , raglan shirt , gray sweater, yellow morrissey rose shirt , no love shirt , son of a beach shirt , gray and burgundy striped sweater , blue shoulder adidas shirt t, black shirt with yellow arm stripe , white titty pocket shirt , blue denim titty pocket shirt, yellow and blue stripe plaid shirt, black long sleeved shirt with thin white stripe, wu tang clan shirt , faded wash blue button up shirt , duck hunting shirt , hole heart shirt , plaid titty pocket shirt, ramones shirt, white wives shirt, U.S. army patch shirt , bathory sweatshirt, i got crabs at fisherman's wharf in san francisco shirt , dare shirt, x files shirt, boozey shirt, steel city shirt, short sleeve polo with white trim,  short sleeve polo with white trim button flap, fuck your crew shirt, inside out rick springfield shirt, red muscle shirt, black muscle shirt, dead animal skeletons sleeveless shirt, LBCB shirt, mystery arm stripe shirt, jawbreaker muscle shirt, two tone blue stripe shirt, boozey shirt, inside out holy family nutley shirt, holy family nutley shirt, smiley face shirt, lumberjack shirt, red shirt with white ribbing, green army shirt , kangaroo shirt, chocolate starlight mint shirt, red dad sweater, black short sleeve center buttons shirt, yellow shirt,  black shirt with face on it, royal blue shirt, joy division shirt, coca cola shirt, gray plaid shirt, pizza shirt,  No5 Rescue shirt ,  plaid titty pocket shirt, batman shirt,  nails shirt,  black short sleeved shirt with orange cold button,  white short sleeved shirt with orange cold button,  black t shirt,  frankly scallop I don't give a clam,  goodwill blouse,  steel city shirt,  burgundy trash talk destroy peace sign shirt, navy blue t shirt,  rose bowl 1987 sweatshirt, dave hause starbucks shirt,  grateful dead shirt,  NVRNDR shirt,  blue firmino shirt,  harley davidson eagle shirt,  green striped soccer jersey,  green and blue striped shirt, bleeding smiley face shirt,  soccer jersey,  batman shirt
striped sailor shirt  not to be confused with  black sailor striped shirt or  sailor blue striped shirt
Jackets and hoodies:
patience windbreaker,  cunt sweatshirt , button up hoodie , burgundy hooded sweatshirt, red hoodie , lonsdale london jacket , that damn jacket with the orange pockets , burgundy hoodie , scotch tape jacket , zipper jacket , gray and yellow striped sweater , own name hoodie , racing jacket , white levi denim jacket, denim vest, the banner hoodie, thin white striped hoodie, skeleton crew hoodie, dawn of the dead hoodie, vampire mouth hoodie, adidas windbreaker , jacket with pentagram and finger missing, flair navy blue hoodie. levi fleece lined jacket, skull hoodie, duck hunting hoodie, walt disney world jacket , navy blue hoodie, olive dad sweater, brown dad sweater, never fails to fail me sweatshirt , green coat, carhartt jacket, gray dad sweater with pockets, nylon windbreaker, skeleton ribs hoodie,  skeleton jacket , I heart hoodie, SSE hoodie, wallpaper hoodie, purple cable knit sweater, blue cable knit sweater, black v neck sweater, hoodie with strings,  blue mustangs sweatshirt,  yellow windbreaker,  white stringed neck collar hoodie,  blue alligator dad sweater,  alligator dad sweater,  yellow windbreaker,  fur trimmed coat,  boston hooded sweatshirt,  gray windbreaker,  skull hoodie,  green army sweater,  american nightmare hoodie,  biker jacket,  blue alligator dad sweater with welcome button,  blue alligator dad sweater,  black hoodie,  champion windbreaker,  camo windbreaker,  red and orange V jacket,
Pins/badges: I’m a mess pin, skeleton crew button
Guitars: Gibson ES,  cheap trick bullseye guitar, phant o matic, green guitar, epiphone 50th, blue guitar, red guitar, orange guitar, yellow guitar, guitar with metal front, ftw guitar
Gerard’s art, bat buckle, striped scarf, blue suit, checkered shoes, gerard way smoking, purple gerard, velvet suit, bat buckle
jacket with diamond shapes, kill blazer, black and white coat, white levi denim jacket, candy apple red jacket, C.Taylor Jacket, thin white striped hoodie, black poncho , vomit poncho, T jacket, dead pegasus jacket, faux fur coat, green perry jacket
Hats: beanie gerard, ‘70s hat
Hair: orange hair gerard, red hair gerard, scarecrow hair, lemon gerard, blonde gerard, two tone hair, platinum gerard
green t shirt, LA Co. jail shirt , western rose shirt, motorhead shirt, danzig shirt, red white and blue star shirt , madonna shirt, black flag shirt, sternum shirt, rolling stones shirt, polka dot shirt , faded wash blue shirt, green schoeneck shirt, , dr. pepper shirt, alkaline trio shirt, pink lips shirt, quiet riot shirt, inside out quiet riot shirt, iron maiden shirt, HAMBURGLAR SHIRT, number 5 shirt, green army shirt, planet of the apes shirt, christmas plaid shirt, plaid shirt, hawaiian shirt , iggy pop shirt, blue shirt with yellow arm stripe, green skull and crossbones shirt,  skull and crossbones tie,  blue gingham shirt,  the crow shirt,  planets shirt, t
Events: nccc2016, NYCC2016, twitch stream 2016, twitch stream 2017, wondercon, morrisoncon,
gerard way smoking, black tie with thin white stripe, velvet suit, zero mask, camo gee, red and black bandana, orange sunglasses, unicorn pin
Ray:  blue heart hoodie, Ray’s HAIR
Mikey:  Mikey in green sailboat shirt, misfits vans,  red scarf mikey, mikey in beach shirt, blue and orange skeleton shirt
neil krug, ture lillegraven, justin borucki,  andrew lipovsky, marvin scott jarrett, trip fontaine, Matthias Clamer, brinson banks, rich gaccione, max fairclough, lisa johnson, gene ambo, sarah louise bennett, brandyn leigh,  dani silvia, ben gibson, Chris Anthony, Dave Willis,Dave Hill, paul harries,  jelle wagenaar, chapman baehler, jenny lewis, eddie malluk, danielle levitt, david reich, micah smith, david ellis, tina korhonen, carter, john mcmurtrie, naki, BJ papas, daragh mcdonagh, tony woolliscroft, andrew kendall, jeremy harris, marvin scott jarett, dean chalkley, scarlet page, greg watermann, lego, sean murphy, martin schoeller, pamela littky steve brown, phil mucci, jennifer tzar, brinson banks, jeremy saffer, roberto chamorro, kevin scanlon, daniel meilniczek, derrick santini, jayme thornton, 
school desks photoshoot, chinatown photoshoot,  red jacket photoshoot, fingerchin photoshoot, roses photoshoot, frank and roses, crooked wallpaper photoshoot, storage unit photoshoot, storage unit photoshoot 2, purple curtain photoshoot,  three cheers photoshoot, palm springs, quarter machine photoshoot,  gravel photoshoot, bus photoshoot, abandoned house photoshoot, organ photoshoot, yellow bleachers photoshoot,  chinatown photoshoot, movie theatre photoshoot, flower photoshoot,  log photoshoot , headphones photoshoot,  fire mural, brick photoshoot, teal and brick wall photoshoot,  orange picture photoshoot, green wall photoshoot,  big head photoshoot, twig photoshoot, rolled magazine photoshoot, priest photoshoot, cinder block photoshoot,  bar photoshoot, tunnels, saw blade, shore photoshoot, shore photoshoot 2, shore photoshoot 3, umbrella photoshoot, school desks photoshoot,  kings of the wild frontier, bowie face photoshoot, clockwork photoshoot,  frank holding gerard’s leg, way family home shoot, three cheers photoshoot, yellow skeleton outfit photoshoot, water photoshoot, they came from outer jersey, ray in a tree photoshoot, diner pics for kerrang, never washed denim jacket photoshoot, rolled magazine photoshoot, willow tree photoshoot, scumbag shirt photoshoot, green coat photoshoot t, stairs photoshoot , orange pole photoshoot , gray siding photoshoot , garrote photoshoot , pink hotel photoshoot , bench photoshoot , gold slats photoshoot, gear case photoshoot, carousel photoshoot, radiator photoshoot, motorcycle photoshoot
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