ophiuchus-star · 6 days
A PSA about trucks from a truck driver
I and some colleagues were talking about how we wish everyone could see the safety videos that our company was showing us, because I don’t think most people understand how traffic works in a truck. So here’s some things we wish everyone on the road knew.
- we’re not kidding about tailgating. If you’re right behind us on a straight highway? Chances are we have NO IDEA you’re there, which means we can’t anticipate any of your movements. Plus slowing down takes multiple downshifts, so we might start decreasing speed way earlier than you expect.
- We’re not kidding about any of our blind spots. WE CAN’T SEE YOU, GUYS.
- That bit about slowing down taking a while? The same goes for when you’re in front of us. Don’t cut off a truck. Oh god, PLEASE don’t cut off a truck. If you cut me off, I’m not irritated, I’m terrified. For YOU. It can take 7 to 9 seconds for us to stop. DON’T CUT OFF TRUCKS.
- Before you get mad about how slow we’re going on the highway, keep in mind that many companies govern their vehicles so they literally CAN’T go over 60 or 65. This is a good thing, I promise. Because…
- Do you know what happens when a car meets a truck in an accident? The car gets totaled and the truck needs a new coat of paint. You will not win this fight. I know nobody likes getting stuck behind a big dumb truck, but it’s not worth your life.
We are trying our best to protect you from our 80,000 pound death machines. Please help us out.
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ophiuchus-star · 6 days
I agree with this statement.
Id like to thank everyone for being so pretty for free
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ophiuchus-star · 7 days
Ghost Beauty Standards
So what if ghosts have their own scale for beauty?
Waxy pale skin, half-lidded eyes, empty eyes, colorless lips, ashen complexion, and sunken cheeks.
These are considered the most attractive features of a ghost without the extra bells and whistles.
Tim did not know this when he sat at his desk after pulling a week straight of sleepless case-solving and his desk neighbor was staring at him.
Danny had never seen anyone more beautiful until he noticed Tim. He looked like he could drop dead at any moment. Did he even drink water? Eating?
Those beautiful glassy vacant eyes made Danny blush. He couldn't take his eyes off him.
When class ended Tim sat up Danny heard his back crack from his still position. Thoughts of rigor mortis filled his head and the sound of popping bones was almost a turn-on. Danny didn't even know what that said about him.
Danny had to consider what to do next to tame his feelings. He could stop his attraction by helping his classmate improve his health. Or he could satisfy his urges by courting him.
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ophiuchus-star · 11 days
Danny is gravely injured by the GIW, his voice box is severely damaged.
Making use of his own voice is impossible, but through some ghostly means Danny doesn’t quite understand, he can mimic others voices he hears just fine.
It’s a ghostly ability he found out he had a few years ago, with just a sentence or two heard he can do a flawless impression of that person. Now it’s not so flawless. The mimicked voice warps and fluctuates pitch, it’s crackly and he has a hard time not switching between multiple voices with every sentence he speaks.
His voice is reduced to an uncanny frankenstined attempt at speech that activates the average persons fight or flight response.
It’s no surprise that Superman is startled when he calls out for survivors while freeing the ghostly captives and a “not a deer” version of his own voice responds back.
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ophiuchus-star · 16 days
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I heed you, your every need // my heart, my liege // mi capitan
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ophiuchus-star · 16 days
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I found a bunch more!!
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ophiuchus-star · 17 days
Danny the Familar
Danny uses his shapeshifting abilities to disguise himself as a magic user’s familar. Only problem, he’s not great at the shapeshifting yet. Don’t be alarmed, he’s never gotten stuck as something else!
It’s just that…most familiar’s take the form of an animal. And Danny has been having a little trouble when shifting into animal form. He keeps getting them mixed up, and comes out looking like someone’s botched science experiment.
Some of his more notable hybrid forms are:
• Shark-dog: the body and size of a dog but with a shark’s head and fin for a tail. He’s still fluffy! But he’s also got gils…
• Cat-erpillar: Exactly how it sounds. A tiny caterpillar with cat ears and little paws, and he hissed and meows.
• Fox-Owl: A regular looking fox with large owl wings and a beak.
• Bat-Squirrel: The body and size of a squirrel with bright bat wings and talons.
• Goat-Monkey: a small monkey with the hind legs of a goat and twisting horns.
• Cat-Crow: A regular looking crow with the hinge legs of a cat and a long, fluffy tail.
Now, this wouldn’t be so bad, if all of these lower level magic users would stop treating him like he’s an idiot. It’s patronising! Being cooed over and told, “well, you’re trying your best. Don’t worry! You’ll be a great familiar some day once you can control your powers!”
Danny can control his powers. Usually. It’s just that shapeshifting was hard okay? And because of his pre-existing hybrid nature as a halfa, it just makes it a bit trickier to get the shape of one single animal down.
Oh stop looking him like that. The fangs and claws are hardly noticeable and yeah, okay the throned tail might be a little much, but at least he looks more like a rabbit now than he did before!
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ophiuchus-star · 20 days
Re-Making Ghost King function
Ghost King is a lot of OP!Danny and skipping other avenues to explore how that could work, so i have IdeasTM to add weight to the role and make it Worse For Ghost King or add costs to acting outside of the role.
Adding possible story ideas to each example i give, and up for grabs just tag me if you do anything :D
Ghost king is a curse and death sentence.
It drains your core and keeps you from your obsession. It is the realm’s denizens deciding ‘fuck this guy in particular’. The draining of the king’s core causes them to go insane (known problem) and the energy goes to sustaining a number of youngers and newly forming ghosts in the Ghost Nurseries.
Yes, Danny’s main area of the Ghost Zone is included in Nursery where ghosts of similar species and backgrounds intermingle with parents of neverborns, form firghts and later move deeper into realms, unless their obsession includes the living. Then they tend to gravitate to portal rich areas, and areas that spawn in their preferred time and regions of living world.
This means Danny? Is possibly going to deal with going insane if he’s crowned, especially as Pariah is around still. Realms are convening on if Danny’s a bigger threat than Pariah after defeating him. Go nuts on court and legal arguments between various ghosts. JLD may be called in by [character] to find a way to save Danny from this BS, while Danny is staging another prison break and probably forming another army on his side that he does not lead and like him enough to keep around but do not agree with him in terms of leadership. So his new friends are kidnapping him for his own good, while a trial is held over if a halfa can be given the cursed role of ghost king, and if Danny should be cursed to future madness
Go nuts on political drama, jail break fun and Danny debating if this makes him a McGuffin, and why his life is Like This
Team ups everywhere
Ghost king is the loosely diplomat between the Infinite Realms. And other realms sometimes.
Pariah decided war was the best way to get everyone to shut up and unite and maybe not make all their issues his problem for five minutes.
Danny is now expected to handle this as physically beating opponents to establish credentials is vital
Danny is shit at remembering his powers. Or how to switch between them outside his main ones…
Cue danny finding mentors to help and runs into hero of your choice for help (yes this means Batman isn’t the best to handle this, if he’s around have him shuffle Danny to another team or frequent meetings with a lot of heroes)
Feel free to unleash him onto Hero Team of Choice and make him their problem as ‘oh its me or the guy who’s main response is world domination! My mirror likes traveling and a few of my friends are activists. I dont want Conqueror McGee in charge of this stuff. I’m just here as the muscle/backup, and engineer. And space stuff. I am not the negotiator, i am the negotiator’s bodyguard.’
Danny is here to play Guard the Diplomat and act like he is not, in fact, the diplomat Legally.
Heroes? Doing their best to train danny up, likely bonding with him and his crew (tagalongs of your choice. But please let Val be there too, and calling Danny out on ‘crap tactics’ in a teasing manner.)
Ghost King is Extremely Limited in living world regardless of previous powers
Ghost Kings only have their full powers in the realms of the dead, and said powers vary by monarch and region they are present in
Yes this helps explain Danny’s weekly new powers if we include Clocky as a previous king who saw Dan become king and thought early intervention on powers might prevent Dan. Did not work as intended.
In the living realm danny acts more as a medium and can answer questions about the dead, but cannot use his powers anywhere but Amity as Amity is a Veil City (city that exists in both the IR and Living Realm) but is anchored more on living side… outside of the city wandering about as it pleases
Danny is mostly human in human word besides having an encyclopedic knowledge about the dead, burial sites, which death realm one resides in or returned from, ect.,
In the infinite Realms he is eldritch though. As a treat.
Danny is not able to be summoned unless he’s in the infinite realms. Pariah is the backup summon though. And he’s bitchy about it.
High crack, comedy and angst potential
Summons can be anyone, and danny is Done with Cultists and makes a point to tell them to fuck off with the power crap. He will take questions about the dead, and only if he gets a burger shake.
As King Phantom he’s basically a Glorified Realms Secretary in his opinion. He makes Pariah the King when he wants to be bitchy to people, and vice versa.
No rule against Pariah and Danny in a weird joint custody of the title as ‘i beat you, i won’ vs ‘you only meet the credentials half the time. We work in shifts’
Ghost King with Serious Limitations the way most monarchs have.
King Phantom cannot help you with… finding your missing friend. Danny Fenton can.
Fenton gets no access to his powers when going against what Phantom is allowed to do. Including his healing factor!
Much whump and angst potential
So many scenarios to put this in, especially if you have another person pissed at danny for not doing more with his own powers and get reality checked with danny seriously injured for Not Following the Ghost King Restrictions
Fenton making tech to help where he cant is highly applicable
I say engineer Danny working with Hero Of Choice as Gadget Guy and finding out powers afterwards and former hero status could be fun too!
And there’s all i got ATM, if anyone has other ideas to make Ghost King less OP or have other angles, let me know so we can circulate other ways this can work.
Tag whoever may be interested or have other ideas to rework the ghost king concept
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ophiuchus-star · 22 days
Vulture Culture
ive seen alot of ficlets or prompts associate danny with crows cuz they're associated with death and all that but what about vultures?
like- Vultures are scavengers that eat the flesh of dead bodies. They're recognized as symbols of death around the world! they could create twice the chaos instead of crows:
gotham city wakes up one day to find itself infested with vultures, no one knows where they came from but they seem to crowd around a blue-eyed, black-hair child... oh no, someone hid him from bruce wayne and the joker.
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ophiuchus-star · 22 days
Leaving Unattended
Phantom and Danny were accidentally split in an accident. The two of them end up defeating the enemy that split them but are unable to fuse back together.
Over time as they are on split Phantom gets more and more unstable mentally. Phantoms humanity is cut off majorly and turning off his powers has become harder. Phantom gets into an argument with Danny causing him to run off. 
Phantom tries to find something that he can defeat to blow off steam and finds a cult. the League of Assassins to be specific. Unfortunately due to his declining mental stability he is getting much easier to manipulate.
He ends up getting brought into the LOA due to him being convinced it was a misunderstanding. The LOA Starts as thinking about sending him on a mission after they are convinced they've brainwashed him. 
While with Danny the further he is from Phantom the more he's getting physically sick. Danny is trying to find a way to put them back together working with both Vlad and frostbite. It takes about 3 days before Danny is very worried for Phantom and goes looking for him.
He unfortunately can never find him though he continues looking and is holding out to hope that he will come back. The longer Phantom is away the further Danny gets sick eventually Danny is in and out of the hospital with something that doctors can never diagnose.
It takes about 4 months before Phantom realizes he never told Danny where he went and goes back to see him. This unfortunately gives LOA a weakness. Phantom tells Danny he is staying with some people that he's made friends with but not really telling him what they're doing.
Phantom thinks that Danny will come to the same conclusion he did. He doesn't want to get his new friends in trouble. Danny is mostly just relieved to have Phantom back. unfortunately Phantom has been very unstable for the time he's been away from Danny and gets a little protective and possessive.(can you tell where this is going)
Phantom convinces Danny to come with him to see where he's been staying after realizing that them being apart is not good for both of them. Danny is happy to figure out where he's gone and plans to leave for the weekend. He does not come back after that weekend. In other news the LOA has a new member.
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ophiuchus-star · 23 days
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ophiuchus-star · 24 days
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ophiuchus-star · 24 days
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ophiuchus-star · 24 days
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ophiuchus-star · 24 days
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ophiuchus-star · 24 days
what happene to all the weeb girls lusting after yaoi
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ophiuchus-star · 24 days
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