#crochet corner
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lixenn · 7 months ago
Crochet corner
It's time, my dear internet people! It's time for me to babble about one of my numerous hobbies. And as the title arleady suggests, it's creative in nature, involves copious amount of yarn and often robs my bank account at gunpoint.
Yes, it's crochet! My beloved! That one activity that I have neglected for the past... who knows how many months.
But! I'm back! And I'm here to share my projects and progress and just generally ramble about fiber arts.
I won't do this in any particular order. I will talk about current, past and future projects. I will most likely complain about my inability to count and read crochet patterns. If it's in my ability to do so I will also share the patterns and tutorials I used to make my stuff, in case any of you people want to join me in doing fiber arts. (Please keep in mind that some of my patterns are in German, so I will probably only share the english ones unless requested otherwise.)
Now, let's jump right in the yarn pool with my current project (@upsilambic I'm tagging you since you seemed interested in my crochet adventures)
Triangle scarf for my mum
So, here I was chilling in the yarn store, two skeins for my planned project (mesh gloves) already in hand after consulting with the store clerk, fully intending on just buying those and instantly leaving before all the fiber goodies seduce me into making another purchase.
My mum had other plans though since she was already inspecting some of the bags that where spread out on a table. Each bag contained a set amount of skeins in prepicked colours and a pattern on how to make certain items. My Mum was intrigued... the colours spoke to her... and yes, you might have already guessed, dear reader, we walked out of that store not only with my yarn but also with one of those bags. The pattern was for a crochet scarf and my mum asked me if I could make it for her. I took a look at manual and was confronted with the absolute gibberish in the form of an unfamiliar crochet pattern. My brain offered me the nostaligic tones of the old windows shut down noise in response, so naturally the answer to my mum's questions was yes. (The motto of any fiber artist: Fuck it we ball.)
Once again I talked to the delightful sales lady, asking questions about the pattern and she was a great help. Let it be known that yarn stores are fucking awesome! I have never been in a yarn store where people weren't kind and welcoming and sweet. It's like entering a different world, one full of peace, fluff and most importantly: yarn! A yarn store is one of my favourite places to be right next to a bookshop and my bed.
Anyways, we got my stuff and we got the additional stuff (that I thankfully didn't need to pay for 🫡👍🏼)
It did take me a lil bit to fully puzzle out the scarf pattern but with some trial and error (I needed to frog once because I forgot in which row I was and tired evening!Lix didn't write it down) I'm now in the game.
Here my current progress:
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The colours are more intense irl but no matter.
I will need to weave in so many ends after finishing it, I'm already regretting all my life choices *traumatised stare into the distance*
Weaving in ends is one of my many evil foes and unfortunately I still haven't defeated that one yet (I doubt I ever will). Everytime I reach that step in my work I want to set myself on fire because after couple dozen times it really does get quite tedious. It also doesn't help that I still haven't found a method where you really can't see that you have weaved in the ends (and is also secure).
But this will be a concern for future Lix 👍🏼
I will continue to crochet and watch my Let's Player (Magemasher22 on Youtube and Twitch, yes I will namedrop him, I love this guy so fucking much. He's a gem) play Honkai Star Rail.
If anyone has any questions you know where to find me 🫡
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thefryingpan-sexual · 9 months ago
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Anyway, happy Pride Month, y’all!
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mappedriver · 1 year ago
i ordered yarn for the shirt im making a few days ago but it hasnt shipped yet :-( yarnnnnn save me. save me yarn
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patricide-doll · 1 year ago
Percy: why can’t we steal from the rich? We stole Jason from his camp?
Annabeth: we didn’t steal Jason, he’s free to do whatever he wants
Nico: we literally dragged him here?????
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moogle-woogle · 6 months ago
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Monday Bank Holiday, so I made a couple of hats for Haruka
(Alt text included)
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lacys-crochet-corner · 5 months ago
So after a year of work I finished a crow costume I've been working on. I'm not the best at showcasing things (at least I think so), but here's some images of the I did! Ignore the weird blurs in the first image - I thought it best to remove people from the image, privacy and all that.
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This was all don't over the course of a year. I was so glad that a lot of people seemed to like it - it was so good having feedback face-to-face with other crafters
I actually got asked about a commission from one of the leather workers at the renaissance faire for the wings. I haven't decided, as it's a massive project, even for the price we discussed. The good thing about this is that she understands how that kind of world works, and has been very understanding when I told her about my illness and that I have times where I can't do much of anything for weeks or so. I've never done a commission, and unsure exactly what to do. But, that's another thought for another day. She gave me her email address and told me to email her if I decide to.
I hope y'all enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoyed wearing it!
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 9 days ago
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Hic debetis non esse, parva
Finally finished my dragon eye cushion from this free pattern here!
There's also a matching claw one which is next on my giant to-do list.
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lovecolibri · 2 months ago
My phone camera continues to refuse to capture color well, but here is my last month-and-a-half long project and my first "wearable" piece that wasn't a hat/scarf/gloves type thing (barring a small toddler cardigan that I never saw my niece wear). I am crossing fingers HARD that it actually fits my mom. The drape isn't a nice as I wanted compared to the pics on the pattern, but that is likely because I always crochet too tight 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm really proud of it though! It's all gradients of green, but a lot of it comes out looking grey in the pics 🤷🏻‍♀️
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This is the pattern pic
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My goal for this next year is to get better and wearables!
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your-fave-is-bi · 26 days ago
alsomy god my parents are horrible at like. properly lighting their place.
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lixenn · 4 months ago
Crochet corner
Pillow is done! Have a kinda lowkey qualtiy picture of the result (I don't know how to take pretty pictures of my work OTL):
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This project came to life because I wanted to use up my scrap yarn from my patchwork cardigan. I was also missing the comfort of granny squares but didn't want to reuse the usual pattern so after a quick internet search I found this square pattern which looked super fancy and seemed to be in my skillset. I remember struggling a bit at first because I'm not used to working with pure written instructions but the included pictures helped and as long as I get one square done I can do the other easy as pie. (Once a pattern clickes it's really just a matter of memorization at least when you don't have something where you don't need to count a bunch because even when I understand how the pattern works; involve counting and I will still fuck up.) I actually finished all the squares months ago, I'm pretty sure it's been before thesis time so that's nearly eight months were I haven't touched the project. *shakes head* Sometimes it do be like that. I don't know what motivated me to start working on the pillowcase yesterday (I think it might have been me distracting myself from waiting for my wiki request approval) but I'm glad I can finally scratch this off my to do list. The edges might still look a bit wonky and I did need to knot together some square corners together because the pillow fucked up my half assed attempt to weave in the ends but it still looks nice and it's very squishy which is great!
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theknitfemme · 3 months ago
i'm a big lover of all things overalls, soft yarns, chai lattes, collectible figures and plushies, and fun color combos
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mappedriver · 2 years ago
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finished blanket!! I completed it a couple a weeks ago but didn't take pics until today when I was handing it off to the happy couple. it has a special basket for storage that my mother made, but it will likely have a life as a couch blanket (it's not really large enough for a full bed). in total it took me around ~6 months to make including all the time where I played video games instead of working on it and also the time it took me to actually learn how to crochet. I'm happy with it :) I hope to start another crochet project soon
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patricide-doll · 1 year ago
Thalia angrily getting Camp Jupiter to pay for Jason’s therapy bills on the grounds of ‘you break it you buy it’
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sunny-honeytears · 7 months ago
Sarah's fantasy of the ball involving kissing/biting Krolock is gorgeous
I've only ever seen the Hungarian production so I hope its the same everywhere else, I just found it funny as hell
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sophiasartandgaming · 2 months ago
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cottonkhaleesi · 1 year ago
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Trying out one of my new Christmas present tension rings and suddenly the way everyone else crochets (mine usually looks like a left handed knitter is trying to crochet) is much easier to do!
Also starting to understand why all those tik tok crocheters can craft at the speed of light now.
From the original pile of colours (22) we’re now down to 8 to finish this thing off, not bad!
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