#crochet cat burger
poki-art · 7 months
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a kitty got stuck in the burger.....
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crescentmp3 · 2 years
went outside today! was quite fun ^^
#we went to the place we've been going to for... about six(?) years now#its either five or six.#they recognize me by now!#my dad had gone there while going back from work and was waiting for us#while me and my mom were going she went into her little yarn store (shes in love with crocheting/knitting) so i went ahead of her.#when i went in they were like ''is your mother not coming?'' which was very flattering account of hehe im recognizable#i had chicken wings! which means i ate like a feral cat that hadn't eaten in two days#the only times i shimmy with joy when eating food is when i eat chicken wings. by god they're so good#only if its made like my favorite little places do it. i've gone to burger king once (1) and i absolutely refuse to try anything chicken#theres many of the mainstream english-speaking-country places in super markets but i will never go there. never#they could never do it like this tiny little place we've been going to for years that have an average of zero customers at any given time.#by god i love that place. hope i get to go there for my entire time in high school#we want to move to yenibosna after im done with high school...#we were actually living there when i was an infant! we had to move due to Landlord apparently.#which happened for most of my life.#honest to god i moved every year when in elementary#which means i got to experience four (4) different elementary schools! quite an experience.#the first one i went to elementary in was all the way over in acıbadem (near other side of istanbul on a metrobus)#ahh reminds me of my best friend in first grade. her name was sümeyye i miss her but at the same time i could not care less#it was fun! it was fun. we sneaked out of the elementary during break time to go to the adjacent primary school we used to go to#reminds me fourth grade! there was a primary school next to that one too#is it called a primary school? its not a kindergarden...#oh! sorry. preschool#what was i saying?#well only god knows i cant read my tags. goodbye forever#♚ — rambling !#oh i should talk about my day!#today in english class the teacher did a .. shoobadoowhatsit. can i stop forgetting words#is it called a verbal quiz? verbal exam? verbal something. you understand#hi i ran out of tags. i'll continue in a reblog
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lhcpatterns · 2 years
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Cat Burger Crochet Pattern, Amigurumi Cat, Crochet Burger Cat Toy Pattern, Burger Crochet Pattern
Instant download:
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echolalick · 2 years
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prythianpages · 2 months
Strange Love | Azriel
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Azriel x Green Witch | Summary: In which your daughter, Alora, nearly sends Azriel into a mini crisis when she tells you she has a boyfriend.
warnings: fluff, Az stressing out over his baby girl
word count: 2,700
a/n: This can be read as a stand alone Dad Az fic! Here we have another fic inspired by a Bob's Burgers episode lol. I also wanted to show more of older Mel since we only got a glimpse of her so far.
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The house is peaceful and quiet, save for the comforting rhythmic ticking of the grandfather clock. A glance at it and Azriel knows the quiet won’t last much longer. Or the peace.
He leans back into the armchair, savoring the warmth of the steaming cup of tea in his hands—a special brew you created just for him many years ago. "A one-of-a-kind brew for a one-of-a-kind male," you had said. You sit beside him on the love seat, legs criss-crossed, with a spell book hovering in front of you, green magic surrounding you. Though it doesn’t look like it, the spells in your ancient book are endless, and judging by the darkened look in your eyes, he senses you must be reading about a new one.
His attention is once more drawn away from the book in his hands as his eyes land on the portrait that hangs over the grand fireplace. It is a family portrait you had commissioned from Feyre years ago. His lips tug up into a fond smile as he remembers the day you all gathered to pose for Feyre. It was hectic and chaotic and full of promises to your daughters to get them to stay still long enough for Feyre to complete her sketch.
It was all worth it, even if it resulted in you giving in to Mel's request and brewing a laughing potion. That she then slipped into Cassian's twins's drinks during your weekly dinners, driving everyone insane...
 You sat on a shorter stool than Azriel, perfectly situated between his legs. His gaze lingers on you, admiring the way Feyre captured your beauty. Your familiar, Binx, was on your lap while your pet spider, Pearl, rested on one of your shoulders. 
Unfortunately, Pearl passed shortly after the portrait was completed. You preserved her web with your own magic, allowing it to stand magnificently in the corner of your living room. Melaina, your firstborn, crocheted a replica of Pearl that now rests in that web, a touching tribute to the beloved spider that had spent so many years with you. Pearl herself was laid to rest in the forest, a serene place you visit often.
A young Melaina stood on his right, holding her pet scorpion as if it were a mere pup—the only reason she smiled for the portrait. Now a teenager, it’s a miracle if she smiles that brightly, preferring to don a cool mask instead. She’s just like her father in many ways.
Alora, your second born, had just turned three at the time. She was happy to clutch onto her father’s left arm, leaning into him, with the widest of toothy grins. Both of his wings were curled protectively around his favorite girls, a genuine smile of his own gracing his face.
It is a beautiful portrait, one that captures the magic and love in his little family well.
Azriel’s shadows begin to sing excitedly, the black cat curled up by his feet, lifting its head toward the door.
The door slams open, like it does every weekday at this hour. Mel walks in first, giving both him and you a nod in greeting. There’s a spark of mischief in those hazel eyes of hers but before either of you could question it, her shadows are wrapping around her and hiding her away from view as she runs to her room, still not having mastered winnowing. 
Lor walks in next, hazel eyes bright and full of dreams. She’s mumbling and giggling to herself, making Azriel’s ears and shadows perk, straining to discern her words. She looks at Azriel first, then at you. “Mommy, Daddy,” she says in greeting, closing the door softly behind her and resting against it. She lets out a deep sigh.
“I’m in love.”
And there it was. That destruction of peace and quiet.
Azriel spits out his tea, choking on the curse he wanted to say but thought better against. His shadows are quick to run down his back in a soothing manner and you shoot him a look. The spellbook lands gently onto your coffee table, your full attention now on your daughter.
“That’s lovely, my pretty.” You tell her. “Who’s the lucky soul?”
“Lovely?” Azriel sputters, a small glare settling onto his features. He reluctantly accepted losing Mel to teenagehood, but Lor? Lor was eleven. She still had a year or two left. The mere thought of losing her too made his wings shudder.
“She’s just a girl!”
“She’s just a girl,” you repeat, tilting your head at him in further warning, that if Azriel wasn’t so worked up, he’d laugh at.
“I think he’s my boyfriend now. I invited him over for dinner!”
“No,” Azriel shakes his head. “Uninvite him.”
“Az, my love—“
The look he sends you has your words cutting off. You bring your hand to your mouth, covering up your grin, no doubt. There’s pure amusement dancing in your eyes. This moment was no different than the time Mel had her first crush.
Lor, oblivious or choosing to be oblivious to her father’s burning stare, runs to you with a squeal. She curls into your side and you smile fondly at her.  “I’ll make your favorite tonight, my pretty,” you say, running a hand through her long hair. “Tell me all about him.”
And though Lor’s favorite was his favorite, Azriel was suddenly dreading dinner.
He lets out a huff, standing from his seat. His shadows swarmed around him, mirroring his inner turmoil. He shoots you one last look– a look of utter betrayal–before leaving the room, unable to sit there and listen to his daughter talk about how someone else was vying for his little girl’s attention. 
Yet, a single shadow lingered in the living room...
Azriel knew this day would come, but that day was not going to be today.
It was similar to the way he felt when Mel first brought a boy home for dinner. But also different. Mel was strong-minded and had a well guarded heart. She had also been a couple of years older. Lor was naive and wore her heart on her sleeve. It was merely a week ago that she had come home crying from school because her classmate looked at her a certain way.
Love, crushes, heartbreak—they were all parts of growing up. Something you reminded Azriel as he helped you with dinner. He knew he had to let her experience them but boyfriends? Not now.
Lor was still too young. If it were up to him, there’d be a strict no boyfriend policy until both his daughters were in their second century.
Tonight, he would meet this boy, this intruder into his daughter's heart. He would be civil, for Lor's sake. Or at least try. He’d be watching the boy's every move, ready to step in at the slightest sign of trouble.
Azriel’s thoughts swirled as he chopped vegetables, his hands moving automatically while his mind wrestled with the reality of the situation. The protective father in him balked at the idea of her being hurt, her innocent heart broken by some boy who couldn’t possibly appreciate her.
A kiss on his cheek pulled him out of his thoughts, the knife in his hand coming to a stop. “You’re sulking, my love,” you said with slight humor in your tone, setting the knife down for him. You cupped his face in your hands, thumbs smoothing out the furrows of his brows. “Don’t worry, Az. She’s only eleven. I doubt this crush is anything serious.”
“And if it is, we’ll simply have a talk with her.” You add as an afterthought, reassuring him that you were on his side.
“I love you, you know.”
You grin at him. “Well, that’s a relief. We have been mates for many years.”
Azriel watches with a slight frown as Lor literally buzzes with excitement, peeking through the windows of the dining room that face the street. Binx is seated on the window sill, his tail moving and reflecting his curiosity. You take the seat beside Azriel, saving the one beside Lor for your much-anticipated guest.
Mel is crouched on the floor, sprinkling a couple of crickets to feed her pet scorpion, Sprinkles. Her shadows still, wings tensing for a brief moment. She lifts her head, turning toward Lor. “He’s here,” she announces before excusing herself to wash her hands in the kitchen.
Azriel’s own shadows slither toward the door, following after Lor. He hadn’t heard the knock Mel did but he’s shifting in his seat nonetheless. Despite today being his day off, he chose to wear his fighting leathers for dinner, wanting to look every bit the menacing Spymaster he could be.
All seven of his cobalt siphons gleam proudly.
But then Lor walks into the dining room. Alone.
“Dad, Mom,” Azriel’s lips purse at the change of title, not liking the two letter drop from either of yours. She points to her side. “This is Jace.”
Azriel blinks. Once. Twice. His shadows flutter toward the spot Lor is gesturing at only to return to him with nothing. He looks at you. But you’re just as dumbfounded.
“Oh!” Lor giggles, eyes widening in realization. “I forgot to mention he’s a ghost.”
Even more confusion clouds Azriel’s features but that confusion slowly morphs into relief. He lets out a long breath—a chuckle almost. You place your hand onto his thigh, squeezing it in warning. “Just roll with it,” you murmur quietly to him, not wanting to upset Lor. The smile that forms on your face next is strained.
“Hi Jace. Have a seat please.”
Azriel says nothing, gaze narrowing at Lor. 'Jace' might be imaginary but it did little to ease his protective instincts. It was now the idea of his youngest daughter having a boyfriend that didn’t sit well with him. He has no intentions on being friendly to Jace, especially when Lor pulls back his seat for Jace to sit at.
The tension at the dining table was palpable. You were grateful when Mel returned, her presence breaking the uncomfortable silence.
But not in the way you hoped it would.
“Oh hey, Jace.” She greets casually, turning her toward his direction. There’s a gleam in her eye, as if she’s taking in the presence beside her younger sister.  “Nice shirt.”
Azriel feels another squeeze on his thigh but it’s different this time and followed by an awkward clearing throat sound from you. It had him tensing underneath your touch.
Azriel’s shadows could pick up on things others couldn’t but Mel? Mel could not only do the same with her shadows but she could also see things others couldn’t. Her first friend had been a ghost–the ghost of Rhysand’s little sister.
And now, it seemed that Lor’s first boyfriend was a ghost.
"That's it. She's breaking up with him now," Azriel murmured, shaking his head with a resolute finality.
The two of you had excused yourselves to the kitchen shortly after finishing dinner. A dinner that barely lasted half an hour, yet felt like an eternity with Azriel burning a hole into the chair beside Lor’s with his piercing gaze. She giggled at whatever Jace supposedly said and did most of the talking for him, with Mel chiming in occasionally.
 Azriel’s only comfort at the moment was that Mel remained in the dining room with Lor and Jace, knowing that if the ghost tried anything, Mel would happily take care of it. He looks at you, ready for you to disagree or offer a different solution. But you merely shake your head in agreement.
“Okay,” you breathe. “I’ll have Mel help me with a séance.”
“And I’ll talk to Lor.”
The plan was set then, the two of you walking back into the dining room. A stoic expression on Azriel’s face but a coy one on yours. 
Azriel clears his throat and you give his hand a squeeze in encouragement. “Lor, can we talk?”
“Don’t worry, sweets. Mel and I will keep Jace company.”
Lor’s hazel eyes flickered between you and Azriel. She gave a soft sigh of defeat, mumbling something to Jace as she reluctantly followed Azriel into his study a couple of doors away. You waited until they were both out of view before turning your attention to Jace.
The chair he sat in slid backwards under your scrutiny.
Something hadn’t felt right about this entire situation. You didn’t have the same gift as Mel, but years of experience had left you with keen intuition and the ability to pick up on energies. When Mel started seeing Rhysand’s little sister, you had sensed that child-like energy.
But tonight, you felt nothing of the sort.
Your eyes landed on Mel, who remained seated at the dining table. Sprinkles was on her lap, and she ran a finger down the scorpion’s spine as she looked back at you. You raised an eyebrow at her and she did the same.
When you gave her that same scrutinizing gaze you had given the so called ghost, Mel caved in.
It was then that you saw it–a single shadow revealing itself as it crept up the arm of the chair Jace was ‘sitting’ in. It tugged the chair backwards again. The corner of Mel’s lips lifted into the faintest of smirks, a small chuckle slipping from her throat.
“You made up Jace, didn’t you?”
“Maybe.” Mel replies with a shrug of her shoulders. “Maybe, I like messing with dad. Maybe, I like messing with Lor…though, Jace did make Lor the coolest girl in school today…”
Meanwhile, Azriel led Lor into his study, his demeanor more composed than he felt. As his shadows closed the behind them, he took a moment to gather his thoughts, trying to find the right words...
“Daddy,” Lor began hesitantly, her voice soft but curious, “how did you know you were in love with Mommy?”
Azriel was taken aback by the question, his chest tightening at the return of his usual title. He hadn’t expected such a direct inquiry, but he welcomed it. He took a deep breath, his mind drifting back to the early days with you.
By the Mother, he had been such a fool in the beginning and he probably wasn’t the best at this. Something he would tell Lor once she was older–the same way he had told Mel when she had come to him for advice on similar matters.
“Well, it wasn’t something that happened overnight. I knew your mother was someone special to me the moment I met her. But it wasn’t until I got to know her better that I fell in love. It grew from the little moments we shared and the way she understood me.”
Lor tilted her head, absorbing his words. “She told me once that you were so brave you took an arrow for her.”
Azriel chuckled, surprised that you had shared that story. He wondered how much of your story you had told her already. “I did. I’d take many more for her.”
“Wow,” Lor whispered, her hazel eyes widening with the kind of wonder and admiration he adored seeing on her.
“I’d do the same for you too.” Azriel continued, shadows sweeping over her fondly. She giggled, squirming in her seat. “I’d do anything for my girls because I love you all."
"You see, love is a deep emotion. It’s difficult to explain as everyone can experience it differently. Sometimes, it can be overwhelming and complicated. But what I can tell you is that love is not just about excitement or attraction. It’s about truly caring for someone.”
Lor listened intently and Azriel could see her processing his words, the wheels turning as she considered her own feelings. After a moment of silence, she let out a sigh. “I don’t think I’m in love then. I mean, I like Jace, but I think I like him as a friend more.”
A wave of relief washed over Azriel and he felt a weight lift from his shoulders. “You’re still growing and learning about yourself. Love will come in time, but for now, you’re too young to have a boyfriend.”
Lor nods in understanding, surprising Azriel with just how easy this conversation had been. She sunk back into the velvet armchair, a hint of concern still etched onto her face. “But I’ll find love someday, right? Like you did with mommy?”
“Someday,” Azriel smiled at Lor, reaching out to ruffle the top of her hair. “Maybe when you’re two-hundred and fifty.”
Lor gasped incredulously. “Two hundred and fifty??”
“Hey, consider yourself lucky. I was five-hundred and thirty nine when I started dating your mother.”
Lor’s jaw dropped in astonishment. A shadow gently nudged it closed. She blinked up at him, her eyes still wide.
“Jiminy crickets, you’re old!”
Azriel’s smile dropped quicker than a potion bubbling over.
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a/n: I could not for the live of me come up with a better simile for that ending lol so sorry it's kind of lame. I hope I was able to convey Azriel's inner turmoil well and that you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed the idea of it.
Mel is 6 years older than Lor. I honestly don't know how aging works for fae, like what's considered age appropriate but considering Az was messing around and underwent the bloodrite in his 20s, 17 is an okay age for Mel to have, had a boyfriend? Even if Az hated that too.
series tag list:@fxckmiup, @aria-chikage
General tag list: @scooobies, @kennedy-brooke, @sillysillygoose444, @lilah-asteria @the-sweet-psycho
@daycourtofficial, @milswrites, @stormhearty @pit-and-the-pen, @mybestfriendmademe
@loving-and-dreaming @azriels-human, @mrsjna
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jinnie-ret · 9 months
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<---------- back to my youth
<---------- back to main masterlist
in real life
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Name: Louisa Flora Fenby
Nicknames: lou, flo, lisa, bee
Birthday: 28/06/2003
Birthplace: Rochdale, England
Nationality: english-filipino
Languages: English (fluent), Tagalog (some), Korean (learning)
Family: mum, dad, younger brother, pet cat
Height: 5'5
Personality traits: bubbly, trusting, thoughtful, imaginative, sensitive, defensive, naive
Hobbies: singing, producing, crochet, upcycling clothes
Faceclaim: beabadoobee
Likes: stray kids, kpop, sunny weather, giving gifts to people, cooking, dark chocolate (her fav), gherkins in her burger, green (fav colour), late night walks, long baths, cats
Dislikes: confrontation, brussel sprouts, sparkling water, moths, snakes, socks on in bed, big crowds
idol life
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Stage name: sunny
Nicknames: sun, sunshine, flower, aegi sun
After hearing Louisa's full name and learning her middle name was 'Flora', the members soon understood that it was linked to flowers. Due to her bright personality she was compared to a sunflower, thus creating the nickname Sunny.
Fans gave the nickname 'aegi sun' to Louisa after partnering her with Felix as the sunshine duo. Being the younger one she is naturally babied.
Positions: lead singer, sub dancer, producer
Lou is not as confident in her dancing skills but is working on them as much as she can, she still enjoys doing it though. Her voice shines through as a softer time that can break through and stand out in Stray Kids' often fiercer songs. This doesn't mean that all the songs she produces are all sweeter, her own music that she creates follows this pattern but she loves to engage in helping 3RACHA experiment in louder bombastic sounds.
Aesthetic: bubblegrunge
Debut Date: March 25th 2017
Company: JYP
Training Period: 2 years
Habits: making random noises, hair flips, randomly singing, stumbling on her words, biting her thumb, full body laughs, tapping her hands to music, zoning out
Known for/as:
Pinky gap
Sunny has a gap between her pinkies that is visible when she presses her hands together. This is because both of them curve outwards. Fans were the first ones to notice and ever since it's been seen as another endearing quality of the girl.
Minsung's daughter
When you see Sunny you'll not see Lee Know or Jisung too far behind. Often in lives she's been spotted leaning against one of them or even falling asleep on them sometimes. They care a lot for the girl and their almost parental roles towards her only solidified the ship of Minsung more.
Sunshine duo
One of her most noticeable features is the freckles that are very visible on her face. Naturally she is partnered with Felix for sharing the same quality, as well as their bright personas.
Bright smile
Sunny's smile is one of her most charming points that both fans and members love. There are moments where people have commented on it because of how it entrances them, such as on Kingdom, Music Bank, and in music videos too.
Producer mode
During solo lives or behind the album videos, when Sunny goes into producer mode, you'll know. She doesn't become strict or lost in her own mind, but instead she is exciteable and tries out lots of different sounds, melodies or lyrics to fit the concept she is creating. These ideas that she comes up with bounce off of members and can be the foundations of some of Stray Kids' most successful songs. On lives fans watch in awe at how her brain is able to come up with such cool sounds and merge them together.
Trying tiktok dances
As said before, Sunny isn't the most confident in her dancing, but that doesn't stop her from trying different tiktok dances and impulsively posting them - she knows stays will love them either way. She likes trying new kpop dances or ones that are viral too. The video she did dancing to Blackpink's Shutdown is her most recent video she posted on the group account, and it caught a lot of attention.
Soft voice
Sunny has a voice that people love and can't stop listening too. She is quite soft spoken, but that doesn't stop people from absorbing every word. Being in a group as loud as Stray Kids, she still manages to make herself heard, especially when it's random statements or jokes that she's sharing.
Random statements
"Bang Chan tried to crowdsurf and then he fell but he got stuck because his ass is too fat."
"Sunny?! What?!"
"I should shut up now."
'British Queen'
Sunny comes from a town in Manchester, her Northern accent only making her more charming to her fans. And of course with one of her 'dads' being Han, the British comments from stays were at an all time high in moments he adopted the same accent.
'he's learning from his daughter'
'Sunny's accent is rubbing off on Han ahahaha'
'since when was aegi sun teaching her parents how to speak british??'
'Comedy Queen'
Even her energetic moods were enough to get the members into a fit of giggles, let alone the strange noises she'd make or her random one liners.
"Sunny we don't know how to translate that one."
"Sweet home Alabama..."
"Sunny sssshhhhh"
The members definitely loved their sun a lot, and she always managed to surprise them whether it was with her talent, her humour or with little gifts she'd make them too.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @kpopmenace143 @sakufilms @kai-lee08 @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky @his-angell @turtledove824 @2minstan @royal-shinigami @yangbbokari
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
The Amazing Digital Masterpost, Volume 2
Part 2 of this blog's TADC masterlist! As always if there is anything wrong with any of the links please let me know! You can find my other masterlists linked at the end of my pinned! As of 1/20/2024, this masterlist is complete!
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x mermaid!reader
x Wally Darling!reader
x reader who likes singing
x reader w/ a computer virus
x Mushu!reader
x reader who swears a lot
x skeleton!reader
x rollerskater!reader
x PNG!reader
Their love languages
x Jack Skellington!reader
Role Models (Child!reader, platonic)
x reader who is warming up to touch
x feisty!tiger!reader
x princess!reader
x ghostsheet!reader
What they want in a partner
x skater!reader
x fairy!reader
x reader who loves to gossip
x kid!reader who is having nightmares (platonic)
x reader w/ a funny laugh
x chaotic!child!reader (platonic)
x reader who draws and crochets
x reader who uses crutches
x reader who bakes
x very sleepy!child!reader (platonic, i promise this one is different from the other one)
Break ups!
Jax and Caine x Fluttershy!reader
Ragatha and Jax x reader who can manipulate their hair
Caine, Jax, Kinger x reader who has a prehensile tail
Caine and Jax x Pinkie Pie!reader
Kinger, Ragatha, Caine x a reader who has a cat interest
Caine, Jax, and Kinger x reader w/ Caines powers
Reader telling Ragatha that they have a crush on Caine, Kinger, Jax, or Pomni
Caine and Kinger x deaf!reader
Jax, Pomni, and Ragatha x baker!reader
Gangle, Kinger, and Caine x reader who sings to cope
Caine, Ragatha, and Kinger x reader who wants kids
^Remainder of the cast x reader who wants kids
Everyone but Caine reuniting w/ the reader in the real world
Kinger, Caine, and Ragatha x grieving!reader
Gangle, Zooble, and Kinger x silly!reader
Reader cheering Ragatha and Gangle up with their singing
Jax, Caine, and Ragatha x sweet!goth!reader
Caine, Jax, and Kinger x sleepy!child!reader (platonic)
Kinger and Gangle x sensitive!child!reader (platonic)
More Caine x reader w/ a tail hcs
But I love you so (Caine x reader)
Caine x reader who stays in the digital world willingly
Caine x newbie!who flirts with him instantly
Caine x soft!nice!reader
Caine helping reader w/ their emotions
Caine x girly!reader
Caine x needy!reader
Caine x shy!reader whos opening up
Reader complimenting Caine
Caine comforting the reader after a nightmare
Reader holding Pomni like a hammed burger
Pomni x reader who is scared of jesters
Pomni x reader who purrs
More Pomni x reader who purrs
Ragatha x Raggedy Andy!reader (platonic)
Jax x reader who is having a bad day
Jax x singer!guitarist!reader
Jax w/ a soft spot for the reader
Jax x Masc!reader who gets misgendered a lot
Jax x thin skinned!reader (platonic)
Jax x lucky!reader
Jax x really pretty!reader
Jax x reader who is indifferent to his pranks
Jax x reader who sings to cope
Jax x cat!reader w/ a dog hand puppet
Jax x Betty Boop!reader
Jax x chaotic!ferret!reader
Jealous!Jax x reader
Severed ties
Jax trying to be a good role model to child!reader (platonic)
Reader flirting w/ Jax and flustering him
Jax x Spot (lalaloopsey) reader
Jax x reader who is obsessed with him
Kinger x shapeshifter!reader but some of their features stay the same
Kinger and reader in the real world
Kinger x butterfly!reader
Reader making Zooble flustered
Zooble x biblically accurate angel!reader
Jealous!Zooble x reader
Gangle x reader who stands up for her
Pomni and Ragatha remembering they have a kid and partner in the real world
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beneathsakurashade · 4 months
ᴋɪᴛꜱᴜɴᴇ ʏᴏᴍᴇɪʀɪ - Tɯιʂƚҽԃ Wσɳԃҽɾʅαɳԃ x Gҽɳʂԋιɳ Rҽαԃҽɾ
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“Let my embrace consume you, and our fates will be one”
Kitsune Yomeiri
The Kitsune’s Wedding
Basic Info
A kitsune hime attends an all boys school, alongside a magicless human and their fire breathing cat. Their mission is to return home and yours is to find a certain fae. Perhaps otherworldly beings can find a way to help each other, or not, it's all up to you.
Content Warnings
The story will have some possibly suggestive scenes, swearing, and fantasy violence. Nothing extreme :)
Character Info
You _ Dorm Name: Y/N L/N Gender: Female (is referred to by he/him at Night Raven) Birthday: March 6th Age: 410 (chronologically), 16 (age on application). Height: (however tall you wanna be) Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous Homeland: Inazuma Family: Ajisai L/N (mother: deceased), Renge L/N (father: deceased), Ume L/N (younger brother: deceased), Suzuran L/N (older sister: deceased?). Voiced by: unknown Other names: Sayuri Mochizuki (pseudonym), Grade: Sophomore Class: B (No. 8) Club: No club (yet…) Best Subject: History of Magic Vision: Electro Hobbies: Ikebana Pet Peeves: Loud noises Favorite Food: (insert fave food) Least Favorite Food: (insert least fave food) Talent: Floromancy
ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴᴀʟ ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ
A unique and quiet Heartslabyul freshman whose talent lies in fortune telling through flowers. Former heir to a clan of kitsune, he attends NRC in a disguise. Favors Lilia Vanrouge and the magicless prefect for some reason, but dislikes all other students.
Magicless Prefect
Ramshackle Dorm Name: Shion Yuukuro Birthday: October 21 Age: 17 Height: 5'6 Dominant Hand: Left Homeland: Unknown Family: Unknown Voiced by: Unknown Grade: Freshman Class: 1-A (No. 23) Club: No club (yet…) Best Subject: ____ Hobbies: Crocheting Pet Peeves: Having to restart their crochet projects Favorite Food: Burger Least Favorite Food: Kiwi Talent: Quick at writing long essays
ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴᴀʟ ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ
The magicless human from another world, a former janitor turned prefect of an abandoned dorm. They attend Night Raven alongside a direbeast named Grim. They sometimes speak in a foreign language.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 11 months
i think every single person in saikis group still sleeps with at least one stuffed animal, or in a few cases wants to but is too insecure to and just has lots of pillows/blankets instead (idc that weve literally seen some of their bedrooms and they arent like this idc idc its the vibe)
its saiki, kuboyasu, and saiko that are too insecure btw👍
yume definitely has the MOST stuffed animals on her bed, i think she barely has space for herself😭definitely makes little outfits for them too, probably has at least one teddy bear that she changes into pajamas every night with her
imu is in second place for the most
aiura only has a few but theyre really big ones, like a body pillow sized tiger stuffy and a unicorn or something like that
teru has a pretty regular teddy bear with various accessories she probably sews herself.. like cute little bows and scarves.. she also has a few stuffed animal keychains, and a couple of cutesy stuffies she got from yumehara
mera used to have a lot of those food themed stuffed animals on her bed, like sushi cats or burger cats if you know what im talking about, but she would get extra delirious in the mornings when she was hungry and try to take bites out of them☠️they are now stored on her desk or in her closet and her bed has just a few bunnies and cats yume gave her
hairo strikes me as the type of guy to keep his childhood stuffed animals and blankeys for the rest of his life because they mean something to him.. so he probably has a standard teddy bear, along with some superhero blankets and some build-a-bear stuffies with fun outfits (i bet you he thought superman and other superheroes were real guys when he was a kid, and looked up to them and wanted to be just like them)
nendo also has his old baby blanket and childhood teddy bear but they are absolutely in TATTERS
akechi has like an ocean themed entire bed i think☠️his sheets and blankets are shades of blue and he has a bunch of sea creature stuffed animals
toritsuka has body pillows but that goes without saying.. i think he also has a batman stuffed animal (or like, a build-a-bear with a batman costume.. because thats what i have lol) which he refuses to admit
saiko and kuboyasu never really got stuffed animals from their parents as kids and never thought to ask for them (neither of them know how they wouldve responded and it freaks them out) but they would always get secretly jealous of other kids who had stuffed animals and cute toys and keychains.. they probably both have some that either they made (yasu crocheting hc🫶) or were given to them recently by the group but they hide them out of embarrassment
saiki prob also has a few from the group and keeps them mostly hidden
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casp1an-sea · 6 months
Kwazii Cat
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(Age: 20)(Gender: doesn’t care)(Sexuality: Panromantic Asexual)(Pronouns: All but predominantly uses he/him)(Year: Sophmore)(Job: Lieutenant)(Major: Cryptozoology)
his parents were killed in a ship wrek, he barely survived and was very little so does not remember the ordeal. Because she doesn’t remember what happened they make up stories of how they’re off on adventures on the high seas as a coping mechanism. This coping mechanism led to her infatuation with the sea and sea monsters. The person that rescued and raised him was Captain Barnacles. He was raised by both Barnacles and his sister Bianca so is quite close with his young cousins Orson and Ursa.
He knows pretty much every member of the Octonauts ahead of time because even while he was in high school he would hang around Barnacles work a lot. She knows Peso because they were college roommates before they both joined the internship second semester.
She currently does not know his grandfather’s whereabouts or if he’s even alive but like in the show they will reunite eventually.
misc Info:
southeast Asian
the stuff he was going through
the eye patch is just for aesthetics
Has cat eye syndrome
Hates the cold
Table tennis pro
Loves cosplaying, preferably in dresses. (His favorite is a fairy outfit they have)
Plant mom, has a chia pet obsession
Likes trying random sports
can sleep anywhere (except cold places)
Loves to Crochet and Knit
likes cooking especially spicy food, their favorite food is spicy burgers
practices sword fighting
Wrote a book on sea monsters and wants to publish it some day
can play drums, bass, and recorder
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If anyone is curious to where some of these things came from, Kwazii’s hobbies, talents, and cosplaying with a preference for dresses are all canon to the books. The authors also said that Kwazii is open minded to however people want to perceive their gender :)
if you have a problem with any of my headcanons kindly just remove yourself from them and don’t say anything nasty or that they are wrong
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starbeambully · 10 months
favourite colour(s): Lilac
favourite flavour(s): Earl Grey, Honey?
favourite genre(s): Surrealist things
favourite music: I like a bit of everything, it's hard to pin point a favorite music... There's just so much.
favourite movie(s): Harold and Maude, Princess and the Pauper, Wuthering Heights (1939)
favourite series: Bobs Burgers
last song: Talking in Your Sleep by The Romantics
last series: I'm on a very intense watch through of The Simpsons, I'm about done with season 3
last movie: Bottoms
currently reading: Little Women
currently watching: The Simpsons
currently working on: A crochet sweater for my cat.
tagged by: @freakarus
tagging: You!
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transgenderbobdylan · 7 months
tagged by @planetwaving thank you for tagging me ^_^
1. are you named after anyone?
yeah one of my middle names is after my great grandma who died when i was a baby
2. when was the last time you cried?
last week
3. do you have kids?
NO & i never will most likely
4. what sport did you play/ have you played?
none 😔
5. do you use sarcasm?
occasionally? not often
6. what is the first thing you notice about people?
the way they move/carry themselves
7. whats your eye color?
8. scary movies or happy endings?
scary movies!!!!!
9. any talents
idk... i can draw i guess
10. where were you born?
tulsa, oklahoma & if any of you ever happen to be around there go have a burger + rootbeer at weber's. for me
11. hobbies?
drawing. crochet. collecting & listening to music boxes + cds/vinyl/tapes. watching movies
12. do you have pets?
yep besides the family pets (1 dog 1 cat) i have my own cat, his name is Gir i love him & he is The cuddliest most affectionate animal i've ever met. i had to wash cat hair off my face & out of my mouth a couple minutes ago because he likes to try to shove his entire head up my nose
13. how tall are you?
like 5'4 & a half i think
14. fave subject in school?
i'm taking music theory right now & i really like that i guess
15. dream job?
i don't even know at this point 😭😭😭
tagging @horsemage @timrothencrantz @birdsinmytree @trupowieszcz
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echrai · 1 year
My grandmother went to be with all of her loved ones who had walked before her on the morning of May 7th, and I can only imagine that she greeted them with as much rejoicing there as she ever did here.
Unlike my grandfather, my relationship with my grandmother is the furthest thing in the world from complicated. It was always easy. It was comfortable. It was home. She was baking bread and cookies homemade fudge and cross stitch and crochet and french fries at the Burger King at Andrews Air Force base. For the majority of my life my grandfather was an incidental accessory to the brightness that was my grandmother, and it broke my heart when that light dimmed at all eleven years ago when Sharon died.
I really think that it shattered both of our hearts in similar ways. We could barely look at each other for years without crying. Each of us a memory of what was lost and how alone we felt in holding it. She lost a daughter. I lost a mother. But we had each other in the middle of it all. An anchor to the grief we couldn’t articulate.
My grandmother was stacks and stacks of books and old movies and the air and space museum and the library of Congress. Music. Humming along with the radio. She was Christmas morning presents in a pink chair covered in an afghan. She is a bookmark in every book. She was orange juice in an old Tupperware cup. Raspberry tea with too much honey. A chocolate pudding snuck before bed. The soft humming click of a sewing machine. Click of her low heels and swish of her pocketbook on a Sunday morning. Hiss of hairspray. Turning pages of the hymnal to make sure I was keeping up with the verses.
Piano, and choir, and handbells. Sunday school. Church dinners. Oxen Hill farm. Making lunch for Grandpa before he went to work and greeting him with a snack when he got home. She is me standing on a chair in the kitchen to help knead bread. She is magnets on the never used front door. She’s a stuffed otter, and a seal, and a Garfield pillow. She is every new family child’s star baby blanket. She is my baby blanket. She is my Puck, when a tiny one year old wouldn’t put down a stuffed cat. She is the scolding I got after cutting the eyebrows off a mink teddy bear hiding under the coffee table.
She is hummingbirds. She is a stained glass Angel on the tv stand. Grapes from the backyard. Bubbles and playing in the bathtub water. Mickey Mouse computer games.
She was souvenirs from every trip. She was handing me a new book to take home every time I visited. She was always asking if I had met anyone that made me happy, and she was delighted when my answer was finally yes. She took a sum total of 24 hours to find her way to a God that loves my wife as much as I do. And who would never hesitate to be in my corner.
She was an only child from rural Indiana who joined the navy to have a future that looked different than her parents. She raised three children in Maryland, South Carolina, Florida, and California while my grandfather was deployed. After her children were grown she became a research librarian, never stopped learning new things, and was sharp as a fucking tack.
She was easy with praise and with joy and support and also firm in what she thought was right and wrong. She was the gentler, softer half of their marriage but she was also someone you never wanted to cross. They were equals in every way and loved each other fully. She followed where Troy led, and often waited until he came back to lead her where she intended them both to end up.
She was my eternal constant, the reason for my name. The first person to hold me when I was born. She took me to the nursery, carried me herself while my father stayed with my mother. My entire life she was a steady presence that I counted on to be there. Always safe. The last piece of home. I knew she would be gone one day but I would be lying if I said I was ready. I’ve always known that losing her would be the next axis shift in my world and it is.
Fair winds and following seas Meme. I love you.
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theoktiste · 6 months
5 Things About Me
I live on the Oregon coast with my boyfriend and our four cats. He does most of the cooking, and it's almost all delicious. (I don't think I'll ever get used to sweet spaghetti with hot dogs in it, though, and balut is, well, balut.)
I've been in and out of fandom for many years. When I was in middle school, I used to walk to the library so I could read manga online—and check out a bunch of pulpy sci-fi/fantasy and trashy romance novels, of course. I once read so much manga over the summer that I opened a textbook backwards on my first day back at school.
I used to love cooking. I don't know if I'll ever get back to loving it, but I do enjoy it every now and again. The kind of things I make vary wildly between "burgers and fries" and "pork chop mini-roulades" with very little in the middle.
I taught myself to knit and crochet when I was a teenager and have been doing both ever since. I'm terrible about starting new projects without finishing old ones—right now I'm working on an afghan, a scarf, and three different hats.
Spock was my first crush, but Deep Space Nine is my favorite Trek. Something about it just speaks to me, I guess. I drove four hours to see the premiere of What We Left Behind, and I often find myself going back to favorite episodes and favorite fics. It's like my home port, in a way. I may stop in other places, but DS9 is where I rest my head.
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A crazy situation for the Boiga siblings. Pattimus's machine made most of the Boiga siblings swap flavors/alt modes!! Chaos and panic ensues!!
Auleaf Topper sobbing and not leaving his room bc he's now a veggie burger. "I can't let my rivals see me like this!! I'll be a laughingstock!"
Mixie Freezette freaking out that she's now a classic burger and can't change flavors whenever she likes! Oh well, at least she doesn't melt..
Squid Burg panicking that they're melting and taste sweet
Slider screaming on the inside that he keeps on making weird telephone noises
Freezorion Pattix and Snowflake Loin panicking that they switch alt modes then.. "Oh.. Huh, nothing happened much."
Rameow crying that the cat-like looks gets taken away and now has to deal with having shrimp parts
HP Terra Cottus not being used to not be fragile and Tom is freaking out about this change. "I-I'm a regular burger?!"
Pattimus trying to fix everything but all he could say is "OOOooooo!! OOOooooOOOO!"
Burgertron having to hide the cat-like parts and getting real tired of the Lost Bots petting him and calling him cute. "Just stop it already!! Purr.. Stop it!!"
Gyelore not having a good time since her flavor change from egg to squid
Burgeron having to be careful since he's fragile and he absolutely hates it bc he's adventurous. "How the bloody hell am I supposed to take care of Beary Sweets now?!"
Shrimpexa trying to calm herself down now that she's a macaron
Rice N' Ring contemplating now that he's an edible burger
Rainbow Rund.. "WHY AM I ALL PINK?"
Daizubāgā "I'm now all colorful.. Wow.."
Ultra Vegnus not really caring at all and is just being himself
Bebeberger, Ramenhyde, Lobstertrona, Mclovin, PattiPrep, Regrub, Burgemmer, Meatloafer, Burpie, Takotron, Keomea, Inamatsu, Tuniyaki ,and Dandelitron are the ones watching the chaos or.. Maybe you could also put them into the chaos :)
Lobstertrona would feel weird and wobbly because of the ramen
Dandelitron would just show it off, he's a crochet burger!
Mclovin would be thrilled that she could put stuff as a burger backpack! (But his bad luck passed to her...)
Takotron would feel a bit stiff as a wooden burger toy
Keomea would be pissed cuz they're now lobster!
Tuniyaki would be weirded out as a crystal
Ramenhyde hates it as a mini burger
Bebeberger became a McMuffin and tries to fix this mess!
Regrub would try and help too... Plus he becomes golden!
Meatloafer would be ok as a burger pie
PattiPrep would be thrilled as a stuffed burger!
Burpie would just joke about being a reversed burger!
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Pin her? I hardly know her.
Hello! You can call me SVN. Some important stuff about me:
I’m a 23-year-old, mentally exhausted grad student. 
I use she/her pronouns.
I’m a lesbian.
I have a BA in English, which I primarily use to write fanfiction (find me on Ao3 at @svn_dazed_and_confused)
Some things that are important to me:
My ferret, Yogi (my beloved)
My girlfriend <3 and her gremlin cat Crow
Music: Mitski, Phoebe Bridgers, Lucy Dacus, Mother Mother, MUNA, Fleetwood Mac, ABBA, Lorde, Hozier, The Oh Hellos
Media: The Office, P&R, Inside Job, Bob’s Burgers, anything & everything by Mike Flanagan, TOH, AtlA/LoK, Superstore, MORBID, VCG (rip)
Hobbies: Reading, writing, crocheting & cross-stitching—I spend far to much time doing all of these
Some things I despise:
Not much, other than folks who are outwardly rude/disrespectful to strangers. So don’t be that guy here!
Also Racists, Homophobes, Pedophiles, etc. But that’s a given.
That’s it, really. Hope you enjoy your time in my haunted brain space!
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