#crk divine children au
fluffshi-wxffle · 1 month
Cookie Run: Kingdom/Witch's Castle AU [Divine Children]
While playing/trying to get First Cream Cookie in the Gacha, I thought of an AU since CRK is confirmed to be connected to Witch's Castle.
We all know the 13 Witches/Witch Cookies now right? So in my AU the Witches were turned into Cookies earlier in the timeline than what happened in canon. They bake the Beasts and "raise" them to watch over Earthbread. Though they don't do the best at it, mostly neglecting the Beasts and leaving them to figure out their powers. Believing they were old enough to do so. But when the Beasts corrupted, First Cream Cookie reluctantly sealed them away and split the Soul Jams like in canon.
When the Ancients were baked, the Witch Cookies and moreso First Cream didn't want a repeat with the Beasts so they baked the ancients from infants and raised them properly. Before they began to prepare them to wield the SoulJams
Yes this means the Beasts are the older siblings to the Ancients :3
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nightmyst14-blog · 2 years
Soul Jam HC/Theory
This is something I wrote for AU fanfic I'm writing, but do think this a good theory/rant.
Keep in mind, I'm not an expert on CRK, nor am I admitting I want to be. If there is some plot holes, which I'm sure are, so pls share.
It can be somebody related to them, or not. But they must have a bond with that person, with good intentions. In my head, it was the Soul Jam's itself to pick the next person. The ancients themselves can pick up this in dreams.
I believe the Soul Jam has actual forms. Like a spirit or divine being. They have the ability to speak to their 'host' in dreams or visions, like how Pure Vanilla's Soul Jam, Light of Truth, spoke to him in a vision, restoring his memories.
They act less like a god, but more like the host's extra concuioness. But they cannot really interact with the physical world, just with their host. For example, Dark Cacao doesn't get a vision, like PV and Holly. Instead he gets turned into a different form. I personally think that his Soul Jam , Light of Resolution stepping in. They took over Dark Cacao's body to protect him, but due Pom's magic affected Dark Cacao, The king's fight or flight response were on high alert, attacking anything that gets close.
The reason he didn't get a vision is because his mind was clouded. His isolation, grief, and harsh thinking after the Dark Flour War made it hard for his Light to reach, especially with Affogato clouding his mind with lies and half-truths. But they were still there, wanting to help in any way possible. Once Dark Cacao held onto his signature sword again, the bond was restored.
It was told in the Creme Republic (I think?) that Each of the Ancient's Soul Jam does not work well if the person has bad intentions or misdeeds with it. It is 100% pure light magic. It can withstand dark magic, hence we saw PV go up againist Dark Enchantress' blast.
I like to believe they have actual forms, at least ones that can be easily looked at. They take on appearances based on the host's memories, personality, and experiences. They can't be killed nor destroyed. They appear strongest in their host's dream, but they can interact with their offspring.
Here's 2 examples of how they appear in dreams from my fanfic "A Paw covered in Lilies"
The mage soon finds herself in a garden, filled with lilies. Petals floated around her, filling the cosmos above her. She walked around, amazed at this strange place. She soon came across a gazebo, with a figure standing there. A woman. They were a long green dress, similar to her own. A black veil covered the woman’s face, white hair spilling around their feet.
White Lily looked at the strange woman, confused. “W-What do you want from me?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.
The veiled stranger said nothing, just pointed to her staff. The Soul Jam was glowing in and out, as if it was speaking. Lily placed a hand on it, soon hearing a voice..
“Can you understand me now?” Said the voice, sounding familiar, seeming to echo around Lily. She looked back at the stranger, seeing that were closer now.
“ Was…was that you?” She asked, soon seeing the stranger chuckle.
“ I guess it has been a while since we spoke, correct?” They said, “But I’m glad our bond is becoming intact again.”
“Young Prince…”
Dark Choco opens his eyes. looking around. He was standing in a snowy forest, in front of a bridge. It was hard to see, the falling snow only allowing to see 3 feet in front of him. He kept walking, hoping the bridge could lead him somewhere.
Two dragons were standing there at the end of the bridge, no larger than a cream wolf. It was like the ones he’s seen on tapistries around the castle. One had dark scales, a purple eye on the right side. The other had white scales, with a purple eye on the left.
He was a bit startled, but kept his head.
“ Am.. Am I dreaming?” He asked the dragons, who seemed to nod.
I believe that most of the Ancient's children/ grandchildren will get to bond with the Soul Jam, aka Dark Choco and Princess. I would say Tiger Lily, but Princess is more like Hollyberry, hence her love for adventure and passion for helping others.
Dark Choco is VERY much like his father, in strength and in personality. Now that he is free from the Strawberry Jam Sword, I feel he will once again gain its power, after he goes on a self- discovery and comes back from exlie. He still gets dreams from his father's Soul Jam, pushing him to the right direction.
Everyone seems to agree (and I do too) that Clover definitely is White Lily's son. They're quiet, and tend to keep to themselves. They're wanderers, always going to place to place. I feel he is aware of his connection with the connection with the Soul Jam , especially his mother's I call Light of Hope.
It is unconfirmed that Pure Vanilla has a heir himself, but he has plenty of bonds he he made with others. I do like to think little Custard the 3rd will get the Soul Jam, but he is STILL a child. Much too young for that big of a responsibility. So I believe PV's Light will pick Clotted Cream , due to his bonds with Custard the 3rd and how much he cares for others.
I'm unsure about Golden Cheese, which I call hers Light of Courage , But I hope we get some more info about her, which we barely have. I know I've mentioned that her child could be Rougefort, but I imagine they have to earn the right to be the next holder, not just be related to them.
I hope you guys like my LONG rant/theory. I'm open to suggestions, or ideas of who could be the next successor, bc I'm pretty sure mine is far from perfect.
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