#cristian popa
dininimapentrumine · 2 years
Pastor CRISTIAN IONESCU: Popas pentru sufletul tău – Iertarea Păcatelor
Pastor CRISTIAN IONESCU: Popas pentru sufletul tău – Iertarea PăcatelorPastor CRISTIAN IONESCU: Popas pentru sufletul tău – Iertarea Păcatelor
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leontiucmarius · 2 years
Previziunile BNR pentru 2023 | Cristian Popa: ”Numai anul trecut s-au pierdut 30 de trilioane de dolari”
Previziunile BNR pentru 2023 | Cristian Popa: ”Numai anul trecut s-au pierdut 30 de trilioane de dolari”
Prognozele și estimările pentru 2023 s-au concretizat pe criza energetică, pe creșterea prețurilor și pe regresul economic.
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malestarssockedfeet · 3 years
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mijardinbipolar · 4 years
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jurnaldeoltenia · 3 years
Mos Craciun a ajuns zilele trecute la FCU Craiova
Mos Craciun a ajuns zilele trecute la FCU Craiova
Moș Crăciun și jucătorii Științei au împărțit cadouri juniorilor de la FCU Craiova. Ajutoarele Mosului au fost Claudiu Bălan, Sorin Bușu, Sorin Mogoșanu, Antonio Miuțescu, Radu Negru, Alex Raicea sau de șeful centrului de Copii și junior al alb-albaștrilor, Ovidiu Turcu. Moș Crăciun a împărțit cadouri micuților fotbaliști de la grupele FCU Craiova. Cei mici au avut ocazia să se joace și să zburde…
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I Premi della Rivista Letteraria Lido dell'anima, i premi "Eminescu suntem noi, i premi per l'attività letteraria e arte e penna, i premi aforismario del mese - 15 febbraio 2021
I Premi della Rivista Letteraria Lido dell’anima, i premi “Eminescu suntem noi, i premi per l’attività letteraria e arte e penna, i premi aforismario del mese – 15 febbraio 2021
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romanmigracs · 4 years
Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem - NYÍLT LEVÉL
Mi, a romániai színházi és zenei előadó-művészeti szervezetek igazgatói, támogatásunkról biztosítjuk a budapesti Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem (SZFE) tanárait és hallgatóit. Szomorúan és aggodalommal tekintünk arra a durva beavatkozásra, amely a budapesti Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem szervezeti felépítésében történt, s amely által az Egyetem vezetését egy olyan alapítványra ruházták át, amelynek a kuratóriumát politikai szempontok alapján nevezték ki. Úgy gondoljuk, hogy az államnak kötelessége támogatni az egyetemi művészképzést, és mindennél fontosabb, hogy az Egyetem megőrizhesse autonómiáját, az akadémiai szabadságot és a szólás szabadságát, anélkül, hogy bármely politikai párt ráerőltethetné programját és anélkül, hogy csatlakoznia kellene bárminemű politikai doktrínához. Hisszük, hogy a budapesti Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem életébe történt ilyen mérvű beavatkozás károsan érinti a teljes kulturális életet.
Csatlakozunk azon személyekhez és intézményekhez az európai kultúra térségéből, akik szolidaritásukról biztosították a SZFE hallgatóit és Szenátusát.
1 Ada Hausvater, igazgató - Mihai Eminescu Nemzeti Színház, Temesvár
2 Adrian Tibu, igazgató - Gong Színház, Nagyszeben
3 Alexandru Boureanu, igazgató - Marin Sorescu Nemzeti Színház, Craiova
4 Anca Dana Florea, igazgató, - Masca Színház, Bukarest
5 Anna Maria Popa, igazgató - Andrei Mureșanu Színház, Sepsiszentgyörgy
6 Gáspárik Attila, igazgató - Nemzeti Színház, Marosvásárhely 7 Bogdan Costea, igazgató - Ioan Slavici Klasszikus Színház, Arad
8 Călin Mocanu, igazgató - Țăndărică Bábszínház, Bukarest
9 Carmen Steiciuc, igazgató - Matei Vișniec Színház, Suceava
10 Constantin Cotimanis, megbízott igazgató - Alexandru Davila Színház, Pitesti
11 Cosmin Brehuță, igazgató - Elvira Godeanu Drámai Színház, Târgu-Jiu
12 Cosmin Crețu, igazgató - Tudor Vianu Színház Giurgiu
13 Cristian Hadjiculea, igazgató - Vasile Alecsandri Nemzeti Színház, Jászváros
14 Eduard Sisu, igazgató - Gulliver Színház, Galați
15 Eliza Noemi Judeu, igazgató - Bacovia Megyei Színház, Bákó
16 Elvira Râmbu, igazgató - Regina Maria Színház, Nagyvárad
17 Emanuel Petran, igazgató - Puck Bábszínház, Kolozsvár
18 Erwin Șimșensohn, igazgató – Állami Színház, Konstanca
19 Florin Toma, igazgató - Fani Tardini Drámai Színház, Galați
20 Gabriel Popescu, igazgató - Ariel Színház, Râmnicu-Vâlcea
21 Gavril Cadariu, igazgató - Ariel Színház, Marosvásárhely
22 George Ivașcu, igazgató - Metropolis Színház, Bukarest
23 George Mihăiță, igazgató, - Vígszínház, Bukarest.
24 Gheorghe Colceag, igazgató - Kisszínház, Bukarest
25 Gianina Cărbunariu, igazgató - Fiatalok Színháza, Piatra-Neamț 26 Ioana Bogățan, igazgató - Prichindel Színház, Gyulafehérvár 27 Ion Caramitru, igazgató - I.L.Caragiale Nemzeti Színház, Bukarest
28 Albu István, igazgató - Figura Stúdió, Gyergyószentmiklós
29 Bocsárdi László, igazgató - Tamási Áron Színház, Sepsiszentgyörgy
30 Laurențiu Pleșa, igazgató Merlin Színház, Temesvár
31 Lucian Sabados, igazgató - Maria Filotti Színház, Brăila
32 Marius Bodochi, igazgató - Román Drámaírók Színháza, Bukarest
33 Marius Rogojinschi, igazgató - Vasilache Színház, Botoșani
34 Mc Ranin, igazgató - Tony Bulandra Színház, Târgoviște
36 Mihaela Rus, igazgató - Toma Caragiu Színház, Ploiești
35 Mihaela Soloceanu, igazgató - Arlechino Színház, Brassó
37 Mihai Maniuțiu, igazgató - Nemzeti Színház, Kolozsvár
38 Mihai Panaitescu, igazgató - Művész Színház, Déva
39 Nicolae Pungă, igazgató - Stela Popescu Színház, Bukarest
40 Ovidiu Caiță, művészeti igazgató - Északi Színház, Szatmárnémeti
41 Romică Stan, igazgató - "Căluțul de mare" Színház, Konstanca
42 Kányády Szilárd, igazgató - Csíki Játékszín, Csíkszereda
43 Traian Apetrei, igazgató - Mihai Eminescu Színház, Botoșani
44 Vasile Muraru, igazgató - C.Tănase Színház, Bukarest
45 Vlad Zamfirescu, igazgató - L.S. Bulandra Színház, Bukarest
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short summaries of romanian telenovelas/soap operas from what i remember
numai iubirea
the telenovela
sort-of-rich widower finds himself in a love triangle with a woman he dislikes, but always sleeps with in every single episode, and his daughter’s sweet loving teacher, with whom he gets engaged like 19 times
everything revolves around that stupid annoying brat (funny cause her last name was bratu)
that nightmarish accident and traumatizing rape scene (my mom sent me out of the room when it happened)
the beginning of the dandela romance
oana zavoranu improvised like 99% of her lines and i think this telenovela paid for her extensions, first boob job and tattoos 
corina danila stopped acting in telenovelas because her character was too damn bland and stupid and no one listened to her pleas regarding improvement 
secretul mariei
never watched it and for this i was a pariah 
one rich twin dies and her stripper twin takes her place to find out who killed her and obvi falls in love with her husband
everyone was thirsty for liviu varciu and cristian popa, but their characters were not the best
there was a gay character (also drag queen? can’t remember), but he marries some woman he impregnates while drunk
i think the main actress was dating someone who got her this job, because she was a terrible actress and a terrible human being (i met her irl)
awesome intro song
lacrimi de iubire
guy sleeps with woman, but her husband finds them and he dies, so his daughter swears revenge so she seduces the guy and acts like no 19 year old girl acts, then marries his rich cousin (he accepts just because he was no allowed to marry the poor girl he loved and didn’t want to marry the annoying girl his parents liked) just to spy on his step-dad, who was the biggest crime lord ever
milking the dandela relationship
very dark and violent like they set someone on fire, one of the secondary characters is raped that she ends up losing her mind and all the deaths were quite graphic too
nudity from the first episode and nicoleta luciu was naked almost the entire time, because her acting skills were that great
there were great actors and then there were those mumbling idiots
the ending was shit so they made a tv movie
păcatele evei
barely watched it, but i think it was about two sisters, one who was adopted by a woman, but ended up back in the system when the woman died giving birth to her own biological daughter, the first one hating her younger sister to the point that she makes her own magazine to compete with her sister’s
there were also twin brothers, who didn’t grown up together, one being given up to adoption and the other one not, so one hates the other and fucks up his life, they switch places i think and at some point one of the sisters is not sure who is the father of her baby
it was pretty much the same as numai iubirea in terms of dynamics (same main actor, oana zavoranu was the brunette antagonist again and the blonde protagonist was bland and boring)
the rest i think it was about fashion and the main characters’ friends
iubire ca in filme
dude meets a girl, but is not aware that she is a dancer in a bar ( she was not a prostitute or stripper she was only dancing and singing but whatevs you judgmental biotch ), but when he finds out he gets his exgf pregnant (tho she slept with like 9 guys so she was not really sure who was the baby daddy) then he dies, but his long lost emo twin is back and he wants to get together with the dancer, but the exgf tries to pin her baby on him too
the rest is about the other dancers (one becomes the surrogate for another, one marries a black dude - cabral obvi - and her dad is racist, and one dies cause she a bitch) and the dancer’s younger sister, who is in a boarding school and gets pregnant at 15, and also her classmates
remake of some latin american telenovela, so the script was not that messy, but still
milking the dandela relationship, but joke was on them, because they broke up and it was so obvious when it came to acting
also my fave character was raped and then ended up paralyzed and then she found out that her mom hated her because she was not her mom, and her real mom was the mom of a classmate and it was quite obvious because the casting was on point, so everything kiiiiiiilled me 
vocea inimii
never watched, but my granny did
i think it was also a remake of some spanish or latin american telenovela
all i know is that some lady accidentally poisoned her granddaughter and i stopped visiting my granny for a while
cu un pas înainte
basically it is about a group of young people in a dancing school and also their teachers, each one having their own problems and shit
it is full of cliches, but it was quite decent without all the lame drama of the other telenovelas
remake of some spanish teen telenovela
războiul sexelor
so a dude and a lady cheated on their spouses and then died(?), so each one’s kid from their first marriage inherits the apartment they used to live in, but the daughter and the son hate each other so they try to kick the other out, but end up falling in love
all the other characters are rather irrelevant
working divorced mom has two annoying kids, who are far from being angels, so she hires a dude and his daughter, who were kicked out of their home by the evil second wife/stepmom, to take care of them, while her exhusband and bff try to sleep with everyone or kill everyone i guess
everyone complained about adela always being the protagonist in all the telenovelas, so they made her a protagonist in a less significant telenovela, so that they could keep her away from inima de tigan and regina
mihai petre is here to dance (duh) and for the love triangle and every female characters try to either suck his d for pleasure or to marry him for money, but he ends up with an ugly betty (who obvi ends up being pretty for him)... basically, everyone would have been happier had he not existed as a character
inima de țigan
the rivalry between a group of romanis and a family of romanians, then some romeo and juliet stuff when the very blonde daughter falls for the son of the romani boss, but each one is betroth to someone their families approve of, but that someone is evil and also rapes the spouse
it was quite nice, because it showed how each romani has different expectations, ones being more traditional, ones seeking modernity, that some are bad and some are good, some are just as racist/xenophobic as the ones they criticize for being racists and stuff
roza gives birth to a 6 month old black baby and then her life goes to hell for the rest of the telenovela
there was a scene in which giuvaieru cries over his wife’s almost dead body (can’t remember if she was already pregnant), because he beat the crap out of her and is reminiscent of natl and persida from mara
i was probably the only one who did not cry when giuvaieru died
irina’s racist dad gets a heart transplant and the heart is giuvaieru’s so joke is on him and this is why the telenovela is actually called gypsy heart 
probably should be made a mandatory tv show for everyone
the cont of inima de tigan, but with different main characters, because irina and medalion are not doing great, but roza is back and she is miserable and we all feel for her, because she was punished for raping her husband and having a baby with her dad’s black slave more than any other character 
basically, roza is kidnapped from her paradise, raped, impregnated and forced to marry some old italian mafia guy her dad wanted to marry to get rid of her, and this guy also kidnapped the princess of some european country when she was a baby, and he always feels guilty about it so he allows his son to rape and beat her 24/7, until his son rapes another woman and roza casts a spell to make him want to marry the second girl, so that regina won’t have her fate
the romanian family from the first season is not doing great either, because... idk... shit happens
irina and medalion eventually save their marriage and i think he becomes the first part time doctor part time romani boss, and roza finds out that thierry is alive and she finds their lost baby again, and he accepts  her son with the italian mafia guy
also irina’s dad has a new heart transplant and this time it is his youngest daughter’s heart, whom he accidentally killed when he non-accidentally tried to blow up the entire romani camp
state de românia
cont of the others, but with focusing on roza’s family
btw roza is dead
cont of the other, idk what happens
basically aniela is from a good fancy family, which were probably phanariotes, but her dad lost everything, killed himself and her chances of getting married, so her always constipated mom keeps trying to lock her in a convent, but she falls in love with the richest guy, whose family owns mogosoaia palace, but his dad wants to get rid of his cheating wife and to marry aniela
at some point aniela is kidnapped and raped by her beau’s dad, because of course she is and lives with the girls in the local brothel
there is also the antagonist, who is a spoiled nouveau riche, but at some point she sleeps with aniela’s ex prince and has to marry him despite realizing that he wants revenge for fucking up with aniela and trying to steal her beau, so she sort of matures by joining aniela’s feminist pants wearing sister and by trying to ruin her own reputation, because having a bad reputation in early 20th century was horrible, but her husband was worse
there is also this girl who is secretly a princess, but was raised as a peasant like regina, but without the rape and abuse
everyone was done with the ball lasting 5 fucking episodes and with adela’s face and petre’s horrible acting, that the ratings ended up so bad that they rushed the ending and many things were left unsolved
like mihai petre’s character’s sister was in love with a poor musician, but he dies in a duel, and she falls off her horse and is found by mihai petre’s character’s bff, whose fiance died and has been depressed the entire telenovela, and THEY COULD HAVE HAD THE BEST ROMANCE, BUT OF COURSE THEY SKIPPED IT
everyone sleeps with everyone and everyone has syphilis 
iubire și onoare
everyone was still so obsessed with the brazilian telenovela o clone and there was this wave of romanian christian women marrying into muslim families from the weirder side of turkey that they used the testimonies of those who managed to escape and came up with this
ilinca is even more white and blonde than the chick from numai iubirea, the one from inima de tigan and regina from regina, and she falls in love with radu valcan’s rich arab character and they get married, but his russian mafia wife come back and shit goes down and at some point his family tries to set her on fire and she finds out that her mom was also set on fire by her dad’s family, who was the rival arab family of the one who tried to set her on fire
radu valcan’s sheikh dad has many wives and kids and everyone is annoying
mihai petre is back and he is annoying once again
pariu cu viața
it is like glee, but with more telenovela spices
so dorian popa’s ugly ass bets that he can sleep with the new poor virgin from his high school, but his actual girlfriend tells this girl and he loses the bet and her love
in fact, dorian popa’s ugly ass and brunette alina eremia were swapped at birth and this is found out only when his dad, who is actually hers, paid someone to kidnap her and probably rape her, because how dare a poor 17 year old date a stupid 17 year old
there is a lot of music and singing
cristina ciobanasu was getting ready for her role in fructul oprit, because her character was fainting 24/7 and was always in hospital 
sore’s character was always hysterical or drugged
the only gay character kills himself, but not because his dad shot the entire school and his teacher, but because he was suddenly in love with the blandest bitch, like why??? and it was so obvious that the actor wanted out and they needed more drama than the usual “they are berkeley students in usa noooow
as the story progresses, everyone ends up becoming horrible, because #adulthood
of course my fave character had to be raped 
lots of music - mainly bad covers
o nouă viață
is basically pariu cu viata, but this time they stopped pretending that there are other characters besides dorian popa’s ugly ass, almost blonde alina eremia and the pedo couple vladtina, but half of the original cast was gone and there was no explanation why
my fave character is back, but has a baby who is just... too big and does not look like her at all and also the day after giving birth, she went to find a job as a dancing instructor, because this is how the female body is like
that cringy dorian popa song when he found out that almost blonde alina eremia lost their baby
i am still conflicted about wearing black stockings to a white wedding dress
îngeri pierduți
tackling a current social issue, it is about a mom returning from working abroad, only to find out that her son was so affected by her years away from him that he rejects her, whereas her sister keeps away from her daughters that she was sent to prison for being romanian in spain
the mom falls for this guy, whose fiance is crazy af and killed his first wife and tries to kill the mom too, and after her son finally accepts her, his rich paternal grandpa takes him away from her and sends her to prison for being poor
the mom’s nieces have their own drama, one dating a rich boy, but being in love with a poor one whose dad is a criminal (i think the boys were step-brothers?), while the other niece is in love with her sis’ rich bf, but ends up sleeping with the criminal dad until she is kidnapped and raped by his enemy
quite short, because they have learnt their lesson with aniela
fructul oprit
sonya (who uses only sony products in the first season get it) wants to get revenge on her mom, who cheated on her dad, causing his death like in lacrimi de iubire, so she marries the guy her mom wanted to marry, but falls in love with his god son(who fucked her sister and like half of the cast) and cheats on him
sonya finds out she has cancer and that she is pregnant too and after she has an abortion and mastectomy everyone treats her like crap, because her husband’s wife died while after giving birth, because she refused to have an abortion to get her cancer treated 
sonya starts going nuts, because her lover falls for her step-daughter, who suddenly dresses like her and is crazy, single and desperate, so of course he gets her pregnant and brings us a second season
the second season is pretty much sonya being depressed and hating her new husband, who drugs her, and family, while everyone lives in the past and we find out that everyone is trash or related or both
all the other characters are annoying af
remake of some latin american telenovela, which was a remake of some turkish soap opera, which was an adaptation of some turkish novel
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zetabooks-blog1 · 5 years
Cristian Ciocan & Paul Marinescu: Introduction: On Conflict and Violence  [OPEN ACCESS]
Bernhard Waldenfels: Metamorphoses of Violence (translation by Amalia Trepca)
Abstract: Based on the argument that violence has a parasitic quality rather than an essence of its own, this article seeks to bring to light the conversion processes through which violence crystallises out of, as well as into, various phenomena. Violence is first examined in terms of the relation between perpetrator and victim with, however, an emphasis on the fact that violence cannot be reduced to the intention or the act of the perpetrator. On the contrary, violence is shown to have the character of pathos and to open up a dimension of which the act itself is only a part. Further, the author argues that in being directed towards the other, violence harbours a performative contradiction: by turning the addressee into a thing to be destroyed, the addressing act cancels itself. The paper also sets out to identify the breeding grounds of violence, which, due to its capacity for conversion, can be detected in various phenomena that are not necessarily linked to violence. This means that violence can resort to various mechanisms and can emerge in multiple fields of activity: in bureaucracy, economics, medicine, politics, war, and most importantly, in everyday life, hidden under inconspicuous but sometimes pervasive forms.
Pascal Delhom: L’expérience de la violence subie : accès aux phénomènes
Abstract: There are three possible ways of access to phenomena of suffered violence: the first is the experience of those who have suffered violence themselves; the second is the experience of eyewitnesses; the third, which is the most frequent one, is an indirect access through the testimony of people belonging to the first two categories. Each way of access has advantages but also serious difficulties, both in terms of the objectivity of the experience and of the possibility to express it in language. No one is free from an affective and a normative dimension; this implies that there is a certain tension with regard to the phenomenological reduction. The paper offers an analysis of these ways of access.
James Mensch: Trust and Violence
Abstract: Jean Améry’s memoir of his imprisonment and torture by the Nazis links the loss of “trust in the world” to the violence he experienced.  The loss of trust makes him feel homeless.  He can no longer find a place in the intersubjective world, the world for everyone.  What is this “trust in the world” (Weltvertrauen)?  How does violence destroy it?  In this article, I use Améry’s remarks as guide for understanding the relation of violence, trust, and homelessness.  Trust, I argue, is crucial to the constitution of the intersubjective world.  Violence, by undermining trust in Others, destroys the sense that this world is “for everyone.”  In excluding the victim from its “for everyone,” it enforces a homelessness that transforms the victim’s very being-in-the-world.
Michael Staudigl: Parasitic Confrontations: Toward a Phenomenology of Collective Violence  [OPEN ACCESS]
Abstract: This paper provides a phenomenological exploration of the phenomenon of collective violence, specifically by following the leading clue of war from Plato to the “new wars” of late globalization. It first focuses on thegenealogy of the legitimization of collective violence in terms of “counterviolence” and then demonstrates how it is mediated by constructions of “the other” in terms of “violence incarnate.” Finally, it proposes to explore such constructions—including the “barbarian” in Greek antiquity, “the cannibal” in the context of Colonialism, or the contemporary cipher of religious irrationality— as mirror effects of one’s own disavowed forms of violence.
Burkhard Liebsch: „Herrscht“ Krieg ‒ seit je her, gegenwärtig und auf immer? „Polemologische“ Überlegungen zur Frage, ob wir ihm ausgesetzt oder (auch) ausgeliefert sind
Abstract: This essay critically examines theories of war which imply an affirmation of the unavoid­able rule of war. In contrast to such theories, the author advocates a notion of war that presupposes processes of becoming enemies, which eventually enthrone war as “dominating” power. From this position result a number of desiderata of research which call for a revision of actual theories of war.
Delia Popa: Entre réversibilité et réverbération. Une approche phénoménologique de la violence sociale
Abstract: How can phenomenology help address the problem of social violence? Can phenomenology provide an adequate description of its essence? Is the phenomenological method able to deepen and transform its comprehension? The paper is an attempt to answer these questions through an analysis of three different testimonies of social violence entailing elements of phenomenological description. Starting with a minimal definition of the phenomenological description, understood as search for a meaning for a lived experience and substitution with those who suffer, the article discusses several issues raised by a phenomenological description of social violence, such as the danger of justifying it when searching for its meaning, of blaming the victims who suffered from it or of prolonging its traumatizing effects. The paper ends by questioning the ways in which the phenomenological method can offer support for resilience and inspire resistance to social violence.
Irene Breuer: Phenomenological Reflections on the Intertwining of Violence, Place and Memory. The Memorials of the Ungraspable
Abstract: Acts of violence develop in relation to place and involve the violation of its very limits. Every significant place is a scene of history, its limits embrace presence and sense. As such, it is the life-worldly home of memory. In this article, I will retrieve the bodily affective dimension of the phenomenon of place memory in instances of public commemoration. Drawing on different philosophical horizons like those of mainly Heidegger, Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, Derrida, Adorno, Ricœur and Bataille, I’ll contrast their different perspectives on the question of the intertwining of violence, place and memory and refer them to the narrative work of memorials (e.g. Libeskind’s and Eisenman’s for Berlin). Insofar violence has been traditionally represented and thereby obliterated by architecture, we may ask how should genocide, as the unspeakable and ungraspable be expressed? I’ll suggest that it can only be attained by the suspension of meaning and presence: A narrative of bodily affections, of pathos, suffering and excess that accounts for what in itself remains beyond expression.
Mihai Ometiță: Hermeneutic Violence and Interpretive Conflict: Heidegger vs. Cassirer on Kant
Abstract: The paper aims to rectify the reception of Heidegger’s so-called “hermeneutic violence,” by addressing the under-investigated issue of its actual target and rationale. Since the publication of Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics, his immediate readers, such as Cassirer, as well as more recent commentators, accused Heidegger of doing violence to Kant’s and other philosophers’ texts. I show how the rationale of Heidegger’s self-acknowledged violence becomes tenable in light of his personal notes on his Kant book, and of several hermeneutic tenets from Being and Time. The violence at stake turns out to be a genuine method, involving the appropriation (Zueignen) and the elaboration (Ausarbeiten) of an interpreted text. Its target, I argue, is not the text itself, as it was often assumed, but its reception by a community or tradition. Thus, that violence may well instill interpretive conflict, yet its purpose is to salvage a text from a conventional and ossified reception, namely, from what Heidegger regards as the authoritarianism of idle talk (Gerede) in a philosophical milieu.
Chiara Pesaresi: « L’ébranlement du monde bien connu » : Lectures croisées de Patočka et Maldiney
Abstract: The aim of this article is to analyze the idea of the event conceived as crisis and conflict in Patočka and Maldiney’s thought. The event is what tears the horizon of the meaningful world apart and opens a new world: it represents the opening of a crisis in the human existence and at the same time the condition of any future crisis to come. By reading Maldiney’s texts on the “pathique” and the psychosis along with Patočka’s descriptions of historical existence, we shall then discover that human existence is exposed (and respond) to this chaotic and conflictual dimension. In fact, what defines the existence—the individual existence (Maldiney) as well as the historical, shared existence (Patočka)—is the exposure to such a conflict and to the critical event, i.e. to the possibility of its own shaking. Furthermore, the event appears as the root of both the krisis and the “koinè”, whether it is in the form of the encounter (Maldiney) or the community cohesion (Patočka).
Jason W. Alvis: Ricœur on Violence and Religion: Or, Violence Gives Rise to Thought  [OPEN ACCESS]
Abstract: This essay demonstrates Ricoeur’s explication of the various roles religion can play especially in regards to acts of collective violence, and also how his conceptions take us beyond the traditional dichotomies of religion as necessarily violent, or necessarily peaceful. It focuses on three essays where his most formidable reflections on religion and violence can be found: “Religion and Symbolic Violence” (1999), “Power and Violence” (first published 1989), and “State and Violence” (first published 1955). First, the essay hermeneutically describes the intricate relationship between violence and religion within these three essays, pointing to (i) three perils of religion especially regarding communities, (ii) the figure of the magistrate within some religiously motivated political revolutions, and (iii) the danger of ecclesiastical orders demonstrating not only authority but also forms of domination. The essay then phenomenologically ties these three threads together, demonstrating a way of understanding both the promises and perils of religion as it relates to violence, both in the work of Ricoeur and beyond it.
Michael Barber: Could the Focus on Transcendental Violence Be Violent?
Abstract: Eddo Evink criticizes Emmanuel Levinas’s supposed view that all acts of intentionality and rationality commit transcendental violence against their objects, including the Other. If this is so, Levinas undermines the possibility of his own philosophy. Evink further argues: that there are non-violent forms of intentionality and so intentionality is only potentially violent; that some non-violent counter-pole is needed to define violence; that there are contradictions in Levinas’s notion of violence; that Levinas, like empiricists, aspires to a metaphysical absolute untainted by language; and that he presupposes the philosophical, ontological, and linguistic frameworks he criticizes. However, to answer these objections, one must understand Levinas as developing two distinct modalities of relationship: Being and Otherwise than Being. These modalities clash in the face-to-face relationship when the phenomenon of the face defects into responsibility for the Other. The epistemology and ontology of Being involve distinctive acts, affects, forms of temporality, and experiences of self that undergo a tectonic shift in confrontation with the ethically obligating Other. Here the focus is not on the violence of concepts ever seeking to subjugate the Other but rather on the Other whose summons both provokes knowledge to retreat and is able to be shown in a philosophy, even if that philosophy betrays the saying in the said while also having the potential to reduce that betrayal. The focus should not be on transcendental violence tracking down and cornering the Other but on the Other ethically disrupting Being. With that focus, it becomes clear that concentrating on transcendental violence is a kind of violence.
Leonard Lawlor: The Most Difficult Task: On the Idea of an Impure, Pure Non-Violence (in Derrida)
Abstract: This article attempts to elaborate on the Derridean idea of transcendental violence and his idea of “violence against violence.” It does this by examining the structure of the gift as Derrida presents it in Given Time. The article lays out in detail all of the conditions for the gift Derrida presents across Given Time. More precisely, it examines Derrida’s analysis of the giving of counterfeit money. The conclusion it draws is that the giving of counterfeit money comes closest to the golden mean between exchange and non-exchange (or pure gift-giving), the golden mean between violence and non-violence. But the open question is: should we prescribe the giving of counterfeit money for all gift-giving and even for human relations of friendship and love?
Mădălina Guzun: Briser le silence : Le déploiement de la langue comme traduction du silence en son chez Martin Heidegger
Abstract: The aim of the present article is to offer a new interpretation of Heidegger’s account of the unfolding of language by analyzing the notion of Geläut der Stille, “sounding gathering of silence.” Taking as a starting point the experience of silence described by Stefan George in his poem “The Word,” the article presents the opposition between silence and the sounding words, showing that the latter coincide with the language we speak. The passage from silence to the spoken language belongs to the unfolding of language itself, which presents itself as a translation of silence, redefining thus what translation originally is. The latter, understood as violence and harmony, gathers itself under the term of “rift,” overcoming thus the ontological difference and offering us a radically new perspective over the nature of “relation” within Heidegger’s thinking.
Max Schaefer: Bonds of Trust: Thinking the Limits of Reciprocity with Heidegger and Michel Henry
Abstract: This paper seeks to address whether human life harbours the possibility of a gratuitous or non-reciprocal form of trust. To address this issue, I take up Descartes’ account of the cogito as the essence of all appearing. With his interpretation of Descartes’ account of the cogito as an immanent and affective mode of appearing, I maintain that Henry provides the transcendental foundation for a non-reciprocal form of trust, which the history of Western philosophy has largely covered over by forgetting this aspect of Descartes’ thought. I demonstrate that Heidegger’s reading of Descartes serves as a pre-eminent example of this. Because Heidegger overlooks Descartes’ insight into the essence of appearing, and reduces this essence to the finite transcendence of the world, I maintain that Heidegger reduces trust to reciprocal relations of understanding between beings of shared contexts of significance.
Ahmet Süner: The Ineluctable Sign in Sartre’s Account of Franconay’s Imitation
Abstract: The most interesting example of all the physical images that Sartre examines in L’Imaginaire concerns a female performer’s (Franconay’s) imitation of a male performer (Chevalier). The example is a unique instance in which Sartre deals explicitly with the possibility of ambiguity and hybridity in consciousness. Sartre’s introduction of the sign into the consciousness of imitation ties the perception of Franconay with the imaged Chevalier, but it also leads to the dissemination of the sign across the entire consciousness, a consequence that runs against Sartre’s analytic tendencies. I argue that, despite Sartre’s endeavor to keep the sign separate from perception and the image, the sign is a diffuse property of the entire consciousness of imitation, penetrating and contaminating its every instant. Sartre’s account of Franconay’s imitation contains the germs of the destruction of his clear-cut analytic distinctions, revealing the irreducible hybridity of the sign with both perception and the image.
Mathieu Cochereau: La Dissidence et l’unité des trois mouvements de l’existence chez Jan Patočka
Abstract: Jan Patočka is usually connected with Czech dissidence, a political movement which stood up against the communist government. We want to make the hypothesis that the notion of dissidence is not originally a political one but a phenomenological one above all. Dissidence is a movement of distancing which implies a rootedness and this movement of distancing is peculiar to human beings. Patočka calls “movement of human existence” this paradoxical rootedness which is a extramundane and mundane position. Thus, we have to review the theory of the three movements of human existence. While it is tempting to separate the third movement, as a movement of transcendence, and to describe it as a political dissidence, we would like to show that the three movements (and not only the third), the existence as a movement, have to be read as a Dissidence.
Erik Norman Dzwiza-Ohlsen: Hans Blumenberg, Phänomenologische Schriften. 1981–1988 (Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2018)
Alexandru Bejinariu: Alexander Schnell, Was ist Phänomenologie? (Frankfurt a. Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 2019)
Christian Ferencz-Flatz: Nicolas De Warren & Thomas Vongehr (eds), Philosophers at the Front. Phenomenology and the First World War (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2017)
Mihaela-Cătălina Condruz: Mark Vorobej, The concept of violence (New York: Routledge, 2016)
Delia Popa: Claire Marin, Rupture(s) (Paris: L’édition de L’Observatoire/La relève, 2019)
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deprotagonisten · 5 years
Recensie Monstri. ★★★1/2 - vanaf 16-1 in de bioscoop en op @PiclNL Dana en Arthur zijn tien jaar getrouwd, maar wel uit elkaar gegroeid. Ze zoeken naar een oplossing. @ArtiFilm #review #Monsters #Monstri
De dramafilm Monstri. gaat over het tien jaar getrouwde stel Dana en Arthur. Ze zijn inmiddels uit elkaar gegroeid en zoeken naar een oplossing. In drie hoofdstukken komen we over beide meer te weten. Wat wij van Monstri. vinden, lees je in onze recensie.
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leontiucmarius · 2 years
Companiile din energie au luat credite de 17 miliarde de lei de la băncile din țară și au ajuns la limită. “Soluția nu e să continui să te tot îndatorezi, să duci un șoc în alt șoc” – Popa, BNR
Companiile din energie au luat credite de 17 miliarde de lei de la băncile din țară și au ajuns la limită. “Soluția nu e să continui să te tot îndatorezi, să duci un șoc în alt șoc” – Popa, BNR
Cristian Popa a fost prezentat la ediția din acest an a Romanian International Gas Conference (RIGC) și a fost solicitat să explice dacă și cât mai pot lua companiile din energie credite de la bănci pentru a putea duce în continuare schema de  plafonare a prețurilor El a spus că s-a ajuns la limită. “Se numesc norme prudențiale pentru că susțin prudențialitatea. Sectorul bancar trebuie să fie…
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cultfaction · 7 years
Cult TV Essentials: Comrade Detective
Cult TV Essentials: Comrade Detective
When Comrade Detective dropped on Amazon Prime earlier this month there were many people, like Spinal Tapbefore it, that failed to realise that the show was actually a pure parody poking fun at the American way of life and buddy cop shows. Created by Brian Gatewood and Alessandro Tanaka the show promotes Communist propaganda in contrast to the American way of life we are used to seeing from buddy…
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mesagerulneamt · 7 years
Din lumea minunată a achizițiilor publice la Neamț
Din lumea minunată a achizițiilor publice la Neamț
În mai multe ediții Mesagerul, am insistat, deloc întâmplător, asupra modului cum se fac achiziții publice în Piatra Neamț, cu firme de casă care au câștigat proceduri urmate de contracte pe SEAP la foc automat, cu lucrări recepționate sumar, cu nerespectarea cronologiei unei achiziții normale (lucrarea începea înainte de comandă sau plata se făcea înainte de recepție). Modalitatea de selectare a…
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news24hrou · 6 years
Peste 700 de procurori se delimitează de organizațiile care au participat la negocierile cu Tudorel Toader în legătură cu OUG 7
Într-o scrisoare deschisă, semnată până la această oră de 710 procurori din toată țara, aceștia de delimitează public de Asociația Procurorilor din România și de Asociația Magistraților din România, atrăgând atenția că ”aceste asociații profesionale nu vorbesc în numele nostru și nu ne reprezintă”. Testul scrisorii deschise
Subsemnatii, procurori în cadrul Ministerului Public, pe această cale ne delimităm public de Asociația Procurorilor din România și de Asociația Magistraților din România (asociații care invocă public că reprezintă și comunică voința procurorilor) și subliniem că aceste asociații profesionale nu vorbesc în numele nostru și nu ne reprezintă
1. Alba Radu Ioan – PJ Oradea 2. Alexandra Lancranjan – DNA Structura Centrala 3. Cosmin Iordache – DNA Structura Centrala 4. Dundev Alma Maria – PJ Sighisoara 5. Corina Dinica – PT Arges 6. Irina Isar – DIICOT 7. Cristian Ursut – PJ Videle 8. Anca Iovan – DIICOT ST Brasov 9. Maricel David – PT Ilfov 10. Maria Rimniceanu – DIICOT ST Brasov 11. Mihai Negulescu – DIICOT ST Brasov 12. Nicoleta Arpinte – PJ Dorohoi 13. Andrei Iulian Asmarandei – PT Ilfov 14. Dan Constantin Ciornei – PJ Targu Jiu 15. Seia Iasmina Curici – PJ Deta 16. Florin Sohorca – PJ Alba Iulia 17. Ana Maria Marin – PT Brasov 18. Mihai Valentin – DIICOT 19. Octavia Raluca Gus – PT Alba 20. Oana Apetri – PT Brasov 21. Tudor Vasiu – PJ Severin 22. Tudor Filip – PJ Buftea 23. Elena Teodora Bondar – PJ Buftea 24. Ionut Tifachi – PJ Botosani 25. Claudia Irina Chivu – PJ Timisoara 26. Sergiu Rosca – PJ Satu Mare 27. Loredana Cirdei – PJ Suceava 28. Andreias Constantin – PT Ilfov 29. Oana Simion – PJ Brasov 30. Doina Tatomir – PJ Vinju Mare 31. Silvia Mariana Pietraru – PJ Vinju Mare 32. Iustin Bic – PCA Alba 33. Carmen Mihaela Farcas – PJ Constanta 34. Camelia Laura Ivanus – PJ Constanta 35. Mihail Andreca – PJ Timisoara 36. Raluca Vestemeanu – DIICOT ST Brasov 37. Cristian Ichim – DIICOT ST Brasov 38. Valentin Enache – PJ Brezoi 39. Alexandru Anghel – PT Bucuresti 40. Stefan Ispasoiu– PJ Brasov 41. Moraru Catalin – PJ Brasov 42. Radu Adrian – PJ Brasov 43. Catu Lilisor – PJ Brasov 44. Madalina Raducu – PT Brasov 45. Florin Postolache – PT Brasov 46. Alexandru Cosmin Ghinea – PJ Fetesti 47. Catalin Margina – PJ Bacau 48. Irina Sfica – PJ Iasi 49. Adina Bocai – PCA Iasi 50. Veta Enculescu – PCA Iasi 51. Stefania Nicoleta Zaharia – PCA Iasi 52. Iulian Ispir – PCA Iasi 53. Daniela Ispir – PCA Iasi 54. Genoveva Alexandru – PCA Iasi 55. Andrei Cristi – PJ Racari 56. Gheorghe Mihai Andrei – PJ Pitesti 57. Cristina Frincu – PJS 2 58. Ioana Vernea – PJS 2 59. Stefanita Gogea – DIICOT 60. Anghel Alexandru Bogdan – PJ Segarcea 61. Tatar Emanuela Anca – PJ Braila 62. Galatan Anisoara – PJS 6 63. Pasc Daniela Corina – PJ Buftea 64. Rusu Larisa – PJ Botosani 65. Preda Bogdan Andrei – DIICOT 66. Ene Dan Cristian – DIICOT 67. Mihaela Adriana Moaca – PJ Buftea 68. Raluca Alexandra Munteanu – PJS 2 69. Marin Alexandru Marian – PJ Buftea 70. Apostol Giorgiana Violeta – PJ Constanta 71. Bradean Raluca Cristina – PJ Arad 72. Daniel Giorgian – PJ Galati 73. Bursuc Andreea Claudia – DIICOT 74. Diana Calinescu – PJ Buftea 75. Denisa Cristea – PJ Constanta 76. Totora Vlad Cosmin – PJ Segarcea 77. Todea Laurentiu – PJ Timisoara 78. Arina Corsei Vultureanu – PJS 3 79. Elena Cerasela Ungureanu – PT Brasov 80. George enescu – PT Bucuresti 81. Popa Doina – PJ Pitesti 82. Raluca Vilculescu – PJ Pitesti 83. Carmina Elena Brindusi – PT Arges 84. Catalin Barbuceanu – PCA Pitesti 85. Andreea Irinciuc Obreja – PJ Barlad 86. Marius Romas- PJ Buftea 87. Angela Bochis – PJS 2 88. Mihaela Catalan – PJ Pitesti 89. Vladescu Ilie Razvan – PJ Slobozia 90. Laurentiu Grecu – PT Gorj 91. Andrei Dragan – PJ Buftea 92. Lorin Tabirta – PJ Timisoara 93. Mona Anton – PJ Barlad 94. Alexandru Moscu – PJ Vaslui 95. Adrian Dan Cudalb – PJS 6 96. Carim Drula – PJ Zimnicea 97. Adrian Petre Todoran – DIICOT 98. Simona Florescu – PJ Pitesti 99. Larisa Tipa – PJ Pitesti 100. Mihai Adrian – – PJ Pitesti 101. Daniela Ciocirlan – – PJ Pitesti 102. Ion Teodor – PJ Pitesti 103. Andrei Cristian – – PJ Pitesti 104. Simion Boris – PJ Resita 105. Oana Ruxandra Panaitatu – DIICOT 106. Denisia Voroneanu – PJ Botosani 107. Mihai Adrian Dinu – PJ Constanta 108. Dan Obreja – PJ Tg Mures 109. Bogdan Rocsin – PJS 6 110. Brindea Oana Rozalia – PJ TG Mures 111. Wechter Mircea Radu – PJ Tg Mures 112. Borda Lucia – PJ Reghin 113. Goia Gheorghe – PJ Reghin 114. Stoian Ioan Andrei – PJ Reghin 115. Gheorghiu Anca Loredana – PJ Brasov 116. Cristea Stefan Georgian – PJ Galati 117. Cretan Daniel Alexandru – PJ Galati 118. Valentin Antonie – PJ Segarcea 119. Taghiev Ramona – PT Bacau 120. Vale Daniel – PJ Tg Mures 121. Doina Stanta – PCA Craiova 122. Doncea Andrei – PJS 2 123. Vlad Grigorescu – DNA Structura Centrala 124. Luminita Popa – DNA Structura Centrala 125. Meszar Alexandru – PJ Carei 126. Habean Maria Gabriela – PJ Sibiu 127. Carnariu Bianca Dana – PJ Baia Mare 128. Gliga Maria Liliana – PT Giurgiu 129. Catalina Stoian – PJS 6 130. Adriana Arhire – PCA Bucuresti 131. Vieriu Tudor Ionut – PJ Roman 132. Codreanu Alexandru – PT Brasov 133. Alexandru Liviu Colceriu – PJ Intorsura Buzaului 134. Remus Coman – PJS 2 135. Iordache Valeriu – PJS 2 136. Onofrei Nichiforel Marius – PT Botosani 137. Munge Mircea Florin – PJ Oradea 138. Mocanu Irinel – PJS 2 139. Florin Circiumaru – PJS 2 140. Popa Marius – PJS 2 141. Irina Popescu – PJ Ploiesti 142. Nita Manole Simona Daniela – PJ Ploiesti 143. Pelmus Atena – PT Timis 144. Alen Toroiman – DIICOT Brasov 145. Ardelean Cristian – PT Bihor 146. Sovarschi Laura – PJ Alesd 147. Marton Domokos- PJ Intorsura Buzaului 148. Topliceanu Constantin – PJ Pitesti 149. Panainte Iulian – PJ Harlau 150. Ioana Elena Cimpean – PJS 2 151. Dorina Vieriu – PJ Roman 152. Ana Maria Diac – PJS 1 153. Claudiu Sandu – PJ Brasov 154. Maria Mirabela Viciu – PJ Ploiesti 155. Andrei Jurca – PJ Timisoara 156. Maria Izdruga – PJ Timisoara 157. Gavrila George – DIICOT 158. Cecilia Iana – PJ Buzau 159. Lungu Ramona – PT Arad 160. Pop Florina Maria – PJ Satu Mare 161. Trastau Olimpia Maria – PT Timis 162. Corina Mois – PJ Satu Mare 163. Zaharia Georgel – PJ Pascani 164. Ilca Diana – PJ Satu Mare 165. Codreanu Roxana Andreea – PJ Iasi 166. Corda Liviu Tiberiu – PJ Zalau 167. Raluca Buculea – PJ Timisoara 168. Pacuraru Mihaela – PJ Calarasi 169. Lapadat Coralia – PJ Timisoara 170. Danusia Boicean – DNA Alba Iulia 171. Florea Alexandru – DIICOT 172. Pascaru Gema Celina – PT Bacau 173. Dobre Aurelia Madalina – PJ Arad 174. Soltan Alexandru – DIICOT ST Ploiesti 175. Florian Bogdan – PJ Satu Mare 176. Hurducaciu Tudor Madalin – PJ Craiova 177. Muscalu Ramona – PCA Brasov 178. Ionut Calina – DIICOT Olt 179. Hutanu Ana Elena – PJ Sibiu 180. Constantin Irina – DNA Structura Centrala 181. Badan Mihai Claudiu – PJS 4 182. Tiberiu Bratu Augustin – PJS 6 183. Pau Adriana – PJS 2 184. Marinel Nicolae – PT Olt 185. Alexa Mona Irina – PJ Harlau 186. Acatrinei Alexandra – PJ Gura Humorului 187. Bosianu Diana Gabriela – PJ Harlau 188. Sava Teona Alexandra – PJ Harlau 189. Bratuleanu Emilian Ionut – PJ Harlau 190. Raluca Nor – Bosnea – PJ Timisoara 191. Radu Florea – PJ Turda 192. Patanghel Ionut Marian – PJ RM Valcea 193. Tulita Cezar – PJ RM Valcea 194. Streza Laurentiu – PJ RM Valcea 195. Busea Ionel – PJ RM Valcea 196. Sava Gheorghe – DIICOT Sibiu 197. Cristian Dinu – DIICOT Sibiu 198. Ioan Bene – PJ Tg Bujor 199. Andrei Bodean – DNA Constanta 200. Profira Cezar – PJS 5 201. Vasile Abagiu – DNA Constanta 202. Gabriela Stanciu – DNA Constanta 203. Nadia Zlate – DNA Constanta 204. Sorin Constantinescu – DNA Constanta 205. Constantin Conortos – DNA Constanta 206. Marius Chirila – DNA Constanta 207. Ciprian Bodu – DNA Constanta 208. Antonia Diaconu – PJ Pitesti 209. Marian Virgil – PJ Dej 210. Patras Alexandra Maria – PJ Iasi 211. Ciocoiu Georgiana Mihaela – PJ Turnu Magurele 212. Visovan Cristina Ingrid – PJ Sighetu Marmatiei 213. Pirlea Claudiu – PJ Galati 214. Lia Sorin Marian – PJ Corabia 215. Lavinia Dorcu PJ Corabia 216. Ibanescu Larion Alexandra Elena – PJ Vaslui 217. Bogdan Pirlog – PMTB 218. Ionut MArcu – DIICOT 219. Marinela Grigorie – PCA Craiova 220. Eugen Cristian Grigorie – PCA Craiova 221. Maria Piturca – PCA Craiova 222. Alice Jenboiu – PCA Craiova 223. Gherghina Alina – PJS 6 224. Craciun Vlad – PJ Sighisoara 225. Muresan Ana – PTB 226. Mosteanu Marian Eugen – PT Olt 227. Mosteanu Mihaela Gabriela – PJ resita 228. Mandache Ionut – PJ Iasi 229. Florin Tohatan – DIICOT 230. Let Constantin – PJ Piatra Neamt 231. Marincas Minodora – PJ Satu Mare 232. Cristina Tapliuc – PJ Iasi 233. Filip Radu Daniel – PJS 1 234. Nita Cosmin Marius – PJ Ploiesti 235. Catalin Comanescu – PJ Horezu 236. Dobrin Elena Andreea – PTB 237. Cristina Mocioi – PJ Babadag 238. Laura Zaharia – DIICOT ST Iasi 239. Iulian Nica – PT Brasov 240. Andrei Camelia – PJ Constanta 241. Buzoianu Alexandra – PJ Calarasi 242. Barbulescu Florin Alexandru – PJ Calarasi 243. Paunica Ionut – PJ Calarasi 244. Aron Denisa – PJ Calarasi 245. Pacuraru Mihaela – PJ Calarasi 246. Alexandra Pop – PJ Constanta 247. Pena Laura Nadia – PCA Bacau 248. Iordache Viorel – PJ Constanta 249. Jalba Veronica – PJ Constanta 250. Dragos Olteanu – PJ Timisoara 251. Marian Calusaru – DNA Craiova 252. Alina Ghinescu – DIICOT Craiova 253. Cristina Scarlat – DNA Craiova 254. Ina Dalidis – PCA Craiova 255. Robert Nicolicescu – DNA Craiova 256. Denisa Troaca – PCA Craiova 257. Iuliana Mihoc – PJ Ploiesti 258. Nicoleta Rotaru – PJS 4 259. Flaviu Fraiu – PJ Timisoara 260. Miroiu Floriana – PJS 4 261. Berende Ruxandra Maria – PJ Satu Mare 262. Dan Dumitru – PJ Bacau 263. Stefana Carasel – PJS 1 264. Daniela Lovin – PJS 6 265. Cuciureanu Iulia Maria – PJ Brasov 266. Rares Ciausu – DIICOT Cluj 267. Teodor Pavelescu – PT Cluj 268. Betea Florin Dorin – PJ Satu Mare 269. Meszaros Ioana Adina – PJ Satu Mare 270. Meszaros Robert – PJ Satu Mare 271. Stroescu Bobby Sorin – PJ Timisoara 272. Neculaes Alina – PCA Bacau 273. Lazar Ancuta – PJ Satu Mare 274. Dima Matei – PJ Gherla 275. Oancea Alexandru – PJ Gherla 276. Tetean Vinteler Ada – PJ Gherla 277. Toloarga Constantin Florin – PJ Gherla 278. Cosmin Radulescu – PCA Craiova 279. Cristina Radulescu – PT Dolj 280. Ceausu Alexandru Octavian – PJ Timisoara 281. Negulescu Raluca – DIICOT 282. Durnea Mihaela – PJ Brasov 283. Aisachioaiei Andreea – PJ Bacau 284. Dumitrache Nicusor Adrian – PJS 4 285. Miulescu Irina – PJ Strehaia 286. Baran Florin – PJS 4 287. Codreanu Bogdan – PT Brasov 288. Iuliana Crisan – DNA Structura Centrala 289. Simona Enache – PT Alba 290. Rus Lucian Claudiu – DNA 291. Bunduc Marian Catalin – DIICOT 292. Stasiuc Madalina – PJ Tg Mures 293. Ciobanu Ionica Daniel – PJ Caracal 294. Resmerita Clement Mihai – DNA 295. Bulat Sergiu – PJ Bacau 296. Ciulin Elena – PTB 297. David Flavius Ionut – PJ Bacau 298. Cazacu Dan Constantin – PJ Bacau 299. Adrian Vrabete – PJ Horezu 300. Diremia Vlad – PJ Rosiori de Vede 301. Iboiu Mihaela – PJ Rosiori de Vede 302. Grecu Florina – PJ Rosiori de Vede 303. Manache Florin – PJ Rosiori de Vede 304. Bonda Alexandru – PJ Timisoara 305. Simion Daniel – PJ Focsani 306. Calin Dohan – PJ Zalau 307. Florescu Gabriela – PJ Buftea 308. Daniel Dumitru – DNA Alba Iulia 309. Alina RAsovan – DNA Alba Iulia 310. Marcela Croitoru – PJ Craiova 311. Manuela Nita – PJ Craiova 312. Natalia Cimpoeru – PJ Craiova 313. Adelina Badan – PJ Craiova 314. Florentina Draghiceanu – PJ Craiova 315. Amina Pantelimon – PJ Craiova 316. Paula Baciu – PJ Craiova 317. Mihaela Burca – PJ Craiova 318. Gabi Radulescu – PJ Craiova 319. Banea Marian – PT Alba 320. Dinu Ionut Alex – PJ Targoviste 321. Anca Emilia Stratulat – PJ Sibiu 322. Dobrea Laura – PT Braila 323. Cosnita Marinela – PT Braila 324. Ciutac Mircea – PT Braila 325. Gordan Sorin – PT Braila 326. Dedulescu Ionut Liviu – PJ Braila 327. Colt Mihail – PJ Braila 328. Stanciu Gabriela – PJ Braila 329. Pitaroiu Iulian – PJ Braila 330. Neagu Mirel Emanuel – PJ Braila 331. Nicolescu Ramona – PJ Braila 332. Velea Gheorghe – PJ Braila 333. Craciun Achim Ovidiu – PJ Braila 334. Marinescu Mihaela – PJ Insuratei 335. Punga Tudorel – PJ Insuratei 336. Tudose Marian – PJ Insuratei 337. Girip Ionel – PJ Faurei 338. Dinica Mihai – PJ Faurei 339. Gliga Ramona – PJ Faurei 340. Raclaru Irina – PJ Sighisoara 341. Mihoc Emanuel – PJ Sighisoara 342. Alin Mocioi – PJ Constanta 343. Oprescu Stefan Radu – PJ Racari 344. Pascu Diana Roxana – PJ Racari 345. Vlad Alexandru Bentan – PJ Oradea 346. Pantea Marius – PJ Cluj Napoca 347. Derius Laura – DNA ST Centrala 348. Voiculescu Madalina – PT Bucuresti 349. Rotundu Simon – PJ Iasi 350. Mihaela Beldie Canela – DNA 351. Ionela Balan – DNA 352. Diana Stancele – DNA 353. Narcis Lazarescu – DNA 354. Marian Dragulescu – DNA 355. Meda Titu – DNA Cluj 356. Serban Viorel Florin – PJS 2 357. Andreea Benedek – PCA Brasov 358. Ana Dana – DNA 359. Camelia Albulescu – PJ Cornetu 360. Popescu Alina – PT Brasov 361. Florentin Riza – PT Dolj 362. Gudumac Octavian – PJS2 363. Cosnita Ciprian – PJ Brasov 364. Stefaniu Simona – PT Covasna 365. Stefaniu Bogdan – PT Covasna 366. Aldea Adrian – PT Brasov 367. Delia Mihai – DNA Brasov 368. Felicia Vlad – DNA Brasov 369. Vasile Prata – DIICOT 370. Negrutiu Irina Alexandra – PJ Ploiesti 371. Ene Silviu – PJS 3 372. Cristina Radu – PTB 373. Ghildan Irina Brindusa – PJ Moinesti 374. Tomescu Alexandra Sorina – PJS 1 375. Colceriu Sorin Mihai – PT Harghita 376. Berchisan Alina Andreea – PJ Turda 377. Ovidiu Gherasim – PTB 378. Raduica Adi Lucian – PJ Drobeta 379. Ursa Paul Ionel – PJ Brasov 380. Rus Lavinia – PJ Lugoj 381. Oprescu Alexandra – PJ Ploiesti 382. Simona Constantinescu – DIICOT 383. Morar Ciprian – PJ Oradea 384. Antohi Gabriela – PJ Oradea 385. Simona Anghel – PJS 1 386. Gabriela Scutea – PCA Brasov 387. Pantiru Florin – PJ Cluj Napoca 388. Sas George Florin – PT Bihor 389. Chis Marta – PJ Jibou 390. Pop Silvia Mihaela – PJ Tarnaveni 391. Amuscalitei Alin – PJ Cluj Napoca 392. Mic Ioana – PT Satu Mare 393. Popa Alina Diana – PJ Iasi 394. Palanghia Claudia Monica – PJ Iasi 395. Pricop Elena Madalina – PJ Iasi 396. Dasca Adrian Nicolae – PJ Iasi 397. Ioana Gutu – PT Valcea 398. Mintari Mihaela – PJ Iasi 399. Grajdeanu Constantin – PJ Liesti 400. Liliana Ghidiu – PT Brasov 401. Ciurca Roznovat Roxana – PT Iasi 402. Bradea Vlad Dumitru – PJ Oradea 403. Alexandra Dordea – DNA 404. Ghita Bogdan – DNA 405. Cristina Moraru – DIICOT 406. Mihail Aldea – PCA Pitesti 407. Mihai Mesaros – PJS 2 408. Albu Nadia Adriana – PJ Iasi 409. Moraru Alina – DNA Iasi 410. Hincu Oana – PT Galati 411. Cosmin Ungureanu – PT Valcea 412. Ramona Jardieanu – DNA 413. Tocu Radu Catalin – PJ Iasi 414. Mogos Irina – PT Galati 415. Cristina Stroe – PJ Dragasani 416. Bordianu Dragos – PJ Iasi 417. Jascanu Elena Catalina – PJ Iasi 418. Cernea Silviu – PJS 2 419. Andrei Aneta Violeta – DIICOT 420. Sorin Beteringhe – PT Bihor 421. Ispas Angela Bianca – PJ Saliste 422. Andreea Culcearu – DIICOT 423. Anca Patriche – PJS 6 424. Adelina Zamfir – PJS 6 425. Carmen Fota – PJS 4 426. Matei Leontin – PJS 4 427. Simon Oana – DIICOT ST Cluj 428. Daniel Ungureanu – PJ RM Sarat 429. Hogas Marius – PJ Rm Valcea 430. Roman Alexandru – PJ Iasi 431. Cioban Vasile Calin – PJ Turda 432. Barna Alina – PJ Iasi 433. Munteanu Adriana – PJ Bistrita 434. Toduta Valentin – PJ Oradea 435. Claudiu Statache – PJ Constanta 436. Cojocaru Oana – PJ Iasi 437. Niculicea Nicolae – PJ Rm Valcea 438. Cristian Patrana – PT Valcea 439. Trif Marian Mihai – PJ Turda 440. Daniela Bratulea – PJ Rm Sarat 441. Cocoveica Ioana – PJ Bistrita 442. Irina Serban – PT Olt 443. Gradina Laura Valentina – PT Tulcea 444. Apostol Mihaela – PT Iasi 445. Nedelea Isabela – DIICOT 446. Gradinaru Martin Christian – PJ Roman 447. Pricope Laura – PJ Roman 448. Talmacel Ciprian – PJ Roman 449. Cucos Ana Maria – PJ Roman 450. Paris Lidia – PJ Roman 451. Varganici Dragos – PJ Roman 452. Ionescu Dana – PJ Sannicolau Mare 453. Luca Ramona – PT Iasi 454. Tudorache Corina – PT Buzau 455. Cristea Emilia – PJ Constanta 456. Chiazna Magdalena Daniela – PJ Drobeta Turnu Severin 457. Bogdan Stoica – PJ Dragasani 458. Burje Ovidiu Sorin – PJ Bistrita 459. Ciprian Cazaceanu – PJS 1 460. Raluca Mirica – DNA 461. Mantu Mihaela – PJ Iasi 462. Cosmina Mihaela Colceriu – PJ Zarnesti 463. Razvan Alexandru Bara – PJ Brasov 464. Cotovelea Ionel – PJ Campulung 465. Cristea Valentin – PJ Oltenita 466. Popovici Felicia – DNA Oradea 467. Baldea Diana – PT Iasi 468. Paun Adriana – PJ Targoviste 469. Romulus Varga – PICCJ 470. Corogeanu Cristian Andrei – PJ Timisoara 471. Vasile Marc Emilian – PJ Giurgiu 472. Simon Dragos Nicolae – PJ Cluj Napoca 473. Pascaru Andrei Razvan – PJ Bacau 474. Marasescu Anda – PT Satu Mare 475. Cojocar Rusanda – PJ Brasov 476. Paiusi Marius Teodor – PT Bucuresti 477. Lazea Corina – PT Cluj 478. Puie Ciprian – DIICOT ST Oradea 479. Lucian Dieac – PT Neamt 480. Ursu Oana Alina – PJ Giurgiu 481. Batrinu Iuliana – PJ Focasni 482. Dumitru Alexandru – PJS 1 483. Cristina Luca – PT Neamt 484. Aionitoaie Ana Maria – PT Iasi 485. Chicos Nicoleta – PT Iasi 486. Horodniceanu Diana – PT Iasi 487. Horodniceanu Daniel – DIICOT ST Iasi 488. Meszaros Tiberiu – PJ Babadag 489. Lucanu Iuliana – DIICOT 490. Bozu George – DIICOT 491. Popa Florina Silvia – DIICOT 492. Robert Fleckhammer – DIICOT 493. Bianca Laura Gazdac – PJ Tg Mures 494. Dragan Adrian – PJ Huedin 495. Adam Amina Roxana – PJ Timisoara 496. Szilagyi Robert – PJ Baia Mare 497. Diana Cazacu – PJ Caracal 498. Nicolae Sprincu – PJS 1 499. Adriana Bidica – PT Valcea 500. Morar Herlea Claudia – PCA Oradea 501. Morar Radu – DIICOT ST Oradea 502. Oprea Veronica – PJ Buzau 503. Creivean Nicolae – DIICOT ST Oradea 504. Serban Constantin Cristian – PJ Fetesti 505. Catu Codruta Romana Maria – PJ Brasov 506. Sas Anca Raluca – PJ Turda 507. Niculeasa Daniel Ionut – PJ Radauti 508. Tatu Adina Octavia – PJ Buzau 509. Tatu Dragos Daniel – PJ Buzau 510. Merisescu Luminita – PT Iasi 511. Gabriela Spineanu – PJ Novaci 512. Raul Radmacher – DIICOT Cluj 513. Arion Florin – PT Buzau 514. Arion Larisa – PJ Buzau 515. Dan Blanaru – PJ Campulung Moldovenesc 516. Plesca Anisoara – PJ Iasi 517. Crisan Daniel – PJ Turda 518. Iordache Adrian Mihai – PJ Targoviste 519. Mircea Nora Alexandra – PJ Turda 520. Geanta Ioan Alexandru – PJ Buzau 521. Petrache Angelica – PT Calarasi 522. Vasile Airinei – DIICOT Iasi 523. Varvara Maria – PJ Roman 524. Gavril Ducu – PJ Ploiesti 525. Lazar Aida – PJ Timisoara 526. Paul Cosmin Bosinciuc – PJ Targoviste 527. Barbuceanu Catalin George – PCA Pitesti 528. Benchea Vlad – PJ Avrig 529. Pop Paula Crina – PJ Slatina 530. Musuroi Ionut Marius – PJS 4 531. Cojoaca Traian – PJ Alexandria 532. Coca Daniel Alin – DNA Iasi 533. Tokos Lehel – PT Harghita 534. Dida Naghiu – PT Bihor 535. Scaletchi Constantin – PJ Ploiesti 536. Marinela Minca – PICCJ 537. Carnariu Mihai Madalin – PJ Baia Mare 538. Florin Stoica – PJ Targoviste 539. Cristea Ana – PJS 5 540. Sabau Delia – PT Satu Mare 541. Moiceanu Alexandru – PJ Buftea 542. Camelia Stanciu – PCA Craiova 543. Moldovan Claudiu – PJ Zarnesti 544. Balineanu Adrian – PJ Bistrita 545. Teodorescu Vlad – PTMF Brasov 546. Maciuc Sorin – PJS 6 547. Oanes Corina – PJ Zalau 548. Vali Popa – PJ Targoviste 549. Ciocanta Cristinel Valentin – PT Bacau 550. Marius Cazac – PT Suceava 551. Stefan Gheorghe Daniel – PJ Turda 552. Teodor Nicodin – PJ Buftea 553. Harsan Marius – PT Mures 554. Mihai Florentina Lidia – PJ Targu Secuiesc 555. Neacsu Mirel Emanuel – PJ Braila 556. Perju Iuliana – PT Bacau 557. Alina Gabriela Grigore – PJ Targoviste 558. Atomei Adriana – PT Bacau 559. Mungiu Ramona – PJS 1 560. Lupes Andreea Catalina – PT Bacau 561. Laura Mihai – PJ Cluj Napoca 562. Birjovanu Mihaela Monica – PT Bacau 563. Taras Gabriela – PJS 2 564. Alina Andritoiu – PJS 5 565. Boceanu Claudia Andreea – PJ Arad 566. Dan Manole – PJS 2 567. Daranga Ioana – PCA Bucuresti 568. Alexandra Maria Zernovean – PJ Sfantu Gheorghe 569. Pelmus Ciprian Ionut – PJ Timisoara 570. Tudor Radian Kreiser – DIICOT ST Cluj 571. Sever Stan – PJS 2 572. Bratosin Andreea Raluca – PJS 2 573. Maria Mihut – PJS 2 574. Pop Stefan Roxana Maria – PJ Tg Mures 575. Calin Daniela – PJ Tg Mures 576. Eduard Stefan Jilavu – PJ Pascani 577. Miu Madalina – PT Calarasi 578. Fonica Sorina – PT Bacau 579. Ion Izabela Ana Maria – PJS 3 580. Marius Flucus –PJ Brasov 581. Radu Ionescu – DNA 582. Nicolae Creivean – DIICOT ST Oradea 583. Cristina Turlui – PJS 4 584. Axenta Mircea – PJ Tulcea 585. Bocai Tudor Florin – PT Hunedoara 586. Vilcea Luciana Elena – PJ Cornetu 587. Danca George Daniel – PT Covasna 588. Ciprian Man – PT Bihor 589. Gambuta Ioanela – PT Iasi 590. Rodica Nițescu, PJS2 591. Moldoveanu Mihai Dan, PJ Vânju Mare 592. Berbece Orlando- PJ Buftea 593. Liana Georgiana Marin- J. Ploiești 594. Andra Duțescu-PJS 2 595. Imireanu Cristina- PT Călărași 596. Ungureanu Alin- PJ Deta 597. Negrău Andrei- PJ Salonta 598. Povaliceanu Claudia-PJ Timișoara 599. Azamfirei Daniela Elena- PJ Galați 600. Renyi Erica- PT Cluj 601. Mărgărit Cristina Emanuela- PJ Galați 602. Petrușca Gabriela Amalia- PJS6 603. Hach Elena- DNA SC 604. Emanuel Mihoc- PJ Sighișoara 605. Varga Sanda Daria- PCA Cluj 606. Mihaela Sasu – PT Timiș 607. Bogdan Păcurariu- DIICOT ST Galați 608. Sorin Leau- DIICOT ST Galați 609. Sorin Cărare– DIICOT ST Galați 610. Robert Pătrănoiu– DIICOT ST Galați 611. Marin Tiberiu Bogdan- PJ Giurgiu 612. Emilia Daniela Negraia– DIICOT ST Galați 613. Adrian Tîrlea- PTB 614. Kadar Albert- PJ Brașov 615. Răducu Mihai-PT Brașov 616. Viorica Flucsa-PT Timiș 617. Mihaela POP- PT Timiș 618. Borș Cristian- PT Bacău 619. Dăianu Alexandru Mădălin- PJ Novaci 620. Oprea Cantemir Ștefănel-PJ Novaci 621. Crăciunescu Adrian- PJ RM. Vâlcea 622. Negoiță Rozalia- PJ. Rm. Vâlcea 623. Georgescu Ruxandra- PJ Suceava 624. Florin Pantiru- PJ Cluj 625. Dragos Simon- PJ Cluj 626. Alexandru Horsia- PJ Cluj 627. Alexandra Nicoara- PJ Cluj 628. Ionel Ududec- PJ Cluj 629. Anca Ududec- PJ Cluj 630. Marius Pantea- PJ Cluj 631. Florinela Trofan– PJ Cluj 632. Diana Horge- PJ Cluj 633. Pavel Fadei– PJ Cluj 634. Gabriel Tatar- PJ Cluj 635. Laura Mihai- PJ Cluj 636. Ani Ciopa- PJ Cluj 637. Mircea Sendroni- PJ Cluj 638. Lucia Andreica- PJ Cluj 639. Alin Amuscaliței- PJ Cluj 640. Mihai Birtoc- PJ Cluj 641. Georgiana Sarca Delea – PJ Cluj 642. Mirel Toader- PJ Cluj 643. Flaviu Dobrescu- PJ Cluj 644. Szende Bartok-Kosma- PJ Cluj 645. Ioana Nicoară- PJ Cluj 646. Cristina Dos Santos Rodriguez- PJ Cluj 647. Mihai Bortes- PJ Cluj 648. Iulia Bilciu -DNA 649. Diana Roșu – PJ Petroșani 650. Brîndea Dan Eugen-PT Sălaj 651. Pavel Marinel Corneliu-PT Olt 652. Serban Daniel-PJ Brașov 653. Angelica Paraschivescu-DIICOT 654. Moldovan Angelica -PCA Alba Iulia 655. Ioana Pătulea- PJ S3 656. Sadîc Zafer-PT Constanța 657. Murarasu Ștefan Petrica-PJ Bacău 658. Indre Timea- PJ Dorohoi 659. Anca Lazăr- PCA Cluj 660. Gheorghe Ciocan- PJ Dr. Tr. Severin 661. Bailescu Florina- PJ. Dr. Tr. Severin 662. Tiberiu Sigheartau- PCA Oradea 663. Daniel Titerlea-PCA Oradea 664. Ileana Florina Cherșa-PJ Alba 665. Paraschiv Andreea-PJ Rm. Vâlcea 666. Donțete Alina- PJ Rm. Vâlcea 667. Leontina Popescu-DIICOT ST Craiova 668. Petrescu Elena-PJS1 669. Cîlniceanu Alexandra-PJS1 670. Blănaru Larisa Andreea-PJ Brașov 671. Alexandru Barcan-PJ Videle 672. Goia Gheorghe-PJ Reghin 673. Catalin Marinescu-PCA Craiova 674. Tudorache Marian-PT Vâlcea 675. Pelinel Monica-PT Vâlcea 676. Bosnea Cristi Sorin-PCA Timisoara 677. Trion Marius Valentin-PCA Timisoara 678. Ghimiș Adrian-PCA Timisoara 679. Brașoveanu Ion-PCA Timisoara 680. Pripagu Gabriel-PCA Timisoara 681. Lohan Iulia Maria-PJ Sighetu Marmației 682. Adrian Majeri-PT Brașov 683. Cîmpean Mircea-PJ Timișoara 684. Pătru Mădălina-PT Argeș 685. Cristina Mureșan-PJS1 686. Ramona Grațiela Milu-CA Bv 687. Luca Nicoleta Adriana-PJ Timișoara 688. Grecu Adrian-PT Timiș 689. Murgoi Anda-PCA Alba Iulia 690. Nicoară Ioana-PJ Cluj Napoca 691. Botogan Claudiu-PCA Cluj 692. Arina Corsei Vultureanu- PJS3 693. Benchea Vlad- PJ Avrig 694. Emanuela Dulgheru-T București 695. Nanu Vladimir-PT Argeș 696. Pop Ciprian Dumitru- PJ Luduș 697. Coșarcă Nicolae-PJ Tg. Mureș 698. Georgescu Ileana -PJ Tg. Mureș 699. Brătilă Cristina Nicoleta-PJ Ploiești 700. Bunea Cătălin-PJ Ploiești 701. Petraru Larisa-PJ Ploiești 702. Mateescu Doinița-PJ Ploiești 703. Epurescu Ionuț-PJ Ploiești 704. Marcolea George-PJ Ploiești 705. Mazilu Sebastian-PJ Ploiești 706. Iosifescu Magdalena-PJ Ploiești 707. Danescu Alexandru-PJ Ploiești 708. Bogdan Orza-DIICOT ST Tg. Mureș 709. Hău Emanuel-PJ Timișoara 710. Diana Gitan-PT Timiș
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stiridinromania · 2 years
Macheta memorialului dedicat lui Ivan Patzaichin la Tulcea
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La Festivalul Ivan Patzaichin, care începe astăzi la Tulcea, vor fi prezentate planurile şi macheta ansamblului arhitectural ce va fi amplasat pe Faleza ce-i poartă numele. Acestea vor fi disponibile de la ora 19:30, la deschiderea oficială a Festivalului, când va avea loc un concert acustic susţinut de Urma, însoţit de primul spectacol cu drone şi lumini ce poposeşte la Tulcea. https://youtu.be/hW2O1Fyq_Sk La deschidere vor fi prezenţi, pe lângă preşedintele CJ Tulcea - Horia Teodorescu, primarul oraşului - Ştefan Ilie, şi Mihai Covaliu - preşedintele COSR, Laura Badea, Ionuţ Popa - preşedintele clubului Dinamo şi Ivona Patzaichin-Rusu, preşedinte al Asociaţiei Ivan Patzaichin - Mila 23. Memorialul pentru Ivan Patzaichin va fi realizat de cinci artişti - Mircea Cantor, Virgil Scripcariu, Teodor Graur, Dan Vezentan, Gyarfas Olah - sub viziunea curatorială a lui Teodor Frolu, partener al lui Ivan Patzaichin în ultimii 10 ani în toate proiectele de dezvoltare realizate de Asociaţia Ivan Patzaichin - Mila 23. Macheta monumentului va fi disponibilă, pe toată durata festivalului, la Muzeul de Artă Tulcea. Astăzi, 5 septembrie, se împlinesc exact 50 de ani de la faimoasa cursă de calificări în care lui Ivan i s-a rupt pagaia în primii metri de la start. A avut prezenţa de spirit să continue cursa, deşi a ajuns la final la mai bine de 2 minute după ceilalţi concurenţi. Însă a intrat în recalificări, şi astfel a ajuns să câştige medalia de aur la 1000 m canoe simplu. Finala s-a disputat pe 9 septembrie 1972. Anul acesta, pe 9 septembrie, vom organiza pe scena Festivalului (la Gara Tulcea), o seară de rememorare a Jocurilor Olimpice de la Munchen. Vor participa Ivona Potzaichin-Rusu, Ovidiu Ioaniţoaia, Toma Simionov, Vasile Dîba, Florin Popescu, Georgeta Andrunache, Elena Fidatov, Cătălin Cîrnu, Cătălin Tolontan, Cristian Gaţu şi Ştefan Birtalan, într-o discuţie moderată de jurnalistul TVR Mihai Rădulescu. La acest Festival avem prilejul să marcăm faptul că Delta Dunării se dovedeşte, în continuare, un rezervor nesecat de campioni ai sporturilor nautice. De exemplu, doar comuna Crişan (cu satele Crişan, Mila 23 şi Caraorman) a dat 25 de campioni olimpici şi mondiali, printre care Ivan Patzaichin, Toma Simionov şi Serghei Covaliov. Cătălin Chirilă, lipovean din Deltă, la fel ca Ivan, îi duce moştenirea mai departe. După rezultatele de excepţie din acest an, va primi titlul de cetăţean de onoare al municipiului Tulcea, iar ceremonia de decernare a distincţiei va avea loc pe scena Festivalului, în seara de sâmbătă, 10 septembrie, în prezenţa antrenorilor Vasile Miron şi Florin Popescu (tot un elev al lui Ivan Patzaichin). De marţi până joi, Festivalul călătoreşte, în caiace şi canotci, de la Tulcea până la Mila 23 unde vor fi prezentate planurile unui muzeu ce urmează a se ridica în memoria lui Ivan Patzaichin şi va fi vernisată expoziţia de fotografie "Oamenii Deltei" a lui Dragoş Lumpan. Vineri şi sâmbătă, la Tulcea, Festivalul Ivan Patzaichin invită copiii şi adulţii la ateliere şi competiţii sportive de vâslit pe Lacul Ciuperca, la vernisajul expoziţiei Provocări şi răspunsuri pe Dunăre - Ungaria şi navigaţia pe Dunăre în perioada interbelică la Casa Avramide şi la concertele de la Gară (SUBCARPAŢI, TUMBE, RUSALKA şi ZAGĂN în prima seară, ALTERNOSFERA, DIMITRI'S BATS şi BLANĂ BOMBĂ în cea de-a doua seară). Sâmbătă va avea loc o conferinţă pe tema "Soluţii de dezvoltare durabilă în Tulcea şi Delta Dunării", ca parte din seria de dezbateri Apele Unite ale României, un proiect care are ca scop democratizarea accesului la apă pentru un număr cât mai mare de cetăţeni, înţelegerea de către aceştia a valorii râului şi raportarea lui la oraş şi la comunitate. Conferinţa va aborda tema valorificării culturale şi economice a apei, oferind exemple de iniţiative şi proiecte din judeţul Tulcea. Festivalul Ivan Patzaichin este organizat de Asociaţia Ivan Patzaichin - Mila 23 împreună cu Primăria Municipiului Tulcea, Consiliul Judeţean Tulcea şi Departamentul pentru Dezvoltare Durabilă. Sponsor principal: Kaufland România. Festivalul beneficiază şi de sprijinul AQUA Carpatica, Fundaţia Bosch Romania, Heineken România şi al partenerilor Asociaţiei Ivan Patzaichin - Mila 23: ARBDD - Administraţia Rezervaţiei Biosferei Delta Dunării, DC Communication, Romanian - American Foundation, Institutul Liszt - Centrul Cultural Maghiar Bucureşti, Institutul de Cercetări Eco-Muzeale Tulcea, Green Village, Deltaica, Ivan Pescar, Sucursala Regională de Căi Ferate Constanţa, Apele Române. Parteneri media: Agerpres, Bucureşti FM, Citatepedia, Cronica Română, Guerrilla FM, Igloo Media, Info Tulcea, IQads, Smark, Modernism.ro, Munteanu, Radio România Actualităţi, Radio România Cultural, Radio Constanţa, Radio Delta, Revista Zeppelin, Ştiri ONG, Urban.ro Organizatorii mulţumesc tuturor partenerilor şi sponsorilor acestui eveniment. Contact: Raluca Munteanu, [email protected]. https://rowmania.ro/ivan-patzaichin-fest-2022 / https://www.facebook.com/RowmaniaPatzaichin PROGRAM FESTIVAL 5 - 10 septembrie 2022 Luni, 5 septembrie - Tulcea 19:30 - 21:30 Deschiderea oficială a Festivalului Ivan Patzaichin - Rowmania 2022 Concert in memoriam Ivan Patzaichin - Urma (acustic) (Faleza Ivan Patzaichin - zona Hotel Delta) Cuvânt de deschidere Spectacol cu drone şi lumini Marţi, 6 septembrie - Tulcea, Delta Dunării 09:00 Sosirea participanţilor la punctul de plecare al Caravanei (Faleza Ivan Patzaichin - zona Hotel Delta) 09:30 Moment de presă (Faleza Ivan Patzaichin - zona Hotel Delta) 10:00 Expoziţia* proiectului Ansamblului "Ivan Patzaichin" (realizat de Mircea Cantor, Virgil Scripcariu, Teodor Graur, Dan Vezentan, Olah Gyarfas) ce va fi amplasat în 2023 pe Faleza Ivan Patzaichin (Muzeul de Artă) *Expoziţia va fi deschisă între 5 - 10 septembrie, zilnic 09:00-17:00 10:00 START Caravana Apele Unite ale României: Tulcea - Mila 23 - Ziua 1 (Faleza Ivan Patzaichin - zona Hotel Delta) Parada caiacelor şi canotcilor pe Dunăre Ziua 1 - Traseu: pe Dunăre (Tulcea) - Canal Mila 36 - Şontea (25 km) Miercuri, 7 septembrie - Delta Dunării 09:00 Ziua 2 - Caravana Apele Unite ale României: Tulcea - Mila 23 Traseu: Şontea - Lacul Băclăneşti - Şontea - Lacul Fortuna (18 km) Joi, 8 septembrie - Delta Dunării 09:00 Ziua 3 - Caravana Apele Unite ale României: Tulcea - Mila 23 Traseu: Lac Fortuna - Lacul Văcaru - Lacul Ligheanca - Mila 23 (14 km) 17:00 Prezentarea planurilor Muzeului Ivan Patzaichin şi vernisajul Expoziţiei foto "Oamenii Deltei", de Dragoş Lumpan Vineri, 9 septembrie - Tulcea 13:00 - 16:00 Călăuzele Deltei - program educaţional pentru copiii din Tulcea şi Delta Dunării (lac Ciuperca) Concurs de vâslit şi îndemânare | Parada canotcilor construite de copii | Ateliere educative şi recreaţionale: 13:00 - 15:00 - ateliere de jocuri cercetăşeşti şi infopoint despre ce este cercetăşia cu Centrul local LOTUS 15:00 - 16:00 Atelier de fotografie cu Oana Radu Turcu (copiii între 9-14 ani) 15:00 - 17:00 - ateliere de pictură coordonate de Centrul EUdivers 16:00 - 16:30 Festivitate de premiere Călăuzele Deltei (Scenă - Gara Tulcea) 17:00 - 18:00 Vernisajul expoziţiei Provocări şi răspunsuri pe Dunăre - Ungaria şi navigaţia pe Dunăre în perioada interbelică (Casa Avramide) *Expoziţia este curatoriată de Institutul Liszt - Centrul Cultural Maghiar Bucureşti şi va fi deschisă între 9 - 18 septembrie, zilnic 09:00-17:00 18:30 - 20:00 Seara lui Ivan - imagini de arhivă şi rememorarea momentului Munchen 72 (Scenă - Gara Tulcea) - Proiecţia documentarului despre Ivan Patzaichin - Iar ca sentiment, un cristal (1986, 11 min., realizat de Ovidiu Bose Paştină) - La discuţie vor participa: Ivona Potzaichin-Rusu, Ovidiu Ioaniţoaia, Toma Simionov, Vasile Dîba, Florin Popescu, Georgeta Andrunache, Elena Fidatov, Cătălin Cîrnu, Cătălin Tolontan, Cristian Gaţu şi Ştefan Birtalan. Moderator: jurnalistul TVR Mihai Rădulescu 20:30 - 23:00 Concert multi-sound (Scenă - Gara Tulcea) SUBCARPAŢI / TUMBE / RUSALKA în deschidere: ZAGĂN Folk Band Sâmbătă, 10 septembrie - Tulcea 11:00 - 14:00 Soluţii de dezvoltare durabilă în Tulcea şi Delta Dunării (Sala Mare - Consiliul Judeţean Tulcea) Conferinţă pe tema valorificării culturale şi economice a apei, cu exemplificări de iniţiative şi proiecte din zonă 14:00 - 18:00 Ateliere de educaţie alternativă pentru copii (Gara Tulcea / lac Ciuperca) 14:00 - 16:00 - ateliere de jocuri cercetăşeşti şi infopoint despre ce este cercetăşia cu Centrul local LOTUS 14:00 - 17:00 - Atelier de reciclare creativă şi folosire responsabilă a plantelor cu Laura şi Dragoş 14:00 - 17:00 - Atelier de construcţie de machete de bărci cu Atelierul Mobil 14:00 - 18:00 - Ateliere de cusături coordonate de Centrul EUdivers 15:00 - 16:00 Atelier de fotografie cu Oana Radu Turcu (copiii între 9-14 ani) 14:00 - 18:30 Descoperă ROWmania - Concurs de vâslit în canotci de 10+1 (lac Ciuperca) 16:00 - 17:00 Festivitate de premiere (Scenă - Gara Tulcea) Delta Tulcea Triathlon 19:00 - 19:30 Festivitate de premiere (Scenă - Gara Tulcea) Descoperă ROWmania - Concurs de vâslit în canotci de 10+1 19:30 - 22:30 Concerte Rock'n'Row (Scenă - Gara Tulcea) ALTERNOSFERA / DIMITRI'S BATS în deschidere: BLANĂ BOMBĂ Read the full article
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jurnaldeoltenia · 3 years
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Serviciu de evidenţă a persoanelor în comuna Mischii
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