low-brass-babe · 5 years
10 Strengths of a Highly Sensitive Person
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Life as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) can be hard. School can be torture to sit through, work can be overwhelming. You just need more time to recharge your batteries than everyone else. Your sensitivities can cause discourse among your friends and family, making you feel guilty or downright ashamed to be who you are. But don’t be! You have great abilities and can provide deep, meaningful insights into life. Here, at Psych2Go, we share Ten Strengths that you have as a Highly Sensitive Person.
1. Greater Autonomy
You know what to do most of the time, you can get stuff done, people are asking you what they should do next. It’s easy to skim through the book of life and improvise your way through the rest. You are self-sufficient, self-directed, self-motivated and have enough self-discipline to implement any plan or personal project. Of course, friends and family are important and it is healthy to ask for help when you need it. But, because of your strong independence, you only must ask for help half the time.
2. Heightened Senses
Highly sensitive people make great artists, whether that be traditional arts like painting, kinetic arts like dancing, or even the culinary arts. That’s all thanks to……………………….
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low-brass-babe · 5 years
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what an amazing sight
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low-brass-babe · 6 years
The most iconic cats snaps of 2018
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low-brass-babe · 6 years
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Always Sunny in Tokyo: The Gang Finds a Dumpster Baby 
Starring Danny DeVito as Gin.
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low-brass-babe · 6 years
listen, I’m not the biggest fan of kids but if a child looks at me then you bet I’m gonna smile back at them. kids deserve to experience the world as a kind and safe place to explore okay.
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low-brass-babe · 6 years
Dear Goyim:
I know a good portion goyim see converts as Jewish, to the point of even distanting themselves and removing themselves from said converts life once they become Jewish. But let’s talk about the particular group of you that like to talk down on converts.
Replicating anti-convert sentiment that you have seen from your born Jewish friends- is antisemitic.
Telling converts “they won’t really be accepted by the Jewish people though,” is antisemitic
You, especially as a non-Jew should have nothing to say about a converts Jewishness other than “they’re Jewish.”
That that’s the only thing that can come out of your mouth.
You don’t get to say:
“But their conversion was kind of iffy, so they arent really considered Jewish”
“Many Jewish people wouldn’t consider them Jewish”
“Well your just a convert what would you know about [insert Jewish issue they, a goy, are trying to speak over a non-born Jew about]?”
These are all antisemitic.
It may not be your typical “money hungry stinky Jew” antisemitism but it is antisemitic nonetheless
Goyim can reblog, but do not add anything thank you.
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low-brass-babe · 6 years
I dressed up yesterday like this
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but I kept getting comments on how I looked exactly like Nicki Minaj in this picture all night
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Everyone disregarded that and called me Nicki for the entire night.
I tried.
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low-brass-babe · 6 years
I haven’t practiced since last year
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low-brass-babe · 6 years
If you are an adult man and you call teenage girls Babe I am going to crush your skull like a grape
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low-brass-babe · 6 years
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I joined a paleontology meme page on Facebook and it was the best decision I’ve made
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low-brass-babe · 6 years
sure i guess sex is okay but have you ever closed a dozen tabs after finishing an academic paper
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low-brass-babe · 6 years
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low-brass-babe · 6 years
Rhinos are just unicorns with armor
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low-brass-babe · 6 years
National Geographic on Facebook: this is a facial reconstruction of a teenage girl who lived 9000 years ago based on her remains!
half the comments: men criticizing her looks and saying she’s unattractive and mannish
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low-brass-babe · 6 years
Microwaves these days have 50 different programs and buttons but yet we still use only the + 30sec button.
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low-brass-babe · 6 years
In most alien movies aliens attack Earth during modern day. Imagine an alien movie where they invade Earth during medieval times.
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low-brass-babe · 6 years
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