lbriscoe · 7 years
How I manage to keep healthy while living on my own at university.
I’ve been living on my own for a few years now so I’ve been the one in charge of what’s in my fridge and my pantry. It’s honestly easy to give in and buy cookies, any kind of fried food, sugary cereals etc… In the past couple of years, I’ve lost lots of weight from sheer will and a radical change of diet. Keep in mind that I did not restrain myself from any type of food, I ate smarter and more varied. So here are some basic tips I’m following on the daily (I’m not an expert of any kind, though. I might make mistakes!). I’m still losing some weight, slowly, but I don’t feel hungry between meals, and I don’t crave some type of foods on the daily.
→ Food
• I do three meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It might seems silly, but I know some people tend to easily skip one of them or add snacks. If I feel hungry, I drink some tea between meals. If I’m actually hungry for food, I eat a fruit (sometimes with some muesli or cereals if I know it won’t be enough). But afterwards, I keep in mind that the meal preceding it wasn’t enough for me and I adjust the quantity. • I eat vegetables and/or fruits at each and every meal. It might not be a lot, but it’s still healthier, and it still makes you diminish the quantity of whatever else you have in your plate. A basic meal for me contains: fruit/vegetable, some protein (legumes (peas, beans, lentils, quinoa etc…), meat, cheese etc…), and cereals/carbs. This combo usually satisfies me, and I add a fruit, low-fat yoghurt, or a compote as dessert if I feel the need to. • I get creative! I use cookbooks and websites to get some inspiration. I follow a couple of healthy accounts on Instagram to have some meal recipe ideas. And I use spices! You can do the very same dish and just change the spices and it feels new to your palate. • Per day, I try to ‘eat’ the equivalent of a glass of milk, no more (be it actual milk, or yoghurt, or cheese); at least 5 fruits and vegetables (one at breakfast, two at lunch, two at dinner). • For instance, at breakfast, I alternate between porridge (half milk/half water) + fruit + seeds/nut or spices + tea and low-fat yoghurt + fruit + cereals (muesli + sugar free cereals) + coffee. At lunch, considering it’s still summer, I usually eat a salad (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, seeds) and I either add corn, or cold pasta or cold rice (etc... you get it), or I make myself a small sandwich with chicken or vegetables etc… get creative! and with a fruit as dessert. As for dinner, I cook some vegetables (depending on what I have in my fridge) and cook some carbs – whatever appeals me at the moment, and mix the two together. I may add tofu or a fried egg or if I have meat, some meat. If I’m still hungry, I do eat a dessert, otherwise, no. • I allow myself what some call ‘cheat meals’. When I’m at a restaurant, I don’t really care what I order, I just check whether it’ll keep me satisfy until the next meal. Or I might buy a muffin or a pastry when out, too. It really depends on whether I want it at the moment. • I actually don’t have sugary things in my flat. The only thing fitting this category are fruits, muesli (because yes, I know, it’s still sugary), and dark chocolate. That way, it’s easier to not cave and eat whatever’s in my pantry. • For uni, if I need to eat on campus: I pack my own lunch. The advantages? You know what you put in it, you know you’ll be satisfied at the end of the meal, and it’s cheaper! You just need to get organised a bit and cook more food the previous evening for your dinner so that you have leftovers for the next day. Or you can even make your own sandwichs adding raw veggies in them. It has two perks: raw veggies are often juicy so you don’t have to put much sauce inside your sandwich for it to not be dry, and you eat more/take more time to eat so it has more chance to satisfy you for the whole afternoon.
→ Drinks
• I try and drink at least 1.5L of water per day. • I don’t drink fizzy drinks, unless I’m at a party. • I do drink alcohol when with friends, and I don’t care whether this or that drink might be more calorific than the other. BUT, I don’t go out that much. • I drink my coffee and my tea without added sugar. I do add milk in my coffee (not in my tea), sometimes plant-based drinks or flavoured ones (like vanilla soy) so they’re actually sweeter than normal milk. • If I feel like having a drink during the day, something other than water but not hot tea, I either drink orange juice (I limit myself to one glass a day, though) or I pour some lemon juice in my glass of water.
→ Moving
• I try to move every day. If you’re looking to lose weight or get healthier, changing your diet won’t do everything. (Though, yes, if you had a pretty shitty diet so far, you’ll lose some weight just by changing it. Most of my weight loss is due to my change of diet only.) • If I can walk instead of taking the bus, I do. For instance, I walk to the train station which, hence, is 20-25min away from home. It’d take me less than 5 minutes if I took the bus. I go to uni by walking, same for shopping, same for doing the groceries. I do everything by walking. If I can take the stairs instead of the lift, I do. Though, if like me you get sweaty easily, try waiting the end of the day to take the stairs home. If I go home for lunch time, I use the lift otherwise my clothes would smell of sweat for the whole afternoon… I’m a sweaty person, by the way. So yes, walking to places make me sweat, but I know it’s good for my body and honestly? It’s cheaper as well. • For a couple of months now, I’ve started more diligently to follow online sports classes. For those speaking French, these classes are free and you can follow them live from home while they happen in a gym in the north of France (I assume if you change the language to French, you’ll access them but I’m not sure). Anyways, I checked out some classes to see those I liked and those I don’t. I now have 6 classes per week, for a total of about 4 hours. I don’t need any type of accessories for them except for a mat. My schedule consists of 2x30min cardio classes, 2x30min abs, 1x50min gym, 1x50min stretching. I try to do everything the coach says, but I’m not perfect. I sometimes can’t hold the pose, or I can’t finish an exercise. But that’s okay, I try! • Now that uni is going to start again, I’ll have to adapt this schedule. And if I think I don’t have enough classes per week, I’ll check out others that I’ll be able to do according to my timetable! When I’m at my parents’ in the countryside for a while, I take a walk around the hill. It’s about 5 kms long, and I just walk. I try to do it faster every time but still, at least I move.
Now, I hope this has been useful to you in any way. Don’t forget that I’m a 22yr old student, and I don’t have any official knowledge on this, just what I learned over the years. I keep myself informed about food, to correct what I could be doing wrong. I also try to eat less meat, so it’s challenging to have enough protein added to my diet. If you have any question regarding this post, feel free to ask me and I’ll try to answer you. (If you want to keep it private, tell me so.)
Have a good day,
Sam/lbriscoe xx
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theoppositeofadults · 7 years
Salut, je veux dire juste que ton blog a vraiment m'aidé avec mon français et je veux te remercier
ahhh merci! 
Je sais que Myriam El Khomri (qui est investie par le PS) veut faire partie de la majorité présidentielle. Par contre, je n’ai pas trouvé de liste précise de toutes les personnes qui sont prêt à travailler avec Macron sans être sur les listes de REM.
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