talkbacksoon · 8 years
Dear Pilot,
I’m starting to watch the series over from the beginning again and will be blogging and reblogging away with thoughts, gifs, all the goodies I can muster. Join me! You can submit confessions (I’ll make images with your text!), thoughts and questions to be part of the journey. We all need a little more Felicity&Ben&Noel drama back in our lives, right? Who’s with me?!
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talkbacksoon · 11 years
Perhaps one of the greatest coming-of-age series of all time, this is the truth behind Felicity.
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talkbacksoon · 11 years
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Obviously Noelicity makes the cutest baby...
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talkbacksoon · 11 years
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Just go ahead and break my heart you two.
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talkbacksoon · 12 years
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Will she really go?
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talkbacksoon · 12 years
“I mean, I’m an emotional person. I feel things, and I need to be able to get upset and talk about how I’m feeling. That’s who I am. I can’t change it. I don’t want to. And the thing is — you knew that. You knew it, and you still pursued me…because you want something with me. You just aren’t strong enough to have it — which, in a way, makes you a coward.”
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talkbacksoon · 12 years
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Felicity: One photoset per episode: 1x04 Boggled
Maybe one of the reasons Ben runs fast is just that he loves it. That must be an amazing feeling, being so good at something you love.
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talkbacksoon · 12 years
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Felicity: One photoset per episode: 1x05 Spooked
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talkbacksoon · 12 years
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talkbacksoon · 12 years
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talkbacksoon · 12 years
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talkbacksoon · 12 years
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talkbacksoon · 12 years
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Ben and Felicity - 1x01
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talkbacksoon · 12 years
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talkbacksoon · 12 years
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Dean & Deluca, Soho, New York 
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talkbacksoon · 12 years
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4. Felicity & Noel Felicity
Yes, a hopeless couple. Yes I had to give up on the show for 1/2 a season because it was such torture watching them dangle the relationship that would never happen in front of me. Yes the writers did this to me and only me. I still love them, I don’t care.
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talkbacksoon · 12 years
which one? which one?
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