#crescent city🌙
readychilledwine · 2 months
The Bard
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Summary - Sometimes, it's fun to romanticize someone one else's life.
Warnings- None
Baby daddy note - I made Lizzy post this. She wrote it for fun. I felt it should still be shared.
A/n - May delete later
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This world was nothing like the ones she had ever been in. Tall buildings stood in place of trees, hard stone lined the ground cutting and cracking her bare feet with each step. She jumped back as a car hit a puddle, preventing it from splashing her.
Checking her pockets, she sent a silent thank you for the currency hiding there. A sign from her Gods that they were indeed watching. She studied what she slowly realized was her new identification before checking the streets to see if she could navigate through where she was.
She was younger in this world. Barely 16, and for some off reason, blonde. Perhaps it was to remind her of who she was, of who she belonged to, but the reminder hurt none the less.
On further inspection, she realized this world wasn't so different from the last she was in. Just different methods of the same things. Buildings touched the clouds, technology pinged and flashed before her, and modern clothing covered the bodies of everyone around her. She paused at the sight of a bus, seeing that it read the street name of her new home on it before getting on and paying the toll in a shining silver coin.
The previous world came back to her slowly, as all memories did when she jumped. It had been a hard battle, one she suspected could not truly be over with how easily it had ended and begun.
The more she looked, the more similar this word seemed. It just lacked the magic.
She kept to herself, avoiding the gazes of humans too caught up in themselves to even truly look at her. She listened to them, hoping to find the hero she was destined to follow into battle, whose song she would sing in local bars. That was her job, of course. In every lifetime, in every world, she was a Bard. Collecting the stories of heros and their foes, playing them before a laughing crowd.
She followed countless warriors to their deaths, queens to their thrones, and kingdoms to their salvation. She was exhausted, heart aching from the most recent loss. She sighed as she got off the bus, quickly figuring out the house numbers before finding her own.
Pictures sat on the wall of her with her family. Faces that would know her, but she was going to hardly remember. Memories would have been planted into her brain, ensuring her safety as they always were.
She allowed them to guide her now, pulling her through the house until she was met with a door decored in pictures of her with friends. It did make her laugh how each world allowed her to follow a pattern. A group of women. All shining stars in their own rights. All with stories that needed to be told.
She stepped into the room, studying the furniture and shrugging off the rain-soaked clothing. A box sat on her desk, unopened and sparkling. She pulled on warm clothing before walking to it.
White ribbon, so pure and untouched, wrapped about a brown box and an envelope. She opened the envelope first, smiling at the familiarity of the handwriting in an unknown place.
My dearest Bard,
You have no hero in this world. No story to memorize. In this world, you are free to grow and live as you please. Find your own adventure, your own legendary love.
This is our thank you. A new beginning for your humble service. Just never forget who you are. When you miss home, simply look to the stars and wish.
She wiped the tears falling from her face before opening the box. Line paper sat with pencils and pens, just waiting for her to write. And so she did. She would tell the stories of the worlds she had been in one last time.
"Once upon a time,” she wrote, smiling as she did, even if the story started out of order, "in a land long since burned to ash, there lived a young princess who loved her kingdom very much.”
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys @lilah-asteria @fandomrejects
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daydreaming-nerd · 4 months
Daydreaming Nerd Masterlist ☁️✨
Welcome to my mind palace where the things I spend all day maladaptive daydreaming about find their home <3. Everything is X Female! Reader.
Fluff 💖
Smut 🔥
Angst 🥀
Taylor Swift Inspired 🏹
ACOTAR: 🏔️✨⚔️
Bat Boys (poly!):
You Want a Baby? (Bat Boys x Reader) 🔥 Part 2 💖
Our Girl 🔥 Rhys
The Bonds That Break Us (completed):💖🥀🔥 Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5, Part 6, Final Part
Unconditionally. 🥀 💖
Our girl 🔥
Implode 🥀
Lipstick Kisses 💖🥀🔥
How Did It End? 🥀🏹
The Prophecy 💖🥀🔥🏹 Part 2 , Part 3 (final)
The Angel Of Music 💖
I'll Crawl Home To Her 🥀 💖
Young Love and Old Money (series) 💖🥀🔥
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? 💖🥀🔥 (in the works)
Eris Vanserra:
Lucien Vanserra:
The Prophecy 💖🥀🔥🏹 Part 2, Part 3 (final)
Crescent City: 🌆🌙✨
Ruhn Danaan:
Shadows and Sins 💖🥀🔥
Hunt Athalar:
Alphahole :🥀🔥 (in the works)
Tharion Ketos:
Throne of Glass: 🌲🦌🩵
Rowan Whitethorn:
Dorian Havilliard:
Fourth Wing:⚔️🔥🖤
Xaden Riorson:
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rainingriversofyou · 4 months
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Ruhn x Lidia
Crescent City 🌙
Artist: hancorinne_
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ssplague · 3 months
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Benighted Beloved
Chapter two
Warnings: Some Katsuki-esque violence this chapter, that’s all.
Honorable mentions 💌
@lalachanya  @mrsmelaninhood 
@whatdidshesayyy @faemagic88
@viridianhero  @alishii @rv19 
✨ 🌙 ✨
“There sat a Crescent Moon on her forehead”
“Here you go, it’s rosehip tea, make sure you drink it while it’s hot, that way you won’t end up with a cold” the man you now know as Midoryia Izuku hands over a steaming mug.
“Thank you so much for your help, I’m new around here…I…well I wasn’t sure where to go…I hope I’m not causing you too much trouble” your voice is quiet compared to the storm beating against the walls outside. The change of clothes he’d given you were soft on your skin, the well worn fabric held a fading lilac scent, as did the quilt set beside you. The hot tea goes down easily, a soothing warmth spreads from your fingers to the tips of your toes. “You aren’t causing me any trouble at all I promise, I had planned on returning to the capital city for the celebration, but I’m sure it was postponed due to this sudden change of weather” the green haired man replied as he adds a couple more logs to the fire burning in the grate.
“Celebration?” You ask, intrigued despite the sleepiness washing over you. Izuku nods as he prods the newly added logs with a poker, “One of my most treasured friends has finally found the one he wants to share his life with, to be honest with you a majority of people never thought he’d marry someone because of his harsh personality but…the few of us that know him well knew that was a lie” he’s smiling again as firelight danced in reflection of his emerald eyes. You had set your now empty cup off to the side, silently stretching out across the couch and snuggling up beneath the warm blanket. Content to sit in silence as your host got caught up in cherished memories, you were sleeping soundly in minutes. Eventually when Midoryia did resurface from memory lane, his face burned red with embarrassment as he realized he’d forgotten you were here with him! “I’m sorry y/n! I spaced out, how rude of me! I was going to tell you that you could rest in the bedroom if you like, I’m fine with the couch-“ Izuku abruptly shuts up when he notices you were asleep.
“She must have been exhausted…poor thing”
Quietly, he tip toes over to grab your empty mug, deciding to fill it with water incase you woke up thirsty. While kneeling down to pick it up, the firelight sparkles across something that draws his eye immediately. 
A crescent moon.
A golden crescent moon, on your forehead…a shaky finger briefly runs across it, that was real, no make up to smudge away.
With wide eyes, the now startled man bolts from his den and into the kitchen.
You! But how?!
Oh goddess!
How could you have found your way here?! Weren’t you supposed to be with Kaachan?! Oh no what if you had run away?!
Scarred hands tangled themselves in green curls as he tired to wrap his now frazzled mind around this discovery; Kaachan’s runaway bride being found here in that damn Deku’s study!
I’m a dead man walking!
“It’s gotta be a mistake, it can’t really be her…yeah of course it isn’t her…she’s miles away from here, back in the capital where she’s supposed to be” a chuckle escapes  between his manic muttering as the deflating man lowers himself to the floor. Izuku’s shoulders sag with relief after convincing himself it was a simple case of mistaken identity. Leaning back against the cabinets, his eyes momentarily close and a relieved sigh blows across his chapped lips. Only for them to fly open once more as a loud knock suddenly echoed from the front door of the cabin, making the alchemist yelp in response.
Getting to his now shaking legs, he peeks down the hall and listens for any sign you had woken up.
Silence follows, only to be disturbed by the now continuous knocking.
Forcing one foot infront of the other until he stands at the door, the terrified man forces himself to open it. The happy face of Kirishima greets him, “Hey there Midoryia! Sorry to just drop in on ya like this, thank goodness you weren’t back at the capital already”.
“Are you gonna let us in? It’s fucking pouring out here dammit!”
Bakugou’s snarling voice puts the fear of god into Izuku as he jumps aside to let the two soaked men in.
“Oh uh hey there Kaachan, Kirishima…what brings you two out here? Thought you’d be back at the castle, you know…to celebrate-“
“Ain’t nothing to fucking celebrate”
Yep, he’s most definitely a dead man.
Katsuki wrings out his cape on the doorstep before slamming the door shut, just as he does so, Izuku returns with a couple towels he’d grabbed from the linen closet.
“Thanks man” says Ejiro, flashing fangs with a smile “That storm hit outta nowhere as we were flying back, his majesty over here insisted we keep flying through it, until he almost got his wing zapped that is”.
The aforementioned male didn’t reply to the jab taken at him as he dried his hair off. The other two men looked at each other, the green haired male looking at the red head with evident confusion on his face. “He’s pretty upset”mouthed Kirishima and Midoryia gulps silently before nodding.
“I wanna hang my cape up in front of the fire” the blonde mumbles, noticing the lack there of in the front room’s grate.
“Sure! Let me just grab some of the wood I have in my den!” Izuku exclaims a little too excitedly as he spins on his heel.
“Nah man you don’t gotta do all that, we can just use the one you have going already, right Bakugou?”.
“Oh no it’s okay, I don’t m-“
Deku’s panicked response is drowned out by a gruff “Sure, what the fuck ever, I just want to warm up”. 
The angry Royal starts moving towards the short hallway, and immediately finds his way blocked by the much smaller man, “Really Kaachan, it’s no trouble! We can make a much bigger fire out here, the one in the den can only be small because of all my flammable materials-“.
“Oh shut it would you!” Growls the already frustrated monarch, “Otherwise there will be a far greater threat to your stupid materials than a goddamn fireplace”. After the threat had been made, Katsuki makes to move past the annoying bastard blocking his path. Only for said bastard to side step, effectively blocking his way again. Izuku internally cringes at the sudden ire that lights up in the hellfire eyes glaring daggers at him. Even Kirishima fights off the urge to shudder as the energy inside the cabin shifts drastically.
“Get.out.of.my.way.Deku” the bigger man’s intimidating voice starts off quietly.
“Listen Kaachan-“ the smaller man at least tries to reason with the other, but is cut off.
“You’re acting real fucking brazen nerd, too bad that today really was the wrong day for you to grow a pair” taking a step closer Bakugou puffs out his chest as he sneers down at Deku.
“Look it was an accident really, I didn’t know! I-“ a startled cry escapes the green haired man as a sparking fist takes hold of his shirt collar.
“What the fuck are you talking about? You don’t know shit! Oh I get it…You think its funny don’t you? Funny that she ran away afraid of me?! Go ahead and laugh! GO AHEAD AND LAUGH I FUCKING DARE YOU!” Snarls shifted into screams as the dragon shifter lifts his prey off it’s feet. The tight fisted grip singed the fabric of the shirt it held. Just as Kirishima springs into action to separate his friends, fast footsteps come racing from down the hall. They were immediately followed by a frightened, but still demanding, feminine sounding shriek, “STOP!!!”.  
All three men froze, each set of their respective eyes moving to locate the source of the shout. It didn’t take long for them to all locate you, half your body still hidden in shadow of the dark hallway.
A/N: I know this was short, but I still have two full chapters already finished (& much longer) and one partially completed 🥰 All the praise I received over the story this far is incredible & always deeply appreciated ❤️‍🔥
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brunoartist · 7 months
🌙Crescent City collection: Ruhn Danaan card
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maisonaime · 6 months
Color coding: Angst & Hurt/Comfort, Smut/Romance, Fluff, Dark
***specific warnings and ratings will be at the front of each part — but fair to assume most will be intended for mature audiences***
To be added to the tag list for any of my fics fill out this form!
Ilithyia’s Blessings [Feysand Pregnancy Rewrite] - Part 1;  Part 2; Part 3; Part 4
Give and Take [Cass x Reader] - Part 1
The Star Who Listened [Azriel x Reader] Starfall Week 2024
If I am a branch on a tree, will I snap or will I burn? [Azriel/Nesta friendship]
Patience is a Virtue [Azriel x Reader]
Beautiful Agony [Azriel x Reader blurb]
Crescent City ❤️🌙
Alma Mater [Bryce/Danika friendship]
Note a couple of things quickly before you read or comment on my work: 
Antis from any camp will be deleted unless you’re making a valid coherent criticism of a character, I don’t need or want your negativity, long-winded arguments and terrible takes. There’s no reason to be anti-any characters. It’s reductive to the complexity of the story and the characters themselves. Same goes for the ship wars: I want no part of it, I’m a multi-shipper.
If you’re confused or curious about something I wrote, my asks are open for a reason! I’m always happy to share more about where my head is at or clarify why I included something – especially when I take my writing to a darker place. If you repost pieces of my work without credit to misconstrue the meaning without allowing people to form their own opinions, you will be reported. 
Assume unless otherwise stated that I’m operating on MY headcanons for the characters, i.e. OOC. I don’t believe that any fanfiction can be truly canonical because we’re each projecting our own experiences and interpretations onto the characters. The original writer is the only person who can write/determine canon for their stories.
Please remember you’re reading fiction, like literal fantasy. If you don’t like it move on, the internet is so wide. 
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!! Let me know if I am missing a warning you think should be included. My last intention would be for anyone to feel blindsided with something sensitive in my writing. I will always be open to constructive criticism and new ideas!
Much love and happy reading! 🩷🍾
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crescentcityweek · 1 year
🌙 Crescent City Week 🌙
Calling all Lunathion citizens and Crescent City fans! Crescent City week is coming November 5-11, 2023.
Prompts and more info coming soon!
Art by @madschofield
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emiliamildner · 9 months
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Danika 🗡️🐺🌙
Staying consistent AND sticking to one list stresses me out so I'm jumping again. This time Danika was a prompt from #/doodlectobersjmedition by @/pandyals_art on IG and I will be going back to this list throughout the month for sure
Inspired by Crescent City series by Sarah J Maas
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ktficworld · 2 years
Tale of my heart
Paring: Bruce Wayne x f! Reader
Summary: your heart belongs to him. And he shatters it in the most beautifully cruel way.
Warning: ANGST
A/n: who wants a part two 😏
Part 2
Main masterlist
Bruce Wayne masterlist
Tags: @the-house-of-auditore-frye @maharani-radha-writes
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You always dreamed about your soulmate.
Since you were little, you always fantasized about meeting them. The stories your mother told, the mythologies that persisted, the meetings you witnessed. All made it seem so beautiful.
You looked out of the window. The stars twinkling and the half moon glowing in the dark, resembling your mark.
You lifted your left hand. Your crescent tattoo coming into the peripheral. You touched it gently, smiling you stared into the navy night. "We will meet someday. "
When you reached middle school. You started to focus more on your studies rather than your supposed soulmate. It was more important then.
As you reached high school. You saw several of your friends meeting their soulmate. You thought you would meet them too, but you didn't.
You envied them. They got their love so early and so easily. They would be together and for each other in some of the hardest times.
Where were your soulmate? Were they dead? You quickly shook your head to get rid of this horrid thought. No they'd be alright. You consoled yourself.
"How long are you going to make me wait? "
When you were in college you still haven't found your soulmate yet, and it was starting to drive you crazy.
So, you asked around. Looked for some advice, suggestion.
Some said to post your tattoo's picture online. You didn't have large numbers , so that didn't work.
Other said to go to soulmate forums and ask around. You did just that, but no luck their.
Some also told you to travel around the country. Maybe then you will find them. And... You did that also. You travelled from kashmir to kanyakumari, Gujarat to Sikkim. But you didn't meet them. You could however become a tourist guide by now.
"Let the fate work, baby. "
Your mother had said when you were on the verge of a breakdown.
"But, how maa? " You had asked tearfully.
"It has it's ways. They would come sooner or later. But you need to focus on your self now. I know you have been dreaming about your soulmate since you were a child, but you need to learn to love yourself. If you would not be able to love yourself, how are you going to love them?"
She was right and you understood her. Soulmates always meet unexpectedly and you can't go around searching for them.
You need to start searching yourself.
And you did just that. You found a good job, started taking care of yourself, started learning new things.
You were at a point where you were content with yourself. You did think about your soulmate, but it was rare. You didn't feel incomplete or were desperate. It was as everything has fallen into place, except your mystery mate. For whom you were waiting patiently now.
But most importantly you started travelling the world, which you realized after travelling the whole country that you liked that. Liked meeting new people, eating different food, knowing about different cultures.
That's how you found yourself in Gotham City. You were already travelling new Jersey, so the prospect of Gotham wasn't unrequited. Plus, you were running out of places to travel and Gotham's thrilling vigilante wasn't helping either.
After the arrival in the Gotham you wandered around the city. Locals were nice but a little reserved. It wasn't a hellhole of crimes, not like how media had depicted. But crime was still high, that was undeniable.
You learnt that there was an annual fair tonight and you were like, why the hell not? Let's go!
It was beautiful. Lights sparkled as it brightened the gloomy Gotham sky. Rides surrounded every corner accompanied by laughters and squeal of everyone. Toys, clothes, food everything imaginable was there.
There were also a lot of Batman merchandise. Since no one knew Batman's identity, everything was unbranded and local. But with the increase in Batman's popularity this sector would definitely grow. Some Gotham socialite should patent this brand... Or you will.
You chuckled at the thought and decided to leave the fair. The night was growing darker by every minute and even though coming to Gotham was a risky step in itself. You weren't that courageous to wander late at night in Gotham.
You called the cab and waited for it to arrive. But after awhile when the cab was still stuck at the same location for 20 minutes. You decide to call the driver.
"Hello, where are you? Is everything alright? You're stuck in the same spot for quite some time. " You voiced your concerns as soon as he picked up the phone.
"I'm sorry ma'am. I'm stuck in the traffic." The driver said.
"I need to go back, it's getting late." You said nervously. You really didn't want to stay this late.
"If you can, you can come to the cab. I'm only two blocks away. " He suggested.
You took a deep breath and decided to walk up to the cab. After all it would be safer in the confines of the car rather than standing alone.
"Alright, I'm coming. " You said.
You had safely crossed the two blocks and was mere minutes away from the location when you came across a dark valley you needed to walk before finally merging into the main street.
You swallowed hard at the realization. Don't worry, it's going to be okay. It short, just quickly jog out of here. You encouraged yourself as you took a deep breath and starting moving forward.
You were in the middle of the alley when you heard the sounds of footsteps. Your heart sunk. You didn't stop, as to not create suspicion but slowed down your pace. You listened as the steps became louder. You clutched your handbag in a death grip as you awaited the attack.
When you sensed them near. You turned around and hit the man with all of your might, using your bag. The man cried out and swiftly you kicked with in the stomach repeatedly, till he was on his knees.
You quickly sprinted into a run but more man appeared from the shadows. As if waiting for you to move. They were too many, tall and had weapons. You couldn't fight them even if you wanted to.
Is this the end? You thought as you were backed into a corner. A bulky man raised his hockey stick, making you scream as you braced yourself for the blow.
But it never came. You waited for moment, then trembling you opened your eyes. The man was nowhere to be found. Your ears then registered the sounds of groaning and grunting. The sounds of punches!
Now you fully opened your eyes and saw him, vengeance. You watched as he effortlessly took down all the goons. It took him sometime to dismantle everyone and you just stared at him the entire time, amazed and speechless.
"Are you okay? " His deep voice rang out in the alley as he stretched out his hand towards you , where you were crouched. You softly put your hands in his and he helped you back on your feets.
That's when you saw it. The crescent moon on your hand glowing in the dark, indicating your soul mate was near. Your eyes darted around the area to check of he was one of the goons. Your filled with relief when you didn't find any glow near them.
Realization struck you that the man dressed in Kevlar was your soulmate. You turned to him. Who was watching your mark, jaw clenched.
"You're my soul mate. " You said breathlessly. Maybe this explained your obsession with the Batman.
He still hasn't said anything to you. Eyes staring blankly at you, face unreadable.
"Vengeance." You asked as you moved closer.
"You should go now. " He said flatly
You faltered a little. "What do you mean? "
"Go home, it's late. " He said coldly.
Your heart thumped in your chest. What was happening? Why was he not... Happy?
"Why should I go back? I'm your soulmate-"
"Don't." He cut you off and looked away. The silence was deafening. As emotions swirled through you.
Suddenly he pulled off his left glove. His hand shining the same as you.
"See it's glowing, it's me. "
He screwed his eyes shut as if trying to close off his current situation. "Look closely. " He said gravely.
You slowly took his hand and brought it closer to you. Glancing down your heart dropped into your stomach. His mark was the same as you glinting, but it was scorched. As someone tried to get rid of it but failed.
"But I have waited for you my entire life. " You said, your voice wavering as you tried to swallow back your tears. Was he- was he rejecting you? Did he reject you even before meeting you?
He took a sharp intake of breath and told you something that broke your heart into pieces.
"I don't want you. Go away. "
It felt as if someone poured melting lava in your ears and freezed your heart into ice before shattering it into million shards. The person you loved since you were born, the person for whom you travelled the whole world, the person who was meant for you. Had rejected you.
You felt so much pain that everything felt numb and you felt nothing.
"Thank you for saving me. " You absently said and blindly walked away. Your body working on autopilot, dragging you to the street.
You spotted the cab. Standing in between cars. You reached the cab and got inside, still dazed.
"Ma'am, are you okay. "
You nodded and stared from the window blankly. After a while the traffic dispersed and the car started move.
The cold air of Gotham slapped you and that's when the reality came crashing down. Your soulmate had rejected you.
You burst into tears as they tried to subside the pain in your heart. But those flames kept raising, fueled by his words " I don't want you. "
He was so beautifully cruel.
Bruce's POV
Bruce has been in a daze since last night. His words still ringing in his ears.
"I don't want you. "
he internally flinched at these words. And yet, he had said those same words to the woman who waited for him her entire life. Waited for her soulmate her entire life.
He didn't even tell Alfred what happened. And how could he? What would he say? That he pushed yet another good thing because he can't love someone while his parents were buried under the ground. He knew, his words were bad at the least and heart wrenching at the worst.
He looked at his left arm, where the tattoo has started to heal. He didn't know his soulmate could heal such a deep wound.
He still remember the day he scorched the mark. It was after the Gotham's flood, he realized his life was too dangerous for his other half. So, he tried to break the bond, to take off the mark. But, destiny didn't let his attempt succeeded. All he could do was disfigure the tattoo.
He felt the pain, which he knew he had no right to. He was the one who sliced her heart in two pieces. But, she deserved better. It was not her fault that he was too broken to love. He just hoped that she would find someone. Who could love her.
"I'm going. " He said to his manager. He couldn't focus on anything so it was just a waste of time. He didn't wait for his reply and walked out of the building.
His heart sunk when he saw you outside the building, taking pictures. Did you figured out his identity?
He slowly approached you. You focus unwavering from the camera. "Why are you taking pictures? "
You jerked and looked at him wide eyed. Your eyes were red and swollen and his heart squeezed tightly. You gave a smile, but he knew it was fake.
"I'm sorry Mr. Wayne. I'm a tourist and that's why I was taking photos. But if you want, I can delete them. " You hastily explained.
Did you came all the way from your home to Gotham just to meet him?
God. Now he felt even more guilty. "It's okay, it's a public property anyway. "
"Thank you." With that you resumed your previous task and Bruce quietly left you, again.
No, it was for the best. His life was too dangerous, what he was doing to Alfred was a good example of that. This pain was going to be worth it. He tried to comfort himself as a tear ran down his cheek.
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avilyquinlan · 4 months
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ekatdoodles · 1 year
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Bryce Quinlan from Crescent City 🌙 🌆 Art by me @ekatdoodles, the character belongs to Sarah J Maas.
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readychilledwine · 5 months
✨️What Readychilledwine's favorite SJM males would call you✨️
💝Just a little headcanon of what my favorite males would call you as their mate. This is part 2 because tumblr limits how many images you can post 💝
Warning - she's long because of the fanart, but I figured we all deserve some eye candy today
(P.s. fanart is credited unless I could not find the creator, if you happen to know, please comment so I can add it.)
🌙 Crescent City 🌙
Ruhn - Michelle Taiki Art, Hunt - Anna Stone, Tharion - Sncinder
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✨️ my mate, hot stuff, momma (regardless of momma status), queen ✨️
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⚡️angel, little wife, sugar, my other half, baby girl⚡️
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🌊wifey, hun, baby, sweetheart, Lady Whatever🌊
👑 Throne of Glass 👑
Rowan - Dominque Wesson, Fenrys - Morgana0anagrom, Lorcan- secia fanart (its ai I apologize), Sam- Beth Gilbert art, Gavriel - Morgana0anagrom, Dorian - Mads Schofield
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🪶 sugar, lovey, baby, dove, little bird, my queen 🪶
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🐾pet, lovebug, little doe, baby🐾
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🌌 princess, wife, dearest, my lady, little one🌌
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🗡sweetheart, dear, my heart, my lady🗡
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💛tigress, mate, precious, princess💛
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🖤 my light, my queen, darling, goddess🖤
💝💝peep part 1 for the ACOTAR males here💝💝
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General taglist :
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanager @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr
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adamarart · 2 years
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This is my latest personal illustration, Danika Fendyr from Crescent City by @therealsjmaas. I saw an illustration of her not so long ago and I decided that I wanted to do my version of this character since I really like her aesthetic 🌙. Well! Hope you like this piece as much as me
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rainingriversofyou · 3 months
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Night & Day 🌙☀️ Crescent City - Artist: elithienart / @elithien
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theunluckyone13 · 5 months
✨🌙 Are we in the clear yet, good🌙✨
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🌙Hi! I’m noot, and I absolutely 🦇suck at introductions🦇 Anyways: 18+, work a full time gig so I can be slow at times (though you wouldn’t believe the stories I could share) I love to talk, share music tiktoks, memes- so my feelings won’t be hurt if you tell me to shut up 😂 open to any and all pairings! Lover of doubling, third person past tense- oh and I do tend to type a lot… 👀😂 Also try my best to vibe and go with the flow 💕😂
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Now onto the good stuff:
💕- really interested in
💕- Fourth Wing: current obsession.
Spn- Can do pretty much any character.
Mcu- not completely caught up, but can do almost anyone
💕Twilight- soft spot for me, can do anyone, but I suck at the volturi
💕Throne of glass- need to re read, but my memories are still fresh! Have yet to do this.
Crescent city - working on book two! Also have yet to do this fandom- but excited to try!
💕A court of thorns and roses- I’m going to get this out of the way- have been told I do the bat boys the best! But I am willing to try anyone! Currently listening to the graphic audios
✨the amount of ideas I have? Absolutely disgusting✨
💕Tvd/ to - A comfort show of mine. At one time I have done 98% of the cast. I’m familiar with everyone!
The selection- more so in love with the idea.
Bridgerton- rusty, but social events, scandals, drama? Gimme.
Grey’s Anatomy - have yet to do a rp, rewatching once again.
Night World- A super old book series I remember loving, about supernatural creatures. Honestly I’d love to take the idea of supernaturals in a normal setting and run with it.
Crave: I remember the first book and it’s chaos 😂
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Vibes I’m going for
✨Enemies to lovers
✨I’d combust for anything supernatural related- especially fae or vampires
✨Twilight or tvd vibes, small town spooks
✨Anything inspired by a Taylor Swift song
✨chaos- lot’s of chaos
✨Courts or kingdoms- think acotar style
✨I’d also combust for anything acotar inspired!
If interested add me on discord or interact!
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brunoartist · 7 months
🌙 Crescent City collection: Bryce Quinlan Card
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