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ktypili · 1 year ago
Happy Day of Creole Music 🎵 🎶🎤😊/ Feliz Día de la Canción Criolla 🎵 🎶🎤😊
Happy Day of Creole Music, we celebrate the soul of our culture. Long live the tradition! 🎵 🎶🎤😊
Feliz Día de la Canción Criolla, celebramos el alma de nuestra cultura. ¡Viva la tradición! 🎵 🎶🎤😊
Redes sociales/ Social networks: https://linktr.ee/ktypili Portafolio/ portfolio: 😊❤️ https://lnkd.in/eruudpNz
Check some projects carried out in: ktypili.com Follow us on our networks: Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram | X (Twitter) | TikTok | Pinterest | YouTube | Threads | Giphy | WordPress | Mastodon | Tumblr Do you need a design, illustration or 2D animation service?
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See you in a next article. 😊
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elliscraddock · 2 months ago
Here's my #8thRocksShuffle #8thRocks dance video w/song called Awa by #EmelineMichel(w/heavy rain sound effects/high tone version) on YouTube. Also click the like, share, subscribe, & hit a notification button on my YouTube channel. #Haiti #Haitian #Creole #HaitianCreole #HaitianSong #HaitianMusic #CreoleSong #CreoleMusic 🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹 @haitianhistory @haitianculture @haiti
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mcventurer · 7 years ago
Bastille Day French Festival in Melbourne offered an entertaining musical contrast between the island sounds of Creole through @zilwa_tribe and the more traditional mainland sounds of @moogygram to see out the first day of this enjoyable weekend festival. It was certainly all about France this weekend!! 🇫🇷 @bastilledaymelbourne @meatmarketmelb . . . . . #bastilledaymelbourne #bastilleday #france #french #festival #music #livemusic #creole #creolemusic #francaise #moogygram #zilwa #melbourne #musique #fête #percussion #piano (at Meat Market)
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mamaholistica · 4 years ago
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Happy #Monday!☀️ ¿Cómo pasaron el fin de semana de #halloween , #diadelosmuertos y en mi #Perú el día de la #cancioncriolla ? Espero que la pasaran lindo, en las #carolinas con un poco de frío y nosotros en casa con nuestra teen que estuvo feliz con su disfraz de #dinosaurio ,una parrilla, #lasagna y torta infaltable, fuimos a votar que es muy importante para los #latinos en #EstadosUnidos , también aprovechamos en ir al autocinema que estuvo excelente con #peliculasdeterror que no podían faltar en #nochedebrujas ! 👻 Espero que esta semana sea la mejor para todos con mucha salud y energía todo el día! ☀️ • ENGLISH VERSION: Happy Monday! ☀️ How did you spend the weekend of halloween, #dayofthedead and in my Peru the day of the #creolemusic ? I hope they had a nice time, in the #carolinas with a little cold and we at home with our teen who was happy with her #dinosaur costume, a #grill, #lasagna and #cake, we went to #vote that it is very important for the #Latinos in #unitedstates , we also took advantage of going to the drive-in movie that was excellent with #scarymovies that could not be absent in #witchnight ! 👻 I hope this week is the best for everyone with a lot of health and energy all day! ☀️ • #mamaholistica #votedlikeamother #yourvotecountsnc #votelikeamadre #food #foodporn #dinosaurcostume #halloweencostume (at Home Sweet Home ❤) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHF9oR0nNEv/?igshid=5njeyv4awgy
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sazvariboy · 6 years ago
This is an example of Creole music! Benjamin would have loved this! See how similar it is to Creole music! #cedricwatsonandbijoucreole #cedricwatson #zozonoir #creoleculture #creolemusic #creolefiddle #creole https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq5RIF7BeDl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1t9eza6y0eysy
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udteamnetwork · 7 years ago
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Destination Konpa brings you the 1st Edition of Konpa in New Orleans June 21-25, 2018.. Come experience the sound of jazz, great food, amazing people, and of course some of the hottest Konpa bands. Enjoy the Creole culture Louisiana Cajun Style 🎊💃💃🎊 this will be a weekend to talk about ➡www.konpainneworleans.com ⬅ #DestinationKonpa #KonpaInNewOrleans #SummerFun #CajunFun #Creole #CreoleCulture #CreoleMusic #AfroNight #HaitiansDoItBetter #HaitiCherie #Louisiana #Konpa #UDTeamNetwork #UDTN #UDTNPromotions #UnderestimatedDiamond #MasqueradeDayParty #JazzMeetsKonpa #GirlsTrip #BoysTrip #CouplesTrip #FunExperience
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karafellows · 7 years ago
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#illustratedmap of #Louisiana. #illustration #handlettering #map #creolefood #creolemusic #travel #batonrouge #neworleans #flowers #photoshop #digitalart
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ktypili · 1 year ago
Happy Day of Creole Music 🎵 🎶🎤😊/ Feliz Día de la Canción Criolla 🎵 🎶🎤😊
Happy Day of Creole Music, we celebrate the soul of our culture. Long live the tradition! 🎵 🎶🎤😊
Feliz Día de la Canción Criolla, celebramos el alma de nuestra cultura. ¡Viva la tradición! 🎵 🎶🎤😊
Redes sociales/ Social networks: https://linktr.ee/ktypili Portafolio/ portfolio: 😊❤️ https://lnkd.in/eruudpNz
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elliscraddock · 2 months ago
In Haitian Creole: Men videyo dans 8thRocksShuffle 8thRocks mwen ak chante ki rele Awa pa Emeline Michel.
(W / efè son gwo lapli / vèsyon ton segondè). Mwen pa posede chante sa a men jwi.
In English: Here's my #8thRocksShuffle #8thRocks dance video w/song called Awa by #EmelineMichel.
(w/heavy rain sound effects/high tone version). I don't own this song but enjoy. #Haiti #Haitian #Creole #HaitianCreole #HaitianSong #HaitianMusic #CreoleSong #CreoleMusic 🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹 @haitianculture @haitianhistory @haiti
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jmarksthespots · 8 years ago
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[#CONCERT] Anie & Riva  The Worship Tour: We are Here  Presented by BAM Cafe Friday, March 3 & Saturday, March 4 | 9:30pm  BAM Cafe | 30 Lafayette Brooklyn, NY  Admission: FREE
This Haitian/Haitian-American duo (Riva is an alumnus of LaGuardia High School, Anie grew up performing in Haiti) comes together to perform a powerhouse fusion of soul, jazz, and Creolemusic.
Learn more about Anie & Riva here: sheenmagazine.com/anie-riva-a-musical-experience
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🇭🇷Prva radionica valcera criollo/cruzadio u Hrvatskoj bila je odražana 25. Lipnja 2016. by Jelena Somogyi 🤗Tango Vals, za razliku od argentinskog tanga i milonge, ima tajnovitiju prošlost. Proučavajući ga počevši od valcera do Valsa Criollo i na kraju do Tango valcera. Valcer - prethodnica Tango Valsa - je mnogo stariji od tanga. To je, naravno, jedan od prvih plesova ( a ostali su Polka i tango ), u kojoj je paru lice okrenuto jedno prema drugome, te se i dodiruju u plesu. 🌞Vals Criollo/Vals Cruzado Riječ kreolski ( Criollo na španjolskom ) je opis za radničku klasu Argentinaca "old stock" , često potomci mješovite rase španjolaca i afrikanaca. Creoles je imao vrlo jak utjecaj na tango - gotovo mitski - pa čak i na repertuar Carlosa Gardela, koji je bio poznat kao "Creole rural music", uključena Vals Criollo, uključujući i Vals Criollo. 🇺🇸First workshop of vals Criollo/Cruzado was held on June 25th, 2016. By Jelena Somogyi Tango Vals, unlike the Argentine tango and the milonga, has a much more secretive past: it is more difficult to derive the path starting from the Waltz, to Vals Criollo, and finally to Tango Vals. But we shall try, nevertheless. 🌏The European Waltz The Waltz - the precursor of the Tango Vals - is much older than tango. It is of course one of the very first dances (the others being the polka and tango) in which the couple face and touch each other when dancing. ☀️Vals Criollo The word Creole (Criollo in Spanish) described those working class Argentineans of "old stock", often descendants of mixed race Spanish and Afro background. Creoles had very strong influence on tango - almost mythical - and even Carlos Gardel's repertoire, which was was known as Creole rural music, included Vals Criollo. 🇭🇷INSTITUT ARGENTINSKOG TANGA LIBERTANGO WWW.LIBERTANGO.EU #tangoqoutes #lifequotes #ples #lifestyle #croatia#tango #tanguera #tanguero#institutargentinskogtangalibertango #zagreb #blogger #argentinskitango#jelenasomogyimaestra #dance #afro #vals #creole #carlosgardel #jelenasomogyiandmariomedvedectangotechers #waltz #creolemusic #valscruzado #criollovals #essence #embrace #abrazo #root #story#history #tangomaestros https://www.instagram.com/p/By9n3vNBL4-/?igshid=rtose6vnuleb
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clairmuzikglobal · 8 years ago
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@clairmuzikg #pressplay #clairmuzikglobal #worldmusic #soundcloud #radiostreaming #afrobeats #rara ##creolemusic #soca #reggae #konpa #zouk #kizomba #kuduro #afrohouse #electro #raratech #rapsin #raboday #voodoorock #rapcreole #hiphop #afrotrap #trapmusic #rootsmusic #housemusic #mizikrasin #link: https://m.soundcloud.com/clairmuzik-global
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udteamnetwork · 7 years ago
Destination Konpa brings you the 1st Edition of Konpa in New Orleans June 21-25, 2018.. Come experience the sound of jazz, great food, amazing people, and of course some of the hottest Konpa bands. Enjoy the Creole culture Louisiana Cajun Style 🎊💃💃🎊 this will be a weekend to talk about ➡www.konpainneworleans.com ⬅ #DestinationKonpa #KonpaInNewOrleans #SummerFun #CajunFun #Creole #CreoleCulture #CreoleMusic #AfroNight #HaitiansDoItBetter #HaitiCherie #Louisiana #Konpa #UDTeamNetwork #UDTN #UDTNPromotions #UnderestimatedDiamond #MasqueradeDayParty #JazzMeetsKonpa #GirlsTrip #BoysTrip #CouplesTrip #FunExperience
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ktypili · 1 year ago
Day of the Creole song 🎶🎤😊/ Día de la Canción Criolla 🎶🎤😊
Discover the magic of Peruvian music with our vibrant criolla song GIFs! 🎶 You'll love them! 🎤😊 ¡Descubre la magia de la música peruana con nuestros GIFs vibrantes de canción criolla! 🎶 ¡Te encantarán! 🎤😊
Redes sociales/ Social networks: https://linktr.ee/ktypili Portafolio/ portfolio: 😊❤️ https://lnkd.in/eruudpNz
Check some projects carried out in: ktypili.com Follow us on our networks: Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram | X (Twitter) | TikTok | Pinterest | YouTube | Threads | Giphy | WordPress | Mastodon | Tumblr Do you need a design, illustration or 2D animation service?
Locate our contact information at Linktr.ee de Kty&Pili
See you in a next article. 😊
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