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seireitonin · 1 year ago
Clockwork and Sally
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New HC: (TW SA is mentioned)
Sally and Clockwork can relate to each other in a way that no one else can. Clockwork sees herself in Sally. A representation of her inner child. Down to the stuffed animal she carries around for comfort. The long brown hair. The pretty green eyes. And unfortunately being taken advantage of by a male family member. Sally sees Clockwork as everything she could’ve been if it wasn’t for her evil monster of an uncle. A beautiful woman. In a relationship with someone she loves. Being able to move on from the trauma. Having someone who believes Clockwork when she talks about her S/A and Toby still loving her and seeing her as a person despite that. Sally had no one. Sally is stuck as the traumatized child that was killed in the woods. Never got to grow up. Never got to move on. Stuck with the trauma and blood and pain forever. Clockwork and Sally sometimes just sit together. Clockwork always tells her “I see you. I believe you. I hear you.” “Those words could’ve saved my life. Saved me.” “Me too” But it’s almost like Clockwork is talking to her younger self. Her inner child. They are sisters. And always will be. They take back the childhood and normal lives that were stolen from them by evil abusive men. They heal each other with their presence. With their love for each other. Sometimes Sally will sleep between Clockwork and Toby. It’s like Toby has a sister again and Clockwork gets to be the safe space and proper caregiver that Sally never had. They’re a family. Even if only for a short while.
(Clockwork is starting to grow on me so I thought she deserved a proper hc post. I’ll be reading this out on my TikTok later, but I wanted to write this down and share it before I forgot)
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seireitonin · 11 months ago
Me LJ and Toby are actually best friends and I chill in the mansion with everyone on the daily and we listen to music together. Sooo….
whats with adult creepypasta fans saying shit like "jeff the killer would never be your friend hes a crazy serial killer he would kill you in an instant" completely unwarranted
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theladyoracle · 1 year ago
✧ General Creepypasta Headcanons ✧
𖦹⭒°。⋆𖦹 The Lady Oracle's AU 𖦹⋆°。⭒𖦹
Featuring: The Slenderman, Jeff the Killer, Jane the Killer, BEN Drowned, Eyeless Jack
a/n: Just jotting down some of the general headcanons that have been piling up in my notes app! Honestly it's so much that its starting to lag down the note LOL!
Also I take requests so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE shoot them into my ask box!
cw/tw: mention of murder (obvi), mention of torture, mention of vomiting, implications of 'incidents', implications of cannibalism
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The Slenderman/The Operator
10ft tall...and then some
Goes by both Slenderman and the Operator. The only difference is that he makes his Proxies only address him as the Operator. Denizens (lower ranking creeps, I'll make another post about this probably for my au...) are allowed to address him as either. This is to make sure that the Proxies don't get 'too friendly' with him
Seldom cares about anything going on between the people who live in the manor unless it directly affects him. Will actually get so annoyed if people bother him with petty problems or drama. He only cares about his things, his home, and his business
Is basically a dirty, evil capitalist landlord
Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss fr fr /hj
Is very supernaturally inclined. Reads books, casts spells, and brews potions. Is very knowledgeable of other realms, creatures, and magicks
Is very secretive with everyone in the Slender Woods. For all they know; he is the strongest, most powerful entity there is in the woods and they should fear him. This is how Slenderman likes to keep things
Out of touch with humanity, but sometimes its really funny! He will forget that humans need food to survive, and finds it 'inconvenient' that they need air to breathe...okay maybe its only funny to me
He finds some human things charming! Like fashion - he has a tie for every occasion and always wants to look presentable. He also loves a good riddle
Thrives with paperwork. Literally has a contract for every Proxy and Denizen. Loves structure
Will call the Denizens his 'children' at times....but will seldom ever call his Proxies his children. Proxies are regarded more as property or dogs than they are people
Jeff the Killer
Denizen (at age 21)
Is 29 years old
5'10 with wide shoulders, a thin waist, and moderate muscle mass
I headcanon Jeff to be half Korean (on his mother's side) I believe this due to the traditional pronunciation of Liu's name
Loves using a knife as his primary murder method because its intimate - he truly considers it to be an art
Is close with BEN. He sees BEN as like a younger sibling (similar to Liu.) So he spends a lot of time barging into BEN's room (much to his distaste) and annoys the fuck out of him. I think he does this because he's pretty lonely too but doesn't want to admit it...
Before his psychotic break, he was obsessed with other famous serial killers. His other hobbies before murdering his parents include: manifestos, torture methods, and anatomy
Is a total metal head - doesn't listen to anything except for alternative music
Will totally ask you to "name 3 songs" if you're wearing a band t-shirt (even if he doesn't know the band...)
Owns a tattoo gun! Is really fucking bad at giving tattoos.....
BEN Drowned
I think of BEN as a sort of shapeshifter. Taking inspiration from the game Majora's Mask, I like to think that BEN is able to change his "skin" to however he wants to appear, but has a default form that gradually changes (so for example depending on who he chooses for a victim, he can portray himself as a 12 year old boy, a teenager, or even older) but his default form is one that can age as though he never drowned as a boy
This isn't just limited to age - he can use this to look as freaky as he wants. Usually this is just to make himself look more uncanny for his victims
I don't think BEN in my AU is the ghost of Ben Lawman (the boy who drowned) I think that Ben Lawman's essence was twisted and possessed by something inherently evil during his death
When he was found in the woods, the Slenderman saw the wicked potential that this new entity possessed and offered him a deal
Probably like 5'5"-5'6"
Skinny, like really skinny - despite how much he eats
BEN is a total incel :/
Frequent Discord, Reddit, and Twitch user
Despite the Slenderman giving him the incredible gift to age as if he never died, he is still so fucking immature. it's like dealing with a child
He always seems annoyed when anyone comes to talk with him. He takes everything as an attack and has the crudest, most annoying, immature sense of humor
He has to be bribed to do LITERALLY ANYTHING
His room smells like dirty socks and vape juice
Jane the Killer
28 years old
5'7" . Soft hourglass-shaped build with strong thighs and legs!
She is a woman of science and logic, and is overall just a very intellectual woman - lowkey kind of nerdy, it's sweet if you get to know her
Comes across as 'no nonsense' to newbies and people who don't know her well, but she's secretly very sarcastic and clever! She has the realest conversations, and is a powerful ally to have
There are a lot of rumors about her in the manor, because she seems to be the Slenderman's favorite
Oftentimes is doing a lot of household errands or chores for the Slenderman as part of her contract
Helps compile mission files for targets (sometimes helps with research, but mostly puts them together and then serves the assignments underneath resident doors)
Does the interrogations and initiation processes for new recruits to the manor (asks them questions to build their contract, shows them around, etc)
Quick-witted and sarcastic - doesn't let anyone talk shit to her. Literally no misogynistic comment goes by unchecked. She absolutely tears into the creeps that come at her
Has an absolute adoration for old horror films, true crime, and investigation shows
She loves solving mysteries or puzzles. Brain teasers and riddles are totally her thing! But...is like way too good at it. I mean, she can guess the answer to any riddle first or second try, and she's ALWAYS guessing the ending of movies within the first fifteen minutes. It kind of takes the fun out of everything
Usually likes to spend her down time alone. She feels like the 'mom' of the mansion otherwise (and hates when she feels like that)
Eyeless Jack
5'11" with a slim yet muscular build
25 years old
EJ is exceptionally intelligent - both in creative problem solving and just in general with his anatomical knowledge
He's is so quiet in everything he does. Sometimes this is comforting and sometimes its creepy. He's silent. He types quietly, he wraps wounds quietly, he cleans quietly....kind of just a strong and silent type kind of dude
He is the only resident of the manor that the other creeps feel safe and comfortable getting care from, because he actually keeps a sterile and clean environment while he performs operations
KIND OF RANDOM! But I think his parents were total hippies (literal cultists)
I like to think he was a vegetarian before the incident :'(
His skin looks super ashy gray but it's actually super smooth - he moisturizes all the time in attempts to get his radiant glowy skin back but it never really works with his dark gray skin
Has to wear eye masks to bed so that the ooze doesn't get all over his pillows and sheets. Usually he doesn't care if it drips on him or his clothes, but hates when he wakes up and it's all over his face
Cannot eat anything besides human organs without vomiting - and HATES vomiting. Like he's developed somewhat of a fear of it now...especially how it looks when it comes up
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That's just about it for now! Thanks byyyeeee~!
xoxo -Oracle
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slendys-mansion · 5 years ago
Creepypasta HC's #26
When Brian turns into hoodie, he clearly isn't in the right of mind half the time. While Hoodie is fairly quiet, when he does speak it can be heavily unfiltered and harsh.
Hoodie tends to say things Brian would never even think to be true, which can be hurtful to the others in the mansion.
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seireitonin · 11 months ago
Idk how or why my name is being dragged into this and idk much about what’s going on w tomb and his gf??? But I’ll say this: I’m a very emotional person. Ppl didn’t just shit talk me in private as I’m just discovering now, but ppl also indirected me and made hate posts about me. And it just made me so hurt and sad. It reminded me of how the Creepypasta fandom was back in the day when it was full of drama and I hated it. I also just hate being involved in drama/ conflict of any kind. It’s sad bc I thought me and OutKast were cool bc we are/ were mutuals and I didn’t shit talk anyone. (My video wasn’t aimed at anyone specifically so I don’t think that counts as shit talking)And I didn’t know that they were shit talking me w other ppl. I didn’t deserve hate over a lighthearted video stating my opinion about a ship made over a decade ago. What I should’ve said is “I’ve had bad experiences with ticviwork fans” because I have. And it’s happening again:( im so sad that I associate ticciwork with SOME ticciwork fans being mean af to ppl. As I mentioned before I have autism so maybe my tone/ language was off in the video and for that , I apologize. But the hate against me was unwarranted. I would normally try to not say anything and just move on, but if I’m being honest, this just really hurts my feelings. And ik it’s the internet and no one is obligated to care about my feelings. But really I’m not even mad. Just really hurt. That whole “situation” hurt my feelings because I get really anxious when ppl are mad at me. I just want to talk about my special interest and chill. Idk. Anyway me and Tomb literally talked everything out the same day and it should’ve ended there. Idk literally anything about Tombs personal drama and I’m only speaking for myself. But again, finding this out just honestly hurts my feelings, especially bc I really like OutKasts art :(. (Idk about any “drama” besides the one me and tomb had and it ended the same day so everything else mentioned in this post idk about!) . To all my followers please be nice to each other. That’s all I ask atp. I also know that me saying them hating me hurts me and being vulnerable like this isn’t the best idea because it’ll give ppl more room to mess with me. But I just want to be honest in saying I’m very a very emotional person and my feelings are just so hurt. And over something as small as a ship :( (I’m not speaking on/ researching ANY drama mentioned here not involving me bc don’t want to be involved. Idk anything about Tombs drama, OutKasts or literally anyone else’s. I’m speaking for me and only me and my feelings so don’t ask me about anything else mentioned. Also don’t hate on all ticciwork fans, not all of them are like this. God I hope none of this comes out wrong TLDR: my feelings are hurt and it’s making my anxiety flare up kinda lol)
My call-out post on Necroromantics (Tomb)
Necroromantics on tumblr here has done nothing but be kind n supportive to all the ppl outkast, angelwowings n all those ppl have harassed and called names like freak, dm'd horrible things to, shittalked ppl who arent even friends w tomb.
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Heres all the horrible things he says to ppl 🥺. Heartless monster!
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Even after all theyve done w the death threats n the bullying and harassment all he does is try to move past it n be a better person n look out for others. How dare he!!
N as someone w bpd dont get me started on how he treats me. Its so abusive how he always makes sure im alright n reassures me constantly. N how ive dated him for 4 yrs n have seen his growth. Despicable! How dare a mentally ill person have times where they dont follow social norms n act on whats right/wrong omfg.
Lets cancel him for having bipolar next. Or is that too obviously ableist? No bc we cant say we're cancelling him for being manic we js have to cancel him for what he does while manic right? Bc thats how it works? Nd lets lie and ignore his paragraph form apology bc we dont care abt him actually getting better, we js care about the drama!
Lets not even start on how he put in the effort to talk to Seireitonin(?) during their mini "drama" to talk things out w her while all of u guys shittalked her in private and tried to create more drama while tomb wanted to hear her out. Or how ppl have come out n said that outkast n angelwowings r literally weird as fuck to other ppl who lack empathy.
Or should we talk abt how its so morally wrong that tomb lacks empathy n cant care abt ppls issues? Say that abt people with NPD too then. Not js the watered down versions u guys see on fuckin tiktok or tumblr. Accept ppl with NPD and ASPD n every other disorder where u cant experience empathy. Keep calling tomb ableist for not understanding social norms when ur actively hiding behind the "good victim" act js so u can be ableist towards him too. At least tomb had the balls to fuckin apologize to u nd still fuckin wish u all well.
Wtv this is literally so dumb. I know tomb very well n i would not fuckin put up with him if he was a bad person. He is literally so sweet n a good guy who hears ppl out and wants peace in life. I have seen him w his little sister how hard he tries for her. Ive seen how hard he tries w his friends, n with me even when my bpd acts up. U guys dont even fuckin know him n ur manipulating everyone w cropped screenshots n not saying how much u guys have bullied, threatened, manipulated, n harassed him. Ur pathetic
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dose-of-horror · 5 years ago
Creepypasta Headcanons
Jeff the Killer
Hhhh, where do I start
Probably one of the few most impulsive and violent ones
There's very few times that he thinks before acting
Great at killing, has gotten the police called a few times but was he ever caught? Nope
His scenes depend on how he's feeling. Mad or upset, the scenes end up gruesome. If he's bored, he lets the victim die slowly. Just.. watching. If he's feeling lazy probably a quick lil stab
Three words to describe him: gross. rat. man.
This dude reeks of blood n smoke
He has several knives for one reason. He's addicted to them. That's it. His most important rule, do not touch his knives or anything that belongs to him.
When his cut in smile heals, he usually cuts it once again to keep his "look"
He doesn't/can not sleep well. He has eye bags for days. Mostly because well..you know..
Somehow still has high stamina and energy
This probably sucks but oh well, tell me which one you guys want next or send me specific ones, my ask box/messages are always open :)
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the-official-puppeteer · 5 years ago
How Many Creepypasta Are Okay With SPLENDORMAN Living In The Slender Mansion
Slenderman: Well, it’s his brother and he doesn’t mind, but Splendor’s presence very often gets on his last nerves. Same can be said for Trenderman and Offenderman.
Jeff The Killer: Surprisingly, Jeff doesn’t mind the presence of Splendor, but it’s because he can easily take advantage of him and use him as his pawn.
Bloody Painter: Splendor often gives positive commentary on his works and he appreciates that.
Sally Williams: She loves Splendor. That’s her best buddy in the mansion, besides Charlie and Jane. They often host tea parties together and encourage other Creepypasta to join them.
Ticci-Toby: Doesn’t really mind that Splendor is there. They don’t converse much though.
Kagekao: Anyone who is prankable or he is able to mess with is welcome in his eyes.
Hoodie: Has a deep respect for Slenderman (his boss/master) and his brothers.
Homicidal Liu: Splendor is someone benevolent he could talk to. Sully however, hates Splendor.
Lost Silver: Splendor is kind to him, so he likes Splendor.
Nina ‘The Killer’: She likes Splendor’s optimism and enthusiasm , and also finds him amusing.
Everyone else either doesn’t care for Splendorman or just dislikes his presence in general.
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slendys-mansion2 · 5 years ago
Guys this isn’t a primary account but I really want it to be to make it easier......soooooo I’m going to be transferring everything here to the official slendys-mansion account. Find it here
I will no longer be posting my headcanons to this blog
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seireitonin · 11 months ago
A Gift For You :3
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Begging you guys to listen to my creepypasta playlist on Spotify:3 I wanted it to sound like one of those 2014 fanfics where you get taken to the mansion and hang out with all the Creepypastas :3 I want to add more but idk what other songs I wanna add! Leave suggestions:3 nIf you can’t click it for whatever reason, my username on Spotify is Seirei. I hope you enjoy:3
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slendys-mansion · 5 years ago
Creepypasta HC #25??
Occasionally, if someone causes BEN to laugh really hard, he will start to cough up water.
One time he made a really stupid sound when doing it and it made him laugh harder while freaking out. That was a day...
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seireitonin · 11 months ago
Should I make a pt 2???
What alternative subcultures the Creepypastas would be in!!(pt 1)
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This was an ask I accidentally deleted! Oops! I also listen to all the music I put in here! So it’s also a small glimpse into what I listen to! Also as some of you know I’m in the scemo and goth subcultures! But I know a lot about alternative cultures period so this was fun to make!
LJ: VICTORIAN GOTH 100%!! / Victorian Circus Core
I mean he’s literally from that era
The feathered shaw, the black and white color scheme, the black lipstick and guy liner with the pale white face!!
Literally a goth king. That’s an outfit I would definitely see at a goth club!(I’ve been to many)
Another part of goth culture is liking horror/ monsters. Since LJ is a monster he’d fit right in!
He’d be accepted by most goths despite his looks bc goths have morbid dark fashion senses themselves!
So if they saw his swirly cone nose and sharp teeth they’d be like: omg! I love your look!
He’d definitely listen to classical music and other goth music Specifically Switchblade symphony and Cocteau Twins
He definitely listens to old PATD
I can see him wearing other Victorian inspired clothes too!
Like dis:
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Jeff: Metalhead/ with 90s emo(for nostalgia.)
I mean look at him
He’d definitely shit on nu metal and still listen to it
The long greasy black hair, not showering, thinking he’s better than everyone else yeah sounds like a metal head to me/ hj
He listens Cattle Decapitation, Peeling Flesh, Suicide Silence, Cannibal Corpse, Avatar and literally anything with machine gun drums
He listens to some 90s emo but will never admit
Definitely wears band shirts especially the ones he got from concerts when he was a teen
He loves a good mosh pit
You know, the ones where you come out all bloody?
Yeah he loves those
He can hurt people in them and it’ll be fine? Sign him up! (Man has no pit manners smh)
Definitely a metal elitist
“You like SOAD? Ugh that not REAL metal”
Stfu Jeff.
Yeah. Metalhead to his core.
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LJill (I love her, so underrated)
Victorian goth as well, but she leans more in the gothic Lolita side of it
Wears pretty gothic Lolita dresses with lots of black and white lace, buttons and she’ll have a matching bonnet and parasol to match when she’s feeling extra fancy!
She feels so elegant and feminine when she puts her multiple layers of petticoats on! She wouldn’t be caught dead without them!
Her makeup and lipstick is always perfect.
Her hair is always either perfectly curled or perfectly straightened
The goal is to look as doll like as possible ( also because she is one!)
She listens to music box like music if that makes sense?? For example Swan Lake by Fairy Lullaby or Porcelain Eyes
She, like LJ listens to classical music and goth music
But mainly classical and music box!
Will go to tea parties and knows how to make tea cakes and sandwiches
Just a lady all around!
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Jane: Trad Goth/ Casual Goth/ Amy Lee
Since Jane is always on the move and doesn’t really have time to get all dressed up
So she’ll usually be in a simple black dress or black pants and a turtleneck
But when she does get a chance to dress up
She dresses trad goth mixed with Amy Lee
She’ll have her hair long with bangs covering her forehead
Trad goth makeup, but a bit more modern,big eyeliner and arched brows
She’ll be wearing corsets and waist trainers
Long skirts, ripped leggings
High heel platforms
She goes all out and she looks great!
Listens to music like The Cure, Siouxsie and the Banshees, New Years Day and The Birthday Massacre
Can do goth dances very well
God she’s beautiful
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Toby: Midwestern Emo/ early 2000s emo/ a tad grunge/ indie
He just looks like one tbh
But seriously he had a hard life and emo music gives him comfort
Toby wears flannel shirts, grandpa sweaters, simple tee shirts and pants that are loose but not too loose
Hiking boots, sneakers
He listens to Chidos, The Front Bottoms, State Champs, Real Friends, Nirvana, Yawning, Hail the Sun, The Used, A Lot Like Birds, Static Dress, Mild High Club and many many more
He can play the guitar, drums and sing pretty well
He needed something to keep him busy while he was homeschooled after all! And it took his mind off of the horrible things he was going through
Plus with him feeling no pain, he could practice his hands bleed so his hands are really calloused
He likes to sit in the woods and just listen to music sometimes
He’s a loner like that
Especially in the fall when the leaves are so pretty
He feels almost peaceful. Almost
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EJ: Tbh I can’t put him in a single box I feel like he’d be everything
He’ll listen to whatever whenever
Except religious music it freaks him out
Ya know because of the cult that took his eyes
But I see him liking dark ,dreamy music if that makes sense
His taste actually lines up with Toby’s pretty well
Static dress, MGMT, YKWIM by Yot Club, Homage by the Mild High club, My Bloody Valentine, Grouper
Also anything with sad guitars like wish by sign crushes motorist (Toby likes music like this too)
Sometimes even lo-fi if he has to unwind
Jack wears all black most of the time. Just so he doesn’t look too dirty
Black hoodie, black shirt, black pants, black shoes
He also feels like any other color won’t go with his now grey skin
But yeah EJ is just a dude with a wide music taste
We love that for him
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Nina: Obviously Scene+Emo= scemo
Do I even have to explain?
She listens to Pierce the Veil, Sleeping with Sirens, Bring Me the Horizon, Paramore, AFI, FOB, Get Scared, Hey Monday, MCR, Ghosttown, Millionaires, Brokencyde, Medic Driod, Dot Dot Curve, A Skylight Drive, ISMFOF ,everything Toby listens too as well(and many more)
Nina wears either all black with colorful hair or has her signature black and pink with more colorful outfits
Cheeta print, skulls, DIY stuff, band shirts, tube tops, tutus, skinny jeans, brass knuckle necklaces, hoop earrings, black eyeshadow, big teased hair with raccoon tails
Yeah she’s 2000s emo fs
Goes to raves and concerts like crazy
But she’s not opposed to any kind of music and will do goth makeup for fun
And wear Jane’s clothes
She thinks goth is really pretty but it’s just not her
She’ll stick with scemo lol
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Jason The Toymaker: Steampunk/ Victorian Circus Core
The copper in his clothes
The bright red hair
The long flowing jacket with intimate details
Yeah he’s definitely steam punk
Im not sure what kind of music steampunks listen to but I’d like to know!
Jason definitely listens to Emilie Autumn and old PATD
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I mean…it was obvious
Skillix, deadmouse, xxxanteria, Luci4, old Flying Lotus albums, 9lives
He’s literally code so I think he’d like it
Not much else to say here tbh
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I’m getting tired so lmk if you want a part 2 lol
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slendys-mansion · 5 years ago
Creepypasta HC #24
Masky and Hoody have a tight bond, everyone in the mansion knows it too. Most could say it’s because what happened in MH.
The two of them almost have their own little language, without even needing to talk.
They also make promises to eachother, simple and big. To this day, neither of them have ever broke a promise they made to eachother
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slendys-mansion · 5 years ago
Creepypasta HC #23
Every now and then, toby has complete break downs. They can happen anywhere and anytime. He once woke some of the creeps up because he started screaming out of no where.
The proxies, being like family, always try to come to his aid when this happens (masky knows exactly how toby feels)
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slendys-mansion · 5 years ago
Creepypasta HC #19
Everytime BEN yawns all of the eletronics around him glitch a little bit. It annoys many of the creeps when he yawns a lot.
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slendys-mansion · 5 years ago
Creepypasta hc #11
Everyone has candles you can hold in their rooms incase they need something at night. Toby isn’t aloud to have one because slender doesn’t trust him and fire.
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slendys-mansion · 5 years ago
Creepypasta HC #12
The other creeps like to mess with eyeless jack by moving his stuff around in his lab. It annoys hims so much because it takes him longer to find what he needs since he doesn’t see like others do.
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