#credo is a saint compared to her
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hinarime · 14 days ago
im gonna be thinking about akira/iono for the rest of my life actually.
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years ago
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Longing for Life Everlasting
If Heaven is where we hope to spend our eternity, it ought to be something that is on our minds here below. “For,” after all, “we have not here a lasting city, but we seek one that is to come,” says Saint Paul (Heb. 13:14).
But do we really seek it, or do we rather presume upon it? Again, do we seek it, or do we take it for granted?
If I were a prudent man of the world and it should come to pass that I want to go to a wondrous, far-off, and joy-filled land — say, on vacation — I would calculate the costs, set a budget, make plans regarding my vacation time, mark my calendar, reserve my lodgings, purchase my plane tickets, etc. All of course in the hope that my chosen destination lives up to my high expectations.
But how do I know what to expect? I’ve been told about the place, or I read about it. My attention was drawn to something there that was desirable. If it were not, then I would have no desire for it.
Let us read more, think more, speak more, and pray more, of Heaven! Do we not long to hear those words of Jesus at the hour of death? “Well done, good and faithful servant, because thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will place thee over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord” (Matthew 25: 23).
Catholic philosopher Jozef Pieper had a good analogy concerning this “joy.” He compared it to a man dying of thirst and receiving a cup of cold water. The man sees the cup, desires the water, and then he takes the drink, the never-ending satiation of that everlasting gulp. Only in Heaven, the satiation is a supernatural fulfilling of what is highest in man, his rational faculties of intellect and will. This is the final Beatitude for which we were made, a share of God’s own Beatitude. Thinking of such things with her brother Rodrigo when they were children, Saint Teresa of Avila would repeat over and over again “forever, forever, forever.” So, too, did Saint Antonio Maria Claret, when he was only five years old, lay awake at night considering his immortality in Heaven or Hell, repeating to himself, siempre, siempre, siempre.
But when we speak of our coming to into “eternal life,” it can only be the life of Heaven, the life of the creature’s participation, by supernatural grace, in God’s own eternity. The damned have everlasting torment, not the eternal life we speak of in the last article of the Apostle’s Creed: Credo in Vitam Aeternam! I was told that those were the last words of the valiant Brother Hugh MacIsaac, M.I.C.M., may he rest in peace (+July 11, 1979).
Upon reading this, some will think of Saint Paul’s words, referring to Isaias the Prophet: “But, as it is written: That eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man, what things God hath prepared for them that love him” (1 Cor. 2:9; cf. Isaias 64:4). They may then ask, “So how do we know what to think about? It’s ineffable!” But the Apostle did not say, “mind hath not considered, imagination hath not applied itself, heart hath not yearned.” Fully aware of our limitations in this life, we ought not, for that reason, ignore the sublime subject. Rather, the incompleteness and inadequacy of our knowledge here below ought all the more to move us to keep Heaven on our minds, heart, and lips — applying ourself as a little child who strives on his tip toes to see into the candy store window all those delights that are just out of his sight.
There are a multitude of ways that one can approach the subject of Heaven, speculating on what it will be like.
First, let’s look at what Heaven is not. It is not simply a place of happiness where God happens to be also. It is not a carnal palace of delights such as that imagined by the Mormons or Muslims. It is not a nirvana or state of annihilation such as that imagined by the Oriental pantheists.
By contrast, Heaven is primarily a supernatural state, one in which created angelic and human intellects behold the vision of God, being supremely happy in their intellects and experiencing overflowing joy in their wills. This Blessedness is a kind of maximally elevated supernatural happiness.
What more can we say in this brief space about the Beatific Vision? It is a direct intuition of God in His very essence. In other words, we see the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost as they are, not with the eyes of our bodies, but with the intuitive power of the intellect.
Everlasting Beatitude is essentially the possession of God. Theologians speak of the five acts of the blessed: these are vision, two kinds of love, and two kinds of joy. The full list is vision, love of God in Himself, love of God as the source of our happiness, joy in God in Himself, and the joy that we experience from God as the source of our happiness. The theologians speak of the possession of God and these five acts as the “physical essence” of heavenly beatitude. But they often push further and ask if any one of these acts forms the essence of beatitude in a stricter sense. The question they ask is: “What is the metaphysical essence of beatitude?” Saint Thomas answers the question by saying that the metaphysical essence of beatitude is the vision of God in our intellect. It is the reward of the purified: “Blessed are the clean of heart for they shall see God” (Matt. 5:8).
God Himself is the primary object of the beatific knowledge of the Saints. But there are secondary objects of this knowledge. Jesus, in His glorified humanity, and His Blessed Mother are secondary objects of beatific knowledge. We will know them, as we will know many created things, in the light that is God. After the resurrection of the body, our eyes will see the bodies of Our Lord, Our Lady, and the other saints, as well as other material substances. But this bodily vision will be secondary to the intuitive vision of the Holy Trinity and of created things in God.
We can also speak of objects of “accidental beatitude” in Heaven, such as the fellowship of the saints and angels, and this communion of love with all of our fellow celestial denizens in Christ.
Concerning this, the dogmatic theologians, Monsignor Joseph Pohle, and Arthur Preuss tell us in their volume on Eschatology:
The beatitude enjoyed by the Blessed in Heaven is (per accidens) increased by their intimate association with the angels and saints.
The inhabitants of Heaven do not lead a solitary life, but are associated together in a mystic body called the Communion of Saints (communio sanctorum). They are members of the triumphant Church and admiringly contemplate the angels in their hierarchical gradations as well as the various degrees of dignity and happiness manifested in their glorified fellowmen. Their knowledge is not, however, limited to heavenly things, but extends to Purgatory and this earth, comprising especially those things which are closely related to the supernatural order in general and the position occupied therein by each heavenly denizen in particular. They devote special attention, of course, to whatever pertains to the worship and the intercession of the Saints. Bellarmine thinks that they derive their knowledge of these things from their official position in the celestial hierarchy rather than from a special revelation.
Various bonds connect the Blessed in Heaven with the scene of their labors, battles, temptations, and victories here below.
It was here they acquired that more or less profound knowledge of science and art which is not lost but clarified, deepened, and ennobled in Heaven. Here they still have relatives, friends, and descendants, in whom their former interest continues unabated, for Death does not destroy our earthly relations, but raises them to a higher sphere, in which the salvation of souls outweighs all other considerations. This knowledge the Elect can not obtain from personal observation, as they lack the organs of sense, but it is communicated to them by the Divine Logos, in whom they behold all things.
The times in which we live are quite evil. Deep corruption in Church and State, the desecration of what is holy, the assailing of the natural family, the denaturing of children. In such times, we ought to take heart as Saint Paul encouraged those early Jewish converts in Jerusalem to do:
Looking on Jesus, the author and finisher of faith, who having joy set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and now sitteth on the right hand of the throne of God. For think diligently upon him that endured such opposition from sinners against himself; that you be not wearied, fainting in your minds. For you have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin: And you have forgotten the consolation, which speaketh to you, as unto children, saying: My son, neglect not the discipline of the Lord; neither be thou wearied whilst thou art rebuked by him. — Heb. 12:2-5
And if we do receive that consolation after we persevere — for “he that shall persevere unto the end, he shall be saved” (Matt. 10:22) — then we get into that “city… that is to come” that Saint Paul wrote of, and Saint John saw:
And I John saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice from the throne, saying: Behold the tabernacle of God with men, and he will dwell with them. And they shall be his people; and God himself with them shall be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes: and death shall be no more, nor mourning, nor crying, nor sorrow shall be any more, for the former things are passed away. And he that sat on the throne, said: Behold, I make all things new. — Apoc. 21:2
From: www.pamphletstoinspire.com
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timclymer · 6 years ago
It's A Wonderful Life
Sadly, many pro-choice advocates tend to label their counterparts primitive believers. It would seem that, to such ‘progressive’ people, all practices who oppose abortion are but lower species, and their faithful are merely a primitive herd. However, they do not dare to take a look at the man in the mirror, which is proof of hypocrisy and primitivism. Who is displaying a lack of tolerance in this story? Do not they say that a lack of tolerance is typical of primitivism?
What is the definition of primitivism? Every person must decide for themselves, because every person has been privileged on occasion, sooner or later in life (and by this I do not mean being in the cradle as a child, because this is where we are at our most tolerant). We should really think about it: if faith fosters love, compassion and kindness towards the other in people, then those who call all of this primitive must be the most primitive of all. Love connects people, hatred tears them apart. Each person, as a free individual, is entitled to free opinion, and life should be the judge of who’s right and who’s not. But how are we expected to get an answer from life if we kill it to begin with?
I do not know much about victories, but there is on thing I am sure of: compassion is the greatest of victories of the human spirit. I am writing from my own experience because, as a youth, I was a skeptic blinded by myself, by raw lust, alcohol, drugs, cynism, arrogance … and one day I arrived at the very edge of life. I thought I should simply leave this world because I never became as famous as I expected. I cheated on women who sincerityly loved me due to raw lust, and then I felt His hand on my shoulder. Even if you think that your aimless straying is over, know that you’ve only started off on the right path. , and it will take you into the hearts of many. Be the voice of those in need, be the voice of love, be the voice of freedom, and you will turn yourself and others into better people through your versions. “
Since that day, I feel much happier and fulfilled, not because I think that I’m special or free of sin, but because I realized that I am just a sinner who really wants to better himself, and I can safely say that there is a higher holy force that makes us better. I do not know what He looks like, but I do know He exists, with all my heart and soul. I will not attempt to look for Him here or there, because He teaches me that whenever you’re doing good to others, He is within you. Ever since then, I have learned that faith accounts for a strong spirit, which is any person’s best ally in times of temptation, because weak-spirited people will be the first to fall. Who is falling?
Those who fail to show compassion for others;
Those who are ready to rebuff themselves for the sake of power and money (such people become slaves to greed);
Those who hate more than they love;
Those who want to rule over nature (A person can only feel all the enchantment of nature if they love it as they love themselves, and in synergy with nature – the sun and the wind – people will create energy that will take them into space, to shake brotherly hands with other creatures of God);
Those who want to clone stem cells to create human beings in laboratories, while at the same time there are millions of people dying of hunger (We know that a human being is only complete with emotions, which comes from the soul that can never be created by another human);
Those who hope that hunger will decimate humanity, because there is too much people in this world anyway (If that happens, the cloned man shall rule, and tears, laugh, sorrow, hope and faith will be gone, as well as humans with souls );
Those who attempt to cure the emptiness within with futile lust (To love is to place our happiness in the happiness of another – Leibniz);
Those who are afraid of solitude (of the man in the mirror);
Those who consider the faithful to be primitive.
Many people like to play with statistics, but I say that those who are slaves to statistics are slowly losing the most important thing that makes them human – their emotions. Yes, life teachers us that the day we master our own emotions, we lose them forever. And, regardless of statistics, we have to listen to our hearts, which tell us that faith does not teach us anything bad. Is faith in compassion a bad kind of faith? Is helping those in need a bad kind of faith? Is faith in love a bad kind of faith? Is faith in the idea that every living being has the right to live a bad kind of faith? I will allow myself to quote a great comment by a forum member at a Croatian news portal: "Those who claim that there are ten thousand abortions a year due to a” bad social situation “, rape (or forced sex in marriage), or Medical indications during pregnancy, are fools. Most of these abortions are performed on the younger female population. These are mostly young girls who get pregnant, and then their mothers, who are around 40 and do not want to become grandmothers, drag them to the doctor to have an abortion. The worst thing is the fact that many of them have several abortions. The fact that it’s almost like going to the dentist is shameful.I am sickened by this society’s hypocrisy. long ago. Would any pro-choice coordinators dare to say – in public, and on that particular day – that it’s acceptable to have an abortion if tests show that the child will suffer from Down’s syndrome. reason, among ot hers! And it is legal. The test is performed during week 11 of the pregnancy, so that the pregnant woman may have an abortion in case of bad test results, as abortion is legal up to week 19. What is the difference between such a pregnant woman and the Nazis, who considered the ill to be degenerate and freaks that should be extinguished? ”
Why am I so touched by this unfortunate abortion story? Because I am an extramarital child of a poor mother with a rich soul. My late mother told me at her deathbed that my mother was a great dreamer, and that I must have inherited that trait from her. Grandma acknowledged that her young daughter was abandoned by her partner, who left her behind pregnant, with the promise that he would return for her as soon as he makes some money up north in the Big Apple, and he would take her to paradise, but she never heard from him again. Grandmother tried to talk her into having an abortion, because they were barely able to survive, even without a child, but at that point she joined her hands in prayer and, looking up, she said: “Thank God, she would not listen to me … your mother is a hero, she took up the toughest of jobs to be able to raise you … and when social services wanted to take you away and give you up for adoption to a wealthy couple from a big northern city, she said that it would happen only over her dead body! ”
My mother drew her indomitable strength from the Texas prairie. She always standing upright like a cactus, she withstood the winter, the wind, the drafts – to cut a long story short, the capricious winds of destiny never drove her to her knees (sadly, the man who left her pregnant and left off to New York was a weak-spirited coward, even though he was Texan). When I went to football games as a youth, I used to compare the football coach to my mother. I remember the words of the late coach, who was adored by the fans almost as if he was a saint. He himself was a fan of the working class, and he used to tell his players: “We always have to think and play from game to game, because this is the credo of the people of this city. we live in. People have to fight in order to survive. we can not let them down. What we feel when we take the field is not pressure … Pressure is when these people go home missing the money to feed their kids. ”
Yes, my mother was from a poor family, but her soul is noble, and that’s why I’m always proud to say that my mother is blue-blooded and nobility, because there is no greater nobility than love. I can proudly claim before the world that I have inherited my love of the earth, not just the golden Texas prairie, but our one only planet Earth, from my mother. SACRIFICE, modesty, humility, respect, hard work, faith … that’s the motto, not just of my humble family, but of most people across the proud Texas prairie. There is no government or money that could keep me from fighting for nature, and this is also why I fight against bankers, oil corporations, greedy dictators, political castes (by this, I do not mean political visionaries like myself, who fight to save nature) because, lest we forget, global warming is not a natural process, but a product of human greed. I remember my mother singing the old “Tennessee Waltz” to me when I was a kid. If you listen to the immortal Patti Page, you will know the kind of singing voice my mother had when she was young. I’ll never forget watching her sing and look through a small window into the distance, like a golden bird locked in a cage. But instead of her, her baby bird left the cage and flew off into the world in his early youth. What sacrifice it must be to voluntarily impersonate your youth and beauty into a small dark room for the sake of your child, I think while wistfully looking at a pale family photo. One Christmas Eve I asked her if she ever considered an abortion, and she looked into the distance and said in a tired voice: “I must admit that there were moments when I blamed all my troubles on God, but my faith was stronger .. My faith kept me from falling, and an angel who whispered to me that I should look for work as a cleaner in the maternity ward. Those newborn children have the strength to stand up and fight. Yes, son, there were troubled times. ahead, but I saw an ocean of craving in your big blue eyes that made it worth living for … ”
After listening to this story, I often thought how great it would have been if all the newborn children had mothers like that. I never turned out to be wealthy, or a great politician, but I wrote some poems, novels and plays that made it worth to live. After all, who gave us the right to decide whether to have an abortion or not ?! It’s not important what kind of country or family a child is born into, it may still become a great journalist, poet, actor, philosopher or humanist politician some day, someone who will make the world a better place to live. Or else, they might become the most important thing – a simple honored human being.
Yes, life is wonderful in deed, and when you think that there is no way out, just remember Frank Capra’s classic movie “It’s a Wonderful Life”. The younger generation should watch that movie in school, because the movie, with acting virtuoso James Stewart, teaches us that life is worth fighting for even when you think that there is no way out and, what’s most important, how to remain human. Yes, this movie proves the positive power art can have on the human soul, and this is why the world should pay more attention to art that enriches all the values ​​that make us human. Literature and motion pictures with noble messages deserve more attention from people, instead of slavery to raw profit.
It is common knowledge that every person has the freedom to choose between good and evil. When I read a true story about a homeless man in New York, who found a bag full of money and returned it to the owner, I was proud to be human, but when I read that the same man became homeless due to bankers’ greed , I am accused of being human. It is interesting to find out that the same story happened twice, in the USA and in Croatia. When journalists asked the Croatian homeless man in Split why he returned the money, he just shrugged and humbly replied: “Even though I lost everything, partly because of my own mistakes, and partly because of the bank’s usuries, all I want is to remain a faithful and honest man. ” Yes, this man is a hero of mine. Of course, I do not promote poverty. I want to be successful, but I do not want to lose my soul in the process. I always vote for capitalism with a human face and a human soul. Yes to success, but no to greed! This is my life’s motto, lest we forget that greed is a disease much more dangerous than the pest or cholera. The Croatian political caste is proof of greed being a dark bottomless pit. Imagine a small and beautiful country blessed by mother nature, with a thousand islands and a clear azure sea, fertile lowlands and paradise green valleys, yet with many thousands of people, both old and young, going through garbage bins because of the political caste’s greed. Now try to imagine how endless the politicians’ greed is: kind people who want to donate food to the poor must pay taxes to the state on any food or other goods they donate to the poor. Thus, the paradox is that it is easier to just throw away the food into garbage than to donate it to the poor. This political caste (the “reformed” communist party) is not satisfied by millions paid in bribery by “investors”, or by selling state-owned companies with brand names for peanuts, like insurance companies and banks, and other malversations. No, they simply must steal whatever little the paupers have left. Is not greed really an accursed disease? It does not simply destroy the body, no, it also destroys the human soul. It is a dark bottomless pit that can never be filled, and it feeds on human souls. This is what my noble mother taught me. She would never allow herself to be separated from the family brooch she inherited, displaying a smiling Christ figure. There are many people who look down on people like her, and they think that gold credit cards give them the right to consider them the betters of the poor faithful. Well, they’re wrong! The worst kind of poverty is the poverty of the spirit. Those who are working their way towards power and money, looking down on the faithful, should know that those who ridicule faith are those who call His name the loudest on their deathbed. I do not support fanaticism in anything, and certainly not in faith, because the Creator teachers us that tolerance and love for others is the best way towards faith. So, even when I criticize greedy people, I do not hate them. Instead, I am doing it from the depths of my soul, hoping for them to see the world through the eyes of the faithful someday.
History teachers us that even the greatest among unbelievers experienced a sincere conversion at the end of their lives (and I do not mean Pharisees). On his deathbed, Jean-Paul Sartre said to his best friend: “You know, Francois, I was a great skeptic all my life as far as faith is concerned … but there must be a higher deity that enriches the human soul with all those values ​​I was searching for like a castaway on the ocean of temptation … ”
Yes, and I would add: taking a step at a time on the path to true freedom is not easy, as the great Plato taught us. Weak-spirited people will choose their safety in the dark, while those who are blessed with faith search for light, becoming genuine messengers of freedom in their lifetime. Those who close the doors on a child at its conception should know that this is how they turn the light of life on themselves.
Walter William Safar
Source by Walter William Safar
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/its-a-wonderful-life/ via Home Solutions on WordPress from Home Solutions FOREV https://homesolutionsforev.tumblr.com/post/184546720115 via Tim Clymer on Wordpress
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homesolutionsforev · 6 years ago
It's A Wonderful Life
Sadly, many pro-choice advocates tend to label their counterparts primitive believers. It would seem that, to such 'progressive' people, all practices who oppose abortion are but lower species, and their faithful are merely a primitive herd. However, they do not dare to take a look at the man in the mirror, which is proof of hypocrisy and primitivism. Who is displaying a lack of tolerance in this story? Do not they say that a lack of tolerance is typical of primitivism?
What is the definition of primitivism? Every person must decide for themselves, because every person has been privileged on occasion, sooner or later in life (and by this I do not mean being in the cradle as a child, because this is where we are at our most tolerant). We should really think about it: if faith fosters love, compassion and kindness towards the other in people, then those who call all of this primitive must be the most primitive of all. Love connects people, hatred tears them apart. Each person, as a free individual, is entitled to free opinion, and life should be the judge of who's right and who's not. But how are we expected to get an answer from life if we kill it to begin with?
I do not know much about victories, but there is on thing I am sure of: compassion is the greatest of victories of the human spirit. I am writing from my own experience because, as a youth, I was a skeptic blinded by myself, by raw lust, alcohol, drugs, cynism, arrogance … and one day I arrived at the very edge of life. I thought I should simply leave this world because I never became as famous as I expected. I cheated on women who sincerityly loved me due to raw lust, and then I felt His hand on my shoulder. Even if you think that your aimless straying is over, know that you've only started off on the right path. , and it will take you into the hearts of many. Be the voice of those in need, be the voice of love, be the voice of freedom, and you will turn yourself and others into better people through your versions. "
Since that day, I feel much happier and fulfilled, not because I think that I'm special or free of sin, but because I realized that I am just a sinner who really wants to better himself, and I can safely say that there is a higher holy force that makes us better. I do not know what He looks like, but I do know He exists, with all my heart and soul. I will not attempt to look for Him here or there, because He teaches me that whenever you're doing good to others, He is within you. Ever since then, I have learned that faith accounts for a strong spirit, which is any person's best ally in times of temptation, because weak-spirited people will be the first to fall. Who is falling?
Those who fail to show compassion for others;
Those who are ready to rebuff themselves for the sake of power and money (such people become slaves to greed);
Those who hate more than they love;
Those who want to rule over nature (A person can only feel all the enchantment of nature if they love it as they love themselves, and in synergy with nature – the sun and the wind – people will create energy that will take them into space, to shake brotherly hands with other creatures of God);
Those who want to clone stem cells to create human beings in laboratories, while at the same time there are millions of people dying of hunger (We know that a human being is only complete with emotions, which comes from the soul that can never be created by another human);
Those who hope that hunger will decimate humanity, because there is too much people in this world anyway (If that happens, the cloned man shall rule, and tears, laugh, sorrow, hope and faith will be gone, as well as humans with souls );
Those who attempt to cure the emptiness within with futile lust (To love is to place our happiness in the happiness of another – Leibniz);
Those who are afraid of solitude (of the man in the mirror);
Those who consider the faithful to be primitive.
Many people like to play with statistics, but I say that those who are slaves to statistics are slowly losing the most important thing that makes them human – their emotions. Yes, life teachers us that the day we master our own emotions, we lose them forever. And, regardless of statistics, we have to listen to our hearts, which tell us that faith does not teach us anything bad. Is faith in compassion a bad kind of faith? Is helping those in need a bad kind of faith? Is faith in love a bad kind of faith? Is faith in the idea that every living being has the right to live a bad kind of faith? I will allow myself to quote a great comment by a forum member at a Croatian news portal: "Those who claim that there are ten thousand abortions a year due to a" bad social situation ", rape (or forced sex in marriage), or Medical indications during pregnancy, are fools. Most of these abortions are performed on the younger female population. These are mostly young girls who get pregnant, and then their mothers, who are around 40 and do not want to become grandmothers, drag them to the doctor to have an abortion. The worst thing is the fact that many of them have several abortions. The fact that it's almost like going to the dentist is shameful.I am sickened by this society's hypocrisy. long ago. Would any pro-choice coordinators dare to say – in public, and on that particular day – that it's acceptable to have an abortion if tests show that the child will suffer from Down's syndrome. reason, among ot hers! And it is legal. The test is performed during week 11 of the pregnancy, so that the pregnant woman may have an abortion in case of bad test results, as abortion is legal up to week 19. What is the difference between such a pregnant woman and the Nazis, who considered the ill to be degenerate and freaks that should be extinguished? "
Why am I so touched by this unfortunate abortion story? Because I am an extramarital child of a poor mother with a rich soul. My late mother told me at her deathbed that my mother was a great dreamer, and that I must have inherited that trait from her. Grandma acknowledged that her young daughter was abandoned by her partner, who left her behind pregnant, with the promise that he would return for her as soon as he makes some money up north in the Big Apple, and he would take her to paradise, but she never heard from him again. Grandmother tried to talk her into having an abortion, because they were barely able to survive, even without a child, but at that point she joined her hands in prayer and, looking up, she said: "Thank God, she would not listen to me … your mother is a hero, she took up the toughest of jobs to be able to raise you … and when social services wanted to take you away and give you up for adoption to a wealthy couple from a big northern city, she said that it would happen only over her dead body! "
My mother drew her indomitable strength from the Texas prairie. She always standing upright like a cactus, she withstood the winter, the wind, the drafts – to cut a long story short, the capricious winds of destiny never drove her to her knees (sadly, the man who left her pregnant and left off to New York was a weak-spirited coward, even though he was Texan). When I went to football games as a youth, I used to compare the football coach to my mother. I remember the words of the late coach, who was adored by the fans almost as if he was a saint. He himself was a fan of the working class, and he used to tell his players: "We always have to think and play from game to game, because this is the credo of the people of this city. we live in. People have to fight in order to survive. we can not let them down. What we feel when we take the field is not pressure … Pressure is when these people go home missing the money to feed their kids. "
Yes, my mother was from a poor family, but her soul is noble, and that's why I'm always proud to say that my mother is blue-blooded and nobility, because there is no greater nobility than love. I can proudly claim before the world that I have inherited my love of the earth, not just the golden Texas prairie, but our one only planet Earth, from my mother. SACRIFICE, modesty, humility, respect, hard work, faith … that's the motto, not just of my humble family, but of most people across the proud Texas prairie. There is no government or money that could keep me from fighting for nature, and this is also why I fight against bankers, oil corporations, greedy dictators, political castes (by this, I do not mean political visionaries like myself, who fight to save nature) because, lest we forget, global warming is not a natural process, but a product of human greed. I remember my mother singing the old "Tennessee Waltz" to me when I was a kid. If you listen to the immortal Patti Page, you will know the kind of singing voice my mother had when she was young. I'll never forget watching her sing and look through a small window into the distance, like a golden bird locked in a cage. But instead of her, her baby bird left the cage and flew off into the world in his early youth. What sacrifice it must be to voluntarily impersonate your youth and beauty into a small dark room for the sake of your child, I think while wistfully looking at a pale family photo. One Christmas Eve I asked her if she ever considered an abortion, and she looked into the distance and said in a tired voice: "I must admit that there were moments when I blamed all my troubles on God, but my faith was stronger .. My faith kept me from falling, and an angel who whispered to me that I should look for work as a cleaner in the maternity ward. Those newborn children have the strength to stand up and fight. Yes, son, there were troubled times. ahead, but I saw an ocean of craving in your big blue eyes that made it worth living for … "
After listening to this story, I often thought how great it would have been if all the newborn children had mothers like that. I never turned out to be wealthy, or a great politician, but I wrote some poems, novels and plays that made it worth to live. After all, who gave us the right to decide whether to have an abortion or not ?! It's not important what kind of country or family a child is born into, it may still become a great journalist, poet, actor, philosopher or humanist politician some day, someone who will make the world a better place to live. Or else, they might become the most important thing – a simple honored human being.
Yes, life is wonderful in deed, and when you think that there is no way out, just remember Frank Capra's classic movie "It's a Wonderful Life". The younger generation should watch that movie in school, because the movie, with acting virtuoso James Stewart, teaches us that life is worth fighting for even when you think that there is no way out and, what's most important, how to remain human. Yes, this movie proves the positive power art can have on the human soul, and this is why the world should pay more attention to art that enriches all the values ​​that make us human. Literature and motion pictures with noble messages deserve more attention from people, instead of slavery to raw profit.
It is common knowledge that every person has the freedom to choose between good and evil. When I read a true story about a homeless man in New York, who found a bag full of money and returned it to the owner, I was proud to be human, but when I read that the same man became homeless due to bankers' greed , I am accused of being human. It is interesting to find out that the same story happened twice, in the USA and in Croatia. When journalists asked the Croatian homeless man in Split why he returned the money, he just shrugged and humbly replied: "Even though I lost everything, partly because of my own mistakes, and partly because of the bank's usuries, all I want is to remain a faithful and honest man. " Yes, this man is a hero of mine. Of course, I do not promote poverty. I want to be successful, but I do not want to lose my soul in the process. I always vote for capitalism with a human face and a human soul. Yes to success, but no to greed! This is my life's motto, lest we forget that greed is a disease much more dangerous than the pest or cholera. The Croatian political caste is proof of greed being a dark bottomless pit. Imagine a small and beautiful country blessed by mother nature, with a thousand islands and a clear azure sea, fertile lowlands and paradise green valleys, yet with many thousands of people, both old and young, going through garbage bins because of the political caste's greed. Now try to imagine how endless the politicians' greed is: kind people who want to donate food to the poor must pay taxes to the state on any food or other goods they donate to the poor. Thus, the paradox is that it is easier to just throw away the food into garbage than to donate it to the poor. This political caste (the "reformed" communist party) is not satisfied by millions paid in bribery by "investors", or by selling state-owned companies with brand names for peanuts, like insurance companies and banks, and other malversations. No, they simply must steal whatever little the paupers have left. Is not greed really an accursed disease? It does not simply destroy the body, no, it also destroys the human soul. It is a dark bottomless pit that can never be filled, and it feeds on human souls. This is what my noble mother taught me. She would never allow herself to be separated from the family brooch she inherited, displaying a smiling Christ figure. There are many people who look down on people like her, and they think that gold credit cards give them the right to consider them the betters of the poor faithful. Well, they're wrong! The worst kind of poverty is the poverty of the spirit. Those who are working their way towards power and money, looking down on the faithful, should know that those who ridicule faith are those who call His name the loudest on their deathbed. I do not support fanaticism in anything, and certainly not in faith, because the Creator teachers us that tolerance and love for others is the best way towards faith. So, even when I criticize greedy people, I do not hate them. Instead, I am doing it from the depths of my soul, hoping for them to see the world through the eyes of the faithful someday.
History teachers us that even the greatest among unbelievers experienced a sincere conversion at the end of their lives (and I do not mean Pharisees). On his deathbed, Jean-Paul Sartre said to his best friend: "You know, Francois, I was a great skeptic all my life as far as faith is concerned … but there must be a higher deity that enriches the human soul with all those values ​​I was searching for like a castaway on the ocean of temptation … "
Yes, and I would add: taking a step at a time on the path to true freedom is not easy, as the great Plato taught us. Weak-spirited people will choose their safety in the dark, while those who are blessed with faith search for light, becoming genuine messengers of freedom in their lifetime. Those who close the doors on a child at its conception should know that this is how they turn the light of life on themselves.
Walter William Safar
Source by Walter William Safar
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/its-a-wonderful-life/ via Home Solutions on WordPress
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homedevises · 6 years ago
Why You Should Not Go To Minimalist Home Design Furniture | minimalist home design furniture
Subtlety has authentic Japanese architectonics throughout the 20th century: the domiciliary cast Muji prides itself on actuality unbranded, while mingei — one of the best important avant-garde architectonics movements in Japan — acclaimed folk art and “the alien craftsman”. The key credo of Japanese architectonics accepted the apple over — a accuracy for accustomed materials, pared-back minimalism and an aberrant akin of adroitness — do not bark nor accommodate themselves to acceptable domiciliary names or iconic pieces.
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This, however, is changing. With the Tokyo 2020 Olympics on the border and Japan House, a alternation of cultural exhibition centres afresh opened in London, Los Angeles and São Paulo, there is a beginning catalyst to advertise a broader ambit of Japanese ability to the world. In its deathwatch stands a activating bearing of designers who are evolving Japanese style. Aftermost month, they were on appearance at Designart Tokyo, a new anniversary anniversary committed to highlighting bounded architectonics and art. Like accomplished advance designers Shiro Kuramata (famous for fluctuant cabinets and a armchair fabricated of bottle in the 1970s) and Oki Sato of flat Nendo (who, in 2010, created a armchair that looks like it floats), they authenticate the ability of fusing Japanese adroitness with avant-garde design.
“I basic to ad-lib a new appearance for ‘made in Japan’, ” says artist Hitoshi Makino, anecdotic Uscita, the appliance cast that he set up this summer. Makino was arch artist at the Milan architectonics close Lissoni Associati for seven years, afore he alternate to Tokyo in 2015. His accumulating of chairs and tables pairs a glassy artful added archetypal of Italian architectonics with affection craftsmanship: they are produced by a acceptable branch in the carpentry basic Asahikawa in arctic Japan. One chandelier is half-made by gold-leaf craftsmen in Kyoto, while its anatomy is fabricated in Veneto, Italy. “I basic to use these techniques in a way that would mix cultures,” says Makino. “We alarm this wa, or harmony.”
Textile artist Yuri Himuro, who won Elle Decor Japan’s anniversary Young Architectonics Talent 2018 accolade aftermost month, additionally bonds adroitness with a subtle, assured glamour. Like abundant of the arts in Japan, her blankets are aggressive by the accustomed world; yet chastening are supersized, colourful and absolutely unminimal. They are fabricated in Gifu prefecture, one of the bolt capitals of Japan.
Baku Sakashita does the aforementioned with his alluring lighting. He accelerating from Swiss architectonics academy ECAL aftermost year and creates dangling lanterns out of semi-transparent washi cardboard and stainless-steel wire on assumption bases. The cardboard lanterns of Isamu Noguchi from the 1950s and the accepted assumption and bottle apple lamps of London-based abreast artist Michael Anastassiades affect him — Sakashita’s lights are a admixture of the two. “I appetite article amid east and west,” he says.
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Sakashita’s pieces accept already begin a chump abject in Europe. However, for some of his peers, aesthetic absorption in ever chichi architectonics aback home is a altered matter. The appliance and architectonics bazaar is distinct. Japanese homes are about tiny, so every account of appliance charge serve a purpose. Bodies mostly rent, black a ability of home improvement, and they tend to not absorb at home. Over time, this has accomplished a mindset that prefers reliable, anatomic and conceivably hardly accustomed furniture. It has fostered a subtle, chaste access to autogenous architectonics compared with how homes are busy away in the world. While interiors themselves are commonly beautiful, with acceptable wood, tatami mats and affluence of handcrafted pieces, there is a accepted aloofness in “design” itself.
Hokuto Ando is a Central Saint Martins-trained artist and co-founder of flat We , whose pieces advertise at Spazio Rossana Orlandi, a above arcade in Milan. “We don’t accept abundant of a bazaar for abreast architectonics as Japanese bodies are not orientated to buy actual big-ticket $.25 of furniture,” he says. Bolt artist Himuro additionally finds the calm bazaar beneath design-focused: “In Japan, we alive in tiny houses and we don’t allure accompany over, so our homes are actual minimalist. Bodies adopt Muji and that affectionate of style.” How does that affect sales? “Europe is important to me because bodies there are added absorbed in autogenous architectonics and textiles.”
Designart Tokyo is acquisitive to advance a new compassionate of architectonics in Japan. Makino, Sakashita, Himuro and Ando all displayed their assignment at the additional edition, which took abode aftermost ages and consisted of added than 100 contest about the Japanese capital. Emulating the big architectonics fairs of London, Milan and Miami, it has been organised to advertise Japanese architectonics on home turf.
While interiors themselves are commonly beautiful, there is a accepted aloofness in ‘design’ itself
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“There are so abounding designers actuality but no belvedere for them,” says Mark Dytham, artist and co-founder of Designart Tokyo. He confused from the UK to Japan added than 30 years ago and his practice, Klein Dytham Architecture, has formed with Google, Japan Rail, Uniqlo and Sony. He says a lot of Japanese architectonics is about “solving a problem, not dreaming”, and that it is abrupt to “show off” here. “People like Sejima-san [Kazuyo Sejima, co-founder of architectonics convenance Sanaa] don’t alike accept websites,” he says. He and his co-organisers achievement the anniversary will accord architectonics that platform. “There has never been a anniversary of architectonics that has absolutely hit the spot, one which shows the designers that we anticipate are outstanding and the designers from the west who are aggressive by Japan.”
Designart Tokyo launched a accommodation arrangement to advice bodies buy pieces apparent during the event. “We’re aggravating to accomplish appliance aspirational. There is a activity actuality of, why would I absorb that bulk of money on my home?” says Dytham. “Our point is that you’ll accept it for the blow of your life.”
As Dytham explains, bashfulness is a archetypal Japanese affection and actuality too character or affable is about frowned upon. This explains why accumulation manufacturers who aftermath appliance with accepted address boss the industry. Koda Munetoshi, arch controlling of Maruni Global Branding, the consign arm of appliance maker Maruni Copse Industry, says: “They are anxious with how accessible it is to accomplish and how abundant it will cost. That is why abreast Japanese architectonics doesn’t accept abundant dynamism. The priorities are altered and so the appliance is different.”
Maruni Copse Industry is one aggregation breaking the mould. It was accustomed in Hiroshima 90 years ago, bearing ample copse furniture. Fourteen years ago, beneath banking pressure, it fabricated the arguable accommodation to appoint in superstar designers for its collections. Maruni currently collaborates with British artist Jasper Morrison and Japanese adept Naoto Fukasawa (he advised Muji’s wall-mounted CD player), affectation their advocacy audibly and proudly about the world. Its pieces are now awash in 30 countries and the cast helped kit out Apple Park in California. “We apperceive how important it is to coact with big stars, architectonics and marketing-wise,” says Munetoshi. “I anticipation it would booty us always to bolt up with European brands, but we did this and it worked.”
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Karimoku, addition big manufacturer, accustomed Karimoku New Standard in 2009, alive with European designers Big Game, Scholten & Baijings and Christian Haas on collections that are awash in 21 countries.
Pairing adroitness with a designer’s ability is allowance rejuvenate the Japanese arena at home and abroad. The timing is no accident. “Ahead of the Olympics, abounding bodies will be advancing actuality and absent to see a new affectionate of style,” says Makino of appliance cast Uscita. “I appetite to accompany that movement.”
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