#creative rock formations
westillwriteincursive · 10 months
Hot tub - huge rustic backyard stone and custom-shaped infinity hot tub idea
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trippingout-tour · 11 months
Hot tub - huge rustic backyard stone and custom-shaped infinity hot tub idea
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wearedmnd · 11 months
Hot tub - huge rustic backyard stone and custom-shaped infinity hot tub idea
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eusthetic · 11 months
Hot tub - huge rustic backyard stone and custom-shaped infinity hot tub idea
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dissolvedshadows · 1 year
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Hot tub - huge rustic backyard stone and custom-shaped infinity hot tub idea
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carykon · 1 year
Hot tub - huge rustic backyard stone and custom-shaped infinity hot tub idea
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notsoniceguys · 1 year
Hot tub - huge rustic backyard stone and custom-shaped infinity hot tub idea
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howyaben · 2 years
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Hot tub - huge rustic backyard stone and custom-shaped infinity hot tub idea
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jolikmc · 1 year
Unsigned artist "Parade" (PARADE.CMF) (1989)
Originally heard this tune from the Software Visions game, Labrynth [sic] of Zeux – a Shareware copy of which, I believe was bundled with some old ZZT game worlds I registered. Yes, I actually sent Alexis my money for her game worlds even though there was literally no difference outside of the "Registered" watermark.
Anyway, I was thinking about this song, today, as well as the other songs from the Labrynth [sic] of Zeux soundtrack… decided to share this one. I wish I knew more about this song, as well as other Creative Music Format files I've collected. There's some pretty good ones out there.
*quietly contemplates a "CMF-a-Day" blog…*
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writers-potion · 5 months
Could you give any advice for "descriptive" writing of any scene or action scenes or mapping out the scenery (Mountains, forests, streets etc) - i believe this is a struggle for Non-English speaking writers due to lack of vast vocabulary.
Common Scenery Description Tips
Vocabulary is clearly an important part of description, but it doesn’t have to be a limit. The most important thing about description in fiction is picking the right details to mention:
How does the details add to the mood of the story? A mountain ridge will be dark, gray and foggy if the overall mood is meant to be mysterious/brooding. In contrast, a mountain can be brilliantly snow-capped, lush green and “smiling down” upon the character if they’re out for a light stroll.
How are the contrasts/complementary aspects being brought out?
Are you using the five senses? You can even combine the senses, ie. blue ringing of the church bells
(If you have the POV character) what 
Some other tips for setting description:
Use similes and metaphors. Creative figures of speech always get my attention as a reader. 
Mention story-specific elements. For example, “The sky was the shade of Zoes’ eyes” or “the mountains looked like a group of trolls sleeping on one another” 
Be concise. Today’s readers don’t want to read paragraphs and paragraphs about one landscape. Outline the larger elements in the scene, their location and general mood. Add some details, then move on. 
If the same location appears multiple times, differentiate the description little by little as you write, instead of trying to lay out one scene in too much detail at once. 
That said, here are some helpful words/phrases:
Color: bone-white, phantom-white, hazy gray
Sound: rumbling, booming grumbling, bellowing clapping, trundling, growling, thundering
Shape: crinkled, crumpled, knotted, grizzled, rumpled, wrinkled, craggy, jagged, gnarled, rugose  
Action: sky-punching/stabbing/piercing/spearing, heaven-touching/kissing, snow-cloaked/hooded/wreathed/festooned
Sloping sides, sharp/rounded ridges, high point/peak/summit
Majestic, gargantuan humbling, vast, massive, titanic, towering, monumental, mighty, vast, humbling
Mountains having faces, etc. 
Color: blue-green, crystal-clear crystalline, emerald, frothy, hazy, glistening, pristine, turquoise
Size: boundless, abyssal, fathomless, unconquerable, vast, wondrous
Sound: billowing, blustering, bombastic
Action: boisterous, agitated, angry, biting, breaking, brazen. Churning, bubbling, changing, brooding, calm, convulsing, enticing erratic, fierce, tempestuous, turbulent, undulating
Alluring, blissful, betwitching, breezy, captivating, chaotic, chilly, elemental, disorienting
Sight: A landscape of sand, flat, harsh sunlight, cacti, tumbleweeds, dust devils, cracked land, crumbing rock, sandstone, canyons, wind-worn rock formations, tracks, dead grasses, vibrant desert blooms (after rainfall), flash flooding, dry creek
Sounds: Wind (whistling, howling, piping, tearing, weaving, winding, gusting), birds cawing, flapping, squawking, the fluttering shift of feasting birds, screeching eagles, the sound of one’s own steps, heavy silence, baying wild dogs
Smell: Arid air, dust, one’s own sweat and body odor, dry baked earth, carrion
Touch: Torrid heat, sweat, cutting wind, cracked lips, freezing cold (night) hard packed ground, rocks, gritty sand, shivering, swiping away dirt and sweat, pain from split lips and dehydration, numbness in legs, heat/pain from sun stroke, clothes…
Taste: Grit, dust, dry mouth & tongue, warm flat canteen water, copper taste in mouth, bitter taste of insects for eating, stringy wild game (hares, rats) the tough saltiness of hardtack, biscuits or jerky, an insatiable thirst or hunger
Dusty, fume-filled, foul, sumptuous, broad, bucolic, decayed, mournful, seemingly endless, empty, unpaved, lifeless, dreadfully genteel, muddy, nondescript, residential/retail
Bleach, flimsy, silent, narrow, crooked, furrowed, smoggy, commonplace, tumbledown, treeless, shady
The blacktop streets absorb the spring sunshine as if intent upon sending heaven's warmth back through my soles.
The streets absorbed the emotions in the air, the city as the steady and reassuring mother.
The streets were a marriage of sounds, from bicycle wheels to chattering.
In the refreshing light of early daytime, the streets had the hues of artistic dreamtime, soft yet bold pastels.
Cobbled streets flowed as happy rivers in sunlight.
Some extra tips for locations like parties, where lots of action is going around practically everywhere:
Focus on the important characters - where they are, who they’re with. 
Provide some overall description of the structure of the party scene (a pool, a two-storey house with yard?), then move on to details. 
Don’t try to describe everything. 
whirlwind of laughter and music, a symphony of joyous chaos.
It was a gathering that shimmered with the glow of twinkling lights and echoed with the rhythm of dancing feet.
The air was alive with excitement, buzzing with conversations and the clink of glasses.
Every corner held a story waiting to unfold, a moment waiting to be captured in memory.
It was a tapestry of colors, a mosaic of faces, each adding their own brushstroke to the vibrant canvas of the night.
Laughter cascaded like a waterfall, infectious and unstoppable, filling the room with warmth.
The night was a carnival of senses, with aromas of delicious food mingling with the melodies that filled the air.
Time seemed to slip away in the whirl of the party, moments blending into each other like colors on a palette.
The energy of the crowd was electric, pulsing through the room like a heartbeat, binding everyone in a shared moment of celebration.
It was a celebration of life, where worries faded into the background, and the present moment was all that mattered.
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plutolovesyou · 2 months
pool/beach day w/ ellie thoughts! source of pondering: i was in the pool and am never not thinking about ellie so…this is very much insane projecting LOL. (like projecting to the level of this was literally how i spent the last few hours but am writing as if it's ellie…with creative expansions obvi.) informal format, basically just thinking and not a fr story iykwim. closer to headcanons? I DON'T KNOW JUST A SHITTY YAP OF SORTS OK. loser!ellie kindaaa, jesse cameo, teeny suggestive mentions if you squint.
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pool (or beach, either work) day with ellie, how fun!! let's start with her fit. she'd wear plaid swim trunks with a sports bra style bikini top, unbuttoned short sleeve button up shirt on top when out of the water, all pieces of her outfit totally different, clashing patterns. yet she somehow rocks it. and when she's in the water, she wears swim goggles because of course. she'd love wearing her outfit, and “f-boy” coded ellie would hike her bottoms down just enough so her happy trail would peek out perfectly, because she knew all the girls would drool at the sight. you included. (who wouldn't.)
in the water however, she'd be a nuisance like none other, literally turning into a teen boy. splashing you like crazy, goofing around until there's so much water in her nose you're sure you can hear it sloshing around inside her skull. at times you'd even have to act like her mother, yelling at her to reapply her sunscreen so her delicate skin didn't burn to a crisp. she finds this absolutely hilarious.
“ellie, you're gonna turn into a lobster, get over here!” you toss the bottle in the air and catch it, a fed-up look on your face. she stands up and shakes the water off her body as if she's a dog, then strides over to you, snatching the sunscreen out of your hand. she rolls her eyes, and you can clearly hear the smirk in her tone. “ugh, sorry mom. i bet i'd be delicious as a lobster though.” she chuckles at her stupid joke, a husky “heh”, but then doubles over laughing even harder once she sees your stone-cold expression not crack in the slightest. in the most bored, deadpan voice you could muster, “you taste fine as-is, dork.” cue her face turning as bright red as a freshly boiled lobster once the rebuttal properly registers in her mind. you = 1, ellie = 0.
you'd be over there away from the water on a towel trying to get some vitamin d, or hidden away in the shade with a book and cocktail with one of the tiny umbrellas in it, but your els would want you there with her, and try to drag you in the water.
as she grabs your arm to pull you to your feet, “c'mon babe, get in. just for a little bit, how aren't you bored over there?” when you don't move, she attacks your neck with cold, wet smooches, the temperature of her lips a shock against your hot, dry skin, causing goosebumps to erupt all over. finally you'd comply, following her while she's pulling you in. “see, look how nice it is!” a grin so wide it melts your insides, you can't be mad at her, and you find a floaty to lay on. you can do some relaxation like that. but ellie, she insists to be close to you at all times, and finds a floaty to lay on next to yours. can't forget she's still holding your hand, you both look like two little otters floating down a stream, swept away on beds of seaweed, hand in hand.
as you're listening to the sounds of the water around you, the gentle rocking as a gust of wind passes by, you feel ellie's grip on your hand go limp, and you look over at her to see the fucker's dead asleep. “hey, ellie?” you ask, and are met with silence, her head lolled to the side with her mouth slightly open, she was out cold. it seems all that silly splashing around had made her tired, and that in combination with the comforting, warm environment had rocked her to sleep. you float there next to her peacefully for a short while, resting your eyes. then out of nowhere, you hear her yelp, and sit up to see that her friend, jesse, had made an appearance and threw a volleyball at her, which hit her smack-dab in the face. “what the fuck man!” he's looking smug, proud of his aim, and waves hi to you. ellie throws the ball back at him, but unfortunately she misses. and by a long shot at that, seems she was still drowsy. you're tuning them out and have returned to floating in relaxation, vaguely hearing them yelling profanities and “your mom” jokes to each other. in no time at all ellie bolts out of the water and dashes over to him, and you take a deep breath, happy to get some quiet, but also enjoying watching them from afar as they toss the ball around. ellie gestures for you to join them, to which you yell to her that you'll join in a bit, watching from the sidelines was proving to be better entertainment than you thought it would be, you loved observing her athletic form, whatever she's doing.
and so the evening continues like that, you two make it back home as it gets dark, and crash into bed immediately. bla bla bla...
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yeah i dunno. had to write SOMETHING don't yell at me if it's crap idrc. ig i shall tag peeps anyway cuz that's what yall do! wrote while listening to tsp, especially 1979 which is a very summery song imo. sunset drives with friends blasting that song...UGHHHH
everything everything: @andersonfilms @fleshunger @ch6douin @aouiaa @sapphic-ovaries @astro-cat2
ellie everything: @flowrmoth @srooch @liddysflyer @fortune777
wanna be tagged in my fics? fill out the form!
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fishnapple · 5 months
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CRYSTAL READING: The universe is giving you signs that you are on the right path
This is a general reading meant for multiple people. Take only what resonates and leave out the rest.
Feedback is much appreciated ❤️
Buy me a drink or book a reading with me - KO-FI (Read this post : personal reading)
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1. Obsidian
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Number 2 or Z character or anything that has the formation similar to the shape of 2 or Z, two options, two choices, etc. If you see these two a lot, you are being guided by the universe.
These signs will show themselves to you suddenly, you won't see or hear about them from a far, they just show up.
The image of the sea or a large body of water at night time with new moon. I see that going to the sea, where there are lots of rocks, the time would be at night or when your surroundings are in the dark, when the moon is absent or very thin, when there is not much light around. Take a look outside, look at the sky, let the sight of the sky communicate with you, listen to the thoughts that appear in your head at that time, they will be the voice of guidance for you (the true voice of your loving self, beware of the voice that nudge you to harm, your shadow is talking).
When you are surrounded by many people, at some public places,especially where there are foreigners, and then you catch some words, that may hold some clues as well. Of course, you are not supposed to actively listen to other's conversations. It's those words that your ears suddenly catch that are special.
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2. Red jasper
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The phrase "when the stars aligned" immediately comes to my mind. The day when the sun and the moon are conjunct in the same sign (new moon), even better, when mercury is also in the same sign as sun and moon.
Solar eclipse or when the sunlight is dim, the sky suddenly gettingdark, a thunderstorm, the approaching of heavy rain. The release of something heavy. Maybe at that time, you would feel heavy in the heart, lacking joy and fun, but that's when you could get some sudden insights.
I feel that some of your dreams will spill into the waking life, reenact the sights that appeared in your dreams. Take notice of familiar sights in the public places, your working environment, place where there are many higher position people, people of authority or elderly people.
Abundance is also a sign showing how the universe is taking care of you. It may not be something of too big value but it will be a gift, a gift that makes you feel joy and comfort, so open yourself up to receiving, don't turn down helping hands when you are in difficult situations.
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3. Aventurine
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Pretty flowers and sunshine for the weary souls.
The 2 groups before and this group all have heavy Saturn's influence. When you are in a difficult situation, feeling down, your thoughts are stagnant, you are called to look for joy in life.
From the small, intimate flowers trembling under the wind and sun to the large and all-encompassing sky crowned by rainbows.
The moment you start noticing beauty in life, a spiritual gate opens up for you. You will feel inspired to take part in some community activities and social causes, feel the interconnectedness of everything.
Things that have warm colours will catch your eyes. You would see lots of things with oval shape, maybe the food you eat will be served on an oval plate, seeing mirrors, large jars, light shining through window glass. Anything that shows life's warmth and juiciness.
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4. Amethyst
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Music and words will guide you.
You may receive invitations or have some impulses to go to some concerts, movies, book/poetry reading events, live music at a café. Don't turn down those invitations. Don't ignore those impulses.
The universe is whispering to you through lyrics and screens. You may even get inspiration to make something beautiful and creative.
Pictures or sights of water, seashells, and rocks may show up a lot.
You may see the image of some masculine figures in your dreams, watch closely how they act, what they say in those dreams. Some people embodying masculine energy would show up in your life more, their gender doesn't have to be male but they embodying the archetype of the sun. Warm, energetic, authoritative.
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nerd-artist · 16 days
Horizon Rock Bands AU: Rock Breakers
The second (and maybe last?) band of the AU that’s been leaving no place for any other thoughts in my mind. Jem and the Holograms inspired. Ereloy implied 🧡✨
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The band
The original leader of the group was Ersa, who started forming Rock Breakers with her brother Erend. However, after a tragedy left her unable to continue being part of the band, the Vanguard siblings decided that Erend should carry on with the group's formation. After what had happened, their mission was more critical than ever: to bring down Nemesis, its members, and their unfair musical dominance.
Avad, a wealthy representative with whom Ersa had a very close relationship, helped Erend in the search for other members who shared their common goal. That's how Varl, Kotallo, Drakka, and Nil joined the band, shaping the unique and diverse style that Rock Breakers is known for. Their blend of romantic and heavy sound has earned them a loyal fanbase, though, thanks to Nemesis' schemes, they've never managed to win The Proving. During the competition, they met Alpha Prime and came to the conclusion that both bands needed to support each other to defeat the evil group. Ersa became Alpha Prime's manager, ensuring that no one—not even they—would get in her little brother's way.
With Avad as their manager, Rock Breakers dominates their tour, which also serves as training for the competition. They don't have the help of any magical computers to make their shows unforgettable, but they pull it off with their creative use of fire and fireworks.
Character bios under the cut
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A deep voice and deep feelings—no wonder Erend is the lead singer and main songwriter of Rock Breakers. He always performs accompanied by his guitar ‘Hammer’, though it’s rarely the same one at each show, as he gets so excited in playing ‘Weird Space Ball’ that he ends up smashing it against the stage. He started competing in music contests for the love of music, but a tragedy changed his purpose: his sister Ersa, with whom he was originally going to form the band, went deaf because of their former boss, Dervahl, who is now a member of the antagonist band Nemesis. Since then, he has devoted himself entirely to destroying that band, just as he smashes his guitars.
With this common goal, it’s no surprise that he’s gotten along well with Alpha Prime since meeting them, though that encounter didn’t just gain him allies—it also changed his heart forever, as he fell head over heels for Aloy the moment he saw her. Since then, nearly all his lyrics have been about her, though Aloy seems to be the only one who hasn’t noticed. He doesn’t hold out much hope that someone as capable and beautiful as her would be interested in him, even though the two minutes she promised him keep becoming longer and longer.
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Varl met Erend at a comic con, and they instantly became friends. Coming from a strict upbringing where music had no place, he learned to play his bass, ‘Seeker,‘ in just a week, solely to join the band and experience the freedom of performing on stage. He’s always ready to carry out any plan that helps defeat Nemesis, even those that require sacrificing his own interests and beliefs. He fell for Zo, a member of Alpha Prime, the moment he met her, and unlike his friend, he did something about it—they´ve been together since, and they´re not subtle about it.
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The unstoppable rhythm of his drum set, ‘Bulwark,‘ is unmistakable. Kotallo has been playing it his entire life, and not even the sudden loss of an arm has slowed him down—he continues to captivate the crowd with every beat. He was once a member of the band "The Ten," where he played alongside Regalla, until she defected to join Nemesis after getting Kotallo involved in a street fight that ultimately cost him his arm. Kotallo joined Rock Breakers to get a shot at revenge against his former bandmate and to prove that no matter how she tries to weaken him, he’ll always be a better musician and more honorable than her.
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He comes from barren lands, though that doesn’t reflect his character at all. Playful and cheeky, his personality shines through in his backing vocals and in the way he plays his ‘Yarra.‘ Every key he presses makes the crowd roar louder, and it ensures he’s never alone after a concert. But his purpose is more serious than it seems: to destroy the reputation of the companies owned by Nemesis members so they stop diverting water from his town for their own gain. Who says you can’t have fun while pursuing the greater good?
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Little is known about his past, but it’s rumored that Nil is searching for redemption. His background is so enigmatic that even the other band members don’t quite remember how or when he became part of the group. Always mysterious, he used to cover his face during performances until he revealed it at the last concert, flashing that intense, mischievous gaze that drove the crowd wild. He found the perfect "Partner" in his guitar, which makes him stand out on stage with its unmistakable sound and with which he always puts on a good show.
Thank you for reading!!
If you want to know more about Alpha Prime, check this post.
Should I make one of these for Nemesis?
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tr4gictea · 30 days
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True Meaning: Prologue
Isekai teen!reader + Genshin Impact
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Tags: none
Including: Introduction to the reader
word count: 1,309 words
A/n: Imma be honest, I thought I posted this story on Wednesday but apparently I just saved it to my drafts 😭.
This is a series that I want to start if you guys want me to, if not then I will still be posting this story along with my regular one-shots, headcanons, and stories but not as regularly. But if do want this to continue leave a note down below so I know that you guys like this and want more content of this story. :P
True Meaning Table of Content ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡
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Your head was pounding, it felt like someone took a sword and stabbed it right through your head. Around you were tall trees with glowing blue flowers surrounding the bases of the trees. You don't know how you got here, one moment you were playing genshin in bed, then a voice called out to you.
"(Y/n), your soul is not of this world, you must move to the next," And all of a sudden you were lying on the muddy grass.
You got up and looked around, there was none in sight other than two slim foxes in the distance. Where were you? Exploring the area ahead you saw a small rock formation that looked like a little bear, and next to it was a bundle of lit candles. 
Continuing on you follow the stream next to you. On your way you pass by some small statues that you could compare to puppies or bear cubs. The path looked oddly familiar to you, it felt like you had walked down it before. You walk for about ten minutes passing by Japanese style gates before you spot an... electro seelie?! 
These only exist in genshin?! This cant be real! Wait. This can't be real, because it is a dream! That's why that path seemed so familiar! You smiled to yourself, proud that you “figured” it out. 
But if you are dreaming of the world of genshin that means you can explore the real Inazuma yourself! You've explored the Inazuma area hundreds of times so trying to find Inazuma City shouldn't be hard too. Plus the Raiden Shogun's home is so big that you could see it from miles away.
You walk down the path careful not to alert the hullichurl camps of your presence and make it to the village homes right outside of Inazuma city. When walking in you are greeted by a large tree with pink leaves falling down onto the ground.
As you pass by the villagers give you weird looks. They look you up and down then turn away from you. What's up with them? You wonder as you dust off your baggy black shirt that says 'return of the vampurrr' with a woman screaming at a giant cat and then shoving your hands in your teenage mutant in turtle pajama pants pockets. Wait, you have your sleeping clothes on. Maybe that's why they're giving you weird looks. The only thing that would maybe be okay for you to wear is the Vivienne Westwood Necklace you got off of amazon for 15 dollars. The orb in the middle of the necklace which was originally silver turned into a clear ball almost as if it was made of glass. Well, this is a dream so these people can deal with your choice of clothing.
You continue down the path and head up stone stairs where you see Yoimiya's firework shop and Hajime's blacksmith. He looks hard at work and for the first time you see him move away from the anvil and head to the fire.
I guess my dreams took a little creative liberty you thought as you walked past them. Everything in the city felt more lively than in the games. You saw more kids running up and down the streets, adults talking in groups, and even a pack of doushin traveling out of the city with Kujuo Sara leading them. You had a more creative imagination than you thought.
You walked by so many iconic places in the games that amazed you. Like the sango detective agency and Yae Publishing House. You even passed by Shouta, the little boy who's always offering stuff to the archons.
It couldn't hurt to talk to him and besides he had his hands clasped together and aggressively saying “pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!” over and over again. "Whatcha doing?" You ask about appearing behind him. 
"I've heard that I can make a wish to the archon once I have placed the offering in the shrine. If the archon likes my offering, my wish will definitely be granted." he excitedly points to the shrine which has Konpeito candies placed at its base. He sounds exactly like he does in the game. You wonder how realistic your dream is. "I have brought all of my snacks here today, and I'd like to wish that the archon will cancel the exam tomorrow!"
"Have you gotten your wish yet?" You question. You know what he's gonna say but you're just curious to hear his voice lines.
"Hmm... It works about once in a dozen times... Last time, I wished bad luck upon someone who bullied me, and then he flunked his exam, haha!" He kept talking and brought up Yoimiya offering him fireworks and Itto as he describes 'big guy with the horns'.
Once he finishes talking he goes off script and asks "Why are you dressed like that?"
This question catches you off guard which causes you to stutter. "I, um well... I... bye." And with that, you turn on your heel and walk in the other direction leaving him with a confused look on his face. You didn't know how to answer that so you just left. Besides this wouldn't affect you as this was all a dream, you told yourself.
You continue walking past the Inazuma Katheryne staring lifelessly at nothing. You continued through Inazuma, still getting weird looks from the locals, but you finally made it to the place you wanted to see all this time. The Raiden Statue.
She was so much taller than she was in the game. Her hands were about as big as the two of you. The wings had glowing visions on them, you could only assume that the vision hunt decree was still in effect.
Looking at all the visions had you thinking about elemental power. If I'm here and not technically from this world does that mean that I can gain elemental powers by touching the statute of seven? Am I the traveler frfr?!?! As soon as the thought crossed your mind you raced to get to Ritou. You almost nearly catch the attention of some hilluchurls but are quick to get away from them. Arriving at Ritou you waste no time in looking at the shops around you and head straight to the Statue of Seven. It looks worn down and beat up. You go up to it and reach your hand out as the traveler did in the games and touch it. As you do, a crackle of electro power pops out of the statue and falls into your body. Looking down you see the originally clear orb of your Vivienne Westwood pendant now glowing electro-light.
"Woah," You reach your hand out and imagine a burst of electro coming out of your fingers and then... Nothing? Your hand remains the same and no elemental powers come out of you.
"Hmm... Maybe I'm supposed to say something... Uhh, aberacdabera!"
A large sudden burst of electro energy burst through your hands and hits a nearby tree, splitting it in half
"S-shit!" I hope none heard that...
"It came from over the wall, let's go around," 
Nope they definitely heard that, I have to go.
You set off running on the opposite side of the path you came up from. You snuck your way back into the Ritou market. And you spent the rest of your dream walking around Ritou until you started to feel tired.Hmm, that's weird, can you get tired in dreams? Maybe this is the dream's way of telling me it's over... But I don't wanna go... I still haven't seen Liyue or Fontaine yet... You try to steady yourself on a nearby tree when you fall over in exhaustion. Even if it was only for a day you still enjoyed your time here. Maybe you'd have another dream like this again…
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More Genshin Impact Stories *ੈ✩‧₊˚
True Meaning Table of Content ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡
This is a series that I want to start if you guys want me to, if not then I will still be posting this story along with my regular one-shots, headcanons, and stories but not as regularly. But if you do want this to continue leave a note down below so I know that you guys like this and want more content about this story :P
Thank you for reading <3
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hoaxghost · 11 months
Are angels soft/squishy or hard? I faintly remember seeing that they're like porcelain dolls but I'm not sure... Also are all the angels named after file types? And if so, can there be angels sharing the same name? Asking because there's probably more angels than there are file types out there. Love your worldbuilding btw it rocks
I'd describe the texture of angels being most similar to porcelain, heaven essentially sounds like Celeste Boursiers Mougenot piece with angels moving around the whole place.
As for names, I mostly stick to naming main angel characters after recognizable file formats but considering just the vast amount of angels out there, I figured there's probably a ton with randomized 2-5 alphabetical or numerical codes as their format. [ex: Angel.Dre4, Angel.S32 etc..]
Also to state again, an angels name isn't just their format code but their hierarchy name and then the format [ex: Angel.Tiff, Archangel.Pdf, Principality.Zip] so you could have angels sharing same format codes but different hierarchies [ex: Throne.Tif, Dominion.pdf etc...]
But!! Truth be told not all angels are referred to by their format names, I do have angels named after other electronic creation tools like Selection so theoretically you can have angels with 'nicknames' such as Export, Insert, Gamut (though I admit it's bit too silly to have an angel named "Overlay mode")
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If you were curious about demons, the rules are a lot more lax and loose since they're not really bound to the restrictions of Heaven anymore. Fallen Angels (or roots) sometimes keep their old names or opt for new ones while splits are a lot more creative with what they do.
I did have the idea of naming prominent demons after computer viruses but I suppose I never did much with it- maybe the idea will come back and you'll meet a demon named Storm worm. Also the majority of demons in the story are older ocs of mine whose names I felt too attached to to change
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therentyoupay · 1 month
im completely feral over all your jelsa stories!!!!!! do you ever write established relationship jelsa or have any headcanons about what they would be like together in a serious relationship or marriage????
THANK YOU SO MUCH. 😭😭😭😭😭😭💕💕💕💕🙏 thank you thank you nonny for this super sweet ask and this really lovely question and all of your love and support!! 💕💕💕💕💕
i have... never actually written established!relationship (in any fandom), now that i'm thinking about it? that said, i guess i can come up with a quick list of some headcanons, maybe? 😂 i will have to think about this more, but for now, here's a quick drop:
elsa is an early riser; elsa helps jack create more sustainable sleeping patterns and habit formations 😂
when jack gets Impetuous Urges to Do Something Rash and Impractically Spontaneous, elsa will ground jack, reminding him to think before acting. (he occasionally Still Does It, anyway.) elsa knows what she signed up for, lol.
jack loves to play Harmless(!) Pranks, just to watch elsa’s reaction. (he is no longer allowed to sneak up on her after The Incident).
they also quibble over the definition of "harmless" and the specific logistical implications of that; for a while, jack was banned from further pranking, but then he got more creative at showing elsa that pranks could be wholesome and genuine, in which they could both be in on the joke. however, due to elsa's deeply-rooted Need to Excel and her (Not-so)Secret Competitive AF Streak, her retaliation in escalating the Cleverness Prank War quickly resulted in jack's prompt implementation of the Prank-Free Zones and Time Periods. (no, he was not scared.)
elsa, usually reserved, has learned to let her playful side show more often with jack. she might still pretend to be exasperated by his antics, but sometimes it's part of the game (or habit).
elsa sill struggles with opening up emotionally sometimes, but she progressively feels safe enough to share her innermost thoughts and fears. with time, she confides in him more about her worries. she still never likes the idea that jack sees her Imperfect Parts, but at least she can tolerate the discomfort (and, yes, take comfort in it) now
(jack loves elsa's Imperfect Parts, and jack admits that he is Weirdly Proud and Competitively Honored to be one of the only people, even including anna, who gets to see them. he also is strangely Comforted and Validated that elsa is, in fact, not perfect because for a while there, he was pretty freaked out and intimidated by how fancy she is.)
until he realized that no one ever let her actually be a Weirdo before, and once he realizes the Truth of Elsa Also Being a Secret (albeit perhaps more Subdued) Weirdo, the Universe Aligns.
jack listens to elsa's Big Conversations intently, activating varying levels of Serious Mode.
jack is getting better at recognizing the moments when elsa needs him to play and needs him to listen or Give His Opinion or any combination of those things.
jack learns that it's not always about Saying the Right Thing (which he is not very good at, anyway, or so our Serially Unreliable Narrator thinks), but rather being able to read elsa's mood and anticipate what she might need (even if she is not aware of it herself yet).
elsa is meticulous about planning and preparing for special occasions.
elsa likes traditions! jack likes tradition only because elsa likes them, lol, and hey, okay, these are more fun than he thought?? (who knew fun could be organized??!!?)
so he really wants to show (off to) her by pulling off Incredible Planning Feats in her honor, too (they do not go as smoothly, lol).
jack will often go out of his way to spontaneously create something meaningful, a moment or a gift or a gesture, that reminds elsa that he cares. he is big on words of affirmation, gift giving (but like, souvenirs that he collects on adventures like, "i saw this rock and it reminded me of your cousin olaf, we should put it on the window after we paint his face on it"), and acts of service, as well as physical touch and quality time. HE WANTS LOVE. he wants TO BE LOVED. he wants to prove that he is worthy of being loved.
(and elsa has to get him to Chill Out sometimes, remind him that he doesn't have to Do Things For Her/Anyone in order to be deserving of care; he is more than what he provides for other people.)
(jack gets its, and appreciates it, but also, the Urge to Provide and Protect is still strong, even after so much time, and sometimes Old Habits Die Hard.)
i get the sense that he'd be the type to he wake elsa up in the middle of the night to take her on a surprise adventure, or convince her to Do a Fun Thing without any preparation (/warning).
and she would Be Alarmed at the Lack of Plan (especially if/when jack Did Not Think This Through), but he also took precautions to ward off Concerns by pacifying her with tea, or reassurances that yes, he did call ahead to make sure the restaurant was open before they left the house, of course he did, he would never just leave home without double-checking beforehand (and frantically googles it two minutes later when he thinks she's not looking; she is, naturally, and even occasionally pretends not to be).
elsa approaches conflict with a desire to resolve things Calmly and Logically. she tries to understand jack’s perspective, even when she disagrees, and she’s careful with her words, not wanting to escalate the situation.
however, she can sometimes withdraw emotionally, fearing that she might say something hurtful if she’s too overwhelmed.
jack was initially (and, honestly, still is, even though he understands more now) hurt by her tendency to shut down when she Feels Too Much, and understands (although it's still hard) that elsa needs time to process her feelings and organize her thoughts.
jack also helps elsa actually Feel her Feelings, instead of just trying to intellectualize and analyze them. (she hates it, BUT sees the value. jack lives for these moments in which he realizes that he's actually contributing positively to her life and helping her in some way, rather than just being a burden or a nuisance, as was/is his fear.)
his initial reaction might be to push for a resolution quickly, but he’s also deeply afraid of Creating Distance between them, so after the first few fights, he really makes an effort to find the right balance between Pushing Hard Enough and Not Pushing Too hard, so that he doesn't drive a wedge between them as they work things out.
jack FEELS intensely, and can be so stubborn. he does not always have the most precise vocabulary or tools to describe his thoughts and feelings, or identify the root causes of what is actually going on inside him; sometimes elsa asks a lot of insightful and guiding questions that help jack come to the conclusions himself, and other times, she Puts Into Words the very thing that he had been thinking or feeling, but could not name, and it is very reassuring to have someone who understands him well enough to be able to do that.
after conflicts or arguments, they take time to Decompress and reassure one another (especially if at least one of them, if not both, was Overthinking again).
when they argue (and healthy couples do, remember!), it’s a dance of patience and understanding: elsa might need a moment to Collect Herself, and jack learns to give her that Space while also making it clear that he’s ready to talk whenever she is, and that he is going to try very hard to be Rational and Patient About It.
in the end, they both prioritize their relationship over any disagreement, always finding a way back to each other.
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