#creative passport
luvermore · 6 months
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Some older pages out of my travelers notebook.
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carcarrot · 9 months
well everyone now that sparkstember is over i can now devote my energy to being insane in other still sparks-related ways
#planning my next projects#on the one hand glad to not have to get a whole video done in the span of like 2 hours every day#on the other hand it was a fun creative challenge that gave me a sense of purpose. it was fun#but i need to keep myself busy as we descend into winter and ✨seasonal depression✨#if i dont get it done today over the next couple days im going to make something silly for goofball's upcoming birthday#and then once that's done i dont know. i want to get back to work on my screenplay and try to FINISH IT!! but idk how long that'll take#i also have to finally finish watching that film course i bought oops. maybe ill start it over#and then?????????#i have a vague Idea of a possible short film i could make. that would also be like a kind of prequel to my Main Film Idea#and its something i could actually reasonably do as a short film and its not like insanely big budget like every other idea i have is#and I'm debating abt emailing my old film teacher and being like heyyyyy maybe you could help me make this short film????#but id want to have this idea way more planned out and written before then. but OUGH WRITING ANOTHER SCREENPLAY???#WHEN I HAVEN'T EVEN FINISHED MY FIRST ONE??? sigh.#the road to making my Big Great Movie is long and arduous. will we get there. who knows#oh also debating abt writing a letter to those silly guys. but i don't knowwwww#OH lmao i keep forgetting to mention i finally got my passport (it actually came earlier than expected)#so like. goodbye everyone im heading to the sydney opera house on halloween (JOKE i am not that insane. but i wish i could)
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pesky-fairy1 · 1 year
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leastpopular · 8 days
I'm not too sure what happened.
I made plans to go to Australia and I was there and working for a few years. We got into a really bad argument and something happened. I took a day off and packed my things when she was at work.
I didn't say a word but I left her a note. 📝
I moved back to Brooklyn, NY. We were together for almost five and a half years and I left the engagement ring on the counter of her apartment in Melbourne. I left the keys in a safe place and where I knew she would find them.
I'm glad the paperwork wasn't finished for our son's adoption. I was going to name him Miles but it's not going to happen anymore.
She called a few times but I didn't answer... She called several times. I know my voicemail inbox was full.
I don't have to answer if I don't want to.
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mascrapping · 5 months
2022: Enchant - Spread 2
Move slider to see passport open This is the second spread from my visit to Enchant in Dallas, TX in December 2022. When we entered the experience, we were handed passport books to collect stamps at the experience. There were 8 stamps in all, and we collected all of them! The stamps are Teddy Bear, Ballerina, Rubik’s Cube, Duck, Train, Dinosaur, Rocking Horse, and Airplane. If you click on the…
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seo-widersinfotech · 9 months
digital marketing indore
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angela-in-oxford · 1 year
Spring Breakdown
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Summary: A creative nonfiction story, in which spring break begins with the rockiest of starts.
WC: 850
TW: angst, kills self over minor inconvenience, angst with happy ending,
Of course it is pouring. Of course it is.
As soon as I shut the front door behind me, I am welcomed by a thunderclap and flash of rain across the dark night, water dripping off the edge of the roof. I duck back further into the meager patio. It hits my bag.
For a moment I stand there, watching the rain fall, mulling over my options. I have a tote bag full of my valuables: my wallet and my laptop. I have my rolling suitcase. I have a brown coat that I’m ninety percent sure is waterproof. I have a crappy, black umbrella I bought on a whim at Boots because it had started to drizzle that day. I am dressed comfortably in leggings, a sweatshirt, and sneakers because I am supposed to be on my way to the airport at 11:30 pm. It is 9:00 pm. Can I can make it to my bus stop like this? Not even to the bus station that will take me to the airport, to the bus stop that will take me to the bus station. Or should I pay for a cab?
I look out at the street, dark save for a two single streetlights at each corner of the block. The rain carries on.
I steel myself, pulling out my crappy umbrella.
Things could be worse, I think, stepping out into the downpour.
It is worse. It is so much worse.
"Your passport?" Jame asks with a slight smile. I just arrived to the station. The wind and rain worsened since I got to the city center, and already my leggings are moist and my shoes sodden. They asked on a whim after we laughed about how stupid the weather is, how the wind broke my umbrella’s back. The question was meant to be a light-hearted joke.
I blank, my heart sinking to my stomach. Shit.
I whip my tote bag to my front. Laptop, wallet, both unharmed from the rain–okay, so far so good—but that is where it ends. Neither my passport or abroad student documents are packed. I throw down my luggage and rip it open. Nothing.
I curse, Jame’s face is visibly crestfallen, and I weigh our options.
Waiting for the bus would be at least ten minutes. The ride back to the house alone is at least thirty, not including the eight minute walk through the rain which does not seem to be letting up any time soon. Then that is another forty-eight minutes I'll need to get back to the station. It is 10 pm. Our best option: pay a cab.
My phone is in my palm in an instant.
Warmth fills me, even just slightly as Jame takes it all in stride, doing the same. Neither of us had the app, so we start from scratch downloading Uber. Minutes tick by agonizingly slow, the imminence of the clock looming over our shoulders. My heart finally climbs its way out my stomach and into my throat when Jame gets the app first and begins searching for the nearest driver. By the time a driver is selected and we decide to move away from the station and onto the main street, the rain has stopped, and I'm left hobbling after Jame in moist pants and sneakers.
But as soon as we reach the pavement, the driver drops us.
Something inside me shrivels up. My heart, my sanity—I can not tell. I have never felt rejection like this before. Tears spring in the corner of my eyes. My heart roars in my eardrums.
There is no time, no other options. I would ask my housemate for help, but it is almost 11 pm at this point, and it seems too much to ask her to call a cab over to us.
So we settle. Start for the bus stop a few blocks from the station as it begins to drizzle again. The shivers subside—I’m too overwhelmed and stressed to be bothered by the cool sting of the late night winds. We reach the edge of the Gloucester Green plaza, catching glimpses of black cabs pulling in and snagging people in—tourists and residents dragging around luggage, drunkards.
My heart leaps, and Jame and I hurl ourselves into the next free cab that pulls up.
A part of me curses how slow everyone seems to drive here in Oxford, in general, really. Because it seems almost every driver wants to adhere to traffic laws, using their signal, staying just at the speed limit, refusing to pass other vehicles. But eventually, between all the wet socks, high-intensity, we arrive at my homestay. Asking the driver to give me five minutes, I sprint for the front door, my key already in my hand.
Throwing the door open as quietly as I can, I bound up the stairs, kicking off my wet sneakers before I burst into my room. Drawers thrown open, clothes out in piles, until memory flashes across my mind like a lightning bolt and I dive across my bed to my bedside table.
The red folder.
Looks like spring break is still on.
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ap88 · 2 years
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• 1 Passport Cover • Acrylic Colors -Set of 6 • Brush No. 000 and 3 (One each) • Stencil on tracing paper • Free Video Tutorial
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icallhimjoey · 1 year
Q&A things, here we go:
this is joe's first time in philly
joe said his life has changed immensely and that it's so nice to have a character that's so loved, it's beyond what he could have ever imagined
joe knew the eddie book was going to come out, he's on board with it, is involved with it, is excited about it but doesn't know much else
for the most epic theme song for his life, joe chose heroes by david bowie
joe just sat and waited for is passport to be found, didnt go "through hell" like the moderator suggested
if eddie got a spin-off, joe asked if it could be with chrissy and thinks they'd be a good duo
when asked what crimes their characters would be fighting, joe said he thinks eddie would take it very seriously (whereas grace mentioned she thinks it'll be scooby-doo funny and they'd solve nothing)
joe on eddie: eddie represents the outsider and is on the fringes of society and becomes a hero, it's brave to be different and brave to be yourself.
joe watched the peep show whilst filming st4
joe has not seen are you being served
joe mentioned set shenanigans, said it was funny to see grace in a harnes just hanging there
he mentioned how natalia is good a photoshop again
joe starts filming gladiator 2 next month and doesnt know if he's allowed to use his own accent
joe wants to use his own accent for gladiator 2
about eddie becoming kas, joe said no one has called him, but theoretically it could happen - probably won't, but it could
joe got to pick all the eddie tattoos himself, and he just picked the ones he thought looked good
when he picked the bats he didnt realize his demise
he was wearing pink socks, idk, felt like i should mention
joe's stepdad was a camera man, his mum worked in tv promotion, so joe would go into work with them and see that it was the most extraordinary place, he wanted to be a part of that
joe says you need good stamina for theater, and that you don't get paid well for doing theater
joe's scared to do a shakespeare play bc 'we all know how they end'
grace said joe should be used to dying by now
joe's never going to get used to seeing his face on so many things but he loves the creativity
joe is happy so many people have the eddie guitar, but doesnt feel like a rockstar (he did when filming that scene, but thats it)
joe loves all the heartfelt letters he receives, feels that it's more than something physical
Joe likes F Scott Fitzgerald
would love to play in something set in the 1920 bc he wants to be a flapper girl
joe had a cheesesteak for dinner last night
joe thinks eddie wouldnt have gotten into college, but instead would have been a rockstar - eddie would have made it
also said that eddie and chrissy would've been friends
joe has played DnD once, and we've all seen it, said he'd like to play again
asked for a bar recommendation from the moderator, bc why not, you know?
(big massive fat thanks to @jo-harrington who sent me live updates throughout the whole thing)
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cupid-ghoul · 3 months
cupid has another HC oh no ...
in order for the ghouls - who are hellbeasts and with that not registered anywhere - to travel globally the ministry has to get a fake passport/ ID whenever they summon a new ghoul.
but that also opens the door for a lot of creative and/or horrible name combinations on those fake papers.
the ghouls have the WORST middle names anyone can think of.
they don't really see their passports.
they're only handed their papers when they're at the airport because no one trusts them with such important documents. so whenever they get ahold of their IDs they compare names and tease each other about their fake identities.
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Any thoughts on the TOH pitch bible and pilot episode that were leaked? Anything you thought it was better than in the final product, or that the final product improved on?
Here is the pilot episode along with a lot of other Disney shows for those that missed it.
And the pitch bible
There were quite a few things I liked about the pilot better: the biggest being that Luz is actually bullied for her interests instead of pulling dangerous stunts that just make her look bad. Also, there's actual bigotry against humans in the Boiling Isles! Luz has to wear a disguise when sneaking into witch school! Lilith is more of a threat in this pilot than she was in the show! Luz and Eda feel more natural in the pilot; Eda still proclaims herself as the most powerful witch in the isles but it's obviously her ego talking while it's taken more seriously in the show. It feels like it's having more fun with itself instead of having an air of self importance.
A few things the actual show did better: Luz entering the Demon Realm. In the pilot, she just stumbles into it after trying to return Amity's passport (who is still a witch just attending a human high school for some reason). Luz trying to get her book back from Owlbert and being led directly to Eda works better for her character and the themes of the show. Also, in the pilot, Eda could just easily conjure a door to the human realm, which lowers the stakes a bit.
As for the pitch bible, it certainly is ambitious with how its world is set up: beta Belos was called Obron and was a councilor to the real ruler of the world, Emperor Pupa, who is currently in larval form and only its councilor's can understand what it's saying. Naturally, Obron is the real power behind the throne and plans on invading the human realm by possessing the Titan's body and he apparently needs a human soul to do that...
Yeah, I can see why this was simplified in the final version.
I do like some of the designs in the pitch bible better. For example, here's Willow, a.k.a. Paulina:
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Here's Tibbles:
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And lastly, even though everyone says this is beta Hunter, look me in the eyes and tell me that's not Baby Philip "Kill All Witches" Wittebane:
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Come on, red outfit, blue eyes, hatred of witches, really hundreds of years old, the FREAKIN' DAGGER/SWORD.
That's a proto-Philip who was split into 3 characters, he's not simply beta Hunter.
Overall, both the pitch bible and the pilot are a mixed bag; the pitch bible has some overly ambitious ideas that (thankfully) became more grounded, but it also has more interesting character designs. The pilot has a lot going on in a mere 20 minutes but it's more fun to watch imo simply because it's not taking itself too seriously.
Despite all of these what-ifs, a show is only as good as how well it carries out its ideas. Toh has a lot of creativity and compelling concepts but its biggest struggle was always in its execution.
(P.S. any accusations that Disney made Dana add Hexside are now null and void because both the pitch bible and pilot had Lilith as the Headmaster of Amity's magic school)
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chaoticelegant · 5 months
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February 8, 2024
Well I guess academic weapons do actually get sick…
Sorry for not updating I was a small amount delirious. I just finished my geography test and I am getting lunch with a dear friend while we work on various creative endeavors (my play and his book). I just got notified that I made President’s List last semester, so I am very pleased about that!
Hoping to start my research for my two papers this semester this afternoon, depending on how my errands around town go. I have to get my passport photos taken so I can get back to the UK this summer.
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baby-alien11 · 1 year
Lover (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
Everyone say thank you to the million of videos of the Eras Tour that have appeared in my fyp on tik tok, because thanks to them this chapter was made
taglist: @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @aonungsgirlfriend @ethanlandryluver @wenvierismycomfort @aliciacat20 @gabbylovesreading @nikfigueiredo
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To say you were surprised when you woke up one morning and saw Jack eating breakfast with your dad in the dinning room was nothing, especially because the day before he told you he was filming
Even more surprised when he revealed two tickets for "The Eras Tour" of Taylor Swift for that weekend in Philadelphia, making you scream in emotion and jump in his arms, not noticing Skeet was filming everything
So, thank godness that your passport was renewed, both of you with your cordinated outfits, flew to the city the day before to rest and made sure to be ready for the concert
When the day arrived, both of you put on your costumes inspired by Midnight Rain, that consisted in you wearing a dark blue puffy long sleeve top and straight jeans, and Jack wearing a yellow short sleeved button up with a withe tank top under and jeans, and went to the stadium, were after you gave your tickets, they led you both to the vip section on the floor area, thanks to both of you being famous
"I can't believe we are really here", you smiled in desbelief watching how the stadium started to full
"I can pinch you if you need it", Jack joked hugging you from behind
"Please do it", you joked in return which made Jack to start tickling your sides making you laugh, "I said pinch me, not tickle me!"
"You know I won't pinch you", Jack responded kissing you on the cheek, "While the concert start, why don't we get something to drink?"
"Yeah, sure", you nodded
Without leaving your area, both of you purchased two plastic cups of orange juice and also went to the merchandise spot to get some t-shirts and sweatshirts
"I love seeing all the inspired outfits", you commented watching the arena
"They are so creative", Jack agreed
Interrupting the apreciation of the outfits, both of you heard your names being called, which made you to turn your heads at that direction watching a group of five girls dressed as the eras aproaching the area as most as they could because of the security fences
"Y/N, Jack!", the girls continued to scream
"Hi!", you greeted with a smile, "How are you? I love your looks"
"We didn't expected to see you here", one of the girls said still with excitment
"I had to bring her", Jack shrudded his shoulders, "She loves Taylor"
"Your Midnight Rain outfits are so cool", another girl complimented
"Can we take a photo with you?", other girl asked
"Sure", you nodded
Mannaging to get the closer to them because of the security fence, a few photos were taken with different posses
"Thank you so much", another one of the girls thanked, "You are so Taylor Swift coded, both of you, and your relationship too"
"That is one of the best compliments we've ever had", Jack said smiling, "Actually the best"
"And we also wanted to give you some bracelets", the first girl who spoke
"Oh my God, you are so sweet", you said a little emotional, "But we don't have any to trade"
"Doesn't matter", one girl shrudded her shoulders, "It will be an honor if you accept them"
"Okay", both of you nodded
Recieving one bracalet form each one of the girls, Jack and you ended with five bracelets in your wrists
"This are so cool", Jack commented looking at the bacelets, "Did you make them yourselves?"
"Yeah, and we already trade some of them with other swifties", one girl answered
"I love this fandom", you smiled
After saying goodbye to the girls, both of you continued to enjoy the enviroment and pointing some of your favorite outfits, and having a fangirl moment when Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban entered the area, greeting the both of you like they knew you for forever
"What the hell is happening?", you asked still in shock
"Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban hug us", Jack responded the same way you were, "This is crazy"
"I guess they were right when they say that anything can happen in the Eras Tour"
In the time while the concert started, more fans aproached your area to keep giving bracelets to all four of you, talk and take photos
When the speakers anounced that the concert was about start, Jack and you were quick to put your phones in your purse to enjoy the concert without distractions
During the whole concert, Jack hugged you from behind with his head on top of yours and his arms circling your waist, while yours were in top of his with your hands intertwined with each other
In general, both of you enjoyed the three hours with fifteen minutes of the concert, but your favorite parts were during "Lover", "You Belong With Me", "Love Story", "Enchanted", "Style" and "Wildest Dreams", when Jack sang the lyrics to the songs in your ear almost leaving you in tears because of how beautiful the moment was
Also leaving both of your hearts and voices singing the rest of the songs (the drama during Taylor and the security man during Bad Blood was something else), and meeting more fans and recevieng bracelets and other gifts
In general, it was a perfect date
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jackchampion, camimendes, isabelamerced and 97, 381 more
yn.ulrich he was sunshine, i was midnight rain
thanks to nicolekidman for telling us how to pose and keithurban for taking the picture
tagged jackchampion
› yn.ulrich yeah, we were in the same vip tent
› jackchampion dude, believe us, we freak out when we saw them
nicolekidman it was so nice to meet you both, you are such a sweathearts
› yn.ulrich i literally almost cried when you hug me, it was awesome to be in the same place as you
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yn.ulrich, misstrinitybliss, masonthegooding and 150, 948 more
jackchampion first concert together
we laugh, we cried, we sang, we left our hearts in there (and our voices)
tagged yn.ulrich
yn.ulrich first of many concerts together babe!!
› jackchampion we need to start planning the next one!!
baileybass how was seeing THAT moment during bad blood?
› jackchampion we were confused at first, but then some fans close to us tell us what was happening
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DAMNN!!!! It makes me sad how Yves probably doesn’t celebrate his birthday because it probably reminds him of how old he has become 😭 But after rereading the birthday ask, I wanna do something for his birthday, like I’d honestly try to throw a little something for him, even if it’s just the two of us. How would he react to that? But then again I doubt he would tell us his birth date and would NEVER tell us the year so celebrating his birthday would probably be next to impossible. But dang I’d feel bad like being with this man a whole year and realizing like Omg I never got Yves anything for his birthday ☹️
Yves may not like to be reminded of his age, but he does love spending time with you. He knew that you would want to do something nice for him on his birthday. In that case, he would drop hints about his very special day.
Valentines Day; would be the day he chose to represent the day he was born. You would perhaps accidentally take a peep at his passport, Identity card or any seemingly valid documents that contained his alleged birthdate.
14th February, and he will be 34 this year.
He loves roses, jewellery, makeup, handbags, heels, heart-shaped novelty gifts and all things romantic. Yves is sure you would find an easier time to obtain them during heartbreak season.
You might be insecure because everything that's at least touching his standards is out of your budget. So you have to rely on creativity.
Of course, nothing is a surprise for Yves. He knows your works in progress, the trips to the photo printing store, the paper basket filled with rejected, crumpled love poem drafts, hours upon hours of perusing through the internet for cute birthday date ideas... your effort in preparing for it was already more than enough to please him.
Yves definitely loves seeing you try for him. To push past your worries and do it anyway, even if you are shaking out of fear from the thought of him being disappointed.
He would subliminally send you a message that it's not material items Yves is after; it's your company. Gifts and romantic gestures are nice bonuses, but not necessary.
But you're so adamant about doing something nice for his special day, and that warms his heart. So he lets you have your fun and healthy stresses on organizing a nice little dinner for him. Although, he will step in if you're pressuring yourself to the point of deterioration.
Comes the day of 'his' birthday, it's 12 in the morning. He's still awake in his office, typing away at his computer. Yves would appreciate it very much if you greeted him with a hug and a kiss, lightly scolding you for staying up so late but thanking you for your attentiveness nonetheless. If you live separately, you can give him a call or a text wishing him a happy birthday, and he will answer or reply immediately without fail. With some nagging that you should have adequate sleep at night. He doesn't hide the delight in his voice or face, though.
If you've been paying attention, the ideal birthday present for him is... you. Yves would very much rather pamper you instead as if it's celebrating yours, cooking up all your favorite meals, bringing you to your favorite places... but alas, it is your turn to spoil him with whatever you have in store.
You spent the last few days practicing how to cook something that you think is 'fancy' and 'expensive'. You emptied your pockets for that week but it was all worth it, you mastered making a dish that you thought Yves would like, you think. A cake you attempted to make from scratch, is obviously not made by a professional, but the love and care are evident.
Assuming you live with him, a perfect window of opportunity presents itself when Yves is suddenly extremely busy with work, so he has to hide himself in the office. You hurried to set up everything, the presents, the dining table, the candles, the food, and the plates. It was such a coincidence, that he's done as soon as you put your final touches on your dishes.
He would appear pleasantly surprised, tilting his head to the side and gracefully concealing the widest smile on his face with his manicured fingers. You can see his eyes glimmering out of joy, which in turn makes you feel proud and giddy as well. For the presentation alone, Yves is already sure to reward you handsomely.
You pulled the chair out for him, and he thanked you as Yves elegantly took a seat.
You sat down opposite of him, face and neck already covered in lipstick prints before even picking up the sleek champagne bottle. He found it adorable, you can barely afford the lower-end ones, yet you still try. He was monitoring your spending behavior and noticed that you're saving excessively for something, he is happy to know that you used it to get something luxurious for him.
His gaze never left yours as he clinked glasses with you.
Yves made sure to praise you for all your hard work, and he is exceptionally giggly today. Not because he thinks your efforts are funny, but because it's quite difficult to contain his admiration and fondness for you. And it is also because of the sight of you being decorated in his lipstick. He genuinely thinks your cooking is delicious, perhaps a tad bit too oily, salty, sweet, or burnt for his taste, or he simply didn't like that particular food. You wouldn't know, because it seems like Yves ate something that was meant for the gods. It was exquisite because it was made by you with loving intent.
Perhaps you're shy, a bit skittish, and blushing. You somehow thought writing romantic poems and reading them out loud for him to hear would be something he would be keen on. And you were absolutely correct. You could cringe at your own voice and work as much as you want, but Yves is cherishing it deeply.
He knows you would stutter when he sensually caressed you on your thigh, he did it anyway to see such a cute reaction from you. Yves would hold onto every word, listening intently and staring at you with such devotion.
Please don't take his peals of laughter at the end as mockery, it was purely out of glee and love for you, the ticklish feeling in his chest needed to escape somehow. Yves would pull you in a tight, but comforting hug, showering you with so much praise and affection, that you would think you're the world's greatest poet.
He would sit on his chair, crossing his legs, and adoringly watched you scramble to show him all your gifts. Predictably, they're all Valentine's Day-themed, rouge and hearts all around, his favorite.
You truly knew how to make him feel like a queen. Bouquets of fragrant roses, chocolates, even handmade crafts that you slaved over for him... they're all priceless and worth much more than anything in the world. He was slow and careful in unwrapping them, Yves everything, down to the strip of tape you used to keep the wrapping paper together, as intact as possible as they're going to be preserved in his compendium.
You gifted him an expensive lipstick in a shade that he would like. Such a wonderfully attentive partner you are, how could you have possibly known that he loves all things lip pigments? He must simply try it, so he did on the spot, using you as his little canvas.
Oh, he loves that hue on you. Yves made sure to test it out a couple more times, on your forehead, cheek, and lips. Yves would twist it back into its container, cap it, and keep it away before finally permitting you to leave his lap.
There's more, you scampered off into the kitchen. Leaving him alone to deal with his high for a while.
You emerged again with a crooked cake. The piping is uneven, it says "Hapy BDay Yves!!!" in crude frosting- you didn't think the spacing through, and hence it was horribly off-centered, and a singular, lit candle is stuck in the eye of the cake. It was perfection.
You watched him quizzingly as his emerald eyes began tearing up, droplets rolling down his cheek as he smiled wide. He daintily patted the tears away with his trembling fingertips, Yves was speechless and incapacitated by his extreme urge to squeeze you, his cuteness and aggression reaching debilitating levels.
He had to expel all that extra energy somehow, so he resorted to crying out of joy. Yves knew what you were about to do, he knew all that was going to happen, but he could never account for the overwhelm he would feel when you do something special like this. It's embarrassing to Yves, but he pushed that feeling aside and thought about how grateful he is to have you instead.
It would take him a couple minutes to compose himself, a handful of deep breaths before he is confident that he wouldn't bite you like a rabid dog.
You invited him to make a wish, and he did so silently, clasping his hands together and closing his eyes. Yves was so earnest and fervent that you would think he was saying a sincere prayer. Whatever he wished for, you notice there is that desperation in him for it to come true.
He cuts it with you, your back pressing against his front as he holds both your hands in his. Guiding the blade through the baked goods.
He asked if you and he could share a slice, and Yves would spoon-feed you and himself using the same utensils. It's much more intimate and romantic that way. And, maybe it would invoke some nostalgia too.
Yves is saving the best parts for you, be it the cherries, chocolate barks, sprinkles, strawberries... it's yours.
You wonder if he is having a fever because the hand that is holding your chin is unusually warm and his face is pink. He watched you with half-lidded eyes which you mistook as sleepiness and not lovesickness.
You beguiled him enough to earn yourself a night of heavenly sex. It's definitely not your first time, so you knew how fucking difficult it is to convince Yves to do that with you. And you knew how damn good he is in the bedroom.
Naturally, you're shaking in excitement as Yves gives you a nod as he sensually caresses you under your chin. Opportunities like this are rare, of course, you're frothing at the mouth thinking about what awaits you later.
He told you to unwind in the bedroom first while he cleans up. Yves didn't have to say a word more before you took off running.
Yves laughed to himself as he gathered the empty dishes, thinking about the vase he would be putting the fresh roses in.
This may not be everyone's ideal way of spending their birthday; ending the day by doing chores. But that's the way Yves likes it and he wouldn't change his mind for the world, he's stubborn in his ways and loves predictability. Taking care of you is his greatest joy in life. Which isn't all that surprising, Yves is a Taurus, after all.
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mascrapping · 1 year
2022: Oklahoma State Capitol 1
In February of 2022 I represented my university at Higher Education Day at the Oklahoma State Capitol. This is the first of two spreads commemorating that day. I chose brown themes for this spread based on the colors of the grass at the time, the color of the wall in the right-side picture, and the colors in the Seal of the State of Oklahoma. I used Cricut Design Space and my Cricut machine to…
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blog-of-gourd · 6 months
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well, here we are. finally finished the refs for these guys. no idea why i wanted to do that in the first place
text from the images is under the cut
Gordon Vindår
20 years old, he/him, 166cm tall, mountain bike enthusiast, star circle [crossed out], no connection [hand-written], trail and endurance rider, raised bilingual (jorvegian/french), brown eyes, irises catch light (new), lives with his family in Jorvik City, right-handed
likes cartography, hates raisins, sensitive to light, studying forest ecology, takes 1st aid classes, goes with the flow but stresses about it, staying in Cape West to shred the mountain trails
listens to: shoegaze, emotions: repressed, relationshup with horses: strained
Gordon's horse, 6 years old, he/him, gelding, no circle connection, 160cm/15.7 hands tall, some kind of sport horse?, likes raising, dates, and gingerbread
has horse amnesia, doesn't like people, hates saddles, hates bridles, hates bits, HATES Eiríkr, likes Gordon
[text pointing to a silhouette of Gordon] Gordon for scale
Eiríkr Haraldurson
right handed, apprentice farrier, he/him, 27 years old, 187cm tall, ex-druid & ex-keeper, moon circle, missing for three months, combined driving driver, recently moved out of Valedale
[text poiting to an image of his face] complete heterochromia, passport photo
crashing at Helgi's, admires Helgi for their determined attitude, does NOT get along with Rocky, raised bilingual (icelandic/jorvegian), rides/drives a hafliner mare, used to go out with Helgi
Helgi Dalsgaard
they/them, 25 years old, 158cm tall, ship mechanic, lightning circle, left-handed, lives in Cape West Village, drowned and was resuscitated as a child, bilingual (faroese/jorvegian)
guitarist in a noise-rock band, dating the band's drummer, can also play the bass, rides a chincoteague pony, has creative ideas on how to handle environmental pollution, they're the social glue that holds their friend group together, can't stop won't stop psycho-analyzing others
[hand-written text poiting to a picture of their face] no makeup, no piercings
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