#creating cron jobs in linux
qcs01 · 4 months
Automation and Scripting in Enterprise Linux: Ansible, Bash, and Python
Automation and scripting are crucial in managing enterprise Linux environments efficiently. They help in streamlining administrative tasks, reducing errors, and saving time. In this post, we will explore three powerful tools for automation and scripting in enterprise Linux: Ansible, Bash, and Python.
1. Ansible: Simplifying Configuration Management
Overview: Ansible is an open-source automation tool used for configuration management, application deployment, and task automation. It uses a simple, human-readable language called YAML for its playbooks, making it easy to write and understand.
Key Features:
Agentless: No need to install any software on target machines.
Idempotent: Ensures that operations are repeatable and produce the same result every time.
Extensible: Supports a wide range of modules for different tasks.
Example Use Case: Deploying a Web Server
- name: Install and configure Apache web server
  hosts: webservers
  become: yes
    - name: Install Apache
        name: httpd
        state: present
    - name: Start and enable Apache service
        name: httpd
        state: started
        enabled: yes
    - name: Deploy index.html
        src: /path/to/local/index.html
        dest: /var/www/html/index.html
Easy to set up and use.
Scales efficiently across multiple systems.
Reduces the complexity of managing large infrastructures.
2. Bash: The Power of Shell Scripting
Overview: Bash is the default shell in many Linux distributions and is widely used for scripting and automation tasks. Bash scripts can automate routine tasks, perform system monitoring, and manage system configurations.
Key Features:
Ubiquitous: Available on virtually all Linux systems.
Flexible: Can combine various command-line utilities.
Interactive: Useful for both command-line operations and scripting.
Example Use Case: Automated Backup Script
TIMESTAMP=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)
# Create a backup
# Print the result
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "Backup successful: $BACKUP_NAME"
  echo "Backup failed"
Directly interacts with the system and its utilities.
Excellent for quick and simple tasks.
Easily integrates with cron jobs for scheduled tasks.
3. Python: Advanced Scripting and Automation
Overview: Python is a powerful, high-level programming language known for its readability and versatility. It is extensively used in system administration, automation, web development, and data analysis.
Key Features:
Extensive Libraries: Rich ecosystem of modules and packages.
Readability: Clean and easy-to-understand syntax.
Cross-Platform: Works on various operating systems.
Example Use Case: Monitoring Disk Usage
import shutil
def check_disk_usage(disk):
    total, used, free = shutil.disk_usage(disk)
    print(f"Disk usage on {disk}:")
    print(f"  Total: {total // (2**30)} GB")
    print(f"  Used: {used // (2**30)} GB")
    print(f"  Free: {free // (2**30)} GB")
    if free / total < 0.2:
        print("Warning: Less than 20% free space remaining!")
        print("Sufficient free space available.")
Great for complex automation tasks and scripts.
Strong support for integrating with various APIs and web services.
Ideal for data manipulation and processing tasks.
Each of these tools—Ansible, Bash, and Python—offers unique strengths and is suited to different types of tasks in an enterprise Linux environment. Ansible excels in configuration management and large-scale automation, Bash is perfect for quick and simple scripting tasks, and Python shines in complex automation, data processing, and integration tasks.
By leveraging these tools, organizations can achieve greater efficiency, consistency, and reliability in their IT operations. Whether you are deploying applications, managing configurations, or automating routine tasks, mastering these tools will significantly enhance your capabilities as a Linux system administrator.
For more details click www.qcsdclabs.com
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topseo99 · 4 months
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You write a script to automate sending daily email reports using Python. We'll use the smtplib library to send emails and the email.mime modules to create the email content. Here's a step-by-step guide:
Step 1: Install Required Libraries
First, ensure you have the necessary libraries installed. You can install them using pip if they are not already installed.pip install smtplib pip install email
Step 2: Set Up Email Credentials
You need to have the credentials for your email account (e.g., Gmail). For security reasons, it's better to store these in environment variables or a configuration file.
Step 3: Create the Python Script
Here's a sample script that sends an email report daily:import smtplib from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText import os # Function to send email def send_email(subject, body, to_email): # Email credentials email_address = os.environ.get('EMAIL_USER') email_password = os.environ.get('EMAIL_PASS') # Create the email msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['From'] = email_address msg['To'] = to_email msg['Subject'] = subject # Attach the body with the msg instance msg.attach(MIMEText(body, 'plain')) # Create server object with SSL option server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('smtp.gmail.com', 465) server.login(email_address, email_password) # Send the email server.send_message(msg) server.quit() print("Email sent successfully") # Function to generate the report def generate_report(): # Implement your report generation logic here report = "This is a sample report." return report # Main function to send daily email report def main(): report = generate_report() subject = "Daily Report" body = report to_email = "[email protected]" # Change to the recipient's email address send_email(subject, body, to_email) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Step 4: Setting Up Environment Variables
To keep your email credentials secure, set them as environment variables. You can do this in your operating system or by using a .env file with the dotenv package.
Using Environment Variables Directly
Set your environment variables:
On Windows:
setx EMAIL_USER "[email protected]" setx EMAIL_PASS "your_password"
On macOS/Linux:
export EMAIL_USER="[email protected]" export EMAIL_PASS="your_password"
Using a .env File
Create a .env file with the following content:[email protected] EMAIL_PASS=your_password
Then, update the script to load these variables:from dotenv import load_dotenv # Load environment variables from .env file load_dotenv()
Install the python-dotenv package if you use the .env file method:pip install python-dotenv
Step 5: Automating the Script Execution
To run the script daily, you can use a scheduler.
On Windows
Use Task Scheduler to run the script daily.
Open Task Scheduler.
Create a new task.
Set the trigger to daily at your desired time.
Set the action to start a program and browse to the Python executable, then add the script path as an argument.
On macOS/Linux
Use cron to schedule the script.
Open the terminal.
Type crontab -e to edit the cron jobs.
Add a new line for the daily schedule (e.g., to run at 7 AM every day):
0 7 * * * /usr/bin/python3 /path/to/your_script.py
Install required libraries using pip.
Set up email credentials securely using environment variables or a .env file.
Write the Python script to generate the report and send the email.
Automate the script execution using Task Scheduler (Windows) or cron (macOS/Linux).
This setup will ensure your script runs daily and sends the email report automatically. If you have any specific requirements or encounter issues, feel free to ask!
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cyber-techs · 5 months
What Are the Steps to Backup an SQL Database?
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Backing up an SQL database is a preventative measure to safeguard your data. It involves creating a copy of the database that can be restored in the event of data loss. This process can vary slightly depending on the specific SQL database management system (DBMS) you are using, such as MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, or Oracle.
Steps to Backup an SQL Database
1. Determine the Type of Backup Required
Full Backup: Copies all data in the database. This is the most comprehensive backup type, providing a complete snapshot of the database at the point in time when the backup was taken.
Differential Backup: Records only the changes made since the last full backup. This type is quicker and requires less storage than a full backup, but restoration is faster when combined with the last full backup.
Transaction Log Backup: Captures all the transactions that have occurred since the last log backup. Used primarily in systems where it is crucial to recover all transactions, such as in financial systems.
2. Choose a Backup Tool or Method
Native Database Tools: Most DBMS like MySQL, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL provide native backup tools. Examples include mysqldump for MySQL, pg_dump for PostgreSQL, and SQL Server Management Studio for SQL Server.
Third-party Backup Solutions: These can offer more features than native tools, such as incremental backups, compression, and encryption.
Automated Backup Scripts: Custom scripts can automate the backup process using cron jobs in Linux or Task Scheduler in Windows.
3. Perform the Backup
Using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS):
Connect to your SQL Server instance.
Right-click the database you want to backup.
Select “Tasks” > “Back Up”.
Choose the type of backup, specify the destination, and configure any options.
Click “OK” to start the backup process.
Using Command-Line Tools (e.g., mysqldump):
Run the tool with necessary parameters to specify the database, type of backup, and file location.
4. Verify the Backup
Ensure the backup file is not corrupted and is readable.
Consider restoring the backup on a test server to verify its integrity and the correctness of the backup process.
5. Schedule Regular Backups
Use the database or operating system’s scheduling tools to automate backup tasks.
Determine an appropriate frequency for backups based on the database’s update frequency and criticality.
6. Store Backups Securely
Store backup files in a secure location offsite or in the cloud to protect against physical damage or theft.
Consider using encryption to secure backup files, especially if they are stored offsite or in the cloud.
Regularly backing up your SQL database is a vital part of database management that protects against data loss. By following these steps and choosing the right tools and methods for your environment, you can ensure that your data remains safe and recoverable in any situation.
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ryadel · 7 months
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tech-developer · 11 months
What is cPanel and How to Use it - A Complete Guide
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What is cPanel?
cPanel is a Linux-based web hosting control panel that provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for managing your website and server. It is one of the most popular control panels in the world, and is used by millions of people to manage their websites
c, short for control panel, is a web-based graphical interface designed to simplify the management and administration of websites and server functions.
It is widely used by website owners, web hosting providers, and system administrators to easily manage various aspects of their websites and servers.
cPanel allows users to perform a variety of tasks, including:
Managing files and folders
Creating and managing email accounts
Installing and managing applications such as WordPress and Drupal
Configuring security settings
Managing DNS settings
Creating and managing backups
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Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use cPanel:
Access cPanel:
To use cPanel, you first need to access it. Usually, you can access cPanel by typing "yourdomain.com/cpanel" into your web browser. Alternatively, you can ask your web hosting provider for the login URL and credentials.
2. Enter your credentials:
Once you access the cPanel login page, enter your username and password provided by your hosting provider.
3. Navigate the cPanel interface:
After logging in, you will be redirected to the cPanel control panel. The interface is divided into different sections, including Files, Databases, Domains, Email, Metrics, Security, Software, and Advanced. Each section provides a range of tools and options.
4. Manage files:
In the "Files" section, you can upload, modify, and manage your website's files and folders. You can also use the File Manager tool to perform tasks like creating new directories, uploading files, editing code files, and managing permissions.
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5. Configure domains:
Under the "Domains" section, you can manage domain-related settings. You can add new domain names, redirect domains, create subdomains, manage DNS records, and set up domain aliases.
6. Set up email accounts:
In the "Email" section, you can create and manage email accounts associated with your domain. You can add email accounts, set up forwarders, configure autoresponders, manage spam filters, and access webmail.
7. Configure databases:
For managing databases, you can use the "Databases" section. Here, you can create new databases, manage existing ones, set up database users, and use tools like phpMyAdmin for database administration.
8. Install software and scripts:
The "Software" section offers tools to install various applications and scripts. You can use the Softaculous Apps Installer to quickly install popular CMS platforms like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal. This section also includes options to update software versions, perform backups, and manage SSL certificates.
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9. Monitor website metrics:
Under the "Metrics" section, you can monitor your website's performance by accessing statistics like visitors, bandwidth usage, error logs, and resource usage. This helps you analyze your website's traffic and make informed decisions regarding optimization.
10. Configure security settings:
The "Security" section includes tools to enhance the security of your website. You can manage SSL certificates, set up password-protected directories, enable hotlink protection, and manage IP blocklists.
11. Advanced features:
The "Advanced" section provides additional features for experienced users and developers. Here, you can access tools like Cron jobs for scheduling tasks, manage PHP settings, access server logs, or customize error pages.
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Some common tasks that you can perform using cPanel:
Create an email account: 
Click on the "Email Accounts" icon and then click on the "Create" button. Enter the desired email address and password, and then click on the "Create Account" button.
Install WordPress: 
Click on the "Softaculous Apps Installer" icon and then search for "WordPress". Click on the "Install" button and follow the on-screen instructions.
Manage your files: 
Click on the "File Manager" icon. You can then browse through your files and folders, and upload, download, or delete files as needed.
Create a database: 
Click on the "MySQL Databases" icon and then click on the "Create Database" button. Enter the desired database name and username, and then click on the "Create Database" button.
In summary, cPanel is a comprehensive and user-friendly control panel that provides a range of tools and features to effectively manage your website and server.
Its intuitive interface makes it easy to perform various tasks, from managing files and databases to configuring email accounts and monitoring website performance.
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ishitablogs · 11 months
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The training program covers all basics to advance level concepts with live AWS projects and Interview preparation.
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Linux Installation, Package Selection Anatomy of a Kickstart File, Command line Bash Commands Shell System Initialization, Starting the Boot Process: GRUB commands Boot Manager and Package Management:
How to Configure services to run at boot-up Single-user mode (SU login) Shutting down and rebooting the system RPM Package Manager, Installing and Removing Software, Updating a Kernel RPM Yum Command set, Install packages by using yum Apt-get commands set, Apt-cache package management Creating and Managing User Groups
Understanding different types of groups and creation of groups Creation of users in different groups Password aging Passwd, Shadow Files Understanding user’s security files The different commands for Monitoring the users System and Files Troubleshoot Setting up Server automation like Cron Jobs Run levels:
Different types of run-levels Understanding different types of shutdown commands Understanding run control scripts Understanding the different types
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aravikumar48 · 1 year
Viral Linux Interview Questions and Answers | Tech Arkit
* What is SSH-tunnel ? * How to set history size ? * How to extend VG ? * What are logical & extended partitions ? * Explain the steps to reset root password at boot time ?* What are run-levels ? How many types of run levels are there ? * How we change the run level ? * How to check the logs ? * Difference between Journalctl & tail command ? * What does the subscription -manager do ? * How to archive a file ? * What is umask ? * How to kill a process ? * How to assign IP address manually ? * How to assign static IP address to a system ? * Explain the different type s of Linux process states ? * What is a Zombie process ? * What is KVM ? * What is hypervisor ? * Difference between MBR & GPT ? * How you can mount a file system permanently ? * What is cron ? How to setup a cron job ? * What is Kickstart ? * How to create a network bridge in Linux ? * Difference between iptables & firewalld * What is SElinux ? * What is ISCSI & targetcli ? * Difference between NFS & SAMBA ? * What is nfsnobody ? * What is SSHFS ? * What is Kerberos ? * How to secure NFS with Kerberos ? * What is the difference between telnet & SSH ? * What is DHCP ? * What is Kickstart file ? * What is NTP Server ? How to configure NTP ?
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pulipuli · 1 year
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總不會全天下只有我不能在Docker容器裡面執行crontab吧?。 ---- # cron不能運作 / cron is not working。 https://forums.docker.com/t/cron-does-not-run-in-a-php-docker-container/103897。 根據大部分網路上說法,如果要在Docker容器裡面用cron做排程,主要是在Dockerfile裡面寫入以下指令:。 [Code...] 而crontab的寫法可以參考下的寫法: [Code...] 然而,我在Debian bullseye版本裡,這個方法並不能正常運作。 我有確認cron的確有載入我的設定,但cron就是不能在我設定的時間內正常運作。 https://pypi.org/project/python-crontab/。 如果系統上的cron無法正常運作,那我能不能用其他程式語言來做排程呢?。 我嘗試了Python的python-crontab。 它有種寫法可以在Windows環境運作,這可能表示它不需要仰賴Linux的cron,所以比較可能可以成功?但結果也是不行。 https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-cron。 我之前試過Node.js的Node Cron套件,它的確能照我所想的運作。 不過只是為了跑個排程,還要額外安裝Node.js,好像有點太過複雜了。 有沒有更簡單的方法呢?。 有,而且還是基本程式設計就會學到的做法:等待與無限迴圈。 ---- # 用Bash實作的排程腳本 / Create a scheduled job with Bash。 要完成這個任務,我們有兩階段設定需要進行。 ## 腳本 / Script 第一個階段是是建立我們的排程腳本cron.sh。 請將以下程式碼儲存到/cron.sh中,記得開啟執行權限(chmod +x cron.sh),程式碼內容如下:。 [Code...] cron.sh的原理很簡單,首先用while執行無限迴圈。 迴圈開頭會先用sleep等待30秒。 30秒之後再輸出現在的時間(echo `date`)到/tmp/date.txt檔案中。 儘管認真的話也可以寫的像是crontab那樣,每分鐘都檢查一次分鐘、小時、天、月、週,但大多時候我只是要一段時間後執行某個腳本而已。 ---- 繼續閱讀 ⇨ 在Docker中定期執行指令 / Run a Scheduled Job Inside a Docker Container https://blog.pulipuli.info/2023/04/blog-post_360.html
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MongoDB backup to S3 on Kubernetes- Alt Digital Technologies
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Kubernetes CronJob makes it very easy to run Jobs on a time-based schedule. These automated jobs run like Cron tasks on a Linux or UNIX system.
In this post, we’ll make use of Kubernetes CronJob to schedule a recurring backup of the MongoDB database and upload the backup archive to AWS S3.
There are several ways of achieving this, but then again, I had to stick to one using Kubernetes since I already have a Kubernetes cluster running.
Docker installed on your machine
Container repository (Docker Hub, Google Container Registry, etc) – I’ve used docker hub
Kubernetes cluster running
Steps to achieve this:
MongoDB installed on the server and running or MongoDB Atlas – I’ve used Atlas
AWS CLI installed in a docker container
A bash script will be run on the server to backup the database
AWS S3 Bucket configured
Build and deploy on Kubernetes
MongoDB Setup:
You can set up a mongo database on your server or use a MongoDB Atlas cluster instead. The Atlas cluster is a great way to set up a mongo database and is free for M0 clusters. You can also use a mongo database on your server or on a Kubernetes cluster.
After creating your MongoDB instance, we will need the Connection String. Please keep it safe somewhere, we will need it later. Choosing a connection string may confuse which one to pick. So we need to select the MongoDB Compass one that looks in the below format. Read more!!
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computingpostcom · 2 years
Ansible AWX is a free and open source An... https://www.computingpost.com/how-to-install-ansible-awx-on-debian-11-10-linux/?feed_id=16514&_unique_id=63564268bde5e
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qcs01 · 4 months
Real-World Applications of RHCSA and RHCE Skills
The Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) and Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) certifications are highly regarded in the IT industry. These certifications validate an individual's skills in managing and automating Red Hat Enterprise Linux environments. However, the value of these certifications extends beyond just passing exams; the skills acquired are directly applicable to various real-world scenarios in the IT domain. Let's explore some of the practical applications of RHCSA and RHCE skills.
1. Server Management and Maintenance
User and Group Management: Creating, modifying, and managing user accounts and groups. This is crucial for maintaining security and organization within a server environment.
File Permissions and ACLs: Setting appropriate permissions and access control lists to protect sensitive data and ensure users have the necessary access to perform their jobs.
Service Management: Starting, stopping, enabling, and disabling services using systemctl. This is essential for maintaining the uptime and performance of services.
Advanced System Monitoring: Using tools like top, htop, vmstat, and iotop to monitor system performance and diagnose issues.
Network Management: Configuring and troubleshooting network interfaces, firewalls, and SELinux settings to secure and optimize network communications.
2. Automating System Administration Tasks
Shell Scripting: Writing basic scripts to automate repetitive tasks, such as backups, user creation, and log rotation.
Cron Jobs: Scheduling routine tasks to run automatically at specified times, ensuring consistent system maintenance without manual intervention.
Ansible Automation: Utilizing Ansible for configuration management and automation. Creating playbooks to automate complex multi-tier deployments and configurations.
Automating Deployments: Streamlining the process of deploying applications and services using automated scripts and configuration management tools.
3. System Security and Compliance
Security Enhancements: Implementing basic security measures such as configuring firewalls with firewalld, and managing SELinux to enforce security policies.
Auditing and Logging: Setting up and maintaining system logs to monitor and audit system activities for compliance and troubleshooting purposes.
Advanced Security Configurations: Applying more sophisticated security measures such as configuring advanced SELinux policies, managing TLS/SSL certificates for secure communications, and implementing secure SSH practices.
System Auditing and Reporting: Using tools like auditd to create detailed security audits and reports, ensuring systems comply with security policies and standards.
4. Troubleshooting and Problem Solving
Basic Troubleshooting: Using commands like journalctl, dmesg, and systemctl to diagnose and resolve common issues related to system performance, boot processes, and service failures.
Disk Management: Managing storage with LVM (Logical Volume Management) and understanding disk usage with tools like df and du.
Advanced Troubleshooting: Diagnosing complex issues involving network services, storage systems, and application performance. Using advanced tools and techniques to pinpoint and resolve problems.
System Recovery: Implementing disaster recovery plans, including restoring from backups, repairing boot issues, and recovering corrupted file systems.
5. Managing Enterprise Environments
Package Management: Installing, updating, and managing software packages using yum or dnf, ensuring that systems have the necessary software and updates.
Network Configuration: Setting up and managing basic network configurations, including IP addresses, DNS settings, and hostname configurations.
Centralized Authentication: Setting up and managing centralized authentication services such as LDAP, Kerberos, and integrating with Active Directory.
Clustering and High Availability: Configuring and managing Red Hat High Availability Clustering to ensure critical services are always available.
6. DevOps and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
Version Control Systems: Basic knowledge of version control systems like Git, which is fundamental for managing code and configuration files.
Containerization: Introduction to containerization concepts using tools like Docker.
CI/CD Pipelines: Setting up and managing CI/CD pipelines using tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI, or Red Hat OpenShift, enabling automated testing, integration, and deployment of applications.
Advanced Container Management: Managing and orchestrating containers using Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift, ensuring scalable and reliable deployment of containerized applications.
The skills acquired through RHCSA and RHCE certifications are not just theoretical but have direct, practical applications in the real world. Whether it's managing and securing servers, automating administrative tasks, or setting up robust enterprise environments, these certifications equip IT professionals with the knowledge and tools necessary to excel in their careers. By applying these skills, professionals can ensure efficient, secure, and high-performing IT operations, ultimately driving organizational success.
For more details click www.qcsdclabs.com
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greyspaint · 2 years
Setting up cmake linux
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#Setting up cmake linux how to
#Setting up cmake linux install
#Setting up cmake linux update
Some other relevant security options you may want to consider are PermitRootLogin, PasswordAuthentication, and PermitEmptyPasswords. You can configure ssh to use other ciphers, host key algorithms, and so on. The ecdh-* key exchange algorithms are FIPS compliant, but Visual Studio doesn't support them. The aes*-ctr algorithms are also FIPS compliant, but the implementation in Visual Studio isn't approved. Ssh-rsa is the only FIPS compliant host key algorithm VS supports. KexAlgorithms diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 Edit (or add, if they don't exist) the following lines: Ciphers aes256-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes128-cbc,3des-cbc If you'd like the ssh server to start automatically when the system boots, enable it using systemctl: sudo systemctl enable ssh
#Setting up cmake linux install
On the Linux system, install and start the OpenSSH server: sudo apt install openssh-server To set up the SSH server on the remote system However, the instructions should be the same for any distro using a moderately recent version of OpenSSH. The examples in this article use Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with OpenSSH server version 7.6. For FIPS-140-2 compliance, Visual Studio only supports RSA keys. Some preparation is required to use a FIPS-compliant, cryptographically secure ssh connection between Visual Studio and your remote Linux system. This article is the FIPS-compliant version of the connection instructions in Connect to your remote Linux computer. This guide is applicable when you build CMake or MSBuild Linux projects in Visual Studio.
#Setting up cmake linux how to
Here's how to set up a secure, FIPS-compliant connection between Visual Studio and your remote Linux system. In Visual Studio 2019 version 16.5 and later, you can use a secure, FIPS-compliant cryptographic connection to your Linux system for remote development. Windows has validated support for FIPS-compliant cryptographic modules. Implementations of the standard are validated by NIST. government standard for cryptographic modules.
#Setting up cmake linux update
If you are starting the runner again or to update the runner, always pull the runner manually before using the following command to ensure you are always running the most up-to-date runner.Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 140-2 is a U.S. If this is the first time running the runner, it will pull the image. Use the pre-configured Docker command provided in Run step on the Runner installation dialog to run the runner. Use the crontab -e command to open your user account’s crontab file.Īppend the following entry 0 0 * * 0 docker system prune -afįor more details, refer to the crontab documentation.įor Workspace runners, visit Workspace settings > Workspace runners.įor Repository runners, visit Repository settings > Runners.įrom the Runner installation dialog, under System and architecture, select Linux Docker (x86_64). The schedule depends on the size of images you use, disk space available, and how often you run builds on a runner.įor example, do the following to clean up images once a week on Sunday at midnight: You can create a cron job using the command docker system prune -af to remove all unused images. We recommend setting up a process to automatically remove docker images to avoid running out of disk space. If there is an output other than 1, repeat Step 2 and ensure that /etc/nf is configured correctly.
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worldtonki · 2 years
Cron job schedule creator
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#Cron job schedule creator how to
#Cron job schedule creator generator
#Cron job schedule creator how to
How to Run PHP Script as Normal User with Cron.Cron Vs Anacron: How to Schedule Jobs Using Anacron on Linux.11 Cron Job Scheduling Examples in Linux.You might also like to read these following related articles on Cron scheduler utility. Importantly, you can optionally use basic HTTP authentication for a small layer of security. You can create a cron job by specifying a “ URL to call”, set when it should be executed, specify a cron expression or add it manually from a descriptive form. EasycronĮasycron is a great web based cron scheduler for cron editor. In case your cron job fails or doesn’t even start, you will receive an alert email. All you need to do is copy a command snippet provided and append at the end of the crontab definition. In addition, it provides a useful means of monitoring your cronjob. Crontab GuruĬrontab Guru is a simple online cron schedule expression editor. All you need to do is copy and paste your cron syntax in the cron definition field, then choose the number of iterations and click on “ Test” to see the various dates on which it will run. CRON TesterĬRON Tester is a useful cron tester that allows you to test your cron time definitions. It works well (fully optimized) on mobile devices (you can generate cron syntax on your smart phone or tablet PC’s web browser). Crontab GUIĬrontab GUI is a great and the original online crontab editor. It also enables you to view next scheduled dates (simply enter a cronjob expression and calculate the next dates). Cron MakerĬron Maker is a web based utility which helps you to build cron expressions it employs the Quartz open source library and all expressions are based on Quartz cron format.
#Cron job schedule creator generator
It offers a simple, descriptive generator that can help you to produce a crontab syntax that you can copy and paste to your crontab file. Crontab GeneratorĬrontab Generator is a useful online utility for generating a crontab entry to help schedule a job. In this article, we will list 6 useful online (web based) utilities for creating and testing cronjob scheduling syntax in Linux. Scheduling a cronjob with the correct syntax can be confusing sometimes, wrong expressions can cause cronjobs to fail or not even run at all. Read Also: How to Create and Manage Cron Jobs in Linux Terminal In Linux, cron runs as a daemon and can be used to schedule tasks such as commands or shell scripts to perform various kinds of backups, system updates and much more, that run periodically and automatically in the background at specific times, dates, or intervals. As a Linux system administrator, you can perform time-based scheduling of jobs/tasks using online cron job services or Cron, a powerful utility available in Unix/Linux systems.
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aytrust · 2 years
The command to encrypt xfile is
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The encrypted document can only be decrypted by someone with a private key that complements one of the recipients’ public keys. The syntax is simple gpg -output outFileName.gpg -encrypt -recipient inputFileName.txt Encrypting and decrypting file using the public keys on Linux and Unox Gpg -d your_ | tar xz A note about keeping the password in a separate file for backups or cron jobs Optionally, you can delete the /path/to/dir/ as it is fully encrypted and backed up to the your_. The syntax is as follows to make encrypted archives with tar and gpg for whole directory: How to create compressed encrypted archives with tar and gpg for given directory or folder asc, it is a ASCII encrypted file and if file extension is. $ gpg -d -output Īlso note that if file extension is. Sample outputs: gpg ĭecrypt file and write output to file you can run command: To decrypt file use the gpg command as follow: Decrypt a file in Linux or Unix-like system Please note that if you ever forgot your password (passphrase), you cannot recover the data as it use very strong encryption. The default symmetric cipher used is AES128, but may be chosen with the -cipher-algo option. -c : Encrypt with a symmetric cipher using a passphrase.Sample outputs: -rw-rw-r- 1 vivek vivek 23 Jan 13 15:01 To encrypt a single file, use command gpg as follows: Please note that you can use either gpg or gpg2 command.
# pkg install gnupg OpenBSD install gnupg # cd /usr/ports/security/gnupg/ & make install clean $ sudo zypper install gpg2 FreeBSD install gnupg command $ sudo pacman -S gnupg SUSE/OpenSUSE Linux install gnupg $ sudo dnf install gnupg Arch Linux install gnupg $ sudo yum install gnupg Fedora Linux install gnupg $ sudo apt-get install gnupg Installing gnupg in Red hat (RHEL)/CentOS Linux Type the following apt-get command or apt command: Install gnupg in Debian/Ubuntu/Mint Linux It includes an advanced key management facility. It can be used to encrypt data and to create digital signatures. The GnuPG stands for GNU Privacy Guard and is GNU’s tool for secure communication and data storage.
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hiphopmains · 2 years
Grsync chron
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#Grsync chron install#
#Grsync chron software#
#Grsync chron software#
Z-Cron 6.0 is available to all software users as a freeload for Windows. This download is licensed as freeware for the Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) operating system on a laptop or desktop PC from scheduling software without restrictions. Z-Cron (Crontab for Windows) 6.0 on 32-bit and 64-bit PCs Grsync is a bit outdated but still supports.
#Grsync chron install#
We don’t have to install Gnome libraries on Windows in order to use GRsync. Grsync makes use of the GTK libraries and is released under the GPL license. It mainly used for sync and backup files. The scheduling tool allows you to set the time and day for a task to be executed once the tasks are setup, they appear in the main user interface which can be accessed from the system tray.Īll in all, Z-Cron is a simple and free task scheduling application that takes its name from the Linux program which does the same thing. It comes with a simple interface and yet easy to use. The design of this scheduling software is straightforward and features a few different types of built-in tasks that can be easily created. If you regularly perform backups without automation, this task scheduler might just be the tool you need to save time and stress. This tool is fast and efficient, copying only the changes from the source and offering customization options. Rsync is used for mirroring, performing backups, or migrating data to other servers. Z-Cron contains a lot of built in functions and can show you message logs, shut down the computer, perform system maintenance and more. Rsync, or Remote Sync, is a free command-line tool that lets you transfer files and directories to local and remote destinations. Edit the current user's cron jobs using command crontab -e. Does not create an unwieldy metadata directory you can delete files directly. You can use cron scheduler to schedule file transfering at a particular time on a particular day. Can delete extraneous files on the destination. Works great for local backup (different drives/directories on 1 computer), as well as remote backup. It is basically a tool for people who want to add some automation and can monitor computer systems either on or off the network. Checkboxes for common/uncommon rsync options text boxes for custom command-line tweaks. To do this, use the max-size option: rsync -av -max-size10k original/ duplicate/. Using Rsync, you can also specify the file size that can be synced. It can create scheduled tasks on Windows and execute them when the time comes. The example below will include files beginning with the letter L and exclude all the other files: rsync -av -includeL -exclude original/ duplicate/. Z-Cron is a crontab-like scheduler for Windows.
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trustmexico · 2 years
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Sends traffic on typical HTTP outbound port, but without HTTP headerįound malicious artifacts related to "". HTTP request contains Base64 encoded artifactsĪdversaries may communicate using a custom command and control protocol instead of encapsulating commands/data in an existing Standard Application Layer Protocol.Ĭontains indicators of bot communication commandsĪdversaries may communicate over a commonly used port to bypass firewalls or network detection systems and to blend with normal network activity to avoid more detailed inspection.
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Loadable Kernel Modules (or LKMs) are pieces of code that can be loaded and unloaded into the kernel upon demand.Īdversaries may interact with the Windows Registry to hide configuration information within Registry keys, remove information as part of cleaning up, or as part of other techniques to aid in Persistence and Execution.Īdversaries may interact with the Windows Registry to gather information about the system, configuration, and installed software.Ĭommand and control (C2) information is encoded using a standard data encoding system. Installs hooks/patches the running process Windows processes often leverage application programming interface (API) functions to perform tasks that require reusable system resources. On Linux and macOS systems, multiple methods are supported for creating pre-scheduled and periodic background jobs: cron, (Citation: Die.Īdversaries may use scripts to aid in operations and perform multiple actions that would otherwise be manual.
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