wwarfstache · 4 years
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Wil snorts out a little laugh, “TAKE it from me kid, nothing about this is normal!” He turns on his heels and waves his hand around them in a dramatic fashion. 
@createsillusions​ // closed.
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theauthorlives · 4 years
@createsillusions​ - Continued from here
This kid was wild! He had nearly scoffed at the idea of a game of Battleships, but now look at them! It was taking a lot of effort not to crack up at Cam’s dramatic reaction to this.
“I thought I told youse not to put ships together! This is what happens when youse don’t hide ‘em ‘cross th’ sea. But fine. If youse wanna give up, then I’ll glady accept youse’s surrender. It’ll be th’ only way to stop th’ bloodshed on th’ seas.”
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sensesdialed-aa · 4 years
sorry i'm late to the ash bullying party but i brought capri sun and pretzels if yall want some 😌
@createsillusions // i’m coming for your left shoes and i’m shittin in em buddy
i’ll accept the bullying if i get capri sun and pretzels tbh
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aestarc-a · 4 years
   @createsillusions​ liked THIS for a thing 
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   “Wait, that’s--- people really think that we’re dating?” Tony stares blankly for a moment, dumbfounded to find out that some people believe he’s dating his ‘bodyguard’ Iron Man. It had never occurred to him that all the time ‘they’ spent together could be seen as salacious. Though now that he thinks about it... He is very secretive about Iron Man’s activities and identity. ‘They’re’ only together in private. Iron Man is only ever seen leaving Tony’s office, or workshop, or home... Shit. It does look like he’s having an affair, doesn't it?
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mythvoiced · 4 years
@createsillusions | twink solidarity
Cesare had to blink by the time the word ‘amalgamation’ had left Cam’s admittedly very distracting lips - a miracle he had been paying enough attention to the other male’s answer to even catch the outrageously Big word - so it really shouldn’t be all surprising that by the time he had actually finished his explanation, Cesare hadn’t even fully begun wrapping his head around the meaning of the first sentence.
And it’s not like weed burns brain cells - unlike the thing people somehow compare it with - but when you’re sat next to a cute boy and aren’t exactly opposed to the company of cute boys, a slight not-so-slight marijuana ‘intoxication’ surely does nothing to an already progressively shortening attention span.
A frown has spread across his features, giving his slightly squinted eyes the effect of maximum concentration being deployed. “I never played Pokémon,” he says, finally, shifting as the frown vanishes and the face it had been residing on had seemingly found satisfaction in the answer he had provided to an explanation he was already forgetting.
Coffee-eyes blink slowly as they’re suddenly met with a good look on Cam’s, the turn of the other’s head giving way to a much more interesting new perspective and a lazy smile draping itself over Cesare’s lips. “‘Amusing’ in a good way,” he relays in utmost relaxation before he pulls his head away and sighs deeply through his nose. His shoulders lift and deflate with the motion, and his gaze fall onto the other‘s lips with the absolute lack of shame Cesare could only have when not completely sober. “No, no. Who wants that.” He throws an arm around Cam’s neck, lets it hang loosely. “Tell me something yourself, something... I dunno, why’d Hercules not listen to his human dad and fuck shit up for everybody,” he says, chuckling halfway through.
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moodyxteen · 5 years
@createsillusions | continued from x
Ellie had followed someone’s frantic, pleading thoughts to the grisly scene before her. She’d like to think she’d gotten pretty good at blocking out everyone’s streams of consciousness but this guy had forced his way through her walls, praying for anything to help him, and who was she to ignore his call? Once she arrived, she wished she had. 
She sucked in a quiet breath when she realized who was standing over the dying man, even with his back facing her she’d know him anywhere. She was going through every emergency plan she’d ever learned when Cam first spoke, her heartbeat sped up knowing she didn’t have to say anything for him to notice her. Soon after the man’s prayers stopped. 
“Cam,” she started, slowly as not to scare him off. “I believe you. Just, just back away and let me have a look at you okay? Can you look at me?” Maybe now wasn’t the best time to start thinking optimistically, but there had to be an explanation. Right?
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spiriituma · 5 years
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“...Just ‘cause I’m NEW HERE, doesn’t mean that’s a valid reason t’ stare at me.” WHAT A WAY TO MAKE FRIENDS, ETHAN; maybe next time, think before you speak, huh? He supposed he was USED to the attention, though, being the STRANGE, SILENT TYPE who came off as, er... MILDLY threatening. Nobody tended to want to get close enough to realize he was all bark and no bite. “Not in th’ mood to be gawked at, to be honest.” | @createsillusions​
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blueheartedmayor · 4 years
@createsillusions​ - continued from here
The flowers in the office had been a present from a visiting congresswoman, an old acquaintance of his. While stepping out to deal with a matter in the water department, Cam had gotten into the office, and chaos soon reigned. Flower petals were scattered across half of the open space of the floor. 
He had spoken before giving the youth a chance to speak, but slowly crossed the office to sit on the arm of the couch as Cam explained himself. Any hint of frustration shifted to resignation. It wasn’t worth scolding the troublemaker, especially when, for once, it wasn’t anything reckless. 
“... It is looking rather well so far. A shame you ran out of flowers. Mayhaps if you tidy up the petals, I’ll give you some money to get enough flowers to finish it.”
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spidcrbaby · 5 years
Hey!!! I love your portrayal of Peter sm!!!! I enjoy seeing him on my dash and you're a wonderful person as well!!!!!
omg this is so sweet??? thank u sm you’re so sweet and i love cam sm.
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spiderdna · 5 years
"Bigfoot is taking me out. In what way, I don't know, but I welcome either option. Maybe both at once if I wanna get adventurous."
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ah. so it’s official, Cam has lost his mind and it’s finally his breaking point, guess he has to cut his looses and move on, cam’s lost to the ether never to be seen again, rip cam but he’s different. ( oh? well it was nice knowing you. )
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angerbuilt · 5 years
@createsillusions + starter call .
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“what did you just say?”
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itivity · 5 years
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@TRASHEDFEAR SAID: to @bowersblonde, @createsillusions, @inhalcrs/ @creaturechased, @hypochondriackaspbrak & @drawnfear i just want you all to know how much i love and appreciate you, and how nice it is to know such kind, supportive people, who also absolutely kill me every day with how funny you all are. much love, boii up squad!
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sensesdialed-aa · 5 years
so ash,,,,what's ur discordsona 🤔
so kiwi
     ~fuck off~
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ahsterism-a · 5 years
"Oh, therapy? I thought you said 'ignore the trauma'."
@createsillusions // all my muses, simultaneously: yeah. 
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    “Cheer’s, I’ll drink to that bro!” 
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    *sips juice*
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mythvoiced · 5 years
@createsillusions​ | ♥
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“You smell like beef.”
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moodyxteen · 5 years
@createsillusions​ | continued from x
“I didn’t say you look like shit, but angel is a stretch.” She arched a curious brow, taking in the admittedly very attractive prince before her. Coming from the family she did, from a king with enough money to stand on his own but a desire for peace that included piles of alliances, Ellie always knew an arranged marriage could be in her future. She’d given her consent, never one to turn down an adventure. Now that she’d gotten here, the growing anxieties in the back of her mind she’d been pointedly ignoring seemed out of proportion.
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“You’re just younger than I thought you’d be.” Close to her own age. She extended a hand as an offering of peace, a corner of her lips raising just enough to show she could be amicable. “It’s Camerion, right? I’m Ellie.”
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