#cream's pet chao (cheese chao)
muses-of-the-memory · 29 days
Happy 21st Anniversary, Sonic X
Today is the 21st Anniversary for...
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Sonic X!
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Already it has been 21 years since Sonic and his friends had been teleported to another world via Chaos Control, and made their new lives there alongside Chris Thorndyke and his family, fighting against Eggman's robots, until they had to return home to their world and defeated the Metarex.
Sonic X had some good and funny moments.
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Awesome ones too,
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especially the sad moments where we saw Cosmo having to sacrifice herself to defeat the Dark Oak.
But, Happy Birthday to Sonic X! So you know, I will also be RPing as my Sonic muses in the verse of Sonic X for this occasion.
Tagged by: @spirits-of-nature16, @hoshi-neko-hikari, @the-world-hopper, @bluemajingirl, @smashingveteransandnewcomers, @astral-multiverse, @littlefoxtailsprower
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true-blue-sonic · 1 year
The thing about Silver naming a chao after its color but just kinda sorta “fancier” is such a me thing. Back when our cats first arrived at our house and they were just kittens (we had two at the time, but now we’re only taking care of one of them), I wanted to name the current one after our language’s word for “amber” because he’s orange… That was before we knew his gender though, and after learning he’s not a girl, my mom got to do the naming instead. Dare I say, my name was still better 😂
For pets it's easy, since they just simply don't care what they're called, haha. But I think Amber is a nice name for any orange cat, it's very fitting! ^-^
I was debating giving Lilac either a name based on a purple flower or a gemstone, but most of them tend to be on the long side, and I wanted something a bit more short and easy. Another contender was Lavender, but that was too long imo XD And I figured Silver would see no issue with giving his Chao a name after a colour, since the exact same applies to him, but Espio definitely has opinions on it as well. But sometimes you just gotta take the easy route and utilise what is right in front of you to give a name to your new pet <3
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revisitingfandoms · 7 months
Idea prompt 7- A menagerie of pets
Pure vanilla sighs as he pets his cat as he stares at the chaos he's sure the cat instagated.
Hollyberry's pink pet swan was for some reason hanging upside with its feet taped to the chandelier as it slept unaware to hollyberry's stack of chairs trying to reach it.
Dark Cacao on the other hand was barely able to get the cream colored rabbit that was quite literally hopping mad as it was viciously trying to fight the rather violent geuine pig.
Golden cheese- to the surprise of almost everyone had a red geuine pig that never seemed to calm down and was a vicious arsonist. Considering its name was 'burning spice' he wasn't surpised.
Golden Cheese herself was actually hanging out with white lily and her rather big grey saint bernard that almost never barked or made any noises besides breathing.
Pure Vanilla sigh as he picked up his innocent looking cat, "Really shadow milk? Again?"
The cat just meowed- he gets the feeling its quite smug.
The beasts are pets and the ancients are their owners.
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starboundpix · 3 months
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iii. (love is) a surprise
you really should have read that farm helper animatronic manual. how were you supposed to know that sun was no longer sun at night?
daycare attendant x reader ✧ 2.0k words farm au, gender neutral reader, reader is a farmer, reader has a pet dog, animatronic rights, minor blood and injury.
note: it took a while (due to graduation and vacation) but i'm happy to finally present the third chapter! ngl the more i was editing it the less sure i was about being any good so i really hope you'll enjoy it >u<
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Having a new permanent resident to the farm—especially an animatronic—brings forth a whole slew of questions and problems you never had to think about before. Animatronic rights are currently under state jurisdiction and your state has just about no laws about them. Some laws have been proposed, but a good portion of the public and your state legislators are staunchly against giving animatronics any rights or freedom. Your nose scrunches up in distaste. The topic of animatronic rights hasn't been one of your priorities in the past, but after showing Sun around your farm all day, you know you can’t treat him like your farm machinery or animals—not even the way you treat Pluto.
These thoughts weigh on you in the evening as you make dinner alone. Sun had disappeared into his room after you gave him a tour of the farm and showed him how you complete some of your daily tasks. Despite the rocky start you had with him, he expressed interest in how your farm operates and picked everything up instantly. He seemed to like the animals in particular. They in turn were not affected by the fact that the new addition to the farm is a walking, talking, pile of metal. Henrietta in particular had no problem walking up to Sun and pecking him in the foot.
You need to figure out how exactly you want to treat him.
After eating dinner, you pull out your laptop and settle into the couch in the living room. Pluto needs no invitation to hop on beside you. With the TV on and playing a show for background noise, you start to do some research, pulling up news articles and legislation made in different states that address android rights. The amount of information out there is a bit overwhelming, but you plod through it, learning about what has been happening and forming your own ideas.
An hour or two passes and the urge to grab a snack to munch on grows until your stomach grumbles. So you shut your laptop, extract yourself from the cushions of the couch with a groan, and walk into the kitchen. Pluto watches you leave but quickly rests his head back on his front legs, dozing off on the couch.
Since the lights are on in the living room, the kitchen isn’t too dark, so you don’t bother with any additional lights as you put a snack together. You pull a sleeve of crackers out of a cabinet and dump a couple onto your plate. Opening your fridge makes you squint for a second from the automatic light, but you are quick to find a tub of cream cheese and a jar of jam—homemade with blueberries you grew last summer—and scoop some of each onto your plate.
Having assembled your snack, you put everything away and pick up your plate.
Something shifts in the hallway behind you.
You whirl around, looking into the darkness—and the dark stares back with two glowing red eyes, accompanied by a looming silhouette that blends into the shadows. 
A shriek leaves your lips. Your heart pounds in your chest. Hands sweaty, your plate slips from your grasp, smashing into pieces against the tile floor, sending jam, cream cheese, crackers, and ceramic shards flying across your kitchen.
Pluto barks, adding to the chaos. Moments later, he runs into view, nails clacking against the floor as he prepares to enter the kitchen and run to your side.
“Pluto, stop!” you yell, voice strained, holding one hand out toward him. “Stay,” you add. You don’t take your eyes off of the shadow down the hall, but in your peripheral vision, you see Pluto stand still.
Your shoulders relax a fraction now that you do not have to worry about your dog getting hurt on the shattered plate. But your heart still beats quickly and your thoughts are racing, knowing the stress is not gone yet. This intruder is a much bigger concern.
“Who are you? How did you get in here?” Somehow, you manage to keep your voice steady this time.
The figure snickers, but sounds more mean than amused. “Did the little human forget about us already? This is a new record.” With each word spoken, the glowing red eyes shift and grow larger as he takes one step after another toward you. “I live here now.”
You tense. “Stay- stay back!” He doesn’t stop, so you shuffle backward, keeping the kitchen island between you and the stranger. “Who are you?” you ask again. “What do you want?”
Just as the figure reaches the end of the hallway, you bump into the kitchen counter behind you, pain shooting through your entire body.
You blink hard, bracing against the countertop as the pain slowly fades. When you have steadied yourself, you refocus your gaze on the intruder, eyes widening as you take him in, now lit by the dim living room lighting that spills over into the kitchen.
“Sun?” you ask hesitantly, but you already know that’s not quite right. The figure—an animatronic—looks similar in stature to your new farm helper, though he lacks the triangular pieces of metal that frames Sun’s face. This one is painted in much darker colors. Light grey contrasts against the obsidian on his face plate, and his limbs are a mix of deep, rich blues and midnight black. On a closer look, silver points of light glimmer from his arms; they are stars and constellations that mimic the night sky, you realize. 
“Moon,” he says. You detect amusement in his voice, but it feels rather like the amusement you get from seeing Henrietta peck at anything other than a bug and her resulting cluck of confusion.
Hesitating, you finally manage to respond with, “Erm, it’s nice to meet you, Moon.” The sentiment is not quite genuine due to the scare, but now that you know he’s not actively a threat, you wish you meant it. At least this first meeting is not going any worse than your introduction to Sun—you haven’t insulted Moon yet.
You introduce yourself to the animatronic, just in case he isn’t aware of you doing so this morning, and ask, “Is there anything I can help you with? Did you need something?” He probably would not have wandered out of his room without a reason.
Red eyes blink, and Moon’s head tilts to the side. He’s silent for a moment, seeming to stare past you—similar to Sun’s behavior earlier in the day. Then he refocuses on you. “I need cleaning supplies.” His gaze travels downward, eyeing you and your kitchen. “You do, too.”
The implication that you need to clean your kitchen would normally make you bristle, but as you look down too, a grimace crosses your face at the disaster of broken crackers, splattered jam and cream cheese, and shards of the plate. Your eyes catch on your right foot. A bit of dark liquid that looks like blueberry jam slides down the outer side, but it’s as the dull throbbing becomes noticeable that you realize, “Oh. I’m bleeding.”
Your foot is really starting to hurt, but you refuse to show any visible signs of pain. The sooner you get Moon his cleaning supplies, the sooner you can tend to your wound and clean the mess in your kitchen without his piercing red eyes following your every move. His standoffish-ness makes you on edge around him, even more so than Sun and his snarky words. “The first door in the hallway is a closet. I think there are some cleaning rags, sprays, a broom- um, grab whatever you need.” As the animatronic steps back to open the closet door, you can’t help but ask, “What are the cleaning supplies for?”
“Our room,” Moon says. “It’s dirty. Sun hates messes.”
You wince, thinking of all the dust that has accumulated since the last time your aunt visited. She stopped by months ago during the fall to spend Thanksgiving with you, and the guest bedroom hasn’t seen another soul since. Cleaning a bedroom no one uses has been the last thing on your mind with all the other things keeping you busy on your farm.
“Sorry about that,” you say, shifting your weight to your good leg. “I normally clean the room whenever I know guests are coming over, but…” You trail off, then offer, “I can clean it tomorrow morning if you’d rather rest, or charge, or, uh, do whatever you need to do.”
He is quick to respond. “No need.” Moon pulls out squares of cleaning rags and a lavender scented multipurpose cleaning spray.
You look away from the animatronic, eyes falling on Pluto. A small smile rises to your face, your first since your scare this evening. He has been patiently waiting ever since you told him to stay, and now lies on the floor at the perimeter of the kitchen, nearly asleep, having dismissed Moon from being a threat. 
A sudden clack makes you flinch, but when you catch sight of the broom that now rests on top of the kitchen island, a noise of surprise escapes your lips. As Moon’s hand retreats, you move forward—mindful of stepping on any more plate shards—and pick up the broom and attached dustpan. “Thanks,” you say.
His only response is a slow shuttering of his eyes, red light disappearing for a brief moment. He closes the closet door, turns his back on you, and starts shuffling down the hall toward his room.
It’s only after the bedroom door closes behind him do you sigh and let out a small laugh. Moon looked a lot less scary walking away with a slouched back and cleaning supplies in his hands than he did as an ominous shadow with glowing crimson eyes standing in the dark hallway. The remaining tension seeps out of your body, and you sag against the kitchen island. If Sun and Moon make it a habit to scare you, your heart won’t last for very long.
With a sigh, you start sweeping up the shards of plate and crackers. You leave the cream cheese and jam alone for now—those stains need a good scrub with a sponge or cleaning cloth—and you still have to patch up your foot first. Once you gather everything on your dustpan, you find a plastic bag to dump the mess in before tying the bag up and tossing it in the trash.
Now you need some alcohol wipes and a bandage for your foot. Unfortunately, your first aid supplies are all upstairs in your bathroom cabinet. You resort to doing a weird crawl to get up the stairs, using your hands and knees to avoid getting blood all over the floor. 
Thank goodness Pluto is the only one who has to witness your actions. 
He follows you up the stairs and into the bathroom, where you sit on the floor and pull out what you need to clean your cut. The sting of the alcohol wipes makes you wince, but soon the wound is covered with a moon and star covered band-aid. 
You scowl. The entire box of bandages are celestial themed, having patterns of suns, clouds, moons, and stars printed in pretty colors. In fact, plenty of other space themed trinkets and decor fill your house. Now, thanks to your aunt, an animatronic that is the sun and moon personified lives on your farm. Your interactions with them have not been the most pleasant thus far, but you hope that will change.
These thoughts run through your head as you return downstairs and finish cleaning up the kitchen. You stop by the living room to grab your laptop and turn off the lights before climbing the stairs to settle in your bedroom for the night. 
Pluto is already fast asleep on the rug at the base of your bed when you exit the bathroom, having changed into your pajamas. You crawl into bed, slipping under the covers—spring nights do get pretty chilly, after all—and turn off the lamp on the nightstand.
As you start drifting off to sleep, exhausted from a long and high-emotion day, you add one task to the top of your mental checklist for tomorrow.
You really need to read that farm helper manual.
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note: wahooo we've officially met moon! i sure hope they'll warm up to reader soon though, or else poor reader is in for a rough time.
by the way, my wonderful friend @/lunarmoves drew this amazing art of farm helper sun! (scary scarecrow version >u< ) it looks so cool, please check it out!
also, i doodled little sun and moon themed band-aids based off of this chapter! you can find them here.
series masterlist ✧ part two ✧ part four (wip)
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thedeviltohisangel · 3 months
Alas, I must know… do the kids ever try to feed Butter some Butter?
I mean...don't they have to? The risk John/Cass run by having all their pets named after food is that the babies will try to give the pet said food.
It's probably Penelope. She tells Gale that Butter is named Butter because he loves it so much.
"Did mommy tell you that?"
"Yes. Mommy and Daddy did." Complete fabrication and little Gale probably knows but it's impossible to convince Penelope of anything. She is the most stubborn child ever.
So yes. Butter licks at some butter from Penny because he is a good boy and will do anything for those babies. And Cheese eats some cheese that most likely Penny is also giving him.
Noodle is fed noodles. The breakfast puppies and snuck pieces of breakfast. Milk and Cream get little kitten bowls of milk and cream.
Penny is the little ringleader of chaos for her entire life in the family and it gives John so many headaches. Cass tries to find ways to channel it.
She probably becomes a pilot like John if we are being honest.
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midnightfire1222 · 2 months
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My Genesis AU Vanilla, Cream, and 'Cheese' (who isn't called that anymore, nor do they have a a nickname).
I love how they turned out! I wasn't gonna draw the chao, but then I figured, Cream is sickly (don't have a specific condition) so why not have a pet for her that can help her out? I like how the little chao came out too! There's some inspiration from the pokemon Audino in it, which is where the ears and some of the colors came from.
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thewrittenpaige · 5 months
Because I am addicted now, I'm thinking of an roleswap AU featuring Amy taking Sonic's place in the plot, with a focus on Sonic Adventure 1. Major details being:
Eggman and Professor Gerald swap places. Gerald sees himself as the good guy who wants to create a safe and just world...The only problem is, most people don't like that his idea of "safe and just" involves setting himself up as ruler of everything. Using the badnik designs his grandfather Ivo created, he plans to make a world worthy of his beloved and sick niece, Maria.
Amy is the hero with a tendency to get in the way of the Professor's plans. With her hammer in hand and a strong sense of justice, Amy Adventure 1 (proper name pending) is only the latest of her adventures, after having stopped Gerald's Death Egg (better name pending), saving Angel Island, and protecting Little Planet. Now in Station Square, she's about to get roped into something new...
Cream is Amy's "sidekick", who helped her destroy the Death Egg (much to the complaints of her mother Vanilla). Cream doesn't seek out adventure like Amy does, but her desire to protect people often means she gets involved. While her role as Amy's closest friend is similar to Tails' from the Main Universe, her part in Amy Adventure is actually closer to Main!Amy's, as she meets a chao (who she names Cheese) fleeing with a special pendant from a dangerous badnik. Soon, she has to protect this little chao when nobody else will.
Rouge the Bat is the guardian of Angel Island, the last of the bat clan that has protected the Master Emerald for so long. Unlike the Main Universe Knuckles, who takes to his role rather well, Rouge is...frustrated with her job. She's dedicated to protecting her home and the Emerald (the latter of which she adores), she would never abandon her post, but ever since meeting Amy Rose and getting to see a small piece of the outside world, she wants more. When Chaos is unleashed by Professor Gerald and the Master Emerald is shattered across the region, she sees this as her chance to explore and get a taste of what the world is like. And if she can steal a few precious gems or neat toys? All the better.
Sonic's role is, oddly enough, closer to Tails' from Sonic Adventure 1. He works closely with Amy to stop Gerald and gather the Chaos Emeralds. He has a confusing relationship with Amy; she saved him when he was captured by Metal Amy back on Little Planet, and the two have a fairly close friendship because of that. That said, Amy's crush on him makes him uncomfortable, and it makes them have trouble working together sometimes. It's an issue they're working to get over. (Additionally, Amy and Sonic are both the same age for this AU.)
Tails takes the role of Big, with a little inspiration from Nine from Sonic Prime. Tails never met Sonic growing up, so he's more reclusive and less certain that he can trust others. From his workshop in the Mystic Ruins, he's created a robotic fox companion--the Prower Prowler, meant to be a pet as well as a bodyguard. But when the Prowler absorbs energy from Chaos and steals Tails' Chaos Emerald, the young loner is forced to find it--and maybe learn to trust others in the process.
Emerl is Professor Gerald's finest creation--a powerful robot capable of helping him gather the Chaos Emeralds to empower Chaos. A one-of-a-kind robot of a different kind than badniks, Emerl is very simple in thought, but will grow as time goes on. As Gerald's chief enforcer, Emerl must decide what he wants to be as he starts to learn and change, and whether or not Gerald has his best interests at heart.
I'm actually working on writing this AU as a fic, though it still has issues. Sonic feels like he needs a more concrete role and focus, for example, but generally I think this can be a really fun AU. Now to just finish the first chapter.
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ana-the-light-fury · 3 months
Okay, so, I realized something last night. You know Cream’s pet, Cheese?? He’s a chao, right?? Well, chao is spelled the same as “chaos”, as in chaos emeralds, just without the “S”.
…Is that not kind of confusing?? It’s cool, but what if someone said “chaos” as in more than one chao. Do you just say “chao” for more than one chao?? Is that the correct term for it??
What if you were writing a fic and said “all the chaos were dancing”. Are people going to be confused why there is chaos dancing?? How does chaos dance??
I need help here. I am so confused.
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muses-of-the-memory · 3 months
Happy 33rd Birthday, Sonic! (Open RP)
Today's the day!
It's the 33rd Birthday for our most favorite blue blur, the fastest thing alive! The dude who's "way past cool"!
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Sonic the Hedgehog!
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So today, I am going to hosting an open RP with the Sonic the Hedgehog cast of characters I have below on the tags. So, come on down and share the love!
For @hoshi-neko-hikari, @bluemajingirl, @milestails, @smashingveteransandnewcomers, @astral-multiverse, @themultiverseheroines, @littlefoxtailsprower
Also, I can RP as Classic Sonic, Classic Tails, Classic Knuckles, Classic Amy, and also the Sonic characters of the DiC Cartoons
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gayemeralds · 8 months
chao sonic 🤝 salmonids splatoon
being fully sapient, intelligent races that the majority of the fan base and even canon at times treat like just PETS AND WEIRD DOGS when they SPEAK THEY SING THEY LEARN!!! oh and like weird evolution as a trait
sorry it just drives me up a wall when people reduce species to pets just cause they’re not humanoid and don’t speak the same language as the players. treating chao and the smallfry like pets when they’re literally just infants. ignoring the literal culture and technology for favor of hahas and cute pet moments sorry it just grinds my gears
i can only speak from my knowledge of chao and it literally drives me insane. when people propose the idea of eating chao do they understand this is the same concept as proposing characters in sonic should eat the babylon rogues. chao and the babylons are aliens. they're both intelligent species. i GETTTTT it's just a joke but also it annoys me. chao are genuinely intelligent. you can teach them music and art. they have complex dreams. in the olympic games where you can understand them they can give you sports facts. cheese answers cream, and always seems to be aware of the situation at hand, at the least emotionally and physically. cheese knows COMBAT. cheese can keep up and interject/speak in conversations as if he was actually conversing (and cream, according to sonic channel, can actually understand them). chao are limited by their maturity and their communication but they're literally like, a bunch of kindergarteners. they're children but they're INTELLIGENT and SENTIENT.
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numberonepeacock · 24 days
Minor Characters
Miles “Tails” Prower (Fox) - Is very smart and is a grade above his age group.
Rouge Daiyamondo (Bat) - Knuckles’ girlfriend.
Knuckles Emerarudo (Echidna) - Rogue's boyfriend.
Cream Kibo (Rabbit) - Charmy and Espio’s stepsister.
Cheese (Chao) - Cream’s pet Chao.
Charmy Kibo (Bee) - Espio’s adoptive brother. Cream’s stepbrother.
Ray Tsuyoi (Flying Squirrel) - Mighty’s younger brother.
Saffron Honey (Bee) - Charmy’s friend
Gadget Fantomu (Wolf) - A genius in mechanics.
Espio (Chameleon) - Charmy and Cream’s adoptive brother.
Mighty Tsuyoi (Armadillo) - Ray’s older brother.
Aqua Marin (Butterfly) - A transfer student.
Gardon (Koala) - Soru family butler. Blaze’s first and oldest friend.
Honey (Cat) - Eclispe’s friend. Tiara’s girlfriend.
Tiara (Mink Cat) - Eclispe’s friend. Honey’s girlfriend.
Perci (Bandicoot) - Eclispe’s friend.
Mina (Mongoose) - Eclispe’s friend.
Ash (Mongoose) - Eclispe’s friend. Mina’s boyfriend.
Breezie Kinzoku (Hedgehog) - Blaze’s old bully.
Neo Kinzoku (Hedgehog) - Breezie’s older brother.
Previously | Next
Masterpost of AU: Jewel Sonicure AU Masterpost
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artiststarme · 1 year
Steddie Headcanons and Ficlets
Here are my Steddie Headcanons and Ficlets! I'm always writing and coming up with more but this is the list that I will keep updated. I hope you like them and please leave your thoughts in the comments!
Wayne’s thoughts on Eddie’s tattoos
NYC Subway
Eddie's van keeps getting vandalized
Valentine's Day
Steve gets called "stupid" at work
Eddie can't cook Kraft Mac & Cheese
Robin has a nut allergy
Eddie has a breakdown and fights with Steve
Eddie sleeps with socks on
Steve's 'Confused Face' I always mention
Steve refuses to buy Erica ice cream for life
Let's Get Medical!
Steve was Mike's bisexual awakening and that's why he's so mad
Wayne deserves way more credit
The Real Reason Eddie Keeps Failing English
Eddie doesn't like Steve because of some road rage
Eddie dips his pickles in ranch
Eddie's voice cures Steve's migraines
Steve is always early, Eddie is always late
Eddie always forgets to pack a lunch
Eddie doesn't like how the kids treat Steve like he's stupid
Their sleeping positions
What if Hopper hated Eddie?
Their bar orders get them some weird looks
Steve is a great singer
Eddie Doesn't Like When Steve Goes On Vacation
Steve outs them over Wadworth in Clue
They fight because Steve doesn't like Ozzy
Steve and Eddie get a dog then a cat
Steve gets Eddie tickets to the Ozzy/Metallica concert in thanks
Steve's Social Battery drains quickly
Eddie is bad at flirting
Steve can't choose between Eddie and Robin (he always picks Robin)
Will gets Steve and Eddie together
Poor Self-Esteem Steve
Eddie doesn't tell Wayne he's dating Steve
Wayne always takes Steve's side during arguments
Eddie wants to disappear sometimes
Eddie tried to break up with Steve exactly once
Joyce doesn't like Steve
Eddie has a coffee related breakdown
Eddie picks a fight with the HOA when they buy their first house
Will thinks Steve has a crush on Jonathan
Steve was always alone... until Eddie came along
Steve tends to isolate himself when things get overwhelming
The world is full of hate and homophobes... and Mike Wheeler
Eddie doesn't do well with blood
Ignorance is Bliss
Will gets Steve and Eddie together through embarrassment
Steve doesn't see why the Party keeps him around
Wayne finds out about Steddie on his own
Wayne always takes Steve's side in arguments
Eddie looks forward to Spring Break as a reset
Eddie tries to break up with Steve on his birthday
Joyce doesn't like Steve
Eddie has a breakdown over spilled coffee
They get banned by the HOA over Eddie's chaos
Will thinks Steve likes Jonathan
They both self-isolate when things become too much
Eddie does not like blood
Steve and Eddie get S and E tattoos
Eddie writes the band a bunch of love songs
“I’m homo, I’m horny, and I need help!”
Happy Fourth of July!
Eddie helps Steve pet-sit Mews #2
They think everyone knows they're dating (they don't)
The kids think they're dating and Steve has a crisis
Eddie tries to hide a kitten and stresses Steve out
The day Steve falls for Eddie
Eddie is not a procrastinator
Steve can see the dead
Eddie hates every surprise except for Steve
Eddie finds his way back to Wayne
Eddie, Wayne, and Steve leave Hawkins together
Robin and Steve get fired over their grudges
Steve's parents kick him out
Eddie thinks he's a burden on Wayne
Steve misses the Upside Down
Eddie has had a hard life
They go to a ball game together
Eddie loves to read and Steve loves Eddie's reading
Steve loves the seasons
Eddie watches It and scares Steve
Steve sees Wayne as a father figure
Eddie visits Chrissy's grave
Eddie is a hard worker and he hates pity
They break up for a night so Steve can be single (LOL)
They fight and Officer Callahan picks a side (Steve's bro fic)
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ameth18blog · 27 days
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Comic collab with my deviant art friend SirinaTheHedgehog. Page 4 and epilogue.
As you saw in the previous page, the main characters of tribe 2 received gifts from their respective mates, and they show them (or talk about them) to their respective friends. Panel 1:  Amy shows her friends Tikal , Sally , Cosmo , Cream ( who is accompanied by her pets Cheese and Chocola ) and Rouge the bracelets that Sonic made for her. Panel 2: Fox shows his friends Fara , Lucy , Bill and Slippy the spear that Falco made for him. Panel 3: Jack and Louis talk to their friends Kibi , Tao , Bill and Pina about the food Legoshi made for them. Panel 4: Flaky shows her friends Cuddles , Toothy , Truffles and Handy the tiara that Flippy made for her. Panel 5: Retsuko shows her friends Washimi , Gori , Fenneko , Manaka , Hidarin , Migi and Puko the flute that Haida made for her. Panel 6: Michiru shows her friends Nina and Nazuna the hair ornament that Shirou made for her. Panel 7: Judy shows her friends Sharla , Gideon , Clawhauser and Gareth the new outfit that Nick and Jack made for her.
Later, now that the couples have gotten a little closer since they started dating, and by this point they decide to have their first kiss in one place, but not realizing that certain " bad guys " are watching them.
Main Couples: Sonic x Amy / Sonamy Falco x Fox / Falox Flippy x Flaky Nick x Judy x Jack / Wildehopps, Savagehopps, Wildehoppssavage Haida x Retsuko / Haidsuko, Haisuko, Retsaida Louis x Legoshi x Jack Shirou x Michiru Secondary Couples that appeared before this page: Paulie x Brenda James x Vixy Peppy x Slippy Sneaky x Mouse Ka-Boom Stu x Bonnie Retsuko's father x Retsuko's mother Yafya x Gosha Tao x Kibi Gem x Melissa
Tikal The Echidna, Cosmo The Seedrian, Amy Rose, Cream The Rabbit, Cheese The Chao, Chocola The Chao, Rouge The Bat and Sonic The Hedgehog belong to SEGA.
Sally Acorn belong to DIC Entertaiment.
Fara Phoenix, Lucy Hare, Bill Grey, Slippy Toad, Fox McCloud and Falco Lombardi belong to Nintendo.
Flaky, Cuddles, Toothy, Truffles, Handy and Flippy belong to Mondo Mini Shows.
Ms. Tarantula, Mr. Wolf, Mr. Snake, Mr. Shark and Mr. Piranha belong to Aaron Blabey.
Judy Hopps, Sharla, Gideon Grey, Benjamin Clawhauser, Gareth, Jack Savage and Nick Wilde belong to Disney.
Retsuko, Washimi, Gori, Fenneko, Manaka, Hidarin, Migi, Puko and Haida belong to Sanrio.
Kibi, Tao, Bill, Pina, Jack, Louis and Legoshi belong to Paru Itagaki.
Michiru Kagemori, Nina Flip, Nazuna Hiwatashi and Shirou Ogami belong to Trigger.
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Happy December, once more!
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"You know the damn deal by now, it's December so I've got holiday themed food items untill, eh let's say about January 10th that will be the final day you can order these items!"
1: A Holiday Chatter Phone Christmas Themed Cup (45.50$)
Just as described it's an exact replica of a chatter phone but it has see-through eyes and it's Christmas themed simply stick a straw into the Santa hat and enjoy 20$ worth of drinks at roomba fazbender's completely free after purchase!
2: Bedlam's Christmas Pudding (10$)
Stolen from the fridge of bedlam the chaos god, Charlie's good old friend, he just keeps making more and is confused why it keeps going missing having no idea charlie has put it on his menu.
He dosen't even think it's Charlie cause Charlie won't eat real food.
3: Piurish (300$)
It's a pig stuffed with two turkey's and the two turkey's are stuffed with two largemouth bass perfect for a large family to enjoy their Christmas dinner! or lonely people who want enough food to last them a few weeks.
4: Robert's Steak Fries (15.35$)
It's a recipe for fries made of acutal steak, aka it's just raw piece's of steak cut up into the shape of fries ... no we won't cook it you can feed it to your pets or service animals if you want it's unseasoned too.
5: Chuck's Toy-tastic Bubble Pot Pie (6$ per slice)
It's a rhubarb cream pie made by chuck with supervision by Roomba Renaldo, Chuck wanted to help make something himself this year Charlie begrudgingly said yes.
Half the money from each purchase will go back to Chuck. (it will likely be eaten by him too)
6: Peppermint Tea (3.00$)
It's litearly just a 2 liter bottle of tea.
7: Roomba Fazbenders™ Sugar Cookies (12.00$)
It's a container of sugar cookies designed after the roombas, the walrus and charlie also his friends.
8: Smalahove (25.50$)
Smalahove is a Western Norwegian traditional dish it's basically a cooked sheep's head.
9: Christmas Eggs (6.99$)
A dozen deviled eggs with either green or red yolks.
(The green ones are the vegetarian option filled with string beans.)
(The red ones are filled with shrimp chunks.)
10: Chocolate Lava Candy Cane Infused Cake (15$)
Just as advertised it's a chocolate lava cake but with candy cane chunks inside it.
11: Chaos Tacos ($3.99)
It's a plate of 4 tacos, all four have different types of meat every order of this will always have different meats and they also each come with different cheese too.
12: Glass Replica of Abel Brannigan's Phone Head. (10.25$)
All phone guys get a 5$ discount on this item, feel the pleasure of breaking this stupid bastard's head, throw it against the wall, smash it with a hammer, stomp it with your feet do whatever! Get out your anger who's the reason phone guys exist.
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Bonus Items!
Due to poplar demand a few items from the previous Christmas menu's!
13: Hot Walrus Chocolate (2.00$)
It’s hot chocolate but made with walrus milk! (Now Sliverjack Free!)
14: Spiked Cranberry Sause (6:25$)
It’s cranberry sause made with cranberry’s and Smirnoff Ice Raspberry Flavored Vodka 
15: Blood Nog (1.99$)
It’s Eggnog with Pigs Blood! Charlie watched the original Carrie movie and decided why not make a holiday drink based on it?
16: Christmas Water (10.00$)
It’s water imported from the north poll with a sticker saying “Santa's Bath Water.” With a tiny floating Santa toy inside.
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princessamyrose87 · 3 months
My q and a for sonic movie universe
Main sonic characters
Ben Schwartz as sonic
Colleen O'Shaughnessey as tails
Idris elba as knuckles
Keanu Reeves as Shadow
Sofia pernas or Anna kendrick as Amy rose
Aubrey plaza as rouge the bat
Team chaotix returns
Cristo Fernández as vector
Troy baker as espio, his va would return
Alan Kim or Taylor lam Wright as charmy, save Taylor from charmy as a preteen in the future
For the post credit for 3rd movie would be
Rasmus Hardiker as sliver with British accent, the guy who played Rudolph sackville-bagg from the little vampire 3d
Ben Schwartz as metal sonic, lol that be great 👍
For the 4th one would be
Rasmus Hardiker as sliver
Frances Berry as blaze with a British accent too aka the girl who played rumba from Maya the Bee 3
Rachel crow as sticks the badger with African American accent
Juliet donenfeld as cream
Like nastya as cheese
Kevin Chamberlin as big
Dee Bradley Baker As froggy and chaos
Plus even the characters for many sonic movies
Danny pudi as Mighty
Jamaal Avery Jr as ray
Emma Berman as marine
Jilliantubehd as Sonia
Evantubehd as manic
Mommytubehd as queen aleena
Jana beth louw as tikal, the girl who played Sophie from headspace 2023 film
Todd Haberkorn as chip the light Gaia
John noble as the black doom
The Babylon returns
Zeno Robinson as jet
Karen fukuhara as wave
Kevin Michael richardson as storm
Human and pet characters
Wanda/Wade's sister
Wade's mother
Olive garden guy aka government
Captain Rockwell
Hope you guys like it 😊💖👌
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livewireprojects · 3 months
Cream & Chao(Lost Prince AU)
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Here's Cream, Cheese & Chocola
Cream is a young rabbit that is one of Sonic's friends, not many know but she's also his adopted sister thanks to her parents knowing his dad & taking him in when he left Christmas Island. Cream is a sweet girl that was raised by her mother & thanks to her mother was raised to be a polite/kind girl. She's often seen in the local Chao Garden with her Chaos Cheese & his brother Chocola.
Cheese & Chocola:
Cheese is Cream's friend/pet Chao, he's energetic & usually with her. He looks like a normal Chao, if it weren't for his bow tie & his eyes being a little more indigo than the usually dark blue then he'd be mistaken for any other Chao. Due to how much love Cream's family has given their two Chao the two will likely live long after they're gone thanks to how Choa life spans go when they are loved. Cheese has a brother named Chocola that looks like him but with a blue boe tie & is chocolate brown instead of sky blue. He's not as well known as Cheese due to mostly staying home with Cream's mom Vanilla but sometimes he goes on adventures with Cream & Cheese. Chocola likes to snack on stuff which might be since Vanilla lets him have some leftover better or something when she bakes.
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