#cream a-dha pink
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The Hot Spot in Naturals
The Hot Products section at the recent Natural Products Expo East in Baltimore was one of the buzziest spots to be in the naturals industry from September 11-14, 2019.
“Every fall the exhibit halls at the Natural Products Expo East are bursting with products that are increasing consumer awareness about the importance of organic and supporting trends within plant-based, hemp and agricultural innovation,” said Lacey Gautier, Group Show Director.
The attention wasn’t all on the new brands. This industry is full of legacy brands continuing to innovate how we eat, supplement, groom and live.
Here are some of the highlights we spotted:
The best new frozen snack: The proud winner of Expo East’s 2019 Nexty Award, Crazy Richards, continues to innovate and remain far from ordinary peanut butter. Their Wholly Rollies, which won for Best New Frozen Product, are a simple treat that delivers 10g of protein in every bite so it makes an excellent nutritious alternative to your everyday desserts and sweet snacks.
Protein anywhere on anything: What’s better than protein? Protein you can take on the go. What’s better than protein on the go? Protein on the go that can go on anything. That was the thinking behind Vegetarian Traveler and their Protein Toppers, which allow you to add an entire 16 grams of plant-based protein to any meal or snack with just a spoonful of their soy, garbanzo, and pepita bean medleys.
Water your way to a healthy gut: Making sure you get enough fiber in your diet can be difficult, and supplemental beverages are growing in popularity. Probiotic beverages are all the rage, but a lot of people don’t know about prebiotics. Hellowater is the first of its kind, a drink that supports prebiotic health and the first fiber-infused water of its kind. Now you can boost your fiber intake and your hydration in one sip!
Feel no pain: If you’re plagued with joint or muscle pain, you can be desperate to find a surefire fix that won’t break the bank. Now you can get the same balm that Gwyneth Paltrow reports has helped her knee pain. The CBD-infused pain relief creams and balms from Muscle Mx provide both a heating and cooling therapy and are said to be great for pre- and post-activity muscle strain and pain.
A hybrid super berry to ward off sniffles: Cold and flu season will be here before you know it! The latest line of ElderCran products from Norm’s Farms is a great way to bulk up your immunity with the most natural method. Combining the farm’s famous black elderberries and antioxidant rich cranberries, Norm’s Farms’ new ElderCran supplements and tinctures are the first of its kind to make such a variety of super immunity boosters.
Eating Cleveland’s best: When people are looking for a snack or meal packed with probiotics they don’t often consider sauerkraut as an option. Not a lot of people realize that sauerkraut is full of not only probiotics but nutrients we might be lacking from our diets as well. Luckily, Cleveland Kraut makes a variety of flavors of kraut to be enjoyed with any meal no matter what’s on the menu and works great as a side or as a topping.
Ready to eat banana-based ice cream: If you though Halo Top was the end all be all of healthy ice cream options, then you haven’t heard of Frönen. Created with those who suffer from celiac disease and dairy sensitivities in mind, the ingredients of Frönen’s ice cream are stripped down to the sweetest essentials: honey, coconut cream, and banana with cocoa powder, strawberries, and maple syrup for taste.
Getting to the core of the nut: The Nature Nut beauty line take all-natural hair care to the next level. With five core nuts from Israel, Nature Nut products are rich in Vitamins A and E to help ensure you’re getting the best for your hair in every wash.
Worry-free cookies: The makers of the famous Bite Me Inc. cookies introduces the Bite Free line—its safe for people with allergies and doesn’t compromise on taste and flavor. It continues to delight our palate!
Year-round sun protection: Skin protection and nourishment are the name of the game for Babo Botanicals, which produces a wide selection of skin and hair care options for whatever might need a little extra TLC. They’ve long been lauded for their baby and childcare products. Probably their most important product, their year-round sun protection for kids is delicate enough for your baby’s skin but strong enough to deliver outstanding SPF protection no matter the weather.
Feeding children’s minds: It can be hard to get kids to eat healthy food that nourishes their bodies and their brains. But more and more brands are emerging that make healthy eating for kids easy and delicious. For example, Braniac’s line of DHA-infused yogurt is yummy and portable and best of all, it’s brain food for kids.
When avocado and chocolate meet: This product is for the Nutella fiends out there! Prepare to be converted to D’Avocado—a chocolate spread made entirely of avocado and cocoa powder. These simple ingredients make for a delicious plant-based smear that’s good for you too!
A different species of mushroom jerky: Like I said, plant-based proteins are all the rage and alternative jerkies are no exception. The NY Mushroom Co. is making a jerky in a league of its own. This brand, founded with an eco- and animal-friendly mission in mind, uses locally grown shiitake mushrooms and hand-crafted flavorings to deliver a snack you can feel good about eating.
Beyond bread and cauliflower crust: Move over cauliflower! Soon egg white wraps will be the new normal. Egglife, similar to brands like Crepini, uses alternative ingredients like egg whites to make their wraps bread-free for eaters who need to respect diet restrictions but don’t want to skimp on flavor.
Aloe sprinkled yogurt:– Aloe has long been considered a great digestive aid. Now it’s right in your yogurt. The Japanese yogurt brand Alove has introduced a line of aloe vera yogurt, jumping on the latest green alternative food trend that you can drink or enjoy like a traditional yogurt snack in a variety of refreshing flavors.
Pesto power: The founders of Le Grand were way ahead of the plant-based trend when they started this artisanal food company that swears by “the power of plants”. All of their products are certified vegan and their pesto—which comes already blended in a stylish and eco-friendly silver pouch—is a sure-fire way to top an already tasty dish with a powerful green addition.
Taking tofu to town: With all the new plant-based proteins on the market, this legacy brand continues to innovate. Tofu Town products offer delicious vegetarian and vegan food options with an emphasis on green eating and living. The sheer variety of their products from organics spreads (Veggie Street) to veggie sausages, burgers, and cold cuts (Veggie Life) to vegan butter (Blumenschmalz) makes sure you’ll never get bored at meal time.
Fruit juice of the Philippines: Ever heard of Calamansi? It’s a lemon-like fruit that grows deep in the heart of the Philippines. Often referred to as a Golden Lime, this little fruit packs a punch of Vitamin C, is a natural anti-inflammatory, and has been used in cold/cough remedies for generations. Mansi uses Calamansi in their newest drink, offering American audiences their first taste of the powerful and fragrant therapeutic super fruit.
It takes two to make a baby: Like the name suggests, Pink Stork is a great source of supplements and teas for pregnant women, new moms and for women looking for help with fertility. But what’s cool about them is that they also offer fertility supplements for men!
Next gen feminine care: The food industry isn’t the only place offering greener alternatives. Made for women by women, the Honey Pot offers a complete line of herbal feminine cleansers and wipes. Their coolest product is their “herbal” pads and pantiliners made out of pesticide-free cotton and infused with essential oils which can help with cramps and discomfort. We were also quite impressed with NannoCare which uses infrared technology to help with menstrual discomfort. During certified third party testing, women who used the NannoPad experienced less pain (at 95% confidence) and fewer days of menstrual pain and showed significant reduction of painkillers being used for menstrual cramping.
A different kind of chip not seen before in naturals: You’ve probably seen Vegan Rob’s before—their colorful packaging is hard to miss! And the flavor of these vegan snacks is equally explosive. In fact, Vegan Rob’s were the first to make a healthier Pringle style chip!
The latest plant based alternative milk: When most people think of foods rich in antioxidants they think of fruits or vegetables, but recent research has shown that flaxseeds are actually hugely rich in antioxidants. While it can be difficult to incorporate flax seed into your diet, the Manitoba Milling Co. makes it easier than ever to get a fix of flax with their delicious Flax Milk and ready made muffin and pancake mixes.
The 2020 Natural Products Expo East will move to The Philadelphia Convention Center Sept. 23-26.
As Seen in Whole Foods Magazine
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Nutritionists predict which superfoods you'll be eating in 2017

According to Mintel's 2017 global food and drink report, plant-based diets are set to explode into the mainstream this year, which makes sense, given that veganism has grown a staggering 360 per cent in the past decade.
But never mind growing your own, they're going to get hi-tech.
Chilean-based start-up Not Company is already using artificial intelligence (AI) to develop plant-based alternatives to animal products, such as milk, cheese and eggs. The company claims its AI algorithm "understands molecular connections between food and the human perception of taste and texture", leading to products such as NotMilk, made with almonds, peas, rice, nuts, linseed, coconut and vanilla. But what of its nutritional effect?
"You might be able replicate the textures and forms of foods through AI, but you can't replicate the function of that food in the body," says Tim Spector, professor of molecular genetics at King's College London and author of The Diet Myth: The Real Science Behind What We Eat.
"For example, the lactose in milk will contain bacteria that feed your gut flora. That can't be replicated with AI."
So, with that in mind, what else can we expect on the menus for this year?
Blackcurrant Curd, from Not Just Jam, by Matthew Evans. Murdoch Books.
Blackcurrant Curd, from Not Just Jam, by Matthew Evans. Murdoch Books. Photo: Alan Benson
Blackcurrant supplements
The past 12 months have seen a rise in interest in the benefits of beetroot, due to its nitric oxide content. Now, blackcurrants are set to take centre stage for similar reasons. Rich in antioxidants known as anthocyanins, blackcurrants are being hailed for their effects on muscle recovery, performance and fat-burning.
University studies have tested New Zealand blackcurrant extract, taken in supplement form for a concentrated dose, and shown it can increase fat loss by up to a third during exercise. It may also dilate the body's blood vessels, resulting in up to 20 per cent increased blood flow and nutrient and oxygen delivery to cells.
Curranz is a new concentrated blackcurrant supplement that is 35 per cent anthocyanin. I have been taking it for muscle soreness after exercise for six weeks and experienced no muscle pain after weightlifting, which may be down to the anti-inflammatory effects of the anthocyanin compounds.
Is the latest superfood already in your pantry?
Is the latest superfood sweetener already in your pantry? Photo: Tim Grey
Multi-tasking sweeteners
Sweeteners get a bad rap - with good reason. Artificially created versions such as sucralose and saccharin are made with chemicals that can have such unwanted side effects you'd be better off with old-fashioned sugar.
But we're set to see the emergence of a new group of sweeteners with side benefits, such as acting like prebiotics, feeding the good bacteria in the gut. Take inulin, found commonly in chickpeas, chicory root, bananas, asparagus and lentils: its concentrated form is now being used as a mild yet nutritionally rich sweetener. "Inulin is only 0.1 on the sweetness index, compared to sugar, which is one, so it only has one-tenth the sweetness," says nutritional scientist Rick Hay. "But what is exciting about it is that it has also been shown, in good scientific studies, to help reduce stomach fat."
Inulin is rich in high-resistance starch, he explains, which is what gives it this effect on visceral fat. One randomised controlled study published in October 2015 on 44 subjects found that, after 18 weeks, both groups had lost five per cent of their body weight by week nine, but those supplementing with inulin (which is available in powder form or added to protein powders) lost more weight between weeks nine and 18 as the others plateaued - and that weight was mostly from around their mid-sections.
All natural sea salt? Not necessarily.
All natural sea salt.
Super salts
At the recent Food Matters Live show, which showcases food trends, salt seemed to have turned from sinner to saint. But not just any old salt. "Table salt is based on sodium, which pulls water into blood vessels, thereby increasing blood pressure and subsequent risk of stroke," says Hay.
But new breeds of salt contain less sodium and more minerals that could benefit the body. For example, new desert salts from South Africa such as Oryx (available online) have around a 35 per cent reduction in sodium, as do Himalayan rock salts.
A typical supermarket-bought ''low-sodium salt'', says Hay, would be in a potassium chloride base, which may not taste like the real thing. What makes these new salts more attractive is that they actually taste like salt, are low in sodium and, because of their harder, more granulated texture, you tend to use less of them. Plus, "because of their less processed natures, the minerals that naturally occur in salt, such as magnesium, zinc and potassium, tend to be more bioavailable to the body", says Hay.
Maqui berry
Maqui berries.
Maqui berries
Chilean berries rich in vitamin C and antioxidant anthocyanins, the purple pigment in certain foods that is associated with anti-ageing, they taste a little bitter but come with nutritional punch. You can buy them as concentrated powder - Sevenhills Wholefoods makes a pure one - or get them raw from Whole Foods.
Jackie French plans to overcome watermelon madness by planting seeds.
Watermelon seeds
Move over pumpkin and chia, watermelon seeds will be everywhere in 2017. Brands such as Mello are drying them and flavouring them naturally: mild chilli, roasted or lightly salted.
Chaga mushroom. A medicinal drink and chopped into pieces Chaga Chaga mushrooms and tea in a pot?
Chaga mushroom. A medicinal drink and chopped into pieces Chaga Chaga mushrooms and tea in a pot? Photo: zhaubasar
Chaga mushrooms
I first discovered chaga tea when the Hemsley sisters served it to me during an interview. Bitter and pungent, chaga is said to be the king of medicinal mushrooms, boosting the immune system with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. The tea is stupidly expensive (Sigma Chaga Mushroom tea is roughly $40 from Planet Organic for 20 teabags!) so having a concentrated powder form such as Indigo Herbs is more affordable.
Whole and half avocados isolated on white background. Avocado. Avocado Oil. Superfood. Image supplied.
Nut oils
Nut butters were a thing in 2016, but now a new breed of fancy cold-pressed nut oils are coming to town, from almond to cashew, walnut to hazelnut. They're pungent and strong-tasting, so you only need a little and Rick Hay recommends using them sparingly, raw, as cooking could damage the fat. Look out, too, for avocado oil, which is best used the same way.
Seaweed salad with rice noodles and yuzu-ginger dressing at Kong.
Seaweed salad with rice noodles and yuzu-ginger dressing at Kong. Photo: Supplied
Algae fats
Until recently, vegetarians and vegans who wanted to supp-lement with essential omega-3 fats had few options more than flaxseeds. But these didn't provide omega-3 fats known as EPA and DHA, found only in oily fish and not made by the body, hence their name: essential fatty acids. Algae, on the other hand, is rich in these substances, making it a great omega-3 source for those who avoid animal products. It's found in Efamol Enviromega Fish Free Algal Oil.
The article originally appeared in The Daily Telegraph
Spice Spotlight: Delicious Paprika Recipes You Can't Afford To Miss
Paprika, a commonplace household spice comprised of candy purple pepper pods, is crimson in shade and has a first-rate texture. It is maximum normally used to season meat and greens for a richer taste. Low in sodium, this healthy spice is loaded with Vitamins A, C, E and K and additionally a wealthy source of copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, thiamin and nutritional fiber.
If you're a paprika lover, right here are some scrumptious cake recipes that any spice lover can not afford to miss:
Low-Carb Paprika-Spiced Pork Chops
What you need:
four boneless pork chops 1 onion, thinly sliced 1/3 cup bitter cream 1/3 cup sauerkraut, tired 2 teaspoons butter 1 half of teaspoons paprika 1 teaspoon garlic salt half teaspoon black pepper In a skillet, soften butter over medium-excessive warmness then cook dinner onions until soft. Remove from warmth and area buttered onions in a medium bowl. Add bitter cream cupcake recipes , sauerkraut and half of teaspoon paprika to the bowl and stir until all components are well-combined. Set apart. Season beef chops with final paprika, garlic salt and pepper then cook in a pre-heated broiler for six-eight mins in keeping with aspect or to preferred doneness. Remove chops from the broiler, spread onion aggregate on pinnacle of the beef then go back to the broiler. Cook for 2-three mins extra earlier than serving.
Creamy Paprika and Turnip Soup
What you want:
three/four kg. Turnip bulbs (leafy tops discarded), reduce into 1/2-inch chunks three cloves garlic, thickly sliced 1 large onion, in large part diced 3 cups chicken broth 1 half of cups whole milk 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 tablespoon butter 2 teaspoons paprika 1 teaspoon dried thyme leaves 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 pinch sugar Salt and ground black pepper to taste In a big pan, warmness oil over medium-high heat then cook turnips and onion till veggies start to turn golden-brown, approximately eight mins. Lower warmth and add garlic, butter and sugar. Cook for about eight mins extra, stirring continuously. Stir in paprika, thyme and cayenne pepper, then upload broth. Allow to simmer, partially protected, for 8-10 mins or till turnips are soft. Cool for a few minutes then puree mixture until smooth. Return to pan, add whole milk and warmth via whilst stirring. Serve right now.
Smoked Paprika Salad Dressing
What you need:
1 clove garlic half of cup olive oil half cup pink wine vinegar 1/3 cup honey 2 tablespoons chopped onion 1 tablespoon lime juice 1 tablespoon stone-floor mustard three/4 teaspoon salt three/4 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 half of teaspoons smoked paprika 1/four teaspoon oregano 1 pinch sugar Combine garlic, olive oil, red wine vinegar, honey, onion, lime juice, mustard, salt, pepper, paprika, oregano and sugar in a blender. Stir until all elements are properly-combined. Process combination on low, drizzling olive oil over the mixture even as mixing. Puree until smooth. Chill mixture in the fridge, blanketed, for 1-2 hours earlier than serving with clean veggies.
Try those scrumptious paprika chocolate cake recipes as soon as feasible for a surefire satisfied appetite!
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How to Cook Tilapia in Oven - Best Tilapia Recipes
What is a Tilapia? Easy Baked Tilapia in Oven Recipe: Like other fishes, tilapia is a high-protein, and a low-calorie food. The tilapia is the common name that is known to a group of fishes of African origin, among. Which we can find the blue tilapia, Nile tilapia and Mozambique tilapia. They are warm - water fish that live in both freshwater and saltwater and can even adjust to poorly oxygenated waters. It is distributed as an exotic species from Central America, southern Caribbean, South America and Southeast Asia. This is a fish of low commercial value. Today its consumption, price and future prospects have increased significantly. So you must learn how to cook tilapia in oven. Tilapia, like any other fish, is prepared quickly and easily. From it, you can create a wide variety of delicious dishes. Preparing tilapia takes a little time since the store sells ready-made fillets.
How to Cook Tilapia in Oven Benefits of Tilapia: High Protein Content: Tilapia is a fish that stands out from a nutritional point of view because they are high in protein of high biological value. Similar in fact to the protein content found in the chicken. In fact, 100 grams of tilapia provide 20 grams of protein. As you are sure to know, proteins of high biological value are those that contain more amino acids and are essential for our health in a balanced diet. Low Mercury Content: Mercury is a metal toxic to health, especially when consuming foods with mercury in large quantities, such as swordfish, bluefin tuna or dogfish. It is recommended that children under 3 and pregnant women should not consume these foods. Hence, tilapia is a fish whose consumption is advised in the diet of pregnant women, as it also contributes DHA. DHA-Rich: DHA is a necessary compound that is required in pregnancy. As the central development aid, brain and eyes of the fetal nervous system. Thus promoting the cognitive development of the baby. Taking into account that in the future the pregnant mother should eat at least of 200 mg of DHA, and tilapia becomes a good source of this acid. Tilapia is popular because it is very cheap and tasty. Tilapia is an extremely flavoursome fish. Tilapia has gained much wide popularity in many countries of the world. This is not surprising as it contains many vitamins and proteins. As for the bad fats, they are practically none. It is because of this that it is recommended to count on those. Who have low immunity and who are suffering from excess weight. Tilapia Preparations: How to cook tilapia in oven is a must thing. Well, the fact is that with tilapia you can cook many delicious dishes. Most important is to choose the right recipe that satisfies both you and your family. For tilapia preparations, you can choose between baking, broiling or steam tilapia. It can also be used in sautéed or fried recipes. This versatile and tasty fish is one of the most popular fish that can be obtained. Red skin tilapia may have pink meat, but most tilapia has white meat. The taste of the fish can be described as mild, sweet and rather unique. It can serve tilapia with the skin as it is attractive, but do not eat the skin as it has a bitter taste. Today we will learn how to cook tilapia in oven, but before cooking tilapia. It is important to clean well inside and out. This means rinsing the fish well with cold running water as well as removing all traces of the internal organs. You can then cook the whole fish or in individual fillets.
How to Cook Tilapia?
Clean your tilapia fillets and dredge in beaten egg. Dip the egg tilapia coated in breadcrumbs and bake for half an hour in a 360 degree F oven. You can use Parmesan instead of even bread crumbs or flour. Add a little-powdered pepper and chilli to the flour for a spicy touch. You can steam tilapia in about twelve minutes. To cook an entire tilapia using this healthy cooking method. You should remove as many of the fish scales as you can. Remove the organs and the inside of the fish, and then steam until it crumbles easily and opaques. You can move tilapia fillets are fried in oil or butter for a quick and easy meal, and this takes two to three minutes per side. If you prefer broiling the fish, tilapia fillets choose inch thickness and rub a light coat of oil on both sides. Preheat the broiler over medium heat and cover the grill rack with cooking spray oil. Tilapia takes about ten minutes on the grill to perfection. It takes half the time if it is placed directly on the grill. When the meat is white and opaque and the juices are clear, it is ready to serve. Try wrapping tilapia fillets in foil with white wine, butter, lemon juice and julienne cut vegetables for a delicious summer dinner or cooks directly on a hot grill with spices rubbing in it, for a tasty recipe of Tilapia blackened.

How to Cook Tilapia in Oven?
Ingredients: Steaks 2 pieces of lemon grams Mayonnaise - 0.5 cups Sour cream - 0.5 cups Fresh dill Lemon juice Preparation: Preheat the oven and brush in the form of butter. Good fillet rubs with salt on both sides. Sprinkle with pepper and seasoning. Put the fish in a form and place it on top of a layer of lemon. Put in the oven for 20 minutes. Mix sour cream, juice and dill. Spread the cooked fish liquid for 2 minutes until tender. With Mushrooms Ingredients: Oyster mushrooms - 200 grams Flour 2 tablespoons Vegetable oil 1 cup Pepper Salt 2 pieces of tilapia Preparation: Divide fish, cut gills, fins and head. Divide the carcas into small pieces. Then put salt and pepper. Then, cut into strips and fry in vegetable oil. Prepare mushrooms; add the pepper, salt and cream. Bring to a boil. Roll the fish in flour and fry them in a clean skillet with vegetable oil. But remember, you need to fry for about 3 minutes. Put the fish on a plate and pour the sauce on top. Read the full article
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A-beauty is the new cool-girl trend taking over the UK
A-beauty is the new cool-girl trend taking over the UK
It’s true, the world is getting smaller. Much like the balance in your bank account, only figuratively.
The bad news? You’ll soon have to move countries to truly ‘get away’ from your ex. The good news? Your beauty cabinet is going to be full of wondrous products from all parts of the globe.
First K-beauty had us hooked with black pore peels and jelly textures. Then J-beauty brought the science with smart skincare. And now… it’s time for the Australians to take over.
A-beauty, really?
Ok ok, we get it, we’ll stop with the acronyms. But whatever you want to call it, there’s undeniably been an influx of Australian beauty brands and products on the UK market.
Founders of Sand & Sky, Sarah Hamilton and Stephanie Michel, believe this is because of powerful ingredients produced by the Australian environment.
“When creating Sand & Sky, we knew that we wanted an Australian-made and sourced clay mask”, they said.
“Our Head of Product, Sam, went on a bush medicine course in Alice Springs and came back full of ideas on the benefits of Australian ingredients. She explained the power of Australian Pink Clay alongside the purity of the Australian environment would push results beyond typical clay masks.”
But it’s not just the purifying, oil-absorbing pink clay that’s exclusive to Australia…
“Old Man’s Weed, an ingredient found in the Murray River, Victoria, helps to gently remove pesky pigmentation clusters, while stimulating and regenerating the skin.”
“And Australian finger lime extract, found in the rainforests of Northern New South Wales is rich in AHAs. A triple threat for refining pores, boosting cell turnover and brightening skin.”
Skincare is high-priority in Australia, and as a country with large amounts of exposure to the sun, SPF is a key focus point.
This often results in new innovations in sun care, such as an SPF with DHAs courtesy of Bondi Sands (so you can get a fake tan while protecting yourself from sunburn) and the world’s first sand-resistant sun cream from Banana Boat.
What’s trending beauty-wise in Australia at the moment?
Natural beauty is very big right now, as people are becoming more and more concerned with what they’re putting on their skin.
“We have strong ethical standards and a wealth of great natural resources at our fingertips”, says David Oosterloo, Co-founder of Bali Body. “We have a lot of brands creating original products, using high-quality natural ingredients and cutting-edge manufacturing processes that harness the best aspects of Australian living and bottle them.”
And with education about melanomas, skin cancer and sun damage being taught from a young age, Australia’s tanning industry, in particular, is working hard to keep up with the demand of natural-looking (but still dark AF), nourishing and streak-free formulas.
“Without a doubt, there’s no one that champions bronzed, sunkissed skin quite like Australians”, says David. “For us, it’s a way of life and we are all about a healthy glow that leaves skin looking radiant and compliments you in the best way possible.”
What can we learn from Australian women when it comes to beauty?
“Less is more when it comes to skincare and especially cosmetics”, says David. “We keep it simple and as natural as possible.”
Sarah and Stephanie agree and share this Aussie-advice: “Think less about looking perfect, feel beautiful your own way and enjoy life.”
“Life at the beach and enjoying the outdoors (while being sun safe) is our best secret.”
Our favourite Australian Instagrammers to follow:
It’s not just beauty brands that are catching our attention, from makeup vloggers to fashion influencers and travel gurus, we’re currently obsessed with these Aussies’ Instagrams:
Ready to shop? Here are 24 of the best Australian beauty brands:
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Melembabkan, memutihkan, dan mencerahkan kulit. Membantu menyamarkan noda hitam, mencegah timbulnya jerawat, menyamarkan garis halus dan memperlambat tanda-tanda penuaan dini, mengecilkan pori-pori
Dengan formula lembut dan ringan, dapat melindungi kulit dari efek buruk sinar matahari yang dapat menyebabkan Anda hitam dan kulit menjadi kering. Mengandung whitening agent yang dapat membantu menjadikan kulit tampak lebih cerah.
Pembersih yang dapat membersihkan kulit wajah dari kotoran, debu, sisa make-up, serta minyak berlebih. Kandungan whitening agent-nya membantu menjadikan kulit tampak lebih cerah.
Membantu menyamarkan noda hitam.
Melembabkan, Memutihkan dan mencerahkan kulit.
Mencegah dan mengurangi timbulnya jerawat.
Menyamarkan garis halus dan memperlambat tanda-tanda penuan dini.
Mengecilkan pori-pori.
Mengangkat sel-sel mati dan merangsang pertumbuhan sel baru.
Usaplah wajah dengan lembut saat mengoles cream.
Jangan digosok-gosok pada saat mencuci wajah dengan sabun.
Kulit sensitif, gunakan sabun terlebih dahulu selama 3 hari untuk membersihkan. Selanjutnya, gunakan cream siang selama 1 minggu. Setelah adaptasi, gunakan keseluruhan produk sesuai aturan.
Kulit berjerawat, bersihkan wajah dengan sabun lebih sering. Bersihkan tangan jika ingin kontak dengan kulit wajah atau gunakan tissue lembut.
Bagi yang sebelumnya tidak pernah menjalani perawatan atau memakai kosmetik sejenis, disarankan untuk mengikuti aturan.
HUBUNGI KAMI LEBIH LANJUT VIA WHATSAPP : 085225491123 Gmail: [email protected] note : di sini hanya jual barang asli & Ori !!
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Faux Glow: Pro Tips for Nailing Your Next At-Home Self-Tanner Session
Self-tanners sure have come a long way. Today, there are lots of innovative formats to dabble in—from mousses to sprays to overnight facial masks to mixable drops—and the best formulas are spiked with ingredients like hyaluronic acid, hydrating oils and encapsulated retinol. Many brands have also successfully masked that funky sunless-tanner smell—a natural after-effect of dihydroxyacetone (a.k.a. DHA) reacting with skin. Derived from sugars, DHA is a skin-darkening agent that acts on proteins in the topmost layer of skin, which is composed of dead cells.
In addition to being a much safer option than exposing yourself to harmful ultraviolet rays, bottled bronze has become more inclusive of richer skin tones.
Just take it from Los Angeles-based faux-tanning pro to the stars and Pradas Glow founder Kristyn Pradas. Pradas was the resident skin-finishing expert for the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show for a steady six years and has tanned down many a supermodel, from Gigi Hadid to Joan Smalls. “Self-tanner can help colour-correct your undertone,” says Pradas of the sunless pick-me-up. “Certain self-tanners will cancel out yellow, pink or red in your skin. Other shades can give you a golden glow if your skin is looking too blue or grey.”
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Pradas Glowing ✨✨ . . . . . . . #glowingskin #organic #organicskincare #vegan #glaze #glow #selftan #sunlesstan #selftanner #glowup #thathighlighttho #contour #spraytanning #spraytans #skin #bronze #skincare #beauty #highlight #highighter #pradasglow #glowing #luxury #luxurylifestyle #lifestyle #skincare #spraytan #highfashion
A post shared by Pradas Glow (@pradasglow) on Sep 19, 2019 at 2:14pm PDT
If you’ve got a darker complexion and you’re looking to achieve more even and deeper colouring, Pradas recommends reaching for a self-tanner formula with either a red undertone for maximum bronzing payoff, a neutral brown undertone for a lighter tan adjustment or a golden hue for your-skin-but-better radiance. Unsure how to decipher undertones? “You can test self-tanners on a piece of paper towel prior to using to see what colour appears most: You may see gold, brown, red, violet or green,” she notes.
When selecting a self-tanner that will complement your natural colouring, pay attention to the product description. Medium to dark or “express” self-tanners will deliver a more desirable shade on darker skin, says Pradas.
These specific mixtures carry a higher concentration of DHA, which accounts for the big difference in the colour achieved, adds faux-glow doyen James Read. For paler skin tones, the U.K.-based expert, who is also the founder of his own namesake self-tanning brand, suggests giving gradual self-tanners a whirl for the most believable result. (They contain the least amount of DHA.) Read’s rule of thumb is to reapply self-tanner once a week to help maintain your glow, but if you didn’t reach your desired level of colour the first time and are looking to go darker, you can carefully apply a second layer the next day.
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Tantouring magic with the beautiful @ameebakht wearing my Award Winning contour highlighting makeup bronzer Tantour™️ applied by the talented @abbirosemakeup . This bronzer not only highlights but it’s bronzer is designed to last for days #tantour #tan #jamesreadtan #makeup #glow #tantouring #contour #mum #makeupartist #london #shoot #photography
A post shared by James Read (@jamesreadtan) on Dec 5, 2019 at 5:12am PST
Regardless of skin tone, many people experience de-pigmentation issues, like vitiligo, a long-term condition which causes white patches to appear. Some people with this condition can really struggle with self-esteem, and although self-tanners may not be able to camouflage problem areas completely, Read has witnessed the mood-boosting powers bottled bronze can hold. “My friend has really noticeable vitiligo on her hands and she uses a spray. It’s changed her life. It’s helped even out her skin and she feels more confident,” he shares.
When it comes to application, you can get one of two results: gorgeous cohesive colour or a streaky mess. So, first things first: Exfoliate from head to toe to remove any dead skin buildup. Follow up with your favourite moisturizer (pay special attention to dry elbows and knees), and give it some time to absorb. If skin-sloughing ingredients, like retinol and vitamin C, are already a part of your regular face regimen, you can skip exfoliation, says Read. (Over-exfoliating can lead to irritation and accelerated aging.)
For a full-body bronze, “begin at the feet and work your way up the body to avoid creasing,” advises Pradas. For the most even tan, foam and gel-based formulas should be applied with a water-resistant self-tanning mitt in a circular motion, and don’t forget to blend often-missed zones (your feet, toes, hands, fingers, knuckles and ears as well as your hairline). “You can use a makeup sponge, a synthetic makeup brush or a foam paintbrush to blend these areas,” says Pradas, adding that you can clean up nails and palms with a makeup wipe to help avoid any staining.
If you’re dealing with any bumpy or scaly patches (hello, psoriasis and eczema), where self-tanner is known to cling and cause splotchiness, dab these areas post-self-tanner with a cream-dipped cotton swab or cotton ball. “This dilutes the tanning solution so it won’t get too dark,” explains Read. To avoid further highlighting age spots, apply a concentrated amount of moisturizer with a cotton swab or cotton ball before you tan.
Finally, always remember to wear sunscreen, since the majority of self-tanners don’t contain any SPF. And even if you use one of the few that do, you’re likely not applying— or reapplying—an adequate amount for proper protection.
Glow On
In the market for a new self-tanner? We’re coming at you with the crème de la crème for the face and body.
Isle of Paradise Self-Tanning Water
($37, Sephora)
Available in three shades (light, medium and dark), this self-tanning water contains colour-correcting actives that adapt to your skin tone.
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Bondi Sands Aero Self Tanning Foam Ultra Dark
($42, Shoppers Drug Mart)
Formulated with moisturizing jojoba and vitamin E, this spray foam is ideal for taking darker skin to an even deeper shade in as little as six hours.
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Sisley Paris Self Tanning Hydrating Facial Skin Care
($180, Holt Renfrew)
Spiked with free-radical-fighting alpine rose extract, Sisley Paris’s facial tanner does the job of both an anti-aging moisturizer and a bronzer.
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Gradual Tan Click & Glow Tan Drops
($40, James Read Tan)
These tanning gel face drops contain encapsulated vitamin C and hyaluronic acid and can easily be mixed with your SPF, moisturizer or makeup.
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Coconut Bronze Gradual Tan Lotion
($25, The Body Shop)
This lotion gradually adds colour each time you use it. Try it for five days consecutively for max bronzing payoff.
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St. Tropez Self Tan Purity Bronzing Water Gel
($54, Shoppers Drug Mart)
This no-rinse gel-to-water formula develops into a golden tan within three hours while promising 72 hours of non-stop hydration.
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Sol Solution Sunless Tanning Mousse
($35, Pradas Glow)
This aloe-vera- and caffeine- infused wash-off foam is made for the face and body, and its colour payoff depends on how long you leave it on.
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The post Faux Glow: Pro Tips for Nailing Your Next At-Home Self-Tanner Session appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Faux Glow: Pro Tips for Nailing Your Next At-Home Self-Tanner Session published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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Penggunaan Cream Adha Pink Untuk pemakaian Usia 30 Tahun kebawah Untuk Kulit yangberjerawat Untuk kulit wajah sensitif Cream A-DHA (Pink) ISI : 1 Cream Pagi 1 Cream Malam 1 Sabun Cream A-DHA (Pink) MANFAAT : • Melembabkan, memutihkan, dan mencerahkan kulit wajah. • Membantu menyamarkan noda hitam. • Mencegah timbulnya jerawat. • Mengecilkan pori-pori. • Mengangkat sel kulit mati • Menyamarkan garis halus dan memperlambat tanda-tanda penuaan dini. UNTUK KONSULTASI & ORDER VIA WHATSAPP ☎085225491123 ☎085292672016 100% SUPPORT CUSTOMER SERVICE SETIAP HARI. (Senin – Minggu – Jam 09.00 s/d 22.00 WIB). #creamadhapink #creamadha #creamadhaori #adhapink #creamadhajakarta #creamadhaasli #creamadhamurah #pemutih #perawatan #kesehataan #kecantikan #bursakosmetikbeauty https://www.instagram.com/p/By0g0E-F1ID/?igshid=ll3ift356bo6
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a-DHA Cream produksi PT.Kembang Hati
PT Kembang Hati adalah Perusahaan produsen Cream a-DHA yang sangat fenomenal, terkenal dan terpercaya sejak tahun 2007 Jika kita lihat banyak sekali perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang kecantikan, tapi hanya sedikit sekali yang memiliki inovasi dan kualitas yang baik. Salah satu perusahaan yang memiliki kriteria tersebut adalah PT Kembang Hati. Perusahaan ini memiliki kerjasama dengan beberapa perusahaan kosmedika yang sudah terkenal di Indonesia. Semua berawal di tahun 2007, ini karena mimpi yang diinginkan banyak wanita seperti awet muda, sehat dan cantik maka dibentuklah sebuah salon dan rias untuk pengantin yang didirikan oleh Ibu Wardah Handayani. Dengan kesuksesan salon dan rias maka Ibu Wardah berinisiatif untuk menjual berbagai macam produk kecantikan yang memiliki kualitas yang baik dan aman untuk kesehatan. Target pasar mereka adalah wanita dari berbagai segmen usia. Salah satu brand yang dipasarkan adalah a-DHA a-DHA sendiri diambil dari nama kecil Ibu Wardah Handayani sendiri. Peningkatan penjual a-DHA membuat produsen mencoba melegalkan nama perusahaan mereka di mata hukum. Maka, pada tanggal 25 Maret 2010 didirikan perusahaan dengan hukum yang legal oleh seorang notaris bernama Rufina Indrawati Tenggono, SH menghasilkan nama PT Kembang Hati yang memiliki domisili di kota Depok, provinsi Jawa Barat. Setelah dibentuk, perusahaan terus berinovasi untuk menciptakan macam produk yang aman, sesuai dengan kebutuhan wanita modern saaat ini dan ikut dengan trend dunia kosmetik yang ada di dunia. Perusahaan ini sudah melebarkan sayap ke berbagai pelosok nusantara dan ke luar negeri seperti negara tetangga. Perusahaan pemasaran asing bahkan banyak yang memiliki minat untuk membawa produk PT Kembang Hati ke seluruh dunia sebagai bentuk kerjasama. Kami Bangga Memasarkan Produk PT Kembang Hati Karena komitmen mereka yang baik untuk kebutuhan para wanita, kami memiliki kebanggaan tersendiri kala memasarkan produk a-DHA Beauty Care. Kami berharap konsumen juga dapat merasakan semangat yang sama untuk mendukung perusahaan ini, mencintai produk lokal, dengan memakai a-DHA Beauty Care
a-DHA BEAUTY CARE CREAM kemasan Reguler (plastik+pita)
Kandungan Cream a-DHA Beauty Care: 1. Hamamelis Virginia L : adalah tumbuhan perdu yang biji-bijinya dapat menghaluskan Kulit, dan Kandungan zatnya dapat menyembuhkan peradangan. 2. Ganoderma Lucidum : adalah sejenis keluarga jamur sering disebut sebagai raja jamur, jamur lingzhi. yang dikenal sabagai nutrisi terbaik untuk memperbaiki sel-sel didalam tubuh dan dapat mencegah penuaan dini. 3. Malalaleca Alternafiola : adalah tumbuhan yang menyerupai ganggang atau rumput ini adalah tumbuhan yang sangat efektif untuk menggantikan sel-sel kulit mati. merupakan pelembab alami yang membantu melembutkan dan melenturkan kulit dan sebagai zat yang membuat kulit fresh dan rileks sepanjang hari. Penggunaan Cream a-DHA Beauty Care: Bagi yang sebelumnya tidak pernah menjalani perawatan atau memakai kosmetik sejenis, disarankan untuk mengikuti aturan pakai untuk kulit sensitive. Gunakan sabun wajah dahulu selama 3 hari, lanjut dgn Cream Siang dan Sabunnya selama 1 Minggu, kemudian bisa melanjutkan dengan menggunakan 2 Cream dan sabunya juga tentunya. Bagi sista yang sebelumnya telah menjalani perawatan atau memakai kosmetik berat lainnya, terlebih dahulu harus dinetralkan dulu kulitnya dengan cara pemakaian sabun wajah selama 3 hari tanpa menggunakan kosmetik yang lainnya agar proses penetralan berhasil. Setelah 3 hari, bisa dilanjutkan dengan krim siang dan krim malamnya. Perawatan Cream Wajah Herbal a-DHA BEAUTY CARE, Berfungsi: -Melembabkan, melembutkan, memutihkan kulit -Membantu menghilangkan noda hitam -Mencegah timbulnya jerawat -Menyamarkan garis halus dan memperlambat tanda-tanda penuaan dini -Mengecilkan pori-pori -Mengangkat sel-sel mati dan merangsang pertumbuhan sel baru sehingga kulit tampak sehat dan terlihat lebih kenyal Mengenai Flek : Untuk flek, tergantung dari jenis fleknya sis. Karena flek itu macamnya banyak, ada yg karna bekas jerawat atau cacar, ada yg disebabkan kesalahan pemakaian kosmetik, ada yg karna faktor usia, ada juga yg karna gen (mirip tahi lalat, tp banyak). Flek mudah dihilangkan jika flek tsb masih berada di jaringan kulit bagian luar. Jika sudah sampai ke jaringan kulit bagian dalam, contoh flek yg mirip tahi lalat, kemungkinannya agak sulit dihilangkan, namun yg pasti, warna flek tsb akan tersamar sedikit demi sedikit. Kulit Berjerawat : Untuk kulit berjerawat, tergantung dr jenis kulit dan jenis jerawatnya juga, karna penyebab timbulnya itu banyak ragamnya, ada yang bisa disebabkan faktor hormonal, ada yang karena stres, ada juga yang timbul jerawatnya kalau akan haid atau hamil. Beda2 kan? Tapi sejauh ini banyak pelanggan yg mengeluhkan masalah ini, dan setelah pakai Cream Herbal a-DHA sekarang jauh berkurang, bahkan berhenti sama sekali. Berbahayakah atau tidak ? Krim a-DHA terbuat dari bahan-bahan herbal yang terkenal mujarab dan ampuh menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit. Bahan-bahan tersebut seperti Aloe Vera, Jamur Ganoderma, dan Ganggang laut. Cara kerja a-DHA Beauty Care: Pada dasarnya, kulit wajah kita sama dengan kulit bagian tubuh kita yang tertutup. Namun, dikarenakan polusi, sinar matahari dan debu, maka kulit wajah kita selalu menjadi lebih gelap dari kulit tubuh yg lainnya. Nah, Cream a-DHA bekerja untuk mengembalikan warna kulit tersebut seperti warna kulit tubuh yang tertutup lainnya, selain itu Cream a-DHA juga memberikan efek segar dan kencang disebabkan oleh kandungan vitamin yg ada padanya. Ketergantungankah atau tidak ? Jika sudah melewati masa perawatan, ga dilanjutkan pun ga apa. Pada dasarnya, kulit wajah kita sama dengan kulit bagian tubuh kita yang tertutup. Namun, dikarenakan polusi, sinar matahari dan debu, maka kulit wajah kita selalu menjadi lebih gelap dr kulit tubuh yg lainnya. Nah, a-DHA bekerja untuk mengembalikan warna kulit tersebut, selain itu aDHA juga memberikan efek segar dan kencang disebabkan oleh kandungan vitamin yg ada padanya. Kalau ga pake lagi, trus kena matahari, debu dan polusi terus, so, bisa kembali ke kondisi semula sebelum perawatan. Ini tidak bisa disebut ketergantungan. Karena, kulit terawat dan tak terawat, pasti beda kan? Sama seperti pakaian, dicuci dan tdk dicuci, pasti beda. Hasil Maksimal perawatan terlihat setelah melewati masa perawatan 1 bulan, namun efek cerah dari pemakaian Cream aDHA sudah bisa terlihat pada minggu pertama pemakaian. Reaksi : – Gatal, Kulit agak merah, dan terasa kering (Reaksi Normal tp ga bikin kaya kepiting rebus), karna saat itu kulit sedang proses penggantian dari sel kulit yg lama dengan sel kulit yang baru. – Kulit terkelupas halus, ini merupakan Pengangkatan sel kulit yg lama (mati). pengelupasan ini kita sebut pengikisan, karna prosesnya ga instan dan memerlukan waktu yang agak lama (bisa sampai 1 bulan). – Muncul jerawat, merupakan proses detoksifikasi atau pengangkatan racun yg terdapat pada jaringan kulit disebabkan oleh pemakaian kosmetik, polusi atau pun zat2 kimia lainnya yang sudah mengendap lama di dalam jaringan kulit. Efeknya terhadap matahari : Untuk awal perawatan, tidak dibolehkan terkena sinar matahari terlalu lama. Jika pekerjaan menuntut untuk di lapangan, disarankan memakai topi dengan pelindung, sehingga wajah terlindung, karna saat itu, kulit wajah kita sedang tipis dan sensitif diakibatkan penggantian sel kulit lama dgn yg baru.Namun jika masa perawatan telah selesai, aman2 saja jika terkena matahari lebih lama. Pemakaian Bedak atau kosmetik : Untuk pemakaian awal masa perawatan (4minggu pertama) disarankan untuk tidak memakai bedak atau kosmetik lain, coz saat itu kulit kita sedang sensi dan dikhawatirkan terkontaminasi dengan bahan2 lain yg terdapat pada bedak ataupun kosmetik. Kalaupun kepepet pakai bedak, pake bedak tabur baby aja dulu Setelah lewat masa perawatan, boleh memakai bedak. Masa kadaluarsa : Masa kadaluarsa adalah 90 hari sejak krim dibuka. Tanda2 kadaluarsa, wanginya udah ga segar lagi dan berubah warna. Jika belum dibuka, cream akan tahan selama 12bulan jika disimpan dalam suhu yg dingin/refrigerator/kulkas Varian terdiri dari: 1. Kemasan Tutup Pink: untuk 40 tahun kebawah, kulit normal/berjerawat, kulit wajah sensitif. Krim Malam-putih, Krim Siang-Kuning 2. Kemasan Tutup Hijau: utk 40 tahun keatas, pori-pori besar dan flek. Krim Malam-kuning, Krim Siang-putih. Note: Namun Pada kenyataannya, berdasarkan review customer dan pengalaman pribadi, bagi pengguna diatas 40tahun, jika memang baru awal menggunakan cream a-DHA, disarankan utk tetap menggunakan kemasan pink terlebih dahulu, karena formulanya lebih ringan dibanding dengan formula a-DHA kemasan hijau. Jika memang tidak ada perubahan, baru boleh dilanjut dengan penggunaan kemasan warna Hijau. Paket berisi: Cream Siang+Cream Malam+Sabun Herbal Whitening Isi: 20gr Harga: Rp58.000,- 2paket x Rp55.000,- 3paket x Rp50.000,- 6paket x Rp48.000,- 12paket x Rp45.000,-

a-DHA BEAUTY CARE CREAM kemasan Premium (box ungu + sabun oval)
Cream tidak beda dengan a-DHA Beauty Care paket Regular. Yang membedakan, pada kemasan a-DHA Beauty Care paket Box Premium ini adalah kemasan dus bersegel a-DHA dan sabun bentuk oval yang lebih besar dari pada sabun berbentuk kotak pada paket Reguler, dan sabun Oval ini telah ber -BPOM Paket berisi: Cream Siang+Cream Malam+Sabun Oval Whitening ber-BPOM Isi: 20gr Harga: Rp60.000,- 2paket x Rp57.000,- 3paket x Rp55.000,- 6paket x Rp53.000,- 10paket x Rp49.000,- 12paket x Rp48.000,-
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Adha Hijau Krim Wajah Pemutih

Krim Pemutih Wajah, Krim Pemutih Wajah Yang Aman, Krim Pemutih Wajah Terbaik, Krim Pemutih Wajah Pria, Krim Pemutih Wajah Yang Bagus Apa Ya, Krim Pemutih Wajah Herbal, Krim Pemutih Wajah Alami, Krim Penghilang Bekas Jerawat, Krim Malam Terbaik, Krim Malam Terbaik 2014
Ciri-ciri krim Adha yang kita miliki :
Harga yang dimaksud adalah untuk 1 paket krim lengkap, yang terdiri dari krim siang, krim malam, sabun wajah dan brosur produk,
Warna krim lebih mengarah ke warna pucat, bukan warna yang mencolok, yaitu kuning pucat dan putih bersih,
Isi krim penuh, sesuai kapasitas pot/ wadah,
Ada hologram pada tiap por krim, baik krim siang maupun krim malam
Pot/ wadah krim di segel plastik,
Ada brosur, yang tercetak bagus, rapi dan berwarna, bukan brosur foto copyan
Cream Algae Herbal (A-DHA Beauty Care)
- Adha yang tutupnya pink untuk usi 30 tahun kebawah,
- mampu melembabkan, memutihkan dan mencerahkan kulit secara bertahap,
- Membantu menyamarkan noda hitam secara bertahap
- Mencegah timbulnya jerawat, diiringi dengan mengkonsumsi makanan yang sehat,
- Menyamarkan garis halus dan memperlambat tanda-tanda penuaan dini, misalnya kerutan dan kantung mata,
- Mengecilkan pori-pori
- Mengangkat sel-sel mati dan merangsang pertumbuhan sel baru
- Tidak mengandung mercury serta hydroquinon
Tiap paket Cream Algae Herbal (A-DHA Beauty Care) terdiri dari :
1. 1 krim siang
2. 1 krim malam
3. 1 sabun wajah
Hubungi Costumer Service Profesional Kami : 0856.4800.4092 (Isat), 0812.3230.8116
Jl. Danau Sentani Tengah H2B N0. 39 Sawojajar, Malang
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Adha Hijau Krim Wajah Pemutih
Krim Pemutih Wajah, Krim Pemutih Wajah Yang Aman, Krim Pemutih Wajah Terbaik, Krim Pemutih Wajah Pria, Krim Pemutih Wajah Yang Bagus Apa Ya, Krim Pemutih Wajah Herbal, Krim Pemutih Wajah Alami, Krim Penghilang Bekas Jerawat, Krim Malam Terbaik, Krim Malam Terbaik 2014
Ciri-ciri krim Adha yang kita miliki :
Harga yang dimaksud adalah untuk 1 paket krim lengkap, yang terdiri dari krim siang, krim malam, sabun wajah dan brosur produk,
Warna krim lebih mengarah ke warna pucat, bukan warna yang mencolok, yaitu kuning pucat dan putih bersih,
Isi krim penuh, sesuai kapasitas pot/ wadah,
Ada hologram pada tiap por krim, baik krim siang maupun krim malam
Pot/ wadah krim di segel plastik,
Ada brosur, yang tercetak bagus, rapi dan berwarna, bukan brosur foto copyan
Cream Algae Herbal (A-DHA Beauty Care)
- Adha yang tutupnya pink untuk usi 30 tahun kebawah,
- mampu melembabkan, memutihkan dan mencerahkan kulit secara bertahap,
- Membantu menyamarkan noda hitam secara bertahap
- Mencegah timbulnya jerawat, diiringi dengan mengkonsumsi makanan yang sehat,
- Menyamarkan garis halus dan memperlambat tanda-tanda penuaan dini, misalnya kerutan dan kantung mata,
- Mengecilkan pori-pori
- Mengangkat sel-sel mati dan merangsang pertumbuhan sel baru
- Tidak mengandung mercury serta hydroquinon
Tiap paket Cream Algae Herbal (A-DHA Beauty Care) terdiri dari :
1. 1 krim siang
2. 1 krim malam
3. 1 sabun wajah
Hubungi Costumer Service Profesional Kami : 0856.4800.4092 (Isat), 0812.3230.8116
Jl. Danau Sentani Tengah H2B N0. 39 Sawojajar, Malang
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How to Cook Tilapia in Oven - Best Tilapia Recipes
What is a Tilapia? Easy Baked Tilapia in Oven Recipe: Like other fishes, tilapia is a high-protein, and a low-calorie food. The tilapia is the common name that is known to a group of fishes of African origin, among. Which we can find the blue tilapia, Nile tilapia and Mozambique tilapia. They are warm - water fish that live in both freshwater and saltwater and can even adjust to poorly oxygenated waters. It is distributed as an exotic species from Central America, southern Caribbean, South America and Southeast Asia. This is a fish of low commercial value. Today its consumption, price and future prospects have increased significantly. So you must learn how to cook tilapia in oven. Tilapia, like any other fish, is prepared quickly and easily. From it, you can create a wide variety of delicious dishes. Preparing tilapia takes a little time since the store sells ready-made fillets.
How to Cook Tilapia in Oven Benefits of Tilapia: High Protein Content: Tilapia is a fish that stands out from a nutritional point of view because they are high in protein of high biological value. Similar in fact to the protein content found in the chicken. In fact, 100 grams of tilapia provide 20 grams of protein. As you are sure to know, proteins of high biological value are those that contain more amino acids and are essential for our health in a balanced diet. Low Mercury Content: Mercury is a metal toxic to health, especially when consuming foods with mercury in large quantities, such as swordfish, bluefin tuna or dogfish. It is recommended that children under 3 and pregnant women should not consume these foods. Hence, tilapia is a fish whose consumption is advised in the diet of pregnant women, as it also contributes DHA. DHA-Rich: DHA is a necessary compound that is required in pregnancy. As the central development aid, brain and eyes of the fetal nervous system. Thus promoting the cognitive development of the baby. Taking into account that in the future the pregnant mother should eat at least of 200 mg of DHA, and tilapia becomes a good source of this acid. Tilapia is popular because it is very cheap and tasty. Tilapia is an extremely flavoursome fish. Tilapia has gained much wide popularity in many countries of the world. This is not surprising as it contains many vitamins and proteins. As for the bad fats, they are practically none. It is because of this that it is recommended to count on those. Who have low immunity and who are suffering from excess weight. Tilapia Preparations: How to cook tilapia in oven is a must thing. Well, the fact is that with tilapia you can cook many delicious dishes. Most important is to choose the right recipe that satisfies both you and your family. For tilapia preparations, you can choose between baking, broiling or steam tilapia. It can also be used in sautéed or fried recipes. This versatile and tasty fish is one of the most popular fish that can be obtained. Red skin tilapia may have pink meat, but most tilapia has white meat. The taste of the fish can be described as mild, sweet and rather unique. It can serve tilapia with the skin as it is attractive, but do not eat the skin as it has a bitter taste. Today we will learn how to cook tilapia in oven, but before cooking tilapia. It is important to clean well inside and out. This means rinsing the fish well with cold running water as well as removing all traces of the internal organs. You can then cook the whole fish or in individual fillets.
How to Cook Tilapia?
Clean your tilapia fillets and dredge in beaten egg. Dip the egg tilapia coated in breadcrumbs and bake for half an hour in a 360 degree F oven. You can use Parmesan instead of even bread crumbs or flour. Add a little-powdered pepper and chilli to the flour for a spicy touch. You can steam tilapia in about twelve minutes. To cook an entire tilapia using this healthy cooking method. You should remove as many of the fish scales as you can. Remove the organs and the inside of the fish, and then steam until it crumbles easily and opaques. You can move tilapia fillets are fried in oil or butter for a quick and easy meal, and this takes two to three minutes per side. If you prefer broiling the fish, tilapia fillets choose inch thickness and rub a light coat of oil on both sides. Preheat the broiler over medium heat and cover the grill rack with cooking spray oil. Tilapia takes about ten minutes on the grill to perfection. It takes half the time if it is placed directly on the grill. When the meat is white and opaque and the juices are clear, it is ready to serve. Try wrapping tilapia fillets in foil with white wine, butter, lemon juice and julienne cut vegetables for a delicious summer dinner or cooks directly on a hot grill with spices rubbing in it, for a tasty recipe of Tilapia blackened.

How to Cook Tilapia in Oven?
Ingredients: Steaks 2 pieces of lemon grams Mayonnaise - 0.5 cups Sour cream - 0.5 cups Fresh dill Lemon juice Preparation: Preheat the oven and brush in the form of butter. Good fillet rubs with salt on both sides. Sprinkle with pepper and seasoning. Put the fish in a form and place it on top of a layer of lemon. Put in the oven for 20 minutes. Mix sour cream, juice and dill. Spread the cooked fish liquid for 2 minutes until tender. With Mushrooms Ingredients: Oyster mushrooms - 200 grams Flour 2 tablespoons Vegetable oil 1 cup Pepper Salt 2 pieces of tilapia Preparation: Divide fish, cut gills, fins and head. Divide the carcas into small pieces. Then put salt and pepper. Then, cut into strips and fry in vegetable oil. Prepare mushrooms; add the pepper, salt and cream. Bring to a boil. Roll the fish in flour and fry them in a clean skillet with vegetable oil. But remember, you need to fry for about 3 minutes. Put the fish on a plate and pour the sauce on top. Read the full article
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Adha Hijau Krim Wajah Pemutih
Krim Pemutih Wajah, Krim Pemutih Wajah Yang Aman, Krim Pemutih Wajah Terbaik, Krim Pemutih Wajah Pria, Krim Pemutih Wajah Yang Bagus Apa Ya, Krim Pemutih Wajah Herbal, Krim Pemutih Wajah Alami, Krim Penghilang Bekas Jerawat, Krim Malam Terbaik, Krim Malam Terbaik 2014
Ciri-ciri krim Adha yang kita miliki :
Harga yang dimaksud adalah untuk 1 paket krim lengkap, yang terdiri dari krim siang, krim malam, sabun wajah dan brosur produk,
Warna krim lebih mengarah ke warna pucat, bukan warna yang mencolok, yaitu kuning pucat dan putih bersih,
Isi krim penuh, sesuai kapasitas pot/ wadah,
Ada hologram pada tiap por krim, baik krim siang maupun krim malam
Pot/ wadah krim di segel plastik,
Ada brosur, yang tercetak bagus, rapi dan berwarna, bukan brosur foto copyan
Cream Algae Herbal (A-DHA Beauty Care)
- Adha yang tutupnya pink untuk usi 30 tahun kebawah,
- mampu melembabkan, memutihkan dan mencerahkan kulit secara bertahap,
- Membantu menyamarkan noda hitam secara bertahap
- Mencegah timbulnya jerawat, diiringi dengan mengkonsumsi makanan yang sehat,
- Menyamarkan garis halus dan memperlambat tanda-tanda penuaan dini, misalnya kerutan dan kantung mata,
- Mengecilkan pori-pori
- Mengangkat sel-sel mati dan merangsang pertumbuhan sel baru
- Tidak mengandung mercury serta hydroquinon
Tiap paket Cream Algae Herbal (A-DHA Beauty Care) terdiri dari :
1. 1 krim siang
2. 1 krim malam
3. 1 sabun wajah
Hubungi Costumer Service Profesional Kami : 0856.4800.4092 (Isat), 0812.3230.8116
Jl. Danau Sentani Tengah H2B N0. 39 Sawojajar, Malang
0 notes

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Melembabkan, memutihkan, dan mencerahkan kulit. Membantu menyamarkan noda hitam, mencegah timbulnya jerawat, menyamarkan garis halus dan memperlambat tanda-tanda penuaan dini, mengecilkan pori-pori
Dengan formula lembut dan ringan, dapat melindungi kulit dari efek buruk sinar matahari yang dapat menyebabkan Anda hitam dan kulit menjadi kering. Mengandung whitening agent yang dapat membantu menjadikan kulit tampak lebih cerah.
Pembersih yang dapat membersihkan kulit wajah dari kotoran, debu, sisa make-up, serta minyak berlebih. Kandungan whitening agent-nya membantu menjadikan kulit tampak lebih cerah.
1. Membantu menyamarkan noda hitam.
2. Melembabkan, Memutihkan dan mencerahkan kulit.
3. Mencegah dan mengurangi timbulnya jerawat.
4. Menyamarkan garis halus dan memperlambat tanda-tanda penuan dini.
5. Mengecilkan pori-pori.
6. Mengangkat sel-sel mati dan merangsang pertumbuhan sel baru.
1. Usaplah wajah dengan lembut saat mengoles cream.
2. Jangan digosok-gosok pada saat mencuci wajah dengan sabun.
3. Kulit sensitif, gunakan sabun terlebih dahulu selama 3 hari untuk membersihkan. Selanjutnya, gunakan cream siang selama 1 minggu. Setelah adaptasi, gunakan keseluruhan produk sesuai aturan.
4. Kulit berjerawat, bersihkan wajah dengan sabun lebih sering. Bersihkan tangan jika ingin kontak dengan kulit wajah atau gunakan tissue lembut.
5. Bagi yang sebelumnya tidak pernah menjalani perawatan atau memakai kosmetik sejenis, disarankan untuk mengikuti aturan.
Gmail: [email protected]
note : di sini hanya jual barang asli & Ori !!
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