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updownlately · 1 year ago
2 - why the hell she love me
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“You guys are sickeningly sweet.”
Mary’s voice cut through Tooney’s latest retelling of some prank she played on Georgia at the last camp, quickly catching your and Alessia’s attention. 
“Huh? Us?” You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, unaware of what sparked the goalkeeper’s exasperated comment, Alessia’s expression not dissimilar to yours.
The four of you were currently sitting out on the patio of your and Alessia’s favourite pizzeria, enjoying the summer sunshine and down time before the season started up again. 
With Alessia beside you, her chair impossibly close to your own, Mary across from you as Tooney sat diagonal from you, the conversation had been flowing well throughout the night, not a single dull moment to be found.
In fact, if your memory served you right, you and Alessia hadn’t even interacted much, mostly paying attention to the two sat in front of you, soaking up as much of the night as you could before you both soon headed off to London. 
“No, I’m talking about the other couple here at the table…” 
You could feel Alessia’s eye roll at Mary’s sarcastic comment, not needing to face your favourite blonde in order to clearly picture it. 
“We’re not even doing anything?” The offended tone in the striker’s voice had you holding back a proud smile as you nodded in agreement.
If you both were honest, the two of you had been mindful of your interactions all evening, not looking forward to the myriad of teasing often directed at you two.
Keeping any form of PDA to a near zero had been a struggle, but handling the teasing of both Tooney and Mearps without another teammate there to defend you? Yeah, no, the two of you could survive one night without any hand holding.
“She’s right…we’ve barely even held hands, much less done anything else…Earps what are you on about?” 
Across from Alessia, Tooney stifled a laugh, head whipping back and forth between the confused expression on your face, the exasperated one on her best friend’s, and Mary’s shaking head. 
“That,” Mary’s explanation came in the form of one word, pointed eyes directed at your plate. 
Face scrunching in even more confusion, you couldn’t help the annoyance in your voice from spilling out.
“Mary, what? You can’t just look at my plate and say one word!” 
At this point, you were nearly out of your seat, Alessia having settled back in her’s, head tilted, silently curious as to where this conversation was going to go. 
“Your crusts…” 
“Yeah? What about them? They’re regular pizza crusts? What’s that got to do with-” You cut yourself off as the realisation hit you, falling back in your seat defeatedly, a wry smile on your face. 
Covering your face with your hands, trying to hide your reddening cheeks, you barely managed to hide your exasperation. “Really Mary?…Really?”
Seeing the keeper’s teasing shrug from the space between your fingers, you shook your head, peeking over to see Alessia’s bashful smile and an amused grin on Tooney’s face.
Throughout the night you had been offloading all your pizza crusts to Alessia, well aware of the blonde’s affinity to them. 
As you had grown accustomed to from many, many nights before, you had absentmindedly left all your uneaten crusts in your plate, not paying them much attention, subconsciously aware that the newly signed Gunner would finish them off for you.
Case in point, at the indirect mention of the crusts, Alessia reached over to grab another, beginning to eat quietly beside you, a smile hidden slyly. 
“See! It’s like the damn pickle thing!”
As Mary’s voice got louder with each word, you couldn’t help but sink into your seat more and more, a mortified look on your face, your better half still happily eating your crust, unbothered at attention being attracted. 
“What’s the pickle thing?” Apparently this was the perfect time for Ella to join the conversation. Just great. 
“Isn’t it the thing…the…what’s the word?” 
A pregnant pause took over the table, only the crunching of the crust in Alessia’s hand to be heard. 
“AH! I remember. Erm, it’s a theory. The pickle theory is where one person in the relationship hates pickles but the other loves them and so they’re perfect for each other! Like you both right now- ‘cause you-”, Mary shot a look in your direction, “hate crusts, and Lessi here clearly loves them.”
“Oi! Wait hold on. Less I swear you’ve hated crusts growing up! All the times we got pizza when we were younger, you’d leave yours on the plate!”
You whipped your head around to Alessia, eyes widening at what you were hearing. 
“Sorry- WHAT?”
“I- I hated them as a kid but now I, I think they’re alright?” The feeble explanation combined with the slight waver in her voice didn’t have you as convinced as she would like however. Raising an eyebrow in a silent question, you stayed quiet, waiting for Alessia to continue speaking. 
“Okay, so I might just hate crusts? Just a little bit?” 
“Are you telling me or asking me?”
Letting out a sigh at your sharp words, Alessia fully turned to you, the last two bites of the pizza crust in her hand long forgotten. 
“I don’t like crusts,” the near whisper barely audible through the noises of the street. 
You blinked your eyes and soaked in what the blonde had just said, staying silent, processing.
“See! Told you!” 
“Tooney! Not the time!” The following smack on the shoulder that came flying from Mary working to break you out of your trance.
“Less…over a year, nearly almost a year and a half…you’ve been eating my crusts…and you didn’t like them this whole time?”
Shaking her head in response, Alessia quickly shot out an explanation.
“Listen, one of our first few dates- we had pizza and you left the crusts, and I wanted to tease you so I made fun of you for not liking them, and then- okay this is silly but I didn’t want you to get back at me if you knew I didn’t like crusts, so I’ve tolerated them ever since…” Trailing off, Alessia rubbed the back of her neck nervously, rosy blush coating her cheeks, an abashed grimace on her face.
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing.  “Alessia…we’ve had pizza nearly a hundred times since…”
“Well you didn’t like them, and I didn’t want to waste food either.” 
At her last statement, you facepalmed. Right in front of Tooney, Earps, and whoever else had the pleasure (or displeasure) of walking by.
“Alessia…I love crusts. I’ve always loved crusts. Have since I was a kid…” Taking a deep sigh in, dumbfounded at both yourself and Alessia’s ability to put the other first, you continued.
“The only reason I didn’t eat the crusts that day was because I found it to be too doughy for my liking. But then you started messing with me about it and I figured you loved crusts, so, well, I’ve told you since then that I don’t like them…”
A shocked silence hung in the air as you finished your explanation, you meeting the eyes of your girlfriend as you both threw your heads back, wincing at your lack of communication.
As the two of you sat there, staring at each other, the table silent, you waited for the other to say something. Anything really. Just a little something to break the tension, the incredulity of the situation.
Thankfully, your reprieve came in the form of one of your best mates.
“You two really are not the brightest of the bunch, yeah?” Interrupting your moment, Mary’s shrill voice cut in, roasting the two of you as she picked up another slice of her own pizza. “And to think all of this came about just because I called you both cute…”
Reaching for the half-eaten crust from Alessia’s plate, you quickly grabbed the small chunk of bread, quickly throwing it at Mary before scooting your chair closer to Alessia, the no PDA rule be damned.
Lovesick smile on your face, you couldn’t believe that this was the dork you called yours, wondering why she loved you through all these shenanigans and more. Taking one silent look at the crusts on your plate, then craning your neck to meet the eyes of your blonde, you dropped your shoulders in an appreciative manner, placing a quick kiss on her lips before grabbing a crust of your own and taking a bite.
Maybe the two of you were a little silly, trying too hard to please the other, choosing them over yourself. But at least you knew you loved each other, the silent love and care present without ever needing to be announced. 
Wrapping an arm around Alessia’s waist, head resting on her shoulder as Tooney started making fun of the two of you as usual, you brought the pizza crust to your mouth, taking a bite and silently munching away, glad that you could finally enjoy a full slice of pizza properly, with the girl of your dreams in your arms.
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cinews-id · 14 hours ago
KPK dan BPOM Kuatkan Sinergi Cegah Korupsi di Bidang Pangan dan Obat
JAKARTA – Juru Bicara Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) Tessa Mahardhika mengingatkan Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) transparan dan bebas korupsi. Menurutnya, Lembaga ini rawan karena bertugas menjadi pengawas keamanan dan kualitas produk farmasi dan makanan di Tanah Air. Hal itu dikatakan Tessa, saat ditanya perihal kehadiran BPOM ke gedung Merah Putih KPK, Kuningan Persada, Jakarta…
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realitajayasaktigroup · 5 days ago
Skincare Mengandung Bahan Berbahaya Marak, Ini Langkah Tegas BPOM untuk Lindungi Konsumen
REKONFUNEWS.COM, JAKARTA || Skincare Mengandung Bahan Berbahaya Marak, Ini Langkah Tegas BPOM untuk Lindungi Konsumen. Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) mengambil langkah tegas dengan menarik 54 produk skincare yang terbukti mengandung bahan berbahaya. Produk-produk tersebut ditemukan mengandung bahan terlarang dan berbahaya seperti merkuri, asam retinoat, dan hidrokinon. Temuan ini…
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kantorberita · 16 days ago
Rayakan HUT ke-24, BPOM Bengkulu Tingkatkan Literasi Keamanan Produk di Sport Center Pantai Panjang
Rayakan HUT ke-24, BPOM Bengkulu Tingkatkan Literasi Keamanan Produk di Sport Center Pantai Panjang KANTOR-BERITA.COM, BENGKULU|| Memperingati Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) ke-24, Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) melaksanakan berbagai kegiatan serentak di seluruh Indonesia, Dengan tema “Cek Produkmu Bersama BPOM”, program ini bertujuan meningkatkan literasi masyarakat terkait keamanan dan…
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lampung7com · 1 month ago
BPOM Ungkap Temuan Kosmetik Ilegal dan Berbahaya Senilai Rp 8,9 Miliar dalam Pengawasan Periode Oktober-November 2024
Jakarta – Kepala Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM), Taruna Ikrar, memaparkan hasil pengawasan dan operasi penindakan terhadap produksi serta peredaran kosmetik impor ilegal yang mengandung bahan berbahaya sepanjang Oktober-November 2024. Temuan ini bernilai sekitar Rp 8,9 miliar. “Dari intensifikasi pengawasan dan operasi penindakan, kami menemukan 235 item kosmetik ilegal dan/atau yang…
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holopiscom · 1 month ago
BPOM RI Tindak Pelaku Skincare Abal-abal di Sulsel
MAKASSAR – Kepala Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) RI Taruna Ikrar tegaskan sudah menindak pelaku penjual dan produksi skincare abal-abal di hampir semua wilayah di Indonesia, termasuk di Sulawesi Selatan (Sulsel). Menurutnya skincare bermercuri (abal-abal) itu tidak hanya ada di Sulawesi Selatan (Sulsel), tapi hampir seluruh Indonesia. “Orang-orang Sulawesi itu memiliki karakter siri.…
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sharekebaikan · 3 months ago
Kelalaian Negara Mengurusi Keamanan Pangan Rakyatnya
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Akhir-akhir ini, sejumlah daerah di Indonesia mengalami Kejadian Luar Biasa Keracunan Pangan (KLB KP). Penyebabnya adalah makanan impor dari Cina, latiao. Beberapa wilayah yang melaporkan KLB ini ialah Lampung, Sukabumi, Wonosobo, Tangerang Selatan, Bandung Barat, Pamekasan, dan Riau.
Kepala Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM), Taruna Ikrar, menyatakan bahwa setelah menerima laporan tentang keracunan pangan, mereka segera bekerja sama dengan pihak terkait di setiap wilayah untuk mengambil sampel makanan dan melakukan pengujian laboratorium. Hasilnya, BPOM menemukan kontaminasi bakteri Bacillus cereus pada produk pangan Latiao. Untuk melindungi kesehatan publik, BPOM menghentikan sementara semua produk Latiao dari penjualan. BPOM juga akan menarik 73 produk yang terdaftar hingga benar-benar dipastikan aman untuk dijual.
Kasus keracunan makanan yang disebabkan oleh produk Latiao yang memicu kejadian luar biasa ini mengingatkan kita pada kasus serupa. Kita diingatkan kembali oleh kejadian pada tahun 2022 saat obat sirop yang mengandung zat kimia melebihi ambang batas aman telah menyebabkan gagal ginjal akut pada ratusan anak. Zat kimia tersebut yakni etilen glikol (EG) dan dietilen glikol (DEG). EG dan DEG merupakan zat kimia berbahaya dengan ambang batas aman 0,1 miligram/mililiter, termasuk propilen glikol (PG), yang terdapat pada pelarut tambahan obat sirop.
Sampai Februari 2023, 326 kasus gagal ginjal akut terjadi di 27 provinsi di Indonesia, dengan 204 anak meninggal dan sisanya sembuh. Baresskrim Polri melakukan penyelidikan untuk mendalami pihak yang terkait dengan kejadian tersebut. PT Afi Farma Pharmaceutical Industry, PT Universal Pharmaceutical Industries, dan PT Yarindo Farmatama adalah beberapa perusahaan yang diselidiki terkait dengan kasus tersebut. Tiga perusahaan itu juga memiliki puluhan obat sirop yang ditarik keluar oleh Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM).
Pada saat itu, pemerintah, terdiri dari Kemenkes, Kemendag, dan BPOM, saling lempar tanggung jawab atas kasus gagal ginjal akut yang membunuh ratusan anak. Kemenkes menyatakan bahwa BPOM adalah lembaga yang bertanggung jawab atas pengawasan bahan obat-obatan, bukan kementeriannya. Selain itu, Kemenkes menegaskan bahwa masalah yang berkaitan dengan dugaan penipuan dalam pasokan bahan baku obat bukan tanggung jawab Kemenkes.
Ketua BPOM saat itu, Penny K. Lukito, menyatakan bahwa BPOM tidak bertanggung jawab atas penggunaan senyawa kimia EG dan DEG, yang ternyata digunakan oleh beberapa bisnis farmasi untuk membuat pelarut obat sirop. Lukito menyatakan bahwa penggunaan bahan oplosan ini di luar pengawasan BPOM dan merupakan perbuatan ilegal. BPOM hanya ditugaskan untuk mengawasi dan memeriksa bahan baku dalam kategori pharmaceutical grade atau khusus farmasi untuk pelarut obat sirup. Dalam hal impor dan peredaran EG dan DEG, BPOM tidak melakukan pengawasan. Ini karena zat kimia tersebut sebenarnya digunakan dalam industri di luar farmasi.
Dalam hal impor senyawa propilen glikol (PG) dan polietilen glikol (PEG), Kementerian Perdagangan (Kemendag) tidak mengatur pembatasan. Menteri Perdagangan Zulkifli Hasan mengatakan bahwa karena PG dan PEG tidak diatur oleh regulasi impor, mereka diimpor tanpa melalui Kemendag. Meskipun hasil akhirnya empat perusahaan farmasi telah ditetapkan sebagai tersangka, namun kasus ini harusnya memberikan tamparan keras pada lembaga negara terkait seperti BPOM, Kementerian Kesehatan, Kementerian Perdagangan, dan Kementerian Perindustrian. Lembaga yang bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan keamanan obat dan pangan bagi masyarakat seharusnya melakukan evaluasi dan penyelidikan menyeluruh daripada saling lempar tanggung jawab satu sama lain.
Dan saat ini, kejadian luar biasa terjadi lagi pada produk makanan Latiao. Ini bukan lagi disebut sebagai kecolongan, tetapi kelalaian negara. Negara lalai dalam memastikan setiap produk obat dan makanan yang beredar luas di masyarakat aman dan tidak berbahaya.
Sayangnya, negara tidak pernah berbenah diri. Padahal, negara harus belajar dari keteledorannya pada kasus-kasus KLB sebelumnya, karena korbannya adalah anak-anak, yakni generasi masa depan. Negara juga harus bertanggung jawab jika terjadi keracunan atau kematian akibat produk obat dan pangan yang beredar. Ini karena negara memiliki kewajiban untuk menjamin dan memastikan bahwa setiap obat dan pangan yang beredar di masyarakat adalah aman.
Namun, tanggung jawab tersebut semakin terkikis dalam sistem kapitalisme sekuler. Dalam sistem kapitalisme, negara hanya berfungsi sebagai regulator, bukan melayani rakyat. Para pejabat negara sering "cuci tangan" dan "buang badan" saat terjadi keracunan luar biasa atau kasus seperti gagal ginjal akut. Sejauh ini, hanya ada hukuman unsur tindak kriminal kepada para pelaku industri yang memproduksi dan mendistribusikannya. Tetapi, untuk pejabat terkait yang bertanggung jawab atas kelalaian dalam pengawasan dan uji kelayakan makanan, seperti BPOM atau Kemenkes, tidak diberlakukan sanksi apapun.
Dalam kasus Latiao misalnya, negara memiliki kewajiban dan wewenang untuk memantau dan mengawasi uji kelayakan dari semua aspek, termasuk bahan impor, produksi, komposisi, dan distribusi. Meskipun produksi dilakukan oleh individu atau industri swasta, negara tetap harus melakukan pengawasan untuk menjamin keamanan dan kesehatan masyarakat. Jika kewajiban ini tidak dilakukan, maka hal itu disebut sebagai kelalaian dan perbuatan lepas tanggung jawab.
Padahal, mayoritas penduduk Indonesia beragama Islam. Dan dalam aturan Islam, setiap pemimpin dianggap sebagai pengurus. Yang bermakna seorang pemimpin harus bertanggung jawab atas apa yang dia pimpin. Dari Abdullah bin Umar, Rasulullah ﷺ bersabda, “Ketahuilah setiap kalian adalah pemimpin dan setiap kalian akan dimintai pertanggungjawabannya atas apa yang dipimpinnya. Penguasa yang memimpin rakyat akan dimintai pertanggungjawaban atas yang dipimpinnya. Setiap kepala keluarga adalah pemimpin anggota keluarganya dan dia dimintai pertanggungjawaban atas apa yang dipimpinnya. Istri adalah pemimpin terhadap rumah suaminya dan juga anak-anaknya, dan dia akan dimintai pertanggungjawabannya terhadap mereka. Dan seorang budak juga merupakan pemimpin terhadap harta tuannya dan akan dimintai pertanggungjawaban terhadapnya. Ketahuilah, setiap kalian akan bertanggung jawab atas yang dipimpinnya.” (HR Bukhari No. 6605).
Penguasa adalah pemimpin dan bertanggung jawab atas semua orang yang dia pimpin. Jika dia menemukan bahwa pejabat di bawahnya tidak melakukan pekerjaan mereka dengan baik, penguasa harus bersikap tegas dan memberikan sanksi kepada mereka. Negara, dalam hal ini penguasa, memiliki tanggung jawab untuk memastikan bahwa makanan yang dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat aman. Dengan menggunakan mekanisme yang dicontohkan oleh sistem Islam, negara akan menetapkan kebijakan keamanan pangan sebagai berikut:
Pertama, menetapkan regulasi untuk industri makanan dan minuman agar sesuai dengan ketentuan halal dan tayib (aman). Artinya, produk pangan yang beredar tidak mengandung bahan berbahaya dan tidak menyebabkan penyakit degeneratif seperti diabetes, kanker, penyakit jantung, dsb.
Kedua, melakukan pengawasan dengan peran al-hisbah, lembaga negara yang mengawasi dan mengontrol industri makanan harus mencegah kecurangan, penipuan, pengurangan takaran dan timbangan, serta menjamin keamanan obat dan bahan pangan yang beredar.
Ketiga, memberikan edukasi secara menyeluruh kepada masyarakat luas tentang standar pangan dalam Islam, yaitu halal, tayib, dan aman. Edukasi dilakukan melalui berbagai media, lembaga layanan kesehatan, dan tayangan edukatif yang menarik.
Keempat, mengambil tindakan tegas terhadap perusahaan dan individu yang melanggar peraturan peredaran obat dan makanan yang sesuai dengan standar halal, tayib, dan aman.
Dengan berbagai kebijakan tersebut, negara telah melakukan tindakan preventif/pencegahan sebagai cara untuk memastikan bahwa obat dan makanan yang aman, halal, dan tayib terpenuhi bagi masyarakat.
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bidhuan · 6 months ago
BPOM Buka Lowongan CPNS 2024: 781 Formasi Tersedia untuk Berbagai Kebutuhan Khusus
Majalah Farmasetika – Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) resmi membuka rekrutmen Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) untuk tahun 2024. Pendaftaran telah dibuka mulai 20 Agustus dan akan berlangsung hingga 6 September 2024. Dalam rekrutmen ini, BPOM menyediakan 781 formasi untuk 28 jabatan yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Rekrutmen CPNS BPOM tahun ini memberikan peluang bagi berbagai…
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kabartangsel · 6 months ago
Presiden Jokowi Lantik Hasan Nasbi sebagai Kepala Kantor Komunikasi Kepresidenan, Dadan Hindayana Kepala Badan Gizi Nasional, dan Taruna Ikrar Kepala BPOM
Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi) didampingi Wakil Presiden (Wapres) Ma’ruf Amin melantik tiga orang Kepala Lembaga Pemerintah, di Istana Negara, Jakarta, Senin (19/08/2024) pagi. Tiga Kepala Lembaga Pemerintah yang dilantik, antara lain: Hasan Nasbi sebagai Kepala Kantor Komunikasi Kepresidenan; Dadan Hindayana sebagai Kepala Badan Gizi Nasional; dilantik berdasarkan Keputusan Presiden Republik…
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rasiooid · 6 months ago
Bareskrim Polri Geledah Rumah Eks Kepala Balai Besar POM Sukriadi Darma di Bogor
  RASIOO.id – Tim Bareskrim Polri melakukan penggeledahan di rumah eks Kepala Balai Besar Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) Bandung, Sukriadi Darma (SD). Penggeledahan ini terkait dengan kasus dugaan pemerasan di BPOM dan bertujuan untuk mencari bukti tambahan yang dapat memperkuat penyidikan. Rumah yang digeledah terletak di Jalan Cemara Raya Nomor 7 RT 3/RW 9, Cilendek Timur, Bogor Barat, Kota…
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bisakimia · 6 months ago
Benarkah Ada Pengawet Sodium Dehydroacetate di Dalam Roti Aoka dan Okko ?
Baru baru ini kita mendengar berita mengenai ada kandungan pengawet yang tidak food grade tetapi di gunakan oleh produsen industri makanan untuk mengawetkan makanannya sehingga bisa membuatnya awet lama lebih dari produk kompetitornya. Namun benarkah berita demikian ? Benarkah Ada Pengawet Sodium Dehydroacetate di Dalam Roti Aoka dan Okko ? Sebelum itu marilah kita tinjau dulu dari segi kimia,…
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updownlately · 1 year ago
4 - oh you love me, you love me
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“Hi bub…” 
Keeping your voice low, you walked softly into the room, beelining straight to the blonde under the covers, her head barely peeking out. 
Settling on the edge of the bed beside Alessia, you smoothed out her messy hair, a soft smile on your face at how adorable she looked- a sleepy grimace coating her face as blonde strands stuck out in every direction, no doubt a result of the nap she had taken earlier.
Hand coming to rest on her forehead as you stopped your ministrations, you quietly checked her temperature, mindful of the fever she had a few hours ago.
Feeling it to be near normal, you contemplated asking her how she was feeling, cautious of annoying the blonde as she was waking up. 
You decided to take the leap however, and ask, well-aware that you’d have a grumpy Alessia on your hands afterwards.
Still, being careful to not rouse the blonde too much with your voice, you kept it quiet as you spoke, words nearly a whisper. 
“How are you feeling now? How’s your stomach?”
At your questions, the striker let out a small grunt, no other response besides her shuffling ungracefully until her head was resting on your thigh.
Shaking your head fondly at her antics, you ran your fingers through her hair as she settled, scratching Alessia’s scalp in an attempt to bring her some comfort. 
Trying again, you spoke once more. 
“Less, baby, does anything still hurt?”
Again, another grunt, this one with a hint of a whine at the end this time. You shook silently with laughter at her response, eyes rolling lovingly at the child-like behaviour.
“Alessia…” Your tone was playful but the warning in it was clear- you really needed to know how she was doing so you could help her. 
The slight push was successful, the English woman finally responding verbally.
“Cramps are still bad and my back hurts.” 
Her voice was quiet though, discomfort apparent as her face scrunched up as she spoke.
You knew the drill at this point- on her periods, Alessia liked to cuddle a hot water bottle as you both would watch a movie, light sandwiches shared between you two as you huddled under a blanket or two in your bedroom. 
Nodding to yourself as you created a plan in your head, you made a move to get up, ready to go heat up some water for a hot water bottle and grab some food and ibuprofen. 
You didn’t get far however, Alessia burying her face into your torso at the slightest movement, her arm coming to lay across your lap, preventing you from leaving.
Unfortunately for you, as adorable as her wanting you to stay was, you knew Alessia would be in more pain if you didn’t get up right now, well aware of just how awful her periods got sometimes.
“Love, I’m just gonna fill you a hot water bottle, see if that helps…” Trying to convince the blonde to let you go, you tried to gently lift her arm off you. Your effort was futile though, her grip only tightening.
“No.” The response was clear, the blonde making no effort to loosen her grip.
“No. Please…” Her voice was quieter this time, nearly pleading.
Sighing, your shoulders deflated at her tone, knowing she was typically more clingier during the first day or so of her period, the pain heightening her need for your presence. 
“Only a little while, okay? After that I need to get you hot water and some food probably.”
And as Alessia moved over to the middle of the bed to make room for you, you got comfortable, sitting with your upper back against the headboard, propped up by pillows, legs stretched out as you made room for the Gunner.
Patting the space between your legs once you had situated yourself, you helped Alessia get comfortable in your hold, her back pressed to your front as you pulled the laptop she had been using earlier closer to you. 
Continuing the episode that the blonde had fallen asleep to, you let her rest her head on your shoulder, placing a loving kiss on her temple as you snaked your hands under her shirt, coming to a rest just under her stomach. 
Gently kneading, you did your best to massage the area as you both watched the show, trying to alleviate some of the pain. 
You could feel Alessia relax at your movement, body getting heavier and breaths getting softer, her slowly falling back asleep with the help of the comforting touch.
Briefly stopping your massage, you quickly turned the volume down of the laptop as to not wake her again, trying your best not to laugh as the girl in your arms whined at the faintest absence of your touch. 
Carrying on once again, a soft smile ever present on your face, you settled in, not unfamiliar with this situation with the number of months you had been together, but more than content to be there for her. 
It was nearly an hour later when Alessia rose from her second nap, and if you were honest, you didn’t think she could have gotten any more cuter.
Sleep laden eyes, the blonde had immediately buried her face into your neck upon waking up, adjusting herself to be sideways in your lap as the evening light started streaming into the room.
The pair of you had sat there, cuddled up, for the better part of a half hour, you doing your best to make sure to slowly wake the blonde up, asking little questions here and there until she was fully coherent.
You had eventually convinced her to shower as you started on plans for dinner, an idea, a small surprise, on your mind.
Gathering all that you needed, you worked quickly, time limited.
Pulling away the coffee table in your living room, you quickly rearranged your couch, converting it into the bed it could become, before grabbing all the fluffiest blankets, pillows, and stuffies in the house and throwing them on the makeshift bed. 
Scouring around the apartment and the groceries you had gotten earlier, you prepped a snack tray full of the blonde's favourite treats, setting that near the fort you had built.
Finally, boiling some water, you prepped a hot water bottle for when Alessia was out of the shower.
Hearing footsteps just as you finished pouring the water into the bottle, you quickly set the kettle down, screwing the top shut before turning around. 
Smiling at the fact that she was wearing one of your oversized hoodies, you proudly presented her with the hot water bottle before taking her hand and leading her to the living room. 
Coming to a stop and facing the blonde, you watched as she took in the sight before you- dim lighting around the area, a few candles, the sofa-bed filled with blankets and pillows, snacks, and the TV set up, ready for any streaming service to be chosen. 
“I-…huh? What?” 
Sending you a bewildered look, Alessia tried to find the words to convey her shock, surprised at how you managed to pull this off in fifteen minutes.
“What is all of this?”
Shrugging your shoulders in response, a nervous smile on your face, you rubbed the back of your neck anxiously.
“I know we had plans to cook together tonight but I figured we could have a relaxing night in instead…”
Slowly walking over to the handful of take out menus you had piled up on the side, you picked them up,  bringing them back to the blonde with a sheepish smile.
“Bub, you’re on your period and I think it would be nice if we can just put on a movie, have some snacks, maybe order in, and just cuddle and…relax? No pressure for the night. Just you, me, some good, easy food, and some good entertainment y’know?”
Watching you explain your thought process with a lovesick smile on her face, Alessia stepped closer to you, arms coming around to pull you into a hug, burying her face into your neck.
Sighing into the crook, you felt the smile on the Gunner's face, her hug getting just a tad bit tighter with every passing second, almost as if she was trying to physically make you feel her love.
Relaxing into her hold, you let out a breath at the gesture, glad you had read Alessia correctly. 
Pulling back slightly, her sky-blue eyes met your own, head tilting earnestly as she glanced around the room quickly before looking back at you.
“This really sounds like the perfect night right now, thank you.” An apologetic smile crossed her face as she continued, “sorry I’m not in the mood to cook, I know I promised to teach you how to make pasta from scratch and-”
Cutting the striker off before she could spiral into a series of unnecessary apologies, you pulled her close, placing a soft kiss on her lips to quiet her.
Leaning back with a smile on your face at the dazed look in Alessia’s eyes, you grasped her hand in yours, tugging her onto the sofa behind you. 
“Less, love, don’t worry a second about it okay? Plus anyways, I’m feeling a little La La Land and some snacks…and then we can order food in a bit yeah? Sounds alright?” 
Smiling at the eager nod you got, you situated yourself, helping Alessia dig her way to the middle of the pulled out sofa. Letting her get comfy, you grabbed the softest blanket you had found, coincidentally her favourite one, and gently placed it on the blonde, making sure the hot bottle rested comfortably before settling yourself beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as she laid her head on yours. 
A carefree smile unknowingly residing on your face, you flicked through the plethora of streaming services before you found the correct one, hitting play on the movie before tugging your love impossibly closer. 
Unbeknown to you, Alessia had a matching smile on her own face, heart softening at the thought of the effort you had gone through- that you always went through, when she was on her period. At how you would always go out of your way to make sure she was comfortable, her very much aware that you had most definitely picked up majority of the snacks today knowing she was starting her period and craved them. At how you checked in with her, took care of her, stayed with her so she wasn’t in pain alone, fed her, did all of that and then some for her. 
Well aware your love didn’t need words, Alessia revelled in the thought behind your actions, letting herself fall deeper in love with you as the opening credits rolled around.
Glad that of all the people in the world, she had you by her side through all the good times and bad, she pressed herself into you, letting your warmth wash over her and bring her comfort as you played your guys’ favourite movie. 
And as day turned to night, the fall cold slightly sweeping in as the TV illuminated the room in bright lights, the two of you sat, cuddled up, warmed up, and loved up, needing nothing more than the other and the love and comfort of the home you were building together.
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