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zleepyhollow · 11 months ago
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the kermit memes are a requirement!!
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craziersarah98 · 1 year ago
Hello There!
This is a side blog for whatever the heck I want tbh. I’ll link my corresponding Ao3 accounts as well!
Current Interest(s):
Hugh Jackman/Hugh Jackman Characters
Anyways, Ive got basic rules:
No bashing anyone; let’s get along ok?
No underage or otherwise illegal bs!
No vilifying or harassing IRL people. This blog may feature RPF, but it’s all fiction! Don’t talk shit about people (unless they deserve it)
No Kink shaming!!!
Feel free to submit asks/ideas! Just no Dead Dove content, please
Most importantly…
Tags Guide:
#CrazyThirsty - just me Horny Posting
#CrazyTalk - just me Rambling
#CrazyWriting - just my Fics/Imagines
Anyways, here are my Ao3s:
Pink_Anon (bandom RPF)
Crazy_Sarah98 (general fandom)
Have fun!
Divider by me :3
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cabinboy100 · 2 years ago
STAR TREK: PICARD: 3x05: "Imposters": What's up with Jack?
Beware: Season 3 spoilers! If you have not watched the first five episodes of STAR TREK: PICARD season 3, get thee to your streaming device and watch! Then come back for some crazytalk 23-and-me speculating. =)
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So! I have some kooky thoughts and theories about Jack Crusher's heritage…
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Jean-Loc passed his residual connection to the Borg collective on to his son. When he was a child, he had terrifying nightmares, which were actually visions of disoriented, perhaps crazed & dying Borg, as the Collective disassembled in the years after alternate Janeway's infection of the Borg Queen. Dr. Mom was able to come up with a treatment that rid him of the visions so that he could sleep. Whether she somehow only treated the nightmare symptom or actually learned of and addressed the Borg-y root of the issue, there's no telling yet. Years later, Jack is once again receiving messages and information via this psychic link, originating from a Borg, ex-Borg, or Borg-adjacent entity.
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At some point before JL's visit to Casperia Prime w BC, a Bajoran tablet came into his possession and was accidentally broken (seen in JL's home in season 2). This released a Pah Wraith which had been imprisoned within. The Pah Wraith possessed JL, but did not assume full conscious control. Instead, realizing that his host was already taking steps toward the PW's own goal, it rode shotgun in JL's mind and body, and let nature take its course. Together with Beverly, JL and the PW conceived the Pah Wraith version of the Prophets' Emissary, a mortal who can commune with the Pah Wraiths and serve as their autonomous agent in the mortal realm.
Red eyes have been seen to be a sign of possession by a Pah Wraith.
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Ben Sisko's mother Sarah was fully possessed by a Prophet when she met and married Ben's father Joseph and gave birth to Ben. In Jack's case, the PW possessed JL after he and BC were involved, so the PW did not need to exert active control of JL to bring its progeny into the world.
If Sisko is the Emissary, what is Jack? I have a feeling that he may be the Eschaton or perhaps the Sacrifice or Offering, a being fated to bring about a cataclysm (freeing the PWs and/or trapping/killing the Prophets?), possibly killing himself in the process.
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When Seven shot the Changeling wearing Sidney La Forge's form, the Changeling's eyes went red on its death. Not quite the same effect as with Jack's eyes, but I'm gonna say it's close enough for now. To me, that means that at some point a Changeling visited the Fire Caves of Bajor and left with a Pah Wraith passenger, maybe possessor, maybe partner. I haven't decided if PWs would be controlling rogue Changelings (and other non-Changeling hosts?) or are partnered with them. In either case, would every Changeling be partnered with a PW or carry a fraction of a single PW (I don't remember seeing that in PWs or Prophets before), or Sideeye/Sidney was the only or one of only a few Changeling's possessed by a PW.
PWs and Prophets appear to their faithful and agents as familiar faces and voices. We are hearing the PWs call to Jack in his visions in the voices of people he knows. Perhaps JL has translated enough of the tablet's inscription to know or say the right thing to free his son from a dark destiny. Or—Beverly's influence, guidance, and love will prove that nurture can overcome nature, and JC will throw off the fate the PWs planned for him, Hellboy-style.
3. PART 8472.
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While pregnant with JC, BC used the genetic modification techniques of Species 8472 to eliminate the genes responsible for Irumodic Syndrome, inherited from JL. These techniques were acquired in an exchange of information between Voyager and the 8472 humanoid mimics in the Delta Quadrant. BC employed 8472's techniques without adjustment, and in doing so—knowingly or not—boosted some of JC's baseline physiological characteristics because the mods included and assumed some of 8472's natural attributes, including a powerful immune system, a very resilient healing factor, and telepathy. JC does not have these attributes at the level of an 8472, but at a high level for a human.
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8472s in humanoid form had to learn to sleep, as their original bodies do not need it. This is how JC, as a child and now as an adult, can go for days without sleeping. His visions are a consequence of some entity or entities tuning into his latent telepathy. His BOURNE IDENTITY-like fighting prowess is also enabled via telepathy, either by remote control or a psychic "download" of skills.
If this crazytalk turns out to be even close to accurate, I really hope that his vision experiences connect to a conspiracy of warhawk 8472s who are masquerading as (meatier) Changelings in order to frame the Founders for a series of terrorist attacks and plunge Starfleet and perhaps the Alpha Quadrant back into war with the Dominion.
NB. The genetic modification of JC makes him an augment, forbidden and outlawed in the Federation. This is another reason that BC cut herself off from her friends and Starfleet.
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While pregnant with JC, BC used the genetic modification techniques of the Founders to eliminate the genes responsible for Irumodic Syndrome, inherited from JL. These techniques were reverse engineered from studies of Founder, Vorta, and Gamma and Alpha Jem'hadar biology. The Founders engineered their follower species and could dial specific physical and mental qualities up and down as desired. Embedded, but perhaps not recognized by Starfleet or BC herself, in the Founders' mod processes are traces of Changeling genetic sequences, the creators' signature on their work. Combined in human DNA, these sequences express themselves in an enhanced immune system and healing factor as well as a psychic connection compatible with Changeling linking.
The psychic connection resulted in JC's childhood nightmares, which BC treated. There's no telling yet if she only treated the nightmare symptom or learned the root cause of the issue, but she is recognizing its return now.
NB. The genetic modification of JC makes him an augment, forbidden and outlawed in the Federation. This is another reason that BC cut herself off from her friends and Starfleet.
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Take some or all of 1 thru 4 and mash them up good. Like, he's part Borg—maybe thanks to Jean-Loc's nanoprobed sex cells, or maybe thanks to actual Borg-rewritten DNA—and an Irumodic Syndrome-free augment! Or—he's part Borg, which is where his visions come from, but also playing host to a Pah Wraith, which is where the voices and ninja skills come from. Try one of your own!
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I've had several more notions that I couldn't quite extrapolate into meaningful theories, but maybe some new pieces will fall into place for them in episode 6. If they do, I'll try to work them out in another post.
Keep on keepin' on~
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thetangibleghost · 1 year ago
friend: It's like sometimes you don't even like me
persecutor who was genuinely trying to be friendly: Well, like, right now I don't but 90% of the time I do.
friend: .... I guess that's fair.
BREAKING NEWS: Saying That To People Who Doesn't Know About Your Alters Shows Them That You're Love Is Conditional and You Can Choose To Take It Away
When dealing with abusers who you can't escape, but who are emotionally dependent on you, statements like this can help you stay safe
But in pretty much all other contexts, it makes your personhood seem angry and spiteful. Someone who takes away love at the slightest provocation.
In this context, the persecutor was triggered out by this person a lot. While the trigger was present, it was like hearing fireworks and thinking they are gunshots. The persecutor did not understand this. They just woke up scared and ready to try and talk their way out of the situation.
There are lots of other ways to express this sentiment. unfortunately they all involve
Opening The Door To Your Brittle, Boney, Bleeding Heart
Most persecutors do not want to do that, as emotions can be weaponized. But most persecutors learned their amazing life saving skills when they were like. 10.
And may need to adjust a bit now that they have a more developed brain.
I'd recommend:
Do not speak to me like I owe you anything.
I am unknowable.
I hate your guts for real
I'm in hater mode so you must be a hater
if not for the laws of this land i would have slain you
why am i here? who are you? whats going on? wait no. dont answer any of that, you'll probably just lie to me
Holy shit my hands are huuuuuuuuge
I could probably take you in a fight
Holy shit I could not take you in a fight. fuckfuckfuckfuckfucjfucj
wait. were the fuck am I?
You're so beautiful
Wait. Omg!! no! Stop!!!
teehee, yeah, sorry I was just in a bad mood! :33 ily!!
Don't worry silly! I love you! You're the best <3
I mean... I got a little scared but! I still like you!
I don't understand why you hate me :(
Can I do anything to make you feel better ;3
LOL that was a joke!!
I didn't mean to give you that impression. Sorry.
No. I don't dislike you.
I don't dislike you. What gave you that impression.
What gave you the idea that I dislike you?
How can I show you I like you?
Is there a way I can like you better?
What version of me would prefer?
Is there a plate you'd like me to lay on?
What's that apple for? Oh, to put in my mouth. Obviously.
Sorry, I'm not giving you the silent treatment. I just. It's really hard to talk during conflict. Autism, you know.
I just
okay so hdhdhhd i... dhdh What was the issue? You think I don't like you?? gdhdhff
please don't make me prove it again.
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bokatan77 · 1 year ago
//uhhh my old stuff 2015 and before was crazytalk and requires updating. You read it, just exchange characters — update and rearrange the deck chairs. I don’t think that way anymore. Don’t ask me to explain I just write isht.
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groovetrill · 2 years ago
My girl money like payday
I could sit and watch her all day
P-town sippin' lattes
We were North just before Kanye
You're my queen like yoncé
She gonna say what she wanna say
Paris all the way to Paraguay
Come with me Hail Mary like Elway
Cause I miss her in the mornin' when I'm gone
And I call from a different timezone
Birthday's to champagne to chill days
Doesn't matter I'm sold
My girl is money, money
Dollar, dollar bill
My girl is money, money
Dollar, dollar bill
Ain't nothin' like her, nah nah nah
Can't live without her, nah nah nah
My girl is money, money
Dollar, dollar bill
Dollar, dollar bill ya'll
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woftd · 2 years ago
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I had to talk crazy on this one! Wednesday 3/15 it’s on all streaming services. You can get it now digital and on vinyl (I think there’s a few left) with “The B-Side” via @manbitesdogrecords I think you know where to find this by now. #HipHop #DubSonata #Bside #beware #crazytalk #reallytho #manbitesdog #RVA #NoW #WOFTD https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpva-kerrKj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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defectzim · 2 years ago
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quantix745 · 2 years ago
Animation made for fun and learning - Cartoon Animator 4 (Crazytalk 3)
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unpretty · 1 month ago
How did Bruce get his connection with Death? Do the kids know about it? (Won't they feel better if they do...)
he had a pretty famous close encounter, that one time
the fact that death is a person you can talk to is not something he's ever discussed with anyone because that's crazytalk
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zleepyhollow · 11 months ago
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AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH <3333 honestly love these little message threads that people keep sending each other, it's so sweet.
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cabinboy100 · 2 years ago
STAR TREK: PICARD: 3x06: "The Bounty": Agent Crusher?
Beware: Season 3 spoilers! If you have not watched the first six episodes of STAR TREK: PICARD season 3, get thee to your streaming device and watch! Then come back for some secret space police speculating. =)
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Thesis: Jack is a sleeper agent of Section 31 and Beverly is his handler.
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Jack exhibited unusual abilities-slash-symptoms as a child, including sleeplessness and traumatic visions. Beverly realized that they manifested as a result of traits unknowingly inherited from his father, someone who was once assimilated into the Borg and made into potential consort for their Queen, who was consumed by and then released from the Nexus energy ribbon, who traveled back and forth in time and visited alternate realities. With those ingredients, who knows WHAT you're gonna get, right?
Specifically, it's the latent Borg collective communication and coordination abilities that Jack inherited from Jean-Loc that make him valuable to Vadic and the Starfleet Revenge Squad (my name for the team-up of baddies responsible for all of JL & the gang's woes in season 3).
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Beverly did what she could to treat her son's apparent symptoms, but with little success. Having cut herself off from Starfleet and her friends to protect and raise her son on her own, she didn't have access to legitimate resources that might have helped. However, Section 31 had been keeping tabs on JL and his associates and were well aware of her son and his health issues. They approached and offered to help Beverly help her son in exchange for their cooperation when called upon. Beverly and Jack would continue living their otherwise off-the-grid Galactic Doctors without Borders lives without any changes, but every once in a while, Section 31 would call on them to pick up or deliver something or someone, or provide assistance to other agents operating on the Federation fringe.
Beverly agrees and S31 gives her access to data and treatments that Beverly uses to relieve Jack's symptoms. S31 continues to supply her with materials and assistance with Jack's treatment as long as she continues to complete the missions they give her.
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To better protect and equip the Crushers for space cloak and dagger work, when Section 31 offered to train him as a sleeper agent, young Jack agreed. This involved all manner of intelligence, weapons, and martial arts training, but psychically compartmentalized, thanks to unique tech and procedures available to Section 31 (visit Daystrom Station =). It also required that Jack's knowledge of S31 be erased.
An outline of the imagined steps…
Jack signs up for the S31 sleeper agent program. —
S31 partitions his mind to create Action Jack, who undergoes training. —
S31 modifies Jack's memory to forget that he works for S31 and is part of the sleeper agent program. —
S31 implants a trigger or triggers to activate and deactivate Action Jack when needed. He is automatically activated when Jack or Beverly is in mortal danger. —
31 trains Beverly to handle and monitor Jack and Action Jack's behavior and programming.
His "double agent" existence might be compared to those of characters in TOTAL RECALL, MOON KNIGHT, BOURNE IDENTITY, and SEVERANCE. I imagine two strong variations on how it could go, based on…
…what S31 wants. Action Jack is a separate persona, distinct from Jack, and programmed to follow orders as well as protect. Like Quaid in TOTAL RECALL, Grant/Spector in MOON KNIGHT, and Mark in SEVERANCE. —
…what we've seen. When in danger Jack enters a fugue state in which he can access his sleeper training on automatic, without a separate Action Jack persona. More like, but not identical to, Jason in BOURNE IDENTITY. Maybe measures taken by Dr. Mom have put a ding in "what S31 wants" resulting in this behavior, unintended by S31's programming?
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I believe Beverly and Jack's good standing with Section 31 changed a few months ago when Beverly realized that they wanted Jack for something more, something specific. Maybe at the same time 31 stopped or changed Jack's treatments, or, in going fugitive on 31, Beverly lost access to them, which has resulted in the return of Jack's spells and insomnia. She may also have learned that Section 31—or at least the cell or group that she and Jack have dealt with—are being run by Changelings. If she didn't know then, she certainly must realize it now. The Changelings, thru Section 31, have been tracking and programming/grooming Jack to play a very important role in their plan to cripple Starfleet, thanks to the abilities inherited from his father. Starfleet Revenge Squad's plan calls for Jack's will—compromised by S31's programming—to direct the currently latent hive mind collective that will emerge from the network of integrated Starfleet starships.
The visions of red vines and voices calling to Jack to "find us" and "connect us" are Starfleet ships calling for his help."Integration" has been achieved via the repurposing of Borg tech extracted from the Romulan Borg Artifact. Starfleet—under Revenge Squad's guidance—has turned their ship computers into entities resembling very simple Borg drones, sentient, but suppressed. The latent collective network among these drones is what enables integration, and Jack is naturally tuned into it.
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Some miscellaneous notes related to the above crazy talk…
This strategy for a Frontier Day attack seems like a perfect fit to me except for one thing—Borgnes and her Bjørg cooperative demonstrated the vulnerability in using Borg-derived tech in Starfleet ships when she overrode the Stargazer's systems at the anomaly rift in season 2. But perhaps the Revenge Squad's agents in Starfleet and Section 31 came up with a patch for that—an update that would prevent such an override by unfriendlies. Of course, it would be designed to identify Jack's techno-organic commands as friendly. —
I'm unclear on how much Jack remembers of Action Jack's activity, but it seems like none of it. He doesn't explicitly say anything about taking out the four Changelings who were ready to abduct him on the Titan, letting Shaw and Beverly discuss without adding anything. —
I think his visions are a combination of Action Jack programming bleeding into his waking life and messages he is picking up via Radio Free Borg. Each muddling the other somewhat. The red door might be an entrance to an S31 training location, and/or access to his memories of his Action Jack training and activities. Or maybe it's the gateway to Starfleet's version of Unimatrix Zero. —
Beverly uses Irumodic Syndrome as an explanation for any situations in which Jack's S31 programming "bleeds" through or is compromised by his actions in front of others or by leaving evidence.
I've still got more than a couple competing ideas about the Starfleet Revenge Squad and its motivations…
The Reman Viceroy is Vadic's boss. He's in it to bring down Starfleet (and Picard and friends) for cutting short the Reman rule of the Romulan empire and more than happy to ally with the Changelings to make it happen. He has delivered Romulan Artifact tech and research to the Changelings embedded in Starfleet to create the "integrated" fleet. (I originally hoped that there was another Thalaron doomsday device created in NEMESIS-times that was keyed to Shinzon's living DNA and that the Viceroy needed Jack alive to unlock or activate it, since Jean-Luc no longer lives in his naturally born body.) —
Species 8472 is framing the Changelings. They have updated their isomorphic tech to allow them to shapeshift at will, but without regular boosters, revert to "goo" in reversion. Altho 8472 came to a peaceful accord with Voyager, there were hawks as well as doves among 8472, and as far as we know, no follow-up diplomatic communications were opened. Starfleet is the only enemy who defeated 8472, so their plan is to have the Dominion do their dirty work for them. A crazy long-shot, I know, but man, how awesome would it be to have JL and friends uncover the frame-up and have 8472 vs. the Dominion? =) —
Rogue 8472s are working with—enslaved by?—the rogue Changelings. 8472's Federation simulation training and genetic modification skills have helped Changelings improve their mimicking capabilities, resulting in their meatier appearance. I'm not sure why 8472s would end up subservient to Changelings—I would prefer a straight-up team-up arrangement—but if it is Changelings and 8472s, I think they must be the ones chittering behind the masks. Maybe they are unable to return to fluidic space because of environmental damage? Struck with a preemptive S31 plague? Specifically sought out, captured, and suborned by the rogue Changelings? Maybe JL and friends can cure or free the 8472s and have them turn on the Changelings and Squad upper management to turn everything around? —
Would also be happy to see a Weyoun or Bashir's Mutant/Augment Squad running the evil show. =)
And of course, I am still all for any of my zany "What's up with Jack?" theories, too!
Keep on keepin’ on~
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thetangibleghost · 2 years ago
1: I can feel. But I'm never sure what. Did you look?
2: S. S. S. S.
4: I get my love from a well
6: and their love was still worth somethi
7: would you sell it if you could?
8: I don't know. Probably not.
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some doodles before I do my homework
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kmp78 · 28 days ago
« In those black shorts it looks like JL doesn’t have a penis. It’s literally tiny »
Don’t look where you don’t need to look anon 🙄 Your fixation is weird
Don't need to look?
Well that's just crazytalk... 🤪
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vocaloidfactoftheday · 11 months ago
hey i know the blog's still on hiatus but i've been trying to look (unsuccessfully) for something for a while now, and you seem to be the right person to ask, do you know what's the source of this image?: files.catbox.moe/xx9q8u.jpg it looks way too accurate to umetani atarou's style to be fanmade, yet i can't find it among galleries of official artworks??? (also help why does he look like that it's kinda scary) it's ok if you don't want to answer this rn, or if you want to answer it through your main blog thatd be ok too
at the moment i'm still okay with answering questions.
this is the image linked to in the ask:
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it looks like this is from a demo of an old program by AHS called crazytalk 6, which seems to be basically one of those programs where you can make images move/talk. (i guess deepfakes? though i'm not sure this is advanced enough to be deepfakes)
there's still info about it on this page. the demo videos don't seem to work anymore, but the kiyoteru one at least still exists on youtube:
though i'm not sure if this art was preexisting or if it was made specifically for this program demo. this video was uploaded only a couple months after kiyoteru's original V2 release though, so i can't imagine it would have been used for much else.
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tommyhfell · 6 months ago
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Trying to make sense of the available as PDF of Goetic Common Sense by none other than Frater Acher. I've been personally down and out due to a stomach bug (thank you so much, all-you-can-eat buffet)
The first thing he touches on is the fact that like every magical and occult researcher and practitioner, we are solitary, it is isolating, as it is a lonely path to walk. It is also sometimes by choice, because like the times of old, others don't understand us, our Craft or our World. Because even today, like Peter Grey says in one of his poignant essays, Rewilding Witchcraft we are toothless as we are judged. People still think of the Craft as a teenage phase or "crazytalk".
Acher attributes this as the Goes having basically something I would boil down as, "The Audacity", which also is further defined as operating at the fringes of society.
He says, if we want to be Goes, we should have a good look at the world around us and do away with old structures of thinking, as well as what some would consider well-established and ancient "modes" of ritual practice (the magician in a Circle, the tools, etc).
I believe he is right, because I see patterns that turn into emergent problems within every flavour and denomination of Witchcraft; there is an obsession with collecting tools and altar-ware, even thought to be honest, I think people have placed so much of an emphasis on these that we have forgotten that in the end, they are just foci. We are the Magic, in the end. I find his writings refreshing, having come from such practices where it was repeatedly hammered into my head that I "needed" tools to practice (insert some ritual or rite here).
There is a piece of writing from the author of the Blyssful Witch that sticks with me and reminds me (via the Wayback Machine):
You want to be more powerful? You want to rock the World with your Magic? Here's an idea: get the hell away from computer, from the TV, from the cell phone, from PEOPLE. Shut your mouth, shut your wallet and sit in silence in the dark. Fast, pray, meditate. Talk to plants, talk to the Gods, talk to the Spirits. Stop buying into the hype that you need newer and better "things" to be a Worker. You don't You need dedication, discipline and that burning lust in your heart that will turn you insane. When you start babbling incoherently to yourself, when you start seeing "Things" that others can't, when you start feeling Presences that others don't, you passed the sellout. All you need is your Gods, Spirits and your Heart. Leave your wallet at home.
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