something-tofightfor · 11 months
2023 Summer Kiss Prompt #8: Oberyn Martell - Apology Kiss / Jealous Kissing
These were the two most difficult prompts for Oberyn ... and yet they made total sense to combine.
Thank you to @oonajaeadira and @crazysouthernlady for trusting me with our favorite Dornishman.
I got a little carried away with this one, but what Oberyn wants, he gets.
This is not connected to any other Oberyn I've written - so please enjoy.
Word Count: 4,102
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Even though you knew that Oberyn operated on no one’s schedule but his own, it was unlike him to be so late. With one final glance down at your watch, you sighed, rolling your eyes as you raised a finger to signal the bartender.
“What can I get you?” The young woman grinned, her eyes sparkling from behind heavy, dark lashes. Wonder if he’s the one that hired her. “Another of the same? What was it, Blood and Sand?” 
“Yeah. That sounds good. I think that he’s going to be …” You trailed off, shrugging. “Much later than I anticipated.” She gave you a sympathetic smile, raising an eyebrow and nodding before she turned away. Only a minute or so later, the drink was in front of you, along with a small bowl of the snack mix that the bar was known for - fresh berries, salted nuts and an assortment of crackers. “Thank you.” 
Oberyn had asked you to meet him there that night, promising that once he finished handling a few things in the afternoon, he was yours for the rest of the weekend. But the time he’d said he’d meet you came and went more than an hour earlier, and the single message you’d sent to ask if everything was alright had gone unanswered. Unread, actually. 
You knew he was busy. Knew that what you had between you wasn’t defined, and that being with someone as in demand as him was bound to lead to disappointment in the long run. But he’s never flat out ignored me before. He’s never blown me off. 
Sipping through the straw, you let your gaze wander around the inside of the bar. It was the third location of the small chain he managed with his brother and sister - one concept designed to match each of their personalities - and it was one of the hottest spots in town.Has been for months. 
You’d met him there while attending the grand opening with a group of your friends, catching the man’s eye from across the room while the four of you laughed and drank thanks to an invite through work. You knew who he was immediately, and had no plans to approach him, because you were no stranger to his reputation. 
But Oberyn’s plans were different. 
Not even ten minutes later, he’d sent over a round of drinks to the table along with a message that the remainder of your night was taken care of, too - no strings attached. You met his eye again as he raised a drink in one hand, his wink visible even across the crowded room - and from over the shoulder of the dark haired woman draped across his lap. 
You gave him a nod and a small smile of your own, but had left it at that - until you were leaving a few hours later and the path to the door took you by his VIP area. 
The silken curtains that had previously been opened to expose the booth to public view were closed. You hadn’t seen him leave, so you figured that he was still inside - but what you hadn’t counted on was the sound of a voice carrying through a crack in those curtains and curling into your ears like smoke. “I hope you enjoyed your evening.” 
There was no stopping it - your footsteps faltered and your head turned to the side, lips parted in surprise. But the bigger surprise was the material moving to the side and the man himself peeking around the edge of it, his eyes locked with yours. He was shirtless, pants hanging low on his narrow hips, and you watched as the fire crept into his eyes at your startled expression, the man’s lips curving up into an almost dangerous smile. 
You managed to answer - telling him that you’d enjoyed yourselves thoroughly, and Oberyn’s smile grew. His eyes remained on you even at the sound of a woman calling his name from behind him, and you couldn’t resist giving him a little sass in response, your head slightly fuzzy from the drinks you’d consumed. “But not as thoroughly as you seem to be enjoying yourself right now, Mr. Martell.” 
He’d paused - only briefly - before reaching down to press his hand flat against his belly, eyes narrowing almost in challenge. “We will have to do something about that next time. Come back soon. Anything you desire within these walls  is yours.” And then he was gone, the curtain swishing back into place and obscuring him from view.
You’d stayed away for a month, and then curiosity got the better of you. 
You and a friend decided to head back to the Viper’s Den for a drink on a Thursday, fully prepared to wait in the admission line … but instead, you’d been ushered inside as soon as the bouncer saw you, two seats in a prime location at the bar offered before you realized what was going on. 
It took him less than an hour to step up behind you, the man welcoming you back and then offering to accompany you into the private lounge - though it wasn’t his lounge area, and there were no curtains to close. The three of you talked until it got late, Oberyn offering a car to take her home while he escorted you personally - and you agreed, the word yes dripping from your lips before you could stop yourself. 
He didn’t try anything in the car, though the two of you sat close together in the back seat, the man’s fingers laced with yours and his thumb running slowly over your knuckle. He was different there, the short drive and complete privacy allowing him to turn off the swagger and persona he adopted in public … and that was the Oberyn Martell you fell for. 
Over the course of the next few weeks, you got to know him in the club and out, trading contact information and building up a friendship. He flirted - heavily, the man’s charm a constant presence, but he never pushed you or used his position to encourage more than you were ready to give. 
And when you finally went to bed with him, it felt like an extension of the friendship, a natural progression of things between you that changed nothing about the way you behaved with each other … and everything about the way you felt about him in one fell swoop. 
That continued for a year, and in that time, both of you dated other people, though you always gravitated back into each other’s arms and beds, the familiarity and comfort of being with him a welcome reward for a hard day or a successful week at work. Every touch of the man’s hands or press of his mouth against your skin confirmed what you already knew to be true about your feelings for him.  You wanted more but knew that you could never ask for it without disappointment. So you didn’t, even though it got harder and harder with each passing day. 
But that night was the first time he’d outright forgotten you - leaving you hanging at the bar he’d invited you to, surrounded by people oblivious to the hurt that was clawing at the inside of your chest. Your phone vibrated, the screen lighting up, and for a split second, you thought it was him, messaging to let you know that he was on his way. 
It wasn’t. 
The hurt turned to anger at the image attached to the alert. It was a tagged photo taken through the glass of a restaurant window and posted on social media, Oberyn’s arm around the shoulders of a dark haired beauty that you didn’t recognize, his head turned so that he could speak into her ear. That’s it. I’m done. 
Darkening the screen, you shoved your phone into your purse, digging for your wallet and pulling out a few bills to leave as a tip for the bartender. You finished your drink and stood, slinging the strap over your shoulder and weaving through the crowd on your way to the door. 
It wasn’t that he was with another woman, even though that stung, too. 
You knew that there were others - even others like Ellaria that he saw just as frequently as he saw you. You knew that he wasn’t really yours, and that you had no right to dictate who he spent time with or what kind of time they spent together. He said he’d be here. He invited me here tonight, and then he just … 
Oberyn was many things - and being a man of his word was near the top of that list. And that’s why this is … You wiped a tear away from beneath your eye with one hand as you prepared to hail a cab, but when you saw the car that he always had on standby parked near the curb, you headed there instead. Might as well take it one last time. 
The drive to your place was a short one because the traffic was light, but even the limited time wasn’t enough to keep you from pulling your phone out and staring at the image, lower lip caught between your teeth. It was the first time he’d disappointed you in the entire time you’d known him, and it hurt. 
I thought we were friends. The car pulled to a stop and then idled, the driver telling you to have a good night as you climbed out. You stood on the sidewalk, watching it pull away and merge back into traffic, and as the taillights disappeared, you let out a long sigh, squeezing your eyes shut. 
“This is not how I pictured tonight going.” You winced at the sound of his voice, shoulders stiffening. “Doreah told me you left, and I figured … I figured this was the only place you would go.” You heard his quiet footsteps as Oberyn approached, the man stopping before he got close enough to touch you. “Why did you leave? I thought we -”
“You were an hour and a half late, Oberyn.” Turning to look at him, you shrugged. “You didn’t answer my text - you didn’t even read it. And then I saw a picture of you at dinner, and I just …” Tilting your head back, you curled your fingers against your palms. “You can spend time with whoever you want to, and it’s fine, but…” 
Bringing your chin back down, you met his gaze for the first time that night, unsure of what you’d find there. The look in his eyes surprised you. He watched you silently, head tilted to one side and a line between his brows, but his expression was even. He’s just waiting. Waiting to see what I say, how I handle  this. “But what?” He stepped closer, shaking his head. “Finish that sentence. Please.” 
“But I think I deserve to be told when you’re not going to show up somewhere, Oberyn. I don’t expect all of your time, but if you make plans with someone, I think the least you could do is let them know if you’re not going to keep them.” 
Under the glow of the streetlight, Oberyn stood completely still, his expression unchanged. You’d more than likely crossed a line, but that didn’t mean that the words were any less true. “I have always said that you should tell me how you feel.” 
“Sure have.” Rolling your eyes, you forced yourself to keep your arms by your sides instead of crossing them protectively over your chest like you wanted to. “So I hope it was a -”
“You saw a picture of me?” Blinking, he took another step closer, eyes narrowing. “At dinner?” He hummed, pushing his shoulders back. “What was I doing in the picture?” With a scoff, you reached into your bag for your phone, bringing the picture up and showing it to him. “Oh.” Oberyn hummed, a brief smile twisting the corners of his mouth upward. “I’m here now, and you should know very well that that means I did not go to bed with her.”
You laughed then, the sound sharp, and when you stuffed the phone back into your purse, you reached up, holding your hand out in front of him, palm forward. “Oberyn that isn’t the point. You’ve slept with how many people since we’ve known each other? I’m pissed that you asked me to meet you and then you didn’t even have the courtesy to send a message that said ‘Hey I’m sorry, I’m going to be late. Having dinner with someone’ or ‘I’m sorry, something came up. I’ve gotta cancel’.” Lowering your hand, you placed it on your hip. “You knew what time we were supposed to meet.You reminded me earlier today. It would have taken fifteen seconds to let me know you wouldn’t be there. That’s all.” 
“Would you still have wanted to meet me tonight if I had slept with Talisa?” He wet his lips and then pressed them together. “Knowing that -”
“Probably not.” You were already being honest with him, and didn’t think there was any point in lying. “I definitely wouldn’t have wanted to have sex only a few hours after you’d been with someone else, but …” You shrugged. “But that just proves my point. You should have told me, Oberyn. We’re friends, and -” 
“I would not have done that.” He shook his head. “To you of all people.” He smoothed down the front of his shirt, your eyes following the movement and unconsciously lingering on the exposed skin of his upper chest. Oberyn went silent and your mind wandered, breath leaving you in a quiet huff as you thought about how unfair it was that he had the nerve to look so good when you were so mad at him. Nobody looks good in mustard yellow. Nobody, but he - “And there is no probably, you would have told me that you didn’t want to see me tonight if you knew that I was with someone else earlier in the evening.” 
He knew it was true because he knew you, and that made it even worse. “And yet here you are.” You spit the words out, more venom in them than you anticipated, but still less than he deserved. “Maybe you should have slept with her, Oberyn. Because you’re definitely not getting there with me tonight. Not after this. Not -”
“I do not blame you.” Shaking his head, Oberyn crossed his arms first, taking a deep breath. “For being angry with me. I deserve it. I understand that I should have… but it came up last minute. Elia’s friends were in town, and what you did not see in that picture was that she was sitting across from me. She and her husband were there, and the woman?” He smiled then, the expression genuine. “Talisa? Her husband was also there. But he stepped away from the table to take a phone call. That picture was taken at an…” He frowned, thinking. “An inopportune moment.” 
“That doesn’t make it any better, Oberyn.” But the truth of it was that it did make it better, even if only a little. You believed that he wouldn’t have come to you after being with someone else. You believed that Elia and her husband had been there, and that despite his interest in sex and his lack of boundaries when it came to sex, Oberyn never would have done anything to break up the relationship of his sister’s friends. But he still stood me up. And that’s bullshit. 
“In all the time I’ve known you, I have never known you to be jealous.” I’m not. I’m not jealous. He sighed, swallowing. “You know me and what I enjoy. You know my history. You know how I spend my time, and you have never … judged me for it.” He reached up, scratching the side of his head and then said your name, letting a slow breath out through his nose. “I have seen disappointment in your eyes before. I have heard it sometimes, in your voice when we’re talking about the things that have happened since we last saw each other.” 
Cautiously, he reached for you - the man’s fingertips sliding down the bare skin of your arm. “Oberyn, stop. I’m not -” Am I?  
“But you have never shown true jealousy.” You weren’t proud of the assessment, because it was true. You knew what you’d gotten into when you started seeing him, had known Oberyn’s routine and his behaviors, and had accepted it because you wanted to be near him. “You’ve seen me with Ellaria. You’ve met her. I have not kept what I do and who I do it with a secret, and yet…” He eyed you, taking another breath “And yet it is this that puts you over the edge.”
“Yes, because you ditched me, Oberyn. I’m not jealous, I’m pissed. I don’t like being ignored or stood up. My time is worth more than that. Having a casual relationship is fine, but we’re still friends. And the fact that you beat me here proves that you know that what happened tonight was not cool. I would have been disappointed if you’d canceled or told me you’d be late, but I would have understood, because it’s not a regular occurrence. It happens.” You took a half step away from him, head whipping back and forth. “But this? This fucking hurts, Oberyn. Because -” 
“I think I like you jealous.” The smile was back on his face, his eyes gleaming in the dim lighting. “I like it a lot, actually. Because it proves that I -  
“Oh, fuck you, Oberyn.” You spun away from him, digging for your keys. “I need some time. Leave me alone for a few days. Let me be mad at you, and then …” You closed your fingers around the bundle in your purse, scoffing. “Then we’ll see if -” 
You stopped speaking at the feeling of his fingers closing around your arm, just above your elbow. He squeezed gently, the man’s presence behind you growing as he moved even closer. “Wait. Turn around and look at me.” You didn’t want to. You wanted to keep going, to unlock your door and go inside, slamming it in his face. 
But you didn’t, instead turning and facing him, the man’s grip loosening, though he didn’t pull his hand away. He watched you intently, his expression unreadable, but when you relaxed - only slightly - he nodded, closing his eyes. What is going on with him? 
When Oberyn’s eyes opened again, they’d softened, the look in them similar to the one he gave you sometimes when he didn’t think you were paying attention. He wasn’t Oberyn Martell, multi-millionaire heir to the Dornish empire or owner of The Viper’s Den. He wasn’t the Red Viper, a man that moved in carefully and struck quickly, taking what he wanted and not thinking twice until it was done. He was just Oberyn then - the bravado gone and the facade dropped, a man looking at a woman that he cared about, unguarded. 
“I am sorry.” Opening your mouth to interrupt, he stopped you, the slight tightening of his fingers halting the words in the back of your throat. “I’m so sorry for not letting you know I couldn’t meet you. I’m sorry for not keeping my word.” He paused again, blinking slowly. “I’m sorry that I hurt you.” 
In the year that you’d known him, you’d never heard the man apologize - except once to Elia for making a joke that she’d taken poorly. 
You hadn’t been meant to hear that, the words whispered into her ear as he pulled her away from the group of people they were speaking to, his mouth forming words smoothly and paired with a squeeze of her wrist. Not to Ellaria. Not to Doran. Not to any of the employees or the people I’ve seen him turn down. To Elia and to … me. 
“Oberyn, I …” Closing your eyes, you took a shuddering breath. “You…” It should have taken more than that - more than a simple apology that didn’t at all make up for what he’d done. But it was the shock of hearing those words from him for the first time, seeing his expression as he spoke them and watching the way his body moved - curling toward you, the hand not on your arm twitching like he was warring against himself not to reach out and touch you. 
With other men, apologies were meaningless, just words spoken to placate someone until the next time they needed to be used. But with him, just like with everything else he said, you knew that he wouldn’t have wasted the breath to apologize if he didn’t mean it. Oberyn’s words always held meaning, no matter how insignificant they seemed. And I’m not going to waste this. I’m not going to waste what might be the only time he ever … 
“I know you are.” Reaching up, you pressed your palm to his cheek, watching as the tilt of his head changed subtly, pressing toward your skin. “And you’re right. I think…” Dropping your chin and shaking your head, you shuddered. “I was jealous tonight. Jealous that someone else got to spend time with you when it was supposed to be me.” 
It came out in a rush, but once you’d said it, you felt lighter, the truth hanging between you. He’d seen through you because he saw everything, and even though you knew that having any sort of possessive thoughts about Oberyn’s time was not a good idea, keeping it to yourself that night hadn’t ever really been an option, especially after he’d been so open. Just like not going back to the bar and to him after the first night wasn’t. 
“Well I’m here now.” He inched closer, his other hand finally rising to settle against your hip, thumb stroking in a slow arc over it. “And I would really like to … stay.” Logically, you knew that he meant that the wanted to stay the night - that he wanted to salvage whatever you could from the broken date. But there’s always more to what he says than… 
You didn’t even think about it before you leaned in, tipping your head to the side and pressing your mouth to his. He let you, fingertips digging into your skin, and when you moved your hand back so that you could tangle your fingers in his hair, Oberyn finally sighed. 
It was you that started things - and then took advantage of his sigh and the slight part of his lips, deepening the kiss at the same time you urged him closer. 
But it was Oberyn that took over - as he so often did - the hand on your hip dragging you forward to leave no space between your bodies, the hand on your elbow slipping free and then between your arm and your side, snaking up the center of your back to keep you close.
He kissed you hungrily - like the admissions of remorse and jealousy had unlocked something new in him. And maybe they did, because … You pulled on his hair, groaning as he licked into your mouth, but then Oberyn pushed you away abruptly, the man’s lips set into a smirk that you knew well. “What are -”
“I would not mind it, but I don’t think you want this to keep going here.” Using the hand from your hip, he gestured to the space around you. “Especially when I know how comfortable so many places in your house are.” 
You laughed at, the remaining tension breaking, but instead of pulling completely out of his arms, you leaned back in, kissing Oberyn’s cheek. For you, Oberyn Martell, I am a pushover. “If we go inside, I’m going to need you to show me just how sorry you are.” 
He hummed and you could hear the smile in it, his nod turning into a gentle tug on your hand as you headed up the driveway. “There are plenty of hours left before the sun comes up.” He looked over at you, the smirk still present on his lips. “And I have nowhere else to be tomorrow, do you?” 
Your stomach bottomed out at his words - the man’s voice low and full of promise. But even then, you could hear the undertone of sincerity in it - and despite the earlier anger, you were already more than halfway to forgiving him. I’ll be all the way there in a little while. What does that say about me? 
“Absolutely nowhere, Oberyn.” 
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pedrosummercamp · 1 month
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Campers, it's time to meet your bunkmates!
There are total of 8 cabins with 6-7 campers each. It's my hope that you guys find a way to connect as a group (maybe a discord server?) as some activities will require you guys to work together. I think it'll be the most fun if you can get to know each other along the way!
(I briefly considered naming your cabins, but decided to leave that up to you if you feel inspired!)
Cabin 1:
@schnarfer @ak-vintage @artsy-girl-76
@toomanytookas @maggiemayhemnj @sp00kymulderr
Cabin 2:
@secretelephanttattoo @timelordfreya @bitchesuntitled
@freelancearsonist @survivingandenduring @bluestar22x
Cabin 3:
@grogusmum @whocaresstillthelouvre @ghotifishreads
@mando-abs @pascalispretty @romanarose
Cabin 4:
@thesluttylittleknee @sawymredfox @littleredpandanaps
@crazysouthernlady @all-the-things-2020 @harriedandharassed
Cabin 5:
@undercoverpena @beefrobeefcal @kilamonster
@yourcoolauntie @jennaispunk @neverwheremoonchild
Cabin 6:
@always-andromeda @thelightsandtheroses @morallyinept
@catchallfangirl @saradika @inept-the-magnificent
Cabin 7:
@sixhours @burntheedges @oonajaeadira
@joelmillerisapunk @ameerawrites @ace-turned-confused
Cabin 8:
@sizzlingcloudmentality @hellfire-state-of-mind @joelalorian
@wordywarriorwrites @sweetenerobert @imaginativefanatic
If you have questions, reach out to me, but otherwise, there will be more info coming as we get ready for our start date: June 2!
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pedroscouts · 2 months
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Collect badges and move up the ranks!
Once you've collected enough badges to join a new rank, send an Ask here and I'll bridge you during the weekly ceremony!
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Gotta start somewhere!
@julesonrecord @sweetercalypso @tightjeansjavi @casa-boiardi @atinylittlepain @imdrinkingpedro @pr0ximamidnight @ghotifishreads @rhoorl @tinytinymenace @rox2008 @tupelomiss @mermaidgirl30 @joelmillerisapunk @crazysouthernlady @laughing-in-th3-purple-rain @corazondebeskar-reads @tiredtyrant @alwaysbethewest @iamskyereads @darkheartgatita @thirtysevenodddogs @chiriwritesstuff @madnessofadaydreamer @survivingandenduring @sin-djarin @trulybetty @nerdieforpedro @cxrsed-angel @katiexpunk @merci-killing @mando-abs @penvisions @thisistheplace-10 @mothandpidgeon @yorksgirl @cleoathena3 @littlemissskuld @coffee-and-uhg @emeraldmoth @pimosworld @toobusyshrimping @apesarecuul @insomniamamma @jessthebaker @coulsons-fullmetal-cellist @idungoofed @just-here-for-the-moment @mendispunk @curlsbix @pedroscurls @ozarkthedog @midnightraain @whataenginerd @str84pedro @reedrchards @beskarandblasters @eff4freddie @katw474 @newpathwrites @musesofthenight @harriedandharassed @reddedmiller @jupiter-soups @quinnfabrgay @always-andromeda @saradika @harrisonispunk @luxurychristmaspudding @callsign-pyro @bubble-pop-eclectic @boliv-jenta @timpletance @severeinternetparadise @punkassfrance @pascalpvnk @firstofficerwiggles @reservedfordindjarin @vabeachazn @pastawench @pedroswife69 @bruhlpng @sweetenerobert @tommysversion @chaithetics @perfectly-imperfect-me23 @juletheghoul @punkygreeny @thekawaiifruitworld @mayukicrystalqueen @mrs-pedro-pascal @vickie5446 @shchristine
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You're basically royalty now.
@janaispunk @whocaresstillthelouvre @marisferasiop @catchallfangirl @ace-turned-confused @milla-frenchy @thelightsandtheroses @aurorawritestoescape @neverwheremoonchild @vivian-pascal @pascalispretty @sizzlingcloudmentality @heareball @perotovar @jennaispunk @bitchesuntitled @littleredpandanaps @sp00kymulderr @hellfire-state-of-mind @loonmartell @imaginativefanatic
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You've never been hotter, just like Javi P.
@artsy-girl-76 @joelalorian @wordywarriorwrites @morallyinept @yourcoolauntie @goodwithcheese @burntheedges @ghostofaboy @oonajaeadira @thesluttylittleknee
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This is a lot of badges, but it's not creepy.
@artsy-girl-76 @freelancearsonist @sawymredfox @ak-vintage @sixhours @inept-the-magnificent @maggiemayhemnj @secretelephanttattoo @timelordfreya @schnarfer @all-the-things-2020 @shadowycupcakewitch @ameerawrites @grogusmum @beefrobeefcal @toomanytookas @quicax3
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It's a macaw and he's a lot of work.
@undercoverpena @bluestar22x
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Dancin'? We were dancin' when we first joined Scouts.
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Get to Know Me
if you dare… muahahaha! (just kidding I’m very much not a scary person. please feel free to come say hi!)
I was tagged by @crazysouthernlady - thanks!! ☺️
Rules: Answer + tag 9 people you want to get to know
Favorite color: Green. All shades of green are wonderful but I love grassy, clover, leafy greens the most.
Last song: The Otherside by VHS Collection
Currently reading: Faithful Place by Tana French. I love the Dublin Murder Squad series.
Currently watching: My background noise show right now is AHS 1984 because it’s (almost) summer and I always love campy (pun intended) 80s style horror in the summer. But other than that nothing. Recommendations welcome!
Currently craving: Italian ice. Specifically from Strollo’s or Ralph’s but anywhere will do. I have ice pops in the freezer but they just don’t hit like good Italian ice, you know?
Coffee or Tea: I’m not an OR person - mostly because I’m a chronic over thinker who is crippled by decisions - BUT ALSO because I genuinely like both beverages. I usually have 2-3 cups of coffee in the mornings and then switch to tea for the rest of the day because I get too jittery otherwise… but there are those days that I throw caution and good sense to the wind and ignore my history of jitters and continue to consume coffee well into the evening. And I generally tend to regret those days but… c’est la vie. 🫨☕️
tagging: @jessthebaker @practicalghost @grogusmum @marauderskeeper @ohforficsake
@thosewickedlovelies @secretelephanttattoo @valkblue @alraedesigns
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justagalwhowrites · 2 months
5 Things ❤️
I got a few tags for this over the last day or two and it sounds so fun! Thank you to @jessthebaker @thesluttylittleknee and @crazysouthernlady for the tags!
Rules: List 5 topics you can talk on for at least an hour without any preparation. Tag others to find out their 5 topics.
Star Wars - Huge Star Wars fan, have been for almost 30 years now. I can talk about how I would fix ROS for an hour EASY let alone just general conversation about the rest of the series. I just love it!
The state of American print media - Look. I get that this is an incredibly niche topic but the death of the small newspaper in America is incredibly concerning to me. We desperately need an active free press in every town in this country otherwise local government is going to run unchecked. See also, the fourth estate and the evolution of American media ethics.
American media law, including copyright law - Taylor Swift deciding to rerecord all of her original albums was the best thing that ever happened to this particular area of special interest! Everyone who knew I knew copyright law was texting me to ask why that was allowed and I got to talk people through how copyright works without annoying them. WHAT A WEEK! See also, different interpretations of the law (don't get me started on constitutional originalism.)
Joel Miller - This should go without saying, I love him so much, he's so beautifully complex and human and I could talk about him for days.
Personal philosophies - I'm just using this as a catchall for things I tend to rant about more than anything else, like the patriarchy, the racist and classist systems we live in, the influence of religion on our culture, etc etc etc.
NP tags: @sawymredfox @toxicanonymity @dancingtotuyo and anyone else who wants to play!
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jessthebaker · 1 month
Rules: Post your Lock Screen, wallpaper, last song and last picture of an animal/something pretty.
Thanks for the tag @the-blind-assassin-12 !
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1. My lock screen scrolls selections of family photos and kid photos, so I’m posting my wallpaper instead. Pedro-as-Joel and his beautiful, beatific smile on his face 🥰😍
2. GvF is on constant rotation in my head. No apologies.
3. For the “pretty thing or animal”, I submit my majestic derpy derp. She is the prettiest girl. 🤩
No pressure tags: @thesluttylittleknee @y-prendeme-la-tierra @ruebyretro @crazysouthernlady @justagalwhowrites @chronicallyonlinewriter @two-birds-alone-together @lauronk @toointojoelmiller
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something-tofightfor · 11 months
I would love for you to write a kiss...a challenging kiss...a kiss that I have never seen before and don't know if it's even possible...
Oberyn Martell. Apology kiss.
Does the man even know what remorse is? If it involves kissing and comes from your writing, I would love to find out. <3
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Oberyn + Jealous Kiss / Apology Kiss
This one was fantastic. This one was so much fun to write. I loved putting Oberyn into this kind of scenario - thank you so much for the request.
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jessthebaker · 1 month
This or That!
Thanks for the tags @avastrasposts, @crazysouthernlady, and @thesluttylittleknee!
Coffee or tea | early bird or night owl | chocolate or vanilla | spring or fall | silver or gold | pop or alternative | freckles or dimples | snakes or sharks | mountains or fields | thunder or lightning | egyptian mythology or greek mythology | ivory or scarlet | flute or lyre | opal or diamond | butterflies or honeybees | macarons or eclairs | typewritten or handwritten | secret garden or secret library | rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild | opera or ballet | london or paris | vincent van gogh or claude monet | denim or leather | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaids or sirens | masquerade ball or cocktail party
no pressure tags, it's just fun to see what people like.
@something-tofightfor @justagalwhowrites @the-blind-assassin-12 @vabeachazn @ozarkthedog @freelancearsonist @survivingandenduring @schnarfer
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