#crazy intertaining that is
roachymochi · 5 months
Not gonna lie if i was in Shuro's place and every time I tried to do something by myself as a child only to meet the Knife Hag, I too would have trouble expressing when something or someone is bothering me in an healthy manner.
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babybutlerarthur · 9 months
Here are some headcannons to go with my series of mood baords
.One of Jackie's and JJ's cgs
.Jackie calls him Papa
.In a queer platonic relationship with Marvin
.Calls Jackie Little Man and JJ Dapper Dan
.He physically cannot be the stern one.  The Littles give him puppy dog eyes and he melts every time
.Having the Little around has actually helped with his mental health.  He's even been allowed to visit his own kids!
.Whenever Jackie comes over with a knew scrape or cut, he puts on a mock serious face and (in his best doctor voice that he got from watching House MD multiple times on repaeat) goes "what's the damage?" Upon which Jackie will giggle and request the superhero of the day. 
.Absolutely spoils his boys (in both affection and gifts)
.Whenever JJ wants to have a tea party, he'll let the little dress him up in all sorts of crazy outfits.  Anything to make the baby smile. He even makes some tea before hand (with the help of marvin) so it's cool enough for the baby to drink out of his special tea party bottle
.One of Jackie's and JJ's cgs.  Jackie calls him Dada
.In a Queer platonic relationship with Chase
.Laid back mostly, but has to be the stern one in their little family
.Uses his magic mostly to intertain the Littles, but he has been known to use his magic to drag Jackie into the tub. 
.Despite being the "iron" firs tof the family, the iron is more like brittle chocolate made to look like iron.  He'll do anything to see his boys happy.
.He has a strong distrust of Anti.  But, he trusts Henrik.  So, for now, he'll allow Anti to have playdates with Jackie.  But he'll be keeping an eye on him.
.Loves to play pretend with the kiddos.  The get the dress up trunk out and (ever the creative souls) he and Jackie will come up with stories for the two, three, or four of them to play together
.he makes pretend better by making illusions for the kids.
.He is the cg of Anti
.Possibly the only one who can handle Anti
.Gentle parent with a stern voice.
.His favorite show that Anti watches is Doc Mcstuffins.  He regularly sits down with the toddler to watch it.
.He tries to find better ways to let Anti vent his more destructive tendencies, like tearing paper into shapes or eating cherry jello with his fingers
.Has a tendency to mutter to himself in German while getting a sleepy toddler either down for a nap or up from one.
.He hardly ever looses his temper with the little, even when he's throwing a tantrum.  He just makes sure there's nothing around the little could use to hurt himself or others, let's him scream it out, then scoops him in his arms so they can talk about it.  This almost always ends up in the toddler falling asleep against him, having tired himself out both from the tantrum, and the big talk afterwards.
.He loves to spend time with Anti.  Whether that be reading, playing, teaching him things, or watching TV together.
.One of Marvin and Chase's Littles
.Usually sits at around 4-6 years old
.He always has scraped knees and elbows, but he almost never cries.  Just runs over to his Dada and Papa with a big grin asking for a superhero bandaid.
.He adores his baby brother, and does everything he can to help with him (even at the expense of his parents.  They never stay mad at him though, since he was trying to help).
.Hates getting into the tub, hates getting out of the tub. 
.Tends to forget to pick up his toys, but his cgs are there to help him out.
.A very affectionate little boy. 
.He and Anti don't really get along, but not for his lack of trying!  (And he will continue to try until the toddler likes him!)
.He loves playing pretend! He normally plays a super hero (because they're the coolest), but sometimes he'll be the knight. Or, if JJ wants to be the knight, he'll be the princess!
.Henrik's little, Calls him Vatti
.Usually sits around 2-3 years old
.Likes to cause problems on purpose, especially at the expense of others. 
.He's mischievous by nature.
.Add in teolportatiin powers and you've got a recipe for disaster.
.At first, he tried to push Henrik away by being extra mean to him, but the doctor didn't budge. 
.He has so many dark, menacing, and down right unsettling toys.  But his favorite is his Lambie plushy from Doc McStuffins. 
.If he looses her, he wails and the meanness crumbles and he wails until his Vatti gives him Lambie and lots of hugs.
.affectionate to one (1) person, and that person is Henrik.
.Jackie's cheerful energy and warm personality unnerve him, so he plays extra pranks on him.
.He likes squishing jello between his fingers, but he hates the clean up that happens afterward. 
.Throws tantrums.  Henrik just let's him get it all out before going to talk calmly with the little.
.Chase and Marvin's youngest little
.usually around 0-1 year old
.he doesn't talk.  Usually opting to make graby hands or pat his cgs when he wants attention or wants something. 
.depending on where his headspace falls, he'll sometimes sign what he wants.  .Absolutely adores his baby dolls.  He likes to push them around in the little carriage.  It's a great way for him to get exercise.  She put him infront of the carraige and hand him a baby and he's entertained for hours
.loves bath time!  He likes splashing around in the water (bonus points for the fact he isnt the one who has to clean the bathroom after bath time)
.he doesn't throw tantrums.  Instead, he hiccups and cries (though, this is fairly uncommon.  He's usually pretty happy).
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lloydmustache · 1 year
If you are Team Real then why does it matter what we think on here? Who are you trying to convince its real, yourself?
time and time again, over and over again team pr has been proven WRONG at.every.turn. and they keep spreading misinformation and lies. i got to say it very intertaining how you all react and looks like clown everytime things you say doesnt pan out lolll at this rate there wont be any clown makeup left in the world🤣🤡🤡🤡😂. also team pr always have the best long ass post unhinged full of craziness and convoluted to try to explain "how it is pr" talk about the ranting of a mad woman🤣. keep the good work team pr keep us intertain and keep making the most of us laugh.
I meaaaaan...here no one is trying to force anyone to believe something, everyone is free to believe what they want right?
So I don't force anyone and anyone forces me.
Just simply, if you don't agree..this is the door🚪.
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crazych1c · 5 years
My 24 year old brother fought with my 6 year old child.
24: you dont even know what dial up internet is!
6: i know what the internet it
24: but not dial up.
6: i dont know what that it
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arianaradadadada · 6 years
@stayawayfromjuliet13 and I made a deal: even if we receive our merch before Christmas, we can't open our package until we are together on Christmas Eve... Will we be able to wait a month or so?😭 Dunno... We were able to wait a complete day until we listened to Repalbum on it's released date to listen to it together so... Maybe we are strong enough. @taylorswift I think we're a bit crazy...
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sidespromptblog · 5 years
Your hair color is your soulmates favorite color, there is no shortage of people walking around with crazy hair colors that range from neon to random shifting colors. The colors first come in when you turn thirteen, and they'll stay even after you meet your soulmate.
Remus' hair color is...
And he's perfectly fine with it being black, at least until someone bluntly mentions that his soulmate must be awful boring to just like the color black and leave his hair color as that. Because out of all the colors his soulmate could have chosen, out of all the colors he could have chosen to make Remus hair look cool...
It was black.
So clearly he must be a very boring person.
Remus doesn't even think twice before he throws himself into that fight, just punching and punching and punching. Until two of the teachers have to physically pull him off of the other student, he still wants to go at it, to keep hitting the guy who smack talked his soulmate. But before he can even think about charging back in, he's escorted to the principal's office.
He's suspended, until he can get his act together.
So after that fiasco he spends his days wandering the town being bored out of his mind, at least... Until he slips into the library looking for any kind of intertainment to distract himself, and finds...
A green haired receptionist wearing a beanie, trying his best to cover up his hair and remain as serious and professional looking as possible. Despite the shade of green in his hair resembling something that was left on the side of the road.
And Remus knows, that without a doubt... he won't have to worry about being bored anymore.
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portuguesedisaster · 3 years
 Max Warp
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So, what to say about this one? 
I had SO much fun listening to this. Mind you, I understand exactly nothing of cars, spaceships, and motors, but this one sold even that stuff to my ears (I’m pretty sure the tourist by my side on the train tought I was crazy when I started laughing but, let’s not think about this, shall we?
Let’s be real: This is some kind of Cluedo bullshit. But even that was interesting. The ending was very anticlimatic but so funny at the same time. i don’t think I can find a flaw that was not compensated for the amount of fun I had while listening. I don’t know why, I guess It just clicked with me. 
My favourite thing about this story is The Doctor and Lucie banter. I’ve mentioned this on other reviews but I really love the Doctor-Lucie relationship, since, much like the relationship Ten had with Donna, it’s just so intertaining! Lucie keeps messing around with exactly everyone and The Doctor takes the day to geeking over motors and other eletronic stuff. But It is worth noted that Mcgann and Sheridan look like they are having so much fun, that I think that strenghts the story, that, without that would be a bit of fluff but forgettable as a story.
Ok, it has its flaws but generally, It is good story, style The Unicorn and The Wasp
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pizzaboat · 3 years
Luz asks Amity to help her bake a cake for Willow's birthday. Chaos ensues.
Luz smiled angelically at her, leaning closer which made Amity's heart skip a beat.
"I said, do you wanna help me bake a birthday day cake for Willow's party?" 
"Yes!–I mean, sure y-yeah," Amity stammered out, "but didn't she already have her birthday?"
"I mean yeah, but she was sick that day," Luz said, "I don't really get alot of the illnesses that you guys have, but I do know being sick in general sucks Hooty egg's.. this way she'll get to celebrate her birthday properly with her friends!"
Oh titan her heart, this girl would be the death of her;
"Wow, that's really kind of you Luz, does Willow know what kind of cake she wants?" 
"Well you see that's the thing," The human said lowering her voice, "it's a surprise, We have to keep it on the down low."
"Got it," Amity said, nodding, "alright I'll help."
Luz beamed grabbing her hand's, "Thanks Amity, you're the best!"
Before she knew what was happening she was being pulled into one of the girl's signature, crushing hugs. All logic and reason left her for a moment until Luz pulled back and started saying something else. Amity mentally shook herself and tried to focus on anything but the fact Luz was now holding her hand's again.
"–I'll share the juicy details with you later, ok?" The other teen was saying now, "this is gonna be great!"
Before she could respond Luz was already sprinting off down the school corridors to her next class. Amity stood there dumbfounded for a moment trying to process what just happened. 
"Amity, why arn't you in class right now?" Principal Bump said, walking by and breaking her from her trance.
"Oh, sorry!"
Luz knew her friend had arrived the moment she heard shrill screams from the front of the house. She thundered down the stairs and rushed to Hooty's door, but before she got there, it slammed open and Amity was revealed on the other side, a murderous glint in her eye's and a pink fame in her hand.
Hooty noticed her then;
"LUZ SAVE ME, YOURE FRIEND IS CRAZY!!" He screeched. Some of his feathers were singed.
Amity winced and went to finish the job. Uh-oh.
Luz darted to her, grabbing her wrist. The physical contact seem to rile the girl up further.
"I warned that thing never to talk to me again." She growled, trying to break free.
Hooty squaked in fear.
Luz wrapped an arm around her, half comforting and half restraining, guiding the other kid inside, "It's OK, it's over now."
"I just said hi!" Hooty cried and they both ignored him.
The door shut on his voice, and the two girls were alone then. Amity calmed down after a moment or two.
"Sorry about that..," The witch said, "he's just so.." She shuddered then.
"Don't worry about it," Luz said sympathetically, "I still sometimes freak out when I see him. Not everything on the Isles is charmingly weird."
She eventually led her friend into the kitchen.
They took stock of what they need from an old cook book, Luz had found rooting around the house. This particular book was previously being used as a table leg for a random desk.. She'd put it back later.
"OK," Amity said,"what do we do?"
"Um.. I thought you'd know," Luz said sheepishly.
"Wait, why would I know how to bake a cake?" Her friend frowned.
"I don't know, you're smart!" Luz exclaimed, "..I thought you'd y'know, know how.. that's why I asked you."
She didn't miss the blush amity gave at that. Well she does like people recognising her ability..  it must be that.
"Alright," Amity said then, "where's the Owl Lady, maybe she knows what to do?"
Luz shook her head, "Eda's at the market. She won't be back for hours.."
" ..Well I guess we'll just have to make do with what we know," she continued, "and really, how hard can it be for the two of us to bake a cake?"
Her cooking partner frowned at that, "I'd imagine it's difficult when you don't know what you're doing Luz."
"Pshh, we've eaten cake before! We know what good food tastes like, it's all we need!" The teen said trying to hype her friend up;
"we've got a cook book, we've got our wit's and we've got the power of friendship–"
–Nothing can go wrong!" Luz declared.
Everything was going wrong.
"Is it supposed to look like that?" Amity asked her partner.
Luz tried to whipe flour from her face, only smudging it further, she then turned to consult the cook book;
"well it says the mixture should be be kind of a liquid.."
Amity watched the mixture wave at them.
"Does the book mention the batter growing sentience?" Amity said frowning.
"No.." luz sighed.
"We should start over," Amity told her.
"You're probably right." The Luz agreed.
The batter agreed too.
1 hour later.
"I don't really know what's edible in here," Luz admitted, after Amity thoroughly burnt the previous mixture when it tried to eat them.
The smell of smoke still hung in the kitchen, and the fourteen year old opened a window.
"You'd think most foods in a kitchen would be." Amity grunted.
"Well my cooking buddy, I guess we're just gonna have to continue with the process of elimination!" Luz told her.
Amity groaned and luz took out another carton of spider eggs.
3 hours later.
Luz ran a batter covered hand through her dark hair, slicking it back with a white clump of goo. Amity honestly had to say; this is the only time her crush has looked ridiculous to her.
"I think we've got it this time, this is the perfect batter that won't try and talk philosophical nonsense with us, unlike the last three batches." The brown eyed teen sighed in relief.
"I think you're right," Amity agreed, "let's just pour it into a cake tin and be done with this."
Luz nodded, and went to pour the batter into their chosen tin;
"For willow," She said weakly.
"For willow, Amity returned with as much enthusiasm.
15 minutes later.
Her mentor's sister, had rushed Into the house at the smell of smoke. apparently she'd thought the house was on fire.
Luz and Amity now stood with their head's down covered in soot, abomination sludge and cake mix, completely mortified as the adult infront of them continued to berate them;
"I have never seen anything like this in all my life!"  Lilith said, "and I've seen some serious incompetence in my time, but never something like this!"
Neither girl dared to say a word.
"I expected this from my sister's apprentice, but Amity Blight, I expected more from you." She continued crossing her arms.
Luz watched her friend's cheek's flush in shame.
"I mean what we're you thinking?" Lilith said, "an all out brawl with a cake demon in the kitchen? You almost burnt the house down, how am I supposed to explain this to Edalyn?"
She had an idea then;
" Explain this to Edalyn.. what do you mean by that?"
"Well, she left me encharge, while she went to the mar–oh no, I know that look. It's the same one Edalyn makes."
Luz grinned at her.
"I won't be blackmailed human." Lilith warned.
"So this is technically your fault," Luz said smugly, "your not gonna tell Eda about this, because you need this place."
"This is extortion!" Lilith growled.
"Nah, it's revenge." The teen quipped.
"Luz what you doing?" Amity hissed, voice hushed while pulling her aside and giving her a disproving look.
"Its for Willow," Luz pleaded," plus you don't wanna see Eda when she's mad, she made Me, Willow and Gus clean the entire house top to bottom after we animated it. plus this is Lilith. trust me on this."
Her friend looked conflicted for a moment, Luz could see her weighing up the morality of it behind her golden eyes;
"Fine, do what you need to do," She eventually conceded.
Luz gave a nod and turned back to the disgruntled woman.
"Eda doesn't need to know about this, we can all win here," They said.
Lilith scoffed, "How so?"
"We just have to clean up this mess, and you have to bake us a birthday cake."
The witch's eyebrows shot up at that, "That's a strange demand, why a birthday cake?"
"It's  for a friend," Luz said.
"Fabulous, well I don't cook, and I certainly don't bake cakes for your snot nosed little friend's." Lilith sneered.
"You don't have a choice here," Amity pressed joining in now.
Lilith looked to her with mild shock; She seemed to realise there was no real way out of this.
"Fine." She growled, "five minutes with my Sister and you've both turned into criminals."
Willow's surprise party had gone off without a hitch. Gus had provided the intertainment and Luz and Amity had carted out Lilith's cake.
"Aw guys," Willow had said, "you didn't have to do this!"
"You're our friend," Luz had said, "no amount of monster fighting and black mail is too much for you."
Amity had silently agreed.
Willow and Gus had looked confused then, but Luz and Amity knew the truth, and as they'd both dozed off, head's on each others shoulder's in the middle of the party, they knew they'd be haunted by their actions forever.
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jamespotterthefirst · 4 years
I just saw the latest options you got. Probably not too many people went for this pining route in book 2 so that probably explains why the code is messy 😂 but it seems that so far Ethan really keeps his distance when there aren't any(or low?) romance points, so PB can do a great job at not making it uncomfortable for other players, but sometimes they completely drop the ball with the coding of some scenes it seems. But so far, seeing all the changes has been really intertaining, thank you ✌️
Yeah. Honestly though, coding this would drive me crazy. Just thinking about it makes my smooth brain hurt
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This is my first request and I’m so happy about it! I never thought I would get requests. Thank you so much for requesting this @rachelcarroll1819  Hopefully you’ll like it 😅  Also it’s super long but I got carried away and it was super hard to end it and I really didn’t wanted to make this a two-part-thing. Sorryyy
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries, The Originials 
Summary: You’re Elenas twinsister who is dating Klaus and who has a good relationship with the rest of his family. But that changed just before the Mikaelson ball.  
Warnings: swearing, mention of alcohol and underage drinking, angst (literally the only thing I can write, I swear 😂), mention of murder
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I sat on one of the couches in the Salvatore house and smiled at my phone. It showed me the new message from my boyfriend. I’ve never had a boyfriend before so I was more than happy to have finally found him. He was charming and so unbelievably handsome. At first I thought that he was joking when we first met in the Mystic Grill. Someone like him could never want someone like me. That’s what I thought but he proofed me wrong. He wanted me and he showed me that in every possible way. 
“Are you even fucking listening Y/N?”, Damon asked and practically yelled at me. 
“Always Damon.”, I answered and rolled with my eyes. Why am I even here?
“Yeah, so what’ve I said?”, he asked back and crossed his arms infront of his chest. 
I’ve tried to think of something, but my mind has been somewhere else the past few minutes. 
“You listened, clearly. You need to listen so the fucking plan works. Do you even want to save Elena from that Hybrid Bastard?”, Damon was pissed, like always. 
“Of course I want to save my twinsister! But how the fuck are we supposed to? He’s stronger than us.”, I answered. 
“That’s why you have to fucking listen Y/N.” 
“Yeah, fine. Text me the details. Elena is going crazy being trapped inside our house and I’m going home now.”, I said, stood up and took my jacket. 
“Of course litte Princess. Everything for our highness.”, Damon said contemptuously as I walked out. 
“Thank you, my faithful servant!”, I yelled back and let the door fall shut behind me. 
I sat myself inside my car and started to drive. But I didn’t drove back home. I drove to my boyfriends house. He lived with his family in a mansion a little bit ouside of Mystic Falls. Lately he was the only one who could lift my mood.  I hadn’t even gotten out of the car yet, when Kol stormed out of the house. Fucking vampire hearing.
“Our dear Y/N! What a pleasure to see you.”, he smiled as he opened the door of my car for me. 
“Thanks Kol.”, I laughed and got out. 
“Why do you honor us with your presence?”, Kol asked and closed the door. 
“I wanted to see Klaus. Am I not allowed to?”, I mocked him. 
“Ouch, and I thought you came to see me.”, he theatrically grabbed his chest right there where his heart was. 
“I am, but pssst, don’t tell Klaus or he’ll get mad and we don’t want that.”, I answered and Kols smile got even bigger. 
“What shouldn’t he tell me Darling?”, Klaus appeared right by my side and gave me almost a heartattack. 
“Stop doing that you fucker! I hate it! Behave like a normal fucking human.”, I said and shoved him away from me. 
“But I’m not, so why should I sweetheart?”, he smiled so innocently. But I knew what was behind that. 
“Or else your girlfriend is going to die because you’ll give her a fucking heartattack.”, I answered and started to walk towards the entrance of the house. 
I could hear Kols laugh and I just knew that Klaus was rolling with his eyes.  I love him. More than anything else and I loved his family, but it was so wrong. He wanted to kill my sister. My twinsister. Twice. I shouldn’t love him. I should hate him. Him and his whole family but I couldn’t change my feelings for him and honestly I was tired of fighting against them. I just had to find a way to save Elena from him without losing him or anyone else. Why was everything always so complicated?
“Before you’ll die I would make you to one of us.”, Klaus answered and took my hand in his. 
“No, you’re not. We had this conversation.” 
“And I still don’t get it. Eternal life. Eternal youth. Eternal life with me. What’s wrong with that?”
We stopped in the entrance hall and he spun me around, so that I was facing him. He took also my other hand in his and looked me deep on the eyes. 
“What’s so wrong with having an eternal life with me and maybe all your loved ones?”, he asked again and looked at me through his thick lashes. 
“I don’t know. Maybe the blood lust? Or the murder that comes with it? The inability to have children? Do I need to tell you more?”, I answered and let go of his hands to wander through the hall. 
Some people were decorating the house. Probably for the ball tomorrow. 
“I could manipulate your blood lust away and you’d never have to kill someone. There are enough blood bags and we could adapot children and give them a loving home.” 
“Klaus. No.”, I shook my head. 
He just sighed and rolled with his eyes before he wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed a kiss to my temple. 
“So stubborn.”, he smiled against my skin and I just giggled. 
Klaus let go of me and together we went into one of the many rooms downstairs. Kol sat in some kind of armchair and played with something that looked like a dagger. It didn’t even surprised me. He was always playing with some kind of weapon. Elijah was reading some papers that laid across the table and just gave me a quick smile and a Hello as he saw me. Rebekah was probably somewhere else and I saw Finn in on of the corners. 
“Hello Finny.”, I smiled widely and he just rolled his eyes. He didn’t liked me or the nickname I gave him. I found it quite intertaining. 
“Leave him alone. He just found out that mother is going to abandon him when she’s done with this bullshit of ball.”, Kol said and threw the dagger playfully up in the air.
“Poor Finny.”, I answered and Finn just sighed and left. 
He was always so.. stiff. As if he had a stick up his ass. I sat myself on one of the couches and looked over the papers that laid across the coffee table. Elijah was still looking through them. 
“What is that Elijah?”, I asked. 
There were letters and symbols on the papers that I had never seen before. They looked funny, but also terribly interesting. I wanted to know more about them. 
“That’s the old, first script. With this we have recorded the first things in writing.”, Elijah explained without looking at me. 
“It looks really interesting. It’s so different form what I’m used to.” 
Elijah nodded and kept on looking. Klaus went to God only knows where and Kol was still playing with the dagger. I was getting bored and I’m the most annoying little bitch when I’m bored. So I had to do something about it.  I got up and started to wander around. I always started with wandering around. Maybe I could find Rebekah?  Downstairs was nothing interesting. Only the people who where working on the decoration but they stopped working when I got in the room. So I decided to went upstairs. I wasn’t often upstairs. As I thought about it I realised that I was only upstairs to sleep in Klaus bed when I stayed here for the night. It was kind of strange but I didn’t thought more about it.  One of the doors led to Klaus bedroom, I knew that. There was a big double door that drew all my attention. So I decided to look behind the closed doors. 
Right as I had the handle in my hands appeared Klaus once more right next to me. 
“What are you doing my love?”, he asked from beside me and gave me another heart attack. Couldn’t he come up to me like a normal human being?
“Oh my god Klaus.”, I said and laid my hand on my chest. 
“What are you doing?”, he asked again and smiled at me. But his smile was kind of.. wicked? 
“Nothing. I’m bored and I’ve never really been up here before and wanted to know what’s behind the door.”, I answered truthfully and shrugged. 
“And then you thought you just wander around and open doors that you are not supposed to?”, he asked back and turned around and looked at one of the paintings that where hanging here. 
“I didn’t thought that it would be a problem for you. I’m sorry.”, I said and walked away from the door to stand next to him. 
“You better be Y/N.”, he hissed and I pulled my eyebrows together. Why was he making a big deal out of that? 
“No reason to be pissed Klaus. I was just curious.” 
“Curious or did you wanted to get some information for your friends?” 
Confused I looked at him: “What the fuck are you talking about?” 
“Do you think I’m dumb? I know that you and your little friends are planning something for tomorrow to save Elena and I’m sure you’re just here to get some information.”
“Are you mental? What are you thinking about me? Of course I want to save my fucking twinsister from whatever you’re planning, but I don’t want to lose you during that. I want to find a solution that’s good for all of us. I’m not here to spy on you. I’m here to spend some time with you because I love you. I’ve proofed my loyality more than once towards you Klaus and I’m sick of your fucking paranoid shit and your constant accusations.”, I answered and turned around to leave. I don’t need his shit today. 
“So you want to save her, hm? Do you know that this means that the little friends of yours are trying to kill me and my whole family?”, of course he had only heard that part. 
“How can you blame them? They are trying to save a friend. A loved one.” 
“And I’m not?! I’m trying to save myself and the ones I love!”, he started to raise his voice. This is going to be our first fight and I knew it would be over Elena.
“You’re trying to save yourself? Bullshit Klaus! You just want to have your hybrids to not be alone. Can’t you see that you’re not alone?”, sadly I looked at him. There was so much rage and fire in his eyes. 
“Because I have you or what?”, he practically spat the words in front of my feet. 
“Yes! Also there is this wonderfull family of yours downstairs! They are all here and I’m sure if you would apologize they would forgive you because they love you.”, I spat back. 
“You have no idea Darling. You have no idea what it’s like to be all by yourself. What it’s like to not be able to trust someone and to be always on the run.”, he said and put his hands on the railing. He looked down into the entrance hall.
“How am I supposed to? You’re never speaking with me over this kind of stuff. I would be there for you Klaus. I would listen to you and there is nothing in this world that could change my feelings towards you. But you just don’t trust me and that hurts.” 
He just kept on looking downstairs and didn’t gave me an answer. 
“Do you want me to leave?”, I asked. 
My voice was quiet and I was scared of what he would answer. I didn’t wanted to leave but he was clearly in pain with me being here. 
“Yes.”, he answered firmly. 
“Just this house or you?”, I asked with tears in my eyes. 
I nodded and swallowed the tears. I didn’t said anything more. It wouldn’t matter. He had made his mind up and in his mind I was a traitor. I was just here to find information to make it easier for Damon and Stefan to kill him. Klaus couldn’t see that I was trying to do the exact opposite. I wanted to save him from my friends and my twinsister from him. But that wasn’t possible, I knew that know. I had to chose and this decision was an easy one. 
As I went down the stairs the tears started to fall. In only a couple of seconds my cheeks were wet and I tried to hold back the sobs. Kol was standing outside next to my car. They had all heard my conversation with Klaus. 
“You shouldn’t be driving like this.”, Kol said and opened his hand. 
I just nodded and gave him my keys. I took my seat on the passenger side and buried my face in my hands. I let the sobs out and cried uncontrollably. I’ve never did something wrong, was always loyal towards him and his family and he still thought that I was just there to spy on him. Bullshit. 
“Nik didn’t desevered you anyway Y/N. You’re to nice to be his girlfriend.”, Kol said as the started the enginee of my car. 
“I just don’t get it. I never did anything to make him think I’m only his girlfriend to spy on him. Elena and the others dosen’t even know that I’m his girlfriend. Or that I was his girlfriend.”, I answered and looked at Kol. 
“He’s paranoid. He’s always been and will always be. Don’t think to much about it.”, Kol said and smiled at me. 
I just nodded and for the rest of the drive we were quiet. I just looked outside and watched what was passing me as we drove. Maybe I should really give Klaus a reason to doubt my loyalty towards him.  Kol parked infront of my house. He didn’t care about my family and my friends and honestly I didn’t as well. Should they see me with Kol. I would be telling them everything anyway. 
“Thank you for driving me home Kol.”, I smiled at him. 
“No Problem Y/N. And if you need anything, just call me and I’ll be right by your side.”, he grinned. 
“I will.” 
I hugged him and went inside. Damon was already standing in the hallway and looked at me as if the wanted to kill me. 
“Can you explain me what the hell happend? I thought you wanted to drive back to Elena. And why did Kol bring you home?”, Damon said and raised one of his eyebrows. 
“Can you please just shut up Damon? I’m not in the mood for your bullshit.”, I answered, rubbed my forehead and dropped me next to Elena on the sofa in the living room. 
“My bullshit? You’re the one who was brought home by Kol Mikaelson!”, he said angryly. 
I sighed and looked at him. I was so done with all of that. I just wanted my normal life with my siblings back. Even if that meant I had to help Damon with his plan. Alone the thought of killing the Mikaelsons hurt in my chest, but I wanted my family and my life back and that was impossible with them alive. 
“He brought be home because Klaus and I broke up and I was crying so much that I couldn’t see the fucking road.”, I answered Damon annoyed and avoided to look at him or Elena.
“Hang on. You and Klaus broke up? What the fuck means that?”, Damon asked. 
“What I said. We broke up. I was in a relationship with Klaus and we broke up.” 
“Since when? Why didn’t you tell me Y/N?”, Elena asked. 
“I don’t know. A couple of weeks. We met in the Mystic Grill and we just clicked, I don’t know. I’ve tried to change his mind about the whole hybrid bullshit, but he’s such a stubborn dickhead and it’s impossible. He’s so paranoid and he always thinks everyone is going to betray him and trying to kill him. I’ve tried to find a solution for all of us. So you would be saved from him and he would still get his stupid hybrids but he didn’t wanted to listen. He just wanted to do it the way he knew, even though it meant your death. And I wasn’t having that. I’m never ever going to let him kill you. And even though I love him and his family, we need to kill him first. He won’t give up unless he has want he wants.” 
“Are you sure?”, Elena asked.
“Yes. I’ve spent more than enough time with him to know that. He won’t change.”, I answered and nodded with my head. 
It would be the most difficult thing I had to do, but I needed to protect my twinsister, my family. I wouldn’t let him destroy that.
After damon got over his initial anger, we all met at the Salvatore house and revised our plan for tomorrow. I had new information that we could incorporate. It wouldn’t be easy, but feasible. Damon had the necessary weapon and I could distract him well enough. Hopefully. 
Elena and I decided to sleep over at the Salvatore house. It was super late when we finished with our plan and we were to lazy to go back to our house. Also it wasn’t the first time that we both slept there. 
The next Day Stefan und Damon went back to our place to get Elenas and my dresses and other stuff to get ready for the Mikaelsons ball. I really didn’t wanted to go. I didn’t wanted to see Klaus or his family. I really felt like a traitor. They were all so nice to me. Helped me with everything and always listened to me when something was wrong. But Elena was way more important for me. She was my twinsister. My family. She and Jeremy were the only ones I had left and I needed to protect them. With everything I had. 
The day went by quite fast. We spoke about the plan once more, added a couple of things and Elena and I started to get ready. Stefan was so nice to give us his room for that. 
“Are you really sure you wan to do that Y/N? Even though Klaus is a horrible person, but he was your boyfriend. You must have seen something in him, or else you wouldn’t have been his girlfriend. I know you. You wouldn’t have let him in your life.”, Elena asked. 
She was just about to put some curls in my hair. I looked at here through the mirror and smiled sadly. 
“I have to Elena. I can’t let him win. He’ll do everything to get what he wants. He would kill you and I will not let him do that. I love him, yes, but I love you more. You are my twinsister. The only one I have. You and Jeremy are the only ones I have left. We’ve lost Mom, Dad, Jenna and so many more. I don’t want to lose you as well.” 
Elena looked at me with tears in her eyes and she had a sad smile on her lips. 
“Thank you Y/N.”, she said and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. 
“That’s my job.”, I laughed. 
She smiled back at me and kept curling my hair. Elena and Jeremy were the only ones I needed in my life.  After that Elena and I put on our dresses. Elena had this beautiful blackish dress on. My dress was red. Klaus had bought it for me. 
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It made me a little bit sad to look at myself in the mirror. This is going to be hard for me. I loved him. And his family. Actually, they were good people. They tried to protect each other. Their ways were just not the best. They went over corpses, had no problem wiping out a whole bloodline in a tantrum. After many years they were blunted and that was wrong. But I wasn’t any better. I was doing exactly the same thing. I would help erase a bloodline to save my own family.  
Elena and I drove together to the Mikaelsons Mansion. I was driving, because I knew exactly where the house was. 
“You went to them a lot, didn’t you?”, Elena asked. 
“Yes, almost everyday. Damon got so often on my nerves with all his crap and that was the best place for me to switch off. They were always nice to me. At first I couldn’t believe how nice all of them were. Exepct for Finn. He’s strange.”, I smiled and Elena nodded. 
“That’s not easy for you, isn’t it?”
“No, but it’s necessary.”, my grib around the wheel got thighter. I was nervous. 
“It’s fine Elena.”, I assured her after she kept on looking at me strangely.
She sighed and soon after that we arrived at the Mansion. Everywhere were fairy lights and it looked so beautiful. I loved it but it made me even sadder. I actually wanted to tell everyone today that Klaus and I were a thing. I wanted to show them and prove them that he wasn’t as evil as they thought. And now I did exactly the opposite here. 
I parked infront of the mansion, like I always did. My spot was still free. It hurt because I knew that one of them had hired someone to make sure my spot was free when I got there. 
“Are you alright Y/N?”, Elena asked as we left the car. 
“Yeah, I’m fine.”, I nodded. 
“I’ll see you inside.”, I said to Elena and went to one of the back entrances.
One of the Mikaelsons would be at the front entrance to receive the guests. Probably Kol. And I didn’t really wanted to see anyone before I had a glass of alcohol. So the first thing I did was to go to the bar and order a cocktail. Klaus didn’t want to offer cocktails at first, because nobody would drink them. At least every second person here had a cocktail in their hand. It tasted really good and it had a lot of alcohol in it, which I didn’t really mind. I needed alcohol to survive this bullshit. As I was wandering around I noticed some of the Mikaelsons. Kol was talking to some girls and Elijah just looked around with a drink in his hands. He spotted me and smiled sadly at me. I smiled back and kept on walking around. Everything looked so different from what I was used to. It looked kinda friendlier, more alive. Like there was really a family living here that was just having a party to celebrate the move. 
In one of the many rooms downstairs was Klaus. He was sitting on one of the tables and was talking with a women. I immediately wanted to turn around so he wouldn’t see me, but it was already too late. Of course he knew I was here. He knew it before I even entered the room. Fuck supernatural senses.  He stood up and walked in my direction. 
“Don’t Klaus.”, I said before he was near me. 
He stopped and just looked at me. I could see his broken heart. I could always see what he was feeling in his eyes. And it hurt me to see him like that. But he made his decision and I made mine. He wanted to kill my twinsister and I wouldn’t let him do that.  I turned around and left. A few tears had formed in my eyes, but I just swallowed them. I needed to be strong for this. 
I saw Elena standing at one of the many possibilitys to get a glass of champagne. Finn was making his way over to Elena before I could and I decided to look what he was up to. I got a little bit closer so I could understand what they were talking about. 
“Elena Gilbert, I presume. I’m Finn Mikaelson.”, Finn said. I didn’t liked his ton. He never spoke like that. He had something in his mind that involved Elena and I wasn’t having that. 
“You’re here to see my mother.”, Finn added. 
“Is she here?”, Elena asked and looked around. 
“Her request did not include your friends.”, Finn almost whispered. 
“They’re protecting me.”, Elena answered, “You may not know, but your mother’s already tried to kill me once.” 
“If you want to see my mother, you’ll need to be alone.” 
Fuck that. Elena is not going to see Esther all by herself. She was at least as crazy as Klaus was. I haven’t seen her here yet, although I’ve been here several hours a day for a few weeks almost every day. Sometimes even over night and I haven’t even seen her in all that time. Elena could forget to meet Esther alone. Only over my dead body. 
After that I could her Elijah talking: “Uh, if everyone could gather, please.” 
Curious as I was, of course, I immediately went there. All of the Mikaelsons were standing on the stairs. Yesterday I rushed down those stairs to get away from Klaus. On the railing of the upper part had he been leaning when he told me to go. And now he was standing there as if nothing had happened with his glass of champange in his hand while Esther let her hand slide over the railing as she went down. 
“Welcome. Thank you for joinig us.”, Elijah said. 
Kol stood some steps above him and played with his glass. Like a little kid. Always playing with something. One of the many things I liked so much about Kol. Esther stopped as she was standing next to Kol and looked attentively down into the crowd.
“You know, whenever our Mother brings our family together like this, it’s tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance.”, Elijah continued, “Tonight’s pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom.” 
Everyone startet to clap around us. Elijah was the first one to walk down the stairs. His siblings kept on looking down into the crowed while Esther went back upstairs.  I could see how Elena grabbed her dress and how she wanted to follow Esther. I walked right into Elenas way. 
“Forget that. I’ve heard what Finn said to you. You’re not going to Esther all by yourself Elena.”, I said to her. 
“It’s the only way to find out what she wants from me. I’ll be fine Y/N.” 
“No Elena. If spend so much time here and I’ve never seen here once. She is strange and somehow even creepier than one of the other mikaelsons. Forget it.”
“I know what I’m doing Y/N. I’ll be careful.”, Elena passed me and headed for the stairs but she didn’t get far. 
“Don’t even think about it.”, Damon said and he stood in her way.
 “She wants to see me alone, Damon.”, Elena answered annoyed and tried to walk past Damon. 
“Well, it sucks to be her, then. Was I not clear this morning? You have to tell me before you walk into a lion’s den.”, he lowered his voice for the last bit of his sentence. 
“Why? So that you can stop me?”
Damon and Elena looked at eachother for a while. Neither of them wanted to give in. 
Damon reached out his hand to Elena and said: “It would be rude not to dance, you know.” 
Elena rolled with her eyes and laid her hand in Damons and said: “It is tradition.” 
Damon smiled and off they went. After they went to the ballroom I could see Stefan who had seen all of it. He looked hurt and I could understand what he was feeling. It must be hard for him to see Elena with his brother. I wouldn’t want to be in his position.  Before I could go into the ballroom myself to watch Elena and Damon dance, Kol appeared infront of me. 
He held his hand out for me, smiled one of his biggest smiles and asked: “May I have this dance Y/N?” 
I laughed and gladly took his hand. One dance wouldn’t hurt. 
“If Klaus sees that Kol.”, I answered while we were making our way into the ballroom. 
“I don’t care. You’re a single lady who can do whatever she wants.”, he smiled.  
I shook my head with a grin and together we line up for the dance. Of course, we were right behind Elena and Damon. I rolled with my eyes as I saw them. Finn was behind us. 
“You’re such an idiot.”, I said. 
“Why? Because your sister and the Salvatore are infront of us? That was an accident.”, he smiled. 
“Clearly Kol.”, I smiled back. “And that Finn is right behind us is also an accident I suppose?”
“Of course.”, he said and I just nodded. 
After we turned I’ve noticed that Klaus was right infront of me. It hurt me to see him with someone else, but it hurt even more to see that he was dancing with Caroline. Was he trying to hurt me with it? If so, he definitely did.
“Don’t look at them Y/N. He’s your pain not worth it.”, Kol said while we were dancing. 
“It’s not that easy.”, I smiled sadly. 
But I could hear their conversation because they were always near by. 
“I’m glad you came.”, Klaus said while he was looking at Caroline. 
I looked at Kol and tried to ignore them. I didn’t wanted to listen to them, but it wasn’t possible. I could hear every single word. 
“Well, it was either caviar or sympathy casseroles.”, Caroline answered. 
“I heard about your father.”, Klaus just ignored what Caroline had said and jumped to the next topic. 
“Don’t. Seriously.”, Caroline answered and I had to smile a little. 
“Very well. On to more mannered subjects then, like how ravishing you look in that dress.” 
“I didn’t really have time to shop.” Had Klaus bought that dress for Caroline? When?
“And the bracelet I gave you, what’s your excuse for wearing that?”
It felt like as if a dagger had been rammed into my heart. He had bought her stuff? When we were still a couple? But why? 
“You know, you’re quite the dancer.”, Klaus said as Caroline didn’t gave him an answer. 
“Well, I’ve had training. I happend to be Miss Mystic Falls.”
“I know.”
It was time for the change and somehow I ended up with Finn. He didn’t look too excited, but what was I supposed to do? I hadn’t chosen Finn either. Still, I tried to make the best of it. 
“Na, Finny.”, I smiled when I was forced to put my hands into his. 
“Why of all people is it you that I have to dance with.”, he sighed. 
“Can I ask you something Finny?”, I just ignored his rude comment. 
“You already did.” 
“What have I done? Why don’t you like me?”, I asked and tried to look him in the eyes, but he looked away. 
“It’s not you. It’s the circumstances. You’re just some human being and another toy for Niklaus. I stopped liking the girls he brought in at some point.”, he answered and looked down to me. 
I nodded and looked around. Kol had a blond girl in his arms and he was clearly enjoying himself. I smiled as I saw how happy Kol was. 
“Can I ask you a question?”, Finn suddenly asked. 
“Yes.”, I answered and looked at him. 
“Why do you like my family? I mean, Niklaus has done so much bad to you and your family, and he’s still trying to. Why don’t you hate us?”
“Because I can see the good side in all of you. I know you’re not bad people. All the bad that has happened to you has made you who you are today. Basically you are just trying to protect yourself and your family. Your methods are a bit questionable, but it is… human. I would do everything to protect my family as well.” 
Finn nodded. It looked like he was trying to understand what I just said.  Soon after that the dance ended. I let go of Finn and looked for my twinsister, but I couldn’t see her. Where the fuck did she went?  I started to wander around again, trying to find her, but she was nowhere to be seen.  After 20 Minutes of just wandering around I gave up. Elena had probably managed to get past all of us and was with Esther for sure. I went outside to sit on one of the benches. I didn’t wanted to see Klaus who was happily hanging on Caroline’s ass all the time. 
After a while Kol came out of the house and sat next to me. He looked pretty pissed.
“What happend with you?”, I asked and looked at him. 
“Rebekah spoiled my fun.”, he sighed and looked back at me. 
“What fun?” 
“Killing Matt to make Elena suffering.”, he shrugged. As if it would have been normal to do something like. 
“You sick fuck.”, I said and got up. Right now I didn’t wanted to be near him. 
“What? You’ve asked and we didn’t do it because he was nice to Rebekah.” 
“Are you even listening to yourself Kol? Matt is also my friend! To make Elena suffering… What the fuck is wrong with you!?”, I said loudly and startet to walk back towards the house. 
“She’s the reason for the suffering of my family! She’s the reason why Nik and you broke up! She’s the reason for everything bad!”, he screamed back at me and appeard right infront of me. 
“She’s my sister you bastard! She is the only family I have left and you, all of you, are trying to kill my family! She isn’t the reason for everything bad in your life! You are the reason and no one else! Don’t blame it on her or anybody else!”
I was so full of rage that my whole body began to tremble. Tears from rage came up my eyes and ran down my cheeks. How could he dare to say something like that. Elena never did anything wrong to them. We always tried to live our life. To get along again after what had happened and Kol blamed her for all the bad things in his life? That wasn’t fair. Actually it was the other way around. He and his family regularly made Elena and I lose someone important. Maybe I was really wrong about them. Maybe they had nothing good in them. Not anymore.
“How could I be so wrong about all of you?”, I said while I let my tears fall freely.
“What do you mean?”, Kol asked. 
“I really thought there was something good in you, but you and Klaus showed me the opposite. There is nothing good in you. You kill for fun and as it suits you. You don’t care about people.“, I cried. 
I could see Stefan, Damon, Klaus and Elijah. They must have heard Kol and me fighting and came to see what was going on. 
“We’re Vampires Darling. It’s our nature.”, Kol answered and took a step back. 
“No, it’s not. Caroline is different. Stefan is different. Even Damon changed and is different. It’s not your nature, it’s your personality.” 
“What’s going on?”, Damon asked and stood next to me. 
“None of your business Salvatore.”, Kol spat. 
“If you’re going to hurt her, then it is my business. She’s one of us.”, Damon answered. Stefan was standing on my other side. 
“Y/N, tell me what happend?”, Elijah asked and looked at me pleadingly. 
“Nothing. I just found out what kind of a monster your brother is.”, I answered. 
I wrapped my arms around my body and looked at Klaus. I consciously didn’t say a name. After all, they were all monsters. My whole body was shaking. There were still tears running down my cheeks and I just didn’t know what to do anymore. I knew Damon was right about everything. They were monsters and had to be killed, but it felt so wrong. Everything hurt inside of me because of the pain that was in my chest. I just wanted to do the right thing. I wanted to protect my sister, my twinsister, from the evil. But what was that evil? What was the right thing to do?
“Come on Y/N, let’s go.”, Damon said and wrapped his arm around my waist and gently pulled me away from Kol and his brothers. 
After a couple of steps Damon let go of me and I turned around once more. There was one more thing that I had to get off my chest. Even if that meant more tears and pain. 
“You know what, Klaus? I really loved you. Honestly. I didn’t care what anyone told me. I didn’t care that everyone told me that you are a monster that’s not worth to be loved. I didn’t care that your own brother warned me about you. I wanted to give you a chance. I wanted to see with my own eyes what kind of a character you have. I wanted to get to know you and not the monster everyone was talking about. But… you showed me yourself what a monster you can be. I trusted you, was always loyal to you and you just played with my feelings to be closer to Elena or whatever. I don’t care why. But now I know what kind of a monster you are because you showed it to me yourself. And Kol? I thought you were my friend. My best friend, but I was just as wrong about you as I was about Klaus.”, I said while more and more tears were running down my cheeks. I was surprised how strong I had sounded. It felt like my heart was only hurting more with each word. 
Kol and Elijah just looked at me silently. Klaus hadn’t even turned around to look at me.   Vater that I turned back around to get back inside. 
“I’ll go and ask Matt if he can drive you home. You need to get out of here.”, Stefan said as soon as we were inside and disappeared in any direction. 
“How can I help you from home?“, I wondered and looked at Damon desperately. I probably had just made sure that our plan wouldn’t work out.
“You don’t. You’re obviously not well and we’re not gonna drag you into this anymore. We’ll do it. We will find another way. Do not worry. All you have to worry about is that you will be fine again. We need your smart head.”, Damon answered and smiled at me during his last sentence. 
“And you’ll take care of Elena for me?”, I asked.
Damon was right. Now I wasn’t much help anyway and I’d just stand in the way. 
“Of course Y/N. I will always take care of Elena.” 
I nodded and shortly after that Matt and Stefan came back. Matt looked a little confused when he saw me. 
“What happend?”, he asked. 
“I’ll tell you in the car, alright?”, I answered and smiled sadly at him. 
He nodded, wrapped his arm around my shoulders and guided me safely through the crowd.  Outside, Matt immediately took off his jacket and put it over my shoulders. 
"Thank you Mat.”, I said and pulled it tighter around me. 
“No problem.”, he replied and even opened the passenger door when we arrived at his car. 
We sat down, Matt turned on the heater and I started telling him everything. I told him how Klaus and I had met. How Kol and I had befriended each other. How I really thought that they were good people and that I had been looking for a good solution for all of us. How stubborn and narrow-minded Klaus was and how you couldn’t talk with him when he had his mind set on something. How Klaus and I had separated yesterday and what Kol had told me a few minutes ago. How I wanted to help Damon with his plan to kill Klaus and how I now had simply no longer the strength to do so. 
And Matt just listened. He just listened and then told me about his perspective. He told me that he would help me through all this and that he would always be on my side.  I knew I could always count on my twinsister, Damon, Stefan and Matt.
Matt stayed with me all night and distracted me. We ate ice cream, watched bad TV shows and waited together for the others, after all we wanted to know if they were successful or not.
We had no idea how it had actually turned out.
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whereismymindhun · 5 years
That one is mine
Tom Holland x reader
Warnings: Nope
Summary: A cute boy finding your dog on a park... Maybe it could go somewhere.
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Y/N: Cookie, come here! Cookie!!
To say I was stressed was an understatement. Cookie, my dog, is running around the flat like a crazy dog and didn’t come to me when I called him. I want to go for a walk with him, but if he doesn’t stop, I will be tired and stay home instead. I was already dressed, not too much, but not sweatpants either, I mean, we never know if we’re going to meet someone important.
Y/N: Cookie, come, let’s go for a walkie, let’s go to the park.
I hear her paws on the floor and she’s by my side in two seconds. Finally! I grab her leash and leave.
It’s actually a beautiful day today. Not too hot, not too cold l, just perfect. I head to the park with Cookie by my side. He was really happy, he loves the park. Half way through I remember I left his balk at home. Crap, now how am I going to intertain him... Maybe I can find a stick.
I arrive at the park and try to find a good spot to sit. On my way I find a stick and grab it. Cookie notices and starts to jump, a lot. I release him and through the stick. I do this a few more times. I sit and grab my book, Cookie comes with the stick and goes grab it again, and again. This dog doesn’t get tires, Jesus!
A few minutes later Cookie doesn’t come back. I got up and started to call him. He didn’t come back. I got worried and went looking for him. I grab my book and bag and start to run around the park.
Y/N: This god damn dog. COOKIE!!
I spot a guy with a ball of fur on his lap, a ball that looks exactly like Cookie. I call him again and I see the dog on the guy’s lap move frenetically. It’s him!
I go to the guy and try to be nice, I mean it’s not really his fault my dog ran away.
Y/N: Hi, sorry, that one is mine.
The guy turned around, and dear lord, What. A. View. He is gorgeous. His brown hair looked really soft and his eyes, Oh my. No, Y/N, your dog!
Guy: Oh, hey. He came to me with the stick, but he started to bark and cry.
Y/N: He might have got lost. Thank you very much.
Guy: No problem. What’s his name?
Y/N: Cookie
The guy smiled. Oh lord!
Y/N: Well, thanks again, I should take him home.
I turned around to leave, but only gave three steps before I felt a tap on my shoulder.
Guy: Wait, hmm, I’m... I’m Tom.
Y/N: I’m Y/N.
Tom: Pretty name... Can I... Can I have your number?
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murphyseed07 · 3 years
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Learnt to never hide and cheat, that's cheating myself, stick to the code, the brain says, stay loyal greatness is ahead #GuptaFeller as crazy as it gets me myself and I the more Intertainment. (at The Business Place Philippi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUdGa3nju_v/?utm_medium=tumblr
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anazfalllz · 7 years
Even if you’re not mexican i’m sure all of you have heard of a chancla or at least seen one in your lifetime. Hence the name it’s a huge birthday party thrown when a girl turns 15 (quince). Quinceaneras have a mixed history, the Aztecs in Mexico celebrated and marked young woman’s 15th birthday as an age of maturity and an age in which they could marry. When the Spanish conquered Mexico they introduced their fancy etiquette and so was born the traditional modern day quinceanera.
 A quinceanera is usually composed of multiple elements. Such as a court, waltz, last doll, first heels etc. The court is traditionally composed of  14 couples, girls all wear the same dress in a color that compliments the party or quinceaneras gown. They’re called damas (ladies But formal in spanish)  And the boys are called chambelanes and they wear suits with something that matches the damas’ dress or the quinceaneras dress. Along with the girl they dance a surprise dance
If you’ve ever gone to a party where the majority of the guests are mexican, then you probably have seen at least one of these guests.
Or the drunk, there’s the happy drunks, the sad drunks, and the drunks who want to fight everyone. The happy drunks usually dance like crazy and think they’ve turned into Vicente Fernandez or something because they always take the mic away from the band.  
The sad drunk is usually a tia who starts singing love songs to your tio, telling him she’s better off without him while everyone else laughs.and then there’s the feisty drunk. They always end up drop dead drunk and want to fight everyone, over the dumbest things too. Usually all the men in the family try to control him and take him to sleep.The singer, in my family it’s my brother my uncle and my grandpa. As soon as the sun comes down they turn into another vicente and sing with the band. They start dedicating songs to everyone there and dont take turns with the karaoke. They think they’ve become the life of the party and more often than not they are. The funniest thing is , they actually sing pretty well.
The ones who share all the latest gossip. These are most likely goig to be older women. No offense to our abuelitas but theyre usulally the ones who judge everyone from head to toe. And any party is like a club meeting for them. They share everything!! They know all the chisme from you whole block, to the life of a cousins friend. Im telling you if you ever need to be intertained just hit them up for the latest gossip. The dancer. This person, well its usually two so techinally a couple. This couple shares the spotlight basically. We all know not everyone dances the whole night, you spend most of your time eating and watching other people dance, and you stare at THIS couple the whole night.. Why?? Because theye freaking goals!  They dance cumbias like its nobodys business, and banda too!!Well if you never noticed before , after reading this im sure you remeber having seen at least one of these types of people before. And its not wrong i mean its funny and were used to it right? We love our family and culture, and lets be honest. Mexicans are the best when it comes to throwing fiestas!!
Quinces are a huge part of Mexican culture which celebrates the coming of age of young Latinas. They bring the family and friends together and bring hot joy to the family .
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hiraethtae · 7 years
The M team ( Prologue )
Summary: The leader of the idol group BLUE STEEL has disappeared. The rest of the BS have all gone their separate ways. Avigash, also named Ava, by her fellow makeup interns tries to navigate the life of a makeup intern at Bighit Entertainment while simultaneously studying to finish high school and dealing with her crazy intern buddies.  Bighit's Bangatan boys are closer than the interns ever believed and getting stuck in the vents has become a norm.
Pairing: will be seen in the future.
Characters: BTS/OC’s
Word count: 1158
Genre: can this be considered comedy
Note: Hey guys! This is the fic no one asked for but i couldn’t help but want to write! I’ve always thought; we always write about the boys but what about the shenanigans that happen behind the scenes with the makeup artists? So this is the shenanigans the intern makeup artists get into at Bighit intertainment, with a interesting twist! and yes this will be a series!
"…Ten months ago "BLUE STEEL", the Israel pop\Kpop group, was put on a stand still. Yuki, the leader of BLUE STEEL fell of the face of the earth, while the other members were left to their own devices and reached out to their goals. Sahar went out as a solo rapper, followed closely behind by Renee, a fellow rapper from BLUE STEEL's rap line. 
Lyn, The cotton candy haired vocalist of the group who found her inspiration from Jimin of BTS, went off to finish her teachings to become a Prima ballerina while adding her own spin of the traditional dance. The twins, BG and GB joined the army, as is obligatory in Israel at the age of 18. They stated that till their service has ended, they will not be continuing idol activities. 
X, has also disappeared. The blind vocalist and dancer who has astounded the world with his skills, went off the grid after Yuki.
"BLUE STEEL" wasn't officially disbanded. From what their fans understood was that they were taking a break and will be having a comeback soon, as is often what happens with idol groups such as the kpop idol group "EXO" and "BIGBANG". But as Sahar's tracks grew into an amazing album and Renee's voice grew stronger in her rapping, and Lyn was found appearing more and more in different ballet competitions, while the other 2 rapper and vocalists, BG and GB were in the army as well as Yuki and X, one of them being the leader of the group, completely MIA, fans found themselves dreading the possibility that "BLUE STEEL" was not getting back together…is what the article says." said Kim Jae-ki, one of the newest interns to the makeup division in Bighit Entertainment.
"I don't believe it." Park Mina exclaimed, her hooped earrings bouncing with the angry nodding of her head. She thrust her hand forward to demand the evidence and Jae dropped the offending device into her waiting hand with a sigh. Mina jotted her head forward into the tiny screen, squinted eyes moving rapidly as she read the article.
"It does seem weird that they went their separate ways so suddenly." mused Makeila, known by the group as Miki, tapping a finger against her chin. Her American accent was strong in her Korean as she carefully shaped her lips around the foreign language. They were all gathered in the break room waiting for their supervisor, Lee Nari. Her hawk like scrutiny had all the interns under constant stress. She was never late but today the makeup artists required her assistance so the interns have required a moment of relaxation. Miki watched over Mina's angry reading  for a few minutes before turning to Avigash, "What do you think, Ava?"
Avigash didn't really know what to think. She was actually only half listening to the conversation. With one ear bud in her left ear blasting BTS's "Not Today" into her brain and her mouth occupied with eating chips while simultaneously scrolling through Tumblr, Ava wasn't really listening. Before she could reply to Miki, Mina flung Jae's phone half across the room in frustration, "They shouldn't say things that aren't true! None of the member BS has been interviewed so they can't just assume such drastic things!"
Jae gave the direction of his phone a mournful glance but made no move to get up from his sprawled position on the company boxes. He was obviously affected by the article. Miki was giving the three of them disbelieving looks. Avigash for her obvious pig like tendencies, Mina toward the fact that she threw someone else valued procession and could have broken it, and toward Jae who didn't even react like a normal human being who saw his phone being thrown halfway across the room.
Miki grabbed the bag of chips from Avigash's lap, "Does it really matter though? If the fans stay loyal and believe that BLUE STEEL is on a break then whatever the media writes doesn't really matter does it?"
Jae sat up, legs dangling over the boxes edge. Mina trumped across the room to retrieve the thrown phone. Jae crossed his arms, "This whole situation is very confusing. Yuki and X just dropped off the face of the earth and the twins went to the army. The army! Those pranksters! In the army!"
"It's obligatory in Israel just like in Korea." Said Sung Ki from the doorway, she was cataloging the boxes next to the break room and held in her hand an I-pad. Her long hair swished as she leaned her hip against the door frame. "And, I'm betting Yuki and X are finishing up high school. You join the army in Israel when you are 18 but not before you finish high school."
Avigash grabbed the bag of chips from Miki's hands and stuffed the second ear bud into her ear. Sung Ki was correct. She just didn't know that while X stayed in Israel to finish his teachings while being homeschooled, Yuki was in South Korea under a makeup internship at Bighit Entertainment, finishing up her studies online and sitting in the very room with the rest of the interns. Avigash popped a chip into her mouth and thought how long it would take for someone to realize.
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groupkiller · 8 years
Living in the moment
David Mitchell taught me about “living in the moment.”
Sometimes like during sports finals or movies you THINK you are living in a good moment, but later you have to reevaluate and realize you sat through 1,5 hour that turned out to be bad moments. People might agree that a football match was exciting while it was on, but still wont categorise the moments watching that match as very good, if their teem looses the game.
I will in no way deny that I have been intertained by Sherlock season 4.
I don’t deny that I don’t own the show. It was never my personal fanfiction (though it felt like it).
In The Final Problem I WAS at the edge of my seat, (despite inconsistanscies) I felt entertained, smiled, clapped and so on, untill the end, when I got sad.
But I think it is ok to be disapointed in movies and TV shows that don’t follow through on “their promises”. I put it in “” because at least the johnlockers felt the creators promised romance, but a lot of other people didn’t.
I think they should have put less subtext in the show, if all they wanted to do was a friendship story. They could have made it much more clear that the soft moments were just about friendship, if they wanted to.
(If they did want a romance or just wanted an open ending, so people could read into the show what they want, I think that is not as good as being clear, especially in a show where a lot of queer people have representation at stake).
They didn’t have to make John act jealous of/at Irene, didn’t have to include all the innuendo and gay jokes. They could have told a friendship story very clearly without that sub textual ambiguity.
I didn’t expect Harry to end up with Draco, or Tintin to kiss Hadock. Even though/if shippers of those couples (I don’t ship them) claim there to subtext. I think we can agree there is way less foreshadowing and build up for a Harry-Draco affair, than a john-lock kiss.
So the expectations come from the subtext.
The subtext led us to believe that we could expect romance.
I could put a million quotes here about “the things Sherlock always wanted to say but never did” and “romantic entanglement that… could complete you as a human being”. But we would be here all week then - besides you probably KNOW all the quotes.
Point is: subtext led to johnlock expectations for many people, and that makes us reevaluate the season (and for some the whole series) as “living in a bad moment” because stuff we love turns out to be queerbaiting.
I see people saying things like: “don’t expect the creators to cater to your ship.”
“Don’t hate the series just because your ship didn’t become canon.”
“It’s not queerbaiting, they ALWAYS wanted to just do a friendship story.”
“You see things that aren’t there, you just convinced yourselves that it’s there, but it never was.”
And i don’t hate the show. I hate the queerbaiting, and I honestly think it is there, because of the vast amount of subtext.
I don’t think you should ever hate on people, nomatter how disapointed you are. And sending the creators HATE is not something I condole. I think we should keep a civil tone while certainly telling them, we are disspointed. But lets’s not send any death threats ok!
I do feel intertained (mostly by season 1-3) but also by season 4. I just have to reevaluate the last 4,5 hour as living in “not as good a moment as I thought”.
In The Big Bang Theory people who wanted Sheldon to stay an unfeeling machine might be as disapointed after “the ShAmy” became canon as I feel right now.
But I think people CAN actually expect show creators to take into account what the viewers want. And I think a lot of people wanted Sheldon and Amy to have sex. A lot of people wanted Ross and Rachel to get together. A lot of shows DO listen to many of the viewers and try to make their favorite ship happen (at least if it’s straight ships).
So I don’t think johnlockers are crazy for having believed that finally the queer community would get a ship become canon on main stream tv in 2017.
That said, I know that far from EVERYONE wanted Johnlock.
These viewers might think it is great to see a fulfilled story arch where Sherlock starts out as an unfeeling machine (due to childhood trauma), but finally he became a good man, learned to have friends, learned Greg’s name, and continued helping people with cases.
But I think we WERE promised a romantic arch. Not just a “judge for yourselves, if you want johnlock to be there, just read it into the show”-ending.
Imagine what it would feel like if Rose hadn’t wanted to hold Jack’s hand in the freezing water after Titanic sunk.
I think people watching Forrest Gump would reevaluate, what they thought was living in a great moment watching a good movie, and label it a bad moment, if the movie ended with Forest visiting Jenny, and it turned out:
Forrest didn’t actually care that much about her. They were good friends, had coffee and that’s all. He then went on to sit at bus stops talking to strangers about celebrities he met, great adventures he had and offering them chocolate.
If in the end it turned out that his words: “why don’t you love me Jenny? I’m not a smart man, but I know what love is” weren’t really important to his story and character arch at all, it wasn’t always about Jenny. Forrest asking her to mary him because he’d make a good husbond… that was just a fleeting remark, not important at all. Then I think people would have felt cheated. Like they were promised a love story they didn’t get.
Ok I might be unfair because Forrest Gump had a clear romantic arch, no one would deny. But with Sherlock, many would deny johnlock. (Because of heteronormativity or whatever, To be fair I haven’t really listened to many of the arguments against johnlock ^_~ who knows, some might be legit)
“Who you are isn’t important” Well the johnlockers really thought that WAS important in adotion to all the interesting cases. Romance WAS an important part of the story, and if they didn’t want us to expect that, I think a lot of the scenes in the show are quite weird and out of place for a platonic friendship story.
In conclusion: - I do love the show, also season 4. - I was excited, but think I was promised more than I got. - I don’t like the queerbaiting. - I think people who deny the queer subtext and the promises that gives us are not nessesarily homophobes, but too grounded in heteronormativity to understand how devistating this unfulfilled romance is to johnlockers.
I am a writer, and one of the most important rules of writing is: if you promise the reader something, remember to give them what you promised or explain why they can’t have it. You should always have beta readers tell you, the promises THEay THINK you made to them. So if you made promises without being aware, you can adress them.
There might be good reasons why you wont give the reader the romance you hinted at. Maybe you as a writer only intended it to be a friendship story. But then you have to make that clear.
In short stories open endings are fine. But in novel-length-works people expect answers to the story questions they develop along the way.
And though many casual viewers think that a friendship as end goal and a more mature Sherlock might have been the clear goal of this series. There are CLEARLY a huge group, who thinks the show promised something, and didn’t deliver. And they didn’t explain why. If they did anything, they opened the ending, so you could enterpret it as you wish, but that’s not enough after 16,5 hours in my opinion.
There is also the political discussion about queer representation to take into account.
But from a pure story-telling perspective: What I thought was living in a great moment turned out to be an intertaining but unsatisfying moment in retrospect.
And I think a good show should be able to entertain in more than the moments it takes to see the show first time. It should keep on making you feel like you came full circle with the characters.
And a huge group doesn’t feel that with only this friendship. Or the open ending.
But what about the people who would have been sad and felt it would have been wrong if they kissed? Probably the big majority of viewers.
Isn’t it their show as well?
Yes it is. But i refuse to believe that in 2017 all the casuals would have recoiled and said: “where the hell did that come from,” if a tiny montage with the most obvious gay subtext had been incorporated.
It’s ok to surprise your reader/viewer, as long as you DO foreshadow.
I am uncertain about how many would have reevaluated their moments (16,5 hours) as bad moments, if johnlock had happened.
Maybe if they never rewatched the series and thus never picked up on the gay subtext in light of the ending… Again going back to the idea of a good show being able to entertain again and again with more depth every time you watch it.
If the epilouge to Harry Potter had him arriving to platform 9 ¾ with Draco, kissing him, I would have reread the books to see where I had missed the foreshadowing. (I did this emediately after book 6, because I loved Snape. And by looking for foreshadowing that could redeem him, I picked up on the Lily-thing. Told all my friend, noone believed me until book 7, but everyone then said it WAS great because of the well hidden but totally pressent foreshadowibg of Snape’s story arch) And i hope most viewers would have done the same with Sherlock, had johnlock happened explicitly - realizing how much romantic build up there was.
Then they might have reevaluated their moments as giving them a ship they didn’t ask for but at least with good story telling and build up behind it. Maybe be angry at the show’s straightbaiting/heterobaiting?
I HATED that Catnis lost her sister in the end of Hunger games, because i wanted a happy ending. But I still think the books are great because they dared show that in war there is usually no happy ending. And I think back, and realize the story of Hunger games from the start told me that all my favorites could die a meaningless dearh, that was part of the story and sort of the point.
So it’s not like I can’t enjoy good story telling even if it gives me an ending I didn’t want, AS LONG AS the book/show/movie warned me and foreshadowed events.
But in Sherlock I feel like they foreshadowed a romantic ending in EVERY episode, and didn’t deliver. I felt like they deliberately put in hints only to not follow through.
But I had hoped for johnlock, and for a lot of casual viewers to think: “oh, I should have seen that coming, but it doesn’t change that John and Sherlock are a great, and I love when they solve cases, and it doesn’t matter if they share the bedroom.”
Now casuals think things are as they have always been, and should be.
It’s still 1895, eventhough it’s actually 2017.
And Johnlockers cry because of this entertaining, but queerbaiting opotunity that was wasted.
@quietlyprim @jenna221b @loudest-subtext-in-tv
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heroj1987-blog · 7 years
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Waiting for games to download , dont mind the emote pillow XD were they making a emote movie ? #chilling #fresh #beard #crazy #gamer #games #silly #youtuber #streamer #fam #herosquad #blackandwhite #insane #memes #emote #pillow #insane #youtube #twitch #dabs #nodabs #cringe #twitter #hype #hypetrain#help #intertaining #cantstopwontstop #nomorehastags #rememberbatman #whyamihere #share #like #vids #letsplays. Let me fill u with determination
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