onejellyfishplease · 1 year
This poor boy just needs to come clean omg everything would just be simpler and his family would love him regardless of the changes. It’s so sad that Donnie was accepting of it until Leo ate his food and now it’s under no circumstances like babey boi they are only making a big deal of it cuz they are protective of everyone, if they know it’s you they’d easily accommodate. Also your Big Mama pov was so interesting to read how she worked it out! Love your fic ❤️
First of all, I’m really glad you liked Big Mama’s pov! It was really challenging to figure out (and also I’ve never seen her pov in many fics before).
And yeah, we really need to get Donnie to realise that his family will love him no matter what dammit!!
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bluerosefox · 4 months
Little Danny's Big Adventure
New idea.
Okay now hear me out.
-Pulls out AU idea cauldron and tosses stuff into it-
Let's put in some Ghost King/Prince Danny.... But also some deaged to toddlerhood Danny that gets yeeted into the DCverse!
Like imagine, tiny baby Danny with his tiny crown of ice floating above his head and his galaxy cape wrapped around him and uses it like a baby blanket. He didn't mean to fall into a different universe, a natural portal opened up and he was being a curious little thing! He didn't mean to trip and fall in during his nap time.
Nor was he expecting to fall into this realm during a rogue attack and knock out said rogue cause they were being a meanie and harming people and now Danny just wants his nap time cause he spent a lot of his tiny engery and he wants to find a nice spot.
Danny finds a place to crash, snuggling himself into his cape and the astronaut bear Danielle got him during her last visit that he takes everywhere since.
He's out like a light as the door to this safe house that belongs to one of the Bats opens up.
Meanwhile. In the Infinite Realms, Queen Regent Jazz is going into Mama Bear Jazz Mode trying to find her deaged brother, keeping the Realms in check, and is resisting the urge to put CW in time out Soup Time because he's being cyptided again about Danny whereabouts!!! UGH!
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shadow0-1 · 1 year
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“We’re almost there, just a little longer.”
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death-himself · 5 months
as someone who’s a very casual watcher viewer (i don’t think i’ve watched any videos in months) as well as being a media major, this situation is so fascinating to me
ghost files costing $50k per episode??? 25 employees??? what do you need a director for to make survival mode? it’s literally just a lets play
seeing people break down their expenses with flight costs, rooming, etc. is really interesting too, i need to ask my professor about this situation, it’s just so wild to me
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smoosie · 6 months
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The 'We need to talk' scene
but I've made it into a wet cat short comic
(and it only gets worse for him...)
Bonus secret 5th panel :
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(intrusive thoughts so strong they make his brain crash)
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One coin has two faces. Or whatever
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wishingstarinajar · 1 month
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Headshot WIPs of my boy Rook, a (hedge) knight of Cybertron who spends an awful lot of time out in the wildness of the place he and his fellow knights crashlanded.
Welp, guess almost the whole of @underrealm got the Transformers treatment xD I sure don't mind
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heyclickadee · 18 days
I sort of have a headcanon that Wrecker is acutely aware of how he comes across. He’s a giant compared to every other clone on Kamino and compared to most humans generally, built like a tank, massively strong, has definitely been through something intense—in general he looks like a guy you don’t want to mess with. Someone walks into a bar or something looking to cause trouble, sees him sitting there, and turns around because they’ve just done risk assessment and imagined his fist wrapped around what used to be their skull. He’s intimidating.
And honestly I think that’s part of why Wrecker is so aggressively friendly. I mean it helps that Wrecker is actually friendly, he’s not pretending, I’m not saying that—I just think he plays up Fun Mode just a tiny, tiny bit sometimes, just to put people at ease, or to break up tension.
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azuree1733 · 8 months
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snailsnaps · 9 months
Part 2 of a Computer Science student's analysis of the FNAF: SB intro
Full with tech lingo, abundant personal interpretations, and translations so that my tech illiterate fellas may undertand whatever the fuck im yapping about!
This post is written under the context that you've read my last analysis. I highly recommend you first check out these two posts before continuing with this one if you haven't already: > First post + Continuation ( IMPORTANT!! ) > An addition to the first post
Once you've read through those two (three?) posts, come back here! You're back? You've read them? Awesome! Let's begin then. =)
Reminder! This analysis has been done based off of my own understanding of the subject of both computing and programming - which I am currently studying. I would also like to yet again shout out this reddit post, that also gives a great perspective. Definitely check it out if you're interested later!
Also I have not re-read this, you may find typos - don't hold it against me, they will be fixed, someday =(
Now then, fellas, this is where shit gets wild.
Last post, I talked about the command box we can see at the top right corner of the intro - what each command did and how it basically corresponded to what happens to freddy in the events of the intro.
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However, you might recall I mentioned a second command box, the one found at the left side of the screen. This command box is by far the most important piece of information we have throughout the entire duration of the intro. Mostly, because it changes 3 times.
It changes a total of 3 times in the time it takes for the right command box to finish.
Each time it changes, it displays new lines of code. And every single line of code it displays, tells us a lot about what is happening to Freddy.
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This is the first block of code that we get:
system32> Get-568_win heat_869%yTnu_bl8 lvl_b> 228.wst serial.dot_btb rec.556> dtd /
You might inmediately realize that the first line of code from this command box matches exactly the one from the first analysis. Here are both of them as comparison.
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Hopefully, you've already made the connection. This command box is the one possibly being run by the Glitchtrap/Vanny Virus. Whatever lines of code appear on the command box to the left, are the ones being executed by the Virus - and they affect Freddy in real time. However, the command box on the right ir Freddy's, so to speak.
Both CLI (command line interfaces) are being run at the same time - yet independently of one another. Keep this in mind.
I don't want to go too in depth with this first block of code. All you need to know is that it moves around some directories and runs something called 'dtd', wich could be a command or a program.
The next two blocks of code, however? Ohhh damn... This is it, fellas. This is what I've been waiting for.
Now, I want you to know that this doesn't quite resemble any 'real' code, at least not at first glance. I do believe that it is a very 'condensed' form of the Python programming language, since the syntaxing of the commands shown here somewhat resemble how a string written in Python would look like.
So, I have taken the time to try to decipher what each line means, and what they do. And well, let's just say it explains why Freddy wasn't affected by the Virus in the first place.
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def rule(x) return warning78 init; self_overdrive abort(3)RTLKt abort(5)XGE END
This is the second block of code that we're shown, so lets break it down.
def rule(x) return warning78 init;
This string would define "rule" as a function, specifying "x" as the parameter. Basically, this line specifies that if the command rule is inputted, it should return whatever value (or argument) x has taken.
Normally, define is followed by a return function, which is why I've shown them together, as well as the init; command.
The command return followed by "warning78", makes it so whenever we call upon the function rule, it shows us whatever warning78 may be - and judging as to what happens in the intro, it could be any of the multiple warnings that appear in Freddy's GUI. Or it could also easily be the big "WARNING!" message that can be seen the entire time near the top of the screen.
Lastly, the init; command isn't exactly a standardized python command - but it is a common abreviation of the initialization command, where in the field of programming, it means "the assignment of an initial value for a data object or variable". Basically, it's when you assign the initial values and variables to a program so it can start.
All in all, these three lines create a command that, when called upon, gives out the warning78.
Again, not really a python function, but important nontheless. This command doesn't have a specific meaning, but we can try to understand what it does.
The term overdrive doesn't really exist in the field of computing/programming. However, it is asociated with overclocking - "the practice of increasing the clock rate of a computer to exceed that certified by the manufacturer" - Overdrive is also a term in the field of music, also known as distorsion, which is when you force an amplifier to output past its limits.
Both of these definitions go around the same concept, pushing a computer to its limits so that it works better, or faster - even while it possibly damages the computer.
We can then assume that the function self_overdrive is making Freddy's system run pasts its usual limits. Which is why I believe Freddy's integrity level plumits during the intro.
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abort(3)RTLKt abort(5)XGE END
Lastly, we have these three lines.
The abort function isn't a real python function - but I believe you can asume what it does. Both lines are attempting to kill something - a program, a process, another function... However, I am not sure wether these two are really functions, since they could very easily be error handling messages. Essencially, warning messages that the system returns when something crashes, for example.
The last line, END, specifies the end of this string of code.
Which leads us to the third and last block of code. The one which in my professional opinion, is the one that reveals to us why Freddy's cool with us during Security Breach! =]
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report.NULL gridlock [ax674] init_task>void alloc [overload] SW.failure return /
THIS IS WHAT WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR, FRIENDS. THIS IS IT. This is the part where I had the most fun with this analysis...
Now, usually report, in the field of programming and software, it means to record or log something. For example an error log, or crash log. However, it being followed by NULL could also mean that this is an error handling message of sorts.
In computing, Null is, well, zero. It's nothing. It's the absence of value, when something that should be there, isn't.
From this, we could gather that this is a warning message that attempted to report something, yet failed to find anything to report back. No value at all.
...or, we could take this line literally. Taking into consideration that this code is being executed by the virus - this line of code could be taken as an attempt by the virus to stop Freddy's system from freaking out.
Remember that this entire code is being executed as Freddy's actively getting a big flashing WARNING! message. So, this line of code could be an effort to silence it, returning a null value to a warning message.
Both scenarios are plausible, so stick with the one you think fits best!
gridlock [ax674]
This one... man... this line was wild. It's where everything clicked for me. You will want to ignore the characters [ax674], what we truly care about is the first word: gridlock.
You see, a gridlock isn't really a term used in computing at all. It is a term refering to a "severe congestion of traffic, where continuous queues of vehicles block an entire intersection". HOWEVER, gridlock is also known as another term for deadlock.
A deadlock is what's known as a stalemate. A situation where two opposing parties come to a point where no progress can be made. In programming, it means basically the same thing.
A situation where two processes can't proceed, since both of them are waiting for the other to release a resource. Now, imagine this scenario. We have two processes, A and B, and two resources, R1 and R2.
Process A is currently using resource R1.
Process B is currently using resource R2.
Process A requests resource R2, but is blocked because it's held by Process B.
Process B requests resource R1, but is blocked because it's held by Process A.
Now... imagine this situation, but with Freddy, and the virus.
What we most likely have here, the line gridlock [ax674], is an error handling message, warning that a deadlock is ocurring. The string of characters beside it has no meaning, and could easily be but an error handling code of sorts.
I've explained before that init is the abreviation of initialization. So, we can gather that this is a command that is attempting to initialize a task. Now then, in the context of the previous line, this one could mean one of two things:
The virus is attempting to initialize a task (a set of instructions) called void.
The virus is attempting to initialize a task, however, due to the deadlock, it returns this line as an error message, indicating a void return. In programming, when a function returns the word void, it usually means that the function was not able to return a value. It is similar to Null, yet not the same.
Either of these could be a posibility, so I will leave it to your personal interpretation.
And here it when it all goes to hell...
alloc [overload] SW.failure return
Alloc is not a real function, but it can be considered an abreviation of the word allocation. In computing, the allocation is the assignment of memory and resources to the various processes the system may have.
Proper memory and resource allocation is very important in a computer. As you may know, a computer as a limited amount of RAM it can work with, and the same goes for it's processing power. But, for example, what happens when you try to allocate resources that aren't available?
Well, a lot of things may happen. Mainly, the program could hang, the process could freeze - or the entire system could crash!
Remember earlier, we saw that it was likely that Freddy and the virus were in a deadlock. Yet, the Virus tried to allocate more resources to itself... Which overloaded the system, and likely resulted in the next line.
SW.failure has no real meaning - but I've interpreted the first two characters [SW] as software. This would make this line an error message warning about a software failure.
So... What does this all mean? How does it all tie together? Why didn't Freddy get infected by the Virus? Because it got too greedy. It tried to allocate too many resources/memory, overloaded the system and crashed both itself and Freddy.
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Why only Freddy, though? Why didn't this happen to the other animatronics? That... I'm not sure. I believe this is more of a lore question rather than computer question.
In my opinion, I don't think this was a case of 'Freddy knew that he was getting infected by a virus, and fought back'. I'm leaning more to the posibility of it being a 'wrong place wrong time' type of situation... or maybe 'right place right time'? In general, a lot of factors and a lot of different things happened that lead to this specific scenario happening.
Anyways, this is it! This has been my analysis - or nerdy infodumping, if you please.
I do hope that I was able to teach you something today, and that this whole analysis helps you understand the animatronics a bit better - and helps you with future fanfics, comics, AUs, artworks... whatever!
One last reminder - if you have any more questions about this stuff, my ask box is open! I love talking about this stuff!!
Oh, and, coming soon...
DJMM's Bouncer Mode ! A theory by a computer science student as to why it's still present, and why it makes him so aggressive.
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hercarisntyours · 9 days
we look so cute together
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intriga-hounds · 1 year
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asleeb holding beloved carborb scrap
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imgoingtocrash · 11 months
criticize starfield all you want but i think this little stuffed dog having a wonderful meal in the middle of a completely decimated NASA facility is top tier
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filmsdkye · 6 months
violator is such a good companion album to crash 1996. horny ass album for a horny ass movie
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asmoteeth · 1 month
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take this doodle that I managed to finish before MS Paint CRASHED THE WHOLE FILE FOR NO REASON
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That's what's left of it (it even crashed the tool bar)
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uselessgaywhovian · 6 months
you ever drive so bad that three (3) tourists show up to fix your shit car
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