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tinyfrenchowl · 1 month ago
Akzksjzjdjuzz look at these cuties!! Thank you!! All three of them are gorgeous, and damn that toad poses like a model.
Hey if anyone has cute pet pics to share I'd really appreciate them right now
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halebop-s-art · 1 year ago
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Jour 8 : Toad / Crapeau !
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salrat · 1 year ago
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Inktober/8 "crapeau"
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ibelieveinthep0werofmyvoice · 10 months ago
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Topo du volcano
Méga tornado qui veut faire chavirer mon cargo
Qui créer tout qu'un fiasco
A shadow from below
Leaving a huge hollow wherever you go
I thought you were my boss, an amigo
Inconsciente, je t'ai follow dans le bureau
Je me suis retrouve prise dans ton lasso
Tu te crois carrément dans un p⛔️rn0
What a show
Twisting my elbow
Je me sens molle comme du jello
Ton égo de macho, tes attitudes de psycho
Ravivent les souvenirs avec l'autre p3đ0
Le vieux crapeau qui m'empêche encore parfois de faire dodo
T'es un douch, bro
Un manipulateur, un mytho: tout qu'un combo
Just so you know:
A soul is not something you can borrow
Allo la désinfo
Belle gang de slowmo
Jurer sur la bible et oser dire que du faux
Méchant moineau
J'ai encore les photos et les convos
All the evidence I could throw
J'ai trop de mots, je manques de stylos
You got me stuck in deep sorrow
Sharp is this new arrow dans mon portfolio
Mon flow est chaud
Mes idées au fourneau
Although j'en beurre encore mes pillows
Je reste confiante et je regarde par la window
Over there I can see my rainbow
J'ressens comme une nouvelle sorte de tempo
Enfant indigo, I was born to glow
Au final, je sais que je ne suis pas solo
Watch me grow as I go
EBR mai 2024
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fremedon · 1 year ago
Saint-Beuve publishes a work on French poetry of the 16th century, attempting to find respectable antecedents for Romanticism. However, "Like many other young men of that time, Sainte-Beuve not only had a strong taste for poetry, but fully believed that he was born to achieve immortality in verse," and publishes his first work of poetry, "Life, Poems, and Thoughts of Joseph Delorme," in 1829.
Vigorous refutation of the claim that Sainte-Beuve wanted to naturalize in the French language poetry of the style of the Lake Poets. Long excursus on the complete incompatibility of Wordsworth's healthily bucolic subject matter with anything French. "In place of themes like these, Sainte-Beuve gives us a series of pictures drawn from the artificial life of Paris [...] --verse in almost every page of which there is a taint of melancholy, an exhalation of the sick-room and the grave."
This, to be clear, Billy does not intend as praise. The Romantics beg to differ, Billy. Though it is actually somewhat to Bill's credit that, as completely horny for Saint-Beuve's prose as he is, he doesn't actually try to convince himself that his poetry is better.
Though it may simply be that it's too impossible to pry the poetry loose from Romanticism:
"It was a time when, as a reviewer has said, 'a diseased liver, a heart complaint, a hectic cough, or chronic dyspepsia, was mistake by preternatural self-conceit for an an infallible mark of genius, and morbid self-consciousness sought notoriety, in default of fame, at the first grave check or mortification, in suicide."
However--and in complete contradiction to the claims Bill makes when comparing Wordsworth with Sainte-Beuve's poetry-- "the French are too lively a race, too suny and merry-hearted, to take pleasure in being unhappy." This is elaborated on with a long comparison between a hypothetical Englishman and "Johnny Crapeau."
One year after Delorme, publishes "The Consolations." "In place of cold materialism, of doubt, despair, and mocking skepticism, we have now a species of religious mysticism, and a monotony of piety which reminds one of Hood's line about persons who think that they 'are pious, when they are only bilious.' Never did a poet undergo a more startling revolution of sentiments in a twelvemonth. Victor Hugo, we are told, was the high-priest of this conversion, though, at a later day, Sainte-Beuve gives the credit with minute particularity to Lamartine."
Calls "Confessions" "the best poem of one who was no poet," but it garners some praise, and also a marvelously snarky "Listen to your genius, sir," from Chateaubriand. "'I have wept, who never weep,' was the tribute of the sentimental Lamartine, whose cambric was always wet with tears. The religious tone of the work, however, was distasteful to many; Merimée laughed in his sleeve at the joke, as he considered it; and Béranger could barely pardon what he called 'that rag of worship thrown over a deist's faith,"--adding, in a letter: 'When you use the word Seigneur, you make me think of those old cardinals returning thanks to Jupiter and all the gods of Olympus for the election of a new Pope.'"
"In spite of these gibes, we may believe in Saint-Beuve's sincerity, and that, if he had not, he at least thought he had, a religious visitation during 'those six celestial months of his life,' as he terms them, when he dashed off 'The Consolations.' The change he underwent was only one of the various moral transformations which he, who, chameleon-like, took his hue from his latest associates, and was constant only in his inconstancy, passed through until he reached the last sad stage of blank unbelief in which he died."
We're up to 36 notes for Sainte-Beuve blogging, so here we go. I am starting with four pages of front matter, which I didn't count towards the complete page count.
So. Starting with a page of blurbs / excerpts from reviews of Sainte-Beuve's criticism in general, beginning with Matthew Arnold calling him "the finest critical spirit of our time" and the rest saying the same thing at greater length.
And then a translator's preface about how he chose the essays for this volume: "The final decision has been influenced by two considerations,--a desire to choose themes of intrinsic and permanent interest, and a a desire to give a due variety." Yes, that is a comma followed immediately by an em dash.
He goes on: "That the translator has done justice to the original in this attempt to reproduce in English come of the masterpieces of modern French criticism, he is very far from flattering himself. If the best translation, even of a thirs or fourth rate author is inevitably but the "seamy side of the cloth," then he may well despair who has undertaken to convey in English the curiosa felicitas, the subtle graces, and the delicate refinements of Sainte-Beuve's style. Adequately to do so would imply a genius hardly inferior to that of Sainte-Beuve himself."
(...man, why don't my faves get translators that love them THIS MUCH.)
And then the TOC. The essays chosen are on Lewis the Fourteenth (Lewis. LEWIS), Fenelon, Bossuet, Massilon, Pascal, Rousseau, Madame Geoffrin, Joubert, Guizot, the Abbe Galiani, and Frederic the Great; if I make it out of the intro (EIGHTY SIX PAGES of biography), I will take requests on which essays to tackle first.
...oh god and we've gone up to 45 notes in the time it's taken me to read and type this. So subtracting four pages of front matter, that'll be up through page xli of the intro.
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ivo-oz · 3 years ago
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C'est la première grenouille (ou crapeau) que je vois en vrai
C'est... c'est... juste magnifiqueJuste
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larueourien · 5 years ago
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photo : Suvann
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migtatounes · 5 years ago
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bimskaizoku · 3 years ago
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Salut les pirates 🏴‍☠️ merci a LUC pour ce super projet!! Voilà ce que l’on a pu faire de 11h30 a 18h30 🦾 presser de le terminé !! #bimskaizoku #bimstattoo #bims #kaizokutattooshop #pontaudemer #pontaudemertattoo #normandie #normandietattoo #tatouage #bernay #deauville #rouen #caen #caentattoo #crapeau #japantattoo #fullbacktattoo #blackandgreytattoo #tattoo #tattoos #tattoolife #tatt #tattooideas #tattooed #tattoostyle #tattoomodel #tattooartist #tattoodo #tattooartists (à Bims Kaizoku (Tatoueur)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CenhyJRM-nx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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michael-j-pitz · 5 years ago
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Un beau #crapeau géant du #Brésil #nature #brazil #batracien #animals (à Belo Horizonte, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6_7dBTpiqj/?igshid=1qu1a8gvtcz49
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casalatinabordeaux · 6 years ago
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Merci au ciel de nous offrir tous les jours et à tout moment ces instants qui méritent notre attention. Rencontre nocturne avec Miro le crapeau du jardin des rapins. #unmercredisoirsurlaterre #crapeau #batracien #photooftheday #gardens #gardentravel #night #nocturne #naturephotographer #natural #naturaleza #flowers #fruit #noche #naturetravel #jardin #sun #fruitstagram #enjoy #beautiful #wonderful #amazing #magic #awesome (à Aquitaine, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzMcFm8IRvI/?igshid=gfzb8o1sh5b
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detournementsmineurs · 2 years ago
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Série de pendentifs "Colombe", "Triton", "Dragon", "Dragon-Perle", "Crapeau", "Forteresse", "Vaisseau", "Aiguière" en or émaillé et perles baroques et un "Pendentif" au centre orné d'un camée antique signé Sostratos (XVIe siècle) dans les collections permanentes du Louvre, Paris, janvier 2023.
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louischangeur · 10 years ago
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Quelques dessins à l’aquarelle
Few watercolor drawings
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mapeine-ettoi · 5 years ago
Elle aurai voulu devenir une princesse mais elle a embrassée le mauvais crapeau
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nebuleuse-mirobolante · 5 years ago
La morsure injectée de noir parfum nauséeux, dans l'antre de nos semences
Dans le cœur d'un écrin sinueux empestant l'aventure de nos démences
Villageois fou arpentant les rues ,sous les regards vindicatifs
Corbeau sous acide ,rire placides ,dents de canif
Condamnant par plaisir son innocente errance
Acclamant par les rires sa oisive déchéance
Ciel vide ,loin des naines blanches déhanchant leur bassins
Le noir vin de veines d'un crapeau strangulant
Hurle les tonitruantes et vaines crasses polies au sang gluant
La seringue ensanglantée ,découpant nos fesses roses à l'ammoniaque
Le soupir des dingues , l'oasis dans le noir et les eccymoses en plaques
Tant cette phrase me fut acclamée !
Embrasant et s'exclamant
Le ciel, laide môme
N'est que l'atome du cachot
Sans arome, dupe et manchot
Cachant ce grotesque theatre
Par des burlesques nappes âcre
Et pourtant ni le poète ou la poétesse ne s'éteint
Dans la Vie qui n'est que mort esthète au doux teint
Les couleurs embourbent nos cœurs
Et même les bourru sans prune candeur
Aperçoivent juste une lueur dans le ciel
Des dunes dans le vermeil
Des voix douces et rauques ,dans le vert glauque susurrant les " ça ira "
Dans l'incarnat, coquette et si rousse vérité invoqué sous le sable ici-bas
Du jaune des ornisimes flamboyants aux plats pays réveillés dans nos lumières
Des plats aux saveurs affriolantes arpentant le vermeil de nos ultimes guerres
Les abolissant par la couleur dans l'espérance d'un crépuscule
Tentant de renaître comme une harpe folle
Ou un chat humant de la cataire
Comme un calumet de l'éther
Comme nos fenêtres en flaques dans ces fioles
Sur Terre , nous souffrions
Où l'air est flasque pollution ,et la mer masque de carton
Alors souffle le carillon...
De nos derniers espoirs
Dans les couleurs des jardins ou le cœur oublie les malheurs clandestins
Nébuleuse Mirobolante
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lorelilipom · 7 years ago
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La Petite Pousine d'après les illustrations de @katfee chez @scutellaeditionsbd , making of, #scutellaeditions #lapetitepousine #art #sculpture #papiermaché #artdoll #laureepinoux #lorelilipom #dowhatilove #artwork #exposition #illustration #instadoll #illustrationjeunesse #grenouille #crapeau
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