bossyisms · 7 years
Taps his shoulder, "will you say coffee for me?" / from Lulu bye she wants 2 hear his accent she's a Dork i'm too lazy 2 log out rip
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        ❛ .. why do i feel like this is gonna be every day ? ❜    it isn’t like he minds ; in fact, he’s  ( faintly )  smiling when he questions her, a brow rising as he speaks.  brock is well-aware that he and his family have strong new york accents when they say certain words, and when lulu discovered this .. it was needless to say she was quite amused.  the brunet dramatically prepares to say the word, changing his stance and posture and clearing his throat before ..    ❛ --- coffee. ❜ 
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nerdingright-blog · 7 years
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            i’m  a   spark   and  you’re  a   boom.   //   talie  &  liam  aesthetic  for   @craftedsun .
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rockinbrock · 7 years
can you stop being romantic while i'm bullying you, it's confusing my heart - ur gf who loves u lots but like come on
bet u feel real bad now huh :/ 
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jamesplath · 7 years
how do you understand technology aren't you like 85 years old ??
I take great offense to this
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curliifry · 7 years
not to sound dramatic but like how did you become a literal goddess ? were u born this way or did u drink a magic potion ? - ur confused, and loving gf
umm i got a bunch of love and care from the best gf a girl could ask 4 ??? - ur undeserving and loving gf
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hersanity-a-blog · 7 years
OKAY HERE'S THE DEAL, most of the people who care about this blog have been told already but for those i don't speak to much ooc, Jordan has now been remade. this meaning i have changed her name, her face claim, and majority of her background. this has been a long time coming just simply do to the fact jordan doesn't feel like jordan anymore, and i feel like i've been pushing muse out of her lately, which i am not comfortable with, SO, you can now find LAUREN ROLAND at craftedsun.
this is simply a small post to let those who are interested know, if you are uncomfortable with this change you are not required in anyway to follow me over there, even if we've been mutuals forever okay. in addition to that, if you are worried about what this change might do to our muses relationship feel free to IM me over there as i will be hiding out there probably for the rest of the night. thank you ! - red.
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thickcrskiin · 7 years
🌼 / (":
Send 🌼 to put a flower in my muse's hair!
it might have been slightly cheesy ( only because it was a rare moment when people actually did that sort of thing for her ), but it was kind of sweet at the same time. and she wasn't about to ruin her friend's gesture, not if she could help it--- which left her to smile momentarily and let out the smallest of chuckles instead. "thank you, lu, s'great, really."
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bossyisms · 7 years
@craftedsun​ liked for a starter from bree !
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        ❛ so, when should we set the date for daisy and henry’s wedding ? ❜
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bossyisms · 7 years
@craftedsun​ liked for a starter from brock !
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        ❛ --- how can you say no to this face ? ❜
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rockinbrock · 7 years
on a scale from 1 to 10 how much do u love me ? - ur gf
the square root of 100, and then add 1
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nerdingright-blog · 7 years
smooches her right on the lips / from lulu !
dyin scoob   /   @craftedsun .
a  laugh,     light  and  soft,  filled  with   shock   at  the  sudden  move   (  but  not  really  )   rushes  past  her  lips  before  they  meet  the  other’s,  warmth  rising  up  her  neck  and  in  her  cheeks.   lauren’s  always  had  that  effect  on  her   ------   from  their  very  first  meeting,  when  natalie  poured  coffee  all  over  herself  just  because  she   stared   a  tad  too  long,  to  their  first  date,  which  she  wasn’t  even  completely  aware  was  one,  to  now.
it  hasn’t  been     too  long  since  that  day,  she  thinks,  but  so  much  has   changed   between  then  and  now.   for  instance,  she  feels  utterly   blessed   that  her  legs  have  stopped  giving  out  any  time  her  friends  mention  lauren’s  name,   (  they  still  do  when  she’s  around,  though  )   and  that  they  get  to  do   this ---   be  as  close  as  they  want,  whenever  they  want,  instead  of  just  dancing  around  each  other.   it  hasn’t  been  too  long,  but  she  feels  like  she’d  go   insane   without  lulu.   her  lulu.
one  hand     moves  up  to  cup  the  other’s  cheek  gently,  lips  still  moving  against  hers,  the  other,  firmer,  running  through   lovely   long  locks  of  hair.   it  seems  almost  like  ...  magic.   what  they  have.   electric,  beautiful,  empowering,  and  yet--  somehow   calm.   reliable.   everlasting.
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the  kiss  is  over     sooner  than  she’d  like,  and  she  doesn’t  quite  catch  what  lauren’s  said  until  she  realizes  it  was  something  along  the  lines  of   ‘you’re  thinking  too  much.’   and  she   is.   but  she  can’t  help  it.   just  like  she  can’t  help  the  warm  smile,  and  her  arm  curling  around  the  other’s  waist  to  pull  her  close  again.            ‘      i  was  thinking  about   you,   if  that  helps.      ’            and  then  her  laughter  rings  around  them  again.   words  can  never  describe  how  she  feels.
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thickcrskiin · 7 years
craftedsun replied to your post:  kisses her directly on the lips / from Liam (":
Liam vc: (:
jan vc: .....jan.exe has stopped working
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rockinbrock · 7 years
if u keep eating chicken nuggets ur gonna become one big chicken nugget and then i'll be forced 2 eat u, is that really what u want Brock ? - ur concerned gf
that’s kinda kinky babe 
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rockinbrock · 7 years
how do u have a gf - lauren roland, ur confused gf :/
idk i tricked some weird girl into thinking i was cool 
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