#craft night with tadashi !
butterflybubble · 2 months
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// finally added the miffy lamp to my desk !
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fyodere · 1 month
Summer Doesn’t Last Forever. 🍓
This is your last summer as a high school student with your boyfriend, Tadashi. You want to make this moment even more special.
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notes: haaaaiii! guess who’s back? i mean, sort of… my life has been crazy lately, if you want to check it out just search for “life update” on my profile
anyway, this is a preview of an extremely wholesome smut I made of my best boy, Yamaguchi Tadashi. I love this boy so much I can hardly contain it! OKAY, depending on the support, I promise to post the complete version as soon as possible!!
At the height of summer, when the sun rises majestically in the sky and casts its golden rays upon the earth, it is possible to experience an epiphany of comforting warmth. It's as if each ray of sunshine gently caresses your skin, wrapping you in a feeling of warmth and well-being. In this magical moment, one can appreciate the celestial spectacle of the sun slowly setting on the horizon, painting the sky with shades of orange, pink, and violet, as if it were a canvas being carefully crafted by an artist.
Summer invites you to slow down and savor each moment, to allow yourself to be enveloped by the enchanting aura of the season. It is a time of promises and renewal, where the worries of the past fade away and you are captivated by the invigorating energy of the season. Under the summer skies, you are reminded of the importance of living fully, embracing the present with gratitude, and dreaming of a future filled with opportunities and adventures.
Thus, as the sun sets on the horizon and night gently falls over the land, you are enveloped by a feeling of serenity and contentment. Summer, with all its fleeting beauty, reminds you of the magic that resides in every moment and the importance of appreciating life's journey with all its ups and downs.
Meanwhile, the thought that summer doesn't last forever saddens you.
You look at the sky through your bedroom window, appreciating the explosion of colors in the sky, then look at your feet, with a look of disappointment. The end of cycles has always been difficult for you; the thought that another season was coming to an end made your heart tighten. What kind of nostalgia is this? Missing something that hasn't even ended? You place your hand on your forehead, contemplating how out of touch with reality your thoughts can be.
In a reality shock, you look at the time displayed on your phone screen. Damn, I'm going to be late! You think, taking a deep breath.
Today is a special day. You will have a date with your boyfriend, Yamaguchi Tadashi, the captain of the Karasuno volleyball team. You started dating during your sophomore year; Tadashi confessed his feelings to you after you both got closer when you were freshmen in school.
Witnessing the evolution of the green-haired boy from the first year to the third was truly an event you take pride in having attended. Watching Yamaguchi slowly emerge from the cocoon and display its beautiful wings to the world filled him with pride. You love the boy so much that sometimes it feels like your chest is going to burst, as if your body can't handle something so beautiful and intense.
As you immerse yourself in daydreams about your beloved boyfriend, your body begins to move, starting your preparation for the summer festival.
This will be your last summer festival with Yamaguchi as a high school student, and the first as his girlfriend. You couldn't enjoy the fireworks last year because Karasuno High School had advanced to the national volleyball tournament. You were proud of your boyfriend, of course. But, damn! It would be so romantic to watch the festival of lights in the sky next to him...
Thinking that this year would be different filled your heart with joy. With a sudden burst of motivation, you decide to look for your beloved yukata and prepare all the accessories to style your hair, making it as majestic as possible for your boyfriend.
As you finish doing your makeup, you hear a noise coming from the door. It must be him! You think, letting a smile slip away.
You open the door and see your boyfriend standing there with a radiant smile. Tadashi was wearing a grayish yukata with a print of black crows. The dark tone of the boy's clothing matched the color of his hair, which, by the way, had grown since last year. Yamaguchi let his hair grow a bit over time; honestly, you thought it was charming. It really suits him, it makes him look more mature.
The boy's hair was tied up in a half-bun, leaving his ears exposed. You can see Tadashi's piercings in that area.
You swallow hard. Oh my, you're used to the way your boyfriend looks. You see him every day at school. Why did he seem even more handsome today? Perhaps the magical summer air is stirring your senses.
Without ceremony, Tadashi pulls you into a hug. You like how he is more confident and able to take action, without leaving his caring and sensitive side behind.
The hug made you realize something, Yamaguchi was taller. Yes, even taller than you remembered. The way he hugs you, you can tell that he's stronger too. Tadashi had gained some muscles due to his dedication to volleyball. After a moment enjoying all the warmth radiating from your boyfriend's body, he releases you and steps back, looking into your eyes and holding your shoulders.
"Ah, sorry... I kept you waiting, didn't I?" He says, and you quickly shake your head in denial. "Tsukki was convinced that I had taken his headphones, he was furious." Yama let out a faint laugh; he was used to his best friend's temperament.
"I hope you don't keep talking about Tsukishima throughout our meeting." You say, forcing a serious face, feeling a hint of jealousy. Your boyfriend can't help but find you adorable in this state.
"Sorry, sorry..." He says in a playful tone, sliding one of the hands that were holding hers to her face, making her look at him. "Without Tsukki at our meeting, understood." He smiled once more, and you felt your legs weaken.
They held hands and walked in comfortable silence towards the festival. No matter how accustomed you were to your boyfriend's presence, your heart can't help but beat a little faster. Sharing these moments with Tadashi makes your body warm up.
It didn't take long for you to arrive at the festival; it was possible to see people of all ages walking and talking, exchanging gentle smiles, enjoying everything that pleasant summer night had to offer.
The illumination of the fireworks seemed sufficient for your comfort. Even with the windows open, the room felt absurdly hot, hotter than the acceptable standards for a summer night. Looking slyly, you notice Yamaguchi's yukata slightly looser — perhaps the heat was bothering him too. You reflect on loosening your traditional clothing while your boyfriend focuses on the fireworks show. Slyly, you use your hands to create a larger passage of air at the top of your clothing.
Tadashi turns to you and places his hand on the side of your face, giving it a gentle caress. He looks at you with tenderness as he slowly approaches. You close your eyes, anticipating your boyfriend's next move.
Yamaguchi tilts his face and gently presses his lips against yours. You reciprocate the small act, but it doesn't go beyond that. Just a chaste, simple, and sweet kiss. As genuine and loving as the feelings you have for each other. Your body warms even more, and every touch from Tadashi, no matter how soft and gentle, seems to provoke the most intense sensations in you.
The boy steps back, keeping their faces close.
"Can I try something different?" You hear your boyfriend say in a voice slightly weaker than usual. Was he scared?
"Huh?" You respond, a bit confused. "Sure, go ahead."
"Sure..." Tadashi says, glancing quickly at the closed door, as if he is afraid of being caught in the act. "Close your eyes, follow me..." Following your boyfriend's command, you close your eyes. You felt Yamaguchi's face getting closer again.
He brings your lips together again, the difference is that now he is only kissing your upper lip, letting you feel just his lower lip against yours. You were a bit confused about the seemingly awkward kiss, but Tadashi quickly took another action.
Right after lightly kissing her upper lip, Tadashi slightly parts his lips, creating a small space for theirs to fit together. It was slightly wetter than most of the kisses exchanged before — not that you were complaining, it was nice.
So you remember Yamaguchi's second order: to follow him; a bit awkwardly, you try to imitate the boy, giving him a chance to fit his lower lip between yours. You hear a sound similar to a soft grunt coming from your boyfriend, probably a reaction to the moisture from your mouth.
Tadashi prepares for the next step, lightly biting his lip. Suck, let go, and kiss. First, he does it timidly, waiting for you to repeat the act. When you reciprocate, he starts to do it with more intensity, but at a pace you can keep up with. As the sequence repeated, their mouths opened wider before fitting together again, allowing for more movement.
He alternates the hand that holds his face with caresses and gentle tugs to bring him closer. As their lips collide, Yamaguchi lets more sounds escape.
"Haa...ah—" he says, breathless, after pulling away more abruptly. You can also hear the sound of your own breathing. "You... liked it?" You confirm by nodding your head. Your face is so hot that you fear to verbalize. "That's good." He ends with a smile.
You and Yamaguchi had kissed before. Many other times. The Karasuno team finds it almost disgusting how you manage to be affectionate. Sometimes, when you are watching the practice, Tadashi takes advantage of the little break to give you a kiss, even sweaty and with everyone watching. An attitude that makes Tsukishima roll his eyes.
Of course, you had given more intense kisses as well. But these are more private, usually at someone's house or in a place that seems safe enough.
Or not so much. Tadashi sometimes can't control himself around his lovely girlfriend.
The question is: when things evolve to more intimate touches and become more intense, your boyfriend simply stops. He distances himself and leaves you confused, even though he says you didn't do anything that caused this distance.
You were afraid of that happening again, right now, when everything seems so good...
You feel something tingling between your legs. This had happened before, more times than you would like to admit. What Tadashi was skilled at with touches and kisses, he also had in fear of taking the next step.
It burns so much that it feels like it's on fire, it burns so much that you feel a discharge coming out of you. Oh, drugs. You were wet. Wet because of the slightly more intense kiss with her boyfriend — and their tongues didn't even touch.
Placing one of your hands on your forehead, feeling all the heat radiating from your face, you huff, grateful that Tadashi left the lights off. You didn't want him to laugh at the redness that spreads across your face.
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meowkusunoki · 9 months
oc xmas stuff
jun: loved christmas as a kid. mellowed out in adulthood but still likes it. decorates a tree, mostly with cute things. buys gifts for her online friends. doesn't really care about receiving gifts. dislikes the food. loves to binge christmas movies. 100% believed in santa
tadashi: neutral on christmas. didn't do anything for it growing up but started celebrating with ririka. they have a tradition of making things for eachother, like crafts or drawings. doesn't decorate much. likes to play in the snow.
nobui: mixed feelings on christmas. likes it because she gets to spend time with her mom. they bake cookies together. dislikes it because by night her mom is usually drunk. in the end usually spends the holiday in one of her classmates' houses.
yuuhiko: dislikes christmas. doesn't see what people find so great about it. mostly ignores it, so do his parents. gets a bit lonely seeing other people celebrate.
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fantastic-rambles · 2 years
Quiet Gifts
Fandom: Sk8 the Infinity
Characters: Ainosuke Shindo (ADAM), Reki Kyan
Warnings: Underage
Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: In which Ainosuke visits Reki when he's working on a new board and muses on their relationship. Written for Sk8 the Positivity's Valentine's Week [Day 5: Date Night] and the Sk8 Heart Bingo Challenge [Prompts: Peace, Beautiful, Massage]
The only sound in the workshop is the high-pitched whining of the sander as Reki shapes a slab of wood into a board, working with the careful patience of a craftsman. There's something beautiful about it, watching him draw out the potential hidden within the wood as the shavings pile up at his feet. What he's doing will never be touted as art, but Ainosuke doesn't understand why. How is it that those who devote their lives to learning a craft are treated differently simply based on how mundane their work is? What difference is there between creating a skateboard and creating a sculpture?
Of course, that's not what drives the young man. Fame and fortune might be incentives for others, but so far, Reki's just been sticking to his ideals. He's still young, but his dedication is all the more admirable for it: what he has is passion, a burning desire to learn and do better that will continue to drive him forward in the future. It's something that not many others can lay claim to, and it's not something that Ainosuke was aware of, either, until he actually got to know the boy better.
It's still strange to think about them. When they'd met, Reki hadn't meant anything to him. He'd just been an obstacle standing between Ainosuke and Langa. Even when they'd raced a second time, he'd only been a source of frustration: still an obstacle, but one that had also humiliated him—an unforgivable offense for a Shindo.
When Ainosuke recalls that night, it makes it even harder to understand how things turned out this way. But as he spent more time with Langa and the others, reluctantly associating with their hanger-on, he came to realize that they actually share a great deal in common. Both of them have an unquenchable passion for skating—and more than that, for innovation. Langa had thrilled Ainosuke with his raw talent and ability to challenge him, but in the end, all he was doing was translating what he knew from one sport to another. And when it comes to being challenged now, there's also Tadashi. He still loves skating with both of them and feeling the rush of speed, but his time with Reki is different.
There’s a different kind of excitement that comes from discussing the possibilities inherent in skating: in the design of the board, in the wheels that are used, in the tricks themselves. Reki has a freshness to his thinking that’s simultaneously refreshing and invigorating: even though he can’t pull off some of his ideas, sometimes, Ainosuke can. More often, though, what they try out simply doesn’t work, but that’s fun, too: advancement is most often made through mistakes and accidents. With what they know doesn’t work, they can try to find something that does.
The pitch of the tool changes when Reki lifts it up and rubs at his forehead with the back of his hand, leaving a smear of sawdust above the hard plastic of the safety goggles, before returning to his work. Eventually, though, the electronic whir shuts off completely, and Ainosuke gets up from the corner where he’s been waiting patiently while Reki stretches with a groan, lacing his hands together and pushing them toward the ceiling. Ainosuke’s own hands fall to his shoulders, his thumbs digging into the back of Reki’s neck as he begins to rub small circles into it. Reki's startled gaze over his shoulder makes the man chuckle before the light of recognition sets in.
“Oh. You should have said something if you were here, Adam. I didn’t mean to ignore you.”
“But I like watching you work.”
His palms slide over Reki’s shoulders, his fingers continuing to work on the boy’s back to try to smooth out the tension he finds there. It probably isn’t as good as anything that Tadashi can do, but Ainosuke has received enough massages to get a general idea of how they work. It seems to be good enough for Reki, at least, and he eventually tugs off his goggles and turns around to face Ainosuke, smiling at him.
“Why are you here, anyways?”
“What, I can’t just stop by and see you when I feel like it? Are you cheating on me and hiding a mistress?” Ainosuke teases, leaning over slightly to press a kiss to his forehead, just above the smear of sawdust. Reki flushes instantly, and Ainosuke grins: he isn’t at all worried about that sort of situation happening, because Reki can’t lie to save his life. His feelings always show up on his face, and even besides that, the boy is naively earnest. They’ve never really talked about their relationship that just happened, but Reki just seems like someone who will be devoted to only one person at a time.
“But there really is no special reason,” Ainosuke continues, stepping back to his corner for a moment to pick up a small, plastic bag. Reaching into it, he tosses a cool, moisture-beaded can to Reki while pulling another one out for himself and cracking it open before taking a sip of his beer. For the boy, of course, he’s simply gotten him a soda: illegal skating tournaments aside, Ainosuke does generally try to abide by the laws of Japan. “I just wanted to see you and hang out for a little while. Unless you’re busy? It looks like you’ve got a new idea.”
He nods toward the workbench. The new deck has an interesting shape, somewhat like a boomerang, though the two arms seem to be spaced a bit too widely for someone to stand on them comfortably without falling forward onto their face. Reki's eyes light up as he puts his drink down on the table and picks up the wood to show it to Ainosuke.
“Yeah! I was thinking about trying to make a two-person board! I mean, you probably can’t do any fancy tricks on this, but just cruising along together or something? Of course, I need to make sure that all the wheels are lined up properly, but I thought it was a cool idea!”
“It is rather interesting,” Ainosuke agrees, tracing a finger over the pale wood thoughtfully. “Though I suppose from a safety standpoint, it would be a little more difficult for both riders to feel comfortable on it, since they would both have to push themselves inward rather than straight. It’s not impossible, but given the habits of human movement, perhaps two connected but parallel boards might be more practical.”
“I did think about that,” Reki admits, setting the board down to pick up his soda again and perch on the side of his workbench. “But that just seemed… a little boring. Besides, you could probably do it, couldn’t you?”
Ainosuke laughs before throwing the boy a dazzling grin.
“I could. And perhaps Tadashi or Langa would be able to handle being my partner. It would be fun to try out at Crazy Rock, sometime. Bring it there when it’s done?”
“Of course!” Reki seems excited by the prospect, and Ainosuke understands: both of them like showing off, in their own ways. Perhaps it’s not unlike modeling, in a way: even if Reki can’t fully utilize some of the things he makes, Ainosuke can do it for him, and what Reki creates helps raise Ainosuke’s stock among the spectators, as well.
Ignoring the fine powder that covers almost everything, Ainosuke takes a seat by the workbench, gesturing for Reki to join him. The redhead is eager to comply, lowering himself down onto Ainosuke’s lap so that they’re facing each other. Then, Reki leans forward and Ainosuke tilts his head slightly to meet him, the sweetness of the boy’s kiss washing away the slightly bitter edge of his beer.
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Questions and Answers
Your friend bailed on you, so you decide to help a cute guy win a trivia game while you wait for your best friend and his friends ignore him.
College!Yamaguchi x college!gn!reader
You were exasperated. You felt like that was the best term. Your friend that had been putting you off for weeks because of her new relationship had finally promised to meet you for a drink, without bringing the new boyfriend for once. It wasn’t that you weren’t happy for her, you were ecstatic, but you wanted to spend time with her, not with her plus one. However, you weren’t surprised when you received a text stating that he wasn’t feeling well, so she was cancelling to take care of him. Again, you weren’t unhappy. You know she was doing what she thought her duties were as a girlfriend, but you just felt like your friendship was getting thrown on the back burner. You said as much when you texted your best friend, who promised to meet you when he got off work, while complaining you needed better friends, but offered up that the bar was scheduled to have a trivia night while you were there. You groaned, it had been the reason you came. Your friend loved trivia, and it was because of her that you learned so many random facts for this. You decided it was fine, settling more into your seat at the bar to wait out your best friend’s work clock until he’d be able to join you. A group of boys took a table near you, and you recognized the blonde one as the guy that sits down the row from you in one of your lectures, but he was too busy bickering with two of the guys to notice. The fourth guy was just snickering to himself about it before he offered to get the first round of drinks, making his way to stand beside your seat at the bar. Taking a closer look, you were blown away by how pretty he was. Sure, most guys didn’t like being called pretty, but you couldn’t think of a better word. He had olive green hair and freckles dusting over his face, you almost couldn’t help but stare. He seemed to notice when he glanced your way and you witnessed the flush creeping up his cheeks, “Uh, hi? Do I know you?”
“No,” You shook your head embarrassed, “No, sorry. I, uh-“ what were you gonna say exactly? That you were too busy picturing the different constellations on his face to realize you were looking at him too long?
“Tadashi!” The blonde called out, and you were thankful for interruption, “They’re going to start soon.”
“Sorry, Tsukki!” He looked back at you, “Not playing?”
“No,” You shook your head again, “My friend bailed, so I’m just gonna watch until my other friend can meet me for a drink. Gotta destress after midterms somehow, right?” He laughed, and dear god it was even prettier than his face that you were sure had to have been crafted by all of the gods.
“Fair, well, I’m sure I’ll see you later then,” he did an awkward two finger salute before grabbing the drinks for his friends from the bartender and heading back to their table. The blonde, Tsukki, looked back at you with an eyebrow raised and an unreadable expression on his face, so you just stuck your tongue out at him. Sure, you were a grown adult, but you didn’t care how childish it was, he just scoffed and turned back to his friends.
The host of the trivia night wasn’t even halfway through the first set of questions before three of boys started ignoring him in favor of bickering amongst themselves, leaving the cute freckled one to try and reel them in if they wanted any hope of winning.
You shifted over a seat, just one to be closer to their table before leaning down, “It’s Scotland.”
“Guys, if you’d just- huh?” He snapped his head over to you as soon as he registered your voice.
“The county wood national animal is the unicorn. It’s Scotland.” You nodded to his answer sheet before taking a sip of your drink.
He huffed a laugh, giving you a bright smile that you almost had to look away from, “You know something like that?”
“I like fun facts.” You shrugged.
“Do you wanna-“ he started to motion to the last chair at the table, the one that still sat empty next to him before he froze, “Sorry, nevermind, you said you were meeting someone.”
You smiled at him, hopping into the empty seat, “Akira won’t be here until trivia is over.”
“Oh- well, uh, I’m Yamaguchi. This is Tsukishima, Hinata, and Kageyama.”
“Y/N,” You waved at the boys that were still ignoring the two of you.
It took over half way through the game before the other boys even noticed you joined them long enough to say anything, Hinata felt bad, reasoning to you that he was usually much more friendly, “but Crappyama and Suckyshima keep starting arguments with him”. Which obviously only launched another argument while you and Yamaguchi finished the game, and you managed to win between the two of you. The prize was just a free round of drinks from the bar, so the group of made your way over. You laughed knowing these guys only stopped fighting when they heard “free drink.” Yamaguchi was laughing at something you said before he looked kinda of nervous, “Uh, I know this might be a long shot, but I was wondering if maybe-“
“Y/N!” Your head snapped toward the door when the voice called your name, interrupting the boy in front of you.
Your smile got even bigger when you saw your best friend offering a small wave as he started walking toward you, only to slow down with slightly furrowed brows on his usually expressionless face.
“Yo, wait, you’re that Kageyama?” You laughed, “That must make the rest of you Karasuno boys!”
The rest of them looked equally surprised as they nodded, Hinata was the one to break the silence, “Did you do volleyball, too or something!?”
You shook your head, “Akira was my neighbor, I unofficially managed the volleyball to help his lazy butt out when he was a third year but I didn’t get to sit next to the coaches at the games cause I wouldn’t fill out the application to actually have the job.”
“And you call me lazy.” Kunimi rolled his eyes.
“Oh shove it!” You laughed.
Kunimi and Kageyama didn’t glare at each other anymore like they would’ve in high school, instead Kunimi just listened to him talk about the team he works with now. Tsukishima and Hinata are still arguing because Tsukishima said Hinata was so small he could use the ginger’s head as an arm rest. You were listening to Yamaguchi tell a story about one of his classes when Kunimi slumped over into your arm. You didn’t even glance away, so used to his tired antics, just ran a hand through his hair as you encouraged Yamaguchi to continue, but the freckled boy seemed to forget as he stared at him. “How long have- uh-“ his face flushed a bit.
Tsukishima just groaned from he stopped paying attention to Hinata, “Tadashi, for fuck sake, we’ve been here for like three hours longer than planned. Can you please just ask what you wanna ask so we can go to bed?”
“Sorry, Tsukki!” He looked even redder, still not quite meeting your eyes, “Uh- are you two dating?”
You blinked as Kunimi seemed to jerk away from you, “Gross.” He muttered, choosing to lean onto the bar instead.
Now you were slightly offended. “Wow. Bro, just because you’re a whole ass aroace, does not I am not a catch.”
“Catch is a good word. Like a stomach bug. I caught you in middle school and haven’t gotten better since.” You laughed as he huffed, smile barely cracking his face as he buried it in his arms.
“Whoaaa!” Hinata was almost vibrating with excited. “They’re like Noya-Senpai and Tanaka-Senpai mixed with Tadashi and Suckyshima!” Tsukishima scowled, but Yamaguchi seemed to feel better.
You just poked Kunimi, “Come on, ya big baby. Let’s get you to bed.” He shuffled up, and even though he obviously did it on purpose, he stumbled into, making what was left of your cup go flying into Yamaguchi. “Akira, what the-“
“Oops. I guess now you should give- what did you call him again?” He fished out his phone, “‘The freckled angel face’ your number so he can get ahold of you to get his shirt cleaned.”
You flushed, slowly setting the cup down before staring at the ground. “I-“ The squeak caught you off guard, but you were too afraid to look, “Would you, maybe, wanna hang out again instead of worrying about my shirt?”
Tsukishima groaned, “Kunimi’s tired ass tried to set you up and that’s the best you could do?”
Kageyama wasn’t even sure what was happening, he had been checking volleyball scores on his phone, and Hinata was trying to hype Yamaguchi up. The olive haired boy just seemed to get more nervous when you glanced up at him, “I can give you my number.” You offered with a mumble.
“I would really, really like that.” He smiled, face getting redder as Hinata cheered.
So maybe your friend bailed on you. But you got the number of a really cute guy.
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fandoms-galore-yall · 3 years
MatchaBlossom as Gods AU Fic
This is a short fic inspired by (& with permission from ^.^)  @shaky-mayhemm ‘s beautiful art piece - Sk8 the Infinity MatchaBlossom God AU (← click here to see it - it’s amazing!) 
Kaoru had always known, once he had discarded the two of them, that things would end with him and Kojiro against Ainosuke. Even when they were children, just beginning to learn their places in the world, they had made an... odd trio, to say the least.  
Kojiro, the God of Earth, Kaoru, the God of Life, and Ainosuke, the God of Destruction. 
No one had been surprised when, as just babes, Kojiro and Kaoru had latched onto one another, forming an unbreakable friendship. 
No one however, had expected for them to welcome Ainosuke into their friendship as well, especially not while they were still in their formative years, as they were still learning to curb their godly instincts… not that Ainosuke ever really did learn how to. 
Kojiro called it a mistake. Kauro wasn’t sure what to call it himself. 
He only knew that his petty nature made it so he refused to let what Ainosuke had done to him and Kojiro go and that his loneliness made him want to forgive Ainosuke and welcome him home, if only he would change his ways.
That of course, would not happen, Kauro knew that. He did. 
Ainosuke would probably laugh if he ever learned what he was doing to Kaoru. Tearing him apart from the inside out. Not that Kaoru would ever let him know that, but still, life must go on... Kaoru, of all beings, would know.
Every year there was a major festival held in the honor of the Gods. During said festival, humans would present themselves in hopes of being chosen to be one of the God’s disciples. They would spend a year in service to them and receive one wish at the end - or for the lucky few, get to stay in their chosen God’s service and remain in the Heavens. 
Kojiro always chose beautiful women and men that he would flirt with but never touch while they were in his service. He also never kept any longer than a year. 
Kaoru on the other hand rarely chose any one, instead leaving most of his protection and service to Carla, a being he had brought to life out of the wind. 
While he would never admit to it, he had created her due to Kojiro’s many absences as the God would often leave the Heavens to learn how to cook new foods under human masters of the craft. 
Kaoru would always be his first stop every time he returned home, becoming his taste taster of whatever he had just learned to make and while he loved Kojiro’s cooking, the taste of his creations never fully alleviated the sting of being alone while he was away. 
Ainosuke, on the other hand, would take disciples and he would break them. Only one of them had survived past a year and had chosen to stay with him, a man named Tadashi.
Tadashi may have chosen to stay with Ainosuke, but Ainosuke had still broken the man. Kaoru could feel it when he looked at the man, who still breathed, but  was no longer full of life. 
Seeing it… distressed him. 
Which is why he was on the way to visit Kojiro. 
Cara had overheard and informed him of Ainosuke’s next choice in disciple. 
A young boy named Miya who would be turning thirteen right before the festival began, the minimum age required to offer oneself as a disciple. 
Kauro refused to allow Ainosuke to break a child.
Kaoru threw open Kojiro’s door without knocking.
“We have a problem.”
The day of the festival came quickly, too quickly as far as Kaoru was concerned. 
He was dressed up in finery that had been gifted to him by humans who worshiped him, other Gods, and of course a special piece provided to him by Kojiro, that he wore every festival day. 
He, with Carla by his side, traveled to the large podium where he and the other Gods would stay during the beginning of the festival, as humans sang praises and provided gifts to the Gods. 
He felt Kojiro’s presence before he saw him. 
Carla stepped back, not currently needed as Kojiro approached.  
Kojiro leaned over the balcony. 
The other God began to observe the crowd of humans below. Some were trying to impress the Gods in rather… interesting ways. 
“Humans used to be a lot smarter. Now, they’re all dumb. What happened?” 
Kaoru turned slightly so Kojiro couldn’t see his lips twitch as he answered, “Well, I can say assuredly that their intelligence level went down significantly when they began worshiping the God of Earth more.” 
Kojiro hummed in agreement, “Yea…” Then what Kaoru had said caught up with him, “Hey!” 
Kaoru snickered and Kojiro hip-bumped him, laughing as the God of Life almost fell from the force of it, turning to face him fully for the first time  that night. 
“You…  look…” 
“Save it.” Kaoru tried to cut him off but Kojiro instead slipped behind him, wrapped his arms around his waist and whispered in his ear. “As I was saying, you look absolutely stunning tonight.”  
Kaoru scoffed as Kojiro took his hand and brought it to his lips. 
“And I see you’re wearing the ring I got you.” He said as he dipped to also kiss the ring on Kaoru’s hand. As if Kaoru hadn’t worn it every year since Kojiro had given it to him. 
Kaoru yanked his hand away. “We don’t have time for your nonsense”, He hissed.
Kojiro smiled, understanding of Kaoru’s anxiety. 
“It’ll be fine, we have a plan, we’ll protect the kid, I promise.”
“You can’t promise me that. Ainosuke is clever and cruel and he doesn’t like not getting his way.” 
“Kaoru, no one stands a chance when we work together. Trust me, trust the plan, we will succeed.”
Kaoru sighed and leaned into Kojiro’s embrace. 
“I hope you’re right.” 
Kojiro squeezed him tighter and with convection said, “I know I am.”
And, at least for that moment, Kaoru believed him.
(I have more in my head so I’ll probably add to it later - I hope you enjoyed!)
Here’s pt 2!
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♤ Bunny Hybrid! Tadashi Yamaguchi x GN! Reader ♤ Fantasy AU ♤ Pure Fluff ♤ No idea how I got roped into this, but it's for @ultimate-astridwriting's Hybrids collab. ♤ This is long as hell, I'm sorry if it's boring, I tried my best. ♤ 2431 words guys...
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The Night was young, stars just barely peeking out of the sky. An almost bluish sliver of the sun could still be seen right where the horizon lay. When the entirety of the village was just starting to turn in for the night, the ancient spirits, the Yōkai, were coming out.  The first ones out were always the more predatory of the group. The foxes, wolves, bears, etc. They were the brave ones, and almost always came out first, at the same time the stars began appearing. Although they were the first to leave their dens and holes, they mostly prowled around, looking for any last traces of people that had stayed out late.  Next were the insects and birds. Bird Yōkai being more impatient than others, and simply unable to wait for the all clear from the predators. They began chartering and singing amongst themselves, flying from tree to tree without a care in the world. Meanwhile the insects sat near the edges of the trees, murmuring to each other.  Finally, the timid prey animals came out (Only with the confirmation from the Predators that it was indeed safe). The rabbits, mice, squirrels and such.  They would come out slowly, still unsure of their surroundings. Once they deemed it truly safe, they would party just as carefree as any bird or fox. The kingdom they lived by was a small one. The village was tiny enough that everyone knew everyone and almost all of them were related, or friends. The castle was more of a mansion or extra large house. And all around the village, there was a ring of meadowy area, and then forests for miles. Forests filled with Yōkai, that is.  The relationship between the kingdom and the Spirits was… Complicated to say the least. The Kingdom had said they were on "Neutral terms" years ago, but what really ended up happening was, the two sides avoided and feared each other. No one really knew why, but they feared great consequences if they interacted with each other. So the Humans in the village spent the day enjoying themselves, and the Yōkai came out at night, after they went home.  The meadow was sort of like a barrier to the two, no human or Yōkai was brave enough to go there… Well, not most anyways.  You had to be either brave or stupid to go anywhere near there. Tadashi Yamaguchi was neither brave, nor stupid, he was simply lovestruck. He couldn't stay in the forest with the rest of the Yōkai, not when he knew you were there. Out sitting in the meadows, staring up at the vast expanse of the skies. You were just as bad as he was, that's how he justified it. If you could go out, then so could he. Neither of you were hurting anything, you were watching stars and he was watching you.  He was almost certain that you didn't see him. The grass in the meadows was tall, almost knee length. So he would crouch down and watch you. It may have been a little creepy, but he couldn't help it. You were simply captivating to him. You weren't doing anything, just sitting there.  You had a lantern with you, you always did. It wasn't a bright light, casting only a faint golden light on your face. He couldn't see much, but what he could see, he adored. You looked so… Delicately made. As if every individual part of you was carefully crafted and selected from the best that the heavens had to offer. You were a deity, and he was a simple demon. He had seen a glimpse of heaven itself and now he knew it was clearly meant to be.  His long, floppy ears perked up when he saw your familiar form, kneeling on the soft grass. Cotton tail wiggling with excitement. He could sit there for hours, imagining what you were like. What did you like doing? You obviously loved the stars, maybe you liked nature? If you liked nature, maybe you would like him? Maybe you were waiting for someone else? He didn't like that thought. Shaking his head, ears flopping against his face. As if he could erase the thought from his head. It was ridiculous to be this possessive over something that wasn't his, but what else could he do? You were the forbidden fruit, and he wasn't willing to let anyone else take away his beautiful
temptation.  He crept closer, he didn't normally get closer than eight feet away, but he felt more confident today. It wasn't really confidence so much as desperation to get closer to you. He couldn't just sit and stare at you forever. It would drive him mad. Scooting closer as quietly as possible, the grass made a rustling sound underneath him but you didn't seem to notice. He was four feet away now, you were still clueless, and he still wanted more. So he crept closer until he was three feet…  Two feet… One foot…  Right behind you…  It was beyond him how you hadn't noticed him. If he leaned forward, he would be pressed against your back. He could smell your natural scent, grass, flowers, and the faintest hint of general store soap. The grass and flowers were probably thanks to the meadow, but he almost melted. He was right there, right next to you. He could easily imagine that he wasn't here, stalking you, but that you were meeting in secret. That the two of you were forbidden lovers, that he was embracing you, not hiding behind you. He knew that he had gone too far, this was a major invasion of privacy and inappropriate to sneak behind someone without them knowing. But he was practically lovedrunk being this close to you, and he couldn't think of anything other than you.  Would it really hurt if you knew he was there? You were already in the meadows, so you had to know that there were creatures that could be out there. It was really your fault for coming out here, he wasn't going to hurt you. He just had to hold your hand, if only for a second.  Reaching out with a trembling hand, he threw caution to the wind, slipping his hand into yours. Never once thinking about how bad things were about to get.  You jerked your hand away, shrieking and scrambling to your feet, whirling around to see what had touched your hand. The lantern was knocked to the ground and Tadashi's face was illuminated. He froze like a deer in headlights, his terror filled eyes never left yours. Your hands were brought up to your chest as you stared at the rabbit hybrid, equally afraid. Was he trying to hurt you? Hunt you? He was a rabbit, last you checked, those didn't eat people. But he was also a Yōkai, which meant you knew almost nothing about what he would actually do.  He felt paralyzed, the only thoughts in his mind were "What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?". When you took a step towards him, his fight or flight instinct kicked in… They chose flight.  He bolted from his spot, bounding for the forest. You stared as he didn't bother looking back, too scared to stop running until he was safely back in his He cursed himself for being so reckless, getting so close to you. He had completely thrown logic and possible safety to the side just to touch some stranger he could barely see. What kind of lovesick child was he?  "You went out there again, didn't you?" The almost scolding voice of his friend, Kei Tsukishima, called from outside the den.  Tadashi peeked his head out of the entrance, nose trembling from the dramatic situation.  "I couldn't help it, Tsukki, they just…"  ""Captivate You"?" Kei said, rolling his eyes. His fluffy orange tail swishing behind him. "That's what you said, isn't it? Every time you describe them, it's always the same thing."  "I know, but… I can't really describe them beyond that. I know it doesn't make much sense, but I just know!" Tadashi protested. "Know what? Know that they wouldn't take the opportunity to kill you on the spot?"  "Oh come on Tsukki, you know we get along just fine, they wouldn't shoot me."  "Sure. Come back and explain it to me when you've actually talked to them and lived to tell the tale." Kei scoffed, turning and stalking back into the trees.  "I almost got caught… Tsukki is right." Tadashi frowned, it was common sense that you didn't fall in love before a real first sight. But common sense wasn't making sense anymore, so anything was possible at this point. Even getting a complete stranger's affection, right?  "This is stupid…" Tadashi muttered to
himself as he crept out of the treeline. He had no idea if he would see you again, but curiosity had gotten the best of him and he wasn't going to give up the chance to see you again. Tsukki could advise him against it all he wanted, Tadashi was a firm believer in love at first sight. (No matter how one sided this was)  There you were, sitting in your usual spot. He hadn't scared you off after all, he felt relieved. But only slightly, he still had to muster the courage to try and talk to you. After all, you already knew he existed, so now he only had to make you just as in love with him as he was with you. Easy Peasy… Something odd that he noticed, was that you weren't looking up at the sky like you usually were. You were staring straight at the border of trees that lined the forest. Almost as if you were expecting something to come out. It was a little off putting, that was for sure. Were you looking for him? Was that a good thing, and you wanted to talk to him? Or did you have a hidden weapon? Okay… Maybe no hidden weaponry, no way you were that kind of person. Nobody who came out to look at stars would kill some demon they barely met, right?  "Here we go…" He whispered to himself, standing upright in the tall grass to walk over before his confidence disappeared.  "Or… Maybe not." He crouched in the grass again, opting to crawl instead of walk. Maybe it was because he could still back out, or maybe it was because it might make him seem friendlier. Either way, staying hidden until he absolutely had to come out, was far easier.  When he had gotten close again, he didn't want to come out of hiding. He wanted to get your attention, but he didn't want you to see him. His prey instincts were kicking in and he was regretting his choice to confront you.  "Hello?"  You spoke…  You had actually spoken. Out loud. To him? He didn't know that.  "I know you're here. I saw you yesterday, and… I assume you're back now?"  Were you just saying that? Or did you actually know he was here. You could have been bluffing, sure. But he had to say something eventually. So he may as well get it out now.  "Yes. I'm back." His voice was quiet, but everything else was quieter, so he knew you had heard him.  "I knew it." You had been bluffing… Your voice sounded too surprised to get a response. Had you been talking like that for the last hour?  "How long have you been watching me?" Tadashi felt awkward now, he couldn't lie to you and say it was the first time. But he couldn't just tell you that he had been stalking you for months now.  "A while then?"  "No! Of course not!" He protested.  "Then how long?"  "Only a few months. That's all." He tried to make it sound better than it actually was.  "A few months? Why? What were you even doing? Are you some kind of stalker?"  "No! I'm not a stalker, I swear! I was only watching the stars with you. I… I like it here too, and when I saw you, I guess I got excited that someone else liked it too." That wasn't entirely untrue.  There was silence, and he felt uncomfortable again. Had you somehow seen through his half-lie? Looking up, he saw the faint light of a lantern and your face. You were standing over him, looking down with what could have been amusement.  "Y'know you could've just asked, right? I'm not gonna hurt you." You crouched next to him and he could fully see your face from here. His cheeks heated up when you set the lantern in between the two of you.  "Sorry, I guess I was too scared." He muttered, staring at his feet and fidgeting with some blades of grass.  "Of what?"  "You… I know humans and Yōkai technically "Get Along" but everyone's still afraid of each other and I didn't really know you, and I didn't want you to think I was a creeper or anything and-" You placed a finger to his lips, interrupting his ramble.  "Well you don't have to be afraid of me now. I already told you, I won't hurt you. And honestly, I was probably intruding on your stargazing place. This Meadow is more a part of the forest than part of the village. If anything, I'm the
creep."  "No way! It's an in between space, you're not intruding, I promise!" He reassured, he didn't want you feeling unwelcome.  "You're sure?"  "Definitely! You're just as welcome to come here as I am."  "Good to know someone else loves this place like I do." You smiled at the happy Yōkai. Truth be told, you knew he had been watching you for a while. You simply acted as if you didn't see him because you knew how jumpy Yōkai were. You didn't want to scare him off, so you simply ignored him. And when he had actually started talking to you, you knew full well why he was watching you. It was painfully obvious how obsessed he was with you. But for now, you would humor him. You had waited for him to talk to you, you could wait for him to confess his true intentions.
As for how you felt? You weren't entirely sure how to feel. But seeing as he wasn't very good at confessing anything, you had plenty of time to think that over. For now, you had someone to talk to, and that was good enough. 
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oikawaplssteponme · 4 years
“i’m jealous of the rain”
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“i like the rain”
pairing: Tsukishima Kei x reader
warnings: swearing, previous breakup
genre: angst
a/n: enjoy the angst, im not sorry for the pain oops. this is kinda a part 2 to a previous one shot that i write for Tsuki but you don’t really have to read it to understand this one, though it might help. i never write straight up angst so hopefully this isn’t too bad. ily tsuki💕 enjoy xx
Tsukishima Kei would never admit it, but he lost the best thing he ever had. If you told him you wanted to get back together, he wouldn’t hesitate another second. If you told him that it was just one big mistake, he would tell you it’s okay. If you told him you forgive him, he would be complete again. He gives himself a hard time now, just as you do. Tsukishima Kei will never love anyone the way he loved you. Again, something he would never admit.
“Rain is a beautiful thing, Kei. Lay down and enjoy it with me.”
Those words seemed to play in Tsukishima Kei’s mind on repeat. The sweet sound of your voice was all that he thought about.
“If you like the rain, then I like the rain.”
The rain. The rain was something that Kei never liked until you. He found it a pain, while you found it beautiful. The rain was something that brought a blissful smile to your face. Kei would do anything to be able to see that smile again, or be the reason for it. The rain even put a smile on his face. It never used to be like that before.
Now, whenever it rained, Tsukishima would hide away. Enclose himself in his room, turn off all the lights, shut all the windows, and lay down on his cold bed. He would put on his headphones, volume at 100%, to cancel out any sound of the pitter patter that surrounded him.
He would see the rain and think of you. He would see the rain and remember the night you two confessed. He would remember the way you kissed and how he would do anything to have that back.
Tsukishima Kei was jealous of the rain.
A gloomy day loomed over Tsuki. Gray skies, clouds rolling in. Things didn’t look good. He was just about to leave practice when someone called after him in the gym.
“Tsuki, be careful. I think there is gonna be a rainstorm pretty soon,” said his best friend and captain, Yamaguchi Tadashi. Tsuki let out a sigh and nodded. He didn’t like the rain.
Just as Tsukishima was leaving the gym, carefully crafted rain droplets began to fall. He pulled out his umbrella, which he bought after your breakup, and opened it up. He wouldn’t allow for a single drop to touch him. Tsukishima walked home, as he always did.
In order to get to Tsuki’s house, he has to pass yours.
There you laid. On your drive way. No jacket, no umbrella. Just you, your drenched clothing, and the rain. You laid with your eyes clothes, soaking up the essence of the storm.
When Tsuki spotted you, he froze. He knew that if you stayed out any longer, you’d get sick. But he also knew that you wouldn’t care. He stood in front of you, silently. He watched as the water raced down your skin, exploring every inch of you. He watched as the rain hugged you, held you, loved you.
Tsukishima Kei was jealous of the rain.
“You’re gonna get hypothermia if you stay out here any longer.”
You instantly recognized the voice that spoke to you. Before when Tsukishima told you this, it would have a playful undertone to it. Now, his voice was cold.
“That’s the plan.”
Kei let out a frustrated sigh. He moved closer to you, sharing his umbrella with you.
“You’re blocking my rain Kei.”
“Come on Y/N. Get up and go inside.”
“Unfortunately you don’t have that authority over me anymore.”
You were right. He doesn’t. Which upset Kei even more.
“Sorry for caring then.” He began to walk away. You stood up from the ground, clenching your fists.
“Care? Now you want to care about me? It’s a bit late for that!”
Tsukishima whipped his head around as faced you.
“I’ve always cared about you damn it! It’s just hard to when you act like a fucking idiot all the time!”
Your own tears began to stream down your face now. Kei used all his strength to hold his back as he looked at you.
You and Tsukishima had only been broken up for a few months. Your wounds still raw, feeling as though they would never heal. The breakup was messy. No, no one cheated. No one lost feelings. No one fell for someone else. Things just simply didn’t work out the way you wanted them to. Which honestly seemed like the worst option of all.
“I need you to stop caring about me then.”
Kei’s eyes widened. He threw his umbrella onto the ground, storming over to you. Now he stood maybe a couple inches from you.
“I can’t.”
With quivering lips and puffy eyes you looked up a Kei.
“I just need you to try.”
Tsukishima was drenched just as you. His glasses foggy. His hair symbolic of a wet mop. This was the first time in months that Tsukishima Kei had felt the rain on his skin.
“Tsuki please-”
“I’m jealous of the rain!”
You looked at Tsuki, shaking your head.
“I’m jealous that I can’t give you everything it gives you! I’m jealous that I can’t be enough for you! I’m jealous that this stupid rain gets to touch you and be with you more than I ever will!”
“Kei you’re not the rain...”
“That’s exactly the problem, isn’t it? If I was, I would get to hold you, ease your pain, put a smile on your face, make you laugh, keep you close! But I am not the damn rain Y/N!”
You crashed down to your knees, sobbing. Tsukishima followed, wrapping his arms around you.
“P-Please Y/N. Please let me be your rain again...”
The two of you were shaking. A mixture of the cold and the emotions you just shared took over your bodies. You loved Tsukishima Kei so much. So the next words you said hurt even more.
“I’m sorry. Y-You can’t.”
You broke away from Tsuki’s embrace and rushed inside.
“Wait please-!”
The rain began to pour onto Kei a little harder. His body feeling a little heavier. His heart hurting a little worse.
Tsukishima Kei stood up, wiped his face, picked up his umbrella, and finished his walk home.
[general taglist (form in masterlist) : @lealofsblog @iwaisa @roesaurus @evivn1 @astrooliver @tetsoleil @bokutory @vangoghmusings @moonlightaangel @complimentaryhugsgirl ]
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kaiwritess · 4 years
m.list || K A R A S U N O
[ main m.list ]
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★  nsfw content
☆   sfw content
* personal favorites
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☆ s/o stresses over an exam (hcs)
☆ Should’ve Listened to Him || Your amazing boyfriend takes care of you when you’re sick
☆ taking care of a pet with him (hcs)
☆ underwater kisses (hcs)
★ Not So Ideal || Daichi allowed you to attend one of their practices as a sense of moral support... or so he thought. [only implied smut]
☆ comforting s/o after a nightmare (hcs)
☆ opening up his house for his s/o* (hcs)
☆ s/o has harmful notes [tw: self-deprecation, eating disorders] (hcs)
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☆ cuddling (hcs)
☆ wearing his clothes (hcs)
☆ comforting s/o on her period (hcs)
☆ Night Drives || How lucky you are to have someone to spend late nights with
☆ having a secretly badass s/o (hcs)
★ having an “innocent” s/o (hcs)
★ walking in on his s/o (hcs)
☆ s/o couldn’t get into dream school (hcs)
☆ vietnamese s/o (hcs)
☆ you have trust issues (hcs)
☆ he helps you get rid of a toxic friend (hcs)
☆ taking care of a pet with him (hcs)
☆ watching a horror movie with him (hcs)
☆ comforting an overworked s/o (hcs)
☆ usually quiet s/o gets excited during a game (hcs)*
☆ s/o has color-changing eyes (hcs)
☆ comforting an anxious s/o (hcs)
☆ video chatting him during quarantine (hcs)
☆ his s/o is afraid of thunder (hcs)
☆ comforting s/o after a nightmare (hcs)
☆ s/o dyed their hair (hcs)
☆ general fluff (hcs)
☆ smart and shy s/o (hcs)
☆ suicidal s/o [tw:self harm] (hcs)
☆ s/o has harmful notes [tw: self-deprecation, eating disorders] (hcs)
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☆ cuddling (hcs)
☆ Reunion (Pregnant! Reader) || You and your husband have a reunion with the team
☆ s/o has dermatitis (hcs)
☆ taking care of a pet with him (hcs)
☆ underwater kisses (hcs)
☆ s/o has bad habits [tw: self harm] (hcs)
☆ cuddles with male!reader (hcs)
☆ s/o isn’t afraid to fight (hcs)
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☆ being comforted by him (hcs)
☆ arts and crafts date* (hcs)
☆ s/o has dermatitis (hcs)
☆ being protective over his crush (hcs)
☆ ideal dates (hcs)
☆ comforting s/o having an anxiety attack (hcs)
☆ his s/o is asthmatic (hcs)
☆ s/o dyed their hair (hcs)
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☆ Lookalike || Tanaka tries to prove to you that he looks nothing like a monkey
☆ comforting s/o who lost someone precious (hcs)
☆ s/o isn’t afraid to fight (hcs)
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nada :(
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★ underestimating him (hcs)
☆ Bus Ride Back || Post-game bus shenanigans
★ playing with his s/o’s breasts (hcs)
☆ taking care of a drunk s/o (hcs)
☆ someone pointing out s/o’s self-harm scars [tw: self-harm scars] (hcs)
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☆ It’s Snow Big Deal || There’s a lot of snow that fell, but your friendly neighbor takes care of it for you
★ underestimating him (hcs)
☆ Maybe Next Time || Your nerves prevent you from kissing the boy you love
☆ vietnamese s/o (hcs)
☆ usually quiet s/o gets excited during a game (hcs)*
☆ Not the Best Cook || Hinata isn’t the best at cooking, but with your help, he can make something
☆ he’s jealous (hcs)
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☆ cuddling (hcs)
☆ watching a horror movie with him (hcs)
☆ being comforted by him (hcs)
☆ Distraction || How can you study when your handsome boyfriend is right in front of you?
★ underestimating him (hcs)
☆ having a secretly badass s/o (hcs)
★ walking in on his s/o (hcs)
☆ he’s protective (hcs)
☆ comforting his s/o (hcs)
☆ Fivefold || five scenarios for five senses*
☆ s/o sleeps a lot (hcs)
☆ In Between || Sitting in between Sugawara and the boy you like, Tsukishima Kei, may have not been the smartest idea.
☆ s/o has color-changing eyes (hcs)
☆ comforting s/o who got kicked out of their home (hcs)
☆ s/o dyed their hair (hcs)
☆ dino pjs (drabble)
☆ A Small Gift || Tsukishima isn’t the best with gifts, so he hopes that a personal playlist is good enough.
☆ comforting you (drabble)
☆ s/o isn’t afraid to fight (hcs)
☆ comforting s/o during a panic attack [tw: panic attacks] (hcs)
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☆ watching a horror movie with him (hcs)
☆ Anything For You || You ‘ask’ your boyfriend if it’s okay to sleep with him as your roommate is occupied with something else.
★ underestimating him (hcs)
☆ comforting an overworked s/o (hcs)
☆ comforting a homesick s/o (hcs)
☆ usually quiet s/o gets excited during a game (hcs)*
☆ comforting an anxious s/o (hcs)
★ nsfw headcanons (hcs)
☆ general fluff (hcs)
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nothing here
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mochi-marie · 3 years
hii could i have a haikyuu matchup? (i use any pronouns) i'm 5'6, shoulder-length black hair with layers, brown eyes, and i'm an intp-t, 5w4, ambivert, libra sun with a capricorn moon + rising. my love language is physical touch or quality time, and some of my favorite hobbies are reading & piano. i dress casual but i wear a lot of jewelry (i make them!). i think i'm a pretty sarcastic person and some people think i'm mean when we first meet but it's bc it takes me a bit to warm up to them. ty<3
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𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀: hey hey, tysm for the request! you never specified whether or not you wanted a female or male character match-up, and no sexuality was mentioned, so i assumed that meant you were fine with any character? i hope that's okay!
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♡ . . . REASONINGS : reading through your small ask, i have come to the conclusion that you would be best paired with, in my perosnal opinion, yamaguchi tadashi!
due to the lack of major description, i don't know how much i'll be able to write, so i apologize in advance! but, in consideration of your passion of creating jewelry for yourself to wear, i think he would find your little hobby and accessories absolutely adorable. in fact, if you really wanted to, i don't think you would have any trouble if you asked him to help with the creation process, or ask if he would like to wear a bracelet or necklace of some sort -- i fully believe that yamaguchi would proudly dawn the piece of jewelry, and if he was asked about it, his chest would expand with pride and he confidently says, "my s/o made it! isn't it cute?" in case you're confused on why i picked yamaguchi -- i pick matches due to how i think you both would interact, and how your personalities and little quirks about yourselves would compliment each other! while you have a sarcastic front, i don't think yamaguchi would be very put off due to being friends with tsukishima kei, so he might be a bit more suited to deal with an off-front of sarcasm, so he may not see it as mean like others may view you. his sweet yet determined demeanor easily works himself into your heart, and it's no surprise that you managed to crawl into his heart rather quick! yamaguchi loves it when you sit down to play piano, and even if it seems like he is doing his own little thing and isn't really paying attention, make no mistake -- he is most certainly paying close attention to the keys and chords you are playing, and each note your fingers create from the piano keys leaves his heart soaring.
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♡ . . . again, yamaguchi likes to sit and listen to you as you play and practice piano, enjoying the music that floats in the air and loving the fact that he knows how talented you are.
♡ . . . it would really make him happy if you wanted to teach him how to create jewelry! heart fluttering at your question, he will jump at the chance to be able to learn how to do something that makes you very happy!
♡ . . . not going to lie, it doesn't matter if you teach him how to make jewelry or not, because even if you didn't, by the time your anniversary comes up, he will shyly hand you some hand-made jewelry that he made special for you.
♡ . . . addressing the previous point : please don't make fun of him or mock what he made you, he will shrink in on himself in embarrassment due to how hard he worked on the jewelry to try and make you something good.
♡ . . . you don't even have to wear it if you don't want to, just don't throw it away -- he worked very hard for hours into the night to make it look pretty for you, and he truly admires your craft and skill in jewelry creation.
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♡ . . . suna rintarou, yachi hitoka, ukai keinshin
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nekokuto · 4 years
amigurumi is the japanese art of knitting or crocheting stuffed animals! so if yamaguchi learns amigurumi...does that make it yamagurumi? hahahahahaha i’ll see myself out
Tadashi Yamaguchi was proud of himself. For once, he was able to look at something he did and smile with satisfaction. Yes, I did that.
As he grew older and more experienced, namely in volleyball, his self esteem got stronger. However, there were still things he felt horrifically unprepared to handle. He supposed these things took time and practice and effort, and he was willing to take the time, to practice, and to put in the effort. 
But what he was able to do with a crochet hook and yarn… that was a different story.
Nervous energy flowed through Tadashi’s body nonstop. If he wasn’t shaking his leg, he was tapping his foot. Not tapping his foot? Then he was doodling in the margins of his paper. He was clicking a pen. He was drumming his fingers on the table. 
But these different movements distracted other people, and he knew that any kind of fidget toys could be just as distracting. His frustration mounted; he needed to find something to get rid of the anxious energy, to concentrate on. 
And on a whim, he found crochet. He found a video on youtube, and immediately found the hand movements soothing to his eyes. Quickly, he found more videos and soon was searching Instagram for crochet artists so he could see more appealing work. The colors and textures were fascinating. And oh, the cute things you could make! He was hooked. 
It wasn’t long after that he took a trip to the craft store (a nervous trip, because he wondered how odd this looked, a teenage boy looking at yarn). He had a slight idea of where to start. He picked a nice colored acrylic yarn- it was orange, like Nishinoya’s jersey- and read the label. This yarn was suggested to be used with a size I hook. He quickly found the corresponding hook further down the aisle, selecting a pink one because he liked the color. 
The walk to the counter seemed to take an eternity. Everyone was staring at him, he was sure. Nervously, he placed his hook and yarn on the counter, where an older, grandmotherly woman smiled at him. She could sense his unease, it seemed, and her smile certainly calmed him just a little. 
“Ooo,” she cooed appreciatively at the yarn as she scanned it. She held it up and admired it. “This is a very nice color. A good choice.”
Yamaguchi felt the knot in his chest loosen. He smiled at her, a little timid. “It reminds me of Kurasano’s volleyball jerseys,” he explained. “I go there.”
“Oh you do?” She said with a kind, warm smile. “This looks just like it. Very spirited.”
She scanned the crochet hook as well. She told him his total, and she paid her. As she gave his change and collected his receipt, she slid a few small papers into his bag. When Tadashi curiously tilted his head at her, she smiled again, that same comforting, warm smile. 
“Free patterns,” she explained with a wink. “Just in case.”
It didn’t take long. Soon, his first dishcloth was finished. It was a little bumpy, pretty lumpy, and not really that pretty. But it didn’t matter- Tadashi made it. He crocheted it. With a hook and some yarn and his own two hands. The second dishcloth he made came together much quicker. It was smoother… looked a little tighter, a little less lumpy. His next practice cloths improved as well, and soon, he made a scarf. And then he made hand-warmers (he crocheted a square, and then sewed two of the ends together, skipping a few stitches to leave room for the wearer’s thumb. They fit really nicely. 
Finally, he had an outlet for those nervous jitters and he was making some pretty nice things, too. He was excited to show Tsukishima, his boyfriend, but he was equally nervous about it, too. He was worried the blond would think crochet was uncool… but he decided, after a lot of thinking and worrying about it, that he, Tadashi, was proud of what he was making and he thought it was really damn cool. Anyone else’s opinion didn’t hold as much weight…
But he still hoped Tsukki thought it was cool. 
One of the good things about Tsukki was that walking to school was often done in comfortable silence. There was no need for forced chit-chat, and they both knew that. However, on that one bright, chilly, early-spring morning, Tadashi found the silence a bit unnerving. 
“I took up a new hobby,” he blurted, abrupt. 
Tsukki, who had been thinking about a podcast he’d been listening to last night, blinked, taking a moment to absorb the other’s words. 
“Oh?” he said, quirking his brow and glancing at the other. 
“Yeah,” Tadashii replied, swallowing hard. He knew by Tsukki’s reaction that he was definitely interested in what it was. “Crochet.” 
Silence for a moment. 
“Is that the one with yarn and the little...hooked needles?” Tsukki asked, and upon seeing his boyfriend’s nod, he followed up, “Have you made anything yet?” 
Tadashii knew he’d ask that. That’s why he had his very best dishcloth in his pocket. It wasn’t in that original orange color- that skein of yarn was mostly gone. This cloth was done in a pretty, variegated blue yarn. Tadashi thought it was soothing, which is why he bought it. 
“Yeah,” he said, pulling the dishcloth out to show him. 
Tsukki looked at the cloth and held it in his hands. He examined it, gently pulled on it, seeing the stitches stretch just the slightest. It looked...really intricate, he thought. Something that clearly took practice… Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the other watching him with rapt attention. 
A small smile tugged on Tsukki’s lips. If Tadashi hadn’t been on the receiving end of many of those sweet, little, private smiles… he would have missed it. 
“This looks really good,” he said, turning to Tadashii. “You did well. It’s cool.” 
Tadashii didn’t stop blushing until lunchtime. 
Much like his initial interest in crochet, a new idea sprouted in his brain. It grew and grew and grew until it was something he couldn’t stop thinking about. When it became too much to bear, he searched youtube and found plenty of helpful tutorials. It took him the span of a weekend, and three practice runs of different patterns, before he settled on one that worked; before he finally finished Tsukki’s gift. 
Another quiet morning, another comfortable walk to school. Tadashi’s clammy hand held the tiny stuffed animal in his pocket. He could feel his pulse thrum through his fingers. 
“Hey...uh-- Tsukki?” He said, his voice sounding trembly and nervous. 
Tsukishima, who was yet again, thinking about a podcast, glanced at the other, expectant. 
“Yeah?” He said after a moment, upon realizing that Tadashi was staring at the sidewalk. 
Without doing much thinking, Tadashi grabbed Tsukki’s hand and deposited the stuffed animal into it. 
A little squished but otherwise unscathed, a cartoonish green t-rex sat in Tsukki’s palm. 
Tadashi’s lips were wiggly as he stared at the ground. His heart pounded in his chest. He didn’t see how Tsukki softened so immensely… how he relaxed… how he smiled. 
But he did see his eyes- he saw them when Tsukki hooked a gentle thumb underneath his chin and gazed down at him. He saw how warm they were...how touched. But he didn’t see them for very long, because Tsukki leaned down and kissed him, and Tadashi closed his eyes and felt like he was flying.
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writers-blogck · 4 years
Strawberry Mentos ( Tadashi Yamaguchi x Reader )
Warning(s): This is based on the song created by Leannaeileen on Tiktok! - Strawberry Mentos  Title: Strawberry Mentos  Pairing: Tadashi Yamaguchi x Reader  Fandom: Haikyuu! Word Count: 1,672
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        The two of you had only met this year but it was hard for you not to instantly become friends with this sweetheart. You liked to say that you were part of the trio that included Yamaguchi as well as Tsukishima. The three of you always ate lunch together and you had even gone to some of their away games. Tsuki still seemed to be much closer to Yamaguchi (as was expected), but everyone could see that he was warming up to you. The team realized that when Tsuuki agreed to study with you for an upcoming test. Yet, it was even more obvious that you and Yamaguchi were friends.
        Every morning, Yamaguchi showed up at your house to walk to school with you. He would never admit that his house was 45 minutes away, instead choosing to tell you that your house was on his way. On the days when he didn't have club activities, he would walk you home and when he did have after-school activities, he had you send him a text when you got home to make sure you got there safe. He truly was an angel sent to Earth. 
        Today was no exception as you shut your front door, greeted with the sight of the freckled boy. This was one of your favorite times during the day. Just the two of you walking together, chatting about whatever you had on your mind. In reality, you were the one who did most of the talking but Yamaguchi didn't mind. He was happy to listen to whatever you had recently got obsessed with. 
        "You know you should eat breakfast, candy really isn't filling." Yamaguchi nodded his head in the direction of the pink candy in your hands, a small smile on his face. It was rare to ever see you without your favorite snack. You said that it helped you focus during school but Yamaguchi wondered if you were just using that as an excuse. Still, he couldn't complain because the candy made your breath smell like strawberries, making you even sweeter than you normally are. 
        "I already ate breakfast, thank you very much." You stuck your tongue out at the boy and he couldn't help but wonder what it would taste like. No! He couldn't think like that! He shook his head slightly, hopefully enough that you didn't notice his actions. He didn't want to make you uncomfortable. He did have a crush on you but he was afraid that if he acted on it, it would end up ruining your friendship. He didn't want you to be out of his life forever so he would just keep his crush a secret. He would do whatever he had to so you would stay. 
        "So, do you have practice today? Yams?" Your eyes pulled him out of his thoughts, blinking owlishly as he tried to process what you said. Crap, he hadn't been listening! He tried to think of what you could be saying. What could he say to make it seem like he was listening? He didn't want to upset you because he hadn't heard what you said. What if you thought that he didn't care about you?! 
        "...That's good?" He tried in a questioning tone, causing you to lean back with a smile, shaking your head. You knew the boy had a tendency to daydream, especially this early in the morning. This wouldn't be the first time that he hadn't heard what you said. 
        "I asked if you have practice today." It was cute, the bashful look that took over his features as he rubbed the back of his neck. He reminded you of a ball of anxiety, always worrying over the littlest things. It made sense when you knew the rest of the Karasuno Volleyball team, especially the other first years. It was so chaotic. Any little thing could just be enough of a spark to set off one of the other members. 
        "Oh, hehe. No, I don't, Daichi-senpai gave us the night off so we can rest up. He says he doesn't want us overworking ourselves and hurting ourselves because of it. So, I can walk you home tonight." 
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥   ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
        You weren't sure how you had gotten yourself into this situation. Today was supposed to be like any other day and it had been until it came time to walk home. This wouldn't be the first time Yamaguchi had walked you home, but it was the first time he had stopped you right outside of your house on your porch. He looked like he was ready to explode from nervousness. How long had the two of you been standing out here in silence? It felt like centuries but in reality, it had been only a few seconds. 
        Your heart was thumping as fast as a rabbit's. You were surprised that you were even able to stand still with how anxious you were feeling. What was he going to say? Did you do something wrong? There wasn't anything you could think of that happened today that would make him upset. What if it was something else?! You didn't want to put your hopes in things that weren't going to happen but it was hard to keep from hoping. 
        "So, we've known each other for a bit..." Yamaguchi was staring at his sneakers, wishing he could look you in the eyes but he knew as soon as he saw your (e/c) orbs, he would be captivated.  You were just so perfect to him, how was he supposed to go through with this? Maybe he could just act like he forgot...No! He had to be a man!
        "Yeah, of course, Yams." 
        Yamaguchi was frozen on the spot. He didn't know what to say. How could he convey his feelings with you with just words? There weren't enough words for him to describe how beautiful your eyes were or how your nose crinkles up in that adorable way when you laugh. He had thought this over so many times but now that the time was here, his mind went blank. Nothing seemed strong enough to explain his feelings. He couldn't come up with the words. So, he did the one thing he could think of. 
        Tadashi Yamaguchi kissed you. 
        His lips were soft as they grazed against your own. He moved to pull away but you only followed him, not wanting to kiss to end just that with a quick peck. How long had you waited for this? You weren't going to let it go to waste now that you had it! Not when it felt so right. Your arms snaked around Yamaguchi's neck while his own hands nervously hovered over your hips. The poor boy didn't know what to do in this situation, all he knew was that he didn't want you to feel uncomfortable. He definitely wasn't going to listen to the advice Nishinoya and Tanaka gave him.
        Your mind spun with the sweet taste of his lips, something that tasted so familiar. It wasn't until you pulled away from the kiss that you realized what it was: strawberry mentos. The candy he had seen you eating every day since the two of you had met. He could never go to the store and not think about you when his eyes found the pink wrappings. He had gotten in the habit of always buying a pack whenever he went shopping, one always being placed in his volleyball bag in case you ever ran out of your own. He had also gotten into the habit of eating the treat, feeling closer to you whenever he did. How many nights had he stared at his phone screen, trying to craft up some confession with the sweet candy filling his tastebuds?
        "Does this mean....I'm your boyfriend?" His voice was barely above a whisper as his brown eyes scanned your face. His heart dropped when you laughed, thinking that you were going to make fun of him but instead was pleasantly surprised as you tackled him into a hug. He leaned against the wall, finally allowing his hands to touch the small of your back. 
        "Of course silly! As long as that's what you want? If not, then I think I got the wrong message from the kiss," Laying your head on his chest, hearing his heart beating like a metronome. 
        "N-No! I do want to be your boyfriend! I've wanted that since we meet," He felt his cheeks heating up, unable to hide his embarrassment. That was just another thing you loved about him, though there was so much more. You couldn't wait to see what life had in store for the two of you together. No matter what, you would stay by his side, and he yours. 
        But all good things can only last so long as a loud cough brought the two of you out from your little daydream together. Tsuki was standing there, headphones resting on his shoulders and hands shoved deep in his pockets. He looked bored, head tilting to the side in annoyance. He was happy the two of you were finally together (so he didn't have to listen to Yamaguchi whine anymore) but he was getting hungry. He didn't want to have to wait any longer than he already had. 
        Yamaguchi had texted him, asking him to meet up at your house. He was either hoping he could convince you to come and eat out with them if you accepted or that he would at least have Tsuki in case you did decline his request. Sure, he wasn't the best at comfort but it still was better than dealing with it alone. Tsukishima knew it would end like this though. He had been able to see your crushes for each other for so long, he didn't understand how you both were so clueless. 
        "Finally! Are we gonna go get something to eat now or what?"
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bokoutoe-retired · 4 years
Hello 💕💕💕
Happy Valentine's!! Can i participate? If yes here are three facts.
-I am really into Astronomy and Astrophysics
-I like to draw and paint in my free time, and watch anime.
-At first i come of as intimidating, but i am actually really soft and sensitive.
Show: Haikyuu or BNHA, i don't mind.
And male please.
I hope you are having a nice day/night and Happy Valentine's 💕💕💕💕
hi babe!! of course you can! i hope you’re having a good day/night too, mwah! 💗
your valentine is...
yamaguchi tadashi!
he’s just the sweetest! he’s super nervous to ask but he just wants to make you happy and step out of his comfort zone. he’d make you a really cute (and honestly really well crafted) card, probably star/constellation themed, and give it to you with a similarly themed box of chocolates. when he hands it to you he has the cutest little blush dusting his cheeks
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happy valentine’s day!
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Big Hero 7: The Series
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Big Hero 7 S2
Lie Detectors
*The streets are occupied when a monster looking like the Kentucky Kaiju is being chased by Big Hero 7*
Wasabi: Guys! I see the monster! I’m right behind him!
*But before Wasabi could go any further he is trapped in traffic.*
Wasabi: Scratch that I lost him!
Cora: Don’t Worry! We’re on our way!
*Soon Baymax with Hiro and Cora fly after the monster.*
Baymax: We’re enrooted for Nigh Market Square. Rapidly.
Gogo: I’m gonna cut him off!
*But when she gets there, she doesn’t see anything.*
Gogo; Wait? Where’d he go?
Hiro; Honey Lemon, do you see anything?
Honey Lemon: Nothing… wait!
*Honey Lemon’s visor soon catches the Kaiju clinging onto a bus.*
Honey Lemon: He’s on a bus!
Wasabi: Wait, like riding the bus?
Honey Lemon: Kind of.
Hiro: We see him!
*The three fly off to catch the monster who hops off the bus when they get close.*
Hiro: Gogo, you gotta intercept.
Gogo: Good, this ends now!
*Soon enough Gogo is face to face with the monster in a dark alley. She throws her disc to the monster which knocks him out which allows her to pin it down to the ground.*
Gogo: Gotcha!
*Baymax lands to the sight.*
Hiro: Nice Gogo!
*But that’s when the eye socket pops open to reveal someone is inside.*
Fred: Yeah, but did you have to throw the disc so hard?
Gogo: You were the one who wanted to do the monster training exercise.
Cora: Exactly, so we can be better prepared when another one shows up.
Honey Lemon: Good Monster hustle Freddy.
Hiro: Whew, what a work out. Who’s hungry?
Fred: Lets hit up Noodle Burger! I want to try the new Fruggle Noodle menu!
Cora: Maybe I can hit up some of the new Noodle Fishy Burger.
*With that the six fly off to have food… leaving Wasabi stuck in traffic.*
Wasabi: Wait I’m hungry too!… Aw…
*Around that night at Sycorax Chris delivers a plate of muffins to Liv Amara who is frustrated about a project she’s conducting.*
Liv: Ugh! Its not working! Nothings working!
Chris: Sounds like somebody needs a Chris-cake!
Liv: Chris not now- Wait… whats on it?
Chris: Gold flakes, adds a fun flare. You’re worth it.
Liv: Gold…
*She soon starts typing up the chemical makeup of gold to the equation she’s working on.*
Chris: Completely digestible.
Liv: Gold! Bio-compatible nano-particles yes! Chris you are a life saver!
*The next day, the gang meet up at Fred’s house to hang out eating their noodle burgers.*
Wasabi: I started a competitive ironing team in highschool, I collected vintage typewriters, and I knitted my first sweater when I was seven.
*Fred sips his soda loudly as he stares at Wasabi with judging eyes.*
Fred: Hmmm, this is a tough one. I mean they all sound true-ish.
Hiro: But one’s a lie, right Wasabi?
Wasabi: Yes! I know how to play the game guys! I said two truths and one lie.
Cora: So which’s one the lie?
Gogo: Well the Ironing’s real, I’ve seen the trophies.
Wasabi: Still undefeated!
Gogo: Because you were the only team-
Wasabi: Irrelevant.
Honey Lemon: What’s your guess Freddy?
Fred:*Blows bubbles on his soda* I guess that the lie is…
Baymax: Wasabi did not knit his first sweater when he was seven.
Wasabi: Yup, Baymax is right. I was six… wait! How did you know that?
Baymax: Your heart rate increased and your pupils dilated when you made the third statement.
Wasabi:… How closely were you looking at my pupils?
Cora: Wow Baymax! That was awesome! A little invasive but cool!
Fred: Yeah! He’s like a walking lie detector!
Hiro: Yeah Baymax I didn’t know you could… *Suddenly gets an idea* Hey-Hey! Liv Amara!
Fred: Where?
Hiro: She’s the one behind all the monster attacks.
Gogo: Too bad for us we can’t prove it.
Hiro: But now we can *Points his thumb to Baymax* Lie detector.
Cora: Question is how would we be able to get close to Liv Amara to test Baymax out? You’re Krei’s intern and I flat out gave her the bird when I left.
Wasabi: So what are you two gonna do? Follow her around until she catch her in a lie?
Hiro: For basics, yeah!
Wasabi: So far that’s not a bad plan!
Fred: Ooh! Ooh! OK, but first, can I go? Please? I haven’t had my turn yet and I stayed up all night crafting the perfect lie!
Honey Lemon: OK Freddie you’re up!
Fred: Ooh! Here it goes: I like too many pickles on my noodle burger, I own 59,407 comics, and I speak fluid Lithuanian! Good luck with that!
Baymax: You do not speak Lithuanian.
Fred:… This game is a lot less fun when Baymax is cheating by knowing all the answers!
Gogo: Fred we all knew that one.
Baymax: True.
Hiro: OK, I’m heading to the school to set up something that would increase Baymax’s Lie detecting abilities. *To Cora* Wanna come?
Cora: Sure!
*Soon Hiro leaves through the door first, but before Baymax would waddle out Cora steps in front of him.*
Cora: I hadn’t had my turn yet so I’ll make this very quick: I was 4 when I learned how to talk, I went botfighting when I was thirteen, and I’m secretly related to mermaids.
Gogo: Seriously Cora?
Cora: I never play games like this before Gogo! Sides, it obvious the last one is a lie right Baymax?
*But when she turns her head to regard Baymax, she finds that the robot is uncharacteristically quiet. The gang noticed this and look at Baymax with concerned eyes.*
Honey Lemon: Baymax? Is something wrong?
Baymax: I am alright. I had just experienced a minor bug that had blocked my thought processer. Lets go meet Hiro.
Cora: OK Baymax, *to Herself* gotta check your system before we install the upgraded lie detector…
*Once the other two leave to join Hiro, the gang look at each other with questioning eyes.*
Wasabi: What just happened?
Honey Lemon: I don’t know, but Hiro and Cora had just looked up Baymax’s system yesterday and said that its been functioning normally.
Gogo: Either way, that was super weird.
Fred: * To himself in private* Odd…very, Very odd. Or could it be that…*dramatic gasp* The Lie detector lied?!…Na that’s kinda dumb even for me.
* From across the town Kaguya is at her room, carefully sorting through the floor boards where she had hidden her most valuable possessions out of reach. Once she peeks through she grabs the one she is looking for. It’s a large oval shaped piece of metal, covered in dust from many years but not covered in rust. Wiping it off she places the object in her bag where she sees Kage and his Baymax waiting for her.*
Kaguya: Hello Kage. Are you ready to go?
Kage: Indeed I am.
Kaguya: I informed Mizuchi about this and he says that he will keep an eye out on Cora while we’re away… I must admit, you joining me to discover more about what the Sirens’ had heard about Sycorax is truly interesting.
Kage: Yes. I will admit when I first heard of Liv Amara, something about her seemed a little off, even for me. Not to mention she brushed off Hiro when she learned Tadashi made Baymax.
Kaguya: Yes. That is true, you would think she had a history with Tadashi if one didn’t know any better.
Kage: Yes.
*And so the three head out to meet at the place where the Sirens are kept under lock and key by Orso Knox. While on the path Kage pulls out the baby blue scrunchie, his eyes staring at the small thing. He puts it back in his pocket and focuses on joining Kaguya to find answers for Sycorax.. and hopefully about why is Chara’s scrunchie there? At the school Hiro is setting up a new chip for Baymax while Cora had just finished checking Baymax’s system for bugs.*
Cora: OK, looks like you’re all clear! You probably just had a brain fart earlier.
Baymax: I do not have a brain, nor can I fart.
Cora: Another expression Baymax.
*Soon enough Hiro finishes coding his new chip and brings it out.*
Hiro: There, I enhanced your lie detector interface.
*Hiro scoots his seat towards Baymax where he inserts the chip inside him.*
Hiro: Alright now, lets test it! My name is Fred.
Baymax: Lie.
Hiro: Ha! Perfect!
Cora: Ooh~! my turn! Tomatoes are purple!
Baymax: Lie.
Hiro: The sky is green!
Baymax: Lie.
Cora: Nice, the Earth is round!
Baymax: True.
Hiro: I think we’re ready!
Cora: OK! Now lets go incognito style!
Hiro: And get Liv!
*And that’s when the three start their mission, sneakily following her around the city in their moped. Cora had brought her herbal medicine book in her bag as an added just in case bait.*
Hiro: I see her.
Cora: Remember… stealthily.
*The three drive up to Liv Amara closely… but the sea food truck driver is behind them soon.*
Truck Driver: Hey! *Honks his car*
Baymax: Hello.
Truck Driver: Move it!
Hiro: Sorry we uh… gotta go!
Cora: Have a nice day!
*Hiro immediately drives away from the path, allowing the truck driver to continue on his way. When they spot Liv Amara again they see her enter into a restaurant.*
Hiro: Well, *To Cora* Looks like we’re getting lunch.
*They three park the moped and head inside to get seated, hopefully as close to Liv Amara as they could.*
Sydney: Here you are, a nice table in the back.
*The two teens spot a table closer to Liv Amara where its by the window.*
Hiro; Actually, could we actually be seated closer to… the window?
Sydney: Impossible, that table’s reserved.
*That’s when Baymax’s lie detector comes up.*
Baymax: That is not true.
*Hiro crosses his arms with a sly smirk while Cora gives a polite smile at the waiter.*
Cora: We’d still like the table by the window sir.
*The server sighs before he directs the three to the table, with said three covering their faces as they pass Liv Amara. Once seated the waiter gives Hiro and Cora their menus before he turns to Baymax.*
Sydney: Will he be eating?
Baymax: *Letting out some air to sit properly* I am a robot.
Sydney: So I take it as a no?
*Hiro is about to ask the waiter to keep the menu when Cora pulls out her book and hands it to Baymax.*
Cora: Yeah. Thank you for your services sir. *To Baymax* Read it if you like.
Sydney: And what would that book be about?
Cora: Oh, just a book about herbs and flowers.
Sydney: *sighs to himself slightly frustrated* Keep it together Sydney..
*And so the waiter leaves the three to themselves to decide on their choice of food. With that Hiro and Cora notices that person Liv Amara is meeting is Bluff Dunder from the news. Getting a quick idea, Cora sets Baymax’s volume to vibrate, so that his dings of truth or lie wouldn’t disturb anyone and let Liv Amara know they are following her.*
Hiro: *Whispers to Baymax* OK Baymax, listen in to what they’re saying.
Cora: *Whispers* I set your volume to vibrate and text. Just in case.
*And so Baymax listens close to the two.*
Dunder: Big fan right here.
*Baymax vibrates with the face of a liar.*
Liv: And I’m a big fan of yours Bluff.
*Another lie. Hiro and Cora look at each other than at Baymax as he looks at the medicine book.*
Dunder: So Liv, about your latest research-
Liv: Well, my team and I are working on a cure for a rare disorder.
*Baymax gives out a ding, which is the truth.*
Dunder: Ooh, tell me more. I’m not an expert but I’m quiet knowledgeable on the subject.
*Another lie. Cora looks around to see that thankfully, aside from the occasional vibrate, nobody is too bothered. She sighs in relief as she puts down her menu.*
Liv: We’re still in the development phase, a key component to the cure is actually gold.
*Baymax’s belly lights up with the truth.*
Hiro: Gold?
Cora: How would she incorporate gold to a cure?
Dunder: Well that sounds like an expensive ailment. *Chuckles*
Liv: Oh Bluff you’re too much! But you’re right, it would be expensive. But luckily I only need the tiniest amount.
*Baymax shows that is a lie.*
Hiro: Huh, so she needs a lot of gold.
Cora: Where could she get that much gold without going bankrupt?
*That’s when Hiro’s phone vibrates with texts from Gogo saying that Mr. Sparkles is at the docks now.*
Cora: Darn it!
Sydney: so are you ready to order?
Hiro: Sorry! We have to go! *Gets up to suit up*
Cora: Here’s a tip for your troubles! Thank you!
*She slips a ten dollar bill to the man as Baymax waddles after the two teens. Meanwhile, the two adults, Kaguya and Kage, arrive at the hidden grotto close by the docks of San Fransokyo. Kage had to use his Baymax as a life raft while Kaguya pulls on the string to direct Baymax to their path. Once they reach their destination they see Orso Knox with the three sirens tied up with very strong sea weed.*
Muya: Hello Baby sister.
Uma: You brought the human with you?
Lula: And a robot?
Kaguya: Enough chit chat. The only reason you have not been brought over to Oceanus is because you three apparently heard something about Sycorax.
Muya: As if we ever tell you!
Kaguya: On the contrary…You three would not have a choice.
*She pulls out the metal oval which opens up a little segment where it requires a thumb print.*
Lula: It couldn’t be!
Uma: You brought the oval of truth!
Kage: The.. oval of truth?
Kaguya: It is a very powerful machine that takes the blood of those in question and tell whether or not the person is being truthful… or a liar.
Uma: Well… if we’re gonna do this… then at least you two should participate as well…
Kaguya: What do you expect us to give in return?
Muya: We heard about an interesting story about a man who had built a lab by the sea..
Lula: Who planned to eradicated that pitiful city of San Fransokyo…
Uma: Who had crafted a robotic crab to do his bidding…
Muya: Come on Baby sister… aren’t you curious about what we have to ask the man who created a star?
*Kaguya looks at Kage who is looking a faint uncomfortable about their words. But ultimately he sighs and looks at the sirens.*
Kage: Fine, in exchange for your answers… I’ll give you mine.
*And so they each pressed their thumb onto the small opening.*
Kaguya: I swear to tell the truth. *Passes to Kage*
Kage: I swear to tell the truth.
Muya: I swear to tell the truth.
Lula: I swear to tell the truth.
Uma: I swear to tell the truth.
Knox: I swear to tell the truth.
*But to Kage all he heard from Knox was a growl, but Kaguya nodded to tell him that he is participating to tell the truth as well. Once its all passed around Kaguya presses the top of the oval shaped metal where it soon starts to levitate and cracks form to light it up which leads to a deep, booming voice.*
Oval: The Blood Oath has been settled. You each are to tell the truth to whatever question you have to each other. You can only ask one question per person. Should any of you lie… there will be consequences to pay.
*At the docks of San Fransokyo, the captain of the ship is confronted by the mutated Mr. Sparkles.*
Captain: I don’t know who you are?! But get off my ship!
Sparkles: What do you mean you don’t know who I am? I’m Mr. Sparkles!
*He does random poses to show off, but the captain still has no clue about the mutated man child in front of him. Finally he gets frustrated.*
Sparkles: Mr. Sparkles! *Points to himself*
Captain: Whatever just get off my ship!
*Looking up to the sky Mr. Sparkles sees Hiro, Cora, Baymax, and Gogo arriving to the scene.*
Sparkles: Aye aye captain!
*He tries pushing the large cargo but found himself unable to push it, until the chip inside him gives him a temporary strength boost that pushes it off the ship.*
Sparkles: Woah! Gotta watch my own strength!
*And so, pushing the button on his bow tie he is quickly dressed in an underwater suit to swim.*
Sparkles: Bon Voyage!
*And so he dives off before the four could land on the ship.*
Cora: Did Liv inject Mr. Sparkles with steroids? Cause that was a huge crate!
Gogo: *Looks over the ship to the water.* Great.
Hiro: Skymax can bring underwater gear.
Gogo: *Sighs* I guess I could wait here.
Cora: What do you mean?
Gogo: I don’t have underwater gear.
Hiro: Actually, Cora and I have been working on that.
*Soon enough the four skymaxes arrive with their underwater gear, which for Gogo left her pretty impressed. After they don on their underwater suits Gogo swims around and tests it.*
Gogo: Oh yeah, I like it!
Cora: Knew you would love it Gogo.
Hiro: I see him!
*The four spot Mr. Sparkles trying to push the crate away, trying to summon the insane power boost he had earlier, but nothing happened.*
Gogo: Sorry Sparkles but you should’ve had a better plan.
Sparkles: Hey don’t be so harsh I’m on my own here!
*But Baymax’s lie detector says otherwise. And soon enough the mutated High Voltage come out the shadows to face the four heroes.*
Cora: Is that High Voltage?!
*Baymax’s stomach dings with the truth.*
Sparkles: Go fish!
*Soon the two dancing eels join hands to throw a bolt of electricity to the four heroes. The four swim out of the way as they try to form a plan. But each zap gets faster at the four keep dodging.*
Gogo: Now what?
Cora: Hiro, Baymax and I will try to get Mr. Sprakles while you keep High Voltage busy. They can’t blast electricity forever, they’ll tire out!
Hiro: For now, point forward.
Gogo: OK… *Point her arms forward* But why would-Augh!
*Pointing her arms forward acts as a propeller to swim faster.*
Gogo: That was pretty awesome!
*Gogo swims forward to High Voltage as she dodges the out of the blasts until she pushes one out of the way. The eel swims back to their partner but Gogo keeps punching them out of the way.*
Hiro: Omega Danger! Sonic blaster!
*Baymax activates his sonic blaster which blasts away the eels far and far away from them.*
Gogo: Got any more freaks helping you Sparkles?
Sparkles: Uh huh, that big guy. right behind you!
*The four turn around only for Baymax’s belly to light up with a lie. Now it features Mr. Sparkles swimming away pathetically.*
Gogo: Do you guys wanna get him or should I?
Cora: I got!
*Cora swiftly swims in front of Mr. Sparkles, ready to punch him in the face which causes Mr. Sparkles to flinch… only for Cora to use her finger to boop…*
Cora: Boop.
*Which soon releases a large electric shock that stuns him for a moment before he looks up to see Baymax and Hiro behind him. But before Baymax could hold him, High Voltage wraps themselves around Baymax’s legs which soon fritz out his suit.*
Baymax: Oh no.
Gogo: That’s it!
*She activates her arm propellers where she swims around them so fast that she created an underwater tornado that trapped High Voltage and soon enough Mr. Sparkles. Soon they are slammed to a rock.*
Gogo: So, had enough yet?
Sparkles: *To High Voltage* Aren’t you two supposed to be the muscle?! This is embarrassing!
*When High Voltage shrieked, Cora’s eyes widened as she heard instead… their voices.*
Barb: Oh shut up you pint sized twerp!
Juniper: Like any help you were!
Sparkles: Fine, I’ll take care of this myself.
*He pulls out a controller from his pocket which soon activates the crane on the ship to dump massive metal crates onto the young heroes.*
Gogo: Hiro! Cora! Heads up!
*The four try to swim as fast as they could but the more metal crates that fall, the more they are trapped by it. Realizing they would soon be crushed, Hiro gives out an order.*
Hiro: Baymax! Aqua-Fist!
*Baymax fires his aqua fist which creates a large hole for all four of them to swim through before the final crates could crush them.*
Gogo: Great! They got away!
*While they were busy with swimming for their lives, Mr. Sparkles and High Voltage got away.*
Cora: At least they didn’t get the crate they wanted. What’s in it anyway?
Hiro: Can you open it Baymax?
*Baymax rips the crate open to reveal a crate full of gold bars.*
Gogo: That’s a lot of gold.
Hiro: And that’s a lot of proof they’re working for Liv.
*Meanwhile, the three villains swim away towards their destination.*
Sparkles: Darn it! Liv is gonna be so pissed when she learns about this!
*But while they were swimming, High Voltage heard something from the distance…*
Sparkles: Lucky for me, I’m not one who’s body could make sushi right?
*He turns around to see that High Voltage had skedaddled.*
Sparkles: High Voltage? Ladies?…. Oh no.
*As of while the group of Mermaids, a human, a monster, and a robot prepare to ask their questions.*
Kaguya: This goes to you my… sisters. What did you hear about sycorax?
Uma: For one, this Liv Amara has been poking around the bay searching for coral and certain sea snakes.
Lula: Two, they have been, in human terms, been illegally harvesting oysters and glowfish.
Muya: And this recent bit where she is searching for a large crate of gold for a certain disease.
*The Kaguya, Baymax, Kage, and Knox turn to the oval of truth which soon responded.*
Oval of Truth: Truth.
Kaguya: Now what are your questions?
Muya: Is it true that your…son in law, is a giant who’s blood is tainted with wires and circuits that form inside his body?
Kaguya: Yes… thanks to his accursed mother.
Oval of Truth: Truth.
Uma: Good.. has there been any… accidents that involved with your granddaughter and her mermaid blood?
Kaguya: *Turns to Orso Knox, recalling how he escaped because Cora was able to understand him* Yes… just recently she had communicated this man. His genetics that contained the whale DNA allowed for her to talk to him.
Oval of Truth: Truth.
Lula: Finally… did you tell the half breed about her mermaid blood at all?
Kaguya: She does not know and I want to keep it that way till she is ready.
Oval of Truth: Truth.
Muya: *Chuckles* You know baby sister, from what I heard about your half breed granddaughter is that she has a knack for discovering things… don’t be too surprised when the moment she learns about her blood she would never want to talk to you again.
*Kaguya tightens her fists as small cackles of sparks light up. Kage looks at the sisters with an frown.*
Muya: Now we come to the Land Boy*To Kage* Was it true that you had a labotory that had all the information of the citizens of the city?
Kage: Yes.
Oval of Truth: Truth.
Uma: Did you ever look up information about Liv Amara prior to your supposed ‘demise’ that you never told anyone?
*Kaguya looks at Kage as her eyes start to narrow in question.*
Kage:…Yes… One way I learned is because… Nozako Mizichio had been the one to give Liv Amara the money to build Sycorax in the first place. But that’s was all I knew before now!
Oval of Truth: Truth.
*Kaguya looks at Kage with shocked eyes.*
Kage: I’m sorry… I didn’t want to frighten you nor my brother… nor my niece…
Lula: Now to the juicy bit. Did you really plan on whisking away the half breed because you thought she was your lover reborn? That she is Chara? So you could plan your 'Happy Sugar Life"?
*Kage’s eyes widen when he heard Chara’s name, which soon raises his suspicion higher. So did Kaguya… but a part of her did want to hear about Kage’s past intentions to her granddaughter. Orso Knox eye’s had widened when he heard more about Kage, realizing that this man is not as innocent as he appears. Kage sighs as he looks up to see the sirens.*
Kage: Yes. I did plan to make Cora be my Chara.
Oval of Truth: Truth.
*Orso Knox looks at the man with shocked eyes as he couldn’t believe the fact that he had planned something so revolting.*
Knox: How could you do that your own niece?! Your flesh and blood?!
Kage: She’s not biologically my niece! I was so desperate to have any semblance of joy, gain back what I had lost with Chara that I clung her memory to her!… I lost my mind… I thought I could never be happy again… Cora was the closest I ever had to Chara…
Oval of Truth: Truth!
*Kage turns his head away as he sees Kaguya looking at him with concerned eyes, ashamed of his past actions. Kaguya then goes forward and places a gentle hand on his shoulder.*
Kaguya:…Kage… what do you feel about Cora now?
Kage: *sighs* All I know is that I hurt her immensely… when I was getting to know her as my… former self, I found myself enjoying her company, that I saw her as family… But the other part of me.. the one where I was Obake.. pushed away familial love for…*Sighs sadly* I don’t know if I could ever truly mend the wounds I inflicted on her, and no doubt that she would never forgive me.. but I’m ready to show that I am no longer the monster she feared so long ago… I want to enjoy her company again as an uncle… and be part of a family again…
Oval of Truth: Truth!
*Kaguya’s eyes softened, as memories of the adventures Kage indavertantly had with Big Hero 7 and such start playing in her mind. He really did change and make an attempt to heal. Even memories of Cora being comfortable of being in the same room as room blossomed.*
Kaguya: I believe you Kage.
Oval of Truth: Truth.
Kage: But there is one thing I’m curios about… *Turns to Sirens.* This goes for all three of you.
Muya: What ever you say Land Boy…
*Kage pulls out the baby blue scrunchie with the initials C.B sewn inside.*
Kage: She always wore this as a good luck charm around her wrist and at her cheerleading performances…why did I find Chara’s lucky scrunchie in the cave you brought me?
*The Oval of truth turns to the three sirens.*
Muya: I have no idea what you are speaking of land boy.
Uma: Who even is this Chara you speak of?
Lula: And what makes you think we would know about some land girl?
*That is when the glow of the Oval turns blood red, its light flashing through*
Oval of Truth: YOU ALL LIED!
*Before they knew it all of them, sans Baymax is down to the ground, feeling a large pressure on their hearts.*
Knox: What is going on?!
Kaguya: If someone dares to lie their hearts will be crushed! They must tell the truth soon!
*the sirens’ try to breath heavily to preserve their breathing, while Muya keeps slapping her tail to the water, which is emitting an echo that is leading to two eels on their way.*
Muya: shut if off!
Kaguya: We took an oath!
Knox: Just confess!
*Kage, despite having his heart be close to crushing, looks at the sirens’ with a glare that spoke certain death. Baymax tries to join to help them but he is zapped away by the oval.*
*Just when it seemed like the end for them-*
Oval of Truth: Truth.
*Finally the pressure on their hearts elevates, allowing them all to breath.*
Kage:…*Not believing what he’s hearing* What?
Muya: *Smacks Lula upside the head* Why did you say that?!
Lula: Would you prefer for us to be flattened tuna?
Muya: Fine! *Turns to Kage* The truth is that we had started collecting humans to be our bodyguards and handmaidens. And Chara was on our list. But you were always be her side so luring her away would be risky… till we heard of two certain things from the seagulls…
Uma: They do have the habit of spreading gossip around the docks.
Muya: One is your little accident at the school… and two of your elopement! *Chuckles* Young love… for a prodigy you sure made such ridiculous decisions based on hormones and foolish fantasies!
Lula: You should thank us really. When we got to the arrival, nice choice on choosing a spot nearby the sea by the way, we saw your Chara wearing white. With her blue scrunchie and sapphire necklace around her neck.
Kage: My engagement necklace…
Lula: That’s when we saw a woman clad in black ready to strike her down with an axe.
Muya: She was a tough one, she tried to resist our song but we managed to freeze her in place. But during the commotion the girl fell off the ledge with the lady ripping off the necklace trying to stop her from falling…*sighs* But fall she did.
Uma: I managed to swim her to safety while the other two coated the woman’s robes with fish blood to make her believe she committed the gruesome deed. Though along the way she hit her head, cause when we brought her to our island, she couldn’t remember her own name!
*The three sirens’ laugh at the memory of their successful kidnapped heist which only caused Kage to run towards them and grab one of them by the throat.*
Uma: Uh uh uh! Remember… only one question at the time.
Kaguya:…You’ve been kidnapping those humans far longer than I thought.. *scoffs* I guess the other time when you took my granddaughter and her boyfriend were just you three being sloppy huh?
Muya: Screw you Baby sister.
*That is when Orso Knox comes forward, picking up all three of them up from the water pool and growls after he pushes off Kage to Baymax.*
Knox: I have not asked my question for you three however…Where are the humans you are keeping?!
*Baymax looks down to see two eels swim towards the monster.*
Baymax: There are two eels swimming rapidly towards Orso Knox.
Kaguya: what?
Knox: AUGH!
*High Voltage wrapped their bodies around the monster and shocked him, making him drop the mermaids as he howled in pain. Once dropped the eels then used their teeth to cut through the strong sea weed which allows them all to swim and escape before they could even move.*
Kaguya: *Picking up Orso Knox* Are you alright?
Knox: Sort of… *Pants* Those two were certainly strong for common eels.
*Kaguya turns to see Kage staring at the scrunchie… his eyes soft with memory as he gently strokes it.*
Kaguya: We will find her… I promise.
Oval of Truth: Truth.
*And so, the oval closes and shuts down, having completed its job as it floats to Knox’s claws.*
Knox: Lets get you all home. There will be no doubt about your disappearances today.
*Later on at Sycorax, Liv Amara had received news from Sparkles that not only had Big Hero 7 interfered with her gold heist, but somehow High Voltage managed to overcome their chip controlled hypnosis and scampered off to sea.*
Liv: I am sick and tired of Big Hero 7 getting in our business!
Chris: I know right?
*Chris presses the button to take them down to Liv’s private lab.*
Liv: We need gold! We’re running out of time.
Chris: I know right?
Liv: Would you stop saying 'I know right?’ and be helpful?
Chris: I’m sorry… right?
Liv: Not. Helpful.
Chris: Right…*Pulls out the cupcake with gold flakes* Chris-cake?
*Liv doesn’t say anything as she steps out of the elevator and into her lab, annoyed at her genetically engineered assistant.*
Chris:…It worked before…
Liv: To counter Big Hero 7 I need something… special.
*She looks at the torn apart meteorite as she thinks over what to do with Big Hero 7.*
Chris: Oh your good.
Liv: I know right?
*At SFIT the entire gang is chilling at the robotics lab. Gogo is setting up her electro-magnetic suspension bike while Hiro and Cora play ping pong with Honey Lemon and Wasabi with Baymax acting as the scoreboard. That is when Fred comes in with a green and tacky beret in place of his regular beanie.*
Fred: Bonjour Friends! What do you think of my new hat? Like, Love, or Double love?
Honey Lemon: Its.. uh… nice!
*Baymax’s belly rings up with a lie from Honey Lemon.*
Fred: What do you think of it Wasabi? Like it? Love it? Double love it?
Wasabi: Look at the time! Gotta go to class!
*Baymax’s brings up with another lie.*
Fred: Ummm why is Baymax buzzing?
Baymax: I buzz to indicate Lie-
Hiro: Love of hats!
*Baymax’s buzzes with Hiro’s lie.*
Fred: Aw, thanks Baymax!
Hiro: Ah We-we have to go!
Cora: Yeah Fred! Hiro and I are gonna with Baymax right now. Seems like we have a little problem with a chip.
*Baymax’s belly rings up with truth as Hiro and Cora push the nurse bot out the door.*
Hiro: See ya! And nice hat!
*Baymax’s belly buzzes with Hiro’s lie.*
Fred: *looking at the reflection with his beret* Yeah, this is good. This is working.
Gogo: *Pops bubble* Fred. No.
Fred: Not good?
Gogo: Nope. Not good.
Fred: *Gestures to everyone else* But-!
*Honey Lemon grunts as she shakes her head, meaning that if she doesn’t like it, it really was poor taste. Fred rips off his beret and leaves it at the ping pong table. Once Fred leaves Honey Lemon turns to Gogo.*
Gogo: Destroy it.
Honey Lemon: Right behind you sweetie!
*She pulls out her chem ball to turn the beret to dust, never to stare at the tacky green beret on Fred’s head ever again. Meanwhile Cora stands up on her tip toes and takes out the lie detector chip and places it in her skirt pocket.*
Cora: There we go! We’ll insert the lie detecting chip much later!
Hiro: Cora, its almost time for class.
Cora: Right behind you! *To Baymax* Grandmama just texted me. She and Kage are coming over to meet at the quad, I want you go there to meet up with them. Till then, see ya later!
*And so the two teens go through their classes like everything was fine, though Cora’s eybrow raised at the added rule of No Baymaxes allowed in class.*
Chris: Your next meeting is downtown at three and you have a conference call-
Liv: About my special project I have a mission for you.
*She uses the phone to show Chris his orders on what to do.*
Chris: Ooh~ This should be fun! I’ll have it tonight.
Liv: Good! In the meantime, go to SFIT and see if you can get close to the Mizichio kid.
Chris: Understood.
*Soon they were off their separate way, one doing her usual business and the other making his way to SFIT. Once Chris is there he spots the two teens seated down with their robot joined by the girl’s grandmother, a man with a red streak in his hair… and another Baymax…huh. Putting on his brightest smile he walks over and greets them.*
Chris: Heya! How ya doing?
Cora: Doing fine… Chris? What are you doing here?
Chris: Can’t an old buddy say hi once in a while?
Cora: I only worked one day.
Kaguya: Excuse me, who are you young man and why are you invading my granddaughter’s privacy?
Chris: Oh! Sorry, I’m Chris. I’m Liv Amara’s assistant. And from what I heard you must be her Grandmother! Nice to meet you.
*He holds out his hand to which the old woman holds it hesitantly. *
Chris: And who could that man be?
Cora: He’s my Uncle, Kage Mizichio.
Kage: Hello Chris… its nice to meet you.
Chris: Nice to meet you too!
*That is when he looks down to see at Cora’s lap the very book that their intern was looking at… and so far from his genetically perfect eyes he is reading what leads to a rather interesting chapter in the book-*
Cora: *Slams book shut* Sir, I appreciate if you don’t look inside my book.
Chris: Oh! My apologies Cora. It’s just that it looks very interesting. It said something about Lilac and rosemary being used as a tonic?
Kaguya: Yes. I should know cause my daughter wrote that.
Chris: Ooh! You have a daughter? Must be Cora’s mom right?Where is she I’d love to hear from her.
Kaguya: My daughter is dead.
*Chris blinks as he realized what he had done wrong.*
Chris: Oh I am so sorry I did not mean to sound unsensitive. Anyway, I came to see how Cora’s doing since the incident. Now I know she’s alright. Thank you, may all of you enjoy your day!
*But as Chris starts leaving Cora remembers something and quickly stands up.*
Cora: Wait a minute!…There’s something I want to ask…
Chris: *Grins as he turns around with a smile* And what would that be Cora?
Cora:…Could I talk to Liv Amara? If she could still see me that is…
Chris: I think we can arrange that perfectly.
Cora: OK…
*And so Chris leaves, with a feeling of uneasiness ringing through the teens.*
Kaguya: He’s certainly pushy.
Kage: Definitely.
Cora: He got a look in my book! I’m sorry Grandmama.
Kaguya: It is not your fault. Besides, its not like he has photographic memory right?
Cora: Yeah… oh! There’s something funny that happened to our Baymax earlier.
Kage: And what would that be Cora?
Cora: We were playing two truths and one lie, and when I got to my turn I said the following. One is that I learned to talk when I was four, went botfighting when I was thirteen. And the final one was that I’m a mermaid.
Hiro: Really Cora? You couldn’t come up with a better lie?
Cora: It was last minute! So before, Baymax called out Wasabi’s and Fred’s lie, but he didn’t say anything about my lie!
Hiro: Huh. But that’s when we found out he can figure out he can spot liars.
Cora: I know right! It was probably just a minor glitch. I checked it over and now it seems fine. Seriously Baymax, what are the chances that I’m related to mermaids? Or even the chance that they exist?
*Hiro and Cora laugh at this as Kaguya and Kage look at their Baymaxes, both of them giving eyes that said not to say anything. Both Baymaxes nod as for a brief moment, a picture of a face appears with his finger out signaling a shush movement.*
Kaguya: Yes… just what are the chances…
*Soon enough, Cora is with Baymax, his lie detector chip inserted back as she held tightly her book in her bag. She could almost laugh at herself… she swore to never go back but here she is… Soon enough she is in Liv Amara’s office.*
Liv: Hello Cora.
Cora: Hi Miss Amara…How are you doing?
Liv: We’ve been doing fine. The real question is how are you? It has been some time since that incident… but I can’t imagine how frightened you must’ve felt when you were captured.
Cora:*Remembering Orso Knox’s words* Yeah… it definitely felt real…
Liv: I also see you brought the robot here.
Cora: Yeah… Baymax is here with me because of certain issues…
Liv: Like family issues? Chris told me about your Uncle…he sounded interesting.
Cora: Yeah… I have certain questions to ask if you don’t mind that is.
Liv: Its fine! Its only fair after what happened.
Cora: Though to be honest Baymax is currently dealing with a bug or too.
*Baymax’s belly shows the buzz of a liar.*
Cora: Like that…*Sighs* So first off… what sort of diseases have you been dealing with?
Liv: Well… there’s a rare disorder that I’m really working hard to find a cure for.
Cora: Really? Well I hope you do find it…though that does raise the question on what type of items will be used for the cure?
Liv: I can tell you that a main component is gold.
Cora: Gold… that makes sense. It is bio-compatible and safe for eating… to be honest why would anyone even eat gold?
Liv: It could just be what they find fun.
Cora: I could think of plenty of other uses for gold other than food, like using it to rebuild impoverished towns… did you ever consider using gold to help Mr. Knox while he was still here?
Liv:…I have not considered using any gold on him.
*Baymax’s belly lights up with the face of truth. Cora sighs before she finally chooses to spill it out.*
Cora: Miss Amara… would you say that you were the ones creating the monsters all over town?
*And once Cora spills out those words her heart stopped. She scolded herself for being so brash and knows that this is the point where she has officially lost any semblance of contact with Liv. She turns to Liv who calmly says her answer.*
Liv: Liv Amara did not create the monsters.
*Cora turns to Baymax to see…that she was telling the truth… No…but then…Orso Knox said…but all the things…*
Liv: Cora? Are you alright?
Baymax: You’re heart beat is accelerating and your breathing has shortened.
Cora: I’m sorry Miss Amara… I need some water…and a bathroom.
Liv: Its down the hall to your right Cora.
*Cora leaves the office, her heart and mind speeding against each other with this news. And Baymax, being the faithful robotic companion he is, quickly follows her… and during all her panic she had left her book. Hardly believing her luck Liv quickly grabs the book and opens it. Her eyes glitter with excitement as she finds herself intrigued and fascinated by all sorts of tonics and elixirs that managed to combine herbs and roots and even some of marine life to help those. She especially found the cure for Yellow Diamond back Venom interesting…that is when she finds it… a page…*
I had debated with myself whether or not I should share this with my daughter Akemi, but this potion is the main reason why we both are what we are today.
I never imagined that this could hold such potential. What was once a legend became a reality… a reality I brought forth with my own hands.
This elixir…this miracle. I’ve been experimenting it recently and found that it has other unique effects… my daughter brought it once to an injured wolf (Bless her gentle heart) with a severely torn leg. When the wolf consumed it.. it had healed him up!
When I first attempted to create it I thought I was a fool. A dreamer.
But this dream is now reality..
This is the-
*And the page cuts off.*
Liv: What?! *Flips through page* There has to be more!
*She searched through the pages of the books, searching for the missing page of the book to find what this elixir is and what sorts of ingredients does it have to be so powerful to heal a wolf with such a serious injury like this? As of while Cora finally calms down after splashing water on her face, with Baymax patting her back. She smiles for a bit till she remembers something important.*
Cora: My book!
*Liv Amara hears the footsteps of Cora to which she quickly and carefully places the herbal book to its bag and be seated just in time for Cora to arrive.*
Cora: *Looks at book* Oh thank god, Its here!*Looks at Liv*… you didn’t look at the book did you?
Liv: No I did not.
*Cora sighs as she walks out the door…both unaware that Baymax had heard both of them…and he buzzed with Liv’s response. After saying their goodbyes Cora contacts Hiro and tells him what happened.*
Hiro: Wait a minute… She said she DIDN’T create the monsters and Baymax said she told the truth?
Cora: Yes! That’s insane! Orso Knox told me that she was the one who turned him into what he is today!… None of this makes any sort of sense.
Hiro: We’ll figure this out together Cora. You got my promise on that.
Cora: Thank you Hiro.
*Liv Amara sits on her chair as she ponders about her new discovery… this elixir… there’s a high chance that something like this is bound to be so powerful that they don’t want anyone else to discover…perhaps it could be a cure to-*
Liv: You’re getting a head of your self. First, get the gold. Then, you’ll learn more about this elixir… just in case…
*That night Chris is at the woods where he is carrying a box of honey to lure in a bear. Once he opens up the box he jumps up the tree to hide. The bear came for the honey trap as predicted and as soon as it starts eating the honey Chris jumps down and lands on the bear’s back. This causes the bear to roar as it tries to shake off the human until it finally did. The bear growls at the man as a warning before he walks away. And Chris is able to get what he came for: A clump of the bear’s fur.*
Chris: Gotcha!
*He goes back to Sycorax where Liv Amara starts scanning the bear fur onto her machine.*
Chris: You know… I actually took a peek at the herbal book you talked about… it certainly does hold a lot of promise. From what I read Cora’s mother had created a tonic that contains Rosemaries and Lilacs.
Liv: Hmmm very interesting…Almost done…there.
*Once she completes her work the genetic make up of the bear merges with the innards of Bessie where it shuts it doors to merge the two together. The merging process was so strong that it used all the power of Sycorax to make a black out… until it surges back up again. And so the doors opens to reveal the biggest chimera that Liv Amara ahd ever created.*
Chris: Its perfect.
Liv: Goodbye Big Hero 7.
* Around that time Hiro and Baymax are at home where Aunt Cass is presenting her new dish for Hiro to test out.*
Cass: I hope you’re hungry! I came up with a new recipe today and I think you’re really gonna like it!
*The bowl she presented is a concoction of acai, strawberries, blueberries, and… steamed salami…*
Cass: Acai and Salami bowl!
Hiro: *Apprehensive* Oh…
Cass: I know what you’re thinking. Do those things go together? And my answer is yes! The sweetness of the berries mixes with the funk of the salami to bring full body flavor!
*Cass scoops up a spoon and brings it to Hiro who is currently leaning away from the chimera made bowl.*
Hiro:*Forced grin and quiet voice* Oh I bet it does…
Cass: Go ahead, taste it!
*And so Hiro has to eat the food…his expression spoke volumes that Aunt Cass sadly did not catch on. Hiro finally swallows it down.*
Cass: Well, what do you think?
Hiro: Oh.. its.. umm.. tasty..
Baymax: Your dilated pupils and forced grin indicates you are-
Hiro: Loving it!
*Hiro stands up and tries to push Baymax up the way.*
Hiro: there’s been a glitch or two happening on Baymax so excuse me please!
Cass: What about your Salami berrie bowl?
Hiro; *Calling out to Aunt Cass* I’ll..finish it later!
*Cass looks ta Hiro weirdly before she takes a bite of her creation… she did not like it.*
Cass: Blegh! Can’t believe Hiro likes this!
*Hiro places Baymax to his charging station as he sits down on his chair to get to work.*
Baymax: Hiro, why did you lie to Aunt Cass?
Hiro: I didn’t want to hurt her feelings by telling her I didn’t like what she made.
Baymax: But that is the truth.
Hiro; But saying that would be mean.
*Baymax blinks at Hiro in confusion*
Baymax: And lying is good?
Hiro: No ugh… Lying is wrong… in general… But sometimes in certain situations people lie so other people don’t get hurt. *Sighs* Its complicated.
*As of while at the Mizichio residence, Cora had just finished up washing the dishes after having supper. But while she washed the dishes she had gotten a large stain on her yellow tank top and some on her skirt.*
Cora: *Sighs in frustration* Dang it!
*And so Cora heads up to her room and changes out of her clothes to her night gown, figuring she might as well go brush her teeth and start preparing her bed. But while she is away at the bathroom their Baymax is around, collecting dirt laundry when he found the dirty clothes. He picks it up and places it with the rest of the clothes…not noticed the lump on her skirt pocket. Baymax places the first pile of dirty laundry(Bright colors) and starts its time. But a few minutes in it starts hearing a crunch… A very loud crunch.*
Baymax: *Peers inside* Oh no…
*Cora gets back only to see her dirty clothes gone… and hear the crunching at the washing machine. She zoomed her way towards the crunch to see Baymax leaning in to pull back the laundry… with the pieces of the lie detector chip littered around it.*
Cora: Oh dear god no!
*The next day, Hiro brought over his packed lunch of Acai and Salami, to which Cora took notice.*
Cora: Wow…that is.. uh…something…
Baymax: Hiro lied to Aunt Cass about liking the Salami Acai berry bowl.
Cora: Hmm…*To Hiro* Too bad we couldn’t get close to Liv after the lunch mission.
Hiro: Its OK Cora… besides there’s other times that we can catch up with that chip.
Cora: *Looking rather uncomfortable* About that Hiro… Ya see…
*She then tells then that last night their Baymax was doing laundry and that she had accidentally left the chip in her skirt. When she realized what happened she pulled it out and saw that its permanently damaged.*
Cora: I’m sorry Hiro…
Hiro: No no! That was an honest mistake.
Cora: You think?
Hiro: I know, you never lied to me.
Cora: Thanks Hiro.
*Soon enough Gogo joins the three with her lunch.*
Gogo: What are you eating Hiro?.. and why?
Hiro: Don’t ask.
Gogo: How’s it going with Liv?
Hiro: Due to an unfortunate accident the lie detecting ship was destroyed. But even if its gone I know in my gut that Liv is behind this.
Cora: Mine too… its been that way since the day I met her.
Gogo: Well I’m sure your guts will figure something out.
*That is when her phone buzzes up with a text.*
Cora: What’s up?
Gogo: My phone. *Looks at her phone* There’s a monster robbing the San Fransokyo Trust.
Hiro: As in the city’s gold reserve?
Gogo: Yeah.
Cora: Monster, gold, this is definitely Liv Amara behind it!
Gogo: Ultra-Armor! Lets go!
*And so, after pushing Baymax out of the table, Big Hero 7 flies off to San Fransokyo Trust to stop the monster.*
Fred: Big Hero 7 in Ultra Armor! Gonna Fight a big scary monster~! Which monster do you think its gonna be this time huh guys? High Voltage again? Mr. Sparkles? Ooh! Or Momakase! Hadn’t seen her in a while!
*The monster in front of them is neither of those people. It is a monster hybrid of a rock and a bear.*
Fred: Or a totally new rock monster! So…
Wasabi: Big!
Fred: Awesome!
*The Rock Chimera slams its claws to the vault.*
Hiro: Guys! Protect the vault! We can’t let it get that gold!
*And so four of Big Hero 7 charges after the monster, with Gogo taking the lead as she throws a disc to get its attention. The Monster now regards to the heroes as it roars at them. Baymax soon grabs the monster from behind to which it tosses them away before grabbing Fred and slamming it back and forth. It throws Fred to Honey Lemon which soon leads Wasabi charging in to fight off the creature to which it releases a powerful that soon wipes out Wasabi’s laser blades. *
Wasabi: Guys help! I’m outta power!
Gogo: Gotcha!
*Gogo zooms to Wasabi’s rescue before the monster would slam its rock stone claws to end him. Once Wasabi is safe Gogo goes back to the fight while Honey Lemon joins in using her chem trail. Fred lands a fire blast before Baymax flies in after them, to which the two teens recognize the familiar green glow emitting from the monster.*
Hiro: A rock monster knocking out our tech-
Cora: You don’t mean its-!
Hiro: Bessie! *To Comm link* Guys! Its a Bessie monster!
Wasabi: *Hiding somewhere* Yeah! My gear’s totally dead!
*Meanwhile Fred is currently being juggled by the chimera rock*
Gogo: I think its part bear.
Fred: That sounds about right! Also help!
Honey Lemon: *Running in while throwing a chem ball lasso* Leave him alone!
*The chem lasso soon wraps around the rock bear chimera’s paws to which finally frees Fred, but it also allows for it to pull Honey Lemon forward to face it up front. Honey Lemon quickly dodges before she is blasted by the beam. But while she was running the bear hits her successfully, destroying her chem purse.*
Honey Lemon:Oh no!
*The bear roars and charges after her.*
Honey Lemon: Definitely part bear!
*Honey Lemon runs away from the chimera as Gogo zooms into the rescue.*
Gogo: Hang on Honey Lemon!
*Gogo throws her disc to hit the chimera so it can diverts its attention from her girlfriend. Soon enough the chimera is after her, where her speed and hits allow her to give a few good hits before it zaps Gogo’s wheels, making her immovable as she falls down to the floor and knocks out the rest.*
Hiro: You want the gold? You’re gonna have to go through us!
*Baymax lands in front of the vault as they prepare to face off the chimera. Soon the chimera and Baymax are in a face off as Cora pulls out her hand and squirts ink into its eyes. The chimera roars as it steps back to wipe off the ink from its eyes. Once it gets a good view it soon blasts Hiro and Cora off Baymax and into the floor, now rendering their own powers useless. They look up in time to see Baymax be sent flying off the air and slammed to the vault.*
Baymax: I have been hit…
*and so Baymax shuts down.*
Cora: Oh no!
Hiro: Baymax!
*The two could only stare helplessly as the bear walks forward to Baymax and the vault. It starts ripping the door when Baymax’s rocket fist soon comes up and knocks him in the jaw and slamming it to the ceiling.*
Cora: Baymax you’re alright!
Hiro; How did you do that we thought you were hit!
Baymax: I lied.
Hiro and Cora: What?
Baymax: So that you two would not get hurt.
Hiro: Thanks buddy.
Cora: *Hugs Baymax* You’re the best.
*But their moment of friendship is cut short as the chimera gets up and blasts out loud, filling the entire building with green light. When the dust settles Baymax is lying down, Hiro and Cora are on the floor with the boy shielding her. When they get up they see the vault completely empty of gold and the Chimera.*
Honey Lemon: Are you two OK?
Hiro: Yeah but Bessie got away.
Cora: And taken the gold with it.
Gogo: Looks like Liv got what she wanted.
*And so they all head back home, trying to rest up from their failed mission and think over their thoughts. Hiro soon pulls out his phone to call Cora, who is currently making preparing for bed.*
Cora: Hello?
Hiro: Hey sweetie, how are you?
Cora: As decent as one would be after being slammed by a rock bear chimera.
Hiro: Yeah, I suppose so.
Cora: Hiro… I really mean it that I’m sorry I got the chip destroyed. But what good did that happen… she flat out said that she didn’t create the monsters.. but I know she did!
Hiro: I told you its fine! Sides, even if the chip was here it would probably won’t do much help. Liv is smart so she could find a way to lie about it and not get caught. All we have now is out gut feelings.
Cora: Yeah! Sooner or later Liv is gonna make a mistake and we’re gonna catch her in the act!
Hiro: Exactly… We all know that Liv Amara is behind the monsters no matter what… but the question is why?
*At the Sycorax lab, Liv Amara is heading to the pod that contained the person inside. Wiping off the frost reveals a woman… who looks like her but slightly older.*
Liv: Good news! I got the gold. I promised you I do whatever it takes… Liv.
*That very same night, far into the southwest pacific lies an island where inside is a sinkhole. One would think it is unhabituated but no… there were people there living in the sink hole. And one of them is ready to scale up the wall, dressed in an oversized wool coat, red scarf, a blue oversized Russian cap with a black bill and a gold button, and a worn white dress covering her bare feet. The person looks back to see one of them, a sweet, latin woman in her 50s, looking at her with worried eyes as she held in her hands a cloth bag filled with clams, coconuts, and berries for the person. The person goes forward to the woman and accepts the bag, hugging her tightly with small tears trickling down her eyes.*
Sweet Woman: Are you sure about this? I know its been days since the sirens’ have left, but you could hurt yourself! What if they catch you?
Person: And what if they don’t? Abue, this could be our chance to leave… to go back home. Its now or never.
Abue: *Sighs* You really are stubborn… Take care mi Nina.
Person: Thank you Abue.
*And so the woman climbs up the sink hole, loosing her footing only twice before she gets up to the land. The woman carefully takes her steps through the sand, for the first time stepping in something dry, before she runs towards the trees where she found a hidden boat that the sirens had kept from them. Once there she quickly sets up with gathering more food and coconuts for her trip. She looks at her necklace and sighs softly. The necklace was composed of a worn out shoe lace… and a beautiful heart shaped sapphire in the middle. She pushes the boat out to sea where soon she paddles her way out. The older woman sighs as an older man who is of Irish origin goes to comfort the lady.*
Lincoln: Judith…she will be alright. San Fransokyo is the closest to land safely… and it is where she is from.
Judith: I know… but I worry. Now her memories are returning… her face brightened when she mentioned about her city, her school… and her love.
Lincoln: Do you worry that those she loved had moved on?
Judith: Yes… but you are right… After all.. she is stronger than she looks.
*They look up to the star lit sky and moon, showing the face of a young woman with Strawberry blonde hair and green eyes, holding her necklace close to her.*
Judith: May your journey to your past bring you home at last…Chara.
A.N: And that is Lie Detector! So whatcha think? Didn’t expect that to happen huh? I am aware that new episodes are coming much later to which yay for me since finals is coming! Sorry it came so late after it ended, but I had to tweak it a little! Love you all and thank you for reading Big Hero 7!
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fandoms-galore-yall · 3 years
MatachaBlossom as Gods Au pt 2
Greetings! This fic is based off the wonderful art of @shaky-mayhemm (Check it out here!)
This is pt 2, pt 1 is here
The plan, while requiring a lot of preparation, was fairly simple. Kojiro would pretend to be drunk and distract Ainosuke and Tadashi. Carla, in her invisible form, would gently guide Miya to a secluded area and Kaoru would talk to the boy. 
Since discovering Ainosuke’s intentions, Karou had been sending Carla to the boy’s town to get an idea of why he had caught the God of Destruction’s attention and how to help him get away. 
Karou hated to admit it, but he had felt uneasy every time she left his immediate area. Like a part of him was being cleaved. He had gotten used to always having Carla, if no one else, by his side.
While he didn’t say anything to Kojiro, the God of Earth hadn’t made any trips to Earth during the last few months before the festival and had spent every night that Carla was gone, with him, holding him and comforting him. 
It had been the only way Karou could sleep without Carla’s singing. 
He would be glad when this would be over, for many reasons. 
Though he supposed that having Kojiro’s voice lure him to slumber hadn’t been the worst thing. 
Still, he was worried about the plan. The thought of Ainosuke or Tadashi catching Carla in the act and then harming her terrified him. 
Furthermore, while he knew that Kojiro could take care of himself, he didn’t want him to get hurt ethier. Ainosuke couldn’t do anything to him physically during the festival but words can still cut even a God down. 
And perhaps, his biggest fear, was that he would fail in his role.
Ironically, despite being the God of Life, Karou was not the most comforting of Gods. 
Oh, he could play the part for a crowd of humans- a pretty shiny beautiful thing for them to admire from afar, never really seeing the truth behind the gentle smiles he wore as a mask.
But when faced with genuine feelings? 
Helping people with their emotional state? 
Well, his best was leading the person in distress to Kojiro and having the other God fix the problem. 
His worst was patting their shoulder, from a short distance away, and trying to make comforting sounds whenever Kojiro wasn’t available. 
Karou is big enough to admit that dealing with feelings isn’t his strong suit. 
Which is why he thinks it ludicrous that Kojiro had insisted it be him to talk to the young boy, Miya. 
Karou assumes it has more to do with Kojiro’s determination to keep his lover as far away from Ainosuke as possible than it is his faith in Karous's ability to handle the situation if Miya were to start crying. 
Karou sighed as Carla faded from his side, seemingly disappearing into the air around her. Karou could still sense her presence but no one else would be able to unless she meant for them to. 
As she got into position near Miya, Kojiro began to ‘drink’ heavily. 
Karou made his way to the gardens on the lower level of the grand palace made for the Gods when they weren’t in the Heavens. 
Carla began to gently pull at Miya’s sleeve to subtly lead him there as well. 
During Carla’s trips to Miya’s home town, she had learned that the boy loved animals which is why the God had borrowed one of the minor Gods Oka’s pet fox Sketchy for this conversion. 
He hoped that it would help distract the boy from any awkwardness that might come from having this conversation. 
Karou heard the boy enter and took a deep breath to calm his nerves. 
Miya took one look at who stood before him and breathed out, perhaps with relief? With wide eyes the boy stepped forward without fear.
“I thought you were going to be Lord Ainosuke”.
“Ah, so then he’s spoken to you about his intentions directly?”
“He has, Lord Karou.”
Karou wrinkled his nose. He normally didn’t react when humans used honorifics but for some reason, it bothered him, when this boy said it with no emotion whatsoever, face now blank. 
Karou hummed at his admission and then gestured for the boy to follow him. He did. 
Karou sat on a patch of grass, near a fountain, and placed Sketchy down on the grass for Miya to see. Previously hidden, bundled in a cloth, the boy lit up at seeing the fox before seeming to remember himself and schooling his features. 
“You may sit and pet him, if you are gentle with him.” Karou told him and Miya quickly walked over, sat, and began petting the fox. 
“You’re an intelligent boy,” Karou began, “I’m sure you know how most of Ainosuke’s disciples do not find their story to have a pleasant end?”
Miya’s shoulders were hunched in and his face hidden when he answered, “I do.”
“And you’re still interested in being his disciple?” 
“He said he’d grant me my wish.”
Karou hummed again, lost in thought. 
One of the reasons Ainosuke continued to get disciples, despite his reputation, was that he would grant wishes that no one else would.
Of course, it was rarely worth a year stuck under his thumb, but often greed or desperation blinded them to the warning signs. 
“I might be wrong, but I’m assuming your wish involves the boys who your parents think you’re with when you're not studying or practicing your future craft that you actually seem to avoid as much as possible?
Miya’s head shot up and he couldn’t mask the look of surprise on his face, “How...?”
“I’m no God of Knowledge or Wisdom but I am a Higher God. There is not much that mortals can hide from me.”
Miya narrowed his eyes, perhaps in suspicion but then caught himself and smoothed out his expression once more.
“Yes, that is correct.”
“How so?” 
Miya sighed. “I thought you already knew everything.”
“Not everything,” The God said as gently as he knew how. “I need you to fill in the final pieces.”
“They… We… They were my friends and then my parents started pushing me to be ‘perfect’ and so I was and they hated it and then they hated me… I just want my friends back…. I just don’t want to be alone anymore.”
Miya seemed surprised by his own honesty and his eyes started to tear up.
Karou silently cursed Kojiro and turned away to get control of himself. 
“Ainosuke won’t make the loneliness go away, not really.” Karou said in his softest tone. “He’ll spend the year breaking you down, then he’ll grant your wish, but he’ll do so in a way that is as twisted as him…”
Karou was silent for a moment as he thought about how Ainosuke would “solve” Miya’s problem and noticed how Miya refused to look his way when he turned to fully face the young boy. 
“He’ll probably make it so that your old friends are like puppets, they’ll act like they love you but there will be no life behind their eyes. Which isn’t really what you want, is it?”
“No,” Miya whispered, trying to hold back tears. Karou hoped he was being kind by not pointing it out. 
Miya buried his face in his hands and mumbled into them.
Karou raised an eyebrow with a gentle chide, “I’m not sure if I was supposed to understand that?”
Miya snuffed, raised his face just enough for his words to come out clear, “What do I do now?” 
“Well, to not offer yourself as a disciple at all would be one option.”
“My parents want me to.”
“Even if it were with The God of Destruction?”
“No risk, no reward.”
Karou hummed again, “Another option would be to join my or Kojiro’s service instead.” 
“The God of Earth?”
“Yes, he’s currently acting as a distraction so that we may have this conversation”  Karou explained.
Miya nodded, “And yours? You haven't taken a disciple in over three decades?”
“That’s true, but I would be willing to make an exception for you”.
Miya seemed angry with his response. “I don’t need your pity.”
The God sighed, “I apologize. I phrased that incorrectly. It would not be pity. I don’t need any disciples but I’ve seen you as you work on your craft. You are a talented young man, I’d be glad to have you in my service...
“Though, perhaps you would prefer Kojiro’s service instead? He tends to be better with” Karou waved his hand around, “people.” 
Miya giggled but tried to pretend he hadn’t when Karou glanced over. The God of Life gave him a small smile to let him know it was alright. 
“But most of all, whoever’s service you enter, our main concern is your safety. Even if you decide to serve Ainosuke you may come to us at any point, for help”.
Miya nodded, listening but clearly getting lost in his own thoughts. 
Karou stood, “The ceremony will begin soon.” Miya stood as well, and handed Sketchy over. 
Karou plucked a flower, from a nearby tree, and placed it in Miya’s hair.
The flower glowed for a moment, becoming a blessing from a God, “For safety and for luck.” Karou told Miya. 
Miya stood shocked for a moment before bowing to the God and exiting the Garden, once again led by Carla. 
Karou thought about the ceremony as he made his way to his throne. Each God had their own, where offerings were left and where any chosen disciples would go to after being taken into their God’s service. 
There were a couple ways one could offer themselves as a disciple. 
The first would be to offer themselves to any God. Any God interested would light a flame next to their throne, then if only one God had shown interest, the human would enter their service. If multiple had, either the human would choose which God to follow or sometime the other Gods would back down.
No God had ever fought over a disciple with Ainosuke before. If Miya opened himself up to any God’s service, he and Kijiro would be the first.
The second way was for the potential disciple to specifically offer their service to a select God or select few Gods. Then as before, if multiple of those Gods were interested the human would choose, unless any Gods backed down. 
Karou assumed that Miya would use the first method, he just hoped that the boy would choose Kojiro’s or less likely, his own service. 
He sat on his throne. Kojiro’s was right next to it.
The God of Earth looked over and Karou nodded, letting him know that the conversation had happened and that he thought it went well. 
Kojiro gave him a smile, the one that said he was proud of Karou. Karou scoffed and looked away. 
Kojiro’s response was to try and play footsie with him. Karou rolled his eyes, kicked at the other’s ankle, and ignored the other God’s pout. 
 Now really wasn’t the time. 
Karou allowed himself to be distracted, knowing Carla would let him know when the boy was up. 
Carla’s hand landed on his shoulder and he schooled his mind back into focus. 
Miya was walking up and a Minor God was listing off his accomplishments.
After that, the Minor God was supposed to immediately explain if any God could express their interest or if they were only hoping to serve a specific God or Gods. 
However, the Minor God frowned at the paper before him and Karou felt his heart sink.
Perhaps the conversation hadn’t gone well after all?
Kojiro took his hand and Karou held on tightly, allowing the other God to ground him.
“Miya Chinen offers his service to only one God…”
Karou stopped breathing and thought he might have heard Kojiro grunt from how hard he was holding onto the other’s hand but too much of his attention was on the Minor God speaking to truly notice.
“Karou, The God of Life”.
Karou let himself breathe again. 
The God of Life shifted so that his hair covered his face so that no one could see his amused grin. 
The boy was testing him, seeing if the God of Life was really in his corner. 
Normally, that would annoy him but...
Karou waved his hand, igniting the flame next to him, to let everyone know he had accepted the boy’s service. 
No risk, no reward indeed. 
From his peripheral vision he saw Kojiro shake his hand and stretch his finger now that they were no longer in Karou’s death grip. 
Miya, from the stage below them, bowed to him. 
I’m having a lot of fun with this story, so I’ll be adding more! 
Whatever Miya’s craft is I think will be the stand in for Skateboarding in this story.. which means I just have to figure out what his craft should be lol! 
Hope you all enjoyed! :D 
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saintwilllem · 3 years
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#this is the first time i've done one of these for a really popular show as its airing and so this is by no means perfect nor the only answe
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Only watched a bit of episode 8 but when that comes out I will do analysis for that and finally get to the ask in my inbox .
25 notes • Posted 2021-02-27 19:50:48 GMT
Sometimes I think about karou and kojiro and I think about how they changed . Like did karou take off the piercings and turn to calligraphy and ai mechanisms because they illustrated a sense to be put on a stage in which he's respected, and maybe to be on par with aonisouke ?
Like what if calligraphy is the seemingly proper man's graffiti , what if calligraphy represents an evolution and a history of himself cut up in ideas and fluidity. Like what was that phrase he wrote out for that crowd of people about repenting, and what if it isn't just a statement against aoniouske or the theme of the reki / langa relationship but him as well ? What if he became a calligrapher cause it was a comfort a sense of each line representing his own drive and complexities . An act against his anxieties. A flexible tool to say he is gonna keep going .
What if the ai / Carlas he has built is a measure of trying to be more than as he saw adam and maybe Joe beccome and so he wants to made into something of a god of skating but not with out a safety switch.
And then there is joe. Like why did he beef up so much. Is it because he wanted to protect what he couldn't bear to lose again. What if the whole womanizing thing is something he does cause he doesn't want people to get to close cause he couldn't protect a friend nor could he get the friend he loved . What if the bulking up is his own form of guilt. Like not being enough for anyone and so he push himself over the edge.
What if where karou took a beautiful name like cherry blossom to enforce his decorum, kojiro took the name joe a rough sounding punch but also at times safe name because he wanted it to hit like his learned skating tricks . Like a door that made you fear and a hand that you could grab.
Kojiro means hero / Joe means God's will increases. Karou means hope / cherry blossoms mean renewal or beauty . Like if these don't describe them idk . Cause kojiro is a hero, in every sense for reki , for langa , and for karou. And karou hopes from himself, for kojiro and the others . He was renewed sense of himself when skating and Joe is almost a god but he really is.
Karou might call Joe a gorilla, but he also knows he stands because Joe is there to hold him, to keep his spirit alive. And so he teases him because he doesn't wanna lose true love. Cause if he doesn't get too close he can't be thrown away, in ways that leave his heart cut open. In ways that won't sit anger because Joe has always been there . Before he was amazed by Adam's games before he started skating and so he doesn't think he can breathe without him.
Joe is the jokes , kojiro is the desire that catches his ankles and takes him to the restaurant every night. S is that place we're he doesn't have to be karou and kojiro isn't himself because if people know they would run them out of themselves. He wants to keep kojiro forever and so he let's him do as he does. He wants to fit in his arms but God knows what kojiro really thinks. Friends are friends and that love is not a love that makes you forget your place and drown. And since he doesn't know he doesn't move .
Kojiro knows nothing but the want of karou's mouth. To eat back all his words and just stop him from anything else so he can feel how his heartbeats around him. How it screams and how it wants. How his hands what to hold his , to kiss them like a knight would their lords. He is made open by karou, and so he dives into every jab and puts thoughts to find a way between his legs. Cause cherry blossoms are the sweetest when they moan.
35 notes • Posted 2021-03-21 01:19:47 GMT
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set two in a project to fill the spaces in a little life  with unset letters that speak more than a person could . :  here is a father as a father , and a devil as a father.  when do you remember how to trust that image again ??   set one here  & transcript here. 
37 notes • Posted 2021-10-31 21:25:28 GMT
If we unravel episode seven by context of biblical tropes this is god casting out eve and adam. I have spoken about how ADAM is lucifer attempting to present himself as adam and therefore the prime existence of man or in this context skater. So what becomes the actual adam for me is a toss up between skating and relationships in the context of who is being spoken about because if we speak about reki his temptation is his relationships in so that he sacrifices himself completely for them, as langa does skating . the idea of the apple changes in face of the observer.   the concept of this is interesting cause the deeper we go the more reki plays the construct of god.  he makes the boards , he makes langa but he also turns away from someone who does not see that they are standing in awe of the devil who will break them,   god is merciful but god also gives fee will  and that is why he decides that he does not want to be that thing that keeps langa down,
Now pulling away from that the main turning point is the possible state of mind within our two main characters. Reki is going through a depressive period and langa will surely spiral the other way and go through a manic period in which he is gonna do all sorts of dangerous things to settle the new hole that's been left in him as his father's passing did. both were filling a void and they did it beautifully but inside of it there were unsolved things that festered into other things.  
 reki is under no circumstances jealous .  kick that whole idea out of your head,  he is someone terrified. ADAM injured him badly , he lost a friend, and all the comments about his worth from everyone only compounded the fact that he wasn’t good enough for everyone , that langa would fly away and leave him behind as he was worthless, and  he was just something to step on to and leave . to learn from and push beyond but to consider other options more interesting.   he keeps on trying to make the jump to touch the star not because he wants to show off but because he wants to be at least a centimeter closer to where langa is . but when questioned he keeps lying , he thinks it shameful to feel upset,  because what if langa sees him as someone who is only  jealous , what if he keeps failing people from his friend to miya and even to langa as he couldn’t defeat ADAM and got langa thrusts into this whole mess .   he isn’t just afraid that ADAM will hurt langa but also that he will become more important than reki himself.  and so the promise was something that said i will always be here for you ,  i will protect you and i will be for you . if you think about reki always does things for others.  he wants to stand up for miya for example , his character is heroic in that way as langa’s is more an individualist that doesn’t always want to give his attention to others because there is something missing .  and so he is going to keep sinking until he can start telling the truth , because langa was there for him he was just to much trying to please everyone else and to be something that other’s would talk about with pride so he could stand with langa and not against him.
now the manic episode i stated for langa is the idea that he’s missing his other half , read it romantic or platonic reki made him come out of himself. made him feel this new place was home and brought him to find something to both express his past and hold on to his now. it was reki who took the place of his dad in being someone who made things just feel right.  i am not ignoring his mother , but there was only so much she could offer him in regards to his loss of excitement because what he had with his father was so different then what he had with her.  reki is the thing that holds his happiest memories and so lashing out and loss of him is going to be like a blade cut him half and so he’s going to be overly careless with himself and do things that will really put him on the foot of danger as he wants to both lose himself in something because his safety net has just cut him loose.  
the main problem is that neither of them know the other’s trauma / hold backs .  if reki instead of lying stated that he doesn’t want to lose someone again , that he was suffering , that he doesn’t want to be left all alone again , and catch the stars with langa  things would have been better,  if langa said that he was trying to get back what he had with his father , that what reki had been teaching him was a great thing for him, that he needed reki’s suppourt and maybe even discussed the pros of him joining the tournament less being a slight against reki  or thrill ride but more so a way to settle an old wound then maybe things would be different.  
but one is feeling shame and guilt, and the other is so desperate to be able to feel a rush and to see something of his father in someone else who is ADAM in regards to skill his father probably had to he isn’t thinking that everything needs to be held by something or else it will become ruins. 
there is also the dynamic between ADAM and tadashi , and ADAM, cherry and joe.  where one didn’t stand up for him, and two he cast away. we are all thinking that tadashi is reki’s friend he lost and it is highly possible . but the reason i mention this again from a previous post is to wrap in the idea that all the flamboyancy and attachment  to langa he has is a drive to be the prime / ideal in something that was once taken from him.  langa is to him his  EVE which i am considering more so someone who can make him fall.  if we go back to the biblical analogy then eve has been considered the reason for the fall, and so in this context of the show ADAM is wanting to get to langa before langa can get to him.  he wants see everything , because for him its something he hasn’t seen and it makes him go mad ( not angry mad by in mania. ) langa is someone who has been training in snowboarding for so long and maybe it has been the same for ADAM has his father stated that he thinks he has found the perfect skater for himself.  he calls it a date because of how it makes him feel , giddy and delighted and so he wants them to be one. 
i am most excited to learn more about cherry and joe though cause there is some pain ,  as joe said he wanted to sock it ADAM but i am still theorizing what it could be. 
39 notes • Posted 2021-02-23 16:27:13 GMT
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set one in  a series of letters between friends , lovers and family.  transcript here. 
49 notes • Posted 2021-10-30 21:43:30 GMT
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