#side 006
meowkusunoki · 9 months
oc xmas stuff
jun: loved christmas as a kid. mellowed out in adulthood but still likes it. decorates a tree, mostly with cute things. buys gifts for her online friends. doesn't really care about receiving gifts. dislikes the food. loves to binge christmas movies. 100% believed in santa
tadashi: neutral on christmas. didn't do anything for it growing up but started celebrating with ririka. they have a tradition of making things for eachother, like crafts or drawings. doesn't decorate much. likes to play in the snow.
nobui: mixed feelings on christmas. likes it because she gets to spend time with her mom. they bake cookies together. dislikes it because by night her mom is usually drunk. in the end usually spends the holiday in one of her classmates' houses.
yuuhiko: dislikes christmas. doesn't see what people find so great about it. mostly ignores it, so do his parents. gets a bit lonely seeing other people celebrate.
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dollgram · 2 months
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inspired by milgram's raincoat merch collab
i started this thing all the way back in may but only got around to finishing it now~ i'll get back to working on the mv now that i'm feeling a lot less burned out!
individual drawings under the cut
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and as a bonus, scrapped sketches!
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linagram · 3 months
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Hiii! Don't know if you remember me, I send you Naomi and Asahi sketches once. I want to repeat how much I like your project and I'd love to draw more for it, but I miscalculated how much free time I have so it took some time (I was supposed to finish the second drawing two months ago or smth...). Anyway! I present to you: the goddes of Linagram, Andou Miki! (I wuv her) Same as last time, I tried to make it look more like Milgram style, this time with color even. Not sure how accurate it turned out, but I kinda like the result. Tbh at first I just wanted to make an art of her, but now looking at the composition and background style... Dunno I just think it looks like it shoud be a series of art of wardens... I really want to make it into a series, but not sure if I will be able actually do it Aaand I guess I kunda screwed up some of her design details (jokes on you, I coildn't even be consistent with her design in my own drawings lol), but it's too late to change anuthing so whatever In the end I want to wish you good luck with both T3 Linagram and Linagram2 development! Oh, oh, and I also want to ask something, but you obviously don't have to answer: are there any special gestures or facial expression traits that your characters (both prisoners and wardens and maybe even victims or side chars) have that you'd like to point out? Like Shun having closed postures or Kei smiling a lot even if it doesn't look like he feels like it? I suppose you've talked about this before, or maybe someone even sent you a similar ask... If it's true, I'll search it!
SHDJAJASJKSJSJ SHE LOOKS AMAZING THANK YOU SO MUCH!! (and yes i remember you!) i love her expression in the first drawing so much she looks like a tiny scared kitten.. (and she kinda is one) i really love the shading on the second one too it looks so much like the milgram art style!! (and it's okay i kinda forget things when it comes to my own designs too 😭)
oh and also i haven't received an ask like that before so here it is! so sorry i think it turned out a bit long ><
akio is one of the characters who has changed the most throughout the seasons. in season 1 (and before milgram), he usually had this kind of annoyed or more serious face expression (but i really like to make his expressions look like he's a bit nervous or even scared maybe? like he's just putting up a front..)
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in season 2 he looks much more tired and traumatized for obvious reasons and he's supposed to look like he's in a lot of pain (and he is).
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and in season 3, he still looks very tired, but i like to think that now he just kind of.. accepted everything that happened to him. akio doesn't think he'll be able to live that long even if he's able to leave milgram so 😔 akio's character arc is just a humbling experience took too far
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aimi's an interesting case! she's actually a character who has the most consistent face expressions and by that i mean. she's literally almost never seen without a smile on her face.
like this art is the only exception??
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but also, in season 1 the faces she makes are usually more sad or apologetic-looking! she also likes to do. The Thing with her sleeves
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she still has some of that in season 2, but she starts to smile a bit more calmly and even confidently.
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and in season 3? she's in her girlboss era!! she's much more confident now, her smile is more wide, she doesn't look sorry at all!!
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but some of the art that is supposed to show her outside of milgram shows her having the same smile too.. like she started to look more "like a victim" only when she came to milgram.. huh..
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shun is a fun character to draw because most of the time he's either supposed to look stressed (or like "physically he's here, but he's not here mentally") or he's supposed to look so confident that it's kinda scary considering his usual personality. i like to think that in season 1 he mostly looked like the former and started to act like the latter in season 2 only to act like the former again in season 3 because of his punishment.
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like!! the difference!! also im not sure if it's easy to notice but when i draw shun i try to make his poses look a bit.. tense? i like to imagine his movements being a bit unnatural, almost like he's in pain or he genuinely doesn't know how to move or make certain poses. it also could be related to why he has his hands close to his face so often, it's almost like he's trying to check if he's real or not!
like aimi, naomi is almost always smiling and her expressions and poses are supposed to make her look like the "mom friend".
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she also has her hand on her chest very often, to make her look more.. confident, maybe? like she's supposed to have this "don't worry i'll take care of it :)" vibe!
SHE IS LITERALLY STILL SMILING EVEN IN SEASON 3 it's just that her smile is more wide now and it's supposed to make her look more unhinged rather than someone reliable. like aimi, literally the only case of her having a different face expression is this art.
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I HONESTLY CAN PUT KEI, EIKO AND RIKU IN THE SAME SECTION all of them are the smiley characters too but the way they act is a bit different.
kei's smile is supposed to show that there's something. Wrong with this man. like you shouldn't trust him. i'm also not sure if it's easy to see but kei often has this expression like he's looking down on someone. he's supposed to look all cool and when he's drawn with another character, he's almost always going to either look at them or look somewhere else, like there's another person that we don't see.
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this is also one of the reasons why this art with him and someone who is (or was?) very precious to him is so important bc he's!! looking UP at the boy!! and he's not smiling!!
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riku also likes to smile a lot but it's often supposed to look a bit. forced. it's like kei really believes that he's better than others and breaks when he realizes it's not true, meanwhile riku has the same belief about himself but he KNOWS he's not really special or unique, so he has no choice but to fake it until he makes it. when i draw riku, i always have this sort of rule (?) in mind: riku's smile is never sincere. he is always too worried about his image, popularity and reputation. he hates himself too much to be truly happy even for a moment. which is why him suddenly not smiling in his t3 art is so scary to me it's like.. idk, it's like he's too broken to even pretend to smile now..
eiko is very interesting bc unlike the guys she is a genuinely very confident woman! she doesn't have that many issues with her self-esteem, yes, she's a bit too much of a perfectionist, but honestly, she just has very high expectations from others and if we compare that to kei and riku's problems, that.. doesn't seem too bad to me. her expressions are also often supposed to look like she's laughing at someone or she's about to tell a joke or she's just being playful.
asahi's expressions are surprisingly hard to come up with when i draw him, so i usually just go with whatever i think is cute or shows his personality well. so most of the time he looks disgusted or angry, but i like to make his expressions adorable at the same time too! like akio, he also often looks a bit scared or stressed on the inside. he is also often seen chewing on something.
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yurika is another character i find hard to draw when it comes to expressions and poses.. but that's also why i like to take advantage of her. reputation in the linagram fandom and i like to make her look a bit insane!! i get to go crazy with her poses too like girl get a snickers or something!!
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and when she's not in a silly goofy mood she just looks kind of >:( i also have a rule similar to the one with riku: if yurika is smiling, her smile is usually fake.
tumblr pic limit is killing me we have to do the rest of this quick!!
reina is another character that changed a lot and if in season 1 she was usually seen smiling, she quickly dropped the facade after it ended and now she is only seen with a more cold and emotionless face expression. who knows, maybe she will smile again one day..
eiji, ironically, was supposed to have expressions and poses a bit similar to kei in season 1, but after it ended and the plot (and yurika) hit eiji badly, i can only imagine him looking more and more stressed with each day. the fact that he's actually similar to kei, but he can't pretend as well as he does..
miki is almost always seen being a bit sad or scared, and she only starts to smile more when season 2 begins and she starts embracing her role here. interestingly, her smile isn't supposed to look fake or forced, and it's actually more sincere compared to kei and riku. when season 3 starts, she lets her hair down and her eyes become more empty (same goes for eiji, who had "swirly" eyes in season 1 and the beginning of season 2) and her tone is more cold.
hinode is a bit.. too relaxed for a guard. he often presses a finger to his chin, like he's curious about something, he's always smiling and his smile is like.. you can't say it's sincere, but you can't say he's faking either. he also often has to lean on something or someone because he gets tired a bit too easily so he's usually seen either sitting or lying down and if he's standing, he's either leaning on a wall or someone's shoulder (usually miki's).
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psycadenza · 1 year
ok Tristan’s canonical fate time // cw for death
so first off this probably won’t happen in like anything other than maybe isolated threads around the event . roleplay/tumblr/discord/whatever verse tristan will be around as long as I write him .
so tristan does die young, that’s how his story ends . his final challenge is to protect the city from his parents, and defeating them costs him his life in the end and simultaneously leaves him without his remaining family . his parents would rather die than truly be defeated, so that’s likely their fate as well, right before tristan himself dies .
eventually his body is found in the psy/der suit, and when he’s unmasked, nobody in the entire city (or world) knows who he is . nobody recognizes him . not his teachers or choir directors, or classmates, or people he’s briefly met . no one - not a single person . anybody who could recognize him is his biological family, of which he has none left . his parents hated him until it killed them, and his brother was taken away just as they began to form a bond.
the city labels him as a John Doe, honored but not properly, as his identity is never truly found out . and he’s forgotten about all too quickly, as the city is safe and no longer needs psy/der . he dies as he lived - forgotten . he goes out as a hero that’s largely forgotten as quickly as he emerged .
that’s how the story ends for Tristan Truesdale . there is no other end to the story .
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waiting-on-a-dream · 1 year
𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐨𝐜𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐓𝐰𝐬𝐭 (𝐒𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬)
Ryuto ♡
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Kurosaki ♡
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Himiko ♡
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@everyoneismytoy // cont'd [ x ]
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"—If it does, I'll do just what I said I would. I'll be happy to make notoriety as the first guy in the world who broke into a prison! No matter what happens, I'll find a way to be with you. You have to trust me on this. Please. Life without me isn't something you ever need think about." Derward stepped close again, leaning his forehead against Felix's.
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"Wanting to change, acknowledging your faults, means you've already made the first step towards recovery... I'm very proud of you for that, and it'll make my part in helping you a lot more productive... So thank you, Felix..." Derward truly was grateful for the way his boyfriend reached out to him; not everyone who loved someone with an illness as severe as committing a string of robbery and murders got so lucky.
"Well, I think it's like you say; we need to see about Oliver Quick first. It's the most logical place to start," the fledgling sleuth shrugged. "That cousin of yours—Farleigh? I think he could help us. I mean, there's no way he's still in trouble for using, but his testimony against Quick should prove invaluable. Even thought you're in trouble with the law yourself, I don't think your an entirely unreliable witness. For one thing, you didn't start killing until a good while after Oliver's treachery... And if we could prove that you're still sane, prove that you're under treatment, I think they'd have to consider your testimony..."
Derward's mind was now going faster than all those times Felix he burned it on the 66. He rummaged around the room till he found a pencil—it said Rodney's Ballroom Dancing on it—Hunh, how interesting—in one of Felix's bags. There wasn't any paper on hand, so he took the beat-up bible from motel drawer and tore several pages out before putting it back.
He took the pencil and paper over to the bed and sat, beckoning Felix to come sit beside him.
"Oliver doesn't legally have any control over Saltburn, right? And your father requested there weren't any police involved at the time, so that means that the bottle he tried to poison you with might still be in the hedge maze... or at least somewhere on the property... Minds like Quick's don't let go of- Forgive me for saying this, my darling, but- trophies so easily. So it's unlikely he would've thrown it away."
Jennings was aware of how much he could speak without taking a break, and he now regarded Felix with both adoring and apology. "I'm sorry if I'm making things overwhelming... We can do this. It's just a matter of not letting our fears get the better of us..." He smiled wistfully, dreaming of a day when the two of them had no obligations aside from the spouse-esque ones they had towards each other. The current motel was hot as hell, 'cause even though it was winter outdoors, indoors the air-conditioning was on the fritz. DJ pulled his shirt off overhead, laying back on the bed. Old habits die hard and shot nerves were no match for temptation... He grabbed an extra pack of cigarette's that had been left on Felix's side of (there was no such thing as sides, as Derward rarely slept without clinging arms and legs to Felix all night) the bed and tapped one out into his hand.
"A light, please, lovely."
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cherryrikis · 1 month
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PAIRING idols riki x fem reader
WARNINGS profanity, jokes ab death, internet trolls
GENRE lots of fluff, humor, mild angst, workplace romance
SYNOPSIS fans always point out the chemistry between you and riki, and it only continues to grow after you become mc’s together on music bank. but as your feelings rise, so does the tension. and people begin to notice, so you try not to let riki know how you feel. but unbeknownst to you, he feels entirely the same way.
STATUS august 10 2024 - september 04 2024
taglist is closed </3
PROFILES hypen not hyphen | bunnygirls
TRACK 001 : the left side
TRACK 002 : inconveniently convenient
TRACK 003 : my nervous babies
TRACK 004 : loveyloveyloveydoveydoveydovey
TRACK 005 : big balls and lots of courage
TRACK 006 : first time for everything
TRACK 007 : a statement
TRACK 008 : accidental but pretty intentional
TRACK 009 : 24/7 chemistry
TRACK 010 : you + me = serotonin boost
TRACK 011 : my girl!
TRACK 012 : the talk
TRACK 013 : the bigger talk
[end.] TRACK 014 : im one less lonely girl
[epilogue.] TRACK 015 : one year with you
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a/n this smau will be kinda short, maybe only 15-20 episodes. also there will be a lot of written parts
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sytoran · 11 months
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kinktober day 006 | roommate!natasha x werewolf!reader
despite your countless pleads for natasha to stay away during the full moon, she decides to brave the beast and be right by your side during your transformation. she gets a lot more than what she bargained for.
cont. reader has a cock, (very) rough sex, breeding, creampie
word count. 2063
kinktober masterlist || main masterlist
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“Natasha, you can’t stay here during my transformation,” you plead, grasping your roommate’s hand in yours.
The brunette is adamant, looking up at you with a stubbornly steely gaze. “I’m staying, Y/N. You don’t have to do this alone anymore. You don’t have to suffer alone.”
You wring your hands in exasperation, somewhere near tearing your hair out in frustration or crying in anger. “You’re not listening to me, Nat. It’s not just the pain. I become a different being altogether, and you just can’t see me like that.”
“I can, and I will,” she stubbornly says, folding her arms over her chest and mistakably pushing her cleavage up, too.
The tips of your ears burn at seeing Natasha so utterly bratty.
You bite your tongue, refusing to argue with Natasha even more. Keeping you safe was one thing, but the real reason to steer Natasha away from you during the full moon was to keep her safe.
Because when you’re in your werewolf form, your true desires get heightened by a thousandfold, and from the way you already feel about Natasha, you’re worried it might implode when it comes to your inner beast.
As the Gods of Fate have it out for you, the full moon comes earlier than expected.
Your first agonized cry comes when Natasha’s still in the shower.
“Y/N!” Natasha calls out your name, once, haphazardly scrambling to wrap a towel around herself and sprint to the room where your cries are coming from.
The sight that greets her is absolutely horrific.
You’re bent over, on the floor of your room, on all fours and spitting out blood. Your back is bent at an inhuman angle, your spine broken.
“......Y/N?” Natasha’s voice shook, rooted to the spot in sheer terror.
You don’t respond. You’re in a state of little awareness, or so it seems, a low grunt of pain and fury escaping from you as your transformation continues. 
Natasha takes in a deep breath and steps into the room.
She wants to reach out, hold your hand, tell you that it’s going to be fine but she knows it’s not. The sounds of excruciating pain, broken bones, and surpassed limits make Natasha weep for you on the inside, knowing that you have to go through this painstaking process every month.
The transformation seems to be slowing down, now. Your human blood is splattered across the walls of your room, but your werewolf form seems to be perfectly healthy. You’re still more human than wolf, though: your muscles had thickened and were iron-hard, and you were taller than before. 
However, your wolfish eyes that survey the room are bloodshot red and absolutely inhuman.
That gaze is a chilling scene, narrowed eyes and steady puffs of air surveying the room. Your slow yet calculated mannerisms are reminiscent of your human form.
Natasha hasn’t quite yet caught your eye,  but when she does, it’s like a predator has found its prey.
Your red eyes are like lit coals and smoking silver, surveying Natasha with every ounce of authority and a near possesiveness.
Time stills, and the sound of your haunting voice reverberates around the four walls of your room.
Natasha truly can’t help but let out the tiniest whimper of fear. And perhaps a little something more.
“Y/N,” Natasha says your name again, because it seems to be the only thing capable of falling from her lips, and she swallows harshly at your predatory behaviour. She presses into the wall, one hand clutching the top of her towel, the other finding purchase in the edge of your cupboard. 
When you begin to move closer, Natasha screws her eyes shut, anticipating what was to come. Your presence looms over her, metaphorically and physically, and Natasha waits for her inevitable demise.
The ‘inevitable demise’ never happens.
Instead, Natasha’s eyes flutter open slowly to your huge hands gently wrapping around her torso, a sharp nose burying itself into the crook of her neck.
The whine she lets slip is involuntary. Your close proximity undermines her calm composure, regardless of your way, shape, or form. If that was telling of her feelings towards you, Natasha would choose to play oblivious.
You’re supposed to be scary, and Natasha’s supposed to be terrified, but with the way you’re dragging your nose up and down the column of Natasha’s slender neck, inhaling her sweet scent, she hardly considers her heart to be beating steadily.
She’s intoxicated by you, even more so with your unabashed exploration of Natasha’s neck. The redhead might be grasping at straws, but it’s almost like you’re seeking something. Something from Natasha. Comfort, perhaps?
“You’re okay,” the redhead whispers, fingers combing through your fur in comforting motions. She hears something that sounds suspiciously like a purr of satisfaction, so she repeats that motion.
Your head moves from her pale neck to her pretty collarbones and down her cleavage until your nose hits the obstruction of Natasha's towel.
A low rumble of disgruntlement sounds from somewhere deep in your chest. Natasha lets a full-body shudder take its hold of her body, under the vibrations of your low decibels.
Not comfort, then. What was it?
Almost like you could read Natasha’s inner thoughts, your werewolf form decides to say capre diem and let a huge hand slither up the inside of your roommate’s bare thigh.
Natasha squeals and swats your hand away, instinctively, then she catches herself and her eyes go wide. 
The fire that dances in your eyes is nothing short of a human-like mischief, playful and oh so dangerous. The incarnadine flush that adorns Natasha’s cheeks like a flower blossoming in the spring is one that your werewolf greedily soaks up, pulling her body flush against yours.
You can see the moment realization hits Natasha, the moment she realizes your desires are nothing short of sinful. 
“Want,” you enunciate slowly, stately and unyielding. Your eyes are locked onto hers, gleaming. 
Expectant. Possessive. Knowing.
The grasp of your hand on her inner thigh once again has Natasha letting out a breathy moan, one of pleasure and a startling realisation.
It wasn’t comfort. It was sex.
If Natasha knew that werewolves were this fucking astronomical at sex, she would’ve introduced supernatural creatures into her bed a long time ago.
The position she’s in is nothing short of embarrassing, on all fours, grasping at the headboard like it was her lifeline. 
Perhaps it was, truthfully, because with the ferocity of the thrusts of your Herculean-sized werewolf cock into her pussy from behind was worthy of being sent to the afterlife. Not like Natasha would complain, though.
“Oh- mhmmm, n’more, s’too much,” Natasha slurs, her breasts shaking rhythmically with each time your jerk that massive thing into her, velvet walls squeezing tight around your pulsing cock. Her eyes are threatening to roll back, drool already spilling from the sides of her lips, arousal already leaking from her thighs and on to the bed.
You don’t seem to give a damn about the messiness of it, though, and that could perhaps be linked to the scientific nature of more barbaric animals. But Natasha could ponder over animal studies at a later point in time, for now she was being treated like a fuckdoll, and it was midblowingly gratifying.
“All– the way,” you grunt, trying to shove the entirety of your huge cock into Natasha’s pussy, clearly displeased by the fact that you were struggling to be sealed inside the redhead completely and inescapably. 
It shouldn’t have been a problem because she was already so wet, so pliant, so perfect for the taking. You’d make do with what you had, though.
“It’s too big,” Natasha had whined earlier, gasping as your tip stretched her opening out, the biggest thing she’d ever taken in her life. Her grasp on the headboard tightened as you slid in with a cruel impatience, big hands digging into the soft flesh of her ass.
“I’ll… make it fit,” you reply, somewhat slowly, your speech clearly deterred by your transformation into part-animal. The results of it are undeniably effective, nonetheless, the cockiness of your brash words making arousal pool in Natasha’s hips.
You’ve reached a sweet spot of Natasha’s, and her walls clench around your big cock tightly, mewling as you push its head against her sponginess. 
“Right there, please, please, plea-” Natasha is cut off by one of her own moans when you jerk inside her, spurred on by the sheer tightness she’s providing you. 
When you lean down to entrap Natasha in a breeding press, your bigger body engulfing her smaller one, slick and sweat converging in an unholy sacrament, it’s all over for her.
Going weak in the knees, Natasha moans as her arms give out and her front flops into the bed. The results of this lie in the fact that her back becomes beautifully arched, her ass rising towards the ceiling; your wolfish eyes drink the sight in with a lick of your lips, cock twitching at the prospect of all the new angles you’d be able to reach.
An animalistic prowess takes mighty hold over your sentience, triggering a feral craze to wash over your werewolf form, and it takes mere seconds before you ram your cock back inside Natasha’s wrecked cunt with undying fervour.
The warbled sounds the girl lets out beneath goes unheard, muffled by the pillow, but the sheer slickness of her pretty pussy gives a certain confirmation that she was enjoying it as much as you did. 
Not that your werewolf would care much, anyways: What it was chasing was pleasure, seeking relief in the completely sexual sense, a carnal desire to take and to breed and to claim. 
You push yourself in hilt-deep inside Natasha, fully lodged in, skin against skin.
Instinctively, your hands fly to Natasha’s belly. You can feel your cock bulge there, spreading her out, filling her up.
The next series of your thrusts cause Natasha to make noises she’s never made before, her body moving like clay under your touch. 
You pull out and make her sob, then thrust all the way back in with an unbridled strength that leaves Natasha breathless. Then again, and again, until she cums helplessly around your cock, pulsing and throbbing and alight with nerves.
This is not the side of you Natasha’s grown to know and love. There are no gentle smiles, no soft hugs and whispered words of admiration. It’s completely animalistic, entirely pleasure-chasing, undeniably one-sided.
You’re thrusting into her like she’s your personal fuckdoll, bringing her to high after high, but you don’t even seem to register that fact. You’re using her for your pleasure, and it should be wrong, but…
“More! More, please, please, need another,” Natasha sobs into the pillow, every fibre of her body screaming at her to stop but her brain unable to put it into action. She hardly registers what she’s saying, only begging pathetically and dripping endlessly.
“Inside,” you growl, right next to her ear, sharp teeth grazing her earlobe. Natasha babbles her acknowledgement, even more turned on at the prospect of being filled, fuck it, and the orgasm that crashes over the both of you is heaven-like.
Natasha’s scream of your name reverberates for miles to come.
With that, you’re cumming, finally, and the seed that spills out from you is endless. Natasha drools into the pillow as you unload your cum inside her, gripping fistfuls of her ass pressed flush against your hips. 
“Mine,” you hear yourself say. The helplessly, pathetically aroused tone of your voice nearly makes Natasha weep again — she’s rendered a damn werewolf near speechless.
Streams of white fluid spray onto Natasha’s back once you’re done with her cunt. You manhandle her around to face the front, to find her pretty eyes rolled to the back of her head, drool coating her lips.
Your werewolf heaves as you watch as your seed overflows from her pretty pussy and on to her thick thighs. A perfect creampie.
Your werewolf, however, has different plans, feeling your cock stiffen again at the sight of her ruined pussy. 
The next morning, you wake up with a throbbing feeling between your legs.
Shit. Was it my transformation?
You leap out of bed, yanking the covers off—
To reveal a very naked Natasha Romanoff, your best friend and your roommate.
She awakes with a start, blinking at the light, and then wincing as if her body was aching all over.
“.......Nat?” you ask hesitantly, eyes trailing over her marked thighs and tits. “What happened last night?”
“Okay. Don’t panic, but you’re fathering my children.”
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finally catching up on fics!! i did spend significantly longer on this fic, so it would be highly appreciated if you could reblog
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spellboundstarlet · 1 month
your camera roll as paige’s girlfriend — p. bueckers x fem!reader.
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001. posted to your friends only story, showing just how many sanrio plushies your girlfriend had bought you.
002. showing paige all the trufru's you picked up for her + kk.
003. you found this on pinterest, saved it, then sent it to paige simply because it described your relationship so well. paige was no doubt a “yapper” while you were more of a listener. that’s why you worked so well.
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004. you were jokingly taking pictures of paige as she posed with her ipad, which might be her most prized possession. most nights kk would walk into the living room just to see you two doing stuff like this, or playing roblox. ever since you got with paige, you started healing your inner child.
005. driving in the car with her, it was an often occurrence that at some point throughout the ride, her hand would end up on your thigh.
006. date night at top golf.
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007. this one was taken, then posted to instagram.. just to capture one of the silly things you’d find paige doing often.
008. after practice, there was nothing your girlfriend loved more than to cuddle in bed after a shower. she put on the matching hello kitty pajama pants you’d left out for her, and hopped into bed to cuddle. after a few minutes of watching tiktok’s on your phone with her, she turned on the playstation and played twd as you watched.
009. while waiting for a cab in the city, you snapped another quick silly photo of the girl. this photo has since become her contact photo just because it makes you laugh whenever you look at it.
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010. the two of you had gone to the gym, paige always did, and you'd decided to start going aswell. in all honesty, you were going just to stare at her.. not that she minded.
011. you sat next to the blonde, as she got her hair and makeup done. it wasn't what she usually spent her days doing, but she'd been going on side quests lately and had many photoshoots. watching as the makeup artist's enhanced your girlfriends features, you snapped a pic.
012. late night walks were common among you, kk, and paige. kk, who seemed like your child, moped and walked slowly behind you and your girlfriend. pulling out her phone to take a snap for streaks, kk sent the picture to you, figuring you'd like it.
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taglist: @bveckers @kmoneymartini @cosmopretty @charlottehughess @aubreygriffin @favreader23 @miaroman @alyrasturnz , divs by @/anitalenia
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wonryllis · 4 months
dear future husband (m) | lee heeseung.
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i can't say i do without you.
PREVIEW. you always get what you want, spoiled with the love of everyone around you. and it's all innocent love, at least that's what everyone thinks. it comes with much surprise therefore, when heeseung makes a move on you. thirteen long years of being in the brother zone having made him utterly clueless that if he’s going to date you he has to pass through your actual brothers first. and he knows how scary they can be. especially since they are known to have a sister complex and he’s been the third scary one with them, numerous times before.
OR WHERE, bimbo heeseung has no idea what the fuck to do with his feelings for you who are oblivious as fuck and your brothers who are overprotective as fuck.
MEET THE CAST. insanely love struck lee heeseung with his spoiled rich girl!reader ft. yeonjun, soobin, the rest of txt and the rest of enhypen. NSFW VERSION: BRAT TAMER heeseung with his BRAT girl.
GENRE & WARNING(S). social media!au + written chapters, SMUT MDNI!!! in the form of written chapters later on in the series, fluff, humor & crack, minimal angst, lots and i mean lots and lots of swearing and dirty jokes and everything nsfw. college!au, nonidol!au, neighbors to lovers!au, childhood friends to lovers!au. heavy on sister complex! rest other warnings will be stated in respective chapters.
UPDATE SCHEDULE. discontinued.
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ׅ ꢾ꣒ profiles, character introductions & the groupchats. ( PLAYLIST ) theme song, code blue!
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YEONIE NOTES. incase someone wonders if this is incest, no it’s not, they are not related by blood. sister complex. a state of strong attachment and obsession to sisters, always having them as their first priority. FIC ASKS: ask about the characters!
EPISODES rolling ..
000. prologue: the backstory.
001. arranged date gone wrong
002. it's a shame yn wants you
003. all good when all delusional
004. can you afford her a McLaren? TWT + WRITTEN ( 2.4k )
005. heeseung finally— [REDACTED]!
006. you went as my arm candy
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i think its obvious enough why, the lack of response and enthusiasm from readers has made lose all motivation to continue this any further. i was so excited to revamp it but it seems it isn't the case for the other side. feedbacks are what keep most if not all writers going and absence of it for this one has just rid me of all interest i had to share it with you all. thank you to those who read it, and i apologize those who were looking forward to read it. this is it. over and done, with this kind of support i'm never doing a series on here again.
FIRST TAGLIST @s00buwu @lilyuwon @pockyyasii @nctislifue @shawnyle @enhastolemyheart @aaa-sia @criminalyun @oddracha @satan-223 @diorsyun @hooniehon @fakeuwus @caramelcandescence @intromortal @kookify @yutasberryy @sumzysworld @nikiswifiee @shuichi-sama @primroselover @rayofsunshineeee @aishigrey @yjwluvs @soraokkotsu @nyfwyeonjun @srhnyx @trashx678 @wondipity @winuvs @hoondiors @niniissus @firstclassjaylee @biancaness @enhaz1 @sophi-ee @un06 @heelariously @d-earlog @pharaways @ethelia @eneiyri @secretbarbariangardener @seochangbinnnnnnnnnnn @microwavedstrawberr1es @randomanothercreature @thatsoraya @graythecoffeebean @rikibun @jaeyungxrl @mxxnintheskyreblogs
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meowkusunoki · 9 months
ririka: hey what happened to our dad
tadashi: do not worry about it angel
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dollgram · 2 months
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dead girl
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linagram · 9 months
𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢 𝚋𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚎𝚒𝚔𝚘!
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we have two december babies and the first one is eiko! have fun while you can, girlboss, because season 3 is going to hit you. uh. hard.
you can read the bday timeline conversation under the cut!
Shun: Uh.. Eiko-san, forgive me if I'm wrong..
Shun: But it's your birthday today, right?
Eiko: .. Wow, I can't believe you remembered.
Eiko: Haha, looks like your memory really is getting better.
Shun: O-of course I remembered!
Shun: I always try my best to remember the things I.. uh.. care about.
Eiko: But you can't even remember your own name or age sometimes. Does that mean you don't care about yourself?
Shun: ...
Eiko: Haha, sorry for asking such a deep question.
Shun: N-no, it's okay. I just..
Shun: W-well, I haven't prepared a birthday gift for you, but I thought that maybe..
Shun: .. D-do you want to spend some time with me today? You know, just.. hang out a little bit?
Eiko: It almost sounds like you're asking me out, really.
Eiko: But fine~ I don't have much to do anyway.
Eiko: "This guy is so creepy.. But I can't say I hate the attention I get from him."
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modanisgf · 5 months
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✎ SUMMARY — in which hanni makes an album about her crush, choosing to never release it for obvious reasons. but what happens when her friend accidentally leaks the album, her crush even promoting it?
✎ PAIRING(S) — musician!hanni x actor!reader
✎ GENRE — fluff, angst, wlw, mutual pining, hanni as beabadoobee (music), reader is implied to be like marsai martin, fake dating, lots of drama (sorry..)
✎ WARNING(S) — kys jokes, profanity, hanni and yn have some insane fans…, updates may be slow, nothing is real!
✎ FEATURING — newjeans, gunwook and matthew of zb1, sunoo and riki of enhypen
✎ CREDS — dividers from @/cafekitsune!
✎ STARTED 4/30/24
✎ ENDED 6/20/24
profiles— frank ocean enjoyers, worlds best actors
001 — wdym hanni pham new album..
002 — HYEIN????
003 — its over for hanni
004 — i think we got the wrong traction..!
005 — hybe is NOT happy 🥰
006 — boyfriend
007 — oh they’re onto us..
008 — love scenario
009 — fuck overwatch
010 — the boy is mine
011 — take a bite
012 — chicago
013 — 4me 4me
014 — mariah’s so real
015 — let me love you
bonus — happy birthday matthew!
016 — maniac
017 — sunsetz
018 — my kind of woman
019 — set (hanni) me free
020 — hanni’s back?
021 — dating era
022 — the fair
023 — birds of a feather
024 — don’t wanna break up again
025 — dimple
026 — just a little bit
027 — cry
028 — a pearl
029 — right side of my neck
030 — bags
031 — ivy
032 — i wish i hated you
033 — die for you
034 — supernatural
035 — forever & always
036 — one more last time
037 — bambi
038 — still monster
039 — crash my car
040 — like
TAGS 🏷️ (CLOSED): @jayjj7 @haerinsloverr @aribunnu @masuowo @multiliker @winieter @sewiouslyz @edenzeepy @popasi @home2venus @ghstvr @technicallyimportantsweets @he------len @yukianism @yeetaberry127 @haechansbbg @linnnsworld @sixflame438 @emotionallyrin @gtfoiydlyj @inosfavgf @rvoulte @hotluvlet @sserajeans @saysirhc
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waiting-on-a-dream · 1 year
I'm working on a longer post for my prisoners, hehe. In the meantime, have these. ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡ ♡
Ryuto ♡
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Kurosaki ♡
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Himiko ♡
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Renho ♡
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luvyeni · 11 months
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( synopsis ). you move into a new apartment after breaking up with your horrible ex and you met the boy next door… jeongin is shy, and can barely speak to a girl, that’s until he starts talk to a camgirl who brings out different side of him, a cam who seems oddly familiar.
pairings. yang jeongin x camgirl!reader
genre. cam girl au, strangers2lovers, mature, social media au,
warnings. mature themes, crude language, sex work, smut… more to be announced …
started. 11.10.23
finished. tba
💬 nia's notes. this is only FICTION this does not represent any straykids member or any other idol in anyway.
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000. meet everyone 🖤 …
001. moved in 📦💕…
002. the girl in the elevator …
003. lovestreams …
004. the elevator …
005. may he not be 70 🙏🏻 …
006. yeni <3 …
008. video chat with yeni <3 …
009. daddy issues 🎉 ( debatable ) …
010. night out 🥩🤍 …
011. locked out ...
012. last night after math …
013. who that? ...
014. my favorite cashier 🥰🤍…
015. l0vergirl …
016. oh …
017. ghosted 💔 …
018. i like you ...
019. movie date 🎥🤍 …
020. movie date 🎥🤍 pt.2 …
021. morning after ...
022. disturbing my peace 😐 ...
023. jealous innie ...
024. perfect date ...
025. worst day ever 😭 ...
026. paint date ...
027. after the date ...
028. girlfriend 🤭 ...
029. special guest ...
030. amature pornstar ...
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— ( taglist closes the day of release but i’ll open it up the end when finished )
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