#cr: SiSsi
ktealaz · 4 months
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jacquelinedax · 16 days
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For the last four days here in Ireland, it's been very hot, so enjoying long walks in the forest
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staceylivesinlv · 8 months
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sissypennysstuff · 3 months
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brigitteblackwood · 2 months
hiii thanks for rbing my horror recs post! here's your recs! :)
based on ginger snaps i'd recommend let the right one in (2008), the lure (2015), the witch (2015), the living dead girl (1982), stoker (2013), bones and all (2022) and carrie (1976) about (blood thirsty) outcast girls who want to be loved :(. 
based on hausu i'd recommend suspiria (1977), beetlejuice (1988), eraserhead (1977), the love witch (2016), the cell (2000) and the rocky horror picture show (1975) because they have unique aesthetics that they really commit to, and tetsuo: the iron man (1989), brain damage (1988), possessor (2020), killer klowns from outer space (1988), the machine girl (2008) and videodrome (1983) because they're some of the more unhinged batshit insane movies i've seen.
based on we're all going to the world's fair i'd recommend i saw the tv glow (2024), pulse (2001), skinamarink (2022), may (2002), censor (2021), swallow (2019) and eraserhead (1977) which are all strange but beautiful movies with themes of loneliness. 
based on scream i'd recommend urban legend (1998), behind the mask: the rise of leslie vernon (2006), house of wax (2005), you're next (2011), haunt (2019), the final girls (2015), totally killer (2023) and the cabin in the woods (2011) because they're all about (masked) killers starring cool female characters.
based on the blair witch project i'd recommend the ritual (2017), horror in high desert (2021), the strangers (2008), the tunnel (2011) and them (2006) which are all quite simple but effective horrors about something lurking in the shadows.
hope there's some you haven't seen yet! :)
Thanks for the recommendations! Some of these I've seen already, but there are plenty I still haven't watched. In fact, a few have been on my watchlist for a while, so I'll take this as a sign to get to them soon (or, in the case of Let the Right One In, hurry up and read the book since I want to finish it before checking out any of the adaptations).
I thought it might be fun to share my thoughts about the ones I have seen:
The Witch (2015) - I read The Crucible when I was far too young (I stole it off my parents' bookshelf after I got bored with reading Junie B. Jones) and was obsessed with dark fairy tales about witches living in the forest as a child. So this was very much my shit.
Stoker (2013) - After watching this, I spent so many nights just wondering whether India Stoker and Merricat Blackwood would get along or try to kill each other if they ever met. I still don't have an answer.
Carrie (1976) - Love the use of split screen and Sissy Spacek really only moving her eyes during the attack on the gym. Hate the aggressive male-gazeyness of the locker room scene and the under usage of Amy Irving (I thought she was a interesting choice to play Sue, and I'm forever bitter she and Carrie didn't get to have their confrontation at the end like they do in the book).
Suspiria (1977) - The colours! The Goblin soundtrack! Sure, the actual plot barely makes any sense, but I adore it so much!
Beetlejuice (1988) - The last time I watched this was back in high school, so I should probably give it a rewatch soon. I remember loving the Maitlands and the Deetz family but absolutely hating Betelgeuse; I think he's the weakest character and would argue that you could still get a great story without him, but I understand I'm likely in the minority here.
Eraserhead (1977) - God, I always get so mad on the baby's behalf. He cries all the time! Well, he probably wouldn't cry so much if you didn't leave him lying on a hard table 24/7! 🙄
The Love Witch (2016) - I'm conflicted about this one. I thought it was beautifully shot, and I love anything that pays homage to older films. But since Anna Biller has gone full TERF since its release, I've found my viewing experience somewhat soured (which sucks because I was really interested in seeing her upcoming Bluebeard adaptation before I found out).
Videodrome (1983) - Another one I need to revisit. I'm a big Cronenberg fan, but I don't think I really gelled with this one the first time I watched it. James Wood (🤢) being the star probably didn't help.
I Saw the TV Glow (2024) - I got to see it at my local indie cinema as a double feature with The People's Joker last month! I bawled my eyes out, but thankfully, so did everyone else around me.
May (2002) - She's so me (minus the murder and mutilation, of course).
Swallow (2019) - Has one of my favourite ending shots in film history.
The Cabin in the Woods (2011) - The script was far too Whedon-y for me to enjoy, but I cheered so loud when they unleashed all the monsters on the staff.
Rocky Horror (1975) - I have fond memories of my mother sneaking 14-year-old me and my 10-year-old sister into our first live viewing (I think the only reason she succeeded was because my sister hit puberty early and looked a lot older). We'd known about the show for most of our childhood because both our parents worked in theatre and would often play showtunes around the house, so we'd already memorized most of the songs (minus Touch-a Touch-a Touch Me, which our parents would skip for obvious reasons).
I'd love to hear some of you're thoughts on these films. If you're comfortable sharing.
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60sgroove · 3 years
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sissy spacek icons (128 x 128)
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brielarsonswife · 6 years
Me finishing episode 4 of Castle Rock:
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reisearnor · 7 years
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#me as hell in any kind of relationship
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flowermikoscans · 7 years
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Code: Realize: Lupin's Mafia: The Movie 
Coming near you soon in Engrish on your own PSVita device late 2017, a brand new story featuring Lupin & the Gang along with a all-new cast of characters. Set during the timeline of events during the original "Code:Realize", Miss Beckford gets unintentionally involved in the London Mafia Wars when she meets a young girl running from trouble...or is she?
As Cardia is kidnapped, it's up to Van, San, Fran, Impey & Lupin to rescue her while also working undercover for one of the more renown mafia families of London. Will it all end in chaos or the day be saved?!
....you could probably scavenge the internet for spoilers instead of reading this and already know the ending...but what's a good movie with Engrish subtitles if there isn't some suspense, right? In any case, it's a lovely illustration summarizing the movie-feel intended for this story coming up in the Code:Realize ~Future Blessings~ fan disk.
If re-posting please credit to “flowermiko” at Tumblr or Twitter.  DO NOT UPLOAD TO ZEROCHAN. Thank you and enjoy!
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years
if anyone ever makes fun of Blade for being a cry baby mamas boy i NEED lil Carter and James to kick some butt
OH!!! Well...not only is Blade a mama's boy, he struggles with his speech and panic attacks, he wears glasses, he's really smart, he's rich, and he's a bit of a nerd. We know that kids are CRUEL...for age references Story 7, Blade 9, Aster/Iris 13, James/Carter 14.  Bullies 13.
Leave Him Alone
Summary:  Blade didn’t do someone’s homework
Pairings: Blade, Story, Iris, Aster, James, and Carter
Rating:  mild
Warnings: Blade tears, bullying, Story tears, depictions of a panic attack, depictions of an asthma attack, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  1.4K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Blade Drysdale Masterlist
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"Leave him alone!” Story shouts pulling at the boys arm that pushes Blade’s back on the side of the building.  “I said leave him alone!”
“You always get your little sister to fight your battles mama’s boy?  You were told to do our homework and you didn’t.”
“My...my, my, my, my, my mom..mom, mom...”
“He can’t breath!  Stop!  Bladey, look at me!” Story cries trying to push the boys aside, but one pushes her on the ground.  “Bladey, breathe bubba!  He’s gonna pass out, stop!”
“He owes us princess,” her big round eyes fill with tears, and she gets back up trying to get to her brother who keeps repeating my, his eyes blinking rapidly, and she can his throat getting tighter.
“Please stop!  He’s just a little kid.  Bladey,” her own breath starts heaving the more she cries, trying to get to him.  Even taking in wheezing breaths, she still gets up to try and reach her brother.  “Bub-b...” she takes in another shallow breath, needing to rest her hands on her knees as her airways swell more.  “Bub...”
The bully shoves him harder against the building, “Nothing but a big ole baby to even his little sister.”
“Weave...weave, weave her awone.”
“M-m-m-make me cry baby.”
“Who do you think you are?” James asks coming around the corner with Carter, Aster, and Iris.  Carter takes one look at the crying Story and the trembling little boy.  He helps Story up, and pulls them both to Aster and Iris.  Iris picks Story up, and she clings to her like a koala bear, Story reaches out a hand to Blade.  “Get them outta here!”
“Really, you’ve taken on picking on little kids?” Carter’s hand pushes him up against the wall.  “Could you not tell they couldn’t breathe?”
“A bunch of pussies.”
“He has panic attacks, and she’s got asthma, dipshit!  They’re little kids,” his hand slams them against the walls.
“What’re going to do about it Rogers?  Baizen could get this taken off his record with the right amount of money, but the army won’t take someone who...” James shoves him harder against the wall.
“You stay away from them.”
“You tell him to get my homework, I don’t care what that mommy’s boy says.”
Getting right up in his face, James takes a slow whisper, “Come around them again and see what happens.  Takes a real big man to pick on two little kids.  Especially ones small for their age.  Does it make you feel tough,” James and Carter turn to leave as Aster comes back, smacking the main boy across the face for good measure.
“You little bitch,” without thinking Carter turns to punch him in the face, and it becomes an almost brawl, with Headmaster Strange having to break it up, sending everyone including Blade and Story to the office.
Story leans over on Blade’s shoulder, holding on to his hand before she pulls away looking down at her uniform, “He messed my new tie up,” her eyes look up at her brother and they both giggle a bit.
“How’re you breathing sissy?” Iris asks her, thankful they had an inhaler in her locker.
“Fine, now ask Blade.”
“I’m fine, too.”
“Well my hand hurts,” Aster rubs along her hand, and slumps down a bit more when you walk into the office.
“Mrs. Drysdale, I need to see you right away.”
“Can I at least check on my children?” you ask looking over to Story and Blade, both seem calm enough, but you can see the redness in their eyes, and know they’ve been crying.
“I assure you they’re fine,” you follow him into the office, the door closing with a loud bang.
“We’re screwed.”
“Az, you didn’t do anything,” Carter assures her, switching seats to sit beside Story as he attempts to straighten her tie.
“I smacked the asshole, and it started the fight.”
“Did you forget he wash pushing your brother and sister around?” James asks, his hands still shaking with adrenaline.
“I hope you enjoy your meeting with my husband and Mr. Rogers then!” your voice screams in the office.  Walking out you look at all the kids, “All of you, let’s go now.”
“Mrs. Drysdale, Mr. Rogers and Mr. Baizen have not been released.  I need to speak to their parents.”
“Do they need to be present like my children were?  Need I remind you my daughter and son could not breathe!  Iris called me worried sick about her siblings, and you’re worried about me taking James and Carter with me?  They’re going to sit there until their parents get off work?  Seeing how my youngest two are traumatized and Story had to use her inhaler because she was worried about her brother.  You want to suspend Aster, James, and Carter fine.  They’re going home with me.  Get your things kids,” walking over to Story and Blade, you’re finally able to check out your children.
“Mommy, my...my, my gwasses got a wittle...wittle, wittle bit broken.”
You lean forward pressing your lips hard against his forehead.  “It’s okay baby, we’ll get you new ones.  We’re going to go home and I’m making the biggest thing of hot chocolate, and we’ll watch the Princess Bride, okay?  And when daddy gets home, he’s making everyone sundaes.”
“With princess sprinkles?”
“Yes, baby, with princess sprinkles and whatever else you want.”
“Mrs. Drysdale.”
“We’re finished Headmaster Strange.  I’m taking all of my kids home.”
Ransom and Steve march through of Headmaster Strange’s office.  The two of them angrily sitting down.  “Thank you gentleman...”
“My wife tells me that James, Carter, and Aster were suspended?”
“We don’t tolerate physical violence.”
Ransom takes a deep calming breath.  His hands folding together as he grips them tightly with the other.  His dark blue eyes glaring at the headmaster.  Steve just sits back, he knows this is about to be an interesting conversation.  “I’m hoping the bullies are in fact suspended?”
“I can’t answer that.”
“My daughter was pushed to the ground multiple times because she was trying to calm her brother.  All of which she was doing while she was starting to have an asthma attack.  Maybe I should also mention she’s seven.  These boys in question are thirteen.  She wanted to calm her brother who was having a panic attack, because two older boys were pushing him up against that wall for not doing their homework.  He’s nine.  Now, we get Aster, Carter, and James involved.  The boy called my daughter a name.”
“James Rogers and Carter Baizen were hitting a younger classmate.”
“They were defending my younger children.  They’re not traumatized.  Blade is clinging to my wife, and I had pry my daughter off my chest.  Left her crying on my grandfather who normally gives her comfort, and all you have to say about that is James and Carter were hitting a younger classmate?  They should if they’re going to be picking on two small children.”
“Are you suggesting that the fight is justified?” Headmaster Strange sits up a bit straighter when Ransom nods his head.
“I’m suggesting that you and this faculty should do your job!  Story was outside screaming for them to leave Blade alone, while your staff was where?  Had this been handled by adults and not children there might not have been a fight.  I thought you had a zero tolerance for bullies?”
“Mr. Drysdale...”
“If you suspend them, that’s fine.  I will make sure they are rewarded every single day of their suspension for doing something that was supposed to be your job.  Now, are we at an understanding?”  Headmaster Strange nods his head, “And let me make something perfectly clear, when my wife wants to check on her children, even her extended children, she will be granted the right to do so.  All she wanted before she talked to you was to make sure everyone was okay.  And this incident will not go on any of their records.  They’re all good kids with exceptional grades, extra curricular activities, and they help around the community.  What do those bullies do, besides use a nine year old to do their homework?”
“Mr. Rogers?”
“James has been talking about joining the army for years. He doesn’t need something like this on his record. He will be dealt with and know that violence isn't the answer.  He looks at Blade and Story like his own.  They were being attacked by someone older, him and Carter acted in the best way that they could think.  I hope you look at this as a whole.  These kids don’t get in trouble.  They follow the rules, but I also teach my son to stand up for the smaller ones.  He did just that, so I am proud of him.  Thank you, now if you excuse me, I’ve been promised a sundae with red, white, and blue sprinkles."
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justpassing--by · 3 years
Continuation of my Laguna escapade last November. Otw to hotspring w the best group of strangers evah.
Ps. may kanya kanya pa kaming mundo nung time na to, lahat sober pa 😂
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Let the fun & games begin. Thanks sa dalawang marecakes na nag sponsor at sa isang boteng bigay ni boss kris sa winner, green team 💚
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Left: pic w my fellow adventurer, nela. To more spontaneous and planned escapades sissy
Right: buena mano si ate ghorl. I don't sing out loud pero sge kantahin ang Bad Romance para sa ikasasaya ng lahat. Akin din unang tagay.
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Engr. Sheena nyo nagwawala 😂 boi, maliwanag pa, ikalma mo 😂😂😂
"boi nahihilo nko, magpalaglag kna"
"no boi"
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The highlight of the day. Super saya na talaga nung gabi. Walang KJ. May branch dun sa dulong part ng niliguan namin na inakyatan namin isa isa, sumayaw sa taas bago tumalon ulit sa mainit na tubig. Gabi na at madilim na pero wala pang gusto umahon, pati driver, organizer at guide namin super aliw sa grupo nmin. Lunod sa alak talaga dko na din sure ano goal namin sa pic na to
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Akala ko talaga dna kami uuwi, mag sstay nalang sa camp at bukas na babalik sa syudad. Tas biglang sabi akyat na daw at magbihis, di daw talaga keri mag overnight dahil may event pa organizer namin tom. Shetla pag ahon ko talaga biglang ikot lahat sa paligid ko. Thanks kay sheena, nela mareng sue sa pag alalay sakin sa cr at pag bitbit ng malaki kong bag at kuya kuya eric na ka HHWW ko buong lakaran pababa. Thanks pips for making sure I don't trip myself off the cliff. "Wait, parang gumagalaw yung lupa"
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At last, nakababa ako ng matiwasay at buo. Nanlilimahid sa dumi at putik yung paa ko pero ang importante, nakababa si watashi ng walang galos. Around 11pm na yon pero dumaan pa kami sa masarap na kainan daw ng mami sa gabi and most of us tried their best seller na hindi mami (forgot the name of the dish) pero specialty daw nila yon
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cafe-enchante · 4 years
Do you think the cast of Cafe Enchante would get along with the cast of Code Realize? How about with the cast of Collar Malice or Piofore?
Funfact I havent actually beaten Collar Malice or Piofore yet XD (I'm working on it) so I cant answer for those.
As for Code and Cafe...
Sissi and Kororo best bros for LIFE and you can fight me on this one.
I want to say Misyr would get along with Arsene the most because Canon Route.
But I actually think he would get along best with Saint Germain and Herlock Sholmes!
I think things would be quite tense between him and Germain at first (Apostle and Demon and all) but I think things would smooth out and then they'd be the absolute trolls they are. With Herlock it would take Misyr all of .00001 seconds to realize he is Sherlock Holmes, get a bit star stuck, then develop dialogue.
On general you'll have a trio of absolute Trolls with Secrets and Knowledge in common.
I also think he'd develop an older brother type affection towards Cardia due to their similiar circumstances like he did with Il.
He'd probably have a lot of issues with Alestair and Finis though, and would probably respond to Nemo the same way he did with Asmodeus (also he would be very wary of Omninus and Victoria)
For Ignis I think he would probably get along just with Van. The two, from a personality standpoint, aren't all that similiar but the two do share in human strength and Ignis would definately love a sparring partner that wont go down in one punch and similarly this means Van could go all out and not have to worry about Ignis dying.
I also think Ignis would get along surprisingly well with Impey due to their shared abundant energy and Ignis's love of food and Impey's love of cooking.
That said, Ignis would probably get really annoyed by Fran and Cardia, seeing them basically having a pity party and seeing the CR crew basically coddle Cardia like Il is.
I will admit, Il was a tricky one. My first guy reaction was "of course Saint Germain, Apostle of Idea and an Angel of God?" And then realized that no. Il meeting Saint Germain would probably be mentally devastating to the both of them for differing reasons and as such I don't think the two would get along well at all at first.
I think the people Il would get along with the nest would probably be Victoria, Guinevere, and Hansel believe it or not. Each character has elements to them that work well with Il's own history (desire to be loved, authoritive abuse, dependance on false identities, ect) and I could easily see them getting along very well in different ways (Victoria would be amused by him, Guinevere would see him as the child she always wanted, Hansel would see himself)
It would be just to keep him away from Omninus, however, and Finis would likely not cope well with his existence.
Canus was another tricky one but I can solidly say he would likely get along best with Leonhardt, Finis and Cardia.
For Leonhardt they both share their desire to be loyal knights and protect their homes. For Cardia it would be their shared feelings of being Monsters by Design and he would probably see a lot of Titania in her thanks to both girls basically getting the middle finger from life and with Finis it's because he would basically be seeing a smaller blonde Vinnia.
I could also see him getting along pretty well with Fran.
Rindo would likely have the easiest time getting along with Arsene. Both have a past where they made a decision they deeply regret that got others killed, both are definately gentlemen (especially to the female lead), men of culture, and are willing to put their lives on the line to protect those they care about.
I could also see him getting along well with Nemo and Delly.
With Nemo it is mostly due to a shared Mad Scientist Quirk with Mikado, and with Delly he likely sees every Changeling child he has ever encountered and Dad Mode has activated.
For Kotone we have the obvious Cardia, both being young women and easy to get along with for the most part. That said I also think she'd get along very well with Fran due to his soft spoken demeanor and Arsene due to him probably being full of interesting stories of is escapades and heists alongside him generally just being good natured and a bit of a trickster (not unlike Misyr, actually)
As a side note I could also see Impey, Epilogi and Asmodeus becoming total bros, but Mikado and Nemo would probably try to murder each other at some point.
Also, I could see a Post Game Solitus getting along well (or falling in line behind) Victoria or maybe even Omnibus, but would not be able to stand Finis at all.
Also I would like to clarify that I think whether or not Misyr and Arsene could get along also directly depends on the routes for each game. If it is post Misyr and Arsene's routes i think they'd get along pretty good but pre their routes and i think they'd have a tough time due to the similarities in their personalities and the fact that Misyr would likely spent a lot of time lightly trolling/teasing Arsene and Arsene would have a hard time doing the same. (If it is post their routes they'd be on a level playing field for trolling and added a shared commonality in their Love Interests)
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Re:Zero Mansion arc, conclusion
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it’s been a LONG time since i’ve seen ‘Onee-chan’ subtitled as ‘Sissy’ wow... This anime isn’t that old imo but???? CR??? 
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sorry i cried sm internally here glkaslk Subaru srsly is the sweetest guy?! TT Remurin too ofc <3 everyone good~ aaa i want them to be happy damn it! i KNOW its not that kinda show... all the happiness is ... fleeting :’D hurts
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His soft head-pat here ;v; <3 oh and just to be clear; im very early into this series, im aware of the shipping war,,,, im staying out of it tho glkask scary wwww,,, i just want them to be happy. only that. ;;v;; idm who pairs up(within reason ofc)
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It took me ages to read the manga version but i watched the first 2 arcs now :D I LOVE THIS ENDING SM!! look at his smile ;;v;; hes so happy!! <3 finally!! Emilia, the twins and the rest of the Mansion are safe! Even the town nearby! No one died! Best outcome! tho ofc the story is unfinished, hhhhh lots of suffering to still come >v>’’ 
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thehighwaymen1678 · 5 years
Power of Three Alternative Universe. (C-1.)
Well, there's a user named SFW Furries and Monsters, they made a Power of Three Alternative Universe where Crowfeather joins Thunderclan. I made the first part but I cannot message them oddly, so I'll post it. Maybe they'd see it. This is only part one, up to the point where they are escorted back to Thunderclan. (I've no idea what happened with the first letters of every sentence. Just decided to un-italics.)
Near Thunder-Wind Clan Borders.
A black-furred tom padded along the border. The air carried a chill as the snow stung his pads like ice. He needed a walk to clear his head. He remembered a time long ago when he had been willing to leave this place, leave it all behind for one whom he loved. Yet, she had a family, after all. And so did he, even if he didn't know it. But as chance would have it, he would become part of a Legendary tale this day.
The tom eyed two passing she's through the cold winds, they appeared to be no other then Squirrelflight, and Leafpool. Leafpool... If only things had been different. But perhaps... His eyes widened as he saw his old mate, for here, Crowfeather had seen a startling sight. Her belly, had been round, her body, exhausted. Was she... She was having kits? Could it possibly be?
He looked at the ground at his feet, senting the faint border, but while the code binded him, he had no choice. He had crossed the small river dividing the territories, and now crossed the final line. He was in Thunderclan grounds now. He must make haste.
He dared to follow them through the blinding white, thanking Starclan that the bite of the cold would kill his scent. However, it also killed there's. Tracking them became difficult, even prints had filled up, or simply been lost. He wandered in a painful cold until he took shelter under a thick bush, not yet fallen from life. Here he rested, he could hear them nearby. After a while, a few low meows could be heard, and they set off again.
His jaw shivered, clicking his teeth repeatedly, he forced himself to breathe, and keep walking. This was getting way too cold, although perhaps it felt it was dying down a bit?
Finally a clearing opened, rather small, yet the snow was thinner, thicker trees were around, and one at the middle of the clearing, was hollowed by lightning so long ago, and there he saw a glipse of his old mate, curled up, screaming. He watched in shock, crawling closer to the side, the tree's hollow entrance had thick vines of random sorts lining it's edges, giving an opportunity to see through without being seen in the main doorway.
He lingered, waiting to wonder his chances of simply introducing himself, he wanted to help, he did. But then... Something happened he did not expect. A... Name?
Squirrelflight had spoken in surprise: "Feathertail!"
His ears shot up at the mention.
His thoughts raced: 'Feathertail?... She's here? What, where?'
His thoughts raced as he pushed up uncomfortably close to the main entrance, he was certain Squirrelflight had heard him, yet she kept her attention to Feathertail as they had spoken inaudible things. But he focused enough to hear what he needed to, to seal his future decision, he eavesdropped the conversation, peering through the walls of the tree:
Feathertail: "These kits are more precious than you could possibly know,” She mewed softly. “Cats will speak of them for many seasons to come. They must stay in ThunderClan, for all the Clans’ sakes, with a mother and father who can be proud of them, who can share them with their Clanmates to be raised as strong, loyal warriors.”
His thoughts spoke up again: 'I would... Could I actually be a father? I... Could things go back?'
Leafpool opened her mouth to protest that this was impossible, her Clanmates would never accept Crowfeather as their father, and might reject her too, knowing that their medicine cat had destroyed the code.
He heard her few words and sighed deeply. It was likely true. But, now? He has no choice. He must make this decision.
Yet Feathertail was looking at Squirrelflight. “I know how much Leafpool loves these kits,” she murmured. “But you must be their mother and raise them in ThunderClan with your head held high.”
Squirrelflight stared at the starlit she-cat. “How can you do this?” she whispered. “You are asking me to lie to every cat I love.” Feathertail ran her paw very lightly over the backs of the sleeping kits. “Because I love these kits as much as you do. They are Crowfeather’s: How could I not? I want them to have the best life, not one lived outside the Clans, in shame and exile.”
“Do you wish they were yours?” Squirrelflight whispered. The silver cat blinked without looking up. “That was never meant to be."
Crowfeather broke in a small cry. He understood it was truth. Perhaps the past could've gone different.
Finally he thought: 'Damn it. I have to this. I'm sorry Feathertail, I hope you'll be proud of me by the end.'
Feathertail continued: "The destiny of these kits begins now, and you have the power to change everything, Squirrelflight. Please believe me when I say that Leafpool’s kits must stay in ThunderClan.”
He thought a last thing: 'They will. They will, I promise. And I'll be with them.'
As his tears fell, Feathertail faded away. And as Crowfeather lifted his head, Squirrelflight quickly snapped to look to the walls. Had she... Heard him? He slowly inched forward, until a white paw smashed through the thick vines of the wall and knocked him back into the clearing.
Squirrelflight padded around walking up to him, she had not seen his face, and she might be less then welcome to reason with someone stalking them. He had to get to Leafpool. As she grabbed his shoulder he lunged up and slammed Squirrelflight's stomach with his foreleg. As she merely growled, Squirrelflight quicky latched her claws in his neck and lifted him slightly by his jaw with strength that made Crowfeather fear for his life for a short while, before a shout startled him.
"Wait! Squirrelflight let him go, it's Crowfeather!"
Squirrelflight heard her sister's cry and looked back at Crowfeather. "Can we... Talk?" He choked out. She dropped him, throat rumbling. "I still don't like you from the great journey." Squirrelflight remarked.
As Crowfeather sat regaining his breath, he stated: "I'd like to think I've changed a fair bit. Haven't you?"
Squirrelflight smiled, thinking for a second before replying: "Perhaps in some ways."
Leafpool called back. "It means she's still very temperamental."
Squirrelflight eyes her sister with a betrayed look of child like anger as Leafpool smiled evily.
"Well... That's good to know... Ow." Crowfeather stood and felt the pain of where the ginger cat hit him. "Thank you for that."
Squirrelflight turned to him once more. "And why are you here?" She meowed.
Crowfeather looked at Leafpool with a pleading gaze, then at the small bundles at her belly. "For them. If there's anything I'll do in this world for my own glory, it will not be missing the chance to see my kits. I hope you understand that."
Leafpool felt her jaw lower, as if to speak unknown words, but she couldn't say anything. She was happy at last, that he may be ready to take the responsibility she wanted from him.
Squirrelflight sighed at Leafpool in wonder, as her sister spoke. "I think we can bear him until we depart for Thunderclan again."
"So be it. Welcome to the group Black Tornado." Squirrelflight smiled sarcastically.
"Black Tornado? How exactly is that an insult?" Crowfeather looked at his paws in confusion.
Squirrelflight glared at him with questioning eyes. "Because no one likes them."
"It'd be interesting to see one though." Crowfeather smirked playfully.
"You are correct. I'll think of something else." Squirrelflight firmly stated. Leafpool called from the den softly. "Leave him be sissy."
"That- Combining those words is against the Warrior Code!" Squirrelflight spoke as her sister grinned again.
Crowfeather awaited his chance to speak as the siblings bickered. "So... On a better note. Have you named them yet?"
Squirrelflight turned him with a twisted expression that read: 'Are you legitimately serious?' She spoke: "You literally arrived as the last bundle knocked his head on the floor!" Leafpool burst into laughter behind her as Crowfeather hung his head and sighed. "That's... That information isn't required."
"For you, all possible information must be relayed for your understanding." Squirrelflight scoffed.
"Alright." Leafpool gave Squirrelflight a more serious look. Reading: 'I think that's enough for now.'
Crowfeather hesitated before pacing up to slow at Leafpool, gazing at the kits. They watched them for a short while before the golden kit shot up and yowled with a rather cute voice, yet strong as his thick fur seemed to fluff up, appearing towering over his siblings.
Crowfeather laughed softly. "His strength reminds me of old Tigerclan legends. Or, I guess Lionclan with his fur. Perhaps that would be his name, could it? Lionkit. Leaf-?" He looked at her questioningly.
Leafpool's expression switched a few times. Fear, excitement, uncertainty, love. "If your words remain true, I won't deny you at least one name." She laughed softly. "I could do that."
Crowfeather smiled, seeing the kit stumble over his sister. Leaf peered over at the silver and blue kit who lay still behind his siblings, obviously wishing all the noise would. Just. Stop. As the black she-kit whined against Lionkit's pummeling paws, the silver and blue kit gave a light sigh and buried his head in his paws.
Leafpool breathed in delight at the sight of her family. "You know, his pelt is something I've never seen before... Like a blue jay. Yes that'll work. He'll be Jaykit." She spoke as she chuckled at the other two fighting still.
Squirrelflight sat silent before Leafpool addressed her softly. She picked her head up questioningly as Leafpool spoke. "Crowfeather named one. So did I. Three cats here for three kits. What about the black one?"
Squirrelflight looked uncertain as Leafpool spoke. "You're my sister, I'd definitely let you name one if I have THREE." She smiled.
Squirrelflight smiled, looking at the black kit, starting to roll over off Lionkit, trying to escape, holding an attitude. She gazed to her side, seeing a black bark tree. Her eyes went to slits looking at it, and back to the kit. "You know, her fur is strikingly simaler to holly bark. That might work. Hollykit."
Crowfeather immediately spoke with dangerous levels of stupidity and sarcasm at Squirrelflight. "Crowkit could work." Leafpool shouldered him hard with a frown that certainly held a hidden smile. Crowfeather laughed as Squirrelflight glared at him with childish rage. "Hollykit it is." Leafpool declared gazing at both of them.
Squirrelflight gazed at the sky lightening. "Day's come. Clan will be searching soon. Best not keep them waiting."
Leafpool sighed looking at Crowfeather as he too felt pain in his heart. But it took no hesitation for him to speak his choice.
Crowfeather sighed deeply. "I guess it comes to this. I- I never could imagine I would wake up and be here in an hour. I can't... Leaf... I would never again ask you to come with me, but perhaps the other way around... I don't care about what others think of me, I cannot leave these kits alone. Not now."
"With me?" Leafpool's expression turned serious and concerned. She sighed as she spoke as though it was rehearsed. "Crow, how? If you came to Thunderclan after all that's happened in our history, I'd be surprised if they didn't kill you. I know the pain I'd feel if I could never spend time with my kits now, and in Windclan It'd be your mind, not mine. And I don't want that for you. But how? And I have no idea what to do now."
"Leaf, I will not go down in history as the father who named his kit, and didn't spend any time with him. Not the father who never tumbled around or had a great night with a child who might be too much for one mother. I would love to be the cat who will survive all accusations and hard stares if just to block my kits from being the one to receive them. And Squirrelflight... I heard what Feathertail said. I would take that responsibility away. Feathertail said they must live in a Clan with a mother and father who will be proud of them, and they will. I did this, I helped make these kits. If I let them grow up without a true father, that's on me."
Before anyone could speak, he lowered his head next to the three kits and spoke softly. "My light is yours, my life, and love. But my pain need not follow. I will hold on to it for you, keep you from the cruel world as long as should be needed. With all the love in my heart and fear in my mind, I welcome you, my kits, into this vast and wonderful world that I love so much, the one with you, gracing it every day. Welcome."
As he finished, Leafpool had fell to tears. Squirrelflight... She may never have heard more beautiful words binding family.
Little conversation passed between the three. But it always ended to one conclusion. Crowfeather spoke: "This is my path. If it is a painful one, that's still my choice, I spent my life on selfish adventures, never understanding how much my life could be valued by the ones who love me, more than myself. I understand now, these kits may claim to feel no fear, claim they understand love, and they swear they'd be safe, but I'll always be there to worry for them. As a father it's my job. I cannot turn away from this. Else I should just jump in the river. I have to do this."
Before anyone could speak once more, Squirrelflight lifted her head in shock. "Where's Hollykit?!"
Crow and Leaf spun around looking for the little she-kit. Crowfeather spotted her stumbling over the branches at the clearing edge, heading towards a fall. "Wait, kit! Stay with those two!" He yelled at Squirrelflight as he darted to the black she kit who had ran and tumbled down a small hill, crying. Crowfeather skidded to a halt by her side, checking her over. He sighed deeply as his heart pounded. She was unharmed. "Why are you out here..." He whispered softly.
"I could ask the same." Came a stern voice that made him freeze. 'Oh no.' He thought. He turned to see Brambleclaw, Dustpelt, and Brightheart. Dustpelt had been the one to have addressed him. Before either three made a move, Crowfeather spoke. "I'm with Squirrelflight and Leafpool, please do not do anything blunt."
Brightheart spoke up threateningly. "Who's kit is that?"
Crowfeather's expression read: 'And how am I going to get out of this?'
"Well..." He began. "Leafpool's. Medicine cat."
As Dustpelt and Brambleclaw exchanged a very questioning glance, Crowfeather finished as Brightheart asked: "The father?..."
"Well if the black fur is any indication... Well... Mine. Mine... And Leafpool's. I'm sure you remember our past."
"Where are they?" Brambleclaw spoke firmly.
Crowfeather singled with his tail up the hill. Brightheart picked up Hollykit as she whined, while Dustpelt motioned for Crowfeather to follow.
As the cleared the hill and the hollowed tree came into sight, Squirrelflight gave a gasp of shock seeing them as Leafpool gave a sigh, half of fear, half of relief seeing Hollykit at Brightheart's paws.
Brambleclaw glanced at Squirrelflight, expression seeming to say calmly: 'What... Is this?' While her's simply read: 'Hello.' As she stood shocked.
Thunderclan Camp.
I'll write more soon. Hopefully the Alternative Universe creator sees it, ha.
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kaguraspetsims · 6 years
is anyone else having issues with CRing dragons and/or logging into fr? sissy cant seem to log in and when she was she couldnt add dragons to the CR :/
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dhiraliem · 3 years
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happy 24th lil bro 🖤 @jirojustin may you rich af! heart, brain & deposit. smooch & skol! 💋🥂 big sissy (at Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) https://www.instagram.com/p/CR-ERnOpH2l/?utm_medium=tumblr
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