#cr c1 fic
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joyfulsongbird · 2 years ago
“Cassandra and Kynan grow closer, a little too close for comfort. Cassandra becomes uncomfortable with her growing affection for her guard and makes her first attempt at pushing him away.”
second chapter is up!! Feelings Are Happening.
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demigoddessqueens · 5 months ago
Hi, can I request a NSFW Vox Machina with Sorcerer!Reader riding Grog like there is no tomorrow (bonus points if things Grog is a bit smug cause Reader is clearly having a good time up there, and during a particularly intense orgasm they accidentally blast Grog with their magic- "GODS, GROG, I'm so sorry! Are you alright--?!" Grog: *dazed and panting and tingling all over* "Do that again please?")
Allow me to make this an honorary first Kinktober fic
a/n - I have more info about that soon 👀
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Kinktober 2024
.yeah, just like that!”
Your hips had been rocking back and forth at an agonizingly blissful pace, and you’d rather not pass over a second more.
Feeling euphoric, your magic pulsates throughout your whole body as you let pleasure take you over. Grog held your hips in place and the Mage Hand kept your limbs restricted as you just swayed them.
“You look so good up there, bouncin’ on
The throaty laugh bubbled from your throat as you tried to concentrate amidst how fucking good everything felt.
“Gods, yes!”
A wave of passion overcame every sense of your body as you cried out Grog’s name with a loud moan. Simultaneously, the surge of your arcane nature pulsated through you and your lover. And the rest of the now trashed room, objects clattered everywhere.
“Ohh gods, Grog, I’m so sorry! I’ve never had that—, are you alright?!”
The barbarian looked up at you with eyes as round as saucepans.
“Do that again
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authormars · 1 month ago
Hey important question
I'm totally not planning a Valentine's Day fic. What do you mean. (It'll be CR1 and focused on the twins and Percy with a hint of Keyleth towards the end)
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crazywolf828 · 1 year ago
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F
Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series)
Relationship: Keyleth/Vex'ahlia (Critical Role)
Characters: Vex'ahlia (Critical Role), Keyleth (Critical Role)
Additional Tags: Smut, Blindfolds, Gentle Sex, it's real soft y'all, Kinktober
"Darling, you need to calm down." Vex's voice is smooth, but somehow calming. It helps some of the tension leave Keyleth's shoulders, "We don't have to do this." "No, no, I want to." She does too, she always worries, her mind is always so full of fears and regrets, she wants to forget what they've been through, if only for a little bit. - Kinktober Prompt: Blindfolds
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ravendruid · 2 years ago
For the drabble things
"Is it time?"
Send me a sentence and I'll write a Vaxleth drabble. Hi Anon, sorry this took me a while. I hope you like it <3 This happens post-Campaign 1.
Is it time?
Keyleth doesn’t recognize the wrinkled face that looks at her in the mirror. The green eyes are much older and filled with so many more memories than a millennia ago. The freckles are still there, barely visible now underneath her pale skin. Her hair has long lost its vibrant red color and down cascades in silvery curls down her back. Keyleth’s body is different, changed too. She has pains in joints she didn’t know existed and can’t turn and shape herself as easily as she used to. 
She stands alone in the small cottage she has called home for her entire life as the bustling sounds of life in Zephrah enter from the opened window. Keyleth knows her successor is ready. She ensured their training for years and is fully confident in their capacities. The mantle has been passed on, the Spire of Conflux long given to a young druid who needed it the most, and her Circlet passed down to the next generation. All she has are the memories of a different time. 
There is a sound of rustling from the window, and she sees the large raven perched on the windowsill, its beak full of new shinies. Keyleth lets down a tear, knowing today is the last day she will greet him, the last day she will take his gifts and store them in the wooden box like she has done every day for the past thousand years. She scratches its chest and steps back, bowing slowly at it – as much as her body allows. 
The raven’s beady black eyes stare at her intensively, and she can’t help but feel a knot in her throat. Keyleth never dared to cast the spell before, afraid of the answer, but today is her last day on this plane, and she has nothing else to lose. Whether it is him or not, she knows she will see him soon.
“Hi,” She approaches, scratching its neck again.
“Hey, Kiki. You look beautiful.”
Hot and thick tears stream down Keyleth’s face as she chuckles wetly. 
“So it was you all this time?”
“Of course,” The raven bows elegantly before it jumps down from the windowsill.
The feet that land on the wooden boards produce a very faint, soft thud as a pair of boots appear. There are feet and legs, and Keyleth’s gaze moves upward, observing his body. Nothing changed. He still looked the same as he did all those years ago. 
“I’m sorry,” She apologizes. For what, she doesn’t know.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, my love.”
Vax’ildan, the Champion of the Raven Queen, kisses her longingly, one hand softly cupping the side of her face, the other tightly around her waist.
“Is it time?” He asks. Keyleth nods, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. “Come, our friends and family are waiting for you.
They walk hand in hand through Zephrah. If anyone notices her vigorous gait, no one mentions anything. In fact, Keyleth realizes no one is looking at her. She asks herself if Vax did something to ease her transition or if she is already on the other side of the veil and didn’t know about it. Before Keyleth steps into the Raven Tree, she looks around at the development they achieved in Zephrah. She remembers the innovations the de Rolo family accomplished for both her village – now a bustling city – and Whitestone. Her thoughts go out to all the places she had the opportunity to visit in her lifetime, to Pyrah, Terrah, and Vesrah, and to how she helped unite all of the Ashari. Keyleth feels peace and pride as she steps into the tree. She knows she did a good job. She has left the world a better place than what she found it. 
Vax’s smile is the last thing Keyleth sees before darkness surrounds her and the first thing that greets her on the other side. She hears a familiar disembodied voice welcoming her, and then the darkness vanishes into light as she takes Vax’s hand. He leads her through a beautiful garden in bloom and onto a cottage that resembles the one they shared in their year together in Zephrah. There is anticipation in the air, crackling energy on her skin just before he touches the wooden doorknob. 
Vax waits a moment with his gaze focused on her. He doesn’t say anything, but there is no need for words anymore. They are together at last. Keyleth nods, answering his silent question, and they step into the inviting abode, where Keyleth is greeted with cheers, claps, and tears as, one by one, she sees the faces of those she has held dear in her heart for so long. Faces she has never forgotten, from the memories that kept her moving on, one step at a time. 
Keyleth is home with her family, and finally, the void inside her is no more.
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astrid-beck · 1 year ago
fic recs for c2: if you haven't read it, hard mouth! astrid is awesome in it! also, i will miss your live blogging!
Thanks! I will also miss my liveblogging it was fun. Maybe if I ever start c1 or c3 but I gotta take a break lmao
(i just finished c2 ama)
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utilitycaster · 5 months ago
If you're still doing the choose violence ask game can you do 8, 9 and 10?
of course!
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about: So I said this in the general sense but it's also true on a specific level: if Imogen were a male character, played by one of the men in the cast, with zero changes otherwise (imagine that Laura is playing the character of the person she swaps with, as the gender that character currently is, ie, if Taliesin played Imogen, Laura plays Ashton as nb with he/they pronouns; if Travis played Imogen, Laura plays Chetney as a man with he/him pronouns, etc), I think the vast majority of people with criticisms of Campaign 3 would still have the same exact complaints, and moreover I think like 90% of people saying Imogen and Laudna is the greatest love story of all time would hate it.
9. Hard to tell for CR because my issues aren't so much with canon as with how a few things have been presented and because of the challenges of an improvised show, but I do wish some of the early C1 weirdness could be like, hard clarified (eg: ladueger, sirius, wherever Lilith and Zahra were from).
10. Similarly, there's a LOT of really shitty fanon out there and i'm not here to tell you what's the worst (and I don't think I could decide myself) but rather the idea that you need to have an iota of respect for other people's headcanons. You shouldn't get on their post to say "that's stupid" directly in the same way that you shouldn't comment "this blows" on someone's fic, because that's rude, but you are 100% allowed to be like "I hate this fanon" no matter what fanon it is, no exceptions. no fanwork is sacred.
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road-rhythm · 21 days ago
I love your SPN fic so much that I think I’d get into any new fandom just to read your fic for it. I notice you write for Critical Role, but I have no idea what this is, where this media is, or how to get into it. Is it something you watch? Something you listen to? Do you think you can give a brief summary of why you like Critical Role and its characters, and how one should go about consuming this media? I’m curious what made you get into this particular media after writing exclusively for SPN so long. I’d love to be able to read and understand your Critical Role fic, so any navigation for how you think this media is best enjoyed would be helpful.
Nonny, you know how to get me. I cannot pass up an excuse to try to get more people to watch (or listen to!) Critical Role.
As Matt Mercer would say:
"Welcome to Critical Role, where a bunch of
nerdy-ass voice actors sit around and play Dungeons and Dragons!"
And, well, yep. That's what CR is. It's a stream of professional voice actors playing DND.
You do not need to play DND to enjoy the show. A lot of fans do--hell, a lot of people started playing because of CR--but maybe just as many fans don't.
There is a lot of CR, and a lot about CR. Getting into it for the first time can be overwhelming, so I'm going to try to streamline what I say about it here.*
Where to find
You can watch Critical Role videos on demand on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@criticalrole
Alternatively, you can listen to Critical Role as a podcast. CR is its own podcast now, but you'll find the early episodes under Geek and Sundry's Critical Role, a separate podcast. LMK if you have any issues finding it.
Campaign 1 has also been adapted into an animated series, The Legend of Vox Machina. But for reasons I'll explain below, this post focuses on Campaign 2. An animated series is in development for that, too, but I don't think we have a release date yet. Due to the different medium, there are likely to be substantial differences from the original story, as there are between C1 and LoVM.
Finally, you can find all things Critical Role on the dedicated platform the cast launched last year, Beacon. They do have trial memberships available, but if you're brand-new to the show, checking it out on one of the free outlets probably makes the most sense.
Where to start
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There are a lot of Critical Role episodes, and yes, they are long. The average is probably something on the order of 4 hours. If you're reading that and thinking, "No way in hell I ever fuck with that," all I can tell you is, the first time I heard of it, I thought the same thing.
Because CR is a dnd game rather than a scripted show, it's broken up into what are called campaigns instead of seasons. There are 3 so far, usually abbreviated as C1, C2, and C3.
I highly recommend starting with campaign 2 (C2), The Mighty Nein.
>>>>> Watch it on YouTube <<<<<
C2 is where I'd recommend any CR newbie start. For one, C1 picks up in the middle of an ongoing game and had various production issues in its very early days, because it's a project that gradually took shape. But the biggest reason is that the cast intentionally crafted C2 to stand on its own.
The second campaign takes place in the same fantasy world as the first, but on a different continent and 25 years later, with entirely new characters. The cast wanted people to be able to watch it without having seen a single episode of C1, and you can.
And a reason why I would recommend that you, specifically, Nonny, start with C2, is that all of my Critical Role fic is for C2. C2 is my fucking jam. I love the characters, I love the story, I love the setting, I love this stupid fucking show so much oh my god
What it's about
When you've got a show that runs for hundreds of hours per season, there will be a lot of answers to that question. But roughly, and with an intentional emphasis on what draws me to CR given the context of your ask:
Campaign 2 is the story of a disparate group of adventurers who eventually come to call themselves the Mighty Nein. (Mighty Nein--difficult to translate that faithfully from the original Zemnian! Some translators have suggested "the Big Nope"; others, "the Hard Pass." Both have merits.)
The seven members of the party come from different nations, cities, and backgrounds on the fictional continent of Wildemount, but they first converge in a small town in the strict, powerful, and insular Dwendalian Empire. After an adventure there upends what stability some party members once knew, they all decide to stick together.
At first, each is mostly concerned with their own agenda, and traveling with the group is just a convenient way to pursue that. But things begin to shift when the party witnesses a catastrophe they don't understand--something frightening, dangerous, arcane; something for which they have no context--and suddenly the Dwendalian Empire goes to war with its eastern neighbor, the Kryn Dynasty. Borders start locking down, the party find themselves holding a mysterious artifact that powerful people will kill for, and all they know for certain is that what's happening is bigger than they are.
Because it's a dnd game, CR's story is heavily improvised and collaboratively told. That doesn't mean there's no direction or intentionality to it, but it does mean that it's sprawling and expansive and sometimes turns on a dime. I love that about it, personally. As someone who was brand-new to dnd when I got into the show, I cannot express the way my mind got blown. But if you're looking for a tight, crystalline narrative, for sure this is not that. Then again, if you made it through any amount of SPN, that probably is not a deal-breaker for you.
Who it's about
The members of the Mighty Nein are disparate. Some are happy-go-lucky; some are shifty motherfuckers. Some are literal vagrants; some were born to privilege; some come from places with a class system so different that they can't be easily sorted into such boxes; some don't even know where they're from. All of them have a metric fuckton going on under the surface, but it's not always under the surface because they have Big Secrets or even secretive personalities. I mean, sometimes it is that. But sometimes, it's just that they're people.
The character I write the most about is probably Caleb Widogast, the party wizard. Without straying too far into spoilers, here is how Liam O'Brien, Caleb's player, introduces his character in c2e1, "Curious Beginnings":
LIAM: I'm pretty filthy. I have a mess of reddish-brown hair, and really filthy road clothes. I wear a long coat that I slept in. I slept about 20 hours last night. Jeez. Unshaven, a bit of a mess
. It was a rough day yesterday.
Or, as Caleb himself puts it a couple episodes later:
LIAM: I'm a dirty hobo and I reek like yesterday's garbage.
Why is a literal, actual wizard who does literal, actual magic a hobo who sleeps in ditches? Read Watch and find out!
Here's Caleb's starting portrait (level 2):
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The character I probably write the second-most about, by a slim margin, is Beauregard Lionett, the party monk. Here's how Marisha Ray, Beau's player, introduces her character in c2e1:
MARISHA: Simple girl, simple needs. Just wearing nice, baggy clothes, some monk vestiges. They're in nice blues and greys. You notice I have a blue sash around my belt. Got a nice shave going on, little undercut. Looks like maybe I put on makeup two days ago, and I'm like, "Yeah, it's still holding up. It's fine. I can work with that."
Why is a literal, actual monk hanging around taverns in two-day-old makeup acting like a shit-kicker? Read Watch and find out!
Here's Beau's starting portrait:
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Caleb and Beau have a contentious, complicated, loving, infuriating, brother-sister-like relationship that leads to them sometimes being dubbed the Empire Siblings in fandom and makes me personally insane.
There's another character you may see me write about a lot, too--Essek Thelyss. But Essek is an NPC, and his first appearance isn't until almost 60 episodes in. Since he first appears so far in, I won't get into spoilers. But he is a significant presence in the campaign.
Critical Role is also about the cast having fun. That's an unavoidable, distinctive part of telling a story by playing a game. So everything is happening on (at least) two levels at any given time--in game and out of game. There's a net of relationships and interpersonal dynamics between the characters in the foreground, and a set of cast dynamics and interactions in the background. I'm not very interested in the CR cast beyond the story they're telling, but I still enjoy the vibe, and that is a big part of the draw for me.
CR is also canonically queer as fuck.
And the credit music fucking slaps.
What the fuck is happening why are so many dice rolling what are these numbers oh my God what the fuck
Like I said, you don't have to play dnd to enjoy the show. Here are a few basics I knew going in that I think did help me, and may help you. (If you know this stuff already, apologies.)
The cast consists of 7 players, each of whom plays a single character (PC), and 1 Dungeon Master (DM), who narrates the game and plays all the non-player characters (NPCs) the players encounter.
Characters belong to certain adventuring classes. Each class has different abilities, strengths, limitations, and so forth. Some rely mainly on casting spells, others on physical abilities (in or out of combat).
As the party gains experience and progresses toward its goals, player characters advance in levels. In general, 5e dnd offers player levels from 1 to 20. At level 20, your abilities are near-godlike; at level 1, you might lose a fight to a chicken. Campaign 2 runs from levels 2 to 15.
Much of what happens is determined or influenced by dice rolls. E.g., if a player tells the DM that they want to try to pick a character's pocket, the DM will tell them to roll a die to see if they succeed (and if they get away with it).
Combat is turn-based. If a fight breaks out, everyone involved will roll initiative to determine in what order they act, and then each will take a turn in that order. Combat continues through multiple rounds until the conflict is resolved (which doesn't always mean killing the enemies).
If you're interested, the specific gaming system used is 2014 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons.
Why should I spend a billion hours watching this?
For one thing, it's really good.
For another, you don't have to spend a billion hours watching it. Though I eventually wound up watching most episodes, my first run through the campaign was listening to the podcasts. I don't watch a ton of TV or movies because I am absolute shit at paying attention to anything for that long if I can't move or at least do something with my hands. I first listened to the vast majority of C2 in the car, doing chores, or walking outside. (I also listened on 3x speed, but that's personal preference in how I process audio, generally.)
For another, it has a delightful fandom with, bar none, the most insane volume and variety of fanart I have ever seen. (Some of which people drew for a fic of mine and I still can hardly fucking believe my luck or the sheer amount of talent in this fandom????? what the fuck) Like, be careful of spoilers if you can, but man, oh, man, the hours I spent searching up CR fanart just before bed back when I first got into the show. I'll never be over it.
For another, it's really good.
* Yes, I know I'm leaving out a lot, but this post is already so much longer than I meant for it to be. Please feel free to add things in the comments, but don't come for my ass because I omitted [detail], or [character], or [thing]; I know
† Case in point: yes I know session 0 was a thing but close enough
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distant--shadow · 11 months ago
I don’t know how to reconcile my love for Imodna and my fear that they’re going to not be end game
 which is causing me a fear of purchasing artworks. Do you have any advice?
I’m afraid I’ll do it, hang it, love it and be completely heartbroken and want/need to take it down. OR, they do end up together, I don’t buy the art and then the art won’t be available that long down the line. I have stress and fear..
Sorry if this is dumb
hey there! first off, it ain't dumb. I know I freak out a little bit at the reality of when this campaign will be over, and I was the same with c2, jester was my character of all time and I had been watching live since the first episode aired, it's a lot of time to spend with a character/characters and real understandable to feel that way. it's always bittersweet, but life moves on
and I guess that's it, you have to enjoy what you enjoy whilst you have it. this is a show that's a lot like life, in that your favourite character could easily die one week without much rhyme or reason, no scripted foreshadowed build up. so give yourself to enjoying that thing whilst its here, share that enjoyment with others, and know that in the future there won't be an empty void - there will be something else.
speaking from the point of view of an artist, yeah, of course I think any of us would really appreciate the support, it's rough times, and once again, i can say from experience it's real nice to have that artwork there to see whilst you care about it. enriched environment and all that. and it's hard to say who's enthusiasm will stay, whether the couple is still together in canon or not, or once the show is over. I'm not someone who dabbles in more than one fandom at a time and this is the most I've committed myself to one, personally, but also personally, I'm a slutty aromantic so like whilst I do really care for imodna as a ship and all of that, it's kinda always been Imogen first for me. a whole lot of us were invested in them as a couple before it happened, I'm sure a lot of us would have been invested in it regardless, and we can still love what we were given either way. I love the story of it, I think for me the bump in the road makes it even more interesting, and something we haven't really been given by a CR romance during the campaign before (maybe we had in c1 idk I didn't watch it)
also, getting personal again, I'm also old enough to be of a generation where there wasn't a lot of queer rep. there was a lot of settling for subtle glances and heavy subtext. what we've had already has been so good, I really enjoy it, I love that we're already passed a time of like, well we don't have a lot of queer rep so everything we do has to be all lawful good alligned flowers and smiles and basically rebranded heteronormative fairytale romance but with coming-out grief, it's so far from beauyasha baybeeeee endgame and honestly for me that's perfect. these two have always had great charisma acting together and I love the layers and complexities we get from these two particular characters working out being in a romantic relationship with the burdens they carry, those years they had together before the campaign started and all of that ground we can play with, how they saved eachother...
have fun, try not to stress about being legitimised by others, enjoy your corners of fandom and fic and art and meta and interactions and your own conclusions and attractions and relations. take all the joy you can from the little things in life. make them as big as you want them to be.
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withthekeyisking-writer · 3 months ago
I wish Tumblr had an anonymous posting feature (just kidding, no I don’t, what a nightmare) because I want to yell from the cliffs that CR campaign 3 needs more dark fic đŸ„Č😂 I feel like C1 and C2 had some good space for it but I hardly see any for C3. There’s some good hurt and “character goes evil” stories out there but not as much depravity lol (time to pick up the pen I guess) I theorize maybe it’s because C3 fandom has been a little more
hair trigger with even the most innocuous of nothing-problems. Could C3 fandom handle fanfiction of worse things. C1 and C2 was certainly not lacking in bonkers discourse, but the hay day of C2 bs was more to do with parasocial relationships with the cast and “good queer representation” ship wars. Morality politics didn’t seem to be as much of a thing, at least what I’ve been exposed to. Meanwhile in C3, anything lights a bomb and suddenly you’re a hypocrite, you lack empathy, you support abuse or something other. But, it could also be that the story elements of C3 just inspire different fanfiction ideas for creators than C1 and C2–that’s a much more comforting thought.
Anyways maybe this is my sign to try writing dark porn for the first time and publish it under anon đŸ«Ą Sorry to come into your inbox like this, your fics have inspired me 😂
This ask brought me such joy, I thank you for it!! 😁 I am so glad to have inspired you to write some darkfic, that’s absolutely my bread and butter and there’s never enough of it in the world XD
I agree there’s a definite lack in C3 darkfic, though I’ll admit I haven’t dove into that sphere as much as I have for C2 or C1 (yet) so I’m not an authority! But I definitely agree that the fandom can be a little, as you say, hair trigger. Makes things a little more difficult.
Lucky for me I have a LOT of practice ignoring people saying terrible things to me over the shit I write so that kind of response doesn’t scare me XD If anything it makes me want to write C3 darkfic even MORE! 😆
Thanks again for your ask! I hope you come up with a bunch of delightfully horrible things 😁💜
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joyfulsongbird · 7 months ago
“Percy, we have to go,” Cassandra says, voice sharp even as it trembles. His little sister, stronger than him in the face of
“Who is it?” He knows his voice is too loud but he can’t help it. “Who’s in there?”
There’s a long stretch of a particular kind of silence, like waiting for the other shoe to drop or the moment before you leave the eye of a hurricane.
Cassandra and Percy escape together from the Briarwoods. It changes everything. And nothing.
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demigoddessqueens · 4 months ago
hi!! my vox/dnd oc is a tiefling and I’m not sure this is up your alley but
could I have tiefling!reader who’s in heat x Percy? maybe he also takes the opportunity to explore their tiefling traits
AaaaaAaAahhhhHh!! This is perfect!
a/n - need some comfort after last week
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Your body always ran hot during these periods and Percy loved it.
He would always complain and was never favorable towards the hot summers but it was different with you. The warmth radiating from your naked body always made him feel safest.
In the more intimate aspect, it felt like every inch of his cold self was wrapped in the warmest armor he could fathom. Your tail wrapped around his waist to keep steady when he was inside of you. Tasting you was as if the warmest, richest honey and ambrosia coated his throat.
Seeing your body alight with ringlets of fire was a stroke to the young man’s pride. It was only him that made you feel this way.
When you were both spent and entangled in the sweaty sheets, Percy huddled closer to you as he felt your body react again to his touch, eager for another round.
The fire that had once lit the room was now a pile of ash.
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authormars · 19 days ago
I finally finished my newest multi chapter fic!! The major link isn't working 😭
Crimson Canines (3014 words) by Author_Mars
Chapters: 1/?
Fandoms: Critical Role (Web Series), The Legend of Vox Machina (Cartoon)
Rating: Unrated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Relationships: Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III/Vax'ildan, Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski De Rolo III & Vox Machina
Summary: Percival never wanted any of this. He never asked for the Briarwoods to come. He never wanted his family to die. He never wanted to be turned. But he was a vampire now. And no matter how much he wanted to rip his own heart out, the blood must flow. The beast must be satiated.
A/N: I've wanted to write this fic for a while. It will end up Perc'ildan, but the first chapter is entirely focused on Percy so... Enjoy!
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essayofthoughts · 2 years ago
I was tagged by @rightpastnowhere over Here (and for once I’m getting on it in a reasonable time; other people who’ve tagged me in things... I’ll get there. I promise.)
rules: post the names of the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! tag as many people as you have WIPs! 
Because of the sheer bullshit number of WIPs I have, I’m gonna be limiting this to my Critical Role C1 fics. My pinned WIPs list is not even the half of it.
I am also not tagging anyone, firstly because Too Many WIPs and secondly because No. I am where tag games go to die.
ANYWAY. On to the ridiculous number of WIPs.
CR VM Rock Band AU for Nell
Desmond-Cass Fic
Emon is Burning
Niamh - Perc’ahlia Kidfic
Percy-Ripley Hatesex Oh God
PercyVex Stargazing
Piercings Percy for Hannah - Modern AU
Vampercy Canon AU
CR Daemon AU
Elaina Survives
Eros & Psyche AU
Eventual PROGIA smuts thoughts
Masc!Vex AU
Modern Fake Dating AU I Guess
Perc’ahlia Noir AU
Zahra & Kash Things
Alternate Soulmate AU of Moar Angst
Corrupted Tiefling Percy AU
CR Hogwarts AU
Perc’ahlia Sonnie’s Edge AU
Perc’ahlia Witcher AU
Sylas Briarwood gets to live bitches. Like live live. as in not undead, live.
Murder on the Exandrian Express
Happy AU - No Briarwoods Yet AU
Magnus Archives AU
Percy/Vex Twilight AU
Six Swan Brothers but it’s Wolf Siblings AU
Fem!Percy AU
Perc’ahlia Beauty and the Beast AU
01. Teacher Ripley - Percy-Ripley Adopt Kids Spinoff AU
02. PercyRipley Cabin Out In The Woods Spinoff Idea
03. What If More Kids AU of Delia AU
Fic: PercyRipley Alt Briarwoods Escape - Dream Based
Charlie The Bear
Kash backstory writeup
Parent Elections - Gwen & Trinket
Percy dies...
The Little Things - Percy Mourning His Siblings
Vesper Notices...
Werewolf’s Soulmate AU Pt3
Zahra POV
00. Ghost Cass - Kraghammer Arc
01. Ghost Cass - Briarwood Arc to End
PercyVex Soulmate AU
AU of an AU, for Hannah
[REDACTED] (I aint sharing the WIP title of this one because it’s a massive fucking spoiler)
01. FIC DOC - Delia AU - Ripley’s Daughter
02. Arcs 2&3 - Delia AU - Ripley’s Daughter
*stares at the number*
Jesus fuck, when did that happen.
ANYWAY. If you want to ask about any of my WIPs, feel free! I am always happy to ramble about any of them and good odds it’ll make me write more.
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ravendruid · 2 years ago
Hello!! Can I get “can you repeat that? i wasn't listening.” for perc’ahalia please? Thank you!
Hi!!! Thank you so much for the prompt <3 This drabble is set a few years after the end of Campaign 1. I hope you like it *sweats nervously*.
Can you repeat that? I wasn't listening.
Percival had never been one to enjoy a ball, especially not when his family was still alive, as it meant he had to be taken away from his research. Nowadays, Percy turned a blind eye to them, as his wife enjoyed the hosting and the preparation of the horrid dances, and whatever made her happy made him happy. Which is what Vex was doing, talking his ear off again about drapes and candles, what he would be wearing, and how Vesper needed a new dress because of her growth spurt since the last ball, among many other boring details that Percy was not paying attention to. 
Truthfully, his mind was in the basement of the castle, in his workshop, to be more specific. Percy was so close to finishing a project that he had been working on for months, all because of a tiny detail that had derailed his entire work, which was close to being done. Percy couldn’t stop thinking about it – the process, the design, and the modifications – his thoughts flowing faster than a bullet aiming for its target. And so, he was only vaguely aware that Vex’ahlia was asking him something when he saw a hand wave in front of his face. 
“Percival, darling?”
“I’m sorry, dearest. Can you repeat that? I wasn’t listening,” He confessed, his cheeks turning a light pink.
Vex’ahlia rolled her eyes at him, closing the book on her lap. She was still wearing her hunting gear, and Trinket was plopped down on the rug at her feet, his loud snores slightly shaking the wooden floors. 
“Where were you, darling?” Vex asked softly, placing a kind hand on his arm. “You’ve been gone for so long.” She knew him so well it was a shock to him that she hadn’t said anything sooner.
“I’m sorry, dear. I was thinking about a project that I have been working on. I’m close to completing it, which has been bothering me for days.”
“I see. Well, off you go, then. I do not want to be the one to steal you away from your workshop.” She smiled. 
Oh, what had he done to deserve this woman? Vex’ahlia was always so supportive of him and his projects, always ready to send him off to his workshop whenever she noticed his mind wandering, but, at the same time, always the first to step in and bring him out of it, making sure he ate, slept, and spend time with her and their daughter. Percy didn’t deserve her, he never had, not with all the bad things he had done in his life, yet she still loved him after all these years. 
“I will see to it that you are well compensated for this, dear.” Percy leaned in to press a soft kiss to her cheek.
“I will hold you accountable for that, Percival.” Vex winked at him in reply, and the light blush that had started to vanish from his cheeks returned, far warmer and redder. He knew she would. It would not be of Vex’ahlia to let go of the opportunity to be pampered by him. 
Feeling much lighter and not so guilty about ignoring Vex, Percy was able to finish the last details of his project that night, so once Vesper was successfully put to sleep in the other wing of the castle, Percy sauntered to his and Vex’s bedroom with a bottle of courage in one hand behind his back and his creation in the other, ready to compensate his wonderful wife for all the patience and care she bestowed upon him every day.
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burr-ell · 2 years ago
17, 22, 25
choose violence ask game
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
I'm gonna get real self-indulgent here and say I want more content of Percy and Vex parenting their other three kids! Don't get me wrong, I love Vesper and Gwendolyn so much, but I see so much content for them with their parents and relatively little for Wolfe, Leona, and Vax'ildeux. I'd especially like to see more of Vex with Gwen and Vesper and Percy with Wolfe, Leona, and Vax.
(Honestly though, I can't really fault it. I personally can attest that Vesper-Gwen aasimar-tiefling parallels are catnip for fanart.)
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Y'know, I totally get why, but the Kraghammer arc of C1 tends to get slept on a lot and I'd implore people to give it a chance. Don't get me wrong, it's frustrating at times in ways that later CR just isn't, but it's got a lot of really cool moments in there and it lays some interesting groundwork for later lore stuff. The episodes are also way shorter than they are now; at the beginning they actually tried really hard to clock it at three hours, so it's comparatively easy to get through. (I think it's also useful to see that some elements of C2 and C3 are older than people think—and uh, some of Matt's creature designs and monsters have always been a lil bit fucked up.) And as @essayofthoughts has said before, the Briarwoods arc hits harder if you're able to see for yourself that Percy's behavior was genuinely shocking to both the characters and the players.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Pretty much anything about the cast hating each other or hating someone else or someone else hating them. Like you've got "nono look at Travis's face, he HATES Marisha he HATES Keyleth"; you've got "guys i think Laura was REALLY mad at Robbie in REAL LIFE"; you've got "ugh how could the D20 cast want to bring on Matt Mercer don't they know he's RUINING the setting"; you've got "uummm did you SEE everyone else during the watch party with Troy Baker he was obviously making EVERYONE uncomfortable and they all for sure wanted him out of there"...list goes on.
Like, guys, these people actually know each other personally. Some of them are like family to each other. Some of them were in each other's weddings. It's safe to say they don't hate each other and are, in fact, adult professionals who are good at playing a game. Can we like. dial it back.
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