#cq: alternate timeline
spectroscopic-gayety · 8 months
There this undertale MV fic that literally makes me happy stim and I have thoughts. More importantly a very crazy idea on where this is headed.
If you haven’t read the fic, you really should, it is some of the best Undertale Multiverse writing I’ve ever read! Here’s the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43143874/chapters/108428305
Ok so one of the things I really like about Buddy’s fics is that Buddy very clearly has read the original error!sans ask blog. They describe Error knitting in ftfo and recognize Error as an alternate timeline of after!tale.
Why is this important? Well, these references don’t just exist in ftfo, they are also in Spilled Ink, but in a very interesting way.
For those who didn’t follow the original error blog, it didn’t really end with a finale. CQ, the author, graciously left us readers a summary of what she planned for the story. Specifically, I’m talking about Blueberror.
Blueberror, is an underswap sans specifically named Blueberry (this will be important later) who gets kidnapped by Error, left alone in the anti void until he goes insane and starts hearing voices. Notably, the voices of the askers (since it’s an ask blog).
Now, who do we know in Spilled Ink who hears voices and has anti void trauma? Yeah Ink!
Spilled Ink shows Ink heading the voices of the Creators, who like the askers in ask error!sans, live in our world and control his life. Unlike Error who is insane, Ink struggles through the existential horror of being played with for entertainment.
So, what I think Buddy is doing is linking the creation of destroyers to protectors.
They are both made in the anti void.
They both hear the voices of the creators.
This makes some very interesting parallels between Error and Ink.
It also makes some very very interesting parallels between Ink and Blueberror. Ink in Spilled Ink is implied to be a version of an Underswap sans, Rus compares Ink to his own brother in his pov chapters. Several other characters remark the ink is “short for a sans”.
In Crayon Queen’s, summary of how ask error would have ended, she describes Blueberror not becoming a destroyer but moving into the omega timeline. He eventually works to protect the multiverse by convincing Error to help fight a larger threat. Hmm, a protector, where have I heard that before?
So, conspiracy theory time.
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What if the determining factor that makes a sans stuck in the anti void a protector or a destroyer is whether or not they’re a swap variant?
So, wouldn’t it be Wild if there was a theoretical swap sans that we don’t know the location of? And wouldn’t it be just insane if a future plot point of the askerror blog was that Blueberror let another swap sans take his place in his au?
What if, the Blueberry in Spilled Ink was turned into Blueberror? How? Great question, idk. Maybe Ink’s friends get too close to figuring out who took him and the creators want a red herring? But like remember in chapter 5 when they were at the omega council meeting and the whole council was convinced the new out code was evil? I wonder what would happen if blueberror showed up right after Ink gets kidnapped. He’s covered in errors, that must mean he’s a new destroyer to counter Sketch right?
Extra angst: the only person who can recognize him is currently be tortured by Nightmare, and no one believes him when he says he used to be a member of the star sanses. His whole world is gone, and everyone he loves hates him and he doesn’t know why.
Does this make sense thematically? Kinda, it’s one really angsty way Ink can get his dearly lost friend back, but at a sharp cost. It would also allow Buddy to use dramatic irony again like how Sketch is hiding his moderator status. Except in a sad twist, Blueberror is trying to show his protector status but no one believes him.
I love this fic so much, and I can’t wait to see where the author takes the story next!
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sockscosyquarters · 2 years
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Another drawing of Valeria in an alternate timeline ^_^ again, from a while ago.
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thebluejayne-writes · 5 years
My first long-running series!! Currently at chapter Two, the machine!! An alternate universe where Cap'n didn't come with Agent Three to the Metro, and so Eight and Three end up stuck together!
I've got plans for Dedllie, Agent 24, and M4rie, so if you like those ships, come check it out!!
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ag-superart · 4 years
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Here is some more info on these characters! 
Name: Fury || Age: 12 ||Gender: Boy || Ship: DustBerry || Family: Dust, Blue, Sprinkle, Lavender, Lucid, Killer, Classic, Carrot, Phantom, Cinnamon (doesn’t know about Lavender, Lucid, Killer, Classic or Cinnamon being fam bc he doesn’t know about ATs) || Fun Facts: Likes to go killing with the murder time trio, weirs a mask bc of a crack on his face that he doesn’t like to show.
Name: Gradient || Age: 14 || Gender: Boy || Ship: ErrorInk || Family: Ink, Error, PJ/PaperJam, Lavender, Grim, Fresh, Cross, Reaper, Geno (Error and Ink helped raise Lavender so she is like an adopted member of the ErrorInk fam) || Fun Facts: He has wings, he inherited them from his parents but they do not know this yet. 
Name: Palace || Age: 15 || Gender: Girl || Ship: None || Family: unknown but Lavender and Shadow are like family to her || Fun Facts: Joined Lavender after she gave her a bad time and has been with Lavender ever sense, is the third wheel of the group (not in a bad way though), the ship kids know about her and Shadow but not the sanses.
Name: Lavender || Age: 14 || Gender: Girl || Ships: Kusterd (fam ship), PurpleSmoke, DarkPurple (bad ending) || Family: Classic, Red/Fell (I call him Red), Ink (adopted mom), Error (adopted dad), PJ, Gradient, Lucid, Fury, Sprinkle, Grim, Fresh, Geno, Cross, Reaper, Killer, Dust, Phantom, Edge, Cinnamon || Fun Facts: Some of the players and hackers call her the unofficial goddess of karma bc of how hard it is to fight her at times (no mercy after three chances and remember that Skeleverse skeletons are op in other multiverse), she knows about ATs. (Alternate timelines)
Name: Shadow || Age: 16 || Gender: Boy || Ship: PurpleSmoke (no family ship) || Family: unknown but Palace is like a little sis and he is dating Lavender || Fun Facts: He is a student counselor/tutor at Longvalley High.
Name: Lucid || Age: 15 || Gender: Girl || Ship: KillMare || Family: Nightmare, Killer, Dream, Dust, Classic, Killer, Lavender, Fury, Sprinkle, Phantom, Cinnamon. (Doesn’t know about  Dust, Classic, Killer, Lavender, Fury, Sprinkle,  Phantom or Cinnamon being fam bc she doesn’t know about ATs) || Fun Facts: She has a Nightmare Form, she has met Dark but they agreed to keep it a secret, she is able to make others see hallucinations and likes to tease Cross with this agility.
Name: PJ/PaperJam || Age: 14 || Gender: Unknown but they prefer to go by male terms. || Ship: ErrorInk || Family: Error, Ink, Gradient, Lavender, Cross, Fresh, Geno, Reaper, Grim. || Fun Facts: They inherited wings from their parents but Ink and Error do not know this yet. 
Name: Sprinkle || Age: 13 || Gender: Boy || Ship: DustBerry || Family: Dust, Blue, Fury, Lavender, Lucid, Killer, Classic, Phantom, Cinnamon (Don’t know about Lavender, Lucid, Killer, Classic, Phantom or Cinnamon being fam bc they don’t know about ATs) || Fun Facts: Even though he doesn’t like to go on killing sprees with his father and brother his favorite weapon is a chain saw, he is a yandere but is not fully aware of it, he currently doesn’t have a sempai but is starting to develop a crush on Palace. 
Name: Grim || Age: 12 || Gender: Boy || Ship: AfterDeath || Family: Geno, Reaper, Ink, Error, Cross, Fresh, Lavender, PJ, Gradient. || Fun Facts: When he summons two scythes at once a magical black substance starts to come out of his eyes, it is not hate but no one knows what it is so he refrains from using two scythes when posable. 
Other Facts: 
The ship kids (+ Palace and Shadow) know about the Cq and Comyet brothers, only Fresh is aware of this though as he accidentally told them on day. Fresh was having a bad day that day and just needed to vent. The ship children (+ Palace and Shadow) also know about him being turned into a parasite as he said that while venting. (!!!MY AU, IF YOU DON’T LIKE THEN CLICK OFF!!!)
Out of the ship children only Lavender knows about the alternate timelines, Palace and Shadow also know about the ATs and the sans aus do not know about her knowing or about Shadow and Palace. Out of the sans aus only Classic, Dust and Killer know about the ATs, most of the Papyrus aus know about them due to Disbelief which in my au has happened to every aware Papyrus at least once.
Here is a list of some of the Papyruses, they all know each other but they do not know Protector or that he exists:
Undertale!Papyrus: Cinnamon, aware || Underfell!Papyrus: Edge, aware || Underswap!papyrus: Carrot, aware || Horrortale!papyrus: Sugar, Aware || Outertale!papyrus: Stars, aware || Underlust!papyrus: Pink, aware || Dusttale!papyrus: Phantom, aware, AT || Disbelief!papyrus: Disbelief, aware, AT || Dustbelief!papyrus: Dustbelief, aware, AT || Hate!papyrus: Hate, a being created from the Papyrus au’s negative feelings from not being able to help during the geocide runs, try's to help with whatever he can is not a bad guy, not a true AU or AT || Asylumtale!papyrus: Protector, ?aware?, location unknown || Inktale!papyrus: Paper, aware, from Shatteredverse || Errortale!papyrus: Vires, aware, from Shatteredverse. || any Papyruses not listed are unaware.
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lythecreatorart · 5 years
If 404&InkRE is just a “glitch timeline” that cause by big impossible glitch of original Ink and Error’s timeline collide (aka they don’t suppose to met in the first place),
What’s the difference in their design?!
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From simple alternative canon fight scene practice sketches evolves to relationship evolution comics,
404&InkRE Errorink is a big glitch mess that change and stay same to their original plot overtime 😂😂
Ink- Comyet/myebi
Error- Crayon Queen (CQ)/loverofpiggies
Big confession
Me explaining 404&InkRE
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Also explaining why Ink and Error was off model after their first two fight sketches 😂😂
aka attempting to try to stay to the original source as possible, but two stupid glitches write themselves to the point that their design look slightly different from the original. In their way, they evolved on their own ever since meeting one another.
If ya want to read me rambling about these unintentional design and how 404&InkRE’s plot effect it, the tags is all yours
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rayshippouuchiha · 5 years
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If you ever join the Undertale fandom, I think I should warn you about a few things 😅On one hand, we have the people whose love for the game turned into Rage and Murder™, who scream, insult and curse anyone who doesn’t like the game “enough” or doesn’t play it a very specific way. Please don’t listen to them, they’re Toxic and I’ve seen people be alienated from the game entirely because of them, it’s really sad 😔. Then there is the people who go waaaay overboard with the cringey R rated fanart and the thirst. I’ve seen some things I can’t unsee now… I like to call those two the Dark Side, you might want to stay away from them🙈.
On the other hand we have the Creators, amazing people who make beautiful fanart, write compellings fics, make animations and AMVs, remix songs, build alternate timelines, compose entire AUs from what-if scenarios and even Multiverses connecting them. There are some incredibly talented people I admire a lot, like ttoba, kamezaemon, Jakei95 (creator of Underverse), Kaitogirl (creator of Underfell), and CQ/loverofpiggies (creator of Aftertale and Errortale). This side of the fandom also has the more wholesome ships, not as cringe-inducing, which are generally very cute and I adore them. You should probably not check them out unless you play the game though, as even the AUs are filled to the brim with spoilers😅
…and then there is the rest of us, who can’t create for beans but enjoy the game, recommend it when we can, and routinely go “ooooh look at the pretty fanart! 👀”, etc.🙈
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instauria-a · 6 years
Headcanon: The Astral Plane.
I'm bored and waiting for the bus so take this.
The Babyrealm does not exist in Celi's canon. It was lazy and pandering and poor storytelling as a whole, so either the second generation just does not exist period or the kids came back from a failed Revelation timeline. I'll still interact with those using the babyrealms and accommodate, but they are not personally in Araceli's canon.
The Astral Plane, however, does exist... though it functions a little differently than in canon. Rather than housing shops, it instead houses a residential area big enough to hold the entire army, rather than only lodging for Araceli. ( she does keep the private tree house, though. ) There is still a mess hall, bath house, forge, records hall, and Einjenhar tent as well as a mine, spring, and two plots of land for food foraging. ( what these will be precisely are to be determined. )
To procure weaponry and food other than what's available they must take care to set up near a town or place worth scavenging once in Valla. The gateway to the common plane can transport someone anywhere they wish, but unless Lilith is accompanying the person they won't be able to return. Alternatively, having Lilith's orb on hand will allow for safe travel back and forth- which is how the Astral Plane is accessed after her sacrifices in CQ and BR.
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7goodangel · 7 years
I'm new here, sorry to bother, but why won't answer any paperfresh questions?
Warning: Long post so yeah... hence why the read more o-o
(From Blog Description)
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(From FAQ)
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But... I’m gonna add slightly more detail to this - cause then I can just link this exact ask/answer to my description for more detail. 
So yeah... It’s not really the full ‘ship’ that I dislike. I am... just... meh with this ship if we are just talking about it in general. 
However - what I don’t like was/is how people were so obsessed over it, so focused onto that specific ship that it caused these things (in this order):
Mischaracterization of Fresh and PJ - So yeah - first was this whole thing. At the beginning - it seemed like a fun, yet harmless ship. Both CQ and I saw few things on it, added our two cents, and just continued to observe the fun (at least for me - it just seemed like CQ was doing that too and she’s really chill). It even got to a point where I was trying to see how this ship would actually work. However - this ship kinda brought in a wave of misunderstanding. Which - I don’t know - I was okay with that for PJ since I knew/know that I’m not a popular blog or anyone important so it’s my own fault for not getting all of the info on PJ out there straight away. But for Fresh? I honestly felt like it was my own fault that people were not seeing him as the complex character he is. Gosh have you guys read MommaCQ By Alania? That, at this time, is the closest Fresh that is to the actual Fresh (ya know... without that whole parasite thing). I just felt horrible that Fresh was getting mischaracterized due to my character (who was also getting super misinterpreted). It felt like it was my fault for that whole thing - so I started to not like FreshPaper starting at the peak of all of that mess. Moving from an OTP to a ‘eh it’s okay!’. I am still dealing with this aftermath today. People are seriously getting shocked that Paper isn’t in a canon ship with Fresh. (Examples come from the Undertale AU Amino on quizzes others made on canon PJ [you guys rock for making those quizzes!]):
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(still continuing from above)Yeah - these are actual responses to stuff in the quizzes. I also made a quiz in that Amino and majority of the people who have done it (8 at this time cause it’s brand new) did not have a score over 20 (top score is 124... by a user named Paperfresh which gosh that was funny to me! Kudos to you though!) 7 out of 8 couldn’t do it. People outside of Tumblr still think that Canon PJ is a nice, shy, and innocent little 17 year old. Which is far from the truth. Again - people need to understand the difference between AUs and Canon stories for OCs. And that plays a part into this whole thing. 
Tossing any other ships that are not ‘just for fun’ under the bus/Tossing other users under the bus due to shipsNow this was the second wave of stuff that happened, and this happened right after Christmas of last year. Ever since I said “Oh yeah - This character named Omni (by Cereusblue)? PJ likes them. They are in a canon ship.” And gosh... you know what? Those Freshpaper shippers started to slowly ramp up their headcanons on their ship and tried to make it fact. Try to hide that PJ is in a different relationship with Omni than being in a ‘relationship with Fresh’. Let me first say that at first - it seemed like people who followed me were cool with this. From people who hate FreshPaper to loving FreshPaper. They were all cool with the idea that PJ wasn’t going to be with Fresh. OK! Awesomesauce!But then, I saw people complaining to Cereusblue and Askinfresh (an amazing Fresh RPer) about this - even calling them out (which by the way - Askinfresh had nothing to do with this so...?) and tossing them under a metaphorical bus for why their ship now cannot be canon. (which by the way - at this point CQ and I have stressed out enough times that it just won’t happen!)And eventually - there was one user that I have now blocked due to this - but I am going to go into detail about this, that made me just shut down on the whole topic of FreshPaper together. They were the straw on the camel’s back. And it hit right during the time I was trying to finish up my Masters. (fabulous timing there.)But gosh ok this story is long so just a warning:~~~So - I don’t know how it exactly started - but someone mentioned to me that this user (who honestly I loved and respected their work even though it was mostly FreshPaper stuff [and let me go ahead and say no - it’s not the first person you thought of]) was talking about me not only behind my back, but in a different language entirely. And they just kept saying on occasion on how I was the one who ruined FreshPaper, how I didn’t had the “kindness of being a multishipper” and that I was too blinded by this new ship OmniPJ to even notice how amazing Freshpaper is!And just... while this was translated by Google Translate for me - someone later on confirmed that the translation was pretty close to what they said...I just... I guess I snapped? But I took my time to respond to this, had others read it so then I had less of a chance to offend anyone - cause I HATE HATE HATE making other’s feel bad. And I just wanted to explain my side of the story - especially since this wasn’t the first time they tossed me under like that. And after that? What did they do?Cut PJ out of their story, blamed me for their action on that, and just - continued to draw without seeming like it hurt them even though they kept stating ‘how much they were hurt to even think about PJ’. ...DudeI broke down.I extended my hiatus at that time to “TBD”IT HURT me so MUCH to know that someone was SAD, or ANGRY, or just... so frustrated that they go to my face and say “well then I’m removing your character from my story” and then proceeding to put the blame on me when in fact that wasn’t what I was saying at all. I even replied to that comment and after that - I broke down and cried. And I hate to sound like I was exaggerating on this but - any of my close friends would be able to verify that this happened. I went to a table that I haven’t crawled under within a year - and laid there with a blanket, crying, until I just felt numb. It... kinda showed me that I wasn’t ready for any form of hate on the internet - where you kinda need to have a think skin in order to brush off hate. And while generic hate I was able to brush off until that moment - that.. THAT to me was like this:For a whole month, I panicked. I talked to friends on what I should do. Even after soft blocking and fully blocking their blog - I kept going back. Translating questions with the number 7 in them or with PJ in them to make sure they were not still angry about it... which then spiraled me down. I was afraid... afraid that a whole section of people who could only read and speak that language would see me as the devil’s advocate. Yep - I took the bait. And honestly that whole part of me feeling bad for a month was on me. That was entirely my fault. But... I guess this was the first personal attack I had received in my life - so I didn’t know how to handle it.~~~But now? I know better. I have taken that experience and will use what I had learned from it in a similar situation in the future (if that ever happens). Just... know that you will not please everyone even if you try your dang hardest at that. That was me learning that fully in action. However - due to knowing that discussing FreshPaper was behind all of that - and I didn’t want anyone to feel like that EVER - That’s why I took a stand and just said “nope. I am not going to discuss this ship anymore. I will not like any art of this ship (but know I still do appreciate it  and some I bookmark cause it’s so good) but I just need to take this side and stand - not let any more confusion or miscommunication happen.”
And...well... that is the full story of how it became to be a topic I will not discuss again. It’s just do to all of these things piling up on one another until one thing just shattered me.
I honestly thought about deactivating back during that break down. I thought about keeping my blog up for archive reasons, and starting from scratch with a brand new username and not ever bring PJ back again. I thought about possibly only using Tumblr to stay connected with friends I made but never ever do another social media blog again. 
But eh - I decided to keep going! I’m kinda persistent! Or Determined!
Anyway - this was the LONG LONG L O N G explanation of why I don’t answer any FreshPaper Questions. Just... it was due to bad situations and circumstances that just piled up on me until I just couldn’t look at the word “FreshPaper’ in any positive light. 
I am completely fine if you ship FreshPaper. 
It’s 100% ok! 
YOU ship what you WISH to ship! And being a multishipper - I see those Freshpaper ships as alternate timelines! All coexisting at the same time as the canon timeline. 
Just - I wanted you all to know where I am coming from with this ship... and know why I don’t really like it. And sadly - it’s not even about the characters - it’s about the bad experiences within the fandom for me. 
In the end, respect the canon stories that people made for their OCs - whether it’s for OTPs, NOTPs, and BROTPs,. Respect that people can see certain ships work and others not be able to work. 
Let that whole ‘ship war’ thing die already and let’s create an area where people can discuss ships without the fear to be ridiculed, to be driven to insanity, to be harmed physically or mentally about what they ship or not ship. 
And this has gone on long enough! ^^
If you read this far - thank you. And I hope that with seeing things from my perspective, it brought a new angle to this whole shipping thing. At least with the Freshpaper stuff o-oAgain - you can still ship Freshpaper! Go for it! You like it - draw it! Write it! Sing it! Just... make sure you respect those who don’t like it or can’t see why you ship it. And apply that mentality to any ship you have in any fandom! ^^
Hope you all have a fantastic day!
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sockscosyquarters · 2 years
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Doodle of Valeria, in an alternate timeline ;) 🧡
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sockscosyquarters · 2 years
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Weird attempt at a run cycle thing when I made a mini animation of an idea for Priscilla (Alternate timeline🥸)
She kinda just looks like she’s dancing awkwardly 😭
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