lythecreatorart · 2 years
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just-lythecreator · 3 years
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Even tho they kinda repost it to explain something (???) still not get it much because it Korea but this is so fuckinh cool tho
This really say I’m mark something in this community (gosh I’m proud of myself)
Take this is a pay back at that time I try to find their artwork through a repost with a shit watermark that take me 3 days to find them🤣
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lythecreatorart · 5 years
Sober Error & DRUNK INK with their swing that shock the multiverses at the Loveball night.
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THIS is the moment that Error turn yellow for first time.
This is what happens when I found out that Fresh drag Edge into a swing dance from Loveball rp info. So I go “WHAT IF?”, and now I got two obsession in one: Errorink and Swing!!
This comic is at the DENIAL_ARC, after the EXPERIMENT_1.5 was done (404 can hug Blue) Error notice that he getting more attach to Ink more than he like and he try to deny it, so these doodle is canon to the glitch timeline of 404&inkRE.
I just don’t put the plot in yet due to I don’t release contexts yet.
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lythecreatorart · 4 years
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Man-child idiots
They fuking deserve each other🤣
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lythecreatorart · 4 years
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‪Someone seem to miss their sparring day~‬
‪Or Error just lowkey miss Ink🤣🤣‬
‪I love these bastards so much‬
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lythecreatorart · 4 years
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Errorink Doodlesssssss
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lythecreatorart · 4 years
Feat. Broomy and Bucky
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I miss drawing these idiots so much
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lythecreatorart · 5 years
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‪Error after the DENIAL_ARC‬
‪Aka when you finally acknowledge that you fall for your “friend” after many years of pinning😂😂‬
‪And it’s this moment, Ink know he LOVE praises from Error, in his own weird way😂😂❤️❤️❤️‬
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lythecreatorart · 5 years
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They are tired & messy😂
The moment I noticed my handwriting look like “Note this!” (ink’s font) I can’t help but write in the scarf. Which includes of I have a headcanon that the black spots on Ink’s scarf is not from regular ink but an actual smudge from Ink’s note lump in together 🤣😂
Them wearing only short and shirt during cuddles is a reference to the cuddle comic that ink tell Error can touch where ever he want (their lil private ASMR cuddles 🤣), so mostly they end up use their scarf as a blanket when they end up sleeping.
Error might cuddle ink like body pillow but ink unintentionally tangled his legs with Error’s and it hard to let it lose 🤣😂(little fear of abandonment).
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When they wake up,
This is normal for them at this point🤣😂
Mostly 10 more minutes became days due to no concept of time in antivoid😂.
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lythecreatorart · 4 years
‪These idiots stop each other from doing their work...‬
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‪Like how they did with me rn😂‬
‪To be real, there fight for multiverses is not what stop them from doing their job at this point😂😂 they can be either ignore or start fight for attention for rivalry sake, but they will stop their job for the hangout‬ on their own well🤣🤣🤣
‪This is something that I’ve been wanting to draw since the start of 404&inkRE‬!!
‪At one point of the glitch timeline montage, Ink have a chance to meet PJ in his anti void.‬
‪Yes, Ink glitch out of his multiverse during the montage.‬
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@7goodangel I finally encourage myself to draw this boi in 404&InkRE glitch timeline and I’m so happy😂😂 too bad for Error because he will never see any version PJ, unless the glitch timeline my head start to go against it like it usually do🤣🤣
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lythecreatorart · 4 years
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So here the summaries of middle part of 404&inkRE😂😂
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lythecreatorart · 4 years
Errorink doodle
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‪In 404&inkRE, even after Error’s denial broke & start to show more affections. Ink still not give him much affection (soulless, can’t love, ya know).‬
‪So when it come to affection side that Ink shown, he ask Lust for advice (how to flirt or show more affection)‬‬. He might not be interested in romance (specially HATE sexual feeling from magenta) , but he did adore Error’s reaction when this kind of thing happens 😂🤣❤️
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lythecreatorart · 5 years
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‪Ink might ok of Error or AU destroy itself in sake of plot (it will brought back), but his athazagoraphobia come up even now&then when the creators actually give up & erases everything.‬
‪When they close, Ink came to Error, but Error don’t know how to deal with tears😂‬
‬ This week will sh*t and I can’t go to sleep. To many things happen, so I put it in ink.
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lythecreatorart · 4 years
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Ink want to feel attached, but he can’t for long without forget or bored. He did care from drinking magenta, yet it still considered as acting to him
But Error don’t give a shit and still love the bastard anyway 🤣🤣
Annndddddd then Ink try to drink whole bottle of magenta at one point 😂
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lythecreatorart · 4 years
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Ink been getting out of hand with affections lately, Error gonna exploded one day 🤣🤣
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lythecreatorart · 4 years
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caption this
All I can say is, Ink being a chaotic dumbass and want to experiment on something. He ask Error for help.
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