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regimage · 1 year ago
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Recalled Barbie Sunglasses from 2001
In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), IMT Accessories, of New York, N.Y., is recalling about 70,000 BarbieTM Sunglasses. The frames of the sunglasses can break, allowing the petroleum distillate and floating glitter to leak out. Petroleum distillates could be harmful to children's eyes and skin and could be fatal if ingested. IMT Accessories has received one report of a six-year-old child who received chemical burns in her right eye as a result of petroleum distillates leaking from the sunglasses when she was playing. The recalled sunglasses have a pink tint to the eyeglasses, have floating glitter in the temple of the sunglasses, say "BarbieTM" and "Mattel®" on the left side of the earpiece, and say "China" on the right side.
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follow-up-news · 8 months ago
Amazon is responsible under federal safety law for hazardous products sold on its platform by third-party sellers and shipped by the company, a U.S. government agency ordered Tuesday. In a unanimous vote, the Consumer Product Safety Commission said it determined that the e-commerce company was a “distributor” of faulty items sold on its site and packed and shipped through its fulfillment service. That means the company is on the hook, legally, for the recalls of more than 400,000 products, including hairdryers and defective carbon monoxide detectors, the agency said. It ordered Amazon to come up with a system for notifying customers who purchased faulty items and to remove the products from circulation by offering incentives for their return or destruction. Overall, Amazon accounts for roughly 40% of e-commerce sales in the U.S., according to the market research firm Emarketer. The company sells many items directly to consumers and also partners with nearly 2 million third-party sellers, who drive the majority of the sales on the platform. The online retailer has fought the “distributor” label since 2021, when the Consumer Product Safety Commission filed an administrative complaint against the company for distributing hazardous items.
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recreation-law · 7 days ago
Bombardier recalls snowmobiles
Bombardier Recreational Products Recalls Ski-Doo & Lynx Snowmobiles engine control module lower mount support could have broken & left a loose part inside the engine compartment, allowing it to enter the throttle body area & lead to a stuck throttle https://rec-law.us/yc2vwm6y
@U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission #Recall #ProductRecall #RecLaw #RecreationLaw
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enterprisewired · 8 days ago
Amazon Challenges Consumer Product Safety Commission Over Recall Order
Source: conchovalleyhomepage.com
Legal Battle Over Product Recalls
Amazon has filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), disputing its legal responsibility for recalling hundreds of thousands of potentially hazardous products sold on its platform. The lawsuit, filed on March 14, follows a CPSC order requiring the e-commerce giant to notify customers who purchased over 400,000 recalled items and provide refunds to those who properly disposed of or destroyed the products.
The dispute stems from the commission’s ruling last summer, which classified Amazon as a “distributor” of the recalled products. Many of these items, including defective carbon monoxide detectors and flammable children’s pajamas, were sold by third-party sellers and shipped through Amazon’s fulfillment services. The commission argued that Amazon failed to adequately warn customers about the dangers these products posed, thereby putting consumer safety at risk.
Amazon’s Defense: A Logistics Provider, Not a Distributor
Amazon has consistently denied that it qualifies as a “distributor” of third-party products. In its lawsuit, the company maintains that it functions as a “third-party logistics provider” rather than a seller, and therefore should not bear responsibility for recalls of items manufactured and sold by independent merchants.
The company also stated that it had already taken necessary safety measures when concerns about the recalled products were first raised. According to Amazon, it had issued recall notices and provided some refunds long before the recent Consumer Product Safety Commission order. The company argues that the new directive is redundant and that the agency has exceeded its legal authority.
In response to the lawsuit, Amazon released a statement saying, “The remedies ordered by the CPSC are largely duplicative of the steps we took several years ago to protect customers, which are the same steps we take whenever we learn about unsafe products.” However, the company declined to provide further comments regarding the legal proceedings.
A Broader Challenge to Regulatory Authority
Amazon’s lawsuit is part of a broader trend of corporations challenging federal agencies’ authority. The company’s case against the CPSC mirrors legal actions taken by other major firms, including SpaceX, which has also sued the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) over regulatory decisions.
Despite Amazon’s legal pushback, the CPSC remains firm in its stance. Commissioner Richard L. Trumka Jr. defended the agency’s actions, stating, “It is the CPSC’s job to hold companies like Amazon accountable. No company is above the law.”
The Consumer Product Safety Commission has declined to comment on the lawsuit, but its ruling emphasizes the agency’s ongoing efforts to enforce consumer safety regulations. As the legal battle unfolds, the outcome could set a significant precedent for how online marketplaces are held responsible for the safety of products sold by third-party vendors.
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seborn9000 · 1 month ago
Oh no Target dinosaur hanukkiahs recalled:
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alaturkaamerika · 1 month ago
Igloo, 1 Milyon Soğutucuyu Geri Çağırıyor: Yaralanma Riski Taşıyor!
⚠️ 1 milyondan fazla Igloo soğutucu geri çağrıldı!🛑 Flip & Tow modelinin çekme kolları parmak sıkışmasına ve amputasyon riskine yol açabilir.💡 Igloo, ücretsiz değiştirme kiti sunuyor! 📢 Siz de bu modelden bir Igloo soğutucuya sahipseniz, ücretsiz değişim kitinizi talep edebilirsiniz! 1 Milyondan Fazla Igloo Soğutucu Yaralanma Riski Nedeniyle Geri Çağrıldı! 📌 ABD’de üretilen 1 milyondan fazla…
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nationallawreview · 5 months ago
Let's Circle Back (and eFile) after the Holidays
The Consumer Product Safety Commission launched its eFiling Beta Pilot a little over a year ago. Non-pilot participants were invited to participate in voluntary eFiling last summer, and the CPSC extended this stage to October 10, as it continued to work on a revised rule. The CPSC had anticipated completing a final rulemaking by the end of its fiscal year, which would have meant a full system…
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angelsportion · 7 months ago
Review - The Deacon, Blended Scotch Whisky, (No Age Stated), 40%
If you’re talking to me, I may only be half-listening. This does not mean I don’t like you or that I’m generally disinterested in what you have to say. It simply means that mentally, I’ve strayed into a possible scenario relative to our discussion, and I’m now trapped in an unfortunate attention-sucking downswirl of questions that is leading me to more questions. For example, I took two of our…
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regimage · 1 year ago
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Recalled novelty lighters - 2002
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follow-up-news · 2 years ago
Consumer Product Safety Commission staff on Wednesday recommended the first federal requirements intended to make nursing pillows safer and discourage caregivers from setting babies down on the pillows to sleep, citing dozens of deaths associated with the popular infant product. [...] The CPSC staff also proposed requiring prominent labels warning caregivers of the product’s hazards. Most nursing pillows already have warning tags that caution against using the products for sleep or leaving infants unsupervised on them, but these labels should be more visible and more difficult to remove, unlike the hanging warning tags currently attached to many nursing pillows, staff said in the draft proposal. Additionally, staff recommended nursing pillows not include straps to secure babies, which could lead parents to believe it’s safe to leave infants alone in the products. The recommendations come just over two weeks after an NBC News investigation found that at least 162 babies have died in incidents involving nursing pillows since 2007. Most of the deaths occurred after the infants were placed to sleep on or with the pillows.
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recallsdirect · 3 days ago
Product Recall: Segway Ninebot Max G30P and Max G30LP KickScooters:
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recreation-law · 7 days ago
Segway Recalls Segway Ninebot Max G30P and Max G30LP KickScooters the folding mechanism can fail and cause the handlebars or stem to fold while the scooter is in use https://rec-law.us/e3nk7zyb
@U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission #Recall #ProductRecall #RecLaw #RecreationLaw
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eradicatetehnormal · 1 year ago
Weirdly enough, the actual music isn't even that bad. It's even pretty on point with trends. Love that our tax dollars are going to this.
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lavendertowerarchives · 2 years ago
That fucking girl again. I swear, any time I try to talk to her, I end up talking here instead.
I saw JH today. A fire-and-forget message, sent to a mutual who I knew was studying with her (E), allowed me the pleasure of sitting across from her for several hours while she did homework. We talked about random shit, I spilled my beans of "I'm coming off my anti-anxiety meds" to the others who were with me, normal stuff. For context, I'm now-overcorrecting, since I believe no one likes me and that my friends are faking their friendships with me. I concurrently believe this to be flawed reasoning, since I didn't think that several weeks prior.
I shook off my worries (somewhat) this evening and hit her up, asking to see a movie with her. No response, as usual. This is different from just 7 hours prior, where she was holding actual full conversations with me, albeit in person. Hence, I'm depressed and stressed and searching for answers. Hence, I ended up here, detailing my woes to an audience of my future self (and those who find this account in whatever obituary I leave it in).
In my search for answers, I become paranoid. Highly so. As I type this, my mind searches for what I did wrong. I've come up with an answer: I came on to her.
Again, as I've described in past updates, I find her attractive. I told her I wanna bang, she said maybe, 6 months ago. I got stupidly drunk off 6-7 shots of vodka (I'm a lightweight) and told her exactly how attractive I find her. I would assume she's still creeped out by me.
So I take my data, and I analyze it. She only talks to me when someone else is present, whether it's in a group chat or in person (with another friend there). Today, she evidently asked a friend to come by and study with us without any of the other current attendees knowing. He showed up, he's fun, he's nice, but the (mutual) friend talked to me much more than JH. Why invite him if not to talk to him or study with him? I conclude it was for my sake.
I believe JH to feel unsafe around me, or otherwise not enjoy having me around. Why else would she exhibit this behavior? She doesn't even respond to my discord messages. I feel terrible. The question of "Why else" has been asked many times, and answered in myriad shitty ways, but never satisfactorily. I could imagine a hundred scenarios tantamount to fantasies in which she actually just has the same kind of social anxiety as me, or just has some random reasoning, or is just busy. These are all too optimistic, I must be the problem.
This is paranoia. My thoughts on the matter of JH talking to me are unhinged, unchecked, and unfounded. I recognize I have made terrible judgement in listening to myself, but we all know at this point that I'm the only person who talks to me. What else do I have in my ears? Endless distractions, which fade away to give more voice to my paranoia. I label it as such because I have no real data, no real proof, no real reasoning, and absolutely no substantial counterpoints. This is all me.
I want to stop listening. Taking Wellbutrin made it easier to ignore the voices telling me "they hate you," "no one wants to talk to you, let alone listen to you," and "you did this to yourself by being yourself." That's no longer the case. They're loud, and they're constant.
I miss JH. I miss S, J, A, E, B, even less talkative friends like W, WH, C, or friends not in my school like AK, or AB. I literally saw some of them 8 hours ago. It's nice to see them on someone else's terms, but I need to know that they'll come see me on my terms, or at least their terms. We only seem to talk when we have an external reason to be together.
As of the time of writing this, JH has gone offline on discord. I was holding out hope that she'd respond sometime before midnight, but now there's no chance. Screw me for being hopeful, I guess.
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alaturkaamerika · 3 months ago
ABD’de, Parçalanma Riski Yüzünden 85 Bin Bebek Kaşığı Geri Çağrıldı
ABD Tüketici Ürün Güvenliği Komisyonu (CPSC), Melii Baby markasına ait 85 binden fazla silikon bebek kaşığını, çatlama ve parçalanma riski nedeniyle acil geri çağırdı. Geri Çağırma Kararı ve Nedeni Melii Baby tarafından üretilen silikon bebek kaşıkları, kullanım sırasında çatlama ve parçalanma riski taşıdığı gerekçesiyle geri çağrılıyor. Bu durumun küçük çocuklar için ciddi bir boğulma tehlikesi…
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nationallawreview · 6 months ago
Administration Action Could Unravel the De Minimis Exception for Goods From China
Many e-commerce retailers are closely monitoring increasing bipartisan criticism of the Section 321 de minimis program. This program, which provides an exemption for goods valued at $800 or less destined to a single person on a given day, allows these goods to enter the US duty and tax-free without formal entry. While this expedited clearance process has been beneficial for many retailers,…
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