#coz yep
damian-lil-babybat · 18 days
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Art dump for my old b&w practice sketches
Dami has died officially four times (Batman Inc. #8, RSOB #13, Teen Titans (2016) #41, Robin (2021) #1) while on duty, during which he was introduced three potential love interests (Emiko Queen, Djinn, Flatline, in comics) before he reached 13.
These excluding those deaths from elseworld versions, and Mari Grayson (Kingdom Come, fiance), Raven (DCAU, dating), Kami Garcia (Teen Titans & Robin, kissed).
So yea there is a reason I immersed myself with DC fanon ✨
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rysttle · 5 months
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Doodle of a guy i only know via osmosis
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smellpelt · 9 days
I did so many important things today I think I should get an award
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greyangelpain · 7 months
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Here's bats! I swear the ears are soo hard to get right ;-;
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godsofhumanity · 1 year
This has been in my mind for a week so i need to dump it somewhere
Ps: its silly billy soup once more
Anubis [to Ammit]: who was a good boy? Oh this guy wasnt! Oh no he wasnt! He was a jerk! Thats right he was a little bitch, his heart is heavier than the feather!
*tosses dudes heart in the air for Ammit to catch*
Hel, Hades: .......bestie.....what......
lol real and factual!
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noukasen · 1 year
I have an idea for something people might like to read (I definitely probably would).
I got super hyped about writing it but this time around, I decided to outline and create character profiles and stuff first, instead of just jumping into the story blindly.
It was good going at first. But then, I kinda stopped feeling as great about what I was doing.
I hate this feeling and I hate that I might be about to give up on this idea too. It's just that it feels like it's too much work and my imagination doesn't work as well as it used to before.
Everything sucks. I just wanna write something and not give up on it, at least once. Is that too much to want?
I want to feel creative and inspired and not sucky. Also exam season pressure is the reason I wanted to write again (to release a bit of stress and to waste some time) and it is also why I have to stop.
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tutuandscoot · 2 years
Nothing makes you realise what a dog shit song ‘shape of you’ is like hearing it played right after SFTD and Hotel California- in addition to being skated to by the ISU’s new play toy team right after the greatest ice dancers in history..
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drowningincaffiene · 6 months
i would rather sweat from my face than say that winter is my favourite season
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100percentsorandom · 1 year
Ao no Orchestra Ships
Upon seeing the raws, as an Akine and Hajime shipper, I'm getting scared for some reasons. hahaahahah
Aono and Haru ship teases and chapters are strong. They have more moments (dating-like chapters, skinships) and some sort-of development? ( Aono defending Haru, standing up for Haru's sake) they also got closer every CHAPTER. - like consecutively. Aono has become softer towards her, more blushes with her, closer with her. As far as I can skim through the latest chapter, they are quite close alright. I dunno if there's practising or auditioning for something but man they are playing alongside each other in chapter 73.
I like Haru. I actually see myself in her than Akine. I'm like Haru for the shy part and being bullied and Akine like an amatuer in violin hahaha.
I dunno. In terms of skill-wise, Haru got the edge against Akine. She's more advance, she competed with Aono in that level also let us not forget how Haru and Aono got "the promise" thingy.
Putting that aside, I love how fun loving Akine is. Sure, she's a beginner, and armature when she started playing the violin, but I live her development as a violinist, Maybe the early ship tease between Akine and Aono seems bland to me .. maybe because they came out so natural to be ever called out as ship hint hahahaha. Oh well.
Wake me up when chapter 60 is translated. That maybe the last chapter I squeeeled real hard for Akine. Aono is confused af. I kennat. hahahah. Anywhom, kung di talaga magkatuluyan si Akine and Hajime , i'm dropping the manga right here, right now. hahahaha
No offense to Haru, and Haru/Aono shippper. This is just my playful blabbing. I aint throwing darts at you guys nor to the mangaka.
Overall. I loved Ao no Orchestra since 2018 and seeing it adapted as an anime is like a dream come true. The musical genre made me stay but as far as ship at daming Haru at Aono interactions, well.. hindi ko na alam hahaha natatakot ako kay Akine langya. Kung ano ano na nagagawa ng isip ko, making headcanon na what if: nafracture kamay ni Akine at di na naka violin? what if: narinig ni Akine na nagconfess si Haru kay Aono tsaka sya umalis ng club or worse school? mga ganong churva. loka. ayoko na.
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papaya-twinks · 5 months
mess around - l.n
Warnings: Smut, 18+, oral (male receiving), fingering, praise/degradation kink
Pairing: Lando Norris x fem!reader
Summary: Lando’s lil photo dump on insta sends Y/N a ‘little’ feral
A/N: @norr1ssturni0lo sheheuuwjwjnsjkeowe I’m not alright sjiwnajqiwikwkqlqkmwmww
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“Nice post, Lando,” you hummed, eyes on your phone as your boyfriend beside you looked up, “you can delete it now,”. A confused noise escaped his lips, making you look up. “What? Why?” he asked, probably thinking the photo was bad. “Coz,” you shrugged, “I’ve seen it, no one else needs to,”. He raised an eyebrow, a small smirk forming on his lips. “Is that so?” he asked, slowly tugging your phone out your hand. “Yep. Doesn’t need to be there anymore,” you blinked.
“Why? Jealous?” he asked, the cockiness in his voice was evident. “That other girls could be staring, hm?” he grinned as your cheeks flushed, his hands reaching for your wrists as he pulled you onto his lap, legs on either side of his thighs. “You know this is is all yours,” his lips trailed across your jawline, your hands on his shoulder as you hummed softly. “Don’t want them undressing you with their eyes,” you mumbled, his teeth tugging at your lips.
“I’m shirtless, angel, they can’t,” Lando raised an eyebrow, making you huff. “Down,” you said, making him shake his head, curls bouncing. “Then what about you actually undress me?” he smirked, your eyes wide, fingers freezing at the hem of his shirt. “Up,” he said, nudging your arms upwards so he could remove your top, your tits bouncing as his arm reached round your chest, unbuckling your bra.
You hummed, fingers slipping beneath the waistband of his joggers, his hands coming onto your wrist. “Impatient,” he tutted, bucking his hips into yours so you could remove the clothing, wow, he wasn’t even wearing boxers. His semi-hard cock sprang against your stomach, Lando’s hand coming onto the back of your head, bunching your hair into his hand, before sliding the hair tie off his wrist. Anyone who thought he kept it on his wrist as a little memoir or something was severely wrong.
With a little push, he had you on your knees between his legs, your hand wrapped around the base of his cock, pumping slowly, his eyes widening. “Y/N,” he hissed, your tongue pressing on his slit, the tip red and swollen as you felt him harden. Your lips wrapped around him, hand sliding up and down his length as his eyes rolled slightly, hand coming to the back of your head. “Mmmm, good,” he muttered, pushing you down slightly so his head hit the back of your throat.
“None of those girls get this, though, do they?” Lando asked, clearly not expecting a response as he lifted you off, letting your breathe before pushing you down again. “Only you get this,” he added, sliding you off, your hand still pumping him, before he lifted you onto his lap once more, lifting your skirt and pushing your panties aside. “Little jealous, aren’t we?” he switched places with you so he was between your legs, one hand on your thigh, rubbing soft circles, the other slide between your soaking folds as you stifled your moans.
“Bet they’d love for me to do this,” he grinned, sliding his middle finger into you without warning, the coldness of his ring against your opening sending you crazy. “Lando,” you jaw dropped as he smirked, pushing the pad of his index finger beside the first. “Lando,” you repeated, hand on his shoulder as he removed his top, with one hand, his chains dangling against his bare chest.
You gasped - feeling his fingers slowly part inside of you, a scissoring motion, almost. “Lando!” you moaned, back arching slightly before your eyes opened, realising he’d pulled out of you, a small smirk on his face. His hand slid onto your waist, lifting you slightly so he could place you onto his lap against, his cock against your stomach, his head against the armrest. You gasped, feeling him press against your opening, before sliding you down onto him, his cock pulsing inside of you.
“Lando, fuck,” you gasped, hands coming to his shoulders as he held your waist, letting you bounce slowly, a groan escaping his lip. “Fuck, Y/N, doing so well,” he hummed, holding you still so he could buck his hips into you, your gasps against his shoulder as your head lolled slightly. “Jealous, hm?” Lando asked, tilting your head up as your cheeks turned red, “don’t want other girls seeing this?”. You nodded, it was true, you didn’t want anyone to see him in ways that only you wanted to.
“Do any of them get this?” he grinned, purposefully slamming his hips into your, making the knot in you build up quicker, eyes shining. “Yeah, gonna cum, hm?” he asked, hand coming to your cheek as you nodded, his other hand u doing the hair tie softly. “Like that, do you?” Lando continued, bouncing your body onto him, your eyes rolling as you felt yourself release, his jaw dropping at your face, cheeks dusted with a featherlight pink tinge.
You were beautiful. “Fuck, Y/N,” he cursed, feeling himself follow after, your head on his chest as he slipped out, spilling onto both of your thighs. “Shit,” he groaned, chest heaving as his hand tangled in your hair. Neither of you moved nor said anything, too caught up in the moment as your finger grazed across his skin. “Seventeen,” you mumbled, making him look down, a small frown on his face. “What was that?” he asked, cocking his head.
“Seventeen,” you repeated, “you have seventeen moles,” you said, pressing onto one of them softly. “You counted my moles?” he laughed, watching you flush slightly. “Yeah,” you shrugged. “Well no one else sees this one,” he lifted your body to the side, making you giggle as he pointed out the one on his upper thigh. “Eighteen,”.
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wise-blue-cookies · 2 years
You focus out for two fucking seconds-
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smellpelt · 2 years
watching Dissidia cutscenes just to hear more Steve Burton Cloud
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book-extravagance · 2 years
You mean I had to watch (white) British Twitter go up in flames of indignation over Meghan making fun of her cultural confusion about how to curtsy to the queen?
And ONE EPISODE LATER it turns out she also gently mocks how Americans wave?
It's the same genre of cocktail party anecdote! It's self-deprecating! If she was making fun of anyone, it was Americans, and how gauche we are!
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softcaesar · 2 years
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context: your friend invites you over to work on your marine report. you end up staying past the curfew. he offers his bed for you to sleep… basically the good ol' bed sharing trope
pairing : nanami kento x f!reader
content and warnings: SMUT IN PART TWO, no curses, college au, nanami is a marine bio student
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“I’ll be there in five?” you say, yawning.
“Just hurry up. We’ve got a lot to do.”
Five minutes later, you reach the front of Kento's dorm which buzzed with the comings and goings of its residents. You spot a tall figure standing next to the doors waiting for you. It’s him. You notice he’s wearing a navy fleece jacket and his usual tan slacks. Kento acknowledges you with a quick nod before retreating into building, signaling you to follow him inside.
“I reviewed the analysis you wrote,” he began, monotonously, “Still needs to be fixed. Your abstract, however, is written well. Very articulate.”
“Thanks,” you replied, glancing around. It stroked you as a bit strange how he complimented you. Before, he had never stated his opinions on your work, whether negative or positive, only ever dismissing you with a nod or a ‘mhmm’. On good days, he would thank you but today, something was fishy. You’d have thought he’d be sterner and blunter throughout the duration of the assignment, if not completely uninvolved. However, it was quite the opposite.
As you turn the corner, you realise that his dorm hall was much louder and livelier than the relative stillness of your apartment building; students congregated in groups studying or working on projects, while others played cards and video games in the lounge. You saw a few girls doubletake towards your direction and soon hushed voices spoke among the students.
"Look! It's Nanami!"
"Who is that with him?"
Kento led you upstairs to the second floor and down the hallway.
"You have a lot of fans." You joked. He ignored you.
“Where do you live.” His question sounded more like a statement.
“… the tool shed.” you whisper.
He pauses, raising a curious brow, “What?”
“Its called the tool shed coz apparently that’s where all the hoes live,” you answer and he immediately walks away. You jog up to him.
“I’m not a hoe,” you exhale and he chuckles, shaking his head.
“I’m sure you’re not.”
“It’s quieter over there.”
“Mmm,” he says, quickly looking back at you. “Must be nice."
“Yep,” you nod, “There’ll be vacancies around November. I can inquire if you’d like.”
“Don’t bother.” He states. His room is at the end of the hallway. He unlocks the door and pushes it open. There’s a small shared space, comprised of a slightly cluttered kitchenette and a bathroom. Two large doors indicate the two bedrooms of the dorm room; one for Kento, and one presumably for a roommate.
“You live with someone?”
“He’s visiting his parents for the week. This is my room,” he says, pushing open the door to the right.
Kento's dorm room was different than you’d expected. It was a spacious layout that he adorned with evidence of his interests. A number of fish figures, some made of Lego, were displayed on a shelf against the wall, along with various textbooks, one of which was open on a small table, dog tagged on the edges and plastered with yellow sticky notes.
“Which class is that for?” you pointed at the open textbook.
He turns to the side, pushing his glasses further up his nose bridge, shielding his eyes away from you.
You keep looking around. Kento's desk was clearly a science student’s desk, inundated with marine textbooks and piles of booklets and manila folders, and all sorts of student clutter, from ball point pens to scrunched balls of paper to flashcards. The white concrete walls were relatively unadulterated, save for the framed pictures of his family and friends, and a corkboard above his desk tacked with academic pamphlets, flyers and a calendar. Everything in Kento's room looked as if it had its own designated spot. And the twin-sized bed was neatly made with a navy-blue comforter, which beckoned to you like an oasis in a desert. You noticed a small aquarium beside his dresser.
“I’ve printed a copy but if you’d prefer to edit digitally, I can email you the updated version.” Kento breaks the silence. You say you would prefer the latter, having brought your laptop and forgetting your pencil case. He took off his fleece jacket, revealing a white t-shirt underneath that hugged the frame of his body perfectly, and took off his shoes. You follow his lead and do the same, trying but failing to suppress a yawn. Kento noticed and sighed.
“Let’s finish this quickly so you can go home,” he says. It’s all the permission you need to start, and you groan in gratitude as you sink down onto the fluffy grey rug, shifting forward to put your legs under the kotatsu. His room seemed to have an effect on you. It felt homely and comfortable, reminding you of your own room back at your dorm.
“Oh, that’s right. I was looking at the report before I came and we forgot to update the formula table,” you say with another yawn. Kento took out his laptop and settled at his desk, immediately typing, while you waited for your laptop to load and made yourself comfy. It was the first chance you’ve gotten all day to sit down and relax, and it felt great. Damn that 8am workshop. Exhaustion threatened to overcome you, but you had to finish this. Soon, you and Kento sink into a comfortable silence with the occasional question, typing intensely on your keyboards, brows knit together. Other than that, no small talk existed. Two hours pass by and you stood up to stretch, walking towards Kento to see what he was up to. He stopped writing on his notepad when your shadow creeped over his paper. He turned around slowly.
“What are you doing?”
He huffs, brown eyes illuminated by his open computer screen. “Writing tomorrow’s agenda.” He looks up and draws his eyes to yours. “What’s wrong?”
“I’ve completed the formula tables and edited the evaluation,” you stretch as you look at your watch which displayed a dim 21:53, “Damn, its late. Alright, I’ll get going. Text me if there’s a problem.”
Kento sighs deeply. “Thank you for coming.”
“No problem. Sorry if I didn’t do too much today, I was up at 5 this morning and I've only had one coffee. I’ll swing by again this week.”
He observes your tired face. There were dark circles around your slightly red eyes. Your skin was dull and your lips were slightly cracked. Before he could contain his sympathy, he opened his mouth, “Stay the night.”
Your face stills in confusion. “Huh.”
“Stay the night.” Kento stood up from his chair, heading over to peer out the window. “It’s dangerous for you to go back alone.”
“What...? Walk me home then,” you quipped. “Plus, if I stayed the night, where would I sleep? No offense Kento, but if you want me to share a bed with you, you'd have to buy me dinner first.”
You snicker as the tall man purses his lips. “I can’t buy you dinner right now but there’s some instant ramen in the cupboard if you’re hungry.”
“Oh my God!” You groan, beginning to stuff your laptop into your bag. Your cheeks feeling tight. “I was just kidding. I’ll just run super-fast. If you’re so worried, watch me from your window and save me if something happens.”
He walks closer and sits at the edge of his bed next to your kneeled body. “(name), just stay,” he demands. The way he says your name makes your stupid heart do stupid cartwheels. “The curfew began an hour ago and you can’t go about wandering. Sleep on my bed.”
“No, Kento. It’s your bed. I can’t ta–”
“Sleep in the hallway then.”
“It’s fine,” he says. “Look, I’m tired but not to the point where I’m about to collapse from exhaustion. Besides, I made coffee earlier. I can make it through the night. Take the bed.”
Still, it felt wrong to sleep on his bed.
He was reliable, trustworthy and knew what he wanted in life. Bonus, he was good looking. You saw the effect he had over the girls in the hallway earlier. There was no doubt he had a girlfriend. You were sure about it. You did feel slightly disheartened at the thought though as you had tried to flirt with him earlier this year but he had openly rebuked you and told you to stop. It was embarrassing to think about it. Your relationship with him was strictly platonic with a capital ‘P’. Friends offer their beds to their friends all the time right?
You were still unsure, really not wanting to spend the night in his room... with him. Alone. Anything could happen.
“I really can’t Kento, I’ll just go home. You probably have a girlfrie–”
“I don’t have a girlfriend, (name), just sleep,” he stood up and sat at his desk again, resuming his scribbling on his notepad.
You stand awkwardly, tugging at the strings of your hoodie. Great, you had been everywhere wearing these clothes all day. The lecture halls, the library, the café. You stared longingly at his clean bed, not a crinkle in sight. You didn't want to tarnish his spotless sheets with your gross clothes. You smelled stinky too. You silently hoped he'd have spare pajamas laying around...
“You can wear the pajamas from the bottom drawer. Return it in the morning. Don’t worry about washing it. Use the bathroom to clean up.”
It was as if he read your mind. Muttering a quick ‘thanks’, you rushed into the bathroom and washed up, changing into the clean clothes. When you return to Kento's room, the main lights were off. The nightlight beside his bed and the desk lamp were on, emitting a warm dimming effect. His eyes were looking at you. They searched your face before trailing down and up the rest of your body, a small smile on his lips. A pleasant shiver runs down your spine.
“Good night (name).” he says lowly.
“Good night,” you say back, “Wake me up if you need to sleep.”
Silence is your response. You almost let out a moan as you sink into his soft mattress. Warmth envelopes you and you knew that you were sleeping good tonight. You stare at his ceiling, thinking back to his small compliment earlier, to the sneaky glances you had sent his peaceful figure. To the strange offer to use his spare clothes for the night. To the furtive glances at you in his pajamas.
“Hey,” you whisper, “I can’t tell if you’re being really sweet to me intentionally, or if you’re really just a gentleman.”
“You know… if you have some sort of ulterior motive or something.”
His eyes glimmer. “It’d be pretty hard not to be sweet to you.”
The tension. It’s back. Kento's brown eyes don’t release you, but you’re a willing captive. Nothing could break this moment…
Nothing but a big, fat, horrendously-timed yawn.
He sighs again, you turn away, embarrassed.
“For fuck’s safe, (name), just sleep,” he exhales.
“You should too.”
“I have homework. Do you want some water?”
“No thanks,” you say, but he had already opened the mini fridge by his desk and tossed a cold bottle at your direction.
He returned to his seat. You smile in appreciation and take a sip. “Now, sleep. Goodnight.”
“You look pretty beat yourself. Are you sure you don’t want…”
He shakes his head. “I wish, but I have a lot to do. Besides, you’re using the bed.”
“Right.” What were you even thinking?
“Sleep well,” he says, settling down again at his desk. You re-adjust his pillows. Except, for whatever reason, your brain finds the back of Kento's head too intriguing. So, you roll onto your other side, facing the wall, shut your eyes, and let your exhaustion overtake you.
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a mix-up of good omens-coded songs (idk how to title this--)
Hellooo my maggots, so there were a number of songs that were just so good omens and ineffable lovers coded that I had to see how they sounded together. But me being me, I don't know how to actually mashup songs, so I just sang it the way I'd have wanted to mashup the songs and made it into one song.
Of course all songs remind us of Good Omens now, that's a different matter of significant concern. But these especially were very Aziraphale and Crowley's religious-trauma-and-being-queer vibey.
The songs I cover here are (in order and excluding repeats) Devil's Backbone by the Civil Wars, Take Me to Church by Hozier, Angel By the Wings by Sia, Falling by Harry Styles, Holy Water by Noah Davis, The Village by Wrabel and Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen.
And, well. Yep. The lyrics in the order that I sing them are below the cut. Thank you maggots for dragging me into this brainrot it is painful and unholy and I love it here so so much. Thank you @falling-raine for yelling at me to post this. Wahoooooooo!
[LYRICS] Oh lord, oh lord, what have I done I’ve fallen in love with a man on the run Oh lord, oh lord, I’m begging you please Don’t take that sinner from me Oh, don’t take, take, take, take Take me to church, I’ll worship like a dog At the shrine of your lies, I’ll tell you my sins And you can sharpen your knife Offer me that deathless death, good god, let me give you my life Oh lord, oh lord, what do I do? I’ve fallen for someone who’s nothing like you He’s raised on the edge of the devil’s backbone I just want to take him home Oh, I just want to take, take, take So take an angel by the wings, Beg her now for anything,  Beg her now for one more day Just take an angel by the wings Time to tell her everything Ask her for the strength to stay What am I now? What am I now? What if I’m someone you won’t talk about? I’m falling again, I’m falling again I’m falling  I’ve walked through hell and back again Cause I’m a man who loves a man No you don’t need to pray for me No I don’t need your Holy water I don’t need your sympathy, sympathy, your— Holy water Just cause you think differently, differently There’s nothing wrong with you It’s true, it’s true There’s something wrong in the village, in the village Oh Coz I’ve been there, sitting in the same chair Whispering that same prayer half a million times It’s a lie though, buried in disciples One page of the Bible isn’t worth a life But I’ve heard there was a secret chord That David played and it pleased the Lord But you don’t really care for music Do ya? And it’s not a cry that you hear at night It’s not somebody who’s seen the light It’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah Hallelujah.
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I love them so much.
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s-dei · 2 months
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"Druzhok" is a Russian for "little friend"/"buddy", when applied to a person you're not close with is usually joking/sarcastic. Also a popular dog name
Alrighty, bringin context here
Me and fellas were discussing dif AU possibilities, and somehow "Nikolai babysitting Nemesis before Jill" became obligatory point for any option😅 At least for me. As always it started as a meme and then went wild, and I consider it hella hillarious. And smexy
I can't say it's some solid and thoughtful plot, just a "written in canon" (at least till RE5) with a bunch of situations to let the Tyrants flex. And even if some topics are treated seriously, it's all for the sake of fanservice. I also alterate stuff to explore diff situations, so don't expect me to follow single story all the time or somethin :D
Comin back to the pic, Nik and Nem had to work for some time (~2yrs) for unnamed organization postRE3. They both weren't enthusiastic at first, but in the end it was nicey (amount of 'nicey' depends on my mood in the morning xD)
The reason I rarely draw said stuff is coz I have to think on the clothes different from canon options. (Nem is havin his cool OG limiter, but he's going to wear it later in AU). And I'm not really confident with designing clothes, but I decided - who the fuck cares, if you don't have a resource to design, just slap something at a moment, and at least you have a base to develop for later. (yep it's me who cares, but stfu Lily)
Anyway I'm a sucker for "two intimidating chars are stupid dogs with eachother" in any amount. heh
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