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My Tumblr Crushes:
It's certainly been a while since I did this. XD
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wovenstardust · 7 years
10, 18!! for the ask
my favorite icecream is vanilla because im boring af
and I went to panic! a couple of years ago with @topazpocky!!
Shit or if you meet the other one its 
and my patronus is an otter
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kyrianne · 7 years
coyscout replied to your post: coyscout: therapy helped but also really didn’t im...
I’ll like get weepy and leaking but never sob ugh and I know why it’s cause I’m trying to just rationalize and move on and not deal with emotions. I didn’t know Red as all but I remember her. I’m sorry friend love you, I know Mango was hurting too
Yeah I was SO CLOSE to being able to sob today at work but I was at work so I couldn’t. I was talking to MC about Red over FB and it was really helpful but just not enough because I couldn’t give in to the sobbing I wanted to do
And it’s like, I’ll forget for a few minutes, and then it comes crowding back in that she is dead and I go through the shock of that again and then I do the weepy leaking thing and then it’s bottled all up until the next time I remember
And then I feel guilty because I’m more broken up about her than I ever was about my own grandmother dying last year, I can’t muster up ANYTHING for my grandmother and Red wasn’t even one of my best friends but she was part of my chosen family and it hurts so much being isolated from the rest of them while we’re going through this. Thank god for FB, we’ve been in touch pretty much nonstop but it’s still so hard
When MC visits in September you are invited to our Otaku cuddle puddle, okay?
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The Lord of the Flies The Picture of Dorian Grey The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn :3c
God you literally sent this last month and I’m just now finding it, lmao I’m sorry smol
Lord of the Flies - can I get a uuuuuuhhhhh group of ridiculous tenderhearted compassionate thoughtful nerds whom I love to death and will happily revel in our joint Feels with about a multitude of topics until the universe itself crashes down around our ears, despite the fact that (save for me and one other person, hey Lam) we are flung to what often feels like the vast and opposite corners of the universe
Picture of Dorian Gray - Hmmm Idk it’s a really hard pose to replicate (honestly I would but I shut down my human-looking glamour hours ago, we’ll just have to call it an IOU for now, but my current icon is honestly a pretty decent facsimile)
Huckleberry Finn - Pere Lachaise cemetery. It’s the one thing I didn’t get to do in Paris my junior year that I was really bummed about, but not that bummed because hey, the things I did see were pretty spectacular. I figure I (knock on wood) still have plenty of time to get around those parts, though, and in the meantime am already scoping out cemeteries to visit when I move in August.
Thanks buddy, sorry it’s eons late :’D
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tinyblackchild · 6 years
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Tagged by @coyscout to make an aesthetic board from pics on my phone. 
Tagging @velveteenrabbiitt @velvettruce @locococopuff @unamericanyouth
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earthbodystarhead · 7 years
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i was tagged by @coyscout to make an aesthetic moodboard with pictures only in my phone and here it is !! i tag @meoplelikepeople , @clarabunny , @orangesandoxygen , @velveteenrabbiitt , and @look-upstream if y’all want to of course 💛💛
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birthmark-poetry · 7 years
mlep so I was tagged by @thewonderfulwilliams to list 5 things I like about myself so (even tho I rlly don't like a lot about myself rn here we go):
1. I am really, really good at making friends wherever I am
2. I'm pretty okay at doing my own makeup
3. I feel like my sense of style/personal aesthetic is getting to be a little more of an expression of myself and I appreciate that
4. I make really good pie
5. I'm motivated, and don't let setbacks stop me from pursuing my ambitions.
Uhhhh I guess I tag: @una-speranza, @ten-paces-fire, @coyscout, and whoever else wants to do it!
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Rules: Tag 20 spectacular followers you’d like to get to know better. I was tagged by @lairynnotlauren
 Name: Amanda
 Nickname(s): Katie, Manmanda, Manders, whatever weird nicknames I have from angie, Blanket
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Aquarius
Height: 5′4’’
 Sexual orientation: Bi
 House: Hufflepuff
 Favorite color: Green
 Favorite animal: Giraffe
 Average hours of sleep: not enough
 Cat or dog person: I love both, but I’m more of a cat person.
 Favorite fictional character: Remus Lupin
 Number of blankets I sleep with: 1
 Favorite singer/band: Backstreet Boys, 1d, Jonas Brothers (I like me some boybands), Paramore, Vanessa Carlton
 Dream trip: London to live forever
 Dream Job: to be a wildlife photographer/florist
 When was the blog created: Senior year of high school
 Current number of followers: 358
 When did your blog reach its peak: idk last year?
 What made you decide to make a tumblr?: friends
 I tag:
@jakechillinhaal @sweetestsoutherndarling @sweetsweetsorrow @theobsessivefan @tomibunny @titaniumsoundwaves @coyscout @thewonderfulwilliams @needykitten @ten-paces-fire @most-high-mermaid @del-the-space-prince @themoonslut @dierker @mackef @theycalledusliars @princessoftwilight @alovelysunflower 
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transwolvie · 8 years
coyscout mentioned you in a photo: rcah: where can i get this case? @tomibunny
i get this case? @ tomibunny
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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wovenstardust · 8 years
I don't want her to stop but I need her to stop.
@coyscout about Evan Rachel Wood
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kyrianne · 6 years
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Tagged by @devilgoat
People who should do this are @championofpulchritude @amarits @auntiedrawsstuff @hildegardvonbingedrinking @coyscout @batsutousai and whoever else wants to. Tag me so I can see your memes
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Happy Father’s Day to @coyscout, who is the perfect gay dad and who I’m very proud to call my co-parent and the femme Bob to my goth Linda after all these years ✨
I will always sing badly if you follow it up with a dry “oh my god” 🖤
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As I've said over many dinners :P zombies are appropriated from Haitian/African heritage with commentary on slavery, voodoo, and hypnotism for control. Zombie genre stayed that way till Night of the Living Dead which changed zombies to mindless brain-eating killers, though both of those have the loss of self and identity which from I can tell has been absent from vampire genre. With The Strain its the first I've seen where vampires do have this similar loss of self which is interesting. :0
I think the vampire genre uses loss of self only if the reader is meant to relate to the vampire. I think that would be kind of close to Louis’s initial “I’m a monster!” moments in IwtV (which honestly we should watch next time we hang out if we get time). I’ve seen some very promising Twilight AU concepts where it’s seen from Charlie’s perspective, where he recognizes that Something is preying on and eventually succeeds in transforming his daughter into something else. But for a loss of identity, you’re right, I think it’s been less a fear of losing yourself entirely and more from the standpoint of “What am I now?” and how the context of existence changes when you will outlive all your loved ones and now have endless time on your hands. And then there’s the Strain, which continues in the vain of a biological threat converting people’s loved ones. If you’re not the vampire, then you can go back as early as Jonathan and Mina Harker to see it becomes an issue of agency and manipulation as you’re left to face this creature. And then of course, there’s Mina in Penny Dreadful, where the viewer spends most of the time thinking she’s kidnapped when really (spoilers for season 1) she’s acting as a very elaborate bait. And then there’s the whole thing of Malcolm going “I must find my daughter!” and then seemingly be super calm with dispatching her point blank? That’s a whole mess in itself.
(I feel like more commentaries need to be written on the whitewashing of the zombie myth, esp because it’s so pervasive on TV right now? There’s a whole history here that’s never acknowledged and it sucks.)
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atamajakki · 11 years
Rules: Always post the rules Answer the questions of the person who tagged you then write 11 new ones tag 11 people and link them Questions:
1. Where would you live if you could pick anywhere? I’ve been craving Seattle, lately. Tokyo also springs to mind, but I’m poor and don’t speak Japanese, 2. What’s the last book you read? I think it was Fire Caste. I’ve had The Ocean At The End Of The Lane for a month but I can’t bring myself to read it. 3. There is a troll in the dungeons while you are eating ice cream. How do you respond? With fire, duh. 4. What is one of the most embarrassing moments of your life? I made my ex cry once, when my dirty talk went too far. I felt really bad. 5. What is your favorite spell from Harry Potter? I was never a big fan of Harry Potter, but I loved their take on teleportation. 6. Do you like alcohol? If so what are a few of your favorite drinks? That’s a hard no, I’m afraid. 7. What’s your idea of the perfect dinner? (food, atmosphere, companions, ect…) (or you can think of it like this: if you had as much money and access as you needed to come up with a perfect last meal for yourself, what would it be?) Me and my friends. Dimly-lit Japanese place. Our spicy meal is interrupted by a barfight with some drunk samurai. 8. We’re going on an adventure! Tell me a few people and things you’d take with you, and where you’d go. (all worlds/genres/ect are open) We’re going to the neon-lit, dirty chrome future of the United States, as seen by cynical 1980s authors! I’m bringing my katana and my best leather jacket; anyone who can keep up is welcome to come. 9. How do you feel about apples? Favorite type? Favorite way to cook them? Do you cut them or chomp them? I’m a fan of really good Granny Smith’s. nothing compares to the apple pies they serve in Julian. I’m a chomper. 10. Congratulations, you’ve made it into your House’s Quidditch team at Hogwarts! What House are you in, and what position do you play? Ah, shit. Stick me in Hufflepuff and make me a cheerleader. 11. Why is it so hard to come up with so many questions? The tragic limits of a mind still fettered by biological restraints.
And now, my questions!
1. Cats, or dogs? (Third option: bees.) 2. Love or hate the beach? 3. Strangest dream you’ve ever had. 4. You can visit any place and time in the past; where do you go? 5. What is your zombie apocalypse plan? 6. Name a song you absolutely cannot stand. 7. Which is worse: eating a gallon of mayo from the jar, or drinking a gallon of someone else’s bathwater? 8. What’s the most physically painful thing you’ve ever endured? 9. Your second-favorite movie? 10. You can kill one person without consequences. Who do you choose? 11. Robots or pirates?
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transwolvie · 8 years
coyscout replied to your post:@coyscout is puttin scary shit on my dash when...
too spoopy 4 u (sorry tho! will go tag it lol pretty sure know what it was)
I was not expecting such a full-on spoop 
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