#coxa valga
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craftyjuju · 2 years ago
The face behind the business - Hi, if you are new to my world, welcome ❤️ my name is Julie of Crafty JuJu Designs ❤️
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I love to craft, I make all sorts...you've probably noticed 😆
I work from home in my craft den, shed...or as its known this time of year, a sauna! Since my lifetime health issues have worsened, I am taking the plunge to make my business bigger and fingers crossed a success.
If you would like to follow my progress and adventure, please follow me.
Over at my YouTube channel, I have started vlogging weekly to show what I get up to on good days and then what happens on bad days.
If you have any questions about me, my business, or how I deal with my health issues day to day, please pop a comment here, and I will answer them in my next vlog 😊
Plus, if you've read all this, why not leave me a ❤️
#craftyjuju #craftyjujudesigns #craftyjujusweddingtreats #jujukittens #thisisme #hello #welcome #vlogger #youtube #youtubechannel #healthissues #degenerativediscdisease #arthritis #mentalhealth #fibromialgia #slippeddisc #coxavalga #berlottissyndrome #underactivethyroid #letstalk #askmeaquestion #smallbusines #supportsmallbusiness #derbyshirebusiness #chesterfieldbusiness
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catatombi · 2 years ago
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hip dysplasia related pain
awoo !! havin quite the flare up currently a vet tech i follow posted a screen from one of those facebook doodle groups and they were all like "just doodle things LOL <3 xd" in regards to their fucked up painful sitting as a result of hip dysplasia they're just normalizing their pets being in pain & breeding deformed dogs its WILD so heres Harvey doin the fucked up sittin (encase anyones wondering my hip dysplasia is coxa valga ! we love unfixable bone deformities )
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evolutiosportsphysioblog · 2 years ago
How to Train the Splits
Is achieving the splits a goal that you have? Whether it’s front or side splits, I’ve heard people say often that they’d ‘love to be able to do the splits’ or that they’re ‘working towards being able to do the splits.’ I’m not surprised, it is a cool skill to have, and it can feel like the BIGGEST achievement EVER because it takes so damn long! As rewarding as it is in its entirety, I think it’s important to set people up with a little background knowledge which can help avoid disappointment (like the kind that you get from social media or YouTube), prevent one from giving up, and hopefully set you on a path towards quicker and safer progress.
Some common questions or comments that have popped up in recent discussions are
I’ve been training for over 3 months, I thought I’d have them by now
What sort of things will affect my split?      
Can splits training be dangerous?       
Should I feel pain when I’m stretching?
What sort of things will affect my splits?
Flexibility does generally decline with age, that does not mean that you cannot make flexibility gains as an adult, or even achieve a split. It just might take longer than say, if you were to start as a child and/or have maintained your flexibility consistently throughout your adolescent and adult life. The reason why many adults give up is the misconception that they will achieve it within months. It can take years to achieve a full split. Whereas the biggest factor in not achieving this is hip alignment.
Hip Angle
The ‘normal’ angle of the hip (so between the long thigh bone – the femur, and where it bends - we call this the neck of femur which then forms a socket with your pelvis) is between 33 and 38 degrees, roughly. This allows for 125 degrees of hip rotation (or range), roughly.
There are variances which will make it either easier or more challenging to make progress towards a split. And here’s a curve ball, some individuals may even have a different alignment between their left and right sides.
If you achieve the splits super easy, you may have a wider hip angle (aka Coxa Valga). If you’ve ever heard of the term Hip Dysplasia, this condition can sometimes be in conjunction with a larger hip angle and this allows for a lot of rotational movement, but not a lot of stability to control the hip joint in these ranges.
If you feel blocked in the hips or feel sharp pain in your hip joint, especially when in a side split stretch (ie. with one or both legs out to the side), you may have a smaller hip angle (aka Coxa Vara) which means that there will be a limited range that the hip will structurally be able to achieve.
The only way to know for sure is by having a scan but it’s not necessary for most people. What is important though, is understanding what you should feel in a stretch, and how to train accordingly for your body’s needs.
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Progressive Programming
First, figuring out which structures are actually tight, versus needing to be strengthened... yes, flexibility training should predominantly be a strength workout! Working with a coach (or a physiotherapist) who can help you understand your body, and what each soft tissue needs, will help set you up for success AND help you avoid the monotonous stretching of hamstrings and hip flexors with no gains (sound familiar?) Hint: There is a reason why that alone doesn’t help.
What should you feel while stretching?
If done safely stretching is highly beneficial. Whereas, if done incorrectly it can lead to injuries associated with overstretching. This can include muscle and ligament strains (especially the hamstrings or groin), nerve pain, or damage to the joint capsule itself in the longer term.
Stretching is for the most part uncomfortable, and it’s often described as ‘painful’ which it is. It’s important to know the difference between types of pain though, and when you should be feeling a particular sensation over another.
As a rule of thumb, muscles like being held in a stretch, nerves don’t. So if you are holding a stretch and you feel sharp pain (especially in your calf), tingling, or numbness, this isn’t ideal. Further, if this is something you feel, stretching may not be the safest course of action for you in the beginning. Rather you’d benefit from getting some advice from sports physio on how to manage neural tension first.
Feeling stiff or sore (that dull, achy feeling) in your joints for days after (ie. your hips, somewhere in the knee) it might mean that you are either not preparing your body enough beforehand, or if you are on the naturally bendier side of life, then you may be straining your ligaments instead of stretching your muscles. It’s important to know whether you lie somewhere along the Hypermobility spectrum, as your training will need to look very different compared to someone who is less mobile. Hypermobility is becoming more recognised and acknowledged in healthcare, and there are a variety of Physiotherapy assessments that can help you understand your hypermobility and how to get the most out of your training.
Coming soon will be the ongoing debate in the world of splits training – Is an Open Split ‘bad’? We’ll dive into splits anatomy and what the differences are in an open versus closed split.
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orthotv · 2 years ago
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JOURNAL CLUB APRIL 2023 🔆🗓️ Date & Time : Saturday , 1 April 2023, 8:00AM - 9:00AM ▶️Click to Watch : https://bit.ly/OrthoTV-Orthokids-41 👨‍⚕️ Moderator :* Dr Maulin Shah, Dr Sandip Vaidya, Mumbai* 🔝Topic : "ARTICLES WHICH CAN CHANGE YOUR PRACTICE!" 1️⃣ .Corrective Osteotomy for symptomatic Radial head and neck malunions (JPO 2023) - Dr Chinmay Sangole, Amravati 2️⃣. Relapsed CVT - Outcomes of a modified minimally invasive method (JPO 2023) - Dr Shalin Shah, Ahmedabad 3️⃣. Guided Growth for Coxa Valga and Hip Subluxation in Cerebral Palsy (CORR 2019) - Dr P. Godhasiri, Fellow, Orthokids 4️⃣. 4-in-1 Quadricepsplasty for Habitual and Fixed Lateral Patellar Dislocation (JPO 2023) - Dr. Meet Jain, Fellow, Orthokids 🤝 OrthoTV Team: Dr Ashok Shyam, Dr Neeraj Bijlani 📺 Streaming Live on OrthoTV www.orthotvonline.com 📱 Join OrthoTV - https://linktr.ee/OrthoTV #OrthoTV #Orthokids #JournalClub #MedicalEducation #Orthopedics #Surgery #CorrectiveOsteotomy #RadialMalunions #CVT #HipSubluxation #CerebralPalsy #Quadricepsplasty #PatellarDislocation #OrthopedicSurgeons #OrthopedicResidents #FellowshipPrograms #ContinuingEducation #LearningNeverStops #ChangingPractice #MedicalAdvancements #LiveStream #OnlineLearning #JoinOrthoTV #StayUpdated #StayInformed #OrthopedicCommunity.
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mcatmemoranda · 7 years ago
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Normal = 120 degrees Coxa valga = greater than 120 degrees Coxa vara = less than 120 degrees
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schrullesworld · 4 years ago
Here are 50 random facts about me. Since I am sleep deprived and full of coffein.
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1. I have a large funko pop collection. Small ones, normal size ones, bigger ones and even giant ones. 2. I love to collect minitature versions of famous buildings or places. I try to get at least one from a specific place. 3. I collect snowglobes. 4. I have two cats and two dogs. 5. I collect mangas and english literature. 6. I speak german and english. I can probably get back into french. I also learned latin but that is not really useful. 7. I love photography. 8. I always take a plushie with me when I travel. 9. I am an asexual homoromantic. Although I do feel an aesthetic attraction towards the male gender I do not see myself in a relationship with one. Most of the time I have a platonic feeling. Even towards male crushes I never think about wanting to be with them romantically I always want to be their friend. 10. I love Venom and collect almost everything from Venom. 11. I am very picky with concerts and only go to bands that i really like. 12. I have seen Subway To Sally (a german medieval metal band), Hugh Laurie and the copper bottom band, Skillet (twice), Apocalyptica and Disturbed live. 13. I have a lot of movies. 14. It took me 31 years to break a bone and i manage to break four in one go. 15. I never season my food or put salt on it. 16. I have a scoliosis and a coxa valga which means my hips are very narrow and I sometimes cannot stand for long or sit for long. 17. I am not really a fan of heat but the cold doesn’t bother me. 18. My favourite movies are Venom, Constantine, Air Force One and The Count Of  Monte Christo 19. I have been to many places like France, UK, Spain, Portugal, Itay, Iceland, Ireland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark. 20. I am a cruiser, I love cruise ships but i dislike the big ones, only a small one. 21. I used to need glasses but I don’t need them anymore. Not even for reading. 22. I love music. 23. I have disorganized schizophrenia. Which is like a subtype of schizophrenia minus the halluzinations. 24. I am lactose intolerant. 25. I love video games such as Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Skyrim, Fallout, The Witcher, Sims 26. I have a giant Dalek plushie. 27. I don’t wear dresses that often or make up. 28. I have something called focal hand distonia, which means either I write like crap and don’t have pain in my hand or I write perfectly fine and have pain in my hand. 29. I have met Nicholas Boulton in real life. 30. I had a weird and wacky phase where I only listened to japanese bands. 31. My favourite animals are racoons. 32. I don’t like insects unless they are behind glass and I can look at them. 33. I don’t really mind spiders or snakes. 34. It took me over 10 years after Lord of the Ring came out to watch it. 35. I used to cosplay and still do it sometimes when I have the time. 36. I root more for villains than for the heroes. 37. I don’t like watching horror movies or romance comedies. 38. I am currently trying to learn japanese and finnish. 39. I am allergic to almost every tree but especially chestnuts. 40. I am allergic to the sun. 41. I am technically a virgin since I never had sex. 42. I love to roleplay and especially male characters. 43. I am bad at organizing. 44. I look way younger than I actually am, so people confuse me with someone younger all the time. 45. I never drink alcohol. 46. I am not a fan of tea or coffee. 47. I have a histamin intolerance so I cannot eat a lot of food. 48. I used to hike in the past but I got way too lazy to do it again. 49. I don’t have a driver lisence. 50. I love weird and whacky stuff.
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unidadortopedia · 4 years ago
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Las osteotomias próximales femorales percutaneas, mi pasión, y acá esta la que patente hace más de 16 años, y que practico en mis pacientes adultos y niños para corregir las coxas valgas o varas, osteotomias desrotadodoras logrando cubrimiento acetabular a la cabeza femoral o corrigiendo su posición con mínima morbilidad y complicaciones. En una cirugía rápida y efectiva con deambulacion y apoyo de los pacientes en el postoperatorio inmediato. Dr. Pedro Antonio Sánchez Mesa, Médico especialista en Ortopedia y Traumatólogia en Bogotá, Colombia 🇨🇴. Subespecialista en Cirugia Reconstructiva y del Reemplazo Articular de Cadera y Rodilla. Ortopedista y Traumatólogo Infantil y del Adolescente. Ortopedia Regenerativa. Experto pionero en artrotecnologia y nanotecnología. Citas particulares: PBX: +571- 6923370 Extensión 10-02, Móvil y WhatsApp Institucional: +57 (318) 778-2042. Bogota D.C. Republica de Colombia. #ortopediabogota #ortopediaytraumatologiabogota #ortopediaytraumatologíacolombia #ortopediaytraumalogiacundinamarca#traumatologobogota #ortopediaytraumatologíainfantilbogota #ortopediaytraumatologiapediatricabogota #especialistaartroplastiabogota #ortopediaytraumatologiapediatrica #cirujanoreemplazosarticulares #cirugiacadera #cirugíacadera #cirugiacaderayrodilla #ortopediacaderacolombia #ortopediacaderabogota #ortopediacaderainfantil #ortopediacaderainfantilbogota #ortopediarodillabogota #ortopediarodillacolombia #ortopediarodilla #ortopediarodillabogota #ortopediaregenerativa #ortopediaregenerativarodilla #ortopediaregenerativabogota #ortopediaregenerativacolombia #artrosisrodilla #artrosiscadera #cirugiarodilla #cirugiarodillabogota #cirujanorodilla #cirujanorodillabogota (en Unidad Especializada En Ortopedia Y Traumatologia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFNXIbEMknX/?igshid=1o364w2ozvvmn
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healthupdatede-blog · 7 years ago
Prof. Dr. Nicolai Worm: Abnehmen, Ernährung und die Wissenschaft der Kohlenhydrate
“Du verdienst Dir Deine Kohlenhydrate, indem Du Deinen Hintern hochkriegst und Kraft- und Ausdauertraining machst.” – Prof. Dr. Nicolai Worm
Prof. Dr. Nicolai Worm (@nicolaiworm) ist Erfinder der LOGI Diät, der Flexi-Carb Methode und einer der führenden Ernährungswissenschaftler in Deutschland.
Er studierte Ökotrophologie an der TU München, promovierte an der Universität Gießen und ist Professor an der Deutschen Hochschule für Prävention und Gesundheitsmanagement in Saarbrücken.
Er arbeitet zudem seit über 30 Jahren als Dozent, u.a. im Bereich Sporternährung für den Deutschen Sportbund und hat bereits eine Vielzahl von Gesundheits- und Ernährungsbüchern veröffentlicht.
Prof. Dr. Nicolai Worm bei Fitness mit M.A.R.K.
In der heutigen Folge von Fitness mit M.A.R.K. sprechen wir darüber, wie Du Dich ernähren solltest, so dass Du nackt gut aussiehst.
Wir reden über den aktuellen Stand der Forschung zum Thema ausgewogene Ernährung, Kohlenhydrate und warum Schlafmangel ein unterschätzter Dickmacher ist.
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Viel Spaß beim Hören!
Shownotes: Interview mit Dr. Nicolai Worm
Ausgewählte Links
Nimm Kontakt mit Dr. Nicolai Worm auf:
Persönliche Seite | Twitter | Facebook | Die LOGI-Methode
Nicolai Worm’s Bücher:
“Flexi-Carb: Mediterran genießen. Lebensstil beachten – Kohlenhydrate anpassen. Schlank und gesund bleiben”
“Flexi-Carb – Das Kochbuch: Mit 60 Rezepten in verschiedenen Kohlenhydratstufen”
“Die Flexi-Diät: Abnehmen mit mediterranem Low Carb – mit und ohne Mahlzeitenersatz”
“LOGI-METHODE. Glücklich und schlank – Mit viel Eiweiss und dem richtigen Fett. Die LOGI-Methode”
“Die LOGI- Jubiläumsbox: Enthält DIE drei Standardwerke rund um die LOGI- Methode zum Jubiläumspreis”
“Diätlos glücklich: Abnehmen macht dick und krank. Genießen ist gesund”
“Syndrom X oder Ein Mammut auf den Teller! Mit Steinzeitdiät aus der Wohlstandsfalle”
“Die Heilkraft von Vitamin D: Wie das Sonnenvitamin vor Herzinfarkt, Krebs und anderen Krankheiten schützt”
“Leberfasten nach Dr. Worm: Das innovative Low-Carb-Programm gegen die Fettleber”
“Menschenstopfleber: Die verharmloste Volkskrankheit Fettleber – das größte Risiko für Diabetes und Herzinfarkt. Diagnose, Therapie, Prävention”
“Volkskrankheit Fettleber: Verkannt – verharmlost – heilbar”
“Warum Schlafmangel dick macht und guter Schlaf schlank macht”
Nicolai Worm’s Buchempfehlung:
Peter Mayle: ”Mein Jahr in der Provence”
Wer ist Prof. Dr. Nicolai Worm? [03:10]
Wie hat er den Vater der Paleo-Diät getroffen? [05:20]
Wie Nicolai ein positives Essverhalten entwickelt hat [09:43]
Wie kann es sein, dass unterschiedliche Menschen, unterschiedlich viele Kalorien benötigen, auch wenn die Aktivität und Aufbau gleich sind [13:23]
Was sind die Regeln, für einen Weg, womit man sich gut fühlt [17:19]
Wo sind die Unterschiede zwischen Flexi-Carb und LOGI-Methode? [18:30]
Was passt zu Dir? [24:48]
Kann man Vitamin D einfach supplementieren? [27:13]
Wie ist aktuell der Stand zum Thema Fischöl und DHA/EPA? [29:36]
Warum wir diese Fettsäuren brauchen [35:20]
Diese Omega 3 Fettträger sind zu empfehlen [37:33]
Warum Schlafmangel dick und guter Schlaf schlank macht [39:39]
Schlafmangel durch Schichtarbeit [44:48]
Was bedeutet Erfolg für Nicolai [46:13]
Was Dr. Worm von Smothies hält und worauf Du aufpassen musst [50:10]
Welche Menschen haben Nicolai auf seinem Weg inspiriert [55:40]
Wie man mit der Sucht nach Zucker umgeht [58:16]
Was Du vor dem Schlafengehen essen darfst [59:39]
Wie wirkt die LOGI-Methode bei Gewichtsreduktion und Fettabbau [1:00:52]
Begünstigt eine kohlenhydratlastige und fettlastige Mahlzeit tatsächlich die Fettzunahme? [1:05:11]
Macht es für die Fettverbrennung nach dem Training ein Unterschied, ob Du flüssige oder feste Energie zu Dir nimmst? [1:06:06]
Ist die LOGI-Methode auch für Kleinkinder geeignet? [1:08:07]
Welche Studien zu intermittierendes Fasten, gibt es bereits? [1:09:20]
Wie sich Nicolai fit hält [1:11:28]
Was ist der perfekte Tag und die Gewohnheiten dazu? [1:12:37]
Welche Bücher er sehr gerne verschenkt [1:13:26]
Welche Sache würde Nicolai an ihm ändern [1:15:10]
Was war seine beste Investition von 100,- Euro oder weniger, die er in der letzten Zeit getätigt hat [1:15:25]
Was sind die neuen Empfehlungen der DGE [1:15:44]
Erwähnte Personen
Dr. Loren Cordain
Prof. Dr. Clemens von Schacky
Dr. Hardy Walle
Peter Mayle
Metabolisches Syndrom
HS-Omega-3 Index
EPA, Eicosapentaensäure
DHA, Docosahexaensäure
Coxa Valga
Erwähnte Links
TU München
Trainerakademie Köln des DOSB
“Die Paleo-Ernährung” von Prof. Dr. Loren Cordain
University of Colorado
10 Regeln der DGE
The biggest Looser
Fahrrad Regenponcho
DGE – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung
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