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admiraltx · 9 months ago
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Trotted a few miles on the new horse this morning checking water. He came off 90000 acres of mountains around Van Horn and travels like it. A ground covering walk and a smooth trot make for an easy day
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dailycowperson · 2 years ago
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The Cowpony of the Day is: Horse 2257 from Littlest Pet Shop!
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lightishpurple · 2 months ago
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If I'm not careful my warmups will turn into full drawings anyway don't kill the part of you that's cringe kill that part of you that cringes
[selfship flag by angeltailz on Tumblr!]
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puckster-v · 2 years ago
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A little cow friend
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heyashcat · 1 year ago
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Lee for Ponies of the Valley ARPG.
Posted using PostyBirb
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poniesintrees · 1 year ago
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yeehaw!! you have some fun out there pardner and make sure to climb some trees!
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shadows-over-the-wastes · 2 months ago
Shadows Over the Wastes: Chapter One
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Stables. Bunkers, more or less, created to shelter ponies from the doomsday that was The Day the Bombs Fell. Or, aptly, The Final Day. Created with self-sustaining magical technology that would run until Reclamation Day. And even further beyond that. This is the environment I had known my entire life. Yellowcake Cream, an altogether uninspiring, and unassuming unicorn.
That was me. With a yellow coat, a blue-green mane that’s always too messy and sloppily tied back, and bright green eyes that have a blue discoloration to the sclera. My cutie mark is a Balefire green glass tuning fork, surrounded by a blue glow. If anything about me was unique or impressive, it was that. But it didn’t do much to compensate for my rather lacking stature, being one of, if not the, shortest mares in the entire Stable. It also didn’t explain my sad physique. I’m rather chubby, to put it lightly. Fat, to put it accurately. And worst of all, I never look like I get enough sleep, and I have a horrendous cough I can never get rid of. I’m not asthmatic, I’m just pathetic.
My special talent is… a little unclear. But I’m really good at fixing up the reactor in the Stable, and I’m unaffected by radiation, so my place is clear. I’m a reactor engineer and technician. A rather high-clearance, and low-effort job, which doesn’t help with my weight problem. Most of the time, I spend my days watching old TV shows, re-reading the Stable library’s selection, or simply hanging out in the bakery.
My sweet tooth was my friend Cherry Garcia’s fault. She’s the bakery mare, and runs the shop by herself, which she took over when her mother retired. Her coloration was that of red velvet cake. A maroon coat with a creamy white mane, striped with chocolate brown, and beautiful, crystal pink eyes. She was the Stable’s eye candy, always was for her peers, even when we were foals. All the colts thought she was the prettiest thing in the whole wide world. They weren’t wrong, but she always expressed that stallions weren’t really for her. She and I met because I was always the smartest foal in the class, and the quietest. She’s not book smart, but socially smart, so she came to me for help. We’ve more or less been inseparable ever since.
The piercings in my ears were my friend Aero Ace’s fault. He’s a punky gray stallion with a faux-colorful black mane, violet eyes, and plenty of tats and piercings to match. He’s an artist, with a needle and a brush. He’s also a troublemaker. Always has been, always will be. He’s not as big as some other stallions, built very lithe, and quick on his wings. We met for similar reasons, but moreso because he wanted to know the most effective way to prank somepony using a Mr. Handy robot. I told him all the ins and outs and how to change personality scripts. Even helped him do it. He stuck around me since then.
Today was another day of nothing, spent in my room, with a comic book sprawled on my bed. I was sat comfortably, twirling a pen in my magical grip as a notebook laid next to the comic. I wasn’t reading it, so much as I was using it as reference to draw. Another hobby I’d picked up to kill some time. I started when I was 16, and had gotten pretty good over the years. Sighing, I closed the comic book, going back to sketching. I was drawing a cowpony gunslinger, with a big chunky revolver. I always thought cowpoke were cool, that and the concept of aliens.
I heard a knock on my Stable room door. “Go away.” I called over, not peeling my eyes away.
“It’s Cherry!” Garcia called through the speaker system.
“Oh! C’mon in!” My ears pricked up, dropping my pen and looking over at the door.
The metal bulkhead door opened up, and the earth pony walked right through. She had a big, cheeky smile, a tray balanced on her back. She wore the same Stable suit we all did, dark blue and gold trim, branded with a bold 27. “Another hard day of work, huh?” She joked.
“Yeah yeah, I know. You can ask me for help if you need it, y’know.” I replied, leaning my head on a hoof.
“Oh no… don’t want you pulling a muscle.” Garcia smirks, joining me on the bed by my side, and gently setting the tray in front of us. It had three or four pastries on it, assorted. “Brought you the daily extras. Since you didn’t visit…”
I snickered, picking up an eclair with my magic. “Jeeze… this is all extras, huh?”
“Just figured I’d bring you some, since you never bothered to visit.” She chuckles, giving my side a poke.
Feeling my face flare up, I bit a sizable chunk from the pastry. “Sho what bringsh you by?”
“Well, I wanted to see your workspace! You always hang by the bakery, I’ve never gotten to see the reactor room.” She answers rather bluntly, shrugging.
I cough, almost choking on my mouthful. “You… you do?”
“Mmhmm! I wanna see what you do!” She grins, flashing her perfect white teeth.
I hesitated, eating the other half of my eclair, thinking it over. “Well… uh, I’m not really supposed to have anypony else in there. It’s a… bit of a dangerous environment.”
“Pleeeease…?” She pushes her nose up against my cheek, giving me the wettest puppy eyes she can manage. “I promise I’ll behave… I’ll even bake your favorite cake for the morning if you take me.”
My ears flopped back, “…Banana? You really don’t have to, y’know. You already brought all this.”
“Mmmhmmm…” Cherry nods, leaning on me a little more. “For my favorite nerd…”
Unfortunately, try as I might, I felt my face burn with her honeyed words. I hated how good she was at sweet talking me, it always worked. “Uhhh… y-um. Okay… I can take you in for the morning maintenance check.”
“Yes! Thank you, thank you!” Cherry gives me a tight hug, practically suffocating me with her forelegs. I didn’t really understand the excitement, but it was flattering in a sense.
I chuckled, giving her back a pat with a hoof. “I… don’t really understand why you’re so enthusiastic, but I won’t complain.”
“So what time do I need to be here?” Cherry backs up a little bit, her tail giving an excited shake.
Rubbing under my chin, I thought for a moment. “Ideally you wanna get here before security starts their morning patrol. I’d say anywhere between 06 hundred and half past. Preferably on the dot, though.” I pointed at her, “But. You need to do as I say. Any safety precaution not taken for you can mean dire radiation poisoning.”
“Promise… anything you say, I’ll do it.” She pats her chest, nodding.
Sighing, I give a nod, “Alright… be here fresh and early. And clean. Please. The decontamination protocols call for a shower at least the day before entering the reactor room.”
Nodding again, she smiles. “Showered and early, got it.”
Tapping my hooves together, I glance around the room. “So… um. Did you… wanna stick around for any other reason?”
“Of course, silly. Keep drawing, I’ll watch…” She leans on me, getting comfortable.
The morning came unceremoniously, after a productive day of drawing and eating the pastries that Cherry brought me. Getting on my Stable suit, I clicked my Pip-Buck onto my right foreleg, using a few dials and switches to get my authorization ready. As I walked out of my Stable room, I was greeted with the sight of the Overmare, Silver Lining. In the same hallway as me, speaking to another Stable member. She shot me a look, one that was hard on the nerves. She always tested me, ever since I took my Mother’s position as the reactor tech. Makes sense, considering this job is what took my Mom from me. And as far as my Dad goes, no news. Nopony really knows who he is. My Mom had an alcohol problem, and slept around. It could be any stallion, and she simply forgot. It made me a bastard foal. Something that was tough to live with. Something that got me taunted through my school years.
Breaking me out of the stare was Cherry, tapping me on the shoulder. “Hey! You good?”
“Uh… yeah. Fine.” I shrugged it off, starting to head for the reactor room. Garcia trailed closely at my side, trying to gauge what was wrong. I could tell, by the way her eyes were burning a hole through my skull.
“By the way, your cake should be settled by the time you come back with me to the bakery!” Cherry smiled, trying to turn my mind onto something else.
Looking over, I scoffed, “Yeah? You actually made one? You didn’t have to, you know. You have other customers.”
“You’re not a customer, Cake! You’re my friend. My best friend, at that.” She bumps me, nearly sending me off balance.
Stumbling a little, I snickered, shaking my head. “Alright, if you insist.” Before we knew it, we got to the reactor room. Glancing around, I checked to make sure nopony was near. Then, once confirmation was ensured, I opened the door. “Go go go…” I waved Cherry inside, before stepping in myself. Locking the door behind us, I sighed. “Alright. Now here’s the tough part.”
“I thought that was the tough part?” Cherry cocked her head.
Moving to a rack with hazmat suits, I shook my head. “Nope. You need to put one of these on.” I tossed her one, sitting so I could watch her.
Starting to slowly pull it on, she grunts. “Don’t you need one too?”
“Nope. My body doesn’t react to the excited magi-tomic energy in the air.” I wave a hoof. “Dunno why, but it doesn’t.”
“Huh…” She fits the respirator mask over her head, and I seal the suit, starting the circulation of air. Once ready, she stomps the metal shoes of the suit against the floor. “Good to go!” Her voice is garbled through the respirator, but clear enough.
Heading to the decontamination room, it seals behind us. Misting us with a germ-scrub solution, we’re then dried off. Then, without any further delay, we walk right through, into the reactor room. The reactor itself is a technological wonder. A Balefire reactor, one of the only subjects of its kind. Most other Stable reactors rely on magi-tomic fusion. Thus, they need their core replaced eventually. However, a Balefire reactor is a perpetual magic machine. A self-sustaining dark magic reaction, exothermic, and highly radioactive. It looked like a giant metal sphere, suspended by a series of green-glowing wires, with a thrumming, bright emerald mass swirling within.
“Welcome to where the magic happens.” I motioned to the generator. “My maintenance typically consists of dark energy ventilation, sorting, and purification.” Moving to a few tubes lining the walls, three on each side, I pulled large red levers on their sides. “Using these, more or less, vacuum-based traps, I suck the excess dark energy from the reaction, and trap them in specialized battery housing.” I demonstrate, tapping on a tube swirling with green-blue energy. Then, turning a wheel on the tube, I initiate the exchange. The energy excites, then decelerates, and solidifies into bright gold strands. Pure solar fusion energy. A primitive mocking of Celestia’s godly power, in the quick of my hoof. “And… voila. Pure, unfiltered celestial energy. Ready to be cycled into an empty core. This is a gross oversimplification of the process, but… I don’t think you could really get it without years of education. Like me.”
“That’s insane! I never knew this is what you did!” Cherry sounded astonished, staring intently at the raw fusion energy.
I nodded, patting the tube. “That’s pretty much it. Do that for every tube, and it’s exchanged. Easy stuff. Those cores are cleaner and last longer.”
She and I spent the next hour or two talking and ventilating the reactor. She quizzed me on just about everything I knew, regarding magi-tomic energy at least. I’d never had anypony else be as interested in it as I was, it was refreshing. However, just as we were getting ready to leave, single file through the decontamination room, I heard something. Before I entered the room with her, my ears twitched, and Cherry looked at me through the bulkhead door. “You okay?”
“I heard something. We shouldn’t have any other unauthorized life signs in the room. It’s protocol.” I kept my voice down, eyebrows furrowing. Then, I closed the bulkhead, squinting as I turned around.
Cherry banged a hoof on the door, looking through the window. “Cake?! What’s going on??” Her voice was heavily muffled, but audible.
Looking back, I yelled through the door. “Stay here, and stay safe! I’m gonna find what’s crawling around in here!” “Cake! No! C’mon! This is a job for security!” She bangs on the door. Unfortunately for her, my curiosity was getting the better of me.
The reactor room didn’t have much in the way of weapons. For defense or no. But, a screwdriver should do the trick. I’ve read a few comics where a good screwdriver to the eye was more or less a low-end lobotomy. I didn’t wanna kill anypony, so a lobotomy would have to do. However, I found the origin of the sound. One of the metal panels on the wall of the room had been moved, revealing a long, dark corridor.
I hesitated, but I made my way within. Using my horn to light my way, a cold breeze blew over my body as the panel suddenly shut. And locked.
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fanartist666 · 2 months ago
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Cowboy'n his cowpony cowboyin' it up bc he's sad n' gay n' it ain't the touch of a woman he's been missin' but his ex is an a-hole but neither of 'em 're over it
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glapplebloom · 4 months ago
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This series took “Applejack is a Background Pony” as an offense.
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How Applejack Got Her Hat Back
This episode begins with Rarity setting a new trend: Cowboy hats. Applejack is excited at first, but as more ponies get into this trend Applejack feels like she’s not herself. If everyone is a cowpony, what is she? So the first half of the episode is focusing on her trying to find a new identity, via potions. After being a pilot, a Firemare, and an Astronaut, she decided that she needs something that says “I don’t know who I am.” She goes with being French, complete with beret.
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Part 2 begins with Applejack sulking when she sees three other ponies who are not into trends. They ask Applejack to join them since she’s fitting their vibes and she accepts. She even got their current obsession: a cube that does something. What it is they don’t know. Rarity sees this and worries about Applejack. So wanting to fix her situation, Rarity takes that cube and makes it the next trend. All the while Applejack decided the heck with what other ponies wear: she’s a cowpony and she’s wearing that hat Trend or not. 
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It ends with everything back to normal and Pinkie Pie figuring out what the cube is: something you can eat. Overall, this is my favorite of the series so far as honestly, if you change the scripting and stretch things out this could totally have been an actual episode of Friendship is Magic. And I honestly love the joke of Twilight and Applejack trying to figure out what that cube does.
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Cute-pocalypse Meow
Everyone is trying to put on their game faces. This includes Fluttershy who, let's face it, could be stabbing you in the face and you will still find her cute. Going to the park to make up conversations people are having (I think Family Guy did something similar), she meets a cat: Bubbles Cherub McSquee. Animals can talk in this universe. Fluttershy seems obsessed with her new friend, but the others are worried about that. When they get to meet him, his jerky nature is revealed but Fluttershy seems to ignore it because “it's funny.” Plus Friendship Jewelry.
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Though it seems the dam finally breaks when he says Reality TV is Trash. Technically he’s correct, but Pinkie Pie is currently in a Reality TV Show so they take offense to that. After all, Pinkie is working hard to win and his comments made her bum out. Even Fluttershy is upset with Bubbles. After he leaves, Fluttershy is confronted with the truth about Bubbles and decides to confront Bubbles. He’s already replaced her with Buttershy, a Fluttershy recolor who is more focused on her tablet than actually caring about Bubbles.
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So they battle in a cute-off. Sure, he’s a cat but this is Fluttershy we’re talking about. She sends him flying off again and Fluttershy is back with her friends. Buttershy doesn’t really seem to notice anything. Overall, it’s alright but it reminds me of Dishwater Slog two episodes ago: very hard to watch because the jerk brings it down. It's slightly better as said jerk gets their comeuppance. Though Applejack’s Hat is still the best episode to me.
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thetalkingwave · 1 year ago
I got a message on reddit the other day following another warmup comic I had posted onto an anime subreddit. To paraphrase his question "Why the hell do you ship Hol Horse and Applejack?" I had a short and sweet answer in "Opposites Attract" but I decided to instead edit an essay I'd written prior. So here it is, the updated version of the Holjack essay! Episode citations weren't included in the original response, but those will be in [green text brackets], while any outside remarks will be in [normal text brackets.]
I've been shipping it for years now as I immensely love both series, but it initially started as a light musing gag: "What if a cowboy fell in love with a cowpony?"
Hol Horse stuck out in my mind because on the surface they're polar opposites: Applejack is brave, honest and hardworking while Hol Horse is cowardly, dishonest and lazy. But when I went to dig in further...
There's the question of his Stand, the Emperor, based off the Major Arcana. Upright, it represents paternal leadership. Reversed, it represents instability and stubbornness; what he first appears to be, having a strong philosophy in being #2 and refusing to fight without a partner otherwise. [The Hanged Man, Part 1 and 2]
He almost joined the Crusaders twice but relented due to his overwhelming fear of DIO. [Justice, Part 2]
But it's around the fight where he partners up with Boingo, where we see more of the gentler side behind the jerk facade. [Hol Horse and Boingo Part 1] He makes sure Boingo is near him at all times, gave him a coin purse in case got lost, and a cute little detail noticed upon re-watches: Hol Horse never says any swear word stronger than "damn" or "hell" around him. And this particular detail was noticeably adapted from the manga in official translations.
On that note, Boingo isn't shy (through Thoth's interference) about letting Hol Horse know he's not all too keen on him.
And yet, despite the circumstances he was under, he never used the word "Hate"; It's a stronger word for a child. ("He's mean and a jerk!" subbed, "He's mean, and I don't like him!" dubbed).
Counting Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak/the Hol Horse Josuke spin off, Hol Horse ran away with Boingo from the hospital without another thought during the final battle. [Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak, Chapter 10]
[Assuming you don't have as much knowledge on MLP... ]
Applejack is part of the Elements of Harmony, representing Honesty. She values it greatly, though it could be argued she values her family more.
Early on in the series, when given the opportunity to attend a gala, she sees it more as a means to earn more money for her family as a food vendor than attending as a guest. [Season One; The Ticket Master, Best Night Ever]
Holding responsibilities in the highest regard, near the point where it hurts her at times [Season One; AppleBuck Season] it takes a lot of coaxing to get her to even accept the smallest bit of help, given her stubbornness. [Season Two; The Last Roundup]
This became less of an issue for her in later seasons, but her stubbornness remained a prominent part of her character. [Season Four; Bats] In her little sister Applebloom's words: "Applejack keeps us all organized and does her part on top of that!" [Season Four; Pinkie Apple Pie]
After her parents died at a young age, the farm became most of her world. She keeps a wary eye for the sake of her friends, but there comes a point where her friends helped streamline her chores due to her living in the routine that there was something wrong in them. (I.E the gate still being squeaky and scaring the pigs, although neither had been the case for a while.) [Season Six; Applejack's Day Off]
Her grandma's getting older, her brother is a selective mute, and she knows how much ambition her little sister has in terms of finding her own destiny. She had no other choice.
It's even noted by Pinkie Pie that she has a tendency to bottle emotions/ "crying on the inside." [Season 5; Tanks for the Memories] the only notable one that flares out being anger.
I feel as though they would compliment each other nicely in terms of growth- Hol Horse softens up a bit on being a tryhard to compensate for his lack of self confidence and Applejack shoulders less responsibility without guilt and accepts doing more for herself. Both coming to terms with how they'd been hurt and supporting each other in healing. Oki dokes got to better articulate why I love em so much, take some panels from Part 1 of my most recent comic, a panel from the warm-up comic and a little doodle~
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crossovershipstournament · 2 years ago
SIDE 1D: ROUND 1: Applejack (My Little Pony)/Hol Horse (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders) VS Jake Long (American Dragon: Jake Long)/Juniper Lee (The Life and Times of Juniper Lee)
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Propaganda for Applejack/Hol Horse:
I humbly submit my crossover pairing: Hol Horse from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and Applejack from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic! I've been shipping it for years now as I immensely love both series, but it initially started as a light musing gag: "What if a cowboy fell in love with a cowpony?" Hol Horse stuck out in my mind because on the surface they're polar opposites: Applejack is brave, honest and hardworking while Hol Horse is cowardly, dishonest and lazy. But diggin further... If you're not aware, Stardust Crusaders (the Jojo part Hol Horse appears in) has most of the Stands/powers themed around Major Arcana tarot cards, his Stand being called the Emperor. Upright, it represents paternal leadership. Reversed, it represents instability and stubbornness; what he first appears to be, having a strong philosophy in being #2 and refusing to fight without a partner otherwise. He almost joins the heroes/ the Crusaders twice- but backs out due to his overwhelming fear of DIO. Though not without leaving the group with a bit of advice regarding their enemies. But it's around the fight where he partners up with Boingo (a child who wields the Stand call Thoth- named after the Egyptian god of writing; a manga that predicts the future) where we see more of the gentler side behind the jerk facade. He makes sure Boingo is near him at all times, gave him a coin purse in case got lost, and a cute little detail noticed upon re-readings/ rewatches: Hol Horse never says any swear word stronger than "damn" or "hell" around Boingo. (He used to be a smoker as well but cut the habit) In a spin-off manga, a flashback showed he ran away with Boingo without a second thought when the final battle happened. Halting Hol Horse's analysis let's move on to Applejack. Applejack values honesty, but above that it could be argued she values her family even more. Given she lost her folks at a young age, she's had the farm as her main objective. (When given the opportunity to attend a gala, she sees it more as a means to earn money for her family.) Holding responsibilities in the highest regard, near the point where it hurts her at times- it takes a lot of coaxing to get her to even accept the smallest bit of help, given her sense of pride in being independent for so long. In her little sister Applebloom's words: "Applejack keeps us all organized and does her part on top of that!" It's even noted by Pinkie Pie that she has a tendency to bottle negative emotions/ "crying on the inside." I feel like they would compliment each other nicely in terms of growth- Hol Horse softens up a bit on being a tryhard to compensate for his lack of self confidence and Applejack shoulders less responsibility without guilt. TL;DR Yeehaw Horse Romance
Also the art in the bracket image shown here~!
Propaganda for Jake Long/Juniper Lee:
No propaganda submitted :(
Art Credit:
Applejack/Hol Horse art by @/thetalkingwave Jake/Juniper art by @/kannra-orhara
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admiraltx · 6 months ago
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dailycowperson · 2 years ago
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The Cowpony of the Day is: Trouble Shoes from My Little Pony!
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grxi · 1 year ago
Dear trans people
I love you, I love your voices, your bodies, your interests and opinions, your hopes and your dreams.
I'm glad to have met you and learned what it means to me to be trans. To live true and happy.
Life will have its hardships but we are in this together and we will persevere.
I love you all.
I wish you well.
See you later space cowpony.
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hartspirit · 28 days ago
ok now heres an EXTRA unfinished braefire from christmas ft my wip/idea brackets and everything 😭
Ponies were settled in for a good old fashioned Hearth’s Warming gathering. Just one of many planned and many already had.
This was the most visitors an Appleloosa party had seen so far, but Braeburn had the hunch that it would set an early record for that, given it was thanks to his cousin and her friends bringing tons of guests.
And speaking of guests, Braeburn brought a very special one with him.
“Come, now,” he gently nudged the pegasus. “Don’t be a stranger. You’ve been in this house plenty’a times!”
“Not with so many ponies around…” Following the other closely behind, Backfire took the tiniest of steps, as though not even wanting to be seen by anyone. At one point, Braeburn made a beeline for the punchbowl, leaving the reddish pony feeling exposed and running for cover.
Why did he come here? What a question that was. He knew the answer to it, but…
Backfire heard Braeburn’s voice again, calling him over. At least, it was to be assumed by the recurring nickname of ‘buddy’. And just as Brae had been planning for weeks, he introduced Backfire to his cousin Applejack– who gave Backfire a firm hoofshake that left his entire entire body shaking– and the rest of her world-saving friends.
Twilight shone a polite little smile.“It’s nice to finally meet Braeburn’s… uhh…” Face dropping, she tapped a hoof to her chin.
“Confidant, darling?”
“SUPER DUPER BEST BUDDY EVER?!” Confetti spontaneously shot up in the air.
“HAH! Yessiree! You could call us that!” Braeburn laughed and swung an arm around the embarrassed pegasus.
[braefire talking]
“Huh. Well, I’ll be.” Braeburn removed his hat to place it near his heart as he gazed at the ornate shrub in awe. “...Ain’t that just the darndest thing…”
Backfire was already a strange color. Red to some, magenta to many, and ‘redgenta’ to a certain pink pony.
Right now, though. His face was firmly and undeniably a burning crimson.
Of course Braeburn would notice that.
He quickly adjusted his hat back on and rushed to put a comforting hoof on the pegasus. “Wh- Hey, now! You alright?”
Backfire meant to comment on his current state being understandably affected by the mistletoe, possibly with a teaspoon of joking self-deprecation somehow thrown in there. Instead, barely audible mumble, forced smiles, and awkward shrugging is all he could offer.
Braeburn got it.
And he snorted, a light shade of pink coloring his face as well. Easing up the tension between them and making Backfire’s heart flutter. “You’re lookin’ like a ripe tomato on a hot summer’s day! Y’sure you’re al-”
Any coyness that had built up between the Appleloosan ponies had been destroyed (as well as their eardrums), instead replaced by a loud, fluffy, loud, pink, and very loud party tornado.
The two shot each other an uncomfortable look, then brought their attention to the new pony between them.
The cowpony forced a chuckle. “...Eheh… We-”
[they stare. pinkie annoying]
[backfire is overstimulated and runs out. braeburn glares at pinkie as applejack drags her away by the tail]
[he goes after backfire]
[talk. kiss]
[joke where pinkie offers backfire some hot cocoa but she has duck tape (w a duck pattern! how novel!) over her mouth w muffled speech, backfire accepts it and pinkie gives him a pat on the head. weird but much better.]
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heyashcat · 1 year ago
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Blue Moon
New character ref for Ponies Of The Valley. Villager 0649
Posted using PostyBirb
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