#courses related to hotel and restaurant management
cheffieldinstitute · 10 months
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flowerandblood · 3 months
Play with my heart (2/3)
[ modern actors • Aemond x Strong • female ]
[ warnings: masturbation, kissing, sexual tension, eavesdropping, discomfort associated with the loss of an eye, remorse, doubts, anxiety, unprofessional behavior ]
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[ description: He gets the main role in a series about a great family and dragons, which could change his career. He is set to play the uncle and love interest of his childhood friend. When he meets the actress who plays her role, he begins to lose track of what is an acting and what is his real feelings. Sexual tension, grumpy, withdrawn, thirsty Aemond. ]
Author’s note: Yeah. I talked about it and I did it. You don't even know how much fun I had doing this. Of course, my characters play in a series whose script is an exact copy of my story The Fall from the Heavens. In this universe, Aemond (playing the One-Eyed Prince) and Rhaenys (playing the Princess) are of course not related – the other characters are also just actors. This three-part series is my gift to all fans of the original series, thank you so much for your support. "Rhaenys" in this story is her artistic pseudonym which she use instead of her real name.
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
After filming the scene, they rose from the bed as if nothing had happened. The director complimented her acting, saying that she was able to wonderfully portray both the innocence and temptation her character evoked. She smiled at him as he unscrewed the water bottle and took a sip from it, walking towards him.
"They say the beginnings are the hardest." She said softly, looking around, waiting for the director to review again what they had managed to record and decide if anything needed to be repeated.
"Mmm." He hummed, taking another sip of water, feeling uncomfortable now that he was standing in front of her without a script, not knowing what to say.
They stood side by side in awkward silence for a while, looking at their director – he finally said that he liked everything and they would now shoot the scene where the Prince wakes her up in the middle of the night, dragging her out of her chamber after returning from Storm's End.
When he returned to his hotel room he collapsed on his bed, tired but also content. He felt ashamed that he had forgotten the line and at the same time he was grateful that his partner on set had helped him and been supportive, warm and understanding.
He didn't know how he felt about getting aroused during the scene of them kissing – he wondered where the limit of method acting was and whether he had gotten that much into his character or whether it was something else.
He decided he wouldn't think about it, and as long as they played their parts well, nothing else mattered.
The next day there was a big breakfast together in the hotel restaurant. At the table sat the director and his deputies, the writers, producers, actors, stylists and the many other people who contributed to this gigantic production.
She smiled at him from afar and waved at him, sitting at the table in her hair tied up in a braid, on her body only a T-shirt with the Pokemon logo and yellow tracksuit shorts.
He swallowed quietly, putting his hands in his trouser pockets, and sat down next to her, greeting her and everyone else along the way, unsure of how to act. Aegon sitting on the other side of the table extended his hand to him and he shook it.
"– how are you two doing? – you already have some passionate scenes behind you, right? – he's hot, isn't he? –" He asked her partner with amusement, who laughed out loud, trying to turn his question into a joke.
"– everyone here is beautiful and talented – I'm in heaven –" She said softly, deftly avoiding answering. Aegon laughed at her words and stretched in his chair, yawning loudly, losing interest in the subject.
He reached for the cheese toast, watching out of the corner of his eye as her hands placed the pancakes on her plate, which she covered next with pouring chocolate. She lifted her gaze to him and smiled at him warmly as their gazes met – he turned his face away, feeling like a mute, his heart stuck in his throat.
Why was he acting like an idiot in front of her?
It seemed to him that she took his silence as a signal that he simply wanted to eat his breakfast in peace, so she spoke animatedly to the woman to her right, Alys Rivers, who was to play the Witch of Harrenhal.
Aegon was talking to him across the table, mentioning something about their shared scene with him and Helaena. He nodded, sipping his toast with a gulp of coffee, absorbed in his thoughts, for some reason returning to their kiss.
He'd kissed many women in his career before, but this time it was something different.
He thought she was an excellent young actress.
In the following scenes they played he saw her in a gown for the first time. He thought she looked like some immortal elf in it, beautiful and light, a warm, gentle smile directed towards him on her face.
Her gown consisted of two colours – her long, floor-length sleeves were red, and the material hugging her breasts, hips and waist was light blue. Her shoulders were bare; other than that, she wore no other jewellery, her long hair falling softly down her back, accentuating her long neck.
He swallowed hard, feeling a twinge in his gut for some reason, and turned his face away, sitting down with her at the table where, together with Aegon and Helaena, they played out the scene in which the King informed them that they would be marrying for a second time, this time before the Septon.
They spent the rest of the day in the courtyard, filming shots of them meeting years later, and their conversation after they married, when the Princess came out to speak to him.
He felt a pleasant tingling in his lower abdomen at the thought of kissing her again: to his surprise, cupping her chin and placing a tender, soft kiss on her mouth came to him with ease. Her moist, fleshy lips didn't close against his caress, on the contrary, they parted invitingly, her hand tightening on his wrist.
Encouraged, though it wasn't in the script, he took a step forward and deepened the kiss, lazily brushing her soft mouth with his, her eyes closed, a quiet, sweet sigh left her mouth.
When he pulled away, he met her gaze, warm and misty, her cheeks flushed. He stroked her jaw with his thumb and she surprised him by rising on her toes, kissing the tip of his nose.
He felt his heart pound hard at the thought that this was not in the script.
However, he checked it quickly afterwards as he prepared for the next scene and saw that the director had added it as a suggestion.
He was furious with himself for feeling disappointed.
What was he thinking?
He didn't think it would be a problem for him, but he actually felt discomfort when it was time for them to play the scene where the Prince pulls off his eye patch in front of his beloved.
A new prosthetic eye was created especially for him which looked like a sapphire to represent his character well.
He was to wear it that day instead of his usual artificial left eye.
The sapphire eye was cleaned and prepared for him by the doctor who supervised, staying with him in private in the dressing room, that all was well. The very moment he closed his eyelid and opened it he felt that it was not.
Although its surface was smooth, something was wrong about its shape, rubbing his eye socket, once in a while pressing on a nerve under his skin from which shivers ran through him.
"It will take at least a few days to polish and change it."
He thought with a pursed lips that they didn't have that much time.
The shooting schedule was set to the hour.
He figured he would just get into his character's suffering more than he should.
As he walked onto the set he was met by her warm, comforting smile. He closed his eyes, clamping his fingers on the base of his nose, trying to listen in peace to what their director had to say to them.
"It's a scene of their tenderness, their closeness, at last devoid of subconscious brutality. In that one moment they reclaim each other." He said, and they nodded their heads.
In the original, this was accompanied by a sex scene, but the screenwriters decided that affectionate, passionate kissing would suffice here.
The thought that he would be able to do this to her made his heart pound like crazy, but he couldn't enjoy it: he clenched his eyes again and again, feeling discomfort.
Feeling pain.
For some reason, he thought he deserved it for his inability to be professional, for what they were doing was out of his control.
Rhaenys sat down on the desk and he stepped in front of her, between her thighs, her dark blue dress with exposed shoulders and sleeves reaching the ground perfectly accentuated her graceful figure.
She smiled, placing her hands on his shoulders, his fingers involuntarily running over her waist.
He took a step towards her, cupping her face in his hands, trying to focus only on her gentle gaze, only on her warm breath, only on how soft her skin was, instead of the fact that pain was filling his skull.
"Rhaenys." He whispered tenderly, pleadingly – the discomfort he felt made his words resound as if he was in pain – in pain because of the fact that they were separate.
She blinked, surprised and somehow touched, clearly appreciating his acting, which was only a matter of coincidence. She lifted her hand to his eye patch and he grabbed her wrist violently, her breath stuck in her throat.
"No." He said coldly and closed his eyes, feeling the pain as if a bolt of electricity surged through the left side of his face.
"You're my husband. That's enough." She whispered, wanting to soften her words by taking his face in her hands, making him involuntarily moan in pain. She let go of him, terrified.
"Are you okay?" She asked leaning over him and he nodded his head.
"What's going on?" The director asked them. "We're going to have to repeat the whole scene."
"Are you in pain? Please tell me." She whispered pleadingly and he shook his head.
"No. No, I….FUCK!" He hissed, leaning over, clasping his hand over the left side of his face, feeling such excruciating ache that he felt like ripping off his skin and tearing out all the nerves that were there.
"Call a doctor, he is in pain!" She called out, startling him by pulling the eye patch off his face. He heard her sigh in horror and cover her mouth with her hand, his stomach clenched in discomfort at the thought.
That she saw it.
That she felt disgusted.
"My God, his eye is all swollen up, what have you done to him? Can you take it out? Come." She said, taking his hand, and he walked out of the room with her like a small child, bumping into the doctor on the way.
"I warned him" He said.
"I can stay and help. If you don't mind." She said sitting down next to him on the couch in his dressing room.
He wanted to reply for her to leave, but he only groaned, unable to stand it, and as soon as the doctor had disinfected his hand he removed the sapphire prosthesis from his eye socket.
He did not know why he burst out crying.
He hid his face in his hands, feeling humiliated, thinking that the reason he had been taken for the role was because they hoped they wouldn't have to spend money on expensive CGI, but in fact he had wasted their entire day of filming.
He swallowed hard when he felt her arms embrace his head and let her lean over as she hugged him to her breasts, her pleasant scent, her warm hands stroking his jaw and back.
"Leave us alone for a moment." He heard her voice. The man nodded and said he would fetch an ointment that should soothe the abrasions.
"It would be best if you didn't wear your artificial eye today and let your eye socket rest." The man said.
"Get the FUCK out!" He growled, closing his eyes, thinking it was wonderful news, going around the set with an empty eye.
He thought it was the worst day of his life.
He swallowed hard as her forehead pressed against the top of his head, her gentle hands stroking his face, shoulders and back giving him a feeling of comfort and security.
It was so hard for him, and she was by his side.
"I admire you for holding out for so long. They should have checked that the prosthesis fit earlier, not on the day of filming. It's the production's fault and the director knows that. I'm sure he appreciates your commitment and will reorganise the work." She whispered calmly, as if she wanted to comfort him, and indeed, her words made him feel relieved.
"I'm sorry." He mumbled.
"Don't apologise."
"Can I lay my head on your lap?" He asked in a trembling voice, wondering if his request was disrespectful.
He just wanted to close his eyes for a moment and relax.
"Yes. Yes, of course, come here." She said, turning so that he could lie down.
He turned his head so that she couldn't see his left eye socket and rested his cheek on her thighs, placing his hand on her knee. He closed his eyes and sighed quietly when he felt one of her hands on his shoulder and the other on his cheek, her thumb gently stroking his skin.
There was complete silence between them.
"I got really attached to you, you know? I hope we still keep in touch after the shooting." She whispered making him swallow hard, cold sweat trickling down his neck as he felt his manhood react to her words with an aggressive throbbing.
"Yes." He muttered. "Yes, me too."
He spent the evening in the hotel bar, meant for guests only, feeling reasonably safe there, wanting to ease his mind a little, wearing a thin bandage over his left eye that allowed air to pass through.
He resented himself for being unprofessional, for having his real feelings mixed up with what he was supposed to be playing as a Prince character.
For the first time, he doubted whether he should really be an actor.
His grandfather surprised him by walking up to him from behind, patting him on the back.
"Don't worry about the issue with the artificial eye: it was their fault and the director came to me to apologise for the prosthesis not being tested earlier. You both do a wonderful job on set. The chemistry between you two is palpable and it shows on camera." He said, sitting down next to him at the bar table.
He pressed his lips together at his words, wondering if he should confide in him.
"I don't know myself. I'm confused." He confessed, embarrassed. His grandfather looked at him in surprise as soon as he ordered a double whisky for himself.
"Confused? Because of that girl? It's normal. She's kind and pretty. If you're feeling desire, that's good. Turn it into your acting." He said lightly, however, making him feel not relief but discomfort in his stomach. He stared dully into his glass for a moment, feeling the aggressive pounding of his heart.
"… I'm not sure if what's going on inside my head is good." He said in a trembling voice. His grandfather hummed under his breath, taking a sip from the glass the man had placed in front of him.
"As usual, you think too much. Even if… well, something happens between you two, one or two nights, it's nothing terrible. On set it happens all the time. The tension is high and you have to find an outlet for it somewhere." He said.
He got up from his seat and just left, feeling that he had made him sick.
He didn't agree with him, and he didn't think that using her to get off sexually was a normal thing to do.
She was young, younger than him, still filled with enthusiasm and naivety.
He didn't want to be one of those men who would take advantage of that, seduce her and then leave her humiliated as soon as the shooting was over, saying it was just a fun.
He had casual sex with actresses, but never with those he worked with directly. Nothing came of it because their paths quickly diverged and he didn't have the desire or strength for a long-distance relationship.
He didn't care.
He took a shower, brushed his teeth, changed into a T-shirt and sweatpants and went to bed, trying not to think about the fact that tomorrow they were to play a scene in which he exposes her breasts.
Not all love scenes were left in the script, however, this one was one of them, because it was significant moment – their first real intimacy and reunion after years.
They knew there was enormous pressure on them. He could see it in her face the next day – also dressed in a night gown she was looking down at her fingers, stressed, not a trace of her smile and confidence from the auditions.
He approached her, for some reason feeling that he should comfort her, lift her spirits, let her know that they didn't have to rush.
"– do you want to talk about how we're going to do this? –" He asked quietly and she nodded, unable to even look him in the eye.
"– yes –" She mumbled.
"– so –" He began, feeling for some reason that his heart started pounding like crazy, his hands clenched into fists. "– I'd start with kisses first – on the lips, on the neck, on the shoulders – they're rubbing against each other in this scene because they're feeling arousal, so it would be a good idea to try and mimic similar…movements – then I'll slide your nightgown off your shoulders – we can agree that you will guide my hand yourself when you think you're ready for me to touch you there –" He said quickly, forcing himself to be calm and composed, feeling a cold sweat run down his back.
Why was he so terrified?
He saw that she swallowed hard and nodded, looking up at him and lowering her gaze quickly, red with embarrassment.
"– yes – yes, that's a good idea –" She said and looked at him, her gaze warm, comforting.
"– how's your eye? –"
He lowered his gaze, looking down at his boots, embarrassed.
"It's better now. Thank you. For everything. I don't want you to be scared today. Tell me if you feel something is wrong. Okay?" He hummed, and she nodded quickly, giving him a grateful smile.
"– thank you – I will –"
He swallowed heavily when the director told them to take their places. He sat down in a chair and she walked over to him, looking at him questioningly. He nodded, extending his hand to her to help her up, and she sat awkwardly on his thighs. He gently placed his hand on her hip, forcing her to slide closer to his chest, just as scripted.
They both swallowed hard as his manhood pulsed between her thighs under the material of his breeches, touching the material of her flesh-coloured panties, but neither of them said anything.
"– we will take it slow – okay? –" He encouraged her, gently cupping her cheek in his hand, bringing her face close to his. She nodded and smiled warmly at him, as if he had said exactly what she needed to hear.
"– okay –" She said.
Their director nodded at them.
"Let's try to get a feel for it first. This scene is about building tension slowly. If you feel discomfort, speak up, we'll try to do something about it. Ready?" He asked, and they nodded their heads like little children.
Apart from the sizzle of the fire in the fireplace to their right, surrounding their faces with warm light, there was complete silence around them.
He waited a moment before he pulled her face closer to him and his lips tentatively brushed hers in a slow, shy, moist kiss. He felt her body involuntarily move closer to him, her arms closing his neck in an tender embrace.
He felt her soft breasts through the material of his tunic, his hands traveled down her waist to her hip which he began to stroke in a soft, lazy, affectionate motion. She sighed softly into his mouth making his half-hard erection hit the space between her thighs again.
They froze in mid-motion and he was already about to apologise to her, telling her to stop, when this time it was she who leaned in. His voice went dead in his throat as her lips pressed against his, her body rubbing uncertainly against what was beneath her.
He thought as his hips tentatively came out to meet her, pressing what was in his breeches between her thighs, making it swell and pulsate, that this was not a good idea.
He knew she could feel it and that turned him on even more.
Her breath had become heavy and accelerated, their kisses messier, stickier, warmer, his fingers involuntarily dug into the skin of her hips hidden beneath the thin material.
"– uncle –" She mewled into his mouth in a way from which his erection became completely hard, his hand clamped down on her neck, forcing her to stay still as he slid his tongue deep into her throat.
She moaned, startled, gripping his shoulders, rolling her hips back and forth as if in a trance, teasing him deliberately, squeezing his length between his lower abdomen and her body again and again, the tip of her slick tongue licking his.
"– it tickles – here –" She mumbled helplessly, pressing her forehead against his, looking down, between her thighs, watching his bulge twitching in his breeches, which, however, only they could see.
He should have said his line, but instead, completely stunned by her behaviour and smell, he grabbed the material of her nightgown and slid it off her shoulders, snuggling his face between her sweet breasts.
She opened her mouth wide, shocked and moaned, hugging his head to her heart, making his cock throb hard. She took his hand in hers and guided it up, to her breast – he gasped, shocked how good it felt, squeezing tentatively her plump softness with his fingers, placing sticky, wet kisses on her sternum, her hands buried in his hair pressed him tighter against her bare, hot skin.
It seemed to him that she was as shocked by this sensation as he was, for she began to moan quietly – her nipple became hard under his thumb as he began to rub and tease it, his free hand clamped down on her buttock, again and again rubbing his painfully swollen erection against her.
He was turned on.
"Cut! What chemistry, I'm at a loss for words!" The director called out, and he let her go immediately.
She jumped back and got off his lap, inhaling heavily as if she was out of breath, putting the material of her nightgown quickly over her shoulders and breasts, the stylist said something to her and she just nodded, looking at him with big eyes.
He crossed his legs quickly and grunted, covering his mouth with his hand, looking towards the fire, pretending to listen to one of the assistants saying that now that they were all in emotion they would try to film their conversation years later.
Although they tried, neither of them could concentrate and they forgot their lines over and over again.
"What's going on with you two? Do you need a break?" The director asked them, and they replied at the same time that they did.
It frightened him to see her leave immediately, the thought that she might nevertheless have felt uncomfortable, that he had done something that crossed the line for her, but she was afraid to tell him.
He got up and followed her, heading for the rooms where they were changing and getting their make-up done, standing in front of the door with her name on it.
He froze when he heard a strange sound that seemed to him to be a moan of pain. He opened his mouth, wanting to ask if she was all right, if he could come inside, but then she made a different sound, a more familiar one that made his erection throb hard in his breeches.
He heard her quiet panting mixed with sweet, innocent mewls of pleasure, from which he himself began to breathe through his mouth, shocked.
He leaned his forehead against the door, wanting to hear it better, with the corner of his eye looking to see if anyone was around, but they were all on the set. He thought he was just a pervert when his hand travelled deep under the material of his trousers, clamping down on his long, swollen cock, twitching painfully with desire in his hand.
He imagined what she looked like now, digging her delicate fingers into her fleshy walls, leaking with moisture, pulsing because of him, because of what he had done to her, because of his kisses and touch.
He drew in a loud breath and pressed his lips together, giving himself a firmer squeeze at the base, imagining that he had grasped her thighs in his hands and spread them in front of his face, sinking his mouth into her wonderful, delicate folds, licking and caressing her little cunt.
He sped up, hearing the quiet sounds in her room become more vulnerable and helpless, and after a moment she moaned a little louder with some kind of relief.
He opened his mouth wide when he felt his warm semen spurt out onto his fingers at the thought that she had just come because of him.
He cursed under his breath as he looked at his hand and headed quickly to the bathroom, afraid that anyone would see him.
As he washed his hands in the sink he looked at his reflection, at his white wig and eye patch, and decided that he was beginning to lose control, that he no longer knew which feelings were his and which were his character's.
He was terrified and had no one to tell about it.
He only saw her at dinner that evening, and although she sat next to him, she didn't look at him. He pressed his lips together at the thought that she was as ashamed as he was, only she had no idea that he knew what she had done and that he had done exactly the same thing himself.
He was crushed by a sense of guilt that he didn't know what to do with.
He decided to finally speak to her, feeling his heart in his throat, playing with his fingers.
"Did I overdo it? Today during our scene." He asked in a trembling voice, trying to sound indifferent and cool. She looked at him surprised, putting her glass of juice down on the table.
"– I – no, I'm sorry I left so suddenly – it's just that all of this – all of this has overwhelmed me –" She muttered, looking down at her hands lying on her lap.
He looked at her in silence, feeling a squeeze in his throat at the thought that he understood her, that perhaps they felt the same way.
"– if you don't mind – I'd like to rehearse scenes with you before we play them – I'd like to talk to you about them – I have too much chaos in my head and no one to share it with –" She said, looking up at him finally, her brow furrowed in fear that he would not take her suggestion well.
He, however, felt some wonderful kind of relief.
"– yes – yes, that's a great idea –"
They spent the next few days acting out scenes, talking to each other for hours in the evenings in the hotel restaurant or her room about how they wanted to portray particular dialogues.
"– then when they're arguing I think to approach it more along the lines that: he just wants forgiveness and she's tired of him always expecting her to forgive him, even though he himself has held a grudge against her for so many years – something like: what should I do now? – divorce you? –" She asked sternly, getting into character for a moment, wanting to show him what she meant.
He hummed at her words and nodded, intrigued.
"– yes – yes, I think it's a good track – he's broken, exposed, afraid of the visions of that witch – he tries to push it away, but because of the way he represses it, everything he's afraid of comes back to him in nightmares –" He said, half lying half sitting on her bed with a copy of the script in his hand, the other gesturing as if he were a lecturer.
She nodded quickly at his words, sitting down next to him on the sheets, excited.
"– yes, exactly – he locks too much inside himself, and everything he fears then manifests itself in his dreams – his thoughts overwhelming him more and more and filled his mind like water that finally bursts his skull –"
"– a drop drills a rock –" He murmured and she snapped her fingers.
"– exactly –" She said, swinging her legs.
Unintentionally, his gaze traveled over her figure – her light-coloured sweatshirt with Jigglypuff from Pokemons seemed very fluffy to him, white tracksuit shorts and pretty white floral socks on her legs.
"– are you still watching this? –" He grinned with amusement. She cocked her head, smiling broadly.
"– what? –"
"– Pokemons –"
She giggled, embarrassed; the sound, innocent and sweet, made him feel a tightening in his throat and a pleasant tingling in his lower abdomen.
"– yes, but only the first few seasons – you know – the classics –" She said, closing her eyes proudly, as if she were speaking some work of Shakespeare.
"– mmm – I watched this when I was a kid –" He confessed, and she shifted towards him, delighted, surprising him completely.
"– I have a laptop – do you want to watch the first episodes together and order a pizza? –"
Though the suggestion seemed absurd to him, he agreed, and it wasn't long before he was watching, lying next to her on her bed, with a big carton of pizza lying on their bellies, as Ash tried to tame Pikachu.
"– God, how long it's been since I've watched this –" He muttered, feeling some kind of melancholy. He heard her melodious, joyful laughter.
"– I know this episode by heart –" She said between one greedy bite of pizza and another, clearly pleased and happy.
For some reason, despite his rather solitary nature, he felt comfortable around her. Her behavior made him feel like he wasn't being judged or watched – he knew he could say at any time that he was going back to his room to rest, and she wouldn't hold it against him.
He caught himself thinking that he really liked her.
What made him involuntarily distance himself from closer acquaintanceships with actresses was that it often seemed to him that they played offstage as well – they stepped into the role of innocent, sweet, dreamy romantics or passionate unapproachable women, but in fact he had no idea if he knew them at all.
With her, however, it was different – her sudden, unexpected reactions, the glint in her eye, her smile and unthinking remarks were real.
For some reason, her character, her presence had a soothing effect on him.
He was ashamed to admit that he liked her a little too much.
He kept repeating to himself that just one more episode and he would go, but another and another flew by. Her warm, soft body was wonderfully close, their arms were pressed against each other, their heads lying side by side on the pillow, as they looked at the laptop lying between their legs.
For some reason he felt like a little child again who was about to spend the night with his mate.
He looked at her out of the corner of his eye and noticed that her eyes were closed, her lips parted slightly, her head tilted to one side in deep sleep.
Something captured him in this sight – the thought that she felt comfortable and good enough with him that she had fallen asleep.
He rose slowly, taking the large pizza box from their thighs, setting it down on the floor and rose, trying to be quiet. She twisted around and hummed something as he covered her with the duvet and turned off the lamp, feeling somehow proud of himself for treating her the way she deserved it.
It was as if he had a friend.
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emsiecat · 2 months
We had a tea tasting session (with biscuits too naturally), and as for the hotel food: it was all scrumptious 😋 The restaurant was all decked out in Good Omens related decor, we had a surprise BBQ on the Friday evening outside in the hotel grounds, and a proper Sunday roast Sunday lunchtime. And sweets and cookies… SO. MANY sweets and cookies dotted around the hotel for us to snack on!
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There was an Escape Room that was SO MUCH FUN as well! It was designed to look like Aziraphale's bookshop and had all sorts of tricky puzzles to figure out in order to avert Armageddon. The team I was part of managed it with just a couple of minutes to spare!
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And then Sunday evening, after the convention finished, we had a trip to ‘Tadfield’ (Hambleden), where they filmed a lot of Good Omens. There were crepes and card games in the village hall that had been hired out for us. A lovely time had by all there (despite the resident R.P. Tyler doppelganger trying to spoil it by yelling at us for daring to be there 'on the Sabbath' as we were getting back into the buses)! 😁 Then, when we got back to the hotel, there was a birthday cake for us all to share as two of the fans attending had birthdays over the course of the weekend 💕
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Oh! I won a prize in the raffle too! Isn’t it cute? Trinkets from Aziraphale’s bookshop from the lovely @mister-a-z-fell
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The whole trip was thoroughly amazing, and I am so, SO grateful to Bethany and Rachael for organising and hosting it, to the all the volunteers who helped too of course, and to the lovely fandom I spent such an enjoyable weekend with. All the surplus money raised from the convention and the auction, raffle, and so on is going to Alzheimer's Research UK, which is a fantastic cause and if anyone can afford to donate then please do so! (2/2)
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diabolik lovers modern college au general headcanons (sakamaki brothers)
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• the sakamaki bros don't live in the same house, except for the triplets bcos cordelia is the only legal wife of karl in this au (she's the first wife after all)
• shuu lives in one of beatrix's old condo unit while reiji in one of karl's mini house (yeah he has that house all by himself bcos kaaaaarl)
• subaru lives in the university dorm bcos he doesn't like relying on karl (well except for christa's meds bcos she went insane and all that sht so karl might as well pay for that)
• despite going to the same university, the six of them don't cross paths often (except for the triplets and subaru bcos they like to rile him up and tease him endlessly like a torture)
• since this is modern college au, all characters are aged up (shuu is 22, reiji is 21, the triplets are 20, and subaru is 19)
• despite being the oldest, shuu is stuck in his second year bcos he kept repeating most of his law electives (he would rather slack off than pass his law course wtf and it usually takes around 4-5 yrs to finish)
• all bros were mandated by karl to take at least one business elective per year bcos they might be working under his corporation in the near future (ayato's major is business so he has no escape)
• reiji is an exception to this rule bcos he had been granted by karl to focus only on neurosurgery since "he's the only son who doesn't disrespect me" (tbh it was only a ruse by karl since he has no reasons to make reiji his heir despite him being a genius 💀💀💀)
• ayato is so famous in the university like his red hair stands out and his status as the university's most popular basketball player made him the school IT boy
• but bcos he's a varsity player, he's not often at school so he had to take weekend classes (this is also another reason why most of his exes are either girls who watched his game or they're students from other univ or college)
• his famous relationship tho was with a rich girl who's also the main dancer of a popular cheerleading squad from a rival school (ayato broke up with her due to the immense pressure of social media and her fans)
• ayato is also the eternal chauffer of his two bros like hello let him flaunt that red sports car baby (laito and kanato have their own cars; they just don't like driving that much)
• kanato studies forensic mortuary in the same bldg as ayato and reiji; the law bldg is a separate institution from them so they have no idea what shuu was doing
• except for kanato bcos he likes lounging in the music room singing scarborough fair and bcos his voice is so relaxing, shuu listens to it for free (kanato secretly hates that shuu does it tho bcos it reminds him too much of cordelia and her shtty ways of traumatizing him)
• laito is studying hotel and restaurant management on another bldg and it's the farthest one from all his bros (like you have to pass by 4 or 5 larger bldgs before you reach their institution)
• this is bcos ryoutei university has their own dedicated hotel and restaurant for students with courses related to said industry
• so yeah maya (aka my oc/kanato's s/o) sees laito more often than her own boyfriend in the campus
• laito always has exes in every course like there would be 3 or 4 girls under the same course that have already slept with him what a slut
• and yes there is a huge possibility laito, subaru, and shuu have dated the same girl bcos these three would only date the same type of girl (the pure looking one who secretly has lewd desires and digs bad boys like them)
• it was a shock for yui when she found out half of the girls from her class have slept with laito
• then laito told her he likes corrupting pure girls and toying with their minds until they become insane and dependent on him (sounds canon, no?)
• there was a time when laito dated one of kanato's professors and she ended up dealing with kanato's incessant and murderous glares every time she teaches their class. his reason? bcos "she reeks so much of that perverted laito"
• the sbros actually had this same english prof who randomly fails someone despite their intelligence bcos he likes exerting his power like that
• while some of them threaten him using the sakamaki name, kanato had to disguise as a girl and seduce the sht out of this perverted teacher (the old geezer was so hooked he just believed this girl was kanato's twin substituting for his bro bcos he was 'sick')
• speaking of which, subaru got attracted to kanato's alter ego like once upon a time he saw her daintly pick up her bag and tuck her hair behind her ear and boom heart arrows everywhere
• afterward, subaru asked kanato who was that one chick at his class with the long black hair dressing like a sexy lolita
• "oh, you mean me?"
• subaru had nightmares after that
• and yes kanato uses that info to blackmail him to do his bidding
• "if you don't do what I say, I'll tell everyone you fell in love with my alter ego"
• oh btw subaru's major is more on athletics? like he wanted to be a PE or sports instructor/coach in the future bcos accdg to him "fighting is the only thing I'm good at"
• his allowance is mostly spent on repairs on the dorm tho (guess punching walls ain't limited in the family house)
• the reality of his dream is beginning to weigh on him tho bcos some students are scared shtless of him and his violent tendencies
• laito became one of his students one time when he was assigned to be an assistant coach
• "waaahh subaru-kun your expression is so scary pls be gentle"
• reiji actually dated someone from ayato's class bcos her father has huge connections with famous neurosurgeons
• shuu keeps a video of one of his exes doing some cowgirl sht on him (he likes her moans that's why)
• all of kanato's exes studied in the same bldg as him; and yes, they are all from yui's course but each of them from different years and classes (he is picky like that)
• up to this day, reiji looks down on this one female classmate who dated shuu like what does she see in that good-for-nothing (well uhh his huge d-)
• accdg to both kanato and laito, yui is the loudest girl ayato has been with (kanato swore one day he'll stuff her mouth with socks until she chokes if she keeps moaning so loud while he's watching his fave murder docu series)
• ayato keeps teasing both reiji and subaru as virgins (they aren't tho; but despite their tough facade, their experiences are quite hmmm minimal so there are things they don't know)
• shuu almost dated this one classmate of kanato (almost bcos she keeps talking abt those dead people she handled with formaldehyde which is gross so he was turned off a bit)
• the triplets are usually the representatives of karl during his corporate and family parties (sometimes the other three will drop by... well mostly reiji but the other two must've been forced by karl somehow)
• there was a drunk scandal video of the triplets and subaru where subaru was driving while kanato and ayato kept making fun of him
• then kanato was video calling maya and asking her to come over and "watch a movie with him" while ayato was making delusions of aliens flying around the car, almost causing subaru to drive the wrong way
• laito was sitting beside subaru, reprimanding ayato to stop his delusions bcos there were no aliens but only flying trees (ayo what?)
• there's a part 2 but this time shuu and reiji were in the car and shuu kept laughing at ayato bcos subaru's driving is getting messed up bcos of the alien shenanigans
• and reiji was crying bcos apparently all of them are going to die and also bcos kanato is finally talking "properly" to a girl (what do you mean properly he is being a pervert)
• he also said "laito has finally seen the light and started being the good son"
• yui is actually the one filming all this videos tho
ps. I might make memes abt modern college au later on
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ryuichirou · 7 months
If the twst boys go to a regular, non magic college in our world, what do you think their majors would be?
This is an interesting question, Anon, and it was surprisingly difficult to come up with majors for some of them. I’m not sure some of the boys would even be interested in getting higher education, and also spoiler alert we have a lot of business people out there lol But I tried to make it as interesting as I could.
I’ll also note that it’s a bit difficult to speak about this in English, because I don’t know what certain majors are called and what kind of options there are, so I’m sorry if I name some of these incorrectly.  
Riddle – this one is easy, he would go to medschool! This is what his mother and father want for him after all. But he wanted to study law…
Ace – something that he isn’t very interested in, something that’s like “I guess that’d be a good major to build a career in the future”. He is the type that either drops out or pushes through despite being super disinterested in his major and kind of annoyed by the whole thing. Business? PR? Management? Something that sounds impressive but that’s about it.
Deuce – honestly I can’t see him as anything other than a police school student. He wants to get a good education, but if there is an opportunity for him to go straight to action and prove himself to be a better person, he’ll dive right into it. Maybe Ace will join him?..
Trey – culinary school is an easy answer, but Trey really seems to love this field, so he’d probably study to become a pastry chef. Well, he would become one either way, but Trey would probably try to learn as many traditional and innovative techniques as he can to actually improve.
Cater –  I’d say PR, he just has the vibes of a PR student. I’ve seen those lol Cater isn’t really passionate about it, but hey, it’s a good place to make connections. Also!! Maybe journalism. Yeah, that makes more sense.
Leona – Public Administration or anything Politics related. He would do better as a Philosophy/History major, but he would go with the default option for his family.
Ruggie – he would google best majors for a lucrative career lol So maybe some kind of Business/Management, but also anything Tech related is super lucrative, so he might at least try to apply there. But also also, nursing is apparently on the list of good major options in that sense, so he might actually try that. To be a private nurse for some rich old fart seems like an easy deal for him.
Jack – I’m sorry, I can’t think of anything other than him being a skiing instructor, and I don’t think one needs to have a major for that career path… is there some crucial part of Jack lore that I’m missing?
Azul – oh, Business/Marketing. Specifically something related to owning and running a restaurant or a hotel. But at the same time he could also study Law and even go to the Culinary school… Azul is absolutely going to take all the extra courses that he possibly can.
Jade and Floyd – probably Business as well, both because they could hang out with Azul and because their pops actually wanted them to study there. But if they had full freedom to pick whatever major they want, Jade would probably either study Botany or Pharma. And Floyd would pick his major randomly, because he’d be equally good/bad at anything he picks, and he’d get bored by it in a week anyway lol
Kalim – also Business??? Since his family is a merchant family, there are a lot of things Kalim needs to learn. But he would rather study something that’s more easy and fun… something related to art!
Jamil – realistically, either Business or PR. But that’s too many business PR people woah, so ehhh I guess… you know what? Psychology. I can’t even explain this one, but Jamil would absolutely benefit from studying it + I think it would actually be interesting for him.
Vil – acting/film/theatre school sounds like a given, but I feel like Vil would avoid those for some reason (and if you asked him, he would give you a rant about his reasons); so instead it’s going to be either a Fashion major or anything Chemical Engineering/Pharma related. He wants to get better at his craft, but he also wants to learn new things.
Rook – this guy is full of surprises, he could go anywhere and succeed, he’s perfect in arts and in science. I feel like he would pick science though, so any kind of Science major, maybe also Chemical Engineering. But also? A part of me wants to make him a Sociologist because he is hella nosy like all the sociologists are (me included).
Epel – this one puzzles me… if you think about it logically, he might pick something that could be useful for his family, but then we’re entering the Business territory again and it’s way too crowded lol  Plus, I don’t think Epel would go for that one. I actually… have no idea?? Wow this is embarrassing… He’d go for something totally masculine though, like being a carpenter, but for some reason would end up in stuff like fashion without realising how hard it actually is lol 
Idia and Ortho – easy, IT or any other tech-related major. But they would also probably be too good for school, because Idia is a genius and Ortho learned from him (if he isn’t a robot in this universe…). That being said, Idia would probably finish a 6 years course in like half a year and get his degree almost instantly, and Ortho could drop out at some point and switch to the Film major instead. 
Lilia – my first thought is that “he wouldn’t go to school”, but actually? He could spend a couple of years studying anthropology, I feel like it would be a fascinating field to him, and not as upsetting as history.
Silver – whatever father picks for him. But also probably nursing and no it’s not related to the previous reply that we’ve just posted 😭 I just think Silver would be legitimately good at it.
Sebek – this one goes straight to the military school lol But if I have to pick a major for him, let’s go with Communications just because he has to learn some, please Sebek!
Malleus – I think he would either study fine arts/history of art or something vague like philosophy or any type of social studies. He is better at grasping concepts than understanding other human beings, so it might actually be interesting to him. Or he could go the history of art major route and just stare at gargoyles for 4-6 years.
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Sky Full of Stars - Chapter Fifteen.
Huge thanks to my usual lovelies for your continued reads and beautiful words on this. I apologise for not reblogging my thanks or getting back to comments, I'm all over the place at present with my need to be taking strong painkillers so thus losing track! You are appreciated hugely by your author, though :)
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Previous chapters - One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen
Tag list - In the comments
Words - 3,290
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI!
“Miss, you are not gaining entrance. I am asking you to move away from the doors, miss. I will call the police. Men with cameras, please do not obstruct the frontage, I am asking everyone to move back. Now.”  
Sergio Manzo, the manager of the Milan Suite Hotel certainly had a much politer manner when dealing with nuisances than the wall of security guards who exited the first taxis in the convoy arriving, standing in a line either side of the frontage, the people they were employed to look after moving from the second and third cars at speed. Flashbulbs flickered brightly, questions fired at two individuals in particular, and one woman being blocked from getting anywhere near them shouting her nonsense. 
“Adrien! Adrien, I’m here! Please, look at me! I have a room at a hotel ten minutes away, just like we arranged!”  
His hand tightened around his wife’s, making sure she got into the hotel and out of the madness first, hearing Shane, their chief of security bellowing.  
“Do not touch me. Get back, now!” he directed at Serena, him and Greg pushing back as she tried to shove her way past them. “Jess, Jen, come on! Run in, quick!”  
With the last two plus Sunni within the foyer, the manager closed the doors, the hotel’s own security moving to guard the front, photographers still taking pictures through the glass doors and windows, and Serena still screaming for attention.  
“If she continues, we will call the police and have her removed,” Sergio spoke, shaking hands with Sunni, with whom he’d been liaising with regarding the situation of them being followed through Europe by the woman still making a scene outside. Luckily, every hotel had been sympathetic to the ongoing problem, but Sunni knew it was likely the last thing any of them needed. It was the last thing he needed; his job made exponentially more difficult in organising every move they made. 
“Appreciated, Sergio. Thank you very much for your co-operation, and I apologise for bringing this to your establishment. There isn’t much we can do, though. Travelling from country to country, it’s complex in how we handle the situation.” he explained, the manager nodding. He sped through the check in process, everyone being shown to their rooms, Serena remaining outside with her continued wailing.  
It had been a complex procedure of strategy to outwit her so far over the course of the tour, sometimes managing, often not to thwart her. Departures in vehicles with blacked out windows from the rear of hotels, restaurants and other public places were often facilitated, managing to lose her by the time she had scrambled into a taxi, or at times when she’d had a hire car, gotten herself behind the wheel.  
Jade and Adrien had attended a film festival in Rome a few days prior, luckily to no Serena related issues while walking the red carpet together, although Shane and Greg had been in attendance, just like they were wherever they went by themselves. It was stifling, but entirely necessary. After all, the nature of crazy could not be predicted, and risking their safety was something nobody was prepared to gamble on.  
At least things had turned around in the press for them as far as the whole situation went, the consensus now erring to the side of truth, that the girl in question was nothing more than a deranged fan, her stalking of the couple taking up column inches now rather than anybody putting credence in her claims to be having an affair with Adrien. In a situation that was far from their control, it was a small saving grace.  
“It sounds fucked up, but I almost wish she would actually try something, you know. So she can be arrested and slung into a cell,” Jade spoke, looking out of the hotel window, glad it backed onto the rear of the property. Feeling him move behind her, she grasped the arm that wrapped around her chest, stroking it, laying a kiss. “It’s pissing me right off, now. This is one of the best tours we’ve ever done, and it has to be spent looking over our shoulders, ageing poor Sunni by about ten years with all the extra logistics he’s having configure, too, and impacting everyone.” 
Adrien was in full agreement. “I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about going home early, you know, to see if she follows me, give you guys a break from it. I’m not about to chance that though, not with her fixation being on you, too. Plus, that’d mean missing seeing you get to play with the dancing horses, and I’m not about to do that.” 
With it of course being very well known that Jade was a keen equestrian, the Spanish Riding School in Vienna had invited her and Adrien for a private tour of the facility, once she had fulfilled her touring obligations throughout Europe. They’d even said she could ride with them during morning exercise, an honour that had sent her into the realms of squeaking disbelief when their management had called to inform her of the invite.  
“I can’t wait, I really can’t. And I’m glad you haven’t gone anywhere, darling. I’d worry too much; in case she did follow you. I thought he might’ve been being overzealous to begin with, but Sunni’s right. We have no idea what she could be capable of. At least if it continues when we get home, we can deal with it efficiently,” she sighed. Obtaining a restraining order while travelling through multiple countries was sadly not possible. 
It was wearing on her, but he was proud that she remained level-headed and pragmatic in the face of the harassment. Not once had she reverted to former bad habits when dealing with stress. “Yeah, she’ll be slapped with a restraining order. I hope that perhaps since we live so remotely, it’ll make it more difficult for her to pursue us.” 
“Maybe, yeah,” she interjected with, fingers tickling his inner forearm. 
“You not being on tour will help, too. She won’t be able to follow us quite so easily, not knowing which cities we’ll be in and when. I guess it helps that we won’t be home for long either until we leave on vacation. Is it naive of me to hope that she might get bored?” 
“Maybe a touch,” she confessed, leaning her head back to look at him, nuzzling his chest. “You’re right though, about her not knowing our itineraries. She won’t have a clue.” Turning in his arms, she draped hers around his neck, staring up at from beneath her long lashes. “I’m done with talking about the nutter, though. In fact, I’m done saying anything, unless it’s sexual.”  
He chuckled, stroking her cheeks with his thumbs. “Anything specific?” 
“Hmm, maybe a few things,” she hummed, reaching to press a kiss against his neck. “Like how I I’m going to ride you slow into that big bed after I’ve let you fuck my mouth.”  
Oh, the blaze that burned through his blood. “Mmm, yeah. I could definitely go in for some of that. Eventually. See, I have plans of my own first, Mrs. B.” 
She licked her lip, nails raking softly down his chest. “Oh, you do, hmm?”  
“Yeah.” His fingers trawled up her neck, pushing against the plush of her pout. “Suck 'em," he instructed, watching as the first and third digits vanished between her lips, her eyes not leaving his for a second. “Now turn around.” 
Once facing away from him, he walked her over to the corner of the room where a full-length mirror was stationed, positioning her before it. His lips rained hot over her neck, hand plunging beneath the waistband of her long, clingy black skirt. “You’re gonna watch how pretty you look when you come.” 
Giving him the total control of her as ever worked like an accelerant upon her arousal, his long fingers wasting no time for tease as they slid between her folds, rubbing long strokes over her clit. Moving her near waist length curtain of pale blonde hair, he continued those neck kisses, his other hand vanishing within her strapless top to stroke her breasts through the thin lace of her bra, that base to tip of his fingers stroking pressing a little firmer, adding a slight rotation.  
“Fuck,” she gasped, her head thudding back against his shoulder, turning to lay molten kisses at the side of his throat. “Fuck, right there.”  
It pattered down her spine like holy rain, her dew quickly drenching his fingers, Jade feeling his heartbeat amping up against her back. She had never known a man before him who thrived so much on being a giver of pleasure, leaning back against him to feel his cock hardening against her lower back. “I bet you can’t wait for me to sink down on that beautiful, big cock, can you baby?”  
He hummed a chuckle, teeth sharp at her neck. “Can’t wait to fuck that pretty mouth with it before you do.” With the continued skimming of his fingers over her hard little bud, he had her panting wantonly as she felt herself set to fall apart, like an ancient tower about to topple, little pin pricks of bliss warming over her veins as the coil within her tugged sharply.  
The syrupy bliss of it rolled over her bones as his fingers quickened, her cries filling the air like a sonnet as she felt it burst, her legs a little weak, his arm slipping to her waist to hold her tight as her release shone bright over her, removing his drenched fingers and pushing them into her mouth again. This time, he hooked them behind her teeth, thumb pressing beneath her jaw, gently towing her over to the bed and pushing her down to sit on the edge.  
“So fucking sexy,” she purred as he pulled off his t shirt, her hands moving to unfasten his jeans, “and he’s all mine.” Her tongue licked at the line of dark hair descending his navel, their joint undressing having him naked swiftly, Jade letting her tongue skim a lick over his hipbone while curling her hand around his cock.  
Bringing her lips to the tip, she kissed the slit a few times, a tang of precum glistening her cupid’s bow, the taste of him bursting over her tongue as she took him into her mouth. The need spiralled within her, wanting him with every fibre of her being, her hands curling around his back to drag her nails up and down. It sent sparks through him, his hands raking through her hair, letting her control it for that moment.  
It sliced sharp through the pit of his stomach, the blade of pleasure evoked by her mouth moving back and forth, a grunt of approval echoing his throat when she paused to spit on the thick of his cock, watching it glisten as it trickled down the shaft. “Dirty girl.” 
“Just the way you love me.” she chirped, once again swallowing him hole. It barely took any time at all for her to have him out of his mind, the way she looked up at him while having him buried deep in her throat, the continued drag of her nails, the way she moaned as she sucked him, god.  
It was a crime of thought that anyone, even for a second, would ever put credence in him straying from her.  
She was his golden-haired, blue-eyed goddess, his hands tightening their pull in those sunlit blonde tresses, his hips beginning to sway against her mouth. His heart crashed like a storm within his chest, sparks of heat rolling through him, his limbs feeling light and tingly the faster she moved her mouth against each plunging push between her lips. Just playing with her had amped him up beyond reason, Adrien feeling the blissful waves of release beginning to yank upon his nerves already, her nails like sensual daggers as they clawed at his back.  
The rubbing of the ridge of his cock against the back of her mouth made him weak with the force of the heat charging through his blood, the need to fuck her consuming him, like a demon vying for release. Pulling back, her pushed her further onto the bed, parting her thighs wide and filling her with one swift thrust, their mouths locking in hot, messy kisses full of desire.  
“I thought you were going to let me be in charge?” she panted, propping herself up on an elbow, the other arm draping around his neck. 
“So did I. The way you just sucked my dick gave me other ideas, though, and they all involve holding you down while I pound you into this bed.” His hand grasped her neck, flattening her to the mattress, the press firm but the hold gentle, hips beginning to pound against her as he watched the blue fire of her irises start to burn. The savage onslaught was tempered a little as he slowed, giving her all-in, all-out thrusts, moving his thumb to push it between her lips, watching her hum each moan around it as she sucked, her eyes inked with arousal.  
He forced all of the breath from her lungs with every hard shunt back inside of her, the outward drag of his cock slow, making her walls pulse and glimmer, little moonbeams glowing through the dark of her desire. Pulling his thumb away, his mouth met hers, kissing the plump of her lips, biting the lower, letting it slide out from between his lips as he rutted her deep, so deep he drew all manner of wails from her. 
She felt him hitting her every target within, building pace steadily, until they rutted together in frenzy, groans filling the air as they lost control, her nails dragging his chest as she began to flutter around the deep punch of his cock. The flint strikes burned bright, and she chased every spark, sucking his tongue, her nails imbedding and tearing down, Adrien releasing her neck to press both her hands above her head, driving into her like a piston as her waves crashed like a storm against his shore.  
It pulled him under with her, bright white bursting behind his eyelids, his muscles all softening as he fell to the stars of her arms, mouth peppering kisses against her neck.  
“You’ve... bloody... ruined me,” she panted, hands stroking his clammy back. He went to say something, comically crossing his eyes and shaking his head, making an ‘uh-uh’ noise. “Did I get my mans all pussy drunk, huh?” 
“Mmhmm.” She loved it when she rendered him beyond words, Jade laughing gently. He had just enough comprehension to set an alarm on his phone for an hour, falling into a little sex coma as Jade referred to them as, while she got up and had a quick shower before dressing, heading down to the bar.  
“Skippy! I need a smoke, come with,” Jen announced as soon as she saw her appear, the women turning and heading out to the front of the hotel, the drummer poking her head around the door. “Is it safe, man?” 
The security guy nodded. “She is somewhere further up the street, so for now, yes.” Moving to the side of the doors, they lit up, Jen raising her eyebrows at how awkwardly her friend moved.  
“Lemme guess, you’ve had your man on ya?”  
Her grin broadened. “Oh yeah.” They shared giggles full of mirth, Jade continuing. “Now, don’t get me wrong. My husband is perhaps the most talented lover I have ever known, but the bloody hips!” she exclaimed quietly, Jen nodding as she motioned to her own inner thighs.  
“Right? Jesus in a tutu, those slender guys always murder your fucking inner thighs with the hip bones! And we ain’t got much meat on us anyway, for god’s sake! This is why I like a chunkier dude, gives a little padding, man!” she chuckled.  
“I’m so bruised,” she snickered, “walking like Woody from Toy Story. Poor little cooch is all busted up an’ all.”  
Jen snorted, throwing her head back, the security guy sending her even further when he overheard and tried hard not to laugh. “I am familiar with the Toy Story,” he grinned, shaking his head. “You ladies are very funny.” He then looked down the street and groaned, seeing a sight that the police had already come to deal with, the girl who had been obstructing the hotel frontage.  
“Oh, joy,” Jen moaned, nodding in her direction. “We gotta incoming Serena. God, this bitch is unreal. And her parents, man! They gotta have heard something about this, and she’s just out here in the wind, throwing her crazy all over the damned place!”  
“Adrien said earlier that it’ll be so much easier to manage once we’re home. If she continues, we can just have her served with a restraining order,” she replied, closing her eyes tightly with a sharp exhale when she heard shouting begin. 
“Jade! I want to talk to you! I want you to know that you won’t come in the way of my happiness with Adrien. He’s divorcing you as soon as he gets back to the US!” 
Every instinct within her said to ignore it, but this girl, she was pushing her too far. “Did he? Prove it.”  
“I can’t! I’m not allowed near the front of the hotel!” she shouted.  
“Then Jen and I will come to you, and you can show me all these messages he’s supposed to have sent you, or you can show me the call list on your phone. I know his number from memory, so I’ll be able to see for myself then, won’t I?” 
“You aren’t coming anywhere near me! I don’t have to prove anything to you!” 
“Well,” she scoffed, “I think you do, if you’re trying to convince me that my husband is cheating on me, or else what’s your end game here?”  
“Easy, Skip,” Jen whispered at her side, resting a protective hand to her waist. Jade hadn’t actually raised her voice once, but she could see her back and arms visibly beginning to stiffen.  
“My end game is getting the man I love, and you out of the picture! He was with me while you were on stage in Berlin, you know!” 
The only place Adrien was at the Berlin show was backstage, earplugs in, with a cold, damp towel over his face as he tried to stave off a migraine. “You need help, Serena. Please go home and see somebody about this, because deep down, you know it isn’t true. Look at how much money you’re burning through, and for what? I don’t believe you, you have no proof of your claims, and my husband only knows you exist because of your continued harassment of us. It’s sad. Please, just leave. I don’t even hate you; you know. I just feel really sorry for you, petal.” 
“Oh, you think you’re so fucking special, don’t you? He doesn’t love you!” 
Jade took a last drag on her cigarette, stubbing it out and placing it into the receptacle on the wall, Jen following suit. “Yes, he does. And I think that’s what pisses you off the most. Go and find somebody who will love you back, Serena, because my husband isn’t it.”  
“You have much grace, Mrs. Brody.” the security guard nodded as she walked back inside, wrapping her arm around Jen, her friend reciprocating as Serena continued her yelling from the other side of the street. Oh, how she couldn’t wait for that particular annoying background noise to quieten. 
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jongbross · 10 months
This may sound silly, but I have such a thing for CEO!exo and chaebol au! Pls tell me I’m not the only one. Like have you seen them in SUITS!?!?!?! Breathtaking! They all scream old money, but a new age vibe.
So, with that being said, here’s the companies that I believe the exos would have:
-Xiumin: A soccer club. He loves soccer/football, so this a no brainer. Or a coffeehouse chain (like Starbucks). He did say he would like to try being a barista if he wasn’t an idol
-Suho: I feel his company would be journalism/media related. Like running an online newspaper or media company, like CBS or Forbes Media.
-Lay: Chromosome Entertainment. Need I say more?
-Baekhyun: Definetly a video game company of sorts. I feel that would suit him perfectly.
-Chen: ok, this one I struggled with but I see him has the head of a hotel/resort chain. Like he’s so nice and tender that he would want to extend that to ppl traveling around the country.
-Chanyeol: I see him running/founding an architecture/interior design company. Why not put that masters degree to use? 👐
-D.O: An extremely successful restaurant chain. I don’t think I need to explain lol.
-Kai: I feel he would be in charge of a generations old Performing Arts Institute that’s been passed down in his family. Like it’s super prestigious and renowned all over the world.
-Sehun: Definitely a fashion brand, a la Dior or Gucci. He just has that vibe.
What do you think? I would love to see a CEO one-shot series from you! Keep up the great work!
i never gave much thought about ceo!exo tbh, but it's a nice concept if you ask me 🤔 i can't pinpoint what companies they would have, except for:
junmyeon: something really fancy, like a perfume brand of something? or maybe a hotel chain? it suits him.
jongin: anything related to art, so i agree with you! i can see him having kind of a school of performing arts where people get in to learn how to be an idol or something? and he would have like all around the world, and the best students would definitely be presented to companies such as sm (jongin would be really stern about it though), hybe, and international labels as well. kind of a talent center, half of the next generation of idols/international entertainers would be his alumns.
baekhyun: ceo of his new company, of course 😃☝️ would be jongin's number #1 client - jongin finds the talented kids, mold them to be artists, and then they go to baekhyun's company where he manages their careers (with a much more human, fair approach then sm's, obviously 🤮).
okay, that's what i can think about for now. i'll definitely think about the other members too (:
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ivory0915 · 10 months
Hello everyone this is from Grade 11 Humss (Vygotsky) as we tackled about why senior high school students must choose their strand.
Senior High School Guide: Choosing the Right Track and Strand K-12 is a relatively new program here in the Philippines if you compare it with our neighboring countries. For students to move into college or the university level, they must undergo junior (Grades 7-10) and senior (Grades 11-12) high school level to be given a diploma. A certification is given during the junior level but finishing the senior high level certifies and validates that a student is qualified for college.
Going into senior high school, students must choose a strand and track they would like to take for the next two years of their senior high school life. There are different strands and tracks students can choose from which can also help them choose a course they might want to take in college. Given the magnitude of this decision, careful consideration is required. Here is a simple guide to assist you in deciding which academic track and strand are best suited to your need is for those who have already and surely decided to pursue a college education after senior high school; basically, it helps you in your journey going to college because of its subject specialization. Under this track there are four strands you choose from:
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1.)HUMSS– First is the Humanities and Social Sciences or HUMSS. HUMSS is the strand for students who wish to go into college with the following courses: Political Science or International Studies, English or Filipino Literature, Mass Communication, Education, Performing Arts, and other related courses.
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2.)STEM– The next strand is the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math track, also known as STEM. STEM is the strand for students who wish to go into college with the following courses: Biology, Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Computer Studies, Information Technology, and so on and forth on the related courses. This strand is a very hands-on type of experience that would be good for students who have firmly decided on their future college courses and profession.
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3.)ABM– The third is the Accounting Business and Management or ABM. ABM is the strand for students who wish to go into college with the following courses: Human Resources, Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Management, Accounting, Business Studies, Marketing, Real Estate, Export Management, Entrepreneurship, and other related courses in this path. This is a suggested strand for those who have their eyes set on creating a business in the future or working in the business sector.
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4.)GAS– And the last strand in the Academic track is the General Academic Strand or GAS. Now if you have some uncertainty or confusion in your mind on what specific path you would want to take, then GAS is the strand offered in this track. What makes this good is that the courses offered here are encompassing; meaning in all fields. The things that one can learn in this can help your uncertain mind explore your possible college options. Simply put, this strand is for all college courses.
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5.)TVL Track-Our next track is the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track. The subjects on this track focus on practical knowledge and job-ready training. Once you take and finish a strand on this track, you will be given the TESDA National Certificate. If your goal is to work immediately or be eligible for certified jobs after senior high school, this track is perfect for you. Finishing any strand from this track gives you skills that are considered and accepted to qualify you for work.
These different tracks, strands, and specializations are intended for you to determine which paths fit your strengths, passions, and skills. Choosing the right Senior High School strand will help motivate you for your future career. Once you choose a strand you like, studying becomes more enjoyable since the strands are designed and specialized to match your interests. Moreover, it expands your knowledge and skills, while at the same time, exposing you to your chosen field of study in preparation for college.
Every student in Senior High School should make a choice is choosing among the give tracks in Senior High School such as Academic, Technical Vocational Livelihood, Sports and Art's & Design. In Academic track it includes three strands: ABM, HUMSS and STEM.
We should always choose the track that we want because it is important for us students of SHS to have more knowledge and straight to our dream course that we really want to achieve before Graduating SHS. And from these tracks we can learn how to manage our time and what we want in the future, from learning to these tracks we can have business as student we can also have a part time and to know more what we can know from these tracks.
1.Ivory Crisostomo 2.Kim Valaquio 3.Jolly Sanchez 4.KC Velado 5.Angelie Ucag 6.Diego Castro
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Career Benefits Of Taking Admission To Top Hotel Management Course in Kolkata 
Becoming a successful hotel manager requires exceptional organizational and interpersonal skills, as well as the ability to adapt to dynamic circumstances. A globally known Hotel Management degree is the starting point for becoming a General Manager. However, to accomplish what you want, you need to get admission to the best hotel management college in Kolkata to acquire expertise in operational departments and have a solid understanding of finance, planning, and organisational development.
What is Hotel Management all about?
The course brings together all the elements you should be aware of in the hospitality sector, and for that, you need to understand the various management techniques of the hotel trade, such as sales, hotel operation, catering administration, housekeeping, and accounting.
Roles to play in this career
You can choose from a list of essential responsibilities that ensure the smooth functioning of hotel operations. Hotel managers should have strong management skills and be able to look after tasks efficiently. This will make sure that you stay on top of critical details, from housekeeping and food and beverage to operations and customer relations. After completing your degree from the top hotel management university in Kolkata, you will have opportunities to work in several job roles. 
Food and beverage managers are responsible for organising, regulating, and obtaining food and refreshments for a hospitality establishment.
Front office managers are responsible for the front desk, reservations, guest services, and phone operations. They prepare reports, and the front office works on the department’s budget.
Floor supervisors are given full responsibility for reviewing inventory and reporting insufficient supplies.
Restaurant & food service managers are responsible for managing the day-to-day activities of the eatery. Moreover, they guarantee that all customers who come to the cafe/dinner are satisfied.
Restaurant & food service managers manage the all-day activities of the eatery and make sure that all the customers who come to the cafe/dinner are satisfied.
Banquet Managers/Administrators work hard to deliver an experience that the customers will remember for the rest of their lives.
Chefs are another integral part of the industry. The role is classified into:
Executive chefs are in charge of restaurant operations and chains; they are responsible for hiring, training, supervising culinary workers, and ensuring high-quality production.
Head chefs are highly skilled professional cooks who manage the day-to-day operations of a restaurant and the grand kitchens. 
Sous chefs are in charge of food preparation, planning, and management, and he/she is commonly known as the head chef’s assistant and carries out various activities, such as menu planning, training new personnel, and inventory recording.
Where to study?
India is a country that embraces the tradition of Atithi Devo Bhava, where guests are treated with respect, and the hospitality industry follows this convention. India has some of the best hotel management institutes that offer courses in different streams and specializations, but Amity University, the best hotel management college in India, stands out among the institutions offering top-notch hotel management courses. Apply now! 
Source: https://sites.google.com/view/career-benefits-of-taking-admi/home?authuser=3
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mumbaicollege · 23 days
Key Highlights Of A BSc In Hotel Management Program
A BSc In Hotel Management In Mumbai offers comprehensive training and education in the hospitality industry, preparing students for various roles in hotels, resorts, and other service-related fields. Here are some key highlights of a BSc in Hotel Management program:
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1. Comprehensive Curriculum
Courses cover a wide range of topics, including food and beverage management, front office operations, housekeeping, hospitality marketing, and tourism management.
Practical and theoretical knowledge in hospitality management, catering, and accommodation services.
2. Hands-on Training
Emphasis on real-world experience through internships, industry projects, and practical training in hotel environments.
Opportunities to work in different departments of hotels to gain a holistic understanding of hotel operations.
3. Skill Development
Development of essential soft skills such as communication, customer service, problem-solving, and leadership.
Focus on technical skills including event management, culinary arts, and housekeeping techniques.
4. Industry Exposure
Guest lectures, workshops, and seminars conducted by industry experts provide insights into current trends and best practices.
Visits to hotels, resorts, and hospitality events to gain firsthand experience and knowledge of industry operations.
5. Career Opportunities
Prepares students for a variety of roles in the hospitality industry, including hotel manager, event planner, food and beverage director, and front office manager.
Employment opportunities in hotels, resorts, restaurants, cruise ships, and other hospitality sectors.
6. Global Perspective
Exposure to international hospitality standards and practices is beneficial for pursuing global career opportunities.
Opportunities for study abroad programs and internships with multinational hotel chains.
7. Entrepreneurial Skills
Training in business management, marketing, and finance to prepare students for entrepreneurship in the hospitality sector.
Encouragement to develop innovative ideas and launch their hospitality ventures.
8. Placement Assistance
Many programs offer strong placement support, helping students secure internships and job placements in reputed hotels and hospitality organizations.
Collaboration with leading hotel chains and hospitality firms for recruitment.
9. Cultural Awareness
Understanding of cultural diversity and its importance in providing exceptional guest experiences.
Study of various cuisines, traditions, and hospitality practices from around the world.
10. Personal and Professional Growth
Focus on grooming, etiquette, and professional behavior to ensure students are industry-ready.
Development of a strong work ethic, adaptability, and the ability to handle stressful situations effectively.
Hospitality Studies In Mumbai equips students with the knowledge, skills, and experience needed to succeed in the dynamic and fast-growing hospitality industry, offering numerous opportunities for career advancement and personal development.
About Mumbai College Of HMCT
The college offers a wide range of courses and always ensures that everything is done according to the pre-defined guidelines. They never compromise with the standards of the courses, and offer practical knowledge to the students during the course for a fruitful career.
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Careers After Hotel Management: A World of Opportunities
Choosing the right career path after completing your 12th grade is a critical decision. For those with a passion for hospitality and a flair for management, pursuing hotel management courses after 12th can be a gateway to a world of exciting opportunities. This dynamic industry offers a diverse range of career options, from managing luxury hotels and resorts to leading teams in global restaurant chains, event management companies, and even cruise lines. Let's explore the various career paths available after completing a hotel management course and how this training can set you up for success.
Hotel and Resort Management
One of the most common career paths for graduates of hotel management is to work in hotel and resort management. This role involves overseeing the daily operations of hotels and resorts, ensuring that guests have a seamless and enjoyable experience. As a hotel manager, you’ll be responsible for managing staff, budgeting, guest services, and overall hotel operations. Starting positions include front office manager, housekeeping supervisor, or food and beverage manager, with the potential to advance to general manager or even regional director roles.
Restaurant and Food Service Management
The hospitality industry is not limited to hotels alone. Hotel management training also equips you with the skills to excel in the restaurant and food service sector. Whether you’re managing a fine-dining establishment, a trendy café, or a large-scale food service operation, your expertise in customer service, operations management, and culinary knowledge will be invaluable. Career roles include restaurant manager, food and beverage director, or even owner of your own restaurant. This sector offers ample opportunities for growth and creativity.
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Event Planning and Management
For those who thrive on organization and creativity, a career in event planning and management could be the perfect fit. With your background in hotel management courses after 12th, you’ll have the skills to plan and execute a wide range of events, from weddings and corporate meetings to large-scale conferences and festivals. Event planners work closely with clients to bring their visions to life, ensuring that every detail is meticulously planned and executed. Positions in this field include event coordinator, wedding planner, and event manager, with opportunities to work independently or for established event management companies.
Travel and Tourism Management
The travel and tourism sector is another thriving industry that welcomes graduates of hotel management courses. With the growth of global travel, there’s a constant demand for professionals who can manage travel agencies, tour operations, and travel-related businesses. Careers in this field include travel consultant, tour manager, and destination manager. Your training in hotel management will give you a solid foundation in customer service, logistics, and cultural sensitivity, all of which are crucial in the travel industry.
Cruise Line Management
If you’re drawn to the idea of combining work with travel, a career in cruise line management might be ideal. Working on a cruise ship offers a unique experience where you can apply your hotel management training in a floating hotel environment. Positions in this industry include cruise director, guest services manager, and food and beverage manager. This career path not only allows you to travel the world but also offers the opportunity to work with an international clientele and staff, enhancing your global perspective.
Hospitality Entrepreneurship
For those with an entrepreneurial spirit, hotel management courses after 12th can provide the foundation needed to start your own business in the hospitality industry. Whether it’s launching a boutique hotel, a catering company, or a chain of cafes, the knowledge and skills gained during your hotel management training will be invaluable. Entrepreneurship in hospitality requires a combination of creativity, business acumen, and a deep understanding of customer needs, all of which are covered in hotel management courses.
Human Resources and Training
Another career avenue for hotel management graduates is human resources (HR) and training within the hospitality industry. As an HR manager or training coordinator, you’ll be responsible for recruiting, training, and developing staff, ensuring that the team operates efficiently and meets the high standards expected in the industry. This role is crucial for maintaining a positive work environment and ensuring that staff are well-equipped to deliver excellent service.
Sales and Marketing in Hospitality
The sales and marketing departments in hotels, resorts, and other hospitality businesses play a critical role in attracting guests and clients. With your background in hotel management training, you can pursue careers in sales and marketing, where you’ll be responsible for promoting the business, developing marketing strategies, and managing customer relationships. Positions in this area include sales manager, marketing coordinator, and revenue manager.
A career in hotel management offers a multitude of opportunities in various sectors of the hospitality industry. Whether you’re interested in managing a luxury hotel, planning events, or starting your own business, hotel management courses after 12th provide the necessary training and skills to succeed. With dedication and passion, the possibilities are endless in this dynamic and rewarding industry. If you’re ready to embark on an exciting career, consider enrolling in a hotel management course and take the first step toward a fulfilling future.
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hospitalitymanagement · 2 months
The Importance of Practical Training in Hotel Management
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Hotel management is an ever-evolving field that demands a unique combination of skills, knowledge, and experience. Since hospitality operations require consistent, high-quality service and innovation, practical training in hotel management education is vital. Cities like Kolkata are well-known for their rich cultural heritage and tourism industries, which demand talented hospitality professionals; therefore, earning a  hospitality management diploma in Kolkata provides students with a solid base to build on for successful future careers.
Why is practical training crucial?
1. Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice
Hotel management students benefit greatly not only from theoretical knowledge but also from its application in practical situations. For example, understanding guest relations theory differs significantly from managing interactions in a hotel setting; practical training helps students manage customer service, problem-solving, and crisis management more efficiently.
2. Building Core Abilities
Hospitality industry jobs demand many distinct skill sets, from culinary arts and housekeeping to front office management and event planning. A hospitality management course in Kolkata that emphasizes practical training can help students develop these core capabilities comprehensively. Students at an elite hotel management institute might find themselves managing live kitchen operations or planning and executing events; experiences like these provide invaluable insights into this line of work.
3. Enhancing communication and interpersonal skills.
Hospitality relies heavily on effective communication and relationship-building with guests, so practical training allows students to interact with guests, staff, and peers in various scenarios to hone their interpersonal and communication skills. This experience is especially essential in Kolkata, with its diverse cultural environments, where understanding cultural nuances is integral to creating a rewarding guest experience.
4. Students Gaining Insight into Hospitality 
Through Internships and on-the-job training. Students gain invaluable insights into the hospitality industry through internships. Interns learn the latest trends, technologies, and best practices from experienced professionals within this sector. Hospitality management diploma programs often feature internships at luxury hotels, resorts, or restaurants so students can experience firsthand operations and strategic aspects; such experience allows them to understand industry expectations and standards more thoroughly and be better prepared to meet or surpass them in their future employment.
5. Establishing Professional Networks
One of the main advantages of practical training is its potential to create professional networks. Internships and industry placements give students access to professionals, mentors, peers, and industry experts who can advise and assist them as they begin their careers. A top hotel management institute in Kolkata often partners with prominent hotels and hospitality organizations, giving their students networking opportunities that could result in job offers or career advancement opportunities.
Educational Institutes as Providers of Practical Training
Educational institutes play an invaluable role in offering practical training. A top hotel management institute in Kolkata boasts top-of-the-line facilities and collaborates with industry professionals to give its students real-world exposure. Many institutes even feature on-site restaurants or event spaces where students can hone their skills under the supervision of experienced faculty and industry professionals.
Institutes cultivate strong partnerships with hospitality industry partners in their local area, offering internships and placements to their students as an integral component of providing industry-standard training that prepares them for job readiness when their studies have concluded.
Practical training is an integral component of hotel management education in Kolkata, serving to bridge the gap between theory and practice, develop core skills, improve communication abilities, gain industry insights that students studying hospitality management courses can utilize, as well as give them tools necessary for building professional networks within this ever-expanding sector, leading to successful and fulfilling careers across hospitality. With hospitality expanding and evolving rapidly, practical training must remain central to unlocking successful and rewarding careers across this dynamic sector. Students seeking hospitality management course in Kolkata from reputable institutions like Krystal will benefit from an engaging curriculum packed with hands-on experience. This prepares them to excel in the competitive hospitality industry.
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fihminstitute · 2 months
Bachelor's in Hotel Management in Noida: A Gateway to a Successful Career.
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Hotel management is a thriving field offering vast career opportunities. In Noida, several institutions provide exceptional bachelor's programs in hotel management, combining academic rigor with practical training. This dynamic city, close to the capital, is an ideal place to pursue such a degree.
Top Colleges for Bachelor's in Hotel Management
1. Amity University
Amity University is renowned for its comprehensive hotel management program. The curriculum covers various aspects of hospitality, including front office operations, housekeeping, food and beverage services, and event management. Amity emphasizes hands-on training through internships and industry exposure.
2. Federal Institute of Hotel Management (FIHM)
FIHM stands out for its industry-aligned courses and state-of-the-art facilities. The bachelor's program at FIHM prepares students for global hospitality careers. With a focus on practical skills and modern hospitality trends, graduates are well-equipped to excel in the industry.
3. IHM Noida
The Institute of Hotel Management (IHM) Noida is a premier institution offering a robust bachelor's degree in hotel management. The program includes in-depth studies of hospitality principles, culinary arts, and guest services. IHM Noida also provides excellent placement opportunities, ensuring a smooth transition into the professional world.
4. Galgotias University
Galgotias University offers a bachelor's in hotel management that blends academic excellence with practical training. The course structure includes hospitality management, culinary skills, and customer service excellence. Galgotias' strong industry connections enhance students' learning experiences and job prospects.
Core Subjects in Hotel Management Programs
Hospitality Management: Understanding the fundamentals of managing hotels, resorts, and other hospitality establishments.
Food and Beverage Management: Training in the preparation, presentation, and management of food and beverage services.
Front Office Operations: Learning the intricacies of managing front desk operations, including guest relations and reservations.
Housekeeping Management: Mastering the skills required to maintain cleanliness and order in hospitality settings.
Event Management: Gaining expertise in planning, organizing, and executing various events within the hospitality industry.
Benefits of Studying Hotel Management in Noida
1. Strategic Location
Noida's proximity to Delhi provides students with access to numerous five-star hotels, restaurants, and hospitality businesses for internships and job placements. This location advantage enhances practical learning and career opportunities.
2. Industry Exposure
Colleges in Noida emphasize industry exposure through guest lectures, workshops, and internships. This real-world experience is invaluable in preparing students for successful careers in hospitality.
3. Modern Infrastructure
Institutions in Noida boast modern infrastructure, including advanced kitchens, mock front offices, and housekeeping labs. These facilities provide students with hands-on training in a controlled environment.
4. Experienced Faculty
The faculty at these colleges comprises seasoned professionals with extensive industry experience. Their expertise ensures that students receive high-quality education and mentorship.
Career Opportunities after Bachelor's in Hotel Management
Graduates with a bachelor's degree in hotel management from Noida can explore various career paths:
Hotel Manager: Overseeing the overall operations of a hotel, ensuring guest satisfaction, and managing staff.
Food and Beverage Manager: Managing restaurants, bars, and catering services within a hospitality establishment.
Event Planner: Organizing and executing events such as weddings, conferences, and corporate gatherings.
Front Office Manager: Supervising front desk operations, handling guest inquiries, and managing reservations.
Culinary Chef: Specializing in culinary arts, working in kitchens of top hotels and restaurants.
Conclusion: Embarking on a Hospitality Career in Noida
Pursuing a bachelor's in hotel management in Noida offers numerous advantages, from excellent educational institutions to abundant career opportunities. The combination of strategic location, industry exposure, modern infrastructure, and experienced faculty makes Noida an ideal place for aspiring hospitality professionals.
Choosing the right college and program is crucial for success in the hospitality industry. With the right education and training, you can embark on a rewarding career that offers growth, excitement, and global opportunities. Start your journey in hotel management in Noida and open the doors to a bright future in hospitality.
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July 18th, 2024 星期四 - Old European Consulate Office and Museum, Ferry Ride, Waterside Exploring
I woke up around 12pm today after doing a bar crawl and clubbing the night before. Thankfully I wasn’t too hungover, so I showered and went to go get Korean takeout with one of my classmates. We’d been trying to eat from this place since our first day in Taipei and we finally got to eat it today. I ended up getting this beef soup thing and it was sooooo good. Since being in Taiwan, I want to eat soup all the time. Since we cut it so close to when we needed to meet for class, we sped ate in the common area of our hotel before quickly returning it to our rooms.
We met up with our class and took the MRT to the very last stop on the red line, all the way up in the mountains. The scenery was very pretty as we drove through but the ride was so extremely long. The archetype in Tamsui is so beautiful and seeing it with the mountains was pretty awesome. Then we got on a bus to the former British consulate residence area. Unfortunately, the original place we were supposed to go was closed, so we just explored the old building for a while. It was pretty cool getting to see how they lived (their stairs are so short and steep I don’t know how they managed).
After the museum, we headed down to the distant water and walked through a long waterfront area towards the ferry. That area was pretty cool and had a lot of shops and restaurants. I ended up buying a coconut and a king crab leg. I’d been waiting the whole trip to drink a coconut hehe. Coconut rating: 7/10 not the type of coconuts I usually drink but it was still yummy and fresh. After a bit of walking around, we caught the ferry to the other side of the water. In the water, there were many jumping fish you could see even from the shore. There was also a large fire that occurred in one the restaurants that we could see from our side.
As soon as we got off, the tide was so low that we could see tiny crabs and mudskippers!!!! They were so incredibly cute and tiny and I wanted to pick them up and put them in my pocket. We walked around that area for a bit and saw a very stereotypical looking duck bathing in some water!!!! So cute haha! We all walked around for a bit before taking the ferry back to the other side and taking the looooooong MRT ride home.
Academic Reflection
Today I decided to do some research on European/Australian influence on and presence in Taiwan. It seems like we always talk about Mainland China and Japan, when there are other influences. Of course to begin, there was the Dutch colonization and Spanish settlement in the 17th century. That’s when the island got the name Formosa, given by Dutch sailers who saw the beautiful island from the water. Unfortunately, most countries are in a weird limbo between recognizing and not recognizing Taiwan as its own country. As we did our tour of the former consulate building, it was a reoccurring theme that a country had a good relationship with Taiwan would then retract so that they can have a google relationship with Mainland China.
Something else i found interesting was the Australian flag being a part of the flag lineup. Till we reached the consulate building, I was yet to hear/read/learn anything about Australia in Taiwan. What i found out from my research is that, in 1966 Australia recognized Taiwan as the “Rwepublic of China” and opened a full embassy there (in comparison to the U.S.’ controversial American Institute in Taiwan). However in 1972, these diplomatic ties were severed as the governor of Australia wanted to forge better relations with Mainland China, thus choosing to now recognize the Mainland’s People’s Republic of China instead. I think this is very interesting in light of the U.S.’ own back and forth with recognizing, not recognizing, and halfway acknowledging Taiwan.
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Become a Chef: Master the Art of the Perfect Meal
Discover how to become a successful chef with our guide. Explore career opportunities, key responsibilities, and benefits of the culinary profession. Start your journey at Brooks School of Hotel Management, one of the best in hotel management colleges.
Have you ever wondered what it takes to become a successful chef? A restaurant's reputation often hinges on the skills and creativity of its chef. When you think of a chef, don't you envision mouth-watering dishes and exquisite presentations? A chef's role is pivotal in shaping a restaurant's identity, from creating culinary masterpieces to managing kitchen operations efficiently.
The Importance of a Chef
A chef is not just a cook; they are the heart of the kitchen. They oversee the entire culinary process, from menu creation to food preparation and presentation. Their responsibilities extend to managing kitchen staff, controlling costs, ensuring hygiene standards, and crafting new recipes that delight customers.
 Pathway to Becoming a Successful Chef
While there is no single path to becoming a successful chef, there are essential steps that can guide you on this journey. In this blog, we will explore the key elements that contribute to a chef's success.
 What Defines a Great Chef?
Are you aspiring to build a successful career in the hospitality industry? Becoming a great chef starts with acquiring exceptional culinary skills and setting high standards. Enrolling to a reputable college for diploma in hotel management Kerala, is a great way to begin your journey. A chef must possess exceptional culinary abilities and be capable of establishing a benchmark for the restaurant.
 The Duties of a Hotel Chef
Let us begin by discussing the role of an executive chef. This position is known by many different names: master chef, head chef, and others.
Job Responsibilities:
- An executive chef is primarily responsible for overseeing the entire kitchen, not just cooking.
- They manage various restaurant establishments.
- Cost control in the kitchen is a critical responsibility.
- Another essential task is creating menus.
- Executive chefs are typically found in large establishments.
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 The Sous Chef
The executive chef's assistant is known as the sous chef, a French term that means "second chef." The following are their job responsibilities:
- Scheduling the kitchen staff.
- Filling in when the head chef is not available.
- Assisting other cooks when necessary.
- Managing the kitchen's inventory.
Apart from these roles, chefs have other departments and responsibilities. Let's talk about a chef's primary duties:
Creating New Recipes:
As a chef, you will be in charge of creating new recipes. Brooks Best hotel management college in Kerala provides students with all the necessary skills through one of the best hotel management courses. Extensive work experience also brings its own set of benefits.
Maintaining Customer Relations:
A chef is also responsible for maintaining customer relations. The best business strategy is a satisfied customer, a mantra every professional working for a reputed hotel should remember.
 Benefits of Being a Chef
Understanding Various Food Cultures:
Being a chef offers the advantage of learning about different food cultures. Chefs frequently have the opportunity to travel abroad, providing an excellent chance to try new foods and expand their culinary horizons.
Professional Enthusiasm:
Preparing delectable recipes that people remember is an art form. Chefs are passionate about their work and delight in impressing diners with their culinary creations.
Opportunities to Meet Celebrities:
Chefs in both large and small restaurants, as well as those on reality shows, often have the opportunity to meet and spend time with celebrities.
Expertise in Food:
Chefs who have long careers in the food industry can easily distinguish between good and bad recipes when dining out.
Favourite Knives:
Most chefs have a favourite knife that they prefer for its specific weight and precision, becoming an extension of their culinary skills.
Inspiring Customers:
Chefs often ask waiters to recommend particular recipes they've prepared. If you ask a waiter for a recommendation, it is likely to be the chef's suggestion.
Start Your Culinary Journey
Do you want to be a chef? The first step is to enrol in a hotel management program and begin a rewarding career. Brooks School of Hotel Management in Palarivattom offers comprehensive courses designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the culinary world. Start your journey towards becoming a renowned chef today!
For more information on our hotel management programs and how we can help you achieve your career goals, visit our website.
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prowiden · 2 months
Starting Your Chef Career in the UK: Opportunities and Pathways
The culinary world in the UK is a thriving and dynamic sector that offers countless opportunities for aspiring chefs. Whether you're just starting your culinary journey or looking to advance your career, the UK provides a fertile ground for growth and innovation. This blog will explore the pathways to starting a chef career in the UK, the role of consultancy services, and the essential steps to success.
Pathways to a Chef Career
Embarking on a chef career in the UK can begin in various ways. Many chefs start with formal culinary education, attending renowned institutions such as Le Cordon Bleu London or Westminster Kingsway College. These programs provide a solid foundation in culinary techniques, kitchen management, and food safety.
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For those who prefer a more hands-on approach, apprenticeships offer a fantastic way to learn on the job. Working under the guidance of experienced chefs, apprentices gain practical skills and valuable industry insights.
Entry-Level Positions
Starting as a commis chef is a common entry point. This role involves assisting more senior chefs with food preparation, maintaining cleanliness, and learning the ropes of kitchen operations. It's a crucial step in building your skills and understanding the demands of a professional kitchen.
With dedication and hard work, you can progress to roles such as chef de partie, where you'll take on more responsibility for specific sections of the kitchen, like sauces or desserts. Each position you hold brings new learning experiences and prepares you for more advanced roles.
The Role of Chef Consultancy Services
Navigating the job market can be challenging, especially for those new to the industry. Chef consultancy services play a vital role in helping aspiring chefs find the right opportunities. These services match your skills and aspirations with suitable job openings, ensuring you find a position that aligns with your career goals.
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Consultancies like Chef Agency UK provide personalized support, helping you prepare your CV, offering interview tips, and connecting you with potential employers. Their expertise can be invaluable in securing your first job and setting the stage for a successful career.
Networking and Building Relationships
The culinary industry is built on relationships. Networking with other professionals, attending industry events, and joining culinary associations can open doors to new opportunities. Building a strong professional network can lead to job referrals, collaborations, and mentorship opportunities that can significantly impact your career.
Continuous Learning and Growth
The culinary world is constantly evolving, with new trends and techniques emerging regularly. To stay competitive, it's essential to commit to continuous learning. Attending workshops, enrolling in advanced courses, and staying updated with industry trends can enhance your skills and keep you at the forefront of the culinary scene.
Job Opportunities Across the UK
The UK offers diverse job opportunities for chefs. In bustling cities like London, Manchester, and Edinburgh, you can find positions in high-end restaurants, trendy cafes, and innovative food trucks. Each city has its own culinary identity, providing unique experiences and challenges.
Outside the major cities, regions like the Lake District, Cornwall, and the Scottish Highlands offer opportunities to work with local ingredients and contribute to regional culinary traditions. These areas provide a chance to explore different aspects of British cuisine and work in picturesque settings.
Introducing Prowiden Overseas
Securing a work visa is a crucial step for international chefs looking to work in the UK. Prowiden Overseas specializes in providing work visas for hotel-related jobs, including chefs, waiters, waitresses, baristas, and bartenders. They also assist unskilled workers like construction workers and kitchen helpers.
Prowiden Overseas ensures a smooth visa application process, allowing you to focus on your career. Their expertise in navigating visa requirements and procedures makes them a reliable partner for aspiring chefs seeking opportunities in the UK.
Starting a chef career in the UK is an exciting journey filled with opportunities for growth and innovation. By leveraging the support of chef consultancy services, building strong professional networks, and committing to continuous learning, you can pave the way for a successful and fulfilling career. And with the assistance of Prowiden Overseas, you can secure the necessary work visa to embark on this culinary adventure. The UK's vibrant culinary scene awaits you.
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