#cour four
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vkslore · 3 months ago
“home is not a place, but a feeling.”
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brucewaynehater101 · 3 months ago
Do you think the batfam or Core 4 had to go through intense ways to stop Tim from doing anything risky during his healing stages of certain injuries (such as neck injuries from held at a knife point or being shot by a bullet + the lack of spleen)?
Hmm... Forewarning not canon.
Anyways, the batfam are all horrendously horrible at taking care of their own wounds. Idk about Duke, but the rest of them do not rest if they are needed. They will go out and fight crime with broken bones and stitches and other wounds.
So, unfortunately, they don't have room to talk. They would be major fucking hypocrites if they expected him to allow his wounds to heal while they disregarded their own. They could express worry and care, but telling him not to? Wouldn't slide. He probably has several packets prepared to properly school them if they tried.
Core Four, on the other hand, is different. They are the ones who will negotiate and do cuddle piles until Tim heals. After several years of working together, they intrinsically know how to navigate the healing stage in several levels of situational unrest (whether the world is about to end) for the best results.
At the beginning of their relationships, they probably didn't understand Tim's visceral need to keep going. It could be a cool fic to explore their different motivations as heroes, them learning each other, the angst of their lack of support, constantly needing to put each other back together again (usually physically), and each of their own self-destructive and self-sacrificial ways.
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gretahayes · 2 years ago
Gun to your head, rec some good core four fics that doesn’t bastardize any of their characters
They go to a gala
Tim goes back to high school
General team shenanigans part 1 and 2
Anddd The yj fic Ever
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radioactive-earthshine · 3 years ago
Hey I've been wondering and you seem like you would know but why is the Young Justice core four that group? Bart, Tim, and Kon I get since they technically founded it but why Cassie when the next member was Secret?
I wanted to answer this fairly without just saying "They're besties" because there is more to it than that - however this got a little long and there is room for additional commentary.
Cassie carried with Tim, Bart and Kon into Teen Titans and they stayed together (albeit dying and temporary leaves of absence from their respective teams) all the way through to the N52 Reboot.
"They grew up together."
All their other members that had long lasting roles in Young Justice; Greta, Anita, Cissie, Slo-bo all had circumstances that prevented them from carrying into Teen Titans and beyond and developing relationships with each other beyond Young Justice. Because someone *coughgeoffjohnscough* couldn't be bothered to read the source material before writing Teen Titans.
Greta: Brought back to life as a "normal girl" by Darkseid via his Omega Beams to live a normal life.
Cissie: Finally obtained true retirement and was looking after Traya and Greta in her boarding school as a mentor.
Anita: We assume she stepped back from being a vigilante entirely to take care of her resurrected-as-infants mother and father. We never hear from her again.
Slo-Bo: "Dead" via Darkseid but his soul was flung into the distant far future and encased in his own statue... a fate worse than death according to Wally (and Thad), but his teammates had no idea.
I really do hesitate to say that they are the core four because they were the "True Main Characters" because Young Justice was fair and gave almost everyone excellent story arcs and development; particularly those that did NOT have their own solo series. It's what made Young Justice great.
However once Young Justice was done (and it only ran for 55 main issues excluding specials and The Sins of Youth Anthology) Tim, Bart, Kon and Cassie went on together as Titans and went through a lot of grimdark bullshit which made all of them sort of inseparable.
Also if we are to examine Young Justice fairly those four were officially the main members (not characters) for a long time. Greta was a secret and unknown to even the League for a long time. Cissie was there as a member, briefly, then she officially retired and was no longer a member of Young Justice but kept being a reoccurring character.
Lil' Lobo was not an official member and was just there.
Anita was a member but there was a long period of time where she was not and was a background character, not officially tethered to the team.
Slo-Bo had status sort of like Lil' Lobo and Cassie admitted to never having viewed him as part of the team when she kicked him out.
So Tim, Bart, Kon and Cassie were the longest consistent members of Young Justice even if Tim and Bart both left the team briefly.
They're tidally locked to each other.
Also fandom just likes them.
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gazebosarebologna · 5 years ago
Cour Four as the Inbetweeners
Richie is Jay
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Stan is Will
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Eddie is Simon
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Bill is Neil
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elenatheimmortalone · 5 years ago
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Maybe not
a/n: this is my first imagine/fan fic on here.. feel free to correct my english or whatever you think should be different but don't go too harsh on me. My requests are always open, i write fanfics for descendants, once upon a time and Harry potter. have fun!
part 2 is comming!
Y/n walked trough the hallways looking for the classroom where your next class was, you still weren't able to find it after almost one year of attending auradon prep. Maybe it was because your brain didnt work as most other people or because of the almost 400 classrooms. It also didn't make it easy for you because you were the daughter of the madhatter and everyone thought that you were just as mad. Maybe that was also the case but you were trying really hard to fit in with all the royals.
When the original VK's came to auradon you hoped you had a chance to fit in then, because they were new and hadn't have the best status either, but that was a hard no. Everything stayed the same, or got even worst, them fitting in so easely made you think you just wasnt worth it. All the stress and lonely feelings made you wanted to leave Auradon, but where did you have to go then? Your father wasnt evil but wasnt a royal either what made you fit in with neither. The best solucion would´ve been to try the isle of the lost and look if it was better there. You didnt keep up with the local news or just any news, simply because you didn't have the money to buy a tv and the aula was always packed so you couldn't hear anything, what made that you didnt knew of the surcumstancis the isle had to deal with.
You've packed all your things including some water and food just for certainty. Now you needed an idea how to come there.. you walked outside just to think while breathing in some frech air, bumping into one of the VK's and king Ben's girlfriend: Mal, the daughter of the most evil misteres Malificent. "Watch where you going you stupid freak!" Mal shouted at you "full apolagise's from me" you mumbled and you tryd to walk away but something in your head told you not to and to turn around. Before you could realize what you were doing you had already asked the question "where are you going?" Mal looked at you suprised because you dared to talk to her whitout her permision and she wasnt used to that "im.. just uhh going to.. go to see the flowers?" she stutteres knowable lieing to you "the flowers are the other way around.." you sayd to her pointing at the directions of the garden. The pink haired girl sighted "ugh fine.. but first you need to tell me where you are going" could you tell her? you thought it trough for a moment and then descided that you would tell her "im going to the isle" you finally spoke. Mal looked at you suprised "wait what?! really? i understand that i want to go back but you.. you are one of those pretty pink princesses!" now it was your turn do sight "im not royalty; my father's the madhatter so i dont really belong anywhere so i thought that i would try it there" you replaid, what caused the kings girlfriend to laugh at you. "did i say something stupid?!" mal nodded in response "i would never expect that, you never complain and always keep your mounth shut and never smi-" something klicked in mals head "oh my gosh im so sorry that i never noticed if i did i would definetly have invited you in our gang" you only could smile lightly at her, maybe the VK's weren't all that bad after all.
Mal had invited you to come with her to the isle on a charmed motorcicle, your heart beated in your chest but maybe that was also the case of exitment. You and your new friend were chatting the whole ride over the water to the isle and when you finally came to stop you both were laughing about a joke you made. The purple heared girl warned you to be silence, dont stand out and watch your back and just follow her as much as you could.
it was already starting to get dark at the isle, you looked at the other side of the water where the sun was stil shining brightly "goodbye auradon" you wispered as Mal grabbed your hand and pulled you along. The first stop was a store, y/n had to look like an isle kid if she wanted to fit in here. You chose a purple pink and green winbreaker with a blue leather dress, blue heels and a pink little hat. When they finally found something that was semi ok they went to the cour four's hiding place, not the one where there parents lived but there own chill place. When they got there y/n realized that she was pretty hungry so her hands travelle to her handbag that was before you got there hanging on her waist, But it was gone!
did you just got in there and you really want to continue reading? don't worry part 2 is coming soon!
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lomldrake · 6 years ago
Tim: I've paintballed several times in my training with Batman, i'm feeling really confident in my abilities here, and my team is really athletic so we're gonna do great- wait have you guys ever shot a paint gun?
Bart: sure?
Cassie: totally
Kon: ...obviously?
Cassie: I mean I was eight but...
Kon: we're gonna be great
Bart: I took art classes in second great!!
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bunny-lou · 6 years ago
Instructions Not Included up on AO3
Psst, the GABI sequel is up. Read Instructions Not Included here!
@crazy-girlboyperson @unapologeticallyjaylos @jaylosplus @that-pan-kids-spam @tothetardissterek @wahhhhhk @targaryenbiitch @jaylosforlife @theynasolangelo @moybelle @alloftheseships @aramisevrr @guyshowdoimakeausername @darkprinceofdarkness @astral--queen @missyoueverysingleday @diamonds-and-dynamite @girlwithanewplan
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softieserpent · 6 years ago
I just realized they are SENIORS now. WTF
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han-river · 6 years ago
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when you're trying to ask your dad money but still doesn't give you:
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gretahayes · 2 years ago
literally nobody fucking asked but here's my idea for a core four repair shop au.
they're young adults, like 21, and are out to forge their own paths as heroes and stuff. they're back together as a team—the four of them, again and always—and go to a quiet town with minimal, if any, other hero activity. tim's a city boy, but he makes the commute to the nearest city to get resources and stuff, and they've got a zeta back to gotham since everyone else can fly/has superspeed to get back to their cities.
they buy a nice house tucked away, get it soundproofed, and decide to renovate it themselves despite tim quite literally begging them to let him pay for someone else to do it.
while making a mess of the renovation, they find a quaint little shop for sale and are enamored by it, so they (read; Tim) buy it, and set up a shop, because hey, why not, and they put their plentiful skills together and make a repair shop.
(it's got no name, because they couldn't think of one, but they call it the fixing shop. locals call it that too, and when anyone needs something fixed, they take it to the fixing shop)
what does it repair? well, everything.
that's not a joke. if you broke anything, there's at least one of them that can fix it. from cars to metalwork to tech to dolls, if it's fixable, they can fix it.
the shop's a mismatch of several different workstations, an interior designer's worst nightmare, but it's cosy. homey.
there's general prices in their heads but like none of them are really doing this for the money? so it varies based on circumstances and how hard the job is.
if a kid comes in crying with a broken toy, cassie fixes it and accepts whatever the kid can pay for payment—if nothing, she does it for free. some snobby asshole comes in wanting to fix the expensive car they crashed while drunk driving and kon fixes it, sure, but the bill comes up to close to a million. and kon's sort of the only one that can fix it this well? so the person just pays and leaves, fuming. a distressed college kid comes in with a cracked to hell laptop but they can't afford another one and tim makes it good as new—the several, several parts he replaced make sure of that, like seriously it's barely the same laptop anymore—for ten bucks. he refuses to be paid any more. a nervous teenager comes in with a ripped dress, bart stitches it expertly well—and expertly fast—and charges fifty cents.
locals wonder about their scars, wonder about where their families are, wonder about the visitors they get, wonder how they have so many skills, but the core four just smile and say "trade secret"
if you come at the right time, kon's pulling a fresh batch of pastries or cakes or various other sweets from the oven and he hands them out. they're ma's recipe, made with love and all, so of course they're delicious.
cassie's finishing university locally, her mom wanted her to, bart and kon do it online, so their working hours are a bit odd. but they did accelerated classes and busted their asses to graduate a year early, so they're really proud of themselves.
tim finds ways to occupy himself.
it may or may not be a hotspot for supernatural activity, but they made friends with the creatures so it's fine
when cissie needs a break she comes to stay with them and everyone's happy. sometimes anita carves out time to spend in their peaceful little safe haven, and greta comes and goes when she has the time.
it's almost sickeningly domestic. sometimes after a fight they stumble home bleeding and sweaty and hurt, but happy.
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atouchofireland · 7 years ago
Honestly I can’t believe they’re having the core four focus on a student election next episode and not having at least 2 of them help Toni get Cheryl out of a FUCKING MENTAL INSTITUTION.
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marbleaide · 7 years ago
Things i want:
-Tim to have his own mini series of him researching any form of science and magic he can get his hands on when he finally remembers that Bart, Kon, and Cassie existed
-Tim fighting, outsmarting, and defeating anyone and everything that gets in his way to bring them back
-At the last issue he manages to find them all and pull them out of whatever non-reality they exist in nearly killing himself in the process
-Kon catches Tim as he collapses from exhaustion, they're all so concerned but Tim is just smiling up at them all.
-"Tim...god, Tim, why would you-- why would you do that?!" "Because...I just wanted my friends back."
-Tim wakes up in the old JLA HQ. It was the only place any of them could think to go, their memories still a little jumbled, but this place stuck out among all the others. Tim sits up, surrounded by his friends who help him, make sure he's okay as he makes sure they're okay too before they're all hugging, crying, saying how much they missed each other. How they're together again. How they still had work to do.
-"Tim, Kon, Bart and Cassie return in The New Outsiders #1!"
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gazebosarebologna · 5 years ago
The cour four are the inbetweeners.
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satanwithstardust · 8 years ago
soz but the core four relationships are so forced on riverdale
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riverdalevixens9 · 8 years ago
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Veronica mood board.
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