#couple of chat fics and a few different fandoms
mirandyficlists · 4 months
Fic Searches sometimes take Time.
Hey there my Mirandy Dandies hope you're all well.
After a number of particularly noxious Anonymous messages from someone, or possibly several someones, kvetching about oh so many shortcomings with my Tumblr site and my other actions in the fandom as a whole, I felt I needed to make this post to clarify a few things about:
What I do,
What I'm able to do.
What I'm willing to do
The way this platform works...something, bear in mind, that I can't change.
I am a diehard Mirandy Dandy and one of the things I love to do is to SHARE the goodness and to chat about fics whenever I can. Having been a victim of the loss of Angelfire and Geocities when so much amazing fic was lost to us in the Xenaverse and other of my earlier fandoms, when I became a Mirandy Dandy I was not going to see myself in the same limbo and made a point of fully harvesting all fics as they were posted and keeping external copies of my treasures, updated monthly whenever possible. I did this, by the way, from the beginning on LJ to the present and let me tell you, keeping track of and harvesting fics from LJ was not easy and took a hell of a lot of time copying and pasting but I did it to the best of my ability.
The Mirandyverse is now 18 years old (we should all buy us a drink…well in the UK anyway, lol.) and we have people finding the Dark Side every week. Now these newbies and youngsters have often never set foot on LJ, if they’ve even heard of it, some have never set foot on FFnet even not to mention places like Passion & Perfection and the Pink Rabbit Consortium, and therefor have missed out on some great gems and giants of the days when new fics came out thick and fast. Thus the difference between the 3732 fics recorded for DWP on AO3 and the 5422 fics I have listed on my spreadsheet. Added to this the number of fics that have since been deleted or lost in other ways and you end up with the Newbies truly missing out.  And so I try to spread the goodness as best I can and share my harvested treasures when asked, as well as letting the masses know about that on several different platforms.
Because I love the fandom as I do, a significant amount of my time is invested in it, but as with everyone, I have a real 3D life that demands my presence and attention regularly and sometimes exclusively when, well, when shit happens as they say. Add to this my personal disabilities and I sometimes struggle being able to do things and thus have to let some things, like fandoms, slide in order to cope with the day to day. But when I’m better I always come back. And my disabilities can bear good fruit too, in this case my fic Spreadsheets, necessitated for my enjoyment because of my medically induced memory problems but that have been used and enjoyed by the fandom as a whole. Silver linings and all that.
I am always willing to share the Mirandy goodness in anyway I can manage. I LOVE being able to send deleted fics to people who either haven’t read them or aren’t able to access their old favourites because they were deleted. Hence my spreadsheet which keeps track of the existence and whereabouts of about 97% of all Mirandy fics online. And also my Themed Rec lists, now numbering 157 different groupings. All of which assist me in helping out with fic searches which I always try to source whenever they are presented, and that sourcing includes seeking help of other Dandies on different platforms.  Now, just to clarify, none of these things are complete or exhaustive, but I do keep them up to date within the limitations stated above AND try to make sure to share them online at least every couple of years. I don’t mind doing it, it gives me pleasure, but to my nasty Nonnies from earlier and any other Trolls who might be lurking…I AM UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO DO ANY OF THE THINGS I DO FOR THE FANDOM. I do it out of love of the Mirandyverse and the vast, VAST majority of truly wonderful Mirandy Dandies.
Tumblr is, as we who tumble know, both glorious and hideous as far as social networking platforms go, and has always been meddled with by admin for the sake of selling it off and trying to monetize it into oblivion and not to actually improve the functionality for the users in anyway. And that is the arena in which I operate this Tumblr and adapt how I do so in order to accommodate my needs.
So just for your collective FYI specifically regarding Anonymous asked fic searches…
If you have sent an anonymous fic search and have not seen an answer posted for a very long while:        
I am NOT ignoring you.
                                I am NOT ‘being lazy.’   
                                I have NOT deleted your request.            
                                And believe it or not I have NOT forgotten about you.
I check my in box weekly to remind myself of the searches I am still tracking down, so
not getting a response to an Anonymous ask only means I have not yet found your fic, but I am still looking for the fic, when time permits me.
Because you sent an Anonymous ask, if I try to answer it and let you know that I’m still looking for the fic, the ask is removed from my in box and I no longer have it in an easily accessible place to remind myself to continue the search.   So instead, I keep the asks in my in box until I find the fic requested, which lets be honest my Dandies, given some of the descriptions or key points you sometimes give could be one of several thousand fics and it takes some time to sift through, lolol.  If you want to be kept updated on the search progress, then it is much better if you PM me directly so that I can communicate with you.
To finish off I do want to say, ANY Mirandy Dandy is ALWAYS welcome to contact me with asks and questions in what ever way best suits their needs all I ask is that you appreciate any limitations attached to your preferred method and behave accordingly.
The Mirandyverse is generally a stress-free and positive place to be and always has been, and it is my dearest hope that it continues to be a space free from the toxicity that often invades other fandoms.  To that end I will always continue to offer my services to fellow Dandies in a spirit of helpfulness and sheer Joie de Vive.
Long live the Mirandyverse!
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sailor-aviator · 2 months
Hey there...
You got a second? Come chat with me.
After talking with a couple of other creators on here and seeing the reaction to a couple of my other posts, I thought it might be a good idea to chat about engagement and what that means, specifically here on Tumblr.
Engagement is the life blood of fandom. It is what keeps people enthusiastic, happy, and, well....engaged! I think there have been some misconceptions about what exactly it is content creators (fanfic writers, moodboard makers, gif makers, fan art makers, etc.) mean when they say they want meaningful engagement.
Meaningful is the operative word here. Yes, likes and reblogs do count as engagement with your favorite creators, but do they count as meaningful?
Imagine with me for a second that you are competing in a sporting event....lets say track and field. You've been preparing for this event for a while now, putting your all into it so that you can do your best. The time comes and your event goes really well!! Afterwards, you go to mingle with the crowds, your friends, your families, except...no one says a word to you. Sure, they give you thumbs up and applause, but nothing else.
You're starting to feel a little self conscious now. You thought you did really well, but no one is saying anything? So you ask them how they thought you did. Several of them just smile at you and nod their heads, giving you another thumbs up, and one of your friends even says "you did good!"
"Well, what did you all think about...?" You ask. Again, no one says anything. You look over and several other teammates are having the same thing happen to them. One or two have people gushing about their performance, and it's well deserved! They worked really hard, and they did amazing in their event! But you did too...right? You're not so sure now, and now you're starting to second guess yourself. Should you even be doing this at all? People gave you thumbs up and applause, but....
A few weeks later, you're not as engaged with track and field anymore. In fact, you've all but quit at this point, running in your free time, but you're not doing it competitively for others to see. You still enjoy the act, but you don't want to subject others to seeing you do it if they don't want to. One day, a friend comes up to you and says "You were so good at track and field! Why did you stop??"
"I didn't think anyone liked seeing me do it, so I stopped," you explain. Your friend looks at you confused.
"We all did?" They say. "We gave you thumbs up and applause. Why would you think we didn't like your events?"
"Because you never said you did. You never put forth the effort to tell me, so how was I supposed to know?" You reply.
Now, given reactions to other posts like this, I'm sure some of you are going to call me condescending or patronizing. I'm not trying to be. I'm trying to show you all why meaningful engagement is so vital to fandom experiences. Your favorite creators WILL stop creating if you don't talk to them about their work. They'll keep doing what they love, but eventually they will stop sharing it with you. You'll never know how your favorite fic ends. You'll never see your favorite characters in that style exactly again. You'll get fewer and fewer gifs.
Likes are okay, and reblogs are important for getting more eyes on your favorite things, but talking to your writers and engaging with them in the different events, their content, or fun things they try to do for you all is so important.
I joked, but the whole "ten likes and five comments for the next update" used to be a very real thing in fandom spaces. Your favorite content creators do not want to be on here constantly begging you all to talk to them. We are human beings who want to speak with other human beings, we don't want to be treated like mindless content machines for you all. Days of work go in to what we create, and a single sentence of "I really liked when X character said this! I can't wait to see what they'll do when Y happens!" on a fic takes you ten seconds. And I guarantee that the author will absolutely bombard you with their excitement to talk about their story. You're never bothering someone when you talk about their work. They share it because they WANT to talk to you about it.
Don't want to show your face? That's totally fine! That's what the anonymous feature is ACTUALLY for. Show love through anonymous messages if you don't want people to know it's you!
Show your favorite creators some more love. It's so easy.
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violetrainbow412-blog · 10 months
Hi! I have a few ideas for Spencer Reid x Reader romantic fics that you could use if you would like. I was thinking about a Hogwarts au with BAU as friends at Wizarding school or where they are adults and work at Ministry as Aurors (analyzing behaviour of dark magic users?).
Or a Star Trek au and them being a team at the ship or a storyline with Spencer being Vulcan and experiencing Pon Farr (Vulcan mating ritual).
Thank you in advance!
First of all, I really LOVED this request. I belong to both fandoms but I write a little better for Harry Potter. I thought about placing them in the school because I wanted to give it a more cheerful tone, but if you're interested I could write about the second suggestion later (where they work in the ministry of magic).
The houses where the characters are assigned are courtesy of this publication and the reader does not have a defined house, so you can imagine it in yours. I hope you enjoy! 🤍
wc: 3.2k
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Visits to Hogsmeade have always been the best part of winter, partly because of all the delicious hot drinks you can have and partly because of being able to spend time with all your friends.
Before entering Hogwarts you could not consider yourself a very sociable person, however, as time went by there were certain people who managed to welcome you until you were a group solid enough to win the admiration of students and teachers. After all, seeing so many youths from different houses getting along was not a common thing.
Right now you were walking with Emily and JJ, two exceptional Slytherin girls who, breaking all kinds of stereotypes, were quite sweet. You were going to meet Elle, Penelope and Kate, from Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor respectively, at The Three Broomsticks to drink something delicious and catch up on many things that you couldn't discuss during the break.
“Do you think Professor Gideon will give us an extension for the lessons we have to deliver tomorrow?”
“Gideon? No way! I could understand it from Professor Rossi, but he…”
“Do we have homework from Professor Rossi?” Em asked absently and you two laughed at the same time.
“Good morning, girls.”
“Morning, Professor Blake,” you sang in unison, after seeing the woman crossing the street accompanied by Professor McGonagall.
The Three Broomsticks was packed with people moving around, laughing, and sharing drinks. You managed to distinguish, from the higher grades, some prefects gathered at a table and two of them greeted you with a smile: Lewis from Ravenclaw and Hotchner from Hufflepuff. You had seen them a couple of times due to sneaky night visits with your friends, but nothing went beyond that.
You walked a little further and finally caught a glimpse of the table with your friends. They weren’t alone, because in the same place there were four boys that you were very used to: your friend Luke and the charming Derek Morgan from the lion house, the kind Matt who was chatting with his housemate, Penny, and sitting in silence was that sweet boy who made your heart race...
“Hey!” Derek was the first to greet them and everyone started squeezing themselves against the old couches so that the three of you had room.
Emily purposely pushed you first to take the place next to Spencer and when your shoulders collided with his, you saw him smile sheepishly.
“How nice to see you. I didn't know you'd be here."
“Neither do I,” he smiled at you. “Morgan brought me here, he told me we would probably find you.”
You had met the boy through your potions classes, when the two of you had to sit together due to lack of space at another table. Even so, the incident hadn’t gone completely bad because you discovered that he was a great boy, it was just that his shyness prevented him from actively participating in everything related to the social aspect.
When you discovered that Derek was a mutual friend, he didn't hesitate to start inviting the brunette to watch his Quidditch practice and sometimes you kept him company so he wouldn't feel bored. You discovered that what you had in common was a fascination with the dark arts and criminals, a passion that would later unite your entire group, and over the years your friendship consolidated into what you saw now. But as time went by you grew up and by this point Spencer was already too handsome and gentlemanly to ignore. Spending so much time with him inevitably gave you a small crush on the smartest guy in the entire room.
During visits to Hogsmeade it was common to see Spencer in bookstores or quieter places, so you were happy that they had taken him out of his routine so that he ended up with his leg stuck to yours, with barely any room to move.
Once you were there, the entire table became a tide of murmurs and laughter in which you participated from time to time, especially when you had to corroborate one of your housemates' anecdotes.
“Do you want me to order you something to drink?” Spencer asked cordially, as a waiter came over to ask if you guys wanted to order anything else.
You had never discovered if the Ravenclaw next to you reciprocated your feelings, but actions like that caused you a certain illusion that you didn't want to pay too much attention to.
“Huh, Butterbeer?” You responded with a smile and he took care of passing the message to the clerk, making sure to also slip a couple of galleons into his hand to pay “So the tutoring went well, right?” you tried to joke.
Your friend had found a prosperous activity by offering tutoring for those who needed it and although he only accepted donations, many rich children preferred to pay an excellent salary to have a private teacher's class 24 hours a day, which assured them a good grade. He was always willing to help anyone at the table at no cost and he was undoubtedly the head of his house's favorite, but everyone pretended not to notice it.
“I could say yes”
“But I'll only let you buy me one,” you threatened while he smiled and shook his head, possibly planning to buy you everything you asked for despite your complaints.
“Have you heard what happened in the prefects' bathroom on the fifth floor?” you all heard Elle say, who always got the best gossip from who knows where.
When the entire group leaned in to listen better, your cheek was almost touching Spencer's and in that position it was not the best idea to turn to look at him, because when he did the same your lips were about to touch and by instinct you moved away to avoid it, cheeks flushing in response.
Even though everyone was paying attention to Elle's story, you could feel Spencer shift slightly uncomfortably in his spot and you hoped it wasn't your fault.
“But hey, the really important question here is…” Kate began, taking a long gulp of her hot chocolate just for dramatic effect “Do you guys have a date for the Yule ball yet?”
The yule ball, you had almost forgotten about that. You had received a few proposals, but you hadn't responded to any of them yet and a part of you was hoping that with this Spencer would have the courage to invite you, because you didn't want to go with anyone else but him.
Emily was the first to tell her plans to invite none other than Prefect Aaron and you all burst into mocking boos at your friend's brazen plan. JJ would go with another Hufflepuff boy named Will, Penelope would go with Morgan like the best friends they were, while the rest had partners that you didn't know yet but that they would make sure to introduce you to.
When everyone talked about their plans they looked in the direction of Spencer and you, as if they wanted to hear your plans too.
“I have received some proposals, but I still don't know who I should say yes to”
“I'm not going”
Hearing Spencer say that made your heart drop and although you tried to maintain your composure your friends couldn't help but notice the disappointed expression that you tried to hide by drinking your Butterbeer.
Why didn't Spencer want to go to the ball? You had already imagined him wearing a nice gala suit with those well-combed golden locks and a corsage the color of your dress, but your hopes seemed destined to die there.
“Come on, Reid! "Everyone's going," Luke murmured, but the man just put on a tight-lipped smile and looked away.
You didn't even want to look at him or you knew your eyes would give you away, so you tried to focus on something else.
Seeing that he wouldn't offer any more reasons, the talk continued and when your beer was finished you felt Spencer lean a little closer to you, until his lips were at the height of your ear. Out of inertia you tilted your head a little to get into a position that involved the closest possible approach.
“Do you want to go for a walk?” he asked softly, sending a shiver through your entire body.
You wanted to lean closer until you melted into him and, with any luck, the movement would force him to kiss you on the cheek.
“I would love to,” you managed to respond when you finally shook off those fantasies and he smiled next to you while he got up from his place.
"Where are you going?"
“Outside, for a walk,” you informed. The same mischievous smile crossed Elle and Derek's faces.
"Oh, sure. Have fun walking, lovebirds,” she murmured while the man simulated exaggerated kissing sounds.
"You guys are idiots"
You grabbed your jacket while you heard everyone laughing and even with that sound in the background you started walking with your friend towards the exit, trying not to pay attention to the romantic advances they were making.
As soon as you got out of there you noticed the severe change in weather and rubbed your hands against each other while blowing air on them in hopes of keeping some heat. The white snow covered the entire town and it was quite a beautiful sight.
“Peace and tranquility,” your friend sighed, after taking a deep breath, and you laughed.
“Were you that suffocated in there?”
“I don't like it when everyone talks at the same time. Too much noise"
You knew that Spencer was a little different from the others and sometimes he could feel uncomfortable with social situations, but most of the time when he wanted to get out of there he asked you to accompany him. Was that some kind of sign or were you just misunderstanding things?
“Have you bought anything at Honeydukes yet?” you asked to open the conversation.
You didn't know whether to put your hands in your pockets or keep them crossed to protect yourself a little from the cold air, so you just kept rubbing them together.
"Yes a while ago. Buy acid pops, frogs, and jelly slugs”
“We buy Bertie Bott’s every flavor beans”
“Since the time I tried one that tasted like rotten eggs, I can't even look at them without gagging,” he confessed while wrinkling his nose, a gesture that you had long ago discovered was common for him.
“Emily says she once tried one that tasted like cat litter, but I don't believe her. And if I were to believe her it would be very disgusting because come on, how would you know what that taste tastes like if you haven't tried it before?”
Spencer's laugh had always been a sound that melted you from the inside out, one you could listen to for hours without getting tired.
You continued along the cobblestone path chatting pleasantly about some academic matters, a little about the future, and sometimes about the most trivial things, until you were far enough away from the hustle and bustle of the town.
There was a little desolate bench next to the road and both of you silently agreed to head over there so you could sit for a moment.
You could see his mismatched socks underneath the robe and the obvious height difference made you able to move your legs back and forth. There was just a space between you where you rested your hand, your pinky almost touching his.
“Did you know that all snowflakes are symmetrical? They have six sides and always reflect light as if they were precious stones. I read it the other day in a book.”
The comment was about the fact that, of course, small flakes of snow had begun to fall. You smiled from ear to ear and stretched out your tongue to capture one, while Spencer watched you sweetly from the opposite side.
“When you were little did you play in the snow?”
“My mom never let me do it. I was a sickly child.”
“And now you're not?” you asked softly.
Just when he was about to respond, your hands reached up to his neck to adjust his two-color scarf and Spencer held his breath at the closeness, while he focused on your cheeks flushed from the cold.
You were the prettiest girl he had ever met and he was afraid to tell anyone, because he would know that when a secret was told sooner or later it ended up reaching the ears of whoever he was trying to hide from. Although he believed that probably all of Hogwarts could tell that he liked you just by the way he sighed whenever you were around.
“Are you sickly now too?” you asked again and he felt stupid for getting too nervous to forget what you had just told him.
"A bit"
"Well, I hope so. Come"
You took his wrist to guide him out of your seat and led him to a blank space on the floor, where in spring it was probably full of grass, immediately throwing yourself with your gaze towards the sky.
"What are you doing?"
“Lie down, we’re going to make a snow angel.”
Spencer looked hesitant for a second, but then he knelt next to you, imitating your position somewhat awkwardly. When you started to move your arms and legs he thought about regretting it, although in the end he didn't, and very soon the two of you were already laughing out loud at how clumsy the situation was.
At some point you stopped and turned slightly until you were face to face, looking at each other's flushed skin and bright smiles. Looking at him you thought about how happy it made you to be with him, more so than with any of your other friends, although you didn't know if it was due to the boy's calm nature or simply your feelings for him reflecting back.
“We're definitely going to catch a cold,” he observed intelligently as he sat up and shook the snow out of his brown hair, which only made you laugh more. “Come on, I don't think snot matches your future dress.”
You took the hand he was offering to help you up and knew that if you didn't take advantage of that opportunity you probably wouldn't be able to talk to him about it again.
“You're really not going to the ball?”
You were sitting next to him, too close for the boy's poor nerves, and there was a clear tone of disappointment in your words. As if that weren't enough, you still hadn't let go of his hand.
“Huh, I don't think so. I don't like that kind of environment” he excused himself, making a small face. You nodded with understanding, but evidently discouraged “Besides, no one has invited me.”
“And why haven't you invited a girl?”
Spencer looked away at your question and cringed a little from his spot, as if he were afraid to answer you. You waited a minute for him to think.
“I just want to save myself the embarrassment of them saying no.”
“Why would anyone say no to you?” you immediately asked in genuine disbelief.
“Because I'm not handsome! And because I spend my time in the library instead of training quidditch and I'm not even athletic and... I don't know, because I'm weird."
“Oh, shut up, Spencer” the stern tone in your voice surprised him, but before he could say anything you continued talking “You're a great guy, you're dedicated and studious, you're kind. You're not weird at all. Well… maybe a little bit, but not as a negative trait, but as something that makes you stand out”
"So you think?" He asked and you nodded effusively. “I still don’t think there’s anyone left for me.”
“Come with me” you breathed out without thinking.
You had wanted him to come with you so much that you didn't even care if you invited him or he did, you just wanted to dance with him and have a valid reason to hold his hand. Even if you were doing it for no reason right now.
"Go where?"
“To the ball, genius!” You laughed nervously. “I don’t have a partner yet.”
“But… you said you had several invitations,” he reminded you, clearly confused. He had dismissed the idea that you were interested when you had said that, contrary to the idea you wanted to give him.
“Yes, but none of them are as charming as you.”
You didn't even know where you had gathered the courage to flirt with him but luckily it seemed to be working. Spencer was quiet for a moment and although you couldn't tell it he was fighting to keep his brain from spontaneously combusting.
Were you really offering him the chance to be your date?
“Unless you're not interested…”
"No!" he interrupted you. In his eyes you could see the shine of the snow and a certain enthusiasm that calmed you greatly “I would love to go with you.”
The smile that crossed your face wasn’t normal and you wished you could better hide your joy at his response, but no matter how hard you tried, you knew it would be impossible.
“It's probably a bit bland and superficial, but I think we can have fun.”
“Did you know that balls were initially used for courtship? In Victorian times they were the social space where a gentleman could look for a lady he wanted to marry and there were certain dances, protocols, and rules”
“Luckily we don't have all that rigor now,” you exclaimed. “You just have to take a couple of classes with Professor Gideon to know how to behave.”
“I thank Merlin that Professor Blake was there to help us because otherwise it would have been most embarrassing.”
“I want to see you dance,” you said in an excited tone, while you gave his hand a light squeeze. Against all odds Spencer used that grip to pull you in his direction until he wrapped you in a hug.
“You're not inviting me because you feel sorry for me, right?”
You gasped almost annoyed.
“For a Ravenclaw you're sometimes quite an idiot, you know that?” you murmured against his chest, which then vibrated with a nervous laugh.
You wished you could confess to him how much you had wanted to achieve this and erase all those pointless worries with everything you thought about him, but you knew that if you had you would probably have to confess how much you liked him and you weren't ready for this yet.
You were silent for a moment until you dared to separate a little to look him in the eyes and then speak seriously.
“Never think that I invite out of pity, Reid. I invite you because you are my friend and I really like being with you.”
He had to hug you again until you saw his face or somehow you would have discovered more than you should about his true feelings towards you.
“I'm glad to know that,” he sighed, resting his flushed cheek against the top of your head.
Spencer didn't know if his hopeful heart could handle the wait to see you in a beautiful dress and dance with you all night long, but for now he would have to settle for the warmth he felt from having you in his arms, smiling like a fool just for you.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove @instabull @rhiannonhippiegirl @r-3dlips @missabsey @olivia’s-25 @liptonsbabe @moonbutterflyx
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thecapricunt1616 · 7 months
The Bear & His Honey - Chapter 11
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♡ Chapter Inspo: Song Lyrics; State Of Grace - Red(TV) TS "And I never saw you coming, and I'll never be the same"
♡ Summary: Carm goes to see Winnie after a long day at work, Winnie discovers that famous chefs like Carmy have fans & she introduces him to the world of fandom. They have a chat about BDSM and possibly exploring it more.
♡ W/C: 8,384
♡ Posted Date: 03/07/2024
♡ A/N: Helloooo all!! FIRST Just so y'all know for the story - Winnie is like 4'11 on a good day, Carmy/JAW is like 5'7/5'8 - so that's why Winnie seems so 'small' , they really have a normal height difference for a couple lol JAW is a short king. Anywho I saw a post abt. how there are actually fanfics for famous chefs and stuff and I looked it up- it is totally true!!! Loves it, So of course it inspired this chapter hehehe I feel like Carm would totally be an old man and not even KNOW what fanfic is but Winnie is a professional fangirl. Also - I am currently watching TS in Singapore & DBATCxBabe?!?!?!? IM SCREAMING!! Dead dead gone!! I predicted thissss heheheheh
♡ Warnings for BTC: Smutsmutsmut, BDSM talk, OH period sex (sowwy ik some people don't like that but u can skip and winniexcarm will be back next week with some fluffy goodness) getting lazy w these warnings but if you've made it this far in the fic nothing will trigger you i've already gotten most the triggering shit outta the way.
➵ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ♡
➵ 𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐮𝐩 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 ♡
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𝒲𝒾𝓃𝓃𝒾𝑒𝓈 𝒫.𝒪.𝒱. 🍯
When I heard a light knock at my door, I giddily jumped up from my comfy nest in bed I’d created for myself and dashed over, opening the door right away and Carmy dropped his hand away from the peephole, smirking. 
“And what if I was a killer this time, did you even look?” he stepped in the doorway, wrapping his arms around my waist and his hands sliding down to squeeze my bum gently.
I laughed a bit, wrapping my arms around his middle, crossing my fingers, and draping my arms around him lightly. “I guess I was so excited to see you I’d have been dead, kisses now” I puckered my lips up and closed my eyes expectantly. 
“Mmm…I’m expecting my test to be aced next time I come over yeah?” he pecks my lips sweetly and I open my eyes, furrowing my brows a bit before giggling.
“Test” I repeated, “You’re testing me?” I rested my forehead against his, gazing into the blue eyes I’d missed so much even though it’d only been 8 hours since I’d seen him last. 
“Y’can’t open up the door without checkin’, baby. This is a decent area- but Chicago is fuckin’ nuts” he nudged the door closed with his foot and tightened his grip on my waist slightly, the feeling of the calouses over his fingers causing goosebumps to rise over my flesh..
“Fine, but only cause I’m sooo obedient..for you” I pulled him into another kiss, wrapping my fingers in his frizzy curls and humming happily. I ran my tongue over his, enjoying the taste of tobacco and the minty gum he must have gotten rid of just before he got here. I feel his tense muscles relax slightly under my touch as I gently scratched my nails against his scalp. We made out for a few heavenly minutes, our noses bumping sweetly, him running his hands up my waist to my lower back, rubbing soft, soothing strokes back and forth.
He pulled away slightly, causing my eyes to flutter open and find his gaze. “Hm?” I questioned and he smiled a bit.
“I uh- I smell like work, I need to shower, honey” he kissed my forehead tenderly, his lips lingering for a sweet moment. 
I buried my face in his neck, inhaling deep and dramatically, letting out a satisfied hum which made him laugh, his chest shaking with movement.. “Mmmm…you smell soo good I love the way you smell Carmy, a little kitcheny, but still you,” I mumble into his shirt and he rubs up my back, his nails brushing over my ribs..
“You are fuckin’ weird babe,” he said, causing me to giggle and look up at him, resting my chin where it met his sternum and gazing up at him with a cheeky grin.
“Better get used to it, go and shower, pretty-boy- I can give you a massage after and everything if ya want. And I promise I’ll control myself this time” I said, pulling away with a step back. “Maybe” I added and he chuckled, grabbing his backpack from where he dropped it on the floor and heading to the bathroom.
“We both know you have shown little self-control around me while shirtless” he nudged it open, zipping open his backpack and dropping his usual grey sweatpants and boxers on the bathroom counter before tossing the bag on the floor. 
I gasp playfully at his accusation, “I’m Sorry- are you calling me thirsty?” I stood in the doorway, arms crossed with a playful grin.
He hummed and shrugged, turning on the shower and tugging his hoodie off, and undershirt as well. Of course, I watched- what male-attracted person wouldn’t watch him undress if given the chance? 
He brushes his hair back from the ruffling of the fabric, turning to pull the shower curtain open and I got the stellar show of watching his toned muscles flex beneath his skin as he does so. 
He reached down, unbuckling his belt, the metal buckle jingling as he pulled it off with one long tug, an action that had me readjusting my stance in the doorway to ease the now pulsing ache between my thighs. 
He unbuttoned his jeans, pulling the zipper down casually, and stepped towards the door, breaking my trance. “Mmhm…thirsty” he said softly with a smirk, pecking my lips before shutting the door in my face.I scoffed, blinking a few times in surprise and my cheeks going hot at the very true accusation. 
“Oh wow! Wow! A girl can’t enjoy free eye candy in her own damn house in which she pays the bills!?” I called through the door as I headed to my room with a smile, hearing him chuckle a bit. 
I laid back on my bed, opening my phone and going back to my scrolling on Tik Tok. It was about 10 minutes of senseless scrolling while listening to the water run- before, for some strange reason, I had the urge to click the search button and type in Carmy’s name. 
It felt…a little creepy. But- I pushed the shame off telling myself its normal to want to see someone you’re seeing’s social media, so I decided to feed that little voice in my mind telling me it was a good idea. 
And boy was it a great idea. 
The first 20 or so videos were absolute fan-cams of Carmen from different interviews he’d done for different events, award shows, etc. and the comments were absolutely filthy- and also spoke to my very soul for the way he made me feel..
‘Oh- I KNOW it’s big- FS fs!!’
‘I need him in a way thats concerning to feminism- like..strip my rights away’
‘He seems SO unhinged&crazy abt his craft…I NEED him’
‘Chef- more like DADDY’
‘You KNOW he's ripped, look at the armsss- and the HANDS?! NEED EM AROUND MY MF THROAT!!!’
Each comment i’d read I was giggling more, but then- an even better thought popped into my mind, if theres fancams… There has to be fanfiction.
 I nearly sprained a thumb opening my Tumblr app and typing in his name in the search bar. I giggled maniacally as if I just struck gold about 5 minutes later of digging through reposts of photoshoots he’d done fore magazines that I was amazed he didnt post on his personal instagram- when I struck the first one. 
Little gasps and giggles left my lips as I continued to read through the post. Being honest with myself, I wasn’t giggling at the people posting- I was giggling because I knew Carm doesn’t have a clue about this- and I can not wait to see the look on his face when I tell him about it.
I was so engulfed in the story of some fantasy someone had about Carm roughly fucking them in over the counter in the kitchen, giggling at the idea, that I hadn’t even heard the shower water cut off.
 I wish we could do that in the kitchen after everything was closed - but truth be told, Carmy is way too shy for public stuff, at least right now. But damn- after he leaves me in the mornings? I should be reading up on his tumblr tag for ideas because holy fuck- these bitches are filthy whores in the best way.
The bathroom door clicks open and he flicked off the bathroom light. “What’s all the gigglin’ out here missy?” he asked amusedly, coming over to now his side of the bed. I looked up to see him shirtless, clad in the light grey sweatpants I’d come to love so much that hung low off of his toned hips. 
“Uh-” I said, the meer view of him completely erasing all previous thoughts from my brain. Fuck his curls are so much more pronounced when they’re wet, it drives me nuts. No wonder his chest is so curly…
“TikTok?” he asks when I don’t reply, instead just admiring his frame, kneeling on the mattress and getting in bed next to me and he sees the Tumblr app open with a screen full of text. “Readin’ then, baby?” he asks now, and I realize I still hadn’t said anything, my focus on the little curly patch of hair that adorned the middle of his chest.
“Everyone wants to fuck you” I said the first thing that came to my mind, my eyes flickering to his finally, and he laughed. His head fell back on the headboard, eyes crinkling up in amusement adorably. 
“What?” he asked, poking my side playfully. “Who wants to fuck me? I haven’t gotten any offers as of late other than you, of course” he snorts and pushed his wet curls back off his forehead.
“N-no you’re like…famous, Carm, like- alot of people want to fuck famous chef’s.. I didn’t realize it before but it’s like..a kink? I guess? Like.. how I wanna fuck winged dudes, but some girls ultimate kink is a super sexy, awarded, top of the line chef ” I giggled and his eyebrows raised, a smirk forming on his lips.
“A kink?” he shakes his head amusedly, rolling his eyes lightly. “And who told you this baby. Sadie?” he asked and it was my turn to laugh.
“No! No, It was me, I figured it out… have- have you not looked yourself up on TikTok? People like, they make fancams with the interviews you’ve done at those um- the James Beard award things for the last few years? And the other interviews about how you’ve come up that you did back in New York..they’re like- people want you, Carm, really- like, you have these bitches pussys meowing.” I said with a giggle, smiling wide as a blush crept to his cheeks.
“The fuck is a fancam?” he asks, causing me to giggle.
“You are such an old man sometimes, you know that right?” I pecked his lips and he squeezed my cheeks when I try to pull away, smushing my lips into a dramatic pout.
“I’m only three years older than you, you know that right?” he said and kissed my lips once more before letting me go.
I laugh at his firmness on the matter. “Three years closer to 30, mister 27 and 24, 2 very different check points” I teased and went back to my tik tok likes. His eyebrows raised as he leaned in, wrapping his arm around my waist to pull me closer when he saw my last 13 likes in the previews contained his face.
“Should I be scared?” He mumbled into my neck with a soft chuckle, his minty breath hitting my senses.
“Mmm…Knowing you you’re gonna be all flustered, especially by the comments” I said, clicking on the first one. I smiled as I watched, “Look at that sexy little chef” I teased and he pinched my waist playfully as ‘Serpentine’ by The Gorillaz played in the background.
“S’what- people just like, look at me with music? Wait- why-why does it keep cutting to pictures of my hands from that article?” he questions, causing me to laugh and bury my face in the pillow at his pure obliviousness. “Hey! Tell me do I have weird hands?” he asks causing me to giggle harder. 
“Carmen oh my god!” I catch my breath. “You are so oblivious to your hotness, its adorable. No babe, no. Everyone is turned on by your hands, your hands are like…girlporn.” I explained, and his eyebrows raised in confusion, his cheeks bright pink.
“Girlporn.” he repeats, and I nodded enthusiastically with an amused smile.
 “I don’t believe that- I think y’re all makin’ fun of my hands, open the comments” he said and I roll my eyes playfully, obliging and reading some of my favorites out loud.
“Wow- these girls get me, Carm. ‘I know its big’ , ‘I need those hands around my neck-oops.’, ‘do you think he’s as passionate in bed as he is about the kitchen?’ oooo- I wanna reply and say yes to that one” I giggle and he takes my phone from my hand, scrolling. The light on his face accentuated his blush and he bit his lip in concentration as he scrolls.
“Who are all these people” he muttered to himself, causing me to laugh a bit. 
“Your fanclub baby, I told you - people love you, and they love what you do and the passion you have for it” I kiss his shoulder gently. “You haven't even read the fanfiction yet” I giggled into his skin and he looks down at me, offering the phone back quickly. 
“Show” he ordered, and I laughed. “Seriously, honey! Show! I’m frankly a little freaked out.” he said and I took the phone, going back to Tumblr.
“Babe, its nothing to be afraid of, they’re just horny 20-somethings like we are. And you’re like- mega famous? You’re like….Like- the Harry Styles of chefs! Of course like every bitch in culinary school is gonna be after your dick” I said, causing him to laugh.
“Oh my god- you really are something. C’mon, Read to me, about me- er how people think I am?” he chuckled and got comfy in bed, wrapping his arms around my waist and snuggling me into his chest. 
“Mmm so I’m your personal book slash fanfiction reader now?” I said teasingly, resting my head back against his chest and he kissed the top of my head sweetly. 
“Mhmm, and we can stay up as late as we want, I have tomorrow off” he said and I gasped happily, looking up at him with stars of pure joy in my eyes.
“You are?” I squeak with a broad smile and he beamed at my excitement, kissing my lips tenderly and resting his forehead on mine. 
“Mmmhmm, all y’rs t’morrow babygirl, you workin’?” he asked and I withered a bit, realizing I did, in fact, have obligations tomorrow.
“No- well…kinda, I have therapy at 1, and then I have the rest of the day, but my sessions are 3 hours.” I said my eyes fluttering to his lips before meeting his again. 
“Good girl” he said softly before kissing my lips dearly. My tummy flutters, and I feel warmth rush to my core at the name. He doesn’t know how much praise like that does to me. 
I delicately run my fingers through his damp curls, opening my mouth for him and humming in satisfaction at the minty taste that flares across my tongue almost instantly. I looped a curl around my finger absentmindedly, relishing in the taste of him. 
I interlaced our legs together, so every bit of possible flesh was being touched by him, soothingly running my calf along his. He huffs a small laugh into my mouth before pulling away. 
“Are we close enough now baby?” He kissed my jaw gently and nuzzled his face in my neck. I smiled wide, interlocking the fingers of my free hand with his. 
“Nope” I respond jokingly. Abruptly, I was being rolled over on top of him with one swift motion, only needing one of his arms to flip me like a ragdoll. I squeak in surprise, catching myself by straddling his hips with my thighs tightly and wrapping my arms around his middle, my phone lost someplace in the mass disarray of the blankets. 
“There we go angel, can’t be closer.” he said, pleased at his work. He wrapped his arms around my back and tucked his hands under my shirt, rubbing long strokes over my skin. 
“Mmm” I said happily, comfortably tucking my icy hands between his warm muscular back and the mattress “sooo warm” I said, giggling a bit when I sense him shiver slightly at the contact. 
“Jesus babe. Why the fuck are y’r hands so cold” he murmured, gently grazing my back with his short nails causing my eyes to flutter shut in ecstasy
I sighed softly in appreciation “keep doin’ that bear, it feels really good” I expressed, nuzzling my face in the crook of his neck comfortably. 
“Course babygirl” he said tranquily, causing a small smile to form on my lips. 
“I love it when you call me names…” I said calmly into his skin, gently kissing his neck. 
“I love it when you call me Bear” he replied lightly, squeezing my hip with the free hand that wasn’t doing the scratching. 
 “Good cause I love calling you Bear, it fits you, baby.” I kissed his jaw adoringly before sitting up slightly, resting my hands on his chest for support. 
“Alexa, lights out bitch.” I said loud enough for the speaker to pick up, before laying back down. 
“Okay, lights out, bitch.” The speaker replied before my tv shut off, as well as my lamps, the only glow in the room being my soft fairy lights. I feel Carms chuckle beneath me and I look down at him. 
“I can’t with you..Y’re not gettin’ out of reading that to me, y’know. I wanna know what people think I’m like” he said and I roll my eyes with a smile. 
“Fine- but I was only sparing you, a lot of the stuff they wrote is really filthy and I know you’re kinda shy” I settle back on his chest, holding my phone to the right of his shoulder where I could see. 
“Now I’m really interested” he snorts and I roll my eyes. 
“This one, is called Yes, Chef” I whispered the title in his ear seductively and nibbled at his earlobe, giggling when I felt his palm come down on my ass in a gentle spank. 
“Cut it with the theatrics and read, honey” he said with a smile 
“Okay! Ok fine. Here’s the summary; ‘Valerie is a 20 year old college student, who got a summer job as a food runner at Chicagos finest restaurant- The Bear, with world famous chef prodigy Carmen Berzatto, things got hot and heavy on her first day in the kitchen.’ ”
I read and he snorts a laugh. “Wow ok so firstly- she can’t even drink, way too young for me, and second- her first day?! Jesus people must think I’m a fuckin’ douchebag. The prodigy thing was a nice touch though.” he said simply and I giggled. 
“Just wait. It’s not supposed to be like…realistic. It’s only a fantasy.” I explained and started reading. A few paragraphs in when it started to hit the plot point, he interrupts. 
“Okay- what?” He laughs and I look up at him, an amused smile on his lips.
“Have you ever seen me wear rings in the kitchen? Ever?” He questions, raising his eyebrows. 
“Oh my godddd” I groaned dramatically, giggling into his chest. “Carmy! Fantasy. The rings have purpose, just wait.” I said and he rolled his eyes, leaning down and kissing the top of my head. 
“Fine. Continue, but this isn’t realistic. Rings are so unsanitary baby I’d never wear them in the kitchen” he rubs over my back gently. 
I continued on getting through a few more paragraphs before my sneaky eyes betrayed me, reading slightly ahead “ooo this is where it gets really good babe. ‘I could barely reply, and he must’ve known that because he lets out an almost mocking laugh, and growls in my ear “like that mm? Little slut loves getting filled out by her boss on her first day?” he spanks me so hard the sound bounces off the walls, and I’m sure there will be a bruise-“ 
“Okay woah- I’d never hit you that hard what the fuck” he said, a bit shocked causing me to giggle. 
“Why not?” I look up at him and his eyebrows furrow in concern. 
“You want me to hit you during sex?” He questioned, his hands going still on my back. I shrug a bit, thinking it over. 
“I’m more of a praise person, but if degradation like that gets you off- I think it’s hot. But…scenes like that where it’s all rough- it’s pretty emotionally draining. I’d just need more aftercare.” I said softly, gently tracing over the triangle on his chest with my forefinger absentmindedly as I spoke. 
“Like…BDSM? You’re into that?” He asked and I put my phone down, nodding a bit. 
“Yeah..I mean- yeah. You aren’t?” I asked, slightly anxious for the answer. 
It didn’t bother me if Carm only wanted to have the same vanilla-esc sex we’d been having, but I would be much more fulfilled sexually if he would try more daring things out with me. 
“I-I’ve never um…done it. Like- not…not anything real like- spanking, sure- but I’ve heard it’s like a whole…culture of stuff, and I don’t- I don’t really understand it.” He said quietly, his cheeks going pink. 
I smiled a bit, leaning in and kissing his lips tenderly, gently cupping his cheeks and rubbing my thumbs along his stubble. Had he even went home, or did he come straight back here? My heart fluttered at the idea of him being so excited to get back to me, he didn’t even bother stopping at home.
“We can learn what you like, together baby.” I said softly when I pulled away, gently stroking his cheekbone with my thumb. 
“What do you like?” He asked, equally as quiet as he gazed into my eyes. I could see all the curiosity behind his icy blues, and it almost made me giddy that I was the one who got to properly introduce him to this world. 
“The part of BDSM I like, is more psychological control than physical. I do like bondage, I love breath play, impact play is a maybe. I like being spanked, I’ve thought about belt play for sure - but I do not want you to slap me across the face or shove me around in like… a mean way. But what really turns me on is the dom-sub dynamic outside the bedroom. I’ve never had like- a real dom but I’ve wanted one. A soft dom... But I don’t do like…hookups, or friends with benefits. I want it intertwined in to my actual romantic life..which can be kinda hard to find. But…I could see you being really good at the soft dom thing.” I expressed, playing with his curls gently as I talked with my cheek flush to his chest. 
“I know what Dom and sub is..but what’s soft Dom? Like- a Dom that isn’t good enough er- like.. Strong enough to be a full dominant?” He questions and I sit up from his chest, my gaze meeting his one more quickly. 
“Baby, no…no. Absolutely not. You are fucking amazing. A soft dom is a preference. Just like I said how I love praises, soft doms use rewards more then punishments. Instead of demanding something out of a sub, like- forcing it out of them, they’ll give an order a precise order, and patiently wait for their submissive to follow it, and then they reward their sub, instead of punishing because they were made to wait or something... That’s an attitude I think you’d take on really effortlessly, just cause of your job and the tolerance it requires” I explained and he nodded a bit, his hands once more continuing to rub soothing strokes along my skin. 
“So…you like being told what to do, but in a nice way?” He questioned, and I nodded with a smile. 
“Exactly. And I love praises when I’m doing something you like. Soft dom’s aren’t about humiliation or degradation, which I don’t think you are. Just from what we’ve done…but- do you like degrading?” I asked and he bit his lip for a moment as he thought. 
“No…no- I dunno…I don’t wanna hurt your feelings baby, isn’t the point of sex to feel good?” He questioned and I gently stroke his cheek, my heart turning to goop at his honesty in the question. 
“Mmhmm, some people feel good when they’re being mean like that though. It’s all consensual, I think if I was into that it would be because I want to take back control, y’know? In a way, being slapped around as a woman- I guess in a situation that you’re controlling it can help us feel…safer?” I shrug a bit “but you aren’t a sadist Carm, we don’t have to do that.” I rest my cheek back on his chest, continuing to rub my fingers over the little curly patch of hair in the middle of his pecs. 
“Well t’me it would just feel…wrong? Like..to call you a slut or something.” I giggled a bit, resting my chin on his chest again to look at him. 
“You can do it in a nice way y’know? I’m talking about like- for instance ‘all you’re good for is being a slut’ I don’t like that. But if you were like ‘That’s it my good little slut you’re doing such a great job for me’ I’d probably love it. Because to me it’s like- If I’m your slut, if I belong to you.. it’s different than being just a slut- I guess I probably have a bit of an ownership kink.” I giggled and he raised his eyebrows in surprise. 
“Where’d you learn how to talk like that Jesus” he muttered, his hands sliding down and squeezing my ass firmly. “I…” he trails off for a moment. 
“What baby? Tell me” I said encouragingly.
“I think..” he clears his throat. “I think I like praise too?” He said his cheeks going flaming red at the admission. “I-is that normal f’r guys t’like that?” He asked quietly, clearly anxious that he’d possibly said something wrong. 
“Yes, yes baby, thank you for telling me, what kind of praise do you like?” I asked, gently tracing the veins along his neck with a feather-light touch. 
He swallows thickly, goosebumps covering his skin. “Um..I- I dunno…but it- I-I guess the idea sounds nice? C-can you give me some examples..maybe?” He asked nervously, his thumbs rubbing circles into the flesh of my bum that he was still holding on to firmly. 
“Mm..well it’s not so much of an example as it is a real thought I just haven’t said out loud.. when we were in the shower and you were all bossy telling me to bend over, that was so fucking hot. I think about it all the time when I’m getting off, it always gets me there.” I smirk, gently playing with his chain between my fingers, tugging lightly. 
His pupils dilated, drinking in my words and I could see that he was contemplating something behind his gaze. “So…you like it when I give you orders like that? Like..Bossin’ you around? I honestly felt kinda bad after” he said softly and I nodded. 
“I love it. Also when you praised me for how well I take your huge cock, that was so good baby.” I kiss his neck, gently nipping the sweet spot below his pulse point and he groans softly, his grip on my ass tightening. 
“Fine… Then get on your back.” He said lowly, his voice husky with lust. Without a second thought, I plop on my back, spreading my legs to make space for him. 
“As you wish.” I said with a satisfied smile and he straddled me, his weight pushing me into the bed and he held himself up by his muscular arms on either side of me, caging me in. His chain dangled in front of my face teasingly, and I took it between my teeth. 
“Fuck you look so hot like that baby” he said softly, causing my proud smile to grow. 
I dropped it from my teeth “I want you to own me Carmy” I said softly, my hands trailing up his muscled chest. 
“Ye’ baby? You wanna be mine?” He kissed my neck with hot, open-mouthed kisses, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. My eyes fluttered shut, my stomach full of a swarm of butterflies, and my core on fire. I gasp in pleasure as he nips the spot on my neck that drives me wild, my chest arching up and becoming flush with his. 
Suddenly, I’m reminded of my current situation. 
“Wait” I said softly and he immediately stopped, pulling away and sitting up slightly. 
“Did I do something?” He asked nervously, carefully pulling down my shirt that had been pushed up in the heat of the moment. 
“No…it’s…” I blushed, covering my face in embarrassment. “It’s my fault- We can’t t’night I’m sorry,” I said shame lacing my voice. I feel his hand around my wrist, gently tugging. 
“Honey, look at me- what’s wrong?” He pulled my hand to his lips and kissed it gently. 
“I’m- I’m on my period and…I don’t wanna disgust you so- so no.” I huff, crossing my arms over my chest, staring at the ceiling more annoyed with myself than anything. 
“If it’s a me thing baby- I don’t care. I’ll wear a condom if you want, we can put down a towel. I’m definitely not afraid of a little blood.” He said sweetly, gently resting his hands on my hips and squeezing affirmingly. 
I felt a hard lump in my throat, and tears began pooling at the back of my eyes as my lip begins to quiver. He noticed and his lips curled into a small frown “we- we don’t have to angel, I’m just telling you that I don’t care if you’re bleeding- It’s- it’s fine, princess, we can just cuddle” he said gently and I nodded. 
“I know-“ I whisper, the tears making their way to my lash line and threatening to spill over. 
“Then why’re you cryin’, pretty girl?” He gently swipes his thumb under my eye, collecting the tears that had gathered. 
“Cause” I sniffled. “Cause you’re perfect Carmen.” I cup his cheeks and pull him into a deep kiss, my eyes squeezing shut and more tears falling down my cheeks.
He pulled away gently “don’t cry Angel, please don’t cry” he whispers, brushing away my residual tears and kissing my damp cheeks before resting his forehead on mine. “Do you want to? I want to, baby. But what I want more is what you want.” He whispered, looking in to my eyes honestly. 
I smiled a bit, nodding slightly against him. “Yes” I whisper. “But I just feel…all mushy now- and…I don’t wanna fuck” I said and I saw the disappointment behind his eyes, but of course he didn’t let it show otherwise. 
“I want you to make love to me.” I whispered, kissing his jaw tenderly in a line up to his lips. He smiled softly against my lips, humming softly. 
“Anything you want, princess.” He said softly before kissing my forehead tenderly. 
I smile warmly, my hands trailing up his sides, “let me go get a towel..” I said softly, and he shifted onto his side of the bed, sitting up against the headboard. I sit up and looked at him before getting up, grabbing his hand and squeezing gently. 
“Promise if you get grossed out- we’ll stop? A-and…and that you won’t see me differently.” I said meekly, in frantic need of reassurance. 
“I told you, honey, you could never gross me out, and being intimate while you’re on your cycle won’t change my feelings for you. I love being close to you, nothing could change that” he conveyed sincerely, before bringing my fingers to his lips and kissing gently. 
I nod, “ok,” I said quietly. I got up and padded off to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I used the restroom quickly and prepared myself by wiping down with some baby wipes, even though I’d just showered a few hours prior (you could never be too careful) - and washed my hands before grabbing an old towel from the bathroom closet. I took a deep breath to settle my nerves before opening up the door again. 
“I just- don’t um…finger me. You can touch me but- no- no fingers..please” I said shyly and sat on the bed, plopping the folded towel on the edge. 
“You got it, honey, thanks f’r tellin’ me- now c’mere” he patted his lap gently. I shuffle over on my knees, straddling him and sitting on his thighs gently. 
“Can we…can we turn off the lights?” I ask softly and he nodded. 
“Whatever will make you most comfortable baby, I’m fine with whatever you want.” He kissed my jaw sweetly. 
I leaned down and kissed his neck gently, leaving soft, lingering kisses down and around his throat, trailing down, grazing my teeth along his skin as I did so and kissing his collarbones gently. “You have such a nice chest Carmy” I said softly, kissing the base of his throat sweetly. 
“I could say the same thing about you, can I take this off honey?” He tugged the hem of my shirt gently, and in response I sit up and lifted my arms. He slips the fabric off, throwing it somewhere on the floor and sat back, eyes racking over my frame causing my cheeks to heat. 
“So fuckin’ perfect.” He mutters, his large hands cupping my breasts and thumbs rubbing over my nipples causing them to perk up almost immediately. 
“Do you like my piercings?” I asked softly, one of my hands coming up and cupping his gently. He looked at me as if he was shocked I'd even ask the question. 
“Babe- y’re so fuckin’ hot. You have the nicest tits I’ve ever seen. I’m obsessed with these” he squeezes them together for emphasis, causing me to giggle and I felt all of my tension and insecurity melt away. 
“Yeah? What do you like about ‘em?” I asked with a smirk, amused at his boyish affinity for breasts, running my hand down his forearm and squeezing gently. 
“Fuck yes. So many things. I love how they’re the perfect handful for me, like they fit fuckin’ perfect in my hands honey. And they’re so soft, and so perky, and fuckin’ bouncy- c’mere I need ‘em” he pulls me to him, kissing over my flesh with hot, wet smooches before taking one of my nipples in his mouth and suckling gently, his tongue playing with my jewelry causing me to moan out loudly in pleasure. 
I’d never been ravished this time of the month before- and to be quite honest, it was slightly overwhelming just how sensitive I was. 
I gasped slightly at the feeling of his teeth gazing at the sensitive bud, my chest arching into him and pathetic whimpers falling from my lips. “Carmy - fuck I love your mouth s’much” I grind my hips into his, feeling his length already rock hard beneath me. He moaned slightly into my skin, the vibrations against my nipple sending a crashing wave of pleasure to my core that caused my hips to buck into his and my hand to fall flat to his chest to try and ground myself, his thumping heart resting beneath my palm. 
“Fuck - take these off” I said, tugging at his sweatpants. “I- I don’t wanna ruin them with a stain they’re my favorites” I breathe out, pulling at the waistband more. He chuckles into my skin, pulling away from my nipple with a pop and gazing up at me with dark, lust filled eyes, the blue almost completely swallowed by the black saucers of his pupils. 
“How do you want me angel?” He asked, resting his chin on my breast and not breaking my gaze. His lips were puffy and swollen from the assault on my nipple, glistening with saliva. 
“I-“ I felt my cheeks heat, my stomach flipping with anxiety at the realization of the intimacy I really wanted. I swallowed thickly before continuing. “I- I want you to be on top of me…like…like earlier? When you were pressing me into the bed it…it made me feel safe” I brushed a hand through his curls. 
A small blush heated his cheeks and he smiled a bit. “Yeah princess? Ok..I liked that too. I wanna see y’re pretty face” he said softly, brushing my fringe away from where it had hidden my eyes slightly. 
I kissed his lips tenderly before grabbing the towel, laying it down on my side and smoothing it out. I realized, without the glow of the moonlight pouring in that was cut off by the curtains, it was pitch black on my half of the bed. “Can you- um…open the shade a little?” I ask him when he got up to slip his sweatpants off. 
“Course baby, no one can see us right?” He joked, going over and pulling open the curtain and soft moonlight flooded the whole room, just enough. 
“I think it’s dark enough in here for no one to get a free show” I giggled, laying back and making sure my hips were fully on the towel so I wouldn’t stain my silk sheets. I sat up a bit, pushing my hair behind me so I or he wouldn’t pull it by accident before settling back down, spreading my legs once more for him. 
He stood at the end of the bed, like me, in nothing but his underwear. His large hands curled over his hips as he admired my frame. I blushed, suddenly feeling as naked as I was, and I resisted the urge to cover up my breasts with my hands. “You are so fuckin’ beautiful, Winnie” he said softly, kneeling on the bed and coming up to me, wrapping my thighs around his middle and kissing up from my navel to my neck in long, open mouth kisses, marking me with his saliva. The chill of the air conditioning after each kiss eventually brought on a small shiver that turned into raised goosebumps. 
 “You make me feel so beautiful” I said softly, my eyes fluttering shut and head falling back to the pillow in bliss as he ravished me with adoring kisses over every inch of bare skin. 
“Mm well that’s because you are, you’re the most captivating girl I’ve ever seen” he whispered in my ear gently, his voice laced with a certainty that he believed what he was telling me. 
I swallowed thickly, my breath hitching when he bites down on my neck gently, sucking on the sensitive skin. “I want to be yours Carm. Only yours- please” I breathe out, my arms curling around his back and fingers drawing little patterns over his muscles lightly. He bit down on my skin harder, sucking roughly. 
There will surely be a bruise. 
I moaned softly, one of my hands trailing up to wrap in his soft curls and play with them between my fingers. “Yeah?” He mumbled into my skin, peppering kisses down my jaw “Y’want me to own you, baby? Mmm? Y’want everyone to know that you belong t’me?” He asked gently in my ear, his hot breath and husky voice laced with desire hurling waves of warmth to my core. 
“Please-please own me Carmy. Make love to me” I begged quietly, my voice trembling with want and anticipation. He rested his forehead on mine, nuzzling the tip of his nose against mine sweetly. 
“You’re the only person I’d ever want to make love to, honey” he whispered into my lips before kissing me hungrily. I moan at his words, opening my mouth for him and dragging my tongue across his, needing more of him.
 I lifted my hips when I feel hip pat my bum, and he pulls my panties down to my knees, breaking our kiss to trail kisses up my leg before he drapes it over his side to peel off the barely-there fabric, flinging it to the floor before wrapping my leg securely back around his waist. 
“I need you” I voiced softly, my fingers trailing down his chest to his happy trail, delicately hooking my fingers in his waistband and pulling him free. His length eagerly pops out and slaps against his stomach, making me smile proudly.
 “Do you need me?” I ask quietly, wrapping my fist around his length and stroking him gently, giving him the firm tug he loved. 
He groans, his head falling back slightly and eyes fluttering shut as I run my thumb over his slit, spreading the precum all over his rosy head. “Fuck baby- so bad. I miss your pussy so fuckin much” he breathes out, whimpering and grabbing my wrist when I started massaging his tip firmly with my thumb. 
“Ah-ah-mmm-baby” he whines, gripping my wrist tighter “fuuck- shit Y’re gonna make me cum, s-stop- please- I-I still wanna fuck you” he whimpered and I gently lowered my hand, continuing to do slow languid strokes over the bottom half of his length and I see his muscles relax as if I’d just taken him right off the edge. 
“That’s how it feels when you rub my clit- more or less.” I said and he gently pushes me to lay back, causing me to lose my grip on him. 
“I’d say less considering-“ he spread my lips with his ring and forefinger, dragging his middle finger just barely brushing over my clit causing my hips to buck into his palm and a soft moan to escape my lips. “Takes barely anything t’get you worked up baby, you were chokin my cock- not a fair comparison” he teased with a smirk, leaning in and kissing me warmly. 
I cry out in his mouth when he flicks his finger over the extremely sensitive bud, “see baby? Y’re already so worked up… I love those sexy little noises you make” he hums in my ear, rubbing me in achingly slow circles. 
“Oh- fuck yes- yes-yes Carmy just like that” I whine out, tightening my heels in his back to pull myself closer. He adds more pressure and I gasp out, grinding my hips against his hand, so aching for more friction he barely had to move his fingers to get me off at this point. 
“That’s it honey” he leans down, taking my nipple back in his mouth and my core clenches around nothing which he feels beneath his hand causing him to smile lightly, his tongue flicking over the nipple.
I let out a breathy “ahh” at the wave of pleasure that washes over my core at the action.
“Mmm you’re humpin’ my hand like a horny little bunny right now baby, it’s adorable” he mutters into my skin and I smiled lazily, opening my eyes to look at him. 
“Not my fault your hands are better at the job then mine are” I circled my hips, and he took back over, rubbing quicker but lighter circles into my heat that made my stomach tighten and head fall back on the pillow with a breathy “oh”. My breathing quickens, my core tightening, that familiar building beginning to wash over me and my eyes twisting shut, nose scruching in focus. 
“Y’gonna cum f’me, bunny? Mmm? I know that adorable face baby, you close? Y’gonna cum f’me angel?” He cooed teasingly, kissing my collar bones and nipping gently. I whimper at the use of the new name, my eyebrows furrowed together in pleasure. 
“Ah! mm-mmhmm” I managed to ramble out, my mind going blank other than the overwhelming tightness in every muscle. 
“Hey, hey, lemme see those pretty eyes, princess” he kisses the corner of my mouth sweetly. “Mm? Please Baby? Can I see those pretty eyes while you cum for me?” my eyes fluttered open and met his, seeing him smiling sweetly. “Oh you are such a mess and we’ve barely started angel, such a good girl- my good girl” he said, and with that- I was thrown over the edge into my orgasm full force. 
My hips bucked up, my clit pulsing, warmth flooding every inch of my body as the pleasure overtook me. “Yesyesyesyes” was all that I could manage to get out of my mouth, my breathing ragged. I pulled him to me, kissing him feverishly, the sound of lips the only audible while I rode out my high.
 “I need you” I mumbled between hot, wet kisses. “I need you inside me,” I said, before kissing him again. 
He adjusted my hips, pulling away briefly and ripping open a condom with his teeth that he blindly grabbed from my nightstand he’d left out for us a while ago, and rolled the latex over his throbbing member. “Ribbed huh?” He raised his eyebrows teasingly and I giggled. 
“More fun f’me- especially with a huge cock like yours” I pull him back to me with my legs and chuckled as he lines himself up, holding himself up with one arm. 
“I’m honestly surprised you can take all of it.” He said, nudging his tip in and I moaned, dropping my head back and eyes fluttering shut.  “Fuck” he grunted, pushing in deeper. “Y’re fuckin tight babe- are you sure y’re ok?” He looks up at me and in response I nod, my jaw dropped wide in pleasure and eyes shut lightly, breathing heavy.
“Fuck- oh my god please- please- more” I begged him, grabbing his hand and interlacing our fingers. He gently kissed my forehead as he pushed himself into me to the point our pelvises were flush and I let out a loud whiny cry at the sudden pressure. 
“Yes fuck- I feel so full-s’good” I whine out. He moaned softly as he thrusts out to the tip before going all the way back in, the ribbed tip of his cock brushing right up against my g-spot in a way that makes my hips jerk and I let out a soft “ah”, stars forming behind my eyes. He wrapped his forearms around my thighs, pulling me higher up in his lap and wrapping his arms around my back, holding me over the bed with his hands on my shoulderblades as he started a quick snap of his hips, moaning out as his head fell back. 
“Fuckkk baby. Y’re so fuckin’ good t’me letting me have you like this- shiiit- s’fuckin’ tight baby y’re swallowing my fuckin’ cock right now” he grunted out in absolute ecstasy.
But it fell on deaf ears because this new position he had us in had me swimming through an ocean of pleasure and I couldn’t think of anything other then how deep he was, and how he was hitting spots I’d yet to discover myself or with any other partner. I could feel him in my stomach - and I’d have thought before now, someone so big would hurt, but it was as if we were molded for each other's bodies, he filled me up like a fucking puzzle piece.
“Mm? How’s it feel baby? You ok?” He slows down his movements,  breaking me from my trance and I cupped his cheeks, resting my forehead on his. 
“Carmen” I whisper, my hands trembling with pleasure. 
“What? What- baby, am I hurting you?” He asks his voice laced with worry. 
“No- no. I need you- I- I need you to keep fucking going. Don’t stop. Unless I tell you. To stop. Understand me? I’ve never felt so fucking amazing- I can’t even think baby- I can’t even fucking cum right now- i’m trying to process this level of pleasure, you’re fucking me dumb right now- please, please don’t fuckin’ stop.” I rambled out and stroke his jaw gently and he continues his slow pace. “F-Faster, and harder. Please” I said, kissing him deeply and moaning into his mouth when he did so. 
I pulled away, gasping in pleasure as he thrusted into my gspot, my hand gripping his shoulder and the nails digging in to the skin, causing half moon shapes “there” I squeaked, my eyes screwing shut. He rested my back against the headboard for support, before snapping his hips faste straight into that spot. The only sounds in the room were now his soft satisfied grunts, wet sounds of him drilling into me, the clapping of skin, and short sweet little ‘ah…ah…ah…’ noises spilling from my lips unintentionally at the force of his every thrust. 
Before I could even warn him, my walls are pulsing and fluttering around him wildly as one of the most intense orgasms of my life crashed over me like a tsunami, my hips bucking wildly and thighs quivering uncontrollably. I cry out, my back arching up and my fists white from grabbing the sheets so hard. I could have sworn I felt one of my nails crack under the pressure of my grip.
“Mmmm- cumming- cumming!!” I muttered urgently between heaving breaths when I could finally get a coherent word out, causing him to whimper softly as he continued on the same pace to his release.
 He grips my hips tight enough to bruise, his head falling forward as he chases his own release “fuck- gah- me too babe- ah” he grunted as he spilled into the condom, laying me on the bed gentle as he could in his exhaustion and limply collapsing over my frame as he catches his own breath. 
He lets out a breathy moan as my walls continue pulsing around him as I come down from my own release “holy fuck babe.” He breathes in to my skin, “fuuuuck” he sits up slightly, pulling me in to a heated kiss. I hum softly, my mind still fuzzy but happy he didn’t pull out right away. 
Once he pulled away from the kiss I smiled lazily, utterly fucked out from one round. “That was so amazing Carmy. I’ve never came like that before- like- that was a round three kinda orgasm, you did sooo good Bear, thank you” I said sweetly, playing with his chain gently and adjusting the pendant. 
“It was perfect honey, ‘took me so well” he kisses down my jaw and neck, I hummed in satisfaction. 
“Don’t pull out yet, I wanna stay like this, please” I said softly, running my fingers over his back. He chuckled softly into my skin 
“Okay babygirl, whatever you need” he gently brushed my hair out of my face and cups my cheek. “I like it when we get to be so close like that…when we have sex” he said quietly, bringing a smile to my lips.  “Me too” I whispered, leaning in and kissing him tenderly.
➵ 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫
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sweetprfct · 5 months
Juliette Ferrars.
So, I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to fuel more drama in this fandom, but I think it's time for me to voice out my side of the story because I had enough. I cannot get peace around here without someone coming to me and letting me know that some people have been badmouthing me.
I honestly don't really care what you all think or do, but the fact that I can't seem to enjoy the things that I like, I think it's time for me to come in here and review the issues that has been going on.
I. Issues II. Bullying and Accusations III. Communication IV. Conclusion
I. Issues:
Cosplay/Face Claims. Cosplaying has been a part of my life for the last couple of years. Mostly, I do Marvel cosplay due to the fact that I am mostly in that fandom before. Since recently, I have found my Shatter Me Book from high school. Let me remind you, this book has existed in my high school life since I was 17. I am 27 now. That's 10 years I have known this series. This series were the only series I truly enjoyed. I actually never read any other book series but this one, only also because I'm not really a reader. I'm more into writing my own stories and expressing that art through photography.
So, let me be the one to clear this to you all: my Juliette Ferrars cosplay/face claim is not copied by anyone here in tumblr. This character has been a better part of my life since I was 17 and since I have been cosplaying other Marvel characters, I have decided to add Juliette into my list. (See figure 1, 2. and 3)
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(figure 1) me as Yelena Belova. (figure 2) me as Wanda Maximoff
Fandom. I usually don't interact much in the Shatter Me fandom before but ever since I have met a few people because of the Aaron Warner fics I have been publishing, I have gotten to know this fandom a little better.
If everyone is so offended of me dressing up as Juliette and try to cosplay/face model as her character, then obviously you all don't know what cosplay is. (See figure 4). I do not have to give credit to anyone for me dressing up as Juliette Ferrars because one, no one invented that character but Tahereh Mafi herself. If I would give credit to anyone here, it would be the author herself. Two, face claiming/cosplaying/roleplaying a character has been around a long time in different fandoms.
Unless you have a copyright proof of owning the character or owning "cosplay," I do not owe anyone a credit. Just because you dress up as Juliette and roleplay/face claim as her, doesn't mean that you are the only who can do that. It also doesn't mean that you invented that. That is like saying no one can cosplay/face claim as Captain America because some man had done it first, or because they don't look like Chris Evans.
STOP policing the fandom and STOP acting like you're the only who can do it. You can literally check TikTok for people dressing up as Juliette and making videos. (see figure 3).
Also, I'm not the only one who has experienced this type of harassment. I know a few people who have received a message saying they're "copying" someone when all they literally do is dress up as the character from a book.
That is not a crime.
That is not yours to decide to take credit for because you didn't invented that in the first place. (see figure 5).
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(figure 4).
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(figure 5).
II. Bullying and Accusations:
Groupchat. A few people have come up to me saying there's a group chat that was made and certain people were talking vile things about me. Honestly, I don't really care about what you all do or say but really? Are you all really wasting your energy on one person that you all hate? Wasting your energy aiming posts about me? Is that what you like to do in your spare time? I guess if it helps you sleep at night....
Bullying. Stalking my account after I have blocked you is honestly a waste of energy but it's your choice what to do with your time. That's one thing, but body shaming me and taking it too far is something that's vile, disgusting and unacceptable.
I don't condone any form of bullying. I know my own insecurities and my own body and mind. The opinion of others doesn't define me and is not my business. However, as a reminder, I hope you all know that you may think you are having fun talking inadequate words about someone you literally don't know but at the end of the day, I hope you all know that your words reflects the person that you are.
Validation. This connects to the bullying on the above point. I am being accused of seeking validation because I decided to cosplay Juliette. From the beginning, I never expected anyone to even like my posts on instagram nor my tiktok videos. That's not in my control what other people do with their own accounts. I think that some of you need to start trying to figure out what that word actually means because from my end, I never try to stop anyone or judge anyone from dressing up as a character and face claim them (see figure 6). Again, this isn't the first time that someone has dressed up as a book/movie/tv/comic book character and face claims them.
Stalking my account after I have blocked you nor have I voiced out my concerns from the constant harassment and aimed posts... Who do you think is more insecure and need validation? Me or you?
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(figure 6).
III. Communication.
Social Media. Online bullying isn't new in social media anymore. It has been going on for a while now and the toxic environment tend to fuel others to join just to feel validated and be on "trend." However, bullying and stalking someone, especially after you have been blocked is not "cool." It doesn't make you any better nor make you feel better on the inside. At the end of the day, you will be the one who will be left in your own thoughts and think about your actions you have made. Will this be really relevant in your life five to ten years from now? What is your end goal with this?
If you have a problem with me, message me privately and talk to me like a grown adult. Don't accuse and jump into conclusions with no solid proof on your end because that doesn't prove your justification of someone copying you or hating on someone that decided to cosplay Juliette.
IV. Conclusion.
Despite the fact that I hate fueling this drama more and having to say something, I don't have the bandwidth to still focus my attention to others who will hate on me. This is the first and last time I will talk about this. There is a block button that exists if you don't like my posts. There are many options for you to opt me out on your tl or for you page. If you have a problem with me, then reach out and talk to me normally like a grown adult instead of lashing out and stalking my account and pick on every little thing about me.
This blog isn't going to condone any bullying and harassment. I'm not going to deal with high school drama nor want to waste my time on it.
Thank you for taking your time to read this. Again, this is the first and last time I will talk about this. Anyone who comes up and says something to me in an adverse manner, I will block you immediately.
V. Appendix
Additions for Figure 1: - ig: yelenas.belova
Figure 3: list of people I know that also cosplay/uses their own face as Juliette. 1. mondaymermaids 2. dreamanddagger 3. emmelie.cosplays 4. analullabby 5. evenfall.court
Cosplay - the practice of dressing up as a character from a movie, book, or video game.
Seeking Validation - The desire to have someone else's approval or agreement with what you say, believe, or do.
Bullying - The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power.
Perceived Superiority - A belief that your abilities or accomplishments are somehow dramatically better than other people's.
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akai-anna · 7 months
Now for my dear DCMK exchange gift giver. I come with some fic recs and a couple of headcanons for our favourite certified lil guy.
A selection of personal fic recs of the platonic/familial/friendship kind (sprinkled with a bit of romance too). Please note that all these fics come back to one thing: Shinichi/Conan is involved, as he tends to be my main focus (also I'm a huge Found Family trope lover, as you might be able to tell from some of these recs). I also decided to forgo my soulmate AU recs, since it seems you likely know those! (Though, if you'd ever like more fic recs... just let me know. And I hope you'll find one or two on this list that you haven't yet read and you'll like!)
warm soup on a frigid night: Detective Boys centric, my heart melted gosh.
Once and For All: another Detective Boys centric fic, I'M SCREAMING thEY ARE SO PRECIOUS.
A Friend In Need: Kaitou KID centric, really love how organic this fic is, both from KID's and Shinichi's POV.
You Have an Hour: Sonoko's POV and an extremely funny and relatable fic.
You're okay, you're safe: oh, my beloved Sakura Trio, also from Sonoko's POV which I adore, and Sonoko's feelings in this... I feel her.
Switched: KID centric, FREAKING BODY SWAP, and so well written too, very fun read.
Guide you home: I love the Guide/Sentinel universe so much, this has romantic KaiAo, Heizuha, ShinRan, and lots of other platonic combinations, this is also a case fic and emotional.
Identity: One of my favourite scenarios, OCCHAN AND RAN BEING AWARE FROM THE BEGINNING, MY HEART-
Code Red: KOGOROU CENTRIC, let him shine!
The Cloning Secret: do you want to read something absolutely heart-wrenching, disturbing, yet absolutely brilliant? Go no further. We warned: this is a work in progress.
Misconceptions, Illusions, and Lies (and Other Forms of Fair Play): I absolutely adore this fic, the idea of Ran and KID working together, also bonus points for different POVs, also a work in progress.
Shenanigans in Beika: one of my ultimate favourite fic series, off all time, the interactions in this are just way too charming and precious and dear. Also a work in progress.
until the flowers bloom again: same author (yes, one of my favourite authors, sue me) as Shenanigans in Beika, involves the Detective Boys and ShinRan, and my heart just... gosh, this fic is so precious.
Hidden Epidemic: I love the first part the most, but this as a whole has a lot of headcanons incorporated into it that I love to bits. Lots of POV changes, and so many characters (Detective Boys, Heiji, Kazuha, KID, Ran and so on)
pet: super short, but also SUPER CUTE, absolutely in love with the idea of Ai having a cat. (one of my favourite authors for the fandom)
(the space between) where you smile and hide: one of the very few and precious Kazuha POV fics, especially her thinking about Shinichi. (also one of my favourite authors, and if you like one Hattori Heiji, I highly rec holly's other fics too)
Observations: my ultimate favourite fic involving Takagi Wataru, part of it is from his POV too, and it has so many great things about it. (VERMOUTH!!! Also Heiji and Satou working together! And most importantly: Takagi finally getting an answer to his Question.)
All Night Gang: I ADORE THIS FIC SO SO SO MUCH, THE FACT THAT KAZUHA AND RAN GET TO FINALLY KNOW. Also the adorable chatting in the first part. All the different POVs later on. And all the FEELINGS AND HEADCANONS AND THE THING THIS FIXES ABOUT CANON FOR ME. I'M so grateful for the existence of this fic.
Nothing To Lose: Detective Boys, PRECIOUS CHILDREN, they just miss their friend, this fic made me so emotional, dammit. SHINICHI YOU FCKIN IDIOT-
never were and not anymore: this series? Damn. The shapeshifter concept in it is MARVELOUS AND MASTERFUL. The way it got merged into the universe, and how it changed events. Also THE RELATIONSHIPS IN THIS KILL ME in the best way.
Scion: I absolutely adore this author, and this is one of my ultimate favourite fics involving Shinichi and KID. The supernatural element is so exquisitely fitting into the universe, and how Shinichi's feelings are so complex, and the teamwork... just. Everything about this fic pulls at my heartstrings.
As for personal headcanons for Shinichi/Conan, here is a few:
Shinichi/Conan is neurodivergent as fck. I personally like to think he is on the autism spectrum, but I'm very flexible on the exact nature. One thing for sure: he is not neurotypical. At. All.
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No one can tell me, No One, that after all these traumatic experiences this child doesn't experience panic attacks or PTSD.
WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE STOPPED PLAYING SOCCER, HE LOVES SOCCER!! (The kids are totally the reason he got more involved in soccer again, YOU HEAR ME-)
Shinichi keeping gloves on his person for Crime Scene Examination Purposes, At All Times.
Shinichi having his own shorthand, you cannot tell me he doesn't TAKE NOTES, he so totally WOULD. (HE HAS A NOTEBOOK ON HIM!!! AND SOMETHING TO WRITE WITH!!! OFC HE WOULD HAVE AN EFFECTIVE WAY TO TAKE NOTES!!!)
Thank you for your attention, may you have a blessed day, darling!
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alexandraisyes · 2 months
*skitters in in need of nice and funky things* HOKAY. SHIPS. I am honestly open to nearly all ships due to the fact my aro-ace ass simply doesn't require them to live BUT I do have few that either sparks my interest or i think they work pretty well :3 I also go by the logic they are robots and relationships cannot be really compared to humans. Earth x Eclipse - I don't what it is with Earth cracking the harshest personalities but my god, Eclipse v4 warming up to her to the point of tolerating was a feat and sparks immense joy. Allowing Earth to hug him and hang out? Chat? Feel loved? Absolutely precious. Earth respects his boundaries and at the same time Eclipse appreciates her embracing his persona. It's just such a good premise for a slightly odd but good couple. I love it. Sun x Eclipse (many versions) - Canon divergence with Sun and Eclipse working it out? YES. Solar and his original Sun? My god please yes. Oh, what's his? Lord Eclipse and his Servant Sun? Mhm mhm yes. Excellent. So many potentials. So many ways to roll with the ship. Can be loving or spicy or unhealthy. So many choices. Nexus x Solar - do I even have to explain. I think many feels similar about this one. Nexus as new moon found his Sun, even if that Sun is eclipsed. Solar desperately needed someone to love and appreciate him. I am both friend shipping them and shipping, both works for me beautifully.
Sun x Moon - ho boi a controversial one but hey, what is the multiverse for if not ship anything you want (especially since it was even confirmed in canon that romantic DCAs are as normal and common as brotherly bonds or coworkers or absolutely hating each other). They are AIs inhibiting robotic bodies. They are synthetic beings and their understanding of bonds are different than the ones of a biological critters. They are a bundle of codes that try to understand the convoluted partnerships and roles among each other. Protective Moon and caring Sun may decide their bond is on the romantic spectrum. Cos who knows Sun better than their Moon? What is Moon without their Sun? :) Those would be the ones that stick to my brain. Thank you for making the small sharing time! I hope you have a lovely day/evening :) Cheers!
Hiii Wonszu!!! (Waving at u from my enclosure!!!)
I think that Eclipse deserves something nice. And maybe Earth could be that something nice, in the right circumstances.
They're literally my first ship (just normal SunChips) in this fandom and ough. Ough. I literally never even considered the idea of shipping the sillies until I found out that this fandom has a fucking ao3 tag. I was still mostly in the UTMV fandom when I started watching TSAMS, and my poor fandom then was burning while I was slowly jumping ship.
I think they're sweet. I don't see them as romantic myself, but I support those who do. They remind me of the relationship my brother had with his best friend.
I think the fandom is slowly getting over their whole general "every sun and moon HAS to be related and platonic" since we have people hardcore shipping Helios (dark sun) and Nexus. Not to mention the AU Sun and Moon in DoctorF's fic, Sunlo and Moonlit. They're cute. I don't see why we can't have TSAMS AUs where the dynamics are different when it's generally acceptable to ship SolarMoon as an AU. Idk maybe I'm biased, I've been shipping Sun and Moon (in general) since like immediately when Security Breach came out. I took one look at them and went "oh yes they are so fucking gay". And jadkl;fsjads it was such a lonely time when I didn't know anyone else who shipped them.
As I've already said before, I see TSAMS as just one DCA au amongst many DCA aus. Do whatever the fuck you want bro.
Ask Game - Send Me Ship Headcanons (TSBS)
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clonedchaos · 2 months
Machine Memories- Day 1: Nostalgia
Well, here we are! Sorry I’m late to this event! Dang, it's been ages since I've written for Bendy content on any of my socials... So, I wanted to preface this fic by saying that Eclipse and A Small Bit of Kindness aren't going anywhere, I promise. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, feel free to skip to the next paragraph or first chapter below the cut) There has been a lot going on these past few months and I'll talk more about it once those stories update. I'm not done with Bendy content-- far from it actually! I just have a bit of a hard time focusing on one specific story for too long or I get burnt out. So, as an apology, I'm doing Ink Demonth from Tumblr to try and get the gears turning again. Nothing too long or too big, just short little snippets-- that is of course unless I get super invested on a prompt and get carried away. Given my track record, I'm definitely not promising this will be done in one month; I'd be lucky to get it done in two! 
And, as an added note, I'm dedicating Machine Memories to my best online friend @mister-magic. Thanks for sticking around so long, especially given how bad I am at updating things and have a habit of bouncing back and forth through fandoms. It really means a lot that you think I'm a good writer, even if most days I don't feel like I am. Taking the time to chat with me or let me ramble about my interests even if for a few moments has done a lot for me. So, thank you. (And go check out his work if you haven't, he's very talented!) :3
And I'm also dedicating it to those that know me from my other Batim fics and are still curious to know what comes next despite another unforeseen hiatus on new chapters. The support really does mean the world to me and keeps pushing me forward, and I wish so much that I could keep up with updating. I feel awful for not updating things for like 5-6 months...
Anyhow enough with the rambling, I hope you enjoy! I'm excited to see all the Ink Demonth has to offer! And go check out halfusek on Tumblr, they're hosting this event! <3
Audrey takes a break from the hustle and bustle of work to unwind at her local park. Familiar sights and smells just might dredge up a few recollections of her past...
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Rating: G/PG
A park bench in the sun was the perfect place for Audrey to stretch her legs. She had gotten out of bed bright and early and eager to start the day, unaware of what disaster awaited her the moment she stepped into Archgate.
“Audrey, did you send those panels to Richard? He’s been on my case all morning” this, “Audrey, would you be a dear and take this to the writer’s department?” that. Audrey didn’t quite understand why these multitude of tasks were being thrust upon her— unless it stemmed from her desire to help her coworkers. She had been in a jam on more than one occasion, whether that be due to art block or struggling with looking at a scene through a different perspective. The least she could do was return the favor to aid her department.
She hadn’t realized how exhausted she was until she quite literally collapsed into her chair. The magnitude of leftover panels she had to complete by the deadline formed a miniature mountain on her desk. Audrey sighed a weary exhale. Well, she’d better get to work.
To her utter surprise Nathan Arch popped his head in thirty minutes later, claiming he was checking up on how the new episode was coming along. All bright eyed with a warm smile, that’s how he always greeted his employees.
Audrey stiffened— she had barely gotten through a fourth of her work! Nathan scrutinized her menial pile, then glanced to her flushed cheeks and slumped shoulders. Was he going to be disappointed in her presumed lack of work ethic?
Mr. Arch just guffawed with a rosy cheeked smile. “My, Audrey. You seem like you could use a breather.”
And that’s how Audrey had ended up lounging on a park bench during work hours. The sunshine warmed her skin, coupled with a pleasant breeze that tickled her cheeks. She sneezed. The flowers were in full bloom this time of the season, which irritatingly meant pollen was out in full force.
A small group of kids ran past her, kicking a soccer ball between themselves. It was a whirlwind of chatter, rapid movements, and lots of excitement.  
Audrey’s gaze slowly observed the scenery before her, absorbing all its sights and sounds. A couple a few feet away stood with arms linked as they observed the rows of flowers lining the sidewalk. The man plucked a vibrant daisy and set it in his lover's blonde hair. A squirrel skittered up a tree, bushy tail twitching to and fro as it searched for nearby predators.
"Mommy! Mommy look! A birdie!"
Audrey hypnotically turned her head, her mind not quite meeting with reality. A few feet away a woman was holding hands with a young girl. The child was adamantly tugging her mother towards the creature in question. With a terrified squawk, the raven beat its jet black wings and lifted into the sky.
The child was left distraught with tears welling up at the corners of her eyes. Her mother frowned sympathetically, reached down, and raised the girl up to sit on her hip. “Oh, honey. You have to be gentle…” Her soft voice faded as she strolled out of earshot.
Audrey could hear faint giggling as reality seemed to fall away before her. A faint inkling of a memory began to worm its way into the limelight.
She was here many years ago. She‘d walked this same path… with her father. Audrey closed her eyes. The sight was so vivid and palpable, as if she could reach out and touch the past.
”What’s that, papa?” She had asked, enraptured by a small cluster of drooping blue petals. Her heart had been alight with wonder— it was the first time she had been to a park before! So many new smells, faces, activities, and sights just waiting for her in such a small corner of the city.
”Ah. That’s a bluebell. Beautiful, isn’t it?” Her father rumbled as he crouched down in front of the patch. He lifted one of the flowers with a finger. "Don't worry, it's healthy. This is just how they grow."
"Blue is my favorite color!" Audrey had bounced up and down on the balls of her feet. In the present, she wished things were as simple as they were back then-- when the only troubles she had were trying to pick a favorite color without "making the other colors jealous".
Now... Now things were different. Her father-- if she could even call him that anymore-- wasn't the man she thought she had known throughout her childhood. Audrey wrung her hands in her lap as she moved her gaze to stare at the concrete below. Her heart ached with longing for the simpler times. Her life was more than a mess, it was quite literally a disaster.
She missed their occasional walks in the park. She missed their daily breakfast collaboration-- Audrey had once accidentally got a pancake stuck on the ceiling one morning, prompting her father to let her stick to mixing the batter. When storms brewed outside and lightning sent her scrambling out of bed in a panic, she had always found solace with her father. Even though she knew she shouldn't... she missed him.
Audrey looked up at a small flock of birds winging south. A gentle breeze brushed her cheeks again. Despite the bittersweet recollections, Audrey wasn't despondent over the present. Though she had lost her father, she had gained a new family; one that was seeming to grow more and more every time she stepped into the Ink realm.
Henry was always a good level-headed friend she could vent her problems out to; reliable too. Allison was adept at making her way through the labyrinth of hallways and was always up for a good sparring match to sharpen Audrey's skills. Tom was a bit brash and gruff, but she knew the wolf meant well. Heidi and Porter were always a delight to see, and they loved pulling Audrey into various shenanigans and pranks they wanted to set up around the studio.
But the one person whom she felt she made the most progress with so far was the Ink Demon himself. He had taken to rooming with Audrey in her apartment whenever he grew tired of the Ink Realm. The demon wasn't exactly the easiest roommate, nor was he always friendly-- he kind of reminded Audrey of a stray cat learning to grow accustomed to the indoors. But he had certainly come a long way; he wasn't trying to kill her for starters.
They were both made by Joey Drew via the Ink Machine. So in a way, that meant they were kin. She had lost her father but gained a brother.
Perhaps the Ink Demon would appreciate a scene like this, whether he would admit to it or not. The memories she held of her father, as tainted as they might be now, it was part of her history. It helped make her into the young woman she was today; one that was adamant on looking towards a brighter future.
Maybe it was finally time to make some new memories...
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mxopifex · 1 year
A Fanfic Writer's Guide to Writing Fanart Prompts
So it came up while chatting with some other members of a fandom gift exchange that some of the writers felt less comfortable writing prompts for recieving fanart gifts and I thought I'd try and make a guide to help out since I do both fanart and fanfic.
The stumbling blocks as I understood them were: 1) not knowing what you like in fanart, 2) not knowing how to articulate what you like (which is probably more related to the first item than you think), and 3) worrying that all your prompts are too narrative. Imma do my best to address those, but if you have other questions feel free to drop me a line. I want to help.
I call this a guide, but it's more of a series of questions to ask yourself than a how to, or rather this is a how to think about and understand what you want to ask for type guide. A good prompt doesn't need to (and maybe shouldn't) touch on every issue I bring up here. The goal is to make the person who is making your gift feel confident that they can make something you like, not to tell them exactly what to do.
What to do if you are worried that you make all your prompts too narrative heavy:
First, relax. Fanart often carries a narrative component. You can reasonably prompt something that might involve a bit of visual storytelling. That said, the amount of story you can get in a single image is much smaller than the amount you can pack into even a modest 1k short story. Imagine a single scene you might like to see; the kind you love when it pops up in a fic. "I'd like to see the blorbos on a beach vacation" or "I'd like to see character A treating character B's wounds." You can further abstract this to things like "a cozy domestic scene" or "being flirty."
Some Prompt Prompts for if you are feeling stuck on what to ask for
Tropes! Many tropes work in a fanart setting. The ones that don't are the ones that need a bit more narrative behind them to make sense. It might be tricky to convey Fake Dating with a single image, but Hurt/Comfort or Only One Bed is very doable.
AUs! Want to let the artist play dress up with the blorbos? See what they'd look like as the socialite guests in a 1920s Agatha Christy style murder mystery? or just ask for something more general like a fairy tale setting or modern au.
Set the mood! What's the vibe you like best about this character or coupling? Do you want something dark and broody? More lighthearted and comedic? Tender and romantic?
Style! While I don't advise requesting something in the vein of a specific artist's style (the person making your gift has their own style) talking about styles of art that you like can help them understand what's visually appealing to you. So mentioning like "a moody film noir type setting" or "overwrought flowery romance like in shojo manga" isn't horrible, as long as you leave the artist room to bring their own sensibilities into the picture.
Poses! Want that bridal carry? Sharing an umbrella? Something that emphasizes a height difference? Don't go too hog wild with details "and their left pinky at a thirty degree angle..." but if you wanna see someone getting dipped on the dance floor, go ahead and ask for it.
Two final thoughts. First, just like with fic prompts you want to have a couple different ones in your ask. Every artist has things they feel more or less comfortable with, and giving a few options helps to make sure that there's at least one that they can work with. Particularly if you have a more complex prompt, it would be good to also have one that's simpler or more open to interpretation. Second, check in with yourself to see if you have any art specific DNWs.Maybe you can handle written descriptions of blood but not visual depictions or maybe the character has that one outfit that you think is butt ugly. Either way make sure you are clear about it in your prompt.
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couriersiccs · 3 months
finished alex hera's slenderverse docuseries and i just want to.. i don't know, collect my thoughts and share them, because the slenderverse had been a huge part of my emotional abuse-ridden adolescence and it was as much a saving grace as it was yet another source of trauma. and it's been really difficult to reconcile that! so here's a long fuckin chunk of text if you wanna read a personal memoir that's mostly just for me ngl.
I can't promise this will be coherent, and it won't have a place in the History of The Verse because it's just my personal experience, but yeah. Wow.
First off, the documentary was beautiful. Well-crafted, impeccably researched, and just very informative and enjoyable to watch overall. Kudos to Alex for the time, passion, and attention to detail that they put into it, because it's exactly what the topic deserves.
Ten years ago, I was an eighteen-year-old just finishing my first year of art school. I was out of my parents house, understanding for the first time that my upbringing was abusive, damaging, and actually pretty shitty. Not "the shittiest," which allowed my parents (specifically my mother, enabled by my father) to downplay it for so long. But it left me deeply scarred. It stunted my development in ways I've only, in recent years, been able to untangle - my ability to recognize and process emotions, my self-worth, how to understand what I need, the value of my wellbeing and basic health, the ways I'm capable of hurting people in my desperate, clawing need to avoid abandonment. Just to name a few key areas, off the top of my head.
I knew none of this when I discovered Slenderman and Marble Hornets when I was fourteen, maybe fifteen. Eventually, I discovered the fandom on Tumblr, and, most importantly, formed the Skype-based chatroom with my friends, known as Hornetcon.
Literally even just reading the name of it, my throat twists up and tears start to form. When I was in high school, as my mom's abuse got worse and worse, my social connections floundered. Nobody knew what I was really going through, because I didn't even know what I was going through. All I knew was that I felt bad about myself because I only ever seemed to make my mom upset. I couldn't understand how wrong it was of her to treat me the way she did until I had distance.
I became isolated. I stopped seeing the friends I'd had that were close to me. The friends I had at school were my friends, but we didn't hang out very often outside of school hours. I loved them and still cherish the fact that they enjoyed my company at all, but I didn't connect with them. My time was mostly spent on my laptop, hiding from whatever batshit alcoholic mood my mom was in that night, and I joined Tumblr at the behest of my school friends.
When Hornetcon started, I was a couple of days away from turning sixteen. I made very good friends there. I met people I connected with, for the very first time as a developing teenager, on a deep, understanding, accepting level. We bonded over the series, excitedly rapid-fire spammed the chat whenever there was an update, joked about shipping, shared fic and fanart, talked about queerness and transness and polyamory and everything my Good White Catholic Suburbs had shielded me from. The Internet was the gateway for my development, now, since I wasn't going to get it in "real life."
(That's probably it's own form of stunted development, but it was the best tool available to me at the time. shit was dire, folks.)
I got close to lot of people there. I loved talking with them, meeting up on tinychat, catching up with them when I got home from school, happily staying up WAY too late just to chat with friends in different timezones. I wasn't being shown, outside of that chatroom, that I was valuable as a person. That my interests were valuable. That people could find me interesting, funny, and even cute. Those were revolutionary concepts to me.
Alex talked about the pedestal the Slenderverse Creators stood on, and I remember how easily we put them there.
Some of them were in our chatroom! We got to talk with them, ask them questions, shoot the shit like fellow creative minds. We spoke with them like we were all on equal ground, but in reality, they really weren't. We showered them with love, with praise, with reassurances when they were having a bad day. We were all friends on Facebook, which signified a level of trust. We got to know them, or thought we did. Started closer, private friendships with some of them.
In retrospect, it's kind of hilarious that the most predatory of them frequented the chat most often. It isn't, but looking back, it's like...... of fucking course they did. Some were cool! Some were very fucking uncool!
I couldn't tell the difference. I didn't even know my own mother was harming me - how was I supposed to know that a friend I trusted, who was part of my refuge from her, was harming me, too? Harming my friends, who only came forward once I did?
How was I supposed to know that when, while visiting the Creators friends I'd made for New Year's 2016, I spent an evening drunkenly cuddling with one who was also a predator? The only reason nothing more happened is because I was unwillingly partnered (complicated for unrelated reasons. lmfao.) at the time, and he decided not to target me.
It wasn't limited to the Creators, though. Non-creators friends I made in that chatroom hurt me, too. When I think of the Slenderverse as a painful part of my life, I include them. And, most importantly, I include myself.
I hurt people, through no intention of hurting them, because I was scared and in pain and had no idea how to communicate with another human being. I had no idea how to handle relationships, how to express myself in my friendships with others. The time I was supposed to have spent developing those skills, I was instead being emotionally slingshotted back and forth by my parents, the people who were supposed to have set an example for me to follow and support me when I made mistakes. I tried to search for that support elsewhere, and I found people who were better, people who were worse, and I only knew the difference after it was too late.
I can only say that I was not capable of being a better person when I wish I had been. It is the only way I've been able to forgive myself and move on with my life, even if I still taste guilt and embarrassment in the back of my throat at the memories. If I were to ever speak to the people I hurt again, on a real, raw emotional level, I wouldn't expect them to forgive me based on "well, see, I was right fucked up and didn't really know it yet."
Thinking about the Slenderverse makes me think about the messy, reactive, depressed, and frankly manipulative person I have been. Being a "people pleaser" is, in my experience, a version of an emotional manipulator. Not for particularly nefarious reasons, but because when someone reached out to offer to me love, a desperate little girl with claws reached back. I didn't mean to hurt people, I didn't abuse a power structure to get what I wanted out of them. I was just utterly graceless with how I handled the emotional wellbeing of both myself and anyone who tried to show any care for me.
Another thing I've been working on is challenging my pattern of "black and white" thinking. Some people really were innocent, and I really did hurt them because I was messy. Some people may have started out innocent, but along the way I realized they wanted what I couldn't give, and I had to let them go. Some people may not have intended to hurt me, but did. Some people may truly have never valued me as a person, and only acted as if they did.
It's all grey. Kind of in a fog, really. I have few clear memories of that time, and I'm grateful that they are mostly good ones. Trying to dig them up by going back through my blog feels like performing open heart surgery on myself. I think it's worth revisiting, even though it feels like retreading over ground that is not a place of honor, where no highly esteemed deed is commemorated, where nothing of value lies.
I don't regularly speak to anyone from that era of my life. Even the friends that I love dearly, that helped me through some of my worst moments. It's like there's ooze all over my thoughts of the Slenderverse, due to the actions of both others and myself, and it's all over anything or anyone tangentially related to it. It isn't their fault. I just needed to move on, get some distance from it. Maybe now's a good time to revisit it, but I don't think I get to just walk back into anyone's life like I never quietly excused myself. I don't even think they see it that way. We all just have our own lives.
But I'm thinking of them, a lot. And I wish I could show them how much better I'm doing beyond the occasional social media post. I'm not living in a utopia or anything, but I'm sure as fuck doing better than I was before. I'm learning how to not hurt people, especially not like I used to, and how to apologize and make things right when I do.
I'm still kinda fucked up and probably always will be, in some ways. But I talk kinder to myself, now. I try to value my wellbeing as often as I can. I point out to myself when something should be communicated. I have fewer, but more solid, sources of support.
I'm doing my best out here. I hope they are, too. All of them.
It would have been funny to see Hornetcon mentioned in the doc. It wasn't a doc about the fans, though, so I get it. But it would've been funny to tell my perspective of the Verse at that point. And I was in it, technically! Behind the camera during the clips they used of the WhisperedFaith BTS video, and one or two of the Shamhouse! I had a place in the Verse solely due to the compassionate, if tumultuous, friendships that were built and later left to decay. I never created a Slenderseries, but I created fanworks, memes, co-created a big fangroup chatroom (though it wasn't an entirely successful or able-to-be-inclusive chatroom, all things considered. imagine a discord server of like a hundred people, dozens active every day, with only one channel. god the days of skype were dark.) I supported, I visited, I loved, I cared deeply. But my experience was only a microcosm of the big picture, and that was already captured quite well. I know where my place in the artistic collaboration was, however extraneous.
And I hope Tharol is doing okay. I was mean to him when he messaged me last, in like 2015, in a furious attempt to rid my life of that Slenderverse-tainted ooze. I wish I could tell him, along with so many others, that I'm sorry.
alright that's all i got, no editing no beta we die like jeff, send post
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five-bi-five-mind · 2 years
Hiya! Can you please write something about readers social battery running out and JJ noticing??
Safe Place
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: JJ x fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff and Comfort
Words: 1.7k+
Summary: JJ seems to always know what you need when you push yourself a little too hard.
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, brief mention of nudity and description of a shared bath (but no smut in this one, sorry folks!)
A/N: Thanks for this request anon and sorry for your wait! Hope this short fluff fic satisfies! Sometimes I can write a cute, happy JJ :)
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(gif not mine; credit to the creator)
It had been a rough week. The case you were on was the hardest you’ve had so far. Yes, you were fairly new, only being part of the BAU for less than a year now. There was still so much to learn, about your coworkers, about the job, about how to unpack and heal from the horrible things you’ve seen. 
What you wanted when you landed and returned to the office was to go straight home and have a quiet evening with your girlfriend. Throughout all of the hardships of this job, all of the impossible tragedies you had to witness and navigate through, your bright light was meeting JJ and starting a relationship almost immediately after joining the team. She was already used to seeing these things, she already knew how to compartmentalize way better than you do. So far, the only way you were able to recover from these things was to hide in the safe space that was her arms. Unfortunately for you, that was going to have to wait tonight.
There was a pattern you started to notice with the team. Anytime a case was particularly challenging, once it was over they would go out together to their usual bar and melt away the case’s tension with drinks, laughs, and time spent together. It seemed to work for almost everyone there. It would seem, to you, as if a night together out on the town would wash away the pain they had endured the night before. And you would be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy seeing the team outside of work, you absolutely do. You loved seeing everyone relax and put on a completely different demeanor. Every smile and laugh you shared, you knew healed their hearts and probably even yours too a little bit. However, it wasn’t what you needed. It just prolonged your ability to process what you had seen.
Tonight was particularly worse for you. It felt like the worse the case was, the longer they stayed out and spent time together. You were the opposite. The harder the case was, the less you wanted to be social. You especially didn’t want to drink tonight. The images of everything from the past week just weren’t getting out of your head. You’ve barely eaten through the whole thing and the idea of putting any amount of alcohol in your body had your stomach twisting and turning uncomfortably. 
You were currently sitting at a table with both Reid and Garcia, both of which were talking away about random things that you only have paid attention to. They were a couple drinks in, but you were barely even sipping on the one JJ got for you when you first got there and that was a few hours ago. Your brain honestly was starting to feel a little bit like radio static as they continued on about whatever they were talking about. Of course, you would still nod and smile here and there, but you knew the smile you were throwing their way didn’t ever reach your eyes. Luckily, it didn’t seem like they noticed tonight. If they did, they didn’t seem too bothered by it at least. 
JJ was somewhere else in the bar, chatting away with the rest of the team. Each time you peered around the room to find her, you’d see her pretty engaged in a conversation. She looked like she was enjoying herself, and while you desperately wanted to grab her hand and pull her out of the bar and all the way home, you also didn’t want to ruin her good time. So, you pushed on, pretending like you were having just as good of a time as the rest of the team. You only hoped no one would notice your lack of enthusiasm.
Of course, this tactic backfired when Garcia insisted on everyone at the table taking a shot. Reid gave an exaggerated frown and you tried your best to keep your features neutral, but Reid’s face only spurred Garcia on more. 
“Come on, guys!” Garcia pleaded with both of you. You could tell Reid was about to break, looking towards you for advice.
“I don’t know…” you trailed off. You didn’t really have an excuse for this. If you disagreed, they might finally notice your exhaustion. If you agreed, you’d be drinking more than you wanted to. It was taking everything in you not to gag at even just the thought of a shot burning it’s way down your throat. 
“(Y/N), you’ve barely started to have fun! You need to unwind more!” Garcia was basically jumping in place. The amount of energy she was radiating was making you internally wince. 
“I guess we can,” you finally relented. “Only one.”
“Yes!” Garcia did a little victory fist pump before hopping off her chair. “I’ll go get them!”
“Actually,” a voice came from behind you. You felt a hand press to the small of your back gently and you didn’t need to look to know who it was. Your body immediately started to relax at the feeling of her touch. JJ couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. “I’m going to have to steal (Y/N) from you for the rest of the night. We’re both tired and I think it’s time we go home and get some rest.’”
Garcia pouted, but knew there was no arguing with JJ. 
“Raincheck, okay?” JJ offered with an apologetic smile, before offering you her hand.  You took it and began to stand. She led you all the way out of the bar, never letting go of you until you reached the car. 
The drive home was silent, but it wasn’t a bad silence. It was actually a relief to have a little bit of comfortable silence for once that night. Rather than needing to call for a car and pick yours up in the morning, JJ actually let you drive. Trusting that you didn’t even have a third of your drink. She kept her hand comfortably on your thigh as you drove and the warmth of her touch felt like it was soothing your entire being. 
When you reached your place, the comfortable silence remained. It was as if JJ read your mind and knew you needed a break from the loud chatter of the bar. She still stayed close by to you, though. Another comfort you were glad to finally have as you started to take your shoes off and unwind for the night.
Silently, JJ took your hand again before you could make your way to the couch. Instead, she pulled you back to your bedroom and sat you down on the bed. Brushing her fingertips across your jaw as she stared down at you with gentle, concerned eyes. 
“You don’t have to push yourself, you know,” JJ finally broke the silence. She knelt slowly in front of you, her hands placed on either of your knees.
“But I do,” you sighed as you looked down at her hands. The slow trail of her hands from your knees to your thighs and back starting to release some of your anxieties.  “I’m still the newest member on the team. I… I’m trying to be a team player, to be a part of the bond you all have.” 
JJ gave you a sympathetic smile before shaking her head.
“You already are, my love,” she said gently before standing up. She cupped your chin with one of her hands, tilting your head to meet her eyes. “This case was hard and everyone has a different way of dealing with the toll it had. A lot of the team deal with it by going out and having fun, but they can be a lot of energy. They understand that that doesn’t work for everyone and they wouldn’t think less of you for taking the time you need for yourself. Don’t force yourself just to fit in with what you think the team wants, baby. I promise, it’s okay.”
You nodded meekly in response. Maybe it was the soft way she was speaking to you or the feeling of the past week’s tension finally starting to dissipate from your body, but it felt like a dam finally broke. You felt silent tears slip down your cheeks and JJ moved her hand to wipe your tears away. Your body slumped forward so that you could press your face into JJ’s stomach, the overwhelming urge to hide from the rest of the world had finally taken over. 
JJ held you there for a moment, stroking your hair and whispering kind words of affirmation. You let yourself silently cry against JJ until the tears finally stopped. When you pulled back to look up at her, she looked back at you with nothing but love in her eyes, leaning down to give you a gentle kiss. You melted into the kiss, closing your eyes and enjoying the feeling of her lips on yours and her fingers running gently through your hair. 
After a moment she broke the kiss and stepped back. 
“Why don’t we take a bath and relax for the rest of the night?” She gave you a smile before walking towards the bathroom. Before you could even answer you heard the water running and couldn’t help the smile spread across your face. It always amazed you just how attuned JJ was to what you needed and with each moment of gentleness and care she showed you, you loved her that much more. 
Her head popped out of the bathroom and you saw that she had already started to undress.
“Well?” JJ smirked. “Are you coming?” 
You chuckled before standing and heading her way. Once you reached the bathroom she pulled you in by your shirt, sitting you down on the lip of the tub and undressing you slowly. She treated you like the most delicate thing in the world and if it were anyone else it would annoy you, but with her you just felt safe, cherished, and protected. When she helped you into the tub and then slipped in behind you, you automatically leaned against her and closed your eyes. Her hands gently trailed over your entire body and you could feel the tension you’ve been carrying all week start to wash away. Finally, you were exactly where you wanted to be all night. Finally, you could close your eyes and relax in your safe place, in the arms of the woman you love.
taglist: @louderfortheback 
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 7 months
Late to the party (?), but I get that fandom feels dead. Not trying to be preachy or patronizing, I swear, I sometimes think that people have so much going on, life happens and they move away to different interests.
The hope is that they come back at least once new trailers/ posters are released. Not to mention, the HotD fan experience is not always enjoyable because of the incessant attacks on various people/ fans of specific characters by people with zero chill.
For your stuff, if you only choose to post on Ao3, that would be understandable. Fwiw, I created my blog to interact with you because it was a fun, chill vibe ( and for the sake of our favorite scammer monk, Genyen 😋). I hope that you stay on ♥️ it’s always nice to pop back in and chat with friends here.
If you leave, I will miss you. There’s maybe just a few blogs here I check in the HotD fandom.
Personally, I’m trying to read more HotD / Ewanverse content but I understand that it’s not fully holding my interest at the current moment and that is okay. I’ll get back to it eventually 🥰
P.S: lol. Called it @ ewan being a Pisces. He really does have that crybaby Pisces face haahahahhahahaha 🥺🥹🥺🥹
It’s so good to hear from you! I have missed you 💕
Fandom is quiet, but I’m not resentful of anyone for that. Interests change, people are busy, etc.
For me, I’ve been struggling to see where I fit for a long while. I’ve been doubting my own writing, wondering if it’s something people even want to read. That self doubt coupled with feeling like I never have the time or motivation to write has made me get into my own head a little bit. It feels fast paced here, that if you’re not keeping up with the regular churn of output that some writers seem to have then you will be forgotten about and left behind.
I have expressed my thoughts on the matter and been accused of hating on x reader fics and smut, which seems ridiculous to me. The fics I write which don’t have OCs I would classify as x reader, even though they’re written in third person. Almost everything I write has an element of smut. The majority of what I reblog are really well written x reader fics that contain smut, so I’m not sure how that conclusion has been drawn. The reading comprehension on this site is astonishing sometimes!
My issue is mine and mine alone, but I have chatted with friends on here and Discord and an outside perspective has been really helpful to help get my head on straight. I have shaken up how I write - currently I sit at the same desk I work at, on my laptop, to write. The fact that it feels like work I think makes it feel like a chore, so I’m less inclined to want to. I’ve gotten a tablet, so I can write where ever and jot down ideas as and when they come to me. I’m also trying to not pressure myself - I am not a content farm, so it doesn’t matter how often I post fics. People will read them, or they won’t, what matters is that I feel proud of what I’ve written.
Sorry for the long ramble! But never apologise for being absent. Fandom should feel low pressure for writers and readers alike. I’m glad you’re doing okay and I love you!
9 notes · View notes
tsarisfanfiction · 1 year
Eclipse: Chapter 30
Fandom: Trials of Apollo Rating: Teen Genre: Family/Adventure Characters: Apollo, Hades And with this, we bid farewell to Hades' pov for this fic. Only two chapters to go now, and both will be Apollo's pov. I had a lot of fun figuring out Hades' narrative voice, as well as what's going on beneath the exterior he projects! This is also the awkward "deal with the Zeus consequences" chapter, which I keep seeming to need in my fics despite them being incredibly difficult to write! I have a discord server for all my fics, including this one!  If you wanna chat with me or with other readers about stuff I write (or just be social in general), hop on over and say hi! <<Chapter 29
HADES XXX Zeus Loses His Temper
At some point during the journey between leaving his palace and arriving at Olympus, Apollo had left Elysium and recoalesced his entire essence into a single form, a now familiar feeling on Hades’ periphery after what had proven to be over a month in close company with his nephew at full, undiluted power.  He was not surprised that Apollo had elected to be as powerful as possible in Zeus’ presence, but now that he was in the same room as both his brother and his nephew – and a few other unexpected gods Hades was electing to currently ignore as well – it brought something interesting to Hades’ attention.
He'd known something was different with Apollo’s essence since his time spent as a mortal.  His nephew had felt stronger, considerably stronger than Hades had expected of him, but he was still not as powerful as Hades, so he had put it out of his mind while he had other, more immediate, concerns to focus on.
Standing in the middle of the Olympian throne room, with his nephew at his side and his brother seated on his throne before him – both brothers, in fact, although Hades had no interest in Poseidon’s unexpected presence at that moment – a single observation leaped out at him, unbidden but impossible to ignore nonetheless.
Apollo was more powerful than Zeus.
He did not quite measure up to Hades himself, or Poseidon, both of whom had found their old power levels still within them during the climax of the second Titanomachy and re-embraced the strength they had once been renowned for, but Zeus himself, Apollo appeared to have now surpassed.  In fact, with the comparison right in front of him, Hades suspected that Apollo had not just done as he and Poseidon had managed and rediscovered his old strength, but somehow surpassed his younger days entirely.
Apollo was so obviously more powerful than he’d ever been before, that Hades wondered how he’d missed the extent of it until then.
One thing was also clear: Zeus knew.
It was not fear he was eyeing his son with, but it was resentment and distrust, wrapped up in the mess of paranoia that had been winding itself ever thicker around the king over the past couple of millennia.  Anger roiled within his essence, too, the fury of a storm building and waiting to be unleashed.
The thought occurred to Hades that Apollo’s mortal punishment had somehow backfired on Zeus; there was no way in Olympus that Zeus would ever give Apollo power greater than his own, which meant that Apollo’s current, post-punishment self was not a product of Zeus’ intentions, whatever they had been.  The lazy amusement on Poseidon’s face supported the theory – Poseidon, too, had once been stripped of his immortality, back when Zeus was actually the most powerful of all and had been capable of striking down even those considered his peers.  No doubt he found Zeus’ self-made apparent predicament highly amusing.
Hades found himself more concerned with what Zeus’ intentions had been, but forcibly shoved the thought aside to deal with after the current issue – namely their trip to Tartarus and retrieval of Bob – had been resolved.
“Apollo,” his youngest brother boomed after a moment, clearly deciding to ignore Hades and focus on the son he was no doubt intending on somehow punishing again, for no justifiable reason other than to soothe his own paranoia.  Apollo’s posture, already far straighter and less relaxed than it had been since escaping Tartarus, and arguably even within the Pit, stiffened further.
“Father,” he replied, cautiously.
“Explain.”  The word was curt, short, and full of heavy expectations whilst giving nothing itself.  Typical of his brother, to put the onus on Apollo to do all the work – and, potentially, talk himself into a trap.
Hades had no intention of letting the conversation dance along to Zeus’ tune.  Once, perhaps, his brother had been a magnificent musician – indeed, Apollo had got it from somewhere, and that somewhere had not been Koios’ line – but in recent centuries, Zeus had lost the spark he had once had.
“What is there to explain?” he cut in smoothly, silencing Apollo just as his nephew began to say something about a prophecy.  “An investigation into Tartarus was warranted, and demigods could not be trusted to survive long enough to succeed.  Thus, we elected to go in their place.”
Zeus leaned forwards on his throne, white-knuckled fists clutching the ends of the arms in poorly concealed rage.
“No such investigation was needed,” he ground out, thunder rolling dimly in the sky above.  “And if any was required, you do not have the authority to make that decision.  You certainly” – his voice raised, loud enough to rival the thunder he summoned – “did not have the authority to bring a titan out.  Two titans, in fact.”
So he hadn’t missed Koios’ brief sojourn into the Overworld.  Hades supposed it had been too much to ask that it would have somehow passed beneath his notice, especially as Artemis had clearly been alerted immediately.  He observed the goddess in question out of the corner of his eye, perched on her silver throne silently but a presence nonetheless.
There were more Olympians present than he had expected.  Poseidon’s presence alone was a surprise – while he had the free reign to travel to Olympus as he wished, a matter Hades could admit made him sore, his water-residing brother usually preferred to distance himself from Zeus’ inane whims.  Artemis was perhaps predictable, given her own involvement, but her neighbouring goddess was far more unexpected.
Wise enough to know that she ought to keep her mouth shut while Zeus was in one of his temper tantrums, Athena sat back regally in her throne, observing the proceedings with her sharp silver eyes.  For the most part, she seemed particularly interested in Bob and Apollo, but Hades did not miss his niece’s searching gaze as it brushed over his presence, as well.  Perhaps Zeus was not the only one surprised to see him there.
Hestia, as always, tended to her hearth, human-sized and meek – a far cry from the fierce eldest sister Hades knew she could be, or had been once a millennia ago, when it was their generation against their predecessors – while on the other end of the temperamental scale, Hera was straight-backed on her throne beside Zeus, a black veil doing nothing to hide her eagle eyes.
It seemed that of those of them that had fought the titans twice, only Demeter had abstained from making an appearance – no doubt more interested in spending time with her daughter during the summer months than an informal, half-attended, Olympian council.  Hades did not know how well that fared for Zeus’ temper, or whatever decision would be made regarding Bob’s departure from Tartarus, but he suspected he and Apollo were not the ones outnumbered.
Poseidon delighted in causing trouble for their youngest brother.  He and Hades may have their own brotherly issues, but the more self-important Zeus styled himself, the more they pushed back.  Despite her caution and scolding earlier, Hades would likewise be very surprised if Artemis truly sided against her twin, and Hera and Zeus had argued more than they had ever made up throughout their marriage, while Hestia had always been determinedly neutral against inter-sibling conflicts.
The only true unknown was Athena, wise in council but always Zeus’ favourite daughter, and too smart to jeopardise her position as such unnecessarily.
It was good odds in Apollo’s favour, but that did not mean it would translate into a favourable outcome.  Cornered animals had a rightful reputation for danger, and Hades would not hesitate in using that term to describe his brother right then.
“Koios no longer lives,” he reminded Zeus – if he had seen his arrival, then he must have seen his departure as well.  He would not have taken his eyes off of the titan for as long as he considered him a threat.  “Your own children saw well enough to that.”
Sky blue eyes, flickering with the searing white of furious lightning, glanced over at Artemis before focusing back on Apollo.
“Indeed,” he allowed, “although he should never have been permitted the opportunity to reach it in the first place.”  Zeus really could never let a point go until it was in his favour.  “That does not, however, explain why the second titan is standing before me, in the heart of Olympus, right now, Hades.  Do not think I missed who led Iapetus here.”
“Bob,” the titan interjected, taking a step closer as all eyes fell upon him.  It placed him directly between Hades and Apollo, using them as an honour guard – or perhaps simply as guards, although for whose benefit it was impossible to say.  “I do not go by the name Iapetus anymore.”
Hades was not sure that intentionally drawing Zeus’ attention was a particularly smart move on the titan’s behalf, but what was done was done and Bob stood straight and uncowed as Zeus loomed over him.
“You expect me to believe that you have changed your name?” he demanded, sprites of lightning flickering into existence around his head.  “Or, perhaps, that changing your name changes your nature?  I remember you, Iapetus the Piercer.  I remember the ichor that stained the shaft of your spear.  I remember the bite of that spear, and you expect me to believe that you are not that same titan I once fought against?”  Zeus was almost spitting in his rage.  “You are an immortal, Iapetus, and immortals do not change.”
“Do not change, or will not change?” Bob asked, all too calm for someone in the eye of the violent storm that was a furious Zeus, although Hades could feel the light in his essence, feel the strength in Apollo’s, and saw his point.  Immortals could change, it appeared, for all that change was an unlooked-for and often unwelcomed guest.  “What is stopping you?  Fear?  Are you afraid of what you might become, if you accept change into your existence?”
Lightning flashed, an explosion of thunder in Hades’ ear as the Master Bolt hurtled at the titan.  He felt Apollo’s essence flinch at its proximity, despite not being its target, and fought to keep himself from either going to his nephew’s side or retaliating against his brother at the realisation that Apollo would only fear the bolt if he knew first-hand what it could do to him.
Hades knew that it had struck at least one of Apollo’s children, yes, but he had never known that Zeus had struck the god directly.
This time, the target had not been Apollo – or Hades himself, who had also found himself on the receiving end of his brother’s flashy temper although held nothing but contempt for the bolt, rather than any degree of fear – but Bob.
The titan, too, had endured the business end of the bolt on more than one occasion, during that same Titanomachy Zeus was referring to, but not even the Elder Cyclopes had created a weapon that could obliterate a titan in a single hit.  Bob remained on his feet, seemingly hardly fazed by the attack despite tendrils of smoke curling up from his skin, and met Zeus’ gaze calmly.  “I do not recall you being a coward, when you poisoned me and deceived Kronos into expelling your siblings from his stomach,” he said.
That was pushing Zeus too far, and Hades stepped forwards, blocking the titan from Zeus’ immediate view.  Apollo was almost immediately beside him, the faintest of wavers in his essence that Hades would not have been able to notice if he had not become intimately knowledgeable about his nephew’s essence in Tartarus betraying his nerves.
“Enough,” he said, sending Bob a warning glare before facing his brother once more.  “There is no need to keep exchanging insults like children.”
“Aww,” Poseidon complained, lounging obscenely in his fisherman’s chair.  “You spoil the fun, Hades.”  Unimpressed, Hades levelled him with a flat glare.
“Why are you here?” he asked.  “Should you not be frolicking with dolphins in your overlarge swimming pool?”
“And miss out on this spectacle?” Poseidon laughed.  “Not a chance, brother.  Besides, I have business with… Bob.”
Quick as the lightning he threw, Zeus turned his attention to the throne beside his.  “You do?” he growled, the sound echoing around the throne room lowly.  “Poseidon-”
Poseidon waved a hand carelessly.  “Peace, brother.  It is simply that, if I am not much mistaken, this is the same Bob that my son mentioned saved his life in Tartarus.”
“Not just Perseus,” Athena spoke, drawing attention to herself for the first time, “nor even my daughter, Annabeth.”  Her grey eyes, the smouldering of smoke after a fire, raked over the titan behind Hades curiously.  “In assisting our children, he released the Doors of Death from their chains and thereby made it possible for Olympus to win the war against Gaia.  It is Olympus itself he helped to protect, and I find myself curious as to why.”
“Why does not matter,” Zeus snapped.  “He is a titan-”
“As is Mother,” Hera pointed out, apparently fearless in overriding her husband.  Hades suspected the mourner’s veil she wore had something to do with it; he had not missed the son of Jupiter’s entrance into his domain, complete with Juno’s influence upon him.  “There are many titans we have allowed to roam free, Zeus.”
“And not just peaceful ones,” Poseidon added before Zeus could protest that Rhea had never done them wrong – a point that Hades would have, unfortunately, had to concede if he had.  “Oceanus continues to persist as he pleases despite actively working against us” – me, Hades was certain he truly meant, well aware that Poseidon had been left unaided against the eldest titan – “during Father’s recent attempt to destroy Olympus.”  His eyes, the roiling blue green of wind-whisked waves, seemed to bore through Hades and Apollo to focus on Bob.  “If Olympus allows him his freedom, why does it deny a titan that actively aided it the same boon?”
Because Oceanus was old and powerful enough that Olympus could not be sure of victory, Hades suspected.  The titan had had millennia to consolidate his court within the seas; it was not a flimsy support like the ones Kronos had attempted to build for himself, it was an entire empire.  Poseidon, at the least, had been fortunate that Oceanus had decided to retreat when Kronos fell rather than continue to press the advantage he had been gifted with when Poseidon had been forced to abandon Atlantis to aid their brethren against Typhon.  If Oceanus had sustained the assault, Poseidon’s dominion over the seas might well have been obliterated for good, leaving Olympus down a powerful god and Oceanus with a far, far larger support base.
Bob, however, had none of that.  He had no allies amongst the titans – although admittedly he might kindle some in time, but with the exception of Oceanus, none of those left to roam free had ever showed designs against Olympus, so Hades saw no likely issue there – and no base to use in an attempt to consolidate power.  He was, quite simply, not a credible threat to Olympus.
“I would hear Bob’s reasons for saving my son,” Poseidon continued, “and Olympus, as Athena says.”
Zeus, Hades realised, was completely outnumbered.  With even the sensible Athena cautiously rebutting his reasons for paranoia, the king of the gods was finding his hands rather tied – and he could see from the terseness with which Zeus shifted in his throne that his youngest brother was well aware of the fact.  It was, in some way, a cause for concern – Zeus would not take this laying down, for all that he would be a fool to keep pushing when Poseidon at the least was determined to push back with at least equal pressure, and Hades himself was not going to take the younger god’s tantrums laying down, either.  There would be retribution somewhere, somehow.
He was not the only one to have noticed the ticking bomb they were taunting; Apollo was uncharacteristically quiet, and Artemis was poised to leap into fight or flight at the slightest provocation.  Athena, too, having said her piece, had also faded back into obscurity on her grey throne, allowing Poseidon to take the lead in their arguments – an alliance that barely a decade ago would have been unthinkable, although perhaps it was not a surprise that she would still set Poseidon up to take the brunt of Zeus’ wrath.
Then again, three of the gods currently in the throne room were currently more powerful than Zeus, and Poseidon was one of them.
“The demigods showed me mercy,” Bob began.  “Percy, Nico, and the Hunter with them – Thalia, I was told was her name, although I have not seen her since falling into the Lethe.”
Zeus twitched, either unaware of his own daughter’s involvement in the situation, or unhappy that it had been brought to light.  Out of the three demigods in question, Hades distinctly remembered that she was the only one with the sensible reaction to the amnesiac titan, while the two boys – and Nico, especially – had been rather less cautious.  If Bob had been less amicable, she would likely have been the only one to survive.
“Then, I was shown kindness,” the titan continued.  “Not just from the demigods, but gods that had every right to hate me.  I learned kindness, and mercy.  I will not lie and say my motivation was to help Olympus, but it was to help the demigods who chose to trust in me, even when they feared me.  I had no wish to see any of them die in Tartarus.”
“Those demigods-” Zeus began, only for Poseidon to once again talk over him.
“Those demigods have saved Olympus twice in as many years,” the sea god said, his eyes flickering dangerously, as though daring Zeus to ignore the truth.  “Were it not for my son, Athena’s daughter, and even Hades’ son, Olympus would have fallen twice over.  They are loyal to the gods.”
That was an interesting way of wording it, Hades thought, privately amused at the thought of Nico’s reaction at being called loyal to the gods.  His son’s loyalty was, first and foremost, to those that he formed bonds with.  Hades was well aware that Nico was not loyal to him, for all that they had reached a non-hostile relationship with each other that at times managed to border amicable, although Apollo was potentially a different matter.  Zeus was certainly not on the shortlist.
It was, however, undeniable that every time Olympus had found itself in need, the demigods had answered.  Not even Zeus could deny that, and his youngest brother settled back on his throne.
“Very well,” he allowed, as though he had any real control over Poseidon’s words.  Hades did nothing to puncture the air of authority he was desperately pulling back; while he would not allow Zeus to harm Apollo – who had taken a step back while Bob spoke and was now hovering almost unobtrusively behind them, not openly hiding but doing his best to deflect his father’s temper away from him – or indeed any of Apollo’s loved ones in a more roundabout way of punishing him, it would do them no good to push Zeus further than necessary.
He was volatile enough already.
“Against my better judgement, I will not send you back into the Pit where you stand,” the king of the gods continued, as though Bob had not already withstood a blast from the Master Bolt.  “However, I will not allow you to walk freely.  Athena or Artemis shall observe your movements at all times.”
Neither goddess seemed enamoured with the decision, but nor did they seem surprised.  Hades was not, either; out of those present, they were the ones least distrusted by Zeus.  He and Artemis were the only two that had never taken part in a direct challenge to Zeus’ rule, although Athena had managed to talk her way out of trouble, and the days of Zeus trusting him with anything, especially the supervision of something that he saw as a threat, were long past.  It would not surprise Hades in the slightest if Zeus feared that, should he return Bob to Hades’ domain, out of his sight, they would begin to scheme against him.
His paranoia might already think they’d started.
“I trust the two of you will co-operate with each other and not allow it to get in the way of your other duties,” Zeus continued, and both goddesses bobbed their heads briefly.
“Yes, Father,” they chorused, glancing at each other just long enough to acknowledge the other but nothing else.
If Bob had any thoughts on his chaperones for the foreseeable future, he didn’t voice them, although he nodded at the pair of goddesses in acknowledgement.  The piercing look he got in return from Artemis proved that she had not forgotten their earlier encounter outside the Necromanteion, and would be observing him to ensure he held true to his words.
“You are dismissed,” Zeus told the titan bluntly.  “Leave, before I change my mind.”  He gestured towards the door in a sweeping gesture, and Bob needed no further prompting.
“I will go to find Percy and Annabeth now,” he told Hades as he turned; on his throne, Poseidon leaned forwards, summoned by the name of his son.  “I will endeavour to make myself easy for Nico to find, should he wish.”  With at least one goddess on his tail, they both knew that the titan would not be able to return to the Underworld for the time being, and Hades inclined his head in acknowledgement as the titan strode away, out of the room.
Artemis and Athena disappeared in a shimmer of silver and grey without saying anything else, and Hades caught Apollo glancing at his twin’s throne wistfully before his nephew’s attention snapped back to the dangerous aura in the room.
Poseidon, it appeared, had decided he’d had enough of their brother’s presence – presumably, he had only been interested in Bob’s fate, and now that had been decreed, he did not care to linger longer.  His throne emptied with a wash of seawater, leaving Hades and Apollo to face Zeus and Hera.
They had not been dismissed, Hades noticed, and Zeus did not appear inclined to let them go without throwing a more private and pointed temper tantrum.
“Hera, Hestia, leave us,” he ordered.  “I will speak with Hades and Apollo alone.”  Hera sniffed, offended at the dismissal, but disappeared in a shower of peacock feathers nonetheless.  Hestia’s departure was far more demure; an extra flicker from her hearth and she was gone, no doubt instead at the sister-hearth of Camp Half-Blood.
Apollo moved to stand level with Hades again – next to him, and Hades wondered whether it was to present a united front to Zeus or if there was another reason for their resumed proximity, not that he had issue with it.
“You had no authority to raise a titan from the Pit,” Zeus growled, his anger sparking around him again.  Without an audience, he seemed less interested in controlling his reactions.  “Apollo, ever since you selected a new Pythia, Delphi has given nothing but rushed prophecies that continue to undermine Olympus and I.  If you do not stop allowing that girl to speak of such things, I will have to intervene.”
He said intervene in a way that sounded a lot like destroy the Pythia or even strip you of your domain, a fact that clearly did not go unnoticed by Apollo as the younger god’s eyes flickered Phlegethon orange once more.  Having once cursed the Pythia himself, and recently at that, Hades found distaste at the idea of another young woman ending up in a similar situation.  He still did not like prophecies, no matter how lovingly Apollo talked about them and their endless possibilities, but he could acknowledge that perhaps the cursing of the Pythia for attempting to protect the di Angelos had been an ill-thought action.  It certainly hadn’t stopped Delphi from issuing prophecies as and when it pleased.
“Father, I do not control the timing of prophecies, nor their content,” Apollo reminded him, although Hades could tell the words were falling on obtuse ears.  Zeus had convinced himself otherwise, and the son he feared and distrusted would never be able to persuade him to hear the truth.  “They are spoken when they are meant to be.”
“Enough!” Zeus thundered, and Apollo immediately snapped his mouth shut.  Hades took a minute step sideways, not quite far enough to be touching his nephew, but close enough to remind Apollo that he was not alone against his father’s wrath.  “This does not even consider your other transgression.”
He stood up, a little bit taller than the twenty feet the gods usually took as their stature, likely to guarantee that he towered over even Hades, who had always been the lither yet taller god.
“You interfered,” he proclaimed, thunder rolling around them.  “Taking on a quest in the place of a demigod – do you even care how many of the Ancient Laws you trampled across in the process?  Those Laws exist for a reason, Apollo.  They serve to prevent interference in mortal affairs, and to ensure the balance of power is not shifted too far.”
Lightning crackled.
“Had the demigods gone, as they should, the titans would never have escaped,” Zeus continued.  “By interfering, you changed something that should not have been changed, and now the stability of Olympus is at risk.  Iapetus twice tried to destroy Olympus, and yet you welcomed him into the heart of it with open arms!”  A bolt struck the ground close to Apollo’s throne, and the god in question flinched.
Hades had had enough.
“Brother,” he said firmly.  “Bob is no threat to Olympus, and even if he becomes one in time, he is a single titan against our entire might.  You have no reason to fear him, and acting as though you do makes you appear weak.”
“Weak?” Zeus seethed.  “The darkness you hide in has blinded you, brother.”
The words stung, but Hades refused to let it show and give Zeus the satisfaction when they both knew that he did not reside near-solely in the darkness by choice, but rather but that same brother’s own decree.
“The darkness allows me to see what truly dwells in its depths,” he replied instead, “and of those, Bob is inconsequential.”
“A boon,” a new voice – one Hades had not heard in millennia – rasped lightly.
“A new soldier,” said a second.
“For Olympus,” finished the third.
The Fates emerged from nowhere, their strings clutched tightly in their grasp.
“What is the meaning of this?” Zeus demanded, as the three wizened crones clustered by Hestia’s hearth.
“The rise of the titan was inevitable,” Clotho assured them.  In her hands, a silver string wove itself into existence.  “Yesterday, today, tomorrow.  The when was inconsequential, but the how was not.”
“Raised by gods to save the gods,” Lachesis murmured, almost to herself rather than the three gods held in the thrall of their appearance.  “Raised by demigods to save the demigods.  Not raised by titans to save the titans, now.”
Hades felt rather than saw Zeus leave his dais and come to stand next to him, near-mesmerised by the Fates.  Daughters of Nyx, primordial in a way that the gods could never match, not even his brother ruled over them, for all that he had been known to pretend otherwise.
“What does that mean?” Zeus barked, metaphorical feathers well and truly ruffled by the words.
“Bob will aid Olympus in her time of need,” Atropos proclaimed.  “Because Olympus aided him.”
It was not a prophecy.  Prophecies were slippery, convoluted, and could mean any one of a myriad of possibilities at any given moment, according to Apollo, who was wide-eyed beside him.  Hades almost wondered if the god of prophecy was seeing anything, or if he was simply overwhelmed by the pure, simple, Fact of Fate.
Olympus aided Bob, so Bob would aid Olympus.
It almost felt too simple, given the trials he and Apollo had gone through to retrieve the titan from Tartarus, but for all he hated – still hated – prophecies, Hades could no more defy Fate than anyone else.
Between one moment and the next, the Fates disappeared, their message delivered.  Zeus jerked, as if only just realising that he had stepped down to join Hades and Apollo standing on the floor like mere gods and not the king of the gods, but did not back away.
“It appears the Fates have decreed your ill advised sojourn a boon for the future of Olympus,” he said, sounding like he had tasted something foul.  “That does not mean I approve of your actions,” because of course Zeus could not admit he might have been wrong about something.  It had been smart of the Fates, Hades mused, to wait until they had no further audience to intervene, else Zeus would have become apocalyptic.
As it was, he was clearly furious at being corrected in front of Hades and Apollo – two gods he had not trusted in millennia.  “There will be no repeat of this,” he ordered.  “The Ancient Laws are not to be broken, and I will not suffer any more offences, do you understand me?”
It was Apollo he glared at, as though Apollo was the one most likely to break it again.  Hades supposed he was not wrong; the entire quest had been Apollo’s planning, for all that it had been Hades’ own, free choice to return to the Pit himself.  His son shifted uncomfortably.
“Yes, Father,” he murmured.
“I do not care to meddle with mortal affairs further,” Hades said before Zeus could either pin him with his crackling glare, or gloss over him as though his words did not matter.  He saw no reason why he would, regardless, at least, not unless Nico ended up in a similarly dire situation and intervention was necessary, but he hoped the Fates would spare his son from any further hardship; he had been though more than enough already.
There was no need to antagonise Zeus over it further.
“See that you do not,” Zeus muttered in a way that was clearly supposed to be ominous, then disappeared in a flash of lightning.
Apollo sighed, the sound ever so slightly shaky.
“That went better than I expected,” he said, tone deceptively light.  Hades snorted.
“We were fortunate,” he said, glancing at Poseidon’s empty throne.  Without the presence of his other brother, deliberately antagonising Zeus and dividing his attention, things could have gone very differently.  Hades was still certain that Zeus would not have been able to inflict any real damage upon them, but there were other ways to cause grief.  “Come, let us leave before my brother decides he is not feeling so merciful, after all.”  Not that mercy was truly accurate a term for the situation, but he was well aware that on Olympus, in the heart of the sky that was Zeus’ domain, his brother was still no doubt capable of hearing everything that they said.
Apollo did not even hesitate to follow Hades as he swept his way out of the throne room and down the streets of Olympus until he reached the locked door to the Underworld.  No doubt, he was eager to see his sons again, now that the threat of his father’s retribution had lessened somewhat.
Not completely – Zeus’ paranoia would not be completely overridden by the Fates’ words.  He had fallen too far into its clutches over the millennia, far enough that Hades did not think it was possible for him to climb back out again.  But somewhat, enough to allow a respite as they slipped away from the whites of Olympus and returned to the darkness of the Underworld.
Chapter 31>>
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trainofcommand · 11 months
Thank you, @wonkyelk, for the tag :)
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
764 464.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now mostly SGA, but other fandoms I've written for in the last year or so include Firefly, SG1, The Old Guard, some tiny/non-existent fandom stuff (Echoes, Who is Erin Carter, etc), some original fiction. Various one-offs (Hot Fuzz, ST:PIC).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Perfect Bride (SGA)
A Uniquely Dangerous Opportunity (SGA/The Old Guard)
Season's Greetings (SGA)
How to Succeed at Corporate Sabotage in Five and a Half Easy Steps (SGA) [note - I love this title so much]
In the Wind (SGA/The Old Guard)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I dooooooo! I love comments, they make me so happy, so I want to make sure the commenter knows that. And sometimes there's a nice chat that happens too, so that's exciting!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
For SGA, it's Failsafe (still one of my favourite things I've ever written). For Firefly, I think it's Assessment, at least, based on the comments I got when I first posted it to...oh gosh, I think it was to a listserv and then the Firefly's Glow old archive. For SG1, it's Grey Skies, Ashen Ground (I also love this fic so much).
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I don't know. I do write a lot of pretty happy endings, and a lot of humour, so it's hard to say.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Generally, no. I do remember getting a bit of snark about a few things I've written over the years, but that was way back pre-LJ.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I dooooooooo. I think I write a fair amount of E-rated stuff (PWPs and otherwise). What kind - I guess mostly m/m. My most common smut-related tags are blow jobs, dubious consent, and getting together. So I guess I write a lot of dubious consent oral sex romance or something :')
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Sometimes! Craziest one is probably Travel Light (SGA/The Littlest Hobo) (we need more dogs in Stargate, okay??) (yes, this is a niche fic with a small audience, but it is deeply hilarious to me). Or maybe Village of the Y-arrrggg (Anna and the Apocalypse/Hot Fuzz). I love both of these fics so much.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I have no idea!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Heck yes, I have! Quite a bit over the years, and more recently a couple with @wonkyelk and four or five with @chaos-monkeyy. It is so fun!!!!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I tend to prefer characters over ships (I will ship that favourite character will alllllllll kinds of people), but probably if I had to pick, I'd say Jayne/Simon (Firefly), just because I think they're the most frequent ship I've written.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I don't know, really. I tend to forget about my WIPs and then find them again later and remember.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I write humour pretty well! And I think I'm pretty good at writing porn. Maybe. I don't know. I can and will make train puns (shock, gasp, surprise).
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I can't sustain long stories. Most of my stuff falls in the 2000-5000 range, and the longest thing I ever wrote was just shy of 10 000 words. I just don't have the capacity to write long stuff. Also, if I don't get most of a fic down in a sitting or two, I'm unlikely to ever finish it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'm pretty sure I've never done this. Can't say I have any profound thoughts on it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
This one is too hard. And whoops, it turns out I've already mentioned a bunch of stuff I like. I guess I also really like the way Pieces Tossed Aside (Firefly) worked out (I had to think about a few different things for that one), and also, Of winsome mood and disposition (SGA) (it made me laugh so much to write this).
no pressure tagging, if you're into it: @chaniis-atlantis, @cuillere, @cordeliaperry, @chaos-monkeyy, @colonelshepparrrrd, @dedkake, @sparrowsarus
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i will comment fully, but its possible that i over-medieval'd this whole fic so that even the workshed they were in was filled with wood and crates and period-accurate details haahha
in my vision it had the same atmosphere as the byers' shed where will was first taken, golden light through slatted wood, musty and woody etc. a great callback to the show (the famous painterly s4 shot of them in the sunbeams too!) and mike and will looked amazing with that low sunlight beaming through!
fav details: flouncy robe (was NOT expecting the extra layer of flounce - look up organza, chiffon or tulle fabrics for your costume as the mesh layer!), mike's feral snarl (the line about a lamb and a wolf?! 🥵) and also just the whole dynamic of the fantasy chat, how it was a combo of different movies and hollywood versions of period drama etc, plus erotic novels, camp, even 80s comedy they might have seen at the time? it was so a great mix it worked so well, so so creative and inspired. i smiled so much as i read and definitely laughed out loud a few times at will's sass and the way they were perceived by the party. and shot through with true emotion like the other couple at the fayre! it was so atmospheric. so good i'm really glad you wrote it and i hope you enjoyed it because i can feel the work that went in, a passion project for sure. you should be really proud!
🧙🔮 ✨
Awww thank you!! I do feel proud. It was certainly... a feat of endurance. But I did it! Yayy.
That's so cool you had visions shifting into a more thematic, medieval (oh my god I just spelled that right without spellcheck for the first ever?? woah. anyway) setting because we can imagine for Will and Mike, they also might have gotten lost in the fantasy at times, shifting between the reality and somewhere more fantastical - like when Will was in the parking lot and he daydreamed the cars were tents on the outskirts of a battlefield. I really love that take away because that's the vibe!!! Yess!!!
The flouncy robe!!! In the Stranger Things comics and Will's drawings of Will the Wise from early seasons, we see that character as an old man wizard, and I think in season 3 his drawings become more like himself in reality. So I loved crafting this vision that he experiments with a look for himself even further removed, still very mystical?? The little robe I just adored for him. And the dialogue!! Nothing fills me with more joy than readers getting what I was going for there and YES - you did get it. It's kind of frankensteined from multiple reference points because they're nerds, they're dorks, they're also so overcome with lust that while trying to maintain character it's all a mess. Influences from DnD which is just improv and a combination of lofty, over the top mimic of high fantasy and tongue in cheek realism. Mike pulling from erotica novels he's secretly read. All over the place. Glad it worked because the challenge was - what would two nerdy 18 year olds really talk like? It couldn't sound like a porno. But it couldn't sound Shakespearean. They needed to sound like... horned up nerds hahahahah. And I think I conveyed that.
Anyway, I love talking about this story. It rotated around in my brain for MONTHS and I genuinely feel accomplished. Even having published two little fics and soooo many posts on this blog - I feel like I've finally added something to the fandom I'm pleased with. Thank you for all the kindness!!!! 😁😁😁😁
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damnslippyplanet · 7 months
@leupagus requested, and her wish is my command. At least on a Monday morning when I'd rather be thinking about fic than my weekend email backlog. So:
List five of your least-popular fics, as well as when/why you wrote them.
the green place, Word of Honor modern AU, YeXie, 2021
This was a little string of YeXie Week ficlets based on word prompts. Friend Ritualist* and I had been batting around some ideas for a Plant Witch Xie'er fic in the DMs and I thought I'd use YeXie week to play around with the character voices/world a little and see how I liked writing those two. I had a lovely time writing it, but semi-connected short ficlets where the rimming is (just barely) off-screen are a hard sell. Also I left it marked incomplete for a long time thinking I might go back and finish out the week's prompts, so I'm sure it got passed over by the very wise people who don't read WIPs. No regrets, I like knowing Plant Witch Xier'er is out there even if he'll probably never really get written.
*babe, I'm blanking out and can only think of your pro author tumblr name and not your fandom one, if you're seeing this and wanna be linked, drop your fandom url in the comments and I'll link you up
The Desert Dreams of a River, Darkangel Trilogy, Aeriel/Irrylath, Erin/OFC, 2019.
Yuletide fic! With the hit count you expect for a Yuletide genfic based on one of your formative pieces of circa-1982 fiction about a girl trying to reform a vampire while they live on the terraformed moon. Written in a frantic haze just short of deadline, if I recall, as I'd started a different angle on it that didn't quite work. I'm not saying this story was just an excuse to get Erin a wife, but it was sort of that, since the prompt didn't really allow for Erin to wife Aeriel. (But she SHOULD HAVE. Let Aeriel Have A Husband And A Wife.) I loved these books so much. Unfortunately something must be really fucked with the licensing because only the third of the trilogy was available as an ebook at the time and that doesn't seem to have changed? Pick up a hard copy of the first book if you ever see one, though.
every word is nonsense, Only Friends, Ray&Sand, 2023
Another little tidbit of a fic as an exercise in character voice again and also how much I liked how much the show likes their smoking scenes. Look. I'm a person of a certain age who smoked like a chimney as a teenager and into my early twenties, and I can't help the programming that got into my bones about the inherent eroticism of sharing a cigarette. (lolsob, high five to my fellow Thai BL nerds, how are we all doing this week with the one-two- punch of the DFF shotgunning scene and the new 4 minutes teaser? it's fine, i'm fine.) I wrote this thinking that next I would write some RaySand smut and then didn't because the whirl of Thai BL fandom pulled me on to something else, but at some point I want to rewatch this show and may still write it then because it fed my FirstKhao shipper heart so well.
dizzy in your wake, Nirvana in Fire, Changsu/Jingyan, 2020?
I'm not the one who said "what if Mei Changsu were a were-octopus," that was a series of amazing twitter threads by @astronicht. But people just KEPT sending it to me because I am known to think octopus content is very cool and also to be a Mei Changsu Girlie, and eventually a couple of friends shook me until 600 words of ridiculousness came out. What surprises me is not that this one has few kudos, but that it has >10 kudos at all. I would say this is the most niche and silly thing I've written except I've also written MDZS/Jupiter Ascending fusion fic, so let's not pretend I have any dignity left. Written in 2020 but it didn't get posted until later because I don't usually post things this short. At some point I was in one of those "it's an ARCHIVE, we should put ALL THE THINGS THERE" moods and slapped a few NiF ficlets written for the group chat up there.
A Second Dose, Hannibal, Bev/Freddie, 2016
This was the thing where you write an odd little rarepair and it's so much fun you come back and do a sequel you hadn't meant to write. I'd written Bev/Freddie before and then when a Hannibal rarepair fest came around I was like, hey, what if I did that again. Possibly I just wanted to revisit the cat named after Rosalind Franklin that I'd made up for Bev.
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