timothyhasletartist · 2 years
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Farewell, "Coupeville Wharf: Bienvenue encore"! 🔴 Sold at Penn Cove Gallery today while I was the artist on duty, going to a fellow artist with a very discerning eye. (So very thrilled to have it in your home!) . Also had many delightful conversations with visitors, many from out of state. . Pictured also is my updated wall section. Thank you, Elizabeth, for bringing the new big painting over! . . . @penncovegallery @thevelveteenhippoproject #coupeville #whidbeyart #whidbeyisland #whidbey #coupevillewharf #hasletstudio #pnwartist https://www.instagram.com/p/CjmUN5QrOqv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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(via Coupeville Wharf - Whidbey Island - Penn Cove - Coupeville, Washington State)
Paul McFadden Photography
Always in Search of That Next Picture
FOLLOW:  paulmcfaddenphotography.com
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farmhouse1908 · 6 years
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"Love Letters to the Prairie" The photography of David Stern. Gallery opening and Summer Open Studio Tour. August 25-26. 10am-5pm. 46 S Ebey Rd Coupeville, WA. @documentwhidbey @whidbeyfarmshop_ben.and.edies @shermanspioneerfarmproduce #whidbeyworkingartiststour #summeropenstudios #whidbeyisland #thingstodo #photogallery #loveletters #coupevillewharf #gifts #printsforsale — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2L3PHXp
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timothyhasletartist · 3 years
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Late night tonight at the wharf! I'm so thrilled - at the last Paint Out two years ago, I had started a nocturne from this spot, but the colors muddied as the weather worsened halfway through the painting. I ended up finishing in my studio a month later ("Coupeville Starry Night"). Tonight's work has a luminous 3/4 moon. . A bonus tonight was the sound and sight of sea lions catching fish, swirling and splashing in the water right next to me. . . . #whidbeyislandartist #coupevillewharf #pnwas @pnwas #coupeville #nightpainting #nocturnepainting #landscapepainting #expressivepainting #expressionistlandscape #whidbey #whidbeyisland #hasletstudio https://www.instagram.com/p/CStP0uhLQkI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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timothyhasletartist · 3 years
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Painting today at the Coupeville Wharf... (and painting warms, even when not feeling them!) 🔥 . . . #whidbeyislandartist @pnwas #coupeville #coupevillewharf https://www.instagram.com/p/CSsAZIDh1H8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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timothyhasletartist · 3 years
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Sometimes, when a piece is finished and framed, you just need to hang it in your own house for awhile. 🙂 💙 . . . #whidbeyislandartist #Coupeville #coupevillewharf #harneyandsons #selfportrait #hasletstudio https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ32P66sC-f/?utm_medium=tumblr
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timothyhasletartist · 5 years
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I'm back! It's been a good and necessary break, but I'm thrilled to be painting again. Trying out some new paints: Gamblin Fastmatte oils. They mix well, and the solvent-free gel works great, too! Excited for a 24-hr drying time. . . . #penncove #coupeville #coupevillewharf #sunsetpainting #gamblin @gamblincolors #landscapepainting #pochadebox #whidbeyislandartist #whidbey #whidbeyisland #pnwart #pnwartist #hasletstudio https://www.instagram.com/p/B6wK4F2FSZn/?igshid=1cg2nerh50qi7
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timothyhasletartist · 5 years
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First layer finished for Dawn at the Wharf (another 30"×40") Keeping the blue theme in this one, with varying warms and cools and glowing lights. . . . #wip #expressivepainting #expressionistart #blues #coupeville #coupevillewharf #whidbeyisland #whidbeyislandartist https://www.instagram.com/p/B5gbr9tFsTL/?igshid=1dd67u24gy2u2
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timothyhasletartist · 5 years
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First layer complete from yesterday's demo. Thank you for wonderful conversations! Grateful to have been a part of Penn Cove Gallery through 1/25th of its existence! . . . #penncovegallery #coupeville #whidbeyisland #whidbey #artistlife #coupevillewharf #expressionistlandscape #landscapepainting #expressionistart #hasletstudio https://www.instagram.com/p/B4bCSIUFoh_/?igshid=1bglbm244az0b
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timothyhasletartist · 5 years
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A little Coupeville wharf study in my new pochade box! . . . #coupevillewharf #coupeville #pochadebox #whidbeyislandartist #whidbeyisland #whidbey #paintoutpractice https://www.instagram.com/p/B1HQNSVF5ro/?igshid=p52vhdxgeqgg
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timothyhasletartist · 5 years
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A view from the wharf this early morning, as I ventured out to the gallery to replace some sold work. What a place! . . . #penncovegallery #coupeville #coupevillewharf #whidbeyisland #whidbeyislandartist #whidbey https://www.instagram.com/p/B3A1MQJF1RH/?igshid=2zsni9vh0166
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timothyhasletartist · 5 years
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Messy studio shot time! Current progress on my latest Coupeville Wharf. I told more than a few people at the gallery on Friday a bit about my work process: keep brushes suspended in water, have a dedicated space for everything, work on more than one project at a time... all decisions with efficiency and accessibility in mind. . . . #whidbeyislandartist #coupevillewharf #coupeville #wip #worksinprogress #artistlifestyle #artistlife #artstudio #hasletstudio #whidbeyisland #whidbey #timothyhaslet https://www.instagram.com/p/BzFKwISlgq3/?igshid=fxs6hy3tsv62
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timothyhasletartist · 5 years
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Beautiful evenings this week in Coupeville! . . . #coupeville #coupevillewharf #whidbeyisland #whidbey #musselfest #inspirationalview https://www.instagram.com/timothyhasletartist/p/BuhxHRNgy_e/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1r0a1icps5dh3
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timothyhasletartist · 5 years
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As this month is closing up I have so very much to be thankful for! Membership with the Penn Cove Gallery has been going very well. Though it's been a slim month with my landscaping work, my family has been provided for with all our needs met. We were even given a substantial anonymous cash gift! So very timely. I am undone, and humbled - we are so blessed. This painting is a detail "alla prima" view of the Coupeville wharf. A bit different, color-wise, than some of my other works. I accidentally worked with a primary color theme! Let me know what you think, I'd be grateful. #whidbeyislandartist #whidbeyisland #coupeville #coupevillewharf #expressionistart #landscapeart #landscapepainting #contemporarypainting #contemporaryart #allaprima #hasletstudio #timothyhaslet https://www.instagram.com/p/BtPOCn-AlZq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hw01tn27otdl
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timothyhasletartist · 2 years
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Demo Day here at Penn Cove Gallery! ("Demonstration", rather than "demolition", just to be clear!) Comparing Coupeville Wharf paintings, painting a favorite bridge of mine, and showing a new hoodies prototype featuring my "Ala Spit Summer" painting. . . . @penncovegallery #whidbeyislandartist #coupeville #coupevillewharf #alaspit #demopainting #hasletstudio #whidbey #whidbeyisland #oakharbor #deceptionpass https://www.instagram.com/p/CdtSRDbps8v/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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timothyhasletartist · 2 years
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New wharf is complete! This painting was a family effort, with my wife working overtime to make sure I could concentrate on all the final details. Thank you, Elizabeth! . This painting measures 30"x40". Still working on a name... . . . #whidbeyislandartist #largepainting #landscapepainting #oilpainting #popartlandscape #coupeville #coupevillewharf #whidbeyart #whidbey #whidbeyisland #seascapepainting #hasletstudio @thevelveteenhippoproject https://www.instagram.com/p/CdkHjcvuPHl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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