#countryhumans hawaii
weirdestbooks · 22 days
Hawaii and the Celtic Nations (Wattpad | Ao3)
I love the Celtic Nations so much. And Hawaii doesn’t realize she is Ireland’s adopted daughter yet.
Hawaii was very excited for today. Ireland was finally going to introduce Hawaii to the other Celtic Nations, his family. He was very excited when he and one of his human children picked Hawaii up from the airport and spent the entire car ride talking about his family.
“Seanmháthair will spoil you rotten iníon. She loves kids and has been so excited to meet you ever since I told you about our…friendship.” Ireland said. 
“I’m so excited to meet all of the Celtic Nations. This will be an amazing week if they are as wonderful as you!” Hawaii said. Ireland smiled widely as he parked the car.
“I’m glad you’re excited,” he said as they exited the car. Ireland walked around the back of the house, revealing eight people, three of whom Hawii recognized.
Wales elbowed a girl with a black-and-white flag and whispered something to her, causing her to laugh. Isle of Man stood by her father, Scotland, and smiled and waved at Hawaii.
“Aloha,” Hawaii said, slightly nervous.
“I know you’ve met some of us, but my brother wants to reintroduce us so you know how we are related,” Scotland said. Hawaii nodded, and Ireland beamed before pointing out everyone.
“So, Hawaii, these are my fellow Celtic nations. These are my deartháreacha. You’ve met Alba or Scotland…And Tuaisceart Éireann, who you haven’t met. He’s Northern Ireland.” Ireland explained.
“Isn’t Northern Ireland your so—” Hawaii asked before being cut off by Ireland.
“That’s complicated and something I don’t want to talk about. Anyway, moving on, we have my iníon dearthár, Ellan Vannin, Isle of Man, whom you have met.”
“She has the best name for a woman,” Hawaii said, smiling. Isle of Man laughed.
“Indeed I do. Now, let your ayr finish talking.” She said. Ayr? What did that mean? Was it friend? It must be, as that’s what Ireland was to her. Hawaii was pulled out of her thoughts by Ireland continuing his introductions.
“That’s Breizh, Brittany. She is my deirfiúr. She is in France and is terrifyingly badass, just like you iníon. You’ll get along well. Next to her are our two adoptive siblings, the Hispanic-Celtics from Spain, Asturies, Asturias in English, and Galicia.” Ireland finished before turning to the last country, which had a black flag with a white plus.
“She’s my seanmháthair, Kernow. In reality, she’s only Breizh’s grandmother, but Seanmháthair has adopted all of us Celtics as her grandchildren—except Cymru, Wales, who is her nephew.” Ireland finished with a smile.
“Your family is complicated,” Hawaii commented, knowing her family wasn’t any better. Cornwall laughed. 
“Most countries have them. It makes things fun.” She said, laughing. She reminded Hawaii of many of her Polynesian relatives, short, old, and giving off those ‘I know a lot of shit, and I love kids' vibe.’ It's the same one Ireland gave off. Hawaii liked that.
“You say fun. I say annoying.” Brittany said. Cornwall smiled.
“Well, at least we can always count on Cymru, Tuaisceart Éireann, and Éire to make this family more complicated.” She said. All three of the countries blushed a dark red at that, Northern Ireland’s flag changing from the saltire Ireland once had to a white one with a blue plant on it.
Wales exclaimed something in Welsh, and Northern Ireland said something else in Irish. Ireland was silent, arms crossed and face burning. Cornwall laughed.
“Oh, you three are so easy to tease.” She said.
“Seanmháthair, why must you do this to me,” Ireland said.
“Because you love adopting people as your children,” Cornwall said, smiling in Hawaii’s direction. 
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” Hawaii asked. The Celtic Nations giggled, and Ireland turned an even deeper red.
“They are just being annoying little dicks.” Ireland said, shooting them a glare.
“Oh, come on Éire. It’s our job as your family!” Galicia said with a smile.
“Yeah, exactly! Why do you think I blackmail you so much?” Wales said, “It’s how I show my love for my family!”
“You are so annoying about that,” Brittany said.
“You’re just embarrassed that I know about that thing from 1390,” Wales said.
“And I still don’t know how you do!” Brittany said. Hawaii laughed.
“Uncle Wales, do you have any blackmail on me?” she asked, curious.
“Banana leaf.” He said. Hawaii paled, and Wales smiled that same fanged grin he had during Paulet. Hawaii noticed the other Celtic Nations looked shocked, but a happy kind of shocked, and Northern Ireland whispered something in Irish to Ireland.
“Why don’t we head inside?” Scotland suggested, “Before the rain starts.”
“I agree. Hawaii, I’ve set up a room in my house for you. The other Celtics will stay in a hotel during the trip,” Ireland said. Hawaii smiled. Ireland was always the most thoughtful person when it came to guests.
“Thank you, Uncle Ireland,” Hawaii said. Isle of Man slapped a hand to her forehead.
“Éire, you didn’t say she was as dense as you!” Asturias grinned. Ireland groaned again.
“What? What's the matter?” Hawaii asked. Ireland wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
“It’s nothing. They are just trying to make fun of me. You might get some heat for that,” Ireland said. Hawaii nodded.
“That’s alright.” Hawaii said, leaning into the hug, “It’s nice to see another family that loves each other.”
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novadraem · 28 days
One time where I made fanart for a one-shot I really liked
So if anyone remembers when I talked about how I joined the Countryhumans fandom and the tags on that post, I said that I drew fanart of one of the scenes of a one-shot I liked.
That one-shot I made fanart of was called “Hawaii and the Celtic Nations” which was written by Weirdestarrow. I don’t know why I drew fanart, I could’ve actually just commented on the one-shot but I just thought at the time “what if I drew fanart to show my love for this one-shot” and so me at the time did exactly that!
Which I never even posted the fanart ever and I unfortunately don’t have it anymore because I deleted it (as I didn’t like the way I drew it and I didn’t like my art style at the time either)
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thebunnylord · 3 months
List of things that were supposed to happen in my scrapped countryhumans talent show fanfic
-Hawaii does an Elvis impersonation and performs blue suede shoes
-Hungary spends the entire show trying to solve a Rubik’s cube. When his five minutes on stage ended, they just moved him off to the side so he can continue. He doesn’t solve it
-Poland and Vatican’s talent was performing Exorcisms, and brought a possessed woman on stage to exorcise, but got kicked off immediately by UN. So they begrudgingly decided to perform their exorcism in the boys bathroom, which got stopped halfway through by both UN and ASEAN who understandably did not want a demon running around on the Asian country’s section of the building. Oh yeah, in my ch AU, Poland was a priest and was trained in demonology by Vatican and is certified to perform exorcisms.
-Northern Ireland and England dressed as their secret drag queen personas, along with Wales who dressed in her drag king persona, and they all “danced” (it was mostly them doing uncoordinated dance moves like the worm, the running man, and the epileptic octopus.) to Scotland’s bagpipe playing. And then they all jumped onto each other’s shoulders and fell over.
-Serbia’s performance of a Diss song that she composed that mostly made up of her playing an accordion and dissing all of the countries that have wronged her, or she hates, both past and present. The big finale was when she started insulting Ottoman empire and calling him names, when both Turkey and Ottoman Empire jumped up and chased her around the auditorium while she continued to hurl insults at them, both EU and UN had to chase after the trio to get them to stop.
- a few of the African countries put on “Africa” by Toto.
-America’s western states do a crummy half hearted line dance to “finally Friday”, the northern states perform “Blame Canada”, and New York performs a Broadway number (unfortunately… his song of choice was “springtime for Hitler”) they were all supposed to do a group number, but split due to creative differences.
-Mexico played a quiet folk song on his guitar which was well received.
-Austria played a classical piano piece with Germany as the page turner, Germany fumbles with the pages causing the pages to fall onto the floor, Austria playing the same measure over and over in a panic as Germany struggled to collect all of the pages before giving up, and running off stage in embarrassment.
-France and a few of her states perform “do you hear the people sing?” While Normandy performs “bring him home”
-Austria-Hungary with help from German empire performs a classical music piece, but then gets interrupted by someone’s phone.
-Italy sings a song and then ends it with a sudden cart wheel.
-India, Brazil, Kenya, and Australia bring a VERY VERY DANGEROUS AND HIGHLY VENOMOUS BLACK MAMBA ON STAGE to demonstrate their venomous snake handling skills, they tried to get someone to come on stage to HOLD THE SNAKE. But that got nixed real quickly.
-Mauritius does a dance with his cloned dodo bird, Captain Lewis, which then walked off stage and fell into the audience.
-Britain gets introduced on stage as “performing a nice number by Bach”, he has his suit on, a top hat, and everyone thinks, “oh, he’s going to play the number on his violin”. Nope, he lowers his tie, tucks his pants inside his big, tall, platform boots, and unbuttons his collar to reveal the spiked collar underneath, and whips out his old electric guitar and plays friggin’ toccata and fugue in D minor like a legend.
- Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, and Estonia try to do a Black Death metal performance with their band, “Estonia and the Nordics”. It was just them screaming, banging on their instruments, and smashing their guitars while Estonia, the lead singer, gets a bout of anxiety and stands awkwardly on the stage looking at her feet unable to sing.
-Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and China tried to perform the dance of the little swans (Russia’s idea, no one else wanted to) but only Russia practiced and China was a last minute edition as Kazakhstan quit that day, and not even one second into the music, the whole thing dissolved into a massive fight and Belarus running offstage to go snitch to Soviet Union.
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weirdestarrow · 2 years
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Hawaii! Who I see as being buff.
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musicgirl656 · 2 years
All countryhumans 3
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I know -w- I know Hawaii is a state but still make it a country human 7w7
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insectplane · 2 years
New drawing of hawaii in statehumans
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First post here, this time, hawaii
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small-foxy · 4 years
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sorry I haven't posted anything for so long, and I've accumulated a lot of art...
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cafesito-64 · 4 years
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Hawaii es mi diosa y religión ✨💕
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We have Texas, Hawaii, Tired Dad, Philippines, Alaska and Florida. More stuff to come and you knownthe drill.
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weirdestbooks · 2 months
The Faceless People You Have Yet to Meet (Wattpad | Ao3)
TW for ableist language and a character thinking a DID system is insane. For the wonderful @aloha-from-angel
It had been hard talking to America since her annexation. It was tense and awkward, and America’s moods only made it worse. Sometimes, he was unapologetic about taking her freedom, insisting that it was necessary, while other times, he was apologetic, acting like it wasn’t his fault like he was some observer who had nothing to do with anything!
It made Hawaiʻi nervous. She never knew what mood he would be in, and trying to guess his mood now was so much more nerve-wracking as a colony than as a kingdom.
It reminded her a little of living with Britain all those years ago when she was never quite sure if something she said was going to set off his temper.
Hawaiʻi hated it.
Thankfully, America seemed to be in a good mood today, and while Hawaiʻi didn't want to be talking to him, their conversation had yet to dissolve into screaming or an argument.
“So…how have you been, Wai?” America asked, his tone holding a note of hesitation and awkwardness, made all the more worse by the fact that he was actually pronouncing the nickname he gave her so long ago correctly. A strange mix of hurt and grief burned in Hawaiʻi’s chest before she pushed it away, swallowing back the tears that threatened to emerge as she tried to figure out how she would answer that question.
Hawaiʻi was thankfully saved from answering by a state walking through the door. While Hawaiʻi had a very hard time telling states apart from each other, this one she did recognize as being Georgia.
“Hello D—Caleb, is that you?” Georgia asked. America nodded, and Hawaiʻi took a nervous step back.
“Am I allowed to hear his new human name?” she asked, not wanting to do anything to make her time in this household more miserable. She didn’t want to give the states more reasons to hate her or harass her about feigned crimes against their father. 
Although it was strange that Georgia called her father by his human name, Hawaiʻi wondered if they had perhaps fought recently.
“Oh, Meri, I thought you and James were taking care of telling all the new people,” America said, sounding very annoyed. Who were Meri and James? Tell them what?
Georgia snorted, “You’re just unlucky. I think they meant to, but they’ve probably just been looking for a good time.”
“What are you talking about?” Hawaiʻi asked, feeling hopelessly confused. America grinned something that looked so out of place on his face that it took Hawaiʻi aback.
“You know those ‘moods’ of mine that you’ve noticed? How it can sometimes seem like I’m different people? I walk differently, talk differently, have different tastes, etcetera, etcetera.”
“That’s because we are! All those moods, they aren’t moods. That’s what it looks like when different people share the same body, but all have to pretend to be America in public because otherwise, we’ll get thrown into an asylum. My name is Caleb. I’m not Meri, America; Caleb is not America’s human name. I’m my own person in every way, aside from the body. I’m not America; I’m Caleb.” America’s eyes glistened as if he was holding back tears, with a worried look on his face.
Hawaiʻi stood there in shock, unsure of what to say or how to react. It made sense, of course, it did. Hawaiʻi had commented before on how America’s moods made him seem like different people, but could that really be the case? What if America was just mad?
It didn’t matter if it made sense. Nobody had multiple people in their head. 
America had actually gone mad.
“Many of the territories used to exist in Dad’s body. I did before I became an official state, back when I was a colony. I…we don’t know for sure why it’s happened, but we think it’s a weird country thing. But..Caleb—Dad’s not mad. He’s fine, just sharing his body.” Georgia added.
America had gotten his children wrapped up in his madness? Or was Georgia just pretending to believe in the delusions because she was scared of her father?
“I know you think you know we’re mad. America did at first, and so did Florida, Ana, and all of them. But…they came around. We hope you will, too.” America said. Hawaiʻi nodded.
“Okay…may I leave now?” she asked, careful to keep her voice polite so as not to anger the madman in front of her. 
“Of course you can. Meri won’t say it, but this is your home now, too. You can come and go as you please.” America said, a soft smile on his face but worry in his eyes.
He didn’t look mad. He looked normal.
That was more terrifying than anything. Why couldn’t he look mad? Why couldn’t he just look like the terrible person he was? Why did he have to be so painfully normal?
Hawaiʻi nodded and stepped away, walking to her room as she tried to process everything. 
America was mad. That much was clear. He was convinced that he had multiple people in his head who could speak to him and control his body. Or he was convinced he was multiple people. Either way, it was scary. Hawaiʻi briefly considered the idea that America could be possessed by some sort of demon but quickly put aside that thought. 
Countryhumans were supposed to be holy. So America couldn’t be possessed.
He was just mad. 
Hawaiʻi had said before that living with Britain could be enough to drive a man mad, but she wasn’t truly serious when she said that. But was Britain the one to drive America mad, or was he mad from the beginning? 
Hawaiʻi didn't know how to feel.
How could she not have seen this before? So what if this explanation made sense? So what if she had commented before that sometimes America’s moods—America’s madness—made him act like different people? 
You couldn’t just have multiple people in the same body, even if it was just a country thing. 
That’s not how it worked. That’s not how any of it worked.
America had to be mad. 
It was the only thing that made sense.
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zoetheflower006 · 2 years
Usin viviendo la vida loca~ 🍹🌺
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Extra: Usa ama mucho a su hija Hawai la protege 🌺
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sane-human · 2 years
Not an "Ask the 500's", but I absolutely love your designs of all of them, especially Arkansas.
Do you got any designs for any other states, like Hawaii or Delaware?
Thank you! And sorry I took a while , I am behind answering questions because I take a lot to do research and have ideas Q Q AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
Anyway here is Hawaii!
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I went almost insane on getting the tripes right from the 19th century flag to the current one :D (Also the fact that they have the UK flag because they liked them is so cute )
They have Hawaiian Monk Seal traits cause that’s the State animal!
They also have a lot of different people inside of them so I decided to give them darker eyes!
The little rainbow is there cause I was listening “somewhere over the rainbow“ on loop XD
Here is Delaware!
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I learned that there were the Lenape people / Lenni Lenape in that area before!
They have Gray Fox traits cause that’s the state animal of Delaware! And I read that its a Domestic Tax Heaven , so I see them as very economic driven or something like that!
Also they were the first state to ratify the constitution!
I would like to give each state a number of when they joined the other states somewhere on their outfit , but for the first thirteen colonies I was thinking of having it tatooed or on their body or something like that to differentiate!
Anyways that’s how I see them , have a nice day !
(sorry if I messed something up)
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Hey Lika, you okay? Damn these Anons. -Hawaii
“I’m fine. It’s not like they are saying things that aren’t true.” America said, frantically wiping away his tears
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Had the urge to draw other people's interpretations of states and countries. So here we are-
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Hawaii: @the50thkid
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America: @ameridad-is-the-best
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weirdestarrow · 3 years
Hawaii is not America’s kid.
America is confused on how to deal with Hawaii and the possibility of Hawaii being independent. Even if he and Hawaii are on relatively good terms, the illegal annexation of Hawaii is still a gap between them that pushes them apart. I also see America (in modern times, not during the annexation and the time period around that) being regretful and wanting to change it, but like I said, not really having any idea how to change things for Hawaii. Especially when it comes to the other states and the issue of leaving. America doesn’t like the thought of letting a state leave, especially because of all the pain caused by the Civil War, but he also knows that annexing Hawaii was illegal and that he should let her leave.
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