#country branch au
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rocksibblingsau · 9 months ago
omg me just realizing that with a different branch there would be someone new in rhonda and someone new during the fight scene to watch branch's brothers admit they plan on abandoning branch (again) i don't imagine that it would go well in any au but if there was barb, delta, or even prince D omg i really wanna get your take one how they would react to the jd with jd being like "you didn't thing we would stick together roasting mashmellows did you?" or something like that. i understand you probably can't do barb's reaction but could you still do the rest?
I cannot share Barb or [Redacted] or [Redacted]'s reactions but allow me to share some others.
Country AU: Delta Dawn - They should be very afraid in this moment. The only reason they were not obliterated on sight is because Branch was upset and that is more important than making a set of BroZone shaped rugs for the homestead.
Techno AU: Trollex - He was similarly shocked like Branch. His face falls and he and Branch both say 'What?' He cannot comprehend the fact they have 0 interest in reconnecting with Branch. Family is one of the cornerstones of Techno culture. Peace Love Unity Respect were NOT found in that bus.
Classical AU: Dante - He's not surprised, but he is disappointed. Dante has a brother, one he would cross blazing infernos and frigid tundras for. So to not even want to spend five minutes together past the threat of death is... baffling.
Funk AU: Prince D - He's so disappointed and angry on Branch's behalf. His parents did everything they could to find his brother, and did what they could in his best interest. But to just leave Branch again for no reason other than they didn't care? And to mock him for hoping otherwise? Cold blooded.
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deltamune · 4 months ago
POV: Your eldest brother tracks you down after 20 years but you’re still mad at him
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Some fun facts about my Country Branch AU just because
-Branch left Pop Village as a child because something was calling him
-Almost died in the desert but was found by Delta and her mom, who raised him
-Delta’s little brother
-The pouch he carries holds Floyd’s vest (Doesn’t wear it out of fear of ruining it but keeps it on him 24/7)
-He has the southern accent
-He views Lonesome Flats as his home and Delta as his family, but things get a bit complicated once his brothers come back
-The bandana he wears used to be Delta’s
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thatoneuserwho · 1 year ago
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Country Troll Branch AU!
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isabel3710 · 10 months ago
Country Branch really said: "born to not give a shit, forced to care and protect my community"
He's compromising by just following them around, he'll snitch on Hickory when the fake accent stops being funny (Dickory being forced to stay in the back for longer is an added bonus)
Oh I can definitely see that!
Hickory: *doing his stare down with Chaz* I don't like smooth-
Branch: *bursts out laughing*
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j-ad1 · 8 months ago
im kinda delusional typing this so take it with a grain of salt but seeing a bunch of branch au where he change's genre or the family he lives with reminds me of eevee and all it's evolutions. you got branch's water type, techno. his fire type country, electric type would maybe be rock au. idk ill probably fix this of delete this later.
i was planning to get up to date on @rocksibblingsau 's blogs tonight but it's 3am and i got not energy left. im sorry rocksibs ull have to wait for my witty banter another day. theres so much of ur ideas i plan on binging. if you have any thoughts on how ud sort the branch eevees i think itd be fun.
or anyone if they have any ideas to share on this that'd be great too. peace out for now imma pass out!
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ibe-ok · 10 months ago
@isabel3710 @rocksibblingsau
Kelly Clarkson did a cover of Better Place. It’s over for Kismet 😭🙏🏽
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nioumin-draw · 1 year ago
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For @crunchycoookies and her adorable AU branch the country/pop trolls
I love Gary goat 🐐 sm 😭❤️🤣🤣 he so dumb and then cute
A sketch of Branch riding a adorabull with Holly Darlin' running next to him
And Branch and poppy reunion during TWT
When poppy and biggie singing and dancing at landsome flat
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bersqunk · 8 months ago
Soul Eater Not AU~ part 7
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Delta and JD were once an unstoppable Duo, well before things got complicated...
Now JD likes to poke at there Glory Days while Delta prefers not reminisce in the past and contrary to those days Delta's patient has really thinned to the point that she's not putting up with JD "nonsense"
(of course Clay and Floyd would totally make bets grandma taught them well😎)
To be continued...
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tantei-chan01 · 1 year ago
Animals Continued
Once the World Tour is taken care of, with the rock trolls agreeing to help with the damages, the rest of the tribes return to their respective territories. There's just one issue, the wild life have gotten bolder.
Since the attack, many of their defenses have been destroyed, causing the local wildlife to get closer to the residents. There haven't been any attacks, but it does make the citizens nervous.
Techno trolls have sharks, eels, and large squid that are their natural predators. It's also the time of year for the giant mana ray migration, so they need to figure out a way to redirect them without their tech.
The Classical trolls have large preditory birds to worry about, and they're having trouble getting their eighth goats under control.
The Country trolls have many poisoness animals in the desert. Their cattle have been scared off so many times that they won't get close to the town.
The Funk trolls have to stay grounded until repairs are done on the ship, since they haven't been on the ground for so long, they're not quite sure how to deal with many of the creatures.
The Rock trolls also have a problem, with so many of the citizens in different territories to help with repairs. They've neglected their own issues with the lava crocs and boulder buzzards.
When Poppy learns of this, she sends in the one troll who can help them.
Enter Branch.
At first, Branch was a little apprehensive to leave the village, they still have some repairs to do, and it's mating season for the puffalo. The Snack Pack tell him that they can handle the reconstruction and Milton can help with the puffalo. So he packs up his bags and starts heading toward the other tribes.
Branch spends a month in each tribe to do his job. He tackles the predators first, spending two weeks studying their habits and memorizing their sounds. Once he finds a pattern in the communication or an exploitable weakness, he makes a strategy and collaborates with the other trolls on how to best go through it. Some animals he was able to convince to move areas, others he had no choice but use force.
Once the predators are taken care of, he gets to the domestic animals. Like before, he memorizes the habits and sounds. Once he has a form of communication going, he'll ask them what they need. He then relays the message to the trolls, and they start making accommodations.
The other tribes notice how their pets and livestock seem much calmer around the once gray troll. Even the more temperamental of their creature become putty in his hands. Many have called him the 'Animal Whisperer', and the more romantic types call him an Angel.
To say thanks for helping them, each tribe gives him an animal.
Techno gave him a Low beat Turtle, similar to Suki's bugs, the have a turntable on their back. They can move on land and can create a low vibration sound that has a calming effect.
Classical gave him three eighth goats as they do better in a herd than by themselves. Their wool is fluffy and warm, making incredible blankets, pillows, and sweaters. They also have a melodious bleat.
Country gave him a dairy Bluegrass Buffalo, they're a sandy blue color cow. They make a delicious and nutritious milk and are very gentle.
Funk gave him a snug-a-lug since Branch can talk to them. He can figure out how to hug it without multiplying. And yes, Branch can make that cute little warble it does.
Rock gave him a Lava Snake, they vary in color from dark red to an ashy gray. Their hide is very tough while their underbelly is quite soft. They can withstand extremely high temperatures, and their skin can be melted to create many things once they shed. The young one likes to sleep in the fireplace.
The animals in Pop village take them under their tutelage to become Branch's bodyguards, unbeknownst to him.
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xxnomadsxx · 1 year ago
So how would the tribes and their leaders react to the grey trolls?
Pacifically Delta Dawn,Queen Essence and King Quincy and Queen Barb.
I read from one of your posts that the grey country trolls were grey because they liked other music genres and were considered criminals resulting them getting kicked out of their home and if I'm not mistaken a few were kids?
How would they react to seeing Delta Dawn since she is mostly likely the one who made the decision.
The (some) funk trolls were researchers that were left behind so how will they feel when they meet Queen Essence and King Quincy,and how will those two react knowing how they became grey.
And how will Queen Barb react to the reasons the rock trolls left and became grey especially since one of them was deaf.
Pop: The Pop trolls try to welcome back the grey trolls with open arms. (They are so happy by the discovery of them Because friendship) Who for some reason aren’t to excited to come back? I wonder why.. (The grey trolls are way to scared of what the pop tribe is like they basically took a break from being “happy”like the others and now see how messed up everything is) The Pop tribe is determined to bring there colors back no matter what (I’m talking loud obnoxious parties, activity after activity, loooooonnnngg hugs that last for days, being braided to another troll who is supposed to be your fun buddy) but after a long time (and tons of reflection) they realize how messed up it all seemed. So they took it slow and let them just get accustomed to everything, a party or two a week and not a lot of loud noises (plus no more tying people together) gradually overtime the grey pop trolls are able to be in the village and not feel overwhelmed (a looooot of insecurity about being grey though)
Techno: Trollex welcomes all the Techno trolls who were lost, left or born in the grey tribe. (He was initially shocked but quickly relieved to find the missing trolls who have been gone for years!! Plus the new editions) He tries to help them as much as he can, ie fixing torn flippers, setting up a new foster system for future trollings, making sure to know who is here or missing every week, overall just trying to help with what he can to make them more comfortable (He didn’t do much wrong with the grey Techno trolls as some of the other tribes besides a few getting separated from the group by currents and no one noticing) but he tries to right whatever wrong there is…..and throw a few raves in their honor he is still a troll he will party. The grey Techno trolls greatly appreciate it and get along well with the other Techno trolls.
Funk: The absolute guilt the royal family has is insane!!! Not only did they leave behind a group of researchers, but they are the ones who asked for them TO BE THERE!!(they did go back and look for them but found nothing) they try to make amends and do whatever to help the trolls, the fact the trolls were grey because of them almost put them in an early grave. They start figuring out ways so that this situation would never happen again (I feel like trackers would be their best option) the grey Funk researchers are a little angry at the royal fam (I mean they left them so it’s a valid response) but they do forgive them on account of why they left (I’m going to say bird attack that forced them to get out of there quickly) and the fact they went back for them🥹 (the fam still does whatever to help like, making therapy a way bigger thing on the ship for others ) they also help the other grey funk trolls get accustomed to the ship and being around more trolls.
Classical: Trollzart would immediately put into action more ways for Symphony Ville to be more accessible for trolls who can’t fly, while also putting in ways for the classical trolls to get around more (I imagine they use walking cane or some form of wheelchairs to get around because like they have the bodies of literal BABIES?!?! Can they even walk on their own?!?) As for the other grey trolls they try to get accustomed to them, maybe put on performances where they show their sorrow and anguish, but also try their best to help them however they can.
Country: Oh boy… Delta is absolutely mortified by her actions. Not only did she kick out a couple of trolls from the flats (sooo much guilt) but they had kids while they were out there, kids who had to survive in the forest for years !!!( I hc that she absolutely loves kids!!) she tried her best to make what she did right (she’s been feeling guilty about it for years) the banished country trolls themselves hold a lot of resentment towards her. I mean who wouldn’t for what she did to them, but after months of holding the grudge and resentment and many many constant apologies and acts of kindness they eventually forgive Delta (there is still awkward tension between the three but they try to put it aside) Delta does absolutely whatever to fawn and show the kids love and kindness since she feels guilty about her being the reason they were grey to begin with. She also helps the other grey country trolls who either went too far away from the flats or got dragged away by predators and got lost cause of it. She tries her best to make amends for all the country trolls and their young. Now she tries to keep track of her people more and has grown a tolerance to all music. The grey trolls greatly appreciate all she does for them and their kids now. (I know I made Delta look like a bad person but this was in the past and to be fair she did lock up Poppy and Branch when she first met them sooooo… I do really love Delta though)
Rock: Barb was angered by the fact some of her people were in the forest surviving for years and grey!??!!! (She seems to be really insecure about being a leader this issue does not help her) she places a lot of guilt on herself because of this and does WHATEVER it takes to make things right!! So she implements a lot of mental health things (more therapy, rage rooms concerts about mental health) anything to bring awareness and to help. For the one deaf rock troll they go immediately to the funk trolls and soon enough hearing aids were made for the little rocker (by the way the deaf troll is like 8, i thought it would make it more angsty that a child left because they felt out of place.. and I was right!!! it makes it sooo much worse) Barb and the rock trolls basically bend over backwards to help their fellow rockers. The grey rockers greatly appreciate what has been done for them and how they got used to their survivalist antics.
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rocksibblingsau · 10 months ago
If your various Brach adopted AUs was taken by Velvet and Venner instead of Floyd, how would his adopted family react?
Rock Branch: Thrash is unfortunately a bit too mentally unwell to process it, but Barb is pissed. Actually, pretty much anyone in Rock City feels that way. Billy, Val, Demo, Petra, Riff, Sid Fret. The entire city is willing to storm Mount Rageous to save their prince.
Classical Branch: Trollzart is terrified for his son's safety. World Tour showed he had a lot of bravery and confidence, but it was shattered a bit by their lack of success. I think he'd request aid from the other tribes.
Country Branch: Also a bit of a 'rally the troops' situation. Hell hath no fury like a mother whose son is in a diamond prison. She'd also give the twins the talking to of a life time.
Funk Branch: Essence and Quincy are scared of losing a son again, and D of losing a brother again. The sisters have probably begun working on a 'Diamond Prison Bottle Opener' device, while Lownote is sure he left his 'Diamond-cutting buzz saw' around here SOMEWHERE.
Techno Branch: Trollex and Synth are already leaving to go get him. The second they found out they were out the door. Trollex is worried a fair amount, meanwhile Synth sort of expects them to fix this the Techno way and befriend Velvet and Veneer. When he realizes the stakes however he freaks out. Sobbing in front of the diamond bottle while Branch is trying to comfort him.
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deltamune · 4 months ago
Y’all ever just—
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*Lore set-up*
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isabel3710 · 1 month ago
Update on the Country Branch fic
I'm still working on the next chapter but I thought I would give you guys a sneak peek!
Branch walked into the kitchen, still yawning and rubbing sleep in his eyes. Last night he had helped another person in town and didn’t get as much sleep as he probably should, not that he minded. 
He was suddenly pulled from his tired stupor when he noticed that Delta Dawn had already started cooking. He stopped in his tracks, standing in the doorway, and for a moment felt the painful feeling of hurt and betrayal rise in his chest, the two of them always cooked breakfast together. Why was she doing it without him?
The hurt slowly faded into confusion as Branch noticed that his foster mother wasn’t making typical breakfast. Why was Delta Dawn making a casserole? And was that bread dough?
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j-ad1 · 2 days ago
fluffbruary day 26: flowers
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andystweets · 2 months ago
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the girlz :3
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glitterp0prhaps0dy · 1 year ago
possible au?
im really tempted to make an au that shows what each member of brozone did during those 20 years apart: like floyd could been living with the rock trolls
and like how bruce and brandy met and fell in love
or what clays life was like with the putt putt trolls
and john dory? maybe something REAL angsty
is anyone intrested in this idea? is it something you guys would want to see?
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