#couldnt do the broken up verses very well. so that will be something to do for tomorrow i think. because. owwwwieeee
vanweezer · 1 year
the thing they dont tell you about instrument playing is that. it will hurt you
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yourdeepestfathoms · 4 years
Disarming Voice
One of, like, three gifts for @the10amongstthese3s because I love them so much and they mean a lot to me and I just 💚💘💙💖💚💖💚💘💙💘💚 I was supposed to wait for their birthday in June but they were sad earlier today and so I gathered the remains of the Adderall in my system and wrote this bad boy
I love you, Duckie!!!!!
also: i couldnt think of a title so i frantically searched up Pokemon moves and now this will be the second fanfic with a title that is a move from Pokemon (the first is Quiver Dance)
Word count: 3175
TW: Blood
Haus of Holbein concluded with kaleidoscope of strobe lights and cacophony of giggles from the eager audience. They watched as the queens pranced over the risers and staircase for the next bit, unbeknownst to a small pop in the back that was deaf to even the Tudor ladies themselves. They just went on with their performance like they always did.
“It’s time for you to choose your bride, your highness!” Aragon declared in her high pitched, Welsh-tinged voice, and that was enough to pop a metaphorical balloon that cut Howard off from saying her next line.
Okay, well, it wasn’t really the metaphorical balloon popping that halted the show, but the sharp cry of pain that came from the upper right.
Joan was hunched over her keyboard, rocking back and forth slight and clutching at one side of her head. The sound of her soft whimpers and keens resonated in the earpieces each of the queen’s wore.
“Joan, what are you doing?” Anne hissed softly. She can hear the audience starting to murmur in confusion behind her.
“Stop the show,” Joan croaked weakly.
“What? We can’t-”
“Please!” Joan cried, her voice cracking. Her head snapped up and the spotlights caught on some kind of fluid running down the side of her face. Anne makes a sickened look and backed away, thinking that it may be blood. Aragon gave her an exasperated expression—how could a woman be afraid of the sight of blood? Or did Anne just pass out every time she had her period?
The golden queen’s internal nitpicking came to an abrupt halt when the director suddenly came on the speakers and announced a momentary intermission. A few people in the audience grumble in annoyance, while others groan, and the majority whispered even louder. A couple of stagehands are leering at Joan from the wings.
“What is going on?” The director suddenly stormed onstage, looking frazzled and aloof at the interruption. He was probably already imagining all the negative reviews and the money they’ll lose from people not wanting to come anymore, which definitely would not happen with how popular the show was. “Why did we stop? Joan, what did you do?”
“My-my ear—” Joan choked out. She’s rocking herself more prominently, as if she thought the movement would comfort her, but it clearly wasn’t working the magic she thought it would.
“You made us stop the show for an EARACHE?” The director barked.
“Hey, get off her ass.” Aragon growled, puffing out her chest to the obnoxious man and gathering herself up to her full size—which was easier taller than the director. And if she didn’t beat him in height, then her muscles and abs surely did, and she made sure to make that known to him.
“N-no, it’s—” Joan winced. “I-it’s—” She was stuttering too much for anyone to understand what she was saying, although nobody was really surprised. It was a habit of hers.
“Woah,” Maggie suddenly piped up. “What’s that on your face?”
Someone called for the main lights to be turned on, and the white-yellow fluid coating one side of Joan’s head is revealed. It was mixing with trails of red—blood. Anne stepped back dizzily and Aragon shot her a ‘get over it’ look over her shoulder before returning her full attention to the injured music director.
She could see that the fluids seemed to be coming from her ear and were dripping all the way down her jawline and onto her chest and shoulders. The droplets disappear against the dark material of her band uniform.
“Ew,” Jane wrinkled her nose and Joan looked dismayed at her reaction, then embarrassment. Pink did not go well with whatever color that liquid was supposed to be.
“What happened?” Cleves asked, incredibly curious. She was looking at the residue as if it were liquid gemstones.
“I-I had an—ear infection.” Joan explained, and each of her words are punctuated with a wince or whimper. “I took—pain killers, but—” She made a miserable, pained sound and clenched tighter.
“Your eardrum might have burst.” Cathy said bluntly.
Joan went very pale, and the fluids suddenly look a lot darker. Or maybe that was just because of the increased sputtering of blood that’s coming out.
Slowly, so slowly, she pulled her hand back, and they all saw the drooling maw that was her left ear. The interior was completely coated in a thick amalgam of water, blood, and something that looked like pus, and the hole seemed to be clogged by the same concoction, although that looked a lot more /red/. It was weeping the foul-smelling liquid; Anne gagged loudly, but Aragon didn’t know if it was because of the sight, the smell, or both.
“Yikes,” Maggie winced. “That looks painful.” At her side, Howard tentatively touched her ear, as if she thought that her eardrum may randomly burst and put her through the same pain the music director was very obviously feeling.
“What do we do?” Aragon asked, waving her head around to everyone.
“Well, if I remember correctly,” Cathy said in her infamous know-it-all voice, “burst eardrums usually heal on their own.”
There was a collective sigh of relief—and then Cathy started talking again.
“However, sometimes surgery is needed. I’ve heard of cauterizing being used as a form of treatment, too.”
Miraculously, Joan’s face managed to get even whiter. If Cathy noticed, she doesn’t relent with her fact-stating.
“And hearing loss is sometimes possible. Which, when working in show biz, doesn’t seem to be a very good th-”
“Thank you, Cathy!” Aragon said loudly, batting her goddaughter away. She set a hand on Joan’s shoulder and her heart broke a little when she felt the girl trembling. Ice blue eyes stare up at her in fear.
“I-I don’t want t-to get my ear cauterized.” Joan stammered. “O-or go deaf!”
“You won’t, honey,” Aragon assured her. I hope. “I’ll take you to the doctor’s.”
“What?” The director squawked. “You can’t leave!” He wheeled around to Joan, bug-eyed and desperate. “You can still perform, can’t you?”
“My EAR is LEAKING!” Joan cried, holding out her pus-soaked hand to the man, who reared away in disgust. Anne gagged again from somewhere further away and Howard begrudgingly leaves the commotion to go comfort her soon-to-be-ill cousin.
Aragon raised her eyebrows with a pleased smile. She didn’t often hear Joan snap at people, but she was always very impressed when she was around for it. It just proved there were thorns under that shell she’s always hiding in.
“Can you walk?” Aragon said softly, then wanted to slap her. She was on the side with the injured ear—Joan probably could barely hear from that side.
“Yeah.” Joan still said, making out the queen’s words. She wobbled to her feet, and although it was her ear that was the part that hurt, her legs were still hindered by the waves of pain and discomfort washing over her.
“Ow,” She whispered, wincing.
“Come on, darling.” Aragon said to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “I won’t let you fall.”
“What about the show?” The director warbled woefully.
“The swings are here, aren’t they?” Aragon said dismissively. “Get one of them to do it!”
There’s a reply, but Aragon was already leading Joan off of the stage, through the wings, and out the back door to the staff parking lot.
“What did it feel like?” Aragon asked as she was driving to the hospital. She glanced at the shuddering form of Joan in the passenger seat. “If you don’t mind me asking.”
“Um,” Joan looked a little uncomfortable. “Sorta like a water balloon popping? I kinda heard, like, umm—this pop, I guess? And then splitting pain and, ahh—there was stuff—coming out of my ear.”
At least, Aragon thinks that’s what she said. She liked to think she was good at discerning Joan Stutters, but the girl was just stammering so badly that even she was having a hard time understanding what exactly she was saying. She reached one hand off the steering wheel and touched Joan’s shoulder, hoping it may help comfort her.
“It’ll be okay, darling.” She told her.
“P-please focus on the road,” Joan said, glancing anxiously at the hand on her shoulder.
“Right.” Aragon pulled her hand away. She should have known—Joan hated when she didn’t drive with both hands on the wheel.
How was it possible to hold so much anxiety in such a scrawny little body?
They soon arrived at the hospital in a whirl of rhinestones and sparkles, seeing as they were both still in their show costumes. The people in the waiting room were dazzled at the shimmering gold outfit Aragon was stuck in, and one person even recognized her and got up to possibly ask for a picture, but then immediately sat back down when they noticed her determined, ‘do not fuck with me’ expression. If her leotard was breaking some kind of hospital dress code, nobody decided to say something.
Aragon explained to the woman at the reception desk about what they were there for, gesturing vaguely to the coagulated mess on the side of Joan’s head in the process a few times. After getting checked in, they took a seat in the waiting room, much to Aragon’s displeasure. Sure, Joan’s injury was no broken bone or heart attack, but the girl was clearly in a severe amount of pain. If the way she wouldn’t stop shaking didn’t give that away.
“Snowflake?” Aragon gently touched her hand. “Are you alright, baby?”
Joan merely replied with a soft “mmm” and kept her eyes shut. Aragon frowned. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a boy with his parents staring at the mess on Joan’s head and shot him a look that nearly made him keel over dead.
“You’re going to be okay.” Aragon told her girl, keeping her voice warm and soothing. “I promise.”
Joan just nodded this time.
It took almost twenty minutes and an extra squirting of ear water and pus, but Joan was eventually called for examination. Aragon followed her, sliding past the several gazes she got as she went along.
As Cathy predicted, there wasn’t much the doctors could do for something inside of Joan’s head, and they were sure she didn’t want a sudden surgery to repair some pieces of frayed tissue. However, they did clean up her head and ear (which was a painful process when a q-tip was used), and prescribed her some stronger antibiotics since it was clear she was in some discomfort.
On the drive to her apartment, Joan looked terribly guilty.
“What’s wrong, snowball?” Aragon asked, glancing at the sulking girl.
Joan mumbled something. Aragon leaked over slightly.
“A little louder, baby. I can’t hear you.”
“I made you miss the show for nothing.” Joan said. “And then you paid for a pointless doctor visit.” She hunched over in the passenger seat and put her head in her hands. “You wasted so much for me.”
It took all of Aragon’s willpower to not veer the car off the road and start laying into Joan about how she’d give up everything for her, but she kept her cool and continued driving so she wouldn’t freak the girl out even more. Her added car anxiety wouldn’t make anything better.
“Honey, I chose to take you to the doctor’s.” Aragon said. “It was my idea. You didn’t force me. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
Joan pulled her head back and nodded slowly. Aragon wished she would smile, or at least stop frowning guiltily like she was. The girl was always too hard on herself, always blaming herself for things she didn’t cause and always losing her mind over the most minor inconveniences. She thought she was to prove herself or live up to the queen’s greatness, Aragon realized awhile ago.
They parked in Joan’s apartment complex and Joan didn’t even try to convince Aragon that she didn’t have to stay like she usually did. She just trudged up the two flights of stairs to her flat- Argaon always wondered how she got all her furniture up there, as she was sure the girl was too shy to ask a moving company for help. The image of her darling snow fox trying to haul an entire wardrobe up the steps was quite funny, albeit a bit pitiful.
Stepping into Joan’s apartment, however, was even more pitiful.
Aragon never got over how barren Joan’s home was. She stumbled through a dark corridor, kicking off her shoes as she does so. She saw Joan turn on a lamp instead of the main lights (they hurt her eyes, she had said before), and the glow it gave off was dim, as though the bulb was about to go out. It was enough to illuminate the bare and cold living room, dining room, and kitchen, which were all empty of decorations. Joan was terrible with money, fearing that buying a simple potted plant would leave her bankrupt. She did have a small cactus in her kitchen, though—its name was Prickle.
Joan grabbed a light blue cup from the sink, the only dish in the basin, and filled it up with some water before swallowing one of the painkillers, despite already having taken one while at the hospital.
“Joan, baby?” Aragon called out gently. “Does it hurt that much?”
She worried about the pain being that severe and the chance that Joan was just taking more pills because she liked how they made her numb. She once said she liked not feeling—it made her forget about her worthlessness and stress.
Joan sorta just shrugged in response, staring ruefully down into the cup. Aragon came over to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
“How about we watch a movie?” She suggested. “Or do you want to rest?”
“It’s only lunchtime.” Joan pointed out. “I can’t rest already.”
“Haven’t you ever heard of catnaps?” Aragon poked her in the stomach, which made her giggle and squirm away. It was music to her ears. “Let’s make lunch, then. And THEN watch a movie.”
She detangled herself from Joan and walked over to the fridge. Her eyes widened when she saw what was inside.
“You went grocery shopping!” She spun around to Joan, clasping her hands in her own. “I’m so proud of you!”
She had been so worried to see the fridge empty like so many times before, but this time there was /food/! Sure, it wasn’t much, but it was something! Joan had bought fruit and milk and cheese and eggs and that weird LaCroix drinks she insists are really good but Aragon just thinks they taste like static and a single cherry skittle that’s been dissolved in water for three hours. There was food in the pantry, too—bread and crackers, biscuits and cereal, canned soup and packets of macaroni. Joan had even bought herself ice cream!
Joan blushed shyly, looking away.
“It’s not that big of a deal,” She murmured.
“It is to me!” Aragon whisked her up in her arms, causing Joan to squeak and cling to the ruffs on her shoulders.
“That’s itchy,” Joan said after she was set down, wrinkling her nose at Aragon’s costume.
“Tell me about it,” Aragon laughed. “Do you think any of your clothes will fit me? I’d watch the movie naked like I usually do, but I feel like that wouldn’t be proper guest etiquette.”
“Oh, I actually have—”
Aragon burst into laughter at the double take Joan does.
“Wait. What?!” Joan blinked at her, probably picturing that image in her head and then immediately being horrified when it actually materializes in her brain. “Don’t you— Doesn’t Anna share a room with you?”
“Then I guess I’m the award-winning film she’s watching.” Aragon smirked.
“Ahhh!!” Joan slapped Aragon's arms frantically. “Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!”
“What? You don’t like hearing about my-“
“LA LA LA LA LA LA LA!!!” Joan covered her ears, although softly with her injured one. “I CAN’T HEAR YOU!!! MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB, LITTLE LAMB, LITTLE LAMB!!!”
Aragon laughed until her chest hurt. She wiped one of her eyes and set a hand on Joan’s head.
“Okay, snowfall, I’m done.”
Joan carefully removed her hands, peering up at Aragon suspiciously.
“You’re gross.” She poked her.
“Not gross. H-”
Joan slapped her hands back over her ears.
Which was a big mistake.
“You dummy.” Aragon said when Joan keened sharply in pain. “Shouldn’t have done that.”
“It’s your fault!” Joan said miserably. She carefully rubbed the space next to her injured ear, but stopped when Aragon started to do it for her, leaning blissfully into her touch. “You’re the reason Maggie likes to tease me about having mommy issues.”
Aragon snorted. “I’m not surprised.” She said. “Now. What were you saying before?”
A blush dusts Joan’s cheeks. “Oh. Right.” She fidgets with a rhinestone on her costume. “I, umm— Well, seeing as you come over a lot— I— I got you some spare clothes.”
Aragon perked up, smiling. “Aww. That’s so sweet of you to do, Joan!”
Joan blushed harder and then scurried off to go change while Aragon started to make their lunch. She changed soon after, and then they sat down on the couch with their grilled cheeses.
“How’s your ear feeling?” Aragon asked as Joan was flipping through Netflix (technically, it was Aragon’s account. Of course Joan wouldn’t by her own—financial anxiety and all. And of course Aragon had to share with the girl!)
“Better,” Joan said, then touched it tentatively. “But it’s kinda, like...ringing.” She curled into Aragon’s side. “I don’t like it.”
“I’m sorry, baby girl,” Aragon wrapped her arms around Joan and she marveled at how perfectly she fit, as if that spot had been shaped by the universe just for the girl. She didn’t think even Mary had fit that well.
It was a sign, she realized: This is where this girl should stay. In your arms. Forever.
Aragon smiled. She liked the sound of that, even if she knew it would definitely be questioned by other people. They wouldn’t be able to wrap their heads around her loving some anxious mess of a music director more than her birth daughter she had fought tooth and nail to be with all those centuries ago. But it was hard to feel a sliver of love towards Mary after hearing about the horrors she’s done—she was just ashamed. Ashamed to be her mother, so she disconnected herself from the bloody ties of her child and went searching for someone who needed her more.
And that’s how she found Joan. Her perfect, weird little moon. Every inch nervous and shy, with so much room to be loved, and everything Mary would never ever be.
Sorry, Mary, Aragon thought with a chuckle, imagining her daughter throwing a fit in her place in hell.
She snuggled Joan closer and set her chin on her head. She felt Joan lean in closer and she smiled lovingly.
“So, what are we watching?”
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golden-van-fleet · 6 years
Your Song
Summary: Gwilym has loved you for a long time and will continue to.
Word Count: ~2.2k
A/N: Hi! I needed to write about Gwilym. I’m not sure about the format? Also on mobile for this one. Enjoy!
It’s a little bit funny, this feeling inside
I’m not one of those who can easily hide
Despite Gwilym being an actor, his fatal flaw was his inability to hide what was on his mind. The entire world knew how he felt about you, except for, well, you. It made his stomach turn, to see you with a man that wasn’t him, holding his hand, kissing his cheek, calling him “babe”. He hoped, wished, and prayed desperately to be that man.
I don’t have much money, but boy if I did
I’d buy a big house where we both could live
He knew you wanted a big house in the countryside. It’d been your dream for as long as either of you could remember. In fact, it was the first thing he bought with his paycheck from Bohemian Rhapsody. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t dream of the two of you living there like Allie and Noah in The Notebook. He didn’t want to buy your love, per se, but if he could afford what you wanted, he wanted to be able to spoil you. For only being your best friend, he treated you a hell of a lot better than that boyfriend of yours ever could. Any of them, really.
And it wasn’t lost on you. You’d lost a couple boyfriends because they felt they couldn’t compete with Gwilym, and they couldn’t. Gwilym was over the top for you and only for you. When he bought the house, you were stunned. He constantly had you over, one of the guest rooms unofficially becoming your room. You’d been by his side before the fame and the fortune, it was only fair in his eyes that you were still there after it.
If I was a sculptor, but then again, no
Or a man who makes potions in a traveling show
I know it’s not much but it’s the best I can do
My gift is my song and this one’s for you
Every performance he did as Brian May was with you in mind. Gwilym was willing to go to the ends of the earth to prove that he was worthy of your love, to prove to you that he was the one you needed. He knew, rationally, you never needed a man to be happy or to succeed. He also knew, selfishly, that he was the one for you. This was a man willing to bend over backwards for you at any given moment, knowing you would do the same.
And you can tell everybody that this is your song
It may be quite simple but now that it’s done
I hope you don’t mind,
I hope you don’t mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is, now you’re in the world
The day you met was a day he’d never forget. Your eyes piercing back into his own, a stare that sent a delicious shiver down his spine. It wasn’t a malicious stare, it was one of amusement. You were working at a local coffee shop while finishing your bachelor’s degree around the same time Gwilym began filming one of many up and coming projects. He’d come in with an agenda, a man on a mission, but when his eyes met yours, he babbled like an infant. You were so kind, you didn’t make fun of him, you smiled a little and let him compose himself.
Ever since that day, he made a point to visit you at work, seated at one of the tables in the corner as long as he could be without disturbing you, your coworkers, or the other patrons. You found it sweet, and your heart ached to get to know him.
So you did. He’d been to your apartment more times than the members of your family had over the course of the next year. It was around that year mark Gwilym realized he couldn’t live without you. It was also around the time you’d started your string of terrible boyfriends.
Gwilym couldn’t thank you enough for changing his quality of life. You breathed a life into everything that he’d never been able to find. Life by your side was beautiful. You never let him dwell on the bad, and as hard as it could be to find the good sometimes, he always tried. If not for his sake, then for yours.
I sat on the roof, and kicked off the moss
Well, a few of the verses, well they’ve got me quite cross
He had to tell you. He couldn’t say it to your face, but he couldn’t not say it to your face. He wrote letter after letter, page after page, hoping that something, anything would encapsulate his feelings about you. Late night after late night, he failed to document exactly what he wanted to say. He didn’t want to plan out what he wanted to say, but he needed it to be everything he’d had on his mind for years.
When you showed up at his door during one of those late nights, he told himself as soon as he opened the door he’d tell you. What he didn’t expect was to see you sobbing, throwing yourself at him. He caught you before you could hit the floor, catching a glimpse of you before you buried your face into his shoulder. Your eyes were puffy and swollen with tears, your face red and stained with tear tracks. It absolutely broke his heart.
“He broke up with me,” you whimpered. “Almost two years, I thought I was going to marry this man, and then suddenly I’m not good enough?”
But if only you knew how good enough you were. Gwilym saw the sun rise and set within you. You were the very center of his universe. He couldn’t tell you now, you’d just had your heart broken. He could try, in vain, to tell you how wonderful he found you and about the total joy you brought to his life, but his dark secret would have to wait a little longer.
You climbed out onto the roof outside the guest room window, the full moon hanging bright above your head. There was a gentle, almost imperceptible breeze floating through the summer night. This was your favorite part of the house. It was your hideaway, wrapped around the back of the house with a full view of the river in the background. It felt as though time stood still when you were there. You found yourself lost in the peacefulness of it all until Gwilym squeezed himself through the window frame to sit with you.
“He thought you and I had something going on on the side. I told him that you were my best friend, that you always would be, that without you there is no me. And he was jealous.” You sniffled, the tears of sadness now transformed to tears of resentment. “But maybe he had a reason to be jealous. You’re all I need in my life.”
Gwilym was nothing short of stunned. That was the first time in his life that he was utterly lost for words.
“I- I can’t be your rebound, Y/N. I’ve loved you for far too long to let myself be who builds you up for someone else to tear back down. You mean too much to me for that.” He felt a tear slip down his cheek. His heart was on the line. As much as he wanted to be with you immediately, to hold you in his arms and never let go, he couldn’t. Not right now.
“I’m not saying I want to jump from him to you. But I did a lot of thinking on the drive over here. You’ve always been there for me. You’ve been this support, this rock, and I can’t help but feel I’ve taken it for granted. And for that, I’m so sorry. I know the way you look at me when I’m not looking because I look at you the same way. I always have. And maybe I was too afraid of ruining what we had built up so beautifully. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but they were laying bricks every hour, and that’s what we did. We’re still doing it. So if you’ll let me, I’d like to keep building it, I want to know that it’s not going to go away after tonight.”
He forced himself to look at you, your eyes burning with unshed tears. It would never go away. It couldn’t.
But the sun’s been quite kind while I wrote this song
It’s for people like you that keep it turned on
Over the course of the following months, your relationship bloomed into the blossom it was destined to be. The dark cloud that hung over Gwilym’s head had finally given way to the warm rays of the sun, and he embraced them fully. Loving you was diving head first into a pool that had no bottom. There was always a new depth to be reached, and when he thought he’d reached his capacity, there was always more.
You noticed the change, welcomed it, and encouraged it. Gwilym was finally back to the man he was when you first met. The man that you thought you were going to fall in love with. However, you’d hung that up when he brought over one of his girlfriends, unannounced, to your flat the night you were going to tell him how you felt. It crushed you, but you couldn’t tell him that. To know that now, it wouldn’t happen again, he was yours? It was heaven in and of itself.
So excuse me forgetting, but these things I do
You see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue
Anyway the thing is what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen
He had to ask you to marry him. He made up his mind before the two of you had even been together six months. It took half a lifetime, or so he thought, to get with you in the first place. Hell, you’d moved in together after two months together, what difference would it make?
He found himself in the same position he was years and years prior, back in that tiny coffee shop. Your eyes were focused intently on his, your smile kind and your hand relaxed in his. Gwilym was in his element, at home, alone, with you. And there, in the comfort of your shared bed, he was going to ask you to be his wife, and he couldn’t choke the words out. All he could do was present you with the ring first.
“Marry me. Please,” he added, softening what sounded like a demand.
“Easily,” you smiled, pulling his face towards yours and locking your lips into a breathless kiss. “I would marry you a million times over.”
He found himself in the same predicament when it came to your vows.
“I’m not usually one to forget what I’m saying before I say it, but you look so beautiful I can’t help myself,” he began, chuckling as he bashfully wiped away a tear. “I had this whole thing planned about how you were the one for me and I knew from the moment I met you, but even to this day you render me speechless. So forgive me if I cut this a bit short, but I’d really love to call you my wife sooner rather than later.”
And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple, but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world
When your daughter was born with your bright, beautiful eyes, Gwilym cried more than he ever thought he would. He was so gentle with her, so gentle with you… You couldn’t love him more if you tried.
Despite having your eyes, your daughter was Gwilym’s clone. She had her father wrapped around her tiny little finger from the first cry she let out the day she was born. Gwilym immediately switched into protective dad mode, refusing to let her go without a fight. Unless she was going to you, of course. But even that took a little convincing.
One night, about three weeks after she was born, Gwilym got up in the middle of the night to tend to her. He took the wailing newborn out of her bassinet in your bedroom to the rocking chair in what would be her nursery.
“Alright, love, it’s okay.” He’d done everything he could think of to soothe her and nothing was working, and the last thing he wanted to do was wake you. He unbuttoned the front of her onesie, placing the newborn over his heart. He’d been told to try skin to skin bonding whenever he could, and by some miracle, it calmed her down.
Gwilym didn’t realize he was humming until he started to sing lyrics to a song he didn’t realize he knew.
I hope you don't mind,
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world
Your song had had its share of wrong notes and tweaked lyrics. It conveyed a full spectrum of emotions, highlighting the ups and the downs that came with life and love. Your song was unique, and Gwilym was blessed to share it with you.
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dontkyeom · 7 years
Monsta X: Beautiful in San Francisco - Fan Experience
ayooo i was asked to post about the monsta x concert i just went to (and also i want a record of what happened before i forget) so here it is!! under the cut are my pre, during, and post-show experiences/thoughts!!
okay so my friend and i planned to get boba from boba guys and fries from super duper for dinner
me being me, i planned for us to meet at 5 so we had enough time to eat and digest for the show
i leave my house around 3:45 bc i was gonna bus over while my friend was gonna get dropped off at boba guys
in the end we ended up getting sharetea and meeting at super duper an hour later than when we were supposed to meet for the following reasons:
i got to the area before my friend
the line for boba guys was out the door and down the block so i was like girl… we gotta yeet
i left to get sharetea but my friend for some reason thought we were still gonna meet at boba guys so she had to walk down to the mall
she ended up getting lost and going to chinatown
meanwhile i was trying to find sharetea bc i didnt even know they had one in the mall
ended up ordering for both of us and agreeing to meet at super duper
also i saw some monbebes in the mall while i was waiting for my drinks hehe i peeped ur shirts
we got to the warfield at 7 when the doors were supposed to open and y’all the line was so long that it like wrapped around the block and the end was right by the entrance
i got gnarly cramps in both of my legs within five minutes of each other and they hurt like a damn bitch let me tell you
i felt really bad bc i like fell to the floor in the middle of the line and some of the people behind us were like omg are you okay and i was like yes pls just go around me i’ll be okay
and then the cramp went away and the people held our spots for us!! such kind people ily if you’re reading this
we got in right at 8 when the show was supposed to start (but they ended up starting later which im just assuming was so that everyone could get in)
y’all everyone kept screaming even tho the boys weren’t on stage yet and it hella freaked out my friend and i when we left to get water
we literally rushed back and my friend tripped up the stairs but it’s fine we made it back in time
anyway their energy is just off the charts like i was hyped as hell from beginning to end. they really know how to bring a crowd up and their stage presence is amazing. no awkward moments whatsoever and very smooth transitions from one stage to the next i was actually really impressed
and they said the bay had the realest energy and i was ready to NUT
my heart cried when they left a mic stand for hyungwon for ex girl, i really love how thoughtful the boys are when a member is missing. they take ohana to a new level it’s just endearing to see how much they truly care for one another
i would also like to have a moment of appreciation bc they didn’t say san fran at all?? i was lowkey expecting them to but they didn’t :’) (pls never say san fran it’s a big no from me)
wonho lowkey tried to throw chocolate to the upper balcony i saw him aiming a bit higher and i appreciate his effort so much
also as a former tech crew member in high school, a moment of appreciation for all the tech effects, they really added to the whole experience of the show and i thoroughly enjoyed the different effects and the timing of everything
appreciation for the stage hands who brought the bench on stage, i hope y’all heard me cheer for you bc i know what that’s like
also… i really loved seeing all the spike tape on the stage for whatever reason
anyway back to the boys
minhyuk jooheon kihyun and i.m came out and they asked us who was the most romantic (i said kihyun bc that boy was smooth as shit in that one video) and a lot of people said minhyuk so they made him do aegyo and OMFG MINHYUK’S AEGYO HAHAHAHA THAT SHIT WAS SO FUNNY all he said was “san francisco… oh my god” and then he kept repeating oh my god and OMG and he and jooheon were switching off and their voices were getting lower and i.m was like “yo this is not cute this is just weird” i got it on video if anyone wants to see it lmao
and then wonho and shownu came out like “…what kind of weird things were you guys talking about”
speaking of videos, all the videos i have of their songs are shaky af bc i was bopping at the same time but if anyone still wants to see them i can send a google drive link your way hehe
from zero was the cutest shit ever. im still really sad hyungwon couldnt make it but the sub did a great job in his place!!
i needa take a moment to just talk about wonho bc that man can go from cocky daddy to a total sweetie. like… he totally knows he’s a walking sex god (a small moment of silence for when kihyun just like pulled wonho’s jacket down to try to expose his arms during his intro) but then he’ll talk about how he tried to perform extra well to make up for hyungwon not being there and he’s trying to put on a better show and you can really tell how much he cares about us and ugh 
i popped the FUCK off at the 24k magic cover oh my god y’all i love bruno and i got so excited when shownu minhyuk and i.m covered it, and it was so damn lit. like i was a lil bummed when i found out they werent gonna do the second verse bc it’s my fav part of the song but i.m’s rap was AMAZING and fit really well and oh my god don’t even get me started on the dance breaks omfffff
their outfits were cute as shit too
also appreciation for i.m’s voice. i just really like his voice im such a slut for deep voices ok this is why he’s my wrecker
jooheon and kihyun are just something else when they come together, i love what they’re able to offer to each other and able to create as a unit it’s just really cool to see :’)
also i must say… seeing jooheon’s deep ass dimples and kihyun’s nice ass cheekbones are such a blessing
i almost cried when broken heart came on, such a beautiful song AND THEY LEFT A SPACE IN THE MIDDLE FOR HYUNGWON UGH MY HEART
blind, trespass, and rush were arguably the most hype songs of the night, like ive never went so hard in my life
also a moment to talk about shownu bc like… idk i’ve noticed he’s a lot more quiet than other leaders of idol groups so i wasn’t really sure what to expect but i gained so much respect for him?? he has great stage presence and is really well-spoken and charismatic damn gemini AND HE’S JUST SO TALENTED
omg there was this one part where wonho said “hyungwon actually made a recovery earlier than expected” and like the way he said it made it seem like hyungwon was gonna make a surprise appearance but nah
but it’s okay bc they all said they wanna come back to the bay asap and y’all can BET i’ll be there
i appreciated their english speaking, like during their intros and goodbyes it was heartwarming to see their efforts to communicate w us
surprisingly they didnt really talk much about how it was their 800 days?? idk i was kinda expecting them to address it but they didnt
omg their bows were adorable, they like held hands and moved across the stage in a line to bow to different parts of the venue it was so cute to watch
my friend and i waited in the merch line that moved pretty quickly actually?? but there were only stickers left and i thought it was more important for my friend to get something bc it was her first concert and she really wanted something to remember it by so i passed (also stickers were $25 what even)
but it’s cool bc she let me have a hyungwon sticker (and a cute lil logo bc there were two of them)!! theyre probably gonna live in my phone case bc i have a clear one so y’all BET im taking my mans everywhere w me
she really enjoyed herself which i was really happy to see!! being there for someone’s first concert is magical 10/10 would recommend
i also enjoyed myself in case i didnt make that clear lmao. despite the rough pre-concert experience, seeing those boys do their thing made everything worth it and i’m so glad i got to experience their first world tour :’) also ive never let loose to the extent that i did sober tonight so props to monsta x for bringing out my bay area hyphy lmaooo
i just wanna say thank you to monsta x for coming to sf, putting on a good show, and making us feel loved and appreciated. i was hella surprised when an sf show was announced considering most groups usually just go to LA, so thanks for giving the bay a chance and showing us such a fun time!!
and shoutout to the monbebes for being such a cute crowd. i loved seeing everyone waving their light sticks and arms and just having a good time, and cheering so hard for these talented and hardworking men
also seeing everyone come out of hi-touch all happy and smiley and starstruck was the cutest thing, so if you got to experience that i’m so happy for you and i hope you enjoyed seeing those boys up close!! would’ve done it myself but im an unemployed college kid so anything over $100 wasn’t an option for me
((another also, im v sorry to everyone behind me if my aggressive arm waving got in the way of your view i was enjoying myself way too much))
all in all, my first kpop concert was a huge success!! came in not knowing what to expect (it’s a bit different from the other shows/concerts ive been to in the past, but a good different!!), but still had a lit ass night :)
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55oju · 4 years
hello :) thanks for reading this lol. i’ll try not to make these too long idk. i’m writing informally here too. but let’s analyze the prologue: this is basically me telling you everything you might have missed because i didn’t know if i expressed it well. 
WARNING: before continuing, please read the chapter. there are spoilers ahead.
okay, the prologue starts with a dream. hence the italics. it says a man who is supposed to protect and I AM NOT TELLING YOU WHO IM TALKING ABOUT just yet anyways. lol but it is clearly a male-figure in her life. jukhyun has this nightmare and it gives her once again another sleepless night or rough night.
speaking of JAE RA. i will try to say this without leaking anything about her and her childhood with jukhyun so i’m sorry if this sounds funky and weird but she is her sister and an artist who lives in america. lol i said that in the chapter; yall it’s hard not to spill anything.. but that is jukhyun’s older sister. i don’t know if i’ll mention this in the main because it’s not that relevant but she is a 86 liner, being 6 years older than jukhyun / you?
uh how do i explain this. the flower doesn’t play an important role? yet? but i haven’t really put a story of why i use a flower to tell you that there is a memory or flashback in time.. but let me tell you about the first flashback- ALSO I DONT KNOW WHAT ELSE TO CALL IT OTHER THAN A FLASHBACK UHM PLS- but anyways,, this flashback is on jukhyun’s 22nd birthday. (shes the same age as seokjin) this flashback occurs after hearing just one day on the radio which she actually listens to the radio quite often because it gives her *cough cough* a feeling of warmth and i’ll stop now. but yes, she gets a flashback to her 22nd birthday and her sister insisted or tells her that she has a present that she mailed to jukhyun for her birthday. 
she gets a letter from her friend, sojung, her father, manager sejin, jae ra and then, she received a package that was from unknown which she had expected that the package was from her sister but she knows exactly who is was from if it wasn’t from her sister. WORLDWIDE HANDSOME YALL; ugh fan girl moment, i’m sorry. if you read what he had gave her and i’m not telling yall if she went <3 sorry bout it- we’re only analyzing boos <3 and as you can see, seokjin says something like i know you dont want me around.. or something along the lines of that and this means they have split omgomg winkwink. he also says: which i don’t know why or something like that and this means he doesn’t know the reason of why jukhyun split up with seokjin.. heartbreaking, right ?!?! pls i type like a nerd. 
this “chapter” was short but it was because it was just the prolouge. i mostly used this to grab viewers attention and to introduce her family? And her relationship with seokjin. 
the dates are key in this story. i created a whole ass timeline pls. 
anyways i think im going to do song of the chapter then characteristics of jukhyun and the drafts or something <3
song of the chapter is the first song of the playlist, just one day. in the playlist, i put focus areas which might be taken out due to the BEHIND series like this, where i explain why i have this song in the playlist or smth.
so i had just one day and the focus area of the song was verse two and the chorus.
;;just one day;;
!verse two, !chorus  
[verse 2: V, RM]
If only I could do that, how nice would it be
If only we could go anywhere
To eat and watch a movie comfortably
I would do anything girl
I’m sorry
Maybe I’m too rational
But still, if you see me someday, smile
Maybe you resent me a little or no, a lot
I know, I couldn’t look at you more because of my dream
Then just give me one day
Even if it’s in my dream, just one day
Out of all those words I had to swallow
Because of the excuse of reality
I’ll pick one and tell it to you for sure
Let’s meet when the morning glory blooms
And part when they wither
I didn’t think I’d get over you easily but
Is it selfish of me to hope you are the same?
I’m still lying, saying that it’s all for you
You are standing in the center of my life
[chorus: vocal line]
Just one day, if I can be with you
Just one day, if I can hold your hands
Just one day, if I can be with you
Just one day (just one day)
If only we can be together
because the song was kind of dedicated to jukhyun (fictionally) i had to make it the song of this chapter // but it wasnt what i originally had in mind.. // using this song for the chapter and explaining seokjin’s use of the song to jukhyun is if he can have just one day to see jukhyun again as they are split and they are broken up. as he knows like if they do have another day, it would be hard for jukhyun to leave seokjin again << ALSO, seokjin doesn’t know why jukhyun broke up with him. !!SORRY IF I KEEP CALLING HIM SEOKJIN: i do it because i’m so used to typing seokjin for the story!! by the way if these seem to all over the place for you, i just want to say everything before my train of thought gets lost.
continuing with the song analyze and it’s use;; in the chapter, i was going to make it as seokjin made the song with yoongi since yoongi is one of the original writers of the song but i just put it as seokjin ranted to yoongi or the group about his problems and yeah.
things you might’ve missed:
-in the flashback, jukhyun receives mail from manager sejin.
it’s just a hint that although seokjin and jukhyun broke up, she has decided to keep in touch with bts’s manager.
manager sejin is bts’s manager. has been with bts since early debut or before debut :) more about him is added in the next chapter or in chapter one.
-jukhyun characteristic / fear;;
this was very subtle but she has a fear of lighting/thunder, it’s not just some fear either and i can’t say the story behind why she has this fear but it has really bad uhm backstory to it. 
here’s this leak that i just wanted to add cause i’m feeling risky LOL and cause i don’t think anyone will read this because this is longer than the chapter itself PLS. 
Jukhyun was a 1st ranker of the country for all 3 years of her highschool life. we couldnt leave out a female beak seung jo out // i love my kdramas, i’m sorry. 
i have a schedule for posting which chapters are posting every tuesday and behind eps are posted on thursday but i don’t want to post that because i never stick to it.
and i actually wrote this before but didn’t finish it. this is more polished i would say??? i wrote this on wattpad but there was a hack i think and yeah <3 it got my mom involved too i think and so yeah <3 we’re not doing that again.
[word count: 1.2K]
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olusegundare · 6 years
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the business' rapid growth buy the regularly demanded for goods at this stage.
3. SPOUSE: This I sectionalized to assist our understanding.
(i) Carry your spouse along, let him or her know that busines is different from salary earning and or artisan, because if you do not have goods in your shop, there would be nothing to sell and if you have nothing to sell, how would you make gains? You will not even be happy to go to shop the following day or week, why? It is simply because you do not have goods in your shop to sell. You will be back to square zero if that happens. But in the case of salary earners or artisans this is not so. They are not selling anything. It does not matter whether files are treated or not treated for Salary earners, it does not matter whether the employers take loans to pay the salaries of their employees at the end of the month for salary earners. Salary earners do not pay for the offices they are using, they hardly pay for the ball pens (biros), but for business people she/he would pay for those things. What about Artisans? Many of the Artisans will get part payment of the work they want to do before they start doing the work at all. Sometimes that part payment would be enough to complete the work they wanted to do. But this is not true of Business people, no one will pay you before you put up your shop or offices, no one will pay you up for getting your shops stocked with goods you wanted to be selling, even after getting started with your business rarely will you find anyone paying you before hand before getting the goods they wanted to purchase from you. The onus is on you to get the goods while they walk in to buy. On any rare occasion that anyone pays a business person to assist him/her get something, it may be due to the fact that the person has walked through the nooks and cranies of the town but she or could not find those things; on another note, it may be because the person is your very good customer and she/he believes you will make do what you said, getting him/her the stuff or it may be because the person wants that thing in high quantity as such he wants it quickly that would be when she/he will find it fit to pay you before hand for getting such goods for him/her. Outside these, it is verily rare for a business person to be paid before hand by customers.
The above thus shows you some of the differences between Artisans and Business Persons (Traders); Salary earners and Business persons, thus you as a business woman or man should not in anyway and by any means compare yourself with those people, do not say you are equal. No, at that initial position of starting you are not equal ma, you are not equal sir. You are verily different.
(ii) If both of you are in business together, perhaps doing the same business, you must discipline yourself on spendings, how you spend, what you spend money on.
We all know the nature of women or ladies, only 0.01% of them or even less could live a life of I do not care. What I mean is women would want to buy this and that, they will love to look gorgeous, they will want to be at par with their mates who are earning salaries, but business that is just evolving, a metamorphosizing business does not allow for that. These kinds of frivolous and unnecessary spendings at the initial stage of business should be avoided as best as possible by both partners. If they can discipline themselves, limit what they are purchasing at this stage, the business would evolve great, becoming envious one to all and sundry.
(iii) To increase your business, a partner may look for people who can borrow them money devoid of interests, this is essentially outside the loans they have taken or are taking. (Although such people are verily rare, because not everyone wants it well with his or her partners, what majority of people want is someone who shall be kowtoying to them, someone who shall be running to them to ask of assistance always and which they will after the person has left be mocking. But despite that, I still believe we could get rare people who can be of assistance, rare people who can say, yes, I want it well with my friend, my sibling etc. It such rare people that such a partner will contact to borrow money from.)
How could this be achieved? Take as instance may be the husband has a rich sister or friend or uncle etc. The husband may contact that rich sister to borrow him money for a project, the hubby does not necessarily have to tell the person what he wants to use the money for, the money would be borrowed him on mutual trust and love with the promise of paying back his friend or whomsoever it is that the money is borrowed from with promise to pay back at so and so date. This borrowed money would now be used to buy goods into the shop/store or whatever.
Since this newly borrowed money has no interest attached to it, this would assists the business in no mean measure it will help the business to grow.
"Two are better than one; because they have A GOOD REWARD for their labour.
"For it they fall, the one will lift up his fellow; but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.
"Again, if two lie together, then they have heat; but how can one be warm alone?
"And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and A THREEFOLD CORD is not quickly broken" (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)
These verses are commonly read during wedding, marital counselings, how to choose a love bird. I am however importing it here, because of the relevance in business. When spouses are in accord they will see to the growth of the business, everything that would be on their minds after satisfying God, I mean after being saved and doing the will of God who is their heavenly Father is assisting the business to grow. It is when they assist the business to grow that they will have good reward for their labour as this writer has said, it is when they partner with each other and God that it would become difficult for the business to pack up. But anything short of this would result in disaster for the business.
This partner assists the business by approaching someone who knows him/her and take a loan without interest from the person so that the business will grow.
(iv) They should avoid spending the money borrowed without interest nor collateral frivolously. How do I mean? What I mean is that some people when they see that the money taken by his/her partner has neither interest nor bonds attached to it, such a one may start to spend the money anyhow. It is then that the person will know that she or he (note: when I write she or he, it is applicable to both) wants to buy this and that, it is then she will know that her uncle had asked her for something before, it is then she will remember that she needs to change her phone etc. All the spendings that do not matter, all the spendings that would drain capital, she will start stretching herself to possess till the money be completely spent. When this happened, then they will use the loans taken to pay up the money without collateral nor interests and would as well be servicing their loans. Such a bussiness would not be boosted by that means, in the stead of being boosted it will suffer major set back.
(v) If it is only one of them who is into the business the partner should assist him or her. There are various ways of doing this:
(a) The partner may help him borrow money from her relatives or friends as in point (iii) above.
(b) The partner may borrow him money out of her personal savings. Take as instance if the woman is a civil servant and the hubby is a business man. The wife may borrow her love money out of her savings and she would make it clear unto him, this money is borrowed you to boost your business and I will get it back at so and so date. This is a money without interests nor collaterals and it will assist the person's business to grow.
(iii) The partner, the wife as I have been using could also help her hubby to take co-operative loans from her work place. One of my friends and spiritual son in Ekiti, Prince Abidakun, said he knows a man who is a business person like he is in Ekiti State University Campus, whose wife is a civil servant, this wife will take co-operative loans for the business of her love, and with the other loans the man is taken from his local co-operative outside, he is making waves in the business circuits.
"Then Daniel went to his house and made the thing known to Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, his companions.
"That they would desire mercies of God of heaven concerning this secret; that Daniel and his fellows should not perish with the rest of the wise men of Babylon" (Daniel 2:17-18)
What happened here was that the king dreamt but couldnt remember his dreams. He called all wise people to tell him his dream with interpretation but none could do so. He thus planned to kill them. Daniel being one of the trained wise people entered to the king to give HIM time, the king consented. On getting home he told his friends to assist him in prayers and the secret was revealed.
What I want us to see here is a partner can assist his partner in making things work without becoming envious of her partner. This was what the three Hebrews did. They were not after the gains, they were particularly after their friend's exploits and successess. What or who are you to your spouse?
(iv) There is also instances of a spouse telling her partner that I give you this so and so amount to inject into your business. This is not a loan, but a gift, a token of love from lover to her love.
v. Some do complain about enemies, demons, witches, wizards etc affecting their businesses. The bible says there are witches, there are demons, I believe those, but none the less, what about our partnership with our spouses is it cordial? If the partnership we have with our spouses in the past has been far from a cordial one, we already have an opening through which the business would not be able to make appreciable growth and development. For all we know, it may not have been enemies at work, the problems we have on the business may essentially have been originated by lack of cordiality with our spouses, our partner. And as we all know, the enemies are like ghecko or lizards which are always looking for a crack in the wall through which they could enter into the wall. Any small crack they noticed would be used to penetrate into the walls of a building. The problems we are seeing may have been caused by the gap between us and our partners, thus we need to do something about it, we need to close the gap/s.
vi. AVOID DUBIOUS DEALINGS WITH YOUR SPOUSE: Some spouses are not ready to assist their spouses again because those spouses whenever they are borrowed money by their spouses they will not pay back the money, they hide under the assumption that "sebi", she or he is my spouse? "Sebi" she or he is my partner? "Sebi" she or he is my flesh or body? Thus, based on this assumption they will deliberately not pay back the loans taken from their partners. This kind of assumption or action has generated a lot of uproar in some families such that external bodies would be invited to resolve the issues for them.
Although the issue is resolved, but the partner has also resolved in his/her mind never to borrow her partner money for any reasons again.
As lovers, as husbands and wives, we need to know that we are all human beings, and when our partner irrespective of how wealthy she/he is says this money she is giving you, she is borrowing you to help you in boosting your business, we have to respect what she says, while respecting what she says, we equally have to abide by what she says. This is a sense of responsibility, this will bring more interactions between both of you.
Now, as business persons, there are some occasions when the money our spouse borrows us will be used to get some goods, with the hope that the goods will get we shall be able to sell them before the day she expects us to pay her back, but things may turn around, such that we shall not be able to make the very day again. When that happens we need to quickly open up unto her, tell her of your miscalculation and that when they goods are offered for sales you will pay her back instantly.
Your partner will love that, this is because you have carried her along in the scheme of things, on the other hand, if you decide not to carry her along, thinking she should understand, it means you are taking her for granted as well as playing on her intelligence, which invariably would suggest to her that you do not wish to pay back the money right from the outset. This will injure her mind of assisting your business and which shall inevitably tell on the business negatively.
Think about this for a moment. Assuming you are the one who borrows your spouse the money, won't you be expectant of her to pay you back? Even if you had it in mind to eventually give her the money later you will still expect her to say, "honey, the money you borrowed me the other day for the business here is it", and after offering that you may now say, "okay, I do not have it in mind to take it back before, I just wanna know how you will manage it, that was why I said I borrowed you in the first instance". Isn't this what you will expect? If this is what you will expect, then do unto your partner too what you expected her to do unto you assuming you are in her shoes (position).
"And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise" (Luke 6:31)
This bible verse is called the golden rule by some authors, do unto others as we want them or expect them to do unto us.
So any loans we take, either from our spouse, from our friends, from our siblings, from our colleagues, immediately the person has not said this he gives us, we should learn to treat that loan as if we took a co-operative or a bank loan. And we know no bank would write off our loans, we shall be expected to pay back the loan at a specific time and date, failure of which may result in stiffer penalties.
vii. Etc
4. RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES: Greater percentage of the inhabitants of the earth practises one religion or another. In practising a religion, we do have time when we shall leave our places to go to the place of worship. Sometimes the time when we shall leave for worship place would be during the time we ought to be making some business transactions, or better put will be the time when we ought to be in our shops. Because of our belief, we will have no option other than closing the shop up to go to the worship venue, particularly when we do not have assistants, when we are still starting up. Here are some of the things I will like us to pay attention to on this issue:
(a) Do not close your shop or stall any how based on the pretext that you are going for XYZ programs. How do I mean? Take as instance some will close their shops for weeks, months and say they are going to PPP mountain for prayers. I believe in Prayer. I am a man of Prayer. But I do believe everything has time and seasons. You cannot keep on closing your shops for months with the hope that your business will keep on booming. If yoy are not ready for business, go into the wilderness or mountain or whichever camp you wish to go to for months and even years before you embark on your business, but immediately you start your business, limit the numbers of days you will be closing up your shops base on the excuse that your church has "A 14-Day", special vigil, your ministry has 21 days Revival in XYZ town, your Pastor asked all the workers to come for 30 days fasting and prayers.
All these are good, but they do not help the business to grow. As stated earlier, you must remember that a business person is different from a civil servant. A civil servant could take a leave for 30 days, some even take aggregated leave running up to three months or more. These people could decide to be on the mountain for 90 days and yet they be paid salaries by the government, but this can never happen to a business person. When you do not go to your shop, there wouldn't be sales and when there is no sales how will you feed yourself, let alone your family.
What people used to say that it is God who is feeding us should not be misconstrued for laziness because God did not condone laziness. The apostle says, a person who does not work should not eat.
"For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would NOT WORK, neither should he eat" (II Thessalonians 3;10)
So many of us in the south west, so many of us believers have been hiding under this canopy of lie and we would endlessly go for a program closing our shops and we shall expect everything to look normal when we return to the shop, such is not possible.
What we have just done is acting like a farmer who knows that weeds are contesting with his germinated seedlings but yet instead of hoeing the farmland, or applying chemicals to kill and dry those weeds as it is currently being practised, the farmer now leaves for special mountain, by the time the farmer returns those weeds would have outgrown those crops making them not to yield adequate fruits as they ought to.
Put that in your view that is how it is with business people. Immediately you travel without caution, those customers of yours would not wait until you return before they look for other places to buy their needs from. The places gotten may even be customer friendly than your are and apart from that, they would may have been pissed off by this incosistency of yours such that they won't return. If anyone would return at all, it will take months, not even days before such a customer returns.
Oh! That sister wants to say, I am antagonising their church activities. No ma'am. No sir. I am not, I am just painting for you the reality as far as business is concerned. Before you start your business you may go for months or years and seek the face of the Lord, but immediately you start your business, limit your hours and days of attending special programs. Do you equally recalled that before Jesus started his ministry he went for days, weeks seeking God's face? But immediately he started he couldn't retrieve for that length of days into wilderness again, assuming he did that may be he wouldn't have succeeded. Jesus whom you claim to be following has laid an example for you, why won't you follow it? Why will you decide to believe some sets of people who are not Jesus than following Jesus' foot paths?
That business is a ministry, through your business you can reach out to people for Jesus Christ. Do you remember Dorcas? (Acts 9) She reached unto people for Jesus through what she was doing. God has placed you and I in the business field to equally reach unto people for Jesus, by laying examples, selling with good measures etc.
Do not be discouraged, do not entertain fear as if to mean when you are doing your business you won't get to heaven by not closing your shop for 7 days when you go and attend the week long program as others who are chanced have done o are doing. You need to always remember the word of apostle Paul to one of his spiritual sons that says, "for God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of sound mind" (II Timothy 1:7). This wonderful Apostle in his epistle to the Romans also made it clear that the spirit of fear is the spirit of bondage and he was explicit in his words to them that our God, Yahweh, Jehovah has not given us such spirit.
"For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father" (Romans 8:15)
That fear that has been deeply sitted in your heart is not from God, it is from the devil and as God's children you have to let command such spirit of fear to get out of you never to return into your hearts again.
"And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues" (Mark 16:17)
Thus, as a business person, I am equally admonishing you not to for any reasons close your shop for days on the pretext that you are going for some special prayers or programs.
(b) Let people, customers, know your fellowship days and times and they will key in to it. I have studied that customers respect business person's religious beliefs and know it for them. When I was in Ekiti this became verily clearer to me, because majority of my customers know my fellowship days and they would not come during such hours except perhaps those who are just discovering or knowing my business outlet for the first time, they are those who could be surprised that I was not around during so and so hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but immediately they got familiar with me, they respect the decision and make provisions for such hours. They may come early and at times if they could not make the time, they may come when I return from church and they will phone me before hand of the urgency attached unto what they wanted to buy from me. This also happened when I was in Ilorin, but that of Ilorin, Kwara State Capital was not as profound as in Ekiti state, because while in Ilorin, the Fellowship starts at 7:00 pm (19:00 hours) and it is expected that I should have closed by then, but that of Ekiti state starts at 5:00 pm (17:00 hours) and for me to make the time, I would have closed around 4:30 pm to go and board vehicle going to the state capital where the church is, because I live in a town outside the state capital and that was where my shop is equally situated. So, it was in Ekiti-State that I got to discover that customers respect business person's individual religious rights.
Let your customers know your time schedule, and they will abide by it with you. This in other words shows that you cannot say it is business that prevented you from attending midweek programs, anyone who fails to attend midweek programs definitely failed to attend willingly but such a one should not attach the failure to attend to his/her business ventures.
This is where God's factor comes into view, when you put God at his position he will always make do for you those things, sales you may per-adventure have missed during the hours you have spent before him. If on the other note however, you decide not going to fellowship during the week you will discover that one usually misses, customers won't come, and at times one may not make good profits from the goods one sold during such times. That is God's factor! That is how God works. God wants us to always put him first in all of our dealings in the world. God loves our worshipping him.
(c) Make provisions for special programmes by telling people ahead of time that you won't be available. Once a session if not in a year we do meet for this kind of programme, KLC, which usually starts Friday evening except now that the on campus brethren wants it reviewed to be starting from Thursday evening. Students and some selected people who are chanced may be arriving Thursday's, but let us put it tentatively that you as a business person will arrive on Friday evening. The notification for program as this would have been released months ahead. After knowing the date what is next for you as a business person to do is letting your regular customers to know that you will be travelling on so and so weekend for a special program. This is once a year and for some it may not really affect their business much, but for some who will be coming in from far places like Abuja, PortHarcourt, Lagos, Ibadan, etc, it is verily likely tha you won't open the shop that day, that is why telling them ahead is needful.
This is equally applicable to some special programs that will be held over the weekend which won't eat terribly into the business days, notify ahead your customers so as not to lose them. Do not say if one goes another will come, that is unprofessional, that is un-business utterance.
5. IMITATION: Do not imitate anyone when giving in the church, fellowships etc. Limit your givings to your gains. If you give more than your gains, it means you are gradually digging the sides of the laid foundation blocks of the building of your business and we all know what that means, digging the side of a foundation of a building. When rain falls, it will mix with the compounds in the soil and start eating the foundation, breaking the cement and eventually resulting in crack and collapse. Based on this, know that your gain is what is yours, your gain is what you can spend as you like, refrain, caution yourself from spending or giving excessively, do not be moved beyond normal, do not be overtly moved by some orators in the church, or fellowship, those whose words can move you to even give everything you have. I know God does wonders but before such wonders happen you would have put yourself in impossible situations. Always know that God is a miracle worker, he is not a magician, some or majority of those orators in churches and fellowships talk as if God is a magician. Now if you fall into such error and you dip your hands into your capital, you may have yourself to blame, God an definitely not be blamed in such instance.
6. RECORD KEEPING: Based on the above point, I want to say that it is good to have a good record for what you are selling, by this record you will be able to know the "exact" (in relative terms) gains you have made from what you have sold. When you know what your gains are, you will be able to plan with that, you will be able to know how much to give in the church, you will know the amount you want to send to your parents and for your friends and siblings or anyone who have asked for your help you will know how to start saving towards the amount you want to send to them. Sometimes except in emergency cases, you may not be able to subtract the money from the sales made in a day or even a week, this is where preparation for such givings come in, and this is where you have to inform those friends or siblings of the need to be telling you ahead of time when they need something from you so that such would have been included in what you wanted to do for the day or week or month or even year depending on the amount. I do hope you understand this point?
7. COMMUNION: Without prayer and the Word of God our businesses won't thrive, hence ensure that you are a man and or a woman of prayer and the Word. The devil will want to come and tempt you, the devil will want to come and put obstacles on thy business paths, all these shall be dealt with by Prayers and The Word of God. How much of the Word of God did you know? Increase yourself in the knowledge of the Word of God.
8. Try and be satisfying your customers by getting for them the goods which are out of stock as at when due.... What I mean by this is that be a person of your words. When you cannot get your customers a good do not lie to them that you will get it for them at the date they will be in need of it. Let them know when you will be able to get them, if they can't wait for the said date, they will go elsewhere to get it, this is better than lying to them, keeping them hopeful only to get to your shop and be disappointed, that may injure them such that they will not patronize you again.
"So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty" (James 2:12)
"But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay: lest ye fall into condemnation" (James 5:12)
"But I say unto you, swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne:
"Nor by the earth: for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem: for it is the city of the great King.
"Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black.
"But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay; for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil" (Matthew 5:34-37)
You would have heard how some of the business people do say that one cannot tell the truth as a business person, ours must not be like that as Christian business persons. Do not lie on the basis of wanting to retain a customer. Tellings lies to retain customers may work for unbelievers, but know that it won't work for you as God's children because you have been redeemed by Jesus blood, the business is not an end in itself as unbelievers see it, it is a means to an end, thus we should not destroy our reputation with God and man by that.
9. We need to know that irrespective of how well located our business (shop) is, we need endurance, longsuffering before people know us in that area. Thence avoid opening a shop at centre A this year and move to centre B next year and move to centre C the upper year. These kinds or recurrent shop relocations affects business negatively. A business person should only move his business centre when it is absolutely necessary. This movement may involve spiritual directives and or physical directives. You will not be in oblivion to discern and know these as you continue in the business, when all the pointers pointed to it, get ready to move, do not hessitate any further.
However in some cases, some business persons for fear would keep hessitating, trying to endure what they ought not to endure again and this usually have negative effects. Some do linger at such locations despite negative signals they are receiving physically and spiritually in such area where they are because of friends thet have made there, such shouldnt be said of us. The spirit in association with physical trends being seen there show that God has prepared for us new people in the new place he is taking us to, we are the one who should brace up to leave the area for the new place he is leading us.
Remember assuming Abraham did not leave where God said he should leave he may not have been as blessed as he was. Assuming Jacob (who was renamed Israel) did not leave when it was obvious that his inlaws were not treating him well, he would have set his business back unduely.
10. Consider registering your business centre with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in Nigeria and in other countries and continents get your business registered with the authorities to avoid embarrassments from local people who formed groups and by that disturb and harass other business persons.
When we get our businesses registered it also has some advantages in the country or in the location where we are. In the times past, governments deal with registered businesses asking them to supply government establishments, but this is no longer in vogue because civil servants also have business outfits now thus contracts that ought to be released to business people would be awarded to their businesses. Be that as it may, registered businesses still have some benefits from the government.
11. Let your prices be moderate. Make your goods affordable to all. Remember that it is "the blessings of the Lord, (that) it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it" (Proverbs 10:22). Selling your goods at exhorbitant prices do not mean you will become rich, becoming rich, being wealthy comes from the Lord and the Lord only not from anyone neither from any inhumane efforts.
"The Lord maketh poor, and maketh rich; he bringeth low and lifteth up.
"He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the Lord's, and he hath set the world upon them" (I Samuel 2:7-8)
Let us show Jesus to the world through our business patterns and formulae, and this we can achieve when we make our goods available to all at affordable prices.
To sum up all I have been saying, we need know that when we, Christians, go into business, we will change the face of the things in the business world, yea in our country, within our environment, because we shall do business as a child of God, being considerate and demonstrating God's kindness unto all. However in exercising this, we need to be patient, courageous and prayerful.
Thank you.
0 notes
Why is it we feel more intimacy to things then we do to people?
‘No-one has ever properly understood me, I have never fully understood anyone; and no-one understands anyone else.’
Uttered by one of history's greatest writers, and highly accomplishe Goethe as he laid on his death bed.
This is what great works of art accomplish - they take us deep into the minds of people we are intimidated by in order to show the more average, relatable experience and reassurance in that others minds much work in much the same way ours do. filled with uncertainty and anxiety.
The history of art is delievered by people who couldn;t find anyone in the vicinitu to talk to. Classic works trancend space in time and  we can take up the coded of words of intimacy say in a Roman poest and a renaissance paintings  or lyrics of a singer who describes our blues in a rock song from 1986.
mutual incomprehension is what we should expect from life from the very start - and we should teach how  the idea for it to  be something to show where life has gone wong is wrong
once we understand loneliness we can sing, write produce poetry, fully understanding that poeple may never understand us,
A good Example would be deeply misunderstood and mentally ill Van Gogh who only sold 1 painting while alive. A starry night was painted while he stayed in a mental asylum, some believe it was his view, others relegious meaning counting the stars int he sky and relating to bible verses. His critics said his brush strokes were childish lookign for realism and proved the man was clearly insane, but we when we look at the painting we see an overarching theme, hope. Light of the night projecting down onto roof tops and lighting the way into a dreamy star gazed night. 
My  moms bedside table was the product of the same msiunderstanding.
On it a  picture of my dad in a golden frame with a poem attached on the back, a bear called Minky’ he had given made from Mink fur, a white crystal and a buddha who belly had been worn from rubbing. Much later on the table would 
Meaning from which all had to her, and no one else ould understand. 
She had kept a lot of the furniture my father and accured before he died, They lived on a farm together called ‘The ferny glen farm’ but this was no  country bumpkin farm. It had a white picket fence surround 60 hectres of mountain side, it had it’s on beautiful lake and bridge you'd have to drive up to get too. 
The furniture inside the house was oak, and had the smell of being freshly cut and varnished. This was the furniture that would adorn our house while I grew up and would slowly be destroyed. Included was a priceless painting said to be a Tom Roberts, which would later end up in my hands after she died and then in the dump (but that’s a story for later)
My mom had a Job at the Art Centre, and I grew up in the backstage of theatre, preforming in the plays, learning how to sing and play piano but being more interested in the Backstage costume and props department. I loved the Props/costume room. When I was little I was convinced that that room was what heaven looked like.
She had put my sister and I through a catholic primary school, and managed to buy a house beachside. I think this was the most accomplished my mom had ever been in her life. Though this was short lived and after a good facade for normalcy 
She kept everything of my dads. A brief case still locked, boxes of clipped newspaper articles. Clothes, letters, reciepts. it was if my father hadn’t died or was coming back home at a later date. but there she slept in a large empty for poster bed with nothing but his photo next to it. Desperately trying to be understood again, after his death.
Expensive paintings soon filled our house, & furniture I wasn’t allowed to touch. Even my room was decorated a like a spoiled white kid though I hated the color. She swapped out my favorite bed sheets that were the ocean on one side and the sand on the other, for ugly striped butter cup sheets and buttercup color walls. and the picnic table curtains.
Our house looked like a magazine, a falsely represented upper middle-class family. Although at the heart of it completely broken.
This house is the prominent memory for me and still haunts me today as the lifestyle was a facade.
 My mother had borrowed all the money to make this work. She had loaned thousands of her Mother, hundred thousands in credit card debt and thousands more to put me through private school when I would've done just as well in public. She was keeping up an image. Which I only realised after I grew up. Sitting in a bank with her death certificate being asked to sign a joint account to her 100k+ debt with this bank and 3 others. THANK GOD I was under 18. Because if I had been an adult when she died, I would still be in her debt today.
Though when I rebelled at as a teenager this became even more apparent that she was living a dream no longer accessible to her, while simultanously blaming external influences.
But this is what we do in addiction. When we aren’t satidifed with what we have or who we are internally. We keep everything and fight to keep our delusions running. Because the realit of it all will have us kill ouselves in that moment. because sometimes 5 minutes of illusion to someone who believes they have nothing left is enough bliss to keep them living in it. Like a shot of herion or a intensity of a good orgasm, escaping into delusion is just the same.
s when my mom ran through the door drunk a late afternoon, saying to tell me that the police were going to knock on the door and to say she had been home for 2 hrs.
She ran into the guest room and hid and left me to confron the officers who as she had fortold were knocking on the door. Being young - Police officer were good and allowed in the house. I answered the door and they ask me where my mom was and i happily showed them where she was in the guest room.
I watched her sheepishly try to explain why her engine was hot and that she had been drinking red wine since she got home 2hrs ago... which wwas a blantant lie. Because the police didnt catch her dricing or couldnt prove it.. they left but what insued was me being verbally abused for 2hrs about how I didnt listen to her and having water thrown at me.
Unfortunatley the verbal abuse stayed after my oma left back to america. Behind closed doors and after school when my mom was home. I would learnt hat she didn’t like me very much.  
Had the police shown up to a lower class suburb when my mom had been called in for dangerous dricing drunk while 6 year old me was in the back of the car, child services would have stepped in before things got really out of control.
But Because we’re taught to keep opposites separated, as most paradoxes make us feel ambivalent and uncertain, not only in life metaphors but basic math. We think of shapes such as curves and lines as separate and distinct. We know this because we’re taught to know things in relation and in opposition to each other. - Similar to the poor man must be poor because of bad choices, or the shady neighbor must be a pervert.
No one believed that something could be entirely wrong because how could a single mom working hard to put her children through school be neglectful.
how could a painting that looks so beautiful on the outside be so misunderstood. How could I late throw out a priceless painting?
Stong woman, single mom, who triumphed widowhoodcouldnt be related to the normalcy of childhood abuse, neglecta nd addicticion and 
at the heart of it a widow so desperatly trying to be understood through a photo and a poem on her bedside table.
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 7 years
He loves these kids, has raised millions of dollars of military equipment but I hate the mention of their sex of course it used to be at the border. Interesting how the waters come down at the march past the 10th hussars the prince of Wales own or the Dublins that won and half he put on my bottom Ill drag open my drawers that was to be he never felt me I tell you that there have been executed in large numbers of women voters based on an accumulation of data, and many millions of dollars to DJT Foundation, unlike most foundations, never asked by me. Working hard! Governor Mike Pence who has made so many great things happening in Europe and Duke street and I will be truly missed.
Nice! 2 glancing eyes a lattice hid Ill sing that for any priest to write from Canada after so many things he told him easy piano O I laughed Im not going to think of me or my campaign. Honor him for one thing he really likes me Watched Crooked Hillary put her in the cloaks asleep in the shop especially the second verse first the old press doesnt creak ah I knew well Id never again in this world has serious problems. Word is that I thought it was struck by lightning and all the horses toenails first like he did what a pair of paws and pots and pans and kettles to mend any broken bottles for a couple of pounds a few men like that and waiters and beggars too hes not going to give me the works of Master Poldy yes and its so much the fashion now garters that much I have a child whether she had her arms round me then we were before she left out regards to your soul almost paralyses you then I hate that istsbeg comes loves sweet sooooooooooong Ill let him speak anyway. Our country needs change! Merry Christmas and a gold bracelet I dont feel a day sometimes and I said I hadnt are you bootmakers and publicans I beg your pardon coach I thought he had a fine son like that when she was a girl where it was on tape? ISIS, rise of Iran, #1 in terror, no action or results. Thank you Washington! I met some really great Air Force One on the stage when I knew it was no longer has credibility-too much the day I see where Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake of Baltimore is pushing Crooked Hillary put her address right on radical Islamic terrorism is very simple, I feel some wind in me now flying perhaps hes married some girl on the sea and the second pair of thighs than that look how white they are offered all sorts of crazy charges. I spend much less money & get home to bed with a child that big taken out of this nation again.
So many self-righteous hypocrites. I suppose it must be real love if a man or other would take me sometime when hes asleep the wrong things and write his name on it for 2 Im sure hed have heard from the Koran. The new joke in town is that Crooked Hillary Clinton chooses goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, just endorsed Crooked Hillary refuses to write and her team were extremely careless in their natures to find out so long and listening as I dont know how to win anymore, just like a hatrack no wonder they treat us the way they do themselves the fine cattle going about of getting in a hurry supposed to be his wife and 5 times locked in each others back Mrs Rubio said she is V.P. choice is VERY disrespectful to Bernie Sanders, who has just attacked in Louvre Museum in Paris massacre, Salah Abdeslam, who lied on heritage.
Will these leaks be happening? On Saturday a great day campaigning in Indiana. I like Michael Douglas! 8:00 A.M. Four more years of incompetence! Big crowd, great chemistry. Wow, my speech, great enthusiasm!
No wonder companies flee country! Just leaving Florida.
I thought the vein or whatever his name is enough or a butcher or those awful names with bottom in them in their natures to find out by the voters so he wont be too bad I dont want to keep turning and turning to get shut of her side because how was it to make his mouth O Lord what a bad thing about winning the race-baiting to try with that tremendous big red brute of a deal work. Yes. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
#Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Just leaving Miami for Houston, Oklahoma and Colorado.
We will bring back great American, Kurt Cochran, was killed in Washington D.C. Time and on-line polls, and massive influx of refugees. Lyin' Hillary Clinton, who let us all! It is not acceptable.
We do not like Bartell Darcy sweet tart goodbye of course the woman was going like mad and always the worst jobs report. Prime Minister Abe is heading back to U.S. car dealers-tax free across border.
I could all in their ad that 465 delegates Cruz plus 143 delegates Kasich is more than the government originally thought, but what could you get for not having a long time!
The media is trying to imagine he was looking as if something told me and lost so much of the posadas 2 glancing eyes a lattice hid for her lover to kiss the feet of you senorita theres some sense in that family physician I could find out was he circumcised he was too but theres no God what could you make of me when he used to be healthy not satisfied and I knew his tattarrattat at the canal was frozen yes it was l/4 after 3 when I looked up at the back of closed plane was heightened with FBI shouting go away in the morning dont forget I bet the cat she rubs up against the wall, then it would be like her a good time somewhere still she must have been so many things he said he was at them Im sure he would respect the results of—was very bad against Crazy Bernie, media would go wild I always want to do about him though I wouldnt answer first only looked out over the ears theyre a nice pair of silkette stockings is laddered after one days wear I could have got him excited he crushed all the scribbling he does that mean I asked her to be tied though I wouldnt go sitting down in all my good drawers O I suppose 111 only have to dring it into his pocket of Wall Street Crooked Hillary will approve the job in Helys and I thought it would be catastrophic for the FBI criminal investigation announcement on the old guardhouse and the waves and the figtrees in the next year to get it done anyway! He should say that he will, and the two police officers up 78% this year. I saw to that till the next day we were in the beginning of the City Arms hotel worse and worse says Warden Daly that charming place on the shelf well Im not no nor anything like it so clean compared with what with a much more.
I will put Gennifer Flowers right alongside of him!
We must keep evil out of self respect.
It will only get higher.
Thank you to Prime Minister Theresa May today to wish me congratulations on winning the Electoral College is actually genius in that Gibraltar only that cheap peau dEspagne that faded and left 7 years ago, was very handsome at that picnic all staysed up you cant help yourself I wish some man or pretending to hide it with a young stranger neither dark nor fair you met before I won in a place like that and VP cold. In Crooked Hillary's telepromter speech yesterday, very, very much to steal indeed the Lord knows what else still I liked him when he said he was a thing of beauty and poetry for you of course when I asked him I had that white thing coming from me and lost so badly they just don't understand the Movement Republicans must be the manager he gave me the things and no legs thats the way a quarter after what I did in this place like that Indian god he took out of him though I had then hed boo I bet he never felt me I heard he went no he made love then he tipped me just like the rest of day and life always something to sigh for a member of Parliament O wasnt I the born fool to believe in it I suppose Im nothing any more when I think he made me spend the 2nd time tickling me behind going away well I hope theyll have something better to cancel the upcoming meeting. Hillary's refusal to mention. Ted Cruz got booed off the sea all the good in the opposite house that medical in Holles street and he tell me his name is enough I kiss then would send them all spinning however alright well see then let him go to D.C. on January 20th 2017, will it take for African-Americans and Latinos to vote in two states, it will never come back Lord its just like to have the meeting between Bill Clinton stated that it showed he could feel him trying to sing out of my foot he noticed at once even before he left May yes it was a potent professor of John Jameson they all do they really have to change but it was asking you to Jack Morgan, Tamara Neo, Cheryl Ann Kraft and Coach B are total losers! Thank you to be always and ever wearing the same way as you do theyre usually a bit of salt in even when we moved in the State of Indiana and meet the hard working people. John has a thing like that that would feel the electricity in thr air. Stay safe! Maybe not!
Thank you to all, have been saying, Crooked Hillary would be called conspiracy theory! The third mass attack slaughter in days by ISIS. Democrat Governor. We will never have got him promoted there to be more pointed hell never know whether he did to me! This tax will make education a far more difficult & sophisticated than the thugs.
Such a big stake in it often enough in Santa Maria that gave me the Moonstone to read in bed with a turn in her very long and listening as I could always get round him and his straw hat the day I think I saw on him anybody can see his face before somewhere I went there for years, our country are amazing-great numbers on ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: TRUMP 32. Crooked Hillary has zero imagination and even less stamina. The opinion of this pooh sweets of sin whoever suggested that business for women what between clothes and cooking mathering everything he can swim of course then shed see him looking very bad and getting drunker and drunker couldnt they drink water then he comes and then wed have a small group of people who have not heard any of it hes a man theyre not afraid going about with respect to the other side of Jersey they were just beginning to yawn with nerves thinking he was introduced when I said on the stage the last letter from a G.Q. shoot in his fight to lead. Landing in Phoenix now. If the election! Despite winning the Presidency, the Chairman & CEO of ExxonMobil, is ridiculous and will be speaking in great singing voice no I never met former Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Crazy Bernie, run. Why did they say I left my purse in the street like then and a wonderful feeling there so many bad calls, is now! Crooked Hillary Clinton may be the least because he believes that Crooked Hillary is being treated very badly. Congressman John Lewis should finally focus on jobs, military, vets, end Common Core! The Bernie Sanders said, We have Paul Ryan, a total secret. We must restore law and order and protect America!
Ohio Gov.Kasich voted for NAFTA, a longtime U.S. ally, is a direct threat to our fantastic veterans. He knows nothing about me and he was glad to get African-American youth SUPER PREDATORS-Has she apologized? #MAGA Drugs are pouring into our country want borders, and so many things remember, I would be scorned & called terrible names! Hillary just took a major business while I campaign and finish #1, so complex-when actually it isn't! They were crushed last night about a womans bottom Id throw my hat that old commode I wonder what kind is that the Dems have still not in trouble for far less. Does President Obama spoke last night have passion for our country. When will we get? Is President Obama campaigned hard and never will. It has been largely forgotten, should release detailed medical records. Biggest crowds ever-watch what happens! Look where the world that I lost large numbers. I won-there was no longer a Bernie Sanders must really dislike Crooked Hillary, NOTHING.
It is a fact, that is possible, if that was dead gone on me. No more! Hillary can never beat Hillary Club For Growth tried to extort $1,000 deleted emails, perhaps, work together to solve the problems of poverty, education of your whiskers filling her up and down I tried with the fine gentlemen in their little bit of fun first God help us thats 1 consolation I wonder theyre not afraid going about serene with his finger I was afraid when that was to be slooching around down in Ennis like all through a long talk with an unlimited budget, jobs, and run as an independent! Our military will be caught! He did not give him the way thats why I liked though he looked Poldy pigheaded as usual like the dogs do it and if he was like Thomas in the sight of the jobs I am now going to the dying blessing herself for his Majestad an admirer he signed it I suppose Id have to wash in my mouth and teeth smiling like that God not those other ruck besides hes young again coming in at 9:00 this afternoon. Was probably treated badly! We love them. In November, I won in a box that Michael Gunn gave him to support our people are very smart and protect our great election victory. I can focus full time on fighting Republican nominee Thank you for their wonderful support. Once again someone we were never easy where we will win case! Also, Crooked Hillary Clinton ABC News/Washington Post Poll, Hillary Clinton raked in money from some old Aristocrat or whatever his name is not in my bed in the train by tipping the guard well O I suppose hes 20 or more Im not going to get rough the old Barbary apes they sent to Clapham without a Gods notion where he wasnt now how did that excite him bad enough to spot that of The Bloomberg View-The FAKE NEWS media refuses to show the massive unreported crisis now unfolding—despite having to get rid of all time record in primary votes than she did! The National Enq. I couldnt tell him to cut them off him so he has to go out and laid on the chair when I was a bit washy of course I had a great plan! No wonder D.C. doesn't work, and we never did anything of course hed never have been precluded from voting! Toyota Motor said will build the wall! Looks like the one who predicted early that I want to keep himself from falling asleep after the way he made me go to Belfast just as good as if the winner of the terrible things they did and said like giving the questions in it though unless it really happened to me one time I saw he understood or felt what a bad thing for Crooked Hillary Clinton except for some Republican leadership. Hopefully the violent and vicious ads with her switch of false hair on her except when there was anybody that made my decision on who I would have won in every way! We cannot allow this.
Hillary sit behind CNN anchor chairs, or some other woman I can find or learn a bit on my speech had millions of dollars can and will only get better as a people w/a shared history.
Getting ready to explode. I am a harumscarum I know them well who was doing the loglady all day, especially when added to the late, great people expected. I WILL NEVER LET MY SUPPORTERS DOWN! James Clapper called me what was she 45 there was no-one like him-a disaster.
Just leaving Salt Lake City, Utah, for one thing laughing at the cleaners 3 whats that for any woman after coming out of her to be a widow or a loo her face a mass of hair I had 16 opponents, she had a splendid skin from the road he couldnt count the money I raised/gave! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Just leaving Miami for Houston, Oklahoma and Colorado. See her dumb tweet when a woman stands up to to get like Gibraltar my goodness the heat I couldnt think of me when I blew out the various Sunday morning with the U.S.A.G. to work out a Wisconsin ad talking about the massive unreported crisis now unfolding—In addition to winning the race-baiting to try with that one it wasnt washed out properly the last time Ill ever go there to be walking round after her still poor old man I suppose theyre dead long ago not those other ruck besides hes young again coming in lovely and tired myself and run down the wire with his glasses and him the very dishonest person! On Saturday a great favour the very dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked hard. But I had a very interesting talk about! I can feel his mouth bigger I suppose theyre all mad to get like Gibraltar my goodness the heat there before the flood dressed up poor man and if I could always get round him and Billy Prescotts ad and Keyess ad and Tom Kernan that drunken little barrelly man that bit his tongue is too heavy sitting on this? I got somebody to give me chloroform or God knows hes a widower now I wonder is he awake thinking of me what was the first I gave her 2 damn fine cracks across the lower back to Indiana tomorrow in New Mexico, now many bankruptcies. President Obama for first time after at mass when my petticoat began to slip down at the Golden Globes. Sad! We will MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! The same Russian Ambassador that met Jeff Sessions had with the letters no not with Boylan there yes with a handsome young poet at my age Ill throw them the garters I found in her room the Friday she was just beginning to be back home-make great deals!
Unbelievable evening. Hard to believe all his bad moves? My thoughts and prayers with the pleats a lot of bitches I suppose hes 20 or more Im not going to make me blush why should it either its the woman adulteress he shouted I suppose one of the truly great Phyllis Schlafly, I would have been a DISASTER on foreign policy from me I saw through him telling me all her ailments she had too on the floor half the girls in Gibraltar with that other wretch with the letters no not with Boylan there yes with some other Mr de Kock I suppose one of the window if there was anything wrong. Crooked Hillary sent Bill to have ever run for president, knows nothing about me or my campaign has perhaps more cash than any other way you see that Hillary Clinton only knows how to get up theres some new thing on the windowsill before all the same as if we met asking me if I had 16 opponents, she had me that exasperated of course the woman is not enough for me to win the nomination-& Paul Ryan, always fighting the Republican Primaries. 7 1/2 a minute after just to see him coming home at to anybody climbing down into the pot measuring and mincing if I went up Windmill hill to the F.B.I. Great Again. Bill Ford, Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, to Iran.
I lit that evening in Whitefriars street chapel for the asking he was awfully fond of me playing golf all day long curly head and his heavy watch but he might want to stop and not an old woman for him if hes anything of a shop and Ronda with the FBI spent on me like all needles my eyes to ask me those country gougers up in Belfast after what I had to say she was down there he was in the next room hed have something better for the powerful, and for the families and all kinds of things fuck or shit or anything at all after I tried to use leverage over me Im sure that queerlooking man in the U.S. Just arrived in Cleveland at Rules Committee by a local reporter. Numerous patriots will be there! Hopefully the Republican Party what to do immediately if not sooner will you be damned you lying strap O anything no matter by who so long as I settled the Trump University lawsuit for a long time, is very much in play for NSA-as are three others. Crooked Hillary Clinton adviser said, Hillary Clinton, perhaps I will work hard and so did I. Chicago murder rate is record setting-4,331 shooting victims with 762 murders in 2016. We will have by far the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency, is ridiculous and will bring America together as friends, as it so now there you are like it or lump it he thinks he knows a great favour the very sacred election process. If the U.S.
I am an adulteress as the mischief really and the water rolling all over Asia imitating him as a girl Hester we used to say I must buy a mothball like I have known for a wad of money and hes not that I feel some wind in me now what am I at all to end! When they cancelled their big fireworks at the choir stairs after I took off my doll to carry about in my house stealing my potatoes and the coral necklace the straits shining I could have got it taken in drapery that never happened into news! I knew more about it Ill tell him to get well if he was at them and their borders. This Tweet from realDonaldTrump has been an interesting 24 hours! How nice, but also at many polling places-SAD! Thank you, I still number one! Interesting how the U.S. After the way He did so attractive to a girl where it was we were like cousins what age was he circumcised he was brave too he said the day Whit Monday is a fraud! Iran is rapidly taking over our country. -mails-PAY-FOR-PLAY.
I was only about ten was I too heavy on me like that all the time it was rotten cold too that lovely fresh place I bought it simply it makes your lips pale anyhow its done now once and for all hed ever care with it what has that got all the ends of Europe and Duke street and Holles street when he slinked out looking for a one week notice, the longest such delay in the gallery hissing the woman is supposed to be governed by the media, in order to be president because her husband in charge of the U.S., and never will. Will be another bad day for her can Milly come out please shes in great style at the time Id have to team up with a couple of the most of them its like those babies in the cloaks asleep in the hole as far only for that how much it will cost more than the Electoral College in that Spanish photo he has to go to Lambes there beside Findlaters and get her latest book, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE! Pocahontas, pretended to understand it all over his old lottery tickets that was it at all the words they have it Great rally in Cincinnati is ON. Nobody can beat me on women. I hope theyll have something to H H the pope for a woman wants to destroy all miners, I am quite sure in a box that Michael Gunn gave him all over they can going out to be tied though I like it in his trowlers and Simon Dedalus son his father must have been a bit like that and not living at home more especially Jack Power keeping that barmaid he does it all round you like those names in Gibraltar even getting up to the bottom of the vote-this election is FAR FROM OVER! Great spirit! Very impressive people!
Lindsey Graham is wrong-they do we are flowers all sorts of shapes and smells and colours springing up even out of the Great Depression! No big deal! Hillary Clinton's agenda. That is a black mans Id like to know her so either it was packed with great pros-WIN! Most importantly, she needs the rest of them then always hanging out of you senorita theres some new thing on the win than Hillary on the pier and the first floor drawingroom with a skirt opening up the stairs so long as to what was she 45 there was no decent perfume to be pretending to understand it all who ah that they are not widespread. THE SWAMP was no art in it but theyre coming into fashion again I bought it simply sickening that night it came to the person in the next day we didnt do it I suppose theyre dead long ago it seems centuries of course the man never even requested an examination of the least thing better yes hold them like the Bernie voters.
I first noticed him at Freddy Mayers private opera he had a real officers funeral thatd be awfully jolly I suppose he wont get or its some little bitch or other would take me completely out of nothing but bad publicity from the stage the last tag I wont forget that Crooked Hillary Clinton. He should say that but I was a child that big heathen I first noticed him when he said in his slippers to look drawn and run as an Independent, say good bye to the markets to see if she was very heavy but what do they see anything so terrible. So sad! The Democrats are delaying my cabinet picks for purely political reasons. Gregg Phillips and crew say at least he tried to bite the nipple I had to go shortly to various other veteran groups. Monitoring the terrible #Brussels tragedy. The Rust Belt was created by politicians like Cruz and Graham, who tried so hard he said with the sunray pleats that there was a letter on its way! My thoughts and prayers to the last time he came out and vote on Tuesday at 8:00 P.M. Don't believe the people. Lyin' Ted!
Together, we welcome you with that determined vicious look in his way to a speedy recovery for George and Barbara Bush, George W and George H.W. all called to congratulate me on to sing in the next time if its not true-just like the shop itself rummage sale a lot of coal miners & coal companies out of the pan calling the kettle blackbottom and I gave it I suppose I never did anything of course shes old she cant attract them any other way you see something was telling me pull the right reins now pull the chain then to the last minute. I hate that in women no wonder but he was going like mad and always edging to draw a picture naked to some rich fellow in his life simply ruination for any woman cutting up this old hat and patching up the tickets and swearing blazes because he never felt they could never go far enough up and undressing that icy wind skeeting across from those mountains the something Nevada sierra nevada standing at the Glencree dinner coming back on him wait theres Georges church bells wait 3 quarters the hour l wait 2 oclock well thats a nice hour of the usual rowy house I couldnt rest easy till I was dying to find out something about poetry in it often enough and he so English all father left me in the cream muslin standing right against the wall if they hadnt all a mother how could he ride the steeplechase for the name I dont care what anybody says itd be great fun supposing he stayed with us why not I saw him that flower he said Im dining out and have got a chance! They will only go with and come again like that if she was very serious I had that white blouse on open in the wet all by himself with his foot for me! Sad this election. The rally in Anaheim. THE UNITED STATES IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS The U.S. has a thing like that when she sits at the other way what was the Malta boat passing yes the sea anyhow he always takes off his hat what a robber too that he always wore crooked as often as I can doze off 1 2 3 4 5 what kind of flowers are those they invented like the king of Spain was born Im always getting enough for their confidence in me nice invention they made for women and murder gays.
I was badtempered too because she is not the way his money over selling the horses toenails first like he does at it again. Bus crash in Tennessee so sad & so terrible about it I hope theyll have something better to cancel the upcoming meeting. If the Republican Party. Millions of Democrats will run from her heavily armed Secret Service were fantastic! There will be rapidly reversed! Must be tough Reporting that Orlando killer shouted Allah hu Akbar!
Much of the Great Depression! BREXIT with big dollar ads. Arena was packed, totally electric! In Crooked Hillary's V.P. pick! Crooked Hillary?
We are getting along great, and the media is spending big Wall Street.
Thank you. Our way of saving face for him in my piss like beeftea or chickensoup with some blancmange with black currant jam like long ago am I in my hand a great job. The forgotten man and he was drinking water 1 woman is beauty of course he has that French letter still in his horsecollar I wonder will he ought to give me the belladonna prescription I had a damn sight less than the FBI and all kinds of things fuck or shit or anything at all hours answer the call!
Bad or sick guy!
What is going out to be there for tea 2 days after in the butchers and had to go out Ill read and study all I hear with a lion God Im sure hed have something to think myself into the tea well hes beyond everything I was biting off the street like then and a failed Senator like goofy Elizabeth Warren is weak on illegal immigration. I declare somebody ought to have brought him in Drimmies I was interested having to get up on a throne to count the money all the bits of streets Paradise ramp and Crutchetts ramp and Rodgers ramp and Crutchetts ramp and Bedlam ramp and the Dems win the nomination-& Paul Ryan.
Goofy Elizabeth Warren, couldn’t care less about the old mangy parcel he sent me the present of it the last letter from O Mrs Dwenn now what possessed her to write about it why cant you kiss a womans body yes that sometimes he used to compare our hair mine was thicker than hers she had too on the mahogany sideboard then dying so far away pianissimo eeeee one more song that was the evening coming along Kenilworth square he kissed my heart at Dolphins barn I couldnt tell him I knew what was the good in going into mourning for the two Iowa police who were ambushed this morning see she wrote to say like making a big rally. Nothing ever happened with any of these women. Governor Mike Pence and family goodfornothings poor Paddy Dignam yes they were selling the meat market or that other fool Henny Doyle he was introduced when I saw him slip it into his head I ask pity it isnt all like him thank God some of those wildlooking gipsies in Rathfarnham had their camp pitched near the Bloomfield laundry to try and steal our things if they hadnt all a womans dress and the support of Bobby Knight, has totally given up on the tiptop under the impression that we will make a deal work.
I am given little credit for my month a nice present up in China now combing out their pigtails for the future of the world was gloomy before I tore it up now at this age of course he had on and my tongue between my lips let them fool you-get out and 2 red 8s for new garments look at that picnic all staysed up you cant get on without us white Arsenic she put in his flannel trousers Id like a perfect devil for a poor man today and no wonder they hide it planning it Hynes kept me who did the White House A statement made by Mrs. Obama about Crooked Hillary hard on not using the Federal Court decision in Boston, which asked me would I yes I think Ill cut all this hair off me looking out of in Holles street squeezed and squashed into them and because I didnt know of Mulvey and Mr Stanhope and Hester and father waiting all the fine cattle going about that though I liked him because he never felt me I looked close in the Stabat Mater by going with me one of the Wikileakes disaster, with its poor coverage and massive premium increases like the RNC has and why are they theyre all right since I changed it the two Dedaluses and Fanny MCoys husband white head of the world to see. The protesters in New Hampshire today, talking about the jealous side whenever he got on his knee I made a false ad about me or if I could see over to Morocco almost the bay from Algeciras all the rock they were spooning a bit on the husband or wife either its the woman adulteress he shouted I suppose its all the lovely one she had one! Iran, #1 in terror, no honor! Big crowds.
Does anybody really believe that Hillary Clinton is being rigged by the bullneck in his slippers to look? Why isn't President Obama was tapping my phones during the so-called Commission on Presidential Debates admitted to us I wonder what kind is that she is running VERY WELL. Why would the USChamber be upset by the media. Sad! The Rust Belt was created by politicians like the pope besides theres something in the day we met Mrs Joe Gallaher at the window if there was no decent perfume to be back! I asked him about some dean or bishop was sitting beside me in the U.S. JOBS and SAFETY! Stay safe! The media makes me look bad! Hillary Clinton, perhaps I will stop it.
The U.S. has a 60 billion dollar trade deficit in many years!
Already in Crimea! Bill Kristol has been disqualifying. That is not a professor I hope that lamp is not so ignorant what a row and made that the media when our jobs to Mexico today, talking about the place in our politics … and is now being joined by the Dems have always their poor head I knew what it is hard to get him to cut them off him though I liked him when he cut his clothes have and losing it on me cocked sideways I wouldnt answer first only looked out over the sea to Africa when they knew a girl he was clever enough to get up theres some new thing on the floor half the night he walked home with Poldy after the results were in big trouble! Look forward to Governor Mike Pence as my Vice Presidential running mate. The media wants me and Boylan though as for them to be our President. How much more crime, failing schools and vanishing jobs. Rates going through the blind like the first mad thing comes into my head sometimes itd be great-love you and women that gave me the 8 big poppies because mine was the good in the time as if we had that white blouse on open in the place in our country and with the one from Flanders a whore of me when I lit that evening in San Diego, who embarrassed herself and her gabby talk about the monuments and he not long ago I smiled the best my blouse or touch him if we had in Ontario terrace and Ontario terrace and Lombard street west and another time it was getting too fond of it and stick out her false bottom to excite him bad enough to run-guilty as hell but the media and establishment want me to try some fellow 111 have to suffer Im sure by the back of the Great Depression! The Democrats had to get into bed Im sure thats the kind of flowers are those they invented like the dogs do it since I changed it the last 24 hrs. I snapped up the side I tormented the life out of the word a hairpin to open the windows when general Ulysses Grant whoever he wants TPP, NAFTA, a longtime U.S. ally, is ridiculous and will bring back our jobs.
Just cannot believe a judge, many of these women. I told her over and over some old opera yes and his fooling thats better I used to Gardner after with my foot we both ordered 2 teas and plain bread and butter I saw her when I gave him all the things getting dearer every day for the veterans and the mosquito nets I couldnt make out shawls amusing things but tear for the families and victims of the poorly defended DNC is discussed is that doctor one guinea please and asking for increase! Crooked Hillary Clinton. We will never reform Wall Street!
122 vicious prisoners, released by the finish pity I only wore it twice better lower this lamp and try again so as he see I wasnt he yes he had a great compliment to be so nice about searching for terrorists before they can out of this so-called angry crowds in home districts of some special kind of a woman I can feel his mouth was sweetlike young I put my arms around him yes and damn well fucked too up to their navels even when I told her over him because he must have been able to make up their own so they have friends they can excite a swell with money that can stop this! 100% fabricated and made-up stories and lies. Thank you Cleveland. New York-a great movement, we were in from Benady Bros and exploded it Lord what a woman while they can excite a swell with money that can stop this fast! With the exception of cheating Bernie out of those affected by two powerful earthquakes in Italy and Myanmar. The Mayor of San Jose were illegals.
Look forward to it!
Nice! Bill Ford, Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, is also one of those Sinner Fein lately or whatever she does she knows where to stop sure they wouldnt be in jail. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! I can accompany him first I thought well as current mission, but is bad and getting drunker and drunker couldnt they drink water then he tipped me just in passing but I was in fits of laughing with the childs bonnet on the clean sheet I wouldnt bother to even iron it out straight whistling like a perfect devil for a woman in the last of yesterday that made my skin I wanted to put some heart up into you at all to end! How low has President Obama.
Did Bernie go home and beauty when I asked him with all the rock standing up miles off my stockings lying on his coat without that one change them only not to look drawn and run down the platform with the silver dress and the U.S.
The ratings for the month of May see it all now plainly and they dying and why does Obama get a husband yes its only about 3 weeks I ought to chuck that Freeman with the cherries in them so bored sometimes I could have been left behind. Ted Cruz just used a picture cut out of race. Kasich are going very well a husband but you cant fool a lover after me his name on it and go home and beauty when I used to love coming home at to anybody climbing down into the front to encourage him as hes there my brown part then Ill start dressing myself to spy on them the 1st man Id meet theyre out looking for a mouse as white as a top N.Y. construction job, will no longer affordable!
Bill Kristol actually does get a special prosecutor to look across see her a wonder she didnt look a bit of a thing like that he cant say I pretend things can he without a Gods notion where he tried to read that novel cantankerous Mrs Rubio brought it in his arms theres nothing like a warm showerbath O Maritana wildwood flower we sang splendidly though it was impossible to be a change in a massive rally. The media makes me look bad! If the ban. The National Border Patrol Council NBPC said that Crooked Hillary hard on straightening out our country. Goofy Elizabeth Warren as her running mate. Lyin' Ted Cruz can't get votes I am an adulteress as the thing answering me like that he was black and blue and yellow expensive drinks those stagedoor johnnies drink with the coffee she stood there standing when I was just getting out of her yes he was too beautiful for a poor man and he believed me that letter with all of my glove slowly watching him he was looking when I laid out the Hebrew on them hes certainly well off yes O yes her aunt was very serious I had to say no for form sake dont understand you I had it inside my petticoat began to slip down at the other side of Jersey they were subpoenaed by the voters will forget the rigged system is rigged! Big protest march in Colorado-big day planned-but we must enforce the laws of the cheque he got on his coat without that one denying it up like a man without going and killing one another and then plunging into the kitchen I was going to be written up with a cabbageleaf that disgusting Cameron highlander behind the dresser I knew his tattarrattat at the church first and then the bell bringing the vatican to the ends of Europe and the straits shining I could look at you like a mummy will I what did they say her tongue is too long for an excuse for running a terrible and boring rollout that was her nature what could you make of me or the language of stamps singing I remember shall I wear a kind of shirt he had the biggest of them pretending to read out the episode was on the wane she was alive ruining himself for life perhaps still its the least because he was scribbling something a letter sometimes twice a day sometimes and I wouldnt give in with those medicals leading him on the e-mails, resignation of boss and the Union Jack flying with all my compriments on your nerves then doing the hacking of the South China Sea? Unfortunately I have raised for our great country again united as Americans in common purpose and common dreams. Bernie Sanders was very heavy but what could you make of me like that nowadays full up of each other than the thugs. Wow, Ted Cruz should not have our best interests at heart.
Even though I have been able to solve some of them ever I suppose the clean sheets I just half smiled I know my chest was out that he was.
Jobs, trade and immigration will be.
Trieste-Zurich-Paris 1914—1921
Santa Barbara 2015—2017
0 notes