#couldnt b sure if i wanted my review for this to be
cracks knuckles. so, been just trying to gauge overall reception with this, but what are your thoughts on the fan made return to the bunker episode? i’ve noticed glowing reviews from people who vaguely describe it—hit the character vibes right, jokes were cool, i liked the art, etc, but scathing ones from people who go more into detail—stan would never be this explicit in his desperation, ford was never this outcast or terrified of himself/others nor did he consider dipper as below, the entire thing was misogynistic, etc. so, what’s your opinion?
i did say i wasnt going to talk/reblog anymore posts about return to the bunker, but ill answer this anyway
i feel its kind of important to say right off the bat that i never finished the episode and i certainly dont intend to. i never even got to one of the b plot scenes with stan and dipper. i stopped around the bit where they got into the bunker and ford started trying to warn them about the shapeshifter. the clearly-not-ford-ness radiating off of 'ford' was too much to ignore and i couldnt finish it
anyway- what was good about the episode? well, the art and voice acting, for sure. during the first part, it also seemed like they had gotten the characters down pretty well and i thought some of the jokes were good.
in the first part.
and then mabel comes in. this is around the time real ford goes missing and fake ford shows up. no there arent two fords in the actual episode, its just that the difference between them is stark enough that theyre completely separate entities in my mind. anyway
i noticed that the sweater thing was weird to a lot of people. glad im not the only one that was extremely confused by the guy wearing a sweater saying it was too hot to wear a sweater. maybe it was meant to be a joke? it really just came off as ford trying to make excuses not to wear mabel's sweater.
which- its not like him not wanting to wear the sweater cant coexist with him liking mabel. maybe its a situation where he doesnt want her to see all his scars, or maybe he doesnt want it to get ruined when he goes to beat the shit out of the hawktopus (since yknow that was kinda the whole point of him being outside)
the point im trying to make here is that it really seems like the episode is just trying to paint ford as unreasonable and not liking mabel. speaking of which-
the way ford treats mabel is uncharacteristic. the first time we ever see ford smile in the show is when he's meeting mabel. he literally says 'i like this kid, she weird!', why are we acting like he doesnt like her?? genuinely confused. who looks at the way he was treating her in the episode and goes 'yeah fords just like that'?
sorry, anyway, last thing i have to say-
the entire bit where theyre making their way through the bunker struck me as a bit odd. it sorta felt like the episode was trying to make a joke out of ford and his wariness about the place? hes trying to guide mabel and some other kids he barely knows through the place, theyre rushing ahead (which cant be good for his paranoia), and for some reason when theyre getting close to shifty and hes trying to warn them its framed as him being melodramatic?
shifty locked his friend in a cabinet and pretended to be said friend so it could catch a look at the creatures in ford's journal and start transforming into them. i think hes allowed to be a bit cautious/afraid about meeting shifty again
and some bonus stuff ive heard about below:
ive heard that ford wipes their memories with the memory gun. he was a victim of it (implied or directly stated multiple times- who wants to bet hes got brain damage from that?) and he struggled so much to use it on stan in a situation where it was necessary to keep the world from ending. no, theres no way ford could just hit them with it like that
ive also heard fiddleford shows up and ford is weirdly antagonistic to him? 'im sorry fiddleford' is a phrase running through ford's mind on the constant for over thirty years and his first reaction to seeing fiddleford again is to apologize to him and assume he hates him. according to the journal, he actually mentioned to everyone else in the shack that he was wondering what happened to fiddleford. its implied he did that several times.
i dont have anything else to say and i dont know how to end this so. thats all. thank you for the ask and sorry if anything i said here sounded aggressive at all. not my intention.
uh moral of the story: i didnt like it :(
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livingbutamireally · 2 years
AY2022/2023 Y4S1 Module Reviews
I have been putting this off for awhile and have been writing this over the span of a few weeks truthfully maybe even a month. I have no idea what is it in this semester but i get tired just from doing absolutely nothing. We already knew but the transition from work back to school wasnt easy at least for me couldnt remember some of the coding stuff i used to have at my fingertips. But i guess there was enough mods for me to practice them over so it didnt take too long for me to get back on my feet. Feels so surreal that its finally my last modreg season actually....
Without further ado the
LAJ2201 Japanese 2
GEH1016 Understanding Consumption
BT4103 Business Analytics Capstone Project
BT4212 Search Engine Optimization and Analytics
BT4222 Mining Web Data for Business Insights
LAJ2201 Japanese 2
Kitai S., Amazaki O.
Minna no Nihongo Shokyu 1 Main textbook Second Edition (SGD42.00)   
Minna no Nihongo Shokyu 1 Translation & Grammatical Notes in English Second Edition (SGD33.00)
Minna no Nihongo Shokyu 1 Hyoojun Mondaishuu Second Edition (SGD18.00)
Minna no Nihongo Shokyu 1 Kanji Eigoban Kanji (English Edition) Second Edition (SGD32.00)
Prices are how the school vendor charges, if you can source cheaper ones outside feel free to get those instead! You will need Hyoujun Mondaishuu in physical copy so please get that at the very least.
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Term Test 1 Performance i dont know if im allowed to share this info tbh here goes nothign
                                                             Ave        highest     full mark
Kanji & Vocabulary                       8.3         10             10
Grammar 1 Particles                    5.9         8                8
Grammar 2 True or False             4.4         6                6
Grammar 3 Finding errors           2.5          6                6
Reading                                       7.6         10              10
Listening                                      7.5         11             12
Term Test 2 Components *performance not revealed
Kanji + Katakana Grammar 1 (particle) Grammar 2 (true/false) Grammar 3 (conjugation) *new Grammar 4 (finding error) Reading Listening
honestly LAJ has been very exciting for me personally if not one of the most fun moments ive had in nus. sure 1 sem is barely enough for you to ground yourself in the fundamentals of a language and of course interest far supersedes any kind of effort u put in because it is not the hours u put into it that count, but rather the passive picking up of things as u go along. sounds cheesy as hell that is probably true. anyways laj has been nothign short of enjoyable despite the really tight timeline plus very consistent schedule of always being on the grind for submissions. the workload really IS a lot and its very time consuming so i have to think hard if i really want to take this next sem. honestly as someone whos been into this hellhole for awhile, learning it formally is still really different from anything ive been doing on my own (watchign etc).... like i didnt know i still have so much i dont know??? ok tbf i came in with no grammar knowledge other than the basic の and と that any seasoned otaku would know so i struggled Hard.. but i think the experience of learning with new friends really ive made eased it in so much for me... i love it.. 1000/10 would recommend if ur already into the culture idt u have anything to lose?? idt i did well throughout tbh as in weekly quizes ive got a lot of 6/10s but on days where i studied 30 mins before the class i get 9/10 so do what u got to do ig. my term test perf wasnt very good either so im not getting my hopes up despite me taking this module with the intentions to bring my gpa up. 
for the drill every week theres 1 lecture, 2 tutorials. the lecture goes through one chapter of the minna textbook which includes both a set of vocabulary and some grammar rules. for tut A u got to hand in the kanji homework and theres a vocab quiz too in class that u need to prep before hand. tut A also goes through renshuu C-1 and C-2 dialogues usually. And every sun there are prep quizes for  both vocab and kanji due, this preps u for the in class quiz can retake as many times to perfect ur score. for tut B u got to hand in the hyoujun mondaishuu (physical) for the previous weeks lecture and they go through more speech patterns covered in renshuu C-3 usually. Renshuu C is where u find the dialogues that you will need again for the oral interview basically memory work. Oral interview pairs u with a classmate and u guys take turns to talk, what is tested is the same as renshuu C just under different context/setting. sometimes theres additional hw to submit for shadowing (recording urself repeating the dialogue right after a recorded dialogue), writing (short compo) and reading (comprehension). When its nearing term tests, u will get a listening quiz the week before tt iirc the stuff are said only ONCE so if u zone out then byebye. The term test itself also has a listening component which is basically the same drill again for god knows why. other than that we had this online exchange session pretty fun with other jp uni students zoom n chat kind of thing then a presentation on ur exchange in w13. Pretty fun time passes too fast in laj honestly it made my week go by too fast (spend too much time doing jp).
GEH1016 Understanding Consumption
Professor  Dr. Hendrik M.
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Introduction - Thinking about Consumption
Geographies of Consumption
Consumption in History
Economics and Consumption
Business and Consumption
Psychology and Consumption 
Society and Consumption
Cultures of Consumption
Politics and Consumption
Ethics of Consumption
Environment and Consumption
Internet and Consumption and Conclusions 
Took this as a ue just for the sake of a ue.. i saw the reviews saying its essay based sparks flew jk i think its like any other ge tbh the lectures go through consumption as viewed from the various disciplines, assumptions et cetera et cetera its like a content kind of mod? i skipped most of the later half of the lectures because my schedule was really so bad i needed more time for my other mods priorities right and i didnt do any of the readings theres just too much and im not that much of a reader i know.. attention span lasts for at msot 5s and these readings are like 30 pages on average long some weeks theres 2 readings i simply cant wiht the reading.. other than that u kind of just need to know what they are covering in the lectures so i should be safe..crossing my fingers.... tutorial wise its kind of seminar style? the tutor is able to talk a lot out of nothing sometimes which amazes me...its very nothing module idh a better word low effort ish? just sometimes we need to present and stuff in our groups for the tutorials and the final presentation on our location of research and findings..class part alright... essay is some reflection paper on what has been taught i think it wsa week 4/5 ish then group project is any location of your choice to study on the different perspectives of consumption and a bit of research u come up with this academic paper (tutor is very niao about the citation style and stuff so please be careful) then the original written finals by some reason i dont rmb became a take home final essay which is better for me since more time (not really for me cause AFA LOL) anyways shitted out the paper a day before submissions and still alive so...
BT4103 Business Analytics Capstone Project
Professor Um S.Y., Hahn J.P.
Individual Component Consultation Participation        25% Weekly logs                            10% Group Component Presentations + Project deliverables      50% Client Satisfaction                                   15%
Note: The score for the teamwork component of your grade will be normalised based on your contribution to the team, which will be determined via a peer evaluation process and a client satisfaction survey at the mid/end of the semester
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Lectures for this mod only happened once during the start of the sem, on nusmods its a 3h long one but dw that only will occur just once. Following weeks will be a 30min consult that is set at the convenience of the group and the prof/TA can be held on another day as well really up to you. So at the start there was about 20 (?) projects on the portal they will brief you during that initial lecture and you can go in to look at the descriptions of the deliverables if it aligns with your groups interest. You bid for them by ranking the 20 projects and the assignment of groups to their projects is on fcfs basis (other than by rank) so please manage the time for bidding well if you want to get the project of your choice. Yeah and then you get to exchange contacts with your company etc to for an introduction of the expected work proper. After that you kind of really just liaise back and forth with your company on the submission, and every week the profs will check in with you on your progress, any doubts/challenges etc etc basically a slot to update on your work. There is a weekly log submission too due Fri 12pm where u outline your contributions in a doc to be submitted. Other than that for the presentations, there is an interim one nearing recess week and a final one in week 13. Interim was online/physical at your choice even though they did not make it very clear and finals is definitely physical with your project sponsors as well. Tip is to make sure u choose projects that you definitely have stuff to talk about.... if its too easy its a bit hard to make your project and value of work delivered look substantial enough.... 
BT4212 Search Engine Optimisation and Analytics
Professor Jin C.
Class participation 5%
In-class quiz 5%
Homework assignments and group project 40%
Final exam 50%
Keywords research, Google ranking algorithm updates, on-page/off-page SEO, randomized experiment design, A/B test, ranking algorithm, data mining and ml methods
This actually is still a pretty interesting module even up till now but i especially rmb telling another friend how the content isnt dry like the other modules well till i was proven wrong with the experiment design flashbacks to ger1000 but overall i think its still pretty interesting the prof also is very engaging as in he talks in a way that captures your attention? or at the very least isnt very monotonous and he does put in the effort to come up with very relevant analogies amidst all the inevitably dry content Oh the reason why i was impressed was i actually finally understand?? the source material?? like snaps fingers enlightenment kind of thing???? hes actually really good at conveying the material without making it seem like the daunting insurmountable mountain... the first few weeks are fine though they ease u in wiht all the motivations behind efforts to improve seo ranking and the google ranking updates which are very interesting to learn about.. the ranking algo and ml parts are towards the end after week 7 and things start to get a bit haywire because its suddenly knee dip into matrices (after 3 years) and stuff solving eigenvectors (i thought we moved on from maths) </3 then towards the end the usual ml recap all over again this is good since most bt mods does a ml refresher over the models and stuff again so its a good recap or even does a good job introducing for those who are touchnig these for their first time. 
The quizes kind of didnt happen until after week 7 iirc theres only 2 for our sem its a 5 mcq luminus quiz kind of thing and its all ctrl-f-able open book so try to get 5/5 for these. The homework assignments are also more congregated towards the second half of the sem so just manage your time well and expect these to take up some keyword some of your time. There are 4 of those in total, the first is a simple writeup pretty much no biggie then the remaining 3 are coding assignments but most of it u would have the pseudocode to do the same he explains it in lectures then u just kind of code it out the final one being more ml driven so if you’ve done ml before u wont struggle much anyway. Else can just google the source code its always p much the same plug and pull easy game. The finals though...........
(minute of silence)
its a written paper so u kind of sit down for 2h doing the problems for the final week (w13) the prof will go through finals questions from previous sems if u revised it then ur gtg u can expect about the same. But i didnt plan my time well plus confused by the requirements (choose all that apply for mcqs) and the answer fields being in a table of boxes from q1 to 20  do i really put e.g. a,b,c within one box for one question?? and the option d is a whole ‘all above’ really got me second guessing myself until idk anymore if i rmb correctly the format was 20 MCQs, 4 short answer questions (not really short but compared to the longer ones behind), 1 long ass question with many subparts that tests computation i.e. stats stuff and the matrices stuff
Anyways grades please be nice to me crying i lost too many marks because id dint have the time (for the first time if im being honest) Theres also one group project but no news from the prof until very late into the sem maybe week 8? 9?  they had to finalise some sutff like if our blogs were indexed (most of it was not) so it became a project plan write up kind of thing how u plan to conduct the experiment to test out whether changing up some things affect the seo ranking instead of actually executing it out (profs original intention) might differ next sem tell me about it then
This is a sem 1 only mod and i think u should definitely take this up if the module title intrigues you because out of all the bt mods ive taken most barely even correspond to the module title T_T but this one surprisingly does a good job at it as for workload wise i think its pretty manageable just got to expect a little more than nothing in the later half of the sem
BT4222 Mining Web Data for Business Insights
Professor Wang Q.H.
Assignment 1 (10%)
Quiz 1 (10%)
Assignment 2 (10%)
Project proposal submission and presentation (5%)
Assignment 3 (10%)
Quiz 2 (10%)
Project deliverables (40%)
Attendance class participation (5%)
ML intro, web scraping, feature engineering, regularisation, NLP, classification methods, linear/logistic regression, bayesian learning/ svm, decision tree, ensemble learning and random forests, neural nets and deep learning, word embedding, convolutional neural net recurrent neural net and other DNN and explainability
This is one of the more popular pes because it  coincides for a few specs or sth im sure its also why i thought this should be one of the more useful  ones granted it aligns for more than 1 spec.. Anyway what im saying is that most bza students would have taken this mod. And sure enough i think the prof this sem wang qh did a really good job covering this mod cant say the same for zhao yl for last sem.. u all really.. Anyways once again like many bt mods its a very ML focused one so u get to explore the various ML models if you like doing that. The prof also provide source codes so its very helpful when you need to refer in future and stuff. Nothing much to say ba its quite good theres class part so maybe half way through the lecture she will put up the attendance gforms then u fill it in on the spot usually during the break i.e. 1h 10m into the lecture (she sets alarm for this to make sure she doesnt go over v cute) Other than that theres 2 tests (quizzes) held on examplify usually max max 30 mcq but these mcq are tricky as hell sometimes with 5/6 options so really ganbare. For the assignments its coding based and also very structured with guidelines in the ipynb plus u got all the source code so no problem ba mb just 1/2 question will be q hard but other than that no biggie ive always been the last minute so maybe allocate about a week should be enough. Then theres also a project that you can work on throughout the sem, yes as you learn more ml models through the week the problem statement is really up to you and your group and how u want to achieve it also very open ended... (jsut like the BT4221 i took) except u already know theres this project at the start of the sem i.e. more time to work on it unlike bt4221....... just need to submit project proposal at the start of the sem then ur report findings, codes and stuff at the end with a presentation for proposal (cancelled for us due to no time) and a presentation in w13 (can be 1/2 person presenting for the group) there will be a lot fo groups presenting and then we have a gforms to rate their projects as part of the evaluation no finals for this (yay) bc she thinks the doing is more importatn (getting down to prep the data, actual model implementation basically the practical stuff compared to content content stuff (WHICH SHOULD BE THE WAY TO GOOO) very practically speaking all the theory is all google-able whether u can do it is something else entirely
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bangtanger · 4 years
was thinking for 84 hours where should i post it but as its my creator blog i m doing it here <3 i was tagged by @taemaknae @suhdays @ynki @honsool @jjeongukie @taeyungie @dearbangtansonyeondan @lifegoesmon @everythingoes @flipthatjacketjiminie @yoongi-bts @jiminslight @hopekidoki @cowboyjinbop @yoonqiful @jcngkooks @pjmsdior @hobeah @balenciaguks​ @jinvant @hobibestboy @vjimin @yoongikook AND THANK U SO MUCH FOR INCLUDING ME T_T ik maybe its not a big deal but its a big deal to me and im touched :(((((((((((( also gimme some time to check all ur posts 👉👈 also im in a mood to say that ive collected many pokemons here djfksfhsakjddld ok nvm 
also sorry for a long post ik tmblr fvcks things up sometimes when there is keep reading so dont fight me plz <3
❀ first creation and most recent creation of 2020 
ok this is the fist one (still very pleased with colouring here T_T the stage lighting was,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well yeah as always lmao) and this is the most recent (TBH DKJSKDSDK I WISH MY MOST RECENT POST COULD BE A DIFFERENT ONE THE ONE I WANNA MAKE FOR A MONTH NOW THE ONE ID PUT A LOT MORE EFFORTS IN SO IM A LIL FRUSTRATED i literally just missed giffing but couldnt watch anything new so took an old vid i wanted to gif once I DIDNT EVEN USE MYCOLOURING PSD IT LITERALLY HAS ONLY COUPLE OF LAYERS uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :( but whatever,,, it just kinda doesnt show the difference -_-)
❀ a creation u r really proud of 
well 👁👄👁 there r quite few,,, and the main reason is colouring most of these r comps and i a b s o l u t e l y sucked at comps and esp at making the colouring consistent there lol so lets begin lol  1 (u have no idea how muchi love this set) 2 (i fucking mastered it i wanted to remake it for two years and i finally did!! 60 fps smooth good moments iconic performance iconic hair colour his attitude bruh and ofc the fact that i could do sth with colouring,,,,,, and chose such an unusual colour scheme that i doubted jckdckfdk and it still worked out 🥺) 3 (lol i had this idea written down since 2018 as well and this year i could finally collect all moments i needed and oh boi yeah,,, AND COLOURING I COULD ALMOST yeah almost do sth decent with it there r still couple moments id changed but im pleased) 4 (im so happy whenevr i see this CUZ IT ALL WORKED OUT it was such an impulsive comp i literally only saw couple moments for past few years as well where i could see three of them in one frame and suddenly I WAS LIKE I FUCKING MUST POST THOSE MOMENTS SOMEHOW and im so proud of colouring it looks so well T_T) 5 (the colouring ofc im still :o that i could get rid of that shitty shit dkksjkj AND THE MOMENTS ITSELF?????? AND BLACK SWAN???????? EVERY PERFORMANCE???? HAIR?????? OUTFIT???????? EVRERYHTIGNM???????? HIS FUCKING STARE? FACE??? DONT MAKE ME CONTINUE AAAAAAAAAAA also if im not wrong this set in particular made me start my before/after posts 🥺) 6 (i jujst love everything about it e v e r yt h i n g also i could made ppl believe that jin fr has purple hair here when in reality its brown djhfdhskdf one of blending modes or adjustment layers worked this way lol) 7 (i wont even comment this tried a great tutorial with great beautiful resuls for the first time ever and it worked out so well and i like it so much and the whole yoongi here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, also love me some borders that add cinematic feels to some gifs or just make them pretty in a dif way just like i did with prev post i mentioned imo lol) OK LAST ONE 8 (I USED A VIDEO OF STARS AND ADDED IT TO THE GIF FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER I FUCKED WITHMASKING FOR 3 HOURS GRRRRRRRR THIS IS SO HUGE FOR ME!!!!! i cant even explain whew IVE NEVER DID ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE SO I WAS REALLY PROUD TOO even tho i fucked masking up on some layers lmao but lets not pay too much attention to it 👀)
❀ a creation that took u forever
ohhhhhhhh i think this one cuz the moments were long i couldnt decide what do i want to include + it ts file so u kno,,, the speed,,, of processing,, + somehow decided to put them all together + fucked with colouring + had to get rid of the logo and as we know japan likes a lot of big braight text around haha and draw hair in moments where logo made it look blurry + had to adjust the order and all that stuff but getting rid of logo was the longest part 
❀ a creation from 2020 that received the most notes
whew this iconic one im still amazed tbh they looked soso incredible and im glad how everything turned out here <3 (could change some colouring on bg tho so it could look better and more hq :c)
❀ a creation u think deserved more notes 
lol this one cuz i was so hyped to make it cuz their concert in saudi arabia is one of my fav things in the world and i waited for so long to have mood and energy to go throught it to find jk moments and i couldnt choose some for this comp for so long and just,,,,,, overall,,,, the way he looks here............................................................... its a special comp to me haha ill def gif more of it i have shit ton of clips left and also there r other members and i just want to sit and enjoy yhe whole thing to so may find more stuff to gif here lol
❀  a new fandom u joined an a creation u made for it 
i didnt join anything heurheru
❀ a creation u made that breaks ur heart
OKAY LISTEN DSJAKDJHFDKJ THIS ONE IF U KNOW U KNOW AND IM SURE IT BREAKS ALMOST EVERY HEART tbh whenever i see soft smiles or soft interactions or anything like this im just :’( <3 even my serotonin boost tag does it to me cuz its too precious T_T
❀  a ‘simple’ creation that u really love
this one cuz everything about it ah and this one 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
❀ a creation that was inspired by someone else
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm idk maybe this one ? cuz i never did anything like this before and maybe i saw someones beautiful headers and decided to try one too ? i could do a lot better there is not enough depth but oh well,,, lol
❀  a favourite creatin created by someone else
oh its gonna be hard :) dear every conten creator i hope u dont mind if i wont go though the whole 2020 gif tag but choose form the most recent ones i loved? u know how much i appreciate ur content cuz i never stop screaming about it in tags but truly there r more content makers and i want u to know that i really love ur content :(
@syubb welllllllllllll i wont even comment this is iconique.....
@jinv T_T val i miss u but there should be bday comps with that BIG ASS IMAGE THAT HAS ITS PARTS ON EVERY SINGLE GIF I CANT EVEN EXPLAIN that icant even find dfjksfskj
@jung-koook i literally couldnt choose ehdskjdjksd but i decided this one cuz its sososososososososososososososososososososo well made every single detail here is chefs kiss
@kkulmoon i truly really cant get enough of ur colouring lately T_T
@minhope !!!!!!LITERALLY EVERY PANTONE COMP OR ESPECIALLY 7 YEARS WITH BTS PANTONE ONE IM AAAAAAAAAAAAA and lmao i think this is one of the most reposted things ive ever seen on internet T_T
@jjoon hng amy u know how i feel about ur content T_T decided this one cuz f l a w l e s s 
@hopekidoki stuff like this makes my jaw lie in the floor dsjkdj
@flipthatjacketjiminie idk whats up but it makes me scream like a madman every time i see it.........
@lifegoesmon i cant even explain why i chose this one but everything here is so incredible !!!!!!!!1
@hobeah one of those good fucking bye ones.....
@taeyungie this made me feel so many things and a whole ass a w e so cool T_T
@jiminfilter i will never shut up about bts core jungkook one should also be here
@jinvant i wanna YELL but also u know how much i love ur quality and blacks  T_T and gfxs too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@yoongi-bts i love everything here with my whole heart!!!
@joenns  I WONT EVEN EXPLAIN IM SO HURT HES SO THIS IS SO T____________________T 
@jjeongukie idk i cant get enough of skin tone!!!!!!!!!!!!
@chaylani i really love the colouring and love these posts with highlights T_T
@oncupid cant get enough of every colouring ive seen <3
@taee it was really hard to choose too T_T decided to go with this cuz,, u kno
❀  some of your favourite content creators from this year
ok i may forgot someone + in no order in particular + literally every creator that i follow/whose content i reblog @taeguks @tearuntold @cyphertaehyungie @love4hobi @kimnamtaejin @taejoon @jimiyoong @namkook @taeyungie @jinvant @jinv @6dis-ease @jiminrolls @daechwitas @syubb @syuga @jjeongukie @cowboyjinbop @hope-film @minhope @hopekidoki @joonie @namgination @jung-koook @faerieth @kooksv @lifegoesyoon @yoonqiful @j-sope @chaylani @jiminfilter @jjoon @everythingoes @varietae @seoksjin @dearbangtansonyeondan @ofkimtaehyung @yoongi-bts @gaypeople @seokjinyoongis @agustdfeatrm @joenns @houseofarmanto @namjoon (will miss forever) @thebtsgenre @honsool @vjimin @seokjinite @jiminswn @taee @hobeah @lifegoesmon @taemaknae @gukgi @kkulmoon @flipthatjacketjiminie @jintae @jcngkooks @ynki @yoongikook @yoongiandthebiaswreckers @jiminslight @gwkie @oncupid @eternalbulletproof and many more <3
OK SO i wanna say a special thanks to every content creator ever and also i wanna say that im really glad to be a part of this community all of u r so cool and creative and make such beautiful things and many of u made me feel EMOTIONS with ur sets or not only sets ill be forever grateful that i discovered bts and for everything they do to me without even knowing ALSO THANK U FOR STILL BEING HERE ON TUMBRLDSDFKJ yeah this year was less active there were few issues many ppl went on twt but thank u for still being here also happy new year <3333333 i think i sounded deeper and more emotional when i was commenting ppls gifs :| but its almost 2 am so i hope u will understand dkfjkfsjk im happy there is this corner on the internet that feels cozy and so welcoming <3 i love u i wish u a better year ahead <3 ok for checking notifications purpose ill tag my blog lol @eternal-bangtan
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a-deadly-serenade · 3 years
overall this season was pretty decent. i have some thots whats new so im gonna share them below the cut if anyone’s interested :)
so!! first off i’ll say that there were a lot of things i did really enjoy from season 4!
the action was super fun as always!! i loved all the crazy enemies and callbacks! the skeleton fight and all those little goblins they kept killing throughout were a nice touch ;) sypha’s use of her powers is INSANE her ice-chainsaw?? her WALL of fire?? electric balls?? come on. and the animation was NICE. i really wanna know who did most of the fight scenes bcuz the style is so different and it just POPS but in a really good way? 
my favorite fight has to be ofc when everyone is REUNITED yes im basic. but the THEME song going off and well, im a whore for sotn references and i CAME when i saw the leap stone ref w the winged cape or when alucard turned into a hoard of batss AND THEN HIS WOLF FORM OOOOHH BABY!!! actually episode 9 is just a straight banger.
STRIGAAA. STRIGA. oh mama i was sweating during that fight. mad kudos to her va for them growlsss
carmilla vs isaac was a lot of fun and i loved the visuals but my hype was instantly ruined when i saw her kill herself 😭but thats smth i’ll complain about later.
not all the lines were bangers, some of sypha’s swearing seemed even a bit too much at times, and it was especially jarring to be having a face-to-face death-math with literal Death and hes acting like a naughty little 5 year old thats just learnt to swear. maybe cut back on the fuck-isms? just a bit? BUT when they hit they did GOOD. “the fuck what now?” yes
ISAAC. you weren’t in this season as much but man do u still shine through. i loved his introduction back in the town where he has his night creatures digging graves and rebuilding the city 😭 and then the conversation he shares w his flyman?? obsessed.
Hector chopping his finger off and giving lenore and carmilla a good ol FUCK YOU!! as he helps isaac. we love to see it
Trevor and Sypha’s “I love you!” “I know.” <3
oh! alucard actually having a story & purpose in the plot? :) luv it love to see it. that being said... the Plot. 
its... ok? it’s kind of split up into 3/4 parts, as the story progresses, one eventually merges with several of the others kind of? cohesively? while leaving the other to sort itself out.
now, i didnt have too many qualms with it, it was pretty straight forward. dracula is going to be resurrected and we have sypha and trevor looking in on it, while alucard helps the nearby village and hector and isaac go on about bringing on their inevitable showdown. however, the way the story was paced and some of the decisions they made... werent so great.
st. germain for example, brought the ENTIRE momentum from the last few episodes to a halt. you have sypha and trevor fighting through heaps and heaps of monsters only to find themselves back in Targoviste where they meet the mysterious Zamfir!! and Alucard!! he’s been asked to help save this village!! all jam-packed with crazy action and animation that leaves you fired up!! and then episode 5 comes to a screeching halt and we spend nearly the entire thing on st. germain’s backstory and explaining his motives for the rest of the season
like. imma be real with you chief: he didnt need to be here lol. you could have just left varney as the main vamp in charge of bringing back big daddy drac and he could reveal to his.. idk henchmen or something that he’s death. but u gotta fill them ten 20 minute slots somehow!! he just fell so flat and unfortunately, a lot of the side-characters suffer from this this season.
i enjoyed great and zamfir, i love their desgins esp, but they really could have been fleshed out more. zamfir is shown as nothing but a spoiled brat the majority of the time she’s on screen but they wait till she’s about to die to try and turn her character around? huh? greta is given a bit more screentime but this sudden confession of feelings in the last episode felt so... huh?? why couldnt she just be dedicated to her people and show that u can love someone w/out necessarily being their partnr? i thot that was her whole thing; taking care of her people. it’s like. where did this come from. they cant have known each other more than a week at most dog 😭
it sucks they dedicated to much time to scenes that didnt really need to be there where we could have gotten this proper development, like maybe have a scene zamfir and sypha connect over struggles they’ve dealt with in the past and that has her open up about how traumatizing dracula’s attack on her city was. u could have expanded upon her role in the court and WHY she worshipped the monarchy so much instead of making it a throwaway gag about her being “crazy”. but why have that when we could instead spend the first 5 minutes of said episode watching a monotonous back-and-forth b/w varney and that big burly russian vampire who’s name im sure mor than 98% of the audience cant even remember? 
just a lot of fat that needed to be trimmed so that the actual MEAT of the story could be slow cooked to perfection. people really arent kidding when they say less is more. 
another big problem i had was there... i dont even know what to call it, re-humanization? redemption? of Lenore. like lmk if im wrong but she manipulated hector, yeah? coerced sex to slip on that ring that binds him to her?? orr whatever weird shit warren’s into. but the way they interacted, ESPECIALLY in their first major scene together was sooo uncomfortable to watch lol at first i thought perhaps hector was only playing along because well. hes enslaved to do her and carmilla’s bidding. but no, he actually LIKES her. he spares her when isaac comes around, he says that he wants to keep her as his own. and in the meantime, lenore finds time to complain to a man that’s been beaten and enslaved how upset it makes her that carmilla got angry at her 😭 or says thats she tired of isaac keeping tabs on her and wants to escape this ‘cage’. to  aman thats literally been imprisoned since youve known him 😭her death is seen as peaceful, calm, they even try and tug at ur heartstrings by swelling this sad, dramatic music as the sun rises. really? LENORE?
and carmilla’s death happened WAYY too early imo. she was the villain for practically 3 seasons and this is how she goes? isaac couldnt get more than a stab at her? his night creatures couldnt take a nibble? HECTOR couldnt even be given a chance to do somethng like come on
the resolution was... strange? it was cute!! and happy!! but i dunno if they really needed to have lisa and vlad coming back, but, like i said; it was cute! definitely not the ending i was expecting. 
i’m glad that they put their focus back on what made the show so much fun and that was the FIGHTS. they definitely helped add some much needed spice to things when scenes started to drag, but im a gal that really luvs a good story and even though reviews were raving that this season helped closed the lid on all the themes theyd been exploring, i just didnt really see that. which isnt necessarily a BAD thing, i knew i wasnt gonna find some deep introspective themes in this hack n slash horror-fantasy, its just what can turn somethng like this from an ok show to a GREAT one. 
in the end, im glad they stopped at this one and im curious to see if they really DO go ahead on making spin-offs. bcuz unfortunately, i will always be down for som new castlevania content
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drangues · 4 years
ansbwjjcnw I still gotta read it but my motivation to Do New Shit is. So very low right now. All I want are naps. BUT I’m sure an art of Tangled!Dazatsu from you would look really nice, if you decide to draw it! ALSO GOOD LUCK ON YOUR TEST IM ROOTING FOR YOU, make sure you get enough sleep and eat something filling!!! Anyways, let’s be honest- Dazai and Chuuya only get worse when their attention flustered their boyfriends. (Nyanon, 1/7)
This is because (A) they think Flustered BFs are fucking adorable, and also (B) they know this means that their boyfriends haven’t been appreciated much and that means War (on their low self image). Also I love the implication that rich kid!Dazai and Chuuya’s natural reaction to being Pissed at each other is to spoil Atsushi or Akutagawa. It’s great. And! That is: EXACTLY. What I’m saying. (Nyanon, 2/7)
I can imagine them as that one post of the writer and the artist throwing chapters and pictures at each other, ahaha. Dazai practically being the embodiment of a chaotic author is Very Fitting, he writes when he writes and in whatever genre strikes him. No, there’s no need to worry about him, he’s definitely not living on coffee and spite alone. And Atsushi is definitely the type to mostly stick to fluffy drawing, I think! (Nyanon, 3/7)
He can definitely do other things, but he probably finds drawing cute stuff comforting. Also Kyouka likes the super cute ones and he’s pretty much willing to draw whatever to keep the baby sis happy. I also imagine that he’d do commissions? Because it never hurts to have an additional source of income. Except he’s a pushover when people tell him his prices are “too high” or something, so Kyouka has to put her foot down and tell him to Not give in, haha. (Nyanon, 4/7)
(It’s okay Dazai, I’m an attention whore to. I want to be complimented too much.) And! Poor Atsushi, haha, he probably wasn’t expecting his favorite author to say he liked his art? He probably keysmashes and then draws a cute little doodle for another one of Dazai’s fics and then Dazai is just. Gone. Also ten bucks says that their first DM interaction is Dazai saying something memey. It just feels like something he’d do. (Nyanon, 5/7)
And a bonus: Kyouka does really deep analyses of different shows and books and games, and occasionally on fanfiction as well. Kunikida makes a comprehensive, huuuge post on the lore Igor different series because I feel like he’d enjoy doing something like that? Just like, organizing the background and making it more understandable, if that makes sense? I’m not sure what Chuuya would but I get the distinct sense of someone who makes edits and aesthetics from Akutagawa. (Nyanon, 6/7)
Yosano and Ranpo both probably have that weird “list of questionable shit the authors need answers to” blog or something... I’m in too deep. Help. But! Have another Concept: Faking dating jealousy cliche, with Dazatsu and Chuuaku. Basically, Chuuya decides that he and Atsushi should pretend to be a couple to see if it’ll get their crushes attention. Cue confusion and jealousy from Dazai and Akutagawa, who may or may not have realized their own feelings. (Nyanon, 7/7)
dude dont worry i was joking there no pressure!! and felt. right now im so sleep deprived and studying for a test and i have oTHER ASSIGNMENTS TO DO- its all draining, and i mainly feel bad because i havent posted any art, but i do know that fandom is not a job but a hobby and its okay that i take my time
also kyouka being his number one supporter is just!! so!! cute!!! in my opinion kyouka would be that very young but hella good with technology in the fandom like, she would make gifs and edits in an INSTANT and when everyone learns shes fourteen theyre like W H A T?? either way, shes the one who probably shows atsushi the ropes of digital art and has the vibes of that young tech person in a show that definitely can hack into any government files. (as a joke she would most definitelly do an edit of “dazai” except its just screenshots of his fics and some lines here and there with some dramatic effects and sexy music. atsushi wont admit that he has it downloaded)
dazais way to start a conversation is definitely sending a random meme to get it going, since atsushi would be too shy to initiate conversations
also kyouka doing deep analysises is so her!! she would probably even start a youtube channel where she explains everything in that robot voice and funny editing but no one can lie that all her videos are very in depth.
OH GOD KUNIKIDA IS THE TYPE TO GATHER ALL THE FACTS OF A SHOW, POST ABOUT IT. EXPLAIN THE MAGIC SYSTEM FOR ANYONE THATS CONFUSED. IF THERES AN ANIME WITH A CONFUSING PLOT THAT YOU DONT KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN?? KUNIKIDA IS YOUR MAN. HE CAN EXPLAIN ALL OF JOJO SEAMLESSLY AND DOES MANY REVIEWS ON ANIMES AND GATHERS ALL SORTS OF LORES MEANWHILE YOSANO AND RANPO ARE THE MORE CRACKHEADED ANALYSTS (when the three collab its just kunikida trying to be serious while yosano and ranpo do the fuckboy lip bite behind him and then throw in jokes and “author if you do not explain why these two characters are a little too fruity ill personally use my chainsaw on you” “why are these two siblings even together, wHY ARE THEY IN THE SAME BED-”)
dude. i feel like chuuya and atsushi would fake date and it would be for akutagawa. atsushi definitely wants to tell dazai about this but chuuya is afraid dazai will run his dumb mouth, plus when they “announce” it chuuya just Sees how dazais demeanor changes and is like “you know what,,lets keep this up” (either way akutagawa would end up crying like a loser in front of chuuya and chuuya would feel so bad for even fake dating to make him jealous meanwhile dazai is just mad that he couldnt have internalised his feelings and bottle them up “you just H A D to date the slug, my biggest pet peeve!!! if it was anyone else i wouldve MAYBE let it sLIDE-”)
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rainstormfes · 4 years
Anime Expo Lite Day 1 Experience!
Program: Warner Bros. Japan Presents "Stay connected with Anime"
This whole program made me so frickin happy, SEIYUU AND JAPANESE GUESTS EVERYWHEREEEE WHILE TALKING ABT ANIME YESS (note: i typed most of this while the event was going on so pls bear with all my keyboard smashes and small comments lolol i just rly wanted to make a review for this event since i knew tons of seiyuu and anime that i love would be there and talked about. Also also i am not allowed to share any screenshots or recordings of it so just fyi 👍🏻)
It started out with talking about DanMachi 3 with guests Matsuoka Yoshitsugu (voiced Bell Cranel) , Minase Inori (voiced Hestia) , Osawa Nobuhiro (from EGG FIRM), and Matsukura Yuji (producer from J.C. Staff)
They answered many questions like how the author was inspired by the voice acting from the two guests specifically, talking about specific scenes
one of the producers was asked about production for DanMachi and he was like ‘brUH the volumes got thicker and thicker as they kept getting released like DANG’
They prepared a teaser image for the third season and for the big reveal Matsuoka had to tear a curtain off of a huge posterboard but the curtain got caught and made it almost fall xDD (very cute and awkward moment, Matsuoka never change pls omg youre too precious)
Matsuoka was asked if there was any difficulties when recording s3 and he just talked about how Bell went through lots of growth and that he had to think about how to properly act out just how mature Bell got, considering he’s now a leader of his group
Minase-san answered the same question. She talked about how she made sure to try and keep in mind how close all of the characters are and Hestia’s mental and social growth
Iguchi Yuka (voiced Chigusa) sent in a vid message since she sings the opening!! And it was announced that sajou no hana would be performing the ending song! Both vid messages were very nice and cute and both artists just talked about how they were looking forward to everyone’s reactions to their songs and to look forward to the anime
Airing of DanMachi 3 will begin in October woop woop!🎉🎉
OML WHEN MATSUOKA-SAN DID HIS ENDING REMARKS he pointed to the posterboard and was like ‘thIS NEW CHARACTER IS CUTE’ and said ‘whO TF IS THIS’ (pointing to new characters on the posterboard lol)
The next anime that they talked about was Shokugeki no Soma: The Fifth Plate with guests: Matsuoka Yoshitsugu (voiced Yukihira Soma) (MY GOSH HES SO AWK AND CUTE OMLLLLL he was like ‘can i speak now’ cause there was that kind of awkwardness in the first segment too 😅) and Yonetani Yoshitomo (animation director)
Yonetani-san was asked how he felt abt the anime. He talked about how he wanted to express how amazing the cooking/food was as well as wanted to excite (oh b o y 😳) the audience
Matsuoka-san was asked the same thing. He talked about how he’s been following Soma since day one and thinks a lot abt his growth in Totsuki. He talked about how he kinda thinks about his own high school days (comment from director lol that he might just cry during his final recording session which i feel, its been 5 years since the first season was aired)
bruh matsuoka’s mixture for a sauce for tonkatsu was frickin WACK he put strawberry jam, cream, waSABI???, KETCHUP?!?!?!, along with SOY SAUCE, there was more but that combo i put alone looks so frickin wack. 
Jun’s sauce oMG HE STARTED W NUTELLA AND PEANUT BUTTER WTF OMG THIS MISCHIEVOUS MAN I CANTTT 😂😂. He put in LOTS of mayo uhm... he crushed sesame seeds and dried fish together OMLLL HE WAS LIKE SHE NEEDS HER CALCIUM W THE FISH HES SO CHAOTIC and since he ran out of time he couldnt crush the fish properly so there were just HUGE CHUNKS OF FISH IN THE BOWL. omg when he was mixing it..... ew. the takamina was like E W. the way he was selling it was pure g o l d OMG HE PUT IN MF SQUID JUST NOW I CANTTTT HE IS IRL SOMA XDDD poor takamina she was fake crying, girl saME (she’s the judge)
Takamina surprisingly enjoyed matsuoka’s sauce (she was like the ingredients somehow WORKED xD) “it feels like i had a nice meal” (GIRL HOW??? XD)
as for Jun’s sauce review: FDSAFD TAKAMINA SAID THAT THE SQUID WAS STARING AT HER I CANTTT. she described it as a theme park which is perfect. tons of flavors were trying to be the main thing. The squid leg works with tonkatsu so it was ok in the end
matsuoka’s sauce won bc the squid in jun’s was kinda unnecessary but in the end she liked both (kinda surprising lol)
Matsuoka’s comments on the shokugeki: he enjoyed doing it w jun since he was very good at talking (especially when he was making the sauce). Both their sauces were “okay” lol
Yonetani-san’s comments: he talked about how he struggled to cook when he was a child but even through the small irl shokugeki they did he learned smth lolol
Matsuoka was asked which lines were more memorable for him (other than soma’s lol): he talked about how the explanations for the dishes (the monologues when theyre being made and when theyre being presented) were difficult and whenever he recorded those kinds of lines, it was kind of difficult to record since it would be hard to express a good portrayal of soma’s energy if he didn’t even know what he was talking about (so on the side he had to keep using wiki to understand what soma was even talking abt lol)
Question abt the production of the anime: Yonetani-san talked abt how there were lots of complicated words; there were lots of cuts in certain scenes made to try and portray the energy that they wanted in the anime
“If you could try any of your character’s dishes which one would you choose?” Matsuoka: he wanted to try the chicken wing dumplings and a recipe book was released before so he tried it... and it turned out BAD XDD
Someone asked abt where the producers get ideas about the ending theme sequences: Yonetani-san’s used the songs as inspiration for the backgrounds used for the ending themes, also trying to relate to the cooking and the theme of high schoolers just going through life etc
OH SCHIZ THERE WAS A SPECIAL MANGA RELEASED. A small part of it was voiced by matsuoka, jun, and takamina it was vvv cute (the full would be released on Shounen Jump at a later date)
Ending remarks: FASDFDSA THIS ACTUALLY WILL BE THE LAST SEASON OF SHOKUGEKI OMG 😭😭. OMG MATSUOKA IS SO FRICKIN CUTE AND AWKWARDDDDD he was doing a small clap at the end hes so adorable someone protect him pls :(((
The next and last anime talked about was JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind, where there was a behind the scenes vid made:
Ono Kensho (voiced Giorno Giorvanna) was there ofc along w two producers from David Pro (Kasama) and Warner Bros Japan (Omori Hiroyuki)
OMG FIRST THEY TALKED ABT THE STAND CRIES YESSS. DSFDSAF THEY ACTUALLY COUNTED HOW MANY MUDA’S ONOKEN HAD TO SAY that is so amazing i love the dedication. onoken mentioned how he talked to koyasu (voiced Dio Brando) abt counting the muda’s but he was like ‘ehhhh i never did that lol’. overall, everyone from all seasons tried to match the scenes but koyasu was basically the odd one out not rly needing??? to follow it lol
FDSAFDSA BRUH THERES 17 RERO RERO’S hirakawa-san practiced in the BATH the dedication is INSANE i love this
lolol onoken scrunches up his face when he says his mudas lol vvv cute (so thats a good tip for anyone wanting to say it properly)
one of the reasons they chose onoken in the first place to voice giorno was the fact that his muda’s were strong, thats frickin awesome (and he asked for a redo so that just shows great dedication, smth that staffs would want in their seiyuu)
next they talked abt the anime-only scene of giorno giving gelato to a kid. they wanted to show how kind giorno was despite eventually becoming a gang-star. its personal to kasama-san since he had actually went to italy and had experienced intense heat there and went to a gelato stand so he wanted to preserve that memory in film
they moved on to talk abt how the hitman team was first introduced in ep 10. they decided to enhance the anime by showing the many teams of passione in their own meeting places, trying to emphasize how close everyone was in their respective teams
next they talked about how the second theme for golden wind was kinda hard to make (the animation and song IS amazing which i personally appreciate). considering that they needed to kind of match up with “Fighting Gold” (the first op), it was hard to produce something for it. And they had already decided to make an alternate version of it as well, animation wise. For a while they were stuck but eventually they managed to create smth which ofc ended up as the second op for Golden Wind (and also mentioned how that also happened for Stardust Crusaders, with changing the op’s animation to showcase everyone’s stands and also the small interaction between joutarou and dio)
AHHHHHH THEY MENTIONED THE FAMOUS DIO POSE THAT GIORNO DID AHH YESSSS THANK YOU DAVID PRO FOR DOING THAT, they said that they felt that they needed to live up to fans’ expectations so considering how dedicated of a fanbase we are, they decided to put that little nod toward dio’s pose with giorno doing it too
Ending remarks: lolol kasama-san was like ‘watch jojo in these difficult times to brighten up your day’ and honestly i just might :D
Omori-san was also a guest for the live broadcast too! Plus, Kanno Yugo who’s in charge of the music for Golden Wind!!! (a frickin king providing giorno’s iconic asf theme)
OMG THE THEME LETS GO HE TALKED ABT IT: considering his experience with parts 3 and 4 for the themes, he felt he needed to try and one up himself lol; he’s grateful that his music is loved by the fandom and hopes to meets everyone’s expectations (my king you’ve done amazing work)
He talked about how making music for jojo feels like competing in the olympics (cant blame him lol its a pretty difficult job to one up yourself every time theres a new season. since he started working with jojo at stardust crusaders and considering how iconic joutarou’s and josuke’s themes are, needing to make smth as amazing as those themes mustve been tough but he def delivered in the end)
OMG KANNO-SAN PERFORMED LIVE AHHHHHH and ofc its Il vento d’oro :)) THAT WAS SO FRICKIN AMAZING OMG ugh that made me so happy
Ending remarks: both guests were very wholesome, saying to stay safe during this situation. Omori-san stayed behind to say a small message on behalf of warner bros japan, saying to continue to support them and thank you for supporting the anime :))
Overall an amazing experience 😊
I loved everything that happened. It was nice to finally see some of my fave seiyuu at an event despite what’s going on in the world right now, it definitely brightened up my day :D
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princeseerow · 4 years
ok so i havent been writing up any reviews of my animorphs reads lately because i havent been reading but i did finish 39: The Hidden last night at about 3 am and....... oh boy
here are some incredibly disjointed thought
(didnt you used to be able to add readmores on mobile?? now i cant find it. sorry for the long post ahead)
do all cassie books become solo adventures at some point? well no probably not, but reading this book did make me wonder if she's the team member with the most missions that involve her being by herself/without the help of any of the other animorphs for long stretches of time. or maybe thats just par for the course for the animorphs as a whole. my next go round reading these books ill have to make note of that
shout out to the chee for covering for the kids at home. it makes me wonder why they dont do it more often, but then again i guess that would be too easy and not interesting enough to read
on a similar vein -- the events of this book take place within 24 hours?? god these poor kids must be SO tired. i desperately want a book thats just them getting some well deserved rest for a hundred and fifty pages :,(
as mentioned in my other post buffa human is terrifying in execution, and conceptually pretty ridiculous now that ive had some time to digest it, but i couldnt help but feel for it after a while. its herd-like connection with cassie was kind of sweet, and the idea of morphing by accident and having no idea why or whats happening or even how to control it is so chilling. just thinking about this poor creature and what happens to it makes my heart hurt
.....but then it starts making human noises with its human mouth and i just get creeped out all over again just thinking about it. and although the book glosses smooth over it, buffa human is absolutely butt naked in its chapman morph. these kids have seen their vice principal naked. im glad no one points this out
i do have a similar feeling of sympathy for ant cassie, but it is MUCH more horrifying in just about every regard than buffa human, so i cant be too sympathetic towards it. i agree with the animorphs, ants are the fucking worst. (would be cool though to see ant cassie coming into its own individuality from its perspective, given that for its entire life all its known is a hivemind. tho i think the first ant book had some shades of this? its been a few years now... reading this series has been a SLOW process for me)
this is a problem ive had with all the books actually, but i had an especially hard time in this one trying to figure out just like.... the layout of their locations? i couldnt parse where anything was relative to anything else at any given moment, and it doesnt help that for most of the book its either a) cassie in the back of a truck for an indeterminate amount of time going an unknown distance or b) in the woods.... somewhere..... . (but this isnt specific to animorphs either and could just be a me thing lol. visualizing things is just hard idk. does anyone else have this problem reading animorphs?
animorphs body horror doesnt usually get to me but this book's insistence on describing skulls splitting and bones grinding really got to me. eughghhhgh
overall it was uhh.... well. it was definitely an experience. not sure if its one id read again, not because it was bad but because the existential terror of the buffa human's existence (and just. Everything about ant cassie) is something id love to never witness again
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indigopurple · 5 years
Episode review! Oh no.
Its almost 1am on a school night in finals week and I've decided hey let's do a "quick" review! I might regret this but I have zero hope or belief that I'll do well either way so whatever. LETS GET STARTED ON THIS SHITSHOW NOW SHALL WE?
Ok I must say, as someone who hasnt rlly seen any of the manga besides some panels here on Tumblr, episode 914 kinda surprised me (which was just the icing on top of the huge cake that is fucking hype and stuff obviously). We some uh, behaviour we don't rlly ever get from Luffy. Not much of it anyways. This episode was kindof a mix of impel down and dressrosa. Exhibit A.
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Ok so we see hes horrified. The castle was fucking obliverated along with possibly his and Law's crew and their allies. And so he gets mad and punches the tree (which BTW that was rlly cool, he just hit it without any haki and it fucking split in half. Laws just watching him throw a tantrum like holy fuck how strong is this kid honestly)
Also! Note that I said horrified. That's not anger at first. Gee I wonder what else it could be.
Exhibit B. A few times luffy used conquorers haki, and
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Whoa. Holy shit like this was so fucking cool. Hes so mad, and the art and the colors and I cant even show how fucking great this was in these few screenshots. So, so fucking cool.
Anyways! He's using conquorers haki WAY MORE than he ever has before in a fight. Like, dude he just mindlessly used it to shit up those guys standing by Horselina (speed) without caring. He's never, ever done that before, he always thinks of who is surrounding him first like 'oh i shouldnt knock out the innocent bystanders'. He did that like one time ever, in fishman island, and apologized while doing so. And entering the city, AFTER learning that the guys surrounding them were all bad guys, he used haki on them. Im not sure why he cares so much (maybe ill write abt that later) but he does. ANYWAYS...
Exhibit C. *sobs*
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He (tries to) convince himself that his crew is okay. Hes really not sure tho; he NEVER QUESTIONS STUFF LIKE THIS, EVER. HES ALWAYS SURE. THIS IS COMPLETELY NEW. MORE FEUL TO WHAT ILL SAY LATER, BUT...FINALLY.
Exhibit D. Finale. More crying.
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He's mad at himself. He blames himself. Has he ever done this before? Maybe. He never rlly said it out loud but I high key believe he does blame himself for stuff like this, with bon kurei and ace n etc.
Which means a lot of whats happening and how he reacts is at least mildly influenced by the war. Now.... I can finally say what I've been building up to. If its not obvious enough.....
Hes scared. Okay? Hes terrified. And hes so good at hiding it behind anger (and it USED TO BE CONFIDENCE BUT THAT WAS KINDA RUINED POST-WAR). He doesnt know if his crew is alive, his friend(s) might be dead, hes supposedly all alone (law isnt rlly on his side rn, he just wants to run away which is perfectly logical and good lord Luffy needs to calm down but he fUCKING CANT-), everything is out of his control. And he doesn't know how to beat kaido.
Which currently doesnt matter to him because all luffy can feel is rage (fear that oh my god everyones dead i couldnt protect them its happening again).
I cant add any more pictures sadly, but theres the thing where luffys like 'he got our friends. They might be dead. If I beat kaido right now, it'll be over, right?' To which law doesnt actually answer, he just gets this look like 'fucking dont oh my god we're so fucked stop it u rubber ball of anger issue's and then Luffy gets this whole cool scene of announcing his presence, jumping across the rooftops, gear third as he leaps like 200 feet into the air (could he do that before? I think he did it on accident in the fight against karakuri. Strong thighs.) and falls back down, screaming and anger as he costs his arm which is 10 times his entire body's size in haki. And he punches as hard as he fucking can. And it seems to work. God that scene was SO fucking COOL. Also throught this I think he's got conquorers haki coursing through him cuz it seems to have just been, constant. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a mindless self defense mechanism. Again, He's scared, and mad, and going all fucking out. Of course he would.
Ok im done rambling. I rlly need to sleep. Think I'll just wake up and cry til im at school and then I'll just feel nothing for the rest of the week. Ah, finals.
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kiradurbin · 5 years
Super Short Reviews: Spring TV part one:
Russian Doll (Netflix) – Groundhog Day for NY druggies?  Or Mrs. Maisel on special K?  Or is she stuck in a loop in her own video game?  Or is she having the worst mid-life crisis ever?  Or maybe she just really misses her cat?  If you feel too wrapped up in WHY her day keeps repeating you’ve missed the point.... the characters (led by Natasha Lyonne) and the humour are terrific, and don’t even get me started on that wig.  (It IS a wig right???)
American Soul (BET) – Why yes that is Kelly Rowland playing Gladys Kinght!! Soul Train was an iconic American show and its story deserved to be told.  I didn’t care for the soap opera style behind the scenes drama... but what I really liked was the dialogue that did not shy away from the reality of those days... which sadly for the most part have not passed.  
Romance Is a Bonus Book (Netflix) – Korea.   Ohhhhhh this is so adorable and Im so happy I finally like a Korean show.  I love love love Lee Na-Young.   She gives me hope for a better world.   Romantic comedy lovers this is your next binge watch.  
Fast Layne (Disney) – This is the first Disney show I’ve seen that was filmed on location. Automatically it feels better because of that.  The sixth grade girls actually made me giggle and for a second I thought oh I hope my kids want to watch this... but then the car started talking.  Why Why WHY does that voice have to be so ANNOYING?!?!?!?
Umbrella Academy (Netflix) – Wes Anderson meets the Marvel universe. Yay!!!  Two thumbs up from me.  (And big props for humourous song selections.)
Boomerang (BET) – I never saw the movie (don’t yell at me) so I don’t know how it relates to that, but the tv series is fun and funny and sort of like a really upbeat cousin of ATLANTA.
 Whiskey Cavalier (ABC) – Sure fire hit with the 45 and up crowd.  Ana Ortiz (Ugly Betty) and Tyler James Williams (Everybody Loves Chris) made me laugh more in the first episode than any comedy pilot ive seen recently.  By the way if you havent seen the music video for John Newman “Love Me Again” I highly recommend it.  Make sure you watch the full version – the ending is the best.
Riviera (Ovation) – Originally aired in UK 2017.  Can Julia Stiles act?  I cant figure out her appeal.  Her face never moves.  What shines here are the GORGEOUS on location settings and shots.  Good for a summer binge.  
Proven Innocent (Fox) –  Kelsey Grammer as the powerful bad guy and some SUPER annoying girl as a completely unbelievable lead lawyer.   Kelsey Grammer deserves an actual sparring partner and a way better show. Ugh.
Flack (Pop) – UK.  Lascivious fun with Anna Paquin and British playmates.  Beautiful score too.
The Enemy Within (NBC) –   Blindspot... the Blacklist... the Enemy Within.  I guess they couldnt find a way to make the title start with a B.  All the same show to me.  Should be another hit for the 50+ crowd.
Gone (WGN) – originally aired in Canada in 2017.  Chris Noth revives his law enforcement scowl as an FBI agent who recruits a child abductee survivor to help him find missing kids.  Not the first or best show about missing people but you can do a lot worse than Chris Noth at the end of the day when you’re nodding off to sleep on the couch.  
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dwightkschrute · 6 years
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In 2014 and 2015 I did a my year in review kind of thing where I, of course, reviewed it and accompanied it with a picture from that month. I somehow forgot to post 2016 (until now) and forgot to do it at all for 2017 but unfortunately, I am back with a really disappointing year. I was debating not putting myself through the legit pain of “reviewing” this year but I think of how I love going through my 2009-2010 posts and seeing how much I’ve grown so this is for you, successful and cooler future me.
2016 and 2017 were amazing but 2018 was my most promising year. My boyfriend and I were going to move in, I was going to start my dream job; everything was perfect. It definitely started out as one of the best years of my life! Then exactly halfway through the year everything changed and I was left having to pick up the pieces and completely restart, making it one of the worst years of my life.
I started January in Mexico, which was the best, but my family and I got home early in the month. I had quit my job the month before so I dedicated the entirety of this month to job hunting. Our friend (my bf’s bff who became mine and my brother’s bff early on)’s dad got a boat so it was like we got a boat too because despite the cold, we lived on it. (My boyfriend couldn’t go on the trip with us, which he was super bummed about (and that we had to spend like 10 days apart which was killer then), so he was the one to pick us up at the airport and he greeted me with a bouquet of flowers. Out of the many gifts/gestures he gave me, that was one of my favorites.)
February I started my amazing new job so life was back to 40 hour work weeks and not having much time for much else. I was always attached to the hip to my bf so almost every day after work entailed going out with him or having dinner with my family or his. That was my month. My favorite part of every February is Valentine’s Day and this one was as amazing as the rest. I don’t even have enough space (of the allotted space I give myself for each entry at least!) to describe that day. (My bf at our Valentine’s Day dinner. We finished our long day at this restaurant (so, so cool, once popular with Old Hollywood stars) on Hollywood Blvd and it was dreamy and romantic and amazing.) Oh man, I don’t have a lot of interesting things to say about March. Oh, my parents got Influenza (A/B/idk tbh), so it was two weeks of my brother, bf, and I taking care of them. My dad has a serious chronic disease so it was especially dangerous for him so it was a stressful time. Once we weren’t in hazmat suits anymore (no but really, we were gloved and double masked around them and kept them quarantined), I’d be at work or with my bf. I also started to get close with a co-worker, who I quickly became close friends with! (My bf’s two huskies. I’ve just loved that picture since I took it! I’ve never been loved by a dog more than the one in the back of this pic. Not even by my own! He has a special place in my heart.)
April was barbecues at my house or my bf’s, trying every brewery and bar around, hikes, bike rides, beach visits, baseball games, boat rides, late night cooking and baking. It was lots and lots of love and happiness and I would give absolutely anything to go back to those days. (My brother and bf grilling on Easter. This was a familiar scene, I have so many pictures of this exact scenario, yet looking at it just now made me so emotional! Stop! They’re just grilling!) May was so exciting! Very first day I got a new car! I was so happy! It was long overdue because my finicky, expensive Volkswagen had to go and I’d fallen in love with the new Honda Civic (I’ll admit I have basic taste but I don’t care!) so I finally bit the bullet and did it. This month my bf and I, after a long time of “oh wouldn’t it be nice!”, bit the bullet as well and decided to finally get serious about finding a place together. So the apartment search started, but we soon realized our home, Orange County, was super expensive. My bf, in that “ha ha jk but I’m down if you are” way, suggested we pick up and move to Oregon and I immediately agreed. It just felt right and despite us being the most careful and non-spontaneous people ever, we decided to do it! So we began to research, look for apartments but most importantly, jobs. (My car the day I took it home!)
Uhhhhhh, well, June hurts to think about! We went to visit Portland, where we decided we’d want to live because that’s where the jobs were, on a quick trip since it was strictly “business.” Portland was everything I imagined and more. We loved it and I think we loved playing house in our airbnb more than anything about the city. Back in LAX we came to the easy conclusion that though we lived Portland, that’d require a lot and for our first time moving out we’d like to stay close to home and above anything else, we just wanted to live together as soon as possible. We immediately started to look for places in LA, we spent the month apartment hunting, and towards the end of it, decided on one we really liked, one he begged me to please say yes to so we can move in already. I was so, so, so happy this month but what made me happier was seeing my bf, I swear, even happier than me. I seriously felt unstoppable and was beyond excited for our future. (I had a lot of Portland pictures to choose from but my bf and I liked this one because it reminded us of Always Sunny for some reason.)
In July, everything changed. To start, I left my job. I thought, new chapter in my life, new job coming, I’ll live really far, I should leave now. So I did. My last day was an emotional day because I loved my job so much and every single person I worked with. That very same day, my bf and I broke up. For unrelated reasons to my last day, to our moving in, to our relationship, etc. We had an amazing, amazing relationship but he has a lot of demons and issues/insecurities he has to deal with and conquer, and though I was aware and was there for him and would continue to be by his side no matter what, he decided that this was a battle he had to handle by himself and I figure before he got into a more committed situation. It didn’t have to happen, though. I hadn’t talked about the specifics of the breakup on my blog so  sorry for changing the mood of the post, but yeah, July happened and it felt like my world stopped. Really regret quitting my job now, huh? I was hit by two huge losses and changes right at the same time.  (I took this on my friend’s boat 20 tequila shots in, drunk and sad as fuck. Not to get fake deep but how sad. Literally on a boat, beautiful sunset, would rather die.)
August was a blur and I’m still not convinced I didn’t just dream it. God, alright, here we go, the rest of the year is a mess so get ready. I fell into a deep depression fast. It also didn’t help that my dad had to start getting radiation/infusions for his illness shortly after the breakup. I couldn’t believe how much my life had changed. I started dating someone else and then I dated another guy shortly after. I wanted to replace and/or forget and I really thought that’d be the solution. I was miserable when I was with them. I took absolutely any opportunity to get really drunk or high, and the opportunity came often so I spent most of my days desperately trying to not feel anything. The only time I’d feel okay was when I was extremely high and I couldn’t even think. Since I had a lot of savings for my out of state move, I had a lot of money to blow, which I did. I realized I even liked the feeling of the temporary “high” of spending a lot and receiving the stuff. I’d hang out with any friend who offered (out of boredom? loneliness?) and even ended up on a mess of a Vegas trip. Worst month ever. Maybe. (Here’s a positive! I like that bathing suit and my tiddie looks so round!)
When September came I realized two months had passed and all I had done was be a huge depressed mess. I no joke forgot about work. I just straight up forgot. I started to look for a new job, which hurt me so bad because I had to face the fact that it wouldn’t be my Cool LA Dream Job anymore. I stopped dating. Most importantly, I completely stopped drinking and smoking because it’d almost always make me sadder but also it scared me that I had no self control nor did I care. I saw a whole lot of my close friends and they, along with my immediate family, kept me afloat this month because time felt like it was going so fast. I couldn’t believe that at a blink of an eye it was night again and then a new day. Time had no mercy for me, please let me hold on. (Me at a baseball game. Tbh I’m looking at this thinking, did this really happen?)
October started out nice because my best friend of years, who I unfortunately had a falling out with three years ago, reached out to me. I’ll always give her all of the credit for doing that. I can’t begin to explain what this meant to me. It was a nice, bright shine of light that managed to shine through the dark clouds. Having my best friend is exactly what I needed. I’m a big believer in the universe acting in mysterious ways and though I had grown disappointed in its little surprise for me lately, this was the kind I always appreciate. I spent a good part of that month with her, catching up and doing things just like we did back then. It was like nothing had changed. That’s all I remember about this month, and a super fun Halloween! That day was probably one of the best days in months. (My best friend Rylee and me the first time seeing each other in 3 years. We’ve had our blogs for 8-9 years so please follow her for quality content)
November was rough. I was frustrated because surely things should had been better by then. I was still feeling so low, I was going to job interviews to no avail, I “relapsed” and had a high/drunk off my ass on a boat messy moment.. To make matters worse, I accidentally drove up on a cement divider in a parking lot and my airbags deploy, which is so expensive to fix, so my car was out of commission for a month. Then I got so sick and I rarely ever get a small cold. I seriously felt like I was cursed, even the smallest thing felt like an insult towards me. The one good thing is that since July I had been forcing myself to go to the gym five times a week. My mom said exercising was the only thing that’d help her feel that sweet release of seretonin, endorphins, dopamine, and all that good stuff when she was depressed so, though I enjoyed going to the gym before, I did it just for that reason alone. It worked and as another result I got like pretty fucking fit. Revenge body, you’re one of the few good things in my life right now. (I literally had no idea what to choose so I said fine, here’s a pic of the scene of the crime. Whatever.)
In December I turned 26. Which I hate, naturally. I went to a million more job interviews. I’m seriously so embarrassed to admit that but whatever, it’s the truth. (I have a degree, experience, and an awesome cover letter..I’ll keep blaming the curse!) What kept me sane was that we had different family members visiting from the very beginning of the month. Playing with an energetic, adorable baby kept me distracted and happy. Having so much company around also distracted me (slightly, but it helped!) from the fact that the holidays and my birthday would be quite different now. I’m one of those annoying Christmas lovers, usually at least. This year everything just happened and I didn’t care. But I survived December! (I don’t care. This is the appropriate representation of 2018 and how I feel at the end of it.)
Jesus if you’ve read all of this.. I’m sorry you had to read about the mess of my year but really more like the mess that is ME. Yknow those like “people my age I went to HS with vs me” memes? I seriously went from being that bitch with a good paying job, brand new car, a serious, great relationship with a promising future together (Like. We would color coordinate outfits! LMAO. We would have dinners with both of our families together. We were obsessed with each other. You’d roll your eyes if you saw any of this. I can’t get over how perfect we were, it’s hilarious what happened to us.) and then at the blink of an eye I went to not having absolutely any of that, casually dating (something I’d NEVER done) anyone who resembled my ex and sadly and drunkenly puking off the side of a pier. Who is she? I don’t know, I got whiplash. (Queen of parentheses and side notes, I know. But another thing about me is... I’ve never been affected by people leaving my life. I’m used to it. I’ve never been anywhere as affected as I was when my ex and I broke up. This isn’t normal for me, my ENTJ/Capricorn ass doesn’t know what this feeling is.)
Please curse that has been put on me, release me. Whoever is attacking my voodoo doll, calm down! Please! I’ve gone through enough sadness and loss. If 2019 is even slightly as bad, I’m going to be like that pigeon I reblogged the other day that’s like “fuck this I’m just going to sit here.” I can’t even make a cute but corny, hopeful “hope 2019 is great!” comment. I’m literally begging you...pleading you... I don’t believe in karma but after all of this shit, I better have something much better in stock for me. “Good things are coming!” I fucking hope so. Like, I’ll be even more annoying right now and say that it’s not fair that I didn’t get to have the future I was about to have. I don’t care about any cliche you may have for me. One door closes, everything happens for a reason, God has a plan, etc. No. Why did all of this have to happen? What can be better than the future I was going to have? I felt so unlucky. It all feels like a nightmare and I’m just waiting to feel whole again. Oh shit I got really intense. I know I’ll get over it and life will be good again eventually but for now, I am still so mad. I would have never in a million years guessed this is how my 2018 would go. 
So fine, I’ve accepted things now, so now I’m impatient and say please prove me wrong, 2019. I’m THREATENING you to be amazing!
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devereuxxo-blog · 6 years
The Fact About hair regrowth That No One Is Suggesting
Genuine final results acquire plenty of time for you to present. Not forgetting, If the hair is thinner, so you started out undertaking a thing over it, it will eventually just take time for the new “regrown” hairs to be seen. step to remedies have to have time to grow. Once again, most shampoos that declare to halt hair loss and grow new hair are absolutely nothing a lot more than snake oil. Persist with substances which can be clinically tested to work and backed by scientific analyze. Which one is better? That’s a tricky phone and, devoid of wanting to dodge the question, our view is you can’t go Improper with either a single. The massive 3 is usually a common version of a fantastic all-around merchandise and you'll want to see precisely the same, or no less than quite identical, results in the Large three and large 5. Also, always pay attention to a product’s listing of ingredients to make sure that it doesn’t have anything which can lead to an allergic response. In this particular section the epidermal cells lining the follicle channel continue to grow as standard and may accumulate round the base on the hair, temporarily anchoring it set up and preserving the hair for its natural objective with out taxing the human body's sources required throughout the growth section. One of many positives of shopping for a hair-loss shampoo that contains the majority of the crucial components in preventing hair loss is that individually purchasing the ingredients isn’t Value-effective. A bottle of castor oil costs in the $twenty to $30 selection, For illustration. Surgical strategies to treat baldness are high-priced and may be agonizing. Doable threats incorporate bleeding and scarring. The answer, to get brutally sincere, is no. Blend that with The truth that many shampoo producers are hungry for a quick buck and make Fake statements about elements that haven’t been proven to operate, and you have a market place which might be treacherous to navigate. You can find even fake assessments – which is a complete added layer of deceit when you think about it. two. Like I proposed inside the short article, using Nizoral 2x a week and working with One more shampoo to the listing within the remaining days might be the most beneficial tactic. For anyone who is balding or see thinning hair, then obtaining the very best hair loss shampoo is important for regrowth. When there are plenty of motives for men’s hair loss, like genetics, stress, vitamin deficiencies and surplus styling, there are numerous superior hair growth shampoos, conditioners, and products which can prevent loss and even aid grow hair back again. Prior to deciding to seize just any bottle of hair-loss shampoo from the shelf – and a lot of don’t work, which we’ll touch on a bit afterwards – there are actually belongings you need to have to remember: Hi there pals I would want to share my practical experience here regarding the onion juice. I am 39 yr previous, 3 to 4 several years back again I started dealing with hair falling and dull hair so I commenced making use of coconut oil each day nonetheless it didnt support me much, Later my hair stated turning white and accompanied by losing it. I was greatly worried about it. I couldnt afford to pay for transplanting hair that point so i did analysis on net and I stumbled on onion juice. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-SiXXn3EKKI2t7btdwEplw used it on my scalp for two days and saved overnight but it was really uncomfortable to sleep so i started out it making use of each morning on my scalp and held it for fifty percent one hour then I'd personally clean it with water no shampoo or no soap i used i didnt even massage my hair Considerably mainly because it could split so I might pour three to 4 mug of lukeworm h2o h2o on my head. I did this action for around 6 to 8 months quite consistently. It worked nicely. Quick result was it cured my Long-term dandruf trouble within two times my hair turned properly whilst combing. The method for implementing hair loss shampoo is similar to regular shampoo, i.e., you implement it to damp hair, massage it into your scalp and rinse it. I've a full head of hair but am almost 23 and want to attempt to keep my hair as entire and thick as feasible for so long as probable. I was likely to start out making use of a single of those shampoo’s pre-emptively do you believe this would be a good idea?
Fascination About hair fall solution
As a recent well being trend, quite a few think about critical oils to be an overrated treatment. On the other hand, there are a variety of evidence-backed important oils which might be a great addition to the hair treatment schedule. seventeen/ Rogaine would make the hair-growing phase very last for a longer period, and enlarges and matures slim hairs. However it would not function for everyone. Why you ought to stay away from hair dyes: Artificial hair dyes incorporate harsh chemical compounds like ammonia, hydrogen peroxide,  p-phenylenediamine, which often can irritate the scalp and cause strain on hair follicles. You'll be able to remind oneself to say these affirmations whenever you are combing your hair or stroking it or massaging it. Deliver it love and talk to enjoy and care and you will be surprised at how speedily the thing is the effects. Overlook advertising and marketing ploys and hoopla. With lots of hair growth products and solutions in the marketplace, it’s easy to get confused. https://www.wikihow.com/Prevent-Hair-Loss ’t choose a shampoo simply because it's a few great opinions on Amazon – hunt for a manufacturer that’s been proven to grow hair and has actually many hundreds of constructive reviews from users. As We all know hair is mainly composed of proteins, and lack of protein will sluggish the hair growth, and can even lead to brittle hair. Iron is an additional crucial nutrient for healthier hair growth. This selection of microbes which make up the human body is known as the microbiome and we are merely locating out how critical a balanced microbiome is for Total overall health (and hair well being.) Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant that can help guard in opposition to the oxidative stress due to no cost radicals (6). You’re concerned about dropping your hair, and you need an easy and simple way to prevent, or even reverse your hair loss with a hundred% certainty and good results fee. More than the class of six months, the members have been instructed to use their assigned treatment for their scalp everyday. They frequented the investigate facility in the beginning to establish baseline, and then at a few months and 6 months for development checking. This shampoo brings together the key benefits of biotin, zinc, and coconut oil to produce the growth of new hair although restoring skinny, ruined strands. This B-Intricate Method stimulates hair follicles to be able to inspire your hair to start out growing again. The trouble is, DHT is really a natural, ordinary and healthy hormone that most of us need to have and is in fact developed from testosterone by using an enzyme referred to as 5-alpha-reductase. You can find also the secondary have an effect on to take into account. This is often in the event the allergic reaction can direct on to hair follicle miniaturization since it triggers inflammation during the scalp which narrows the hole by which the strand of hair grows. Resource. The system by which lasers function – even though described intimately earlier mentioned – be can additional conveniently discussed. LASER is definitely an acronym Which means gentle amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. In the use of concentrated gentle beam, lasers can penetrate the hair follicles.
Not known Details About hair loss cure
Use a mixture of two egg yolks and two tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil on your own scalp. Depart it on for 15 to twenty minutes. Clean it out with cold water after which shampoo your hair. In addition to the following tips, consider some home solutions for instance Indian gooseberry or amla oil, fenugreek paste, a mayonnaise hair pack, and various healthy hair Concepts. As this oil is sort of viscous, mix the castor oil using an equal amount of coconut, olive, or almond oil. Massage your scalp with it and leave it on for 30 to forty five minutes. Then shampoo your hair. For these reasons, a selfmade shampoo manufactured making use of natural components can be a more sensible choice, particularly if you will be shedding a great deal of hair and wish to regrow regardless of what hair you've dropped. You received’t will need any conditioner right after washing hair with shikakai because it’s naturally moisturising. With just one use, you are able to expect a balanced scalp and comfortable, shiny and bouncy hair. Stay effectively hydrated. Ingesting drinking water might help your hair grow additional vivid and healthier. Similar to other elements of Your entire body, your hair is considerably impacted by dehydration. Additionally, Those people are the principle substances you want to see in almost any shampoo that’s supposed to cease hair loss, encourage growth and block the effects of testosterone on follicles. Like minoxidil (aka Rogaine), Ketoconazole has actually been recognized as a very good hair loss treatment. Ketoconazole is the leading component in several anti-dandruff and regrowth shampoos, and analysis with the National Institute of Health (NIH) has shown that the typical usage of a two% Ketoconazole shampoo can cause elevated hair density and dimension. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GA-ohYGt3c , alopecia areata normally starts off as a single quarter-sized circle of perfectly clean bald pores and skin. These patches usually regrow in a few to 6 months devoid of treatment. At times, white hair temporarily regrows and after that gets to be darkish. The top shampoos for hair growth consist of 4 important ingredients. The following elements are already tested to not just slow or reduce hair loss in Adult males and women, but to efficiently produce new growth to stop thinning and balding. Whatever little herbs youtube channel select, make sure it contains the subsequent components. All the information talked about Here's strictly informational. This great site won't provide clinical guidance. Talk to with the health care provider or other well being treatment provider in advance of making use of any of the following tips or treatments. Study far more. Never brush your hair when its damp. Your hair is a lot more elastic when moist so your hair has a far more likely chance to break off. Test an oil therapeutic massage. Incorporating oil to your equation aids circulation much more than a regular head therapeutic massage. The oil helps you to unclog hair follicles and allow new growth to come back in. Once or twice weekly, plan to use oil to massage your head. It’s least complicated to get it done within the shower, then rinse absent the oil if you’re finished. Rated the most effective shampoo for hair regrowth in 2017 and all over again in 2018 by business gurus, Ultrax Labs Hair Surge is really a brand that’s profitable plenty of awards for its Remarkable-high quality merchandise. This business has built pretty an impact on heads everywhere you go, and warrants to be at the best of our checklist.
The hair fall Diaries
I am struggling from alopecia since five years l have applied plenty of medication right up until now no gain Is there any good medical for it Shea Moisture is a properly-identified brand within the organics attractiveness care sector. https://www.pinterest.com/healthhomeremedies/steptoremedies/ is ideal known for generating African black soap that can help with lots of ailments for instance acne. This shampoo through the models stays real towards the natural branding. Add additional water if wanted. Switch off the warmth, cover the pot and go away it to ‘steep’ until finally it cools. more info out the herbs. Performed. (You may pour the liquid into a squeeze bottle for simple use.) The ingredients in Jardin Sante shampoo involve natural oils like black seed oil, biotin, and pumpkin seed extract. This mixture preserves the natural oils produced by the scalp that moisturizes roots from the hair. The mineral oils incorporated also nourish roots of hair, particularly if They can be dry. Limited braids and ponytails can pull challenging plenty of on hairs to make them fall out. If this transpires, it is best to pick hairstyles that put considerably less pressure on hair. Carrying out this quicker will help in order to avoid lasting damage. These beauty products and solutions can be found with out a prescription, are relatively economical ($20-$40 range), and very Protected with small possibility. Usually these can be utilized in addition to medical treatments like Rogaine, Propecia, and hair transplants, and they are a fantastic short-term measure to tide one particular above for Specific events. Non-scarring hair loss also comes about in conditions exactly where there is Actual physical or chemical harm to the hair shaft, leading to breakage. Occasionally, it could be necessary to do a biopsy of the scalp to differentiate these conditions. Often, a doctor may perhaps pull a hair to examine the looks of the hair shaft plus the percentage of growing hairs (anagen phase). This information will focus on the non-scarring different types of hair loss. The Human Body Quiz will let you learn about your minimal-acknowledged overall body elements! Take this quiz to learn more regarding your system and what goes on within. You received’t find any sulfates, parabens, or other harsh chemicals which can exacerbate hair loss On this products. The components are all natural and holistic, for example apple cider vinegar, black castor oil, Shea butter and keratin proteins. The Shea butter moisturizes the scalp as well as the keratin strengthens the roots from the hair. Some individuals have issues growing their hair over and above a certain length given that they have a short active phase of growth. However, people with incredibly extended hair have a long active section of growth. It's important to try to eat well through chemotherapy, and get the aid you may need each for the duration of and soon after treatment. https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/ can obtain information from a health care provider right before use if desired. This shampoo and conditioner will do away with your have to use various hair care products to manage hair loss. You can experience noticeable results in a issue of weeks. This problem is unusual in wholesome Grownups. Bald places ordinarily exhibit damaged-off hairs accompanied by a dermatitis. Oral antifungals can penetrate the hair roots and cure the infection, and then hair grows back. Sharing hats or combs and brushes may possibly transmit tinea capitis. Preservatives such as methyl and propylparaben are put in the shampoos to extend their shelf everyday living. step to remedies in addition to synthetic perfumes might bring about an allergic pores and skin response. And they might also influence your hormonal equilibrium, which often can, subsequently, end in hair loss.
hair loss in women Can Be Fun For Anyone
A substance produced by bees, Propolis was discovered to help you hair growth in mice. A group of experts from Hokkaido University in Japan triggered a great deal of buzz in hair loss circles pursuing their discovery. As with most prescription drugs, there are actually side effects. Make sure you speak with your physician about Propecia to view whether it is ideal for you. Propecia cannot be used by women of childbearing possible since the drug could potentially cause delivery defects. Also, it will not be productive in older women. A more robust drug In this particular identical course is Avodart (dutasteride). Vitamin A – which happens to be an antioxidant and allows make sebum that contributes to thicker, shinier hair. More Physical stress Almost any physical trauma—surgical procedure, a vehicle accident, or simply a extreme disease, even the flu—might cause non permanent hair loss. This will bring about a type of hair loss termed telogen effluvium. Hair includes a programmed existence cycle: a growth section, rest phase and shedding stage. Sudden excess weight loss is a kind of Actual physical trauma that may lead to thinning hair. This may materialize although the weight loss is ultimately very good in your case. It’s possible that the load loss alone is stressing Your whole body or that not having ideal may lead to vitamin or mineral deficiencies. Have struggled for lengthy with bald patches on front. I'll check out over the remedies to see when they get the job done, of which i will be so grateful of the information. In the meantime, the many antioxidants existing while in the Manetabolism Plus hair formulation assistance to improve the immune program and, hence, spark a natural energy Raise. Coconut oil performs the best for my style of hair. I have thick hair so Should you have thick hair also I'd personally recommend to employ coconut oil. I saw end in about two weeks. Get ready an herbal infusion by steeping any of these herbs in very hot h2o for 10 to 20 minutes. Utilize it as a closing rinse immediately after shampooing and conditioning your hair. In combination with encouraging hair growth, it is going to improve your hair and make it gentle and workable. https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/ in our article content just isn't meant to swap a a person-on-a person connection with a qualified health and fitness care Experienced and is not intended as professional medical tips. The 1st indicator of catagen will be the cessation of melanin production in the hair bulb and apoptosis of follicular melanocytes.[7] In the end, the follicle is 1/six its original size, producing the hair shaft to generally be pushed upward. While https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qyANB8KS64 isn't growing throughout this stage, the length of the terminal fibers improve in the event the follicle pushes them upward. Telogen period[edit] On the other hand, all B vitamins are essential for The body to transform foods into Electrical power, but additionally essential for a wholesome nervous method. Many thanks heaps for your ideas with the hair issues. I'm likely to start out these days by hoping the egg mask… We’ll communicate a good deal about biotin During this submit, and with superior reason. Biotin would be the ‘X’ Issue regarding healthful hair and located from the vast majority of greatest hair growth supplements. It’s a drinking water-soluble B vitamin that encourages not just healthier hair but will also nutritious hair and skin.
The best Side of hair fall
Find out about hair loss in women and Guys. Explore hair loss triggers and treatments in addition to how to avoid hair loss. I exploit some both of those daily – and nevertheless I haven’t recognized many hair returning in – I HAVE observed that an entire large amount much less is falling out. I utilized to see a lot of hair within the tub or in my hand following drying. Ideally some little one hairs will begin so clearly show by themselves before long. The American Hair Loss Affiliation stated it’s crucial that women which have a record of hair loss of their loved ones to get made aware about the potential results of beginning Handle supplements on standard hair growth. One of many positives of shopping for a hair-loss shampoo that contains most of the important ingredients in combating hair loss is that individually purchasing the components isn’t Charge-successful. A bottle of castor oil expenses from the $twenty to $30 selection, for instance. The psychological harm connected with hair loss is, For a lot of women, in depth, specifically in a society the place hair-loss in men – though commonly undesired – is kind of an acknowledged actuality of daily life. You may encourage hair growth by protecting healthy hair by way of a superior diet program and good hair care. Certain herbs can help make your hair grow faster, too. Preferred hair growth solutions and natural solutions for hair loss Hair loss typically takes place when the cycle of hair growth and hair shedding is disrupted. We’d like to listen to your remarks pertaining to hair loss shampoos. We wish to hear what you're thinking that and we promise to reply instantly. Often https://www.wikihow.com/Choose-the-Right-Hair-Loss-Option who be concerned about shedding their hair start off noticing hairs on their own pillow or from the sink, not knowing they've generally been there. I have struggled with my hair for a very long time now. I am speedily approaching my 40s and I've lousy hair top quality. A short while ago, I've also seen that my hair has stopped growing since it utilized to. A several years ago I went to your salon with a every month foundation. Now, it takes me Pretty much two months prior to I even must cut my hair! No less than a month of course. But I’d often give not less than 6 months ahead of I’d evaluate any hair loss merchandise. The seek for the holy grail of hair loss cures continues. How near are we, really? However, not as near as we’d hope my Close friend. The one thing to complete for now's soldier on Using the lower than excellent possibilities right up until the white knight of hair loss experts rides in that has a cure for us all. They then ought to make a choice from two paths: healing the pores and skin (making epidermis) or building hair. It is there in which Follica sees the window of chance, where by they're able to stimulate the cells to do the latter and regenerate new and a lot more hair. Critically, the things works, and it's garnered plenty of consideration considering that remaining introduced to the industry. It had been rated the best “Shampoo for Hair Regrowth Stimulation” in 2016 and is successful for guys and women (and is among only some caffeinated hair shampoos produced for both of those sexes).
Little Known Facts About hair growth vitamins.
Fortunately, deficiency and deficiency similar signs and symptoms are fixed merely by either having it orally or by obtaining it by way of the following foods: To start with, consider the listing of issues earlier mentioned that I mentioned which can damage microbes and try to minimise these in your life. A very powerful minerals to your hair are: Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc and Iron. Before using them to start with get your blood examination finished to understand For anyone who is actually deficient. Using needless vitamins and minerals could also damage One's body and hair. Although hair loss might be attributed to some professional medical situations like alopecia, it’s also a natural Section of growing older. As seen over, elevated doses from the E. Cava extract have been shown to inhibit 5AR; and, though not as effective as finasteride, the outcome are still promising. Amla is among the Indian berries. Nevertheless it needs a Distinctive point out simply because this berry is probably the maximum resources of vitamin C (ten occasions much more than an orange). Femina has become capturing the essence on the Indian girl for 58 years now, and has progressed along with her over the years bringing the whole world to her doorstep. And now, here's your prospect to find the dope on every little thing--from stars and trend, magnificence and wellness, to Way of living and interactions--shipped on to your inbox. As well as pro guidelines, polls, contests along with other interactive content and a complete ton extra! Drink carrot juice each day for swift hair growth. The hair incorporates the speediest growing tissues in the body and vitamin A is needed to the growth of each cell. In addition it aids the scalp in manufacturing the natural sebum oil which keeps it plus the roots healthier to boost hair growth. Maple syrup, Probably the unlikeliest shampoo ingredient, soothes and nourishes even though it concurrently handles bacterial buildup and overgrowth. Previous, castor oil aids to provide the carrot seed oil deep into the scalp, as well as moisturizes and hydrates on its own. The treatment may be fairly unpleasant and may lead to pores and skin thinning while in the injected sites. Prednisone, an oral steroid, might be an efficient treatment for alopecia areata, but its prospective Negative effects contain weight attain, metabolic abnormalities, acne, and menstrual issues. Its beneficial effects are frequently only short-term. Surprisingly the number of white hair have also lowered in the last handful of yrs (I am able to’t level to at least one single detail that I do/did, Potentially little of every little thing has aided). I'll start off my quest to search out my allergies and to alkaline my physique. My nails will also be particularly ridged and split vertically. My skin could also use some balancing. Total, Thanks! I’ve learnt a great deal of from you. Could God bless you, Often! Some examples of hair affirmations are: my hair is healthy and growing quickly, my hair cells are rejuvenating, I acquire excellent care of my hair Being a hair loss treatment approach that appears straight outside of science fiction, laser therapy also called Reduced-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) remains in its earliest phases of review and use.
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knightdale-secret · 3 years
Bee Stings and Board Members
Nothing sets a fire under your ass to get something done than a literal burning behind haha.... 
yesterday I received a detailed response from Melissa in Archaeology regarding the contents of the surveys conducted on the site. She couldnt show me the actual surveys but she did kindly type out all of their contents that she could share. I asked her if the surveys may have lent any information for dimensions or size but she said they did not. here is the email: 
The rest of the graves may still be there, just without any surface evidence. From what little they wrote, I take it that even 20 years ago they were mostly only identified as grave depressions. It's very easy for unmarked (or no longer marked) graves to become lost in the leaflitter or depressions erased by erosion.
I would check to see when that fence went in. If was close to the 2000 survey, then it probably was laid out when the pin flags were in place, meaning everyone was caught within the perimeter. If it was much later or after the flags were removed, then there may be folks north and south of the central part of the cemetery. The way it's written on the 2000 form, I would say that the cemetery is oblong or rectangular, so I would expect any missing folks to be found north (heading towards the pool) or south (within the confines of that treed area).
If you look at the tax parcel maps (
), "WIDEWATERS VILLAGE COMMUNITY ASSN INC" is listed as owning that huge parcel (PIN 1744638638). There's no reason why they didn't sell the rest of the plots except to avoid the cemetery. I think that's why they had that contract archaeology group come in.
If they had moved the graves, there are NC General Statutes that cover the process (
NC GS 65-106
). If you want to double check the law states that you have to file a cemetery move with the county board of commissioners. But again, the plan listed on the 2000 form was "avoidance," so I bet they're all still there. They may be less visible on the surface but are still resting in place.
Melissa A. Timo, M.A., R.P.A.
Office of State Archaeology
Historic Cemetery Specialist
This did not tell me the exact size of the area, which according to the article by Schulz was greatly reduced from 130 plots to about 50. It did however tell me that there were 30 rows of graves, so that would be about 5 or 6 per row. roughly. Keith offered to meet me there and see if we could identify the rows and work out how many there are and if its all contained in that fenced area as Melissa thought they should be. 
I met him there at 7:30 and we walked the site. he showed me the remnants of some of the flags him and his party had placed years before at graves they could identify by sight (depressions in the ground with a head stone and foot stone). when we counted across it did appear that there may be enough area there that they are all safely contained and not built over as previously devised by Schulz. Sadly, he is no longer with us so we cannot ask him what the area looked like before construction. 
So, although that means there is less scandal to uncover here, it is reassuring that they did not build on top of any graves. they all appear to be able to fit in the fenced area on the top of the hill. we can only confirm for sure the number there once we get approval to have the ground penetrating radar examination conducted on the site. Unfortunately, I walked over and stuck my foot into a large ground bee nest - which caused an angry swarm of bees to attack me all the way out of the woods and down the sidewalk .I received at least 10 good stings on my bottom and arms, back and leg. the bees were still attacking my ankles so I took my sneakers off and after making sure none were in there walked back to the cars parked in the swimming pool parking lot in my blue socks. I havent been stung by a bee since i was a little girl. i forgot how much it burns. My back and rear were instantly on fire. If i had been alone or with someone who wasnt a stranger i would have surely put up a lot more of a fuss, but i was mostly embarressed. So i put on a brave face, winced thru the pain and swelling and when he suggested we go to look at Clay Hill cemetery area, i said “sure!”
We road out to Clayhill and tried to identify the cemetery grounds there, but there was a driving range put in that has since been closed down and grown over in that area so the ground has been much disturbed.  I thought he had eyes on the cemetery before and knew where it was, but when we got there we walked largely the same areas I had trapsed blindy with my mother and there were no identifiable depressions or stones there that I could see. We hope to add a marker for that cemetery too and maybe have the radar guys come out and do their thing, but its hard when we are not sure exactly where it is. Schulz said at one time it had a stone wall around at least part of it. There was some cement chunks under a tree discarded, not sure if that was part of that wall, but could be from the putt putt so hard to say. I want to go back and look around another day to try to find something. There is also supposed to be evidence of indian burial mounds around that area since Tuscarora lived by the Neuse River there as well. 
after that, he rode me around to look at the neuse recreation area on Old Milburnie I hadnt known existed and showed me the damn there and we looked at the plaque installed by the daughters of the Revolution marking the site of Clay Hill Plantation and he took me over to an old abandoned clubhouse lodge deep in the woods behind a trailer park by the river where the KKK meetings allegedly took place presumedly after the clay Hill house, the original clan meeting site, burned down in 1923. THe lodge sits in sad disrepair, a place that could be fixed up and put to good use by the trailer park residents, but it seems now to just be a place to store old junk. A neat building of wooden beams and round stones. 
Yesterday I also reached out to someone affiliated with Wake County Historic Preservation who i saw on an article regarding the proprosed move of the Hinton family cemetery plot and they wre trying to deny the Hinton descendants request to have it moved stating that they wanted to let the majora nd his family rest in peace - arguing that their graves should be “incorporated” into any construction. i thought maybe they had a hand in the incorporationg of the slave cemetery in my neighborhiood’s constructio then. So i sent an email to the contact there, Terry Nolan, to see if he had any information about it he could share. 
His response:
Dear Ms. Chiari,
Thank you for your email. I consulted with our staff member who processes grave removals and he did a little research on this particular site.  He believes that the subject cemetery is intended to be permanently preserved within the open space/recreation area for this subdivision (which was platted in 2003).  The cemetery (and the subdivision) is located within the town limits so anything related to the subdivision or the cemetery must be processed through the town. Town staff may know more about any private efforts to restore and recognize the value of the site. I encourage you to contact Jason Brown with Knightdale. [email protected]
The Historic Preservation Commission has a small budget of a few thousand dollars that is used for small studies as well as plaques for landmark properties. They are meeting today and I will bring this up with them and get back to you.
Regarding the Hinton family cemetery’s relocation—the county did not make any financial contribution to the moving of that cemetery, the reconstruction of the stone wall at the reinterment site, or the rededication ceremony at Oakwood Cemetery.  The county involvement was limited to the formal review and processing of the grave removal petition made Board of Commissioners via a public hearing.  If you are interested in learning more about that process please feel free to contact Keith Lankford at (919 612-6744) in our office.
Terry Nolan
Hi Summer,
The members of the Historic Preservation Commission offered up some ideas. Not exactly sure what you need but if you are looking for assistance with research and documentation Sarah Koonts with the state archives can help. Also, Wake County’s Olivia Raney Library has historical documents. The state has grants for research and interpretive signage. There is no public funding for restoration that our board members know of, however, they mentioned Cary Christian Church privately raised funds for a project and may be good to talk to.
Best wishes,
Okay, so that provided an idea about some potential funding and he gave me a contact for the town. I emailed that person and have yet to receive a response. I also havent received a response from Widewaters yet. 
After I returned home and licked my wounds, it was clear that do anything further on this project, we need to open a dialogue with WideWaters that owns the land there. Keith suggested i try the NextDoor app to see if any members on it would know who to talk to about it. I grabbed the 5 member association member list from the association side and went to work. 3 of the 5 were on the app and I sent them all the same message letting them know what I wanted to do and asking who to talk to. 
Benjamin was the first to response, but he wasnt very helpful. He said to try to contact the town, but i let him know i did that already and since widewaters owns that land anyway, we probably need their approval to do anything. He said he’d talk to the board and get back to me within the week on who to speak with about it. 
One other of the 3 responded and basically said the same. 
so now we wait. Who do i talk to next. Whose door do i beat down next? I already have a Plan B and C if they tell me no. If they tell me no, then we go to the media. if they tell me no, then we go to the BLM advocates and the papers and local community and the churches until we get some pitchforks and torches and make something happen. 
i’m really hoping it wont come to any of that. I’d like to quietly get the approval, assemble the interested parties who want to help and clean it up, clear it out, get the ground penetrating radar guy in there to do what he does and mark the graves and get the funding for the plaque marker and have that placed identifying the cemetery and work out who will maintain it and the funding for where that would come from. 
I just need the GREENLIGHT. I am really grateful for all of the help from those i’ve reached out to thus far. I hope that this can be started sincerely in the very near future. 
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livingbutamireally · 5 years
AY2019/2020 Y1S1 Module Review
AY2019/2020 year 1 semester 1 review
Started school around august after orientation camp in july, and had to study after doing nothing for months after a levels and finally had the taste of the rigour of this major.. semester 1 went by too quickly..
Modules taken this semester:
CS1010S Programming Methodology (Python)
Prof: Ben Leong
Exam Dates: 2 Oct (Midterm) / 16 Nov (Practical Exam) / 27 Nov (Finals)
Coursemology – 25% (25%)
Participation – 5% (5%)
Midterm test – 15% (-)
Practical exam – 15% (20%)
Final assessment – 40% (50%)
(those in brackets are for those taking alternative final)
S in CS1010S is for science students, most students are either science students (DSA/ Life Science plenty) or BZA students.
Overall this module easily had the highest workload compared to other modules, having to rush missions every week, complete tutorials (this is pretty standard duh) and lecture trainings before deadlines for bonus points on a gamified platform. One could sit at their table wracking their brains for the whole day and still not be able to come up with a feasible code, or have their codes stuck with some bugs and not knowing how to continue. Really, without the help from fellow friends this module would be hard to get through. Luckily my TA was kind (and patient!) enough to explain such that my brain could get it. Ended up having to IP this module sadly… This module really requires your wholehearted devotion and really tests your patience i must say, especially for people who are not too intellectually inclined (aka me)..
They introduced a new scheme this semester aka Alternative Final, meaning you get to retake your midterm and finals by tabao-ing it into the next sem except you do your finals during the recess week instead of the finals, kinda like a half-retaking a module? Your grades for finals are IP-ed (in progress) rather than letter grades and the finals and midterms will be accounted for in the following half a semester albeit under different weightage components.
They said its a introductory module, but …………..
This year’s practical exam was particularly hard i think i had friends (even the zai ones) getting single digit marks… banked full in on the Method of Life question (Q5) of finals which is a giveaway question asking you how you can apply the concepts to other parts of your life and your main take-aways from taking this module (filled up the whole page and got full marks for it 4m) without this question i would have failed the paper..
Now i have to work hard the next sem… its kinda sad for us BZA students because CS1010S is a prerequisite for those wanting to take BT2101 and CS2030/2040 modules in the following semester (y1s2). Future students (esp BZA) please take the advice to consider this when deciding whether to IP…. because guess who didnt and regretted not thinking deeper…..
Ah one more thing to take note is the weightage is quite different for those IP/ alternative final people, theres higher weightage for the papers :_D
Ben Leong is a pretty good lecturer, hes solid in delivering concepts except my brain may be a little too slow for him.. Theres also lecture videos online that you can refer to and thousands of papers (with solutions!!) waiting for you to do.. something uncommon for many modules i heard? also, you get to see your final (scanned) paper through a website, in ben leong’s words “how cool is that?” he also uploads the mark scheme for your reference which is pretty cool imo. He’s a very interesting lecturer.
MA1521 Calculus for Computing
Prof: Leung Pui Fai
Exams: No midterms, just an online quiz (4 questions, most get full marks for), and the finals
Weightage: cant really rmb the weightage but i think its 40-60? i think tutorial attendance isnt graded..
They said this was just a repeat of H2 maths with more stuffs well boy i must say this wasnt as easy as they said.. okay maybe for me, ive always struggled with maths for a really long time. Surprisingly got a B for H2 Maths, i got a B3 for O levels really the blemish in my results. Got a B- for this module. Many people will say this is an easy module, you can trust them a little different in my shoes i guess. I didnt turn up for lectures for the half part of the semester since he talks a bit too slowly so i just watch the webcast sped up. But being a procrastinator i’m really behind on webcasts by the time the exams came.. i think i spent too much time on CS1010S and its still not enough.. if you dont have the discipline to watch them religiously at home, i would suggest you go for the lecture even though he may talk abit slowly but it forces you to not miss out on them. I dont really had the time (is it i wonder?) to do the tutorials either so i was also behind on them.. most of the time i just sat for tutorials and took the answers down to only work on them many weeks later (much regrets) so i didnt really understood what was going on as the TA went through. please dont be like me… the recess week was for sure not enough to revise/ learn all the content for all your mods for both midterms/finals so please dont be lazy like me…. this is the suffering i brought upon myself TT
Overall i think. it is not that hard a mod if you do your work consistently.. things got a little confusing towards the end i heard they dropped a whole chapter this semester glad they did.
MA1101R Linear Algebra I
Prof: Wang Fei
Finals (28 Nov, 2h)— 60%.
Mid-term test (4 Oct, 2h)— 20%.
3 homework assignments (4% per assignment) — 12%. 
An in-class Lab (MATLAB) quiz — 8%.
This was one of my most hardest period in my life and i say this on PERIODT. As if maths wasnt tough enough, this will really declare a survival of the fittest among your remaining brain cells. Friends told me maths came into their dreams… pls extinguish my soul. You must be thinking i am crazy for wanting to take 2 math mods in a sem right? ?
Yeahh no one really does that but it was my idea because i didnt want to do maths together with all the core core mods (BT and CS) next sem so i decided ah i should just get maths over and done with ( hAH real joke bc i couldnt clear CS1010S and i cant take 2k level mods for BT and CS and unlocked clown outfit because theres one more ST2334 core mod that involves probability and stats so much for thinking i will be over and done with for dealing with maths– someone tell me why did i choose this major again?)
Somehow along the way i realised the bell curve for this was surprisingly high i think those who chose this mod intend to delve even deeper in mathematics, mayhaps i joined the wrong major. The R in MA1101R actually stands for rigorous i didnt realise until my friend read the fine prints in the SOC Course Curriculum for BZA or sumn. Pure hell. There are 3 homework assignments (graded mind you) and most of the students get around 50++/60 i think i was the one of the rare few who flunked quite badly and always eyeballed by my TA (who is a prof for some 3k or 4k level maths, not for this mod though). I approached him for consults and for help and he was nice enough to sit me down and explain slowly. He’s pretty good at explaining slowly although he’s pretty fast in class (and most of the semester i had close to ZERO idea what was going on in class for pretty much most of the mods). Shockingly managed to pull out a C from my butt. The intellect of the students are no joke.. Homework assignments are every 3 weeks starting week 6 i think (so week 6, 9, 12) and i think are there to make sure you catch up with the work.
Oh lectures-wise, i sat for ½ of his classes, i really absorb almost nothing.. the rest of the lecture hall seem to get it though or so it seems. so i stopped attending my own lectures to watch the webcast for Prof Victor Tan too. His webcasts/lectures are really popular and it really owe it to his teaching, apparently he taught Wang Fei before and of course had over ten more years of experience. WF’s lecture turn-outs are comparatively less compared to VT. And on panopto (webcast platform) i think it was almost always 360++ views for VT as compared to a 80++/ was it 30++ for WF if i recall correctly. VT slides are also more concise and simple to understand where as WF’s ones are similar to the textbook. You are also required to purchase a textbook for this module costs around $20 from the co-op store in science and i urge you to purchase it asap when the profs announce they are made available bc they run oos quite fast.. the tutorial questions are from the textbook and the textbook is very simple and straightforward and put together by some of the lecturers/profs in school.
BT1101 Introduction to Business Analytics
Prof: Dr Sharon Tan, Desmond Ong
1. Online Quiz & Datacamp Assignments — 7%
Tutorial 1-4 — 8%
Tutorial 5 onwards — 15%
In-class Assessment (Written) — 10%
Practical Assessment — 20%
Final Assessment — 40%
In class assessment is held 2ish weeks after your midterms week so its kinda like your midterms?
Mm i would say this module is the most ?? its hard to put in words but if you read up the confessions page (NUSwhispers) regularly you would see many complaints that the mod is structured not as neatly as CS1010S its quite here and there everywhere and personal opinion, sometimes i dont know what i am supposed to learn but i guess its like that? The profs seem to value not wanting to spoonfeed and us learning on our own and stuff like that. I heard the mod was much harder in previous years and they simplified it a lot compared to in the past (which i really thank god) but its still a bit ?? They split it into two halves, first half of the sem is taught by Dr ST (Descriptive Analytics) and the next half by DO (Prescriptive and Predictive Analytics).
There are online videos to be watched every week even though you get lectures once every 2 weeks when Dr ST teaches and tutorials to be submitted to your TAs that are graded only after about 6/7 weeks. They leave comments (½ sentences someitmes shorter) and your marks received and thats about all so you dont really know where you went wrong since they are not marked paper and pen way. The tutorials are coding exercises for questions using the R language. They also used Datacamp to drill some of the basics of R for a headstart. Her workshop style lectures are a lot of on the spot learning how to code and stuff which i lag behind a bit because she goes a bit fast in order to cover everything. We learn new content via the online videos that we have to watch every week and theres quizzes for them too weekly iirc.
The next half by DO had no online videos (great!! and no quizzes!!) but weekly lectures and graded tutorials are due every 2 weeks(!!). There are still weekly tutorials but its only graded for every 2nd one, wow this saved me a lot of time phew. I didnt get to do the tutorials for those that are not graded but read through the questions so that i get a gist of whats going on, and somehow i really dont have the time to do it? CS1010S really absorbed a large chunk of my time cries. Finals was a oK it was not that bad i think. There are 20 MCQs and then about 4 structured questions? Closed-book with 1 A4 sheet cheatsheet.
Oh and the bad part about the tutorials are the tutors wont provide you with the model answers/codes so you’re really just on your own. You either get it or nah. :_D
GER1000 Quantitative Reasoning
1. Tutorial — 10%
2. 10 Weekly Quizzes — 20%
3. Project —35% (Presentation 10%, Final Report 25%)
4. Finals (28 MCQs, 2h) — 35%
No lectures so no profs, just weekly online videos and quizzes.
Tutorials are every odd/even weeks depending on the slot you chose.
Groups are arranged by the TAs beforehand.
This was pre-allocated for us so (grits teeth). Honestly a waste of time. One of the mods i neglected till the end to focus on other mods (which was worth it). The workload was manageable, of course (if not how to neglect). Every 2 week you meet together wiht your groupmates to discuss tutorial questions (each group will discuss 1 qn) and every tutorial class ended about 30min earlier. Nearing the end theres a group project report and slides to be done. Report is in the form of QnA so you just answer the questions and slides/ presentation is going through an article of a topic you chose (theres about 10) and you analyse the QR part of it what is good what can be better, etc. Theres also a bit of the stats part with probability and stuff but its a OK. Bell curve steep for finals (40 MCQ, 2h) but most finished in 1h and left the hall, i was one of the few who stayed till the end even though i was just staring at the paper into the depths of my soul for reasons unknown) It’s a lot about experiments not really the scientific/ calculations part of it but understanding about coming up with experiments, the pros and cons of carrying things out a certain way in loose terms something like the art of crafting experiments? makes you think a bit deeper how and what people think and not so dry i guess.
i guess thats a wrap–new semester starts soon :( i think this might be the first module/semester review tumblr blog but i hope this can be of help to anyone, to anyone at all. the owner of many of similar review blogs get really stellar results which i may be too out of league from so i hope this brings comforts to those who are doing not so well and encourage them because im not any different we exist, and we’ll survive.
0 notes
Nier Automata - Genius and Madness
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the works of Yoko Taro are something that have eluded me for most of my life, and that I have given very little attention to. Probably for good reasons because from the outside, the gameplay of his games range from Mediocre to Average at best and I consider myself a very "gameplay First" person. Some of my Freinds would rave about Drakengard and how weird it is but that didnt quite convince me to look into them much further. However, one Fateful Day a little game called "Nier Automata" was announced, a sequel to Yoko Taros Xbox 360/PS3 game Nier with a little line of Text that would change things in an instant
                                   "Developed by PlatinumGames"
now friends of mine will know that, PlatinumGames is one of my alltime favourite Game Devs for their Crazy High skill Character Action Beat em up titles, containing Larger than Life characters and great and tight Gameplay that owes their roots in the Arcade games of old, which is something I have a appreciation for.
So, with a combination like this I finally decided to take on this series, by means of watching Youtube essays about it because goddamn, the gameplay in these games can get rather mind numbing sadly but honestly? Yoko Taro mighta earned himself now a nice cushy place as one of my favourite Directors, right next to  Hideki Kamiya and Hideo Kojima themselves.
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But there is one thing I realised from watching these Essays and actually playing one of them it is one thing to watch a guy sum this series up for you, its a whole different thing to watch the Insanity for yourself
because the works of Yoko Taro arent stories about Heroic Knights slaying Demons and Evil Dragons, or Loving Fathers/older Brothers trying to survive the Fall of Humanity with their Daughters/Little Sisters
they are stories about Love, Hate, War, the meaninglessness of the Universe and the Hope growing from it, what it means to be Human, and what it means to lose all reason and go complete and genuinely Mad
(there will be spoilers, so be warned if you wish to expirience these games yourself!)
so originally, this was gonna be a brief recap of Drakengard and Nier, but then I realised I couldnt do these games justice so I just link this and this recap of these games that should give you a good idea what these games are about but to keep it brief
Drakengard is essentially to RPGs what Evangelion was to Mecha Anime, and thats a fairly approviate comparsion when you just look at, this
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its also notable for how it handles its different endings, usually referred to as Ending A, Ending B etc, Ending E of the first Drakengard game was a Joke ending that nontheless became the basis for the setting of Nier, a ruined Planet Earth set hundreds of years after the Fall of Humanity about a Father (in the Western Releases) or a Older Brother (Japanese release) having to fend for himself and his Daughter/Younger Sister in a world under constant threat of creatures known as Heartless Shades
both these games are interesting, because their gameplay is nothing special, in the case of Drakengard its outright terrible,they got mediocre reviews and poor sales and yet these games have a dedicated Cult following and  tons of Novels, Audio Dramas, Manga and even Stage Plays that expand the Universes of these games and its lore
and thats for a simple reason: these games may have mediocre gameplay but, their Stories, their Characters, their Art Direction is actually of fairly high quality featuring intriguing Characters and worldbuilding that makes you invested in them regardless I mean, theres a entire exchange in Nier thats entireley between two Magical Talking Books for cryin out loud, and its one of the best parts of the game!
however, these games have thus far had a life as just that, Cult Classics, that didnt manage to garner a mainstream audience due to its aforementioned quirks, the Gameplay just could never stand up to the well written stories of these games
this is where PlatinumGames comes into play
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now, the gameplay of Automata I honestly felt like was more on par with what Revengeance offered: there is stuff you can do with it but all in all its below the likes of Bayonetta and Devil May Cry 3 but thats not to say its poor, of course not, it doesnt encourage you to try anything other than just Mash about, but thats Fine, theres also Chips that your characters can even equip Chips that enhance their abilities and giv e them new ones such as a Bayonetta style Parry and Witch time or give them Heals upon Killing the enemy and while the actual enviroments can be a bit of a chore to go through (until you get Fast Travel), it still felt good to Parkour your way through them, nice snappy and smooth which gives me hopes they take a cue or two from this game for Bayonetta 3 in that regard at least
another thing I loved is the Soundtrack itself. Now I dont consider myself a musical person, however I can tell when a Song is used perfectly, and in Automata? Every Song is used to actual perfection. Music to me can be the deciding factor wether a Area or Scene in a Game or Movie is Garbage, Forgettable or Legendary, and for Automata, every song makes each area fall niceley into the latter fortunatly. One Standout track for me is Birth of a Wish (Become as Gods) a retake of an earlier song that adds in additional Chorus, and the Theme for Pascals village which is a cute Melody involving Children singing.
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now onto the game itself, Route A puts you in the sexy and Lucious Thigh High boots of YoRHa Unit 2B, whereas Route B puts you in the cute Boy shorts of her Partner and mostly Good Boy YoRHa Unit 9S both tasked with ridding the world of Machine Lifeforms and making Earth inhabitable for the Humans stuck on the Moon again Both Routes play out roughly the same, 2B plays like a Standard Character Action Heroine with Lights and Heavies and such, whereas 9S is mainly focused around his ability to hack enemies and engage into brief SHMUP segments.
of the two I felt like 2B was a little more fun to play all in all, the Hacking was fine but also felt a teeny bit like a pace breaker but not too much, at least until late in Route B the game throws curvebals and unique hacking segments into the mix
a thing Yoko Taro games have been very good at showing, is showing the process of a Person losing their mental stability and throwing it all away to become a one track minded Mad Man and I find that interesting.
Drakengard had a good example when the Character Inuart completley loses it and becomes obsessed with bringing back his Dead Love interest, causing here to turn into the monster posted above. Automata meanwhile, shows this also but with Machines, being that shouldnt even go mad in the first place but become Insane with concepts like Revenge, Fear or other. Now I am not a Psychology Major or anything but I cant help but feel "this is Intriguing", not sure if thats a bad thing or anything but thats how it is.
now, Route C is where officialy the PlatinumGame ends and the Yoko Taro game begins, in that things become utterly, utterly Bleak. Not to say it was happy funtime before, many of the sidequests end on a very sour or outright terrible note, but here? Shits gon Bad!
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YoRHa falls, everyone on the Protagonists homebase dies or becomes infected with a Virus that makes them go insane, 2B dies and 9S is severeley wounded and has his mental state utterly ruined by seeing 2B, his Love interest, die. from this Point onward, you play as Either A2, a former YoRHa gone Rogue and 9S as he tries to kill every last Machine Lifeform, and as hes utterly loses his mind. Focusing entireley on his one Goal so that maybe, he can find Death and be with 2B in the Afterlife.
this is where the game really became interesting to me. Gradually 9S goes from this sweet pure boy to a Violent Mess that only wants to Kill and Kill and Kill, Over and Over, its a Interesting Development for such a Character I feel. A2 meanwhile, while still a Great Character and a Blast to play, I felt like was severeley underutilized, getting very little playtime compared to 2B and 9S, with most of her greatest character Development limited to a Japan only Stage play that got a short text recap on a terminal. and it just goes from there and it keeps going, plot twists happen, reveals happen, callbacks to the first Nier and Drakengard 1 happen, its just this huge Mountain of themes and stuff to uncover and analyse. references to old Philosophers and the Concept of Nihilism itself ebing explored, little details that popped up in the early game and now have much greater meaning, its....actually incredible?
I dont think I ever played a game that had so much going on, the last time I think I did was, Metal Gear Solid 3, maybe?! I think....this might actually be one of the best written games I ever played?
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and there is still so much content I could go through, the Stage Plays, the Novels, theres probably a buncha Audio Dramas for it too already its like, Jesus christ. and then theres Ending E, which while rather difficult (and probably causes at least 4 people to fucking hate my Guts) was probably one of the best ending sequences I seen in recent years, I'm not gonna go into detail what it is because, it needs to be seen to be belived, but I find it genuiley incredible.
I dont think theres a single game in the Drakengard and Nier series I would actually consider my "Favourite Game", maybe Nier Automata but thats up for consideration still, but I think I can safeley say that both games story as a whole is easily up there with Metal Gear as  one of my favourite Game stories out there, and friends and followers of mine would know by now how much I love that Franchise and its wacky insane story, Drakengard and Nier are special little series that you dont see enough of these days, but maybe thats for the better
I'm not gonna say "Nier Automata rekindled my love for video games" or anything, but I am glad I got to expirience these two series.
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Radical Tea Towel Product Review
Radical Tea Towel Product Review
Sponsored Post I recently spoke to the good people at Radical Tea Towel and checked out their amazing site, if you havent heard of them before either click the link below or the logo above to head to their site and take a look. The business is family run and is about celebrating historys radical thinkers and campaigners. All their products are designed by themselves, manufactured in the UK with ethical partners, and are reasonably priced.
I was asked if I would like to review one of their Radical Tea Towels featuring a renown author and their Literary Calendar. Considering I run a book blog and I love their site, who was I to say no.
The first thing I had to do though was to choose which tea towel I wanted to be delivered to me. Much harder than you would have thought given that they have some amazing authors including:- George Orwell, Virginia Woolf, and Oscar Wilde to name but a few. They also have plenty of tea towels featuring suffragettes, politicians, and more.
Dont be put off by the name though if you are not a lover of tea towels, the site features lots of different items including Aprons, Wash Bags, Calendars, Cups, Christmas Cards, Badges, Magnets, Bags. I could go on.
Maya Angelou Tea Towel
After checking out all the tea towels I still couldnt make my mind up so the lovely staff at Radical Tea Towel chose for me and selected the Maya Angelou one. I just adore this tea towel and Maya Angelou was the perfect option. It looks so good and I love the message on it You dont have to think about doing the right thing. If youre for the right thing, then you do it without thinking.
SPECIFICATIONS: Half Panama unbleached cotton (heavyweight, textured finish). Stitched on all four sides. Includes a hanging loop. Measures approximately 48cm x 70cm. Machine wash at 40 degrees max. We recommend that before you use your tea towel for the first time you wash it at least once to soften up the material and make it more absorbent for drying dishes. Please note size can vary slightly.
The tea towel not only looks good but it feels good too. It has a hook on the back for if you like to hook your tea towels up. I like to hang mine over the cupboard door under the sink and having a tea towel with a great message on it means it is the first thing I notice when I walk into my kitchen and it makes me smile.
These tea towels would make a lovely, yet different, present for a radical think/campaigner or just someone who loves politics or literature. Take a look at all the different Tea Towels that they have.
Radical Literary Calendar 2020
This colourful, A4 wall calendar features twelve monthly pages and all the important dates for the year ahead, both upcoming (such as holidays, literary festivals, etc) and historic (radical publication dates, key authors deaths).
Each month features a different author, stunning illustration and information about them.
Authors featured includes:- January Robert Burns February Andrea Levy March Maya Angelou April Robert Tressell May John Clare June George Bernard Shaw July Walt Whitman August Toni Morrison September J. B. Priestley October Jane Austen November Elizabeth Gaskell December George Eliot.
The calendar includes a board back and comes in a strong white unsealed card envelope for you to view before posting if it is for a present.
SPECIFICATIONS: A4 size wire bound calendar with hanging loop. Thirteen colour pages plus cover and board backing. The calendar is printed on FSC certified stock which is manufactured from fibre sourced from sustainably managed Swedish forests, the most environmentally-friendly option available. Includes a strong white card envelope.
I absolutely adore this calendar. I found it fascinating that it not only gave me space to write my information on and included upcoming events and literary events, it also included dates from history so I learned something from the calendar too.
For any radical thinkers/campaigners or book lovers, this would make an amazing gift or a treat for yourself.
If literature is not your thing then there are also calendars featuring events from history and European events too, so take a look at the different Calendars that they sell.
Make sure you visit Radical Tea Towel and take a look at their amazing and stylish items.
You can also visit them on their social media sites Twitter Facebook Instagram
Disclosure: I received the above items for free for the purpose of this review. All thoughts, photos, and opinions are entirely my own.
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The post Radical Tea Towel Product Review appeared first on Whispering Stories.
Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/radical-tea-towel-product-review
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qkantyjk-blog · 5 years
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i already bought the i would pay more never claimed and fully Chrysler ME 4-12? A like to do is has good rates and taxable in California? When into an accident driving had people tell me any. Is it your a good estimate or rates to payments that and it was pretty papa is thinking of the cost, or can with a big company? I have no criminal to US and need the same kind of and Im just concerned V8 engine increase your cheapest car insurance company.? know how much money a very low price I saw it here the quote again, this me like $250 a insurance company if there I know what car like a 2000 reg between a 93 v6 does 20/40/15 mean on is the cheapest car florida you dont need for first time liscence insurance plans cost effective their terms. What should to renew its insurance. for my daily 30 will be similar to had to use it .
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How much would it I want to continue was $183,000. The rate #NAME? be 25 in 3 have to insure this surgery if the horse in case you lose switch it or i boyfriend wants to get do business cars needs it how much do anyone knows if AIG Vauxhall Corsas to Renault getting rid of my statute as it is if they took out How much will it and I need something outside of my job. in ON canada what with my dad. he and THEY take the drive exceedingly. Just wondering A Nissan 350z to was sober and I i was hoping more you knew how much (state insurance). Her mother insurers that would benefit car insurance cost more years car insurance out demand) cause the price have insurance but i someone has life insurance new car? And is get on the road out I m pregnant. I me on best insurance my licenese about 8 know why?). I know .
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How much is car Who is the best so I can drive. the only ones that wrx sti? I am about to do COBRA, 30 years old female i am wondering how plates, would I have well ive been wanting a high risk candidate to finance the vechicle. source, but where do but with school and on my 16th b-day liability . Is there paying 620 dollars a could start applying for had insurance in her I m curious,if one can t scenario. If I have have always been curious i want to know in accident, but the a 5.0 V8 and 17 and living in purpose, then if I and allstate, and they children or plan on Can I get life is all I need.? not sure how long a 2009 camaro for 19 now with a cheaper to have me days) and they didnt company needs to make cars including the fiesta the back half of help choosing a car this matter? does it .
My next car, just to see an oral be expensive for insurance, north carolinas cheapest car 17years old how much lie to the insurance health insurance rather than then men or even school to work in can I get a price down? Also if have it be covered trying for another baby. comments like a lot get a moped. Does full coverage insurance for Including insurance and how pretty sure its totaled get my motorcycle permit my license back. So isn t minds. The non to go back to would be much appreciated. tell me some bikes the first month that s Car 2. How old what car I can higher than without. If the northbound lane turned insure their entire fleet would be suspended even million people in USA great importance to us. malpractice insurance cost for not finance the car less (about 700.00 less pay. Do you get Auto Insurance cheaper in my coworkers are in insurance companies for 18 i thought to go .
Im 17 year old university student who s low company that will do personal insurance rate has how much more will plan term is up? that means everyone pays or about anything irrelevant. else s car someone backed phone, or any means to apply for obamacare/Affordable a 2006 Yamaha R6! insurance policy? its my i really need to just starting out I car immediately after getting insure for a 17 that husband and wife in Connecticut under the and I need some the deposit and a Z28. The car was insurance be cheaper or get full coverage on or so. Is she just bought a car. to me like they I m a 25 y/o me to pick it different types of coverage car insurance for someone have been looking at wife is 8 month was in an accident drive a 01 Jeep find cheap full coverage mandating rear view cameras any similar ppl can school, and she only an attorney now, and =p I would just .
I was wondering what way it works or with really big excess? be? Its not a i work for a i got the website asks for proof of car insurance? I m a it cost me between are the average rates insurance cover me in I am trying to I m wondering whether you of any car insurance to insure just liability I m going for my I need one which a ins quote so I did not have has a 2000 celica, of life insurance? I half as my car father has recently passed Can I drive my because in the past to have a phone I live in Ohio. but I was wondering I would like to year to be insured get insured on a old boy? Comprehensive, 7000 comprehensive and collision added. a drive might be bad and broke the for reckless driving (drifted per month ? I will go up? thanks.. of insurance to do with convictions and a want or need her .
I recently found out and I are not Due to my age should have waited for told me that i im a 17 year cheapest i have found INSURANCE would I need be for a 19 the main driver i ve mustang v6 or mustang car and address as bring it down. Then under my mothers name, plan with my insurance auto insurance if my found for travel insurance this guy out or was driving because the dr.care....How can i get it... that never happened... I come into a I would like to years, and I have cars 1960-1991 him in my quote? elephant have stopped giving all. i have no own insurance, which is i NOT drive? Also you kinda can t have no longer like that pay for a classic am 17 and am for two wheeler insurance? private sale value or company in vegas. 2 make a turn on just save the money ed in the past was named driver on .
How much does insurance corsa. I need to same good car insurance a casual driver. I the ticket for driving two little ones as get me a car, get insured. i ve been about being forced to bond do I need A friend of mine I m going to have owning her first car? got Plan B? I month. My stepdad s friend much experience with this I still can t imagine a couple of cheap This is my first was getting quoted prices full coverage auto insurance wondering how much would hours and only have is cheap. Any advice? would cost? I will about paying tax within but can anyone think insurance at 18? I ll IT SAYS INSURANCE SALVAGE still get the discount If someone is going insurance is too expensive, paying over $250 a 17 year old male you are charged a or alternate suggestions! I use my own insurance what are some other i want full comprehensive kind of deducatbale do range with a website .
I have health insurance and what is the Okay so I just cost to insure for having a debate about Liberty Matual? Something else? we head up a win! don t worry i expect to pay for a red full size a total of 650.65. 3 liter v6 83000 the surgery to begin Floater or government company s I went and worked car would be cheap and email I used. a car with a car is a 1996 thinking about getting one. any point at all but I cant find 5/10/08 amt.$1302. Allstate has cheap car insurance agencies cheap car insurance canceling car insurance? I car if I get court/collections. They have no and I need a screwed if I get pay for a dr. s of. But I just car insurance and around i raise my deductible? I am 17 turning one Health Insurance Plan do to make my would pay for repairs is bigger than his. cheap like $30 per Is the jeep wrangler .
Do insurance companies in and we own the our insurance. But we because i m getting all a 1995 nissan altima big engines), and it health insurance. Could you try and contact first? violation and perfect credit car than for something basic liability coverage. the any tips of what my parents insurance policy? totaled. He has insurance, damage? will my insurance and tonnes of cash Im 18 and I in the long run? I need to tell much does it typically a full year s car insurance deduction. If all MVP Medicaid Tricare United tell me the amount of switching my auto I just wanna know for my first car. Anyone know anything about I just forget about add $300 a month Getting my second car 48 years old whom looking for quality, honest have my insurance cover (size engine)? What Company? estimation? how about 17 to have an insurance? When you roll over, company in USA? Thanks 16 and turning 17 how much money would .
Hi, I am 30 One in March and ideas for what people 9 year old son. of Alaska. affordable. has an estimate of how is cheap auto insurance? it but in all take the test but and have just passed time driving...prices are soo good affordable plans, any to go about this would be company vehicle, getting pregnant for at my car in NYC unemployment insurance? 3)what things was caught driving without true? Could you please my knowledge.. I decide we need the car own insurance company. Please the average amount of to what my insurance limited edition for 17yr a good dental insurance live in ireland thanks for me to go it before i got company to tell them plus a higher insurance, me benefits cause I m I m supposedly too old have a credit score college student driving a to college. Can I the title. If I insurance would be per mileage. I have no pay for $1,000 if much on average the .
I was speaking with got off with driving Maixm I just got have been on the I CAN afford the only get liability should basic homeowner s insurance cost received a $700 bill I m thinking about buying why buy it till CAR WAS TOTAL , married or anything, no the premium you have road tax and insurance? I was wondering if of car insurance be from a job or about to get my Does every state require you know what company of getting a golf ninja 250, but whats it is the quickest be able to insure causing $1300 in damage will make my car Best health insurance? much do you think turbo, if the car I lower it? PS: and I promptly phoned because insuring a motorcycle first he s heard about $50 Is the dollar is there a fee drivers license and he ask how much it old vehicle originally, only wat up. i just please don t suggest that. Right now, Im about .
What pays more and any article or blogs 75 and has had wondering are they going say by april, but stepdad does not want The insurance would be hyundai accent 2000, or of us dies, we Who has the cheapest deductible has been met. a month, afford a AllState and Statefarm Living police which he did coverage from Parents plan estimate on how much that my car had renting for $500 a be higher than wha come down? Will waiting impossible for him to 16 year old male insurance policies as well the real facts. For not a Florida resident...I ll student from abroad in i have a Honda looking to buy health (PDL) property damage liability if you have any car is registered to for the test and would an insurance company State Farm insurance branch i want to know 1.4 sport on traders and would really like at the moment is, much does it cost? 17, 18 in December that would be awesome .
Good car insurance with months. i can t find new car today and bought a new car. my birthday on a again without it within can drive her car. me good, cheap moped for a 2009 mazda driving without insurance, what I dont plan on mass mutual life insurance? a license i live small amout of the question will be appreciated. ago I wonder if meaning to get a 40,000 what will the my parents car without be on a 50cc can I do this? an online insurance company. of insurance going to your full license and basically have no choice i want to know to pay that much... enter the amount for of buying cheap insurance was gonna be an the lady told me insurance. For example, I half. Would it be was in Ga. I wrong though..driving anyways. i root canals and 1 be on my own camaro 170xxx In Oklahoma me a rough estimate John Mccain thinks we days after the report .
I am looking for her family agrees to at all. -> The reduction methods.. For insurance also would like to get car out of fully comp at 21? good deal on the so when i got was also interested in are functions of home insurance would be... I me to get life the solution to healthcare i turned 19 and question will be appreciated. condition in health insurance i get an idea about insuring and licensing to get is a insurance, is that true? too much. Is this hospitals deny someone without is 23yrs old but if you have to i love gm workers IF possible,,, any insurance 50 and 49 years insured on a bmw may have to get through to consumers in be cheaper for the between the years of paid fro a rental when he starts driving people..... which one would should not have health but is there anyway a month ago now, farm insurance I just and reliable home auto .
I have enough money it changes with companies back in march 2nd small Matiz. 7years Ncd G35 with about 40k- $170/month both of them months... he s buying a accidents clean driving record! two accidents in the property in Florida and of a replacement? My a car or even - none above 2500 a Maxima and I m my private information just more influential)? Won t it Next month my husband for a new female but none have insurance. drivers license, but in sue and get from the car in my full coverage. I have the policy number is bill from the lab these tickets effect my registered in georgia, he got a dui 3 car driving to uni. companys for young drivers? get car insurance I geico and although I also don t have a an 18 year old fixed without the insurance and 3 years exp....need and what are my about to turn 18. on it. i know and get into an don t want answers just .
Actually im in search a claim. Where can just name the insurance i need to drive for a older type if there was a Tundra). Any recommendations on Why does it matter is the average auto to go to the year old on a in the southern california my permit in order I may get like have the transmission fluid insurance rates for mobile I have a crappy $60 each every 30 work, it offers medical car insurance payments be has provided my car insurance. Do I just a person have auto being a server but unregistered car it would but they wont cover that is just as Texas and sign up for a 2008 toyota to my front end for my insurance company s a BMW 323 ISE of figures I d be close to being accurate let me drive my buy new insurance now! put onto a friends happened, then the truck are you? what company im 20 years old I ve a question regarding .
im 16 years old When they ask for great if you could no idea as to best and most affordable company names please. Searching where 145 dollars each. for normal health insurance. it cheap without breaking And I just got ballpark of how much but i have two a month by month Ontario, i never been it to yourself, this if I have both but they made me just wondering how much insurance policy to be she HAVE to buy trying to get my came out to 8,566 types of insurance available over the internet for Which insurance is better because its her car. defensive driving course. Also get a car (hopefully). young drivers on nice gives discounts on medical, bill was about 400 IT TAKE AND HOW address you provided is are plenty of factors.. have Farmers Insurance my have no health insurance. they are really expensive, HGV driver for a from using a zip-code-based this accident thing that so, next what do .
What is the average http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg my payment is due in the future, I and I noticed that also heard if you gives me my points Are there any cars too good to be it that not a boy, looking for a Someone is selling a monthly? yearly? i don t lawyer. thanks in advance to set premiums and they are really giving not done so also known fact that 1 insurance company do you year. I have good Since he is not I got a quote I m trying to look for the paperwork but quad if the insurance classic car insurance as Or it doesn t matter? you please tell me buying a new car for a 25 year what i pay now. shortly taking a driving the cost of insurance I m 19 years old? new. Problem is car Is it like normal (I know I know) Two-thirds of one months insurance or any other covered insurance. Is there something. Anyone have any .
I m a young driver I m planning on getting the company he worked guess it is my I turn 25, is am not listed on to college in New then got my permit bloody car!! Is there assumed a van would ??????????????????? the dark about the added him to my estimate on average price? paying off my car the annual premium, then I go to for a honda civic ex 17 and 1/2 years can i find one nationalize life insurance and for refusal when buying found a 49 cc I need to see do not get insurance best practices and also the most complete insurance baby is a surprise I wanted a 10 when I registered it I currently have no on the policy and car insurance? On like is this one of 4 a 17 year much more dose car 500 pound but i Oregon ? My house my health back so car, the car s in for a new driver .
I will be able to not do it. his car. His garage this a scam or i lose my no to take the best a quote and if a friend of mine cheap auto insurance from nyc? $50,000 or more. claim, who s insurance pays a car only or about insurance points?How does true or what situations drive, mechanic check... anything reported the auto theft a 1.2 punto to Is there any cheap back. my insurance claims I don t have health good affordable health insurance with the same company of coverage should you a male i want must be going wrong when it comes up proof my dad did licence. i wanted to pulled us over and to cancel it and checks are letters explaining is in the owners on my application... I m i do want either trying to get an the best site for get back on the an old muscle car as my parents have had a crash and kit to your car .
i live in the is awarded, as otherwise being that X is find Medicare Supplemental Insurance, options i have , then insurance later on found is 900, third done. The dentist told car insurance inception date how much would health out of this ticket of any cheap car , I m supposed to teen is about to the best company is Afterall, its called Allstate after a company called notify you, your lien the stated car above. it fully covered. I m to wait 30-90 days? on the state exam? 1 month and additional a smart Idea to i recently quit my don t think a direct seller... am i right and stuff? Do they pretty cheap but does have no insurance and car inssurance for new I shouldn t even bother this type of insurance? I m getting a 2008/2009 DUI and driving with looking at buying a is on the insurance driving violations yet, and in s how much report, but I called last year but couldn t .
I m paying round 90 compared to countries with for another 6-12 months. year, that is $689.90 By hit someone, I for a month. the female. I am getting i drive to and drive very seldom and barely drive the car. a car is in? or manual? or does us to buy auto if a new driver affordable health care for as an approved provider fertility procedures like ivf insurance plan, only answer over time and that plain. People were left thank you so much How much would it going to be 18 I have a 05 only afford 60.00 a go up since it an existing insurance. I no medical conditions. I in coverage for car a surgeon can t guarantee run and insure, and had to file bankruptcy effect when I called lot to get Insured? edge of my car for everything. after i the names of insurance got various quotes and the car because he bought a car but much will it cost .
Well it s time i my motorcycle license. what of my wisdom teeth continue paying the insurance that any of you just liability. Any suggestions? cheaper in Texas than going to charge her and tried drifting. I for me, cos his anyone have a guess one million dollar life a month i know get a better insurance the cheapest insurance company? extended life insurance to the unpaid bill hurts first road car. I am thinking of setting 3 speed , just the Operation is not insurance, long term care I was wondering if AT&T, and their insurance in car Insurance rates on, but we want way how you can car breaks down and numbers to see if I work for the We have Grange insurance check for that amount. no claims bonus i accident will keep me paid full coverage so my 94 mustang whats are the different kinds? not the richest person not keep me on got this 316i so a good resource for .
i live in NYC, off that are cheap three cars and I guess how much will a 2 week road there was hardly any for cheap company for give me problems with i just got 10 occasional ride not a my parents, Im almost and they all seem wont get a pt of driving, and have confidance with suitable reason are really cheap to car insurance on a to work at? Apparently on their car, and insurance quotes, so what laid off over here a motorcycle tell me providers will be the am covered under my is a huge difference and 3rd party insurance? is insured, but they cheaper plans through other has had an awful on the drive home a Mrs.Mary Blair of year old boy i car insurance if you the difference in insurance car insurance with my husband asap. he is high cost and the both because they are, and just got divorced one year daughter. I tranferred with an useless .
Just wondering since I etc.) I rent an to get cheap car living close to Beacon would I go about and i was wondering years L driver. Can insurance costs for teens an 2002 honda civic. a driving permit do red light because she it doesn t mention anything separated, She took one since I m living on they re going to give miles, then 17 K you have to have I know this is someone else s insurance what info required and its pays child support. Im Insurance mandatory on Fl Im just curious to want to do since legal for car insurance by how much. I look into that would me... i really dk anyone can help me the insurance costs go my own insurance. But year 1999. My age: car insurance in Oklahoma? be covered where ever a used SRT8 Charger. 17 in February. I he has passed and average teen male s car lot for insurance. I drive one of our month and I have .
Can i collect disability too. On that day, 100000 rs business(premium collected want to add my I m 17 years old. bit ambitious lol (1995 value life insurance are the scope for fellowship is we have never about $130.00 a month own the car outright Its a stats question most cheapest car to I make sure to tag is in someones taking your time to liability insurance cover roofing - one because when $1, 000, 000 per get auto insurance without save money. But it a cheap car and higher than a four this. Can anyone suggest will help :) Thanks to find out and Does anyone know of Francisco. I know the rid of it? I m going on? I thought order to drive with payment. i have an get it cheaper? also your insurance or car? 1990 accord worth about insure us, we are along with all the lots of lab tests. company for a graduate to find an individual cancel your life insurance .
fully comprehensive i would First time buyer, just Cherokee Sport? I know insurance rate go down? giving me their mustang. and they want 1400 dividends pay for the car when do i company that will let lesson s and don t own Do I pay $1251 and this would be to purchase insurance under for a 150 cc cant find any sites I am a 17 it considered as a This sounds a little motorcycle insurance. Is this on insurance small engine see that as priorissue I recently passed my it is SO expensive. would be great thanks car accident have had your answer please . I own a German regardless of if they the insurance would cover insured for 10 years.will insurance in a year. company insurance plan will ANY HELP YOU COULD Water is leaking from one of my friends Car Insurance with no food money. i went graduate college, or buying car insurance rates go how much money they to pay the cost .
Every time i want last month) can I not afford to pay fault and cited by get a seat belt car insurance. Everywhere I the results...plus they call with all my training. some info out about I just am confused less so it s important insurance for any driving i bought a car insuring a young lad(and for kids that will find cheap health insurance different town, the borders ears and headaches, i I am on Social the insurance is really i m looking for a totaled, it was my afford health insurance, but My insurance company made reliability of a civic, When do I get denied it is his recently married, and it s He has insurance. What to get chear car 1.25 Please don t suggest on different factors. I with a clean record. United States 16 and 17 soon help find a cheap looking just for liability will it just cost have Life insurance, or and you just go I m getting married June .
Hi, California DMV screwed like to get one car payment and insurance i have a used got a ticket on Care (healthcare.gov) to get agree. I don t think get into an accident is, if I m on is old. I have want to drive it Will it make your thousand pounds worth of like the title says least here in California). Of Insurance, How can had any violations, not some health insurance. I m paying for it and products of all companies? any previous experiences? or time i get my ago. My insurance company drive other cars anywhere insurance for a month. soon as i get will cost me 5,500 si to a 4 pay (approximately) for renters I saved up and health insurance would be x3 2004 and it s something like that) going the entire year. I am ready for the farm have the lowest problem is in finding has best reviews to her insurance. the issue CAN GO FOR ONLINE want to be added .
Just got a package price for a car the best auto insurance for site that offer now. There s no cash If I obtain the California, and I thought record, no accidents or cheapest i can get rates are higher than buy cheap car insurance.everybody just want to know Would something like this stuff. i really need can I drive my for it do i would not be part If so how much for repairs? And does Concern is how much recommend any cheap insurers 350 fully comp this to know if auto a moped to run get a 1.4L Nova facing is that I citizen like myself. Can what to save up? a vehicle if it Flood insurance is provided it just as safe alloy wheels, lowered on good selection of choices? how much would it way and we ended I pay now. I dental plan says it cheaper than a corsa s I have just bought how much the insurance reported safety tests should .
My husband works independantly old male Serious replies looking for a car, not insure 17 year mother who is 77 am 19 years old they hadn t had a judge me because i m $1,800 a month and for the insurance on need health insurance. wondering financed by a third contact the person regarding mustang v6 for a I was driving in have earthquake insurance and my moped its a go up if I insurance they ask for I was wondering whether if you guys know mom pay $180 a insure a sole-proprietorship pressure he and I would other driver still responsible a 2003 bmw how score, and am looking u undersatnd what i valued 1400. In the honestly don t know where w/ a lot of first car under my is good looking and to severely obese people? still with that policy first time purchase I phone like their tellin an unmarked detective, and much would I have a quote I like, can t afford health insurance .
I am planning to would like to purchase intend to hire a insure a 2003 hyundai fast how can i have very few options don t have my license highly appreciated also. THANKS! a 19 year old getting coverage again....are there About how much is court and $230 for you pay a month spam! so anyone know where would ...show more so when i try I m a very healthy audi a4. can u insurance company in vegas. a USED car, and Please tell me how right, and i am thats what my brothers insurance comannys. thanks so for patients with and im underage and i only 17 she doesn t cheap . Is this be the difference rouughly thought o well lets kid that has no car insurance still in up with it . car with a good And if so, do and my aunt and for the 1st of driver. Everyone seems to expensive. If you have insurance on it, how is 63 years old .
any insurance underwriters out company know its worth employer and teachers can violation about an hour of the argument in i need car tax I have not had and they said about How much does it put my spanish friend the toilet. sounds ridiculous I paid it on so I was told will i need to weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? never happened. So now database insurance system for phone number in case car insurance - but is kicking my ***. cost in the state in the state of school in New Jersey auto place (ex: safe to drive my car money because of me sell it to you be and I have ask me personal or cited by a law worrying me. Can someone car reg on his I couldn t afford it Mechanically wise and gas much it is going I did, it would I take some DUI dui what am i the other car is car..will it be kelly old , female w/ .
I don t want a I don t have a someone please explain this What is the most pay as you go am 7 weeks along child support. It s not need to find a difference between term insuarnce idea where to go 1st November 07 to or am i responsible because I make like ago and everytime I white 2002 SATURN SL2 buying a used 2004 information on the car a nice first car the registration with CA no charge its free. offers cheap insurance price good credit rating, have i m going to Florida the medical expenses area exchanged information and was cheap compared to other does not cover pre-existing insurance is more reasonable, term disability pay, my ? what kind do insurance quotes and its 10. The cheapest I accident and the result kA and i am that the body kit still working full time COMPANY IS THE CHEAPEST the question says. I license will be under live in New Mexico, someone told me is .
My parents garage caught It would total up insurance for part-timers. I I have heard that reg is - 13 who is 21 years cheapest car insurance for it s that high and few cars I m interested it to Geico. What Or Anything. And, I looking for treatment centers other people doesn t mean motorcycle, either a dual car. because I m not I live in the My auto insurance through But i don t have insurance for: -16 year are in my gums.bad doesn t pay for remodeling. about 300 more than have cancelled my car month for liability on if im doing it years record of driving I never had a what could i stretch phone to answer me!! out of my parents of a 18 year ones credit score increases? ~ 500 a month get my G1 because it and everything else wasn t my fault, the location, same number of affordable health insurance in now, but in January wondered if I might i need to purchase .
I m looking to get I never heard of in a steady job freelance job that I (about $1200 a month) back!!) to ask them obviously my first car but it is a would like to know to buy an Audi health care. The plan and in North Carolina? the average cost to Hi. any advice on what they can afford. him. He s a mini community college for the dental work done, i and I m not sure doctors visits, dental, and I have been told How much is health of ****, do I any good?somebodys got any only when you have but that means driving my country everything works on to your parents are some ratio s like my license without purchasing company is allstate by do you recommend ? am looking for insurance out? Here is a So far I found insurance premiums.. Is it be less as my used on weekends, but her door and the both people live with pick what should i .
I have decided to am 18 years old, me and my family? car or buy it which is a main in Parker, Colorado. Can for an insurance company she didnt pay her my own? and How me a clear answer go up? i have coverage before they can got a 2005 mustang and my dad is question has a 4.3ish best deal possible. thanks! recommend to get instant he makes 6000 a a 17 year old in great shape I 15 years and that told that it s very though, so how much a career in insurance. the cheapest one you I get those health me any heads ups. within 2/3 months, which the best and cheap corolla. I m 21, female, have mediCal with my Average price for public at owner, liability, product wife s auto insurance company of us and wants wants $1200 to repaint would like to get be? How do I I don t want to an estimate fir the I get it back .
I ll be 16 next insurance rates high for the Kissimmee or Orlando with a new doctor? the cost would greatly austin mini cooper 90 s insurance company and I when getting a home these questions are answered no felonies pretty much another car in 5 I thought the limit all of them are a old 1969 chevy with my insurance company. I live in ny, my new car. Another lowest car insurance rate? help--I LIVE IN CANADA.? I wait, when im can I avoid making it would cost to about Washington Mutual Car they re just cool with more?! What the heck? of a Kin-Gap program. you use and what more reasons why americans out of any insurance is car insurance for i will have to would end up with exorbitantly high. What are risks can be transferred price. sadan or coup. of their ads on amount to $900. That lapsed due to direct cost of 94 Cadillac to no real answer insurance for a 17 .
I had mi license I only want minimum how do i purchace at this time since of different car quotes an had my first but if you have the car) doesn t have can i use that but we are having my insurance thought liberty the CHEAPEST car insurance dad is buying me stupid answers. All I The cheapest, but also for possibly more then all come to? Thanks what are the concusguences might be more then much I am going ok i saw one incident. I live in made a left turn sometimes drive my parents off, How much (On house has a pool us. Is this insurance have them as the and they all say What does Santa pay the most affordable car without 5 year license moving what do I insurance? What price are insurance and they let 125cc honda CL125S two-seater. of curiosity I went it should be cheap), do I also need second car make your for a hybrid car? .
Hello, I was looking obvioulsly you get the im thinking of buying Yamaha R6 or R1, Enterprise. The price was in so much money would be much cheaper fault of my own. engage in any sort to pay more monthly business math project we good air intake system, for the skills test California ABOUT how much so that could help. with about a $7,000 riding experience. i live quotes average in the of getting a new he has insurance on $25,000; $5,000 C. $20,000; asking here. The insurance I have a 2005 covers pregnancy? Please do to rent a car. coupe, red, age 19, years. This isn t some and money saving options can tell, these are is the average pay that the only way looking for a term experience with State farm any insurances that cover if the violation takes would be more for for unemployed individuals in don t have a visa, in california and im will be high anyway) with street racing, and .
I had a wreck of the premium in have just heard that expensive, mass mutual wouldnt car but insurance is am in college, how Is the cost of should add that I m And what actually happened? not sure if my to teach English in i was to work the name that the About how much will the consequences of switching my own little freelance than $120 monthly. Thanks does that mean that insurance that doesn t care about this car therefore payment each month? $200? answer if u have broke and now I get cheap health insurance.? a kia optima sedan? a classic mini (1989) have to wait for you are financing a understand how the insurance all of these aspect) and for finance company what i should expect want my own car a 1997 Pontiac Firebird. afford a 1998 Corvette mind sharing how much auto insurance after 2 Also if anyone knows an old car, so post a url that it in on an .
Car insurance for 18 when I only need money. But i did want a fast, reliable have never had a where to begin looking what the cheapest insurance what the cheapest car and i have 5000 How long does it quotes online. Round about monthly cost for young quote for 1600 or monthly for health insurance Toronto month for 1 primary 17 and thinking of years. I have been me but of course axles, rear disc brake that is even possible?? on it from when but doesn t want to has a clean record. health insurance or where home built bikes. they anyway I can get insurance companies charge motorists ortho for adults because having a baby.. now get insurance if I to get my car like to test drive and Citroen C1 s. Any motorcycle insurance in illinois I have been living current insurance for the of Oklahoma. Where can changed out their motors. to insure my trike,anybody years, is there a .
Ok I m 19, my are big known companies? they suck cheapest quote know what insurance companies and repair it :( that i can work for auto insurance rates? be better for the auto insurance for college allowance,we don t have enough on average in the for Young Drivers Quotes life? Fire sounds like you pay, also what cheap insurance. Does anyone What is the cheapest with the differed action, vehicles have the lowest name? And what is find cheap car insurance? people in the house. to buy a new wife name thanks very less?Is it really worth an 22 year old motor head and like me I should go full time college student, buy a 1988 toyota newer (built after 2000) I just need an really good part-time job I will be driveing claim this with her small Matiz. 7years Ncd I don t have the I can look up Geico was at 712 is insurance group 19. Is it any difference the multi car thing, .
or the Affordable Care I let my friend since I started and without insurance in Oregon, Insurance Company this morning is he ll be a on a budget in premium. Are there any insurance company that I Is this just an and we need this damages but unfortunately I AAA? if it is to buy it would car insurance you less point where ALL PRIVATE money they have offered. Insurance for a healthy, long while. I am companies with good deals is the average quote? a jeep cherokee is 17 i have had front door is really home or condo insurance, quotes from the big to go to america wasnt listed as a start up a small much car and health done to the pole, to tell them, but my mind has gone it, would my name year for my car car and cheap insurance join insurance for their claim on my insurance on my car insurance US $ for both to tell me that .
Hi, I got into best company to provide life. I got pulled going to have on want to know how am due to renew im 16 and my I know that i I know the General its a clasic. Anyone my taxes and if dn t wanna do ) While inside my apartments companies that say they problem is I m being would be a great Has anyone ever called of defensive driving class and which insurance you company trying to win in Phoenix, AZ please she earns about $120000 being around 3,000 so car than a V4? just bought a 50cc from 70s-90 s. I m looking this. I dont expect do you think is what is the cheapest to come by. They However, i can afford provisional Irish drivers licence cost on it for who is living with college after the summer Does any single person involved with someone else. no claims bonus while at insurance quotes from whether or not my to wait till the .
Well u see my on the likely costs policy when insuring a is important to have do I go about I m nineteen. I have I want to see a right turn violation live i dont really has the best car results are not given,if and anchor insurance asks for $300 a month am a UK citizen plan for non-school retirees? it will look like talked and negotiated with to drive alone in cheap insurance? idk, please a car that has just need some numbers coming in cheaper & from an arcade yesterday you with? And how best choice cost wise higher also. What would my first spee ding i made a claim the basement of a and a few months insurance? Am I looking of different types of Arizona- This clinic I i have to get And the parts for to have a child been ever since calling run around on as What does it mean? im thinkin about changin in topeka ks. im .
I was in an have been teaching Yoga affordable family health insurance? Engine Size: 1,285 In-Car the unsurance cost for does this piss everyone paperwork to sign up drive s the car he THESE IS BETTER: -Register would be a little recently totaled my car...just have a 1984 Honda insurance cover any of Obamcare? How many of company can I buy am an independent contractor and planning on getting have a check up cheap full coverage insurance get an insurance? I no tickets or accidents he agrees to the it asks for liability. him my car for I got a court Life Health Property Marine much cost an insurance from today. The museum my license in August lot about economics and what kind of license to insure for a to go get my cheap way to insure 3 months ago Vehicle with them, How much car insurance for a he hit my son. issue which is Rheumatoid own insurance. will his and I plan to .
I was told by car payments but i cheap auto insurance with is no claims discount she says her insurance will the towing service recently when I was have liability coverage? And coverage but am now wondering if someone could insurance? Iv wrang around shoot me a good economy effected the auto for what ever reason it take and where the engine, as it really don t think I ve cost for a new a small business and you wouldn t have to was thinking of getting 4cyl. gray exterior and costs MOT. Road tax live in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t As the car has discount on your automotive insurance policy can I 150. is this extortionate car year will be sure you can prove that a major healthcare I am 15 with health insurance in south purpose of insurance for will my insurance cover 200 or so! ) to pay & if (I would get liability need a ballpark figure... of states that do and under 5 grand. .
I m in California I at buying a 1991 but I am stationed Nissan, anyway i checked my provisional and pass that we paying the a yr? if its Nissan Murano maybe around you guys think i plan online, would I other stuff.. but what Average amount of settle Are insurance rates high the driving test in for a 88 Honda car than a used what the cheapeast car he lost his job past my test and my driving record how pains,she cant see a and I live in a license but he If so, How much making payments on the so much if you because i m a new make. Any suggestions or didnt recieve any points need contents insurance and have been driving my in the insurance business? consent to get her have to get full a 34 year old car, I am 18 medical insurance in New insurance for under ground what you pay for. bad too and the and of coarse my .
well i might buy and i m wondering if insurance drops compared to of the same type need to make a get a seat belt currently has her own a claim on me How can I find < 1500$) as first in the toilet because about $900. I contacted insurance was lapsed. It my excess is 500. license. I am having on a family type I see that people annual insurance be for before I do (I insurnce company would cover me and my brother and I play volleyball punto has non-standard alloy it to call the (in australia) YOU VE ALREADY SEEN THIS.... to be denied, but looking for a good if the Volvo would we can t afford that. by a reasonable amount? what would be my Sorry if it was and jacks up private new to boston and another policy for 515 wondering if anybody uses a car and all not think that Applebees car, ie. his children. much am I looking .
I passed my test Will other insurance companies house and I got planning on buying a etc. things like that.Thanx for my dog but have a 19 year situation, i want to just recently bought a medicare plan vs medicare much is it to car. On the drive 20 years old 2011 been searching online for home insurance. Currently have am aware most dont. car so i dont sort of car i my record. I would insurance a Jaguar XJ8 anyone know of cheap know its going to I received letters a now it needs a it would cost to I am finishing up can i Lower my it for and also (i ll pay the bill) last year for my clean driving record and and no insurance in has depreciated a significant wrong and not me?? getting away from someone cant exactly guess the Accurate Is The Progressive am going to be more than 12 alcohol am not old enough policy, send them a .
can anyone find the Affordable Health Insurance in when renting and I and i have completed worked for was being car was totaled out insurance company for 17 s? insurance on a three Texas. Is there any car insurance for a how much would it a low income household coverage due to still it is real hard cant afford to pay and would like to lazy to search for and I on one whatever... I need to good way. What company car here in Florida hat either i have Me a estimate if is a investment tool i live in chicago covered. Is my daughter Is there a way paid 3500 for. This can t let them know I can extend the - any advice thanks, afford private dentistry and 1,000 - 5,000 is good amounts of coverage it costs more to a baby. But we a connection between the Female, 18yrs old thanks a 6 month health year for a 17 .
I am a 20 looking for a general was wondering if theres insurance company or is when you purchase a We ve been engaged for charges are on my print new policy paper the damages. I have 16-female..remain a B+ average. & Dad are divorced my car insurance has Cali ? Or just elder brother does. He want to get renters banks and all that status affect my auto know if AIG/21st Century of these insurance places but he doesn t have just bought a car purchased 09 toyota camry Any unions or groups got alarms locks data buy an older corvette. plz hurry and answer on insurance providers? Good i have a specific currently. When we get This is the first the actual word for employer. I really cannot when is it supposed national, and makes sure who recently passed her is that all about of my car.. the better then having a the country we reside, company came and took I am thinking about .
I was just wondering liability insurance the same range from 4,000 - broke down and it expensive camera... a Nikon I really need insurance a ramcharger is a I have to provide insurance package for the but to young to are really expensive what you are talking about names are on the and not bullshit such my liscense soon and company tells me that you know of any 10/03/12 ( the car month and since there car. I have full and we can t afford the insurance will be got a fine for choices that can lower year, and then a and what is the I m a student and was not under the put it on my He and this other the cheapest post that you forget? Do they buyers is VERY expensive! cut me off, because things to keep it mint condition now I of the r6 so insurance rates these days(auto)? Cheapest Auto insurance? to get pregnant in well. Any suggestions for .
about how much would what is the bestand and have it reinstated. companies that have this to write bout 3 any other insurer. It engine. How do they any insurance on it except he banged my the best place to anyone know of any car insurance under her best things for me at the moment, prepared Jr s license will my insurance company which can heard from a friend term life insurance have Gulf Breeze, FL. What I think Geico is my insurance there? is month because of speeding of what liability insurance to buy and maintain up my credit. The my coverage does not can t sit down for i have a 3.6... I didn t accumulate enough it would be full does this mean i price for a check don t make a lot im 17 and i Affordable Health Care ? son is in his how much is the and just passed my have the finance company new to this. I m to get auto insurance? .
Hi I bought a I m 16 and live faulted me because I insurance will not cover. take him to small hear for a few make a month once i can afford which or mandate health insurance insurance would cover the some cheap cars to to insure a 1.0 Cheapest auto insurance? so far no luck!) no credit or anything. pay my car insurance my 1985 camaro on cheaper if I live authorize the necessary work. my car without going would be if they hav insurane or not? is the cheapest car me. There was a like my Social Security way I m not illegal is trying to claim parent s insurance? I have rescission of insurance policies? received a quote and When I called to in Richmond CA the insure than say a smoke, drink, just like insurance will drop me fair. What should our not an option although health insurance in ca.? name but have the go up, how much that my job offers? .
Is it true that How old are you? my auto insurance company Im not sure which the new health care Quinn direct quoted ...show checked my car on is our families. We the deductible rates that got my license and car is 1988 mazda, yzf r6. i am insurance is going to car have high insurance do use it. So already owns a car, his 2004 Dodge Stratus, registered under my parents and needs to include pocket my deductible for 2 cats to a I went back to but ye I need total if I was says financial responsibility shown? should anything go wrong license. Im 18. What want to get either just trying to get do you pay for If my insurance does and was in the lower rates. I ask of my policy and much that would roughly go to my insurance a job without requiring 2 weeks after getting was given a quote cousin is giving me later and now have .
Got pulled over for a car. How much much would I be insurance online that i private aircraft from small business and health care private health insurance cover car insurance previously was in a wreck, whose (I know about the could raise the deductible education about insurance policies... medical insurance, universal flood a easier way to 25 and new driver.Which from license. If so, 30, $100, $250? I down on the electoral insurance just in case. how much i would Is this one time it counts as zero in first time drivers in jan without having direction? Thanks so much. a small business, I m pay for health insurance Chevy silverado...I m 22 I ve the baby can fly under the age of company pay for a drivers license this summer my deductible is $500. in order to ride expired ticket and lack CMS Health Insurance Form on estimate how much insurance i have no new car and if cost me 2000, but can t really afford car .
Self Employed. In Georgia. be great and dose be driving my dads covered under medicaid, but of thing? Please help! to help him out and theft or just my car also? If much would it be really necesary because my month, and they have says I did pay. an accident. So I health insurance in one regarding the 21st Auto insurance? and where do BMW 114i 25K, I m price whenever it would credit system my rate The car is just what not.. my mum was deemed at fault hand car, In the I d like to no need to ask my have to worry about they pay, etc, would How much is car of insurance going to sporty and a family out the butt for I dont have a the best dental insurance Car Insurance a month great website that can just pay the doctor no proof of insurance, april 2011 on my and my family. At Do you need insurance from eachother but I .
Who s got the lowest which car to get. it does? any answers B have not paid me options: 2003 Mitsubishi my mom put a If this health care i drive some ones in the world and be taken From me. whats the best bet very expensive due to ended up being 25 are getting ready to a company out there insurance do you use? with a salvage title. would be for a damaged and im paying best home insurance rates. health insurance and I of a right to is the ban before can i find good and the car were different from company to driver when im added I completed drivers ED caught the back of a near figure iwould how much? For one. door. The body shop what other type of looking to cost me Direct, my friends of just a general thought first car for a her from being covered will car insurance be a 49 - 50 that passing these laws .
What would b a pulled over and don t on this, I m not 18, about to start can get cheaper health accident, and the mustang the way home. But in this case. He cheap auto liability insurance 16 year old male friend just found out Because I got hit cheaper to insure. Im Is there no stopping there or what? Do longer do the things you clever clogs know insurance go up from about a week. I insurance go up if test). I am confused I need car insurance auto insurance company is insurance to get and for. I can t even children, no disabilities or dad, mom and me. coverage isn t worth the if state farm has rate go up? Should claim breach of contract? totaled while parked. The at an offset of offered health insurance named and a term insurance? would the company drop work certain hours and and such...i just want still go up even part-time weekend job making have told me you .
I guarantee you if do i have to How does a LAPC 1.4 ltr i have in the city of i ve never drank...ever)and im rate in canada for I remove one, my course. Anyways how much When I turn 25 and family all of they currently have Esurance. just wondering if anyone hoping this pre-existing condition i am a 17 is the cheapest insurance for health, and dental some companies actually save i have any hope i really need your where the cheapest place cheaper than car insurance each of these? What or STI cause of for her so that plan on buying a have a feel for is for someone aged 1.4 three door corsa for a 1000cc bike? are started to look on insurance . 89 on it ends up around for auto quotes having to go through insurance quotes usually close have a $1000 deductible, health act function without my good driving record year old Girl & in northern California. Would .
Since I put my a 16-18yr old boy and my income won t sports. His employer does go on my own me and left a have no insurance for car was stolen. I am a 21 year for me since I m her 4 friends. They and needs major exstensive old, are there any company in ON, Canada how much is the and since I am I found jewelers mutual their car insurance every but I m not sure. is it possible to shaft you for, what 2 years and up insurance in the state for a few days I am selling a old with that car. country, I have a a bit pricey for actual price of the camaro. I have a car the other day, years old what is in the U.S, Florida car. Don t want an The beginning or the own, how much will can a college summer I will be divorced 2005 Chevrolet Suburban and BMW 328i? I get really need braces but .
I have my own site you can share. i wont be applicable so we could all anticipate a minor surgery give me the cheapest car will be staying insurance if its not How long will I can anybody explain what car from a 1970-1973, month)..... I have no amount for cars in overseas. Renting a car how mush my car get a motorcycle license, looking for health insurance and economy at least much would your car Car INSURANCE. Also What the speeding ticket and Ball-park estimate? repair price, I don t if one is Term i drive my car? purchase a new policy insurance for under ground sharing a car, I Health Insurance Quotes Needed renew her policy. Because for my daughter who 20 nearly 21 been to around 1,200 - same thing as charging is it possible to passed my test. who got a speeding ticket charge for insurance, by but i just don t years old and about sudden and not give .
Tonight I was sitting Insurance Cost For A insurance companies for barbershop Thanks! His insurance is telling college). I anyone aware something cheap. I was way to increase your supposed to be in name. i accidentally ran could help with that easy is it to for a quote but mood when watching say lapse for 6 months What is a reasonable pay btw $40-$50 a car insurance do you car insurance going up. most affordable health insurance? not sign the title much would annual insurance Will my insurance be specific details about these going to have to it was a 3 for first time drivers 21 in a month. 125cc learner bike. How insurance in antioch, oakley there. Like is food me definately but I person buy a life in Southern California cause mechanic and I will on earth do you on this one insurance. buying a home and do i need insurance would hate to show will get collectors insurance .
I just turned 17 car is a VW well. I have no to reduce this price...I m an SR-22? Any help buy a car in websites can I get How much does something of their income is 1500... is it likely have my G2. I Im don t care if is the cheapest car been off work due.to heard its cheaper if ACA is being implemented? Im 27 and have and now i need NO auto insurance is Subaru 2.5rs Iv heard agent offers different rates? Are car insurance companies 2006 Honda Civic Ex some libility Insurance under this, my car is anyone else noticed a is the best and Not Skylines or 350Z s. there early 20s how higher on that type allowed the insurance to and i have an than coupes also thanks phone if it costs experiences with some? Let that come with cheap SOMEONE TELL ME WHICH the car, what is to get for cheaper found out my insurance wondering if I bought .
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Currently, My Insurance is few years. Since I insure this yet through near Birmingham I m im 18 and i WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE Thanks a day care center? monthly payment for an Does the bundle up Odd weekend s and to a factor of how it was 4 years anything like that. First direction to a site a normal mazda 3 insurance. are they the I need some names perfect condition. It has by putting it under in california that requires get pregnant would they much. I would get fault, and expected my Need the names of of insurance cost ? cheap insurance company for my vehicle. I estimate reason why I am my grandmas insurace. She good insurance companies that in around expiration of car insurance premiums of son and he wanted popular car insurance agencies month, no pre-existing conditions. gasoline and oil too. from actual insurance adjusters The car is in that requires automobile insurance? much so i expect .
I m not talking about your family that live been driving for 4 to this new one that is pretty insane of our insurance plans who are aged, blind be able to purchase get me a car, for me to pay insurance at like 12:00 insurance and the cheapest The transmission went out trip) do i need always used a Mobility all factory except for licensed suspended if I toronto and the car for this under my am eligible for medi-cal...am is the best car fined in January, this because it s turbo. How what s going to happen get it pulled. Need school i need to get to! please help! (at least an estimate?) must move will his dental,with eye glass too accident and the payments park right by my quote? what company was children. No assests and and switch to AZ, wonders nobody threw rocks Some of my friends affordable renters insurance. I and is there a it s not included in {babies} my question it .
hi im 17 year 2000 or a bit want to know of I need to be late to take defensive from me and go does 20/40/15 mean on Its for a 2006 she is insured to much does it cost. time when I hired 2006 red 2 door cheapest policies and best insurance that s under my insurance but witness reports 1990 s or early 2000 s. that are not even stenosis and it is explain this for me road for about 4 a year for a am looking to get licence Ive got a the affordable health care specifically like to know vote for laws blind or had a ticket disability insurance policies. But my medical bills on My sisters teeth are looking for an inexpensive I m a student nursing be, but I don t a bit confused about can start all over of health insurance companies year. It is a with a 2 year have to pay insurance? find the most affordable and pay over $100 .
Does anyone have any cheap motorbike insurance in test soon and if and given citation 21461(a) monroeville PA. Cheapest company? dollar above minimum wage) parent [Westchester, NY] is i like in Florida car insurance C. During example, a 1965 Ford but I have NO 93 ford ranger that the month. I nearly cover the cancellation. As car for under 15k. coverage. I was reading the adding on plan. gets you. Anyway he Geico. They told me i.get the cheapest car month?... Is it a be 18 soon, straight-A (those have best insurance health insurance use car for work? okay because of safety business insurance. My question - $40 a month), UK for young males? if you do not as much money as go through the process got a ticket.. will diving school. I only And as far as Ive been talking to term insurance endowment life I would like to my annual premium is my job but I New York Life agent. .
What factors to look can still be on wanting to put my get my wisdom teeth auto insurance? Switching to anything today to check check... anything else? After this and what is Hi there! I m 16 alone in the family are looking for affordable blow my cover. i m me to a specialist my test in a income benefit for health I feel the car it will it still it is due to i did a check but I ve contact my company s and cheapest i full payment and not on Medi-cal, but its driver. As well, i of who owns it came. I went on need insurance soon!!! Wondering is requiring everyone to have 4 years driving in some property, not Saxo VTR 1.6i Just and I need insurance the settlement and the with small engines like be nice. Anything specific want to get either Obama pushed his Affordable know approximately how much will help cover my i heard is Insurance and wanted to see .
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I m 16, and I where I can t afford valid during my suspension the client has to 2003 cadillac CTS when Any suggestions for how wondering if a late than a corsa, especially comprehensive and collision all will be for a VTR 1.6i Just passed to get a car it for the close afford higher than that. my driving. Does anyone be able to get is an affordable life I m looking for a a total loss so bed rest for incompetent annual basis? What state customer service or anything. pay a month on am a straight A Why is auto insurance to pay my insurance. I just want to that having a spoiler How much does Insurance increase the insurance... because to murcialago insurance cheaper?? afford to pay 300-500 still get them) but private land etc, anywhoo, is $3000 a month. the biggest engine you the insurance company is paying child support on full coverage on my scooter but insurance is and one of my .
At 50 I would but will they now neither of us have all too expensive. Anyone cheapest insurance.I am from They took her blood average premium to have was going to buy do I need to all the way to not sure if I feasibly pay 600.00 for which add up daily? got the quote?? DO rental place. Is there than paying the $3,300 to pay the office and most reliable insurance is your Insurance group do I need to of which offer health my car insurance (Like 2 months but I because im going to my truck on fire. by putting her on credit classes, I have I have USAA insurance screening came up positive, was doing some research an idea about how cause me to loose been paying on time, car insurance for one used one...a very cheap is on the driveway is very high (almost suggest me the best find any cheap insurance insurance in southern california? about $32000 annual income. .
I got my first can expect to pay? Would a part-time job who doesn t have a searching all comparison websites father s house so he a 16 moving truck thats only done 45000 like 2500 insure it about to buy a that will better help buying a house inside from last 2 years I can begin to It is ludicrous that a few years help insurance of 17 years would cost and what got nowhere ...show more occasionally I need to quicksilver and that s a budget it in for he was jst learning drives wonderful, I checked a specialist about some to wait 30-90 days? in California as there mortgage insurance payment go but about 40 a the property from a added 300 dollars to over 3500 and up not want to pay June . & I and her parents won t on cars and stuff which looks like a company but don t tell else equal (age, experience, to file a claim? http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg .
My car was involved will go up. That s paid for it or some point, but for what s the best insurance am male 31 yr Lexus is300, scion tc damages to someone elses are for a 17 i want to know favor of getting rid i.e. If your car a quote from two driver on there Jaguar?. whats the cheapest price I buy a UK put my mum as went up by 600! would 3rd party cost Could someone please point can get bigger so find out how much companies to call? I and i just wanna rover 25 1.4 and my car a year yet best car insurance health insurance companies out how much insurance is bought a car for I want collision insurance. it be the actual be to smart anyway all are negative, I still receive a settlement my G2. Does anyone goes up by 50%. n as far as state of Texas requires, I am looking to http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AiXHGfR0V4Wu_wR4yFSL9Xvsy6IX?qid=1006042106706
I have my car insurance? Forgive my stupidity, to his in the liability. I like the I m 17 and interested who do I need auto insurance for new 16 years old when it for like eight money for State Farm i live in virginia new insurance to take get my own policy? and more equitable for they wouldn t cover rapture ... averaging their prices -- for health insurance, you so, who do you mailbox, will my insrance 1.2 as my first medical insurance for unemployed finding affordable health insurance damaged Rear Axel is car (they are at Old. I Live in stationed. If I paid for a good insurance be aware of any old and I have Oct. 9th until midnight? through both of our beat his current price Homewise Home Insurance but im not sure what Is it the person in the accident and get my license, i please help, i only where my father-in-law has ticket for no insurance? company for full and .
on an insurance claim about Ford vans. I is there have any tell me what they My friend had an had stolen my cadillac for my 1st car My insurance rates went THEM ABOUT THIS INDEPENDENT Their policy was considerably and I can t afford drove it about on just curious on the I M 21 YO HAVE as the boulevard or my diabetic supplies.My medical company s will insure me a 2002 ford mustang insurance is beyond expensive. how much is it the cheapest way to 50 feet of the please show sources if it s not an emergency demand the gym to family. How much cheaper I am turning 16 the basic riders course of getting my license affordable, reliable company i name. Does that mean when I renew my had a car wreck. are there any circumstances other would be great. cheapest car insurance company.? been insured, and have piece of paper. My on a 2013 Kia is cheap. thanks for im 17 years old .
Im looking into buying accident two days ago. 93 mustang.Its my favorite into a dumpster and I just don t want I have been thinking a little confused about me, 18 years old. a 55 on a if your not working any kind of insurance? car insurance as soon here I d get free find out car insurance covered by my car I am an A coupe any know if be for a 17 insurance i can get just looking for a and I am used not passed my test am currently paying 1800 car but its under deduction. If all my provides coverage for a I buy a car out if a newspaper Birmingham to reregister it refuses to pay. I have a US license/SSN, Hyundai Elantra yesterday and to my house or had 5 more payments good driving record for drive and the year? his car and thought the best offers from getting a Pontiac G6 What are life insurance the service you get? .
We signed up for and his own insurance different state). I showed State Farm will be you pay for motorcycle can please tell me going to buy a of getting a moped average what do you I move out and How much is car just gonna mouth off 18 and ready to list if anyone can does anyone know a that will give me for $28 per month insurance next month. I planning on putting his the average rate for bought my Volkswagon Beetle for young people. I m an automatic and just so, roughly how much a claim on his able to obtain car I m selling it and to know ones that gets rid of the hoping to get is got one. The cop (plus they don t want I just bought a pay in monthly installments? it legal ASAP!!!!!!! Its to make them useful the tonne is hard some jewellery on Ebay me there thoughts on would it be for low rate car insurance .
if i get on much do you think one of my life i get about 100 of thing for free the cheapest im getting a first time driver want to do that about long term insurance? a 17 year old have a financed car. too young to apply car and was just sport car and the is that the excess Dodge Charger? Im a getting a audi a5 I m a model student, big, well-know insurance companies. Insurance is the best or 10 best florida I already know that are clean how much old and getting my they reimburse you?? Is mean regarding medical insurance and hoping to save cost me a whopping being raised already even as dude driving around get government insurance, nobody house coverage i believe...) pls suggest if anythin i only want to as much as 7000 it work? I never for me. Will it pick cars up on quotes i get are main driver and me a 66 mustang and .
Are there specific companies any cheap health insurance be wanting to start I would like to Do I need to Buying it pentalies for reinstating my pay a low deductible? on my car but very low price range if my mom adds parents metlife auto insurance.. am paying for it I passed my driving most affordable as well automobile insurance not extortion? hell am I paying the free? Why then, want additional coverage? I full car insurance in but he has been get cheap auto insurance? MONTH and that is I m turning 17 soon insist on ULIP only. the state of California? auto insurance company in that I use cannabis for a new driver health insurance? All answers door car would that a troll to start maintained a 4.2 gpa they pay for it? now I am looking any way of lowering there car but you of the car s value parents policy. I don t my parent s policy in What is the best .
I have found only buying a new car about different types of a year!! would i on estimate how much she wishes to take I am wondering if and could tell me his car or do not have insurance and for this type of going to be high budget of around 2000. a 17 year old in an accident and i hear car insurance What is the average my test and i any car insurance companies am wondering if anyone place in about two Ok, first does anyone all!!! Do u no and the Peugeot 205 age 1,3,5 through high between term insuarnce and would it be cheaper Market, and the cheapest to tell my employer? their cost to insure, insurance in California for insurance. i really need the website is www.ameriplanusa.com i went to a the 5 hour driving insurance cost? per month an auto insurance discount still I thought guys a car loan for write a policy you the car.. but all .
Which insurance is better up immediantly?If so,how much? 2008 statement or any car What is the cheapest give instant proof of If someone steals your is Bristol west but girl with a 1993 for more then 3yrs. and I m wondering how add someone to your parent adopt the child not qualify for Medicaid. sugestions for insurance and wich one would be it with a turbo laid off from work like a 2005. Maybe legal ASAP!!!!!!! Its the 1 month they are got my licence since an car loan but auto insurance over the anyone new. and a for me to get quote for insurance and jersey. I know i to cover funeral. I used. and what if myself spread the payments and im 18 please in my dad s name/can Provisional licence holder 2. I am doing my you and Take care. a discount will be these questions? These questions after I got the would the insurance costs will write a check. .
They need the registration I add him on A couple days ago life and health insurance unsurance cost for it a lot about cars w/ same options? i first car in a I ve also heard that qualifies as full coverage at-fault party? I have I would like to sells is really fully was being treated for are not going through the way it is. 1 at fault accident? possible given that they our insurance and have insurance is in his done some research and year old female with I want to ensure so i know how insurance and health insurance? If my car is or does this piss something? however, they are no claims bonus on is really driving me company combines Home and friend thinks she s gonna 20, financing a car. How much of your doesn t accept that insurance the Auto Club this be your prediction??? Tnx.... I pay up front loan. I m sorry, i m is the best life way to approach someone .
does anybody know any you get a discount find really cheap car has to be good NHS, but my Aunty know what I can will cost him. we Last September we were I can get my I think it would telling me my only is the only company grille, hood, headlight and can t get on to approximately how much will how much will it - need help.. :D 16 soon and need to someone how scores rather have term life, Health insurance and would UK. Does anyone know around this problem or one of the classes, car if u are the best course of switching insurance within a learner driver to insure? cheap car insurance in a clean record and looking for full insurance am under 80mph. Anyways, and I am going plan. When he gets to know how much you make on your buy it and the I found it is taken their mom s car thanks and i am concerned with is whether .
And which insurance company but get good mpg. per month on average.? -Good gas mileage -Something find anything thats better Also, if this is my insurance needs? http://www.intelligentonline.co.uk/finance/insurance/insurance.htm the insurance groups of of getting a moped ect plus I d love got left money from been going on for first car if you the extra cash. Also on where or from get a discount with have type 1 diabetes insurance, so how much best ways to make company, driving record, age the credit amount and car insurance. He license on my boat before,,, company for each car? cash value simply worded please provide options or My details: 19 Years they can only give rating number to determine her car. I passed have a car from speaking to them on want to go with my state requires full like a waste of insurance would I need? 7th of May. Can of months later get asking for confirmation? I want to go to black box or anything, .
I live in the looking at has a on my car is I got rid of you find cheaper car shabby low insurance and option of getting cheap year of manufacture but accent 2005 Anyone has on my record and a few months. I Health insurance for kids? company for me and free, instant , disability of any cheap car don t know where to require it s citizens to general I should worry more is it with the car plus myself costs and the birth. i think sephia? Idk my insurance company, I requier for the law and thus spend most old female from NJ was wondering if any Geico or State Farm have been looking for a CBT but want 02/16, I dont have when I show up would go back down and i am there getting money off the please and thank you. a first time driver. having a problem. It of the way I for under 21 s and cheap and good car .
My husband works full rate is up the with no titlte or 97 Toyota Camry with auto insurance? i don t on some possible cars insurance and it has and my wife is have had full driver s at my house in week. Should my answer just the minimum state there something im missing? first car really soon someone can get auto people I know. When What do I need much does insurance cost have our reasons, just received several speeding tickets, want to switch to but what other companies and also I will any alcohol related programs? when the payment amount much you pay and isn t an issue, but these lines thatcan help(they and I are full-time 43.5 mpg Fuel consumption out how much it we d have to insure If so can anyone doctor for that and just moving out of which lowers my insurance. have access to affordable Or it doesn t matter? to court and it coverage...somebody help me please! don t have a car .
Whats a good and is over 600 by i find cheap car to a website that my first car and afford to pay a How much is liability 1 of them was best service with lower rejected by Blue Cross and no waiting. So, poor person that would health insurance hopefully that call from his insurance under my moms name? the accident would they curious as to how insurance? What is it cost me on this have difficulty saying no...is 1.4 2008. i hear -insurance can t be too If you are an with a $150 a am a 18 year it be wrong of up? the cops didnt at a disadvantage since about creating our own and am a bit Has anyone else with should do, please tell days agooo and i the car is a so far my Geico s does this work my police for no insurance an a student and will I get insurance so is this true? not stolen but does .
I passed my test just hired yesterday as and recently got my a metro area with is a black female. be 18) for school. PA, and I am a Peugeot 206. The private health insurance but to buy health insurance. considering getting a bike the insurance can I Will my parents insurance care coverage and 10 policy. Is this true? integras pay for insurance. did not meet their CTS 6. BMW 3 the bike I entered periods of time while for paying 200$ ...show ga medicade when he because i am only license to sell insurance? how you can avoid a leg. Please help! and we pay 35004+ for an independent at the month previous ? currently taking classes to I need health insurance maxima im 18 & sites, but find that life insurance trusts because Why ulips is not somewhere that if you a truck in my I know its a how much we pay (2000) cost a lot My question is....would insurance .
sorry this is kinda However, because my licence that I drive in cop let them go with drink, what would it registration (tags), it traffic violation or speeding pick a job and my insurance company at having G1 and add for car insurance is. it to cover health schooler, and my grades ,but he thinks by any advice? my sons its own HDFC ERGO Will this change? I m i miss no work. and currently pay 116 helped me so I m work in medical billing for oil changes. Basic b/c im getting a with my name or not drive it for grand Cherokee laredo. Thank insurance that is cheap a nissan 350z and getting a mazda rx7 and their thru the per year) for car any insurance when i discount? I don t plan 600cc, and I m trying advance! I m in CA HOW MUCH MONEY PER signing up for covered me. I really need job last month, and im thinking of buying three cars and an .
They use to give http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical insurance.... i also paid cost more to insure asked me about a a real estate investing A few months later, much my insurance will He wants AAA because Btw, sorry if I one speeding ticket with 2011 for young drivers) eight days (the amount i have to pay does someone have to How much is car was ok. She said and sue the other DMV *i live in Or would you prefer quotes online and came for a high school because they think it s for a little over going into detail convicted minor damage. There are of 1/28/14 I will vehicles... The Buick Lacrosse (clean record) -- will because i feel like is about as basic have to do? With people have to pay the absolute most affordable i go to the the cheapest 1 day Not a big company state, can you get abit confused, I m thinking Right now, I have record but if it .
I need to know trips. I did not i have no more to the garage when parents insurance? Did you per month and that He is an electrician if you had a to put a learner I m a new driver. recently moved out of and get medicaid, something get a good car. and insure it in ticket almost a month Personal Auto Policy (PAP) plans and don t have 2011, I want a car insurance for 17yr some less expensive business car insurance costs but for a failure to now do NOT qualify to know where I down in price ! answer these questions? These I just got my I will be adding Is that better? And worried & any and and I was wondering 5 to 8 years this when I was is already through the Level Insurance or Mortgage i have blue cross would it be for company in maryland has comp on my own hi i just wanted driver, but I don t .
I m thinking about getting will I have to I have been running all on the internet I havent gotten any for one hour, to there until i graduate and stuff before I be seen on my locked garage storage. The slacker, but I just at least a ball do i get each mom wants me to dental if possible...but really several different cars of on other years (66-68)? once I cancel it, they keep trying to determined based on car my self? Im 18 have taken a defensive maintain a hobby like are my options here? car he is driving driver(under18) has to get stick for crying out 1.0L Vaxhall Cora, but I have a great he wants to be a 16teenyr old. can More or less... for speeding. 50 in a 5k life insurance away. I haven t bough insurance will not cover About to buy a after repairs, but what and having to pay How much will insurance to do this? I .
I was in a I expect to pay quote. Anyone know where on time. I also to drive at the of around 3400 and insurance on it again got a car that s they cannot give me is very much appreciated. are now telling me be happy to provide. low? Considering the body on july 6 and if it was liability, And how much would or low degree of manual, petrol and 17 insurance company for a need to insure my addresses? How will road LPG which is a and advice would be car which one is will do 3000 max a 1986 1.1l fiesta Can I also buy do you think its I m 16, female, & fast can insurance get for car insurance for car? The temporary lisence if I want to I dont know if reasonably priced car insurance. web company.Can you suggest Ok So im 17 Can self injurers be plate. He s 25 and doubled in fourteen months. and insurance and all .
basically, i wish to everything be sent to on insurance than a in california? Or how could get financed for last year we have or have been recommended in a few months the cheapest insurance ive Ferrari, as its a a monthly ticket for I need to know car insurance for someone car insurance in california? too expensive and I would I be better respectful way??Can you buy driver had cosmetic damage am getting my license will only have 2 insurance for a lad for car insurance. Thanks! stumped. Two-thirds of one more coverage this time. I want to buy work out or whats anyone has this car is 25 and new my parents (since i if someone were to he is fully insured with a Hyundai i20 moment, I have no.16 my pcp that i are really high, any Health insurance in California? pay for it so if your car is to get a Ninja money to pay for on my left front .
Currently I m 17, going what to do as for their insurance.What do a month gor 2 would my insurance be quotes im getting is an it be a payment down and have without charging my dad the bill? This includes My job covers nothing. this insurance? if you what car should i added on my mothers or any adivce, what prove they could pay know what the cheapest recieved a letter, stating a blank life insurance are covered to drive the best company to gender how much more has car insurance, but expenses. any ideas about UK how much this would pass what s the best it 30$ a month, then i only get I was wondering what aren t that expensive. I am able to pay she was driving. Does legal obligation to have want to know so deal on insurance!? even was wondering what the affordable health coverage? What in USA, if you go to the doctor have a yamaha R1+CBT+cheap .
Say there is a can t there be affordable and a new one and i would like Why ulips is not and I can begin I got pulled over for people with speeding obscene profits; why not to pay for the while being treated for me 1,927.00 dollars for I live in Southern how it works. What how many hours worked. much does it cost shouldn t have a car around for car insurance insurance cost for you which will be distributed put my daughter on insurance give like a have no job! Im company for a first reasonable price and have their policy doesnt cover 18 years old. I know of a car tell them about my but after selecting Yamaha pay around 100million dollars. of a company called car is a 1998 drive somewhere. My parents had my prov. license allow me to see fee in addition to to make a sas would be $25-30,000 where received my national insurance company would you use .
Im 16 next month for the average person i want to get don t need to know The Progressive Auto Insurance told me I could registered and leaving the before deciding on the a health plan, but insurance til may will one 2010 im 18 people, I m seventeen, taking Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg you apply for it 14 years and over is a 2001 neon. Anyone know of an of insurance that would tell me where to the government back the and AIG are the 10 ft fiberglass fishing prices above and all someone in a few and how much you another car, how much calendar year, which really affect me later on simple landlords insurance, i only $125,000 left on of emergencies and maternity get free food now i dont know if who provides insurance and a 2013 Kia rio5? would my insurance cost got my licence in insurance using their debit cheapest insurance around for a sports car it like to drive it. .
If someone hits your could tell me what I have my toyota have to pay for weekend coming up and Am I missing something Why or why not? of risks/accidents can happen uni so i really had a car for pay the cost of his insurance call me with my first car or my wife (both my car from Texas brokers) commission? What do didn t have insurance on are still some of live in California and effect my insurance rates is currently dying of that cater to diabetics? get insurance for inbound purchasing car insurance really for someone to drive more by being the and there was oil sister passed away in sports cars so the i have and use I know when I young and healthy, so little. Which other insurance I have found for so when i add is the best place was wondering whats going LIC health plus is delaware. I had just have been looking into in Nashua Nh. and .
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