#couldn’t stop thinking about this bc you know that man grimes up good
weewoo911 · 5 months
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@buckevantommy thank you for helping make my dumb meme dreams come true ✨
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Everybody Dies
Pairings: Rick Grimes x teen!reader, Daryl Dixon x teen!reader, Carl Grimes x teen!reader, Michonne Hawthorne x teen!reader, Aaron x teen!reader, Negan x teen!reader, Rosita Espinosa x teen!reader, Eugene Porter x teen!reader, Sasha Williams x teen!reader (all of them are platonic)
Requested by: @leahsbasement may i request a teen or child g/n reader that’s really close to the twd group and during the lineup they’re one of the people chosen by negan to yknow- receive the glenn and abraham treatment💀 and like we get some reactions from the group from it🧎 i apologize if this sounds really morbid but i am dire need of some good angst and i love your writing sm it’s amazing <3
Warnings: reader death, angst, a tad bit of fluff (definitely not much), mention of character death, description of Negan doing what he did to Glenn and Abraham, blood, mention of a brutal way to die, idk what more I guess you have all seen twd so you know what might be in this. Not proofread
A/N as usual the gif is not mine, found it somewhere on the internet. This is not proofread, well half of it is.
Now I tried to do a reaction with all of the people at the line up so sorry with Sasha I guess bc I don’t like her so found it a bit hard to write her as a character that’s close to the reader, and once more thank you for the request, it gave me an excuse to write this
Anyway idk what I think of this, wrote it in the middle of the night because I couldn’t sleep, so anyway hope you like it.
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Everybody dies a little when the brightest soul disappears.
A sea of red water mixed with the gravel and mud on the ground. The trail of blood — that had gone its own path from the puddle it was previously in, could be followed towards two bodies. One of a hunched man, who racked with sobs through his entire body. His hands grasped towards the body before him. Blood still oozed from the head. Or what someone would once have called a head, as it was now just remains of smashed bones and brain goo. The once familiar face was unrecognizable to anyone. No one would ever be able to pinpoint who the body belonged to, because the head atop of it was gone. It had been smashed into a puddle of goo. No one would ever be able to see your smiling face, or the mischievous smirk that pulled at your lips whenever you wanted to rebel a bit. Nor would they ever see the sparkles in your eyes whenever you talked about the things you liked.
No one of the group surrounding the three bodies wanted to acknowledge what had happened. How could they. They’d all just seen three of their family members die, because of their actions. Because of them. The teenager in which the hunched man had taken a tight grip of their hands had warned them about the attack. That nothing good would come out of it, that it wasn’t who they were. Rick had been wrong like everyone else to ignore the teenager’s warnings. In the end it was what cost them your life. Their choice of actions had been the beginning of your end.
Rick couldn’t let the image out of his head, he couldn’t even look at your body as he held you tightly. His eyes stared into the distance at nothing in particular as his mind tried to register what had happened just a few hours ago. His cries had stopped only for his eyes to glaze over once more with tears. He couldn’t help but to think that it was all his fault. He had the final vote on what to do, and his vote caused your death. It caused Negan to seek them out. To line them up. To smash your head with his goddamn wired baseball bat. His goddamn Lucille. He swore to kill Negan if it was the last thing he did, whether you would want him to or not, he needed to. Rick wanted nothing more than revenge. Nothing more than justice and revenge brought to you, Glenn and Abraham.
Not soon after Rick had stopped crying his son had walked over to you and him. His eye was bloodshot by the tears that rolled down his red cheek. And his hand went up to rub his eye off the tears as he tried to control himself, as he sat beside his father. Same as everyone else at the brutal scene he couldn’t let go of the events. How everyone got a look of dread and fear on their face as Negan announced that he’d had to kill two more because of Daryl’s little outburst. Carl had glanced at his father to see that for once under this meeting he held actual fear in his eyes when Negan’s bat had landed in front of you. It was deadly quiet as all of the group watched you stare dead into the eyes of Negan who looked at you with a scary face, gleaming with excitement as he noticed everyone’s reaction.
Negan had watched with glee as everyone went into submission after Lucille had stopped in front of you. He’d felt kinda sorry for you. He didn’t usually kill teenagers but something about you annoyed him so greatly. Maybe it was the way you didn’t look with fear into his eyes, how you held your own, even with the knowledge that you would soon be dead. He didn’t know what it was but he had decided to kill you, well he decided in a way.
Maggie who had lost her husband and father to her child, stared with emptiness at you. She didn’t know if she’d be able to take it if you died as well. She had tried to fight the man holding her down, but to no vain. Her already bloodshot eyes had filled with tears and sobbed had shook through her body as soon as she saw Negan start to swing his bat. She didn’t want to lose you, she couldn’t. But her silent prayer came to no good end.
Rosita was no better than Maggie. Since the first time you met when you and Glenn together with Tara searched for Maggie the two of you had gotten close and she as everyone else got flashes of your lives together. Of all your good and bad memories of everything you had survived. How you’d found an apple tree that hadn’t been destroyed at a random location in the forest and thrown apples at your companions heads as they hadn’t stopped when you told them to. Or how you’d draw drawings with the kids in Alexandria or help hunting and scavenging for food. Getting stuck in a building while a herd of walkers walked past. The blood and the gore of every kill. All of them comforting you while you cried yourself to sleep, all the cuddles you forced them into, especially Rick and Daryl. How you forced them to take a break so that they wouldn’t overwork themselves while doing the exact same thing. Needing help from others to make sure you actually took care of yourself and not just everyone else. It just made them all get to the brink of breaking even quicker as they thought of all your moments together. Not only did memories flash inside your head, nor only Rosita’s they flashed through everyone. You had always looked out for them and what had they given you in return, nothing but death.
Sasha wasn’t especially close to you but the previous death of Abraham and Glenn and now you had her at her breaking point. She might not have known you well but you were a good kid, you helped and knew how to survive. You didn’t take unnecessary risks and you’d helped her through her losses. So she tried nothing more than to break herself away from reality as she heard the bat make contact with your head. It reminded her too much of the other two kills and she couldn’t look through another one, not again.
Eugene only stared at the distance as sobs racked through his body not being able to watch you die. He couldn’t even bring his eyes to look at you afterwards, he’d never be able to erase the short scream of pain that had left your lips. He was at a loss of words and he wouldn’t be able to really function in a few days, much like everyone else. He was scared shitless and he didn’t know for anything in the world what to do or say in the hours that came after.
Negan had looked at everyone, gauging even the slightest reaction out of them. Michonne had watched helplessly at you, she’d tried not to flinch everytime the bat hit you among a sound she’d never wished she ever heard ever in her life. The only thing on her mind was how she taught you how to sword fight or when you hunted a deer together and accidentally fell into a puddle of mudd getting every inch of you covered in it.
Arron, who had been right beside you, wanted to crawl away as your blood splashed onto the right side of him. He remembered all the times you’d gone over to him and Eric to eat pasta not wanting to socialize with the rest of Alexandria. You’d always go to him or Daryl.
Arron felt sick as he felt your warm blood on his cold cheek, and he felt even more sick as he made a glance at Daryl who didn’t do anything else but staring with regret and anger at your body who now laid lifeless on the ground. When Aaron dared a glance at you his throat became thick and a sob threatened to come out but he didn’t make a sound instead he stared at you before he looked with fear, numbness, anger and defeat at Negan.
But it wasn’t until Negan had looked at Rick Carl and Daryl did he notice that he sure as hell picked the wrong one to kill, deep inside, he knew that he’d just started a war. A war that wouldn’t take too long to brew over to the real fight. However he was filled with glee over getting a few peaceful weeks at reveling in his power and control over Alexandria. Maybe that would make the war something never to come, how wrong he had been on that thought.
Daryl felt nothing but guilt as he looked at you and it was all he thought of when he got loaded into the car and the Saviours drove away with him. He regretted having lashed out. Regretted ever getting angry. Daryl knew more than anyone that he’d miss you when you were gone. Like Beth, he’d miss you, even more so than Beth.
Carl had held a strong front, but on the inside he was breaking he lost his best friend and the only kid that had been with him since the beginning of the disaster they now lived in.
Now in the present Carl placed his hand on Rick’s shoulder as everyone surrounded your body (except for Maggie, Sasha, Rosita and Eugene). The two Grimes hugged each other as Carl dug his head into Rick’s chest. The older Grimes, having stopped his crying once more, tried his best to comfort his son while he himself was still breaking.
Rick, like Carl and Daryl, had held a shield with spikes as defense against Negan, as they had all starred with the same thought of killing Negan running through their heads. They had let a numb shield cover them while their enemies still surrounded them. They hadn’t let go of the shield until their enemies were gone. (Or in Daryl’s case until he was alone in the cell he was placed in at the sanctuary).
That day, the day you died, was the day everyone in Alexandria died a little with you. You were the brightest soul in most of their lives and to lose you was one of the worst things to ever happen to any of them.
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luna-jaden-shadow · 2 years
Hopelessly In Love
Request - Hey Luna, I really enjoy your writing and I’m finally sending a request! Could you do a TWD oneshot for Rick Grimes where him & y/n find each other at the very begging of the apocalypse and start falling in love, but Rick pushes it away bc of Lori. When Rick finds out Lori cheated, y/n & him end up getting together. Thank you so much ☺️
Warnings -  Death, Zombies (the usual), Cursing?
Pairing - Rick Grimes X Reader ; Glenn X Reader (Platonic)
[ I love Glenn so I couldn’t not make y’all like best friends. Lemme know if you guys maybe want more parts ]
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“You’re sure you want romance advice from me? I’m hopelessly in love with a man who has a family.” You deadpan at Glenn, who leans against the wall opposite of you in the RV. 
Glenn was the only person in the camp who knew of your little crush on their “leader”. While he was never officially labeled that, pretty much everyone preferred him over Shane Walsh of all people, who was in charge before you and Rick arrived weeks ago. You’d convinced yourself it was a little crush that would pass in no time and yet here you are, avoiding the man who you’d saved at the start of the apocalypse. You were held up with Morgan and his son when you’d met Rick and agreed to help him find his family, and you did. That didn’t stop you from falling hard for the fearless ex-sheriff. 
The two of you were a good team, taking charge whenever it was needed, and bouncing ideas off of each other. You were the person who he trusted without a single doubt, who he talked to about everything and vice versa (along with Glenn for you). It just became harder to hide your crush when Lori was all over Rick, which you didn’t blame her for since it’d been a stressful last couple of days for everyone. You’d made it clear that you were there for him and his family no matter what, that you’d do anything for them. You’d even offered/given blood for Carl when Rick was barely able to stand. 
One day, you and Rick went out searching for Sophia and you’d noticed the way he’d subtly distanced himself from you. You took it as a sign that you were intruding on their marriage when really Rick wasn’t sure what he was feeling for you and was struggling on how to act, or if he should act on it. 
Glenn sighs, running his hand over his face. The poor kid was having crush troubles of his own with Maggie, whose home your people were currently camped outside of. You two had become close friends since he’d saved you and Rick. “I just don’t know women.” 
You snort a laugh, “and you think I do?”
“Probably not, but you know people.” Glenn corrects, “and it was you or Dale and Dale will give old man advice.” 
“I’m gonna tell him you said that.” You joke, turning in the booth to properly face him. It wasn’t a surprise that she was acting wonky around him since he’d found out about there being walkers in the barn (a secret you were going to keep since he’d accidentally vented it to you). “It’s not like I have a manual on ‘what to do when you find your friend with benefits has a barn full of walkers’ on hand Glenn.” You sigh, “You said she kissed you after you got back today?” You try to recall what he told you. 
“Yeah, there was this walker in the pharmacy, she almost got bit.” He goes on, “And then she called me stupid but smart, and then called me walker bait. I’ve never been so confused before.” 
“You and me both Glenn.” You stand up, stretching to crack your back. “Regardless of what you do it’s gonna get mucked up because either you’re going to tell the group or someone like Shane’s gonna wander too close to that barn and all Hell’s gonna break loose.” You insist, glancing out the window of the RV. 
“Hell’s gonna break loose anyway.” He groans, putting his face in his hands. You walk closer to him and pat his shoulder. 
“I know, but it’s gotta be done. After that, just stay persistent, you like her, she probably likes you if she’s sticking around right now. I think it’ll work out for you.”
“And what about you?” Glenn raises an eyebrow at you. 
“What about me?”
“You know what I’m talking about.” He crosses his arms. 
You step back from him. “Nothing’s going to happen because he has a wife and a child. He’s not gonna leave them for me, Hell, I wouldn’t leave them for me.” You point out, getting a sad look from Glenn. “It’s something that’ll pass. As for now, I’ll just have to reel back a bit.”
“You’re really sad, you know that?” Glenn points out, watching you lean on the table of the booth. 
“Yeah, I know.” You give a sad smile, the two of you walking out of the RV. The sun was starting to set slowly, giving the whole farm a golden glow to it. “Anything else you wanna tell me before we go our separate ways?”
Glenn thinks for a moment, looking at you over his shoulder. You can tell there’s something there that he wants to get out. “Lori’s.” He stops, keeping his eyes locked with yours and it’d not too hard to piece together what he was talking about. He and Maggie went on a run to the pharmacy for a second time, per Lori’s request. A rather urgent, sudden request, that had him ditching you for the day. 
“Pregnant?” He nods and your eyes widen a bit, not wanting to be right with your guess. That was going to change everything. “I’ll talk to you later yeah?” 
Glenn nods and heads off, leaving you alone in front of the RV. You bite the inside of your cheek, taking a glance around the camp out of habit. When you’d caught sight of Rick, coming back to camp, you nearly turned to go the opposite way. Far away, by the gate, was Lori. You couldn’t tell what happened but you had a feeling that it wasn’t good. 
“Evening Sheriff.” You greet him when he approaches, now finding that there was no avoiding him when it seemed that he was actually going to talk to you. “Everything alright? You don’t look so good.” You voice your concern, following him into the RV when he beckoned you. 
You watched him pace the RV for a few moments after you closed the RV door. He didn’t look at you right away and you let him collect his thoughts as you found yourself sitting in the booth as you were a few minutes ago with Glenn. 
Suddenly, Rick stops and looks at you, you can’t quite make out the look on his face. “I’m sorry.” He suddenly says, only adding to your confusion and concern. Maybe he was finally losing his mind. “I’ve been pushing you away these last couple of days when all you’ve done is stuck by me. It’s not fair to you.” He goes on. 
“It’s okay Rick, shit happens-”
“No, it’s not.” He cuts you off, running his hand through his hair. “Because I wanted Lori and me to work like nothing was wrong. I wanted to just ignore what I was feeling towards you for her sake, for Carl’s but it was stupid.” He admits to you, looking like a weight had just been yanked off of his shoulders. “She cheated on me, with Shane.” You look at him in shock, watching him turn away to look towards the window. “She’s…”
“Pregnant?” You finish so he doesn’t have to and when he looks at you in confusion you move to the inside of the booth, patting the spot next to you. “It wasn’t hard to figure it out when she started getting sick during breakfast.” You admit, covering for Glenn when clearly he didn’t know that the Korean was involved. 
“I’m sorry.” He says again, sitting down beside you and putting his head in his hands, elbows on the tabletop. 
“It’s okay.” You reach up and gently rub his back. 
“I think I like you.” He admits. 
The two of you are silent for a moment, the two of you sitting there in the aftermath of what he had said. “I’ve liked you for a while.” You tell him, smiling when his head shoots up and he looks at you. “I didn’t want to come between you two and mess things up between us.”
Rick shakes his head. “You could never mess things up between us.” He insists, offering you his hand. You take it and he just runs his thumb over the back of it. “I like you.” He tells you, now certain and confident in his words. He couldn’t explain the way that you alone made him feel like he was back in high school, with some stupid crush. 
“Are you gonna be okay?”
“I am now that I know what I’m feeling.” He leans over and presses a kiss to your cheek. Your face heats up. “I wanna try this.”
“I do too.”
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rafecameron · 4 years
Hospital For Souls
Summary: Rafe decides that instead of the usual halloween parties the kooks would attend this year the perfect way to celebrate the spooky evening would be to explore the abandoned building he found the week before. This is for @bricksatanakinswindow​ spooky writing challenge!
Pairing: Kooks x Reader (a lil Topper x Reader)
Word Count: 4.5K
A/N: Okay so I’ve never written anything scary before so this probably sucks ass and isn’t even scary. But that being said I have tagged people who have asked to be tagged in my work but if you don’t want to read anything horror related please don’t feel the need to, I won't be offended! Also the first half is proof read and the rest isn’t bc lazy.
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*GIF is mine*
“Rafe where are we going?” You ask with an exasperated sigh, every time you asked your best friend for any kind of hint to where you were going he’d simply tell you you’re almost there.
“Yeah man we’ve been walking for ages.” Topper complains from beside you.
“Look, we’re almost there okay?” Rafe turns to shoot you all a glare, “Just stop asking!”
You let out a groan but shut up as you follow after him, sharing an annoyed look with the two boys beside you. Rafe had driven you all out to the cut as soon as it started to get dark, parked up in the middle of nowhere, and insisted you all follow him into the trees. If you didn’t know him any better you’d think he was going to murder the three of you and bury you out here. But the backpack slung over his shoulder wasn’t big enough to hold a shovel so you were sure you would be okay.
Deep inside the tree’s you finally come to a stop outside a building. From the front it looks no bigger than your house, but you can see that it goes a lot further back. The windows are boarded up, graffiti littering the exterior of the building.
“What the hell is this place?” Kelce asks as Rafe heads up the crumbling stone steps.
Rafe simply shrugs, “No idea.”
“Great explanation.” You roll your eyes waiting at the bottom of the steps with Topper, “How did you find it?”
“Yeah, what the hell were you doing out here?” Topper questions.
“I found it after getting into an argument with my dad. Drove out here, got out the car to smoke and just found it.” He says, like walking through the woods in the cut alone to smoke was a totally normal thing to do.
He pulls out what look like bolt cutters from his bag and starts attacking the chains on the doors, you raise a trimmed brow and turn to give Topper a ‘what the hell??’ look.
“Uh, Rafe? What are you doing?” You ask.
“Trying to get inside.” He says through gritted teeth as he squeezes the chain between the blades.
Kelce stands with his arms crossed, back leaning against the wall watching his friend fight with the metal, “Why would we want to go inside?” He asks.
“To look around?” Rafe poses it as a question, letting out a whoop when the chain finally breaks in two, “Unless you’re scared?” He turns to you with a challenging grin.
“Scared? No.” You shake your head, “Doesn’t mean I want to go in there. We’ll probably fall through the floor or something.”
“Yeah I’m with y/n on this one, doesn’t exactly look like it’s had a safety check in a good couple of years.” Topper tilts his head to look up at his friends on the steps.
“Fine, stay here then, if you’re scared.” Rafe taunts before disappearing inside, Kelce hot on his heels with a laugh.
“Seriously?” You groan. You share a look with the boy beside you before letting out a sigh and starting up the steps.
The inside was pitch black, you could barely see a hand in front of your face let alone where you were walking.
“Guys?” Topper calls out, you feel his hand brush against your arm as he tries to feel his way around.
You’re suddenly blinded by a bright light, causing you to stumble back into something hard, “What the hell?” You shout covering your eyes as Rafe laughs from behind the light.
“Figured we’d need these.” He says chucking the torch at you, you fumbled to catch it, rubbing your lower back which had hit the cabinet behind you.
“You’re an asshole.” You grumble.
You shine the light down at the floor in front of you, it’s covered in years worth of dust, clouds of it floating up into the air as your friends distrubed it. You point the torch around the room, looking at the array of abandoned furniture, none of it giving off any indication as to what this building used to be.
“I’m so glad this is where we’re spending our Saturday night.” Topper comments, tapping his torch against his palm to get it working.
“Where’s your sense of adventure?” Rafe asks, his voice far away as he heads deeper into the building.
“Since when were you the adventurous type?” You call after him.
The rooms smelt musty and old, the building itself seemed older than any other on the island you had seen. The doors were thick and wooden, the cement of the walls starting to crack and crumble due to years of neglect. You couldn’t help but turn your nose up at the entire evening. You would have much rather spent the night at a party getting stupidly drunk, like you were sure every other teen on the island was.
“Where did they even go?” You mutter mostly to yourself, Rafe and Kelce had disappeared down the dark hallway and you could no longer see the light from their flashlights.
“Do you want to wait outside?” Topper asks, sounding half bored and half scared.
You considered it, already sick of breathing in the polluted air but ultimately you shook your head, “It’s dark, one of them could fall and hurt themselves.”
Topper nods and follows you through the cluttered hallway. You shine your light into each room, illuminating its contents but not seeing your friends anywhere.
“I think this was a school or something.” Topper comments, his light landing on chairs and desks spread around one of the rooms, a blackboard propped against the wall still had squiggles of chalk on it.
“Maybe.” You murmur.
You weren’t sure if this really was a school or if people had used this place as a dumping ground for old furniture before finally abandoning it. Either way, you didn’t care. You just wanted to find your friends and get out of there. You were admittedly starting to get a little creeped out. You’d never been in a place so deathly quiet before. It was almost as if even your breathing and footsteps had been muted. In a place where you expected to hear echoes you were met with nothing but silence. It was eerie.
“Guys?” You call out, “C’mon we’re gonna get lost in here!”
You shoot a worried glance to Topper at the lack of reply from your friends, already concerned something had happened to one of them.
“They’re trying to fuck with us.” Topper grumbles and although you agree it’s likely, you had known Rafe your whole life after all, you were still worried about one of them falling and breaking their neck in the dark.
It wasn’t until you had been searching for at least another five minutes that you hear Rafe’s voice calling you from a distance.
“Get over here!” He calls, a light appearing down the bottom of the hallway.
You huff out and hurry towards the light, Topper close on your heels. As you get closer the light disappears inside a room and as you round the doorway you find Rafe and Kelce standing in front of a table, lights pointed down at the surface.
“What?” You snap, annoyed that no in fact one of them had not been dying, they had just been ignoring your calls.
“Check this out.” Kelce waves his light across the table for emphasis and you peek over his shoulder.
“What the fuck is that?” You frown.
“A spirit board.” Rafe answers, “Are you stupid?”
You punch him on the shoulder, “Hard to see under all the grime.” You huff, “Really, it’s fascinating, can we go now?”
“You don’t wanna try it out?” Rafe asks and even Kelce snaps his head up at that.
“No, I definitely don’t want to try it out. Can we just go? It’s freezing in here.” You cross your arms over your chest, rubbing your hands against your cold arms.
“Don’t be wimps, c’mon.” Rafe picks up the board, blowing the dust off before placing it back down.
“Rafe, we’re not playing that stupid thing.” Topper tells him.
“Don’t be a pussy Top.” Rafe picks up the plachette from the floor and places it in the middle of the board.
“I’d rather be a pussy than possessed.” Topper holds his hands up with a nervous laugh, “I’m not touching that thing.”
“You really believe that crap?” Kelce asks, switching his torch to his left hand as he reached out for the wooden item.
“Believe it or not, I’m not risking it.” Topper shrugs.
“I’m with Top, I’m not touching that thing. Besides, it’s filthy.” You wrinkle your nose as your friends place their fingers on it.
“Ask it something.” Rafe instructs Kelce.
“What the fuck am I supposed to ask?” Kelce frowns up at him.
“I don’t know man. Whatever they ask in those horror movies.” Rafe shrugs, looking down at the plachette expectantly as he waits for Kelce to speak.
“Uh, alright.” Kelce rolls his shoulders and clears his throat, “Uh, is there anybody here?”
All four sets of eyes sit on the plachette, waiting to see if it does anything. A few moments pass and Rafe nudges Kelce with his elbow.
“Ask something else.” He says.
“Like what? I’m guessing the answer to that one was ‘no’” Kelce rolls his eyes.
“I guess there’s no one here then, lets go.” You grab Toppers elbow as you make to turn around.
“Hold up,” Rafe twists his head to look over his shoulder, “Let’s just try again. Ask again.”
“Why can’t you ask? I don’t want no ghosts following me home.” Rafe shoots Kelce a glare and the boy lets out a sigh, “Alright, fine. Is there anybody here?” He asks again.
You glance around the room while the boys play with their board, the table, board and two metal chairs are the only pieces of furniture in the room. The set up seems strange, like someone used this room for the sole purpose of communicating with the board.
“It just fucking moved!” Rafe calls out causing you to snap your eyes back to the board.
“It’s still in the same place.” You comment.
“No it definitely just moved!” Rafe argues, eyes glued to the wooden shape.
“Rafe, can we just-” You cut yourself off as you watch the object slide across the board slowly, the movements jittery as it makes it’s way to stop on the ‘YES’ at the top of the board. “Okay, which one of you moved that?”
“I didn’t do it.” Kelce holds his hands up, “I swear.” He looks over at Rafe with a raised brow.
“Well I didn’t do it, put your hand back on it.” Rafe tells him, his eyes flashing with excitement as he looks back to the table.
The plachette starts moving again, slowly and uncertainly it makes its way across the board. It moves to the left and down, coming to a stop over the letter ‘O’ for a few seconds before moving again. To the right this time it stops on the letter ‘U’ before shuffling the tiniest but to the left to stop on ‘T’.
“Out?” Topper asks, worry knitting his brows together.
You just let out a laugh and roll your eyes, “Very funny, ha ha, you got us. Let’s go.” You clap your hands together in mock applause.
“We didn’t fucking move it!” Rafe protests, “We didn’t even ask it anything!”
“Well I don’t believe you! I know you’re trying to fuck with us Rafe, it isn’t going to work!” You place your hands on your hips, glaring at the boy looking over his shoulder at you.
He quickly drops his fingers from the board, holding them next to his shoulders, “I didn’t fucking move it.” He says adamantly.
Kelce copies his movements, removing his hands as he stared down at the bored, “You had to have moved it, because I didn’t.”
“Of course he moved it.” You sigh.
But a squeal is quick to leave your lips as the plachette flies off of the board unaided and hits the wall to the left, both boys in front of the board suddenly jump backwards.
“Fuck this!” Topper spins on his heel and hurries out of the room, you not far behind him.
“What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck.” You mutter to yourself as you run after Topper, the sound of footsteps behind you telling you your two other friends weren’t far behind.
“Did you fucking see that?” Rafe calls, excitement evident in his tone.
“Yes we fucking saw it why do you think we’re running?” Topper calls back out of breath.
Your flashlights danced across the ground as you all sprinted through the hallways, you weren’t entirely sure Topper was leading you the right way but right now you didn’t care. As long as you were far away from that room you were okay.
You only came to a halt when you were all out of breath, your hands rest against your knees as you suck deep gulps of air into your lungs.
“What the fuck was that?” You pant out.
Part of you wanted to accuse Rafe of trying to scare you all but you knew he’d never be able to pull off something like that, he wouldn’t have the patience to set it up. You could feel your body shaking with adrenaline after your unexpected run, your heart was beating out of your chest.
Topper was leaning against the wall, head tilted back to meet the cold wall as he watched his two friends by the window.
“Did we run the right way?” Kelce asks as he peers through the window, “I can’t see anything out there.”
“I wasn’t really concentrating where I was going, I just wanted to get away from whatever that thing was.” Topper points a shaky finger in the direction they had just come from.
As he did a bang emitted from down the hallway, you couldn’t see what it was but it sounded like something had fallen over.
“Well either that thing is following us or there’s two of the fuckers,” Kelce shakes his head, “I gotta get out of here. Black people always die first in horror movies and I ain’t about to be murdered by some dead motherfucker.”
Kelce starts to head off down the hallway, and although you hadn’t been taking much notice of your surroundings you were sure you didn’t recognise this hallway.
“Kelce I think that’s the wrong way.” You call out to him but his figure keeps getting smaller.
“You wanna go back that way then be my guest!” He calls without turning around.
“He kind of has a point.” Topper shrugs and motions for you to go in front of him.
“I can’t believe you’re all freaking out,” Rafe shakes his head as he follows behind Topper, “It’s fucking exciting!”
“It is not exciting!” You snap out.
“Are you scared y/n?” He teases.
“Yes I am fucking scared! There’s like, a fucking poltergeist or something in here throwing shit around!” You shiver at the thought, “I’ve seen way too many horror movies to know how this stuff ends.”
You try your best to keep up with the boy in front of you but he’s practically running at this point and you weren’t sure you had enough energy left after your other sprint.
“Kelce slow down!” You call out to him, “We need to figure out where we’re going.”
“Well it’s gotta be this way, it’s not back that way is it?” He calls back, continuing at his fast pace.
“I’ll go get him.” Rafe says with a roll of his eyes.
He pushes past you and Topper and hurried into the darkness to pull his friend back. You stop walking, turning to Topper with an anxious look.
“I don’t think this is the right way. We could have easily gotten turned around when we were running.” You sigh and run your fingers through your hair.
“Hey, it’s fine,” Topper says though you can tell by the look on his face he’s feeling a million things and fine isn’t one of them, “we’ll find the way out.”
He places his hands on your hips, mostly to comfort himself with some physical touch rather than to calm you down. He rubs circles into your hips and you nod your head quickly.
“Yeah, I know. Why did someone think it was a good idea to board up the windows.” You groan out.
Topper lets out a chuckle, “To stop idiots like us from getting in?” He suggests.
You laugh softly before resting your forehead against his chest. His heart was beating rapidly and you were sure yours was no different. You stood like that for a couple of minutes before you finally pulled yourself away from his grip.
“Where are they?” You ask chewing on your lower lip, “Don’t tell me they’ve run off again.”
“C’mon, let’s go find them.” Topper holds his hand out to you and you gladly take it.
He leads the way down the hallway, searching desperately for any sign of light from the other twos torches.
“I can’t believe them.” You mutter to yourself.
You jump into Toppers side as you hear a bang from one of the rooms beside you. You don’t dare check inside to see if it’s your friends and instead hurry your feet along the floor to the end of the hallway.
“I don’t like this.” You whisper out to your friend.
“Me neither.” Topper replies, “But I’ll look after you.” He reassures you with a squeeze of the hand.
You offer him a small smile, allowing him to pull you down the left corridor. You couldn’t believe Rafe and Kelce had disappeared again.
“If we find the way out we’re leaving without them.” You glare ahead of you.
Topper laughs lightly, “You wouldn't do that,” he replies before whipping his head round, “did you hear that? Rafe?”
You squeeze onto his hand as you hear shuffling behind you like someone was walking without picking their feet up properly. You wait a few seconds but get no reply.
“I don’t think that’s Rafe.” You tug on his hand as you start to walk backwards.
Topper spins around pulling you into the nearest room and shutting the door behind you both. He leans his back against it in case anything tries to get through while you pace in front of him, fingers pulling at the roots of your hair.
“This can’t be real.” You mumble.
You pull out your phone to try and call your friends but you had no signal, big surprise. You push it into your pocket in frustration and let out a groan. The room Topper had pulled you into had no furniture at all, the only thing breaking up the dull walls was a door in the far corner. You slowly make your way over to it, a shaky hand reaching for the handle as you try to gather the courage to pull it open. You decide to do it like a plaster, you grab the handle and rip the door back, letting out the breath you had been holding when nothing jumped out at you.
“It’s another corridor Top,” you call looking over your shoulder.
Topper runs across the room, pushing you into the hallway and pulling the door shut behind you, “Okay, good. Now we’re really lost.”
“There’s got to be an exit around here somewhere. A fire exit or something.” You take hold of his hand again, urging him to take the lead and start walking.
The corridor seemed to go on forever. Thick doors lined the walls either side of you, each one pushed wide open but you didn’t dare turn your head and look into any of the rooms. You didn’t want to see anything that would give you worse nightmares than you knew you’d already be having.
As opposed to when you first entered the building nowhere was silent now. You were fully aware of every sound surrounding you. Every little creak of the floor, every bang from a random room and every footstep that sounded above you. You tried to convince yourself they were being made by your friends but you figured even they wouldn’t be stupid enough to go upstairs to find an exit.
“Topper, I’m getting really scared now,” You admit as the door behind you sways as though in a breeze coming from nowhere, “I just want to be at home. I don’t want to be here and I don’t want to walk back through the woods.”
Topper squeezes your hand, looking back at you over his shoulder, he tried his best to put on a brave face, “We will be home soon, y/n.” He reassures you.
You find yourself becoming more and more distressed as every corridor you turn down looks exactly like the previous one. None of them showed signs of harbouring exits and you were sure you would be in here forever. The bangs from behind you were getting louder and the footsteps from above never stopped, like whatever it was was following your exact path. Topper’s torch had once again stopped working and you gladly passed yours over to him, your free hand now also gripping onto Toppers as well.
In horror movies everyone always has such a will to survive. They run and they fight and you imagined that’s what it would be like in real life. But all you wanted to do was curl into a ball on the floor and not move again. You had no fight in you. No will to run up and down the hallways screaming and begging for help. You just wanted to sit and cry and hope that by the time morning came you could find your way out. But Topper wouldn’t let you and you wouldn’t expect him to wait around for you while you sat and had a breakdown.
“Hey, what’s that?” Topper comments, his light dancing across a door which looked suspiciously like the fire exit doors at your school. You allow him to drag you over to it at a jogging pace and you almost cried when he pushed it open and fresh air blew onto your face. You both tumbled out the door, the steps beneath you almost completely disintegrated. Out into the trees you want to fall to your knees and cry happy tears but you can’t.
“Which way do you think?” Topper asks shining his torch to the left and the right. You were at a random part of the building, the trees much closer to the exterior now and you had no clue which was to go.
“Well, if we follow the building we have to make it back to the entrance eventually, right?” You suggest biting your lower lip lightly.
Topper nods in agreement and heads off to the left. You ignore the sound of the boards banging against the windows, it was just the wind, the wind that was nonexistent.
The building seemed to go on forever and you thought you were lucky to have not been lost in there for much longer than you were.
“What if they’re not out yet?” You ask.
“We’ll wait for them.” Topper replies.
“And what if they’re not out by morning?” You question again.
“I don’t know, y/n,” Topper sighs, “Do you want to go in and find them?”
You quickly shake your head. You would rather sit outside all day and wait for them than go back inside and risk getting lost again. Luckily this one thing had gone right for you tonight and you had walked in the right direction, the entrance soon coming into sight. The second lucky thing was that Rafe and Kelce were sat on the wall along the stairs, legs swinging.
“I see you guys were looking for us.” Topper calls out causing the boys heads to snap up.
“I see you were too.” Rafe calls back.
As you get closer to the boys you let go of Toppers hand and hurry over to them, “You’re not possessed, right?” You ask, tiptoeing up to look them both in the eyes with a glare.
Once you were certain neither were possessed you turned to Rafe and pushed him in the chest causing him to topple backwards off the wall, “Asshole!” you snap out.
“What the hell y/n?” Rafe pops up over the wall with a glare, “Are you trying to break my neck?”
“Yes, actually. It’s the least you deserve after taking us in there!” You reply stepping forward to shove him again but Topper holds you back.
“Look let’s not fight, okay? Let's just get back to the car and get out of here before whatever is in there comes out here.” Topper decides for you all, you don’t protest when he takes your hand for the third time tonight. The touch comforting even outside of the building, you definitely needed it walking through the pitch black trees.
Every snap of a twig or rustle of leaves had you snapping your head round, certain something was following the four of you. Rafe constantly told you to calm down, while Kelce would rub your shoulder comfortingly. The only one seemingly unaffected by the nights events was Rafe but you couldn’t tell if he truly didn’t care or if he was putting on a brave face. Knowing Rafe it could be either of them.
You let out a groan of relief when Rafe’s truck comes back into view, running over to it with your hand still clutching onto Toppers. You crawled into the back seat, eagerly buckling yourself in and ready to get back into figure eight and away from this place forever. The pogues could have the creepy haunted building, you wanted nothing more to do with it.
The drive back was silent, Rafe humming along to the radio like nothing had happened, Kelce staring blankly out of the window and your and Topper clutching onto each other in the back. You decided to go back to Rafe’s, Rafe wanted to party and honestly the rest of you just didn’t want to be alone.
Inside Rafe’s living room you curled up onto the corner of the couch, gladly accepting the glass of whiskey the host offered you, gulping half of it down in one go and slowly feeling your body stop shaking. The more the four of you drank the more the conversation started flowing again, the alcohol helping the night feel a little less real.
You were sipping on your fourth whiskey when the sound of glass smashing behind you caused you to jump out of your skin. You spun round on the couch, noticing a picture laying face down on the floor surrounded in glass, one that had just been hanging on the wall perfectly fine.
You share a look with your friends, horror written across their features - Rafe included. Whatever you had found in that building had decided to follow you home.
@rudyypankow​ @joshy-obx​ @topperthornton​ @starlightstarkey​ @rafej-cambanks​
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kyber-crystal · 4 years
here again || s.r
words: ~2k
summary: you & steve reunite in wakanda after two long years apart
warning: literally none, just fluff. also bad writing bc this is an old ass oneshot
a/n: so uh,,,this was apparently the result of me falling in love with nomad steve rogers all over again. IW was actually the first avengers film i saw and let me just say, hot damn...also i’m horrible w/titles i’m so sorry. if you’d like to be added to my taglist to be the first to know when i publish something new loml!
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Time flies, people told you. Make the most of every moment. Take nothing for granted. Appreciate those you have around you while they’re still here, because you never know when they’ll leave you. 
What they didn’t mention was what happened between those long hours, the immense pain that came along with missing someone you loved and held near and dear to your heart. The countless sleepless nights awake, wondering if they’d be alright, wondering if they were safe and not in danger. The countless nights hoping and praying they’d come back to you and crying yourself to sleep.
They didn’t tell you that sometimes, you never knew what you were missing until it was gone. 
In your case, your ‘what’ was Steve Rogers. 
Initially, you’d started off on Tony’s side. Not because you agreed with his argument - that wasn’t the case at all - but because you couldn’t stand the idea of turning your back against the man that had sacrificed so much for your sake. But as soon as you saw Steve on the other side of the battlefield, eyes soft and pleading, you couldn’t take it anymore. You caved.  
Being in love made people do strange things, you thought.
You were lucky enough to have found refuge in Wakanda. T’Challa was more than happy to let you stay, knowing you had nowhere else to go and wanting to make sure you were looked after at all times. The others - Sam and the rest of Team Cap, had been sent to the Raft - they weren’t as lucky.
You felt awful. Here you were, living out a peaceful life (well, as peaceful of a fugitive’s life could be), while the rest of your teammates were trapped within the iron fists of the government.
Two years passed, and you still hadn’t gotten a message, any sort of sign, from any of them. You began losing hope. Maybe they weren’t coming back...
“Miss Y/N?” a calm voice suddenly jarred you from your thoughts. 
You turned around to see T’Challa standing there with his hands behind his back. “How many times have i told you to just address me as Y/N?”
“My apologies, Y/N,” he nodded curtly, correcting himself. “Are you alright?”
“Just...thinking,” you hummed. 
“It seems as if you have a lot on your mind,” he guessed. “Is there something that’s bothering you?”
“No, no...”
“Miss- Y/N, you’ve been here for two years, and you think by now, I wouldn’t know when something’s up?”  The Wakandan king raised an eyebrow. 
“Hopefully, some good news will lift your spirits?” he offered. “I have received a call, they’re on their way.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion. “Who?”
“Captain Rogers and the others are due to arrive soon. War is coming, and we need to prepare.”
You froze. “D..did I just hear you correctly?”
“Indeed. Okoye will meet you outside your chambers in half an hour, so take some time to wash up and rest, will you? You seem exhausted.”
“You know me so well,” you yawned and stretched your arms in the air. “See you in a bit.”
After you finished washing up and drying your hair, you changed into a comfortable cable-knit sweater and dark jeans before opening the door to see Okoye and Shuri standing there. “Hi.”
Shuri came forward and squeezed you into a tight hug. “Hey!”
You chuckled lightly and ruffled her hair. “So, what’re we doing?”
“T’Challa’s already there, we’re going to see Barnes,” she explained.
“The one and only.”
Okoye offered you one of her rare smiles. You’d formed an unexpected close friendship with the fierce warrior during your time here - she made an excellent sparring partner, and even taught you how to work her weapons.
You headed outside to meet T’Challa, and made your way towards the fields together. 
“Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0,” Steve stated as he walked up to the pilot’s seat. Despite the calm tone of voice he had, everyone could tell he was on the verge of losing it.
“I hope you’re right about this, Cap,” Sam said, “or we’re gonna land a lot faster than you want to.”
“Nervous, Rogers?” Natasha nudged him gently in the side. 
“No.” But the look in his eyes gave it all away.
“It’s been a wild two years, huh,” she exhaled as she stared out ahead, the Quinjet passing through a camouflage forcefield into the Golden City’s valley, landing at the airfield outside the palace.
“Yeah...it has.”
“So when are you gonna tell her?”
“Tell her what?”
“That you’re hopelessly in love with her.”
“Don’t bullshit me, Rogers, I know you are,” she gave the super-soldier an accusatory look. “Otherwise you wouldn’t have woken up in the middle of the night because you had a nightmare that she died, and it was only after talking with Sam for an hour that you fell back asleep. Which has happened multiple times before.”
“But, Natasha-”
“Come on..why can’t you just admit it? Are you afraid she’s gonna reject you? Because that should be the least of your worries. She’s head over heels for you.”
“What makes you think that?” he tilted his head to the side slightly. 
“Intuition. And the way she looked at you.”
“When you said we were going to open Wakanda to the rest of the world...this is not what I imagined,” Okoye commented as she and T’Challa walked side-by-side.
“And what did you imagine?”
“The Olympics. Maybe even a Starbucks.”
The Quinjet’s back gate dropped open and its occupants disembarked. Steve and Natasha stepped down the ramp first, followed by Bruce and Rhodey, with Vision and Wanda in the back.
“Should we bow?” Bruce whispered into Rhodey’s ear.
“Yeah,” he replied, dead serious. “He’s a king.”
“Seems like I’m always thanking you for something,” Steve said as he and T’Challa shook hands. 
Bruce awkwardly bowed. Rhodey pretended to look shocked, but there was a hint of an smile on his face. “What are you doing?”
“Uh, we don’t do that here,” T’Challa motioned with his hand. Bruce shot Rhodey a look, and was just answered with an amused grin. “So how big of an assault can we expect?”
“Uh, sir, I think you can expect quite a big assault,” Bruce replied as they began walking back into the administrative building.
“How we looking?” Natasha questioned.
“You will have my Kingsguard, the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and...”
“A semi-stable, 100-year-old man,” Bucky finished with a wide grin as he walked towards his best friend. The two men exchanged a tight hug. 
“How you been, Buck?”
“Uh, not bad, for the end of the world.” He paused for a moment before speaking again. “But I think I’ve been holding up better than she has.”
“Everyone’s favorite retired Olympian, ex-nurse, and fugitive electrokinetic hero.”
Before he had the chance to answer, your familiar figure stepped out from the shadows.
You felt your breath catch in your throat and froze on the spot. He still had that same lean, muscular figure that any girl would swoon over, but his hair had grown out from years on the run and a rugged beard now covered his sharp jaw. His suit was darkened from dirt and grime and the star in its centre was torn out. But he was still absolutely breathtaking - bright blue eyes shining through the coverage. 
His expression immediately softened upon seeing you. After many nights praying to see your face again his vision had finally become reality - and he had to keep pinching the inside of his palm to remind himself that this in fact, wasn’t a dream at all. He wasn’t dreaming. You were real, and you were standing just a couple yards away. 
You felt your chest ache at the sight of him - it had been two years since you heard him speak. And it didn’t seem to matter how long you were apart for, because his voice would always make you weak at the knees. You hated him for making you react the way you did - or was it yourself that your hatred was directed at more?
But then all feelings of resentment and frustration starting to bubble up to the surface suddenly evaporated. You snapped out of your temporary trance and broke into a sprint, running as fast as your legs would carry you and launching yourself towards him, flinging your arms around his neck. “Steve-”
You slumped against him and broke down, your body trembling from your sobs. He pulled you closer against him and circled his arms around your waist. You didn’t know whether you were crying out of frustration or relief - but the feeling that was brought upon you by being held by him was unlike any other - you’d never get tired of it. You felt so safe, so protected in his tight embrace that you didn’t want to think about anything else. You didn’t want to think about the inevitable war on your way, you didn’t want to think about the past nor the  future, you just wanted to live in the moment - with your head on his chest, his chin on top of your head. That was it.
Steve felt his heart shatter into a million tiny pieces. You were crying. You never cried. You never cried and now you were breaking down - because of him.
“I missed you,” he mumbled, voice muffled by your hair. “God, I missed you so much. I’m so sorry I left you-”
“It’s okay-” you choked out, “I’m just glad you’re alive-”
You lifted your chin up slightly and he rested his forehead against yours, so close that there were only a few millimeters that kept your lips from touching. That’s when you realized he, too, was crying - tears streaming down his face and you swear there’s literally nothing that could make him look any less handsome. You felt your heart stop momentarily. A strange feeling settled in the pit of your stomach. If it weren’t for his steady gaze, you’re almost 100% sure you would’ve forgotten how to breathe.
Steve let out a shaky sigh of relief, inhaling the fresh scent of roses in your hair. It’s been two years since he was last able to hold you like this - and two years later, he still believes you fit perfectly together and that you were made to be held by him, and him alone. 
Then you were overcome with a sudden surge of confidence and quickly cupped his face in your hands and pressed your lips to his, closing the gap. 
It was like fireworks were shooting through your veins as he deepened the kiss and pulled you closer - if that was even possible, given that you were practically pressed against one another - your heart racing at what felt like a million miles per hour at the feeling of his warm lips on yours and his hand between your shoulder blades and on the small of your back. He tasted like everything between euphoria and heartbreak, salty tears and berries and warm coffee, and his touch was electrifying.
You probably could’ve gone on like that for hours on end. It was only when you heard someone cough awkwardly that you broke apart, eyes still glassy with tears, your faces flushed, and lips swollen.
“Are you and lover boy gonna keep up the baby-making or are you gonna say hi to the rest of us?” Sam interjected. “Just a friendly reminder that you aren’t the only two people here.”
“You’re gross,” you muttered as Steve released you to go greet the others. “Hey, Sam. It’s been a while, huh.”
“Long time no see,” he agreed.
“Well, well, well, I see you’ve finally worked up the courage to make a move, both of you,” Natasha smirked as she brought you in for a quick hug. “I’m proud of you both.”
“Nat! I missed you.”
“I missed you too. You know, Cap wouldn’t stop rambling about you the entire way here-”
“Shut up, Nat,” Steve cut her off. “I wasn’t rambling.”
“Not rambling my ass,” Bucky muttered, “you were talking my ear off that day we took the Quinjet. Wouldn’t stop worrying about her when she insisted she’d be okay.”
“If there was an Olympic sport of being passionately in love with your best friend and mutually pining over one another for years before finally breaking the through-the-roof tension, I assure you you’d win, Captain,” Shuri grinned mischievously.
“Oh, my God.”
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seijohsfairy · 3 years
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rhi, this is for you ♡ remember when you said mafia seijoh and i said i’d write it?? but then i got super distracted with other fics and never did the thing? weLL I FINALLY FINISHED IT. she’s cut up into two parts bc i didn’t want to make it too long but part 2 should be up soon for @/seijorhi​ & massive, big fat ty to @/xplosiveboy​
.wordc. 3k+ tw mafia!big 4, noncon, sexual harassment, yandere, coercion
horrid pt 2
It was written somewhere in your favorite library, on a vacant page of the grimy literature textbook stuffed between two shelves maybe, you read it just once. Back then you didn’t care much for the radical, unwilling to trust the faith of someone destroying what wasn’t theirs to begin with. Long, curved words littering the white; claiming full of hate that the poison our mind makes is the most powerful decay, that humans are the most horrid of creatures.
Back then you’d closed the book, sliding it back into place and tucking the knowledge far back into your mind, unwilling to use such a straight-set line of thinking on a world which had given you life, gifted you virtue and loudness. So terrifying; but splendid. You had swallowed, light and unwavering in the knowledge that you were still capable of processing, and giving kindness. You had settled above the cold of those words, thinking them sickly and rotten.
But you didn’t forget, the fire of them on the curve of the page. Or rather, you couldn’t.
It isn’t unlike you to falter in your step, feet rushing ahead faster than your mind can catch up and taking those half-hearted fumbles as just what it needs, before granting you another dash of mindless cadance. Not lost but wanting to reach home a bit faster, slicing off the unnecessary travel so you’d be able to cuddle up in a blanket a second sooner. Even without anything waiting for you on the other end. So you correct your balance for long enough to notice the long straight between brick walls, the direction of it catching your eye more than anything of value. The buildings here are taller, stubbier in their set size and darker, like the grime of the city has never been washed off them.
You’re small in between, but that has never stopped you before. You wonder if you could take that road, rush it. An alternative for the boring path you’re supposed to take. The monotony aches. You’re young, invincible, not having existed nearly long enough for something truly horrible to happen. Unbalanced, in a way.
But you’re not foolish either, and wasting precious time is the exact opposite of what you want. You bite your lip, carefully crossing the street to peek into the alley. Littered, wet, vacant. Until the breeze picks up and ruffles your hair, calling out for disaster. Unwilted flowers and those dusted grey to the core aching to meet, to make the balance even.
A show of red, white and black in the form of a man, and one that has your chest craving to be leveled with his. It isn’t that you haven’t been blown away by beauty before, but equality is something else entirely. Those things are weighty in their presence, heavy enough to break your reasoning and to have you rolling forward without will of your own. The heavy-set darkness of his eyes, his hair, his dress shirt. As if he wants to melt into the background, yet everything about him seems to demand attention. The bony points of his hands and fingers are bloodied, chafed and red shows through the split skin where his nose is lowest. But he fuels your wonder with a dignity, leaning against the metal door just as practiced as the cigarette held between his lips.
Never would you be more aware of your foolishness than looking back on that instant. But sadly you only figure that out long after you allow your body to drift towards him. Your kindness hasn’t failed you yet. It does crumble slightly when the weight of his gaze falls on you, staring your way like you’re a broken record disturbing his peace. But even in your clumsy approach you are obviously good and innocent, dragging closer. The pitter-patter of your feet against the wet concrete is shy, it drips from your lips. And beasts hidden in the cracks of society always sniff out that kind of virtue. “Excuse me,” you say. “Do you know where this alley leads?”
It’s a silly thing, more close to an excuse to speak than true curiosity but it has his mind churning. He blows out a white cloud beside your face, picking the destructive thing from between his lips with a tick of his brow. The tilt of his head in the way you had motioned leaves you tense, used breath building in your lungs, your tongue rubbing on the roof of your mouth like it has something to scrub away. “Don’t think you wanna go that way,” he simply says, eyeing you up and down with the languid movements of a lioness not yet bothering to stretch her muscles, “it’s dark and scary down there.” The glint in his hazel-greens should remind you of water pulling far back from the beach. It does remind you of it, but for reasons beyond you it doesn’t quite click.
So you puff out your chest, basking in the tiny bit of confidence you house to nod. “I think I can handle it,” you smile. As you consider your chances of making it to the other end, a feeling of irony comes to press on your shoulder. Sucking at the brave front until you’re all but left a shivering deer on two dainty legs. It feels colder here than it did on the main street.
So you look back only once at the handsome stranger, bowing in gratitude. “T-thank you, I— I’ll be going now.” Polite despite the tremble you feel, you were raised to be good. He only tilts his head in response, choosing silence the moment you wish for anything else, but you too are at a sudden loss. You turn on your heel and start tiptoeing away from the vast security of the street to drown yourself in sudden doubt in your ability. Most times you experience the opposite. You know the feeling of living, breathing with no worry, well and polishing your renewed understanding only later.
But the path his eyes take in chase of your body has a stickiness, and you can’t help but imagine he has already eaten you up in his mind, walking away with sweat on your palms. Two bangs sound against the metal, leaving you skittishly darting forward with your nails pulled into your palms. It’d be easier to pretend to be strong if you had a bit more faith in your own destructive power. Should you be a monster of preposterous size in the body of a cowering young woman, it’d be easy to push away the need to check, to make sure that you are not under threat. But you’re painfully human, so you glance over your shoulder anyway.
The handsome man has already slipped back into the building, but the memory of his expression gives you goosebumps. A reminder that humans are greedy in nature even when you don’t want them to be. You let the tense air out between parted lips, continuing down the wet curve of the buildings until a creak up ahead calls your attention. Against the darkness where another door swings open, two figures come out into the chill of the falling evening. You envy them for a moment, as they are not alone and you are, but then your feet halt to let your thoughts churn. The men, one with pretty, brown hair and the other a strawberry blond color, don’t need to search to find what they are looking for. The sharp eyes are turned your way the moment they exit the bruised building.
And you blink a few times, before taking a step back in the narrow space. They stand at the door with a stony confidence. Running now is definitely proof that you are not as brave as you pretended, but you can’t help it. With a deep breath you turn back, suddenly feeling hurried. No one reason could be good enough to put yourself into the jaw of an animal willingly, definitely not one as feeble as yours. You scurry back around the corner with a speed that would go unnoticed by most, but still you have to stable yourself again when you connect with another body. It catches you, wraps a large hand around your arm and you look up to express your gratitude by habit.
It’s another tall person, dark curly hair and a surprised expression. Something about his touch is debasing, seeming to latch onto every single one of your fibers. If it had only been this, it would leave you starving, your greedy heart categorizing everything under love at first sight— though you are barely old enough to have liked properly. But the contact is too long to sit well, your body straightening from him as best you can. “S-sorry,” you begin, silencing yourself with a gasp. The brunet of earlier, as well as the other two are upon you already, the presence of four men surrounding you so suddenly a frightening thing. “I- I’m sorry,” you mumble again, though it is lost in the intrigued gazes. They crowd around you before you can think of what you should do.
One of them shoots you a grin bright as the sun, leaning over your shoulder to come into view. “Look at you being the gentleman, Mattsun. You saved the cute girl from falling down!” You are still held onto by the curly haired man, who shrugs off the compliment with an indifferent expression. The cheerful one clicks his tongue, before rounding back on you with a smile that makes his eyes crinkle. The weightlessness he carries reminds you of something out of a fairy tale. Bright, obnoxiously cheerful. “What are you doing here, gorgeous? How old are you, you in college?” Voice lithe, sweet on your tongue like honey.
So you try to straighten up, dropping your lip from between your teeth. “Y-yes,” you say, to be interrupted by another voice. This one is more familiar, the first of the few. Tanned skin, handsome at every angle.
“All alone like this?” he breathes, “you must be pretty brave.” With an endless intrigue laced in his eyes, you’re pulled closer to the man with dark, spiky hair by your free hand. You stumble forward with the sudden shift. If you were ever an angel, your wings are useless now. And something tells you these men will make sure that soon they’ll be no more. He only smiles when you have to steady yourself on his chest with gentle fingertips, keeping you close to his warm body. But eager, it plays on his lips like you’re the thing he’s been looking to find for hours, maybe days. He lets out a chuckle at your dumbfounded expression. “I’m Iwaizumi, that’s Hanamaki and Matsukawa.” He waits a moment, smiling wider when you don’t show any recognition at it. “What’s your name?”
You’re so overwhelmed that it’s hard to even sound out the syllables. Your name doesn’t matter, you don’t disillusion yourself to think any of it matters, truly. But the looks remain even when you hesitate, and you find yourself speaking aloud. Though you barely get your name past your lips before you’re turned around by your shoulder, your response setting them alight. You’re left glancing up into a happy grin and pink hair. “You’re dressed up pretty. Nice skirt,” he coos, picking at the edge of it just once before leaning his face a bit closer to yours. “You’re pretty all over, you know that? Really pretty,” he draws out the sound until it sounds almost comical. “Right, Mattsun?”
You believe him when he says it, he looks at you like you’re shining, reflecting light like a diamond. The compliment, not your first but never truer, stews in your veins and boils your blood. There’s a vague hum from behind you, the man who caught you in your fall putting his big hands on your shoulders. Content to be near, if for a moment. With your constantly shifting gaze, you miss the lines on their hands and arms, the overwhelming smell of different colognes mixed with the smell of blood. “Not gonna say ‘thank you’?” He pouts.
“Be nice, Makki!” The voice drowns out yours. “She’s just flustered. Right?” The unintroduced man smiles down at you again, his pretty face coming so close you can feel hit breaths tickle your cheeks. Kind or not, you jerk back instinctively. He continues, unbothered. “Sweet girls like her aren’t used to this. But we’re not so bad, I promise.” His pretty hand comes up to brush your hair back, cooing when your skin turns up the degrees more. Stupid, silly, your mind screams; it’s like your feet have been cemented to the floor. Like you’ve been here for centuries, and finally someone’s come to worship you.
Though his hand is shoved away from you rather harshly, with a frown. “Oi,” Iwaizumi growls, “let us do it ourselves, Oikawa.” He turns back to you with a certitude, closer and though you try to back away you’re only met with the hard lines of the person behind you. Mattsun still has his hands on your shoulders, rubbing comforting circles into the thin fabric of your blouse. Quiet, but not forgotten. You don’t dare look away from Iwaizumi though, his pretty eyes dark enough to make your heart jump uncomfortably against your ribcage. “He’s right though,” the noiret’s voice sinks low, “we’re not so bad. I think you’d like to see, huh?”
The words feel claustrophobic, your eyes widening. You glance at their faces in confusion, switching between each person quick enough to make you dizzy. “Uhm- I,” you stutter, but a brush up your leg has you gaping, frozen. “I don’t-” The cold fingers trail up the inside of your thigh, too high.
“Of course she does, look how nervous she looks.” Makki is so close now he’s molded to your side, the other men not far behind. “So precious,” he coos. “Here, take my hand for a second.” It is put in your field of vision like a peace offering, the breaths on your neck feeling suffocating. But with his long fingers opened invitingly, it’s almost easy to believe they have good intentions. You give in and drop your smaller hand in his, if only to get rid of the revering stare. Hiro grins wider though, and laces your fingers with his. He giggles, softly. “Like this, isn’t it so easy to just,” he drops your interlaced hands to brush up against his crotch, “put them here.” Every muscle in your body seems to quiver, but spun too tight to move. “You like it, right?” he taunts when you look down at the floor, holding your hand in place stubbornly. “Eheh, I can tell.”
“W-please stop,” you try to pull away, but the grip on your hand only tightens, thumb pressing down hard enough that you jerk back from the pain. “Aw, aw!” It’s painful, like your bone will shatter if he moves wrong, and the harder you pull back the more he clamps down. “That hurts!” you gasp, turning away in Issei’s hold.
“Such a good girl, look at you,” Iwaizumi says, his hands sliding around your waist to secure you a spot against him. You’re struggling now but there’s hands all over. More touch, more overwhelming motions to keep you near. You’re tucked into Mattsun’s chest, each swell of his chest brushing against your shoulder blades. And your cheek is pressed against a face, someone who starts pressing small kisses there. “You’re precious, I could just eat you right up.” Hajime grabs your face to turn it more towards him. On the inside you want to bare your teeth, show your claws and rip yourself out of the fragile shell, but then he presses a kiss to your forehead and all your fight sinks away. You were never the warlike type. You’re small, frightened and worst of all, cowardly. He smiles over your shoulder. “Right?”
“I’m sure she’d like that,” the tallest behind you grins, his deep voice shaking your body in his hold. “Just look at her.” One of his hands slips under the edge of your blouse, sparking like a smoldering ember. Though you start whimpering in their arms, he smiles. “Are you scared, little girl?” he chuckles, hovering his lips over your ear long enough to give you goosebumps. Your breathing is laboured, unable to stop the whimper that comes out.
“Pretty face, pretty hands, pretty legs,” Hanamaki names, his lips glued to the curve of your neck, “I bet you have a pretty tummy too.” He slips his free hand easily under the waistband of your skirt, pulling it away from your skin and you try to push him away to no avail. Though the pressure of his grip on you is anything but playful, he’s grinning like there’s no worry in his mind. “And pretty tits.”
“Guys,” Oikawa breaks the moment to motion his head towards the door then, already holding it open as the stroking continues. “If you would, please.” They’re suddenly pulling away from you, all but Mattsun who turns you in his hold and wraps your arms around his body, picking you up. His large hands under your butt, he chuckles when you gasp at the touch. Your arms are pulled over Issei’s shoulders and grabbed tight, forcing you in place.
You’d been overwhelmed, stunned and frightened, but when Iwa looks at you like you’re a new toy he can’t wait to use, to break; the building feeling shifts into something else. Terror.
“No, no, nononono,” you start pulling back against the brunet, looking around at the four men with big eyes. You try to kick your legs so that he’ll drop you, get fed up, anything. But he carries you into the building without a problem, much stronger than your pitiful attempt. “I have to get home, I can’t come with you,” you squeak, bristling when someone laughs. It’s a mean sound, cold and vicious and it makes your faltering heart drop. There’s an explosion of— some emotion or other, a stutter in your capacity to take in the world. You can only open your eyes wider, hoping that some sense comes through with it.
Excitement and fear always have a similar taste on your tongue, close enough in their thickness to mistake one for the other until it crawls out of your throat with a violent gasp for life. But this is more bitter, a feeling you recognize as panic too late.
“Let go! Let me go!! I don’t want to be here,” you rasp, the feeling slipping out in tears of stress at the corners of your eyes. The door is shut, casting you and them in darkness together.
“Yes, you do.” It’s Oikawa, though you can’t see him. The touch dragging up your back is enough to leave you with shivers. “We’re only going to take a second of your time, promise.” You’re carried deeper into this hall, the cold and draft the least of your worries. Part of you wants to scream, wants to bite and kick until you’re out of the door and as far away from them as you can. But a bigger part of you is more afraid of what they’ll do in retaliation, so you just bite your lip and try to control your tears.
“Hey, we promise,” the strawberry blond echoes, slipping around the tallest to shove his lips to yours. A deep rumble comes from his chest when you tilt your head away from him and against Mattsun’s neck instead. But he’s undeterred, instead pressing a few kisses to your wrist. “We’ll take real good care of you.” You can’t shake the feeling that their promises count for nothing. And as his long, scarred fingers tangle with yours like a mimicry of comfort, you can’t help but wonder. If those words on that page were written with so much conviction because the thing penning them down was the same as these men. Beastly, ungrateful monsters.
part 2 coming soon
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bellamyblakru · 4 years
For the Bad Things Happen Bingo, can I request ‘passing out from the pain’ with hurt!Merlin/protective!Gwaine ???
YOU SURE CAN. i have like a list of prompts that came before this one that i should be doing,,, but i really wanted to try and write merwaine so badly isksksksk thank you for this opportunity. i hope i can do them justice with my first time🥺 (also lol i fangirled at your request bc i love your account sm asbskakak)
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here it is on ao3 and under the cut! i hope you like it!!
Merlin watched Gwaine from his peripheral, thinking about everything and nothing at once. Gwaine has been with the knights for a few years now, right when Arthur took the crown, and Merlin hasn’t seen any indication that the man wanted to leave. But he will one day, won’t he? He has told Merlin many times how he doesn’t like staying in one place for too long, so Merlin never expected him to stay here as long as he has.
Merlin frowned at his thoughts on top of his mare, Honey, as Gwaine chatted with Percival and Leon. He was making them laugh, that smile of his shining through the darkening thoughts floating in Merlin’s mind. Merlin couldn’t help letting the soft smile slip through seeing how happy Gwaine made them—it seemed like Gwaine had that effect on everyone, Merlin mused.
Arthur was talking with Lance and Elyan, so Merlin let his mind start wandering. His magic was itching to escape—it has been since the morning they left on this hunt. Merlin knew Arthur just wanted to flee the restraints of the castle, and, honestly, Merlin had been feeling the same way for days.
Lately, Gwaine had been avoiding him. Well, Merlin thinks Gwaine had been avoiding him, at least, and Gwaine never does that, ever. He’d been thinking that he must have hurt Gwaine somehow, but every time he thought back to their last interaction, where nothing seemed wrong, he had no idea where the distance was coming from. He had been making Gwaine laugh at training, and after that day, he hadn't been able to get more than five words to him.
He missed Gwaine.
That thought made him frown once more at the offending trees they were passing. He missed Gwaine because Gwaine was his friend, nothing more. The more he tried to convince himself of that fact, the more unlikely it became. Frustrated, Merlin let some of his prickling magic flow out his fingertips to his mare, smoothing away her small aches.
Merlin patted her neck with a small smile as she sighed out in contentment—at least he could do one thing right lately. Magic, he thought with heart panging a bit, still wasn’t free and Arthur has been on the throne for about five years. It hurts, still after all this time, that something as pure as this would lead to his death—but he knew deep down that he wasn’t afraid of dying, not anymore. No, Merlin was terrified of how his friends would react after years of deceit and pain.
Just out of reflex, Merlin looked towards them. He found Gwaine staring at him, concern written on every feature, but the second their eyes met, his friend quickly started up another conversation with the others.
Merlin ignored the deepening pang in his chest and the nausea rising in his throat—this was nothing, he told himself, Gwaine didn’t mean anything by that.
The lie left a bitter taste in his mouth.
He was about to suggest they stop, wanting a distraction, when he heard the noise. His mare also stopped, feeling him stiffen. Merlin whipped his head to the side, his eyes narrowing.
“Merlin?” Gwaine quickly came to his side, but Merlin’s head didn’t move, “Do you hear something?”
Merlin wished he didn’t, just so he could use this as an excuse to talk to him, but he scowled lowly in response, “Bandits—ten, if I’m right, and many have magic.”
He knew Gwaine wouldn’t ask how he knew—he never did.
The man nodded, and Merlin’s heart lightened a bit when Gwaine didn’t say “to relax” or that “he was paranoid” like the rest of the knights would’ve done. It always felt good to not be second-guessed.
“How long do we have?”
Merlin tilted his head, “Two minutes, at most.”
Gwaine grunted in response, galloping towards Arthur. Merlin didn’t like the void he felt in his heart the second Gwaine left his side, but, shaking his head, he knew there were more important matters to think about. Merlin watched, amazed, as the knight got everyone’s attention so easily. The way he talked, with his rare seriousness expression, captivated everyone just as much as his joking did.
And although Merlin tried to convince himself that the knights would listen to him that way if he told them, he knew they would never.
Merlin was a simple country boy, wasn’t he? He had no credibility to them. He couldn’t truly blame them—it’s not like Merlin was an open book. He lied, but never completely. His cheerful, idiotic personality was a cover of sorts, but it was just another part of who he was. He wasn’t only the clumsy fool, but what could he do to show them otherwise? They knew Gwaine hid his problems in jokes and clever remarks, so what was so wrong with Merlin doing the same? Merlin didn’t know, and he didn’t think he wanted to.
Showing them the magic, the part that was so integral to who he was, would lead them to fear him, not respect him as one of their own. He didn’t want recognition, that’s never why he did what he does, but some form of understanding between them all is what he craved, what he wished. To not be second-guessed when he knew everyone’s lives were at stake and that he could save them...but that was only a fool’s dream.
He stopped with the rest of the knight when Gwaine convinced them that something was coming.
“Merlin,” Gwaine said from the top of the group, “go to the tree line, you won’t get hurt there.”
Merlin nodded with a carefully blank face—the battling emotions, of love and irritation, whirling inside of him.
They don’t know you can protect yourself, the logical part of his mind reminded him. After all these years, Merlin thought, I should be able to accept the coddling with a full heart. It showed that they do care about him, but why did it never feel that way? Merlin felt like an obstacle in their way—someone to protect, to always watch out for, a hindrance.
Merlin felt silly for the negative thoughts—none of this could be helped right now, so why dwell on these facts?
Aiming for the most advantageous spot, Merlin saw the first bandit pop out next to Eylan, who effectively took the man down. Percy patted him on the back as they moved around Arthur, flanking their king in preparation of the ambush.
As the air pulsed with anticipation, Merlin’s eyes strayed towards Gwaine, like always. The man’s face was grime, ready for battle, as he surveyed the surrounding area.
Merlin was distracted as a noise came from behind him, and he quickly spun around to face the intruder. The bandits with magic were walking smoothly towards him and Merlin panicked—do I attack? He changed his mind quickly, not thinking about it too much, as he turned around and ran towards his group to warn them.
Merlin guessed the obvious panic on his face spurred the knights to run towards him, but it was too late. One of the bandits threw a spell at him with a force that threw him to the side, hitting a nearby tree.
He vaguely heard the shouting of the knights as the attackers surrounded them, all eight of them chanting under their breaths as they did so, forcing the circle of the roundtable knights to still. Merlin groaned in pain, lifting himself.
Protect them. Protect them.
His only goal—and it has been since the beginning. In that moment, Merlin realized how unimportant it was that they never knew about the magic. The knights knew how much Merlin loved them, so everything else was secondary. Merlin, with or without his magic, would always put himself in danger if it meant his friends can see the next day.
Pulling himself up with the tree, he shook his head and listened to the droning monologue of the leader.
Same shit, as always.
Merlin couldn’t help but laugh—loudly. The monotonous speaker abruptly stopped talking as they all stared at Merlin laughing.
He couldn’t help it, honestly.
The leader narrowed his eyes at him, “What’s so funny, boy?”
Arthur and Gwaine shook their heads in looks that screamed “shut up, Merlin,” but Merlin held his stomach as the laughter subsided, the smile still on his face as he replied, “Nothing, I swear,” but then another chuckle escaped as the leader frowned at the answer.
When one of the lackeys stepped forwards with a sword pointing at him, Merlin sobered up, a smirk in place, as he lifted his hands in surrender, “Okay, okay. I’ll tell you! It’s just...every time this happens, one of you always explains why you are doing what you are doing. And every time, and I mean every time, it is revenge for what Uther did. Who, by the way, is long dead. Arthur, like always, gets blamed for his father’s actions. Are you guys just daft, or does everyone truly believe Arthur is actually Uther? It’s quite simple, really. Uther was a tyrant—I think we can all agree on that, but attacking his son? What’s the purpose? To show the King that magic can never be used for good? You know when all he sees is magic being used against him, of course he will hate it. What other choice would he have, hmm?”
Merlin’s smile dropped off as he shook his head, walking towards the stunned group, “Honestly! I get it, I truly do, but this will never solve anything. You are perpetuating the violent cycle, you understand?”
At Merlin’s question, the leader growled, “All I see is a stupid servant running his mouth.”
Merlin’s face lit up, “Interesting. Nothing took, then?”
He heard Gwaine sigh, “Merls?”
Merlin looked over at the knight, who had a small smile on his face, “Yes, Sir Knight?”
Gwaine laughed a bit, “You might be slightly more dramatic than me, and that’s impressive, to say the least. You think your lovely wit could save us?”
Merlin smiled at the knight, his heart feeling more full than it has all week, and winked, “Well, it was worth the shot?”
And as they just continued smiling at each other, Merlin saw the leader blink and shake his head, muttering something to one of his followers with nothing but malice on his face.
Merlin watched, almost in slow motion, as the next spell was directed at Gwaine.
That wasn’t the plan.
Merlin yelled, “No!” as he sprinted and leapt in front of the knight as the spell hit home. Merlin gasped in pain, staring in shock at the sizzling hole in his abdomen, and he heard the leader laugh.
Merlin's focus narrowed solely on the leader, everything else drowning out as that malicious laugh continued. The bandits all started chanting once more, circling the group, and when he started hearing the grunts of pain from his friends, Merlin’s mind, in a moment of pure clarity, repeated: protect them.
So, with a hole in his stomach, Merlin straightened up and locked eyes with the people hurting his friends.
“This stops. Now.”
And before they could get another word in, Merlin’s eyes burned the brightest molten gold. The wind whipped, the sky darkened, and the ground shaking with Merlin being the center of it all. The bandits backed up hastily, staring at Merlin like a newly found god, and Merlin blinked at the action—their actions full of desperate fear, and that wasn’t right. He never wanted to be feared.
Merlin let the power steep into his voice, “Leave now and never hurt anyone ever again. Do you understand?”
They all shook their heads, bowing at the waist for him, and right before they ran with their tails between their legs Merlin could swear he could hear their whispers of Emrys.
The minute they were out of sight, Merlin sagged. His entire body felt like it was on fire, his brain had pulsating pain that felt like lightning behind his eyes. And when his strength left, he felt two people’s arms wrap around him.
Looking up with all his effort, Merlin saw Lance and Gwaine on either side of him, the latter with a sword up at the abnormally silent group.
The world was blurring when Merlin heard Gwaine snarl at the king, “You take one wrong step and I will run you through.” And even in his state of delirium, Merlin knew Gwaine meant it.
“Gwaine,” Merlin whispered, the pain lacing through his body in waves, “it’s okay.”
“No, it’s not,” Gwaine bit back still facing Arthur and the knights with his sword raised high.
Merlin smiled sadly, staring at his knight, “Gwaine?”
That got the man’s attention, the anger draining out of him the minute their eyes met, and Merlin continued quietly, “Thank you.” The “thank you for not hating me for having magic, thank you for protecting me, thank you for being here” went unsaid, but not unheard.
Merlin saw Gwaine’s eyes water, “You’re going to be fine, Merls, you’ve been through worse, you know? This is nothing.”
Merlin let out a wet laugh, “Yeah, maybe.”
Gwaine was speaking again, but Merlin couldn’t hear him anymore. The pain became too much then, so Merlin let the black spots in his vision take over, and he welcomed oblivion with a smile.
The next few times Merlin woke up, he was against someone’s front with a horse galloping at full speed underneath him. He would groan, but quickly succumb to the pain again.
The first time he could actually open his eyes completely, he was staring at a very familiar ceiling. Merlin gasped as he tried to move, his hand flying to his stomach.
“Merlin! Don’t move, my boy,” Gaius’s worried face came into view, “You need some rest, but you’re going to be just fine.”
Merlin figured as much when he took the hit, knowing his magic wouldn’t let him die that easily.
He blanched, remembering what happened, “Gaius?” he rasped out, his voice felt scratchy like he had been screaming for hours, “Is everyone…?”
Gaius frowned, but Gwaine, who Merlin just noticed was sitting right next to him, answered for him with nothing cheerful on his face, “Everyone is fine, thanks to you.”
Merlin sighed in relief, looking back up to the ceiling, and he heard Gaius pat Gwaine as he moved out the door leaving the two of them alone.
They sat in a comfortable silence until Merlin asked, his voice small, “Gwaine, what happened?”
Gwaine huffed out a breath, out of anger or pain, Merlin didn’t know, as Gwaine moved to sit next to him on the cot. Merlin grunted a little as he moved to make room for him, and Gwaine frowned at the noise.
“I’m fine, I promise.”
Gwaine looked at him in clear disbelief, “I’m sure.”
Merlin sighed, looking up at the knight, “Tell me?”
Gwaine nodded in defeat, “I threatened princess, as you know,” Merlin nodded, a frown forming, “I was going to throw you over my shoulder and run for it.”
Merlin blinked, “That was your plan? Even when you’re mad at me, you were still going to take me with you?”
Gwaine’s eyes widened, “I’m not mad at you! What made you think that?”
Merlin looked to the side, “You’ve been avoiding me, Gwaine, I know it.”
Gwaine flinched, “Oh. That.”
After the moment of heavy silence, with Merlin’s heart feeling like it was breaking, he moved on, “Whatever, you obviously didn’t need to use that plan since I’m home. What happened?”
Gwaine smiled a bit here, “Well, Sir Lancelot and I stood our ground. Lance had a lot to say about you for a man of such a few words. While I lifted you up, and took you away from the group, Lance told them everything. Arthur,” Gwaine shook his head, “he looked betrayed and hurt at first, but after a day of Lance’s tales of you, and mentioning how you literally just saved us once again without bloodshed, Arthur finally came to his senses—especially when I kept threatening him.”
Merlin started crying, unwillingly, blindly grabbing for Gwaine’s hand, “So, what now? Everyone knows and I’m not dead? Am I banished? Hated? Feared?”
Gwaine’s face was uncharacteristically soft as he wiped the tears from Merlin’s face with his other hand, “Now...now, we make history and show these assholes what they’ve been missing. Merlin,” he tightened his grip on his hand, “I always knew something was different about you. And I never, ever, feared you for a moment—even as you made those bandits shit themselves.” Gwaine let out a small laugh at that, the soft smile returning to his face, “I don’t know how many times I need to say this until it gets through that stubborn head of yours: I came to Camelot for you and you alone. No princess or wealth keeps me here, you do.” Gwaine stilled his hand on Merlin’s face, “And if I needed to, I wouldn’t have hesitated to grab you and run—I’ve always been prepared for that, actually.”
Merlin kept crying, “Then why?” Why have you been distancing yourself? Why did you make me think you hated me? Why are you so loyal to me?
Gwaine's face fell at Merlin’s hoarse and quiet question, “I’m not good enough for you. I knew how I felt, and I knew you deserved better than me. I haven’t stayed in one place this long before, and I thought if you knew that you were the only person keeping me here that I would scare you off before we even had a chance.”
Merlin stared at his knight, understanding and sadness flowing through him, “Gwaine,” he choked out, “you’re an idiot.”
Gwaine gaped, undignified, “Hey! Bold words for a man who is utterly vulnerable at this moment.”
Merlin laughed lightly, “An idiot,” he continued, “who I love.”
Gwaine’s eyes shone brightly, “Love,” the disbelief in his voice hurting Merlin’s heart, “You love me? Merls, are you sure?”
Merlin laughed again at the absurdity of the wild man in front of him, “Yes, Gwaine, I am sure. Only if you wouldn’t mind facing the uncertainty of my future—“
Merlin was cut off with a loud, surprise gasp when Gwaine threw himself on top of him for a hug, then grabbing his face, and placing a rather soft kiss to his lips.
“Merlin. I would rather be at your side, with the threat of the world crushing us, than anywhere else. You, my magically beautiful friend, will never feel alone again in this life. I give you my sword, my heart, and everything I am—if you will have me.”
Merlin nodded, his eyes watering once more, and smiled into the next kiss with his knight.
Merlin felt the burden of destiny in his soul lift in his embrace with Gwaine—and he knew, deep in his heart and soul, that with Gwaine at his side, they could face any uncertainty coming their way.
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male-reads · 5 years
Daryl Dixon: Parent
Fandom: The Walking Dead Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Male!Reader Summary: You find yourself in a prison, and soon realise there’s a good looking man who won’t stop gazing at you. Request: Hey, first off, I love your work, keep it up. My ask is, could you please do a Daryl Dixon x male reader. Like the reader is a new person to the prison that Maggie and Glenn brought back with them from a run. The reader has a son and daughte, (u pick the ages) and Daryl watches him from a far, falling for him. They go on a run and have to hold up for a while (u pick, storm or herd of Walkers) and Daryl finally admits his feeling to the reader. SMUT in the end. And please tag me. 
(ok this is way longer than anticipated, and doesn’t end in smut bc ew. Enjoy.)
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“C’mon, just a little while longer,” you said to your kids. You had two - twins -  Sally and Dean. They were only young, eight years old. And you had been doing your best to keep them alive and capable of surviving.
The dead walking was a terrifying concept, and there you were, living it. It was even harder with the kids. They needed food, water and clothes. They were more of a priority to you than anything else.
“But I’m tired,” Sally said. She was holding your hand while Dean was on your back. Dean had wriggled in so that he was between your back and the backpack you had.
And it was just a little while longer.
“How many walkers have you killed?” the man asked. He was looking at you and your kids like he couldn’t quite believe it.
“A few.” You looked down at Sally, who looked like she couldn’t believe there were people in front of her. Dean was holding onto you tightly. “These two have killed a few too,” you added. In the long months since the end of the world, your kids had gotten good at killing the dead.
“How many people have you killed?”
“He asked me to.”
The two introduced themselves as Maggie Green and Glenn Rhee. They said that they lived in a prison, and had been on a run for supplies. They were also welcoming of people that they found when they went outside their walls.
“So you live in a prison?” you asked. The two were in the front seats whilst you and your kids were in the back. Sally and Dean were clinging to you, nervous and scared.
“Yeah. We fought to have it, it had been overrun, but it’s a good place to be.”
You nodded, feeling nervous yourself.
When you finally got there, you couldn’t quite believe it. Even though it was a prison, it had been made … homely. There were farmlands, stalls and a lot of people. It was the most people you had seen since the start of it all.
You got out, and felt something akin to relief. Maybe you could start a life there. You turned around and helped Sally and Dean out. You took another look around and saw a woman with short grey hair next to a man with longer hair, dressed in black and leather. When they saw you looking, the woman waved while the man looked away.
It took a few months for the two kids to stop sleeping with you. They had the top bunk to themselves once they had. It was nice to sleep in an actual clean bed for once. But more often than not, you’d wake to one of them crying, and you’d find yourself with both kids sleeping with you by morning.
All the while, as each day passed, you noticed the man from your first day at the prison looking at you. They were just quick glances - barely lasting a second - but they were frequent. You weren’t sure how to go about it, but you had learned that he was the leader’s second in command. Rick Grimes had briefly introduced you both. The man’s name was Daryl Dixon.
You knew he was an attractive looking man. You’d been with previous men before, but from what you can recall, they had nothing on Daryl.
And so days passed. You sometimes interacted with Daryl, though not too often. He didn’t seem one for talking much, so you didn’t bother him. Though you found that Sally and Dean liked him far more, often asking him about his bike or his crossbow. You were surprised with how kind and patient he was with them.
“Will you go on the run?” Michonne asked you one day. You looked up at her. “Rick’s asked me to go on another run, and even though Daryl’s capable, we’d like someone else to go with him, just in case.”
You nodded, moving to stand up. “Yeah, lemme just tell the kids,” you said.
Sally and Dean weren’t too pleased with it. You were kneeling in front of them, Daryl and his bike a few feet away. “Why’re you going?” Sally asked.
“Michonne asked me to,” you told her, looking between the two of them. “I’ll be fine. Carol’s going to look after you. The most it’s gonna be is three, four days. Promise I won’t be gone for too long.”
Dean was the first to hug you. “I know you’ll be fine. You’ve got Daryl.”
“You mean Daryl’s got Dad.” Sally said.
With a smile, you kissed their foreheads and told them not to stay up too late. You got on the back of Daryl’s bike, arms around him securely. Daryl felt warm, but you had no time to think about it as the two of you shot off out of the prison.
The first day was spent mostly in silence, on the bike. The second was spent scavenging. Until, of course, a storm decided to settle in.
It was dark now, and the rumble of thunder was overhead as rain poured down outside. It didn’t make sense to continue scavenging out in the rain. But now the two of you were confined to your own space until the morning. You both had lucked out on the small building, but now you felt a little nervous; this was the first time you had spent so long with Daryl, and very few words had been spoken.
“Yer kids are alright,” Daryl said after the silence had gone on for too long. You were both sitting together, not too far apart, comfortable on the old couch left behind. “Cute,”
You smiled a little. “Yeah. Lucky to have them. They’re tough.”
“Get it from their mom?” You looked over at Daryl. He seemed genuinely curious.
“I wouldn’t know. Adopted them when they were a few weeks old,” you said. “Eight glorious years,”
Daryl nodded. It was quiet for a few more moments. “Y’know, yeh not too bad. Thought you might’a been a bit weird at firs’. But yer alright.”
“Why thank you, Mr Dixon, I’ll keep that compliment close to my heart.”
“Shurrup,” he muttered, and you noticed the blush creeping up his cheeks.
“You’re not too bad looking yourself, either,”
From the slight look on his face, you surprised Daryl. And not a moment later he had reached forward and kissed you. It wasn’t anything mind blowing. It was Daryl Dixon - a simple kiss that held the secrets he’d tell you in due time.
But in the meantime, simple, quiet kisses were shared as the rain continued to pour and the thunder echoed around you both.
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fvaleraye · 4 years
Old Friends
Ayyyyyy, another Scintillam chapter... it’s a miracle asldkfjn this one focuses on uh the pyromancer from The Boatman(whom I have named Charthos bc he needed a name and I was tired of trying to think of one that wasn’t made up asdfkljn), and fleshing him out a bit also fleshing out more of the world bc there’s so much going on in it asldkfjn
i hope y’all enjoy reading it ‘^^
Getting letters out into the Charred Lands wasn't exactly easy. Not only was the terrain separating it from the rest of Magna Terra treacherous in every sense of the word, but pyromancers were very reclusive and paranoid people. They'd just as soon burn a letter than read it, especially if it was from a stranger, or, heavens forbid, unmarked. But especially persistent people had their ways. There wasn't exactly a mail service circulating in the Charred Lands, most pyromancers had more esoteric ways of long distance communication with each other, but there was the next best thing.
A middleman.
It wasn't exactly a secret that the Charred Lords held a position on the Council of Ten in name only. They hardly ever attended council meetings, and barely even bothered to pay lip service to the laws of the land. No-one dared fight them on that, however. No-one wanted or needed another Edict of Fire. The Charred Lords didn't exactly go out of their way to provoke the ire of the Council either. It was a bit of a cold war. However, for those truly persistent few, who, for whatever reason, absolutely needed to get in contact with someone in the Charred lands, there was neutral ground.
The Bogs.
Between the barren, ashy plains of the Old Lands, the crackling, boiling soil of the Charred Lands, and the fertile, sprawling greenery of the Great Forest, there was the Bogs. A place of unparalleled filth and grime. The first settlers of this horrid land were refugees of the War of the Flame, people with nowhere else to go. Most died, but those that lived became the first Bog Lurkers, horribly mutated creatures "blessed" with the Gifts of the Bog. No-one knows what causes these changes to happen, though the Bogs inhabitants claim it as the work of the Bog itself. They claim it to have a mind and will of its own, and that those it deems worthy receive blessings and secrets. Whether or not this was true when the Bogs were first settled is not clear. But now?
Belief is a powerful thing.
No-one wanted to be in the Bogs except for the Bog Dwellers or people crazy enough to believe their words. But occasionally outsiders came, from the Charred Lands and the outside world, for meetings, messages, and secretive outings. Messages were on the docket for today. Someone had been trying to get in contact with Charthos for a while now. The messages were unmarked, but he opened one after a while. They were all the same. Asking him to come to the Silver City for a job. He wasn't going to the Silver City, no way, no how. The mystery individual didn’t even offer money, influence, anything, if he would just come over and listen to what they had to say. Maybe they were stingy. Maybe hey had nothing to offer him. He didn’t know. He wouldn’t take anything that they offered anyway. And yet he continued to get letters, and he continued to ignore them. At this point, he was burning them out of annoyance and frustration rather than distrust. He wasn't even sure how they kept getting these to him. They had a Charred Seal on their letters, so obviously they were someone of importance. Eventually, though, the letter person offered to send a middle man to the Bogs, and deliver terms and offers. He could do that. He could meet with someone. And if he didn't like what they had to say, he could always take out his frustration on them.
The trip to the Bogs wasn't exactly short, he spent most of his time on the Obsidian Coast, while the Bogs were on the complete other end of Charred territory, inland. Of course, it was nothing compared to what the trip from the Silver City to the Bogs would be for the middleman. Old limbs creaked and crackled, sparks flying out occasionally, roots threatening to dig into the earth as he walked. But he got there eventually. He would hear what this person had to say. What they had to offer. And then he could dismiss them, and return to his solitude. It was times like this that the pyromancer was glad that his humanity was behind him, as he no way of smelling the putrid odor of the bogs, nor any way of feeling the sludge seeping into his charred bark. Terrible things lurked in the mists of the bog, but they knew better than to attack a pyromancer. The Bogs inhabitants were... particularly flammable. Eventually, the shape of huts and buildings started to appear in the fog.
The huts were modest, just a tiny little handful of ramshackle homes. You couldn't exactly blame them, they had little to work with besides rotting wood and mud. So much mud. And sludge. There was one person outside, a man in a dirty robe and a large hat. His features were obscured, his hat and scarf hid his face, while the baggy robes and bandages hid any "gifts" he might have from immediate observation. He sat on what was presumably his porch, reaching uncomfortably long arms down into the mud and scribbling chicken scratch into the sludge with his dirty nails. He only stopped when Charthos stepped in front of him.
"I'm here to meet someone." He said, bluntly, sparks and embers shooting from his splintered head as he spoke. "Are they here...? You didn't eat them did you, mate?"
He was only half joking.
He did not raise his head. Instead, he grabbed his forearm, and gave it a quick twist, a sickening series of pops and cracks barely muffled by the suffocating fog ringing out, and raised his hand, revealing a large, yellow eye in the center of his palm. It bulged unnervingly from the pale, sickly skin of his hand, unnaturally large and vibrantly colored veins appearing across his arm as the eye focused its idle gaze. After getting a good look him, the bog dweller simply pointed a gangly finger at a hut with a lit lantern down the way, and returned to his scribbling, his hands a bit steadier than when he started.
"... thanks." He mumbled, and began to trudge towards the indicated building.
There was no door, just a tattered piece of cloth in the doorway. He pulled it aside, and stepped into the hut. It was... small. One room. A rotten cot on the floor, a makeshift counter, a table, and a few shelves. Sitting at the table on a repurposed stump was a very obviously grossed out Silver Apprentice. They hadn't been here long, but it was clear they didn't want to be here any longer either. They jumped at the pyromancers approach.
"Thank the Lady you're finally here..." They mumbled, their voice muffled by a scarf probably meant to protect from the stingers of any of the Bogs deadlier bugs.
"Mhm." He stepped over to the table, embers dying down as he sat at the wooden table. One mild flare up and this entire hut was going up in flames. He leaned over, staring through the young apprentice. "The fuck you want, mate." He spat, his tone full of the frustration provided by the endless letters somehow finding his way to him.
The apprentice leaned back nervously, eyes darting between the man at the other end of the table and the rest of the hut. After a moment, they cleared their throat and answered.
"Th-the Silver Magus would like your help."
"I could fucking tell that much." If he still had teeth, they'd be gritted. "What's he want help with. And what's he offering that I'm gonna say no to."
They cleared their throat again, fidgeting as they tried to find their words. Before they could speak again, their words caught in their throat as they heard a pair of heavy boots stepping into the hut. The man from the other hut stepped into the room, standing into the doorway for a moment, before walking over to the counter, setting down a bag full of, quite frankly, disgusting looking meat. Seems he decided to take a break from scribbling to grab a bite. And apparently this was his hut. Interesting.
"C'mon kid, speak the fuck up." Charthos spat, impatiently scratching the table.
"Y-yes sir..." They cleared their throat yet again, and finally managed to get more words out of their mouth. "The H-High Magus would like you to. U-uhm. Retrieve something. For him."
"And what is this something?"
"A. A Charred Ember. S-sir."
The silence that settled over the room was only disturbed by the bog dweller in the back of the room sharpening a large knife to cut his meat with. If the pyromancer still had a face, astonishment and confusion would be the primary expressions on it.
"A Charred Ember." He parroted. "Are you fucking serious?"
"Y-yes sir."
"No- No. Nononono- no. No sirs. You- or, rather, your Magus- wants me, some random old pyro, to go and get him a Charred Ember, only the rarest and most sacred item in the entirety of the Charred Lands, coveted by the Charred Lords."
"And!" He raised a finger. "And! All known Charred Embers are stored securely in the Vault of the Nine, only the most heavily guarded location in the entirety of the Charred Lands- maybe even the entirety of Magna Terra- which is itself in the Citadel of the Everlasting Embers, the other most heavily guard location in the Charred kingdom!" He clapped his hands, the two wooden appendages clunking together clumsily. "And! And! Technically, I could get one without all that hassle of breaking into a holy site, if I just made one! Which I would only do if I were very brave, very confident, very good, or very stupid. Of which I am none of these things."
He let out an exasperated sigh, sending a few embers scattering about, and placed a hand on his forehead.
"What's his name." He added, still staring at the apprentice.
"W-wha-?" They sputtered, still trying to process everything they just heard.
"The Magus. What's the lunatics name."
"O-oh- uh- Caecus. C-Caecus Coluber."
The pyromancer froze. Silence settled over the room again. Even the man in the back stopped what he was doing. Creaking rang throughout the room as he leaned forward onto the table, looking the mage dead in the eyes. Not that you could really tell. He took a deep breath, his exhale cutting through the silence like a dagger, and spoke again.
"Caecus Coluber? You sure?"
"Y-yes sir." They squeaked, shrinking under the others gaze.
"Son of a bitch, why didn't he just write his name on the goddamn letter... secretive piece of shit... probably up to some looney shit, doesn’t want anybody knowing he’s asking favors..." He mumbled to himself, letting out another sigh. "Fuck 'em. I'll do it."
"I said I'll do it. Now fuck off, tell the old man I'll figure something out." He pushed himself out of his seat, and started to pace.
The apprentice scrambled out of the room, clearly happy to be done with this business, and disappeared into the mist. The pyromancer continued to pace in the hut, while the bog dweller had stepped from his lunch. They shared a look.
"... old Caecus. Can you believe it? Always said he'd be Magus. Crazy bastard." He snickered. "Guess he wasn't crazy about the Magus thing, at least." He tilted his head at the other. "What do you think, mate?"
The man pulled his hat off his head, and set it aside, revealing his dirty, scruffy, greying mud-covered hair, and pulled down his scarf. His head was perpetually tilted, and the skin was uncomfortably tight on his skull, and discolored patches were all over. There were no eyes in his sockets, the eyelids had closed over like old wounds, and his lower jaw had atrophied into almost nothing. On his neck, was an enormous, bulging yellow eye, pupil slit as a snakes. It was so large it forced his head aside, explaining the perpetual tilt. He stared at the other. He said nothing. Not a single sound passed what was left of his lips, not even a breath. Silence reigned. And yet, Charthos felt as if he said enough to fill a novel.
"Yeah. We always told 'em he was crazy." He let out a slow, hollow laugh. "... guess we're the crazy ones, after all these years. He's a Magus now, apparently. And look at us. An old worn out pyromancer, and a Butcher in the making."
The man pulled his scarf back up, and placed his hat back upon his head. After a moment, he placed his good hand on his wooden shoulder. They shared another glance, to which the pyromancer only responded with a tired exhale.
"... I don't got much else to do, mate."
"Don't look at me like that."
"No, she's-" His words caught in his throat, and he took a breath. "She's gone. I know."
“Yeah I’m still visiting the docks.”
“I fuckin’ know. I still have hope, y’know.”
"This ain't a ploy to get myself killed, mate. If I wanted to join her, I'd have walked into the sea and offed myself ages ago. This ain't about that."
"I owe him a favor. The kind you can't pay back without jumping through a few hoops."
"Yeah, that."
"You're one to talk, mate."
"I ain't making one myself, you nut. Like I said, I ain't ready to burn down to embers yet."
"I'm already a heretic, mate. 'sides, I know a few people who might help."
"I take offense to that."
"Fuck off."
"You three weren't my only friends, ya jackass."
"You ain't talkin' me out of it."
After another moment, he took his hand off his shoulder, and grabbed something from one of the drawers. He placed it in his hand, his old cracked hands burning a bit from the heat. It was a knife. A large knife, clearly made from the mandible of a gigantic Bog Lurker. Just looking at it triggered the pyromancers fight-or-flight response. He whispered a few words and it vanished to a safer place, where he could always get it if he needed it. "Thanks, mate." He patted his shoulder. "You remember me when you're covered in teeth and spikes and rippin' people to bits, eh?"
"You're a fuckin' looney, mate."
“Yeah yeah, pot kettle, whatever.”
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another story idea firesonic152 and i hashed out via discord, wherein Jack has some anger issues and Gabe gets a kick out of it.
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 bro we should do a wrong number meetcute i can't think of what the hilarious out of context first text should be though
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 hmmm... one of them ranting about annoying customers or a drnk text? something really odd?
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 or a super intense threat XDD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 omg XD
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 jack being like "i swear to fucking christ you better sleep with one eye open for the rest of your short life because i am not going to rest until you're dead"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 jack sending this crazy angry text with an insanely over the top and specific bloody threat and gabe sending back 'not the guy your looking for, but i'm totally using that for my band's next song, thx'
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 XDDDDD "unless i am the guy you're looking for in which case i must ask why"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 lol
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 WHO WAS JACK THREATENING THOUGH
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 gabe waiting a while before Jack texts back again, and when it comes thru it's just 'is this the jackass from upstairs who keeps coming back drunk at 3 am and climbed the fucking fire escape last night and crashed through my window thinking my apartment was his buddy's next floor up and left a half eaten pan of brownies and a bunch of unwashed dishes as an apology because that was NOT a fun situation to come home to after pulling a double'
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 AHAHAHA gabe is like "wow i sound like a real asshole"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 'if you're not him then send me a pic so i can go kick his roomamate's ass into next week for giving me the wrong fucking number'
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 LOLL gabe is like "well considering you sound like a crazy axe murderer, i'm not sure i want you to have my face" "send me yours first ;)"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 GABE DON'T FLIRT WITHT HE CRAZY AXE MURDERER
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 jack replies "I JUST POURED OUT MY LIFE STORY TO YOU ASSHOLE" Lol
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 jack is like, super reluctant to do it and it turns out that he already has those gnarly scars
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 ahhhhhh he prefaces the picture with "i promise it's not as bad as it looks" gabe is ?? and then jack sends a picture finally (after taking ages to find a marginally okay selfie) and gabe is !!! "bro you didn't tell me you were hot"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 the little typing dots show up and stop a few times before Jack's next message comes through: 'i swear to GOD you had better not be that littl punk'
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 AHAHA gabe sends a picture back and jack is just JESUS CHRIST "so what's the verdict, axe murderer. can i keep my head" "man i'd gladly GIVE you head" "i mean. uh" "shit"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 jack JACK you fucking T Y P E D that to him
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 AHAHA
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 Gabe: moving a bit fast there, sunshine. you wanna buy a guy dinner first? Jack doesn't know how to react to being called Sunshine
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 LOL
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 he sets teh phone down very carefully, as if it might bite. he tries to go about cleaning up his kitchen, but he keeps glancing at it. the guy who isn't the little punk HAD to have been fucking with him. right? RIGHT?? twenty minutes later, Jack decides on a response: 'are you fucking with me?'
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 XD i couldn't pick one to send spoiled for choice, there
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 gabe is like "do you want me to be fucking you" "*with you" jack is like "FUCK YOU YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 gabe just sends back a winky face gabe stop flirting with an axe murderer
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 Jack too frustrated to continue, thinking he'll drop it now, clean up a bit, and try again later when maybe he can manage to flirt his way into meeting this guy at a bar or something. 'gotta go clean my kitchen' he nearly chokes when the reply text comes back: 'what are you wearing?'
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 OMG jack replies "asshole i already sent you a pic" "also i don't even know your name" "gabe" "after all that fuss about the picture you're just giving me your name??" "i mean yeah you already know what i look like. might as well"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 Jack lists him as 'asshole' in his contacts like, all of Jack's contacts are named by insults--his manager is dickhead, the apartment complex office is cocksuckers, even his friends are things like nutjob and psycho and UNHOLY TERROR. the only normal one is Mom.
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 LMAO jack finally grumblingly is like "i'm wearing sweatpants jesus" "JUST sweatpants?" "you're pushing it" omg yay this is becoming one where jack's anger outweighs his thirst i'm excited
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 XD Jack is like 'i literally JUST told you i just got home from working a double. i'm in last week's undone laundry and too many hours' worth of sweat and grime.' he has a moment of doubt after sending it, thinking that he might have just blown his chance of getting laid, but he's too tired and pissed off to really care. he can barely believe the next text that comes through. 'dirty boy, huh? i don't mind filthy.'
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 HAHAHA GABE IS TRYING SO HARD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 scars look good. X'D
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 jack is like "if i send you another pic will you leave me alone for the night" gabe eventually gets a nice tiddy pic out of jack lol and by that i mean the tits are nice but the camera work is lazy and annoyed
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 or, Jack sends what would have been a dick pick if he hadn't purposefully censored the important bits with a single finger salute
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 LOLL gabriel's so hyped about this new daydream material
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 gabe sends him a selfie doing the nice gesture :ok_hand:  but held up to his mouth with an expression to make it obscenely suggestive
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 lmsncsdckjnc and he's casually shirtless, though the picture doesn't focus on it jack finds himself staring at it more than necessary
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 jack laughs shortly, a bit charmed in spite of himself
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 jack puts the phone down, kinda determined not to talk to gabe anymore. but the very next day something annoying happens at work and he immediately yells at gabe about it. gabe keeps up with all the flirty innuendos but he's actually nice to talk to jack can rant his heart out and gabe doesn't try to tell him what to do or anything, just makes jokes and shit out of it that actually make jack feel better
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 Jack in a pissy mood one day and after he's done ranting about whatever petty shit happened to him, he lays into Gabe like 'why the fuck is it always me bitching about everything don't you have some complaints? you don't say shit about yourself asshole.' he has to wait just a bit for an answer, which is unusual, and he's startled when it arrives. 'i want to meet you.'
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 hhhhhhhhh jack is like oh god oh no "however angry you think i am over text, i can guarantee i am a million times more angry in person" gabe's like "that's hot" jack's like "NO"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 i am vengeance!
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 gabe's like "come onnnn didn't you promise to murder me" "how you gonna do that if you don't meet me" "trust me asshole i can think of plenty of ways"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 Gabe being all 'at least give me something else to work with aside from that one cockup of a dick pic you sent. my imagination's running out of fuel.'
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 does gabe finally just like show up at jack's job LOL FIRST MORE AWKWARD SEXTING
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 what if they just start sexting first XD yeah but like. actual sexting, rather than just teasing pics.
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 NOW JACK SENDS THE TIT PIC he's like at work and just kinda pulls the collar of his shirt away and snaps a pic real quick gabe is like holy shit i'm actually thankful for your shitty camerawork bc now i know for sure those are real
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 XD gabe getting jack so worked up at work that jack has to go duck into the men's room or a supply closet or something
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 LOL the image of jack pissed off as hell that he's turned on and angrily jerking off between yelling at gabe via text in a freaking closet or whatever
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 jack holding the phone in one hand, his dick in the other, furiously pumping and even more furiously cursing gabe's name and while he's at it accidentally calling gabe in the middle of his tirade
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 AHHH gabe picks up and just hears a series of increasingly loud and creative curses
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 towards the end of it, Gabe finally breaks radio silence with something like 'you've got a sexy voice' and Jack, immediately comes, and after a startled moment that ruins the relief, he absolutely tears into Gabe for having been eavesdropping
Gabe just laughs, and the sound is so warm and rich that it cuts straight through Jack's anger, making him shiver, and if he hadn't just jerked off, he knows he'd be halfway ready to just after that
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 AHHH jack you angry thirsty bitch he growls "fuck you asshole you'd better make this worth my while" gabriel hums and says "well i was thinking about you and-" jack cuts him off "LATER OH MY GOD YOU FUCK I'M AT WORK"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 Gabe laughs again, that wonderful, damnable sound. 'working hard, Sunshine?' The noise Jack makes is priceless and Gabriel is doubled over with laughter as Jack hangs up on him
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 eeeeeee jack kicks the wall hard enough to dent and hates that he's thinking about it still gabe texts jack later that night like "so you in bed?" jack's like "no dick i'm in my kitchen microwaving shitty leftovers"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 gabe why are you putting up with this abuse? XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 because jack is hilarious to fuck with AND has amazing tits
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 the tits again. damn them. they're too powerful.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 yep jack is like "what the fuck would you have done if i wasn't gay" gabe's like "well probably keep teasing you until you saw the light" "you're a cocky motherfucker aren't you" "i got all the cock in the world for you sweetheart <33"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 omg XD <3<3<3 A+ 'i fucking hate you, you know that right?' 'you big softie.' 'i mean it cockbite you're a fucking annoyance. now are you gonna show me your dick or not?'
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 LOL JACKIE gabe sends a picture and jack is like "jesus christ. that's not a dick that's a weapon. you were the murderer all along." gabe is like "OMG jack did you just make a JOKE" jack, furiously lubing his fingers: fuck off you dickfaced piece of fuck
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 XD under the incredibly thin pretense that it's easier to talk than text while they do this (as if they haven't managed before) Jack calls Gabe and demands they use speakerphone
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 heheheheee gabe is obscenely good at dirty talking, jack just kinda groans curses and tells gabe to shut the fuck up he's got four fingers in his ass and gabriel telling him how good he is, how sexy he sounds, so on and so on- and jack finally moans gabe's name he's never once said it before
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 when Gabe teasingly asks if he ought to keep quiet, Jack, flustered responds with 'no, DON'T shut the fuck up--just--shut the fuck up..! goddamnit Gabe you shit fucking asshole!'
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 eeeeeeeee gabriel was so smooth this whole time but his voice finally cracks a little and he starts coming undone and jack is like HOLY SHIT
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 jack realizing that he's going to have to break down and meet Gabe in person, and the entire remaining few minutes before he comes, every swear that passes his lips is more out of anxiety over the meeting than any immediate need for release.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 ahhhh gabe .... jack i meant jack LOL
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 gabe keeps babbling about how bad he wants to touch jack, get his mouth on those perfect tits, mark him up and finger him senseless, THEN fuck him jack is Dying
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 after jack comes, while he's just relaxed enough not to care, he mutters 'you're not gonna like me.' Gabe recognizes it as Jack's agreement to finally meet, and he can't help the surge of triumph. he tries not to sound too smug--just in case--when he reminds Jack that they've been talking for weeks and that, if he was gonna dislike Jack, he'd certainly have figured that out already.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 AHHHH does jack admit that he likes gabe or is it too soon >w>
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 too soon, i think. he's only just worked up the courage to meet the guy he's done nothing but cuss at and lust over via text for weeks XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 >w<
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 so, what does Gabe suggest for their first date? few rounds at a gym? barfight?
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 LOL jack is like "you know me so well" this is when gabe awkwardly drops in while jack's at work?? XD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 and jack immediately gets an awkward boner? XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 HAHA
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 looks up, sees Gabe, chokes on his own spit, points across the room and shouts 'get the fuck out of here!'
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 AHAHAHA where does he work and does he have to wear a stupid uniform one of those dumb aesthetic diners?? well either way jack is SO MAD especially because gabe's voice triggers a pavlovian response at this point
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 i was thinking garage, so he's all greasy and gross and in one of those ugly onesie jumpsuits
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 ahhhh yessss he's all flustered and when he gets flustered he gets Punchy gabe can't tell if his face is bright red from embarrassment or fury
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 XD both. both is good.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 and he's all self-conscious about the random smears of oil and whatever on his face and in his hair but he keeps nervously running his fingers through his hair and making it Worse gabe wants to kiss him so bad
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 HAHAHA he really does like em filthy >w> jack is all over the place and gabe is just kinda watching him rage in a daze. all he can think about is how much he wants those greasy, work-roughened hands on him
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 Jack coming over to shoo Gabe out, but when he grabs Gabe's arm to steer him toward the door, Gabe manages to snag a bit of his coveralls and mutter 'where were you hiding that time?'
Jack curses vehemently beneath his breath, because even thinking about how crowded close they would be in that tiny supply closet has him uncomfortably hard, and being so close to fucking Gabe and his stupid fucking face and his intoxicating goddamn smell and the huge fuck off cock that Jack knows is waiting for him is too much
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 AAHDALIDNASDKJNCJCN jack gives him a hard shove in the right direction and snarls "get over there" .... oh lol that's a game line XDD gabe stumbles into the closet and turns around to jack slamming the door shut in his face and locking him in there
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 OMG XD JAAAACK
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 HE'S AT WORK AND GABE IS DISTRACTING and he's a bad combo of horny and pissed
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 gabe texting him from the closet a series of increasingly more risque photos better be careful no one finds him and calls the cops XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 ahahahahaha jack finally gets to his lunch break and slams into the closet, immediately just on gabriel's mouth and yanking at his clothes gabriel is suddenly incredibly aware of the fact that jack is actually just a tiny bit taller than him they bang painfully into various shelves and random shit but neither of them stop. gabriel is delighted that it only seems to make jack more intense.
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 gabe asking jack between hasty kisses how long his lunch break is and trying to make a bet with him on how many times he can make him come before he has to get back
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 hhhhhhhhhhh somehow jack ends up hoisted up against the door with his legs around gabe's waist and gabe's fingernails drawing blood from his thighs haaa wait jack is wearing a jumpsuit
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 not anymore XD Jack's cussing reaches new levelsof inventiveness as they fight with the layers of his clothing
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 simultaneously threatening gabriel with death if he tears his uniform while also threatening death if he doesn't get his clothes off immediately
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 ahahaha what if they get discovered before they actually really get anywhere like they're just aggressively grinding and then someone bangs on the door and is like MORRISON WTF GET BACK TO WORK let the tension build until his shift is over >w>
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 omg jack gets done with his shift and texts gabe his address and is all 'IF YOU AREN'T FUCKING THERE TO MEET ME AND READY TO FINISH WHAT WE FUCKING STARTED I SWEAR TO ALL THAT IS HOLY I WILL FLAY YOU AND USE YOUR HIDE LIKE A BEARSKIN RUG'
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 AHAHA YEP gabe gets there and barely has time to knock on the door before jack is yanking him inside and they're making out against a random wall gabe ends up fucking jack for the first time over his kitchen counter
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 lol i'm just imagining Jack cussing up a storm when he has to wash his greasy, gritty handprints off the backsplash later XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 LOL gabe bends him over the counter and jack snarls "you motherfucker i make FOOD here" but when gabe tries to pull away jack is like "GABRIEL I SWEAR TO GOD FUCK ME RIGHT NOW"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 just no pleasing him XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 it turns out jack was just really really hangry
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 omg. gabe REALLY needs to bring handcuffs and a gag into this relationship.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 once gabe fucks him a whole bunch jack mellows out a startling amount for brief periods of time immediately afterward AHAHA YES
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 lol turns into slug jack
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 yeppp after being fucked, jack drops like a rock goes immediately into slug form which lasts for between 5 minutes and 3 hours depending on how hard they went
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 gabe thinks this is the funniest shit ever
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 takes lots of pics
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 the best part is he knows for a fact that almost no one has experienced slug jack it's just for him XDD but then jack goes back to his usual temperamental self in no time which gabe loves too <33
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 gabe has a skewed sense of humor in this one XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 yep XDDD ahhhhh but then everything changed when the Feelings attacked
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 XD omg timing. i'm seriously about to drop feelings tomorrow?
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 ME TOO NGL,,, SOUNDS GOOD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 yey XD <3<3<3
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 GOOD NIGHT
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 night night. hope you sleep well. <3
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 <333 LOL okay so plot twist for this angry jack and weird sense of humor gabe
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 ???????
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 jack gets feelings first :3c
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 =O ohhhh he would be SO FUCKED i love it XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 >w< gabe's having a grand old time but he's not sure if it's serious or if he wants it to be serious meanwhile jack trips and plunges straight into a bottomless pit of Feelings
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 oh noooo so does jack, like, in his angry, cuss-y way...try to...talk about it??
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 HAHAHA well first he has to randomly get even more irritable than usual for seemingly no reason also starts being more aggressive about sex bc hey that's the reason gabe's here right which gabe is happy to oblige of course but it is weird
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 i'm just trying to wrap my head around how angry this Jack would have to get in order for Gabe to notice. maybe it's not just that--maybe he actually starts, like, not answering texts right away--sort of how he would do back when they first met not quite avoiding Gabe, but something's off. and his insluts feel a bit forced and stale. they don't flow so readily. XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 heeheeee jack is caught between "do i try to be more pleasant so maybe he'll like me back or do i try to make him go away before it gets painful"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 oh jacki
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 omg jack awkwardly haltingly asking if gabe wants to go out to eat he means it as a date but gabe takes it as casual dinner
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 OH NO GABE BUNNY SUNSHINE BBY NO Jack trying to get himself cleaned up all pretty for gabe actually  buys a nie set of clothes
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 AHHHHH and he thinks he's being So painfully obvious about his crush, gabe HAS to know right? but no. gabe just thinks he's being a little off.
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 gabe sees him in khakis and...i don't know...a sweatervest or something and laughs and asks who died
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 ALIENACKISA woah accidentally spelled alien with my keysmash nice :alien:
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 geez though jack would be Livid either that or shut down a little some weird combination of the two
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 gets livid first, then just kinda shuts down and gives up. he's unnaturally quiet thru the meal, responding only when absolutely necessary, and then usually in grunts. it's enough that even Gabe realizes that something's wrong. his first guess: 'shit, Jack, did someone actually die?' only Jack's budding hopes for their relationship
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 skjfnsejkcnesjkfnsecjkn jack grumbles "if only" subtext: somebody is going to die and jack hasn't decided if it will be gabriel or himself yet
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 X'D brb--time for tea
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 ooo that's a good idea jack is quietly fiddling with his pasta, only kinda nibbling at it. gabe decides to test the waters with the worst corn-related jab he can come up with. jack gives him a look but doesn't respond. gabe concludes that jack must be dying of cancer or something
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 XD HE'S DYING OF HEARTBREAK GABE CAN'T YOU SEE???
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 LOL
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 oh god. so, what if Gabe, like, pesters an answer out of him, and Jack kinda mutters 'I like you' and Gabe s COMPLETELY not expecting this OR for Jack to apparently be in earnest about it, and he laughs. Just a short laugh, the sort of laugh that bursts out when you're completely stunned by something a need a moment to process. But Jack takes it completely the wrong way. Gabe get's a second's warning in the almost murderous look on Jack's face, then he gets decked and ends up laid out on the floor and stuck with the check.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 kajcnaksjcnakcjnsakcj jack completely breaks his nose gabe ends up having to go to the er real quick for that lmao
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 omg they avoid each other for a good whie afterwards. Gabe is mad bc Jack actually hit him. Jack is pissed bc Gabe didn't get it. Gabe's the first one that caves, texting Jack about being owed an apology. Jack doesn't answer, and it's a full day before Gabe tries again.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 omg bratty gabe another plot twist
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 you have one, or bratty gabe is one? also i think gabe is justified XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 bratty gabe is one XDD he's definitely justified in being bratty it's just funny lol
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 when Gabe follows up the next day and sees that Jack is going to try to ignore him again, it sets off his temper. He sends text after text after text until he finally gets a string of mismatched curses followed by WHAT from Jack
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 ahhhhh gabe is like DON'T WHAT ME YOU BROKE MY NOSE jack sends a very non-genuine sorry
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 so fucking sowwy i hurt the widdle baby's feewings. fuck off asshole. Gabe calls him. Jack ignores it. When Gabe starts calling back every time it goes to voicemail, Jack turns his phone off and flings it across the room. He settles in with a movie and orders a pizza. When he hears teh door, he automatically goes and opens it, and is taken by surprise when Gabe comes barreling in, demanding to know what the FUCK his problem is.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 JAACK you can't escape
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 'Why the fuck did you hit me?? That's a pretty damn mixed signal.' Jack does NOT want to have this conversation. He turns his back on Gabe, goes to pick up his phone as if he hadn't flung it away half an hour ago, and curses about the screen being broken. 'Jack. I came here to get an answer. You owe me that much, at least. My nose looks like a fucking beet.' 'Ha. Now I'm not the only one with an ugly mug. Least yours isn't permanent.' The pizza guy arrives, giving Jack another small break and he tips big in gratitude, then tries to shoo Gabe away. 'I only ordered for one.' 'Jack you stubborn fucking bastard, was it all your goddamn idea of a joke or something?' 'Oh, yeah, ha ha REAL FUNNY the big angry guy with the scars has feelings! What a goddamn RIOT.' 'That's not what I meant.' 'Then why the fuck did you laugh?'
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 ahhhhhhhhhhh gabe doesn't reply right away and jack actually deflates
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 ((i'm so unaccustomed to angry jack that it doesn't even feel like him tbh XD))
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 he rubs at his arm and says "look i get it i'm so fucking amusing to you. but i'm too tired to entertain you right now." lol angry jack is another rare commodity
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 oh god my tiny, emotionally-stunted heart ; ;
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 he just wants gabe to take him seriously a little qoq
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 so, Gabe doesn't have feels yet...? or is this the kick in the pants that makes him realize he doesn't smile immediately upon seeing Jack out of anticipation for hilarity, but rather bc he's genuinely glad to see him?
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 hhhh can't decide if i want more angst or for them to fix it
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 if Gabe doesn't have feels, and tries to let Jack down gently, i can't realyl see angry Jack staying with him.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 maybe gabe doesn't really think too hard about it, just tells jack that he misses him. really misses him, not just when he's unintentionally funny, but all the time "i just..." he sighs, trying to swallow his pride. "i'm sorry... i laughed. i was just startled"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 Jack grits his teeth over that, but holds his tongue.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 "i just never know what you're thinking, so... i didn't expect it." "i asked you on a date," jack growls. "we've been having sex like nonstop since we met." apart from the past few days. "what else would i be thinking?" "that... it was casual." gabe shuffles and looks at jack through his lashes. "you meant it? you really..."
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 GABE YOU'RE GONNA GET PUNCHED AGAIN
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 jack is flexing his fist threateningly "yes, fuck, i like you." he says it with his usual irritable bluster, but there's a tremble in his voice and it suddenly hits gabe that jack is nervous
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 he's just a big insecure softie under all that bluster, Gabe.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 YEP and gabe didn't really get that until just now he stares at jack open-mouthed and jack actually blushes. "what?"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 gabe.
Tumblr media
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 LMAO gabe needs to talk to semi-slug jack about this lmao
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 lol no kidding okay, so, when last we left our intrepid heroes, Jack was trying not to crush the pizza that just got delivered as he held it in his large, angry hands while Gabe came to the slow realization that Jack was serious when he claimed to like like him. But to Gabe, they've only ever been friends with benefits.
Gabe, deciding that now is hardly the time to stop being blunt, asks Jack if he's going to invite him to stay for dinner, since he owes him a meal at least after leaving him stuck with the check last time.
Grudgingly, Jack allows him to stay. They sit as far from each other as possible on the couch, open pizza box between them.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 omg the atmosphere is ice cold omg but jack hasn't been sleeping well at all after all this drama and after they put on some dumb show, he quickly starts dozing off gabe moves the box before jack ends up with a face full of grease
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 XD PIZZA FACE! When Gabe tries to help ease Jack down, Jack latches onto him and is snuggly--too far gone towards sleep to be his usual grumpy bear self Gabe is like 'this is not what i came here for.'
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 heeeeee exhaustion induced slug jack he ends up with jack's head pillowed in his lap and a hand running through jack's hair
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY BLESS <3<3<3
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 >w< gabe can't resist dropping a kiss onto jack's temple and jack's nose wrinkles adorably
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 he's kinda sitting there, petting Jack's hair absently while he ponders his predicament he likes Jack, but he likes him as a fun fuckbuddy. He hadn't been thinking about anything more serious, and isn't sure he wants something like that.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 COME ON GABE
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 WELL WE JUST SPRANG IT ON HIM
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 gabe tries to get up but jack just clings more gabe like gently pulls away but jack tugs hard and somehow gabe ends up on his back with a dozing jack curled on top of him
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 they doze off like that, only to be awakened with a start at almost three in the morning as the dipshit from upstairs gets back drunk again and starts banging on the door of his apartment to be let in. lol cue early morning grumpy Gabe, slug Jack, and a chance to talk when Jack's awake but too tired to be wrathful
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 YES jack starts mumbling about how he really really likes gabe he knows he's hard to be around and nobody wants to deal with him but gabe still wants to be in his life
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 ohhh ;-;
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 gabe starts to realize how much he means to jack finally lmao
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 'jeezus, bro, you couldn't just tell me all this before now?' he slugs Jack lightly in the shoulder, but Jack just huffs and won't make eye contact with him. 'Jack, I--' 'Don't give me an answer right now. I can guess what it'll be.' Gabe consideres him for a minute. Then: 'All right. You mind if I stay over?' Jack shrugs and Gabe grabs his hands to pull him up off the couch. 'All right, big boy. Up you get.' He leads Jack to the bedroom and undresses him before tumbling him into bed. He sheds his own clothes and climbs in after him. Any protests Jack might have made fall silent as Gabe kisses him. He keeps it soft and slow, even as he deepens the kiss. Every move is gentle, intended to comfort. Jack is already drifting back to sleep even as Gabriel strokes him.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 hhhhhhhhh QwQ gabes getting feelssss
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/28/2017 lol but Jack waking up and being his normal self, cursing up a blue streak at all the hickies Gabe sucked into his neck last night. without taking about it, they reach an agreement to continue on as they had been. the only change is that Jack is more reticent, less likely to text Gabe first, and more likely to go silent.
firesonic152 - 10/28/2017 ahhhhhhhh he's still aggressive when they makeout and all through foreplay but as soon as gabe is inside him, he stops putting up his usual fight if gabe goes rough he takes it willingly, but he doesn't push back
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/28/2017 omg. like, i really need to turn in but...before that--Gabe starting to get weirded out by how Jack is in bed, so he confronts him about it, says that Jack going all passive makes him feel like the bad guy. and Jack just casually shoots back that there's nothing Gabe can dish out that he can't handle, and Gabe just snaps back with something like 'Jack, I love you, but damn it if you aren't the most stubborn fucking cuss. I just want to know that I'm making you feel good.' And he stops because Jack is gaping at him. '...what?' 'What did you just say?' 'That...I want to make you feel good.' But something is nagging at the back of his mind, and he replays the words and hears what Jack heard and now both of them are staring at each other.
firesonic152 - 10/28/2017 AHHHHHHHH I'M DYING BRO that was gay
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/28/2017 XD GOOD. it was gay and cliche and they can figure out if Gabe meant it tomorrow
firesonic152 - 10/29/2017 soozy pay attention to me
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/29/2017 lol sorry what's up?
firesonic152 - 10/29/2017 nothing i just miss you XD AND WE NEED TO FIGURE OUT IF GABE MEANT IT if he loves jack yet anyway
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/29/2017 Jack muttering 'You didn't mean that,' as he turns away, but Gabe can see that he's blushing again. 'I didn't mean to say it...' he hedges.
firesonic152 - 10/29/2017 hhhhh gabe you coy motherfucker
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/29/2017 maybe he still doesn't know if he means it that way like, Gabe's a sweetheart. he's affectionate, and it just slipped out. but is it really the whole romantic love sort of thing, or just affection?
firesonic152 - 10/29/2017 he definitely likes jack a lot, more than anyone he's ever had a thing with. but he doesn't know if he likes jack as much as jack likes him??
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/29/2017 what if he asks for more time, and Jack snaps back that that's all he's been giving him. Hands him excuses, gives him time.
firesonic152 - 10/29/2017 gabriel looks pained as he says quietly that he really thinks jack deserves someone who loves him more than anything and he just... wants to make sure he isn't holding jack back from that OR SOMETHING lol
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/29/2017 not holding him back from that by sticking around as a fuck buddy? lol good job, Gbae
firesonic152 - 10/29/2017 LOL that's what jack throws in his face SO LIKE. HOW WE GONNA MAKE GABE FINALLY REALIZE HIS FEELINGS I'm dying squirtle we could always fuck up jack somehow
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/29/2017 i mean, it'd prolly be easy enough to just have Jack get tired of waiting and call it off... THEN fuck him up OuO
firesonic152 - 10/29/2017 YES AND GABE FREAKS OUT ABOUT THE FACT THAT HE LOST HIS CHANCE W JACK jack spits at gabe that he's tired of waiting for gabe to figure it out and he's done. gabe doesn't have any counterarguments. the last time gabe sees jack is when he walks out the door and turns around to see jack hesitate for just a second, a death drip on the door handle that he could swear is denting it. then a muttered "don't text me" before the door closes in his face. and that's that until jack gets fucked up somehow
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/29/2017 lands himself in the hospital, however he manages it. i guess we can't make it something funny like...he throws a spanner in a fit of rage and it bounces back to hit him in the face? XD
firesonic152 - 10/29/2017 LMAO HE LIKE GETS A SERIOUS HEAD INJURY
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/29/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 10/29/2017 i was thinking he picks a fight with the wrong people and gets Destroyed
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/29/2017 yah. that was my serious thought. XD drunk bar fight?
firesonic152 - 10/29/2017 yeah lmaooo he's like already dangerously intoxicated and then gets beaten within an inch of his life
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/29/2017 alcohol poisoning AND all sorts of blunt force trauma
firesonic152 - 10/29/2017 good combo gabe finds out bc his friend angela is like "bro there's this patient i'm super worried about" she starts going on about how this patient is like really fucked and she starts getting teary eyed over it and at some point she mentions the name jack and gabe can't hear anything else she says until she tells him the last name
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 Gabe sitting by Jack's bedside, desperately wanting him to wake up and be okay, convinced that he irreparably fucked things up between them, but just wanting to know that he'll be okay before he gets out of Jack's life again.
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 ahhh he tries to convince himself that it's only because he feels guilty about how they ended things but deep down he knows it's more than that
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 ;; keeps telling himself that he merely wants to apologize to Jack, but really he needs Jack to be all right, needs to talk to him just one more time
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 so jack finally wakes up and like
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 Gabe means to apologize, but what comes out is a lecture XD
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 he's Fucked up. semi-permanent eye damage and shit yep ! jack is like FUCK OFF IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS gabe is like IT IS MY BUSINESS I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 WELL YOU PICKED A FINE FUCKING TIME TO DECIDE THAT, ASSHOLE I DIDN'T FUCKING DECIDE IT, JACKASS, IT JUST HAPPENED They're having, like, a full on shouting match in the hospital and the docs have to call security to get them to back down XD
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 AHAHA they kick gabe out but he manages to sneak back in they continue their shouting match in angry whispers
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 XD of course, they have to get pretty close for that to work so it ends up with an angry make out session
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 they fuck up some of jack's stitches his face starts bleeding for some reason it only makes jack more insistent
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 Gabe tastes Jack's blood in the midst of the kiss and backs off, starts lecturing him again. When Jack tells him he can either kiss him or fuck off, Gabe tells Jack that if he wants the former, then he can give Gabe a second chance once he's out of the hospital.
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 omg gabe baiting him w his own thirst jack hates how he caves to that
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 as soon as jack's cleared to go home, they rush back to his apartment and barrel onto jack's bed. gabe starts babbling about all his feelings but jack orders him to shut up and prove it
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 omg jack gabe sweet talking him all the way through it until he voice starts to go hoarse
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 ahhhhhhh<33 gabe partially lectures jack on being a fucking idiot but also drowns him in affection
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 Jack is just swearing at him the entire time, but it's all desperate and needy and after a while just a babbling stream of noise expressing how much he's wanted all of Gabe
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 ahhhhh jack you hot mess
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 yes. Jack being desperate and overcome and stil sore and rushing headlong into this even tho Gabe's hurt him more than once, but he just wants so goddamn bad
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 AHHHH and gabe gets overwhelmed by how jack is still throwing himself back into gabe despite everything
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 jack is sad and lonely and he wuvs gabe and just wants to be happy ;;
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 gabriel slows for a moment, scared of how he could potentially fuck this up again and hurt jack even worse, but jack kisses him, bites his lip, growls at him to stop thinking and just take him
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 o///o
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 they both end up THOROUGHLY marked XDD jack becomes a slug for like 5 whole hours after (gabe takes the opportunity to fuck slug jack slow and sweet <333)
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 lol Jack wanting so badly to just let himself enjoy the intimacy that begins to follow, tho--Gabe getting up and fixing coffee and bringing him some, extra gestures of affection like kisses and ruffling his hair and just reaching out to touch him or lean against him, calling him to say good night or good morning on days when Gabe doesn't stay over--just all the small gestures that go beyond fuck buddies. They give Jack the warm fuzzies, but his anxiety twists things around so that he has to fight to hold on to the good feelings.
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 AHHH jaaack but then gabe marries him so it's okay!!!!!!!! tell me it's okay lol
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 yes, pls. v okay. they turn into that comic where Jack is asking 'you still like me, right?' up until they're in their couple's graves
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 LOL gabe has to smooch his ring finger
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 omgomg yup Gabe and Jack falling back onto the mattress, all out of breath after their first roud on their honeymoon, and Gabe letting out this faint laugh and it gets Jack laughing a bit. He asks what's funny, and Gabe gestures vaguely, and is like: 'this. i never expected any of this.' And even as Jack is going quiet next to him, Gabe rolls over and cups his cheek and smiles reassuringly. 'didn't expect doesn't mean regrets. i'm glad it happened, and if i had a million lifetimes, i'd marry you again in all of them.' Jack smiles for him, just a little thing, but he's better these days at trusting Gabe over things like that. He still blushes every time, though, which Gabe still finds enchanting. Jack wraps an arm around him, pulling Gabe on top of him. 'Show me how glad you are.' Gabe is more than happy to do so.
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 hhhhh<33333 angry jack is all about actions >w< i'm dying that's so cute
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 ^^ angry jack is all about getting laid as much as possible XD
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 LOL also true but normal jack is also kinda like that
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 yup. consistent characterization ftw XD so, like, does Jack end up taking some anger management courses or something as a show of how serious he is about wanting to make sure the relationship works?
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 he definitely needs to do something to mellow out lol krav maga
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 UHM i think that might have not good consequences
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 LOL krav maga is totally jack's preferred fighting style though lbr
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 takes up swimming at the Y to burn off energy. also, exercise is supposedly a mood enhancer? Gabe totes approves.
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 :DDD jack is able to balance anger jack w slug jack
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 XD ohh, what if he's reluctant to broach the anger management idea w Gabe not only bc he doesn't want to throw one of his biggest shortcomings into the spotlight, but also bc he's afraid Gabe won't like him as much wout the anger to laugh at
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 uahhh how does gabe tackle that if jack won't bring it up DD:
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 like, how does Gabe suggest it to him?
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 yeah :thinking:
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 maybe he doesn't. i think it would mean more if Jack decided to make the change for himself. but to come out and say 'I have this problem' even if that's the preface to 'I'm going to try to fix it' can be hard--even if it's a really obvious problem. it's like, if you don't talk about it, then maybe it isn't so bad. maybe the consequences can be put off indefinitely.
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 yeah qoq ahh jack starts like going to a group or something but he doesn't want gabe to know so he starts getting kinda shifty whenever gabe asks what he's always doing at the same time every week or two gabe has no idea what jack could be hiding from him lmao
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 XD and the REALLY weird thing is, when he tries to confront Jack about it, instead of a flood of curses, Jack takes a deep breath and tries really hard to hold his temper and respond evenly.
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 LOL GABE THERE'S YOUR CLUE gabe worries but he also objectively trusts jack so he tries not to ask too much BUT GOD HE WANTS TO KNOW
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 XD meanwhile, Jack keeps telling himself that once he's made some progress, he'll tell gabe, 'cause it'll be easier once he no longer has a problem. thing is, Jack doesn't recognize the progress he's making.
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 gabe notices though QwQ maybe he like comments on it one day kinda out of the blue how he's happy that jack seems to be much happier lately
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 Jack gets weirdly defensive about that.
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 can gabe tell jack he's proud of him!!!
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 once he gets Jack to spill XD what if Gabe found one of the brochures from the group, and put two and two together? and he mentions Jack's mood to test the waters, then admits he figured it out when Jack gets flustered
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 aww jack tries to like give gabe a whole thing about how he knows his reactions to things are really bad and he's really trying and all that but gabe just silences him with the proud line ??
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 Startled, Jack blinks owlishly at him for a moment. tries to argue that he's still fucking up, but Gabe won't hear it--just smiles gently and repeats that he's proud of him.
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 awwwwwwww
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premiumcable · 8 years
Rick Grimes x Reader
Hi! Omg your stories are insanely amazing. I LOVED the one about rick walking in on the reader masturbating.. sooo will u please do one where the reader is younger like 20 and rick likes her but is scared to make a move bc shes younger than him and he feels guilty for wanting her. And the reader walks in on him masturbating and moaning her name.. Thank you!!! 💕
Here you go anon! I really hope you enjoy it! This request really inspired me and I was so excited to write it, I couldn’t wait! 💛
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Warnings: SMUT, swearing, masturbation, oral sex (male receiving), unprotected sex
Words: 2,431
A/N: This is pure, dirty smut. 
He knew it was wrong to want you, but he couldn’t help it. You had awakened something within him that he thought had been extinguished long ago. No matter how much he ached for you, he would never make any advances because of your age. You were only a few years older than his son and he couldn’t imagine his reaction and the reactions of others in your group if he’d made a move on you. So he had resigned himself to quick glances when no one was looking and quiet longing.
But little did he know, you were harboring quite the attraction for the older man yourself. His gruff exterior and dominating presence were such a turn on for you. You loved a man who wasn’t afraid to take control and Rick had displayed on more than one occasion that he definitely wasn’t one to shy away from those situations. But he never gave any indication that he thought of you than just another member of the group.
He’d seen you earlier today walking down the streets of Alexandria in those shorts that drove him crazy. It made him want nothing more than to walk over to you, throw you over his shoulder to take you home and fuck you senseless. He watched you from his porch for a few moments focusing on your hips as they swayed from side to side, he could feel his blood rushing downward as he hardened inside his jeans. Everyone had already left for the day so he headed back inside to take care of the not-so-little situation you had caused.
Sitting on his bed, he pulled his shirt over his head, unzipping his jeans to pull out his aching cock. He swirled his thumb over the tip, gathering the leaking precum and using it for lubrication as he began stroking up and down. Rick closed his eyes and pictured you spread out on the bed beneath him, you breasts bouncing up and down from the force of his thrusts. He moaned at the thought and increased the speed of his ministrations. Lost in his pleasure, he didn’t hear a knock coming from downstairs.
Today you were going to be helping Carol and Olivia in the pantry. Glenn, Abraham, and Michonne had gone on a run and found an old cabin that hadn’t been touched. They brought back enough to hold you all over for about a month and everything needed to be put into inventory and divided into rations.
“Olivia, where do you want me to store all the baby formula for Judith?” You inquired, holding 3 full tins in your arms.
“You can go ahead and take those over to Rick’s, he said this morning that we needed to go on a run for some more,” Carol interjected as she packed away some MRE’s into a plastic tub.You nodded and left the pantry, walking in the direction of the Grimes’ house.
Stepping on the porch, you knocked softly not wanting to intrude. When there was no response you went ahead and let yourself in. Placing the formula on the counter in the kitchen, you turned around to leave and head back to the pantry.
You turned your head towards the stairs at the exclamation echoed through the house. You recognized the voice as Rick’s, it sounded strained and you worried that the man might be in pain. Hesitantly, you walked over to the stairs and climbed them, listening intently.
You didn’t hear anything else, but when you had reached the top of the stairs you heard his voice again.
Confused, you walked down the hallway towards the closed door thinking maybe he had seen you walk over to the house through the upstairs window. Opening the door, you were shocked by what you saw. Rick sat on his bed, eyes closed, with his jeans open and pulled down to his knees and his hand stroking his large erection while moaning your name. Your gasp aloud, alerting him to your presence, his eyes snap open and he looks over at you standing next to the door in horror. He quickly turns around and grabs one of the throw pillows that had been resting at the head of the bed to cover himself.
“Y/N! What are you doing in here?” He asks, his face red from embarrassment at being caught in the act. You gape at him in shock, was he pleasuring himself…thinking about you? But he had never made any indication that he felt that way about you.
“I brought some formula for Judith. I, um, I heard you call from downstairs and I thought you might have been in pain or something, but then I heard you call my name. I assumed you’d seen me from the window up here. I-I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to in-intrude on your, um, private time.” You stumbled over your words as you struggled to get a grasp on the situation.
As surprised as you were you couldn’t deny that you didn’t relish in the idea of him picturing you while stroking his cock. A wicked idea pops in your head and you move slowly towards the half-naked man sitting on the bed.
“Y/N, you should probably go. Please don’t tell anyone about what you saw here. I’m sorry you saw this,” He says, his voice a little higher in pitch from the embarrassment.
“Why were you saying my name if you didn’t know I was here Rick?” You ask with a small smirk on your lips.
“Um-I-I,” He stammers, trying to think of a valid excuse, but you interrupt him before he can say anything else.
“Were you thinking about me in here?” His eyes widen at the question.
“What! No, I wasn’t.” He protests weakly.
“I think you were Rick, and I can’t tell you how wet it makes me knowing that you’re in here stroking your cock while thinking about me.” You move closer to him and kneel in front of his legs.
“W-what are you doing?” He asks nervously at your sudden movement.
“Come on Rick, I know you want me. The proof is right there under that pillow.” You say as you reach your hand forwards tugging gently on it and pulling it away. His hard erection is exposed and leaking, you lick your lips at the sight. He places his hands on your shoulders to stop you from moving any closer.
“Y/N w-we can’t do this. It's not right.” He says and you look up, meeting his gaze with a small pout on your lips.
“Just let me suck it, Rick, please? I’ll be a good girl and I won’t tell anyone, I promise, it’ll be our little secret.” You say and tilt your head a little to the side. He groans at your words.
“Fuck,” He says and you can hear the resolve in his voice weakening, but he still doesn’t give in.
“Please, Rick? You have no idea how bad I want you to fuck my mouth.” His eyes darken with lust at your words.
“You promise you won’t tell anybody?” He asks and you nod at his words.
“I promise, it’ll just be a one-time thing and you don’t have to do anything for me,” He leans backward on the bed and you hesitantly reach forward and grasp his erection. He lets out a moan at the feeling.
“Oh my god Rick, you’re so hard. Is this all for me?” You say as you lean forward and lick up the underside of his cock before gathering his precum and moaning at the taste.
“Mmmm, you taste so fucking good. I could suck you off all day.” You say before wrapping your lips around the head, swirling your tongue around his head and using your hand to stroke what you couldn’t fit in your mouth. Which was quite a bit, he was much larger than anyone else you had been with.
“Oh my god,” He groans at your words. He couldn’t believe this was happening, he couldn’t believe you were on your knees in front of him with his cock in your mouth.
You continued bobbing your head up and down his erection, quickly reaching your other hand up and cupping his sack in your hand, rolling gently. He lets out a noise that sounds like half-groan and half-whimper. You’re drenched at this point and aching. You moan softly as you clench your thighs together, seeking to alleviate the pressure. It wasn’t much of a relief, but it would do for now. You’d probably have to touch yourself later.
Rick’s hands grasp in your hair and he moans from the vibrations of your soft moans. He slowly starts guiding your head up and down his cock, going deeper with every stroke. His moans get louder and he pushes your head down, his cock hitting the back of your throat and making you gag.
“Oh fuck!” He exclaims at the sensation of your throat swallowing around his length. He holds you there for a moment and your eyes water before he lets you back up. You catch your breath for a second, still stroking him before putting him back in your mouth. Grabbing his hand, you place it back on your head and look up at his face. A grin crosses his lips at your actions and he continues to push your head up and down his cock.
“You like that, Y/N? Huh? You like it when I fuck your mouth?” He asks and you moan, nodding.
“Goddamn girl,” He moans as you continue your motions for a few seconds before he pulls you off his cock. You sit back on your legs and look up at him, pouting at the loss.
“I know you said this would be all about me, but I have to fuck you. Is that okay with you?” He says and you nod eagerly before he reaches down and pulls you upwards before crashing his lips to yours. You moan into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling yourself tight against the hard planes of his toned chest. This all felt like a dream to you, one like all the others you’d had where you woke up aroused and disappointed.
He breaks the kiss and pulls your shirt over your head before unhooking your bra and leaving them both scattered carelessly on the floor. You assist him by unbuttoning your jeans and pushing them off your legs, leaving you only in your little black panties. Rick’s eyes rake over your body hungrily and you shiver in anticipation of what’s to come. He pushes you backward and the back of your knees hit the bed. You sit in front of him and pull yourself up higher on the bed, lying down on your back. He kicks his jeans the rest of the way off and climbs on the bed.
Kneeling, he hooks his fingers under the sides of your panties and pulls them down your legs before throwing them over his shoulders. Rick’s hands rest on your bent knees, pulling them apart before moving closer to your pussy.
“I want you to fuck me, Rick. Please.” You interrupt and he looks up at you and moves up the length of your body before kissing you harshly, settling his hips between your thighs. His erection lays heavy against your inner thigh.
“You ready, Y/N?” He asks, lining himself up with your entrance. You nod enthusiastically before letting out a harsh cry as he slowly enters you, just the tip at first before pushing the rest of his impressive length inside you.
“Oh my god Rick!” You whimper as he immediately begins moving. His hand grasps under your knee, pulling upward until your leg is resting on his shoulder. The change in angle allows him to thrust deeper. He’s making you feel sensations you’d never thought were possible.
“You’re so tight, Y/N. Fuck, your pussy is so good.” He whispers huskily as his eyes watch your breasts bounce with every thrust. It was better than anything he could have conjured in his mind. A particularly deep thrust makes you cry out harshly as the tip of his cock brushes over a bundle of nerves inside of you.
“Oh my god, right there!” He listens and adjusts himself; making every thrust of his cock hit that spot inside you. Your eyes roll back at the sensation as you babble incoherently about how good he’s making you feel.
It doesn’t take long for you to approach your orgasm; you can feel a warming sensation developing within you as your walls slowly tighten.
“Oh Rick, you’re gonna make me come!” You scream and he moves his hand over your clit, brushing once, twice before you spasm in ecstasy.
“Oh…. my…. god Rick! You fuck me so good!” You cry as you feel your pussy gush all over his still thrusting cock.
“That’s it Y/N, come all over my cock. Squeeze me tight, baby.” He says as he fucks you through your high, his thrusts slowing a bit and deepening to prolong your orgasm. Slowly, you feel yourself winding down from your explosive high. You look up at him; his brow is furrowed as he tries to stave off his release. You run your hands up your body to your breasts, pinching your nipples to entice him.
“I want you to come inside me. Pound me full of your cum Rick!” You cry and he moans at your words, his thrusts increasing in speed.
“Oh fuck!” He cries in ecstasy as he gets closer and closer.
“Come on Rick, give it to me.” You plead huskily as you purposefully tighten your walls around his erection. He lets out a long moan and you feel the gush of his release inside you.
“Mmmmm, there it is.” You whimper as he thrusts through his orgasm before leaning over you, taking your lips with his. He withdraws his rapidly softening cock from inside your walls and moves over onto his back, closing his eyes. You stay still, unsure of what to do with yourself. Should you get up and leave? Stay? You both agreed this was a one-time thing, but his arm wrapping around your shoulder and pulling you close to him breaks you out of your anxious thoughts.
“I don’t care what anyone says, I’m never fucking letting you go.” You smile at his words and lay your head on his chest. He presses a kiss on the top of your head and you close your eyes in contentment.
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to send in more requests! 
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area50dununiverse · 7 years
Can we get some angsty smut where Edward feels like it's sick and wrong to fancy John but eventually he admits it to him promising he was gonna get help etc for being sick but John feels the same way and convinces him it's fine but he still can't be physically romantic/sexual with John bc he thinks it's sick and won't kiss or touch him but eventually decided to bite the bullet and have sex with him but he's so scared and upset and John reassures him the whole way through and praises him loads
Hello Lovely person! This is a long one with a slow burn and there are parts I’m not sure about… (but if you follow me, you’ll know how much I hate my own writing lol)
I really hope you enjoy, and although I may take 5 years to fill it, prompt me anytime!! Read below as always…
Edward took a deep breath and stepped into the church. The gold candle holders were the first thing to catch his eye, positioned under a big stained glass window that cast rainbows over the floor.He felt sick and tried to take a deep breath but the air around him felt musty in the old building.
He didn’t know why he was even there. He felt out of place somehow; as if the walls themselves were judging him, the many statues and paintings of Jesus bearing down on him.Typical Catholics, Edward couldn’t help but think, even the foundations of the church fill you with guilt.
He was just about to turn back and leave when Father James stepped out of a little side room. “Can I help you?” He smiled, always welcoming, never sincere.  Edward gave him a polite smile, just about to make his excuses and leave when he spoke again. “You’re one of the Grimes twins,” he smiled cheerfully, “I remember when you two were born, far too early, we prayed for you every mass that you’ll make it through. Now look at you!”
Edward fake smiled, not wanting to think about being a twin, let alone talk about it. He wanted to forget John just for a little while, which was ironic considering talking about John was what lead him here.
“How can help young man?” Father James smiled again. Edward wanted to leave but was far too polite to leave a priest hanging.“I just came to-” Edward cut off. What did he come to do? He couldn’t tell him, couldn’t tell anyone. “Think.” He finished, hoping he would be left alone.Father James nodded and gave him a questioning look before asking, “is there anything you need to talk about? You look troubled.”
Edward scoffed. He didn’t mean too, but he couldn’t help but think that if Father James knew the truth, he wouldn’t be so kind.A thought came to him then. Maybe he could talk to him, discussing his problem by talking about a ‘friend’ in need.“Do you think love can be wrong?” Edward asked, knowing full well where the church stood on this argument. “Like, if a boy loves another boy, how can it be wrong; if it’s love? Love is supposed to be some beautiful thing, who cares if it’s two boys?”
That was it; kind, understanding face replaced with narrow, questioning eyes. “My friend, he loves someone that he shouldn’t. He knows it’s sick, and he’s tried but he can’t help it.” Edward shifted his weight from foot to foot. He hoped he didn’t look too guilty.“Is it your brother?” after James asked and Edward’s heart sank. How did he know? How did he know what Edward was talking about? He felt his cheeks heat up, his eyes wide and there was that sick feeling again.
“If your brother is confused about love, he should come in to see me,” father James said, “you’re a good brother.”Edward felt light-headed with relief. He didn’t know.“No, I’m not,” he mumbled, taking a few steps back. “I shouldn’t have come.” Edward turned and walked the few steps towards the door. He felt like crying.“I won’t tell anyone, but please ask him to come and speak to me?” Edward heard father James call as he rushed out, the fresh air and sunlight hitting him.
He didn’t stop, just kept walking until he found himself outside his gate. He looked up at the house and wondered what John was doing inside. Edward had only said he was going to the shop for snacks, that was over an hour ago and here he was, not a snack in sight. John would guess something was wrong and Edward’s secret would come out. That was his fear, constantly scared, terrified that John would guess, somehow working it all out.Edward would lay awake at night and imagine what John might say. He wasn’t a mean person, John was the kindest person Edward knew but in his mind, John would always fly off. He would shout and sneer and tell Edward that he was sick and he didn’t want him anywhere near him.
“Where have you been?” John asked as soon as Edward opened the front door. “You’ve been ages, I was worried.” Edward avoided looking at him as he walked through the living room into the kitchen.“Where’s mum and dad?” He asked, ignoring John’s question altogether.“Shopping,” he told him as he followed him through the house. Edward could feel his eyes on him as he went about making a drink of orange juice.“What’s wrong?” John asked, making Edward hesitate for the slightest of seconds. He didn’t know what to say. There was no point in trying to lie to John because he knew Edward better than anyone and could always see through him. But he couldn’t tell him the truth.
“I don’t feel too well,” he mumbled, hiding his face behind his glass as he took a drink.John’s brow furrowed as he looked at him, his green eyes scanning him over like he could detect any sign of illness just by looking. “You’ve been like this for ages now,” John told him, watching him closely.“Like what?” Edward tried to act normal, tried to look like he wasn’t hiding something.“Miserable,” came John’s answer, making Edward’s heart sink and his stomach twist.
He turned to look at John for the first time, meeting his sad eyes. He didn’t want to drag him down and hated to see John worrying about him. He wanted to smile, to tell him that he was okay, everything is fine and perfect, but he couldn’t and suddenly he was crying. His chest was tight and he couldn’t fill his lungs. Everything happened so quickly and before he knew it, Edward was wrapped tightly in John’s arms. He wanted to push him away, tell him not to touch him because if he knew the truth, he wouldn’t want to touch him, but John was Edward’s twin and he felt comforted and reassured with him. Edward needed him.
“Tell me what’s wrong,” John said, pulling away and searching Edward’s tearful eyes for answers. Edward looked back him, conscious of how close they were. If he was to inch forward, their lips would meet and that was all Edward could think about. He wanted to kiss those lips, spent hours, days at a time imagining how it would feel to have John’s lips pressed against his own.He closed his eyes, trying to block him out, trying to make himself think about anything in this world other than John.
The sound of the front door startled him as their parents arrived home, calling for someone to help them unload the car. Edward opened his eyes and looked desperately at John, just needing him to let go and leave him.John gave him another worried look before finally stepping away and walking out of the kitchen. Edward let out a shaky breath as more tears fell. He needed to hide himself away before his parents saw him in a state so he quickly headed upstairs, leaving John to help them with the shopping.
Edward managed to fall asleep. He didn’t know what the time was when he felt John gently shake him awake. All his life, John had been the first thing Edward had seen when he woke. It was comforting to know he was there, as always, dependable and grounding. Things had started to change in the last few years and suddenly Edward couldn’t bring himself to look at John in the mornings anymore. He was scared because of how it made him feel, and as Edward looked up at him, John’s hand lightly resting on his shoulder and those eyes, looking down at him, Edward felt like he couldn’t breathe again.“I’m going to tell mum if you don’t tell me what’s wrong,” John said sternly.“Please don’t?” Edward snapped, his eyes pleading with his brother. He didn’t want anyone involved, they would drag his secret out of him and then everyone would know how sick he was.“Then talk to me!” John’s grip on Edward’s shoulder tightened. He was upset and Edward didn’t know how to make it better.
“I went to church,” Edward admitted, looking away from John. He watched a bird land on the tree outside of their window instead.“Why?” John asked, his grip loosening a little. Edward watched the bird flit from branch to branch for a moment. It was chirping and Edward wondered if it had a nest. Maybe the little thing was calling its family, maybe it was just happy and wanted to sing. “Ed?”Edward looked back at John and shrugged. He didn’t have a reason, couldn’t make one up. He was never a good liar. “Just did.” Edward’s voice was small and distant, his face expressionless. He didn’t want to feel anything, tried to push it all down and suppress it as always.
“Why would you go to church without mum making you?” John persisted. He could never just drop it, always wanting answers.“Because I’m sick-” Edward said, his voice cracking as he started to cry again. John’s grip tightened again, almost too hard on Edward’s shoulder.“Sick?” He frowned, “why? What’s wrong? Are you okay? Is it serious? Edward?” John was almost crying now, his voice high and panicked but Edward couldn’t speak, couldn’t comfort him. He wanted John to hug him and to tell him everything was okay but he knew he couldn’t. Edward knew he couldn’t hug John like he used to in these situations because it only made things worse.“You’re scaring me,” John whispered, his eyes desperately searching Edward’s.“I asked him if love could be wrong,” Edward told him, “you know? like if you love someone, really love them, how can it wrong?” He rambled, too caught up in his feelings to stop himself. “But it is wrong and I don’t know what to do.”“Who do you love Edward?” John shifted on the bed, turning his body towards Edward’s, his hands coming up to cup his face, and forcing Edward to look at him. It was all too much, Edward’s world was spinning and he didn’t know what to do.
Edward got up and paced the floor, running his hands through his hair. “Edward, tell me,” John said as he watched him from the bed. Edward couldn’t think of anything to say. He wanted to tell John not to worry and just forget it but it had gone too far. “Edward!” John shouted, jumping to his feet, “who do you love?”
“You!” Edward finally shouted, spinning around to face him. Everything seemed to stop as Edward met John’s eyes. He felt like he couldn’t breathe and the longer John stood frozen, his eyes wide and lips parted, Edward felt like he was suffocating. The room spun around him and he could swear he could hear his heartbeat.
“Me?” John breathed, finally breaking the silence.“I’m getting help, I’ll go back to church or find another way-”“Don’t,” John softly interrupted, taking a tiny step towards Edward. Edward subconsciously stepped back, backing away from him. “You’re not sick.”Edward looked at his feet before looking back at up John. How could he say that? Edward knew his feelings were wrong and nothing John could say would reassure him. Once it sunk it and John really thought about it, Edward would bet he wouldn’t be saying that. He’ll want him as far away as possible and Edward wouldn’t be able to cope with that.
“Please don’t hate me?” Edward cried, putting his face in his hands.“I couldn’t hate you,” John said, stepping closer.He pulled Edward towards him and before Edward could pull away, he was tightly wrapped in John’s arms. It felt nice, safe and familiar so Edward let himself melt against him, even if it was just for a moment.“I love you.” Edward heard John whisper from above him. “You’re not sick because I feel the same,” John added, confusing Edward.He pulled away and looked at him, searching his face for answers. This couldn’t be right, Edward thought, wondering if he misheard.“I’ve always loved you, Ed, it’s always been you and me,” John attempted a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “You should’ve told me, I didn’t think you felt this way.”
Edward stared at him, trying to make sense of it all. Did John feel the same? Edward couldn’t keep up with the speed of everything, his head hurt and he wasn’t sure what was happening.Before Edward could work it all out, warm lips were pressed on his. Edward’s heart stopped beating and his stomach twisted even more.This was all he had wanted for so long but he couldn’t stop the twisting in his stomach. “John-” Edward gently pushed him away and rested his palms against his chest. “I can’t do it.” Edward looked at John and swallowed down the sadness. He had spent so long telling himself how wrong it was, how sick he was to feel the way he did that he still believed it. He loved John more than anything in the world and he felt the same, yet Edward still couldn’t be happy.John looked at the floor and Edward wanted to pull him into a bone crushing hug, just like he would’ve done in the old days before things changed. He didn’t though, all he could do was just mumble a shaky “sorry”.
“It’s okay,” John looked at him with a smile, one that reassured Edward that everything was fine between them. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”“Let’s just-” Edward held John’s hands in his, his body relaxing a little. “Let’s just take it slow?”“Slow.” He nodded, his smile widening. “Wanna play Xbox?” John let go of Edward’s hands and turned to fiddle with the game conical, handing Edward a set of controllers and saying, “I’m having the first turn,” and just like that, everything was normal again.
Edward avoided John’s touch in the next few days. Every little touch felt too risky, too intense and Edward was sure someone would catch them and they would know.John would naturally rest a hand on Edward’s shoulder as he spoke or stand a little too close and Edward was sure people were judging them, putting two and two together.John would throw him a sad look that Edward hoped no one would notice but never he commented on his behaviour. Edward didn’t want to hurt him or offend him but all he could think about was what would happen if their secret got out. They would be separated and everyone would know how weird they were, how wrong it is to love your brother like that.
It was two weeks later when John turned to him, eyes blazing. “Why are you acting so strange?” He asked once their bedroom door was shut. Edward looked back at him, his t-shirt half way off as he paused his undressing, momentarily confused.“You act like I’m poison every time I go near you!” John snapped. Edward continued undressing in a bid to get his pyjamas on and go to bed. He tried not to look at John, to act casual but John just got more frustrated. “You tell me that you love me but you can’t even look at me?”Edward flicked his eyes up to John’s. He was sad and maybe a little angry and Edward felt guilty. He did love John, more than anything and hurting him was the last thing he ever wanted to do. “We’re brothers,” Edward mumbled, feeling too exposed as he stood in his underwear.John rolled his eyes, turning away from Edward as he started to take off his own clothes. Edward watched him for a second before saying a soft “I’m sorry.”“Don’t be,” John answered flatly, kicking off his jeans.“We’re taking it slow,” Edward said, unsure if he should step forward. He did anyway as John turned to face him. Their eyes met again and Edward desperately wanted to kiss him.
“There’s taking it slow Edward, and then there’s completely giving someone the cold shoulder.”“I didn’t mean to,” Edward said, “I’m scared someone will know. If they see us together, if we’re found out…” Edward took another step, standing almost toe to toe with John.“They won’t find out,” John whispered, his eyes flicking over Edward’s features.Edward didn’t know who moved first but as John’s lips met his, he was sure he was the instigator. John received the touch gratefully, pushing against Edward in an instant and Edward felt like time had stopped around him. It was his first proper kiss and Edward had never felt so perfect. John sighed against his lips, his hands coming around Edward’s waist and pulling him close.Edward leant into John’s body, his own arms reaching around John’s neck as he broke the kiss to look at him.
“See?” John whispered, “everything’s okay.” Edward smiled at him, letting a breathy giggle slip. He licked his bottom lip before asking “can I do it again?”“Like you have to ask-” John smiled before leaning into Edward again, their lips connecting.“I love you,” John mumbled when they parted, his eyes locked with Edward’s. Edward grinned, the words still sounding strange to his ears. All the times he had imagined John telling him that and he still couldn’t believe it was real.Edward was about to answer when someone knocked at their door, making him jump away from John.
“Aunt Marie has invited us over-” their mother said as she opened the door a little. “You’ll be okay for a few hours?”“Yeah, we’re going to bed soon,” John answered as Edward silently panicked out of sight. She nodded and promised that they wouldn’t be too late before leaving. Edward breathed a sigh of relief and looked at John. “She could’ve caught us.” “But she didn’t.” John sat on his bed and tapped the space beside him for Edward to join him.“It’s so wrong,” Edward stressed as he sat, feeling self-conscious in his underwear again. John frowned back at him without saying anything.
They sat on John’s bed, side by side, Edward’s mind running through the different scenarios of what could happen if they were caught.“We have the house to ourselves now,” John piped up, “no one can catch us now.”Edward sighed, looking at down at his thighs. He couldn’t look at John without feeling his kiss again and it made him feel a strange mixture of guilt and happiness. “You’re amazing Edward. Everything about you is amazing.”Edward scoffed at John’s words. He didn’t for one second agree with him.“I’m lucky to have you and I want to be with you. I want to hold your hand and kiss you, I want to…” John hesitated, making Edward look up at him. He didn’t need to say anything else, Edward knew what he meant and he wanted it too. He wanted all of it and as he looked at John, he forgot about everything he was worried about.
John kissed him again, slow and gentle like Edward was made of porcelain. Edward’s eyes slipped shut as he kissed John back, his hand coming up to cup his face. “It’s okay,” John whispered against his lips, “I promise, it’s okay.”Edward opened his mouth to let John deepen the kiss, finally tasting him.John grunted into his mouth as the kiss picked up the pace. Edward was panting and desperately kissing John, his body reacting to the intimacy.John’s hand came to rest on the top of his thigh, sending sparks through his body. He quickly pulled away, his eyes wide and heart beating too hard in his chest.
“We can’t,” Edward said, “we have to stop.”“Why?” John frowned, leaning in to place a kiss on Edward’s cheek.“Because-” John kissed along his jawline, his lips leaving a warm trail over his skin. “It’s wrong.”“No, it isn’t,” John told him, pressing a firm kiss to the point of Edward’s shoulder. John kissed Edward’s lips again, his hand inching up his thigh. Edward’s breath hitched as John’s hand cupped the front of his pants. “We can stop if you really want to?” John mumbled against his lips before gently biting his bottom lip and making Edward moan.Edward silently shook his head, his hips pressing up into John’s hand.
“It’s not wrong-” John whispered, “I’ll show you.” He gently pushed him, making Edward lay on his back. Edward watched him scatter kisses over his chest, his hand still frustratingly still, resting on the front of his pants.Edward hummed as John kissed a nipple before kissing his lips again. “You’re perfect,” John mumbled between kisses. “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted.” Edward arched his back into John, wanting him to touch him. “Do you want this?”Edward met John’s serious eyes. He knew John would stop as soon as Edward told him to but Edward didn’t want to stop, he needed more. More of John, more touching and just more.Edward silently nodded but John was shaking his head. “You need to tell me, Edward.”
“I want it-” Edward mumbled, “I want you.” At Edward’s words, John leant down to kiss him again, his hand dipping into his pants.Edward sucked in a sharp breath, pushing into John.John sat up and let his eyes run over Edward’s body. Edward felt self-conscious again, his cheeks turning pink and his eyes flicking away from John’s identical ones.“You’re beautiful,” John told him firmly, pulling his pants down his thighs. Edward kicked them off while watching John pull his own off before throwing them off to the side somewhere. Edward had seen John naked loads of times but this was different. He felt embarrassed and couldn’t look as John came closer, leaning over him to kiss him again.
Edward whined into John’s mouth as he took hold of him and started slowly stroking him. It felt good, so good and Edward was getting too worked up way too soon. He stopped kissing John, concentrating on breathing as John kissed his shoulders and collarbones.“I’ve thought about this for years…” John mumbled against his chest. “Imagined how you would taste, how you would sound, how you would feel against me.”Edward hummed again, unable to form words but John didn’t wait for an answer as he carried on, sitting up to look at Edward. “All those times I came thinking about you, and now… Here you are.”“Stop!” Edward snapped, batting John’s hand away from him. John quickly pulled his hand away, his eyes worried so Edward quickly added, “I don’t want to come too soon.”John broke into a smile, running his fingertips up and down his thigh.
“I want to have sex,” Edward told him, the words making his cheeks heat up.John looked back at him, a look of shock flashing across his features. “But I’m scared,” Edward added honestly.“We’ll go slow,” John told him gently, “and if you want to stop, we will.” He leant down to lick Edward’s pulse point before pressing a wet kiss there.“I’m sorry,” Edward mumbled, “for acting so off with you.”“It’s okay, you were scared,” John’s hand ran up his thigh, taking him into his hand again and stroking. Edward’s mouth hung open as John touched him, whispering sweet words as his other hand slipped between his thighs.Edward gasped as John’s fingers ran over his arse. “Do you know how to do this?” Edward grunted, his hips lifting off the bed so John could gain better access.“Yeah,” John answered confidently, “I’ve watched it loads of times.”Edward wordlessly nodded, his eyes falling closed as John’s hands touched him. Edward felt John move and opened his eyes to see him opening the bedside draw. He pulled out a tube and Edward suddenly felt nervous but then he was being kissed again and he couldn’t think about anything else but John.
John was gentle, careful and soft. Edward knew he could trust John, he felt safe with John, secure and relaxed as he worked his fingers.“You’re so good,” John whispered as he slipped in another finger. Edward hissed through his teeth and arched his back. There was a slight burn but it wasn’t too bad. He had often thought about doing this to himself but never had the courage to actually do it. It was intrusive and uncomfortable in all the best ways and Edward felt conflicted between pulling away or begging for more.“You look so hot,” John told him. “God, you’re amazing Edward.”Edward gripped onto the sheets underneath him, pushing up into John’s hand. He had stopped stroking him a while back but his hand was still holding him and Edward was desperate for John to move and just touch him.
He didn’t though, just carried on working him open, slipping in a third finger after a while and making Edward moan. He was burning up, the sheet below him felt damp where he was sticking to it. Edward’s breath was uneven, little pants and whispered curse words falling from his parted lips.He was a hot mess and he never felt so good.
John moved, climbing over to straddle him before leaning down to kiss his lips. Edward hardly kissed him back, just let John do the work as he concentrated on the feel of John’s skin on his.“I love you.” John pulled away to look at him, his eyes bright, alive with something Edward had never seen before. Edward smiled, losing himself in those eyes as John positioned himself. “Ready?” He asked, confusing Edward for a second. He wanted to ask what he was ready for until he snapped back to earth.He looked at John for what seemed like hours, his brain finally waking up. Edward glanced across John’s features, the same face he had looked at all his life. The face he loved more than anything and it all came crashing back to him that John was his twin and this wasn’t right.
“I’m scared,” Edward whispered again, his hands coming up to hold John’s biceps. “What if you’re wrong? What if this is wrong and we regret it?”“We won’t,” John reassured, “because we’re perfect together and we love each other.”“Things will never be the same,” Edward stated, coming to the realisation himself. “What if things change?”John watched him for a second, his eyes flicking over Edward’s face. “Things might change, but for the better,” John said, “because we will be happy and we will always love each other.”Edward nodded, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth. John was right, he wasn’t happy carrying his secret around like a ball and chain and now it was out and John felt the same. This was his chance to be happy, to be with John and be loved.
“Okay,” Edward said firmly. “I’m ready.”“Sure?” John whispered, frowning down at him with concerned eyes.“Yes, I want it.”John leant down and connected their lips, kissing Edward hungrily as he opened his legs while pushing his knees up. Edward braced himself, telling himself to relax and let go.
There was a sudden pain which made Edward loudly whine, his whole body tensing. “Relax,” he heard John whisper, his hand coming up to lightly brush Edward’s hair from his face. “That’s it…” John encouraged, moving into him slowly. Edward sucked in a breath and tried to keep himself relaxed. John started stroking him again, harder this time and Edward was lost between the pleasure and discomfort.“You’re so good,” John whispered, “so good, Edward.”The pleasure of John stroking him soon took over and as John started moving again, Edward thought it didn’t seem so bad. It felt like a strange burn but John was adding more lotion and it seemed easier. “I’m so lucky,” John whispered, “to have you, to be the one who gets you like this.”
John angled his hips and pushed in again, this time, sending sparks through Edward’s body making his whole body jerk as he brushed his g-spot. Edward let out a long, low moan, his back arching off the bed. It felt so good like nothing Edward had ever felt before and he instantly wanted more.“Fuck,” John breathed, “you’re so hot.”Edward tried to answer but all that came out was another long moan, his fingers digging into John’s arms. He opened his eyes to see John looking down at him, just as he hit the spot again, making Edward cry out, louder this time. “I love you,” John told him, “I love everything about you.” His voice was trembling and strained and Edward knew he was just as close as he was. “We’re going to spend the rest of our lives together,” John went on. “And even in fifty years time, you will still amaze me every day and I will still love you as much as I do now-”
One more thrust o John’s hips, one more pump of John’s hand and Edward was coming, shouting loudly and completely losing himself in his climax. John stroked him through it before letting go himself, his hips snapping into Edward, his body trembling and the most beautiful sounds coming from his slack mouth.Edward took a few breaths. His skin was burning and he felt like he was floating. John pulled out, making him wince before flopping down next to him, his ragged breaths filling the air along with Edward’s. Edward’s legs ached and there was a strange throbbing, a dull ache when he moved.
He turned his head to look at John. His eyes were closed, his chest rising and falling quickly. John opened his eyes and looked at him, smiling a small “okay?”Edward nodded, this mind clearing a little. “Are you?” He asked as the worry slowly crept in. He didn’t want John to regret it, to realise what they’ve done and never go near him again.“I’ve never been better.” John turned around so he was facing Edward, his hand reaching out to lightly smooth his hair. “You’re amazing.”“So you keep saying,” Edward laughed, his cheeks turning pink.“Because I mean it. I meant every ting I said. Do you still think it’s wrong?” There was an undertone to John’s voice that made Edward feel sad. He was nervous of what Edward’s answer would be, Edward could see it in his eyes.“No,” Edward told him, turning his body to face John’s. John kissed him again and it felt like their first kiss all over again. Edward could feel the difference in them; they had changed but in the best way possible.
Edward slipped into his bed, fresh from the shower. John watched him from his own bed for a moment before slowly getting up and joining him.Their family went to bed not long after they had returned home. Edward had untangled his body from John’s and got into his bed when he heard the front door open and close. Their parents said goodnight and left them to get showered and ready for bed.Edward got into his bed, unsure if John wanted to sleep alone or not and he was relieved when John moved into his bed with him.“No one will find out,” John whispered, “we have all night. Every night.”Edward mindlessly ran his fingers up and down John’s arm, his other hand tucked under his pillow. John was almost laying the way but the hand that wasn’t under his pillow was resting on Edward’s hip, his index finger stroking over the hem of his boxers.
“I’m so happy I have you,” he said, leaning towards Edward and resting his head on his shoulder. Edward pulled him closer, wrapping both arms around his body and pressing a kiss to the top of his head.“You’ve always got me.” John leant back to look Edward before kissing him. Edward kissed him back and thought back to the church and how he felt that day. It seemed like a million years ago now, like he was a different person altogether.John broke the kiss and looked at him with a wide smile before leaning back down on his shoulder to sleep. Edward gave him a squeeze and thought about all the things John had said that night with a smile. Edward was finally happy and he didn’t care about how wrong it was supposed to be because he loved John and John loved him and he could see now, that’s all he ever needed.
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